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County's News 1906
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County's News 1906k




Sacramento Evening Bee

Monday, November 12, 1906

Page 6


Deputy Sheriff Henry Floors W.T. Matheson, Who Was Engaged In Trying To Carve Jake McDaniels.


CHICO (Butte Co.), November 12 - A cutting affray that might have resulted in a cold-blooded murder was stopped just in time in a local saloon here at 1:30 Sunday morning by Deputy Sheriff C.A. HENRY.  Jake McDANIELS, for many years a resident of this city, and W.T. MATHESON, an employe of the Diamond Match Company at Barber, engaged in a drunken brawl in the rear room of the Cabinet saloon on Main Street early yesterday morning. In the course of the quarrel MATHESON, a young man about 25 years of age, whipped out a large pocket-knife and made several slashes at McDANIEL, cutting a long gash across the fingers of one hand, and making a rent in his coat over his heart and  across his back just below the shoulder blade.

He was getting the better of McDANIEL when Deputy Sheriff C.A. HENRY

appeared on the scene through a back door. HENRY attempted to grab MATHESON,

but the latter made a lunge at him with his open knife. The Deputy Sheriff then grabbed a stick of wood and struck MATHESON a terrible blow on the head, putting him out of commission for the time, and cutting a deep gash across his head.

Both combatants were then lodged in the City Jail. McDANIEL was charged with battery, while a charge of assault with a deadly weapon was entered against MATHESON. Later in the day both were released on only $20 bail each.  The most injured of the two was MATHESON, who required the services of a physician to take several stitches in his scalp to close the wound made by the blow from the stick of wood.

Seek Right of Way Over Berry’s Ranch

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 12 - In the condemnation proceedings of the

Western Pacific Railway Company vs. Rufus BERRY and James BERRY, for a right

of way over defendants’ lands in Sutter County, the following have been

accepted as jurors: G.W. BARNES, E.T. BARRETT, A.F. BRADFORD, H.B. SPILLMAN,


BOYNTON, J.R. CATLETT and John ENEMAN.  Stipulations have been entered into which leave to this jury but one question to decide - the damage to the land adjacent to the right of way and the incidental damage by operation of the railroad. Each side is limited to eight witnesses on the point. Thus far the figures on the several witnesses vary from $3000 to $6000. It is understood the BERRYs have been holding out for more than the last-named sum.

Pay Extra License

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 12 - Of thirty saloons in Marysville affected by the recent raise in the night saloon license from $20 per month to $40 only four have thus far decided that it does not pay them to keep their places of business open after 12 o’clock midnight. Three of these are in out-of-the-way places where traffic after the midnight hour never did pay a profit.


Chapman Had Children In Cottonwood And A Wife Either In Marysville Or

Oroville, Officers Say

CHICO (Butte Co.), November 12 - Coroner Sol PETITT held an inquest Saturday afternoon over the remains of Carrol N. CHAPMAN, who, as told in the second edition of The Saturday Bee, committed suicide some time during Friday night in the cabin opposite the Northern Electric car barns on Park Avenue, by shooting himself through the head with a 38-caliber pistol, despondency being the cause of the act.

The testimony offered at the inquest showed that the deceased was about 50 years of age and came to this city about four months ago from Cottonwood, Shasta County, where he has two daughters and one son. He also has a wife and one daughter in either Marysville or Oroville. He was afflicted with extreme nervousness.

The last seen of CHAPMAN alive was on Friday night when he was complaining of illness. Saturday morning Willie McKEE, a 14-year-old lad, entered the cabin to secure middlings for feeding a cow, and found the old man lying on his back with a pistol still tightly gripped with both hands. A ghastly hole was seen in his forehead. Neighbors were quickly notified of the deed and the following letter was found pinned to a telescope, marked ‘Look Inside’  on the envelope: ‘December 9, 1906: to ho it Ma concern I don this My self not abel to work and haven’t ben for 4 years. C.N. CHAPMAN.?  Friends of the deceased at  Cottonwood were notified of the death and they will probably take charge of the remains.

Engine Strikes Hack But Driver Escapes

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), November 12 - A hack driven by Charles VOORHEES was

struck by the 10:30 train last evening on its arrival from Marysville, and a fatal accident was narrowly averted.

VOORHEES and a companion were thrown from the seat and both quite badly bruised. The tongue of the vehicle was torn out, and one of the horses quite badly cut. It is little short of a miracle that both men and the horses were not killed.

The driver and his companion say the locomotive had no headlight, and that no whistle was sounded to announce the train’s arrival.


Murder Of Aged Mrs. Stauffer Undoubtedly Planned Ahead, Her Slayer Getting

Away With $2000 in Cash

CHICO (Butte Co.), November 12 - Later telegrams received in this city by

Mrs. Sadie BERKEBILE, whose mother, Mrs. William STAUFFER, a widow 60 years

of age, was foully murdered at Lambertville, Pa., at 3 o’clock Friday morning, as told in The Bee, give more details of the terrible crime.  Telegrams received Saturday state that BERKEBILE, the son-in-law and husband of Mrs. Sadie BERKEBILE, of this city, cannot be found by the officers, despite the fact that several searching parties are out after him.  The murder was a most atrocious one. Some unknown masked man entered the house at 3 o?clock Friday morning and killed the aged Mrs. STAUFFER by striking her on the head with a hatchet. Two grandchildren were in the house at the time, a boy and a girl. The girl was chloroformed into insensibility, but the boy escaped. Both saw the murderer and believe they can identify him.

Immediately after murdering Mrs. STAUFFER the man left the house, but soon returned with a lighted lantern, searched the house and secured $2000 in cash.

The house, when reached by neighbors summoned by the boy, presented a terrible sight. Everything was covered with blood, and this fact may lead to the location of the murderer, as his clothing was undoubtedly splashed with the blood also.

The robbery was undoubtedly contemplated by the murderer for some time. A man previous to the crime appeared at the Court House and examined the will of Mrs. STAUFFER, and also inquired whether she had money on deposit at the banks.

Caught Under Car But Escapes Alive

RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), November 12 - Elmer MONTGOMERY, employed as a car

repairer in the Southern Pacific railroad yards here, had a narrow escape from instant death about 3:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon, while working underneath a freight-car near the depot. Something was wrong with the draw-head and he thought he could remedy the defect in a few moments, so neglected to place a red flag on the car. The switch engine backed into the car with MONTGOMERY at the other end and bruised him severely. He was injured about the head and received painful bruises to his chest. The engineer did not know that anyone was working under the car and could not hear MONTGOMERY as he shouted for the yardman to be careful.

Federated Clubs Elect Officials

WILLOWS (Glenn Co.), November 12 - The Federation of Women’s Clubs of Superior California, which was in convention here, adjourned Saturday at noon, and the visitors returned to their homes on the afternoon trains. A two-days? session was held, commencing on Friday afternoon. That evening a public entertainment was given, and on Saturday morning an election of officers was held.

The following officers were elected: President of Northern District, Mrs.

B.F. WALTON, of the Bogue Wednesday Club, Yuba City; Vice-President, Mrs.  Mary BOSTWICK, of the Tuesday Club, Sacramento; Recording Secretary, Miss Mary BILLIOU, of the Ladies? Shakespeare Club, Willows; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. E.P. CASE, of the Maywood Women?s Club, Corning; Treasurer, Mrs. M.W. WARD, Shakespeare Club, Woodland; Auditor, Mrs. H.E. COSSENS, Thursday Club, Fairoaks; Member of State Nominating Committee, Mrs. Lewis H.  THOMPSON, Maywood.

Blow Open and Rob Safe at Wheatland

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 12 - Word was received from Wheatland at an

early hour this morning that the store of the Wheatland Rochdale Company was visited by burglars at 2 a.m. and the safe blown open and relieved of $400 in coin and paper money.

Aside from suspecting a tall man and a short man who were prowling about the town yesterday, the officers have no clue to lead to the identity of the safecrackers.

A running fight occurred between the robbers and the night watchman. The latter was at the depot when the explosion took place and at once hastened toward the store. The burglars opened fine and he returned the shots but the men got away. The store room  was badly wrecked and between $400 and $500 taken.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Tuesday, November 13, 1906

Page 6

Durham Post Office and Store Robbed

CHICO (Butte Co.), November 12 - Burglars Sunday night entered the Post Office located in the store of O.W. NELSON at Durham, a little town six miles south of Chico, on the Southern Pacific line, and after taking $2.20 in silver from the Post Office till, stole about $35 worth of merchandise, consisting of knives, razors, a pistol, No. 2 shotgun and some tobacco and made good their escape.

Entrance to the store was gained through a rear window and the robbery occurred some time after 11 o’clock Sunday night as the proprietors of the store did not leave the building until that hour. A considerable amount of stamps in the Post Office till were undisturbed. The thieves evidently took their time in ransacking the place, as the proprietors found merchandise scattered over the floor when they came in the store yesterday morning. The officers were promptly notified, but to date have no clew to the perpetrators of the robbery.

Wedding a Surprise

CHICO (Butte Co.), November 13 - Roland FINCHLEY, an electrician employed by the Northern Electric Company, and Miss Rose GALLAGHER, formerly a student in the Chico State Normal , have surprised their friends by announcing that they are man and wife, and have been so since August 14th. The nuptial knot was tied in Sacramento. Mr. and Mrs. FINCHLEY will soon commence housekeeping in this city where they will make their future home.


Miner Who Slashed Frank T. Smith In Court Once More, But Case Drags Waiting On Selection Of Jury WEAVERVILLE (Trinity Co.), November 13 - Forty-four talesmen were examined in the Superior Court yesterday and only five jurors were obtained from the lot to sit in the trial of J.B. GRAVES, of Carrville, who is charged with an assault with a deadly weapon with intent to commit murder. The regular venire being exhausted, the Court ordered a special venire made returnable at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, to which hour Court adjourned at the close of the day?s session.

The case is locally a famous one. “Jack” GRAVES is a prominent mining man of Carrville, who is accused of slashing Frank T. SMITH at Carrville on March 9 last in a quarrel over the result of a dice game. SMITH was severely wounded and really surprised his friends by recovering.  GRAVES has been bound over for trial three different times, the misfits being caused by the earthquake.

The trial brings a great crowd of witnesses to the county seat, all being forced to make a long and tedious journey from the vicinity of Carrville.

Tie Still Stands

NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), November 13 - No particular change has been made in the standing of  John HOCKING, Democrat, and A.L. GILL, Republican, for the office of County Coroner, by the official count now under way by the Board of Supervisors. The count will not be finished before this evening.  Whether either will ask for a recount is a problem, as the position does not pay enough to really make it worth while. Neither man has expressed himself relative to the course he will pursue at the close of the official count.

Broke Liquor Law

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 13 - On the strength of the testimony given at the preliminary examination of “Stiffy” McMAHON and Harry WILSON last week, already outlined in The Bee, Marshal MABEN and District Attorney BRITTAN prepared a complaint and warrant of arrest to-day for Lloyd TOAL, proprietor of the Cliff House, who must explain why he sold liquor on election day at his resort between this city and Yuba City.


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 13 - The wedding is announced from Los Angeles of Charles N. MILLER and Miss Margaret NICHOLS, a well-known young couple of this city. The nuptial knot was tied on the 5th inst., T.W.  NIHOLS, a brother of the bride, acting as best man. The groom is a son of C.N. MILLER, the contractor, under whom he learned his trade, that of carpenter. The young couple will make Los Angeles their home.

May Not Recover

PLACERVILLE (El Dorado Co.), November 13 - Thomas MOYLE, a well-known citizen of Placerville, is suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia at his home in this city, and his recovery is doubtful.


Wanted In Redding For Passing Worthless Paper On Saloonkeeper and Traced By Wife?s Movements REDDING (Shasta Co.), November 13 - James McREYNOLDS was arrested in Chico yesterday morning on a complaint that charges passing a bogus check in Redding. McREYNOLDS, known also under the name of McFARLAND, is wanted in Santa Rosa by Constable GILLIAM, the nature of the charge there not being known here.

On November 4, McREYNOLDS is alleged to have offered to A. JAEGEL, a well-known saloon man of Redding, a check for $47 signed by Rester Brothers and payable at a Santa Rosa bank. JAEGEL cashed the check, finding later that the paper was worthless.

The capture of REYNOLDS was affected, innocently, through his wife. She was employed in the Golden Eagle Hotel, but quit Sunday. She left on the night train, purchasing a ticket for Chico. The Redding officers surmised she was going to meet her husband. They telephoned to the Chico officers to watch for McREYNOLDS when the train arrived. His capture was easily effected, though his whereabouts had previously been unknown.

Stranger Taken Ill and Likely to Die.

GREENVILLE (Plumas Co.), November 13 - O.A. ADAMS, a young man who recently came to Plumas County selling stereoscopic views, is lying seriously ill here and is not expected to live. He was troubled with congestion of the liver at the time of his arrival and contracted a severe cold while crossing the range in the recent storm. It developed into pneumonia. He is having the best of care and medical attention, but his constitution has been undermined and only faint hopes are entertained of his recovery. ADAMS is reported to be well connected in Alabama, from which State he came to San Francisco before the April fire.

Special Election For Alpine Judge

MARKLEEVILLE (Alpine Co.), November 13 - It now seems certain that a special election will have to be called to settle the Judgeship fight in this county. On the unofficial returns, HAKES and HATCH, both Democrats who ran as Independents, are a tie, and the vote of Alpine is so small that there is little chance the official count will change the situation.  Judge Clark HOWARD who was appointed by Governor PARDEE to succeed Judge ARNOT, declined to be a candidate to succeed himself, stating that at the expiration of his tem on January 1 he proposed to return to his old home in Placerville and resume the practice of law there.

Mrs. Mariner Buried

LINCOLN (Placer Co.), November 13 - The funeral of Mrs. J.S. MARINER, one of the prominent pioneer women of Lincoln, was held from the late residence of the deceased. Mrs. MARINER was the widow of the late Jacob S. MARINER, a former Supervisor of Placer County, and who was prominently identified with the political and business interests of this county. Mrs. MARINER had been ill a long time, and had traveled extensively in the hope of regaining her health. She was a member of the Order of Easter Star, under whose auspices the obsequies were held. Mrs. MARINER leaves three daughters and one son, and a sister residing in Idaho. She had large farming interests in this vicinity and leaves quite an estate. She was a native of Illinois and 61 years of age.

Fatal Illness

CHICO (Butte Co.), November 13 - George W. McFARLAN, a resident of Chapmantown, died yesterday at his home from a severe attack of typhoid pneumonia, after an extended illness. The deceased was a native of this county and spent the greater part of his life in this city. He was 44 years of age, and leaves a wife and four children. The funeral was held from the home at 3 o’clock this afternoon, Rev. W.G. WHITE of the Presbyterian Church officiating.

Mulvaney Suit

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 13 - The condemnation suit of the Northern Electric Company vs. T.J. MULVANEY has been set for trial November 27th.  The case of the same road against Peter SCHWALL has been dismissed. The lands involved are in the Nicolaus district.

Court Dismisses Injured Husband

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), November 13 - The case against Edward PENDLETON, charged with assault with intent to commit murder, in shooting at one Harry EARISTON, an aeronaut, for alienating the affections of his wife, was dismissed in the Superior Court yesterday at the instance of the District Attorney.

The shooting occurred in Chico some months ago. Public sympathy appears to have favored PENDLETON at all time. It is claimed that EARISTON has broken up more than one home. During the time PENDLETON was incarcerated in the Chico jail, a Tonopah mining man came to that city and proffered him any aid in his power, alleging that EARISTON had alienated his wife?s affections and broken up his home, also.

Lamp Explodes and Home Is Destroyed

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), November 13 - News reached here yesterday of the burning of the residence of Mrs. May JONES at Feathervale, a few miles above Oroville, on Saturday night.

The family had retired for the night, leaving a coal oil lamp turned down low, burning in the sitting room. Some  time afterward they were awakened by the roaring of the flames and had barely time to secure a few articles of clothing and flee from the burning structure.

It is supposed the blaze was caused by the explosion of the lamp. The building was a new two-story frame structure, valued at $3000, and was insured for about two-thirds of its value.


Hunter Meets Death While In Forest Alone, Accidental Discharge Of Gun Putting End To This Life LAMOINE (Shasta Co.), November 13 - Giovanni PALFINI, an Italian lumber piler who had worked for the Lamoine Lumber Company for three years, was found dead by a trail a mile and a half east of Lamoine at * o’clock yesterday morning by a party of friends who had gone in search of him. It is thought he shot himself accidentally.

He left his wife and family of four children early Sunday morning saying that he would go hunting across the river. Not returning at night, his wife was greatly alarmed. So friends started yesterday morning in search of him.  His body was found beside the trail, where he had probably seated himself to rest after a hard climb up the hill. He had removed his shoes and his cartridge belt and his lunch was spread out before him.  The body was already badly swollen, giving rise at first to the theory that he had been struck by a rattlesnake and had died from the poison. But pools of blood revealed that he had accidentally shot himself with his rifle that lay by his side.

The friends made a litter and carried the body to Lamoine down the mountain, reaching town at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, after a hard task.  Coroner BASSETT was called from Redding to hold an inquest. The verdict was one of accidental death.

Drunken Juror Is Fined and Jailed

YUBA CITY (Sutter Co.), November 13 - When the Superior Court reconvened yesterday for the rest (not legible) of the trial of the the condemnation case of the Western Pacific vs.  (not legible) and J.M. BERRY, one of the jurors, D.C. POOLE, did not respond to the roll call. After a delay of a few minutes a Bench warrant was filed and the Sheriff went to Marysville in search of the missing juror. He was not to be found then, but during the afternoon he appeared at the Sheriff?s office in an intoxicated condition and requested to be locked up. He was taken before the Court and Judge (not legible) sentenced him to pay a fine of $150 and be confined in the County Jail for a period of three days. POOLE is a farmer, whose home is near Knights Landing. A few months ago he was fined $10 by Judge MAHON for being tardy in Court.

Offers Reward For Capture of Robbers

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 13 - The safecrackers who operated at the Wheatland Rochdale store at an early hour Monday morning, as reported in last evening’s Bee, were traced by Sheriff VOSS as far as Lincoln, where the trail was lost. The officer has offered a reward of $50 for the arrest of each man. Cards are out with the descriptions of the robbers. The officers here are of the opinion that the two men were in Marysville Sunday.  Nitro-glycerin was the very effective explosive they used on the Wheatland safe.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Thursday, November 15, 1906

Page 6

Paul Beck?s Trial For Assault Begins

COLUSA (Colusa Co.), November 15 - The trial of Paul BECK, charged with

committing a lewd and lascivious assault upon little Mary SILVA, aged 7, on

September 24th, was commenced before Superior Judge ALBERY Tuesday. The

whole day was devoted to securing the following jurymen: J.M. DIXON, Jerry


A. RUMMELSBURG, T.H. SULLENGER, W.R. MERRILL, W.W. BROWN and G.J. ANTHONY.Attorney WEYAND appears for BECK and District Attorney ZUMWALT has charge of the prosecution. The alleged assault was committed last September. The child?s parents and BECK was employed on a ranch about eight miles north of Colusa, on the east side of the Sacramento River. BECK(not legible) the little girl into a room and assaulted her, it is alleged. After the assault, BECK left the ranch and was arrested a few days later in Sacramento.

Graves? Trial

WEAVERVILLE (Trinity Co.), November 15 - The Superior Court held a session last night in order to complete the jury for the trial of J.B. GRAVES. Four jurors were examined, and accepted, thus filling the box. The trial proper is in progress to-day, and the prosecution is presenting evidence.

Miner Killed and Partner Is Injured

HORNBROOK (Siskiyou Co.), November 15 - Morgan JONES, miner, aged 22, died here late yesterday afternoon from injuries received the day before in the Laflesche Mine, four miles west of this place. He and Otis TYRE were working partners in a drift. A cave-in caught them, and they were partly buried beneath a mass of dirt and rocks.

TYRE suffered a broken  leg, but JONES? injuries were more severe, being of an internal nature, and including, possibly, a broken spine.  JONES? body was taken to Yreka last evening for burial. A sister and a brother reside in Yreka. Another sister, Mrs. LAWS, lives in Portland.

Won Mile Race

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), November 15 - C.R. CHAPMAN, of this city, won the mile race on roller skates from Norman MANNING, of Sacramento, last night, by half a lap. A return race between the two will be skated at Sacramento soon.

Declared Sane and Must Stand Trial

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 15 - The trial of Walter SILVERS, the man who confessed to the burning of the Armsby canning property in Yuba City and to attempted arson at other places in Sutter County, and who later decided to fight for freedom, is being heard in Judge MAHON?s Court.

The following have been selected as jurors: A.E. SCHELLINGER, J.A. RILEY,


CLARK, J.R. CATLETT, A.F. BRADFORD, W.H. HAWN and G.H. (not legible).  SILVERS, at his first trial, affected insanity and, despite the testimony of medical experts that he is of sound mind, the jury ordered him sent to the insane asylum. It did not take the hospital authorities long to discover the mistake and remand SILVERS to the custody of the Sheriff of Sutter County.

SILVERS is suspected of burning cannery property in other parts of California, where he was employed.

Saloon Keeper Must Pay a Heavy Fine

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 15 - A fine of $150 was imposed by Judge RAISH last evening in the case of Lloyd TOAL, the owner of the Cliff House saloon, who permitted liquor to be sold at his resort on election day. The Court stated that his reason for demanding this sum was two-fold: First, the crime was a serious one, and secondly, a light fine might have the effect of arousing the ire of the City Council to the end that TOAL?s license would be revoked. TOAL made no defense, entering a plea of guilty on the advice of his attorney, W.H. CARLIN.

Wed at Woodland

WINTERS (Yolo Co.), November 15 - Miss Daisy BALDWIN and B.F. CHADWICK went

to Woodland yesterday and were married at the Christian parsonage by Rev.  PICTON. The bride is a Winters girl, and for several years was in the telephone office, which place she resigned to get married. She is a handsome and popular young woman, and marries an estimable young man. The couple will return to Winters to live.

$225 Reward

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 15 - The reward offered for the apprehension of the safe-crackers who operated at the Rochdale store in Wheatland this week has been increased to a total of $225. Sheriff VOSS offers $50 for each culprit, the Rochdale Company offers $100 and Manager NIEMEYER offers $25.

Killed by Parties Unknown, Says Jury

REDDING (Shasta Co.), November 15 - The Coroner?s jury in the inquest held at Lamoine over the body of Giovanni PALFINI returned a verdict finding that PALFINI came to his death by a gunshot wound inflicted by ?party or parties unknown.? No evidence pointing to the murderer or murderers could be found.  No suspicion attaches to the 19-year-old boy who started out with PALFINI Sunday morning at 7:15. The boy returned at 8:45 complaining that his boots hurt his feet, and he could not continue farther.

PALFINI was killed with a soft-nosed bullet of the U.C.M. make. PALFINI?s cartridge belt contained only hard-nosed bullets in Winchester cartridges.  The Italian was unquestionably murdered.

His countrymen are of the belief that he was slain by the Black Hand of the Mafia, though no one can surmise why he should be marked for vengeance.  PALFINI was at peace with himself and the world so far as any one at Lamoine knows. His widow says that she can not recall that he had an enemy anywhere.  The body was taken to Sisson for burial in the Italian Cemetery. Deputy District Attorney REID is continuing the investigation.

Yuba Man to Wed Nevada County Girl

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 15 - An announcement of an approaching wedding that will interest Bee readers in Yuba, Nevada and Sacramento Counties, is sent out from Smartsville, this county. Will O?BRIEN, youngest son of James O?BRIEN of that place, has confided to his friends that on December 5th he will be married at the Cathedral in Sacramento to Miss A.  CALLAHAN, of Mooney Flat, Nevada County.

The young man?s home, about midway between Marysville and Smartsville, is being fitted up for the bride.

Rev. Father LAFFIN of Downieville and Rev. J.J. HYNES of Smartsville will officiate at the marriage ceremony.

Death Claims Boy

CHICO (Butte Co.), November 15 - Melvin Dick GARNER, the orphan Indian boy, 12 years of age, who has been cared for by the Garner family north of this city, and who was refused entrance to the Indian School at Greenville, Plumas County, as told in The Bee, died Tuesday night from tuberculosis. The funeral was held in this city this afternoon.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Saturday, November 17, 1906

Page 6

Boy Indicted on Two  Murder Charges

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), November 17 - The Grand Jury has brought in two indictments for murder against the boy Robert BENSON, who shot two boys named RAGGIO last week, claiming it was an accident. The RAGGIO boys, John and Louis, were sitting on a fence alongside the roadway. Young BENSON was traveling with a shotgun over his shoulder. The boys had some bantering words and BENSON blazed away at the RAGGIOs, thinking  he had a blank cartridge in his gun, he says. Both RAGGIO boys received shot in their heads and they died in a hospital here a few days later. BENSON has been in custody since the shooting.


Swallowed Small Object Many Months Ago, But Felt No Ill Effects Until Recently WILLOWS (Glenn Co.), November 17 - About ten months ago Tote SMITH, the chief operator of the Sunset Telephone Company?s switchboard of this place, swallowed a pin that measured at least two inches and had on its blunt end a small black ornament. She felt no ill effects from it until about a month ago, when she commenced having hemorrhages of the throat and violent coughing spells. After these hemorrhages and coughing spells had continued for about one month she became much alarmed and thought that she was contracting the dread disease consumption.

She went to work as usual yesterday and after having been on duty about two hours was taken with a severe coughing spell, and was very much surprised to see that she had coughed up the pin that she had swallowed about ten months ago. It was all corroded and certainly is a mystery. The young woman says that the pin had not given her the least of pain during its long stay in her throat until just lately.  She feels very much relieved to think that she is not afflicted with the dread disease that she thought she was and is now wondering where the pin has been located in her throat during all these long days.

Evidence Closes in Assault Case

WEAVERVILLE (Trinity Co.), November 17 - The trial of J.B. GRAVES, of Carrville, which has been in progress all week in the Superior Court, concluded yesterday afternoon , so far as taking evidence was concerned. At a night session the attorneys commenced their arguments. The argument will conclude before noon, and the case go to the jury.

GRAVES is charged with assault with a deadly weapon, a knife, with attempt to kill Frank L. SMITH at Carrville on March 9th last. GRAVES is a prominent mining man, and was one of the discoverers of the $30,000 gold nugget, in 1896, that made Coffee Creek famous.


Death of W.H. Hannan, of Corning, Tehama County, Said To Be The Third Oldest Man In The State CORNING (Tehama Co.), November 17 - W.H. HANNAN, the third oldest man in California, died yesterday afternoon at his home here at the advanced age of 105 years. HANNAH was a native of Ireland. He came to California in March, 1852, and has resided in the State since. He has made Corning his home since 1872. He spent most of his life in California, in Butte, Sierra and Tehama counties.

Two years ago, when he was at the advanced age of 103 years, HANNAN went to the polls and cast his last vote. He was unable to vote this year, because he had neglected to get registered owing to his feeble condition.  For the past twenty years he had been more or less feeble, and has not been able to do much. During the past year at times he has been so weak that he could scarcely recognize his own relatives.

He leaves a daughter, Mrs. T.H. HAYES, who resides at 1730 N Street, Sacramento.

The funeral will probably take place Sunday.

Sues to Recover Value of Dog

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 17 - The suit of Sandy HATTON vs. the City of Marysville, on appeal from the Justice Court, was heard by Judge McDANIEL yesterday and taken under advisement. This is the case where plaintiff seeks to recover from the City Council the sum of $150 alleged to be due for a hunting dog killed by the Poundmaster before the three days? detention fixed by a city ordinance. There is a dispute between HATTON, who shirked the purchase of a tag, and the Poundmaster as to whether or not the three days had elapsed.

Beck May Get Another Trial

COLUSA (Colusa Co.), November 17 - The passing of sentence upon Paul BECK, who was found guilty of a lewd and lascivious assault upon Mary SILVA, aged 7, has been set for Tuesday, November 20. The verdict was rendered by the jury after being recommended by the Judge to acquit, as the evidence introduced by the prosecution showed that the crime was an offense not mentioned in the complaint The verdict will probably be set aside and BECK retried under an amended complaint.


Berkeley Resident Claims Young Woman From Red Bluff For His Bride - Records >From Many Counties RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), November 17 - A marriage license was issued Wednesday to John N. SAUNDERS, a native of New York, and a resident of Berkeley, and Miss Mabel H. CRUMRINE, a native of California and a resident of this city. They were married the next morning at the residence of the bride?s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.V. CRUMRINE, and took the south-bound train for Berkeley where they will reside. Rev. E.R. CLARKSON, of the Christian Church, was the officiating clergyman.


REDDING (Shasta Co.), November 17 - Marriage licenses were issued this week to the following couples: Joseph LOCYEAR, 65, and Kate EMORY, 38, Both of Weed; Alexander H. BROWN, 24, of Kennett, and Myrtle ROBINSON, 24, of Watson Gulch; Chester O. SMITH, 21, and Lena C. WHITMORE, 21, both of Fern; Frank M. SAXON, 33, of Red Bluff, and Bessie B. BROWN, 19, of Copper City.  Corstian VAN BEEK, received an interlocutory decree of divorce from Frances VAN BEEK. The couple live in Kennett.


OROVILLE, November 17 - County Clerk BATCHELDER reports an unusually large number of marriage licenses during the past week. The happy couples are as follows:

George Edwin ELSTON, aged 31, and Carol  Magdelina PECK, aged 24, both of Chico; Joseph Franklin TABER, aged 35, of Evansville, and Rosa SMITH, aged 30, of Rackerby; Emory Ivor TYLER, aged 20, and Lana Leona MILLS, aged 17, both of Nord, the later having consent of parents; Otto Henry BERRIE, aged 25, and Ines YOUNG, age 18, both of Stirling; Clair HOPKINS, aged 27, of Paradise and Anne Augusta CRANDALL, aged 22, of Magalia.  Mattie Ellen ROBB, of Chico, has brought suit for divorce from Fred ROBB.


WOODLAND, November 17 - Miss Grace HUTCHINGS, daughter of L.E. HUTCHINGS,

and Elmer E. FARNHAM, son of J.C.E. FARNHAM, were married at the home of the bride this afternoon at 1:30. Rev. WENK, of the Methodist Church performed the ceremony. Both parents are residents of East Woodland. The couple left on the afternoon train for their future home in Oakland.  The following marriage licenses have been issued the past week: Jackson BOONE, of Lathrop, and Mrs. May SEE, of Sacramento; B.F. CHADWICK and Daisy E. BALDWIN, both of Winters.


YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), November 17 - The following marriage licenses were issued during the week: George SWEENEY of Chico, age 38, to Tessie Tennie MORGAN of Oak Bar; Abigia M. STEWART of Lebanon, Oregon, to Mattie E.  KEEFHAVER, age 23, of Labanon, Orgeon.


COLUSA (Colusa Co.), November 17- The following marriage license was issued in this county for the week ending November 16:

Donald Campbell HENDERSON, aged 55, a native of Scotland, and Agnes Sophia SIMMONS, aged 53, a native of Ohio; both are residents of Colusa.


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 17 - Business continues good at the marriage license bureau as the following record of the week?s work will show:

Ralph STURGEON, of Marysville, and Lucy RICHARDSON, of Biggs; I.R.  HUTCHINSON, of Wheatland, and Jennie W. HUNT, of Erie; Wm. R. DUNHAM, of Marysville, and Lillian M. WHIPPLE, of Chico; Isaac G. FARLEY, of Marysville, and Eva R. WHIPPLE, of Chico; Frank WITT and Chirstina SIEFERT, both of Live Oak.

C.G. OTT and Miss Lauretta SCHULER, a well-known couple of O?Banion Corners, Sutter County, were married at the German Lutheran Church in Sacramento this week.

Arthur SCHMIDT, also of O?Banion Corners, was married in Judge HART?s chambers this week to Miss Blanche MORGAN of the Capital City.


GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), November 17 - No divorces have been granted in the Superior Court during the week. The following marriages have taken place: At the home of the bride?s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel CURNOW, Miss Evelyn CURNOW became the bride of James H. HICKS, Dr. G.W. BEATTY, of the M.E. Church, officiating. Mrs Annie TEDDY and Walter E. DAVIES were united by Rev. R.K. HAM, of the Congregational Church, at the home of the bride?s mother, Mrs. Mary EDDY, this city. Mr. and Mrs. DAVIES will reside in Oakland.

At Nevada City, Giovanni COUGNI and Miss Angelica GREGARI took up the journey of life together. The happy couple recently arrived from Italy.  Justice of the Peace COUGHLAN officiated. The wedding took place at the home of M. SOLARI, Broad Street.


PLACERVILLE (El Dorado Co.), November 17 - The following marriage license was issued from the County Clerk?s office this week: Charles DASCOMBE, 21, of Placerville, and Miss Hazel WATSON, 17, of Camino.


ALTURAS (Modoc Co.), November 17 - Fred BIEBER, of Fort Bidwell, and Mabel MIN, of Bieber, Lassen County, were married here last Wednesday. The groom is a son of John BUCHER, Supervisor from the First District and ex-Sheriff of the county. Rev George A. CHARNBOK performed the ceremony.


Fatal Explosion Occurs At Western Pacific Camp As Men Are Drilling Out Clogged Blasting Hole OROVILLE (Butte Co.), November 17 - George BOLOS, a Greek laborer at Hunt?s Camp on the Western Pacific, was instantly killed yesterday and five other men were also more or less seriously injured by an explosion of powder.  The accident took place while the men were engaged in drilling out powder which had clogged in a blasting hole when thte mass exploded with the results stated. BOLOS was killed outright.

The injured men were hurried to the Big Bar Hospital but none of them were found to be dangerously wounded. The men had been at work but one week when the accident took place.

The Coroner has gone to the scene to take charge of the dead body.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Evening Bee Sacramento, Cal.

Monday, November 19, 1906

Page 7

Clifford Victor in Fight With Cordell

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 19 - With a terrific right arm swing which landed under the ear of his opponent and over the jugular vein, Jack CLIFFORD, of Grass Valley, put Jack CORDELL, of Oakland, to sleep in the seventh round of what was intended for a 20-round contest Saturday night.  A thousand spectators had assembled in Hopkins’ Hall to witness the ?go?  which was under the management of Barney VAN BUSKIRK, of the Phoenix Athletic Club. These are about equally divided as to whether it was a chance blow or one well directed by the game CLIFFORD, that ended the contest.  It was CLIFFORD who forced the fighting from the start. He showed a marked improvement since his last appearance here, and CORDELL was content to fall back on his usual cleer blocking in the hope of winning on points.  The preliminaries were between Mike MATTHEWS, of Chico, and “Iron Man Dunn” of San Francisco, and Jack WALLACE, of Yuba City, and Ed MOORE, of this city.  The first was stopped by the police on account of the “ginger” which the Chico man introduced in lieu of science, and the second was concluded when WALLACE’s trainer?s threw up the sponge because of the lack of both science and ginger in their corner.

Funeral of Mrs. Ward Held Sunday

RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), November 19 - The funeral of Mrs. Kate WARD, widow

of the late Mathew WARD, who proceeded her to the grave by a fortnight, was held Sunday afternoon from the Sacred Heart Church and was largely attended.  The rector, Rev. Father Philip F. BRADY, officiated, and interment was made in St. Mary?s Catholic Cemetery. The same pallbearers acted as at the funeral of the husband. Mr. and Mrs. WARD had been married forty-eight years, and the serious illness of his aged wife caused by paralysis, was the primary cause of Mr. Ward?s death. Mrs. WARD was not informed  that her life partner had passed away and died in the belief that he was ill in another room of their beautiful home. The couple had resided continuously in this city for two decades and had many friends throughout the county.

R.G. Hart Dies in City of Mexico

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), November 19 - News of the sudden death of R.G.  HART in the City of Mexico has reached here. The body will be taken to Berkeley for interment. No particulars are known, save that the end came almost without warning. HART, a prominent mining man in Old Mexico, was about to leave for a visit in Berkeley, and had written to relatives that they might expect him. The next news received was a telegram to a relative in this city, stating that he had died. He was a native of Cornwall, England, and was prominently known as a mining engineer. For years he had been in charge of a large property in Mexico. Before going there he made this city his home for a long time, wedding Miss Annie POWNING, who, with three sons and two daughters, is left  to mourn his untimely death.

Graves in Luck

WEAVERVILLE (Trinity Co.), November 19 - The trial of J.B. GRAVES, the well-known mining man who was accused of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to commit murder by Frank T. SMITH, came to an end Saturday afternoon, the jury returning a verdict of simple assault. The case was watched with much interest and had been before the Courts for some time.

Thrown From Wagon

WILLOWS (Glenn Co.), November 19 - Seigel SKINNER, who is employed on Van Shelloe?s ranch near Germantown, was thrown from his wagon here Saturday and very severely injured. His team of mules ran away when frightened by a train. The injured man will recover. Several accidents of this kind have taken place here in the past few months.

Struck by Train

RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), November 19 - J. NOLES, who was drunk and asleep on

the railroad track about one mile west of Red Bluff this morning, was struck by the second section of the northbound Oregon Express and seriously injured. He was badly cut and bruised about the left shoulder. He was taken to Red Bluff for treatment.

Drugged and Robbed

CHICO (Butte Co.), November 19 - Word reached here from San Francisco to-day that Mrs. Nellie HESS, whose husband has a small farm near here, was drugged and robbed on a train or in the Ferry building there. She admitted having had several drinks with some strangers. She was sent to her home last night.

Aged Woman Dead

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), November 19 - Mrs. Caroline RICHARDSON died here yesterday at the home of her son, James RICHARDSON, aged 80 years. She was the widow of the late Parsons RICHARDSON, and was born in New York, coming to California in 1862.


Two Men Perished

GOLDFIELD (Nev.), November 19 - It develops that only two lives were lost in the fire which destroyed the Hotel Goldfield at an early hour last Saturday morning. Dismembered bodies were found in the ruins, which led to the belief that three people had perished in the flames. Investigation, however, shows that only two were burned to death. They were A.H. HEBER, of Los Angeles, whose remains were identified by his son, and Judge J.M. ELLIS.

Cement Plant

ELY (Nev.), November 19 - Owing to the high cost of cement in this camp, due to high railroad rates, a company of which Senator NIXON, D.W. LINTON and R.H .RICHARDSON are the principal stockholders, has been formed to erect a cement plant. It will use as rea material the tenacious carbonate of lime, deposits found in the mountains north of Ely.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Wednesday, November 28, 1906


Page 6


The Eureka Editor Called At The Herald Office And Fired Three Shots At That Paper’s Business Manager EUREKA (Humboldt Co.), November 28 - M.M. VAUGHAN was convicted of an assault with a deadly weapon by a jury last night, in the Superior Court.  VAUGHAN is editor of the Californian, a weekly paper, and last March got into a controversy with the Evening Herald. He is a paralytic and the Herald referred to his infirmity in one of its articles. VAUGHAN sent word that a retraction must be made or the editor of the Herald must fight.  A retraction not being made, he went in a buggy to the Herald office and asked to see the editor, Niles O. HYATT, the business manager of the Herald came out and VAUGHAN fired three shots at him, none of which took effect.  VAUGHAN was arrested and charged with an assault with a deadly weapon. When convicted VAUGHAN was recommended to the mercy of the Court.



Sudden Death

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), November 28 - Word was received in this city at 2 o’clock this morning of the death of Mrs. J.R. McCRODAN in San Francisco. No particulars were given. His husband is a cigar dealer in this city. Mrs.  McCRODAN’s death is a surprise to the residents of this city, as it was not generally known she was ill.



Thomas Collison, Western Pacific Contractor, Whose Family Live At Grass Valley, Meets Awful Fate OROVILLE (Butte Co.), November 28 - At what is known as Sumsion Camp No. 1, on the Western Pacific, Thomas COLLISON, a concrete contractor, was instantly killed yesterday by falling from a concrete wall forty feet high.  He was directing the construction of the wall when he slipped and fell over the edge, death resulting instantaneously.

The dean man was about 50 years of age, and had a family residing in Grass Valley, where the remains will be shipped for interment.



GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), November 28 - Word reached here late yesterday that Thomas COLLISON, whose family resides here, had fallen from a forty-foot stone wall in the Feather River Canyon, breaking his neck and crushing his skull. Death was instantaneous. This morning his body was removed to Oroville, where an inquest was held. It will be shipped here for burial.

COLLISON, for many years a highly esteemed resident of this place, had been in the employ of the Western Pacific for several months, carrying out concrete contracts. He had undertaken to erect a high stone wall in the canyon of the Feather, fourteen miles from Oroville, and had it reared to a hight of forty feet. Yesterday morning, as he stood on top of the wall, he suddenly lost his balance or became dizzy and plunged downward headforemost to the hard, rocky ground before a hand could be stretched out to save him.  At 1 o’clock this morning The Bee correspondent at this city received the information that as far as was known at Oroville, the body was still at Sumsion?s Camp, where the fatality occurred, but that the Coroner had long since departed for the scene.


COLLISON leaves a wife and a large family. They are heartbroken over the sad news, which has cast a gloom over the community as he was a man who enjoyed a wide friendship, and was held in the highest esteem. He was aged about 50 years.

Warehouse and Hay Burn, Loss $17,000.


WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), November 28 - A large hay warehouse belonging to D.  BALFOUR and leased to George OGDEN, located near the depot, caught fire about 8 o?clock last night and burned to the ground.  There were 1296 tons of hay  in the warehouse, all of which was destroyed.  It is estimated that the loss on the hay is about $13,000, and on the building $4000. It is thought that there is about 60 per cent insurance. The origin of the fire is a mystery.


Landmark Gone

ALTURAS (Modoc Co.), November 28 - A very familiar landmark in the center of Alturas has just been demolished and removed. Ever since the destruction of the Nichols building, on the corner of Modoc and Main Streets, its thick stone vault has stood as a monument. The structure was sold this week and the stone removed to the sidewalk of the lot to be used for curbing. The old vault had an interesting history, having served for many years as the county Treasurer?s strong box. Afterward it was utilized by the Post Office and for many years protected the stamps and property of Uncle Sam.



Had Choynski Defeated Him, Kane Wound Have Lost The Girl Who Wedded Him At Auburn Yesterday AUBURN (Placer Co.), November 28 - William R. KANE, a young Grass Valley pugilist participated in a ring contest in that city on Monday, but the spectators were not aware that the young man was fighting for more than mere stakes of money. KANE thought but little of the pecuniary benefit of the contest, and nothing but a knock-out blow could have caused him to give up the fight, which, by the way was declared a draw.


KANE was fighting for the hand of the woman he loves, as she had placed a condition upon the contest, and that was that to win her he must not go down in defeat.


KANE had already agreed to the match before his lady love knew anything of the affair and on hearing it she made strong objections, declaring she would never marry him if he entered the ring. But the young pugilist?s word had been given to meet CHOYNSKI and he could not cancel his obligation. So he pleaded with the young woman, showing her how impossible it would be to decline to enter the ring, after he had agreed to do so. For a time she was obdurate.  To marry a pugilist was not to her liking. However, she could find it in her heart to love a victorious pugilist, but a defeated one, never. So the young woman made this the essence of her promise and William must not be among the fallen, else he could not lead her to the altar.  As the contest was a draw, the young man claimed his bride, who is Miss Delia M. BORLACE, of Nevada City, and yesterday the young couple, accompanied by KANE?s mother, arrived in this city and were married by Justice Henry McCANN. Mrs. KANE, the groom’s mother, filed her written consent to the marriage, her son being but 19 years of age. The bride gave her age as 18.

After the ceremony and happy congratulations among the Court House officials the young couple left for their home in Grass Valley. While the groom did not meet defeat in his ring contest, he bore evidence of considerable punishment. A blackened optic was one of the prominent marks of his opponent.



GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), November 28 - Since the KANE-CHOYNSKI fight on Monday evening all the boxers in town have caught the fever the worst way.  Jack CLIFFORD challenges KANE and CHOYNSKI for the same night, declaring he will knock them both out in twenty rounds, taking CHOYNSKI on first.  CLIFFORD recently knocked out LUNDY and CORDELL, but there are many who doubt if he could put these two husky lads away in eh same night, as they would both merely fight on the defensive, though CHOYNSKI, before leaving said he was willing to meet CLIFFORD himself for twenty rounds.  CLIFFORD has the offer to fight Adam RYAN, the crack Eastern lightweight, at Tonopah on New Year’s Day, as the main preliminary to the GANS-HERMAN go.  This he will accept.

?Fighting Dick? TROUNCE has also challenged KANE and CHOYNSKI.  KANE gave CHOYNSKI the surprise of his life. He not only stayed the required ten rounds, but made the San Francisco boy fight his fastest all the way. At the end neither was in distress, though KANE was getting weak in the legs. This is his first real fight, as hitherto he has never met any but local lads, who have been easy picking.



LODI (San Joaquin Co.), November 28 - The marriage of Elmer A. HUMPHREY and Miss Ruth W. HOPE, whose engagement was announced in The Bee some time ago, took place Monday at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. A. FOX, in West Lodi, at noon. Only immediate friends and relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs. HUMPHREY left after the wedding dinner for a tour of the south after which they will visit at the home of Mr. HUMPHREY at Winters. Mr. HUMPHREY is a prominent fruit man, having full charge of the Earl Fruit Company?s packing and shipping quarters at this place.


Dies in Oakland

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 28 - The death is announced from Oakland of Mrs. R.M. FORD, who for a number of years was engaged in the millinery business in Marysville. She was well known in Yuba and Sutter Counties. She leaves four daughters - Mrs. William O?BANION, of Oakland, Mrs. William THARP, of Sutter City, and the Misses Grace and Carrie FORD, of Oakland.  Mrs. FORD had reached her sixty-fourth year.


Golden Wedding at Buena Vista Home

IONE (Amador Co.), November 28 - S.T.SEAMANS and wife on Monday celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home, three miles from Buena Vista.


The two daughters of the aged couple - Mrs. George HANLEY of Julian District and Mrs. J.COBURN of Penryn, Placer County - and their husbands were present. There were also many members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in attendance. SEAMANS and wife are members of that church.  Many beautiful presents were received and the day was made a happy reunion of friends.

Mr. and Mrs. SEAMANS were married in Michigan, November 26, (not legible).  They resided in that State until about 1892, when they came to California, for the past twelve years making their home on their ranch in Buena Vista Park, about eight miles from Ione.


Called by Death

LODI (San Joaquin Co.), November 28 - The funeral of Mrs. Jane BUCHANAN, mother of Mrs. Charles E. PICKERING, of this place, was held from her late residence. Mrs. BUCHANAN was aged 49 years. She died of pneumonia. She had been ill for over two weeks prior to her death but would not consent to have a doctor until beyond help. She was a believer of the doctrine of Christian Science. She leaves two daughters to mourn her death. Interment was made in Lodi Cemetery.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Evening Bee Sacramento, Cal.

Thursday, November 29, 1906


Page 7

Mrs. S.H. Laugenour Answers Last Call

COLUSA (Colusa Co.), November 29 - Mrs. S.H. LAUGENOUR, a pioneer resident of this county, died this morning after several weeks’ illness, at the age of 82. The interment will be in the College City Cemetery Saturday, Rev.  W.F. REAGOR, of Sacramento, officiating. She leaves several children and numerous other relatives.

Her children are: Mrs. S.A. HUSTON, editor of the Home Alliance, Woodland; ex-Supervisor J.H. LAUGENOUR, Rufus LAUENOUR, Miss Lillie L. LAUGENOUR, County Superintendent of Schools, Misses Bertha and Nan LAUGENOUR, of Colusa, and Mrs. Ella McCOY, of Red Bluff.


Bigamy Charged

VALLEJO (Solano Co.), November29 - Jacob BARMAN, who arrived here when the

Russian cruiser, Lena, was brought to Mare Island during the Russo-Japan War, was arrested this morning on a charge of bigamy. When the Lena left for a home port, BARMAN remained behind, securing a small place near the edge of town. Recently he married a San Francisco woman and a few days ago his wife and family arrived from Russia. Hence the charge of bigamy.


Hear Good News

LODI (San Joaquin Co.), November 29 - A telegram from San Francisco to the effect that Rev. W.P. GRANT successfully underwent a dangerous operation yesterday, was received by his wife last evening. Rev. GRANT is the pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church of this place and has been in poor health for some time.



Bust of Le Conte - The Le Conte Grammar School of Berkeley will have a handsome bust of the late Professor Joseph

LE CONTE, known to educators and men of science all over the world. The presentation of the bust was made by Miss

LE CONTE at the meeting of the Berkeley Board of Education Tuesday night. A pedestal for the bust will be provided by the Board.


Jealous Wife - Albert MARTIN was married to Jessie MARTIN four months ago.  Yesterday he obtained a divorce it being shown that she had so frightened Martin’s relatives that they locked the door of his room to protect him from the threatened vengeance of his bride, who was insanely jealous of him.


Hosmer Files Contest - J.A. HOSMER, whom the Election Commissioners have declared defeated in his recent race with Police Judge Edmund P. MOGAN, filed a contest with the County Clerk of San Francisco yesterday, alleging that he had been counted out by false and inaccurate canvassing of the returns.


Denicke Acquitted - The jury in the case of Ernest DENICKE, charged with manslaughter on April 20th, in having killed an unknown man during the excitement following the earthquake, after deliberating six hours last night rendered a verdict of not guilty.


Try Twice to Kill Themselves - Apparently despondent because of having been detained at the Oakland Police Station, Anita RIVESTA and Mamie SILCOVITZ, aged 15 years, attempted for the second time to end their lives by inhaling gas, having carefully closed the door of their room and sealed up all the apertures possible.


Dies in Baths - James F. DEVLIN, a well-known contractor of San Francisco, died last evening at the Kadee Baths on Gough Street, presumably from pneumonia. Deceased left a wife and two children.


Assaulted by Thugs - Ernest LINDNER, a linotype operator, last night was held up and severely beaten by three unknown men in the shadow of the Palace Hotel ruins in San Francisco. The would-be thugs were frightened away before they had a chance to search LINDNER, but not until they had vented their spite for his resistance by striking him several times upon the head with a blunt instrument, inflicting numerous lacerations of the scalp and face.


Refugees Suffer - The first real test of the refugee cottages in San Francisco came yesterday, and scores of them, after the hardest rain of the season, were found wanting. The hundreds still sheltered in tents suffer intolerably.

Powell Won Fight - Lew POWELL won his fight with “Cyclone” THOMPSON last night at Colma on a foul in the tenth round.


Robbed the Dead - While A. SCHWINN and his wife lay dead in their home at Erie and Howard Streets on April 18th last, Oliver LIND entered the house, stepped over the two dead bodies, and robbed the house of all the jewelry it contained. LIND has confessed.


Hurt by Cars - Two men were injured in car accidents in San Francisco last night. James BANKNER fell to the street at Thirteenth and Mission Streets, and at the City and County Hospital it was found that he had severe concussion of the brain. James McALLISTER, a mail wagon driver, was struck buy a car at Mission and Spear, scalp wounds being inflicted.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com








© Copyright 2003-Present by Nancy Pratt Melton


Sacramento County