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The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Monday, February 19, 1900

Page 5



The Alleged Widow Asks for Monthly Allowance

SAN FRANCISCO, February 19 - The proceedings in the first session of the Court to-day in the suit of Mrs. Nettie R. CRAVEN against the heirs of the late Senator FAIR for $5000 a month widow’s allowance were not as exciting as expected. Attorney PENCE, for the CRAVEN interests, called Judge TROUTT’s attention to the charge of perjury, contempt of Court and assault which have appeared in the daily papers and asked that an immediate investigation be had to fix the responsibility.

Judge TROUTT responded that the District Attorney was preparing to bring the matter before the Grand Jury, at which Mr. KNIGHT, for the FAIR heirs, expressed himself as courting the fullest inquiry into the acts of the attorneys for the FAIR heirs.

An argument was precipitated by the attorney for Mrs. CRAVEN asking the Court to issue an order compelling the attorneys for the FAIR executors to produce the private memorandums, books, etc., of the FAIR estate.  Attorney McENERNEY protested against such proceedings and his contention was upheld by the Court.

Mrs. CRAVEN was called to the stand and resumed her testimony given last Thursday, detailing her different places of residence and travels since June, 1893. Nothing of an important nature was brought out.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee Sacramento, Cal.

Friday, February 23, 1900

Page 5


TACOMA, February 23 - Mrs. C.A. PAIGE, who was buried here yesterday as an outcast, was formerly the wife of C.A. PAIGE, a wealthy resident of Los Angeles. He died a number of years ago, leaving what is said to have been a large estate. A shoe dealer in Los Angeles names J. MESNER was appointed administrator. Mrs. PAIGE and her four children went to San Francisco, where she had acquaintances. Subsequently she left her children there, seemingly abandoning them. She is said to have come North with a gambler, who left her after helping her run through what money she received from the Los Angeles estate.

She gradually sank lower and lower into depravity, finally allowing a bartender to fill the place in her affections that the gambler had quitted.  For a number of months she made a living by box rustling and singing in concert halls attached to saloons. Her brother, Joseph MALONEY, lives at Kern, Cal. He was notified of her death, but sent word that he was too poor to bury her. She was buried by her depraved associates, the funeral being conducted by the Rev. Father HYLEBOS, who permitted the body to be buried in unconsecrated ground in the Catholic Cemetery. Her oldest child, Beatrice, aged 13, works for her board at 810 Filbert Street, Oakland. One son lives elsewhere in Oakland, another in San Francisco, while the youngest child is cared for at the Sisters’ home in Anaheim.

Since Mrs. PAIGE’s death a pitiful letter has been received from her daughter Beatrice, who wrote that her little brother John had practically no clothes to wear. She thought her mother should send them money. Mrs. PAIGE did not allow her California acquaintances to know what she was doing here.  She was a handsome woman, 35 years old. Dissipation is given as the cause of death.


Allegations Made About the Conduct of Affairs

The Stockton Mail of to-day said:

The scarcity of blankets and underwear which the asylum authorities acknowledge having existed at the State Hospital for the insane is only part of the story of the real state of affairs resulting from the extreme economy of the State Lunacy Commission. Everyone connected with the institution is close-mouthed on the subject, but a statement made by the prominent merchant of this city, who has had dealings for many years with the asylum in a business way, shows what is being covered up.

“The manner in which the finances of the institution are conducted by the State Lunacy Commission can be inferred from the fact that goods delivered last December have not yet been paid for,” said he. “Everything seems to be run on the principle that no money should be allowed until it is actually wrung from the Commission. And the people connected with the institution are afraid to open their lips in protest. You can’t get CHESTNUTWOOD, for instance, to utter a word on the subject, although he knows very well that the supplies are short in almost every line.

CHESTNUTWOOD is the steward.

“I have got goods in my cellar,” the merchant went on to say, “which the institution is in need of at this very time, but the authorities at the hospital dare not buy anything. They must first send on a requisition to Sacramento, and wait the pleasure of the Commission. In the meantime the patients are obliged to go without, and if the requisition is not allowed they go without the articles for good. As a usual thing, even when the merchandise required is allowed at Sacramento, the amount is cut down about one-half.

“Only a few months ago they wanted a hammer out there at the asylum, but the authorities did not dare to buy one. They had to send on an estimate of the cost, and get permission from Sacramento to make the purchase.  “Last Summer, while down at Santa Cruz, I was informed by Dr. HOLSHOLT, of the asylum’s staff of physicians, that the requisition system used to be carried so far by the Commission that a patient came near dying for lack of medicine, which could not be bought without an order. The requisition was sent on to Sacramento, but no response was received until repeated requests had been made. Subsequently the asylum authorities prevailed on the Commission to permit drugs to be purchased without going through the usual red tape. The local Board of Managers is simply a figurehead. It cannot do anything except through the State Lunacy Commission, and what it does attempt to do is generally sat down on by the Commissioners.  “All the people out here at the hospital are afraid to open their mouths about the real situation, for fear of losing a job, so they get along the best they can and put up with the scrimping police which the State Lunacy Commission is pursuing.”

The Other Side.

An effort was made at the Capitol to-day to find some member of the State Commission in Lunacy, in order to get the Commission’s side of the story, but the effort was unsuccessful.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Evening Bee

Monday, March 5, 1900




Fifty-two Inches Fall in Forty-eight Hours at Summit

 Snow has been falling heavily on the top of the range in the past forty-eight hours, a total of fifty-two inches being reached at Summit, where the total depth is eighty-four inches.

  The report of snowfall shows a fall in the past forty-eight hours of one inch at Reno, three inches at Verdi, thirteen inches at Floriston, thirty inches at Boca, thirty-six inches at Truckee, fifty-two inches at Summit, thirty inches at Cascade, forty-four inches at Cisco, forty-eight inches at Emigrant Gap, forty-three inches at Towles, fourteen inches at Gold Run, eight inches at Colfax and one inch at Dunsmuir.



The Calistoga Stage Robber Is Giving the Sheriff a Merry Race

            ALONG THE COAST

 Joe PETE, the Indian who murdered William DANGBERG, September 27th, was convicted in Genoa, Saturday, of murder in the first degree. The case caused unusual interest, as the murdered boy was the son of a prominent rancher and threats to lynch the prisoner have been openly made.

  C.B. CHURCH, who has been a prominent citizen of Yolo County for thirty years, died of locomotor ataxia Friday night, at Woodland. He was a native of New York, and about 72 years old.

  Coroner McMULLEN, of Modesto, want to La Grange Saturday to hold an inquest upon the body of George RILEY, a laboring man, 40 years old, who shot and killed himself Friday.

  Tacoma and other Washington cities are thoroughly alarmed lest the epidemic of smallpox at Centralia shall spread throughout the State. As near as can be learned Centralia has had about 150 cases, all of a mild form. Most of these have been quarantined, but travel to and from that town has not been interrupted here to-day.

  The Calistoga stage robber is still at large and his chances of escape are pretty good. The dog tracked him Saturday night to within about four miles of Oathill, and in fact was within about 400 yards of the bandit one time. He heard the dog barking viciously at his heels and at once covered his tracks with red pepper, and the dog, after getting a few whiffs of this, refused to work any further.

  A special from Benson, Arizona, says: Rumors have reached here that a large body of Yaqui Indians are headed for the international line. Orders have been issued by General MERRIAM to the commanding officer at Fort HUACHUCA, to hold his troops in readiness for immediate field service to be used to repel any attempt to cross the line into the United States.

  A tramp named Peter PETERSON boarded the Oregon express train at Wheatland Sunday morning, but in doing so the toes of one of his feet were caught beneath a wheel and mashed to a pulp. He succeeded, however, in reaching the blind baggage platform. At Marysville he was taken in charge by the police authorities. He will probably lose a portion of his injured foot.


            AROUND THE BAY

 Mrs. E.E. BANDY, matron at the San Francisco County Infirmary, was murderously attacked Saturday by Mrs. “Kittie” PETERSON, an inmate who had suddenly become violently insane. Matron Bandy had just entered the woman’s ward to look after Mrs. Peterson’s wants, when the latter delivered her a blow in the face with her clenched fist, felling her to the floor, and then securing a large cobblestone she had secreted she tried to kill the matron.

  C.W. COURTRIGHT, a cook, 24 years old, was Saturday committed to the Agnews Insane Asylum by Judge HALL. Courtright resided with his mother at 526 Eighth Street, Oakland. Last New Year’s eve, while suffering from a high fever, the noise of the thousands of tooting horns drove him to jump out of a window in his eagerness to escape from the din. The young man imagines that he is dead.

  Frank KING, an employe at the Judson Iron Works, aged 60 years, was run down and killed Saturday afternoon by a Southern Pacific special train that was backing up from the Oakland mole to the race track at Emeryville.

  C.W. WYANT, a house painter residing at 192 Seventh Street, San Francisco, while alighting from a car at Twenty-ninth and Mission Streets, Saturday afternoon, fell to the ground and received injuries from which he died a few hours later at the City and County Hospital, where he was taken after the accident.

  J.O. MORGAN, an engineer at the Eureka Tannery in East Oakland, miraculously escaped death Saturday morning. While about to slip the belt on the fly wheel, a set screw on the driving rod caught in his clothing., and in another instant his body was revolving in the air and being pounded on the floor. M. KELLEY and Dave MURDOCK heard his cries and stopped the engine as soon as possible and picked up the apparently lifeless body of the engineer.

  To a limited extent automobiles are to be allowed in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. The speed must not exceed eight miles an hour.

  On a heavy track in a drizzling rain, Dr. H.E. ROWELL’s bay gelding Imperious, by Morello, dam Helen Scratch, won the fifth Burns Handicap, the classic of the California turf, at Oakland, Saturday. This is the second time Rowell has captured the rich stake, having won the Satsuma in 1898 and finished second with the same horse last year.

  Charles H. RICHARDSON, who shot and killed his wife, Ella RICHARDSON, in San Francisco on October 10th last, was sentenced to term of ten years in San Quentin by Judge LAWLER.

  Judge James G. MAGUIRE, of San Francisco, whose name has been repeatedly mentioned for Congress, will not enter the contest. The Judge has had all the honor which a place in the House of Representatives from his State can give, and will continue to practice law at home, which he finds more profitable than going to Washington.

  About 12 o’clock Saturday night, Jue HOP, a carpenter, while in his shop on Washington Street, San Francisco, was shot and mortally wounded by an unknown man, who escaped. There is a strong suspicion that his assailant was Jung Ah LOCK. The wounded man, who was a member of the Suey Sing Tong, was taken to the Receiving Hospital, and is not expected to survive more than a few hours.

  Ethelbert F. SMITH, who has wealthy relatives in New York and Japan, was found on a West Oakland street yesterday. He had attempted suicide with an old razor. His wounds are serious, but he will recover.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento, Friday Morning

November 30, 1900



People Who Were Onlookers of a Football Game

Fall Through a Roof on Red-Hot Furnaces Below.

Thirteen Persons Are Dead and Many More Numbered Among the Injured.

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 29 - Thirteen people were killed and nearly 100 injured more or less seriously to-day through the collapse of the roof of the Pacific Glass Works on Fifteenth street, near Folsom. A large crowd had gathered on the roof in order to get a free view of the Berkeley-Stanford football game. Underneath the roof in the factory were red hot furnaces and glass vats. Several of the killed fell on these, and were badly burned.

  Most of the killed and injured were boys between 9 and 16 years of age. Nearly all had their skulls fractured or limbs broken, or sustained internal injuries.

  The portion of the roof which collapsed was merely the covering over the ventilator bars at the apex of the building, and was not constructed to sustain any heavy weight. The horizontal timbers in the center, corresponding to the ridge pole of an ordinary structure, broke near the center, and a light framework underneath with its covering of corrugated iron turned inward, forming a chute through which the men and boys were precipitated into the furnaces beneath. Only a few were actually burned to death, the majority being killed by the fall. Several of the injured are in a precarious condition, and the list of dead may be increased to a score within a day or two. A number who were only slightly injured went to their homes unnoticed. Including these the list of injured may reach 100.

  The list of dead and injured is as follows:

 The dead are: Edgar FAIRHAVEN, 11 years, San Francisco; W.H. ECKFELDT, 12 years, San Francisco; William VALENCIA, 18 years, San Francisco; Thomas J. RIPPON, 24 years, San Francisco; James A. MULRONEY, 40 years, Spokane, Wash.; Marquis VAN DURA, 35 years, Pasadena; Virgil NEUBY, 15 years, San Francisco; Charles MONAHAN, 34 years, San Francisco; Talleyrand BARNWELL, 16 years, Lean GIRARD, 16 years, San Francisco; William BOTHENSTEIN, 12 years; Robert MILLER, 17 years; Hector McNEILL, 15 years.

  The injured as far as known number eighty-two, distributed as follows: Southern Pacific Railroad Hospital 40, City and County Hospital 21, City Receiving Hospital 15, St. Luke’s Hospital 2, taken to their homes 4.

  Seriously injured: Walter GRIFFIN, George CAMPBELL, George MILLER, Louis COOPER, John LANE, L.E .MACAULAY, V. FRECHTLER, Jesse COHEN, Clarence BURNS, Harrold PALMER, Martin TRAYNOR.

  Of the injured those most seriously injured are Clarence BURNS, John BROUGH and Fred GARITY.

  Other injured are: John BROUGH, Fred GARITY, skull fractured and left leg fractured; R.E. ESSMAN, William HAUSCH, Leon GERARD, Clarence BURNS, J. FRECHTLER, Leon DOYLE, Fred BULWINKLE, George C. MILLER, Arthur OUTSEN, George HOUSER, Fred HARTMAN, John HOUSER, Theodore BAKER, George PELLE, Ed. HORNE, James BOWEN, Carroll Harrold PALMER, Albert GERKE, George CAMPBELL, Albert LOUX, George MORSHAT, William CONWAY, --- DARCY, W. K. GRANT, Otto BERMEISTER.

  Two hundred people, all men and boys, had gathered on the sheet iron roof of the glass works to obtain a free view of the annual football game between Stanford and the University of California. About twenty minutes after the game had commenced there was a crash, plainly audible from the football grounds, and a portion of the crowd on the roof went down to a horrible death below.

  The fires in the furnaces had been started for the first time to-day, and the vats were full of liquid glass. It was upon these that the victims fell. Some were killed instantly and other were slowly roasted to death.

  The few who missed the furnaces or rolled off together with workmen in the glass works saved the lives of many who lay unconscious by pulling them away from their horrible resting place.

  The police and fire department were soon at hand, and every patrol wagon and ambulance in the city was summoned.  There were not enough, and express wagons and private carriages were pressed into service to carry off the dead and injured. Many of the injured were unconscious, while others were raced shrieking with agony to the hospitals.

  The Southern Pacific Railroad Hospital was only two blocks away, and was quickly filled. About forty injured were taken there. Others were sent to St. Luke’s Hospital, the City Receiving Hospital, to private residences and other places. At the hospitals there was soon a shortage of surgeons, and some of the wounded had to wait until help came.

  The roof of the glass works was not 200 feet away from the football field, but the 20,000 people watching the game were too intent upon the contest to notice what had occurred. It was only when the ushers went through the vast crowd calling for doctors that it became known that there had been an accident. Hundreds of people left the grounds and gathered about the fence inclosing the glass works. News of the disaster spread rapidly, and thousands of anxious people quickly assembled. The police kept them back with difficulty, while the patrol wagons and ambulances dashed through the crowd on their way to and from the hospitals.

  Isidore EZEKIEL, a clerk, was in the second story of the glassworks when the calamity occurred. Before the accident he heard a man, whom he supposed to be the Superintendent, talk to another man, presumably an employe, about calling the police to clear the roof. The police were all busy with other work, and no assistance could be obtained.

  When the roof section collapsed Ezekiel rushed to the aid of the men and boys who fell, but the heat on the top of the glass oven was so intense that he was unable to reach some of them where they were lying partially stunned.

  Mr. Ezekiel says that nobody was under the roof section that fell, and that all who were killed or injured came down with the roof.

  Charles YOST, oven man at the glass works, was in the loft when the accident occurred. At the moment he was raking the fire. The first warning he had was the crashing of the rafters as the struggling victims were hurled to death. Many in their descent barely missed striking him. “I felt uncomfortable,” he said, “when I learned that the manager could not keep the people off the roof. Of course it was strong enough for ordinary purposes, but it could not carry the weight of 200 or more people. When the crash finally came there was but little warning. I first heard the rafters crack, and then bodies began to drop around me. Several in falling came within a hair’s breadth of crushing me, and I had to seek safety in another part of the building. I soon realized that something had to be done to save the wounded, and especially to rescue the men who had fallen on top of the oven, and were rapidly roasting to death. The oven was white hot, and the contortions of the injured men as they tried to pull themselves away from the fire was a sight which can never be effaced from my memory. Others soon arrived and with their assistance I succeeded in removing two men. Those killed either struck the heavy beams that surround the oven or had their lives crushed out beneath the bodies of the other victims. Many succeeded in staying their fall for a moment by holding on to the broken beams, but before they could be rescued they were obliged to let go their hold and fall upon those who had preceded them. The shrieks of the wounded and the groans of the dying were frightful to hear. It was some time before medical assistance arrived, and we could do but little to alleviate the suffering.”

  Clarence JETER, a furnace tender, was standing near the seething blasts, when a crash and the cries of the falling men and boys startled him. In an instant the furnaces were covered with struggling human beings, and some who were at the bottom of the heap were suffering death by the hideous torture of fire. “My first move was to shut the supply of oil off from the pipes which led to the furnaces,” said Mr. Jeter. “Then I ran up on the platform and helped to pull the unfortunates off the retorts, where they were being roasted. The oil pipes were full and the fire did not go down until the pipes were emptied. When the men and boys struck the top of the furnace the oil spurted and saturated their clothing. The heat on the outside of the retorts is over 500 degrees Fahrenheit, and in a second the clothing of the men was ablaze. Several who fell on top of the heap of humanity were able to jump up and off the furnaces, but their hands and limbs were terribly burned where their flesh had touched the white hot bricks. Those who were underneath were dead or dying before we could reach them. I pulled eight people off the retort on to the staging which we walk on to tend the fires, and they were lifted down to the floor by others. We had to use our long iron pokers, with which we test the glass, to reach some of the men. The hook would not hold in their clothing and it was a difficult matter to get them within reach.”

  While aiding in removing the dead and wounded from the scene of the disaster, T.J. PARKER, a fireman, recognized in the blood covered face of one of the sufferers the features of his own son. Francis Joseph PARKER is the name of the injured boy. He was taken to the City and County Hospital, where it was found that his skull was fractured and his right arm broken. He suffers from internal injuries, and will probably die.

  When William ECKFELDT, a machinist, recognized his son among the victims he fell unconsious, and had to be carried away.

  James MOSELEY was one of the few who escaped uninjured. He was among the last to fall and landed upon a heap of the others. “We had no warning of the coming disaster,” said Moseley. “The first break must have occurred some little distance back of me, for I heard a cry and felt the roof giving away. The next thing I knew I was plunging through the air. I landed feet first in the midst of some twelve or fifteen others.”

  Joseph GUMPER, a fireman, was on the roof at the time of the accident. He heard the creak of the metal, and jumped to a place of safety. Gumper ran to the edge of the roof, and hastily climbing down a girder, was inside the building in time to save several lives.

  The managers of the glass works have issued a statement stating that it was impossible for them to keep the people off their buildings, and disclaiming responsibility for the accident.


  The list of injured now numbers ninety-four, those most seriously hurt being the following: John MEIN, 9 years, fractured skull, probably fatal; Fred. F. LILLY, 21, solicitor, fractured and internal injuries, probably fatal; Otto PETERSON, 20, severe spinal injuries; Thomas S. MANGAN, 16, hurt internally, serious; William CONNELLY, school boy, skull fractured; Charles Henry CUMMINGS, school boy, injured internally; Fred GARRITY, clerk, fractured left leg, possibly skull; Leon GIRARD, school boy, severe burns entire body; Edward DUGAN, fractured skull; Jesse COHEN, miner, fractured skull; Thomas C. PEDLER, 25, back fractured, serious; Dante MONACO, 16, fractured skull; Bert HARRISON, 15, Sunnyside, body burned from hips down; Cornelius McMAHON, 12, fractured shoulder and arm; Henry CLOEPPERD, 19, right hand crushed; Richard KOCH, back injured; Edward CANDAGE, slightly bruised about body; Thomas H. PARKER, 13, scalp wounds; Thomas SMITH, 17, left leg broken, head bruised; Peter CARROLL, 17, face lacerated, chest bruised; Walter GRIFFIN, 12, right leg broken, body bruised; Martin TRAYNOR, school boy, badly burned head, shoulders; Clarence BYRNE, iron worker, broken jaw, possibly skull fractured; Jack LANE, school boy, face and head burned, shoulder injured; V. FREECHTLE, clerk, hands and face badly burned; Albert RESSMAN, head and neck severely burned; William HAUSCH, photographer, internal injuries and burns; J. BROUGH, cigar man, possible skull fracture, head burned; L.E. McCAULEY, clerk, burned arms, head and scalp wounds; L.F. COOPER, left side burned, head and face badly bruised; Clarence EHAT, schoolboy, right arm broken; Walter GRIFFIN, boy, contusion on left side, ribs broken; George CAMPBELL, schoolboy, left shoulder dislocated; George C. MILLER, ribs broken, contusions; George PELLY, boy, contusions; Williae CAROLAN, schoolboy, contusion; Albert GUCKE, schoolboy, left knee injured; Theodore BAKER, schoolboy, right leg and arm broken; Joseph BOWEN, schoolboy, shock and contusions; John HASEN, schoolboy, right leg broken, head and chest contused; Fred HARTMAN, schoolboy, back sprained, spine injured; Harold PALMER, schoolboy, severely bruised; Leo DOLLARD, 17 years, bruises about shoulders and body; Charles FULTON, fractured skull; Percy BAGNALL, 16 years, leg broken and bruises; George MORSEHEAD, boy, left shoulder broken; George WOODS, schoolboy, left arm broken; George HEUSER, schoolboy, left leg broken; L. DOYLE, schoolboy, sprained left elbow; Lud ARTWELL, schoolboy, contusions; George MARSAHLL, contusions; Harry CALLAHAN, 15, fractured arm and bruises, not serious; Charles LANGER, 21, head injured; William A. SAWIN, Portreto, jaw fractured; Andrew PETERSON, back and head bruised; Gustav. V. NORDLUND, fractured hip; Isiaih TREADWELL, 22, colored, internal injuries; Claude JACKMAN, colored, 12 years, arm and leg broken; Alfred REED, belt-maker, fractured leg and arm; Amos CHESSMAN, shock and injuries about head; George TYSON, injuries to hip; Charles DUNN, laceration of left leg; W.J. GRANT, contusions; Otto BURMEISTER, schoolboy, left leg broken; Harry HOCK, schoolboy, 11 years, slight bruises; Eddie HOWE, schoolboy, right arm broken, contusion; Arthur OUTSEN, schoolboy, right arm broken, contusions; Henry MEYER, schoolboy, right leg broken; Peter CARROLL, schoolboy, ribs broken, contusions; Fred BULWINKLE, schoolboy, left ankle sprained; Edward GUNLEY, back sprained; Edward GUNLEY, Jr., left shoulder broken; Mark LEE, contusions; Albert LOUX, schoolboy, back sprained, right shoulder dislocated; D’Arcy CASSIN, school boy, left shoulder dislocated; James TONNEY, 15, badly burned, leg broken; Ellery CRANDALL, schoolboy, leg and arm broken; Robert T. HARRIS, clerk, Topeka, Kansas, burned and may die; M. LAKE, schoolboy, contusions; Andrew BURKE, schoolboy, contusions; Lester PRIOR ,Oakland, face and scalp lacerated, chest bruised.

  The glass works officials estimate that anywhere from 500 to 1,000 people were on the roof of the building when the accident occurred, and that 300 to 400 were on the ventilator. This great weight was too much, for the comparative fragile ventilator roof split for its entire length of 100 feet, letting the unfortunates drop on the fiery furnace forty-five feet below.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Record-Union Sacramento

Tuesday September 24, 1901 


The following articles of incorporation have been filed in the office of the Secretary of State:

Pass & Seymour, incorporated. Principal place of business, Solvey, New York State. Directors: J. PASS, A.P. SEYMOUR and B.E. SALISBURY. Capital stock, $100,000.

George H. Monroe Company. Principal place of business, Fresno. Directors: G.H. MONROE, W.R. MONROE, C. J. CRAYCROFT, J.W. MONROE and B.F. CATLETT. Capital stock, $30,000; subscribed, $5.

Orange City Water Company. Principal place of business, Orange. Directors: J.H. ADAMS, T.W. PHILIPS, T.W. BROTHINGTON, R.I. TURNER and L.T. ADAMS. Capital stock, $75,000; subscribed, $25,000.

Quines Creek Gold Mine Company. Principal place of business, San Francisco. Directors: C.C. BOYNTON, J.M .KEITH, A. MACK, L. GUGGENHIME and J.J. MACK. Capital stock, $100,000; subscribed in full.

California Association of Musicians. Principal place of business, Los Angeles. Directors: G. CANN, J.F. SCHMEISER, T.BERTH, C. HANBERG and H.B. HAMMON; no capital stock.

Los Angeles Bowling Investment Company. Principal place of business, Los Angeles. Directors: L.J. CHRISTOPHER, J. BRINK, J.F. MORLEY, T. GOODMAN, H.B. ELLIS, A. LEVY and L. BEHYMER. Capital stock, $100,000; subscribed, $22,000.

Telephone Hygienic Company. Principal place of business, Los Angeles. Directors: H.L. CUTTER, E.H. CUTTER, J.W. OSBORN, W.R. FALES and G.J. LEOVY. Capital stock, $500,000; subscribed, $503.

Big Four Orange Company. Principal place of business, Riverside. Directors: T.D. HEWITT, W.W. ROBLEY, B.W. ROBLEY, E.M. HEWITT and M.E. HEWITT. Capital stock, $100,000; subscribed in full. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Evening Bee

Tuesday, November 12, 1901





  The colors of E.J. BALDWIN & Co. were in evidence at Oakland yesterday, horses owned by the firm winning three of the events. All were at good prices and were ridden by RANSOM.


  The funeral of the late William P. SULLIVAN, Jr., Chief of Police of San Francisco, who died, after a lingering illness at 1:30 o’clock Monday morning, will be held on Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock from St. Agnes’ Catholic Church, near the Sullivan residence, at 101 Central Avenue, and the interment will take place at the Holy Cross Cemetery.


  Speculation is rife in San Francisco police circles as to who will succeed the late Chief Sullivan. The Commissioners have confirmed Captain WITTMAN as the Acting Chief, but it is expected that upon recommendation of the Mayor, that body will directly choose another head of the department, to succeed Chief Sullivan.


  John A. RUSSELL, Clerk of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, has not resigned his position, as reported. On the contrary, Mr. Russell has applied for an extension of his leave of absence for the period of six months.


  Chief D.T. SULLIVAN, of the San Francisco Fire Department has requested the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor to reward Frank GORMAN, the young man who bravely rescued Miss Nellie HEALY, who was in imminent peril at a fire Tuesday last at 244 Stevenson Street.


  The charge of felony embezzlement against Charles J. KING, son of the late James King of William, under which he surrendered himself on Saturday last, was dismissed yesterday in San Francisco by Police Judge CABANISS, on motion of the prosecution. Frank SCHUMACHER of the California Vinegar Works, which appeared as the complaining corporation, completely exonerated King and said that it had been discovered that what was supposed to have been a criminal transaction in reality was perfectly regular.


  A curious accident has marred the beauty of Miss Zelda TIFFANY, of Sausalito. That she escaped without losing one of her eyes has made her the subject of the sincerest congratulations of her wide circle of friends. As it is she lies on a bed of pain with three surgeons in attendance and with admittance to her chamber denied to all but the doctors and the nurses. A cartridge exploding in a fireplace of her home struck her in the face and below her eye and tore a fearful gash in her cheek. She was stricken to the floor by the force of the blow and was unconscious for some time. Ten stitches were necessary to close the wound, and the physicians are using every possible precaution to guard against serious and permanent disfigurement.

  By the arrest of two men named RILEY and McDONALD last night, the police believe they have the murderers of Otto ECKBURG, the non-Union teamster who was foully murdered at Third and Townsend Streets, San Francisco, Saturday evening. Riley answers the description given of the murderer by Mrs. MILLER, who was the only eye-witness to the bloody crime. McDonald, the police claim, was with Riley when he struck the fatal blow.


   Juan BIAS and an unknown man were found asphyxiated in bed yesterday afternoon in the New Pyrenee House, 1314 Stockton Street, San Francisco.

 The bill prohibiting freak advertising on the public streets was passed to print by the San Francisco Supervisors yesterday.


  William H. RODEN, the provision merchant, is defendant in a suit for divorce filed this morning by his wife, Lily L. Roden. Mr. Roden is a member of the firm of Norton, Teller & Roden, San Francisco.


  A foreclosure suit was commenced yesterday in the United States Circuit Court, San Francisco, by Charles O. ROSE, trustee, of New York City, against the Sybil Mining Company, incorporated under the laws of West Virginia and operating in French Gulch, Shasta County. The bill alleges that default was made in the payment of bonds and coupons aggregating $29,000.


  The Special Committee of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on the Chinese Education Convention has fixed the date of the meeting for November 21st. It is proposed to memorialize Congress to re-enact the Chinese Exclusion law, which will soon expire.


  A resolution was presented to the Board of Supervisors yesterday by BRAUNHART, fixing the amount of wages to be paid and regulating the hours of work for laborers employed by the Park Commissioners and all public utilities now owned or hereafter to be acquired by the city of San Francisco. The reason for the introduction of the ordinance is that City Engineer GRUNSKY’s report on the proposed acquisition of the Geary Street road by the city is based on the theory that the employes shall be paid at the rate of 25 cents an hour. The Charter limits a working day to eight hours, thus insuring an employe a daily wage of $2.


  The use of wireless telegraphy for the purpose of connecting the Farallons and the mainland of California has actually begun. The Department of Agriculture has sent a skilled man to this State, who has had practice in the East with wireless telegraphy and he is now at Point Reyes, where he is observing the peculiarities of the climate and daily communicating with the Weather Bureau in San Francisco.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Bee

Friday, November 15, 1901



   Manager EDWARDS, after a conference with manager DECOTA, of Berkeley, says that practically nothing will have been lost because the football game of last Saturday was played before Thanksgiving. The receipts amount to about $19,000, or $4000 less than those of last year. However, the expenses of a longer season would have offset this difference.


  Dr. Frank SIMPSON, head football coach for the University of California, has gone East. One of Simpson’s objects in going East will be to observe the football methods in vogue there and get pointers for the next season’s work at Berkeley.


  The Olympic football team of San Francisco is to place the Nevada State University in Reno next Wednesday, the Reliance Club at Sixteenth and Folsom Street grounds in San Francisco Thanksgiving, and the Oahu College eleven in Honolulu Christmas Day.


   Sibyl SANDERSON was the guest of Mayor PHELAN at luncheon at the Cliff House, San Francisco, yesterday. She was escorted to the cliff by the Mayor and Harry HOLBROOK, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter MARTIN joined the party at luncheon.


  Mrs. J.A. CRUNS, who lives at 516 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, was held up and robbed at the corner of Oak Street and Van Ness Avenue about 6 o’clock last evening. The footpad used Mrs. Cruns rather roughly and she was compelled to hand over her purse, containing $20, and several valuable trinkets, before she could cry out for help.


  The twelve years’ struggle of the residents of Berkeley and vicinity for a half-hour train service was ended yesterday when the Southern Pacific Company issued an order granting the service and making it effective on Monday next.


  All is not running smoothly on board the United States transport Meade, which is scheduled to sail from San Francisco for Manilla on Saturday. Trouble has arisen over the arbitrary dismissal of Chief Engineer G.A. COBRON and his assistant, Martin NAGLE. Both men claim that they were forced to resign without having been given any good cause for being compelled to leave the service.


  The various commercial and labor organizations throughout the State are at present selecting delegates to the Anti Chinese Convention, to be held in Metroploitan Temple, San Francisco, on November 21st. Mayor Phelan is in receipt of communications showing that the attendance will be considerably more than 1000


  Hans ROSSEN, a prominent rancher of Rio Vista and 84 years of age, dropped dead from heart disease at the home of his sister, 2113 Powell Street, San Francisco, about 7:30 o’clock last night. The body will be taken to Rio Vista for burial.


  Joseph POLINI, the five-year-old son of A. Polini, residing at 3 Montgomery Court, was struck by a Kearny Street car at Montgomery Avenue and Broadway, San Francisco, yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock, and his left foot was so badly mangled that amputation was necessary. The lad was on his way to a meat market when the accident occurred.


  George A. ZOCCHI, of the firm of Zocchi Brothers, at 523 Union Street, San Francisco, is reported missing, and fears are entertained that he has committed suicide. He has been despondent for some time, and on October 29th he went to several of his friends and bade them good-by, saying that they would never see him again. He has not been seen since that date.


  Coroner LELAND, of San Francisco, held an inquest yesterday on the body of James PETERSON, who died on November 7th of blood poisoning, super-induced by knife wounds inflicted by Jack MALANDA at the intersection of Battery and Jackson Streets, on November 4th. The Jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.




Stage Driver Finchley Not Easily Frightened

CHICO, November 15 - A lone highwayman attempted to hold up the Chico and West Branch stage at a point twenty miles from Chico yesterday afternoon. The stage was going up a steep grade, when the robber, disguised with gunny sacks over his head and about his feet and legs, commanded the driver, T. W. FINCHLEY, to throw out the express box.

  Finchley drew a revolver and began firing. The fire was returned by the robber.

  After emptying his revolver the robber fled, but as he turned a bullet from Finchley’s revolver struck him in the right arm, causing him to drop his pistol. He picked up the pistol with his left hand and disappeared in the thick underbrush.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Record-Union, Sacramento

Tuesday, May 20, 1902



How John McCarty Killed His Old Mother

Felled Her With a Blow, and Then Emptied His Pistol Into Her Body

   SALINAS, May 19 - The autopsy and inquest held this afternoon at Castroville over the body of Mrs. Honora McCARTY, who was killed yesterday by her son, revealed several startling facts. It completely upset the son’s statement that in order to save his own life he was compelled to shoot his mother.

  The story, as told by the witnesses with later revelations, shows the act to have been one of almost unparalleled atrocity. When John McCARTY, the 64-year-old husband of the victim, and father of the murderer, left home about 12 o’clock yesterday, he left his wife with their son, who had just returned from church, eating dinner in the kitchen. On his return twenty minutes later he found his wife dead behind the stove, with a fork on which was a piece of meat, in her hand.

  A large contusion over her left temple showed that she had been struck a powerful blow. She must have thrown up her left arm to protect her face from a second attack and struck the hot stove, as the arm, from the elbow to the wrist, was fearfully burned.

  While she lay prostrate her son emptied the contents of a five-chambered revolver into her body. One shot entered her head above the left ear, and one just below it, cutting the lobe. Another passed through the throat, severing both carotid arteries, one entered the left elbow, while the last penetrated the right shoulder. The murderer must have had the weapon close to his victim’s body, as when found her clothing was on fire, while the paper on the wall alongside of which the body lay was powder burned. The face of the victim was black from powder specks.

  The jury returned a verdict charging John McCarty with having been the cause of the death of his mother, Mrs. Honora McCARTY. The murdered woman was a native of Ireland, aged 60 years. She was charitable, and had never been known to be in trouble. Her slayer has often been arrested for disturbing the peace, and once nearly killing a Chinaman during a fit of temper.



Early Nominations for Next Fall’s Campaign

  VISALIA, May 19 - The Tulare County Democratic Convention to-day made the following nominations:

 County Clerk, Eugene SCOTT; District Attorney, D. McTADSEEAN; Recorder, Ira CHRISMAN; Sheriff, Benjamin PARKER; Assessor, Arthur CROWLEY; Tax Collector, J.W. TEWEL; Treasurer, Henry NEWMAN; Superintendent of Schools, C.J. WALKER.

  The convention unanimously indorsed E.C. FARNSWORTH for Associate Justice of the State Supreme Court.


            THE DAYS’ DEATH-ROLL

  WATSONVILLE, May 19 - Otto STRESSER, one of the most prominent citizens of this city, died last night. Deceased came to California in 1849 from Baden Germany. Mr. Stresser was 76 years of age. His estate is valued at $750,000.

  VINTA (I.T.), May 19 - Word is received of the death from consumption of Lieutenant R.C. DAY at San Isidro. Day was Captain of Troop L. Rough Riders, during the Cuban campaign, and was promoted by President Roosevelt for gallantry at San Juan Hill.

  SANTA ANA, May 19 - S.I. FIELD, a pioneer resident of McPherson, died at his home there Sunday, aged 71 years. Mr. Field carried the first mail route through to Denver.

MODESTO, May 19 - Eben J. WOOD, a pioneer of 1849, died here last night.



SAN QUENTIN, May 19 - Frank DONLAN, condemned to be hanged for a murder committed in Tulare County, has had his sentence commuted to life imprisonment by Governor GAGE, on a report of insanity experts pronouncing the man insane.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Record-Union, Sacramento

Wednesday, May 21, 1902



Salinas Monster Now Seems to be Feigning Insanity

SALINAS, May 20 - John McCARTY, the Castroville matricide, was taken this afternoon to the Sheriff’s office to be photographed. Here he began talking in a wandering way, saying he had been sent from heaven for a wonderful purpose, and had been directed by a lawyer to kill his mother, as there was $140,000 behind the deed. He shouted that if he was not set free he would destroy the world.

  The Sheriff ordered him back to prison. He refused to go, and made a break for the street door, wrecking the photographic outfit in his flight. He was seized by deputies, overpowered after a severe struggle and returned to his cell. The officers believe that he is shamming insanity. When off his guard he still insists that he killed his mother in self-defense.

  He has stated that after the murder he reloaded his pistol and searched the house for his sister. Finding no one on the premises, he put the revolver in his pocket and surrendered himself to a magistrate.



            Joseph Kueny Kills Chas. Scharsch

Victim Was His Brother-In-Law - Claims Self-Defense

REDDING, May 20 - Joseph KUENY, a farmer of French extraction, aged 53 years, living on Bear Creek, twenty miles southwest of Redding, this morning shot and killed his wife’s brother, Charles SCHARSCH, aged 31 years, at the Kueny home, where Scharsch had lived for eight years, because, Kueny says, he believed if he did not kill Scharsch he himself would have been killed.

  Kueny gave himself up in Redding this afternoon. Scharsch, who was a single man, made his home with his sister and brother-in-law and their four children, the oldest of whom is a son, David, aged 15 years. Scharsch is said to have become disagreeable of late, and the family induced him to take a trip to a mountain farm that he owns.

  He recently returned and threatened to kill his sister, and talked of killing the entire family. On Monday he dragged the 15-year-old boy David from a hay mow and beat him severely, even biting the lad’s finger off. Mrs. Kueny and her son came to Redding and secured a warrant for the arrest of Scharsch.

  Constable ELDRIDGE started out with the warrant, the intention being to place Scharsch under the bonds to keep the peace. On the way to the Kueny place the officer met Kueny on his way to town to give himself up for killing Scharsch.

  There were no witnesses to the tragedy other than the principals. It occurred in a hay field on the Kueny place. Kueny’s attorneys have advised him not to speak, but before he was placed in the County Jail the excited old man gave out two tales of the tragedy. In both of them Scharsch is said to have sprung from hiding toward Kueny in a threatening manner, saying, “Now, I’ve got you!”

  In one story Kueny said Scharsch held a rock, and in the other he said his brother-in-law carried a shotgun, with both barrels cocked. Fearing for his life, Kueny says he raised his shotgun and fired. The charge of shot tore away Scharsch’s skull and he fell dead.



Fair’s Heirs Receive the Balance of His Estate

SAN FRANCISCO, May 20 - The children of James G. FAIR are at last in possession of his estate. The final transfer was made to their representatives by the executors to-day, under the decree of distribution signed by Judge TROUTT.

  The property handed over was valued at about $7,000,000. The whole estate was worth about $18,000,000. The larger part of it was given to the children when the Supreme Court decided that the executors could not hold the realty under the trust clause in Fair’s will.

  By the final decree the property remaining in the hands of the executors was given to Charles L. FAIR, Mrs. Theresa A. OERICHS and Mrs. Virginia VANDERBILT.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Evening Bee, Sacramento

Sacramento Evening Bee

Thursday January 8, 1903 

SAN FRANCISCO, January 8 - Aurelia ZENDO, an Italian girl, was asphyxiated in her room last night. She was ignorant of the use of gas and it is believed that death was the result of an accident.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Friday January 23, 1903 


SAN FRANCISCO, January 23 - Horses in training, owned by W.O.B. MACDONOUGH and Dr. H.F. ROWELL, were sold at public auction last night. Bidding was quite spirited. There was considerable enthusiasm displayed when Beau Romande was led into the auction ring. He was secured for $4000 by E.L. Kripp of Sacramento.

The record of the sale follows:

Chestnut colt by imp Brutus-Golden Locks, Ed LANIGAN, $1500; St. Phillipina, b.m., by St. Cario-Bessie W.W. P. MAGRANE, $727; Organdie, br m by Orsini-Bessie, W., Dan LYNCH, $2300; Beau Ormande, oh. H. by imp. Ormonde-imp, Miss Brummel, E.L. KRIPP, $4000; Crosius, br. C., by Orsini-imp. China Rose, Dan LYNCH, $700; Orsena, blk, f, by Orsini-Sloe, Dan LYNCH, $1300; Glenarvon, b. c. by Orsini-Glenlivet, W. FISHER, $800; b. g., by Orsini-Beatrice, Dr. FITZGERALD, $150.

All the above names horses were owned by W. O. B. MACDONOUGH. The ROWELL horses brought the following prices:

Formero, $500; Imperious, $300; St. Sever, g., by St. Carlo-Sunlit, James COFFEY, $1000; Pat Morrissey, $435; Champagne, $625; Sol. Liechtenstein, $225; Montoya, $125; First Call $220. 


SANTA ANA, January 23 - Thomas , the 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William ABRAHAM, of the Olinda Oil Wells, was burned to death at 2 o’clock yesterday morning by a fire which consumed the house in which the child and its mother slept together with all their belongings and household goods. At the time of the accident the father, who is an oil driller, was absent at work and the mother, roused from sleep by the crackling of burning timbers, rushed outdoors from her chamber, and before she could return to rescue her child an impassable barrier of flames had enwrapped the whole dwelling and the little one perished in the sight of its frantic mother and a crowd of powerless neighbors who were summoned to the scene by Mrs. Abraham’s cries.

The fire originated in a bunch of woolen rugs which were left near a burning gas stove in the kitchen.   


STOCKTON, January 23 - Charles and William DE CARLE, the former a grocer and the latter employed in a local stock yard, have just learned that a fortune of $30,000, left by their father, who died in Stockton nearly forty years ago, awaits them in the French Bank in San Francisco.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Record-Union

Wednesday January 28, 1903 

CLARKSVILLE, Jan 27 - Mrs. Rebecca S. KYBURZ, a pioneer of California and one of the oldest residents of this section, died at her home at Clarksville Monday, January 19th, after an illness of three weeks. Mrs. Kyburz was born in Pennsylvania on the 5th day of February, 1823, and was aged 80 years, 11 months and 12 days at the time of her death. The story of her life is an interesting one, because she was among the first of those who left their Eastern homes and braved the danger of the trip across the plains to reach the land of gold.

She, with her husband and two children and a party of relatives and friends, left her home in East Troy, Wis., on the 2d day of April, 1846, crossing the plains with ox teams, and arriving at Sutter’s Fort, now Sacramento, then called New Helvetia, on the 2d day of October of the same year, it having required six months to make the trip. The party passed the historical Donner Lake party and arrived at Sutter’s Fort before the winter set in. It was due to Mrs. Kyburz’s efforts that her party got out of the mountains before the heavy fall of snow came, for she told them that, judging from the heavy frosts, there would soon be snow, and urged them to travel as fast as possible. Mrs. Kyburz was the last survivor of those who composed the party.

The family moved to Clarksville in 1865.

Deceased is survived by four children, fourteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Her husband died January 15, 1898.

The funeral of Mrs. Kyburz was held from her late residence and was largely attended. The remains were interred in the Masonic Cemetery in Folsom beside those of her husband. F.H. ROBISON of Berkeley conducted the funeral services.

The pall-bearers were Fred DIXON, John TONG, Joseph JOERGER, Frank WALKER, H.M. JOHNSON and J. WELLS. 


Thomas GEDDES has leased the lower part of the Old Pavilion building, corner of Sixth and M streets, where he has established a storage and auction house. He will have associated with him in the business L. BELL, who will officiate as auctioneer. 


John Slater has returned to Sacramento, and will hold four more of his meetings. Mr. Slater has been appearing in Los Angeles to crowded houses. All are invited to hear him this time, as this will be his last visit for a good while. 


G.W. WATSON and C. FAVERO of Sacramento had a successful coyote hunt on the Haggin grant last Monday. Watson’s six hounds scared up the biggest coyote ever seen in this part of the State. After following him for three hours the dogs finally brought the beast to bay, and he was dispatched with a shotgun by Mr. Favero. It is estimated that this coyote was in the habit of eating his weight in chickens and ducks every week of his worthless life. 


The following articles of incorporation have been filed in the office of the Secretary of State:

Lawton Gold Mining Company, Principal place of business, Quincy, Plumas County. Directors - Fred A. SMITH, Leon L. CLOUGH, Frank SMITH, J.F .McLAUGHLIN, Albert JAMES, C.E. McLAUGHLIN, J. Oscar JONES, Capital stock $48,000; subscribed, $48,000.

Masonic Hall Association. Principal place of business, San Francisco. Directors - R.E. HARTLEY, Adolph MEYER, Fred. B. WOOD, William B. FILMER, George W. LAKE, Gustav SCHNEE, M.M. OGDEN, C.L.P. MARIAS, C.P. CLEVE, B.F. JELLISON, Harry BARKER. Capital stock, $75,000; subscribed, $55.

Claremont Country Club. Principal place of business, Oakland. Directors - S.B. McKEE, Edwin GOODALL, W.P. JOHNSON, F.M. WILSON, F.W. VAN SICKLEN, P.E. ROWLES, George W. McNEAR, Jr. Capital stock not stated.

Pajaro Valley Water Company. Principal place of business, San Francisco. Directors - John G. WHITSON, P.L. BENJAMIN, A. HARRIS, A. GUTSCH, James STANLEY. Capital stock, $200,000; subscribed, $45,000.

San Mateo Realty and Security Company. Principal place of business San Francisco. Directors - Ralph L. HAWTHORN, Brooks PALMER, Edmund WORTH, William HUMPHREYS, G. RAFFO. Capital stock, $200,000; subscribed, $50. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





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