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Sacramento Daily Union

July 3, 1862

Page 2




The Overland Mails – The Ship Joseph Peabody- Adams & Co.'s Affairs- Cargoes for San Francisco – Money Market – Passengers for the East – Land Cases – Commission for Postmasters – The Fourth -Hebrew Society.

San Francisco, June 30th.


The Postmaster says all the mails due overland arrived. Henceforth all letters will be sent overland unless new orders are received.


The Secretary of the Treasury remits the forfeiture of ship Joseph Peabody on the showing that the captain was not implicated in the fraud against the revenue laws. The confiscation and sale of goods smuggled by passenger satisfied the claim of Government.


Adams & Co.'s affairs came up in the Fourth District Court to-day. On motion to dismiss the suit against Cohen for want of prosecution, it was argued and submitted.


The Odorina obtained judgement against Louis Piolle for $2,449.


A private dispatch to Daniel Gibb & Co., says bark Kaffir Chief, at Batavia, loading with 400,000 pounds of rice and 95,000 pounds of Java coffee, was to sail in April for San Francisco; ship Victoria, at Calcutta, was loading with half a million pounds of rice for this port.


There was a slightly increased demand for money to-day, and an active demand for gold bars. Of $1,100,000 received since last steamer day, $500,000 was deposited in the Mint.


Forty-two cabin passengers are booked for to-morrow's steamer.


The claim of A. L. Boggs to land in Napa is confirmed by Judge Hoffman.


The deposition of George Hyde, lawyer in this city, and Alcalde from 1846 to 1849, is very material evidence sustaining the allegations of fraud in the Sherreback Claim.


Commissions have been received from Washington for the following Postmasters: Samuel R. Perry, Rio Vista, Solano County; William Horr, Lone Star, Placer county; William Grandleer, Dougherty's Station, Alameda county; Edwin A. Dunlap, Shaw's Flat, Tuolumne county; Ansel A. Hemenway, Long Tom, Lane county, Oregon; Samuel E. Haines, Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon; Wm. R. McDaniel, Trinity Center, Trinity county.


The following persons have been appointed as Postmasters: John M. Davidson, St. Louis, Sierra county; J.H. Schanck, Cottage Grove, Klamath county; John Bickford, Nicolaus, Sutter county; F. H. Trapperier, West Point, Calaveras county; William D. Wilson, Cosumnes, Sacramento county; Casey Newhouse, McCartyville, Santa Clara county; Henry W. McGee, Onion Valley, Plumas county; L. J. Morrow, Farmington (late Marietta), San Joaquin county; W. F. Heydluff, Red Dog, Nevada county; Edward A. Kelton, Douglas City, Trinity county; Charles E. Cook, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara county. The Post office at Monoville, Mono county is discontinued.


The Fourth of July Committee have selected Rincon Hill for the exhibition of fire works.


The first Hebrew Benevolent Society incorporated to-day. It undertakes to support the afflicted, relieve the distressed, attend to the dying, and bury the dead of Israelitish faith, and is supported by monthly assessments of members and donations. The trustees are Leopold King, Charles Meyer, Benjmain Isaacs, Jacob Rich, Pineus Berwin, Joseph R. Newmark, Henry Meyer, Lewis Sharpe, and Isaac Josephs.


A yacht race between four boats is made up for the 4th. Heenan and Maria entered.


A correspondence between citizens and Phelan and Lynch is published to-day. The latter agree to give a public exhibition soon.



Portland (Oregon), June 26th, via Yreka, June 30th.


The steamer Julia arrived last night and brings Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, with $250,000 in gold dust.


It is reported by the Dalles Mountaineer of June 25th, that a party of miners, numbering sixty, have been massacred by Klamath Lake Indians. The party came from Jacksonville, and when near Klamath Lake were attacked by the Indians and all but six of their number were killed.


While the services at “the golden wedding” of Rev. Dr. Nelson of Leicester, Massachusetts, were proceeding lately in the Town Hall, Mrs. Elizabeth Sargent, one of the oldest residents in town, fell in a fit while going down stairs from the hall, and expired instantly. The circumstances caused a sad and solemn ending of the proceedings of the day.


Donated by sfgenealogy.com

Transcribed by Jeanne Taylor.




Sacramento Daily Union

July 3, 1862

pg. 3





HISTORICAL SOCIEITY IN TUOLUMNE COUNTY. A correspondent of the San Joaquin Republican writing from Sonora lately, speaks of a very creditable Society which has been established there:


In 1855 Dr. Snell and several other gentlemen of this city organized the "Historical and Scientific Association of Tuolumne county", and the worthy President set himself to work to add additional minerals, fossils and other curiosities to his cabinet; and now the people of Sonora can boast of having one of the most complete cabinets of minerals in the State. The miners all through this county assisted him in his laudable efforts to collect and preserve the fossils, petrifactions and choice specimens of minerals and ores which came from their tunnels and shafts, and in this way thousands of singular formations, together with varieties of quartz, ores and sulphurets fill his wonderful cabinet of California productions. The Federal Govenment has since presented to the Association four hundred, the State of California one hundred, and private individuals fifty volumes, and now the property of the Association is valued at $15,000. In his cabinet I was shown many handsome specimens and told the districts from whence they came, and had explained the various sulphurets. Ranged along the side of each other were specimens of gold, platina, iron, silver, copper, zinc, lead, antimony, bismuth, plumbago, stealite or soap-stone, manganese, nickel, chrome and Franklinite, and was shown quite a large speciman of this latter ore, which was found but a short distance from this city, and is pronounced very valuable. In another department were fossil remains of the elephant, mastodon , the frontal bone of the great saurian (belonging to the reptile or lizard family,) tooth of the ancient hyena, and a tusk of the walrus, all found in Table Mountain, at the depth of 300 to 1,000 feet. A relic of some former race, who inhabited California at a very remote period, was pointed out to me, found in a tunnel which was run in the side of Table Mountain 2,000 feet, which had evidently been wrought by the hands of man, the material being hematite of iron. There was a hole pierced throught is center, which when brought to Dr. Snell was filled with cinnabar. Many other antique specimens of manufacture were shown to me, some of which presented a singular appearance, differing materially from those now in use by the Indians of California. Stone mortars, bowls, dishes, and scoops had been brought him by the miners who found them buried deep "into the bowels of the earth."


CAMP SECO MINES. The Stockton Independent, referring to those mines, of which recent mention was made in the UNION says:


It is now a pretty well established fact that the copper vein, recently developed in the neighborhood of Campo Seco, Calaveras county, is a continuation of the Keystone vein at Copperopolis. It has been found on two claims, the Campo Seco and the Lancha Plana, each located within a mile and a half of town. The croppings are similar to those on the Copperopolis vein; and after digging down thirty feet the lode presents well defined sulphurets. At seventy feet depth, on the Lancha Plana claim, the vein is from two to three feet wide, and as, says over forty per cent of copper. In consequence of these late developments copper claims around Campo Seco have taken a great rise. We learn that the same prices are asked for shares in the new claims as for those in the Union and Keystone companies. We have heard of one man, who two months ago would have been glad to sell out his whole interest for $500, is now talking in confidence of his fortune in copper, at the high figure of $50,000.


A HEROIC WOMAN. It is stated in an Eastern paper that the wife of Gen. W. H. L. Wallace of Ottawa went up to Pittsburg on one of the first boats after the battle, having heard that her husband was wounded. But when she arrived she found him dead. The sequel is related as follows:

For a season she yielded to the great grief of her bereaved soul, and wept over her dead, refusing to be comforted. But when she saw all around on the boat the men who had fought and fallen with him there, yet alive in pain and thirst, with none to help them, she turned from her dead to the living, and all night long went from man to man with water and words of comfort and the holy succor that must come out of such an inspiration in such a place.


THE RHODE ISLAND TROOPS. We learn from the New York Express of the passage through that city, May 28th, of nearly a thousand fresh volunteers from the noble little State of Rhode Island, on their way to the seat of the war. Five hundred of men belong to the Ninth and found hundred to the Tenth Regiment. The Express says:

A nearly sufficient number of men have been enrolled to fill up both regiments, but arms and uniforms could not be supplied in time, and the remainder of the men will arrive here on Friday morning. The officers of the Ninth regiment are in command.


BURGLARY IN MARIPOSA COUNTY. The house of John Irish, at Hornitas, was entered by burglars on Thursday evening, June 26th, and robbed of a few articles. Some gold that was concealed in the house they did not find.


HIGHT of MOUNT DIABLO. Professor Whitney has ascertained the hights of Mount Diablo to be 8,881 feet above mean tide. This is about 500 feet less than the altitude of the ground on which stands the Big Tree Grove of Calaveras.


I.O.O.F. The following officers were elected in Sutter Lodge, No. 100, at Nicolaus, June 28th.:

C. S. Haswell, N.G.; Fred B. Haswell, V.G.; E.W. Sheets, R.S.; D. Ray, Treasurer; Geo. W. Smith, D.A. Rider, L.B. Comstock, Trustees.


Donated by sfgenealogy.com

Transcribed by Jeanne Taylor.




Sacramento Daily Union

July 4, 1862

Page 1


THE MURDERS IN BUTTE COUNTY. A correspondent of the UNION, writing from Rock Creek, Butte county, June 30th, gives some further particulars with reference to the recent murders there:

The names of the children of Mrs. Hickok, two of whom were murdered, were Ida, aged seventeen; Mary, aged thirteen, and Frank, aged eight years. Their mother lived on a small ranch at the mouth of Rock Creek Canon. The body of the eldest was found entirely divested of clothing, and not a trace or scrap has yet been found. The youngest girl was found near by, in the middle of the stream, worse mangled than the eldest. The boy has not yet been found, and is either a prisoner or has been relieved from his tortures by death, and hid among the mountain gorges. There is a small company of brave men in pursuit, but it is hardly probable that they can follow the trail at this season of the year. The disconsolate mother is driven, with two remaining but helpless children, from her only source of support, and is now dependent upon the cold charity of the world.


For the information of any who may wish to know Mrs. Hickok's address, it is Rock Creek Post Office, Butte county.


The deceased girls were models of industry, and were their mother's brightest hopes. I need hardly say the feelings of the community are deep and intense. Petitions are circulating for the removal of all the valley Indians in this county, as many believe them to be in league with those in the mountains, or at least form a blind for mountain Indians to get into the valley. Subscriptions are also circulating for a reward to the company who will return the lost child, either dead or alive to his mother. Several hundred dollars are already subscribed. Major Bidwell gives $100, and $50 more to the family.


LA PORTE MESSENGER. The editorial department of this paper, it is stated, is to be soon under the charge of James O'Sullivan, formerly of the Sonora Herald.

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LEG BROKEN. A man named Page residing at the Half Way House on the Mokelumne Hill road, leading out of Stockton, was thrown from his carriage recently, near the Insane Asylum, and had his left leg broken in two places.


WEAVERVILLE. The Fourth will be celebrated at this place. Charles Westmoreland, the editor of the Shasta Courier, will deliver the oration.


SONS of TEMPERANCE. A division of Sons of Temperance, with twenty-four charter members, was organized at Nicolas, Sutter county, June 30th. The following officers were elected at first meeting, and regularly installed by James A. Davidson, G.L. for the State: C.S. Haswell, W.P.; Peter Woodruff, W.A.; A. De Linge, R.S.; S. Morline, Assist. R.S.; W.S. Davis, T.; C. Musser, Con.; John P. Johnson, O.S.; S.M. Weller, P.W.P.


SALT WORKS IN COLUSA COUNTY. The Colusa Sun gives the following notice of a portion of its local resources:

John Heaton, Deputy County Assessor, has shown us a quantity of salt from the new salt works in the western part of this county. They are situated in Antelope Valley, on Grape Vine creek, and are about thirty miles southwest from Colusa. There are three salt springs that discharge the water from the side of a hill. Sias, Cooper & Co., have for some time been experimenting with the water, and have constructed a number of extensive vats, into which it is conducted for evaporation. They are about erecting machinery for grinding the salt for table purposes. The salt brought here is in the form of pure white crystals, very hard and bright. Ground fine it would make an excellent article of table salt. They have several tons evaporated at the springs now, and it bids fair to be a paying enterprise.


DIFFICULTY NEAR VALLEJO. The Solano Press of June 28th, says:

On Tuesday night last, certain squatters built a house in the field of Manuel Vara, near Vallejo. On Wednesday morning an armed party of about sixteen men were found pretecting it from being taken away or destroyed. Shortly after that several landholders appeared upon the premises. Deputy Sheriff Chapman, of Vallejo, being notified that there was a riotous assembly there, went out and ordered all present to disperse; which being done, he left for Vallejo. Soon after the building was taken down, both parties being present, and many threats made, but nobody injured. Several arrests for malicious mischief were made.


RAILROAD SUBSCRIPTION. The sum of $35,000 was subscribed a day or two since in Stockton for the Copperopolis Railroad. It is intended to commence soon surveying and laying out the road.


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San Francisco July 1st


(Copy unreadable)


(Copy unreadable) named Gerke, who dislocated his (unreadable) falling from a wagon recently, died at the Hospital last night.

A man in the employ of Dr. Cole fell from the second story of a window and fractured his hip.


Alexander Forbes obtained judgment against the brig Theresa, to-day, for $1,500 for merchandise lost.


The libel in the case of John Potter against the ship Inspector has been dismissed.


Miss Alexandria Rivas, indicted for an assault with a deadly weapon, was convicted of assault and battery and sentenced to three months in the county jail, in default of three hundred dollars fine.


The steamer Senator brings Los Angeles papers of the 27th of June.


It was rumored in Los Angeles that Col. Carleton's command had been suspended by the War Department, pending the investigation of charges against him.


The telegraph line between Los Angeles and San Francisco is all up except a small gap at Canga Pass. It will be in working order in a few days.


The body of one Yates, well known in Los Angeles, and other bodies, have been found on the trail to the Colorado mines. These persons are supposed to have perished for want of water.


The steamer Pacific brings $32,000 from Portland, and $34,700 from Victoria. Unfavorable intelligence is received from Salmon river. The news from Nez Perces continues to be exciting. There was plenty of work for all. Miners were arriving in droves from Salmon. Flour was $28 per hundred; bacon 50 cent per pound.


The Mountaineer of June 20th says: "At the moment we go to press a rumor reaches us that a large number of miners have been massacred by Klamath Lake Indians. The party, sixty strong, came from Jacksonville. When near Klamath Lake they were attacked by Indians, and all but six of their number perished.


The floods in Portland will not prove so disastrous as was first supposed. The water was falling rapidly.


Reports from Cariboo are conflicting. The water still high. Numbers of miners were returning disgusted. A new creek discovered fifty miles above Antler, propects fifty cents to the pan. There were a great many rumors of new and rich discoveries.


Dr. Walker, an Englishman, formerly of San Francisco, did at Forks Quesuelle, of destitution.


An extract from a private letter from San Francisco, in the Victoria Press, says: "I met Mr. Myers and G. T. Gordon, ex-Treasurer, here. Gordon says he escaped at six a.m., by means of a key that he had in his possession for a long time, all ready. He sails very soon for England. I understood him to say that he arrived just too late for the last outgoing steamer. He is privately jolly, and looks as usual."


Donated by sfgenealogy.com

Transcribed by Jeanne Taylor.





July 5, 1862

page 2


From San Francisco July 2nd


A man named John SHARBOOR was arrested this evening on a charge of assault with intent to commit rape. It is reported that the victim is aged about twelve years. The complaint is made by John LANARI. Friends of the accused say the charge is false.


Guiseppi POGGI sues Francisco GALIARDI for $20,000, for false imprisonment.


A man named ADAMS, who absconded from New Jersey with $17,000 belonging to his partner, was arrested at Victoria recently, and went home with an officer on the steamer St. Louis.


There will be thirty military companies on parade, including SIBLEY'S Battalion, on the 4th of July.


A Maltese named CAMMELARD went home last night, and, exclaiming as if in pain, died immediately. It is presumed that he was poisoned by liquor obtained at a picayune shop.


A seaman, Jonathan P. GOBERTS, of the flagship Lancaster, fell from aloft, and was killed, as the vessel was leaving the Navy Yard yesterday.


The Lodges and Encampments have elected officers as follows:

Golden Gate Encampment No. 1 - James DAVIS, C.P.; O.C. MORRILL, H.P.; William ROBINSON, S.W.; Julius JACOBS, scribe.; David


Excelsior Degree Lodge No. 2 - Henry KIMBALL, Degree Master; Henry WILBER, D.D.M.; David LOUDERBACK, A.D.D.M.; Charles LANGLEY, V.G.; Julius JACOBS, Secretary; John PHILLIPS, Treasurer.

San Francisco Lodge No. 3 - Henry D. BROOKS, Noble Grand; J.H. RAMON, Vice Guard; J.E. MARCHAND, Recording Secretary; Henry J. HELLMAN, Treasurer; J. DONOVAN, Permanent Secretary; Henry KIMBALL, Jno. C. MITCHELL, Trustees.

Harmony Lodge No. 13 - Peter LANDER, N.G.; Julius BARKHAUSEN, V.G.; Moses SELIG, Recording Secretary; C.G. STAHL, Permanent Secretary; C. WERNER, Treasurer.

Templar Lodge No. 17 - E.N. BURLIEU, N.G.; C.F. PIDWELL, V.G.; J.F. MILLER, R.S.; R. CAIRNS, Treasurer; P.A. HUCHEZ, P.S.; P.G.M.S.H. PARKER, P.G.; Samuel S. SIMPTON, T. RANKIN, Trustees.

Magnolia Lodge No. 20 - Jno. SKELLY, N.G.; Jas. S. PRICE, V.G.; John JACKSON, R.S.; Ernest SUSKIND, Treasurer; F.D. MORRILL, P.S.; J.K. PHILLIPS, J.W. VAN ZANDT and J. VAN RIPER, Trustees.

California Lodge No. 1 - Jas. ADAMS, N.G.; Henry WILBERN, V.G.; A.G. BECK, R.S.; Royal FISKE, Trustee; Jas. DAVIS and Wm. ROBINSON, Cemetery Committee.

Bay City Lodge No. 71 - Jacob H. HECHT, N.G.; N.S. BUCKMAN, V.G.; H. ROBITCHECK, R.S.; L. NEWMAN, P.S.; J. L. LANG, Treasurer; M. HELLER, Trustee.


Mrs. MASON, living on Broadway, took a large dose of laudanum to-night, and is dying. Her daughter, Mrs. SWAZEY, is lying in the same bed insensible. Cause unexplained. Mrs. SWAZEY is at Vallejo.



July 5, 1862

Page 3


EN ROUTE. - Franklin HICKOK, the father of the two girls who were recently murdered and scalped near Chico, in Butte County, by the Indians, arrived in Sacramento at noon yesterday, from the Humboldt mines. He had left his family in Butte county, and crossed the mountains to Washoe in search of employment. Being a millwright he received an order from John C. FALL to go to the Humboldt region to put up a mill. On reaching that point he learned that different arrangements had been made and that his services would not be needed. While still unemployed he received a message from home informing him of the terrible fate of this three children. He left Humboldt on Friday last, and will proceed to Marysville by to-day's boat. The family arrived in this State from Wisconsin about a year ago, with very limited means, and very soon had a span of horses worth $1,100 stolen from them. The father and the deceased daughter, Ida, then worked several months for the proprietor of a new flour mill in the northern part of the State, who subsequently failed, they losing thereby all that was due them. The experience of the family in California has been that of misfortune only.


Donated by sfgenealogy.com

Transcribed by Jeanne Taylor.





July 6, 1862

page 2


SAN FRANCISCO NEWS. - A dispatch to the Bee, yesterday, has the following news from China, and in relation to the action of the Democratic State Central Committee:

The United States steamer Saginaw, Commodore WATKINS, arrived last night, fifty-three days from Whampoa. By her we received Hongkong (sic) dates to March 9th. Her memorandum say the Cortes had arrived at Shaghae and gone up to Yangtzse - passage over, thirty-one days. Continued fighting was going on between the English, French and Imperialists on one side, and the rebels on the other, in the neighborhood of Shanghae, the reports of the guns being heard very distinctly in the foreign settlements at nearly all hours. On the 16th of May the French Admiral was killed in one of the actions, being at that time in the midst of his men, and singular to say, the only one hurt. Everything quiet at Hakodadi. A desperate attempt was made to take the screw passenger ship Iron Prince, on her voyage from Hongkong to Macao, a distance of over forty miles by some Chinese passengers, acting in concert with three piratical junks. As the captain was taking lunch, some of the Chinese passengers looked into the cabin, and at the same time two junks were seen near at hand, crowded with men. A third junk appeared, and with tremendous yells the Chinese on board began to throw stinkpots into the cabin and engineers' room. The captain called the European passengers and crew aft, and in less than a minute the engineer was shot through the arm, the mate stabbed, and one of the Manila crew thrown overboard. The pirates had possession of the vessel for three-quarters of an hour. The captain posted his crew and passengers, and kept up a well directed fire on the pirates, the greater portion of whom jumped overboard and were drowned. The mate and the master were killed. A lady passenger named DUNN acted with great heroism. The captain brought his vessel back to Hongkong. One of the Chinese pirates, who was brought back, was shot through five times with a revolver.

The Union Democratic State Central Committee met in the Twelfth District Court room yesterday. The proceedings were conducted with closed doors. The Committee organized at twelve M., D. D. COLTON presiding and LATIMER officiating as Secretary. After unanimous adoption of a resolution endorsing the letter addressed by General COLTON to VAN DYKE, a Sub-Committee of five was appointed to draft resolutions and a platform - it appearing to be the general sense that no State Convention should be called. The Committee then adjourned until eight p.m. On the reassembling of the Committee, HOGE, from the Sub-Committee, presented the resolutions, and they with two or three additional ones, were adopted. They reaffirm the Fourth of July resolutions of last year, and are, in their general features and almost in letter, similar to the resolutions contained in the document known as the Rhode Island platform, upon which Governor SPRAGUE was elected. Judge HIGBY, who recently accepted a nomination for Senator from the Fusion Union party in Calaveras county, while yet a member of the Union Democratic State Central Committee, was, by resolution, expelled. GREEN, one of the Representatives from El Dorado, and ARNOLD, who represented Placer county, resigned; and another gentleman, who held the proxy of LEE of Santa Barbara, was not admitted to a seat. It is understood that all these gentlemen intend to support the nominee of the June Convention; and the action of the Committee in regard to them was instigated by a wish to express their opposition to fusion movements of all kinds. Col. Jonathan D. STEVENSON of San Francisco was nominated for Superintendent of Public Instruction. The nomination was accepted, and at 11 p.m., the Committee adjourned, subject to the call of the President.


Donated by sfgenealogy.com

Transcribed by Jeanne Taylor.





July 7, 1862

page 1



The San Francisco Herald of July 4th has the following particulars in reference to this matter, lately referred to in the Union:

We published an item in regard to the perilous position of a Mrs. MASON, who had taken a heavy dose of laudanum. Since then we have learned additional and reliable particulars. She is a of a wealthy family, resident in Australia. Her daughter, who has been ill for some time, has always been very indiscreet in regard to diet whenever she has rallied, and consequently immediately relapsed. She had rallied on Wednesday, and her mother coming in and finding that she had been again indiscreet, notwithstanding her delicate condition, became disheartened, divested herself of her rings, and bidding farewell to her friends, disrobed, and again dressed herself as a finality, and took a dose of laudanum - about an ounce and a half. About an hour after the dose was taken, Dr. J. R. BOYCE was called in. Not having been advised of the nature of the case, he was not prepared to act as promptly as he otherwise would have done. He immediately administered emetics, which failed to act, and was subsequently compelled to send for a stomach pump, which he applied. He continued his attentions till half-past one o'clock A.M., when she was deemed out of danger, and expressed her thanks that she had not been permitted to carry out her foolish suicide intention. Mrs. MASON is doing well - a better and wiser woman.


CATHOLIC INTELLIGENCE. - We find the annexed items in the San Francisco Monitor:

The Annual Retreat of the Clergy of the Archdiocese will commence next Tuesday at the Mission Dolores Church.

Right Rev. Doctor AMAT, Bishop of Monterey, is on a visit to the city.

It is contemplated, we understand, to build a new and much larger edifice, on the site of St. Patrick's Church, Market street.

A frame building intended for the residence of the Pastor is now in course of erection. It is on the lot between the church and Orphans Asylum, fronting Market street.

Rev. Father CROKE, V. G., has returned to the city after a visit of several weeks to the southern section of the State.

John O'KANE, Treasurer of the Irish Relief Fund, remitted by the steamer of Tuesday, the sum of six hundred dollars, to Rev. Father LAVELLE, for the benefit of the poor in Party. Further donations will be received by O'KANE, who will forward the same to Ireland.


A DWELLING HOUSE BURNED. - On Tuesday, July 1st, a house in Wild Horse Valley, Napa county, belonging to one MURPHY, was destroyed. The family had gone to a field some half a mile distant, and left at home two small children, the youngest of whom was left sleeping on a bed. The eldest, who was scarce more than an infant, managed to drag the youngest from the house, and rescue it from a horrible death. The fire is supposed to have been caused by the elder in some accidental manner communicating it to inflammable materials in the house.



July 7, 1862

page 4


SMARTSVILLE. - The Fourth was celebrated at this place in Yuba county, by a salute, a ball, which one hundred and thirty couples attended, and a fine supper. During the day J. R. RINES, a carpenter, had his left arm so severely injured by the premature discharge of a cannon, that amputation was necessary. Another man, RIGGINGS by name, who was assisting RINES in ramming home the charge, was also severely injured, his face and hands being badly burned, so that one of his eyes is destroyed and the other is supposed to be partially so; and his right hand was so badly lacerated that the amputation of two fingers was found to be necessary. The Appeal says:

RIGGINGS has a wife and family, and subscription paper was circulated around town yesterday for their benefit and that of RINES, by W. T. ELLIS and James HAWORTH, whose calls upon our citizens were very liberally responded to, the sum of $800 having been raised during yesterday afternoon.


DEATH OF JUDGE PETER LOTT. - Peter LOTT, American Consul at Tehuantepec, Mexico, died at that place March 10th, of congestion of the bowels. He was a native of Pemberton, New Jersey, and emigrated to Quincy, Illinois, in 1835. He held in that State the positions of Clerk of the Circuit Court, member of the Legislature and Judge of the Fifth Judicial District. He served also in the Mexican War. Subsequently he emigrated to this State and was at one time assistant editor of the San Francisco Times and Transcript. He was afterwards Superintendent of the San Francisco Mint.


ARRIVAL OF THE ORIZABA. - The steamship Orizaba, from Panama, arrived at San Francisco Thursday night, July 3d. She had New York dates to June 9th, and brought three hundred and four passengers and 3,692 packages of freight. Among her passengers are:

E. HEATHFIELD and wife, J. M. DAVIS and wife, Senorita Maria DAVIS, J. HOLT, F. CANELL, A.G. GORDON, Mrs. WHITMAN, J. H. SHAMAN, Maria MEYERS, F. H. MATHEY, M.T. EASTMAN, Miss EASTMAN, Rev. G. A. EASTON, G. A. DILL, Mrs. L. F. MACY and daughter, J. T. McDONALD and wife, J. A. ROBINSON, J. H. DEWEY, J. P. LOUANSDALE, wife and three children; A. F. DEXTER, Miss CARTER, W. L. MEANS, Mrs. WHITEHOUSE, W. H. WILLETT, H. A. HABER, John J. HUNT, Miss J. HUBER and sister, Capt. FLEMING, Henry EDMONDS, Jas. MOOREHEAD, Miss FREEMAN, Mr. GORLEY, Julia DAVIDSON, Mary CHIBALD, A. ROBERTSON, J. R. MEAGHER, G.C. PANSEN, J. SACQUANTO, Miss HENNENMER, MISS E. PARMENTER, Mrs. Elizabeth A. DODGE and child, F. VERDENAL, D. F. VERDENAL, Miss PALMER, P.J. DENVER and wife, A. FOSS, D. BROMER, F. HILDEBRAND, B. SUBERT, Miss V. LANQUIZ, ----- IRISH and wife, C. H. HILL and wife, Miss BALDWIN, Mrs. BAILEY, J. W. WITCHER, J. W. SMITH, Mrs. WEBSTER, J. R. FIELD, A. SMITH, M. YANTS, I. YANTS, Q. KNEELAND, Mrs. A. B. CANOLE, E. CUNNINGHAM, W. C. SCOTT and wife, Mrs. C. A. POWERS and child, Mrs. H. S. ALL, and 204 others.


SHOOTING AFFRAY. - A Prussian barber has been imprisoned in the El Dorado jail for shooting a man named HARGRAVES at Newton, June 29th. HARGRAVES, as a correspondent informs us, is a Secessionist, and insulted the barber, who is a Union man, repeatedly. It is doubtful whether HARGRAVES recovers.


UNION IN PLUMAS. - The Republican and Union Central Committees in Plumas County have issued a joint call for a Union County Convention, to nominate a Legislative ticket. Thomas SHANNON is likely to be the nominee of the Unionists for Senator.


NEVADA. - The fourth passed off at this place in fine style. Salutes were fired, a procession formed with a military escort, and an oration was delivered by A. C. NILES. There were fireworks in the evening.



Report Contradicted - Accident - Tariff - Laying of Corner Stone - Assault - Arrests - Arrival.

San Francisco, July 6th.


The rumored death of Commodore STANLEY and wife, at Napa, is unfounded. The party was heard from yesterday and all well.


Marcus WINSLOW, State prison guardsman, had his left arm blown off above the elbow while firing a salute at San Quentin on Friday.


A private Washington dispatch from T. G. PHELPS says the tariff on sugar is from two and three-fifths to five cents per pound; rice, cleaned, one cent and a half per pound; uncleaned three-fourths of one cent. Tea and coffee are unchanged.



Weaverville, July 6th.


At Brown's creek, a man named DAVIS killed on MARSH by a blow of his fist, breaking his neck. Both were intoxicated at the time. The murderer is still at large.


At Canon Creek, two men got into a difficulty over a game of cards. One SLOAN stabbed his opponent in the breast. The wound is considered dangerous.


At Lewiston, a miner, name unknown, was found dead in his cabin. The cause of death has not been ascertained as yet.



Yreka, July 6th.

Daniel MORRIS, formerly from Iowa, late of Shasta county, committed suicide last night at the house of Frank HERR, Shasta valley, by shooting himself in the head with a shot gun. Insanity, superinduced by neuralgia in the head, is supposed to be the cause.



Portland, July 3rd.

Yesterday afternoon the body of a man was found floating in the river; around his neck was fastened a rope, to which was fastened a stone weighing eighteen pounds. The corpse was horribly mutilated and disfigured. Papers found upon the body leave but little doubt that the unfortunate man is Col. W. G. T'VAULT of Jacksonville, for several years connected with the Oregon Sentinel.


John ICEBURG, formerly of San Francisco, was drowned in Snake River on the 27th.


MARYSVILLE. - The Fourth was duly observed in this place. There was a fine display of the American flag on the buildings. The oration was delivered by Judge FREELON of San Francisco. There was an exhibition of fireworks in the evening.


FIRE IN PETALUMA. - A fire took place in this town July 3d. PIERSON sustained a loss of about $1,000, AYRES $500, CONGLETON $125, ARMSTRONG $500, LANSDON $50, Captain HEWLETT, W. H. HEDGES, A. BOND, and HINMAN & Co., are also small losers.


FIRE IN SAN FRANCISCO. - At a fire in San Francisco, Saturday morning, July 5th, on Sacramento street, four dwelling houses, belonging to Mrs. JOHNSON, Mrs. SHAFFER and others were destroyed.




July 7, 1862

page 4



The Union Democratic State Central Committee met in San Francisco pursuant to call, Thursday, July 2d, and was called to order by their Chairman, D. D. COLTON.

The Secretary, C. E. DE LONG, being absent, L. D. LATIMER was elected Secretary pro tem.

The following members from the counties indicated answered to their names:

Butte and Plumas - N. D. PLUM, J. P. HOGE, proxy.

El Dorado - J.J. GREEN; John HUME, James J. GREEN proxy.; E. WILLOW, JAMES J. GREEN proxy.

Tehama and Colusa - Charles FISHER.

Fresno and Tulare - Wm. MORRIS, J. P. HOGE, proxy.

Mariposa, Merced and Stanislaus - Miner WALDRON.

Mendocino, Napa and Lake - Edward McGARRY, John M. O. NEIL proxy.

Monterey and Santa Cruz - John M. O. NEIL.

Mono - L. QUINT

Nevada - J. K. BYRNE, J. P. HOGE proxy; S.H. CHASE, D. MAHONEY proxy.

Placer - L. B. ARNOLD

Sacramento - J. W. COFFROTH, D. D. COLTON proxy; Frank DENVER, D. D. COLTON, proxy; P. H. MUMFORD.

San Diego and San Bernardino - Paul R. HUNT, J. P. HOGE proxy.

San Francisco - D. MAHONEY, D. D. COLTON.

San Mateo and San Francisco - John B. SHAFFER, J. P. HOGE, William R. GORHAM.

San Joaquin - William H. LYONS.

Solano and Yolo - Jerome C. DAVIS, J. P. HOGE proxy.

Sonoma - L. D. LATIMER.

Santa Clara - N. B. EDWARDS, John B. SHAFFER proxy.

Sierra - W. J. FORBES

Yuba - C. E. DE LONG, D. D. COLTON proxy.


On motion it was:

Resolved, That the resolution of the Committee passed July 10, 1861, admitting E. W. CORBETT to cast the vote of Mr. LEE of Santa Barbara, in future meetings of this Committee, be rescinded.

The following resolution was unanimously adopted.:

Resolved, That General D. D. COLTON, in refusing to disband the Union Democratic party of California, at the request of the State Central Committee of the Republican organization, has carried out the will and wish of this Committee, and we hereby tender to him our thanks for so doing.

A communication from Mr. VAN DYKE was rejected unanimously. Further communications, inviting the Union Democratic party to abandon its organization and unite in a new Union party, were laid on the table.

The following Committee of five upon resolutions and order of business was appointed by the Chairman: J. P. HOGE, San Francisco; Leander QUINT, Tuolumne; W. J. FORBES, Sierra; W. H. LYONS, San Joaquin; S. P. FISHER, Tehama.

The following resolution, offered by Mr. WALDEN, was adopted.:

Resolved, That William HIGBY of Calaveras, a member of this Committee who has betrayed the trust reposed in him by counseling and advising and co-operating with the Republican leaders and officeholders for the purpose of disorganizing the Union Democratic party of this State, be and he is hereby expelled from this Committee.

On motion, D. D. COLTON and David MAHONEY were added to Committee on Resolutions, etc.

The Committee then adjourned to eight o'clock P.M.

At eight o'clock P.M. the Committee met again, pursuant to adjournment, D. D. COLTON, Chairman, in the chair.

The Committee on Resolutions, Order of Business, etc., reported the following:


Resolutions Concerning Nomination of School Superintendent.

WHEREAS, the people of the State, just recovering from the effects of the disastrous floods of the last Winter, are now husbanding their resources and economizing the better to meet the demands of the Government in the present national crisis. And whereas, members of the party throughout the State have expressed to this Committee their general desire that no Convention should be called for the nomination of a high State officer, and have urged upon the Committee the necessity and propriety of themselves making the nomination. Now, therefore, in compliance with such general claim, and believing it to be the wish of the party, be it hereby.

Resolved, That this Committee deem it inexpedient to impose upon the party throughout the State the unnecessary expense of holding a State Convention at this time.

Resolved, That this Committee do now proceed to nominate a competent and suitable person to be supported by the Union Democratic party of this State at the ensuing election, for the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Pending the discussion of these resolutions, Mr. GREEN tendered his resignation and withdrew from the Committee. The resignation was accepted and the resolutions were adopted.

L. B ARNOLD of Placer tendered his resignation and it was accepted.



J. D. STEVENSON'S name was placed in nomination for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Having endorsed the platform, Colonel STEVENSON was nominated by acclamation.

The following resolution, offered by Mr. QUINT, was adopted.

Resolved, That we, the members of the Union Democratic State Central Committee, each pledge ourselves to stand by the platform of the party this day adopted, and to support the nomination of J. D. STEVENSON, for the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, and to use all honorable means to secure his election.

The following resolution, offered by Mr. FORBES, was adopted:

Resolved, That we most earnestly recommend to the Union Democratic County Committees, in various counties of the State, prompt and decisive action in keeping up and maintaining their county organizations, and that we call upon the Democracy to meet in Convention in the various counties and districts throughout the State, and nominate and elect a Democratic ticket at the coming election.

The Committee then adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman.


L.D. LATTIMER, Secretary, pro tem.


ATTACK ON INDIANS. - The Butte Record of July 5th, referring to the party that has lately been in pursuit of the Indians who committed the late outrages in that county, says:

We learn that the party in pursuit of the Indians attacked their camp on Tuesday night, killing several, when the Indians fled in confusion. The clothing of the little boy, a brother of the murdered girls, captured at the time, was recovered. It was not ascertained whether the Indians had murdered him. He was six or seven years of age.


SUPPOSED SUICIDE. - One Ernest HENRY was found dead, July 4th, two or three miles up Feather river from Marysville, hanging by the neck. It is supposed he committed suicide.



July 7, 1862

page 5

CAUTION - Charles E. OLNEY, SANBORN and others, members of the Olney Company, owners of the ground known as the "Francis Board ground" in Gold Hill, Storey county, Nevada Territory: You are hereby notified not to trespass on the ground known as "Gold Hill Gold and Silver Mining Company" (formerly known as the "Gold Hill Company" or "Coppers and Mills Ground") either by stakes or otherwise. By the order of the Board of Trustees,

Robert APPLE, Sec. Gold Hill Gold and Silver Mining Co.

Gold Hill (N.T.), July 2, 1862.


ACCIDENT. - As one SULLIVAN, in the employ of C. H. TAYLOR, of San Antonio, Sonoma County, was returning home from Petaluma, lately, while descending a hill his horse became detached from the wagon, and in his effort to curb him he was dragged to the ground and severely bruised, and cut in the face, hands and legs.


ACCIDENT IN BUTTE. - James OSBORNE, of Megalia, fell from a tree, July 2nd, a distance of forty feet, completely paralyzing his body.


LARGE WHEAT. - The Knight's Landing News has the following:

John LOUGHNOWER brought to our office a bunch of wheat, the product of one grain, which contained one hundred and five heads of wheat, and the combined weight of the grain from the one seed is eleven ounces. It is of the variety known as club wheat. LOUGHNOWER has a field of fifty acres, which it is estimated will yield seventy bushels to the acre.


A RESIGNATION. - We are informed that H. R. S. ROWE, the agent for this end of the overland stage route, has resigned. The cause of the resignation we understand to be a misunderstanding between him and F. COOKE, the General Superintendent of the overland route. Howard EAGAN, of Salt Lake, succeeds ROWE.

Silver Age (Carson City.)


THE LOST CHILD. - The efforts for the recovery of the little boy - George DANSKIN - taken prisoner by the Indians, at the attack at DABY'S Ferry, Humboldt county, have not yet been successful.


FIGHT AT NEVADA. - A man named DOLAN has been fined ten dollars in Nevada for beating one KILLEEN over the head with a pistol, July 5th.




July 7, 1862

page 7


ACCIDENTS in SAN FRANCISCO. The San Francisco Journal, of July 5th, records the following accidents on the 4th.:

The most serious was that which occurred to a lad named Gregory, whose parents reside on Natoma street, near Second. Some of the young lads in the neighborhood had procured a piece of gas pipe, and, after plugging it up, had drilled a hole in it for a vent; this making a miniature cannon, suited the lads well, and they loaded and fired it with a slow match; but on the final charge, when the accident occurred, the slow match, with which it had been discharged previously, failed to ignite the powder in time to please the boys, therefore the boy Gregory approached to ascertain the cause, when the explosion of a very heavy charge took place, the pipe burst, and a piece struck the lad on the side, tearing the flesh and muscles as it went, in a terrible manner, leading every spectator to believe he could not live. There was another lad injured at the same time in the hand, but not seriously. At about eight A.M., yesterday, a female, whose name could not be ascertained, entered the grocery store on the corner of Pike and Washington streets, and without knowing that the proprietor was cooking a "hasty breakfast", allowed her dress to upset a fluid lamp, the flames from which communicated to her dress and in an instant enveloped her in flames. The grocery keeper attempted to extinguish the fire, but she became alarmed to such an extent that she ran out of the door to the street, where the neighbors seeing her state gave her all the assistance in their power; conspicuously amongst whom was DUPONT, the keeper of a shoe store on Washington street, diagonally opposite, who tore the burning dress off, and had his hands badly blistered in the operation, but succeeded in saving the lady from serious injury, but with the loss of her outer clothing.


The INDIAN MURDERS in BUTTE. - The Red Bluff Beacon says, July 4th:

We learn from a friend at Tehama that the girls who were murdered at Rock creek by the Indians were buried at Chico on Friday last. The boy, their brother, who was taken prisoner at the same time, has not yet been heard of. The Indians have threatened to burn Chico, and a strong guard is kept there nightly. It is said that one of the companies who were after the redskins arrived at their rancheria ahead of the native, and have prepared quite a pleasant little surprise for them when they return to their wigwams. It is now ascertained that the elder one of the girls recently murdered by the Indians must have been killed before aware of her danger. She was evidently shot (with an arrow) through the heart while in the act of picking blackberries. The other was dragged a short distance from the blackberry patch and then shot through and through with arrows. The clothing of the elder was entirely stripped from her body.


ROBBERIES in NEVADA COUNTY. - The Democrat of July 3d says:

Several daring robberies and burglaries have lately been perpetrated at Omega. A week or two ago the cabin of Conrad GRISSEL was broken open in the daytime and robbed of about $100 in coin, which GRISSEL left in a purse under his pillow. Last Friday night the sluice boxes of HOOK & JOHNSON were cleaned up, and it is supposed the robbers got from $100 to $150 in amalgam. A night or two ago the store of HINES was broken open, but fortunately the burglars earned all the money they got. The safe contained about $8,000 in gold dust, which the burglars were after, but didn't get. HINES was in the store writing until about 11 o'clock, and the work must have been done between that time and morning.


SAINT IGNATIUS COLLEGE. - The exercises in this college, at San Francisco, closed Monday, June 30th. As there was no suitable accommodation for the public, the exercises were private. The ceremony of the distribution of premiums was performed Father VILLIGER, President of Santa Clara College and Superior of the Jesuit Mission in California. He was assisted by Father CONGIATO, President of the College, and Father BOUDREAUX, Perfect of Studies. The other Professors were likewise present.


FATAL ACCIDENT. - On Monday, June 23d, while William HUSSEY was hauling a tree from the road, upon which he was at work, in Light's Canon, Plumas county, it slipped from the stump upon which it had lodged, and striking him a glancing blow on the head and breast, caused injuries which resulted in his death on Tuesday morning. HUSSEY was an old citizen of Indian Valley.


SEVERE ACCIDENT. - Hector McKINNON, a laborer employed near Galena in hewing timbers to be used in the Ophir tunnel at Virginia City, recently cut one of his feet in a shocking manner, severing two of the toes therefrom.


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Transcribed by Jeanne Taylor.




July 8, 1862

page 7


SUMMONS. - STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Sutter, Nicolaus Township, ss. -

In Justice's Court, before Thos. C. HAMMOND, Justice of the Peace. The People of the State of California to James S. CRANE, greeting: You are hereby summoned to appear before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace in and for the Township of Nicolaus, County of Sutter, at this office in said Township, on Friday, the 25th day of July, 1862, at 12 o'clock M., to answer unto the complaint of HARRIS & GRANDSTAFF, who sue to recover the sum of $48.33, upon an account for blacksmith work done for you by plaintiffs, and for a balance due said plaintiffs upon a certain promissory note drawn by you in said plaintiffs' favor. And if you fail to appear and answer, the plaintiff then and there will take judgment against you for the aforesaid amount, together with costs and damages.

Given under my hand this 24th day of April, 1862.

Thos. C. HAMMOND, Justice of the Peace.

To the Sheriff or any Constable of said County: You are hereby commanded to make due service and return of the above Summons.

Thos. C. HAMMOND, Justice of the Peace.

It is hereby ordered that the above Summons be published in the Sacramento Daily Union once a week for a period of three months from the date thereof.

Thos C. HAMMOND, Justice of the Peace, Nicolaus Township, Sutter County.


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July 9, 1862

page 2


FIRE AT SPRINGFIELD. - A wooden building in Springfield, occupied and owned by M. FRIEDMAN as a store, took fire on Saturday night, July 5th, and was totally destroyed, together with the stock of goods it contained. The loss is estimated at $7,000 - insurance being effected to the amount of $5,000. FRIEDMAN was severely burned in the effort to extinguish the flames.


MINING ACCIDENTS. - A man named Frank NACE had his leg broken by the caving of a bank, July 1st, at Secret Diggings, Sierra county. Edward WICK, at Newark, in the same county, had his collar bone fractured by a cave, recently.


ACCIDENT IN ALAMEDA. - A young man named SMITH was very seriously injured, lately, at San Lorenzo, by being thrown from a horse.


INJURED. - A man named John McCARTY was run over by a fire engine, July 7th, in San Francisco, and severely injured about the loins.


HOMICIDE AT COULTERVILLE. - On June 30th, at Coulterville, Nathan CHANDLER shot with a double barreled shot gun a man named CONNOR, and instantly killed him. The Mariposa Gazette remarks of this affair:

The causes which led to this lamentable act, appears to be that CONNOR had persistently abused CHANDLER for some years, threatening his life, insulting him grossly in every way he could think of, besides offering indignities of the worst character to his wife. The matter became unendurable and was ended by the killing of CONNOR. The particulars of shooting need not be related, as they were as usual in such cases - a quick and decisive execution of vengeance upon him offending. CHANDLER gave himself up immediately, and was examined before Justice COUNTS of Coulterville, who committed him to jail in Mariposa, on the charge of murder in the first degree. A writ of habeas corpus was issued and allowed by Judge BURKE, fixing bail at $10,000, which can readily be obtained in Coulterville - the sympathies of the people of which place being, with hardly an exception, with CHANDLER, believing that he has done right. His trial will probably take place at the August term of the District Court.


SAN FRANCISCO. - A dispatch to the Bee yesterday has the following:

A small lad named Wm. LINN was seen by one SELAVEN, as he informed the police last evening, to fall through one of the city wharves on Davis street. He was swept off by the current and drowned.


A Young man named CUTLER, an employe in Hobbs & Gilmore's box factory, while taking out some boxes, about nine o'clock yesterday morning, upon the platform, stumbled and fell head foremost to the ground below, a distance of about ten feet, sustaining a fracture of both wrists and a severe injury in the head.


An intoxicated man named LEEDS or LEES, fell down a cellar way on Jackson street last night and received a gash above the left temple - a serious wound.


HOWLAND FLAT. - The oration, July 4th, at this place, Sierra county, was delivered by L.E. PRATT, of Downieville. There was a procession and a display of fireworks in the evening.



July 9,1862

page 3


EARTHQUAKE SHOCK. - The La Porte Messenger of July 5th says:

A severe shock of earthquake was felt here last Wednesday, at about five o'clock in the afternoon, the oscillation being from southwest to northeast. Persons from the surrounding country inform us that the shock was felt at various points. Hon. J. M. CUNNARD felt it at Mooreville, Butte county, twelve miles from here. He was taking super at the time, and the shock set the plates dancing on the table. HART, of Whiskey Diggings, inform us that he felt the shock while working in his tunnel, 1,800 feet from the entrance. The earth trembled and the timber used as supports cracked, so that the miners thought the tunnel was about to cave in.


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Transcribed by Jeanne Taylor.





July 10, 1862

page 2


THE STATUTES OF CALIFORNIA- passed at the Thirteenth Session of the Legislature, 1862. Benjamin P. AVERY, State Printer, Sacramento.


OVERCHARGING PASSENGERS. - A hackman in San Francisco named BRADY, has been arrested for charging $2.50 instead of $1.50, for carrying a passenger from one part of the city to another.


ANOTHER. - The Nevada Democrat has placed at the head of its columns the name of J. D. STEVENSON for Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Sierra Democrat did so before it, or intended to do it.


VIRGINIA CITY. - The Fourth was celebrated in this place with great earnestness. The poem was written by Mrs. J. H. RALSTON, and the oration delivered by M.D. LARROWE.


EXTRA BILLY WOUNDED. - Extra Billy SMITH, of the Forty-Ninth Virginia Regiment, an old Californian, was wounded at Fair Oaks.


DROWNED. - Monday Evening, July 7, 1862, at Marcum Cut, Grey Eagle Bar, Middle Fork American river, Mary Anne LYONS, daughter of Bridget and Bernard LYONS, aged two years and seven months. Had on a white spotted cotton dress and white flannel skirt; fair complexion, light hair and light blue eyes. Any person finding said body will confer a lasting favor and be suitably rewarded, by immediately informing Bernard LYONS, (care of Geo. G. WEBSTER, Agent Wells, Fargo & Co.), Forest Hill, Placer County. BERNARD LYONS.


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Transcribed by Jeanne Taylor.




July 14, 1862

page 2


THE SAN FRANCISCO and MARYSVILLE RAILROAD. - The Solano Press has the following intelligence, which it is hoped will not prove a delusion and a snare:

Through the energetic exertions of Captain R. H. WATERMAN, it is understood that there is at last some prospect of the completion of the Marysville Railroad as far as this place. The house of ALSOP & Co., San Francisco, through Captain WATERMAN'S intercession and representations have agreed to loan the credit of their firm to D. C. HASKIN, in order to make the necessary purchases of iron, rolling stock, etc.


FIRE AT VACAVILLE. - On Wednesday afternoon, July 9th, the residence of Robert HEIZER, in Vacaville, took fire from some unknown cause, and was entirely consumed in a few minutes. The Solano Press says:

Professor SMYTH of the Methodist College, sustained a loss of $150 worth of furniture, which he had stored in HEIZER'S house for a few days. The residents of the town started a subscription to repair HEIZER'S loss, and between $250 and $300 were raised in the short space of an hour.


FIRE IN SONOMA.- The new dwelling of Chas. PURVINE of Two Rock Valley, was burned to the ground on Saturday, July 5th, together with the most of its contents. The fire occurred about four o'clock, and was caused by fire crackers, with which the children were playing in the yard, one of which exploding beneath the verandah (sic) fired the building. Loss, $3,000.


PETITION FOR PARDON. - A petition to Governor STANFORD for the pardon of Francis FUGLER from the State Prison, is in circulation at Stockton. FUGLER was convicted of manslaughter in the killing of his brother-in-law, and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary, half of which term has about expired.


MORE MISCHIEF. - Algernon STEVENS, who injured officer McDOUGALL in San Francisco so severely, presented a knife at the Gate-keeper of the Insane Asylum, July 10th, and escaped. Pursuit was at once made, when he plunged into the slough, where he tried to drown himself. He was only recovered after a desperate struggle.


ACCIDENT IN AUBURN. - On Friday, July 11th, at Auburn, Thomas C. STEPHENS, of the firm of MAGUIRE & STEPHENS, had his leg badly broken by the capsizing of a buggy in the street opposite his store.


ROBBERY in SONORA.- The restaurant of Geo. STIENMITZ was broken into on Tuesday night, July 8th, by a Chinaman, and robbed of $150. The thief was caught the next day, and the most of the money recovered.


DROWNED. - A young son of A. C. RUSSELL, formerly of the Marysville Express and now of the Stockton Argus, was drowned in the latter city July 11th. His age was eight years.


LOW PRICE OF CATTLE. - Alfred WETHERILL, who resides near the rancho San Lorenzo, Monterey county, recently sold to J. Q. TILTON of San Mateo, one thousand head of cattle for four dollars and twenty-five cents per head with the calves thrown in.





July 14, 1862

page 3


DISAPPEARANCE. - Tryon, a son of Colonel F. L. HATCH of Marysville, aged thirteen years has disappeared from his father's residence. He is a tall boy, blue or gray eyes, light hair, inclined to curl, very lithe figure, strong and active. When he left, he had on a Summer suit of linen - sack coat and drab hat. When walking he is inclined to lean forward. Papers will confer a favor on a distressed family by noticing the fact.


FOUND AT LAST. - The Butte Record says:

The body of the little boy, HICKOK, captured by the Indians some time since, has been found. The body had been horribly mutilated - neck broken, fingers, ear and toes cut off. It had been dragged for some distance by a rope fastened to the neck. Thus has perished the hope that the child had been detained a prisoner.

--HOUSE BURNED. - The residence of James and Charles GRAY, about three miles from Oroville, and near the Wallace Race Course, was destroyed by fire on Saturday, July 5th, together with furniture and everything it contained.; loss, $2,000.


ANOTHER REBEL KILLED. - Intelligence has been received by the relatives of R. W. STEPHENSON, formerly of Stockton, that he was killed at the battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, while leading, as Captain, his company on the side of the Confederacy.


DROWNED IN MARYSVILLE. - A little boy about four years old, only child of John A. BUTLER, of the City Brewery, in Marysville, was drowned near the steamboat landing on Feather river, June 12th.


FIRE IN BENICIA. - A dispatch from Benicia dated July 12th, one p.m. says:

About half-past three o'clock this morning Dell & Co.'s extensive stables were discovered to be on fire, and in a few minutes were one vast sheet of flame. Sixteen horses, including two stallions were burned; also all the harness, about sixty tons of hay and a lot of grain. The carriages were all saved. The fire soon spread to the drug store and dwelling house of Dr. VERHAVE, which is a total loss; then to a storehouse of Dell & Co.'s, which is also a total loss. Dell & Co.'s loss is $10.000; insured, $7,000. Dr. VERHAVE'S loss is about $5,000; no insurance. Fire Companies Nos. 1 and 2 were soon on the ground, and by great exertions prevented the further spread of the flames. Captain HALL'S Company of Fourth Infantry, California Volunteers, were marched down in double quick time and rendered great assistance.


FIRE. - The residence of Judge CRANE, at Alameda, was burned to the ground, July 11th - totally consumed. The older members of the family had gone to San Jose, and a little girl, playing with matches, set fire to the premises. Nothing was saved from the building. The loss is estimated as high as $25,000.


HOMICIDE. - A man named HITCHELL was recently stabbed at Orleans Flat, Nevada county, by a man named BURBECK, and died from the effect of the wound. BURBECK was committed to jail.



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Transcribed by Jeanne Taylor.




Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, July 11, 1862 



NEVADA, July 10th,

About seven o’clock this morning the suspension bridge lately erected in this city across Deer creek fell with a tremendous crash, killing one man instantly, injuring another so badly that he lived but a few minutes, and a third man very seriously but not dangerously injured. Two ox teams, (four yoke each,) loaded heavily with hay, were on the bridge at the time. The teams were coming from the south side. At the moment the accident occurred, the forward team was near the center of the bridge, while the wagon of the hindmost team was just leaving the platform. The name of the individual instantly killed is Samuel McCALL, who was driving the head team. ADAMS had his skull smashed, from which his brains protruded; several of his ribs were also broken. He was taken into the house of STOUT, but died in a few minutes. D.J. PERKEY, an old citizen, was crossing the bridge just ahead of the first team, and on hearing the crash turned around to learn the cause, at which time the bridge gave way in the center, pitching downward, causing him severe, though not dangerous injuries. Twelve oxen were killed, or so badly smashed up that they had to be killed. The fall is supposed to have been caused by a defect in the cast iron yoke into which the rods were fastened - the break occurring about half way between where the anchor was fastened and the top of the tower at the south end and west side of the bridge. The teamsters killed are from Bear river. The bridge was erected by A.S. HALLADIE & Co., of San Francisco, and was completed a few weeks since at a cost to the contractors of over $12,000. The height of the bridge above the bottom of the creek is a little over fifty feet. 

ANDY JOHNSON - A correspondent, who visited Andy Johnson, says he takes his meals in the public dining room of his hotel at Nashville, with not even a waiter to serve him specially. Though a Brigadier General, he wears no mark of his military honors, and seems to avoid display. His bedroom is a plain affair, half filled by a bed, and he often sits there till midnight, reading and inditing dispatches by the light of tallow candles. As a consequence, he looks pale and careworn. He declares his belief that it the military questions were settled, the people of Tennessee would vote themselves back into the Union by a majority of fifty thousand. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Daily Union

Monday July 28, 1862 

HEARD FROM - Recent intelligence from New York states that Charles ABBOTT, pilot of the ship Prima Donna, about whose safety there were doubts in San Francisco, was alive and well and on board of the Prima Donna. 

FOR SALT LAKE - Rev. S.B. BELL was at Carson City lately, en route for Salt Lake. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Daily Union

Thursday August 7, 1862 

AUGUSTA GOD AND SILVER MINING COMPANY - Notice is hereby given that, by order of the Board of Directors, a sufficient number of shares standing in the names of the following persons on the books of the company, will be sold at auction on MONDAY, the EIGHTH of SEPTEMBER next, at ten o’clock, A.M., at the office of the Secretary, on J street near Fourth, to satisfy assessments heretofore levied and expenses of advertising and sale, unless charges are sooner paid:

G. Guyther, 42 shares - January assessment, $10, March, $12.60, June $42.00

Mrs. M.D’Artois, 8 shares -March, $2.60; June, $8.00

T.S. Benoist, 10 shares, do, $10.00

Mrs. F. Formann, 5 shares, do, $5.00

J.B. Dayton, 1 share, do, $1.00

J.S. Gillan, 3 shares, do, $8.00

J. Hull, 1 share, do, $2.00

H.C. Kibbe, 2 shares, do, $2.00

W.C. Kibbe, 2 shares, do, $2.00

W.W. Price, 36 shares, do, $36.00

R.H. Tibbits, 1 share, do, $1.00

A.E. Town, 1 share, do, $1.00

W.S. SUMMERS, President

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Daily Union

Thursday, November 27, 1862


SAN FRANCISCO NEWS - A dispatch to the Bee yesterday has the following intelligence:

A letter to the Alta, dated San Bernardino, November 18th, says Dr. O.M.

WOZENCRAFT went to the house of H.M. WILLIS, formerly of San Francisco, paid a bill and demanded a receipt. WILLIS refused to give it, abused and insulted him, following him from the house. The doctor told him it was hard to take abuse from a good-for-nothing boy. WILLIS drew a pistol and fired two shots, both taking effect, one in the shoulder, the other in the side.  WILLIS received one shot from the doctor in the hip. The doctor received another shot in the arm from WILLIS’ brother. Both were held to bail to appear at the next Court of Sessions.

The steamer St. Louis arrived this morning from Panama. The following is her list of passengers:

Thomas RUSSELL, Mrs. B. COLE and child, Mrs. BARR, Mrs. A.H. HARPER and

three children, James C. REND, Mr. and Mrs. MONROE, three children and

servant; Rev. A. ADENBURG, Mr. CLARE, Rev. Mr. CUNNINGHAM, Marion M. CASTEN,

M. JACOBS, F. CHIN, ___ HAMILTON and wife, A.T. HONES and wife, Mr. VARNEY

and child, M.J. BAKER, J.G. JAMES and wife, Miss J. LASELLA and child, Miss

Mary MEDBURY, William BRADLEY, C. SIMPSON and child, Mrs. PACHARD and

daughter, Miss LARAGE, Mrs. A. SNEDIKER, Miss Nolu POMEROY, Mrs. H.A. PENNY

and child, Mr. and Mrs. R.O. DENON, Mrs. Mary McKIM, Julia HOLMES, Miss D.

BOOBER, Mr. and Mrs. PULLMER, E.M. TAYLOR, Helen DRICHEL and child, Oscar

BURTON, Mrs. Dr. JOHNSON, Mrs. C. HARLIN and child, Leon SAUNDERS, Mrs. J.C.

DENON, James Conden BENNUMAN, Miss C. DULLEAN, Salsbury L. MUMNEN and wife,

Miss E. DOLAN, Miss Caroline THOMPSON, Miss Clara AUSTIN, Mrs. STEEL, Mr.

MEDDOW, M.C. DAVIS, Mrs. BEEBE and two children, Mr. GIDEON, Mr. KING, Mr.

CINEL, Mr. DEENOR, Ann CONNLIN, Mrs. E. GRADY and child, J.T. FARMER, S.T.

BLACK, James REPEY, wife and child; Miss Jane LUDDER, Mrs. LUDDER, J.H.

UNDERWOOD, Sarah DECKINS, Mrs. C. JOHNSON and child, Mrs. R. DAVIES and two

children, Mrs. T.D. CALLON and child, J.T. HASKINS, Miss MASS, J. SCHERBERG,

Franklin OALSON, Sam ELLIS, J.N. GRAY, Samuel THOMAS, Henry HARDING, John


A.C. MILLER, Mr. SMITH and wife, ___ LETCHEL, Mrs. RICHARDS and daughter,


A. MANUS, wife and three children; C.M. ROLLINS and child, Mrs. M. HATCH and

two children, N.L. RECHETEL, wife and two children; M. MURPHY, L.D. PALMER,



James CHENERY, Mr. SELFRIDGE, son and daughter; L. SCHAERTEN, Mrs. W. WOODY

and child, Dr. E.G. CHURCH and wife, W.R. ROWE, Mrs. M. CONNELL and child,

Captain A.F. FLETCHER, Captain J.N. KING, D.C. McCARTHY, Mrs. ELAIS, J.


J.K. LOAHNED and child, John MATHER, Philip MUNYRES, G.W.STERLEY, Mrs. A.S.

ROSE and child, Mrs. McCALL and family, Susan NICHOLS, Miss Rebecca MATHEWS,


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, November 28, 1862



Arrival of the Moses Taylor - List of Passengers - Insanity - Presentation - Fire - Incorporation

SAN FRANCISCO, November 27th

The steamship Moses Taylor arrived to-day from Realejo, with passengers via Nicaragua.

Leopold JUAREZ was arrested to-day for insanity.  An elegant pair of holster pistols, saddle and accouterments were presented last night to J. Sewall REED, Captain of the California Cavalry Company.

The coppersmith establishment of REYNOLDS & Co., Front street, was fired last night by an incendiary. The upper rooms were occupied by women who escaped.

The South Yuba Mining Company have incorporated.

The following is the list of passengers per steamship Moses Taylor:

Isaac K. ROBERTS, M.O. ROBERTS, Jr., Samuel NORRIS, J. MATT, F. PIERCE, John BUT, Peter VERDEGRIN, Mrs. J.F. PARKE, E. RANSALOFF and wife, G.W. WHITE and wife, A. SHIRECK, A.S. SHIRECK, Miss S. HARDEN, Miss M. MANNER, Mrs. LARUE, Dr. W. CALVERT, Rev. H. GOODWIN, Miss Kate RAMSDELL, Mrs. DIXON, Miss Jennie DIXON, Miss C.B. FRENCH, W.R. DUFF, S.T. GELL, Frank S. LAWLER, Mrs. H. AITKEN, H. CRAWFORD and wife, M.T. DENMAN, A. CURRY, D.L. NICHOLS, Catharine, Chas., and Rosa MARTUS, D. GRIFFITH, M.G. KING, J. RICH, K. BRIER, J. MORRISON, J.B. CLARK, J.W. WOODRUFF, H.E. WOODRUFF, L. RAMSDELL, O. ALLEN, Mrs. McWADE, Miss B. MILES, Miss M. DAILY, Mad. ROCHET and child, Miss JAMIERE, Miss E. NEWTON, Mary WOODHAM, Mrs. F. MILLS, Miss M. FLOWERS, Mrs. Ben. COTTON and child, Miss S. ROWE, Mrs. J.B. CLARK, Miss H. CLARK, Mrs. S. WHITLOCK and two children, A.A. WHITLOCK, Miss A. PHIPPS, J.A. STRICKHAM, M. JAMIERE, T.A. BLAKELEY, W.P. MORRIS, D.S. HAINES, A.D. PELLS, J.P. GREEN, W.W. WOODHAM, E.B. WILDER, M. PARRISH, S. BURDICK, M. VOORHIES and boy, C.D. WARREN, W.P. WARREN, P. NEIL, A. O’DOUGHERTY, E. O’DOUGHERTY, A.B. HILL, Miss IRISH, Mrs. WARREN and boy, Mrs. RICKANCE and boy, Miss McDONALD, Miss T. ROBERTS, Mrs. A. HAINES, Miss BAILEY, Mrs. PAUR, Miss P. STEGER, Mrs. H. DECHAUX, Mrs. BRADWAY, Miss MEADER, Mrs. HOLMES and two children, Mrs. R. MARTUS and child, Miss E. SYMES, Miss E.J. SYMES, Mrs. G.  JOHNSON, Miss A. MARTUS, A. LEVEY, W.H. COFFEE, J.A. STAFFORD, wife and child; Miss L. AMES, Mrs. WILLIAMS, Mrs. E. CRAZE and child, Mrs. G. CURRY, Mrs. SHEVILLE, O.V. REYNOLDS, J.S. HALL, E. FOWLER, S.H. CARLISLE, D.J. POTTER, Miss DEMPSEY, Miss COX, Mrs. HAWLINS, Mrs. M. TAYLOR, Mrs. NASH and two children, H.A. BLETHEN, J.P. RODGERS, A.G. BLETHEN, W.M. BULLARD, P. WARREN, R.W. VOSBURGH, D. PROTHERO, A. LEVEY, and 420 in steerage, 175 of whom are women.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, December 15, 1862


SALT IN NEVADA TERRITORY - A train of eighteen animals came into Virginia City, lately from the salt marshes beyond Walker lake, bringing five thousand pounds of as pure rock salt as that offered for sale in the San Francisco market. The trail is reported a very hard one, both on men and animals.

SUICIDE - Samuel BROWN, residing in Marin county, about six miles from Petaluma, in a fit of insanity, committed suicide, December 4th, by hanging himself in a barn on his premises. The deceased was a man of considerable means, and somewhat advanced in life, being 66 years old at the time of his death.

ACCIDENTS IN AMADOR - On Tuesday night, December 9th, George FREEMAN, Postmaster at Jackson, fell down a bank in that place and broke one of his legs. A teamster named BOAM was lately severely injured by the overturning of his wagon on the Volcano road, near Jackson.

TANNING - Samuel F. CHAPMAN has quite an extensive tannery in active operation about one mile from Chinese Camp, Tuolumne county. He produces a very superior article of leather by tanning hides with gum catechu, a substance obtained from a variety of the acacia.

GRAPE VINES - Sonoma county, so far as has been ascertained, has 567,100 bearing grape vines of the Mission variety, and 40,000 foreign. Solano county has 97,000 domestic and 6,000 foreign.

THEFT IN SAN JOSE - The grocery store of William BIVEN, formerly of the Stockton Argus, was entered in San Jose lately, and robbed of $100 in cash.


Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, December 15, 1862


PASSENGERS FROM THE EAST - Our correspondent at New York sends us the following list of passengers who sailed from that city for San Francisco, November 21st, in the Champion. They will arrive by the Orizabva in San Francisco to-morrow or next day:


Susan E. ROOP







J. GARGESSUS and wife

John M. MUGRIDGE and wife

A.BROWN and wife


C.P. WEBSTER, wife and ch’d





Horace P. OLDS


Cornelia PRINGLE



Elizabeth M. FLINT




Emanuel DEW


Mrs. J.S. BARKER and 3 ch’n



Mrs. WHEELER and 2 childr’n

Mrs. W. BUTCHER and 4 chd’n




F. HAYFORD, wife and fam’y

Mrs. A. TODD and 3 childr’n



Bertha HONIG

Mrs. M.E. BERGNER and 4 ch


Frank SMITH, wife and fam.

Mrs. E.J. NICKERSON and ch

John GRIGEBY and son

Mrs. W.H. KELLY and 1 child


J. JOHNSON , wife and family

J.H. McCABE and sister

Mrs. E.A. WARD

Mrs. M.N. WARD

Ann WARD and 2 children

Mary SMITH and sister

Elizabeth TURNER

M.A. BAWKER, wife and fam.


Edward HILL



N.L. HIGGINS and 2 child’n

J.A. FOSTER, wife and 1 ch



Mrs. Jane PROPER


Daniel MARSH

Mrs. GILLESPIE and daughter



Arthur S. PETERS

W.C. MERRILL, wife and ch’d

Mrs. F. WEATON and 2 chd’n

Mrs. M. KELLOGG and 2 ch’n

Abijah CRANE

Isabella TRAYNOR




Mrs. SAVAGE and child

Mrs. Caroline FIRST




ROBBERY IN SAN FRANCISCO - Recently a female entered the house of Ira P. RANKIN, and carried away a heavy silver castor, taken from the sideboard. The property was recovered.

WINE - Colonel HARASZTHY, of Sonoma, estimates that the amount of wine to be produced from his vines the present year will be about forty thousand gallons.

ARRESTS OF GAMBLERS - Four gentlemen of the blackleg fraternity, named, respectively, J.A. KELLER, E.W. NOYES, Joseph BENNETT and Alex. McKAY, were lately arrested in the Bowery gambling den on Commercial street, San Francisco, by a posse of officers, commanded and led on by Leos. They gave bail in $500.

MARYSVILLE APPEAL - Charles H. WESTMORELAND, late of the Shasta Courier, has

been invited to take charge of the Marysville Appeal. He has accepted the position.

ACCIDENT - James SMART, of Grass Valley, had his leg broken recently at Boston Ravine, Nevada county, by being thrown from a horse.

DESTITUTE - A woman named Mrs. CONWAY, supposed to be insane, was brought to Shasta lately from Flat Creek, where she was found in a most destitute condition. She was examined by the physician, and it was concluded not to sent her to Stockton, but care for her in the county.

SICKNESS IN MARIPOSA - The Gazette says there has been more sickness and more deaths in this section the past season than for the five years previous. In many cases the disease is sudden and malignant - something almost unknown there in previous years.

SUICIDE IN SAN FRANCISCO - On the night of December 12th, one Theodore PARTELLO, a native of New York, committed suicide in San Francisco by cutting his throat with a razor. He left a wife and two children.

BURGLARY - On the night of December 11th, the store of J.M. MATHEWS, in Marysville, was entered and robbed of $125 in tobacco and honey. One James BRIGGS was arrested.

ACCIDENT - William CLARK, of Honey Lake valley, met with a severe accident, being kicked by a horse, the blow taking effect on the forehead between the eyes. He is slowly recovering, but it is feared he will lose one of his eyes.

HIGHWAY ROBBERY - A negro named Henry JOHNSTON, was robbed, lately, between Chinese Camp and Knight’s Ferry, of the sum of one hundred and sixty-four dollars.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, December 23, 1862


Accident & Wreck of Steamer-Fire-Incorporation-Insolvency–Sailing of the Hermann-Arrest for Mutiny at Sea

SAN FRANCISCO, December 22d

This morning a party of about two hundred, including several ladies, made an excursion on the steamer Paul Pry to witness the launch of the new steamer Yosemite. After the launch, the Paul Pry ran down to Alcatraz to see the fort. In attempting to make the landing the steamer got on the rocks and is a total wreck. There was great consternation among the passengers, fearing the boiler would burst. Two ladies were capsized into the water from a small boat, but were rescued. Boats went to the relief of the passengers, and they returned to the city in a steam tug.

Fitzgibbons’ asphaltum roofing establishment, on Mission street, was destroyed by fire this afternoon. Considerable canvas was burned. Loss, $1,500.

Jefferson Gold and Silver Mining Company for Gold Flat district, Nevada county, incorporated to-day. Capital, $500,000; 5,000 shares.  Barney B. LINCOLN files application in insolvency. Debts $22,542; no assets.

Steamer Hermann sailed this afternoon, with 543 passengers. Some of the Moses Taylor’s passengers refused to go.

It has been alternately raining and clear all day.

The street railroad cars have commenced running.  William SMITH, aged forty years, of Wales, dropped dead in the street last night.

Captain FROST, of schooner Angeline, has been missing since Thursday.  Three sailors, of ship Audubon, just arrived, have been arrested for mutiny at sea.

Arrived - Ship B.F. Hoxie, 130 days from New York, to Howes & Co.

[Second Dispatch]

Arrival from China - Rescue of Mexican Families - Arrivals from Honolulu and Sydney

SAN FRANCISCO, December 22d

The screw steamer Scotland, of the British trans-Pacific line, arrived this evening from China, via Japan, in 27 days. She brings thirteen passengers.  Two days out from Kanagawa she broke her steering gear, and had to be steered with tackles the entire passage. The former important political rumors are not confirmed.

The schooner San Florence, 18 days from San Quentin, reports that the bark Sarah Warren, from San Francisco, took off from the island of Guadalupe two Mexican families, nine persons in all, who had fled to that place twelve months ago. They were nearly starved, and dressed in goat skins.  Arrived - Bark Yankee, in 20 days from Honolulu.

The sum of $2,500 had been subscribed in Honolulu to the Sanitary Fund.  Danish bark Jorgen Lorentzen, 65 days from Sydney, brings dates to the 18th of October.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Sacramento Daily Union

Wednesday, December 24, 1862


HOMICIDES IN NEVADA TERRITORY - A. ST. MARIE, who killed Richard GALLAGHER lately, has been held to bail in the sum of $10,000. George GUMBERT, for killing Thomas J. REEDER, has been committed for murder.

NOT MARRIED - A notice of a marriage was published in the Bulletin, December 20th, in which one Harvey STRONG was a party. He denies the “soft impeachment.”

STABBING - In Marysville, on the night of December 22d, Thomas DRISCOLL, an apple peddler, stabbed a young man who struck him.

SACRAMENTO - A correspondent of the San Francisco Mercury, writing from Sacramento, says:

It is now a little more than a year since this place was submerged by the floods, and desolation was seen everywhere, the countenances of the inhabitants became elongated, and many prophesied that it was the death blow to Sacramento; and when the after floods came, these seers of evil exulted in what they thought to be the verification of their gloomy prognostications. But how stands the matter now! Did the misfortunes of last Winter drown the enterprise of Sacramentans, or even dishearten them? It would not seem so when we look upon the improvements that have been made the past Summer throughout the city, together with the liberality with which they have added in the advancement of all the improvements under the immediate direction of the city Government. Let those who thought Sacramento “washed out” come and view our levees, and I think they will not be likely to contemplate another “boat ride” through the streets of our city; and our legislators will hardly be able to find a pretext for removing to San Francisco this Winter, but when they assemble here they will find everything in order - good hotels and plenty to eat, dry streets with good crossings, etc.

We hope our citizens will see that this last assurance shall not prove a snare and a delusion.

SAN FRANCISCO - A dispatch to the Bee yesterday contained the following:

Between nine and ten o’clock last evening a row occurred around a faro table in the upper story of the Mayflower Saloon, a negro gambling den on Washington street, above Stockton, in which Peter DOUGLAS, darkey, cut the throat of a mulatto named SMITH, the keeper of the den, with a large jackknife, nearly severing the jugular vein.

The brig Quoddy Belle, from Russian river, while crossing the bar yesterday shipped a heavy sea on the quarter, which carried away the wheel, stove and taffrail, and filled the cabin with water. The first mate, James BURNS, was washed overboard and lost. He was a native of Nova Scotia, aged 37 years.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



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