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Nevada News Clippings




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Sacramento Union

Friday, September 23, 1910



Program Completed for Farmers’ Week at Davis School

DAVIS (Yolo Co.), Sept. 22 - All arrangements have been completed for the general courses in agriculture to be given free to farmers at the University farm school during the last week in September and the first week in October. The first week of the courses will be devoted entirely to courses on subjects of irrigation, but the courses of the second week are of a more general nature and will appeal to all farmers.

  The program which has been arranged for the second week is as follows:

 Monday, October 3 - “Keeping Farm Accounts,” Leroy ANDERSON; “Alfalfa,” A.J. GAUMNITZ; “Soils - How Farmed,” Professor I.P. ROBERTS, Palo Alto; “Classification of Soils,” Thomas H. MEANS, San Francisco; “Visit to Alfalfa Experiments,” A.J. GAUMNITZ.

  Tuesday, October 4 - “Use of Inventory,” Leroy ANDERSON; “Fertilizers, Needs of the Plant,” J.S. BURD; “Alfalfa,” A.J. GAUMNITZ; “Soil in Relation to Water,” Thomas H. MEANS; “Nature and Value of Commercial Fertilizers,” J.S. BURD.

  Wednesday, October 5 - “Keeping crop Accounts.” Leroy ANDERSON; “Improving Wheat,” A.J. GAUMNITZ; “Soils, How Tilled,” Professor I.P. ROBERTS; “Culture of Sugar Beets,” E.C. BURR, San Francisco; “Soil in Relation to Air and Heat,” Thomas H. MEANS.

  Thursday, October 6 - “How to Find Leaks on the Farm,” Leroy ANDERSON; “Use of Manures and Fertilizers,” J.S. BURD; “Cover Crops in Reference to Grain Growing,” R.E. MANSELL; “Soil in Relation to Plants,” Thomas H. MEANS; “Field Study of Soil Types,” Thomas H. MEANS.

  Friday, October 7 - “Relative Investment in Farm Property,” Leroy ANDERSON; “Selection and Treatment of Seed Grain.” A.J. GAUMNITZ; “Soils , How Improved,” Professor I.P. ROBERTS; “Practical Soil Problems and Their Solution,” Thomas H. MEANS; Study of Grain Exhibit,” A.J. GAUMNITZ.


Known in Yuba - Marysville (Yuba Co.), Sept. 22 - W.A. HANDCOCK, who died last Sunday in San Francisco, was quite well known and popular in this city. For several months while in the employ of the Bay Counties Power company he and his family were guests at the United State’s hotel.



BIGGS (Butte Co.), Sept. 22 - The Biggs public schools were opened on Monday morning with a fairly good attendance. The regular and total number of students have not as yet enrolled on account of the fall work being not finished. The same teachers were again employed this year as last year, with the exception of a new school principal, Professor J.E .WALL, of Oakland.

  The teachers in the other grades are, Miss Leta LaPOINT, Miss Edith NEFF, and Mrs. C.C. SPENCE. About one hundred and twenty-five are already entered with prospects of many more by the beginning of next week, which may make it necessary for the school board to consider a larger building and more teachers to accommodate the growing number of students.



El Dorado Hunters Follow Trail of Blood

PLACERVILLE (El Dorado Co.), Sept. 22 - A very fine large buch was killed last Sunday by George WILLIAMSON, Jr. on lower Webber creek, and his father, George WILLIAMSON, Sr., shot and severely wounded one other. The hunters followed the wounded animal for five hours by the trail of blood, but were unable to locate it.



Former Nevada County Resident Dies in Northern City

NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), Sept. 22 - Information was received here yesterday announcing the death of Frederick A. HOFFMAN at Seattle. Hoffman was 42 years of age at the time of his death, and was born at French Corral, from which place he left a number of years ago to engage in business at Seattle. He leaves a wife and one child.



Mrs. Sarah Herbert Dies at Her Home in Marysville

MARYSVILLE (Nevada Co.), Sept - Mrs .Sarah HERBERT, widow of the late J.C. HERBERT, died at her home in this city Tuesday night at the age of 75 years. The deceased was a native of Ireland, and had been a resident of Marysville for forty-five years. She leaves one son, J.P. HERBERT, and a daughter, Mrs. Joanna HERBERT.



GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), Sept. 22 - The news has been received here by Mrs. W.H. MORGAN of the death of her little niece, Alva AITKEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John AITKEN of Nanaimo, B.C. The child was five years of age and succumbed to spinal meningitis.

  Mrs. Aitken was formerly Miss Irene THOMAS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. THOMAS, at one time residents of this city.



TRCKEE (Nevada Co.), Sept. 22 - On account of the illness of Misses MILLER and STRUCKMEYER, teachers of the Meadow Lake grammar school, the school has been closed for two days.


            TRIES TO CATCH SAW

Grass Valley Man Suffers Severe Cuts on Hand From Flying Tool

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), Sept. 223 - James T. WALES met with a painful accident yesterday morning. Te (sic) requested an employe of the Clinch Mercantile company to throw him a saw, and attempted to catch it. The saw turned in the air and the teeth caught his hand and cut a deep gash that allowed the blood to spurt very freely. Dr. CHAPPELL took several stitches to bring the wound together.



Manager of Cone Ranch Files Big Water Appropriation

RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), Sept. 22 - T.H. RAMSEY, manager of the Cone ranch, yesterday filed notice of appropriation of water rights of 10,000 inches of water in Mill Creek. The water will be diverted from the creek and carried in flumes to the Cone ranch, where it will be used for the generation of electric power.



Hard Formation of Ground Impedes Sinking of New Shaft

GIBSONVILLE (Sierra Co.), Sept. 22 - The lava formation of the ground in the vicinity of the White Bee and Bunker Hill mining claims is causing considerable delay in the sinking of the new shaft by the Poker Flat Mining company in that district. M. DUVAL is sperintendent of the new plant and expects to be operating within a few weeks.




Klamath Falls Employe Held to Answer Pending Action by Grand Jury

KLAMATH FALLS (Ore.), Sept. 22 - John ALLEN has been held to await the action of the grand jury on a charge of robbery and being armed with a dangerous weapon, and his bonds were fixed at $1000. These he was unable to give and he was taken back to jail.

  Allen is a bricklayer and had built a chimney in a new house here and claimed that he had $7 coming to him. He procured a shotgun and started out after his coin. He met C.A. BODACK, contractor, near the offices of the reclamation service, and, leveling the gun on him, compelled Bodack to take the contents of his pockets and place them on the ground on front of him.

  The officials of the reclamation service saw the proceedings and telephoned for police. When they arrived they found that Allen had compelled Bodack to place his watch, $13 in money and his paper on the ground.

  At his preliminary hearing Allen did not care to have a lawyer and seemed indifferent to his fate. He is believed to be mentally unbalanced.



Annual Session of Temperance Workers; Officers and Delegates

AUBURN (Placer Co.), Sept. 22 - At the annual meeting of the local branch of the W.C.T.U., officers for the ensuing year were elected, plans were completed for the medal contest to be held next Sunday, and delegates were named to the county convention which will be held in Loomis, Wednesday, September 28.

  The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. S.E. CALLEN; first vice-president, Mrs. M. ALLEN; second vice-president, Miss G.G. HUTCHINSON; recording secretary, Mrs. A.C. MANNING; treasurer, Mrs. E.L. CLEVELAND; auditor, Mrs. MANNING; superintendents of departments, evangelistic, and hospital, Mrs. E.L. CLEVELAND; flower mission, Mrs. A.C. MANNING; Sunday school, Mrs. M.M. ALLEN; press, Mrs. C.M. RICHMOND.

  The following were elected delegates to the convention at Loomis: Mesdames BERRY, YOUNG and CLEVELAND.



Meyers-Watson Married in Parish House of Woodland Church

ARBUCKLE (Colusa Co.), Sept. 22 - F.J. MYERS and Miss Grace WATSON, accompanied by relatives, left here this morning for Woodland, where the couple were married by the Rev. Father McGRATH. The wedding ceremony was performed in the parish residence with only the near relatives of the couple present.

  Mr. and Mrs. MYERS are both natives of Colusa county. Mr. Myers is the son of Charles Myers, a large land owner near Arbuckle and one of the most successful farmers in Colusa county. The bride is the step-daughter of W.H. KILGORE of Grimes.

  The couple will go from Woodland to San Francisco and then to Santa Cruz, spending about two weeks before returning home.



Bay City Banker Claims Young Biggs Woman as His Bride

BIGGS (Butte Co.), Sept. 22 - At the home of her sister, Mrs. C.H. DEPUE of Marysville, occurred the marriage of Miss Vida HICKS of Biggs today. W.J. BUSH, with the California State Savings bank of San Francisco, is the groom, and holds a good position in the city, where he has already fitted up a beautiful home for the bride.

  The sisters of the bride, Miss Fern HICKS of Biggs, Mrs. LEBORVOU of Chico, Mrs. E.H. ORR of Oroville and Mrs. C.H. DEPUE of Marysville and a few other special friends witnesses the ceremony.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Union

Wednesday, September 21, 1910



Grass Valley Trustees Go to Limit Allowed by Charter

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), Sept. 20 - The city trustees have fixed the tax rate at the limit allowed by the charter, 75 cents on the general fund and 25 cents for the sewer bond tax. An extension of the sewer system has also been authorized by the trustees, and bids will be advertised for at once.



Daniel H. Raymond Dies After Twenty Years’ Residence Near Auburn

AUBURN (Placer Co.), Sept 20 - Daniel Hubbard RAYMOND, a native of Maine, aged 67 years, died at his home near Auburn today. Raymond was a well-to-do farmer, and had resided in this vicinity for twenty years. He leaves no immediate relatives.



Capitalists Canvass Roseville but Project Is Dropped

ROSEVILLE (Placer Co.), Sept. 20 - Mr. THIELEN, representing capitalists of Sacramento, has been in the city interviewing some of the local capitalists with the view of starting another bank here. He met with little encouragement from the moneyed men of this locality. There is one bank here, in which many of the local capitalists are interested, and it is doubtful if a second bank would be justified in starting.

  Mr. THIELEN canvassed the matter thoroughly in company with G.M. HANISCH, one of the progressive citizens of this city, but the conclusion arrived at was to the effect that the time has not yet arrived for a second financial institution in the form of a state bank.



Railroad Manager Visits Mining Property Near Grass Valley

NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), Sept. 20 - J.E. KNAPP, accompanied by his wife, his daughter, Dorothy, and mother-in-law, Mrs. A.A. BOYER, arrived here yesterday evening for a two weeks’ stay. Mr. KNAPP is manager for the Huntington electric lines in Southern California and is accompanied by his chief engineer. Both of the men are interested in the CASSIDY Consolidated mine and went out to that property in the Grass Valley District today to inspect the work that had been done.

  Mr. KNAPP and L.E. ARMSTRONG, manager of the Cassidy, were boyhood friends, and it was through Armstrong that they decided to spend two weeks in this city. They are delighted thus far with what they have seen, and are satisfied that they have made no mistake in investing in the Grass Valley district.



Arndt-Price Wedding Ceremonies Are Held in Lincoln

AUBURN (Placer CO.), Sept 20 - Word has been received here of the marriage of Mrs. Estella PRICE, recently of Auburn, to Lester ARNDT of Lincoln, a member of an old and prominent family of western Placer.

  Mrs. PRICE came to Auburn with her father and son about four years ago. Shortly after their arrival here father and boy were killed at the Auburn and Bowman railroad crossing. Mrs. Price has resided here ever since, until a few months ago, when she removed to Lincoln.



Siskiyou Supervisors Vote to Revoke License

YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), Sept 20 - Evidence taken before the county board of supervisors yesterday in the hearing of John A. WHITE, a saloonkeeper of Mr. Hebron, showed that WHITE had allowed the 14-year-old son of Charles SHORT to enter the saloon, and also to drink and play cards within the barroom.

  Acting on this evidence and other evidence of violations of the county ordinances under which White’s license had been granted, the members of the board of supervisors voted unanimously to revoke the license.



Hospital Treatment Gave Isaac Wiley Little Relief

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), Sept. 20 - Isaac WILEY died at the home of his brother, Ben WILEY, Sunday afternoon, and the funeral took place yesterday, interment being made in the Cunningham cemetery a short distance below this city.

  Mr. CUNNINGHAM spent several weeks in the _ones Memorial hospital, where he was treated for a malignant growth of the tongue, which left him in bad condition. He went to the ranch of his brother, where he gradually grew weaker until death relived him. He was about 50 years of age and was a native of California.



Mrs. Anna Friedell Dies in Auburn After Lingering Illness

AUBURN (Placer CO.), Sept. 20 - Mrs. Anna FRIEDELL, wife of John Friedell, and mother of Mrs. George COMPTON and Gus and Will FRIEDELL, died yesterday after a lingering illness. She was a native of Norway, aged 68 years, and had resided in Auburn about four years.



Engagement Announced at Napa Social Gathering

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), Sept 20 - Word was received here today of the announcement in Napa last night of the engagement of Miss Maidie Louise GESFORD, daughter of Judge Henry C. GESFORD of that city, to George F. JONES, the local attorney and Republican nominee for district attorney. The announcement of the engagement was made at a social gathering last night at the home of the bride-elect, and it was announced that the wedding will take place early in November.

  Miss GESFORD is popular in social circles in Napa and San Francisco, and her father, Judge Gesford, is a past president of the Native Sons, as is also the father of the prospective groom, Major A.S. JONES of this city.



Colusa Bank Clerk Returns Home as Mysteriously as He Disappeared

COLUSA (Colusa Co.), Sept 20 - Will YOUNG, son of Mrs. Ida Young of this city, who mysteriously disappeared from Willows on August 19, and was not heard from after leaving Sacramento for several weeks, returned last night from Colorado.

  The young man was employed as a clerk in the Bank of Willows, and left with a month’s salary due him. He has been at Bailey, Colorado, and his friends had heard nothing of him until his appearance in Colusa last night. The young man gives no explanation of his sudden disappearance or his returning to his home.


Kill Three Deer - Colusa (Colusa Co.), Sept. 20 - Phil POIRIER, J.J. O’ROURKE, Dr. RATHBUN, Arthur FOUCH, Roy GRENFELL and George SCOTT, who are camped on Snow Mountain, sent word today that they had killed three deer in the past two days.


New Roof Put On - Colusa (Colusa Co.), Sept. 20 - A new tin roof is being put on the Masonic temple in this city to take the place of the old roof, which has been on the building for many years.


Grand Matron Visits - Roseville (Placer Co.), Sept. 20 - Mrs. WILLIAMS, district deputy grand matron, Order of Eastern Star, will meet with the local chapter of that order tomorrow night. A number of candidates will be initiated and a banquet will be served.


Dry Land Dredging to Start - Oroville (Butte Co.), Sept. 20 - That the Bucket Gravel company, operators of the dry land dredger, will be in a position to resume operation by the first of next week, is the statement of C.C. JENSEN of Chico, who today said that all claims against the company had been paid in full.


Butcher Recovers - Auburn (Placer Co.), Sept. 20 - W.E. WADDLE, the butcher, who was thrown from his horse last Saturday, was out on the streets today. Mr. Waddle received a severe blow on the head and was badly shaken up, but no bones were broken.


W.C.T.U. in Session - Chico (Butte Co.), Sept 20 - The annual convention of county delegates of the W.C.T.U. will convene in this city tomorrow morning for the discussion of policies and various questions and for the election of officers. The session will be for two days, and among the features of the program will be an address by State President Mrs. Elizabeth LOWE.


Lamiman Is Elected - Redding (Shasta Co.), Sept 20 - George A. LAMIMAN of Olinda was today elected to the office of county horticultural commissioner at a salary of $1500. Lamiman was the only man to qualify at the examination of applicants for the position.


Dredge Worker Burned - Colusa (Colusa Co.), Sept. 20 - While working on a dredger twenty-eight miles from this city in district 108, Captain MAYHEW yesterday afternoon suffered severe burns about the hands and arms when an oil burner exploded as he was repairing the engine.


Bangor Without Saloon - Bangor (Butte Co.), Sept. 20 - For the first time in many years this town has been without a saloon for two days as a result of the failure of the local saloonkeeper to get a sufficient number of signers to his petition for a renewal of his license.


Wrist Is Broken - Rocklin (Placer Co.), Sept 20 - As a result of having tripped on a wire in her vegetable garden late yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Nellie Leahy HUTTON fell at her home two miles from Rocklin and suffered a severe fracture of the bones of her left wrist.


Gambling Case Pending - Chico (Butte Co.), Sept 20 - Robert ANDERSON and John SONTAG, charged with illegal gambling in Stirling City and arrested here Sunday night on the complaint of 14-year-old Frank Craig, (rest cut off).


Natives to Be Hosts - Nevada City (Nevada Co.), Sept. 20 - The members of Laurel parlor, Native Daughters, of this city are making elaborate plans for their business and social session tomorrow night, when there will be hostesses to four visiting grand officers, it being the occasion of the official visit of Grand President Mamie G. PEYTON of Stockton. She will be accompanied on the visit by Mrs. Carrie R. DURHAM of Butte county, past grand president, Mrs. Alison F. WATT of Grass Valley, grand trustee, and Mrs. Nellie HARTMAN of this city, D.D.G.P.


Lawlers Pay Tribute - Nevada City (Nevada Co.), Sept. 20 - The committee appointed from the Nevada County Bar association to prepare resolutions of respect in honor of the memory of the late Thomas S. FORD, district attorney of the county, yesterday submitted their report, which was ordered transcribed on the records of the superior court.


Game Warden Shot - Nevada City (Nevada Co.), Sept. 20 - While riding through the woods in the vicinity of You Bet, this county, in pursuit of deer hunters who were using dogs to chase the game into the open, Game Warden Walter PERRY was yesterday afternoon shot in the leg by a rifle shot. It is not known whether the shooting was accidental on the part of the unknown hunters or not. The injuries are not expected to prove fatal.



Placer Property Increases in Value $5000 Over Cost Last Year

AUBURN (Placer Co.), Sept. 20 - F.J. GIBSON has just sold his fifty-acre ranch at Penryn for $10,000. Mr. Gibson paid $5000 for it a year ago. The purchaser is John LINDROTH, who sold his ranch about a year ago, but could not keep out of the fruit growing business.

  Mr. Gibson is a New Yorker, but says he intends to spend the remainder of his life in California. He took 9600 boxes of fruit from his ranch this year.



Former Grass Valley Official’s Funeral Services Today

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), Sept. 20 - The remains of former City Marshal Dan DEEBLE arrived here this evening. Delegations of members of the Masons, Native Sons and Woodmen were at the station to meet and take care of the body and relatives. The funeral will be held tomorrow under the auspices of the Masons. Mr. DEEBLE died suddenly Sunday while riding on a street car with his two young daughters.



Auctioneer’s House Ransacked While Family Works in Near-by Orchard

YUBA CITY (Sutter Co.), Sept. 20 - The residence of Henry VAN TIGER, the well-known Yuba City auctioneer, was robbed yesterday while the family was working in the orchard. The entire house was ransacked and a purse containing a small amount of money was taken.


            LASSEN HAS $2 RATE

Supervisors Fix Tax Levy and Apportionment for Ensuing Year

SUSANVILLE (Lassen Co.), Sept. 20 - The board of supervisors of Lassen has fixed the tax rate at a flat $2. The apportionment of this levy is as follows: Salary, .18; hospital, .06; road, .40; school, .21; high school, .09; cemetery, .017; contingent, .04; jail, .40; state, .353; general, .25.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Union

Friday, September 30, 1910



Native of Placer County Is Victim of Tuberculosis; Funeral Tomorrow

LINCOLN (Placer Co.), Sept. 29 - After an illness of about a year, C. Marion MYERS died at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Anna FULLER, in Lincoln today, from tuberculosis. He was the only son of Mrs. Herman LOHSE of Roseville. He was born in Lincoln, and was 21 years of age.

  When the young man first became afflicted with the disease he went to a number of sanitariums with the hope of checking the ravages of the disease, but without success. At one time Mr. Myers held a responsible position with the Southern Pacific company. He was genial and popular with his associates. The funeral will be held Saturday from the residence of Mrs. Ann FULLER in Lincoln.



Frank A. Atwood Dies of Typhoid Fever in Nevada County

AUBURN (Placer Co.), Sept. 29 - Frank A. ATWOOD, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Nat ATWOOD, pioneer residents of Rock Creek district, died at Truckee Tuesday of typhoid fever. Atwood was born and raised in Auburn, as was also his widow, formerly Miss Ella GIBSON. He was aged 44 years.

  The funeral was held this afternoon in Auburn under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias, assisted by Rev. Seneca JONES.



Mrs. Harry Dalton, Well Known in Marysville, Dies in San Francisco

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), Sept. 29 - A message was received in Marysville this morning of the death of Mrs. Harry DALTON at 11 a.m. at her home in San Francisco. She was a former resident of this city and 60 years of age.

  The funeral will take place in San Francisco Saturday. The interment will be made in Holy Cross cemetery.



Son of Prominent Dutch Flat Banker Now Enroute to Alaska

AUBURN (Placer Co.), Sept. 29 - John NICHOLLS, a prominent banker of Dutch Flat, was in Auburn today and accompanying him was his son, John E. NICHOLLS, who has recently returned form the gold mines of Africa.



Worker at Yuba City Freight Depot Held Pending Investigation.

YUBA CITY (Sutter Co.), Sept. 29 - Suspected of being the man who burglarized the home of Henry VAN TIGER near here, Thomas O’DONNEL is now being held pending an investigation as to his whereabouts at the time of the robbery. O’Donnel was arrested here yesterday while he was engaged in unloading grapes at the freight depot.

  He was in the employ of Mark PEASE when the sheriff’s office was notified of his presence in town, and he was immediately taken into custody by Under Sheriff Bennett SCHILLIG. O’DONNEL claims that he was in Sacramento the day the crime was committed, having left Yuba City September 17, and the theft was not committed until the following Monday.



Empire Mine Worker May Have Suffered Internal Injuries

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), Sept. 29 - While working at the Empire mine yesterday, F.C. CARPENTER was caught between the skip and the hanging wall, crushing the lower part of his back and abdomen. Dr. Carl JONES was called and upon examination decided to take him to the Jones Memorial hospital.

  How serious are his injuries cannot be determined as yet. The doctor fears internal injuries.



Wrenched Wrist and Many Bruises Are Extent of Injuries

YUBA CITY (Sutter Co.), Sept. 29 - H. BANDELOW and Ed. HOFFMAN, employed in repairing the Feather river wagon bridge between this city and Marysville, sustained painful injuries this morning by falling from a plank under the bridge to the ground about twenty feet below. Bandelow’s injuries consisted of a badly wrenched wrist and several bruises, but Hoffman was more fortunate, only being bruised and shaken up.



Falls Twenty-five Feet From High Structure Over Feather River

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), Sept. 29 - Zebediah COUSINS, a bridge carpenter in the employ of the Southern Pacific Railway company, was brought to one of the local hospitals this afternoon suffering from injuries received by falling off a high bridge over the Feather river north of town. He was immediately placed aboard extra work train No. 1324 , and hurried to Sacramento.

  He fell about twenty-five feet and was hurt internally. Cousins is a single man and his home is at Johnson City, Tenn.



Marysville Chief Degrades Officer Who Showed “Bravery” in Crowd

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), Sept. 29 - Chief of Police MABIN today took away the star of Special Policemen Charles MATTHEWS. In chasing the runaway negro, “Red” WILLIAMS, last night, Matthews made very free use of his gun, endangering the lives of citizens.

  An hour later Williams is said to have passed the special officer at Third and E streets, near the postoffice corner, and Matthews made no attempt to arrest him.




Victim of Accident Will Be Buried in Auburn

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), Sept. 29 - William A. FRIEND, who was picked up unconscious on the road yesterday near Merritts Station by Ed FISSELL and brought to the sanatarium in this city, died at 3 a.m. today. Death was due to a fractured skull and hemorrhage of the brain. An operation was performed by the physicians, but they gave little hope for his recovery.

  Very little is known about FRIEND in this county, and little information about him can be obtained. He leaves a daughter residing some place in the East, and three cousins in Oakland and one in Sutter City. His son-in-law, G.F. FARWELL of Sacramento, is arranging to have the body shipped to Auburn for interment, where he says there is a family plot, and where Friend was a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge in that city. Friend has been in the employ of H.P. EAKLE since last March, and was for several years foreman of the STOVELL ranch in Colusa county. He was about 60 years of age.



Early Morning Fire in Oroville Destroys Four Homes at Loss of $10,000

Defective Flue Starts Blaze While Woman Milks Cow and Family Sleep

OROVILLE (Butte CO.), Sept. 29 - An early morning fire on Bridge street in this city destroyed four residences and caused a loss of $10,000, which is partially insured. The fire started in the residence of W.C. NELSON, and it was with great difficulty that the residence of Charles G. THUNENE was saved. The cause of the fire was a defective flue.

  Mrs. W.C. NELSON arose at 4:30 o’clock this morning and started a fire and then went to milk her cow. Soon afterward she discovered the roof of her residence in flames. She hastened to the house and awakened the sleeping members of her family, and they had only time to escape from the burning building in their night clothes. The fire department was soon at the scene, but the fire had spread to the houses on each side of the Nelson home and to one in the rear. The residence of Charles G. Thunene was saved only by the flood of water form three lines of hose.

  All the contents of the Nelson house were destroyed, but the occupants of the other houses had time to remove their furniture from the houses. J.F. GALVIN, editor of the Oroville Mercury, occupied one of the houses and Minor BROWN and Mrs. Susie MYERS the others. The Nelson, Galvin and Brown residences were owned by Mrs. FISHER, and the fourth house by Mrs. STOVER.

  The Thunene house was saved only by the hard work of the fireman twice before in the past two years.



Stockman Buys 1200-Acre Purkitt Property Near Willows

WILLOWS (Glenn CO.), Sept. 29 - The PURKITT ranch of 1200 acres west of this city was today sold to Mike CAMPBELL, a well-known stockman with heavy business interests in this section of the valley. The price was $30,000. Campbell will devote his new property to his stock activities.



 On Motion of Attorney F.C. GOLDEN of San Francisco, Superior Judge HUGHES yesterday granted a further continuance in the land fraud cases brought against G.A. WINCHESTER, C.T. BLAKE and F.W. RAYMOND. The cases had been set down for trial for October 10, but Attorney GOLDMAN, who represents Winchester, informed the court that he had been unable to locate some important witnesses and asked that the matter go on over to October 31.

  Judge Hughes did not take kindly to the motion and spoke his mind freely. He was inclined to believe that due diligence had not been shown, but finally extended the date for trial so that there could be no further ground for delay.


            ORE ASSAY RUNS OVER $5000 TO TON

Red Ravine Mine, Recently in Legal Dispute, Proves to Be Rich Producer

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), Sept. 29 - Ed PAGE, one of the owners of the Red Ravine mine, near Dobbins, has brought to this city some samples of ore from that recently discovered quartz claim which assays over $5000 to the ton. The specimens are on exhibition at a local jewelry store.

  This is the mine that was recently in dispute in the courts, Superintendent WILKINS of the Mother Lode mine claiming it was his property. He was beaten in the superior court, Judge MATSON deciding that it was outside the boundaries of the Mother Lode patent.

  The mine shows a large body of ore, some of it being what is termed “jewelry ore.”



Volunteers Asked to Give Up Skin to Save Young Boy

AUBURN (Placer Co.), Sept 29 - An appeal has been made by local doctors to friends of 6-year-old Francis KELLY, who was badly burned by powder here a month ago, asking for volunteers to give up portions of their skin to be used in a grafting operation which has been decided upon as the last hope of saving the young boy’s life.

  Young Kelly was expected to recover speedily from his injuries until two weeks ago, when his condition became more serious, and the grafting operation has now come to be the only means of assuring the healing of the wounds.



Youthful Robber Walked Long Distance Fearing Capture

RENO (Nev.), Sept. 29 - Confessing the robbery of the postoffice at Vinton, Plumas county, Albert H. CHRISTEN was this morning arrested in a timbered ranch three miles west of this city after having walked the entire distance to Reno from Vinton, fearing that he would be captured if he sought any means of transportation. Christen had been in refuge on the ranch for several days, and had obtained his meals at a nearby farm house.

  When charged with the robbery of the postoffice in Plumas county, Christen broke down and confessed, and led the officers to his cache where the plunder was hidden. In addition to the $14.50 taken from the postoffice, Christen had a sack of plunder consisting of two pairs of gloves, a lot of neckties, two suits of underwear, some cheap jewelry, two pounds of tobacco and other loot. Christen says that he is only 19 years of age.



WASHINGTON, Sept 29 - Appointments of the postal department for vacancies in California postoffices were today made as follows: Ethel G. PACKARD, Knob, Shasta county, and George F. BARTELL, Sequoia, Tuolumne county.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Union

Monday, October 3, 1910


Sunday-school Rally - Oroville (Butte Co.), Oct. 2 - The members of the Sunday-school of the local Methodist church observed rally day today and an elaborate program was given in honor of the opening of the winter work of the school. Mrs. Maurice GOFF is superintendent of the Sunday-school and was in charge of the musical and literary program.


Attorney’s Auto Frightens Horse - Chico (Butte Co.), Oct. 2 - Attorney Guy R. KENNEDY was furnished with considerable excitement last night as he was returning from Oroville in an automobile, two horses driven by Thomas SCHWEIN, a rancher, taking fright at the machine at Mulberry and throwing SCHEWIN to the ground. Kennedy gave the injured man such assistance as he could before continuing his trip to this city.


Wants Friend Arrested - Chico (Butte Co.), Oct. 2 - Barney LYNN, a prominent farmer living near Durham, is wanted on a charge of battery on the complaint of his former friend, Daniel SULLIVAN, manager of the PRATT grant, who yesterday told the local police that in a business dispute on Broadway, Lynn had struck him with his fist.


Greek Resents Search - Chico (Butte Co.), Oct. 2 - Four policemen, the chief of the fire department and the city attorney were required last night in the city jail to effect the search of a Greek prisoner who resented being relieved temporarily of $90 which he had. The prisoner gave the name of George DEMOS; he is charged with having insulted Mrs. R.C. McQUEEN, on which charge he will be arraigned tomorrow morning.


Chico Members Attend - Chico (Butte Co.), Oct. 2 - Several members of Chico canton No. 2, Patriarchs Militant, I.O.O.F., left this morning for Sacramento, en route for the grand encampment, which convenes at Santa Ana for a week, beginning tomorrow. Those in the local party were as follows: R.C. BLACK, F.E. SHEARER, E.C. CLARK, H.F. SLOAT, G.W. LARKIN, G.C. BENNETT, C.K. BENNETT, H.S. HOSLER, L.H. HOSLER, Sam CHRISTOPHER, J.F. ENTLER, J.W. MAFFEY, J.W. BISH, W.F. PILGRIM and J.H. ROONEY.



Howard Fassett of Redding Takes Bride at San Francisco

REDDING (Shasta CO.), Oct. 2 - Word was received here today of the marriage in San Francisco last Sunday of Miss Em Lou FRISBY, daughter of M.B. FRISBY, president of the Bank of Northern California in this city. The groom was Howard FASSETT, a prominent business man of San Francisco, where the couple will make their home.

  The bride is well known in this city, where she was a leader in social circles during her residence here. She is a graduate of the University of California and is prominent in sorority life and social circles in the bay cities.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Bee

Tuesday, October 4, 1910



Accident Proved Fatal To Shasta Pioneer

REDDING (Shasta Co.), October 4 - John WHITMORE, the oldest teacher in Shasta County, died in a local hospital at 6:30 last evening. As told in The Bee yesterday, he fell from a flume at Ingot Sunday, sustaining injuries that were deemed fatal from the beginning. When brought to the hospital to be operated upon for the fracture of the skull, it was found that the fracture extended clear around the skull. The victim did not regain consciousness.

  Mr. Whitmore was warned by TERRY’s superintendent that he was too old to tend flume, but he insisted that he could take his son Charles’ place for a day or two. The son was going to be absent for only a few days and the father was anious (sic) to substitute for him so that the job would be retained.

  John Whitmore was a printer as well as a teacher and farmer. He conducted the Millville Tidings for a year or two in early days but for the forty years he had lived in Shasta County he had usually followed farming in the Summer, teaching a country school in the Winter. The pioneer was a man of high character and was generally respected. He owned 300 acres of land and a fine orchard near the town of Whitmore, which was named for him. The funeral will be held at Whitmore to-morrow.

  The decedent was a native of Maine, aged 62. He leaves a widow and one son and two daughters - Charles Whitmore, Whitmore; Mrs. C.O. SMITH, Redding and Miss Marcia Whitmore, Whitmore.



SAN FRANCISCO, October 4 - Charles NASH, a miner from Minersville, Trinity County, is said to have been muleted out of $2,000 in a fake poolroom here yesterday. The police arrested three men who are charged with the alleged swindle. They gave their names as William DUFF, William HELTON and William DREW.

  A search of Duff revealed $1,896 in his possession and Nash identified a portion of the money as being that which he had bet, as he supposed, on a horse race.



J.R. Fleak Lived In Redding For Thirty-Five Years

INGOT (Shasta Co.), October 4 - John R. FLEAK, familiarly known as Jack FLEAK, died suddenly here this morning. He complained of being ill yesterday afternoon, but toward the evening appeared better and went to work in the saloon of B. GROSSCUP.

  When Grosscup went to check his place of business this morning he found Fleak unconscious and he died before a doctor could be summoned.

  He was a native of Niles, Mich.., aged 69 years. He had lived in Redding for thirty-five years and came to Ingot two months ago. He was an old soldier and a member of the Redding Grand Army Post.

  Fleak leaves four step-children, J.W. HANKS, Mrs. Albert E. WALKER, Mrs. Burtie DAVIS and Mrs. Forest STEVENS.



Union High School Trustees for Shasta Lassen District

REDDING (Shasta Co.), October 4 - With only a small district (Soldier Mountain) to hear from in the twenty districts comprising the Fall River Union High School District, the first election of five Trustees resulted as follows: J.R. CREIGHTON 222, A.W. GALE 219, A.W. GEISSNER 192, John SNELL 139, W.J. ALBAUGH 134, James SNELL 111, H.B. MANNING 109, scattering 16. As Soldier Mountain cannot affect the result, the five first named are elected, as announced in The Bee last week. The returns are official. All five Trustees are from Shasta County. The sixth man on the list is James SNELL, a resident of Lassen County, which gives three school districts to the Union High. So Lassen County is without representation on the Board.

  Within twenty days of the election, which was held a week ago Monday, the county Superintendent must call a meeting of the Board. At this meeting the Board will elect a President and Secretary and assume entire control of the business of the district. The Trustees will then decide upon the location of the new High School, if possible. Unless they can agree unanimously, the question of location must be submitted to the decision of the voters in the district.

  There is no likelihood of the Trustees agreeing unanimously, as Glenburn, Fall River Mills and Macarthur each want the school.



Former County Clerk Passed Away at His Home

YREKA (Siskiyou CO.), October 4. George D. BUTLER, one of the best known attorneys of Siskiyou County, one of the firm of O’NEILL & BUTLER, died at his home here last evening. His death was sudden, as he had not been ill. Natural causes are attributed to the death.

  Mr. Butler was 53 years of age and a prominent member of the Knights Templar. He was formerly County Clerk of Siskiyou. He leaves a wife and four children, Ben, Clifford and Stanley Butler, and Mrs. WEBSTER, wife of the Principal of the High School at Selma.

  The funeral will be held Thursday.


             “BLIND PIG” CASE

Defendant Makes Hard Fight; Only Eleven Jurors Secured

CORAM (Shasta Co.), October 4 - The “blind pig” case in which Mrs. Barbara BAUMAN is the defendant is being fought stubbornly before Justice of the Peace George J. HARDEY. The trial is before a jury. It took all day yesterday to secure eleven jurors.

  Mrs. Bauman formerly had a saloon license in connection with her hotel business, but it was revoked on a showing made before the Board of Supervisors. She continued in the hotel business.

  The saloonmen of Coram who pay $50 a quarter license insist that they shall be given protection and that all “blind pigs” shall be abolished.



Charges of Drunkenness Filed Against the Officer

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), October 4 - At a special meeting to be held probably to-morrow evening the Trustees will investigate charges of intoxication and neglect of duty filed against Marshal TOLAND.

  The charges were called to the attention of the Trustees last evening by Trustee KUCHENMEISTER, of the Police Committee. Other charges of habitual intoxication will be investigated. Pending the investigation Toland has been given a leave of absence for two weeks and Police Officer Thomas CONWAY is in charge of the department.



ROSEVILLE (Placer Co.), October 4. Officers are looking for a Greek, who gave the name of John GATOS when he signed it to a $10 check which he picked up on the street, getting the same cashed at the Roseville Banking and Trust Company Bank. The check was issued by James ASTILL in favor of John HERRING. Mr. Herring turned the check over to his business partner, J. E. MUNSTER, and the latter in turn lost it. The bank was notified of the loss, but too late to stop payment.



FAIRFIELD (Solano Co.), October 4 - The Midas Petroleum Company has filed its articles of incorporation in the County Clerk’s office here. The capital stock is $2,000,000, divided into 2,000,000 shares having a par value of $1 each. The incorporation is to run for twenty-five years. The Incorporators and directors are J.N. LEWIS, Arthur W. LEWIS, C.S. CONLIN, M. ROSENCRAUTZ and P.B. LYNCH. The company is organized for the purpose of boring for oil in the vicinity of Vallejo and Benicia.


            INJURIES FATAL

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), October 4 - Harry CANTRELL, a young man from Bangor, succumbed to-day to injuries received a few weeks ago at the plant of the Great Western Power Company. He was about 18 years of age.



FAIRFIELD (Solano Co.), October 4 - A.V. MACELL has filed a petition in the Superior Court here for appointment as administrator of the estate of Manuel L. FRATES of Vacaville, who died two weeks ago, leaving an estate consisting of real and personal property values at $5,450. The heirs are Mary A. FRATES, the widow, and Mary L. and Sophie FRATES, daughters of deceased. The heirs have requested Maceil to administer the estate.


            WARREN ESTATE

OROVILLE (Butte CO.), October 4 - A petition was yesterday filed in the Superior Court for letters of administration in the estate of E.A. WARREN, late City Treasurer of Chico. The value of the estate is given as $10,000. Margaret WORTHINGTON, a niece residing in Oregon, was left a legacy of $2,500. The remainder of the estate was left to the widow, who was also appointed administratrix.



NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), October 4 - Major Arnett F. PERRY, charged with selling bogus mining stock and engaging in real estate frauds, was arraigned in Court this morning. He was unrepresented by counsel and asked for a continuance until he could obtain an attorney. The case was continued until to-morrow morning at 10 o’clock.



OROVILLE (Butte Co.), October 4 - An amicable settlement has been reached in the litigation between John BESSE and the Pacific Gas and Electric Company over impounding the waters of Kanaka Creek, in this county. Besse has withdrawn his claim for damages and the company has in its turn acknowledged his right to the waters of the creek.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Bee

Saturday, October 29, 1910


Governor GILLETT has expressed the opinion to a number of local automobile men that if the good roads are voted upon favorably, an expert road-builder should be imported from some European country to supervise the work.

  Local good roads enthusiasts say that the difficulty in road building in this section of the country is that there is too much experimenting and huge amounts are sunk in efforts to carry out the new schemes that are continually being proposed.

  They declare that road-building is a science in many European countries and are in favor of having some professional road-builder who has demonstrated the highest degree of skill to carry out the great undertaking which the State is looking forward to.


  H.M. FULLER, of Red Bluff, left this city for his home last night in a 38-Overland, which was delivered to him yesterday in this city by Meister & Sons.


  The Cascade Laundry has purchased an Overland delivery auto, which is being given a try-out to-day. Gerber & Fuss, dyers and cleaners, have already purchased one of these machines.


  A carload of Stoddard-Dayton machines is due to arrive in this city November 10th.


  Percy HOAD of Davis has purchased a Model AA Maxwell runabout. The Kirk-Geary Company has purchased a five-passenger Maxwell touring car.


  The Maxwell garage has received The Sportsman, a 22 horsepower racing type machine.



Discover Frauds - Gigantic frauds in the warehouse districts of San Francisco have been discovered by U.S. Treasury Agents and it is now announced that the net is closing around eight men who are suspected of swindling the United States customs. Investigations will probably not be completed for two weeks yet.


Country Visitor Duped - Pablo CASTRO, of Santa Paula, visited San Francisco Thursday, met a jovial soldier, had a drink or two and then “swapped” clothes with the new found friend. Hardly had he begun to enjoy his new role as soldier when a policeman took him in and charged him with being a deserter. It took considerable explaining for Castro to regain his liberty. Meantime the real deserter had made his escape.


Kicked Out by Landlord - Evicted from her home at 2927 Wheeler Street, South Berkeley, because she was $33 in arrears for rent, Mrs. George L. GOULD and her four children took refuge in the police station late last night. To-day Mrs. Gould departed with her infant daughter and left her other three children for Chief of Police VOLLMER to care for. The woman penned a pathetic note to Vollmer stating that she would come for the boys when she could.         


Grieving Mother Ends Life - Grief over the tragic death of her 8-year-old daughter two years ago caused Mrs. Anna MILNE, 36-year-old wife of George Milne, wealthy cattle man of Chugwater, Wyo., to take her life yesterday at Berkeley with a revolver. Milne was preparing breakfast in his home at 2821 Stuart Street, shortly after 7 o’clock, when the fatal shot rang out. He rushed to the bedroom and found his wife dead on the floor.


Briggs Will Filed - The will of the late Arthur R. BRIGGS, the State publicity promoter and President of the Western States Life Insurance Company, who died October 24th, was filed for probate yesterday at San Francisco. It disposes of an estate valued at between $400,000 and $500,000m dividing the bulk of it among the five sisters and brothers of the testator. Briggs possessions consisted of realty in this county and in Fresno and Los Angeles Counties, oil properties in Kern county, and stocks and bonds.


Seize Opium - Customs Inspectors E.E. ENLOW and G.B. RICHARDSON seized $500 worth of contraband smoking opium yesterday, which arrived on the Newport from Ancon.


Amateur Scribe “Canned” - J.W. HENDERSON of Eureka, the University correspondent of one of he San Francisco newspapers, was yesterday given an indefinite suspension from Stanford University by a vote of the Faculty Committee on Student Affairs, the reason for the dismissal being that he “had been accessory to the publication of articles which were false and derogatory to the University.”


Allen Gets His - James M. ALLEN, divorced husband of Emma ALLEN, went to Judge MOGAN’s Court at San Francisco yesterday in an intoxicated condition and got into trouble in three different ways. He was adjudged guilty of contempt and sentenced to serve five days in the County Jail; a charge of disturbing the peace was preferred against him, and finally Judge MOGAN directed that a felony warrant charging him with failure to support his family be sworn in.


He Was Jealous - Leo H. BERNSTEIN believed that his wife Lillian impressed all men as she impressed him at the time of their marriage and in a divorce complaint filed yesterday in Oakland she asserts he made her life miserable as a result. She declares that he would hide himself in the garden and lay in wait for men whom he suspected were paying attention to her and would make a nightly tour of all of the places in the house were a man might be concealed.  


Pilot Suspended - As a result of the investigation of the grounding of the British steamer Damara off Fort Point on October 8th, the Board of State Pilot Commissioners at San Francisco has suspended Captain James MILLER’s pilot license for a period of three month, effective from October 8th.


Steamer Ashore - The steam schooner Charles Nelson, south bound from Everett with 750,000 feet of lumber and due at San Francisco yesterday, went ashore fifteen miles north of Point Reyes in a heavy fog last night and sustained considerable damage. Captain L.C. HANSON was able, however, to get to sea again with his own power, and it is expected that the boat will arrive to-day.


Plunges Over Cliff - At Land’s End, San Francisco, yesterday afternoon, Steven DRIVER, the sixteen-year-old son of C.B. DRIVER of Dinuba, Tulare County, lost his footing and tumbled headlong over a precipice with a sheer drop of 130 feet. For more that two hours he hay unconscious, while his father, frantic and helpless, stood on the height above him. A crew from the Golden Gate Life Saving Station worked around the base of the cliff and by means of pulley and line hoisted the injured boy to the pathway at its summit. He was taken at once to the French Hospital and has slight chance for recovery.


Heggertys In Trouble - Michael HEGGERTY, formerly well known in lesser city politics, appeared before Judge SHORTAIL yesterday at San Francisco on a charge of battery preferred  by his wife, Delia HEGGERTY. According to Mrs. Heggerty, who displayed a beautifully blued optic set off by a red gash underneath, her husband came home Wednesday night with a friend named BEATTY, and, as both were intoxicated, she ordered them from the house. Her husband testified that after Beatty had been sent from the house he had gone to bed, when his wife appeared with an ax and started to chop the bed down. She finally cut off all four legs and Heggerty rolled to the floor. The husband further testified that as he fled from the house his spouse hurled a lamp at him, and in her eagerness to hit him with the ax had fallen downstairs and cut her eye open.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





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