

Other California Counties


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California County's News 1904a
California County's News 1904b
California County's News 1904c
California County's News 1904d





Sacramento Bee

Friday, May 27, 1904



Mystery of Yolo County Stock Range - Was Stabbed by a Sheepman

DUNNIGAN (Yolo Co.), May 27 - Walter STOVER, the sheep herder who mysteriously disappeared from the HUFFORD range some time ago, and who was supposed to have been killed for his money, is reported to be in the northern part of the State. This information, however, is unaccompanied by proof, and there are reasons for doubting it.

  The cause of his sudden leave taking is said to have been on account of his fear of “a man with a knife and a gun” whose dog he had killed for the reason that it played havoc among his sheep. On hearing of the dog’s demise its owner shouldered his rifle and set out to hunt the man who killed it.

  Having been forewarned, Stover immediately took to the woods, leaving his sheep to wander at their will. This part of the story occurred on the FITZPATRIC range several miles west of the Hufford place. After securing his wages, about $200, he crossed over the hills to Hufford’s and applying for work was given charge of 900 sheep, which he herded nearly two weeks, when he again disappeared, at midday, as previously related in The Bee.

  This time he did not draw his wages, although it is declared he hovered about the locality for a fortnight, concealing himself by day but after nightfall going forth from his lair to meet his sweetheart. The identity of his sweetheart is a profound secret. He also cached considerable provisions and other supplied which, buy chance, were recently found by the man who mourns the loss of his dog.

  Several days after his second disappearance, while hurrying across country to Arbuckle for medical assistance, Stover appeared at the cabin of a settler, stating that he had just had a bloody encounter with his enemy and was suffering from a knife wound in the abdomen. The settler offered his assistance, which was declined, the herder saying, “I must hurry; I am bleeding.”

  This was the last seen of the man in this locality. And now it is said he is “up north,” but this report is not accepted as true by many.



WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), May 27 - The residence of Bert GORDON, Willow Oak Park, about three miles west of this city, was destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The fire started during the absence of Mr. Gordon, and he has no idea how it originated. Neighbors succeeded in saving most of the contents of the house, but the structure itself was completely destroyed. The house was valued at $1500 and was insured for $1000.



UKIAH (Mendocino Co.), May 26 - Thursday morning, a party made up of Andy MILNE and Will HILDRETH, of Ukiah, and Charles WILSON and Vic McCLURE, of the Mendocino State Hospital, started on a fishing trip to Castle Garden. The men allowed the horses their own gait when going down the Low Gap grade, which is very rough, and in rounding a curve the wheel struck a rock and caused the wagon to lurch.

  Wilson was thrown out against the bank, the fall breaking his right leg above the knee and wrenching his back. His companions set the injured limb the best they could and then brought him to town, and summoned a physician. He was badly hurt and it will be many weeks before he will be able to attend to his accustomed duties.

  Wilson is General Supervisor of the Asylum, which position he has held for some time.



UKIAH (Mendocino Co.), May 27 - Fred HOLMAN, formerly a student in the local High School, but now attending Stanford University, of whose track team he is Captain, has been selected to accompany the All-California athletes to St. Louis to contest in the international Athletic Field Day. Holman has made a number of records for himself, and is a good distance man.



COLUSA, May 27 - Dr. G.I. CASON, County Physician and one of the best known physicians in this part of the State, and Miss Mary REES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rees, of this place, were quietly married at the residence of the bride’s parents yesterday by Rev. O’BRIEN, of the Episcopal church.



DUNSMUIR (Siskiyou Co.), May 27 - A man named HOLMAN, a carpenter, working on the new hotel here, attempted suicide yesterday by taking laudanum.

  Dr. CROSS worked on him for several hours and brought him around, but it was a close call.

  It is stated that Holman comes from Fresno. No cause in known for the act.



REDDING (Shasta Co.), May 27 - A.J. WRIGHT and Mrs. Carrie HUME, both of this city, were married in Sacramento last evening at the residence of William STOUT, 511 Tenth Street, Rev. WILLS of the Presbyterian Church officiating.

  At the wedding ceremony last evening the home of the Stouts, who formerly lived in this county and are friends of long standing of the contracting parties, was decorated tastefully in pink and white carnations, maiden fern and green grass. The bride was becomingly attired in a handsome gown of soft voile of champagne color over taffeta silk. Mrs. Stout, who was the bridesmaid, was attired in crepe de chene over gray moire silk. Both the groom and the best man, who was Mr. Stout, were in the conventional black.

  Both Mr. and Mrs. Wright are well and favorably known in Redding, where they have many friends who will shower them with congratulations upon their return. They will leave Sacramento this evening and arrive in Redding Saturday morning to make their home in the Hume dwelling on Pine Street.



REDDING (Shasta Co.), May 27 - Carl H. JEUS, of De La Mar, secured an injunction yesterday from Judge HEAD in the Superior court temporarily restraining the Bully Hill Copper Mining and Smelting Company form building a railway over his mining ground.

  The Company is building a railroad a mile in length to connect its smelter at De La Mar with the Anchor shaft. Fifty men are now at work grading the right of way.

  Jeus claims that the road will cross his quartz claims and that he has never given title to the right of way. He asks that the injunction made permanent and that he be awarded damages in the sum of $500.



RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), May 27 - The preliminary examination of John CASEY and John DAWSON, the men arrested for stealing brandy from a car here recently, was held yesterday before Justice of the Peace W.L. BRANSFORD, and the men were held for trial in the Superior Court under bon of $500 each.

  Their testimony was to the effect that they found the brandy in the brush south of town. The people, however, proved that the brandy had been stolen, and these men were found with it in their possession. This was enough, and they were held for trial.



RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), May 27 - The divorce suit of Dr. J. Hial WEST vs. Nellie E. WEST was begun to-day in the Superior Court. The case is being heard behind closed doors, and little or nothing is known of it’s progress. Judge GRAY, of Oroville, if trying the case. No reporter is engaged to take testimony.



LINCOLN (Placer Co.), May 27 - Constable S.C. LASWELL of Lincoln made a very clever and important capture of a burglar near here yesterday.

  Late Wednesday evening he as notified that burglary and theft of Jewelry, etc., had been committed at the residence of Walter MIDGLEY, near the Dairy Farm Mine, a few miles north of Lincoln. Yesterday morning Mr. LASSWELL started after the burglar and traced him to the BRADSHAW ranch, on the Oregon railroad, near Bear River, where he found the man and took him in.

  The burglar gives his name as William JONES, and the stolen articles are valued at about $150 or $200, and consist of a lady’s gold chain and locket, three gold rings, a diamond shirt stud, a lady’s breastpin with two gold nuggets pendant, a pair of gold cuff buttons, with gold quart settings, a gold shirt stud, with gold quartz setting, a gold pen, and a pair of shoes.

  Most of these articles have been identified by the owners, but Jones denies having stolen them, and states that he is ready for trial any time.

  His preliminary examination will probably be held to-day before Justice HARPER of Lincoln.

  He is a stranger here, no one appearing to know him.



Siskiyou County’s Gold Output Increasing With Each Season

YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), May 27 - The numerous placer mines of the Oak Bar Mining District, one of the richest sections of this county, are showing great activity in operations at the present time.

  The Pine Grove placer mine, which is under the management of M.J. WHITNEY, is being operated to its fullest capacity by a large force of men. The ground worked this season is exceptionally rich and will yield handsome returns. The clean-up will be commenced in about ten days.

  C.A.F. JENSEN, of the McKinley Creek Mine, has had an unusually long run this season, having washed down a great deal of ground. The clean-up has now commenced and it is reported from a reliable source that the bedrock is literally covered with gold, from which pieces are being picked up, in quantities as large as good-sized beans. The returns from this property will be very large this season.

  The old M. MOTT placer mine recently purchased by GRESSWELL & Company, of San Francisco, is now operating in full force, just above Oak Bar. The Company was considerably delayed in getting this property equipped this season on account of the high water in the Klamath River. The mine is now being pumped out and a large force of men will be worked night and day. The prospect left by the workings of last Fall will, undoubtedly, pay handsomely.

  The Oak Bar hydraulic mine made a clean-up last Sunday which was unusually large and the Company is well satisfied. This property has been equipped recently with new and modern appliances and will be worked on a more extensive scale next season.

   The hydraulic property, situated on the Little Humbug, and being operated by S.R .WHITE and Henry MUSGRAVE, has been paying handsomely this season.

  P.C. LANGE, of Barkhouse, has been working his hydraulic mine all Winter with satisfactory returns. This claim is known as the “Big Nugget Claim,” owing to the gold being coarse. Some very large nuggets have been taken from this property.

  MAPLESIEN Brothers and HAMMER of Hamburg, are operating the Thomas QUIGLEY Mine, just below Beaver Creek, this season. They have encountered some very rich ground. The mine has been thoroughly equipped and it is expected that bedrock will be reached this season, where the best values are found.

  The placer mine on House Creek, owned by the JOHNSON boys, of Yreka, is being thoroughly worked with a promising outlook. This property has been a large producer in the past and better returns are expected this year than heretofore.

  The White Cloud Mine, on Horse Creek, is being opened up again. A. MONTGOMERY, of Oakland, being the operator, and it is thought to be a rich property.

  The Horse Creek Mine, recently sold to a San Francisco Company, has been incorporated under the title of the Ethelyn Gold Mining Company. A large force of men has been put to work cleaning out the large ditch, preparatory to working the mine. A sawmill will also be erected on this property in the near future.

  The clean-up at the placer mine near Hamburg Bar, which has been operated by Jack CONNELLY and associates, of this place, this season, has been finished, and yielded large returns. Mr. Connelly brought in some handsome nuggets of various sizes, which he secured form this property.

  The force at the Spengler Mine, on the Klamath River, owned by Maurice RENNER, of this place, has been increased to twenty-five men and work will be continued as long as possible before the clean-up is made, as they are at present in a streak of very rich ground.

  The placer properties of this county are fast coming to the front and every season seem to increase in number of operations and in amount of output.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Union

Wednesday June 8, 1904 


Funeral of Rev. Father Scanlon Held at St. Joseph’s Church - Pontifical High Mass - Sermon by Rev. Father McSweeney - Mrs .Crocker Ill 

SAN FRANCISCO, June 7 - The funeral of Father Scanlon, who died in New York a few days ago, took place to-day from St. Joseph’s Church, of which he was pastor for many years. The building was draped in black and the auditorium was filled with mourners. The grand requiem form Zangardelli was followed by the celebration of a solemn Pontifical high mass by Arch-bishop Montgomery.

Father McSweeney of St. Francis Parish, Oakland, and an old friend and fellow-worker of Father Scanlon, preached the sermon, which was an eloquent tribute to the worth of the deceased priest. There were many beautiful floral tributes. The interment was in Holy Cross Cemetery.

Body Brought to Port

Unwilling that their comrade should sleep on the bottom of the merciless sea, the engine crew of the good ship Ventura induced Captain HAYWARDS to allow them to bring the body of Frank Nutt IRVINE to port, that he might find eternal rest in his native land. And not only did they succeed in doing this, but before they reached port they had raised, among passengers and crew, $800 for the aged and bereaved mother of the deceased.

Raised Cry of Burglar

Calculating that he could get into the place without being seen by availing himself of the fire escape, E.O. NASH, better known as “Kid” Nash, early this morning was responsible for a cry of burglars being raised at the Hotel Rex, at 242 Turk street ,and in a short time he found himself booked at the City Prison on a charge of burglary.

Beaten by Son-in-Law

As the result of a beating, during which she was struck several times on the head with a three-foot hickory club, aged Mrs. J.G. LARNED lies near the point of death at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A.E. SKINNER, 4698 Telegraph avenue. In a cell at the City Prison languishes her son-in-law, A.E. SKINNER, whom the aged victim accuses as her assailant.

Visiting Odd Fellow

John C. UNDERWOOD, Past Grand Sire of the Odd Fellows order in the world, Generalissimo of the Patriarchs Militant, of which he is founder and organizer, and ex-Governor of Kentucky, arrived in San Francisco yesterday for the purpose of clinching the arrangements that have been made for the bringing to the coast and the entertainment while here in September of visiting Odd Fellows of the Sovereign Grand Lodge.

Burned by Acid.

The presence of mind of Herbert VANPROONEN, an employe of the California Vigorit Powder Works at Point Isabel, was all that saved him from horrible injury this morning. The young man was engaged in drawing off acid from the tanks when the stop cock burst, deluging him with the burning acid. The injured man jumped into a tank of soda solution, which had the effect of neutralizing the effect of the acid. As it was Vanproonen was badly burned about the face.

Caught by Buggy

Mrs. John PATTERSON of Berkeley met with a painful accident while unhitching one of her horses from a buggy this morning. While she was standing between the buggy and the barn the horse became frightened and backed the buggy against the unfortunate woman. It was found that Mrs. Patterson had suffered the fracture of three ribs and was badly bruised as well. It will be some time before she will be able to leave her bed.

Suicide of Clerk

R.J. EVANS, a shipping clerk in the employ of the Moraghan Oyster Company, committed suicide to-day by shooting himself in the head. He is said to have been despondent.

Mrs. Crocker Dangerously Ill   

Advices have been received in this city stating that Mrs. George CROCKER is dangerously ill in Paris, and that there is little hope expressed for her recovery. It is stated that Mrs. Crocker has been suffering from cancer.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Bee

Saturday, October 8, 1904



COLUSA (Colusa Co.), October 8 - County Clerk CRUTCHER has granted three marriage licenses this week. The first was to Matthias J. OSSENBRINGGEN, a native of California, and a resident of Grand Island, and Miss Dotty HENNEKE, a native of Colusa County, residing near Ledsville. The bride is the daughter of W.G. HENNEKE, one of the most prosperous and well-known farmers in Western Colusa County.

  The next license was issued to Matthews BAILER and Mrs. Henrietta BARTELS, both residing at Hough Springs. The groom has for years been a resident of Lake County. The bride hails from Sacramento.

  The third license was granted to Florance E. MANCHESTER, to wed Miss Maud R. BROOKS. An account of the wedding appeared in Wednesday’s Bee. The couple will reside in Red Bluff.



YREKA, October 8 - The following marriage licenses were issued by the County Clerk for the week just ending:

 Jacob D. OFFIELD, 25, and Sarah E. KINGSBURY, 25, both of Hamburg Bar; John S. ROSS, 30, and Jesse E. MURRAY, 21, both of Gazelle; Guy A. COOLIDGE, 21, of Santa Cruz, and Effie M. JOHNSON, 18, of Sisson; James BACHMAN, 37, and Henrietta ALLEE, 16, both of Greview - consent of bride’s parents; John J. JOHNSON, 27, and Bertha E. MOORE, 22, both of Etna; Joseph A. GUILD, 23 and Nora E. SANDERS, 21, both of Dunsmuir.


            BUTTE COUNTY

OROVILLE, October 8 - County Clerk H.T. BATCHELDER issued two marriage licenses this week. They were to Peter POWERS, aged 70, and Anna JACKSON, aged 49, both of Chico, and well-known colored people, and to Lloyd H. RUDE, aged 42, and Mary Ellen ROBERTS, aged 40, both residents of Chico.

  Ellen E. DEAN has brought action for divorce from Albert Dean on the ground of desertion. They have two sons and one daughter, all of age.

  Carrie A. COMER has begun suit against James COMER for divorce, on the grounds of desertion and failure to provide.

  In the case of Carrie E. HALL vs. Claude HALL, service of summons on September 27, 1904, filed.


            YUBA COUNTY

MARYSVILLE, October 8 - The following marriage licenses were issued by the Clerk of Yuba County this week:

 J. Sandy HATTON and Miss Josephine BURNS, both of Marysville; Barney BREDIMUS and Miss Kate EILERMAN, both of Marysville; Martin KUSER, of Erie, and Miss Ada WOODROFFE, of Smartsville.

  The divorce suit entitled Alice  SHAFFER vs. Joseph H. SHAFFER is on hearing in the Superior Court.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 8 - To protect themselves against the ever-present “dead beat,” the grocers of Marysville and Yuba City have organized a Merchants’ Protective Association.

  The manager’s duty will be to report to each firm each month the names of such persons as are derelict in their settlement of accounts and who may want to make a change to another store. In this way the “grafter” who has made his appearance each Summer with the cannery season will be outwitted, as well as the dishonest one who is to be found in every community.



WEAVERVILLE (Trinity Co.), October 8 - D.B.V. DOLPH, who recently came to Trinity County to investigate its mining resources, and who has been living in the Hans house near Junction City, took an overdose of cocaine Tuesday and in consequence suffered from temporary insanity for several days.

  He imagined that there were bugs in his head and between his eyes, and when found his naked body was be-smeared with blood, which had flowed from his nose and which was caused from inserting instruments into his nostrils to remove the supposed vermin.

  James DAVIS and D.C. DERRICK found the insane man and were forced to break down the door to reach him. They removed two of the instruments which had stuck in his nose.

  Sheriff BERGEN and Deputy TOURTELLOTTE arrested DOLPH and brought him to town.



WEAVERVILLE (Trinity Co.), October 8 - Owen MEREDITH, an old miner of the East Fork country, while driving from here to his home met with an accident Wednesday night which will probably cause his death. In company with Charles KRUMPS, a quartz mine owner of the same region, he left Weaverville at 7 o’clock in the evening. Both men were under the influence of liquor and had whisky with them. When they reached Oregon Gulch, three miles from Junction City, Meredith got out of the wagon and stepped backward off the grade, rolling down the cliff for about sixty feet.

  It was so dark his partner could not see him, so he drove to Junction City and secured help. Dr. TAYLOR was summoned from Weaverville and upon examination found that six of Meredith’s ribs were broken and one had pierced his lungs. Meredith was placed in a wagon and brought to Weaverville Thursday.

  Meredith has quite a local reputation for bravery. A few months ago, although a man of nearly 70 years of age, he killed a large mountain lion with a stick. His dog treed the animal, and Meredith tied his jackknife to the end of his cane, climbed the tree and prodded the animal in the throat. The lion jumped from tree to tree and was followed each time by Meredith, who climbed up and gave him another jab. The lion became so weakened that Meredith finally killed him with a club.



COLUSA (Colusa Co.), October 8 - The case of The People vs. Newell LANE, charged with burglary, as told in The Bee, which has occupied Judge ALLBERY’s Court all this week, cane to a close Thursday night, and the jury, after being out until nearly 1 o’clock Friday morning, was dismissed, unable to agree. They stood ten for acquittal and two for conviction. Lane was charged with stealing a pair of pants from under the pillow of George ST. LOUIS’ bed at Princeton last July.



            John A.E SHUSTER

Real Estate Dealer and Business Chances. Box 182, Chico, Cal.


            Henry VAN TIGER

General Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent. Office 236 D Street, Marysville, Cal.



 We are now selling the grand grain farm of the late Senator BOGGS at Princeton, on the Sacramento River, in 60-acre tracts, at average price of $50 an acre. One-fourth cash, balance 2, 3, and 4 years. Big canal and irrigation water right free. Alfalfa, fruit, vines and sugar beet land. Write for catalogue or call at Farmers & Merchants’ Bank at Colusa


648 Market Street,

San Francisco



Colusa Cal.

J.M. RUGGLES, Proprietor

Formerly of Sacramento


            THE IMPERIAL -Red Bluff, Cal.

Leading Family and Commercial Hotel. Large Sample Rooms in Business Center. A.L. CONRAD, Proprietor.


            CUMMINGS STABLES, Redding, Cal.

  Livery and feed. Commercial trade a specialty. The best of care afforded boarding and transient stock. Telephone 181. B.F. RUTLEDGE, Proprietor



Chico, Cal.

A.W. McPHERSON & Sons, Props.

  Commercial trade a specialty. Office Chico and Orland Stage, Phone 811 red.


            New Management Phone No. 191


Red Bluff, Cal.

A.J. BEGARD, Proprietor

Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Rigs for Homeseekers.



“Are sold under strict guarantee to do as represented of money refunded.” Any honest person whose poultry is dying from cholera, roup or lice is authorized to go to their grocer to-day and get a package of Imperial Poultry Compound, use as directed, and if it fails to do exactly what we claim, get your money back. We have tested its merits thoroughly. Trial package, 50 cents, at your grocer’s. Geo. S. MASTON, General agent, 2319 H St., Sacramento, Cal. Agents wanted!


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Sacramento Union

Thursday October 13, 1904 


Fired Four Shots Into Woman’s Body as She Lay Asleep and Then Killed Himself - China Basin Filled In.

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 12 - Fred AVERILL, a cook, fired four bullets into the body of Lulu LOCKWOOD as she lay asleep to-day in a Mason-street lodging -house, inflicting wounds which probably will prove fatal. He then shot himself through the head and is dying. The woman has made a statement, saying that jealousy was the cause of the shooting, as she had told Averill she was going to return to her husband, from whom she was separated.

China Basin Filled

The filling in of China Basin, on which the Santa Fe has been working for many years, is practically completed, and hundreds of thousands of cubic yards of earth have been taken from the Potrero hills and dumped into the bay to make land for the big freight sheds. Now that this work is done the Santa Fe people will put a large force of men to work at grading and laying tracks for the new terminal. According to the Santa Fe this has cost $3,635,000. The filling in of the property leased form the State cost $2,155,000, and there was spent for adjoining property from which the contractors obtained material to fill in the marsh land $1,480,000. The company now has fifty-three acres of land at China Basin.

Held for Grand Larceny.

Police Judge CONLAN to-day held Dr. Thomas F. BRENNAN to answer in the Superior Court on the grand larceny charge preferred by Father P.J. GRAY, former rector of St. Patrick’s Church, as he announced yesterday he would do. Bail was fixed at $10,000, and the necessary bond was immediately furnished, so that Brennan was not compelled to go to the City Prison. Father Gray alleges that Brennan got more than $37,000 of his money by misrepresentation.

Shot Himself

Despondent because of ill-health, Arthur E. BENNETT determined to finally carry out numerous threats he had made to commit suicide, and shot himself in the temple at 1:15 o’clock this morning. He was living with his sister, Mrs. WACHTER, at 1402 Webster street, and she summoned two physicians immediately after hearing the shot, but their services were not needed. Bennett was 27 years old, and had been employed as a stenographer by a firm in the Hayward building.

Vessels Delayed.

Four more vessels that have probably either been delayed or disabled by the recent storms that have troubled the waters of three oceans were posted as overdue to-day and the Sirene, which jumped from 10 to 30 per cent yesterday, took another leap of ten points. The Sirene has been out 134 days from Liverpool for Valparaiso, and the London “speculators” are playing her heavily “not to arrive.”

Died at the Hospital

Frank WILSON, the expressman who was injured Saturday noon at Sutter and Stockton streets by being thrown from his wagon, which collided with a street car, died at the Central Emergency Hospital this morning. Wilson had been drinking heavily, and was intoxicated when treated at the hospital

Will Overhaul Steamer

The Panama liner City of Para was taken to the Mail dock this morning from the Union Iron Works, where she has been undergoing extensive repairs. The Para arrived here on her last trip on June 8th and went to the dry-dock soon afterward. Her machinery and hull have been given a thorough overhauling and she has been refitted throughout. The date of her sailing has not been set.

Captain Nance is Named

There have been several changes in the Berkeley faculty. Notable among them is the appointment of Captain John T. Nance of the Ninth Cavalry to be Professor of Military Tactics in the place of Colonel H. de H. WHITE, resigned. Captain Nance served with the Ninth in the Philippines and in China, and was recommended to the Berkeley authorities in the highest terms by Major-General MacArthur, commanding the Department of the Pacific.

Freight for the Orient

Owing to the large quantity of freight being shipped to the Orient the Pacific Mail Company has made arrangements to send the steamer Algoa to the East to take the freight awaiting shipment on the dock. The Algoa will leave about October 20th.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Evening Bee

Thursday, November 10, 1904



ADIN (Modoc Co.), November 10 - What at one time threatened to be an epidemic of diphtheria in Big Valley has entirely subsided and the cases which were quarantined have been released. There were only four families in the Valley which were afflicted with the disease and even as to these cases the physicians disagreed as to whether they were “true” diphtheria.

The report recently published in The Bee from Redding was incorrect as there was only one death occurring which could be attributed to this disease. Prompt measures were taken by the authorities to prevent anything like an epidemic, and at present the disease - tonsilitis, diphtheria or whatever it may have been - is practically stamped out.


Napa State Hospital Loses Suit on Nice Legal Point in the Welsh Case FAIRFIELD (Solano Co.), November 10 - Judge A.J. BUCKLES has rendered an opinion in the case of the Napa State Hospital against Solano County for the maintenance of John WELSH, an insane patient. The case was tried some time ago and submitted on briefs. Practically three cases for a total of about $2000 are decided by the Judges opinion. The case has an interesting history and was decided in the county’s favor on a nice legal point.

In the Fall of 1884 John Walsh was arrested on a charge of burglarizing a house in Dixon. At that time Judge Buckles was District Attorney and Judge J.M GREGORY held the office of Superior Judge. When Welsh was arraigned, the question of his sanity was raised. The matter was tried by a jury and he was adjudged sane. He was not brought up for arraignment again until the first week in January 1885, and in the meantime a new set of county officers had been installed. Judge Buckles had succeeded Judge Gregory on the bench and George A. LAMONT had been elected and installed as District Attorney. When Welsh was brught (sic) into Court for arraignment the second time he was represented by Judge Gregory who again brought up the question of Welsh’s sanity. Judge Buckles was disqualified to sit on the case by reason of his having been District Attorney at the former trial for insanity, and the Superior Judge of Napa County presided in the Court. A jury tried the case, found Walsh insane and he was sent to the Napa Asylum. He is still confined there.  The Asylum authorities have ever since been trying to make this county pay the cost of keeping Welsh, and three suits in question were brought for that purpose. Their contention was based on the following provisions of the Penal Code, Section 1868: “When an action is called for trial, or when the defendant is brought up for judgement, if the question arises as to the sanity of the defendant, the Court must order the question as to the sanity to be submitted to a jury.” Section 1370 adds:

“If the jury find the defendant insane * * * the Court must order that he be committed by the Sheriff to the State Insane Asylum.” Section 1373 winds up, saying: “The expense of sending the defendant to the Asylum and of keeping him there are in the first instance chargeable to the county in which the information was filed.”

The facts in the case were all admitted. The county claimed not to be liable for the cost of keeping Welsh in the Asylum because he was never called for trial, the question of his sanity having arisen when he was called for arraignment. Judge Buckles upheld the contention of District Attorney Tom Gregory and gave judgement for the county. It was a nice point to make and won the suit.

Another peculiar incident connected with the case was that the county’s defense was made by a lawyer who is the son of the attorney who represented Welsh when he was adjudged insane.


Youth Kills Man With Which He Quarreled - Details of Tragedy Not Known REDDING (Shasta CO.), November 10 - Another case of a boy committing murder has come to light. The tragedy occurred yesterday morning in a wild part of Trinity County and for that reason particulars concerning it are hard to obtain. The place is located about ten miles form Hayfork, which, in turn, is twenty-eight miles from Weaverville, the county seat.

Fred SHOCK, aged 19 years, who is a son of William Shock, an old resident, and a cousin of Supervisor John Shock, quarreled with Lewis WINTEIRIED, and yesterday morning about 11 o’clock, it is alleged, he struck the latter over the head with a heavy shovel. Winteiried died a couple of hours later.

Young Shock was employed by B.F. MYERS, owner of a mining claim in that vicinity, and the first reports that came out were to the effect that he had killed his employer. The Coroner and other officers left Weaverville under that impression yesterday afternoon, but when they reached Hayfork they learned of their mistake. This morning they left for the scene of the murder and in inquest will be held this afternoon. It is not likely, however, that the result will be known here before to-night or to-morrow morning.


GRIDLEY (Butte Co.), November 10 - The use of newspapers for lining pantry shelves, padding our calves, making bustles, lining quilts, for mattresses and a hundred other things are familiar, but a Gridley man has discovered a use for them that is unique. The JACK brothers are market hunters. They have rented a piece of swamp land west of Gridley and north of the hunting grounds of the Gridley Gun Club, and are making their living by supplying the people of San Francisco and other bay towns with geese and ducks.

Not having sufficient decoys one of the brothers went to a local newspaper office and purchased a quantity of old papers. These he takes and makes dozens of a sort of small tent on the ground, driving stakes to hold the paper in place against the wind and weather. Bands of white geese high in the air see the white paper on the ground and thinking them to be brethren, come swooping down and offer themselves as targets for the guns of the watching young hunters. The brothers say that the papers work as well as any decoy they ever used. The geese are fooled repeatedly by the paper tents.


OROVILLE (Butte Co.), November 10 - Dr. Yoshitaw WATANABE, Professor of Mining and Engineering in colleges of Tokio, Japan, spent yesterday in Oroville investigating dredger mining as carried on here. The professor has been over from Japan about three months and it was he who installed the Japanese exhibit at the St. Louis Fair. He has traveled over a big part of the United States. He will leave this country for Europe in about three weeks.


DIXON (Solano Co.), November 10 - The preliminary examination of George EASTON for the murder of Charles J. HORIGAN in Dixon on November 2nd, was held before Justice BROWN yesterday. District Attorney GREGORY prosecuted the case. The evidence was about the same as that produced before the Coroner at the inquest a few days ago.

It was shown by two witnesses that Easton stole quietly into the room, unknown to Horigan, came up behind him, pulled his head back and cut his throat with a razor. The same witnesses testified that there was not a word spoken between the two men during the evening prior to the tragedy.

Easton was held for trial before the Superior Court without bonds. It is thought he will plead guilty, and thereby hope to save his neck.  The murder was of such horrible nature it is thought he will be sentenced to death even if he does plead guilty. The woman in the case, Mrs.  QUICK, is in jail for assaulting the chief witness for the prosecution, Mrs. Carrie CRANDALL.


Coroner’s Jury Renders Verdict As To What Caused Death of B.F. Hill.  RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), November 10 - The Coroner’s jury last night brought in a verdict that Benjamin Franklin HILL, the old man who was knocked down in the course of an ante-election row and received injuries which resulted fatally, on election day, at the County Hospital, came to his death from a fall on a cement sidewalk cause by a blow dealt by William F. ERWIN, without intent to do bodily harm. There was a fracture about four inches in length at the base of the brain and a clot of blood there caused meningitis, the primary cause of death.  The evidence of Supervisor CHASE and his recent Democratic opponent, Mr. SCHAFER, tended to show that Hill had aggravated the trouble, which had started over a political discussion, at first begun in perfect good nature and which degenerated into a wrangle. Hill commenced abusing Erwin after being repeatedly warned to desist and was told several times to keep away from the party. After all attempts to make him seek other employment for his leisure, the fatal blow was struck.  Mr. Erwin then took the stand in his own behalf, and stated in plain terms just how the regrettable affair took place, and the story of how he sought to avoid trouble until it was really in self-defense that he struck at the old man with no further intention than to force Hill to keep away and leave him in peace. He declared that he had pushed the tormentor away several times, and the latter had gone into the saloon, where he remained about ten minutes. Erwin testified that when Hill returned he thought the old man had procured a knife or some weapon, and when he cursed him roundly had struck the blow which felled Hill to the sidewalk, where he was rendered unconscious.


SUTTER CREEK (Amador Co.), November 10 - The Coroner’s Jury has returned a verdict of death by arsenic administered by unknown persons in the case of Mrs. Dr. STAPLES, who died under suspicious circumstances some time ago. The result of a chemical analysis showed that arsenic was in the stomach of the woman, whose body was exhumed for investigation.  Sheriff NORMAN, of this county, has telegraphed instructions to arrest Dr. Staples, her husband, and a Mrs. HOXIE, both of whom disappeared about the time of Mrs. Staples’ death.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Evening Bee

Friday, November 11, 1904



Terrible Crime at Auburn May Be Charged to Son and Brother of the Dead Whose Bodies Were Found in the Ruins of Their Home

AUBURN (Placer Co.), November 11 - From present indications it is probable that before nightfall Adolph WEBER, a well-known young man of this city, will be under arrest, charged with the murder of his father and mother and a brother and sister. At this writing he is in the care of friends, with whom he spent the greater part of last night, after the discovery of the horrible crime. He refuses to talk, and, as far as your correspondent can find out this morning, there is nothing more against him at the present time than suspicion. The bodies of the remaining members of his family were found in the ruins of his father’s home, which had been destroyed by fire, and they showed evidence of wounds inflicted by some agency other than those that might have been received during the fire. Adolph Weber is a little over twenty years of age and was always erratic. It is said he possesses a mania for killing animal life and delights in drawing pictures of bloody scenes.


  It was about 7:30 o’clock last evening when it was discovered that the handsome home of Julius Weber was on fire. The department promptly responded, and the firemen were much surprised upon reaching the place to find that not only was the gate securely fastened, but also that the doors of the house were locked tight. It was necessary to break in several windows before an entrance could be effected. This strange condition of affairs did not excite suspicion at first, but later, when the bodies of Mrs. Weber and her two children were found showing unmistakable signs of having been murdered, it was recalled and discussed.

  That a great crime had been committed was not to be doubted, and for a time suspicion fell upon the father, Julius Weber. His body had not then been found, of course, and the surmise was that in a fit of jealous rage he had killed his family and fired his house to hide the crime, if possible. This morning, however, his charred body was found amid the ruins in the rear of what had been his happy home, near where the bath tub had been located.

  For a time the theory was that robbery had prompted the awful crime, but this is no longer entertained, unless by a very few. Weber’s safe, containing quite a sum of money, was not disturbed.

  When it was ascertained beyond all doubt that murder had been committed it was recalled that the bodies of Mrs. Weber and her daughter, Miss Bertha Weber, aged about 18, had been found in a room to which the fire had not penetrated. Both were badly burned, however, the latter almost to a crisp. It was evident that they had been dragged into the room after having been shot. The little boy, Earl, had a deep wound in his forehead. The only weapons found in the ruins of the house were two 22 -calibre rifles. The bullets that had killed the two women were of larger calibre, however.

  Little Frances SNOWDEN, a niece of Mrs. Weber, was at her aunt’s home about 6 o’clock last evening. The family were at supper at that hour with the exception of Adolph and seemed happy and contented. When the young girl’s story became known it tended to increase the suspicion entertained concerning Adolph Weber. He was questioned, but gave unsatisfactory answers. He was in charge of friends all night but it is probable he will be arraigned to-day on suspicion. Coroner SHEPARD and Sheriff KEENA are yet at work upon the case. The suspected man was among the first to arrive at the fire and was injured in rendering assistance to the firemen.

  Weber was a well-known and respected citizen who has lived in Auburn for the past twenty years, having been a retired brewer in good circumstances, but who has not engaged in active business for some years. He was a member of the independent Order of Odd Fellows. The Weber home was one of the most attractive homes here, and its consumption by fire, and the tragic end of its occupants, was a shock to the entire community, which is greatly excited.

  Up to 2 o’clock this afternoon no new developments of importance have been unearthed. This morning Adolph Weber, the suspected son, was closeted with Sheriff Keena and Coroner Shepard and gave them his theory of the affair. He requested, however, that this views be not made public.

  No arrests have yet been made and it does not seem likely that any will be to-day. Public opinion has come around to the conclusion that the terrible deed was committed either by Julius Weber or his son, Adolph. The nature of the wounds on the elder Weber as they shall be developed at the inquest will go a long way toward establishing his part in the awful tragedy, in the minds of the people.

  It has been learned that Adolph Weber entered a dry goods store last evening and purchased a pair of trousers. He seemed much excited and took the first pair offered him, although the clerk told him they did not fit. He said he was in a hurry and explained that he had torn his old trousers upon a fire plug on a dark street. As told elsewhere in this account, he was among the first to reach the scene of the fire, and it is now said he was seen to throw a pair of trousers into the flames.

  Chris HENNY and Mrs. E.C. SNOWDEN were the first to reach the fire. They found the doors locked to their surprise, and noticed that there appeared to be no sign of life about the place. A man who lives in a cabin not far from the Weber home says he heard screams from the house sometime before the fire was discovered, and this leads to the conclusion that the crime was committed quite awhile before.



YUBA CITY (Sutter Co.), November 11 - John J. POWERS, of Marysville, was arrested in Yuba City yesterday by Constable CHISM and Sheriff WILSON on information that he had robbed one Charles M. HADLEY of $20. The robbery was committed at the Golden Eagle Hotel in Marysville.

  Early yesterday morning Hadley discovered that his pocketbook was missing and at once suspected Powers to whom he had given money the night before with which to buy meals and lodging. Hadley reported the case to the Marysville officers but they took little stock in the story. He kept hot on the trail of Powers, however, and followed him to Yuba City. After describing the man he suspected the local officers were not long in locating him among a gang of hobos just above town.

  Powers had changed a twenty-dollar gold piece at McRAE & ASHLEY’s store a few minutes before the officers arrested him. In the meantime he had evidently divided up with his companions as the officers found only $5 on his person. Sheriff Wilson turned Powers over to the Marysville officers.



PALERMO (Butte Co.), November 11 - The town of Honcut is deeply interested in discussing a gun play at that place Wednesday forenoon.

  Hayward FORBES, a teamster from the foothills, entered the Post Office and flourished a revolver as he demanded of the Postmistress, Mrs. WINTERSTEIN, a letter which he appeared to think was being withheld from him. Several men were in the office, but none made a move to disarm the belligerent foothiller.

  After a little parleying the gun was replaced in the foothiller’s pocket, and a satisfactory explanation given as to the supposed missing letter. Then the Postmistress resorted to the female weapon, the tongue, and gave Forbes a lashing that he will not soon forget.

  So far as known no action has been taken to have the gunwielder arrested for his actions.



UKIAH (Mendocino Co.), November 11 - H.R. WALDO brought Arthur McELROY over from Fort Bragg yesterday. McElroy was adjudged insane and committed to the local hospital. The unfortunate man has been working as a woodsman all of his life and was struck by a falling limb last Summer. He was injured in the back and never gained his right mind after the accident. (Rest of article cut off)

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Saturday Sacramento Bee

November 12, 1904



Gave Detailed Account of His Movements Just Prior to Discovery of Tragedy -

Said He Did Not Throw Old Trousers Into the Fire by Design - Other Incidents

AUBURN (Placer Co.), November 12 - Up to noon to-day the developments in the Weber tragedy were not important. The inquest was begun last night. Two witnesses were examined, one of whom was Adolph Weber, the suspected son. His conduct on the stand was not easy, but his trying position and natural temperament may explain this satisfactorily. He described his movements prior to the fire in detail, told of the purchase of a pair of trousers and acknowledged having thrown his old ones into the flames. This peculiar act, he says, was not premeditated, but occurred during the excitement attending his efforts to break into the locked house. It develops that Weber and Mrs. Snowden, an aunt, were not on speaking terms, but he refused last night to tell the cause of the enmity. The officers were closeted with him this morning for quite a while. No arrests are likely to be made until the conclusion of the inquest, but one is confidently looked for then.


  The awful killing of Julius Weber, his wife and two children, has thrown this community into a fever of excitement for the past forty-eight hours, and many were loath to believe the shocking detail of the fiendish affair, especially as suspicion had fallen upon a son who has had every attention and advantage that could be bestowed upon him by a parent.

  Young Weber is considered eccentric by those who know him, being of a moody disposition, and conversing but little with those about him. He has never been in robust health and has been inclined to be morbid over his physical condition, believing that he was inflicted with an incurable disease.

  Though appearing to be grieved over the loss of his family the accused youth was rather defiant when accosted by the officers and showed considerable displeasure at the suspicion that he was the author of the tragedy. His version of the killing has not been made known in detail, but he vindicates himself. The young man’s movements prior to the discovery of the crime have caused widespread comment.

  Young Weber was allowed to return to the home of friends yesterday where he is staying, after the officers had interrogated him at considerable length. Sheriff Keena visited him again yesterday afternoon and was in consultation with him for several hours.

            The Autopsy

   The Weber family, though long residents of this place, had not a wide acquaintanceship, being people of retiring dispositions. The elder Weber was a man of considerable means and to some extent a capitalist. He was apparently devoted to his family and for this reason the theory that he killed them and afterward destroyed himself and his home does not find credence in the minds of many. But the opposite contention, that a favored son should wipe out his whole family for no apparent reason, seems to be as equally difficult to believe.

  Julius Weber was about 52 years old and his wife was middle-aged. Miss Bertha Weber was a young lady about 18 years old and was a student in the High School in this city. Earl Weber, the youngest of the victims, was an invalid.

  The discovery that the Webers were the victims of an atrocious murder was not made until some time after the bodies had been taken from their burning home, and was not generally known here until the next morning, many who saw them carried away believing they had been burned to death.

  The autopsy on the body of the elder Weber was held yesterday afternoon, and a bullet wound found in his breast, the ball having ranged downward. That on the body of Mrs. Weber disclosed another bullet wound in addition to the one first discovered, under the left arm. The body was badly powder burned at the mouth of the wound, showing the weapon to have been close to her when the shot was fired.

  Among the other incidents connected with the tragedy is one reported by the telephone operators. The telephone line on which the telephone in the Weber house was situated was found to be “open” at twenty minutes to 7 o’clock in the evening, and it is supposed to have been the Weber telephone. It was this time that screams were heard to come from the direction of the Weber house. The supposition is that some of the Webers rushed to the phone to call for assistance, but were killed before they could make a call. The line was open fully a half hour when the “receiver” was placed back on the hook by some one and the telephone operators were able to ring on the line again.

  A.D. FELLOWS heard two distinct screams as he was passing near the scene of the killing at the time the telephone line was reported to have been open. Both Fellows and the telephone operators agree exactly on the time of these incidents.

            Adolph Weber’s Testimony

  Contrary to the general impression, the inquest was begun last night, the session opening at 9:30 o’clock. Two witnesses were examined - Adolph Weber and Deputy Sheriff FULTON. The investigation will be resumed this afternoon or to-night. Until it is concluded no arrests will be made, but it seems probable now that the officers will act at once when the Coroner’s Jury had rendered its verdict.

  Young Weber while on the stand was asked if there had ever been any trouble between himself and his father, and was referred to an alleged difference which is said to have occurred between them over the piling of some wood which the boy had been ordered to stack and which he is said to have refused to do.

  The witness denied that any unpleasantness had followed the incident. He seemed disturbed, however, over the fact that it had been brought up and wanted to know why he had been questioned about it.

  In describing his movements just prior to the discovery of the tragedy the young Weber gave no definite time for his whereabouts at various places. His course to the store where he bought the trousers, as described by him, was very circuitous. He covered twice the distance necessary after leaving his home. He says he ate supper Thursday evening about 5 o’clock, and then laid down to rest for a while.

  The fact was brought out that the witness is not on speaking terms with his aunt, Mrs. E.C. Snowden, but he refused to tell the cause of the trouble between them.

  Weber acknowledged buying the trousers and also that he had thrown his old pair into the fire at his father’s home. This last act, he says, was not deliberate. In the excitement attending his efforts to break into the house the trousers were thrown into the flames, so he alleges.

  The inquest will be continued to-day, but probably will not be resumed before to-night. The Sheriff and Coroner were again closeted with Adolph Weber this morning.



Damage Suit Based Upon Operations of Mining Company’s Own Store

IRON MOUNTAIN (Shasta Co.), November 12 - William McKENDRICK, a merchant who was in business here until December 15th last, has brought suit against the Mountain Copper Company for $10,000 damages, alleging that that corporation ruined his business and compelled him to abandon the field because of its rules and regulations regarding purchases made by the miners.

  The suit is an aftermath of the strike. Prior to that labor trouble miners employed at Iron Mountain could trade at the Company’s store or at McKendrick’s, which was off the mine reservation. After the strike the Company fenced in its reservation blocking up the road leading to McKendrick’s store and the Post Office, and placed watchmen on guard.

  The county has a suit now pending to compel the Company to take down the fence and open up the road. The suit drags along wearily.

  McKenrick has tired of waiting for a decision in that case, and has brought a suit for $10,000 damages on his own responsibility. The papers in the case were filed Friday in the Superior Court at Redding.



RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), November 12 - Andrew J. GLASSBURNER, a pioneer resident of the county, died at his home in Antelope Valley yesterday at the aged of 74 years. He is survived by three sons, Lee, John and Frank, and two daughters, Mrs. G.W. ROGERS and Miss Sarah Glassburger. One of his sons was killed some time ago at Lyonsville and since this tragic death the old man has failed rapidly.



REDDING (Shasta Co.), November 12 - There was greater activity in the Divorce Court this week than in the marriage bureau, two decrees in divorce being granted and only one marriage license being issued.

  Paul GRUTTNER, aged 22, and Miss Clara LYONS, aged 20, were the recipients of the marriage license. Both reside at Redding.

  In the two divorce cases the husband was in each the plaintiff. To Louis A. DOCKERY was granted an interlocutory decree of divorce from Minnie A. DOCKERY on the ground of cruelty. Both are residents of Harrison Gulch. J.A. WILEY, of Redding, received an interlocutory decree separating him from Minnie C. WILEY. Desertion was the cause.


YREKA, November 12 - The following marriage licenses were issued by the County Clerk of this county during the week just ending:

 Henry W. YOUNG, 28, of Etna, and Ida P. ERNO, 24, of Quartz Valley; William D. STEWART, 28, of Washington, and Mary BOSSONETT, 28, of Montague; Frank K. WOODWARD, 21, of Sacramento, and Amy L. DONEY, 20, of Sisson.

 The following decrees of divorce were issued by Judge BEARD, of the Superior Court:

  Robert L. FERRILL vs. Effie FERRILL - interlocutory decree granted on the ground of desertion.

  James C. JONES vs. Rachel P. JONES - interlocutory decree entered nune pro tone and then final decree.

            NAPA COUNTY

NAPA, November 12 - The following marriage licenses were issued here this week: H.L. PRATT, of San Francisco and Miss Catherine GALLAGHER, of Napa; A. ROSSI and Miss D. FAGINE, both of Napa.

            BUTTE COUNTY

OROVILLE, November 12 - County Clerk H.T. BATCHELDER issued marriage licenses to the following since last report:

 Carl Alton SAMPLE, age 24, and Miss Anna Bell MOAK, age 22, both of Chico; Frank J. WHITE, age 29, and Miss Babe WOODS, aged 27, both of Chico; Fred J. ESTEP and Miss Viola EVANS, both residents of the town of Oroville.



Gun Club Members Are Not Popular In Western Sutter County

YUBA CITY (Sutter Co.), November 12 - District Attorney Schillig was in Sutter County Thursday representing the people in a case before Justice NEWMAN wherein Frank KEELER was tried for an alleged violation of that portion of the game law which forbids shooting ducks one-half hour after sundown.

  Keeler is the keejer of the Tobacco Gun Club’s preserve, which is located below Long Bridge, this county, and was one of three to be brought before the bar of justice. The other two being C.P. McALPINE and James L. HARE, prominent members of the Club.

  The complaint in the case was sworn to be Oscar PERRY, Thomas and Claude FRYE. The complaining witnesses swore positively to the violations alleged in the complaint. McALPINE, HARE and the defendant each took the stand and denied the charge emphatically.

  The case went to the jury late in the afternoon and after some balloting the members failed to agree, ten standing for conviction and two for acquittal. The jury was dismissed, but the case will be re-tried.

  There is blood in the eyes of some of the residents of District 70 who claim that numerous gun clubs in that section are so many thorns in the flesh of the local market hunters and sportsmen and they propose to at least make the members observe the laws.



OROVILLE (Butte Co.), November 12 - Chee YET, a Chinese cook employed at the Saddle Rock restaurant, was arrested last evening on complaint of George GADDI, the proprietor. It appears that Gaddi took some asparagus out to Yet and asked him to cook it when the Chinaman got angry and swore at him. Gaddi made a run for his gun, but the chink produced a much longer one which he had convenient for such an emergency and for a few minutes it looked as though something would be doing. The Chinaman was released on a cash bail and his hearing will be held to-day.


            SUSPECTED OF BURGLARY                                                                   

WILLOWS (Glenn Co.), November 12 - Thursday Ike SKIDMORE, a resident of this county, was arrested in Willows on suspicion of being connected with a burglary in Newville last week. The saloon at that town was entered and besides part of the stock, $160 was taken from the safe. Skidmore was suspected at the time and since then has been under the strictest surveillance by the officers. Yesterday Sheriff BAILEY and Constable NELSEP received evidence that warranted them in placing the man under arrest on the charge.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Evening Bee

Monday, November 14, 1904



Ruins of Burned House Closely Guarded - Prisoner Maintains Cool Demeanor -

Angry Over Newspapers Reports - Victims’ Funeral at Cypress Lawn

AUBURN (Placer Co.), November 14 - Is there a .32-calibre revolver in the ashes of the Weber house? That is the question that was under close investigation yesterday and to-day. Men were sluicing the ruins all day yesterday, but aside from a few coins and some melted metal nothing which would throw any further light on the tragedy was found.

  The only material discovery made yesterday was the finding of four .32-calibre cartridges on top of the Post Office building. It is evident that the shells were but recently thrown there, as the roof of the building has been painted only a short time. They are bright in appearance and show no signs of having been exposed to the weather for any length of time. The shells are all rim fire. From the sidewalk these could easily have been tossed on top the building without any effort, the Post Office being a low one-story brick structure with a flat roof.

  Considerable significance is placed in this discovery, as Adolph Weber stood at the Post Office corner early on the evening of the fire conversing with Werner RITTINGER. It is thought he threw the cartridges on the roof.

            The Arrest of Weber

  A large crowd filled the Court-room Saturday night to hear the proceedings of the inquest. The Court-room was crowded, and long lines of men stood up and listened intently to the evidence introduced, which did not bring out any facts in addition to those already known. All interest was centered in Adolph Weber, to whom the finger of suspicion has been pointing.

  Weber’s testimony was much the same as he had previously given. He was cool and unruffled, and only showed animation when his temper was riled by some of District Attorney ROBINSON’s questions. His statement that he picked up the body of his little brother in the house and handed it to some one on the outside of the window is contradicted by several witnesses.

  As soon as the inquest adjourned Sheriff Keena performed the expected arrest and placed Weber in one of the steel cages in the County Jail. The prisoner took his arrest cooly, and said he was glad of it, as it would bring matters to a head. The arrest was made very quietly. The complaint was sworn to by Sheriff Keema, charging Weber with the crime of murder.

  The Coroner’s Jury adjourned to meet again Wednesday when the inquisition will be continued. It is rumored that a writ of habeas corpus will be sought to-day by young Weber’s attorney. Nothing, however, was done yesterday and the prisoner had no visitors.

  The interest in the case has increased. All day yesterday and to-day streams of people visited the scene of the ruined home, while knots of citizens gathered in the street to discuss the deed.

  A watchman has been placed on the Weber property to prevent anything being disturbed. The officers are proceeding with great caution.

            Prisoner’s Demeanor

  Young Weber’s demeanor since the killing of his family continues to be strongly criticized. On Friday, in company with Sheriff Keena, he visited the undertaking parlors and viewed the remains of his dead relatives.

  “This is your mother,” said the Sheriff, as he pointed to the corpse of Mrs. Weber. The youth looked at her a moment and then remarked that she looked “pretty good.” He merely glanced at the other bodies, and made no comment.

  During the funeral sermon Saturday Weber sat unmoved by what was passing around him. After the service he left the undertaking parlors with a woman who remarked upon his indifferent manner and asked:

 Dolph, doesn’t you heart ache for your mother?”

  “It’s no use worrying; it can’t be helped,” replied Weber.

  When asked why he didn’t weep or show some sign of emotion, he replied that “it would not be manly” to do so.

  Weber’s arrest has caused relief among many who dreaded the thought of the eccentric youth being at large.

            Angry at the Papers

  Previous to his imprisonment he appeared frequently upon the streets, and seemed to be more in evidence than ever before. He has watched the press reports of the tragedy closely, and was highly incensed at The Bee’s first report of the affair, which was the first to name young Weber as suspected of being the author of the crime. He visited Coroner Shepard with a copy of The Bee, and was very indignant, asking that officer if he knew the author of the article, and stating that he would proceed against the paper for libel.

  The evidence of Mrs. E.C. Snowden has not been given yet. She will probably take the witness stand on Wednesday. Her testimony will probably throw some light on the relationship of young Weber with the rest of the members of his family.

  Mrs. Snowden has been fearful of her nephew and thoroughly believes him guilty. It is said that Weber and his aunt have not spoken to each other for several months, though the cause of the unpleasantness has not been made known.

            The Bank Robbery

  The rumor that young Weber is the man who, on May 26th last, robbed the Bank of Placer County of $5000 and escaped down the Newcastle road, gains strength. He answers the description of the masked robber, and, in addition to this, comes the testimony of T.S. PALMER, who followed the robber as he fled from town. Upon reaching the spot where the buggy was abandoned, Palmer says, he noticed a man climbing the hill on the opposite side of the road to that which the robber was supposed to have taken. Upon overtaking this man, he found him to be Adolph Weber. About this time, also, Julius Weber missed one of this home-made money bags, and it tallied with that used by the man who held up the bank.

  Early yesterday morning the bodies of the victims were placed on the cars for transportation to San Francisco.  A large crowd gathered at the depot and all uncovered as the train pulled out.

  Weber still persists in clinging to the theory advanced by him that the motive of the terrible crime was robbery, but on this no one now places any reliance. Julius Weber’s safe was found undisturbed, and even the money in his pocket and on the piano had not been touched.

            Funeral at Cypress Lawn

SAN FRANCISCO, November 14 - Adolph Weber did not attend the funeral of his father, mother, sister and brother, yesterday. He was given his option to be present by the Sheriff of Placer, but refused to go except on his own condition. He would not go handcuffed and under guard. So while the bodies of his dead relatives were being consigned to a reception vault at Cypress Lawn Cemetery and during the simple service that preceded, Adolph Weber, the son of the murdered family, was absent and lay in jail at Auburn. His absence, of course, was the subject of remark, but the Sheriff explained that the had been compelled to refuse to accept the young man’s conditions. In the presence of a tragedy so awful he would not take any chances with a prisoner accused of murder.

  The bodies arrived in three caskets. The mother and her little son occupied one coffin. Floral offerings in profusion covered the caskets and a great number of the friends of the deceased were in attendance to follow the final rites. The services were conducted in the cemetery chapel by the Superintendent, E.B. McPHERSON, and the caskets were afterwards consigned to the reception vault, preparatory to the interment, which will take place this forenoon. The people in attendance on the funeral were not permitted to see the faces of the dead.

  Among the friends and relatives of the deceased who attended the funeral were the following:

 Charles MAYER, brother of Mrs. Julius Weber; Mrs. Charles HESS and Mrs. W.P. SCOTT, sisters of deceased, residing at Sonora; Mrs. B.F. CLOSE, cousin, and daughter, Alameda; W. JACOBI, Twenty-ninth and Church Streets, cousin; R.C. LUCKOW, cousin, wife and children, 4310 Twenty-third Street.



Hold-up Took Place Few Miles East of Cool Early This Morning

AUBURN (Placer Co.), November 14 - A telephone message was received at the Sheriff’s office here to-day that the Georgetown stage which runs between Georgetown El Dorado County, and Auburn, Placer County, was held up by a lone highwayman this morning a few miles east of Cool.

  The robber was armed with a 30-30 calibre rifle. He took only the registered mail.

  He is described as wearing blue jean overalls and a jumper, about six feet tall, his face covered with a black mask.

  His appearance would indicate that he was a novice at the business, for he appeared very nervous.

  Bert DAY was the driver on the box.

  No one was harmed by the robber.



OROVILLE (Butte Co.), November 14 - Shadrick SOWELL, the murderer of J.P. KIMBALL, then a Supervisor of Butte, and of Edward DICKHOUSE, and who also wounded F.W. CURRY so severely that his leg had to be amputated, will have to serve the life imprisonment sentence as pronounced by Superior Judge GRAY a year ago. Saturday his attorney, W.E. DUNCAN, Jr., received a telegram from the Clerk of the Supreme Court stating that the judgement of the lower Court had been sustained.

  Sowell’s crime was a most brutal one, and is still fresh in the memory of most of the people of Superior California. He was only saved from the gallows by the hard work of his attorney, who produced evidence to prove that there was a streak of insanity in the family of Sowell. After he had been convicted his attorney gave notice of appeal and carried the case to the Supreme Court, but it sustained the decision of the lower Court and Sowell will now be taken to San Quentin to remain for the rest of his life.


            BELL HUNTS DUCKS

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 14 - Congressman Theo. A. BELL visited this section on Saturday and Sunday as the guest of the Tobacco Gun Club. With a number of his Marysville and Yuba City friends he visited the Club’s preserves near Meridian and enjoyed an outing at duck shooting. The party report a very enjoyable time.


            FIREBUG AT WORK

BENICIA (Solano Co.), November 14 - Knightsen is evidently troubled with a firebug. Thursday night some one tried to burn the new residence of John CANTRELL by pouring coal oil on the porch and then setting the place on fire. One corner and a part of the foundation was burned before the fire was discovered and put out. Sunday night the store of Cantrell Bros. was burned to the ground; also the adjoining butcher shop and all its contents. There has been no clew obtained.



STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), November 14 - The trial of Howard BUCKLAND, the 15-year-old slayer of his father, continues to attract crowds to the Superior Court-room. Mrs. Buckland, the boy’s mother, testified to-day to acts of cruelty on the part of her husband, and stated that on the morning of the shooting he slapped her, knocked her down and kicked her, when she called to her son to protect her. She afterwards told her son that she hoped never to look upon the face of her husband again. Within an hour Howard shot and killed his father.



OROVILLE (Butte Co.), November 14 - Wm. HUNT, an aged sheepherder, was burned to death in his cabin at Dredgeville last night. He had several hundred dollars in bank. Several days ago he drew out $100 and went on a protracted spree. It is supposed that his cabin caught on fire while he was in a drunker stupor.



STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), November 14 - The body of Edward FOUNDATION, a longshoreman, who was missed form the Captain Weber a week and a half ago, en route to San Francisco, was found yesterday in Whisky Slough. The body was removed to the Morgue, where it was identified by the father and brothers of the deceased. They say that the man was drunk and fell overboard.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Evening Bee

Thursday, December 1, 1904



Accused Boy Talks Freely to Other Prisoners, But Dislikes Interviews With Officers - Speculations as to Motive For the Crime

AUBURN (Placer Co.), December 1 - All day yesterday the Grand Jury was busy hearing evidence in the Weber case. The investigation behind closed doors, precluded any outsiders from hearing the evidence, but as the same witnesses who appeared at the preliminary were before the jury, no new testimony was introduced.

  George RUTH, Clarence GEAR, Herbert MENOW, Mrs. SNOWDEN, were among the main witnesses who were called to the Grand Jury room.

  Nothing in the light of further proof against the defendant came to the surface, and as the public is not aware as to what occurred in the jury room the day was uneventful.

  The prosecution will not bring any of its reserved evidence into the case before it is set for trial. At that time, however, new witnesses, whose names have not been given out will take the stand to corroborate the prosecution’s theories, and it is expected that these will break down all attempts of the prisoner to prove an alibi. One important witness in this respect, will be a member of the Coroner’s jury who saw Weber on the night of the killing before the alarm of fire and on his testimony it will be shown that Weber came down Brewery Lane, as testified to by May CLARK and W.H. NETCALF and that his route was far from High Street, where he claims to have gone.

            Floral Tributes for Prisoner

 The women with floral tributes for Weber are on the increase, and their offerings have caused vigorous criticism. Of course, several bouquets never reached him, and laid on the Sheriff’s desk last night. None of the givers were allowed to see Weber, and be it said to the credit of some of them, that the flowers would not have been given by them to the accused man our of admiration, but was a ruse to get into the jail to catch a glimpse at the prisoner. But no more visitors can pass the barred partition leading to the west end of the jail. The heavy screen which the workmen have been putting on the jail windows is also being put around the partitions which enclose the steel cages where Weber is kept. This makes an impregnable wall, which can withstand anything and the mesh of the heavy screen is so fine that a lead pencil could not be put through it. These jail improvements have been under consideration for some time, but operations have been pressed with greater activity since Weber has become an occupant.

  Twenty-one days have been consumed in the preliminary work of bringing the accused man to trial. Withal it has been a certainty from the start that he would have to face the Superior Court and answer to five charges, his attorneys have fought the preliminary proceedings vigorously.

  This course has not met with the approval of Weber’s guardian, John ADAMS, who has all along assured his ward that he could not possible hope to be released without trial.

            Weber Is Now Talkative

   Weber was silent to those around him when first incarcerated, but he has become quite communicative the past few days and converses across the hall quite freely to the other prisoners. His old hobby of game chickens forms a good part of his conversation.

  He still maintains a strong front of innocence. “This whole case is a hatched up scheme,” said Weber last night, “but I have no fear of the outcome.”

  “Do you expect to be acquitted of the charges?”

  “Well, as to that I cannot say. Prejudice, I am told, is strong against me, but I’ve no fear of my case when it goes before the Supreme Court.”

            Dislikes Interviews With Officers

 Weber dislikes the long conversations which the officers hold with him. Almost every night, Under Sheriff MAY visits Adolph in his cell, and engages him in pleasant conversation. The officer is looking for signs of admission in the prisoner, though the pleasant chats have no inquisitory flavor to them.

  “I’m tired of these interviews,” said Weber last night, “and I wish they would stay away and let me sleep.”

  “Why don’t you sing that song to them?”

  “You men ‘Do Go Way and Let Me Sleep’” said the prisoner, smiling. “That would be a good idea,” he ventured, quite impressed with the suggestion.

  Weber has grown quite authoritative with his keepers, and his remarks as to what the Sheriff would and would not have to do caused Under Sheriff May to give the prisoner a call down yesterday morning. Weber’s treatment by the jail officials has been kindly and courteous, but at the least sign of arrogance he is firmly reminded of his position.

            Weber Sends for Gear

 Clarence Gear, the discoverer of the bloody revolver and also the missing bank money, had a recent interview with the prisoner, Weber having sent for Gear, to ask him about the money.

  “This is rather a dark place you have here,” said Gear.

  The prisoner’s face clouded, and with some maliciousness in his manner he said: “Yes, and when I prove my innocence and get out of here I’ll get even with some people. They’ll be in as bad a fix as I am now.”

  This remark shows the prisoner’s mind to be as bitter as ever toward those whom he deems his enemies. Gear talked some last night on how he and his companions found the missing coin.

  “It was simply luck that we found the money,” said Gear.

  “The spot where it lay was the most unlikely in all the ground we went over. It lay under a manure pile and almost in front of the barn door, and it was with not the least thought of finding it that I begun to dig there.”

  “Did you think you had found it when you struck your pick into the can?”

            Gear Tells How He Found the Coin

 “Yes, somehow I felt sure of it. I said to Ben Dependener, ‘I’ve got it,’ and then pulled the lid of the can out.  There was nothing in sight then as the dirt caved back over the hole in which I was digging. I commenced to dig then with my hands, and took out a small snake which came from a hole beside where I was digging. I was not long in taking the can of gold out.”

  From the present aspect it will be several months before the ownership of the money is settled, which will delay the reward being paid. The strongest battle the defense will set up will be its claim that the money belongs to the Weber estate.

            Wanted His Picture Published

 Weber sent for Lincoln MERROW recently and wanted him to make a published statement of the case, and also have his picture printed with it. Merrow refused to do this, as he said he did not desire any notoriety in the case, and that it could do no good.

  Merrow was a friend and schoolmate of Weber’s before the tragedy, and at the outset seemed to be in doubt as to the accused’s guilt.

  Weber was explaining to Merrow how he was going to prove his innocence. “I hope you can, Adolph,” said Merrow, “but if you are guilty I want to see you punished.”

  This reply seemed to have a depressing effect upon the prisoner, and he dropped the subject.

            Talk as to Motive of the Crime

 Speculation as to the motive of the wholesale killing of the Weber family still continues, but public opinion here is not unanimous as to what prompted Weber to such murderous acts.

  Many have claimed that the bank robbery was a motive to the murder; that Weber’s people became aware of his guilt of the former crime, and that, deeming himself unsafe under such conditions, he exterminated his family for protection from exposure. This idea is thoroughly believed by many here, but on the other hand, many are contending that the crime is mere fiendishness, and a desire to possess undivided his father’s estate. There are still more who believe the tragedy to have started from internal dissensions among the Webers; that Weber’s people unbraided him for some act which precipitated a quarrel, and that Weber in a frenzy killed his people and burned his home.

  After his plea, which he will enter in the Superior Court next Monday, Weber will be shut away from the world still more than he has been, and in the solitary confinement of his cell he may conclude to throw some light on the motive of the crime.

  It has been rumored that young Weber had made a confession, but Under Sheriff May says he has not.

  “I think, however,” said May, “that the boy is fixing to make one.”



Nearly $1000 In Gold Coin Of Old Mintage Is Unearthed

Money Was Probably the Hidden Treasure of an Old Miner Who Died Before Dug Up - Several $2.50 Gold Pieces Among the Coin.

REDDING (Shasta Co.), December 1 - William MENZEL, proprietor of the oldest-established butcher shop in Redding raked up almost a thousand dollars in gold coin last Sunday from the hog yard surrounding his slaughter house on the outskirts of town. In the lot of coin was $6.50 in silver of various denominations. All of the coins, both the gold and the silver, were of a mintage of over thirty years ago, indicating that the money had probably lain secreted there about that length of time.

  About three months ago Mr. Menzel was keeping close watch of his slaughter house trying to capture some chicken thieves. One night he took a shot at a chicken thief on the run. The next day he examined the footprints in the yard very carefully, hoping to do some detective work. He then found about $30 in gold. Mr. Mensel thought the coin had been dropped by the chicken thief in his flight. He pocketed the coin, deeming himself lucky, but making no extensive search in the hog yard for more gold.

  The incident was almost forgotten until last Sunday, when he was amazed to see a $20 gold piece protruding from the ground where the hogs had been doing perhaps some extra deep rooting. Mr. Menzel called to his boy to bring his rake and shovel. They raked and scraped over a few square feet of the yard, digging perhaps to the depth of a foot, and were rewarded by recovering almost a thousand dollars. Mr. Menzel declines to state the exact amount for the fear that some imposter may lay claim to the treasure.

  Most of the gold was in double eagles. There are six $2.50 gold pieces and a few $5 gold pieces of the mintage of 1836, which are very rarely seen. The silver coins were all so tarnished as to be almost unrecognizable.

  How the coins came to be buried in the slaughter house yard is purely a matter of conjecture. They were probably buried on the spot before the slaughter house was built. The dates on the coins indicate that. It is only a surmise that some miner in early days secreted the coin in the soil, expecting to return and dig it up sometime, in the meantime dying and his secret being buried with him.



VALLEJO (Solano Co.), December 1 - W.A. HUTCHINSON, a member of California Society of Pioneers and a resident of Vallejo for thirty-seven years, suffered a stroke of paralysis on Thanksgiving Day while sitting at dinner with his daughter, Mrs. Dora A. HEATH, of San Francisco, and died Tuesday evening in a sanitarium in that city. Mr. Hutchinson came to California in April, 1846, and was one of the oldest pioneers in the State. He was one of the party on two occasions that went on an exploring expedition to try and discover some trace of the Arctic explorer, Sir Benjamin FRANKLIN, and was the possessor of a medal from Lady Franklin.

  His funeral will take place Friday from Pioneer Hall, San Francisco, under the auspices of the California Society of Pioneers.

  Wednesday afternoon, Wilberforce DUDLEY, another California pioneer and a resident of Vallejo for fifty years, suffered a stroke of paralysis while at work fixing a skylight. He died last night at 7:40 o’clock. He was a native of England, and had served in the naval service for many years. He was present at the storming of Sebastopol, and at the famous charge of the Light Brigade.



GEORGETOWN (El Dorado Co.), December 1 - The following are the Directors of the recently incorporated Loon Lake Water and Power Company: Stanley FORBES, Cleaveland FORBES, Warren GREGORY and H.W. CHICKERING of San Francisco, and C.M. FITZGERALD of Georgetown. The first of these Directors is the man who bid in the property of the California Water and Mining Company, which was sold under a decree of foreclosure on September 23, 1904. Loon Lake was part of the California Water and Mining Company’s system.                       



Made No Cry While Flames Consumed Its Clothing

PLACERVILLE (El Dorado Co.), December 1 - Shortly after 8 o’clock yesterday morning the Placerville Sanitarium at the corner of Coloma and High Streets, in this city, was discovered to be on fire. The fire started from a small heating stove in an upper bedroom on the High Street front occupied by Dr. and Mrs. F.W. WATT and their infant son.

  When the alarm was given the doctor and his wife were in the dining-room with the patients of the institution, who were eating breakfast. The baby had been left in the bedroom. The flames, which evidently were communicated from the stovepipe to the paper on the ceiling of the room, had gained considerable headway before the fire was discovered.

  When told that the house was on fire, Dr. Watt ran upstairs and found the child seated on the floor apparently watching the flames but making no outcry, although the carpet near his feet and part of his clothing was in flames. The child was at once taken downstairs. The Volunteer Fire Department of the city extinguished the flames after a few minutes. As a result of its injuries the little one died shortly after 8 o’clock yesterday afternoon.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), December 1 - A strange acting individual, who says his true name is Peter PETERSON, called on the police here last evening to notify them that he is a deserter from the training ship Independence, now stationed at Mare Island. He says that although holding the responsible position of quartermaster aboard the vessel he deserted on July 23rd last. He avers that he has six months in which to return, with the alternative of arrest. He was told that no one here had strings on him.

  The man has been working on the DURST place near Wheatland and at the Wm. SAUNDERS farm near Live Oak, under the assumed name of James ANDERSON. He is a native of Denmark and 37 years of age.




DERBY (Nev.), December 1 - It is probable that arrests will be made this afternoon or to-morrow in connection with the death of Jerry McCarty, a saloon-keeper of this place, who died Monday afternoon. It has just been learned that when McCarty left his saloon and went to his cabin Sunday afternoon he had $250 in cash and over $1000 in time checks on his person. He was taken suddenly ill that night, the bartender that waited on him is believed to have been drugged, and when his clothing was searched the next day no money was found.

  During the night several notorious characters went to the cabin and induced KELLY, the nurse, to drink with them. He did so and was helpless all night, while the others had their own way in the cabin. McCarty was dying during the orgie and if he was robbed, as he probably was, he might have known nothing of it.

  A bitter feeling exists her over the affair, and there are many who claim that McCarty was murdered, but this is not generally believed to be the case.

  The residents of Derby are nearly all workmen on the great Government irrigation canal now being built by a San Francisco construction Company, the manager of which is C.H. BUCKMAN. A great deal of crime has occurred here within the last year and many of the bodies that have been found in the river are believed to have been thrown there by hold-up men.



SPARKS (Nev.), December 1 - Two men are lying in the County Hospital near here with serious injuries, both having been held up in the city. Henry OSTERMAN, one of them, has five ribs broken as the result of kicks and blows he received, and Robert MEGGINS has thirteen knife cuts in his back, neck and hand.

  Osterman was held up at the east end of Harriman Avenue early in the morning by two men, according to his story, who committed the assault after finding he had no money. Meggins was followed as he left Sparks to go to Reno during the night, and when he resisted the men who way laid him, he was stabbed more than a dozen times, only one or two of the cut s being serious. He lost considerable blood before he managed to reach Reno.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Evening Bee

Friday, December 2, 1904



Chico Officers Unable to Capture the Desperadoes Who Held Up and Bound Two Men

CHICO (Butte Co.), December 2 - Constable Thomas HINDMAN, of this city, returned yesterday after an unsuccessful hunt for the two men who held up and tied Joseph GARLAND and John HOLLENBECK at the Ten Mile House Wednesday. Deputy Constable Joseph BARNES and Officer William WHITE, of this city, later went to the scene of the robbery and gathered the particulars of the case.

  It was found the robbery and tying occurred about 3 o’clock on Wednesday afternoon. The two desperadoes armed with revolvers, went into the small store conducted by Hollenbeck and ordered him to throw up his hands. He responded with alacrity and the men ransacked the store, securing eight five dollar gold pieces and about $6 in small change.

  After having robed Hollenbeck, who is an old man, the robbers bound him and placed him on the floor. They told him they were going to the barn and would hitch up his horse and drive to Chico, and for him not to worry about the outfit, as he would find it in a livery stable in Chico, and they would take good care of it.

  While they were harnessing the horse Joe Garland drove into the corral in a light buggy. He no sooner entered the place than he was held up at the point of a revolver, and relieved of about $2. He was then taken to the house and also securely tied, and placed on the floor beside Hollenbeck. The two fellows then jumped into the buggy and drove in the direction of this city.

  Garland wriggled and twisted around until he was able to get in a position where he could untie one of the knots and free himself. He then assisted Hollenbeck to get free, and started for Chico Switch, which is the nearest telephone station. He reached there about 8:30 o’clock, fully five and one-half hours after the robbery had taken place. Constable HINDMAN of this city was called and told of the crime.

  Hindman, Joseph Barnes and Officer White left at once to head off the robbers, and had reached a point a short distance from the city limits when they came upon the horse and buggy which had been abandoned.

  Up to this time nothing has been found of the thieves, although the officers are making every effort to capture them.



CEDARVILLE (Modoc Co.), December 2, 1904 - Two men have been arrested and are awaiting a hearing on the charge of burglary for having broken into and robbed the saloon of F.L. ROBERTS in this town, as fully told of in The Bee last Wednesday. Strong suspicion was directed toward an individual by the name of Charles TURNER, and his arrest followed. He was put through the course of questions and as he was yet somewhat under the influence of the stolen whisky, he confessed his guilt and told the officers he had secreted the gold watch in a barn in the northern part of town.

  A search was instituted and the watch was recovered. Not only did Turner confess to the crime and direct the search for the stolen property, but he implicated a Mexican named Joseph WHITE, who was also arrested and will be given a hearing . White strongly maintains his innocence, but evidence is accumulating against him.

  Both men have been under observation for some time as it was supposed they were implicated in the offences that have been repeatedly committed during the last two months. Joseph White is considered a dangerous man while drinking and has on two or three occasions threatened the lives of others.



RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), December 2 - The body of Mrs. Margaret DUNCAN, relict of William Duncan, for many years a prominent resident of this county, arrived this morning from San Francisco, where she died Tuesday night at the home of her daughter Mrs. W.R. HALL, whose husband is a former County Clerk of Tehama County. The decedent was a native of Canada and 72 years of age. She had been slowly failing for some months, but was believed by the family to be in her usual health until a short time prior to her demise.

  The surviving sons and daughters are: James B. Duncan and Will E. Duncan, both of whom are railroad employes and make their headquarters in Sacramento and this city; F.W. Duncan, who holds a responsible position with an Eastern railroad; Mrs. Hall, of San Francisco; Mrs. Will J. KINLEY, Miss Minnie Duncan and Maurice W. Duncan, of this city. The funeral services will be held to-morrow from the family residence and Rev. D.A. RUSSELL, pastor of the Christian Church will officiate.


NAPA (Napa Co.), December 2 - F.W. BUSH, who was defeated at the recent election for Supervisor from the Fifth District, has begun proceedings to have himself declared elected to the office.

  Bush claims that many illegal votes and other irregularities prevented his being elected to the office. The matter came before Judge GESFORD this morning.

  Much interest is being manifested and the case may eventually reach the Supreme Court.



Poolseller Will Be Sentenced Next Wednesday For Assault Upon John Winkleman

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), December 2 - Edward L. KRIPP, one of the owners of the gambling establishment in the town of Washington, was tried before Justice LAMPTON in Woodland yesterday afternoon on a charge of battery and was found guilty. He was ordered to appear for sentence next Wednesday. The complaining witness was John WINKLEMAN, of Sacramento. Winkleman is also the complaining witness in several gambling cases in which Kripp will be the defendant.  These cases will be called next Wednesday.

  The testimony in the battery case was furnished by the prosecuting witness and Constable HAINLINE, of Davisville, for the prosecution, and by the defendant, R.H. BUCKINGHAM, E.I. HANSEN, Thos. J. BURNS and John R. CROPPRE, for the defense.

            Were There to Serve Warrants

 In substance it appeared that Winkleman accompanied Constable Hainline when the latter went to Kripp’s place to arrest four men there for whom he had warrants issued upon complaints of Winkleman. Winkleman’s duty on this occasion was to point out the men wanted to the officer and he acted upon the instructions of District Attorney ANDERSON, who had previously employed him to get evidence against the gamblers.

  They entered Hansen’s saloon and met Kripp near the door that leads into the poolroom. Constable Hainline informed Kripp of the purpose of his visit and was told in return that two of the men wanted, John Doe BROWN and a Chinaman, were not there. The warrants were served up on Kripp and Hansen, the former calling the latter from his place behind the bar and directing the Constable’s attention to him.

            The Assault

 In the meantime people had been passing in and out of the poolroom door and Winkleman claims that during an interval when the door was open he saw the Chinaman wanted, inside.

  He at once said so and Kripp replied as quickly that he did not, and that there was no Chinaman on the premises. According to Winkleman’s version of the affair, he reiterated his statement regarding the Chinaman, whereupon Kripp called him a liar. Winkleman returned the compliment, and Kripp struck him. Winkleman then fled from the room, and Kripp followed. The pursued was overtaken at the end of the bridge, and there knocked down twice. He was badly beaten.

            Kripp’s Testimony

 Constable Hainline’s testimony was substantially the same, but Kripp and his witnesses testified that Winkleman was the aggressor; that he first passed the lie and first struck at Kripp. They testified also that the two men “scuffled” out of the room to the bridge and that Kripp got the best of the argument there.

  Kripp said on the stand that he considered his conduct perfectly consistent with that of self-defense; that Winkleman commenced fighting him, and that he kept at it until one or the other was “licked.”

            Hainline Corroborates Winkleman

 In rebuttal Constable Hainline testified that when Winkleman fled from the room Kripp was ten feet behind him and he (Hainline) followed about as far behind Kripp; that there were no blows struck after the first encounter until Kripp overtook Winkleman on the bridge.

  Justice Lampton evidently believed Hainline, and found Kripp guilty.



RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), December 2 - Judge J.F. ELLISON, in the Superior Court, yesterday afternoon drew the names of twenty-six Grand Jurors, from whom the nineteen citizens who are to compose the coming Grand Jury will be selected. The names on the list include the best material in the county, and there is a former County Treasurer and one ex-Supervisor in the drawing. They are: Henry C. SWAIN, Albert HOOPER, R.E. CRUMRINE, Leo. L. McCOY and U.B. TYLER, of Red Bluff; C.L. KING, C.S. JOBE, R.H. TABER and J.R. BRYANT, of Corning; J.C. LYNCH, Cottonwood; Asa PEAKE, O.G. PARSONS, Henleyville; J.W. HARRISON, Eby; William B. MILLER, Butte Mountain; N.F. HEATON, Battle Creek; J.E. REID, Kirkwood; Lafayette FISH, Jr., Rawson; J.H. GURNSEY, Ora WILLARD and Roy GODBOLT, Antelope; W.H. BLACK, Lowrey; John C. TURNER, Lyonsville; William LEE, Paskenta; John T. McKERRAS, Farquhar; A.A. KAUFFMAN, Paynes Creek; W.E. HAZEN, Manton. Of this number, Messrs McCoy and Black are large sheepman and Mr. Swain is a retired banker, having acted as County Treasurer for one term. The Grand Jurors are to assemble on December 13th to take up the various matters which will be submitted by the District Attorney and citizens.



NAPA (Napa Co.), December 2 - The engagement of Ernest J. MOTT and Miss Maude ROBINSON is announced. The wedding will take place in San Francisco during the early part of  January. Mr. Mott is a successful attorney of San Francisco, while Miss Robinson is prominently identified with educational matters at Santa Barbara.

  She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Robinson, of Napa, and has many friends here.



Employe of Mendocino State Hospital Fined $180 for Striking Old Man

UKIAH (Mendocino Co.), December 2 - Henry McALLISTER, an employe at the State Hospital, who beat up John HUGHES at Potter Valley last week, was tried in Justice CROCKETT’s Court in this city yesterday for battery and was found guilty by the jury.

  The defendant was sentenced to pay a fine of $180 or serve six months in the county jail.

  McAllister, in company with two other State employes, went to Potter Valley last Saturday on a fishing trip, and drove into a livery stable and ordered their team put up. John Hughes, the proprietor of the stable, took care of the team. He was busy attending to another team, when McAllister and companions returned and ordered their team hitched up at once. Hughes said that he would attend to it as soon as he had time.

  The fellows wouldn’t have it that way. One of them grabbed Hughes from behind, while another knocked him down, cutting his lip and bruising his eyes and face quite severely.

  Hughes immediately swore out warrants for their arrest.

  It seems that McAllister was the principal offender in the case, so the fine was placed against him.

  McAllister is a strong, vigorous young man, while Hughes, his victim, is 72 years of age.



PLACERVILLE (El Dorado Co.), December 2 - Francis NICHOLS, one of the best known citizens of El Dorado County, died at his home at Coloma a few minutes after 12 o’clock yesterday.

  Mr. Nichols was a pioneer resident of Coloma, and for years was prominent in the affairs of the county. He was Deputy Assessor of the County, and served one term on the Board of Supervisors. He was also the guardian of the Marshall monument at Coloma. Mr. Nichols was prominent in Masonic circles , and at the time of his death was the Master of Acacia Lodge of Coloma.

  Two sisters Mrs. Annie MARKHAM and Mrs. L. THOMAS, both residents of Coloma, survive him.


            HELD TO ANSWER

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), December 2 - Frank STRANBRIDGE, the young man who slashed the throat of Alice JACKSON, one of the demi-monde, on Oak Street, Wednesday, was before Judge RAISH yesterday for preliminary examination. After listening to the testimony of several witnesses, including Stranbridge’s victim, Court held defendant to answer before the Superior Court on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon, bonds $1500.



OROVILLE (Butte Co.), December 2 - J. WOODMAN, of this city, had a fierce fight with a large wildcat this morning. Woodman was walking through a yard belonging to Mrs. HAND, about in the center of the town, when he saw the cat. The animal showed fight, and without any hesitancy sprang at Woodman’s neck. He grabbed it around the throat, and finally succeeded in choking it death. He has several deep cuts and scratches about the hands, where the animal struck him in its struggle.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Evening Bee

Saturday, December 3, 1904



Young Weber Shows No Signs of Weakening and Grows More Cheerful as the Days Go By

AUBURN (Placer Co.), December 3 - The investigation of the Weber murder charges before the Grand Jury was brought to a close last evening, but the members are sternly non-committal as to what the Jury will do. There seems to be no doubt here, however, but that indictments will be found against Weber for the killing of his father, sister and brother. The Jury took up the charge of bank robbing this morning, and this will bring a new set of witnesses to the scene, though not so many as in the other cases.

  Cashier A.L. SMITH, Assistant Cashier Edgar McFADYEN, Vice-President D.W. LUBECK, F.S. STEVENS and Albert CROSBY were the eye-witnesses who saw the robber, when the bank was looted, and it will probably be a couple of days before the stories of these people can be heard.

            Weber Grows Cheerful

 Weber is still indifferent and if a confession is on his mind, he does not show any sign of weakening. He grows more cheerful every day, and his high-keyed voice can be heard a good part of the time, talking to the other prisoners.

  There is no admiration among the inmates of the jail for Weber, and those who converse with him do so merely for the curiosity, in hopes of hearing him say something that would tend to the acknowledgment of his guilt. One of the prisoners, who acts as a trusty about the building, volunteered to tell the prisoner the other day that most of the people thought him guilty.

  “I don’t care what people think,” snapped the prisoner, and his jail-mate turned the subject when he saw Weber getting irritable.

            Weber Can See Spot Where His Home Stood

 It has been several days since Weber left his cell, and no one has been permitted to see him. During such times as the jailors pass food into the other prisoners visitors crane their necks through the door endeavoring to catch a glimpse of him, but this is impossible.

  From the west window of the prison Weber can look across to where his home stood, as it is a prominent view from there, but he does not look that way. Most of his time is spent in reading, and he is very vain of his intellectual ability.

  There are still a few friends of the defendant who believe in his innocence, but these have little to say and avoid discussions.

            Spat Between Attorney and Witnesses

 District Attorney ROBINSON was after Adrian WILLS yesterday on the witness stand, and grilled him considerably, but Wills talked back, and the two got quite angry.

  “I didn’t go in there to be reprimanded,” said Wills to a Bee correspondent, “and Kelly makes me tired with his abuse.”

  Referring to recent statements made through the press by the District Attorney, he said he had consulted an attorney about them and was advised that he had sufficient grounds for libel, but he did not say whether he would institute such an action or not. It will be remembered that Wills changed the expression which Adolph made to him on the night of the fire which Wills first said was that “his mother was dead.” Afterwards Wills said that Weber’s expression was that “his mother was burnt,” but explained that he had interpreted the remark to mean that she was dead and that he had no idea of contradicting any of his previous testimony.

            Robinson Will Have None of Chamberlain

 There is still efforts being made to have Attorney Chamberlain associated in the case, on account of his long experience and success in criminal cases and several of the District Attorney’s friends have made earnest appeals to him, but he has positively declined again and again to do this and as his decision is final it is not likely that Chamberlain will participate in the prosecution.

  Guy LUKENS, J.A. PREDOM, Mrs. RECHENMACHER, Chris HENRY, Herbert MENOW, Ben DEPENDENER, Adrian WILLS and James GOLDENBERG were the last witnesses to appear before the Grand Jury yesterday in the murder inquiry.

            A New Witness Found

 An additional witness has been found who heard the screams at the Weber home the night of the murder. The information has been given to the officers who will have this latter at the trial. Though much farther away than A.D. FELLOWS, who testified to having heard screams, the new witness is said to be positive, and fixes the time about the same as Mr. Fellows. These, so far, are the only two people who heard any tumult on the night of the killing.

  The officers are looking for more witnesses, and expect to add several to the list when the case goes to trial.

  With all the overwhelming sentiment which is against Adolph Weber, there is still doubt in the minds of some whether he can be convicted with the evidence so far adduced of the crimes with which he will be charged. It is held by some that this is why the officers want the prisoner tried on the charge of bank robbery first.

  Even if Weber cannot make an alibi stand, it is not going to be an easy matter to fix the crime of  murder upon him. His attorneys will be armed with strong and logical argument in his behalf. They will set up many circumstances, which will give his plea of not guilty a plausible flavor. The road is not going to be a smooth one for the prosecution.

            Time an Issue in the Case

 The Webers were killed in a short space of time. The whole crime is estimated to have been committed within five or six minutes, and to successfully scatter the defendant’s claim that he was taking a constitutional walk when his family was assassinated, will require a close fixing of time. Time is of the essence of the real issue in the case.

  On the charge of bank robbery, however, the net of conviction seems more likely to land young Weber. His having been seen immediately after the robber in the locality where the robber is positively known to have fled, which was not a general route to travel, there being no highway or path there, marks the initial suspicion.

  His appearance and build being identical to the man who robbed the bank, and thirdly the discovery of the money on the Weber property, are three points which the defense will have hard work to combat against.

  The public here is anxious that the trial will prove conclusively Weber’s guilt or innocence.

            Thinks Weber Will Not Confess

 In discussing the theory that Weber will make a confession, a well known merchant here said last night:

 “I don’t believe the boy will confess. If he has the strength to stand the ordeal he has passed through there would be no occasion for him to relent and surrender at this time.”

  Attorneys here who discuss the case see no easy task in the prosecution. The danger, they point out, lies in so much irrelevant testimony or rather which is important and which was given at the preliminary and inquest but yet which the law says has no right to admission into the trial of the case.

  The Grand Jury’s verdict is confidently expected to be against the prisoner, and in fact the general public is so sanguine of this that but little interest is being displayed in the outcome.

  Many travelers and visitors have arrived here in the past week, and the Weber premises are still a point of interest.

  Already the selection of a jury to try the case is under discussion, and it is predicted that a large number of talesmen will be dismissed before twelve men satisfactory to both sides can be secured. The great prominence of the case will make it hard to find unformed opinions.




WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), December 3 - Superior Judge GADDIS this morning rendered a decision in the case of Ellen M. DWYER against the Board of Supervisors of Yolo County, denying the defendant’s motion to dissolve the injunction. In this case Judge Gaddis formerly issued an injunction restraining the Board of Supervisors from taking any action in the petition of James H. GLIDE, who asked the Supervisors to withdraw his 900 acres of land from Reclamation District No. 307. As the District had spent much money on the levees around Glide’s property, this withdrawal was objected to, because it would necessitate the expenditure of much money for other levees.

  The matter has been argued by attorneys on both sides for several days. The case was continued indefinitely this morning, and the plaintiffs will probably put in more testimony, for the purpose of making the injunction permanent.


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), December 3 - Ten acres of land in the Harkey Tract, west of this city in Sutter County, were sold at the rate of $200 per acre this week. The purchaser was R.L. RUSSELL, a well-known newspaperman of this city. Mr. Russell will continue the place as an orchard, and will also experiment with gensing, tobacco and other uncommon plants. A portion of the ground will be given up to poultry, the raising of which Mr. Russell expects to enter upon on a large scale eventually. He will build a new home on the place in the Spring.

  He has in mind the making of “Domaine Russell,” as he has named it, the most versatile spot in this section, the intention being to encourage the growers to more diversified interests, be their tracts large or small.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), December 3 - Frank Stanbridge, held to answer on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to commit murder, yesterday entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced by Judge McDANIEL to serve ten years in Folsom Prison.

  He is the young man who, while drunk on Wednesday last, inflicted a horrible gash in the neck of Alice JACKSON, a mulatto resident of the tenderloin district.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), December 3 - Coroner KELLY has been notified of the finding of the body of James TAFFIDY, a miner 77 years of age, in his cabin near Camptonville. Dr. LORD, of the latter place, has furnished a certificate giving natural causes as the cause of death.



SUTTER CREEK (Amador Co.), December 3 - W.H. HANCOCK, of this city has been placed under arrest and it is probable that a charge of assault with a deadly weapon will be placed against him. Last Wednesday afternoon, Hancock, while under the influence of liquor, armed himself with a revolver and started after his brother-in-law, Daniel ODGERS, who conducts a saloon. He arrived at the saloon, and dared the proprietor to come out. Odgers locked up his saloon, and went out the back way. Hancock then fired several shots through the saloon window. He was then placed under arrest, and taken to Jackson, where he will be given a preliminary examination.



BIGGS (Butte Co.), December 3 - Yesterday morning A. KEPPEL, a young man employed on the ranch of James S. CRAIN, near this place, was driving a six-horse team in the field, when the leaders of the team became stuck in the soft mud. Keppel unhitched the horses from the rear of the team, and started to get them out of the mud, when they plunged and freed themselves. Keppel got tangled in the reins and the leaders ran off, dragging him by the leg. The animals were finally stopped by getting into another mire hole in which they sank. Keppel’s leg was broken, and had it not been for the second miring of the team he would probably have been dragged to death.



GRIDLEY (Butte Co.), December 3 - Gridley Camp No. 9541, Modern Woodmen of America, held its annual election of officers Thursday evening, and the following were chosen for the ensuing year: E. MAHAN, Venerable Consul; A.T. NELSON, Advisor; C.H. BLOCK, Banker; L.N. GRIDLEY, Clerk; C. PROBST, Escort; C.E. HEFNER, Watchman; Nelson YOUNG, Sentry; C.W. SARLE, Physician; A.T. NELSON, H. WICKMAN and R.W. GILBESON, Managers.



Evidently Played With Fire While Its Mother Was Absent From the Room

FALL RIVER MILLS (Shasta Co.), December 3 - Durfee LONG, aged 2 years and 9 months, was fatally burned here yesterday morning in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Long. The little boy died in about four hours after he was burned.

  He and his twin brother, Dozier Long, were left playing on the front room floor, while the mother went across the street to a neighbor’s to get a bucket of water. She came home promptly, only to find Durfee upon the floor screaming in pain, and every stitch of his clothing save the collar of his dress burned from his body. The other twin boy, Dozier, was standing near, unharmed, but crying lustily for help.

  Just how the accident occurred is not known, but as there was a good fire in the heating stove, it is supposed that the little boy took advantage of his mother’s absence to engage in the forbidden pastime of playing with the fire, and in doing so his clothing was set ablaze.

  Medical aid was summoned, but the little sufferer lingered only four hours, and passed away.

  The twin boys were the pride of Fall River Mills, as well as of their parents. They were born nearly three years ago at the time a branch Teachers’ Institute was in session here. Two of the most enterprising speakers at the meeting were District Attorney DOZIER, of Redding, and Professor U.G. DURFEE, Principal of the Shasta County High School. In their honor the twins were named. Dozier and Durfee, and the latter is now dead by accident.



Man in Keswick Will Probably Die From Wounds Received

KESWICK (Shasta Co.), December 3 - In a drunken row over a woman that took place in a house of ill-repute, Charles EBERHARDT, a cook by occupation, was stabbed several times in the back by Louis RATH, an employe of the smelter. Eberhardt’s wounds were deep, and they bleed profusely, and the physicians believe that he will die. The knife blade perforated his back, from the neck to the kidneys.

  After Rath committed the act, he disappeared, and this morning was found in Eberhardt’s room. He was taken into custody. Eberhardt has refused to make any statement concerning the affair. When told that he would probably die, he refused to make an ante mortem statement. He said if he recovered he would not prosecute his assailant.

  The crime has aroused the people of Keswick, as it is almost a repetition of a murder that took place here several months ago, when Patrick PHILBIN was stabbed to death by Charles WAYSMAN. Waysman is now serving a fifteen years term in the State Prison.



ANDERSON (Shasta Co.), December 3 - Miss Audella WELCH lies in her home in this village at the point of death with a fractured skull as the result of a runaway accident that occurred yesterday afternoon just as the passenger train was pulling out for the North. Miss Welch is the 20-years-old daughter of Orrin Welch.

  She was driving down the road alone when the train approached and frightened the horse. In the resulting runaway Miss Welch was thrown from the buggy with great force against a telephone pole. She was picked up unconscious, and conveyed to her home. The physician found a plain fracture of the skull, but as there is no depression on the brain, there is strong hope for her recovery.



HEALDSBURG, December 3 - J.S. POTTER, an ex-convict who escaped from the jail in San Jose on November 14th, while being held for transfer to San Quentin under a five-year sentence, was arrested here yesterday for robbing a bicycle store.



Model Home For Consumptives Will Be Built On Sonoma Mountain

SANTA ROSA (Sonoma Co.), December 3 - Articles of incorporation for the Mountain Valley Springs Company have been filed with the County Clerk. It is the plan of the incorporators, who say they have sufficient money to carry out their ideas to establish on the top of Sonoma Mountain, 2300 feet above sea level, and nine miles from Petaluma, a model resort for consumptives, the first large enterprise of its kind in Superior California.

  There will be a large central dining-room and kitchen and a central amusement pavilion. Surrounding these buildings will be cottages for the patients. The Company controls over 200 acres of land on the mountain and have only recently located some valuable lithia springs. Actual construction work will be started, so the projectors say, about March of next year, when the heavy Winter rains have ceased. Among the incorporators is Dr. A. Miles TAYLOR, Company physician for the California Northwestern Railway.



YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), December 3 - Yreka, Aerie, No. 157, Fraternal Order of Eagles, of Yreka, has elected the following officers for the ensuing year:

 Worthy Past President, L.F. COBURN; Worthy President, J.M. PUTNAM, Worthy Vice-President, L.W. FAUQUIER; Worthy Chaplain, C.V. HARMAN; Worthy Secretary, George A. MILLAR; Worthy Treasurer, G.H. PETERS; Worthy Conductor, W.H. BROWN; Inside Guard, Fred C. WHEELER; Outside Guard Hugh McLEOD; Trustees, J.E. TURNER, William RINVE, Paul SCHARPEGGER; Physician, Dr. REAM.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Monday, December 4, 1905



Badly Injured And Delayed, By Wrecks, Party of Ohioans At Last Reach Grass Valley Friends

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), December 4 - Mrs. C.K. BROWN, accompanied by her son Louis, and niece, Mrs. Lizzie BUCKMASTER, arrived yesterday from Lima, Ohio, after a perilous trip, in which all three nearly lost their lives. As it is, Mrs. Brown is still unable to walk without assistance, while Mrs. Buckmaster is suffering from nervous prostration. The young man has a number of bruises, and a bad fright to remind him of his part of the wreck.

  When near Ogden, their train ran into a coal train at 2 o’clock in the morning. None was killed, but a number of passengers were badly injured. Mrs. Brown had her spine severely injured, and lay unconscious for some time. Her niece was also knocked senseless, and Louis Brown was thrown from a top berth into the aisle. Twice after leaving Ogden their train narrowly missed crashing into another, while wrecks delayed them for over a day.

  Mrs. Brown was offered a considerable sum by the railroad adjusters, who arrived shortly after the wreck in which she was injured, which she accepted in settlement of all claims against the Company which might have arisen. It may be several months before she will be able to be around again. She had been spending three months in Lima with her niece, her home being in this city.



GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), December 4 - Some of the merchants of this city have been badly taken in by counterfeit $20 pieces. The swindle has not long been in operation, but sufficient time elapsed to give an opportunity to put quite a number of gold pieces into circulation.

  The bogus double eagles are such clever imitations that only by ringing them can they be told from the genuine. One of these twenties was pronounced genuine by a local banking man the other day, and not until he had rung it alongside good coin was he convinced of his error.

  It is not known where the counterfeits came from. Business men are puzzled as to whether a sleek agent has unloaded some of the bogus coin here. It is more than likely, however, that Grass Valleyans who have lately returned from San Francisco had the bogus coin passed off on them while in the Bay City, and unconscious of its quality brought it home and put it into circulation.



GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), December 4 - The French Consul-General at San Francisco has written here for the benefit of the relatives of the late Edmond LEROUX, whom they believe is still alive. Undoubtedly an estate in France is to be settled, and had Leroux lived he would have come in for a share. In the latter seventies he was one of the best-known mining men in this city. He, with others, erected a large chlorination plant near this place, and each made a fortune out of it. Later they sold it to the SELBY people. Leroux spent his money lavishly, and during the last years of his life, which he put in in San Francisco, he was in poverty. Old friends, however, whom he had formed in his palmy days in this city, stood by him, and gave him every comfort possible. He died in the French Hospital about ten years ago, and was buried by friends with as much ostentation as though he had passed away worth a million.



DAVISVILLE (Yolo Co.), December 4 - The race track on the farm of James CAMPBELL and sons, located two miles west of Davisville, was the scene yesterday afternoon of several races. There was quite a large attendance from nearby towns.

  The first race was a five-heat, half-mile trot, with three entries - two trotters and a pacer, Frank CAMPBELL’s Sadie, Orin WRIGHT’s Lottie Wilkes, trotters and Del GRIEVE’s Whoa Hay Dick.

  The entrance was $5, winner taking the money. Five heats were run, Campbell getting three and the race; Wright two.

  The second event had two entries, both pacing. E.P. SMITH’s Irish Lassie and Orin WRIGHT’s stallion, Mono Rose. Mono took the first heat, and Irish Lassie the second and third and the money. Time from 1:19 to 1:22.

  In the third event a saddle pony race, with entries by W.A. LILLARD, John JONES, Tommy HUNT, Chas. DODGE and John BLOM. Lillard’s horse took two straight heats. In the second heat Hunt’s horse fell, the rider being considerably injured by striking the horn of the saddle.

  The day’s sport concluded with a bronco busting exhibition, Steve DUTCHER riding a bucker supplied by Fred POEHLER.



He Shows Other Side of Question, But Answer Is Criticised

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), December 4 - The publication in Friday’s Bee of a Red Bluff dispatch to the effect, in substance, that Marysville lost the 1906 Convention of the Northern California Teachers’ Association because of the failure of the teachers of the local High School to attend the annual meeting recently held in Red Bluff and by their presence encourage the Grammar school teachers, even if they did no more to secure the next Convention, has caused something of a sensation here.

  The Democrat published the dispatch in full and acknowledged that such a report had reached it sometime ago while the Appeal runs a long article from Principal A.B. MARTIN in defense of the High School teachers, the substance of which is that they would have attended the Red Bluff meeting had it not been that their classes demanded attention. He also says that the teachers have done their duty as far as attending institutes and so forth is concerned.

  Opinion here seems to be divided as to the merits of the controversy. While no one questions the ability of the High School teachers, many are of the opinion that aside from their class duties, they are not as interested in Marysville as they might be, because this is not their home. This objection, however, could be made to apply to outside teachers in other schools, and is, moreover, not applicable to Marysville alone. It also is said that the Grammar School teachers are given little or no credit for attending institutes, etc., although any criticism of their High School colleagues calls for immediate and vehement defense.

  Despite Mr. Martin’s statement to the contrary, it is said that programs of the proceedings to be held at the Red Bluff sessions of the Northern California Teachers’ Association were distributed during the Yuba County Institute, and while it may be true that neither he nor any of the High School teachers saw them, they were available just the same. Besides this, the program was published in The Bee and in the Chico and Red Bluff papers, if not others, it is said.

  Again, although Mr. Martins says only one teacher spoke to him in regard to securing the 1906 Convention for Marysville, it is claimed that Principal R.R. SIMONS, of the Grammar School, brought up the mater during the Institute and urged that the teachers work to that end.

  At the time of the Red Bluff meeting it was understood by many that the reason the High School teachers did not attend it was because of the expense of the trip, and it is said that some of their pupils, grieving over the fact that they would not get a desired holiday spoke - in jest, of course, but still as showing their understanding of the matter - of raising money to send their instructors to Red Bluff.

  Naturally the High School teachers dislike the publicity given to this matter, as Principal Martin has shown by his letter but there really appears to be two sides to the question.

  Marysville is amply able to entertain much larger gatherings than ever attended the annual meetings of the Association, as she has done in time past with distinct credit to herself. Her hotel accommodations are excellent now, and it seems to be the wish of many of the people, if not all, to attract as many gatherings here as possible.



YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), December 4 - This morning the trial of A.E. BOWEN, accused of having murdered his wife, began here. Much interest is felt in the matter.

  Several weeks ago, as fully told in The Bee at the time, the charred remains of Mrs. Bowen, divorced wife of the prisoner, were found in the smoking ruins of her home. It was soon ascertained that she had been murdered, and suspicion at once fell upon her late former husband, who had been in the neighborhood shortly before the tragedy occurred. It was known that ill-feeling existed between the two.

  A search was at once begun for Bowen, but it was some time before he was located. Hunger drove him to surrender. He was brought to the jail here. He maintains his innocence and it is said the evidence against him is circumstantial.



Man Injured By Switching Engine At Marysville Has Relatives Residing At Chico and Oroville.

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), December 4 - Michael O’NEIL, an unfortunate young man with a love for strong drink, made his bed on a railroad sidetrack next the cannery building in this city Saturday evening, and two hours later a freight engine, while doing some switching, backed a car over his left leg, crushing the member so badly that amputation was necessary.

  After the wheels passed over O’Neil’s limb his clothing caught in the machinery connected with the air-brake and he was dragged some distance. As it was some time before a physician reached him, O’Neil became very weak from loss of blood, and scarcely withstood the operation, which was performed at the County Hospital.

  The attending physicians say O’Neil cannot possibly recover.

  It is understood that Cherokee, Butte County, is O’Neil’s birthplace. His mother, Mrs. Rose O’NEIL, resides in Oroville, and he has a married sister, Mrs. James DOYLE, who lives in Chico.

  About twelve years ago O’Neil’s eldest brother met a similar death two blocks from the place he was injured by being thrown beneath moving cars while attempting to board a passenger train.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), December 4 - Charles HEINTZEN, a well-known resident of the Browns Valley district, died at his home near that place Sunday in the eightieth year of his age. He formerly resided with his family at Forest City, Sierra County, where he accumulated a tidy fortune in the mercantile business. Beside his widow, two married daughters and a son - the latter of the firm of OWENS & HEINTZEN, of Forest City - survive him. Justice of the Peace George HEINTZEN, of Browns Valley is a brother of deceased.


            SUNDAY WEDDING

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), December 4 - Sutter County and San Francisco joined heart and hand at a wedding held in this city Sunday at the residence of Arthur K. WHITE. The principals were Aloysius HANIFY, of the metropolis, and Miss Henrietta ROBERTS, an accomplished young woman of Sutter. Rev. Father MURPHY officiated. The bride met her future husband while following her profession - that of trained nurse - at the bay. She is a sister of Mrs. WHITE.


            CARNEY TO MARRY

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), December 4 - During services at St. Joseph’s Church yesterday, the bans of matrimony were published for the first and last time between George J. CARNEY, a member of the contracting firm of CARNEY Bros., and Miss Alicia COSTELLO, of this city. The wedding will take place Wednesday of this week at noon.


            SERIOUSLY ILL

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), December 4 - Two pioneer residents of Yuba County are seriously ill - N.J. SLIGAR, the well-known livery man of this city, and Mrs. Dennis McGRATH, of Linda township. Both have pneumonia.



OROVILLE (Butte Co.), December 4 - As an illustration of the growth of Oroville in the past year, the following statement will be of value:

  When the old Post Office was torn out to make room for the new one there were 220 mail boxes in use. This number was increased to 400 in the new office, and at present not a box is for rent, all being in use, and there are some twenty to twenty-five orders ahead for them.

  George GRAHAM, who has been taking the census within the proposed corporate limits of the town to establish the fact that the regulate number of people required by law live therein, yesterday reported the required amount of 3000. Before the census is completed the number will run up to 3200 or 3300. The largest family found in the town was that of a Chinese, consisting of a father and mother and eleven children at home, four being absent, or 15 children in all.



CHICO (Butte Co.), December 4 - Francis PREBLE, who owns a twenty-acre orchard at Chardon, in Butte County, has received a notice that he has been awarded the second prize, or silver medal, for his display of pears at the St. Louis Exposition.

  With both first and second prizes for apples and second prizes for lemons and pears in a competition open to the world, Butte County has surely reason to feel proud.



OROVILLE (Butte Co.), December 4 - C. REGENERY, a young Italian who registered at the Union Hotel Annex on Friday, was found dead in his bed shortly after noon on Saturday. Attention had been attracted to his room once or twice during the morning by his groans, but the clerk thought he was under the influence of liquor and let him alone.

  Instead of being drunk, the man had taken about one-half of an eighth of an ounce vial of morphine and was in his death agonies. When an attempt was made to arouse him it was found that he was dead.

  The bottle of morphine and a bottle of port wine were on the bureau by the bed, and on a page of a notebook found on the floor was written:

 “Make sure I am dead. I am always a good man.”

  The book further showed that he had worked a few days for J.S. SHILLING, of Nelson, and on his person was found a registry receipt from J.T. MATLOCK of Red Bluff, and $2.60 in silver.

  Deceased was evidently a strong, healthy man, about 26 or 27 years of age. His complexion was very dark and his face was clean shaven.

  What the motive could have been for the act is a mystery. The Coroner’s jury brought in a verdict of death by suicide and the remains will be interred at the expense of the county unless they should be claimed by some relative.

  Saturday evening a rumor became current around town that the dead man was Pietro TORTURICI, the fiendish murderer of Blago VILARDO, in San Francisco some months ago, and several parties who viewed the remains said there was a great similarity between the face of the dead man and the published pictures of Torturici, but it is not likely that the surmise is correct.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Saturday Bee

December 10, 1904



Placer County Supervisors Advised by U.S. Webb That Their Resolutions Will Be Favorably Acted Upon

AUBURN (Placer Co.), December 10 - In response to the resolutions adopted last Tuesday by the Board of Supervisors of Placer County, and forwarded to Governor George C. Pardee and Attorney-General U.S. Webb, asking that State aid be given to District Attorney Robinson in the prosecution of the murder charges against Adolph J. Weber, Clerk of the Supervisors J.B. LANDIS this morning received a letter from the Attorney-General stating that either he or a representative of his office will be present at the trial to help District Attorney Robinson conduct the prosecution. When the news of the answer of the Attorney-General was received, it quickly spread around town, and was favorably commented upon by the citizens, who have felt from the beginning that the case was of such magnitude that District Attorney Robinson should have assistance in its management.

            A Letter From the Governor

 A letter was also received from Governor Pardee stating that he had received the resolutions from the Supervisors, and upon inquiry had learned that District Attorney Robinson had already asked the Attorney-General to aid him in the case, and that as he believed it would be to the interest of public justice to render help to the District Attorney in this case, he asked the Attorney-General to go to Auburn and participate in the conduct of the case, provided he could do so consistently with his other duties.

  In the letter received by the Supervisors from U.S. Webb, the Attorney-General states that he received a letter from Governor Pardee, in which the Governor asked a compliance with the request, in event the business of the office justified the use of the requisite time for the purpose. The Attorney-General also stated that in addition to the letter form the Governor, he had received a letter from District Attorney Robinson containing a similar request, and realizing the importance of the case, he would aid District Attorney Robinson either personally or through one of the deputies of his office.

            Grand Jury Visits Weber’s Cell

 The Weber case was uneventful yesterday and nothing in the way of further legal proceedings was accomplished beyond the investigation of the Grand Jury.

  Yesterday a Committee of Grand Jurymen visited the County Jail and incidentally looked in upon young Weber’s quarters. They spoke a few moments with him, but only in a casual way, making no reference to the charges against him.

  Every effort will be made to bring the cases to trial as speedily as possible, as long waits and delays will be strenuously objected to by the prosecution.

  While it cannot be guessed at this time just what date the Court will set or what both sides will agree to, it will probably only be a question of weeks.



 The prisoner has developed a liking for music. He was in an unusually happy mood last evening, and when one of the trusties, to whom Weber has become attached, passed into prison, Weber called to him and asked him to play a two-step on his harmonica. When the trusty and a companion started up a rag-time air on the harmonica and a guitar, young Weber danced gleefully about in his cell.



Unruly Boy Defies a Student Teacher and is Promptly Punished

CHICO (Butte Co.), December 10 - Because he defied a student acting as a student teacher in the Training Department of the State Normal School at this place, Elmer CHESTER was yesterday expelled from the institution.

  It has been a custom for years to allow the students in the Normal School to teach in the Training Department, and in that way gain a practical knowledge of instructing before they graduate from the institution. Albert REYNOLDS was yesterday teaching in the Training Department and had occasion to reprimand Elmer RANKER, one of the students. As the boy gave him some trouble, Reynolds boxed his ears, at which young Chester laughed.

  Reynolds turned to Chester and told him if he laughed again he would box his ears also, to which Chester jumped up and defied his student teacher to carry out his threat. Reynolds proceeded without any delay to box Chester’s ears, and the boy jumped at the instructor, apparently making an attempt to grasp him by the throat. Although Chester is in the Training Department and Reynolds is in the Normal, Chester is almost as large as Reynolds, and a struggle ensued, in which Chester was vanquished.

  Miss WILSON, who has charge of the Training School, at once expelled Chester for his actions. Miss Wilson was fully sustained by Dr. VAN LIEW, President of the institution.

  In speaking of the affair, President Van Liew said:

 “Elmer Chester has several times been on the verge of expulsion. There has been an effort upon the part of two or three students to interfere with certain work of the institution, and Chester has seemed to be a ringleader in these plots.

  “We do not usually countenance such a mode of punishment as that employed by Reynolds, but it seemed to be called for in this case. Reynolds was probably justified in what he did.”



Case of Frank Charles Will Probably Go To The Jury To-Night

REDDING (Shasta Co.), December 10 - The trial of Frank CHARLES upon the charge of having murdered his Indian wife last May is rapidly drawing to a close in the Superior Court. The evidence will all be in by noon, the afternoon will be consumed in argument, and by night the case will be in the hands of the jury, it is now thought.

  Although the trial has consumed the entire week, it has attracted little or no attention among the white people, but it is a matter of great interest to the aborigines.

  The defense set up the claim that the three wounds found upon the head of the dead woman were not made by the blows of her husband, as claimed by the prosecution, but by Mrs. Charles falling from the back of her husband as he was carrying her across a stream while walking on a footlog.



REDDING (Shasta Co.), December 10 - Shasta County will suffer a heavy loss in assessed values next year because of a change in the law regarding the assessment of tock (sic). Cattle from Trinity County and sheep from Tehama County are annually driven into Shasta County to grass during the Winter months. This foreign stock has always been in Shasta County on March 1st and under the old law was assessable in Shasta, but under the new law the stock will be assessed in the home counties of Tehama and Trinity.

  County Assessor COLLINS estimates that by the change Shasta County will lose 5000 head of cattle and 20,000 head of sheep, representing an assessed valuation of $115,000.



UKIAH (Mendocino Co.), December 10 - Charles HOWELL, a prominent rancher of this section, and manager of HORST Brothers’ large hop fields, died very suddenly last Wednesday. On the day before he was in town seemingly quite well, but on the road home was stricken with a severe attack of kidney trouble. The deceased was born in Ukiah thirty-nine years ago. He was educated in the public schools of the valley and in Napa College. A wife and two sons survive him.



NAPA (Napa Co.), December 10 - A meeting of the Chamber of Commerce has been held at the Court House for the purpose of taking under advisement the construction of a cannery to replace the one destroyed by fire some time ago.

  W.T. HICKICK and J. WOLFF, of San Francisco, were present and proposed that the residents of Napa put up a subsidy of $10,000 in return for the erection of a $45,000 fireproof cannery building.

  Mayor FULLER, D.T. KEIG, A. HATT, Jr., Wm. SHWARZ, Jos. LEVISON and H.N. FASSETT were appointed a Committee to interview the citizens of Napa and ascertain their sentiments in the matter. It is just probably that the proposition will meet some unfavorable opposition.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), December 10 - District Attorney BRITAN is about to defy the authorities of the Glenn Ellen Home for Feeble Minded Children. What results may follow can only be guessed at now.

  Recently, after a proper investigation, Judge McDANIEL ordered that Georgia MOORE, a 19-year-old girl, be sent to the Home. The patient has been losing her ability to care for herself and has nearly lost the power of speech. Her mother refused to care for her any longer, and it was thought her condition might improve under the care of specialists.

  Word was received from Glen Ellen, however, that there was no room for the child there, and that there are more than one hundred commitments that cannot be accepted. Upon this statement the girl was placed in the County Hospital temporarily. Upon District Attorney Brittan’s return from the East he decided to send the girl to the institution and leave her there, as the county is taxed to support the Home and has a right to send proper subjects there.

  The outcome of the proceedings will be awaited with interest.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



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