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October 5, 1906
(Sierra Co.), October 5 - GOLDBERG, CARO and KEYS, the three men arrested last
week for violating the prohibition ordinance at this place, had their hearing
Tuesday, and all three plead guilty. After signing an agreement not to sell any
kind of intoxicants for a year, they were let off with a fine of $25 each, but
warned that it they were caught again it would mean the full extent of the law,
which is $49 fine and ninety days in jail.
The prosecution also required CARO to resign from the City Council, of
which he was a member. The City Marshal, who was accused of inefficiency, and
suspected of complicity in the matter, also resigned. MONTAGUE, the druggist, has also been
arrested, but his trial has not been held as yet.
B. NEVILLE, the City Attorney, who is prosecuting the cases, is a Baptist
minister, and until recently was pastor or the local Baptist Church. He is a lawyer of considerable ability and
uncompromising in his attitude toward the liquor traffic. In his fight he is
supported by the mill owners and nearly every man of means in the town, who
claim that the presence of saloons would largely reduce the efficiency of their
workmen and at the same time largely increase the pauper and other undesirable
classes. On the other side, there is
quite a population of foreigners who demand their beer and whisky, and insist
that their rights are interfered with when they are denied it. And so the war
goes merrily on.
BLUFF (Tehama Co.), October 5 - Thomas KELLY, the farmhand who had his right
arm torn from its socket during the early morning wreck yesterday a half-mile
south of town, as told in yesterday’s Bee, died at the County Hospital at 11:25
o’clock last night after lingering between life and death for eighteen hours.
He was 55 years old and had lived in this county for many years, having resided
at Vina for some time. KELLY had no relatives as far as known and spent the
Summers in working on the big ranches. In the Winter he eked out a miserable
existence in the best way he could. The
wreck was cleared away early yesterday afternoon, as already stated in The Bee.
Only four ties were torn up in the mix-up. The collision took place within the
yard limits and this fact may exonerate the engineer of the switch engine but
the engineer on the freight train claims that the switch engine carried no
light on the rear end, which was toward his locomotive. The results are surprisingly small as regards
loss of life and property when the situation is taken into consideration. The
wonder is that the oil tank did not catch fire in the collision.
can be learned of the variance between these two instruments as the WEBER
attorneys are not giving out any information. The first one was given into the
keeping pf Weber’s former guardian, John ADAMS. The fact that he made two wills
has created the impression that he made changes as to the first devises though
what they are is not known. Though no intimation has been given that any
litigation will follow by the relatives of WEBER, it would not be surprising if
the wills should be contested.
River, newer Kent, Sutter County, was that of Antonio GARCIA, the Sacramento
deckhand who was drowned here last Friday.
Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com
October 8, 1906
MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 8 - A Wheatland
painter named Fred DOWANE caused the arrest at an early hour this morning of
James FLOOD, Thomas McINTYRE and Evan J. DAVIS, three hoboes. DOWANE, who was
here on a spree, accuses the trio of garroting him and robbing him of about $50
near the woolen mills, he having picked up with them earlier in the
night. He says they choked him almost into insensibility before they got the
money from him. The amount of coin which DOWANE says he lost was found on
DAVIS, who shows an inclination to turn State’s evidence and confess. The
prisoner McINTYRE was wearing a Knights of Pythias pin when arrested.
a “white elephant” on their hands in the form of a church building. Several days ago the Trustees of the M.E.
Church, South, made a gift of the church building formerly used by them to the
congregation of the African Methodist Church. The building stands on the
property sold by the M.E. Church, South,
to the Valley Syndicate, and after several unsuccessful attempts to dispose of
it to different parties, the Trustees decided to make a gift of it to the
congregation of the local colored people’s Church. Now it appears that the
colored people can not raise the necessary amount to have the building moved
and they are in a quandary as to what to do, as the Valley Syndicate has set a
definite date for the premises to be cleared.
VALLEY (Nevada Co.), October 8 - The Placer County Medical Association
its regular tri-monthly meeting in this city on Saturday night. It is composed
of physicians from El Dorado, Placer, Nevada and Sierra Counties. An excellent representation was present, when
President JONES, of this city, rapped for order. Dr. MULES, of Auburn, recorded
the minutes. Interesting cases which had come before the different physicians
were discussed. One of the most
interesting of all was the case presented by Dr. MULES relative to a man with a
stony heart. This organ had become so ossified that a jar - he was hit by a
train - caused the organ to burst in two, much as one would crack a pebble with
a hammer. The accident happened to a trackwalker and the peculiarity came to
light as the result of an autopsy. The
heart, carefully preserved, was exhibited by Dr. MULES. The meeting concluded
with a banquet, furnished by the President.
was recently
executed at Folsom, had rather crude ideas of conveying
Last December he decided to deed the Weber homestead in this city
to F.
RCHENMACHER. The fact that WEBER desired this property to go to
was generally known here, but the condemned man never executed
common form deed, and the only instrument which RECHENMACHER has from WEBER is
a brief note, which is a questionable conveyance, as WEBER’s signature to it is
not attested by a Notary. Following is the letter by which WEBER thought he had
given his property to his friend and neighbor:
(Cal.), December 11, 1905. - Mr. Ferdinand Rechenmacher: Dear Sir - You do not
like me. I believe all that you told me. I give you my property lying between
the brewery and the lane on the east, Dunlap and Hager on the west, Snowden on
the north and yourself on the south. Take possession of it. It is yours. Adolph Weber.”
as this epistle is, the description of the property is sufficient if the name
of the grantor had been properly acknowledged.
RECHENMACHER has had the instrument recorded, and litigation may follow
before RECHENMACHER’s title is settled.
footbridge into a creek, the little five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.D.
STURGIS, lies at her home suffering from internal injuries, and it is yet too
early to announce the outcome of the accident. The child was walking on the
narrow bridge or walk from Spring Street to Lost Hill, when her attention was
attracted by boys beneath. She unconsciously walked off the structure and
plunged into the creek which contains but a few inches of water. That she was
not killed outright is a miracle. The little one was picked up and carried
home, medical attendance being summoned. No broken bones were found, but her
condition is such that the outcome cannot yet be told.
was buried in this city on Saturday, his death occurring at his old home in
Clipper Gap on Friday. Deceased was a native of Anglesay, Wales, and 69 years
of age. The funeral service was held from the deceased’s home and a large
concourse of friends followed the remains to this city, where the interment was
Bar where he went to hold an inquest on the body of a man found floating in Feather
River by a Greek employe of the Western Pacific. The jury rendered a verdict of
death due to accidental drowning. PETTIT
had his doubts, however, and Saturday afternoon returned here to lay the matter
before the District Attorney. An examination of the body, which was found
floating on top of the water, showed that the man’s skull was crushed and one
arm broken, which facts point strongly to foul play. It was impossible to hold
an autopsy as decomposition was too far advanced. The body was identified as that of George
CROFT, a cook at the Big Bar camp, who disappeared on September 27th.
He was about 40 years of age and a native of New York.
aged 50, for criminal assault upon Little Marie SILVA, a 7-year-old Italian
girl, was held Saturday before Judge MOORE, and he was bound over to the
Superior Court with bonds fixed at $1000.
and the girl’s parents were working at the old BICKNELL place on the east side
of the Sacramento River, eight miles north of Colusa. BECK enticed the little
girl into his room, where he assaulted her. The girl’s cries attracted her
mother’s attention and by threats she was made to tell what BECK had done. BECK
left the place hastily and was arrested in Sacramento last Wednesday.
Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com
October 9, 1906
the season last week to elect officers for the coming season, as follows:
and Treasurer; Directors - J.E. WHEELER, R.S. TAYLOR, J.R. RAYNES,
closed with a membership of thirty-five, that being the limit. The club has
been in existence for six years. Last year it took a lease for three years on
the Big and Little Spring property about eighteen miles from Yreka, composing
about 500 acres. This ground is considered one of the best in Superior
California for duck, quail and snipe. During December and January the
Canvasbacks and Mallards come in in large flocks and the shooting is excellent.
Three years ago the members sowed a quantity of wild rice which makes the
springs a great feeding place. Judging from the reports of numerous bands of
both mountain and valley quail seel, the shooting ought to be very good this
yesterday. CLOUT is charged with an assault with a deadly weapon upon the
person of George LE VALLEY, formerly of Marysville. The affray took place at
Beckwith in July and CLOUT was bound over on $3000 bonds, which he succeeded in
getting a few weeks ago. CLOUT is the manager of a resort in Beckwith and it
was at this place that the affray took place.
of Mrs. Oscar CURINS, near Los Angeles. Her maiden name was Alice WILSON, and
she formerly resided in Woodland with her father, the late Dr. WILSON. Her husband, one little daughter and
one sister, Miss Ethel WILSON, survive her. The body was brought to San
Francisco and interred in the Cypress Lawn Cemetery.
fire early yesterday morning and the house and contents were a total loss. The
loss is estimated at $5000, with no insurance. The cause of the fire is
(Placer Co.), October 9 - The last will and testament of Adolph WEBER was filed
with the County Clerk yesterday afternoon. The instrument is one of characteristic
briefness. It is an olographic will, and bequeaths all the young man’s property
to an aunt. It is as follows:
California, July 5, 1906 - I, Adolph Weber, do hereby bequeath and devise to
Mrs. W.P. SCOTT, of Soulsbyville, Tuolumne Co., California, all my estate, both
real and personal, and I do hereby revoke all former wills made by me. I hereby
appoint Fred S. STEVENS my executor.
estate at Weber’s death showed a valuation of only $3700. From the executor’s
list of the property, the WEBER homestead is included, so it is evident that
the transfer of the property to Ferdinand RECHENMACHER, mentioned in
yesterday’s Bee, will not be acknowledged, and probably a suit between the
parties will follow, as predicted. At the time of the murder of the WEBER
family, the estate was estimated to be worth from $50,000 to $60,000.
is reported here and generally believed that WEBER transferred $12,000 in cash
to STEVENS, his attorney in fact, but for what purpose is not known. The money may have been a gift to STEVENS or
intended for others. At any rate, it is probable the cash transfer, if it was
made, will lead to bitter litigation.
never seemed inclined to leave money to any of his relatives. What little real
estate he had he figured must go to some of his close kin, and the will leaving
it to an aunt followed.
Man Makes Doubly Sure Of Death, Charred Remains Being Found Near Gun In
(Siskiyou Co.), October 9 - Pearly C. WHITE of Callahan committed suicide
Sunday. He was 75 years old and had lived on his little farm for years.
reports sent to Doctor O’CONNELL, the Coroner, WHITE first set fire to his
home, and then when it had got a good start, he entered, took his shotgun and
killed himself. The barrel of the gun was found near the charred remains.
of his neighbors saw WHITE’s building on fire and rushed to help him put out
the flames. Before they arrived they heard a shot fired from the inside of the
house and on arriving found the fire had such headway that they could not
does not seem to have been any reason for the suicide. Doctor O’CONNELL
deputized Justice HAYDEN to hold the inquest.
afternoon a new hall just completed at a cost of $2600 to replace the building
destroyed by fire a little over a year ago. The exercises were attended by Odd
Fellows and friends from throughout the northeastern part of the county, and
several came from as distant points as Weaverville, Hayfork and Douglas City. A
ball was given in the new hall in the evening. The new building is a two-story
structure with lodgeroom above and dancing hall below.
parlors of the Methodist Episcopal Church last evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. FULLER, who will depart
to-morrow morning for their home in Danvers, Mass. Mr. FULLER is a native of
the Bay State, but his wife is a Californian, and was formerly Miss Effie
UPTON. Two of her brothers are still living here - Will O. UPTON, foreman of
the Mountain Democrat and a member of the local band and orchestra; and Charles
Elmer UPTON, a writer and journalist who has lately written and published a
local historical work “Pioneers of El Dorado.”
(Yolo CO.), October 9 - The body of the late Hugh E. CRUTCHER, who
drowned in Payett Lake, Idaho, last July, was brought here for interment
yesterday. The funeral services were held immediately upon the arrival of the
train. County Treasurer James G. CRUTCHER was a brother of the deceased.
Santa Barbara authorities stating that William McINTYRE, alias James LEWIS, who
is serving a thirty-day sentence for robbing the Woodland bakery, is wanted
there for robbing a fellow workman of $100. His term will expire the middle of
this month, and an officer from Santa Barbara will be on hand to take him into
October 9, 1906
Character Passes Away At County Hospital And Is Buried In Place He Provided For
VALLEY (Nevada Co.), October 9 - Few men
dig their own grave, keep it in trim year after year, and then calmly wait for
the final summons, but this is just what John M. CLARK, who died Sunday at the
County Hospital, did. CLARK was a peculiar genius, eccentric to a degree, and
had made his home at the county institution for several years, being too old to
work. Strangely enough he was an old
mining partner of the late Judge HOLBROOK, whose death at the same institution
The Bee chronicled a few days ago. When
young men they mined together above here and both owned rich claims. CLARK is reputed to have made a “barrel of
money” but let it slip away from him
until old age found him helpless and penniless. Several years ago, as a last
resort, he went to the County Hospital, and was followed not long afterward by
his old crony. CLARK dug his own grave, and seemed to take a delight in keeping
it neat and trim. The surrounding ground he carefully kept clear of grass and
weeds and would often walk out and look at the hole which would one day hold
his body. This afforded him a kind of grim pleasure, though to most men it
would have given the horrors. It is even said of him that he made his own
coffin, though this has not been confirmed.
He was a native of Maine, aged 84 years, and came to this county in the
very early fifties. Rev. F.A. LAMB, of the Methodist Church, officiated at his
funeral .
CITY (Nevada Co.), October 9 - What promises to be one of the richest finds yet
made in the county is the discovery of an immense ledge of asbestos near the
town of Washington, not many miles above here. J.T. DILLON and F.T. SMITH arrived
here yesterday with magnificent samples of the mineral. It was subjected to the
most rigid fire tests, which it stood perfectly, being declared by men well
versed in this mineral to be as pure an article as they had ever seen. The
ledge is located at the north side of the South Yuba and is nearly 220 feet
wife. Within this formation are any number of stringers of the finest kind of
asbestos and it is the belief that with depth they all come together and form a
magnificent bed of this valuable article. The spot is easy to access and the
property can be worked at minimum cost. Experts will be taken to the scene to
give an opinion of the discovery.
VALLEY (Nevada Co.), October 9 - The City Board of Education at last night’s
meeting accepted the resignation of Miss Belle TEMBY, who has for a number of
years been one of the leading teachers in the city schools, and very popular.
The vacancy was temporarily filled by the appointment of Mrs. William GRANT. Miss TEMBY is soon to change
occupations and instead of wielding the book and rule will toy with the frying
pan and the kitchen range, as she is to wed a prominent young man. The
announcement has not yet been officially given out. The place of R.J.
FITZGERALD, who is out campaigning as Democratic candidate for County
superintendent of Schools, was filled for a month by the appointment of Mrs.
Grant Has Narrow Escape From Instant Death and Now Lies In Precarious Condition
CHICO (Butte Co.), October 9 - William GRANT, a farmer residing north of Chico,
was seriously injured here yesterday afternoon by being run over by both the
front and rear wheels of a wagon loaded with 5600 pounds of prunes, and now
lies in a precarious condition at a local hospital. Thos. STILE narrowly
escaped death by jumping free of the wheels.
GRANT was engaged in hauling boxes of prunes from the STILE place, north
of Chico, to the Chico Fruit Company’s packing plant in Chico, and accompanied
by Thomas STILE had reached the corner of Second and Broadway Streets in this
city. He attempted to cross the street car track diagonally and the front
wheels were thrown quickly to one and then the other side. GRANT, who was riding on the right side of
the wagon, was thrown, with several boxes of prunes, under the wheels on the
left side. He fell face downward, and before he could extricate himself both
the front and rear wheels of the wagon had passed over his back and the lower
part of his chest.
was taken to a local hospital for treatment. When an examination was made it
was found that no bones were broken, but that serious internal injuries had
resulted and the last reports from his bedside were to the effect that he is in
a precarious condition and may not survive. That he was not instantly killed by
the heavy load is remarkable, but that he was not is due probably to the fact
that he was face downward at the time.
Thomas STILE who was seated on the left at the time was thrown onto the
tongue of the wagon and across the traces. Here he managed to keep balanced
until he could swing free of the wheels. During the time he was lying on the
tongue and traces one of the horses was kicking viciously, but STILE remained
unharmed owing to the fact that he was so close to the horse. His escape was
miraculous however.
the same time that GRANT and STILE were thrown from the wagon, several boxes of
prunes fell, scaring the horses who started to run, swerving rapidly to the
right. Fully half of the load of prunes was scattered along the street before
the horses were caught.
(San Joaquin Co.), October 9 - S.N. FEESE, the local blacksmith, whose trial
has been going on for three or four months in Stockton for having attempted to
wrong eleven-year-old Florence BAEY, was sentenced yesterday to serve twelve
years in Folsom, the maximum penalty being fourteen years. When ordered to
stand up while judgment was pronounced, FEESE made no statement or showed any
emotion whatever. The defendant\rquote s attorneys will no doubt try to appeal
the case.
(San Joaquin Co.), October 9 - Frank J. LEASE recently returned from Nome,
where he has been looking after his claims near that place. Yesterday morning
LEASE left for the Selby Smelting Works with $26,000 in gold dust, which was
his clean-up for this season’s work. LEASE felt perfectly safe in carrying his
valuable metal in two shot sacks and a grip weighing in all about 100 pounds.
(Nev.), October 9 - The police are investigating the case of Mrs. Nellie C. FULLER, aged about 60 years, who
was knocked down by a club, frightfully beaten and, according to her story,
dragged into an alley and assaulted in the northwestern portion of the city.
Several persons were aroused by her screams and saw her assailant clubbing her,
but he ran when they appeared on the street. A stranger then appeared and
carried her to her room on Center Street, five blocks away. He left almost
immediately and the police believe this stranger had something to do with the
crime, as he gave a false name and address. Mrs. FULLER lost her purse
containing 40 cents. She says the motive
was robbery and criminal assault. Her head is badly cut and her collar bone
(Nev.), October 9 - Jacob ZANZIG, who was a well-to-do hardware merchant in San
Francisco before the earthquake and fire, is dead in this city, having passed away
at the County Hospital whither he went a few weeks ago in a penniless
condition. ZANZIG carried no insurance and was left without a cent. He refused
to inform New York relatives of his condition even when he became ill.
Hurt Aged Man
CITY (Nev.), October 9 - L.H. BOWERS, aged 60 years, fell down a 50 foot shaft
in Ramsey mining district yesterday and strange to say was not seriously hurt.
The shaft is vertical and he struck
heavily on the bottom. Fellow
workmen thought he was killed, but when they rushed to his side he arose to his
feet and said he was not hurt much. He was taken to Reno for treatment, as it
was feared that trouble might arise later. BOWERS is one of the veteran miners
of this section.
Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com
Evening Bee
October 11, 1906
(Yolo Co.), October 11 - Mrs. Rueben FITZ died at her home in this city yesterday
afternoon. She was a native of Delaware, Canada, 62 years of age, and came to
California when 8 years of age with her parents. Her husband, one daughter,
Miss Nina, and two sons, George, of this city, and Frank, who is in the East,
survive her. The funeral services will not be announced until the son in the
East is heard from.
(Nevada Co.), October 11 - Mrs. Marguerette SCHAFFER has sold to the Floriston
Paper Company the timber on her lands in Placer County, and it is said the
company is negotiating with other land owners on the south side of the river.
The SCHAFFER timber is to be cut and delivered by next Summer.
H. Humphreys, Camper Who Accidentally Shot Himself, Passes Away At The County
Hospital MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 11 - Geo. H. HUMPHREYS, the camper
referred to in last night\rquote s Bee as a victim of pulling a rifle toward
him muzzle forward from his wagon, died at the County Hospital at 11:30
o\rquote clock last night.
he expired he related the details of the accident and placed all the blame on
44-caliber ball that caused Humphreys\rquote
death entered the abdomen near the navel and severed the intestines in
its course downward to the groin. It was removed by the physicians near the
left knee. HUMPHREYS\rquote companions on his camping trip were John
NELSON and R. BROOKS. The latter was in
town when the accident took place and NELSON was near by.
dead man was a native of England, aged 36. He resided in the United States
twenty-one years, but had no relatives in this country. He did not state his
Kellogg and Wife Now In Los Angeles Where They Have Been Since April Earthquake
and Fire LODI (San Joaquin Co.), October 11 - News reached Lodi recently that
Dr. KELLOGG and wife who came to Lodi
from the East the early part of April and who afterward were reported as having
lost their lives during the San Francisco disaster were safely located in Los
Angeles. The newcomers came here with
the intention of establishing a sanitarium, and had gone to San Francisco to
obtain material for such a construction when the great calamity occurred. No
trace could be found of them and it was the general belief that they were
killed at that place. But fortunately
they took a through train to Los Angeles, where they have been since. They will
return here later and establish the proposed sanitarium.
(Shasta Co.), October 11 - Coroner BASSETT was not able to determine at the
investigation held yesterday the name of the man killed by the train Tuesday
night in the Redding yards, as told in The Bee of Wednesday. John DOWLER and Edmon WRIGHT were passengers
from Weed to Redding on the same train. They had considerable conversation with
the stranger and he told then his name. Strangely enough, neither could recall
his name after death. The unknown man
was a cement worker on the railroad culverts and was in the employ of Erickson
& Peterson, contractors on the Weed Railroad, up to Monday noon. He claimed
that he was a foreman, but Erickson & Peterson had no foreman who quit work
Monday. He had been drinking very heavily.
The body was buried yesterday afternoon and the man\rquote s true name
may never be known, though a laborer from Weed who saw the disfigured remains
yesterday said he thought the man\rquote s name was WILEY.
from Many California Towns To Adopt New Constitution And Elect Officers
MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 11 - The General Association of Colored Baptists
of California is in annual session in Marysville this week, organization having
been effected at the opening session yesterday. The report of the Committee on
Enrollment shows the following delegates present:
Woodland -
Dr. J.A. DENNIS, Miss Cora HOWARD and Miss Florence GREENLEE;
Mrs. M.F. GAITHER; Pasadena - Rev. J.D. BUSHELL and Mrs. R.A. DENT;
San Jose -
Rev. and Mrs. A. LEWIS and son, S. TURNER, Mrs. D. PINKEY;
Oakland -
Rev. Dr. F.T. WALKER, Rev. C.C.X. LAWS, Mrs. J.B. WINKEY and Mrs.
GILMORE; San Francisco - Miss Joy GIBSON, Mrs. K. McKEE, Mrs. E. WILLIAMS, Mrs. J.E. BROWN and Mrs. F.S.
SIMPSON; Vallejo - Mrs. S.A. SMITH and Mrs. S.L. DAVIS; Bakersfield - G.L.
GEARY; Stockton - J.H. BURROWS and H. MASON and wife; Fresno - Rev. J.L. ALLEN,
Rev. John MORGAN, Mrs. E.G.
Mrs. L. WATKINS, Mrs. E. JONES, Miss A. BERRY, Miss Bessie
and Mrs. H. BIGSBY; Hanford - Rev. G.W. AYRES and Mrs. A. ANDERSON;
- Rev. John M. COLLINS, William MATTHEWS, Miss Grace GRUBBS and
M. BRINSON and daughter.
John MORGAN, of Fresno, is the presiding officer of the conference, and Rev.
John M. COLLINS, of Sacramento, is acting as temporary Secretary in the place
of the regular Secretary, Rev. John H. ALLEN.
The address of welcome was delivered y G.W. WILSON, of the local
congregation, and the response was made by Rev. LEWIS, of San Jose. “And He
Prayed” was the subject of the
introductory sermon by Rev. C.C.X. LAWS.
There is a new constitution to be adopted, and this is being taken up
section by section and debated.
evening a special session was held, at which Mayor HALL extended the freedom of
the city to the delegates.
Chair has appointed working Committees as follows: Digest of Letter;
Time, Place and Preacher of Annual Sermon; Missions, Nominations; New Bodies,
Finance, Resolution, Sunday Schools, Religious Literature.
negro Baptists of the Unites States number more than 2,000,000 with 15,000
churches and 600 students in colleges and seminaries.
Horses Run Away With Load Of People, One Of Whom May Die, Two Are Severely
Injured And Five Bruised.
(Modoc Co.), October 11 - The entire stage load of passengers on the
Madeline-Lakeview stage was thrown into the ditch Tuesday and all were injured.
Three people were badly hurt, one probably fatally. Mrs. Thomas FLUKE of
Lakeview is the one most severely hurt. T.C. HENDERSON and a man named McCALL,
who were way billed from Alturas, are also suffering from severe injuries. The
other five - Miss FLUKE, J. FLUKE, W.H. DICK, Albert OLESON and T.C. HENDERSON
- are more or less bruised, but in no danger.
The accident occurred about twelve miles north of Alturas, between 7 and
8 o’clock Tuesday morning. The place is known as Thomas Creek. Leading down the
road is a long, steep hill, at the bottom of which is the almost dry bed of the
creek. The team got out of the control of the driver and charged down this
declivity at breakneck speed. The surface of the road has become worn and
roughened through the long, dry Summer, and every jolt of the wheels rocked and
tossed the stage, with its ever-increasing velocity. On striking the bottom the
vehicle was capsized and smashed to splinters and its load scattered with the
disastrous results above told.
driver, Albert HOUSTON, was an inexperienced man and was unable to stop or
guide the maddened team. The practice of the present stage company in putting
new men in charge of stage teams has been criticized and came near resulting in
a dangerous runaway at Alturas a couple of weeks ago. Dr. COPPEDGE of Alturas was quickly summoned
to the scene of the wreck and the injured were removed to nearby houses. The
physician is doing all possible to alleviate the suffering of the injured.
CROSS of Los Angeles is proprietor of the route, having taken charge July 1st
. He inaugurated the change from two to four horses on the stages from Madeline
to Alturas.
(Plumas Co.), October 11 - The thief who robbed Costa, an old miner, on the
East Branch of the Feather River, of $1000 in gold dust and nuggets, is still
at liberty.
appears that COSTA had a young Italian working for him who decided to quit.
After he had let, COSTA looked for his gold, which was secreted about the cabin
in a place known only to himself and his employe, but to his surprise it was
gone. He immediately reported the matter, but as yet no trace has been found of
the missing man.
is a hard-working miner over 60 years of age, and was anticipating a visit to
his old home, intending to return and spend his old age in quiet amidst the
scenes of his lifelong labors. He is one of the earliest settlers here, but
until recently had little success.
Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com
The Evening Bee Sacramento, Cal.
Tuesday, October 16, 1906
Switchman Falls From a Trestle
HORNBROOK (Siskiyou Co.), October 16 - H.E. BOSTON, a
switchman in the employ of the Southern Pacific Company, fell through ‘Dollar
Hide’ trestle, located a short distance east of Steinman, at an early hour this
morning and was seriously injured. It is claimed that an air hose burst under
one of the cars, and BOSTON, who was not conversant with the locality, and who
did not know that the train had stopped on a trestle, in the darkness stepped
off the caboose and fell a distance of over 20 feet to the ground. His head was
badly cut and he was otherwise injured. He was taken to Ashland for treatment
and his family notified.
New Postmaster
WEAVERVILLE (Trinity Co.) October 16 - A dispatch from
Washington states that Thomas S. THOMSON has been appointed Postmaster at
Dedrick in this county, vice J.W. SHUFORD resigned. Mr. SHUFORD is now a
resident of Weaverville. In settling up with the Department he paid one cent
too much and received a Government draft for that amount.
And Death Is Sought
LOYALTON (Sierra Co.), October 16 - With no
remembrance of a single day of sunshine, and less prospect of one to come, Mrs.
Tillie ROY, of Horton?s Camp, decided Saturday that death by carbolic acid
would be preferable to life with a man who would not work and who would insist
on using all her hard-earned money to buy liquor.
Mrs. ROY had lived in this valley for several years,
having been employed as cook at several different camps, and all who knew her
speak of her as a kind and industrious woman, who made friends wherever she was
known. About fifteen years ago, when not yet quite 16 years of age, she was
married to ROY, who, instead of being a protector and supporter has steadily
refused to work, except now and then for a few days, and has demanded the
greater part of her wages which he spent for drink.
A short time ago he obtained $15, saying he had a job
at Quincy, but most of the money was spent before he left Beckwith. In some way
he made his way to Quincy, where he spent his time as usual in loafing around
the saloons until last Monday when he returned to the camp where his wife and
her little boys were at work.
He was very cruel to her at times, and the officers
have been called in to prevent him doing her personal injury. It is supposed
that his abuse in an attempt to obtain more money led to her suicide as he
admitted at the inquest that they had been quarreling.
A few days ago Mrs. ROY, in a confidential talk with
Mrs. HORTON, told of her early life with an unkind step-mother, and then of her
later life as the wife of ROY, and said: ?I do not know of one day of sunshine
in all my life. But none suspected that
she contemplated self-destruction.
Saturday noon, with ROY?s assistance, she had nearly completed the dish
washing and then stepped outside, where she was found a few minutes later with
her mouth horribly burned by the cruel acid, which soon did its deadly work.
When the men at the camp learned what had happened,
there was great indignation against ROY, and it is said but little
encouragement would have been needed to have led the men to deal severely with
him. Mrs. ROY leaves four boys, the
oldest about 14, and the youngest 3 or 4 years old.
Team Frightened By Youth Swerves And Driver Is Thrown
To Ground And Trampled
LOYALTON (Sierra Co.), October 16 - John William WALKER
died Saturday night
as a result of an accident with a lumber team on the
streets of Loyalton last Wednesday afternoon.
WALKER was in the employ of the Sunset Lumber Company,
which has mills a few miles west of here, and was engaged in hauling lumber to
the railroad at this place.
On Wednesday he was coming in with a load, and was
within about two blocks of the track when he was met by a boy riding rapidly on
horseback. His team became frightened and whirled short-around. WALKER, in
trying to stop them, sprang from the wheel horse, which he was riding, but was
knocked down by one of the animals, which immediately stepped with both front
feet on his breast.
WALKER was taken at once to the Sierra Sanitarium,
where Dr. LAUGHLIN found that several ribs had been broken. He lingered in
great pain until Saturday night, and it was thought there was some hope of
recovery until about 5 o?clock when he suddenly died.
As near as can be learned, Mr. WALKER was a native of the
State of Maine, but he leaves no relatives in this part of the country and very
little is known about him.
MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 16 - The correct name
of the young man who on
the 2d inst slashed a fellow workman named Tim McCarty
across the abdomen with a razor, inflicting an ugly gash, while the latter was
standing in front of a saloon bar, is William HERRON. When arrested he gave the
name of Larry DEMPSEY.
In Police Court last evening Judge RAISH presiding,
HERRON was given his preliminary examination. Several witnesses gave graphic
descriptions of the manner in which HERRON stealthily approached his victim
from the rear and laid open his abdomen with the razor?s blade.
Judge RAISH held HERRON to answer before the Superior
Court on a charge of attempt to murder, with bonds at $3000.
Since HERRON?s incarceration, the officers have made
the discovery that a goodly portion of his skull over one ear is gone. There is
a space over seven inches in circumference that has no bone covering. The prisoner says he underwent eleven operations
in a San Francisco hospital, and lost a portion of the gray matter at the time
the skull portion was being removed. His
counsel will no doubt take advantage of this condition when the matter comes on
for trial in the higher tribunal.
HERRON?s victim is recovering from the wounds, and
will soon be in condition to appear as a witness.
Mother of Mrs. Le Doux Is to Marry
STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), October 16 - Mrs. Mary A.
HEAD, the mother of Emma LE DOUX, Stockton’s trunk murderess, came to Stockton
yesterday afternoon in company with Joseph A. HANSON, and the couple secured a
license to wed. The marriage license was issued by Deputy County Clerk Fred
H. JOHNSON. Both gave their residences
as Jackson, Amador County. The groom-to-be gave his age as _9 years, while Mrs.
HEAD confessed to forty-seven Summers.
QUINCY (Plumas Co.), October 16 - Jack CUNNINGHAM, who
was charged with an
assault with a deadly weapon, has been found guilty of
simple assault. This was a compromise verdict, after being out about six hours,
and the jury not being able to agree on the greater charge. It is understood
that the jury stood from the first ballot 7 to 5 in favor of acquittal of
assault with a deadly weapon, and finally compromised on the lesser charge.
Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com
The Evening Bee Sacramento, Cal.
Friday, October 19, 1906
Feeble To Cast His Ballot
CORNING (Tehama Co.), October 19 - William HANNAN of
this place is in his 106th year, and had he registered he would
probably be the oldest voter in the State.
Mr. HANNAN voted two years ago at the age of 104, but
this year he is too old and feeble, both in mind and body, to exercise his
privilege of citizenship. He has become feeble-minded because his extreme age
has resulted in the separation of the brain tissues.
to visit him, but the aged father recognized the son
for only a moment or two, and then his mind was a blank.
Mr. HANNAN built the house in which he now lives after
he was 100 years old, the only assistance given being by a man who held the
rafters while he nailed them in place.
loan office in his pocket, and while endeavoring to
sell a lady?s tailor-made gown in the tenderloin district, Leon DAVIDSON was
arrested yesterday by Officer GEHRMAN. When searched at the City Prison it was
found that DAVIDSON had tickets showing that he had pawned two suits in
Stockton, and the San Francisco house from which the suit came was called up on
the telephone by Chief of Police STANFORD, who learned that DAVIDSON had
obtained four tailormade suits valued at about $150 by fraud. It is expected
that he will be charged with felony embezzlement.
WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), October 19 - Policeman Floyd
STEWART of Santa Barbara
arrived in this city yesterday to take into custody
William McINTYRE, alias James LEWIS, who has been in the County Jail serving a
term for rifling the till of the local bakery. He is charged with stealing $100
from a fellow workman in Santa Barbara.
WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), October 19 - R.W. BROWNING, a
prominent rancher near
this city, was thrown from his rig last night just out
of the city limits, while on his way home, by his horse becoming frightened. He
sustained a blow on the head, and his chin was badly cut requiring several
stitches to sew it up. His nose was skinned. While his injuries are severe,
they are not serious.
Betrayed By Letter
VALLEJO (Solano Co.), October 19 - Coming home in the
transport Lawton to the naval prison on Mare Island was Theodore J. YAHN,
formerly an enlisted man in the Marine Corps and previous to his enlistment a
prominent young merchant at St. Charles, Mo., from which city he fled after
having embezzled thousands of dollars.
from his home last January and made his way to
Memphis, where he enlisted in the Marine Corps and was shortly afterwards sent
to Mare Island. The Missouri police endeavored to capture YAHN by sending
descriptions all over the country, but without success. While in Vallejo,
however, YAHN wrote a letter home which was secured by Sheriff HINES of St.
Charles. A description of YAHN was forwarded to Chief of Police STANFORD of
this city but in the meantime YAHN had been sent to Manila and not knowing that
he was in the Navy, the searchers for a while were baffled.
STANFORD searched through the records on Mare Island
and finally found a marine whose description tallied with that of the man
wanted. Sheriff HINES was informed of the result and in turn had the Navy
Department look the matter up, with the result that YAHN was taken into custody
in Manila and brought home on the Lawton. Sheriff HINES has been notified of
the capture by wire and is now on his way West after his man.
The viticultural stations throughout California which
are under Uncle Sam?s supervision are maintained solely for the benefit of the
vineyardist, the principal feature being to determine adaptability to soil and
climate. During Professor HUSMANN?s
brief visit here, he expressed himself as well pleased with the output from
this section, and said that the resistant stock varieties were doing well.
And Going Under
CHICO (Butte Co.), October 19 - Word has reached this
city of the narrow escape from death of Dan NORR, a logger employed at the
Sierra Lumber Company?s mill at West Branch.
NORR was engaged in unloading a load of logs into the
millpond when in some manner two of the logs broke loose and commenced rolling
down the incline with NORR between them. He had small chance of escaping
instant death if he fell or was caught by the log behind him. The first log had nearly reached the end of
the incline when NORR caught hold of it. It threw him into the millpond ahead
of it. The second one had gained a greater speed and struck the water beyond
him. NORR escaped by disappearing below
the surface of the water. He resumed work after securing a change of clothing.
MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 19 - The Women?s Civic
Improvement Club took
on new life yesterday after the Summer vacation, the
first meeting for the
Mrs. Mary FLANNERY; Vice-President, Mrs. J.R. GARRETT;
Secretary, Mrs. Erwin
SAYLES; Treasurer, Mrs. F.B. MOOR; Executive Committee
- Mrs. F.W.H. AARON,
Mrs. J.U. HOFSTETTER, Mrs. M.F. BROWN, Mrs. W.F.
and Mrs. G.R. ECKART.
The Chair appointed Mrs. F.W. H. AARON, Mrs. Joseph
HAUGH and Mrs. Erwin
SAYLES delegates to the meeting of the Federation of
Women?s Improvement Clubs of the Sacramento Valley to be held in Sacramento
George H. BUTLER have filed a petition for probate of
the will of the late John H. GARDINER who died in Rio Vista two weeks ago, and
the matter has been set for hearing on November 5th. The will is
dated January 19, 1905, and names the petitioners as executors. The estate
consists of real and personal property valued at over $100,000. The will
bequeathes the property to several children and grandchildren.
marriage license column, brought to Wheatland and
Marysville readers the first intimation of the nuptials of two well-known
couples of this section - Gus WESSING, a merchant of Nicolaus, and Effie M.
BREWER, a former resident of this city; and Lewis L. BREWER and Minnie M. AKERS,
both of Wheatland.
Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com
The Saturday Bee Sacramento, Cal.
October 20, 1906
this week, was a brother of the late Michael KERNS, a
pioneer of this
section, and an uncle of Mrs. D.P. DONAHUE. The burial
took place in San
RENO (Nev.), October 20 - Mrs. Walter BURKE, who came
to Nevada last Winter from Santa Rose, Cal., has entered suit against her
husband for divorce, claiming that he abandoned her and ran away with another
woman. She says that he is now living with this woman.
Jorgenson Estate Given Big Verdict In Damage Suit
Against The Floriston Corporation RENO (Nev.), October 20 - By denying a motion
to non-suit in the case of the JORGENSON estate vs. the Floriston Pulp &
Paper Company, Judge CURIER, in the Second District Court, held yesterday that
a non-resident alien is entitled to maintain an action for damages in this
country and further that such an action for damages can be prosecuted in
Nevada, although the accident upon which it is based occurred in a sister
State. JORGENSON was boiled to death in
the paper mills at Floriston, Cal., last year, and the suit of the estate is
for $30,000 damages. The company, through its attorneys, asked that a non-suit
be entered because insufficient evidence had been introduced, because the case
could not be legally tried in Nevada and because the beneficiaries of the State
were non-resident aliens, living in Denmark.
The latter ground was the real matter at issue. The
company claimed that it was against public policy to permit aliens to recover
damages in the United States unless other countries should reciprocate by
offering the same advantages to Americans who were aliens in such
countries. If the company loses the suit
it will appeal to the Supreme Court upon this ground.
Much to the surprise of the public, a verdict was
reached this morning in the JORGENSON suit, judgment for $10,000 being given
against the Floriston Paper Company.
Miles Dunton Dies
ELKO (Nev.), October 20 - Miles B. DUNTON, a pioneer
resident and Democratic politician of Elko County, is dead at Tuscarora from a
fall received several weeks ago in a local store, from which he sustained a
broken shoulder and other injuries. The bone failed to knit properly after being
set and the attending physicians performed several operations, each of which
left him weaker than before. He finally succumbed to the shock and death
relieved him. Mr. DUTTEN leaves a widow.
Mind a Wreck
RENO (Nev.), October 20 - Thomas SPAIN, a Goldfirld
mining man who has been undergoing treatment in a local hospital and who
escaped a few days ago, running through the streets in his nightgown, has been
placed in the County Jail, as he will likely be tried upon an insanity charge.
A year ago SPAIN received serious injuries in a street car accident in Seattle,
for which he recovered $30,000. Within the year he has spent this money
dissipating constantly. His excesses, together with his injuries, are believed
to have caused his mental disorder.
Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com
Sacramento Bee
Wednesday October 24, 1906
Californian Will Take More Important
Portfolio When President’s Cabinet Is Reorganized.
WASHINGTON - October 24 -
The following statement regarding prospective
changes in President Roosevelt’s Cabinet was made public last night at the
White House:
“On the retirement of Secretary SHAW and
Attorney-General MOODY from the cabinet, the following changes will be made:
“Secretary of the Treasury - George B.
“Postmaster-General - George L. VAN MEYER.
“Attorney-General - Charles J. BONAPARTE.
“Secretary of the Navy - Victor H. METCALF.
“Secretary of Commerce and Labor - Oscar S.
The general understanding for some time has
been that Attorney-General MOODY would retire on January 1 and that Secretary
SHAW will follow him March 4 next. On the first day of the year, therefore, Mr.
BONAPARTE, who is now Secretary of the Navy, will succeed Mr. MOODY as
Attorney-General, and he will be succeeded by Mr. METCALF, Secretary of
Commerce and Labor, the latter’s place being filled by Mr. STRAUSS. Mr.
CORTELYOU , now Post-Master General, will take Secretary SHAW’s place on March
4, at which time Mr. MEYER is to become Postmaster-General.
The appointment of Mr. STRAUSS caused
considerable surprise as it will be the first case where a citizen of the
Hebrew faith has been made a member of the President’s Cabinet. He was born in
1850 and is well known as a merchant, diplomat and author. He represented the
United Sates as Minister to Turkey on two different occasions and was appointed
by President ROOSEVELT to fill the vacancy caused by the death of former
President HARRISON as a member of the new permanent Court of Arbitration at The
Embezzling Post Office Clerk -
C.J. HARRINGTON, accused of having embezzled
$1600, while in charge of the money order division of the Oakland Post Office, is
on trial in the United States District Court. His delinquency was discovered
last January by Robert MADDEN, Postal Inspector, who yesterday was the
principal witness for the Government.
Death Ends Case -
The case against Peter P. SAVAGE has been
dismissed by the United States Commissioner HEACOCK, SAVAGE having died of
consumption on October 20th. SAVAGE, who was a special policeman,
had been indicted for swearing falsely in a naturalization case.
Eugene P. MODRY is in the liquor business,
and , according to his wife, makes between $250 and $500 a month, and has
property worth at least $4000, yet she says that in a year of married life he
gave her but $10 for clothes, and refused her car fare to come from Greenbrae
to San Francisco with her mother.
That State Senator Milton William SIMPSON, of
Alameda, who is accused of being the father of Isabelle DAVIS’ child, is either
badly frightened, or that somebody is fabricating was indicated when the girl
told of his alleged offers of money and promises to adopt the babe if she would
only drop the criminal charge she has brought against him. “My boy’s name shall
be Milton William SIMPSON, Jr., or his father shall go to jail,” declared the
girl vehemently. “Nothing less than marriage will satisfy me. I don’t want
Senator SIMPSON’s money, and he shall not adopt the child. It is either
marriage or jail for him. Captain SMILEY came with papers for me to sign, and
offered all sorts of inducements for me to drop the case, but I will not do it
until I have justice for myself and little one. I do not care to say how much
money was offered, as it might prejudice my case.”
Four public school teachers have been cited
to appear before the Board of Education to substantiate the inferential charges
of graft that were made against those in authority by members of their
Association at a mass meeting held several days ago. So far, at least, the four
teachers cited to appear have evinced no intention to retract any statement
made by them. Madison BABCOCK, C.W. MOORES, B.L. MANN and Dr. Margaret MAHONEY
are the names of those who will be called upon to sustain their statements. All
are teachers of long standing and wide acquaintances.
SAN JOSE, October 24 -
Stevenson P. STOCKTON, fruit and grape
grower, who settled in this valley in 1857, died last night. He was from
Alabama, and came to this State in 1851 by way of Panama.
Says Editor Committed High Crime In Politics.
NEW YORK, October 24 -
Judge Alton B. PARKER delivered a scathing
arraignment of William R. HEARST in the course of an address at a mass meeting
in this city last night. He called upon his hearers to vote for members of the
judiciary who are free of boss control, and made the announcement that he had
left the bench never to return.
“There is no difference between a Republican
machine where the Republican Party is in control and a Democratic machine, but
in this particular canvass our work is directed against a combination of the
independent Leagues and Democratic machine. Our friends included twelve out of
the thirteen candidates, and I suppose we ought to be satisfied with that. But
if the gallant leader of the Republican machine, himself a man of learning, of
character, of great ability, and , as I believe, of lofty patriotic purposes,
was unequal to the opportunity to arise to that full hight (sic) which the
occasion offered him, what, I should like to know, could you expect of a
machine that was dominated by a MURPHY or a HEARST, or both in combination?
“The evidence is unmistakable,” continued
Judge PARKER, “the leader of Tammany Hall realized that the only opportunity he
would have for patronage this year would be in the judicial ticket. Did you
suppose there would be any inducement for him to place his hand in the hands of
the man who denounced his as a corruptionist and a criminal and had pictured
him with stripes upon him and a ball and chain at his feet? And yet he did it.
He did more.
“Aspiring to be the leader of his party in
the State, he nevertheless went to a Convention, and there, by his will and by
his force, by his ability to command this and that man to break his promise, he
turned a minority into a majority. He made a Convention which had a valid title
a fraudulent Convention. Those things were done which in business constitute a
crime. These things also constitute a crime in politics.”
The Iroquois Club of Sacramento held a most
enthusiastic meeting last night. It was decided that the Iroquois Club would
take an active part in the reception to be given to Theodore A. BELL in this
city next Wednesday, and also that the members would attend the barbecue at
Folsom next Saturday night in a body.
A committee was named to make arrangements
for a special train from this place to Folsom on that date. The Committee has
been working hard all day and this afternoon reported there will be between 200
and 300 Bell enthusiasts go from here to Folsom Saturday night.
Arrangements nave been made to supply those
who go with an abundance of red-fire and other pyrotechnics. The Iroquois Club
will send twenty-five braves, bedecked in feathers and blankets, to take the
town of Folsom by storm in the name of Theodore A. BELL.
Congressional candidate W.A. BEARD will be
the main speaker of the evening. Folsom boasts the strongest Bell Club in
Sacramento County and the reception to BEARD should be a splendid one.
A committee was also appointed to raise funds
for the reception of Bell when he comes to this city. It is the intention of
the Club to give Bell a large escort and from the present outlook this will be
done in grand style.
The Committee to arrange for the Folsom
excursion is composed of Morris BROOKS, J.E. MAYO, Robert CALLAHAN, J.H. MURPHY
and Thomas AHERN. Those in charge of the Bell reception are H.W. FREUND, R.O.
P.C. COHN of Folsom is in the city.
Dr. C.F. GLADDING and wife of Folsom are
visiting Sacramento.
John Q. BROWN, an old Sacramantan, and still
owner of property here, now a resident of Kansas City, is at the Capital Hotel.
He will be in town a week or more looking after his interests.
J.C. SWEET of Santa Rosa, President of the
California Commercial Teachers’ Association, is in the city for a few days.
C.L. LANGLEY of Alameda is at the Capital.
H. MARKS of San Francisco is visiting this
H.F. TUREY of San Francisco is here for a few
S. PERRY of Los Angeles is registered at the
Golden Eagle.
G.C. WEBER of San Francisco is here on
T.C. MOREHOUSE of Berkeley is a guest at the
A. ABBEY of Oakland is visiting in
L. QUIGLEY of Oakland is at the Golden Eagle.
B. EDWARDS of San Francisco is here for a
brief visit.
C.J. ALLEN of San Francisco is stopping at
the Capital.
S.D. GORDON of Stockton was in this city
F.M. FRANKLIN of Stockton is at the Capital.
Mrs. J.E. GRANT and daughter, Miss Vivian
GRANT, of Oakland, are guests of Mrs. Sim BROWN of 1517 Eleventh Street. They
were formerly residents of Sacramento.
by Betty
Loose betty@unisette.com
© Copyright 2003-Present by Nancy Pratt Melton