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Nevada News Clippings




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County's News 1906
County's News 1906a
County's News 1906b
County's News 1906c

County's News 1906d
County's News 1906e
County's News 1906f
County's News 1906g

County's News 1906h
County's News 1906i
County's News 1906j
County's News 1906k






The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Friday, June 29, 1906

Page 6

Ordinance Upheld

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), June 29 - The conclusion of the case of the city against J.H. LEGGETT, the dredger man, and his foreman, for obstructing the streets, in which both pleaded guilty, as stated in last night’s Bee, is regarded as a distinct victory for the Board of Trustees. It was thought that LEGGETT intended to attack the legality of the incorporation of the city, but his plea of guilty shows that he recognizes the validity of the city’s ordinance, and this fact will do much to simplify the matter for the Trustees in any further questions that may arise in reference to the dredger.

Asks For Aid

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), June 29 - Superintendent RONCOVIERI, of the San Francisco School Department, has written to R.H. DUNN, Superintendent of Schools of this county, asking that he enlist the aid of the school children of Butte County in the reconstruction of the schools of San Francisco. Six million dollars is required to restore the school property. A number of pamphlets were forwarded to be distributed among the children which will be distributed among the schools by Mr. DUNN, when the Fall term opens.

Insane, Not Drunk

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), June 29 - One of the workmen employed at Camp 10 on the Western Pacific, was arrested a few days ago, it being thought the was suffering from delirium tremens. But it now turns out the man is violently insane. He lives in constant fear of being blown up with dynamite and is now an inmate of the padded cell. He will probably be committed to an insane asylum.

Phillips’ Estate

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), June 29 - The appraisers of the estate of the late L.H. PHILLIPS, of Honcut, who died from injuries received in a runaway accident some time ago, filed their report yesterday in the County Clerk’s office. The total value of the estate is placed at $18,977.24. Of this amount $15,340 is in realty and $3237.24 in personal property.

Drying Sheds Burn

LINCOLN (Placer Co.), June 29 - Japanese have the olive orchards and vineyard rented which belongs to the E.J. CROLEY estate. While burning grass around the premises Thursday afternoon the fire got beyond their control, and the drying sheds and trays for drying fruit upon and the house and contents were burned to the ground. The place being two miles out of Lincoln, they had not water to quench the flames.

Play at Stockton

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), June 29 - In the big tennis tournament at Stockton on July Fourth four of the fastest players in this county will be on the court in Dr. J.T. JONES, C.R. CLINCH, Max MILTON and Hubert HARPHAM, all of this city. They competed in the recent tournament held here for the championship of Superior California, CLINCH barely meeting defeat in the singles finals at the hands of ELLIOTT, one of California’s best players.

Three Carloads of San Francisco Ruins

REDDING (Shasta Co.), June 29 - Three carloads of San Francisco ruins have been received at Redding in the form of scrap iron for the Redding Iron Works. The proprietors say that the iron is of the very best quality for casting purposes, because it comes from the ruins of buildings built between 1850 and 1860. In those days San Francisco foundries used pig iron brought over in ballast from England. This iron, being free from old scrap, is the very best of material for casting purposes. It is only a trifle cheaper than pig iron, but it is better.

An ordinary observer would imagine that the San Francisco ruins would furnish scrap iron enough to supply California foundries for months to come.  JOHNSON & TODD, proprietors of the Redding Iron Works say, however, that this is a mistaken notion, for only a limited amount of cast iron was used in the construction of San Francisco’s buildings. Of late years, much wrought iron and steel have been used, but it is only in the buildings erected in the ‘50s and ‘60s that cast iron in any great quantity went into the construction.

In Self Defense

REDDING (Shasta Co.), June 29 - George W.F. BORING was discharged from custody yesterday by Justice of the Peace CARR, before whom BORING’s preliminary examination was held. BORING is the man who stabbed George GRASSELL almost to death two weeks ago. The testimony given showed that GRASSELL was the aggressor, and that BORING had acted in self-defense.  Thereupon BORING was discharged.

Decayed Body Found

KENNETT (Shasta Co.), June 29 - The remains of an unknown man have been found on a sandbar about four miles above Kennett. The body is that of a white man, but it is decayed beyond all recognition. It is believed to be the remains of George MILLER, who disappeared from Kennett several months ago. MILLER went out hunting and never returned. The Coroner has taken charge of the remains, and will hold an inquest.

Baby Drinks Poison and Dies in Agony

PLACERVILLE (El Dorado Co.), June 29 - The youngest son of Frank CUNNINGHAM,

ditch tender for the El Dorado Water and Deep Gravel Mining Company, died yesterday at Camp 7 from the effects of drinking carbolic acid.  The CUNNINGHAMs were packing up preparing to move, and Mrs. CUNNINGHAM, while engaged in packing a trunk, placed a bottle of carbolic acid on the floor beside it. The baby got the bottle, and had swallowed a part of the contents before the mother knew it.

A doctor was immediately called, but the child was unconscious when he reached Camp 7, and died early yesterday morning.  The funeral took place to-day from Smith Flat.

To Move Chinese

CHICO (Butte Co.), June 29 - The project looking to the removal of Chinatown to some less desirable location is progressing nicely. It is estimated that $8000 will be required to purchase the land now occupied by the Celestials, and of this sum $6000 has been promised.

Dr. Albert Hodgkins Weds Miss Wilholt

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 29- The weding (sic) of a prominent society couple took place in this city at 1 o’clock yesterday afternoon. The bridegroom is Dr. Albert HODGKINS and the bride is Miss Elsie Graham WILHOLT.

The ceremony was performed at the WILHOLT residence, one of the finest in the Knob Hill district. Relatives of the contracting parties and a few intimate friends were present. The parlors were artistically decorated for the occasion. A string orchestra played the weding march, and Rev. STARR, of St. John’s Episcopal Church, performed the ceremony that made them husband and wife. Miss Ethel COOPER, of San Francisco, was the maid of honor and Henry EARLE the best man.

An elaborate wedding breakfast was served on the lawn which was enclosed with canvas. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for the North, where they will spend their honeymoon.

Epworth League

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 29 - The fifteenth annual Convention of the California Epworth League was opened in the Grace M. E. Church South yesterday.

Rev. W.E. VAUGHAN, editor of the Pacific Methodist Advocate, delivered the opening sermon, on “Personal Consecration.” Professor N.H. GARRISON welcomed the members in a happily worded address, after which a musical program was rendered.

The Sacramento delegates are C. Todd CLARK and Miss Donnah HALL.

Tapped the Wires

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 29 - S. SEPPI and H.A. QUINLAN are under arrest on the charge of tapping electric wires. They occupied quarters on the third floor of the Windsor Hotel and are alleged to have tapped the wires of the Stockton Gas and Electric Company. They kept three incandescent lights burning until 2 o’clock in the morning. The men are linemen. The offense is a felony, and they may be sent to State Prison. Both put up bail.

Schools Close

WEAVERVILLE (Trinity Co.), June 29 - The following schools closed to-day for the term: Cox Bar, Miss Lubertha E. POST, teacher; Deadwood, Miss Gertrude WHITE; Hayfork, Miss Gertrude McNAMARA; Hettenshaw, Mrs. Frances S. ANGUS;

Hettenpome, Miss Ida STARK; Junction City, Miss Helen Lee CROSS; Mad River, A.S. HILLIS; Minersville, Miss Nellie M. JORDAN; Wildwood, Miss Beatrice June JOHNSON; Zenia, Mrs. Harriet N. DEERING.

Dr. Meng’s Estate

CHICO (Butte Co.), June 29 - Dr. John D. MENG left an estate valued at “over $10,000.” His will was filed at Oroville yesterday. To the mother of his dead wife, Mrs. Jane RICE, is left for life the income on $2600. For the term of five years $50 a month is to be paid to his son, Charles A. MENG; at the end of which time the estate is to be turned over to him if he is temperate and a useful member of society. Should the son die, the estate will go to brothers and sisters.

Is Mrs. Phoebe Slade Wife of Alva Udell?

WINTERS (Yolo Co.), June 29 - This town is watching with some interest the filings made at Alva UDELL beause (sic) he is suing to get control of the San Francisco relief fund. UDELL can afford to be jeered and scoffed at if uncontradicted reports be true. It is said that he recently married Mrs.  Phoebe SLADE, a widow who owns a fine fruit ranch west of Winters.  Mrs. SLADE (or Mrs. UDELL) is spending the Summer in Southern California, and in consequence any authoritative statement cannot be had from her. But her sons here do not deny that she was married to Alva UDELL before going South. She is possessed of considerable property. She has been married three times before.

Bliss Turns Up

WINTERS (Yolo Co.), June 29 - Jack BLISS, the missing printer, returned home last night. Instead of going up Putah Canyon, where he expected to, he joined some friends and went to Sacramento. The item in The Bee about his disappearance sent him home.

Seeks the Custody of Mabel Waughtel

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), June 29 - The petition of William DAVIDS, of Sacramento, for the custody and guardianship of Mabel WAUGHTEL, the little daughter of C.H. WAUGHTEL, was begun in the Superior Court yesterday.  The child’s mother first married WAUGHTEL, afterwards securing a divorce.

She later maried a Mr. SINCLAIR, and died, in this city, a few weeks ago.  The child was in her possession until her death, when it was taken by her relatives. WAUGHTEL is fighting the granting of the petition.  It will be remembered, as told in The Bee at the time, that he was refused a writ of habeas corpus by Judge GADDIS to obtain possession of the child.  These proceedings are being heard before Judge W. FINCH, of Willows. O.V.

GWINN is attorney for petitioner and A.C. HUSTON for WAUGHTEL.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Saturday Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

June 30, 1906

Page 6


Licenses To Wed Issued And Decrees of Separation Granted In Superior California Counties REDDING (Shasta Co.), June 30 - June has been a good month for matrimony, more licenses to marry being issued during the month than for any preceding month of the year. This week’s favored couples are: James BOTHWELL, aged 40, of Ingot, and Ethel PRINCE, aged 20, of Corning; Asbury BANDY, aged 28, and Mrs. Mary BOXHAM, aged 40, both of Red Bluff; Ira D. MARTIN, aged 29, of Oak, and Sadie A. BOYER, aged 24, of Gas Point; John F. AHAELA, aged 20, of Tonopah, and Mary D. RENGSTOF, aged 20, of Whitmore.  Ruth FUQUA has applied for a divorce from Jacob FUQUA. Thomas W. MAYO has brought suit to secure a divorce from Mary J. MAYO.


YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), June 30 - The following marriage licenses have been issued during the past week: John P. STARR, age 24, of Fort Jones, and Hariette Effie WALKER, age 22, also of Fort Jones; David Wilson POWERS, age 24, and Mary Elizabeth MILLETT, age 17, both of Edgewood; Joseph John FERNANDES, age 21, and Lyda Elizabeth WOLFORD, age 20, both of Callahan;

William Gilbert WOLKER, age 37, of Callahan, and Luella BARNUM, aged 41, of Dunsmuir.


OROVILLE (Butte Co.), June 30 - The marriage license clerk’s department in the County Clerk’s office was no sinecure the past week, as the following list of couples who were granted licenses will readily show: James Elmer KING, aged 22, of Gridley, and Clara Mabel ROSE, of Biggs; King Terhune LYNN, aged 38, of Chico, and Ella Ree HIBBS, 24, also of Chico; Gray Edward KRATZER, aged 24, and Mary G. BRUNNER, aged 24, both of Chico; Edwin Anthony EPPERSON, aged 51, and Mattie GREIN, aged 37, both of Durham; Howard M.  HUSE, aged 29, and Della Ann FRISCHOLTZ, aged 27, both of Oroville; Robert Mellon NICHOLSON, aged 32, of Chico, and Mary Elizabeth LUCAS, aged 27, of Forest Ranch; John Edward STEELE, aged 48, and Laura Viola EDWARDS, aged 48, both of Chico; Christopher Columbus REYNOLDS, aged 23, and Nellie SANDWITH, aged 20, both of Chico; Frank STORER, aged 45, and Abbie Mercy RINES, aged 33, both of Elmhurst, Alameda County; William Andrew PERLEY, aged 30, and Nellie Edna CLOUGH, aged 24, both residents of Chico.  The divorce docket for the week was light. Theodore McINTYRE, of Chico, brought suit for divorce from Ida McINTYRE, upon the ground of desertion.  Mrs. P.B. HEISTER was granted an interlocutory decree of divorce from H.E.



WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), June 30 - The following marriage licenses were issued the past week: Walter HUBER, of San Francisco, and Daisy CAMPBELL, of Woodland; William L. BRITTON, of Shasta County, and Anna W. RUSSELL, of Woodland; H.J. PROVOST and Mary Eva NAVONE, both of Woodland.


BENICIA (Solano Co.), June 3 0 - C.P. STEVENS, a local attorney, is receiving the congratulations of his friends, as he and Mrs. Taliah COOPER were married in Oakland a few days ago.


SUISUN (Solano Co.), June 30 - Since last report County Clerk HALLIDAY has issued marriage licenses to the following persons:

Walter KILPATRICK, 26, of Santa Rosa, and Georgie MIKESELL, 19, of Redding;

Thomas ASTON, 32, and Mary Ellen LYNCH, 29, both of Vacaville.


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), June 30 - Cupid EASTMAN made two couples happy through his marriage licenses bureau this week. One pair claims Marysville as their home - A.D. RAMM and Miss Hattie HERSKINS - while the other couple are well known residents of San Francisco, being L.R. WILBUR and Mrs. Mary F. BURGESS.

Joseph S. THOMPSON, a well known employe of the Bay Counties Power Company, has announced that on the 17th prox he will be married to Miss Mary BUFFINGTON, a charming young woman of San Francisco.  The divorce mill in Yuba County turned out one separation this week, Rush C. BEARD being given a decree of divorce from Florence F. BEARD.


NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), June 30 - The following marriages occurred in this part of the county during the week: Archie ROWE and Miss Nellie HICKMAN were married at the home of C.O. JEPSEN. Albert C. TURNER and Miss Benola HOWE were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.F. HOWE, at the McLeod ranch, Rev. Josiah SIMS officiating.

Two divorces were granted, both yesterday. Fannie E. HOLBROOKE was given an interlocutory decree from Frank HOLBROOKE. Defendant did not appear. Both are residents of this city.

Ethel HART, of Truckee, received her final decree from George W. HART.


Missing Man Returns

NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), June 30 - There is joy in the MARX home again, for the missing husband, Manuel MARX, has returned. He showed up at the ranch on Rush Creek at a late hour of the night and was received with open arms. A complete reconciliation has taken place. After a family jar the first of the month MARX left, declaring he would never return. Where MARX spent the days of his absence has not been learned.


Remains Found Half-Buried In A Sandbar, With No Clue To Solve Mystery As To Who The Woman Was KENNETT (Shasta Co.), June 30 - Coroner BASSETT has returned from four miles up the river, where he held an inquest on the human body found Wednesday half-buried in a sandbar on the east side of the stream. People here had assumed that the badly decomposed body was that of a man, possible George MILLER, who is believed to have perished while on a hunting and fishing trip four months ago.

But the Coroner found unmistakable evidence that the remains were those of a woman, whether white or Indian he could not tell. The flesh was all gone, but the hair was long. On the feet were No. 5 shoes of the style for women, and all the undergarments were those of a woman. Other articles of feminine use pointed to the unmistakable fact that the body was that of a woman.  There was nothing to reveal the identity. Owing to the great inconvenience of conveying a coffin over the rocky points to the place where the body was found, the Coroner wrapped the bones in a blanket and buried them on the river bank near by.

The mystery of who the woman was will never be solved, in all probability.

Wheatland Paper Sold

WHEATLAND (Yuba Co.), June 30 - R.N. MURPHY, editor of the Four Corners, has sold the paper to J.L. CLEEK, of Chico. Yesterday Editor MURPHY gave to the public his last issue. Monday morning CLEEK will take charge. The deal was closed last Thursday, but has just been made public. MURPHY has published the Four Corners since 1902, and has resided herE for the last twenty years.  CLEEK has been connected with a paper in Orland, but has sold out his interests there, and will now reside here.

Died at San Francisco

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), June 30 - Word has been received from San Francisco of the death of Mrs. Fannie EVANS, who was a native of Camptonville, this county. One son, Ralph EVANS - and a daughter - Mrs. William H. COONEY, and a husband survive her. Deceased was 48 years of age.

Alleged Sack Thief

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 30 - Sheriff SIBLEY returned from Placerville to-day with a man named WEBER, who is wanted here on a charge of robbery. WEBER was caught in Placerville on a description sent from this city. He is said to have entered a building on a nearby ranch and stolen 500 sacks.

Light Sentence

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 30 - S. SEPPI and H.A. QUINLAN, the linemen who were arrested for tapping the wires of the Stockton Gas & Electric Company, were let down easy. They could have been prosecuted for felony, but were allowed to plead guilty to misdemeanor charges and were fined $20 each.

Petition Argued

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), June 30 - The petition of William DAVIS, of Sacramento, for the guardianship of Mabel, the little daughter of C.H. WAUGHTEL, as told in yesterday’s Bee, was argued yesterday and taken under advisement by Judge FINCH.


City Of Yreka Exhausted In Trying To Secure Twelve Men To Try Citizen On Misdemeanor Charge.

YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), June 30 - There is a case before Judge BEARD of the Superior Court which is causing quite a little interest in this city and county. During the month of February, 1906, Joseph F. WETZEL was arrested for a misdemeanor under the city ordinances. He demanded a jury trial. The City Recorder issued four venires to fill a jury. After exhausting the city there were only six jurymen accepted. He then asked the defendant if he was willing to proceed with the six jurymen accepted. The defendant, however, would not accept a jury under twelve. The Recorder, finding that no more jurymen could be obtained and that the defendant would only accept a full jury of twelve, refused to dismiss the case and ruled that he would try the case without a jury, which he proceeded to do. He found the defendant guilty and fined him $75 with the alternative of spending seventy-five days in jail.

The defendant took an appeal to the Superior Court, which came up before Judge BEARD.

The defendant’s counsel agreed that the case should be sent back to the Recorder’s Court for trial. After hearing both sides of the case, Judge BEARD ruled that the defendant was entitled to a jury trial but that the case should be tried before him and should not be sent back to the Recorder’s Court. The time for trial will be set Monday. This case has been the talk of Siskiyou County and City of Yreka for some time and will bring up many questions and points of law.

Winters Girl Had Highest Average

WOODLAND (Yolo CO.), June 30 - The County Board of Education has adjourned, having finished the work of the fiscal year. Before adjournment the members of the Board presented Miss Gertrude NOE, a fellow member, who is soon to be married, with a silver bon bon dish and spoon. Frank HULBERT, another member of the Board, will retire also, having served eight years.  Among the pupils who took the examination for grammar grade certificates the place of honor belongs to Margaret ISH, of Winters District, with an average of 94.24. Next come Grace M. McCLURE, of Washington, 92.6; Ruby CASSELMAN, of Washington, 90.56; Louise LONG, of Oak Creek, 90.1; Elsie STABEL, of Enterprise, 90.

Blonde Waitress Is Under Arrest

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 30 - Police Detective DONAHUE last evening arrested Mrs. THOMPSON, a pretty blonde, on a charge of petty embezzlement.  She was engaged as a waitress in a caf? and was at work when taken into custody. The woman is accused of having pawned another person’s watch and having kept the money. The offense is said to have occurred in Oakland five months ago, in which place the warrant was issued. An Oakland detective is here to take the woman back for trial.

Timber Purchased

BRIDGEPORT (Mono Co.), June 30 - The LOOSE Company has purchased from Mrs.  Minnie PIMENTEL the timber on the Pimentel lands. The timber rights are to be transferred for a period of seventy-eight months. A sawmill will probably be erected there this Summer to furnish timber for the large power plant to be built on the Walker River. The branch of the Walker River flowing through Bridgeport is higher than it has been for years. The fields are flooded and the water is still rising. The last few warm days and heavy rains have caused the snow in the mountains to melt more rapidly than the river can carry off the water.

Two Refugee Girls Were Stranded

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), June 30 - Two young Swedish girls, refugees from San Francisco, arrived in this city Thursday on their way to Yuba City. They had enough money to pay their fare to this city and started to walk to Yuba City. They walked several miles and being burdened with grips, gave out, sat down by the side of the road and woman-like began to cry. Mrs. D.B. WOODS came along and on discovering their plight took them to her home for the night. Friday she sent them to this city and Mrs. S.A. HUSTON, editor of the Home Alliance, took them in charge. A subscription has been raised and Dr.  LAWHEAD, County Physician, has secured transportation from this county and they were sent to their destination on the noon train.

His Final Rest

DUTCH FLAT (Placer Co.), June 30 - The funeral of Charles W. STAPLES took place here Thursday, the remains being brought from Reno where deceased has resided for several years past. Mr. STAPLES was an old resident of this vicinity and engaged in mining during his early life here. He was a brother of Mrs. Geo. W. TOWLE, of Towle Bros. Co., and aged 71 years. His funeral was largely attended.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee Sacramento, Cal.

Monday, July 2, 1906

Page 6


Prisoner’s New Guardian Is Man Who Tried To Stop Bandit That Robbed The Placer County Bank

AUBURN (Placer Co.), July 2 - Adolph WEBER is to have a new guardian. The continued ill-health of John ADAMS, his present guardian has made this necessary, as Mr. ADAMS has not been able to be away from his home in many weeks. The prisoner has wanted to make a change for some time, and Mr. ADAMS has also wanted to relinquish his charge. The new guardian will be Fred S.  STEVENS, a well-known druggist, of this city, and Mr. STEVENS’ connection with the WEBER story is somewhat romantic.

Mr. STEVENS is the only one who made an effort to stop Adolph WEBER, the reputed robber, as he was hurrying from the Placer County Bank in May 1904, with $6300 of its funds in his possession, when WEBER made his wild and daring flight through the crowded streets, and reached the hills in safety undetected. Mr. STEVENS’ place of business is directly opposite the bank, and by arrangement with the bank officials, an alarm bell was placed in STEVENS’ store, and also in J.G. McLAUGHLIN’s store, which was to be used in case of a robbery.

These bells had often been rung by the bank officials, accidentally coming in contact with the button, so when the bell rang out on the day of the robbery, Mr. STEVENS did not think there was a robbery in progress, but ascribed it to the usual accident. He went out and looked toward the bank, however, but could not see the interior, as the awning curtains were down.  Just as he was about to return to his own store, a bearded man with a canvass sack hurried down the bank steps and moved swiftly along Main Street. A horse and cart were standing by the sidewalk, and the fleeing robber jumped into the cart and began beating the horse into a run down the then crowded street.

STEVENS, in the meantime, had rushed into his store and secured a shotgun which was in readiness for such an emergency, and returned to the sidewalk.  The robber had gone some distance down the street, but STEVENS’ position was such that he could not fire instantly without endangering the lives of others. He secured a safe sight on the retreating bank robber, as soon as he could and fired both barrels, but WEBER was at such a distance by that time that the shots were ineffectual, and only succeeded in riddling some rain pipes near by.

The participants to this thrilling incident will be associated thenceforth as guardian and ward.

WEBER has been removed to another cell, as the prisoner strongly objected to occupying the one he had as its previous tenant was a man who suffered the death penalty and this was distasteful to WEBER.  The prisoner has a dread of newspaper representatives and declines to converse with them.

A large rock was found in WEBER’s old cell, though how it got there is a mystery. WEBER declined to make any explanation.

Peculiar Accident

DUTCH FLAT (Placer Co.), July 2 - Frank CLARK, a young man who resides on

the wagon road between here and Gold Run, met with a peculiar accident Friday evening by which his leg was broken in two places between the knee and hip.

A short distance from his home is an old mining shaft, and a steer that wandered away from a drove of cattle that was being driven up in the mountains fell into it. It is about fifty feet deep. A tripod of poles was built to haul the animal to the surface. CLARK with quite a number of others was watching the work when one of the poles snapped near the top, striking him and breaking his leg. The animal was near the surface, but in the excitement caused by CLARK’s accident, the rope slipped on the steer and choked him to death.

Penniless and Blue, Brown Sought Death

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), July 2 - Sunday morning the dead body of a man was found in a dredging pool at the foot of Bird Street. A gaping wound in the forehead showed that either a suicide or murder had been committed. The corpse was almost submerged in water and a coat and vest, neatly folded, were lying on the bank.

The Sheriff and Coroner were at once notified, and investigation revealed the identity of the dead man. John HAGERMANN, who is stopping at a rooming house on Robinson Street, identified the body as that of R.H. BROWN, a mining operator and draughtsman, who had been stopping at the same house since June 15th, coming there from San Francisco.  The first few days he was there, he had money to pay for bed and meals, and afterward he was allowed to stay there on the promise that he expected a check.

According to HAGERMANN, BROWN left the place about 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon and failed to return. He told Hagermann that for the past five or six years he had been in Alaska and expected to go there again this Summer, but the San Francisco disaster prevented him. He had also mined in Oroville in early days.

The man was apparently about 60 years of age, about 5 feet 6 inches in hight, with gray mustache and hair.

The autopsy revealed the fact that death had resulted from a 44-calibre bullet. The skull was split its entire length, either by the force of the bullet or from the blow. The pond will be thoroughly searched for the revolver, which, if found, will go to show it was a case of suicide, but if the weapon cannot be found there will remain some doubt as to whether it was a case of suicide or murder.

The officers scoff at foul play and believe it was a case of suicide.

Mrs. Rubel Dies

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), July 2 - Mrs. Lugenia RUBEL, wife of Otto RUBEL, a

prominent farmer of Marysville Township, died at the family residence four miles north of this city at an early hour Sunday morning, the result of heart derangement. Deceased was a former resident of Watsonville, at which place the burial will take place. Besides her husband, a brother Edgar LEWIS, and a sister, Miss LEWIS, both of this county, survive. She was a member of the local Chapter of Eastern Star, a native of Alabama, aged 50 years.

Who Is to Blame

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), July 2 - Some time ago a rural free delivery route was

established through Thermalito. A short time since it was discontinued by

the express order of the Post Office Department. The order aroused a storm

of indignation throughout the section covered by the route. Now Postmaster

LEONARD has received a letter from the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General

at Washington asking him if he had discontinued the route and virtually

instructing him to renew the service at once. The route will accordingly be

re-established. A peculiar thing about the affair is that no explanation has

been offered as yet for the order discontinuing the route.

Mrs. Spencer Dead

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), July 2 - The funeral of Mrs. Clara SPENCER, of

Dunnigan, was held in this city yesterday. Her death occurred at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.H. ABELE, near Dunnigan, Friday evening. She was a native of Woodland, 21 years of age, and was married to John Griffen SPENCER on August 16, 1905. He survives her. Mrs. SPENCER was well-known in Colusa where she attended St. Aloysius Academy.

Taken to Kirkwood

RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), July 2 - The body of the late Russell CHRISTIAN, who

died Saturday night at Shasta Retreat, after a lingering illness, was taken south yesterday to his former home in Kirkwood, where interment will be made. He was the son of the late John V. CHRISTIAN, a pioneer resident of the county, who died last year. He is survived by his widowed mother and two sisters, Mrs. HIGHTOWER, who now resides in Goldfields, Nev., and Miss Artie CHRISTIAN, Principal of the Corning public schools, and who was an aspirant for the Democratic nomination for County Superintendent of Schools. Mr.  CHRISTIAN leaves a widow and two young children.

Twenty $50 Bills

REDDING (Shasta Co.), July 2 - Baron VON BALVAREN, a man of Dutch descent,

who has long been a resident of Shasta County, owning one of the finest farms within its borders, was married here about six months ago. A brother of the Baron, who lives in Spain and is a Count, hearing of the happy event, sent Baron VON BALVAREN a present of $1000, which came last Friday in the form of twenty $50 bills.

Laid to Rest

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), July 2 - John Frederick MOODINGER died at his residence

in this city Saturday afternoon. Deceased was a native of Germany, 62 years of age, and came to Woodland direct from Germany in 1891. He is survived by his wife and four children. The funeral services were held this morning from the Lutheran Church. The Hermann Sons, of which order he was a member, conducted the services at the grave.

Stephens’ Estate


Trustees for Mary A. GRAY, formerly Mary CRAIG, and Cassie B. CRAIG, under the will of the late John D. STEPHENS, have filed their final account. The trust ended June 1, 1906, and the amount in the hands of the Trustees will be turned over to the beneficiaries as follows: To Mary A. GRAY, 733 shares of capital stock in the Bank of Woodland and one-sixth interest in Highland Springs, all valued at $20,000. To J. CRAIG, guardian of Cassie CRAIG, 733 shares of stock in the Bank of Woodland and one-sixth interest in Highland Springs, other bonds and cash, the whole valued at $33,389.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Saturday Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

July 7, 1906

Page 6


Believe Fire Was of Incendiary Origin

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), July 7 - Dredging officials are inclined to believe that the fire which destroyed the Central Dredging Company’s blacksmith shop early on Friday morning was the work of an incendiary, as there had been no fire in the shop since 5 o’clock in the evening on Thursday. Officers are at work seeking a clue. The force of the explosion of the dynamite in the shop may be realized by the fact that a heavy iron door was thrown two blocks away and penetrated the roof of the residence of T.W. REECE.

Thinks Conspirators Are Seeking His Life

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), July 7 - Charles WILLIAMS, formerly in the employ of the Utah Construction Company, was committed to the Insane Asylum at Napa by Judge GRAY yesterday afternoon. WILLIAMS was arrested some weeks ago and was thought to be suffering from delirium tremens, but it soon developed the man was insane. He lives in constant fear that parties are conspiring to murder him.

Tried to Buy Poison

WILLOWS (Glenn Co.), July 7 - Henry DUPLESSIS, a Frenchman who had been trailing along the primrose path for several days, grew remorseful and decided to end his troubles. He went to a drugstore to purchase some strychnine, but refused to make a statement as to the use he was purchasing it for, saying that a physician told him he could get it. When the clerk went to ask the physician in question DUPLESSIS grabbed the poison and ran down the street. The drug clerk caught him after a chase and took the poison from him. DUPLESSIS was arrested.


Licenses To Wed Issued And Decrees Of Divorce Granted In Superior California Counties REDDING (Shasta Co.), July 7 - Marriage licenses were issued during the week to the following couples: John H. HILL, aged 29, and Ada B. CONKLIN, aged 21, both of Montgomery Creek; Roy A. WINSELL, aged 21, and Nettie J. ZIMMER, aged 20, both of Round Mountain; Harry E. ABERNATHY, aged 24, of Shasta, and Elizabeth STOEKEL, aged 20, of Cottonwood; Frank MARSHALL, aged 26, and Anora LYONS, aged 24, both of Redding; August ANDERSON, aged 36, and Ina YEATON, aged 31, both of Redding.

An interlocutory decree of divorce was given to Etta S. PETTYGROVE from J.J. PETTYGROVE. The couple reside in Anderson.  Ruth FUQUA received an interlocutory decree from Jacob FUQUA. They reside in Redding.


YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), July 7 - The following marriage licenses were issued during the past week: Arthur Clayton DAVIS, aged 23, of Corning, and Anna M.  ELLIS, aged 26, of Etna Mills; James B. GATES, aged 22, and Kattie HILL, aged 20, both of Sisson; Henry BINGHAM, aged 30, of Quartz Valley, and Anna CAMPBELL, aged 30, of Portland.


OROVILLE (Butte Co.), July 7 - But three marriage licenses were issued during the past week. They were as follows: Harry Davis MARCH, 22, of Chico, and Henrietta Mildred CUMMINGS, aged 18, of Chico; Cleve MILLER, aged 21, and Leah LAUGHLIN, aged 19, both of Chico; Irving Clyde APPLING, aged 21, of Chico, and May Rosa FLINT, aged 21, of Oroville.


RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), July 7 - Two marriage licenses is the extent of Hymen’s record for the week in which Independence Day occurs. The high contracting parties are as follows:

Charles C. EATON, son of George W. EATON, of Lowrey, and Miss Josephine K.  DYER, daughter of Z.P. DYER, of Paskenta. John H. JOHNSON, a native of Sweden, residing at Alviso, and Miss Ethel CHAMPENOIS, a native of California, and a resident of Anderson.

Helen KAPPEL has begun a suit for divorce from Samuel KAPPEL.


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), July 7 - While there were no marriage licenses issued at this point this week there was a disposition on the part of ex-residents to balance matters.

Word has been received of the marriage of Miss Rose HUMANN, who for two years presided over a school in Sutter City, and Professor C.G. ROGERS, of the University of California. The ceremony was performed at the latter place. Syracuse, New York, will be their home.

Chas. A. RIPLEY, an ex-Marysvillian, and Miss Kate SMITH, of Fruitvale, were married at the latter place this week.

The engagement is announced of Mrs. Rose BLOCK and Daniel T. GRAY, a well-known couple of this city. The wedding will take place very shortly.  In honor of Miss Blanche HEFSTETTER, whose engagement to B.J. BRUL was announced a short time ago in The Bee, Miss Carrie BERG gave a linen shower this week which was attended by a dozen of the friends of the bride-to-be.  The affair was a social success.

Miss Annie SULLIVAN, formerly a school teacher of this county, now of San Francisco, has announced that she will be married shortly.


LINCOLN (Placer Co.), July 7 - The marriage of Robert WINCHESTER to his housekeeper, Mrs. HAYNES, on July 5th, came as a surprise to the people of Lincoln. The couple slipped quietly away to Sacramento and were married there Thursday arriving home on the 4:30 train. They will make their home in Lincoln.


Dora Chipp, the Indian Girl Charged With The Murder Of A Little Child, To Be Examined July 10th.

YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), July 7 - The District Attorney has decided to hold the preliminary hearing of Dora CHIPP, the Butte Valley Indian girl who was arrested for the murder of Mrs. BEALE’s youngest child, on Tuesday, July 10th. Until yesterday he was afraid he would have to hold the hearing at the place of the murder, on account of Mrs. BEALE, the mother of the murdered child, being unable to leave her home because of illness from excitement and nervous prostration caused by the loss of her child. She also suffers from the wound inflicted by the shot fired at her by the murderess, which passed through her chin.

Yesterday the District Attorney talked over the telephone to Mrs. BEALE’s husband, who told him that his wife had regained strength enough to take the trip to Yreka and will arrive on Monday the 9th of July.  For some time there have been several reports to the effect that if the girl was taken to the place of the murder the residents of the valley and surrounding country would make an attempt to hold up the Sheriff, seize his prisoner, and lynch her. How true the reports are no person on this side of the valley can tell. Dora CHIPP’s father and mother have been in Yreka since she was brought here by the Sheriff. Her mother, who is a full-blooded Modoc Indian and directly related to the noted Captain Jack, visits her every morning from about five minutes and remains outside the county jail nearly all day. When questioned regarding her daughter she will not give any information. Her father is a full-blooded Pitt River Indian.

Victim of the Fourth

NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), July 7 - Every effort is being made to save the sight of 16-year-old Burgess BRIDGES, of this city, who was so badly burned about the face on the Fourth by fireworks. The lad was in the act of setting off a set piece during the evening, when it exploded, the entire blast striking him full in the face.


The Saturday Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

July 7, 1906

Page 7

Board May Employ a Music Teacher

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), July 7 - The City Board of Education is considering a proposition to add a course in music in the Marysville schools one teacher to have the work in charge of both grammar and High School departments. If the course is added, Miss Lulu MURPHY, a Marysville young woman, who has been applying herself at Berkeley, will probably be given the position of instructress.

Stockton Wedding

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), July 7 - William O. PRAY and Miss Anne H. NOBLE were married yesterday afternoon at the home of the bride’s parents on East Flora Street by Rev. LUNDY, of the First Presbyterian Church. The bride is the daughter of Edwin B. NOBLE, of a local clothing house, and the bridegroom is a mining engineer of Nevada.


FAIRFIELD (Solano Co.), July 7 - Walter R. MANNING has brought suit for a divorce from Louise W. MANNING on the ground of desertion.  During the week County Clerk HALLIDAY has issued marriage licenses as follows:

Patrick P. GALT, 37, of San Francisco, and Florence A. YOUNG, 24, of Berkeley; Chas. A. BYRLING, 40, and Laura MOORE, 30, both of Vallejo; John H. CAMPBELL, 32, of San Francisco and Elizabeth F. EDWARDS, 27, of Vallejo;

Thomas ASTON, 32, and Mary E. LYNCH, 29, both of Vacaville; William BURNS, 31, Annie R. BAEHEHTLIN, 31, both of Sacramento; Clarence H. DIEHL, 30, of San Francisco, and Kate M. DRONIN, 23, of Rio Vista.


WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), July 7 - A marriage license was issued the past week to W.J. MELDRUM, aged 33, a native of Pennsylvania, and Blanche E. BENSON, aged 27, a native of Oregon.


AUBURN (Placer Co.), July 7 - The following marriage licenses were issued by County Clerk J.B. LANDIS this week: Adolphus G. HOOPER, of San Francisco, 28, and Grace M. OWEN, of Penryn; O.L. VAN METER, of Rocklin, 34, and Mary R. CHURCH, of Sacramento, 33; Fredric H. NAGLE, 24, and Elyda IVES, 24, both of Oakland; Eugene S. GIPSON, of Nevada City, 29, and Lulu LEAK, of Auburn, 2. (Sic)

Accuses Her Father

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), July 7 - A woman who gives her name as Mrs. SANCHEZ and who says she is a San Francisco refugee and that she came here to obtain work in the canneries, has made complaint to the police that her father, B.  RUTHERFORD, so she alleges, is persistent in his efforts to take liberties with her.

RUTHERFORD when arrested was intoxicated. When he sobers up he will be given an opportunity to tell his side of the story to the Court. Mrs.  SANCHEZ is about 18 years of age, and is separated from her husband. She has not been a charge of her father for fifteen years, she says. The charge against RUTHERFORD is common drunkard.

Sent to Prison

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), July 7 - Henry LICHENS and Harry LITTLE pleaded guilty to charges of burglary and were sentenced by Judge NUTTER to spend one and one-half years each in San Quentin. The men broke into a store at Woodbridge recently and stole thirty pounds of brass. They informed Sheriff SIBLEY this morning that they would rather go to San Quentin than spend 100 days in the County jail. They wanted a change of temperature.

Unknown Man Takes His Life

TRUCKEE (Nevada Co.), July 7 - George WAGONER who was on his way East with a drove of sheep, made a grewsome find about four miles east of Truckee. He discovered the remains of some unknown individual who had taken his life by the gunshot route. About ten feet from the body was found a 32-caliber revolver with one chamber empty. In the skull between the eyes was a bullet hole. The body, it is believed has been laying there about two or three months as the flesh had been eaten away by the coyotes. There is no clue whatever as to the identity of the individual who had given up his life while traveling over Sierra Mountains.

The dead man was wearing a gray suit of clothes, and red striped shirt. In the pockets of the clothes was 20 cents.

Officials of New City Take Office

TEHAMA (Tehama Co.), July 7 - This new municipality yesterday held its first official meeting and the convocation of the new Board of Town Trustees signalized the fact to the waiting world that a new city had been born.  Trustee John SIMPSON was elected President of the Board and has the courtesy title of “Mayor.” Trustee M.W. MULLER acted temporarily as Clerk and took all their required oaths of office before Judge SIMMONS. The salaries of the Marshal and Tax Collector, City Clerk and Treasurer were fixed and a tax ordinance was introduced. The officials who are required to give bonds will have to wait until after July 13 when another meeting of the “City Fathers” will be held in order to know in what amount to qualify.

Jumped His Bail But Is Recaptured

REDDING (Shasta Co.), July 7 - J.H. NORRED, charged with stealing about 2000 pounds of peaches, who recently jumped his bail rather than stand trial here, was arrested this morning at Weed by R.H. FRISBIE, of Anderson. NORRED was out on $500 bonds. He did not put in an appearance when his case was called in Court, and gave his bondsmen considerable annoyance. FRISBIE was on NORRED’s bonds, and since his disappearance has been working very diligently to capture him. When NORRED was captured he put up a fight, but was overcome.

Little Child Plays With Carbolic Acid

LODI (San Joaquin Co.), July 7 - The little child of Mr. and Mrs. P.B.  WARREN, living near Lodi, narrowly escaped death yesterday afternoon from carbolic acid poisoning.

The child had been in the basement of the home and managed to secure the bottle from a low shelf, and in an attempt to drink the acid it was badly burned around the mouth and also on its bare legs, upon which some had been spilled.

The child’s cries brought its mother and a doctor hastily summoned. It will recover.

Home Burned

LODI (San Joaquin Co.), July 7 - Fire completely destroyed the home of J.B.  HOWE and family at Brack’s Landing, nine miles northwest of Lodi on the afternoon of July 4th. Mr. and Mrs. HOWE had gone on a fishing expedition and left their two children, a boy and a girl, aged 8 and 6 years, respectively home.

Passersby noticed the children and gave them some fireworks. The explosives were taken into the house and a skyrocket was lighted. It exploded and set the house afire.

When the children saw what they had done they hid in the brush and when their parents returned they thought the children had been burned.  The house was uninsured and as the HOWES are poor people, the loss (rest of article cut off).


Lumberman Witnesses Logs Crush Life Out Of His Brother’s Body, But Is Unable To Render Aid McCLOUD (Siskiyou Co.), July 7 - Howard SMITH, a lumberman, was killed this morning at Camp 5.

SMITH was working about a logging train when the chain broke and the heavy logs were rolled upon his body, crushing it badly.

SMITH was 24 years of age, and resided at Red Bluff. He leaves a wife and family at Red Bluff.

His brother, L.C. SMITH, also a lumberman, was working near him when the accident occurred, and saw his brother’s life crushed out, but was unable to do a thing toward helping him.

The Coroner has been notified and will take charge of the remains.

Broke His Arm

PLACERVILLE (El Dorado Co.), July 7 - Max DeBEMALDI, a novice at skating, met with a severe accident at the local rink last night. While attempting to glide along on the rollers DeBEMALDI lost his balance and fell backwards. He threw his arms out to break the fall, and came down so heavily that he broke his left arm in two places.

Became Violent

WASHOE (Nev.), July 7 - A charge of insanity has been lodged against N.A.R.  RYAN, a rancher living near this place. A few days ago he became so violent that Mrs. RYAN fled to Reno and notified the authorities. He was detained at the county asylum but escaped and was recaptured after a long chase. He is so violent that the people of this section are afraid of him.

Broke Auto Record

RENO (Nev.), July 7 - C.A. LUNDY, of Bodie, broke the auto record between this place and Carson, by way of the Geiger grade, yesterday running the distance in one hour and 15 minutes, clipping 16 minutes from the time established by Dick KIRMAN. Several local autoists say they will try to break the new record. The distance is twenty-three miles, over a heavy grade for a third of the distance.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Monday, July 9, 1906

Page 6


Whirlpool Broke Hime’s Weakened Grasp and Swept Mrs. Burgess to Death MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), July 9 - At this wiring the body of Mrs. E.E.  BURGESS, of Hammon City, a bride of six months, who was formerly Miss Mabel MALCOLM, of Woodland, Yolo county, and who was drowned in the treacherous waters of the Yuba River, opposite the new dredger mining camp, about 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon, has not been found. Mrs. Jeanette Carey LAWRENCE, of Browns Valley, who was Mrs. BURGESS’ guest at the time of the accident; C.E. HIMES, dredge master of boat No. 5, and Frank GRUGAN, dredge master of boat No. 7, had thrilling experiences and narrow escapes from death.

The death of Mrs. BURGESS, who was but 22 years of age, and full of life and vivacity, which made her the recognized leader of social doings at Hammon, has cast a gloom over that community, and caused heart pangs likewise in Marysville where she had many acquaintances.  Bent on making the visit of Mrs. LAWRENCE to Hammon pleasant and instructive, Mrs. BURGESS arranged for a trip to dredger No. 7 on the north side of the river. Dredge Master HIMES had agreed to act as escort and when it was found that Frank GRUGAN’s duties called him to the “north side” he was invited to share the boat in which the party was to make the trip, making four occupants. All went well until the middle of the stream was reached. Here the current is very swift and a heavy under-current, which prevails in most any part of the Yuba River, is at the worst. It is now realized by those who were witnesses of the sad accident that the load of four passengers was not properly distributed in the boat, too much weight being in the bow. As soon as the rapids were reached it rolled over in the twinkling of an eye and its occupants were not permitted to cling to it, so unexpected was the turn and so quick was the current to carry it from them.  When the party went into the water, Frank GRUGAN was carried down-stream, and when he came to the surface he espied the two women clinging to HIMES.  The latter called to him to come and take charge of one of the women. He soon reached Mrs. LAWRENCE, who grasped him about the neck and carried him under the water. When they came to the surface he implored Mrs. LAWRENCE to be cool and hold on to his shirt while he swam.  Luckily she showed remarkable presence of mind, and after a severe struggle with the current, GRUGAN landed her on the bank. Both were too exhausted then to lend any assistance to their unfortunate companions.

HIMES did not fare as well as GRUGAN. Although Mrs. BURGESS seemed cool and collected, she frequently lost her grasp on him and it was with difficulty that he would recover her. He was not discouraged, however, and was fully satisfied of reaching the bank downstream with her when a whirlpool took them under and the awful undertow carried them along the bottom of the stream.

By this time HIMES was so fatigued that he could no longer hold on to Mrs.  BURGESS and she was swept away from him. He reached shore none to soon to save himself, for as soon as he laid down on the bank he collapsed and for several hours afterward he was a very sick man, vomiting about a quart of sand before relief came. He says he and Mrs. BURGESS were sucked under three or four times before he was forced to give her up.

As soon as the sad news reached Hammon, Superintendent CLEVELAND organized a searching party and the work of dragging the stream for the body of Mrs.  BURGESS was at once commenced. The work was continued into Saturday night without avail and the efforts of Sunday were likewise unsuccessful. The Yuba River is unusually high at this season. It is feared that in this case, as it has in many others, it may never give up its dead. As a rule it completes its work by burying with its detritus its victims. At the point where the accident occurred the water is about twenty feet in depth.  The bereft husband was attending his work as Superintendent at Hammon for the Bay Counties Power Company when the accident occurred.


WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), July 9 - The news of the accidental drowning of Mrs.  E.E. BURGESS at Hammon City Saturday afternoon was a shock to her relatives and friends in this city.

Mrs. BURGESS, who was Miss Mabel MALCOLM before her marriage, was well known here, where she resided practically all her life before her marriage on the 20th of last October.

Her mother, Mrs. Emma MALCOLM; a brother, W.F. MALCOLM, and a sister, Mrs.  George BOTTSFORD, reside in this city. The mother and brother were in Berkeley at the time of the tragedy and arrived in Woodland late Saturday night. They, together with the sister, went to Hammon City yesterday.

Boy Killed by Shot Fired by a Playmate

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), July 9 - Harry SERENS, 11 years old, didn’t know his brother’s 22-caliber rifle was loaded, and that accounts for the sad death of Byron H. SHUCK, about the same age.

The boys live in the City Homestead. Last Friday evening about 5 o’clock the SERENS lad was playing with the rifle. While handling the weapon it was discharged, the bullet striking SHUCK between the eyes.  The other boy ran for his mother, and three physicians were called in to attend the injured youth. He lived for two hours, but never regained consciousness, as the bullet had lodged in his brain.

Berry’s Bad Record

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), July 9 - Phillip BERRY, the amalgam thief who was sentenced to five years in San Quentin on Saturday last, made a plea to Judge GRAY for leniency on the ground that he stole in order to provide his wife and children with the necessaries of life. He made a sorry showing in his defense. It was found that he had formerly been a turnkey in the Walla Walla State Prison and that he had a wife and three children living there, his wife supporting the family by acting as a nurse. In the meantime, since coming here, BERRY has been living with a woman in the tenderloin district, who left here a short time ago, and it was BERRY’s intention to join her as soon as he made a stake.

Seeks Divorce From Edward F. Lennon

RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), July 9 - Action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Tehama County by Mrs. Anna A. LENNON for a divorce from her husband, Edward F. LENNON, Coroner and Public Administrator. Injunction proceedings have also been brought by the plaintiff to prevent the defendant from disposing of any property until the issue is settled. Miss Jennie LENNON is also made a defendant to settle certain property rights.  Both parties to the action are very prominent in Tehama County, where Mr.  LENNON has for years occupied a prominent part in political circles. The couple were sweethearts in their youth but each married and raised families.  Later the wife of the defendant and husband of the plaintiff died, and the sweethearts of younger days were married a couple of years ago. Their married life has not been pleasant and the divorce proceedings is the result of the couple beeing unable to agree.

Head Residence Ruined by Fire

RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), July 9 - The residence of Mrs. Jean HEAD was gutted by fire about 9 o’clock last evening. Mrs. HEAD and her children were not at home when the blaze started and it gained considerable headway before the Fire Department arrived. All that was saved of the furniture was three small pieces. The balance was either burned or damaged by water. The house was saved, although badly burned on the inside and roof. The building is just across the alley from the new Catholic Church, and not far form a livery stable where a large amount of hay is stored. There was not a breath of wind blowing, which was very fortunate as the dwelling is in a densely settled part of the town.

Arthur Blake Weds a Redding Teacher

RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), July 9 - At the conclusion of the evening devotional services in the Baptist Church Sunday the marriage of Arthur N. BLAKE and Miss Ida M. WOLCOTT was solemnized by the Rev. J.H. HARGREAVES.  The young couple are well known in Tehama County, the groom being an industrious young man of Hunter. His bride is a charming young school teacher from the Bee Gum section, who a short time ago was selected as one of the teachers of the Redding school.


The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Monday, July 9, 1906

Page 7

Lived 34 Years Past Century Mark

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), July 9 - BUCKLEY, a Digger Indian, who claimed to be 134 years of age, died on the Fourth of July and was buried the following day at the Indian burying ground on the lower Colfax road, between here and Colfax.

There is little doubt that BUCKLEY, so christened by the early whites, was of the age claimed. The first gold seekers in 1850, in the neighborhood of what has since become Chicago Park me him. (Sic). He was then quite an old man. There are living in this county white men who have been here since 1850, who affirm that the Digger could not have been far from the length of years which he always claimed.

He was buried with all the pomp attendant upon the funeral of a warrior of the old days. In his grave were laid all his possessions, along with many gifts, for his Indian friends still hold to the belief that there is an awakening in the happy hunting ground, and when this awakening came they wanted old BUCKLEY to be prepared for the chase at once.

Tillotson Shot to Save His Own Life

AUBURN (Placer Co.), July 9 - Meager details of a shocking tragedy at Last Chance reached here on Saturday in which Charles DORKA was probably mortally wounded, and William POLIFKA killed outright.

The particulars of the occurrence are difficult to obtain, owing to the extreme remoteness of the scene of the killing. But few people live there, and among these are Charles DORKA and his wife and two little daughters.  DORKA kept a saloon, and has been a resident of Last Chance about three years. F.N. TILLOTSON is the owner of a gold mine there called the Home Ticket, which has recently developed into a rich producer. As far as can be learned, these two men have been on good terms, until recently when DORKA became madly jealous of his wife, who he believed had smiled approvingly on TILLOTSON. Whether DORKA’s jealousy had any foundation is not known at this time. TILLOTSON has borne a good reputation always. But little is known here of DORKA, who is said to hail from Texas.

The trouble is thought to have been brewing since July 4th, at a small celebration held in the romantic little mining camp. At all events, DORKA on Saturday determined to kill TILLOTSON, and started for the Home Ticket Mine, where the latter was working. As he neared the mine, DORKA perceived the man whom he thought to be TILLOTSON, but it was in reality William POLLFKA. In his maddened jealousy, DORKA did not stop to see his mistake, but opened fire, killing POLIFKA almost instantly. TILLOTSON, who had been warned, and divining that the shooting of POLIFKA had been really meant for him, shot DORKA down before the latter had time to turn his weapon upon him. DORKA’s mistaking POLIFKA for TILLOTSON is not wondered at by those who know the two men, as they are said to have borne a striking resemblance to each other.  Sheriff KEENA, Coroner SHEPARD and Court Reporter ADAMS left Saturday night for the scene of the tragedy, and are not expected to return before some time this evening.

At last accounts DORKA was still alive, but there is but small hope of his recovery. The general impression here seems to be that the shooting was justifiable and in self-defense, as TILLOTSON would undoubtedly have been killed if he had not shot the maddened saloonman who was bent on taking his life.

Sheriff KEENA returned this morning from the scene of the shooting.  TILLOTSON has not yet been arrested, but probably will be formally taken into custody, although it is now certain he shot in self-defense.  DORKA left his saloon declaring he would kill TILLOTSON. He entered a room in the house TILLOTSON occupied, and seeing a man in bed fired. The victim was POLIFKA.

DORKA, realizing his mistake, then tried to break in the door of the room in which TILLOTSON was. He was warned to desist, but refused. TILLOSTON then shot, the ball grazing both of DORKA’s eyes. He will be blind for life if he recovers. His wife says she not only will never live with him again, but will take the stand against him.

Stevens Becomes Weber’s Guardian

AUBURN (Placer Co.), July 9 - When the announcement was made by The Bee’s special service last week that Adolph WEBER would change his guardian and business agent, and that John ADAMS, who has conducted the prisoner’s business affairs, would retire and F.S. STEVENS would act as WEBER’s agent henceforth, it was thought the arrangement had met with the approval of all the interested parties, but it is now reported that ADAMS declines to retire, and this has angered the prisoner considerably.  WEBER is now in his majority, however, and declares he will do as he chooses, and exercise his own discretion in the selection of a business agent. On Saturday he executed a revocation of the power of attorney he had previously issued to his former guardian, and issued a new power to F.S.  STEVENS, whom he has appointed as his business agent. Intimations were made on Saturday that a lively contest is liable to grow out of the change, but no one would say in just what form this would be.

The prisoner shows more signs of friendship toward his new agent than for anyone with whom he has been associated. STEVENS visited him on Saturday and WEBER was in a most congenial frame of mind. He seems to have taken a strong liking to him, which is very unusual, as WEBER rarely shows a friendly feeling toward anyone.

Since the death watch has been placed over the prisoner he has become more cheerful than before. When the Supreme Court’s decision was first announced to him he is credited with having said he would contest the case no further, but this is not borne out by the prisoner’s frequent conferences with his attorneys who, it is believed, are preparing to take vigorous action to save his life.

Delegates Chosen

YUBA CITY (Sutter Co.), July 9 - The Democratic primaries were held in the different precincts in Sutter County Saturday afternoon, the polls being open from 1 to 5 o’clock. The delegates elected will meet in Convention in Yuba City, Tuesday, July 10th, and nominate candidates for the various county and township offices.

The following nine delegates were chosen from this place: Eugene M. BOBY,

L.T. STURNES, Chester C. BURGESS, Steven R. FORTNA, S.F. WARREN, Thomas W.

PIERANO, James A. MURRY, Dr. J.A. COLE and George W. BROWN.


Everett Sentenced to Life in Prison

HAWTHORNE (Nev.), July 9 - Frank C. EVERETT, President of the Keeler, Cal., smelter and a prominent mining promoter, will have to spend the remainder of his life in prison unless the Supreme Court intervenes.  Saturday afternoon the jury that tried him found him guilty of murder in the second degree, his plea of insanity evidently saving him from hanging.  EVERETT shot and instantly killed M.E. MALONE, of Ogden, General Foreman of the Mina, Nev., shops, on April 18th last because MALONE refused to give him a special train to carry him to Tonopah.

Did Steele Come From Red Bluff?

ELKO (Nev.), July 9 - The man who died in this city a few days ago after lying unattended in the sagebrush on the outskirts of the city is believed to have been named STEELE. His home is said to have been near Red Bluff, Cal., where his parents conduct a ranch. He was about 24 years of age and is believed to have been addicted to the use of drugs. After a thorough examination the physicians who attended him came to the conclusion that STEELE died from opium which he is believed to have taken with suicidal intent. STEELE came to this vicinity with a man named GOMES, who says that STEELE had left home on account of his dissolute character. The body has been buried in the Elko Cemetery.

Rhodes’ Body Found by S.P. Trainmen

ELKO (Nev.), July 9 - The body of Samuel RHODES, who either fell or jumped from a Southern Pacific train a mile and a half east of Carlin several days ago, has been found and will be sent to his relatives in Michigan, whither he was traveling from Healdsburg, Cal. According to the ticket held by RHODES he left Healbsburg on July 1st. After the train had left Carlin he was missed and the conductor informed the Elko agent of the incident. As RHODES did not show up on a subsequent train, search was instituted and his body was found where it had fallen. His neck was broken and his body was frightfully battered by his heavy fall. RHODES was past middle age and is believed to have relatives in both California and Michigan.


Insurance Companies Swindled - Scores of indictments by the San Francisco Grand Jury are threatened against policy holders who made false statements of losses by the big fire. The insurance companies have had private detective agencies at work and the latter claim to have evidence against many, especially men, who did business in the Tenderloin. It is said that $200,000 has been paid on these false statements.

Cannot Wriggle Out - The endeavor of certain insurance companies to quit the State, forcing their policy holders to sue in Courts where the home office is located, is effectively blocked by Section 616 of the Political Code, which provides that any foreign company or corporation must file in the office of the Insurance Commissioner the name and address of the agent of the company, in order that a summons and other process may be served.

Policy Holders Combine - Police holders in the Williamsburg City Fire Insurance Company, which is denying its liability under the earthquake clause in its policy have taken steps to bring suit against the company for the aggregate amount.

Tragedy In a Tent - A quarrel over a trivial matter ended in an attempt by E.V. MURPHY, a Presidio refugee, to kill his wife, after which he took his own life by shooting Saturday night. The woman escaped with bullet wounds in both wrists.

A sudden Marriage - Romance of quick action inspired Peter J. O’NEILL and Annie K. APPLEDORN to step to the altar and become husband and wife in Oakland at 2 o’clock yesterday morning with no more preparations for the event than a few moments’ conversation and a casual “dare” from a friend.

Girls Sold for $6 - A struggle for the possession of a girl said to have been sold by her mother for $6 was the sensation in the Juvenile Court at San Francisco on Saturday. The subject of the dispute was Lenna KEY, a half-breed Chinese, and the competitors for her guardianship were Mrs. Kate FRESH, her alleged purchaser, and the Maude Ballington Booth Home.

Jumped to His Death - While his nurse’s back was turned for a moment at noon Saturday, J. SCULLY, a patient at the Scobie Memorial Sanitorium, leaped from the window of his room on the third floor, breaking the glass as he jumped. He struck in the court below and was instantly killed.

To Bridge the Bay - Because of the tremendous increase in freight and passenger traffic and the resulting congestion at Oakland, the Southern Pacific, it is officially announced, has decided to build at once a pile bridge across the bay from Dumbatron Point to San Mateo County.

Law Fire Loss Adjusted - The loss on the Merchants’ Exchange building in San Francisco has been adjusted, and the work of restoration is under way in this California Street structure. The sound value of the building was found by the appraisers to be $1,212,645, and the damage done by the fire was fixed at $705,000.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Evening Bee, Sacramento

Tuesday, July 10, 1906 


Sent High In Air With Lightened Fuses Attached, and Discharge Resembled Heavy Rolls of Thunder.

REDDING (Shasta Co.), July 10 - A belated report from Deadwood, Trinity county, tells of a novelty feature of the Fourth of July observance in that small mining camp, where every man, woman and child knows how to use dynamite.

A dozen toy paper balloons were purchased. To each of these balloons was attached a stick of dynamite with a lighted fuse inserted. The length of the fuse was carefully estimated so that the explosion would come when the balloon would probably reach its greatest altitude.

Thus primed and loaded, the balloons were sent up one at a time. The explosions that followed rivaled anything ever heard in the thunder line in Trinity County. Nobody was harmed, but everybody in Trinity County within thirty miles knew that something was “doing” in Deadwood. 


BECKWITH (Plumas Co.), July 10 - F. CHAMBERS, a saloon keeper of this place, who was taken to Quincy last Friday by Deputy Sheriff S.B. PARISH to be tried and examined on a charge of insanity, was found to be only partially unbalanced. CHAMBERS stated himself that was true.

At the close of the proceedings of the Court in Quincy, Chambers was arrested on a charge of attempting to shoot his partner McQUERY about a month ago. 


ANDERSON (Shasta Co.), July 10 - The farm home of J. DAIS, three-quarters of a mile east of town, was burned to the ground Sunday noon. A defective chimney was the cause. The loss is $700, with no insurance. The only articles saved from the dwelling were a few pieces of bedding. Mr. DAIS was in his orchard some distance away when the fire was discovered burning through the roof. 


Later Details of the Train Wreck at Gregory Causes Wonder That No Deaths Resulted from Mishap.

REDDING (Shasta Co.), July 10 - The wreck at Gregory, Sunday night, of the second section of No. 15, the southbound express, as reported in last night’s Bee, delayed all trains twenty-one hours, the track not being opened up to traffic until 6 o’clock last evening.

The marvel of the wreck is that no lives were lost. Five cars and the locomotive were involved. The tender rolled down the bank into the river, where it now lies half submerged. The two forward baggage cars were telescoped. The locomotive itself, which twisted across the track, and plowed its nose into the bank on the right was badly smashed up. The way baggage car and the express car were not damaged farther than to be lifted from their trucks and toppled over, almost ready to drop into the river. Only the forward trucks of the smoker left the rails.

Jack CAMPBELL, of Dunsmuir, engineer, stayed with his locomotive, and, strangely, crawled from under the wreck without a scratch upon him. Fireman H.T. LONG tumbled with the tender towards the river. He dropped short of the water. R.M. STUART, the express guard, was the only man on the train that was hurt. His right arm was crushed, but no bones were broken. He received a gash in the cheek and a cut or two in the scalp. Stuart is a regular policeman in Portland. He was off on his vacation and was acting as express guard in order to get free passage to San Francisco. Express Messenger STARK was slightly injured in the right leg - hardly worth mentioning.

In clearing up the wreck the big wrecker from Sacramento picked up the wrecked passenger locomotive, carried it down the track until an open place was found, and then dumped it on one side out of the way. The telescoped baggage cars are beyond repair. The way baggage car and express car were switched on the siding at Gregory. 


KENNETT (Shasta Co.), July 10 - The Friday-Loydon group of copper claims, three miles west of Kennett, was bonded yesterday to the Mammoth Copper Company for $200,000. The bond will have a life of eighteen months, and should the group show up under developments made during that period, the Mammoth Company will purchase the property.

The Friday-Lowdon mines, so named from their locators, are owned by Walter FRIDAY, John R. LOWDON of Redding, and T.H. BENTON of Shingleton. They lie between the Trinity Copper and Balaklala on one side and the Mammoth on the other. They have never been worked farther than to develop the body of ore and show its extent. The Mammoth Company by diamond drills will explore the ore bodies farther. A force of ten men will be put on at once, and under the terms of the bond development work must be carried on continuously. The mines are on Squaw Creek, in the heart of the Backbone copper belt. Eleven claims are embraced in the group, comprising 165 acres.

The deal, now half consummated, is considered a very important one in this district. 


WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), July 10 - Miss Gertrude NOE, of this city, and John Herbert MITCHELL, of Oakland, were married at the home of the bride’s uncle, Supervisor T.J. VAUGHN, near this city, to-day, at 10 o’clock. Rev. T.G. PICTON, pastor of the Christian Church, officiated.

The bride is well known in educational circles, having been a teacher in the Woodland schools and also a member of the County Board of Education. Mr. MITCHELL is a young businessman of Oakland. 


Body Dug Up by Coyotes That of William Vienas or Turner Palmer, and Indications Point To Foul Crime.

WEAVERVILLE (Trinity Co.), July 10 - The badly decomposed body of a man was found Sunday two miles from Hayfork, where it had just been dug up by coyotes or other scavenger animals. It is believed that the man was murdered and the body then buried to cover up evidence of the crime.

People of Hayfork believe that the body is that of William VIENAS, who disappeared so mysteriously last October, while he was on his way from the Hyampom copper mines to Hayfork, as told in the Bee at the time. And, again, there is evidence to indicate that the remains are those of Turner Palmer.

Coroner RYAN has gone to Hayfork to hold an inquest and Sheriff BERGIN went along to hunt evidence.

Articles of clothing lay scattered about the human bones. In a pocket was found a bottle of medicine. The prescription label was that of B. BARNICKEL’s drug store in Weaverville. The number was legible. Mr. BARNICKEL, turning to his records, found that on October 6 last he put up the prescription - a simple ointment - for Turner PALMER.

The story of the mysterious disappearance of William VIENAS is well remembered. Last October he left his cabin on the Hyampom copper mines, twenty miles west of Hayfork, to go over the mountains to Hayfork, taking his dog with him. His partner was to follow him a few days later, going by a different route, but promising to meet him in Hayfork. A few days after Vienas left, his famished dog returned to the cabin and behaved very strangely. The partner noticed the dog’s peculiar actions, but made no further investigation. A day or so later he went to Hayfork. Arriving there, he was surprised that Vienas had not got there ahead of him.

For days and days search was made for Vienas. No trace of him could be found. Some urged that he might have perished in the storm that set in after he started. But it was also held that he could not have perished in the storm, for the snow was not deep and he knew the trail like a book. Furthermore, he had time to reach Hayfork before the storm set in, late in the day that he made the outward trip.

Nothing has been heard from Vienas from that day to this. Was he murdered and his body buried? Is the body that the coyotes have uncovered two miles south of Hayfork that of Vienas? But how about the bottle of medicine purchased October 6 in Weaverville by Turner PALMER? How could Vienas have that in his possession?

There is a deep mystery about the case, and the result of the investigation to be made by the Coroner and the Sheriff is awaited with much interest. 


Caught in the Act, Aided by 11-year-old Sister, And Placed Under Arrest by Foreman of Ranch.

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), July 10 - Evelina WALKER, a 14 year-old girl, was held to answer late yesterday afternoon to a charge of attempting to steal horses, a felony.

The girl and her sister, 11 years of age, were arrested a couple of weeks ago by Foreman KING of the Cohen-Bishop ranch, about seven miles north of this city, as told in The Bee at the time. King was on his way out to the ranch with his wife and a hired man when he saw someone running the horses in the big pasture. The animals seemed terribly frightened and King surmised things were not right. He and the hired man returned to the pasture. By that time the horses had been driven into the largest of three corrals. It was then about 8 o’clock, and as there was no moonlight it was impossible to discern who were running the horses.

The two men watched the proceedings for fully three hours until they were certain by the sound of the voices that the people who were weeding out the horses were girls. The girls worked until they had driven all the animals but two into the other corrals. The smaller girl was stationed at the gate and the defendant was riding her horse, attempting to lasso the others. King stated that she swore like a trooper when unable to catch the wild equines. King and the hired man placed the sisters under arrest and took them to the Sheriff’s office.

The girls’ story during the preliminary examination was that they had been hunting birds’ eggs, and that the defendant’s horse had got away and had joined the band of sixty or more animals in the pasture. She said that it took until midnight to catch the equine.

Justice PARKER, who held the girl to answer, stated that there was little doubt but that she and her sister had attempted to steal the horses.

The Walker girl carries a paper route and she and her sister are experts on horseback. Their mother and father live in this city, but have always allowed the two girls to shift pretty much for themselves.

The defendant will have to answer before Superior Court. She may be allowed to enter a plea of guilty and be sent to a reform school. Sheriff SIBLEY states that the two have been in various other similar transactions, but that no action was taken before because they were girls. The two are out on bail. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com






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Sacramento County