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County's News 1906
County's News 1906a
County's News 1906b
County's News 1906c

County's News 1906d
County's News 1906e
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County's News 1906g

County's News 1906h
County's News 1906i
County's News 1906j
County's News 1906k




The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Friday, June 22, 1906

Page 7


Quiet Last Night, He Refers to Court Decision to Sheriff This Morning

AUBURN (Placer Co.), June 22 - The news of the confirmation of the death penalty of Adolph WEBER by the Supreme Court, as published in last night’s Bee, while not a surprise, caused quite a stir among the people of this city when the news reached here. Public opinion has been almost unanimous in its belief that WEBER would never be granted a new trial for the assassination of his mother. WEBER himself has never expressed the belief that he would be given another trial, and it has been apparent that he did not expect it, to judge from the general demeanor and conversation.  The history of the terrible crime for which he has been convicted was given a broad circulation over the United States and Canada at the time of its occurrence, and will stand in criminal annals as the most inhuman killing in the history of California. Early on the evening of November 10, 1904, a fire broke out in the home of Julius WEBER, a retired brewer, and the first fireman to arrive on the scene found Mrs. E.C. SNOWDEN, a sister of Mrs. Julius WEBER, outside the house frantically crying that the WEBERS were still in the burning building. The firemen found the doors and windows to the house locked, and had to break in through a front window into the parlor of the WEBER home, where they discovered the bodies of Mrs. WEBER, Bertha WEBER, her daughter, and Chester Earl WEBER, the youngest son, all lying on the floor, and in a badly burned condition. As the flames had not reached this part of the house, it was evident that the WEBERS had been burned by the same hand that assassinated them, as all were dead.  These facts were not generally known at the time, and it was the subsequent discovery of the stains of coal oil on the clothes of the murdered people. The first general impression was that the WEBER family was killed by the flames, but the discovery of bullet wounds upon Mrs. WEBER caused a searching investigation to be made of the other bodies, and it was soon discovered that the burning of the WEBER home was not an accident, but that a cold-blooded murder had been committed, and the flames started to cover up the crime.

The remains of Julius WEBER were not found until the next day after the fire, when they were dug out of the ashes, and even in their badly-charred condition a bullet wound was found which expert witnesses declared could never have been self-inflicted.

Suspicion pointed to Adolph WEBER from the first as the murderer of his kinsmen, and at the close of the inquest on the night of November 12th Sheriff KEENA placed young WEBER under arrest, and he was formally charged with murdering his mother, Mary WEBER. The prisoner had four separate and distinct charges of murder against him, and later it was discovered that it was he who robbed the Placer County Bank, and a charge of bank robbery was placed against him, making five felonies he would have to answer for. The stolen bank money was found on the WEBER premises, but its identity could not be proven by the bank, so the prisoner made an arrangement, it is said, to consent to a return of the money to its owners if the charge of robbery was dismissed, which was done.

The crime for which WEBER will hang is the murder of his mother, the other three charges, the murder of his father, brother and sister, will go untried.

While all the evidence against WEBER was circumstantial, it was as strong a chain of facts as could be presented even had the evidence been direct.  Never before or since has there been the slightest scintilla of evidence that the awful crime was committed by any one but Adolph WEBER. His actions and behavior have always been cold and defiant, and he has never done or said anything that could gain him the belief or favor of any one.  Sheriff KEENA did not tell WEBER of the Supreme Court’s action until last night, when he had taken the prisoner from his accustomed cell, stripped and searched him and placed a death watch in charge, composed of Ben DEPENDENER and R.F. LOZANO. The officers are of the belief that the prisoner will destroy himself if possible, and the closest guard will be kept over him to prevent him killing himself. WEBER took the news quietly.  WEBER, silent last night, was more civil this morning. Turning to the Sheriff, he said:

“Well, you have gained your point, Mr. KEENA.”

“Not my point,” corrected the Sheriff, “but a decision by the Court.”

“I don’t blame you,” returned WEBER. “You have done your duty.”

The prisoner has wired for his attorney, Grove L. JOHNSON, who is now at Santa Cruz.

It is believed that WEBER will be hanged about the end of November or first of December.


SAN FRANCISCO, June 22 - The Supreme Court yesterday reversed the judgement of the lower Court and remanded the action brought by Adolph C. WEBER against Mary C. McCLEVERTY to recover possession of a tract of land, for a new trial. Previously the Supreme Court had affirmed the judgement of the lower Court, but on a petition for a rehearing reviewed the case, and not only reversed the lower Court’s decision, but its own as well.

Pleads Guilty

MONTAGUE (Siskiyou Co.), June 22 - Fred FLORES pleaded guilty yesterday in the Superior Court at Yreka to the charge of burglary placed against him because of the robbery of the Walbridge store in this place on may 6th last.  James BRADLEY and J.C. REYNOLDS pleaded guilty of the same offense, over two weeks ago, as told in The Bee at the time. FLORES, who was really the leader of the gang, pleaded not guilty at that time, but finally concluded to change this plea and admit his guilt. The three will be sentenced by Judge BEAD some time to-day.

Academy Closes

RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), June 22 - The commencement exercises of the Academy of Our Lady of Mercy were held last evening and a large crowd enjoyed the fine program prepared under the direction of the Sisters. Miss Bertha ARCHAMBAULT was the sole graduate this year, and her valedictory was a model address. Rev. Philip BRADY, of St. Mary’s Church, presented the diploma of graduation. This is the twenty-fourth year of this institution and the school has pupils from every part of Superior California.

Guilty of Murder

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), June 22 - This morning John HOLLAND, accused of the murder of Josie ST. CLAIR, a woman of the lower world, was found guilty in the second degree. He will be sentenced on June 25th. HOLLANYD (sic) struck his victim with an iron bar. She was taken to the County Hospital, where she died. HOLLAND is a stranger here.

Wed in San Francisco

RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), June 22 - The marriage of Hattie L. DOYLE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William DOYLE, of this city, and George H. EXLEY, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas EXLEY of this city, which took place in San Francisco yesterday, came as a surprise to the residents of Red Bluff. Neither of the parents of the contracting parties were present at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. EXLEY will reside in the University town, where the groom is in business.


Took Police for Robber, He Says

RENO (Nev.), June 23 - In the District Court John EDWARDS, the young man who held up the Oberon saloon several weeks ago, and who was captured after a running fight with the police, during which thirty or forty shots were exchanged, entered a plea of not guilty.

He advances a novel defense. He says that he was taking an evening walk toward the south side when several policemen began shooting at him; that he thought they were highwaymen and returned the shots as long as he had any shells, after which he surrendered himself.  He claims the $800 in gold found upon his clothing was money that he had saved up or won from the gambling houses on the evening of the hold-up.

Break Federal Law

CARSON (Nev.), June 23 - District Attorney Sam PLATT to-day filed in the United States Court two complaints against the San Pedro, Salt Lake and Los Angeles Railroad, charging it with employing in interstate commerce a caboose and an engine with inoperative apparatus, contrary to the Federal Statutes which require the use of automatic car couplers. These are the first proceedings of the kind ever brought in Nevada. The complaints were prepared at the request of the Interstate Commerce Commission.

Goes to jail to Escape Drug Habit

RENO (Nev.), June 23 - At his own request Charles BRYANT, a young painter of good repute, living in Reno, was sent to the County Jail by Judge BELL upon a charge of drunkenness. BRYANT appeared in Court and made a strange confession.

“I was injured about six months ago,” he said, “and for several weeks took morphine to alleviate the pain. Since that time I have been a habitual user of the drug. It’s got a pretty good hold upon me, Judge, and I guess the best thing to be done is for you to give me a good stiff jail sentence. And I want you to tell the Sheriff to keep all drugs away from me while I am being confined.”

The Court listened to the story, made out a complaint which an attache of the Court signed, and upon his plea of guilty BRYANT was sent to jail for sixty days, the Sheriff being instructed to take great care to keep all drugs from him.

BRYANT is married, and has always borne an excellent reputation. He has lived here for a number of years.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


The Saturday Bee Sacramento, Cal.

June 23, 1906

Page 6


Vain and Cunning, Cruel and Criminal, He Lived to Himself, a Repellant Youth, Plotting Evil Things AUBURN (Placer Co.), June 23 - Thursday’s Bee told of the action of the Supreme Court in refusing Adolph WEBER, convicted in the Superior Court of this county of the murder of his mother in November 1904, a new trial, and the Bee of yesterday told of the prisoner’s reception of the news and gave a brief history of the awful crime, by which not only his mother fell, but also his father, sister and brother. Following this, a short review of the prisoner’s life, habits and character may prove of interest.

A Strange Youth

The life and character of Adolph WEBER have come under more notice than those of perhaps any other California criminal, unless DURRANT was the exception. And he is more of an enigma than DURRANT. The latter was industrious in protesting his innocence, while WEBER has never deigned to aver his, except when the direst question of his guilt or innocence was put to him at the trial, and even then his answers were in monosylables. He has not deigned to argue his innocence to anyone, as this he would consider more humbling to himself than anything he could do. And Adolph WEBER never knew what humility was. His whole being is based on vanity. Not that offensive vanity which is continuously asserting itself, but a quiet, reserved and self-satisfied vanity, which is secure in itself and which does not seek praise.

Vanity and Cunning.

Vanity, criminality and cunning are the chief composites of his character, so far as observation shows. He has no sense of humor or generosity. His mind has been so constantly on himself that he has failed to observe the common things of life. He has always held aloof from associates, so that he knows, in reality, but little of the merits and ability of his fellow beings, and the ways of men as most people know them. When you tell the prisoner something to smile over, he receives it coldly, and at other times he laughs most unexpectedly.

Writers have sermonized that WEBER’s early training and his lack of respect for his parents are the causes which developed him into the murderer of his family, but this is an erroneous idea. All the training and home influence in Christendom would not have changed or altered him a whit from what he is to-day. He was born a criminal, just as other men are born good and righteous. The law of Nature that applies to one, is applicable to the other, only the results are opposite.

Loving Parents

No woman ever had a kinder heart for her offspring than Mary WEBER. No father was ever more ambitious for his son to be something in the world than Julius WEBER. Yet this murderer grew steadily along the course of the assassin and struck down his kinsmen in the most fiendish manner. No earthly influence could have deterred him as his very heart and soul were seared with the mark of Cain. His nature and composition were simply that of a fiend.

Even in his hopeless condition, his terrible spirit has not been broken, and he has held to his dogged silence. No man ever had the confidence of the prisoner. Though he was defended by able attorneys, they groped in the dark and knew no more than the detectives and public of the awful crime, and no man in all probability, will ever know from the lips of WEBER how the assassination was accomplished, or what its motives were.

An Incarnate Wretch

His little world never knew - even his parents who watched over and cared for him in the years of his infancy and boyhood - never knew, nor dreamed, of the incarnate wretch in Adolph WEBER, youth though he was. His parents are dead, and the world stands shocked at their murder, but, even so, it little understands his character.

The silent, undemonstrative youth never gave the least indication of the awful intentions that were growing in his mind. His family was a burden to him. There was nothing that he approved in them, and for months he never shared a meal at the same board with any of them. This conduct was not looked upon as significant, but merely an eccentricity of a humored child.  But in these sullen silences were developed the plans by which WEBER calculated to remove his family, an obstacle to him, and go into the world as he chose. With the fortune of his people, which he would inherit, at his command, he would have gained his damnable ambition.

A Student of History

WEBER is a student of Nations. He believes that Russia is the coming power of the earth, regardless of her recent crushing defeat by Japan. In his cell he has quite a historical library, over which he pores a good part of the time, giving but little thought to his impending doom. He also has an atlas and maps of the world and takes great interest in discussing these subjects.  He has mapped out campaigns by Russia against the United States in which he counts the Russians as the victors. He believes the Russian Empire will eventually acquire India, but he does not explain how Russia would overcome England’s objection to such an action. From early boyhood these kinds of problems have been uppermost in his mind. It was from the plans of one of these military sketches that the evidence of his handwriting were detected in the bank robbery case.

A Poor Talker

To all visitors the prisoner is uninteresting. He lacks the faculty to make his conversation interesting, and his sharp, metallic voice soon becomes monotonous to the listener.

He is suspicious and close-mouthed about his case, and a direct question about any of his actions in the great tragedy is always met with resentful silence. He does not answer any question with much satisfaction and more often his response is a counter question.


AUBURN (Placer Co.), June 23 - This is a quiet day in the WEBER case and no

visitors to speak of have seen the prisoner. Even his old schoolmates have not seem him for many months, and the confirmation of his sentence did not stir them to any visits nor expressions of sympathy. WEBER chats with the men who are watching over him day and night to prevent his self-destruction.  The prisoner has been a student in Spanish for some time and last night conversed quite fluently in that language with Guard LOZANO. He realizes fully the hopelessness of his case, but strange to say he has changed his demeanor and is quite cheerful, so far evinces no signs of fear of his coming fate.

His guardian and business agent, John ADAMS, who has managed the prisoner’s business affairs all during his prosecution and imprisonment, has been ill for the past two months and shows no signs of improving. His condition yesterday was reported quite serious, and when the prisoner was told of it he replied, somewhat dejectedly: “I guess this means death for both of us.”

Some speculation is being indulged is as to what the prisoner will do with his money. Predictions are that Miss Bertha HESS, a cousin, will receive a good portion of it. This is based on the prisoner’s liking for the young woman though she was bitter toward him and refused to communicate or correspond with him. Since his conviction he has written several long letters to her, but there has never been a reply to any of them. It is quite likely that WEBER will remember all of his relatives in his will, though it is not known whether he has executed one yet. If he has, it is safe in the hands of his guardian or attorneys and will probably not be brought to light until after his execution.

Tennis at Stockton

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 23 - The tennis tourney to be held in this

city on July 4th promises to be one of the biggest of the season. Secretary BARNETT, of the local Club, has received many entries and has announced that all entries will be closed next Monday evening.

Among the entries from Sacramento are George L. BAKER and Charles LOMBARD,

both members of the Sacramento Lawn Tennis Club; F.F. ATKINSON, of the East Side Club of Sacramento has entered and has written that there will be four teams from that city.

The local players are Dewey POWELL, Robert INGILS, Ed. HIGHBY and Walter


J.P. FRANCIS and O.J. LOWALL, of Auburn, are also entered.

Robbers Sent to State Penitentiary

MONTAGUE (Siskiyou Co.), June 23 - Fred FLORES will spend three years in San

Quentin Prison and J.C. REYNOLDS and James BRADLEY fifteen months in Folsom

Prison because they robbed the Walbridge store in this place on May 6th.  They were sentenced in Yreka by Judge BEARD yesterday afternoon. FLORES was probably given the longer term because he was the leader of the gang and because he did not plead guilty when BRADLEY and REYNOLDS so plead.

Bathed in Hot Spring; Dies From Scalding

ANDERSON (Shasta Co.), June 23 - Daniel KIRKPATRICK, aged 73, and for

twenty-seven years a business man of this place, died yesterday morning from the effects of a scalding he received last week in plunging into a hot bath at the Big Bend Hot Springs, where he had gone for the benefit of his health. He was unmarried. Mrs. Dan ZUMWALT, of this place, is his cousin.

The funeral will be held to-morrow.

Witness Left State

REDDING (Shasta Co.), June 23 - Richard BARNICOTT and Charles McVEY, who

have been held in jail since January on a charge of robbery alleged to have been committed in Kennett, were released from custody yesterday, the charge against them being dismissed because the prosecuting witness, Fred COOK, has left the State. They were tried once in the Superior Court, the jury standing eleven to one in favor of conviction. The second trial had been set for next week.

On Visit From Mexico

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), June 23 - Mr. and Mrs. Al. SCHINDLER arrived in this

city last night from San Ignacio, State of Sinaloa, Mexico. Mrs. SCHINDLER was formerly Miss Anna SCHLUER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto SCHLUER of this city. SCHINDLER owns a cattle ranch near San Ignacio and is also interested in the Candaleria gold mine with Colonel Daniel BURNS, and other mining properties in that country.

They will remain some time visiting relatives and friends before returning to Mexico.

New Teachers

VACAVILLE (Solano Co.), June 23 - Out of a class of fourteen taking the

annual teachers’ examination before the County Board, one-half were

successful in procuring certificates to teach, two of the successful ones,

Misses Edith HOGUE and Roe RODGERS being from Vacaville.

Will Marry

YUBA CITY (Sutter Co.), June 23 - Stanley B. WALTON, son of B.F. WALTON, of

this county, and Miss Lena BONESTILL, daughter of Attorney C.K. BONESTILL, of San Francisco, announce their engagement. The date of the wedding has not been set.

Alva Udell and the Relief Fund

DIXON (Solano Co.), June 23 - No surprise was manifested by the people of

this, the home town of Alva UDELL, when they saw in Wednesday’s Bee the telegram from San Francisco that he had commenced action against the Finance Committee of the San Francisco relief Committee, demanding that the funds in its hands be turned over to himself and “10,000 other refugees.” The “10,000 other refugees” undoubtedly exist only in the very fertile imagination of Alva UDELL. The people here who know UDELL so well are reminded of the many old traits of this character by his recent act.  UDELL has always been an agitator and disturber; always complaining of everything that is; always trying to get hold of something that belongs to somebody else; devoting considerable attention to looking up the flaws in titles to lands; getting into trouble generally, but managing somehow or another to keep out of jail. He has been arrested for land frauds and also for bigamy, but he has always succeeded somehow or another in steering clear of losing his personal liberty.

Alva UDELL will have a very high old time if the Courts would pass over that relief fund to him. But the “other 10,000 refugees” would probably not have such a high old time.

Aged Woman Called

YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), June 23 - Mrs. William WALKER, of Scott Valley, passed

away last Tuesday. She was 83 years old, and the cause of her death was old age. Until recently she had been able to look after the interests of her ranch, which is on Kidder Creek, Scott Valley, where she has resided since she left her old home in Illinois and crossed the plains with her late husband, William WALKER, in 1863.

She leaves five sons and four daughters, all of whom are married and settled in either California or Oregon. Her third son, B.F. WALKER, held the office of Sheriff for a term of four years in Siskiyou County, and now resides in Oregon. She was respected by all of Scott Valley.  The funeral took place Thursday at Fort Jones. A great many people from Yreka attended.

Whooping Cough

LOYALTON (Sierra Co.), June 23 - Whooping cough is epidemic here now. Not

only a large number of children have the disease, but several adults are afflicted. Otherwise the health conditions are excellent in Loyalton.

Barn Burned

IGO (Shasta Co.), June 23 - Children playing with matches in Candido MATTOS’

barn yesterday afternoon started a fire that destroyed the barn and contents, including a $100 colt. Mr. MATTOS’ dwelling near by was saved by hard work. The loss on barn, hay and colt amounts to $500.

D.W.C. BENJAMIN Dies at Georgetown

GEORGETOWN (El Dorado Co.), June 23 - D.W.C. BENJAMIN, a well-known citizen,

died at his home in this place Thursday afternoon at the advanced age of 81 years.

He was born in Connecticut in 1826. When a young man he learned the millwright’s trade, and also received his diploma as a physician, but followed the former occupation. He came to California in 1852, and engaged in mining, lumbering and mill building, and for a time was bridge contractor.

He served the county as Supervisor some years ago, and was an active and enterprising man. In 1871 he married Mrs. GROVER, who survives him. He also leaves one son, Clinton E. BENJAMIN, of Pino Grande, and six step-children.  The funeral took place in Georgetown this afternoon, under the auspices of Acacia Lodge, F. and A.M., of Coloma, and Georgetown Lodge, No. 25, R.A.M., of which Lodges he was a member. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Union

Sunday June 24, 1906 


WEAVERVILLE, June 23 - A.N. WELLES, general manager of the Union hill group of mines, returned Tuesday from a business trip in the interests of the mine, which took him to several Eastern cities.

William R. BEALE and Henry NEILSEN of the Hotel Lorenz, Redding, were at the Bullychoop mine this week.

Mrs. Mary PAULINE of Douglas City left Wednesday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. CARRICO of Sacramento.

Mrs. Morris COLLINS and son and Miss Josie KENRICK of Indian creek are visiting in town this week.

Mrs. Charles HALDERMAN went to the Union hill mine Wednesday. She expects to spend the summer there with her husband.

Miss Daisy GAROUTTE, who teaches the Douglas City school, left Wednesday for her home in Chico, Cal.

Mrs. George WILLIAMS and family arrived in Douglas City Wednesday from their home in Redding. They expect to live at the Union hill mine this summer. Mr. WILLIAMS has the contract for running the big tunnel.

Laurence JORDAN of Ono, Shasta county, is visiting with his grandparents in Douglas City.

George JUMPER, who is a student at St. Mary’s College in Oakland, came home Thursday evening for the summer vacation.

Mrs. James MORRIS, who left here last Sunday to join her husband, who is under the care of physicians in Red Bluff, writes that he is improving rapidly.

At the meeting held by the Weaverville Fire Company Wednesday night a uniform consisting of dark blue shirt and dark trousers and belt was adopted. The shirt is to have the monogram “W.F.C.” in white appliqued on the bosom. The committee appointed to take charge of the celebration on the Fourth of July has announced that it will be principally for the juvenile population of the town. There will probably be a parade in the morning. The literary exercises will be conducted entirely by the children. In the afternoon there will be sports, and they hope to have fireworks in the evening. A ball will conclude the day’s pleasures. 


COLUSA, June 23 - Frank REEVE received word yesterday from his attorney in San Francisco saying that he had been successful in his suit against the Colusa Gas and Electric company that has been pending in the supreme court. On September 25, 1901, REEVE was employed by the company stringing wires in Colusa, and was working on a pole at the corner of Fifth and Jay street, and took a hold of two wires that were heavily charged with electricity. From the testimony Reeve was working with the understanding that the power had been shut off. Reeve’s hands were burned in a frightful manner, crippling him for life, also falling from the top of the pole to the ground, a distance of thirty-five feet. Reeve commenced suit in the superior court and received judgement for $30,000. The company appealed and the supreme court reversed the decision of the court here, but Reeve’s attorneys were granted another hearing by the supreme court, which resulted in favor of the plaintiff. 


OROVILLE, June 23 - Mrs. C.L. BILLS entertained her friends at a most delightful five hundred party yesterday at her home in this city. She had invited nearly fifty of her friends to her home, and a most enjoyable time was had by all. The first prize, a beautiful cut-glass bon-bon dish, went to Mrs. A.F. JONES; the second prize, an exquisite cut-glass vase, to Mrs. H.J. GRAHAM, and the consolation prize for the lowest score made, a fancy vase, went to Mrs. George FETHERSTON.

The list of invited guests was as follows: Mrs. A.F. JONES, Mrs. FETHERSTON, Mrs. H.J. GRAHAM, Mrs. J.H. BOWERS, Mrs. T.C. LEE, Mrs. J.C. OSGOOD, Mrs. J.H. KARSNER, Mrs. T.D. M. SLAVEN, Mrs. W.W. GINGLES, Mrs. M.E. LARKIN, Mrs. BALDWIN, Mrs. W.E. DUNCAN, Jr., Mr. Charles HELMAN, Mrs. ALEXANDER, Mrs. J.M. LONG, Miss Evelyn E. THOMPSON of Sacramento, Miss HALES, Mrs. E.H. NEWBOLD, Mrs. E.F. ESTEN, Mrs. S.H. WILSON, Mrs. HAMLYN, Mrs. WOODALL, Miss SEXTON, Mrs. LEGGETT, Mrs. R.S. KITRICK, Mrs. E.H. ORR, Mrs. G.W. BRADEN, Mrs. J.E. SANGSTER, Mrs. W.P. HAMMON, Mrs. R.S. POWERS, Miss Georgia HAMMON, Mrs. J.A. LAWRENCE, Mrs. Karl KRUG, Mrs. O.C. PERRY, Mrs. A.E. BOYNTON, Mrs. John GALE, Mrs. T.B. REARDON, Mrs. R.H. DUNN, Mrs. DURBROW. 


OROVILLE, June 23 - Andrew PERSICH, a workman at the Wattis camp of the Utah Construction company, was brought into the company’s hospital in this city yesterday badly mangled and with about half a dynamite box distributed through various portions of his anatomy. It appeared that Persich was unfastening a can of black powder, using a wrench to accomplish this purpose. Having opened the can of powder he carelessly threw the wrench into a box half filled with dynamite. The next moment Persich, the box and the dynamite were so mixed up that the physicians had not finished separating them at a late hour last night. Despite the fact that the wounded man is most seriously injured, the physicians report that they expect he will recover. 


REDDING, June 23 - Volney FOX, contractor, carrying the United States mail between Redding and Weaverville, has had his bid at $4800 rejected three times, and the postoffice department is calling for bids for fourth time.

The mail is being carried at present by Mr. Fox for $1093, but he says that the price is too low. His contract runs out on July 1st, but the Government has demanded a two months’ extension and may make it six months.

Mr. Fox says that he is anxious to get rid of the contract, for there is no profit in hauling the heavy mail-wagon over the route, which is fifty-five miles long. His are the only bids that have been made for the contract. 


AUBURN (Cal.), June 23 - Sherman DRESSER, a commercial traveler, who was brought from Forest Hill last week suspected of being demented, committed suicide last night in the county jail, cutting his throat with a bread-knife, dying in fifteen minutes. He was born in Pope Valley, Napa county, forty-two years ago, and had a sister living there. He was a resident of Rocklin. 


AUBURN, June 23 - Auburn Parlor, N.S.G.W., has elected officers as follows: M.J. PREDOM, president; Alfred BOYNE, first vice-president; Alfred DIXON, second vice-president; John THRELKEL, third vice-president; Ferdinand MORGAN, marshal; J.F. HODGE, secretary; L.L. CHAMBERLAIN, treasurer.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee Sacramento, Cal.

Monday, June 25, 1906

Page 6


Mrs. Le Doux’s Composure Gave Way on Hearing Verdict of Murder

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 25 - After being out six hours and twenty-five minutes Saturday night, the jury in the case of Mrs. Emma LE DOUX, charged with the murder of her former husband Albert N. McVICAR, returned with this verdict: “We, the jury in the above entitled case, find the defendant, Mrs. Emma LE DOUX, guilty of murder in the first degree.” This means that unless the Supreme Court orders a new trial, or the Governor interferes, Mrs. LE DOUX will hang - the first woman in the State of California to pay the death penalty.

The document containing the verdict was presented to Judge NUTTER, who, after perusing it, handed it to Clerk COMSTOCK with instructions to read it.  The Clerk read slowly and distinctly, and as he pronounced the words, “guilty of murder in the first degree,” the defendant, whose eyes were fixed upon the table in front of her, straightened up and emitted a short groan, then placed her handkerchief to her face for a moment. Mrs. Charles CROCKER, wife of Attorney CROCKER, was seated beside her, and placing her arms around her, kissed her many times, telling the woman that the fight or her life had just begun. Attorneys FAIRALL and CROCKER did not show any signs of disappointment.

Judge NUTTER set the date for passing judgement for July 9th at 10 o’clock

in the morning. Attorneys FAIRALL and CROCKER announced that they would move

for a new trial and if their motion was denied would appeal the case to the Supreme Court. The fact that the jury brought in a verdict of hanging, they believe, will help them get a reversal of the case.

Mrs. LE DOUX is the bigamist wife of Eugene LE DOUX, an ignorant Frenchman who resides in Jackson. She was married to Albert N. McVICAR, a miner of good reputation, and after living apart for some time made up with him. The two resided in the California House at the corner of California and Main Streets in this city, and were registered as husband and wife. McVICAR evidently never dreamed that the woman had married another man. His death was planned some time in advance, as she telephoned Ed. HEALEY, a San Francisco plumber with whom she had associated, and who had been engaged to merry her, three days before McVICAR was killed that “Poor Al is dying of miner’s consumption.”

On the evening of March 24th, McVICAR’s body was found in a large trunk that had been sent to the Southern Pacific depot by the murderess. The officers set to work on the case and located the woman in Antioch on the following Monday, where she told a story implicating a mythical Joe MILLER.  According to the evidence obtained by the prosecution in its increasing efforts to unwind the mystery, Mrs. LE DOUX knew the time was about due when McVICAR would learn of her marriage to LE DOUX, and in order to overcome the storm and trouble that was in store for her she decided to poison him and ship his body to Jackson in a trunk.


Jew Jeung Hing, Who Killed Chico Chinaman, Cheats The Law, By Putting An End

To His Own Life

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), June 25 - Jew Jeung HING, a Chinese whose trial was to have commenced to-day on a charge of murdering a fellow-countryman known in Chico as “Fat Charlie,” some weeks ago, will not answer to the charge on earth, as his body was found hanging in his cell in the County Jail early yesterday morning by Jailor BOTTZER.

The prisoner had hanged himself to a bar of his cell by a strip of cloth torn from his undershirt. He had planned for the deed carefully so as not to arouse any one. Blankets had been hung over the bars so no noise would result when his body fell against them. Blankets had been placed on the floor, also.

He then stood upon a bucket, fastened the strip of cloth to one of the cell bars and kicked the bucket from beneath him, leaving his feet about four inches from the floor. Prisoners were sleeping all around him, but say they heard no noise.

When found he had evidently been dead an hour or more. A Coroner’s jury returned a verdict of death resulting from voluntary strangulation.  The officers say the man had been very despondent for some time. None of his former friends had visited him, and that fact prayed upon his mind.  The murder of which he was accused was a particularly cold-blooded one. He had been discharged from a position as cook, and “Fat Charlie” took the place. Jew Jeung HING waited for him around a corner and thrust a long knife into him. The wounded man ran to his house, pulled the knife out and bled to death. The murdered man was well known in Oroville, having cooked at the Union Hotel at one time.


Take Initial Step To Thwart Plan of Sacramento Drainage Commission To Raise

Money For Expenses

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), June 25 - As told in The Bee would be done, a number of swamp land owners of Yolo and Sutter Counties met in this city Saturday afternoon and took steps to contest the assessment of $50,000 levied by the Sacramento Drainage Commission.

G.W. CHAPMAN presided and D.A. McGRIFF acted as Secretary.  There were about 100,000 acres represented at the meeting and all the land owners were unanimously in favor of fighting the assessment.  The Attorney-General will be asked for permission to bring a suit to test the validity of the Act creating the Commission.

A.C. HUSTON, of this city, will act as attorney for the land owners.  Subscription lists will be presented to those who oppose the levy to bear their proportion of the expense attached to bringing the suit.

E. POFFENBERGER, H.M. MILLER and S.C. DEANER were added to the Executive

Committee who will have charge of the matter.

This will be a fight to the finish. These land owners have always been opposed to the law as it now stands. And they are firmly of the opinion that it can be knocked out in the Courts.

Will Investigate Relative’s Death

YUBA CITY (Sutter Co.), June 25. The remains of the late W.A. BARRACLOUGH

arrived on the 5:15 train from Sacramento yesterday afternoon, and were consigned to his last resting place in the Odd Fellows’ plot in the Yuba City Cemetery. Burial services at the grave were conducted under the auspices of the I.O.O.F. of this place.

The peculiar circumstances connected with the death of BARRACLOUGH, as told in The Bee, have not been satisfactorily explained to his relatives and friends, and they will make an investigation as to why they were not informed of his accident and death. The accidental fall on the street in Sacramento, causing concussion of the brain, happened on May 28th, and on June 9th BARRACLOUGH died, and was buried on the 15th. No one here was informed of the fact, and it was by accident that it was discovered on June 21st.


High School Class Listens To Words of Approval and Counsel While Attending

Divine Service

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), June 25 - At the invitation of the pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. Stuart WILSON, the class of ?06, Marysville High School, attended the services at the place of worship last night. It was made the occasion for the baccalaureate sermon by the minister, who selected for his theme, “The Call of Life.”

The musical numbers were of a high and appropriate order. Deserving of

special mention was the organ prelude by Mrs. G.L. McINTOSH, the cornet solo

by Prof. A.B. MARTIN, the violin work of Prof. William GERN, and the vocal

solos by Mrs. Edward F. LUNSFORD, Mrs. Frank W. HANSON and Miss CONWAY, the

latter of San Francisco.

In his address to the graduating class, which numbers fourteen, Rev.  Wilson said it was a peculiar pleasure at this time of year and at this time in their lives to have the ambitious young people present. He impressed upon the class the great need in which the world now stands for thinkers, for thought-compelling men and woman who dare to go out and do. He said there is a realm for woman with all her rich attributes greater than that which men aspire to. He laid stress on the beauty of recognizing the spiritual in life’s work and having in mind the glory of the soul. He pointed out the many unfinished lives of great men who conquered all, but who in the end know not one moment of real refreshing peace because of their refusal to profit by the life of the Great Master. Opportunity, love, goodness, graciousness, respect for honest toil, aversion to the tendency in life to put all on the body, and recognition of the fact that there is no place in life’s economy for the idler were some of the rounds pointed out by Rev.  WILSON in his word painting of the ladder of success.

The members of the graduating class who will receive their diplomas at

Hopkin’s Hall on next Friday evening are: Addie BLOCK, Edward BULL, Harry

BURCH, Ethel DOYLE, Frances ENGEL, Clara HEDGER, Allen KIMBALL, Merrill LA


Lesley WALKER and Theodore WOODWARD.

Weber Is Denied Former Privileges

AUBURN (Placer Co.), June 25 - Absolute hopelessness has changed the conduct

of Adolph WEBER, and made him far more agreeable to those around him.  Defensive plans have been dismissed from his mind, and he is now only looking into the near future which shall bring his end.  With the decision of the Supreme Court ended all the small liberties and privileges which the prisoner has enjoyed. His meals have always been ordered by him from restaurants and hotels, but he is not now permitted to buy his own food, and must live upon prison fare, prepared under the watchful eye of Sheriff KEENA. Being of a dyspeptic tendency the prisoner will get food that is appropriate for him, but everything that goes into his cell is critically inspected. Since the prisoner has been transferred to another cell he has had nothing but the cot upon which he sleeps in the way of accommodations.

Yesterday he wanted to do some writing. Under Sheriff MAY brought a light

box in for him. “That’s good,” said WEBER, “that will do for a table and chair also,” and he smiled rather sarcastically as the Under Sheriff came out. The sight of a young man forth $60,000 having to do his correspondence on a cheap grocery box must have touched his fancy, as he continued to smile at the box after the officer had gone.

Heretofore the prisoner has had several bottles of medicine, which he uses, in his cell, but these have been taken away. Now when he wants to administer his remedies he is obliged to put a spoon through the bars and the death watch pours the medicine for him. There have been expressions at different times that the prisoner’s health would not stand the confinement until his execution, but this idea never found credence with the officers.  WEBER has dismissed Attorney Grove L. JOHNSON, presumably because of the lawyer’s hint that the insanity plea should now be worked.


Authorities Suspect Young and Unmarried Woman of Having Killed Child to

Hide Her Shame

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 25 - Bertha CAPPS, a woman between 22 and 23 years of age, is under suspicion of having committed child murder. She lives in Oakdale, Stanislaus County, and will probably be arrested and held to explain the serious charges against her.

The body of the babe was found on the public road of the town of Knights Ferry last Thursday morning. It evidently had been born alive, as the remains were warm when recovered and blood was flowing from the mouth.  It seems that Miss CAPP made the trip from Knights Ferry to Oakdale Wednesday forenoon and was on the streets of the latter town Thursday afternoon. The District Attorney of Stanislaus County is of the opinion that the young woman braved the pain and appeared on the streets to avert suspicion.

The Coroner’s jury returned a verdict of death by unknown cause, and recommended that the case be carefully investigated. The authorities are working the case.

Despite official suspicions, Miss COPP’s friends stoutly defend her. She always has stood well and people are loth to believe her guilty.

Saved From Death

CHICO (Butte Co.), June 25 - The heroism in a girl and a boy was brought out

here Saturday afternoon when the former jumped into Little Chico Creek in a desperate but vain effort to save her sister from drowning and the latter followed to rescue both girls. The boy’s name is WEBER and the sisters are daughters of Mrs. VAN HORN, who resides here on Ninth Street.  The youngest of the girls waded into the creek and was soon beyond her depth. The older then tried to save her, but failed, and young WEBER, who chanced to be near by, jumped into the water and rescued both of them. He was just in time, as the youngest girl was sinking for the third time and was unconscious when taken to shore.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Tuesday, June 26, 1906

page 6


Butte County Man Winds Up Spree By Attempting To End His Life While Delirious From Drink REDDING (Shasta Co.), June 26 - August HAMMETT, a Swede, aged about 30 years, last night stabbed himself in the wrist while in the rear of a local saloon and lost a great deal of blood before his wound was treated.  HAMMETT had been drinking heavily and his strange actions led to a warning being sent to the officers, but before they arrived he had stabbed himself.  He was taken to the insane ward in the jail and soon became nearly sober as the result of the loss of blood. He will recover.

HAMMETT is a Butte County man. He came to this place from Chico and for a time was employed by George HARVEY on a farm near Durham.

Hotel Burned

BEEGUM (Shasta Co.), June 26 - The hotel and stage station here, long conducted by F.T. WOLCOTT, was destroyed by fire Sunday. The loss is placed at $1800, partly offset by $1200 insurance. The place was well known to travelers. It was on the road from Red Bluff to Harrison Gulch, and near the Tehama line.

24 Out of 35 to Receive Diplomas

LOYALTON (Sierra Co.), June 26 - Returns from Downieville, the county seat, show that as a result of the eighth grade examinations throughout the county, twenty-four out of the thirty-five who entered the examination two weeks ago were successful, and will receive diplomas. The following is the list of graduates throughout the county:

Loyalton school - Niles MILLAR, Maude RAINE, Annie CONNOLLY, Leone SCHROEDER, Berkley ANDERSON, Joel CONKLIN and Joy BRADNER.  Sierra City school - Willard SITS, Lucius PELLOW, Clyde COOK, Frances COOK, Alice SCHUBERT and Evelyn McGROTH.  Sattley (Alpine) - Adelaide FOWLES and Grace FOWLES.  Downieville school - Grace WALKER, Earl MEROUX, Charles MEROUX, Deliada DOWNERS, Ross TAYLOR, Cora QUIGLEY and Elmer QUIGLEY.  Clare District (Sierra Valley) - Charles KNUTHSON and Margaret KNUTHSON.

Every member of the Loyalton class passed successfully.

The matter of a High School is still being agitated.

Bound Over

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), June 26 - The preliminary examination of John DAYTON and Frank MORAN, the men charged with burglary, the stealing of a case of shoes from a box car at the local depot, resulted last evening in the pair being ordered by Judge KAISH, of the Police Court, to answer before the Superior Court, bonds of $1500 each.

Miss Noe to Wed

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), June 26 - The engagement is announced of Miss Gertrude NOE, of this city, and John Herbert MITCHELL, of Berkeley. The wedding will occur some time in July.

Miss NOE is a member of the County Board of Education and taught in the Woodland Grammar Schools. Mr. MITCHELL is the Coast representative of the Educational Publishing Company.

Paid $500 Fine

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), June 26 - Dean McCREW, who was recently convicted of assaulting an officer at Guinda last Christmas, was brought before Judge GADDIS yesterday for sentence. He was fined the sum of $500, which was promptly paid.

Miss Campbell Weds

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), June 26 - Miss Daisy CAMPBELL, of this city, and Walter HUBER, of San Francisco, were married at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John CAMPBELL, this afternoon.

W.C. Sheldon Dies in Suisun Valley

SUISUN (Solano Co.), June 26 - W.C. SHELDON, a pioneer resident of this county, died at his home in Suisun Valley yesterday, his death being very unexpected. He had been sick for about ten days with stomach trouble, but his condition was not alarming. Yesterday morning his wife awoke and found him breathing with great difficulty. A physician was hastily summoned, but Mr. SHELDON was dead before the doctor arrived. Death is presumed to have been due to heart trouble.

Deceased was about 60 years of age. Surviving him are his widow and three sons - Ralph M., Fred C. and Rev. SHELDON, of Suisun; a step-daughter, Mrs.  Ed CONNELLY, of Fairfield, and two brothers - B.N. SHELDON, of Suisun Valley, and H.C. SHELDON, of Fairfield. Deceased was well-known throughout the county, having for years been a fruit buyer for the ERNST-LEUHNING Company. He was a prominent Mason and Odd Fellow. The date of the funeral has not been announced.

Tennis Tournament Comes to a Close

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), June 26 - The greatest tennis tournament ever held in this part of the State ended here last evening when Fletcher ELLIOTT carried off the singles championship at Empire court, winning from Raymond CLINCH, 6-3, 4-3, 6-3. The tournament, Sunday and yesterday, attracted many out to the Court, where every arrangement for the pleasure of the public had been made. During the playing refreshments were served to all. ELLIOTT takes the KIDDER trophy, a handsome silver loving cup. FRANCIS and LOWELL won the doubles, the NOCAK cup, for the second time. The tournament was for the championship of Superior California.

Russell’s Will

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), June 26 - The will of the late Benjamin RUSSELL, who was found dead in his residence a few days ago, was filed for probate yesterday. The estate is valued at $41,500. Of this, the property in Oroville is valued at $25,000 and in Fresno County $1000; cash in banks to the amount of $11,755.91. The property is devised to Miss Jennie COOPER, a niece, and to two brothers and a sister of the deceased, the latter three residing in New York.

Clear Vindication

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), June 26 - The preliminary examination of J.J.  GEUNTHERODT, the staff correspondent of several mining journals, for settling (sic) forest fires in the Western Pacific addition to Oroville, was held yesterday afternoon, resulting in the dismissal of the case and a clear vindication of the defendant. There was absolutely no evidence offered to prove the accusation or to show any motive for the crime.

Aeronaut Meets Severe Accident

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 26 - Bert ADDIS, an aeronaut, was badly injured Sunday afternoon while attempting to make an ascension at Oak Park, near this city. A stiff wind was blowing while the balloon was being inflated, and the bag did not fill well.

When ADDIS cut loose the balloon, instead of going up, dragged along the ground. ADDIS clung to his trapeze, and was thrown against a fence with much force. In fact, he struck the fence so hard that several boards were knocked off. He was also hurled against the barbed wire on the top of the fence, and after struggling hard, managed to free himself from the balloon.  A physician found that ADDIS had a gash over one of his ears, both arms were cut and scraped badly, the left forearm was badly torn and the ligaments of the left wrist were torn and cut. His back was also badly injured, and it will be many a day, if ever, before he will be able to make another ascension.

Roach Estate in Court 30 Years

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 26 - Judge SMITH, of the Superior Court, yesterday set a case for trial that has been in the Courts for thirty years.  It is that of the estate of George ROACH, deceased, and for more than a quarter of a century the heirs have been fighting the matter and delaying the trial. The estate, years ago, was very large, but now consists of about $7500 in coin and $20,000 in land. According to the will left by ROACH, Mrs.  COPSEY, a near relative, was to care for the estate until she died, when it was to be given to ROACH’s other heirs. The point now is to ascertain before Mrs. COPSEY dies who the heirs are. This trial will commence on August 28th.

Desecrate Graves

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), June 26 - Effort will be made to apprehend the miscreant who has been desecrating graves of late in the City Cemetery. A number have been despoiled of flowers and vines, while vases left on the mounds with flowers in them have been maliciously broken to bits against adjoining headstones. One grave has been thus treated three times. The guilty wretch seems to have a personal grudge against this family and is taking it out in this unseemly manner. A watch will be maintained and if the fellow is caught, prosecution will follow, particularly as the same complaint has been heard before.


Veteran of Civil War Convicted of Assault and Sentenced to Sixteen Years.

Dismissed At Second Trial.

NAPA (Napa Co.), June 26 - After being found guilty once by a jury in the Superior Court and sentenced to sixteen years in San Quentin, J.T. MORRIS, charged with a felonious assault, managed to secure his freedom Monday.  MORRIS was arrested on May 28, 1904, and charted with assaulting May PENRICE, a girl scarcely in her teens, and after languishing in jail until September 14th, of that year, was finally tried and convicted of the crime on the first ballot. An appeal was taken to the Third District Court of Appeal, with the result that the case was remanded back here for trial, resulting in the dismissal.

When the case was called this afternoon District Attorney BENJAMIN presented a motion for dismissal on the ground that the witnesses had left the State and could not be subpoenaed and brought back. It was stated that they were in Toronto, Canada. Before granting the motion for dismissal, Judge GESFORD stated: “If ever there was a person guilty of a crime, the defendant is the man. I believe hanging too good for a person guilty of such a crime, and I only regret that there is not some law by which you can be prosecuted.”

The crime for which MORRIS was arrested was one of the most heinous imaginable. The young girl had been given into his custody to care for and he had subjected her to the grossest abuse.

MORRIS is nearly 60 years of age and was a Captain in the Civil War.

Tried to Burn the Old Kelly Stables

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), June 26 - What appears to be an attempt to rid this city of one of its old landmarks, the KELLY Bros.’ feed stable, at the corner of Fourth and C streets, opposite the new Packard Library, was called to the attention of the police and Fire Department shortly before 12 o’clock last night.

A man named William GEE, living near the stable, rushed into the police station, and with difficulty, on account of an impediment in his speech, and because of being excited, told the officer on duty of a blaze in the premises mentioned. The chemical engine was despatched to the scene none too soon to prevent a fire of goodly proportions.

It was found that the straw beneath a manger on the corral side at the northeast corner of the stables had been set on fire. A man was found who says he saw another man running rapidly away from the scene which leads to the conclusion that the attempt was incendiary.

Wants to Kill Her Neighbors

AUBURN (Placer Co.), June 26 - Mrs. E. REINER was brought from Butcher Ranch last evening and charged with insanity. The unfortunate woman has a homicidal mania and has been threatening the destruction of her neighbors for several days.

On Sunday, ex-Supervisor McANINCH had a narrow escape from being shot, as before he realized the danger from the woman she placed a pistol to his head, and he only saved himself by striking the weapon upward.  She is uncontrollable and has kept the neighborhood in a state of fear for several days. A sad feature of the case is that the woman has a three-months-old baby, which must necessarily be taken from her.


Left Editor Owen’s Home For Bicycle Ride Sunday, And Has Not Been Seen or Heard From Since WINTERS (Yolo Co.), June 26 - J. BLISS, a printer employed by Editor Frank N. OWEN, of the Winters Express, disappeared Sunday, and no trace of him can be found. It is feared he has met with an accident.

BLISS made his home in OWEN’s home. Sunday morning, minus his coat, he mounted his wheel for a ride up Putah Canyon, saying he would be back in time for supper. Since then he has not been seen nor heard from by any one here.

There is nearly a week’s wages coming to BLISS, and his clothing is here.  He is a man of good habits, and is well known in Chico and other places where he has worked.

Editor OWEN has made as thorough a search for him in this section as he could, but so far without success.

BLISS is about 28 years of age, five feet nine inches in hight, weighs about 150 pounds, has brown hair and eyes, and was smooth shaven.

Nearly Killed by Powder Explosion

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), June 26 - Bert MOUNDAY sustained severe injuries and almost lost his life yesterday in a very unusual accident in the Central Shaft Mine. Part of one charge of giant powder failed to explode, and this MOUNDAY proceeded to pick out. Believing he had it all out, he went to work with a heavy sledge on the boulder. The consucsion (sic) set off a portion of the charge which had escaped his eye with the result that broken rock was hurled in every direction.

One piece struck him on the forehead and another on the side of the head, while a third caught him on the ankle. He was knocked down, but not rendered unconscious. The fine particles peppered his face. He bled freely, and was hurried to his home in this city, where Dr. JAMIESON attended him. His injuries, though serious, are not dangerous.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Wednesday, June 27, 1906

Page 6


Miss Bertha Capps, Charged With Having Killed Baby, Will Have Preliminary Examination on July 5th.

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 27 - Justice of the Peace ROLLS, of Oakdale, has held Miss Bertha CAPPS, the young woman accused of having killed her newly born babe, for examination, the date of the preliminary being set for July 5th. District Attorney L.J. MADDUX, of Modesto, swore to the complaint, and Constable SWATZEL made the arrest. Miss CAPPS was admitted to bail in the sum of $2,000, the bonds being furnished by her brother, Charles E. CAPPS, and her brother-in-law, Ernest WOOD.  Miss CAPPS is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CAPPS, and is about 22 years of age. She has always borne a reputation above reproach, and has many friends who stoutly maintained her innocence.

The evidence against the young woman in purely circumstantial so far. It is known that she attended a picnic above Knights Ferry and there became suddenly quite ill. She was hurried to town, her two sisters occupying the rear seat of the vehicle with her. Later a dead baby, that had been born alive, was found in the road traveled by the wagon containing the picnic party.

On the way to Oakdale Miss CAPPS suffered great pain. On reaching town she was taken to a hotel and Dr. LOWE summoned. He made no examination, it is said, but gave her medicine to alleviate the cause of her distress, as she explained it.

The next afternoon Miss CAPPS appeared on the streets. This was done, the officers contend, to allay suspicion, the girl enduring the agony bravely.  Justice ROLLS says she did not look ill when brought before him, but that she was in great distress and cried constantly.

Wants New Trial For Mrs. Le Doux

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 27 - Attorney FAIRALL stated to-day that he is quite sure he will secure a new trial in the LE DOUX case on errors of the Court. The applause indulged in by the jurymen when they reached the death verdict is an element he will make use of in his appeal.  In case the Supreme Court grants him a new trial he will apply for a change of venue to Calaveras County, alleging bias and prejudice on the part of the local officers, as well as the general public.

Sheriff SIBLEY permitted a Catholic priest to visit the murderess yesterday afternoon. The priest spent some time with the woman. Her attorney scoffs at the idea of a confession and still strongly maintains her innocence.

Hurt in Runaway

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), June 27 - In a runaway accident near Wheatland yesterday, W.G. JASPER, a well-known farmer of this county, met with injuries which will place him on the retired list for some time. He was hauling a load of supplies to one of the dredgers on Bear River. He had driven his team through a gateway and then went back to close the gate.  While he was doing this his horse started off and in his efforts to catch up and check them he stumbled and fell. The result was the front wheel of the heavy wagon passed over his right leg and hips. The accident happened at 4 p.m. and it was 6:20 o’clock before assistance came to the injured man.

Died in Germany

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), June 27 - Sol LEWEK, the well-known hotelman of this city, has received the sad news of the death of his mother, which occurred in Schwersenz, Prussia, Germany, on the 5th instant. She lacked seven months of reaching the 80th anniversary of her birth.


George W. Hilderbrand Dies In Hotel Room After Active Life Spent On The Pacific Coast NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), June 27 - Late yesterday afternoon George W.  HILDERBRAND passed away in his room of the National Hotel, this city, after a short illness. His death was due to over-exertion, traceable to the recent earthquake.

He was at Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz County, at the time of the shock. From there he walked to San Jose, though 77 years of age. Then he went to San Francisco, walked all over the burned district, and later took passage for Portland, Oregon, to visit his family. Thence he returned to Allegheny, above here, to visit his former home. The exertion he had undergone proved too much, however, for his age, and he came here for medical attendance on the verge of collapse. A week ago he took to his bed.  He was an early-day school teacher at San Francisco, leaving there for Allegheny twenty-nine years ago. He was interested in mining in that section, owning considerable stock in the famous Tightner, one of the richest producers in the upper country. A few years ago he moved with his wife to Portland. He was a native of Germany, having come to this country at the age of 15. His daughter, Mrs. HEGELE will leave to-day with the remains for Portland, where they will be interred.

Dies at Dobbins

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), June 27 - News has reached here from Dobbins of the death of Jesse E. ROYAT, a well-known young man of this county, aged 24 years. He was a married man, and, besides his wife, an aged mother, and four brothers survive him. The obsequies were held at Indiana Ranch.


Overturning of Freight Car Sets Off Explosive With Terrific Force, Much Damage Being Done ANGELS CAMP (Calaveras Co.), June 27 - The overturning of a freight car of a train running on the Sierra railway between Jamestown and Angels yesterday afternoon exploded one and a half tons of dynamite and killed two brakemen on the train named HOAGLAND and BROWN. The conductor, named HAWKINS, was injured, and a passenger, E.A. ROBERTS, of Sausalito, was severely hurt, but will recover.

The explosion wrecked the chlorination works at the Jones Mine and although the explosion was heard here no damage as done in this town. Word comes from Milton, twenty-one miles west of Angels, that the shock was felt there, and window-glass was broken in that village. Strange to say, the railroad track was not badly damaged by the great force of the explosion.  STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), June 27 - The jar caused by the explosion near Angels Camp yesterday afternoon was felt here distinctly, and caused considerable alarm. Many thought another earthquake had come. It was late before the truth was learned, and even then details were lacking.

At Southern Cross

TOWLE (Placer Co.), June 27 - Robert J. TRIMBLE and wife arrived from New York last week and will go to the Southern Cross Mine in Humbug district, near here, and start work at once. Both TRIMBLE and wife are stockholders in the mine, which has laid idle for some time, owing to other business requiring the TRIMBLE’s attention. A good ten-stamp mill is ready for operation and ten more stamps will be added at once. Tunnels will be driven ahead and cross-cut work done to see just how much ore can be found. When worked in the past the mine paid well. It is in a rich mineral district.

Sue on Contract

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), June 27 - The attention of Judge GADDIS in the Superior Court was taken up yesterday with the case of J.S. McGRIFF vs. E.S. YOUNG.  The case is one in which the plaintiff seeks to recover $2250 alleged to be due on a contract entered into between himself and defendant. The contract, it is alleged, was one by which the plaintiff was to farm 200 acres of land to be furnished by defendant, who was also to furnish a herd of milk cows, six horses, a lot of hogs, feed and farming implements. The plaintiff was to furnish the labor and each was to share equally in the proceeds. YOUNG, the defendant, filed a counter claim, alleging that McGRIFF had violated the contract and that there is due him, the defendant, the sum of $4301. The case was submitted without argument and taken under advisement.

Found Guilty on 2 of 6 Charges

YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), June 27 - Silas GOULD, who has been on trial for the past week on six charges of stealing watches in Dunsmuir, as already told in The Bee, was found guilty on the charge. The jury brought in a verdict of burglary in the first degree. In the second charge, in which C.W. IBACH was complainant, the jury, after being out from 9 o’clock p.m. to 10 o’clock a.m. the following day, returned a verdict of burglary in the first degree, recommending the prisoner, however, to the mercy of the Court.  Two of the six cases at issue were dismissed. District Attorney LUTTRELL considered that inasmuch as GOULD had been convicted on two charges, it would not be desirable to put the county to further expense. The last two charges against him will be dismissed, also, as no evidence has been secured.

Judge BEARD set Thursday, June 28th, for pronouncing judgement in each case in which GOULD has been convicted.

During the early part of July there are two important cases set for trial.  SHAW, charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to commit murder, and Pietro FERRARI, charged with setting the forest afire at McCloud.

Postpone Hearing of Dora Chipp

BROWNELL (Siskiyou Co.), June 27 - William R. BEALE has requested that the preliminary examination of Dora CHIPP on the charge of murdering his baby girl be deferred a week out of deference to his wife, who will be the most important witness in the case.

Mrs. BEALE is suffering from great nervous prostration as a result of her experience in the tragedy. The family physician thinks she will be quite well enough to take the stand inside of ten days, but not on any day this week. It had been decided to hold the examination this week before Justice of the Peace RICHARDSON at Picard, but District Attorney LUTTRELL, learning of Mrs. BEALE’s condition, willingly consented to fix the date at July 5th.  The examination will probably be held in Yreka, as by the later date Mrs.  BEALE will be well enough to travel from her home near this place to Yreka, a distance of sixty miles. Holding the examination in Yreka will obviate any danger from lynchers. There is no telling what would happen should Dora CHIPP be brought to the neighborhood where the murder was committed.

Mrs. Pipes Dies

YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), June 27 - Mrs. Lydia A. PIPES died on Thursday, June 21st, at her residence. She had been ailing for some time past. She was 72 years old, and leaves a husband and three daughters. Mrs. PIPES left Ohio in 1870 and crossed the plains with her husband, arriving here in 187*. She had lived here since that date.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Thursday, June 28, 1906

Page 7


Belief That He Has Not Yet Given Up Hope, But Will Fight For His Life As Long As There Is Hope AUBURN (Placer Co.), June 28 - Is Adolph WEBER’s opposition to having the insanity plea entered in his behalf a sham or does he really resist the idea? There are times when his conduct is inconsistent with his claim that he is mentally a normal man. The prisoner has developed a keen dislike for most of the press representatives here, and he becomes as calm as an oyster in their presence so far as conversation is concerned. Yesterday The Bee’s correspondent induced an old schoolmate of WEBER’s to make a short visit to the prisoner, but even the old-time companion of his youthful days could not elicit any expression from WEBER, either about himself or any other subject.  The prisoner lay in his bunk and indulged in the same wild and insane rolling of his eyes that he is wont to do sometimes, though for what reason no one can understand. WEBER”s old-time friend plied him with questions for several minutes, but his only response was grunts and monosyllables.  His recent announcement that he had given up the fight against his prosecution is not believed, as he now has transcripts of testimony in his cell which he is reviewing, and his sending for one of his attorneys is looked upon as significant that he does not mean to give up the case as long as there is a ray of hope to encourage him.

Insanity is the only refuge he has, and his seeming opposition to it is not looked upon as sincere. If the application for a rehearing before the Supreme Court fails, further defense will undoubtedly be the insanity plea, and the fact that WEBER opposes this will be pointed to as the strongest evidence of his mental unsoundness.

Two Sudden Deaths of Colusa Residents

COLUSA (Colusa Co.), June 28 - Two deaths is this morning’s record. Gerry MYERS, who resides on the East Side, passed away suddenly at 7:30 this morning. He was in town yesterday and appeared in his usual health. Heart disease was the cause. He leaves a wife and nine children.  At his home at College City, Moses STINCHFIELD, a pioneer of this county, passed away early to-day, cancer of the stomach causing his death. He farmed in this county since 1853. In 1867 he joined Colusa Lodge, No. 133, I.O.O.F., and was the last surviving charter member. A wife and several children survive him. The funeral will occur Sunday.

Found Dead

CHICO (Butte Co.), June 28 - Alfred HAYNES was found dead in his room yesterday afternoon by G.W. CARNEY. He evidently had been dead several days.  He was last seen on the streets Sunday. He was about 75 years of age and had been a resident of this city twenty years. He was a cobbler and in very poor circumstances. An inquest will be held to-day.

Wed at Barber

CHICO (Butte Co.), June 28 - Yesterday at Barber, Miss Nellie Edna CLOUGH, youngest daughter of F.M. CLOUGH and wife, was married to Wm. A. PERLEY at the home of her parents. The bride’s father is a high official of the Diamond Match Company and the groom is in the employ of that corporation.


Quit Work Because Served Poor Food

CARSON (Nev.), June 28 - The men employed at the Harris Mine at Washoe City, have quit work on account of the quality of food that is being served to them. They declare it is impossible to digest the grub furnished them by the company cook and the entire force is idle. The management is trying to effect a settlement.


RENO (Nev.), June 28 - Carl S. WHEELER, one of the wealthiest young sheepmen in Nevada, a son of Daniel S. WHEELER, and Miss Gladys PARRY, daughter of Robert W. PARRY, a mining man and politician, were married last evening in the Congregational Church by Rev. C.L. MEARS. The wedding was one of the most fashionable that has taken place in Reno this year. A reception at the Parry home followed the affair.

Luke White’s Body

RENO (Nev.), June 28 - It is feared that the body of Luke WHITE, a young San Francisco fireman, who was drowned in the Truckee River while visiting here ten days ago, has been carried into Pyramid Lake. If this has occurred there is little likelihood that it will ever be recovered. Hoping that it is still in the river, his friends have asked the caretakers of the various dams on the river and the Indian fishermen to keep a lookout. They will be suitably rewarded if they make the recovery.

Prehistoric Tooth

WINNEMUCCA (Nev.), June 28 - A fossil that is believed to be the tooth of an unknown prehistoric animal has been discovered near Loco by C.B. CARPENTER, who is sinking for water through a lava formation. He found the fossil just above the lava in a deposit formed during the quaternary period. The tooth is 14 inches long, about 10 inches wide and one and one-half inches thick.  It has been forwarded to the Smithsonian Institution.

Californian’s Death Due to Carelessness

ELKO (Nev.), June 28 - The officials who are investigating the matter say that gross carelessness caused the death of the young miner named MAGEE, from Mokelumne Hill, Cal., who was brought here in a dying condition from Tuscarors, where he was employed in one of the mines.  When taken to the County Hospital at Elko those in charge of the young man said he had been overcome by powder smoke. He was pulseless when the hospital physician examined him.

The Coroner, who is investigating the death, says there is strong evidence that young MAGEE was allowed to lie in a neglected condition after being overcome and that he received little consideration until it was apparent that he was in a dying condition.

The words of the officials have created considerable feeling and a strict investigation has been demanded.

Find Californian Guilty of Bigamy

RENO (Nev.), June 28 - William B. YATES, a San Francisco man, formerly employed by the United Railroads as cashier and dispatcher, was sentenced to-day to one year in prison, pleading guilty to a charge of bigamy.  He deserted his first wife, Ella YATES, and married Emma PETRIE, an employe of the HASS candy store in San Francisco. The marriage took place in Reno.

The two women and both the attorneys for the State and defense pleaded for leniency.

YATES is a nephew of ex-Governor YATES, of Illinois, and a son of a wealthy lumberman at Lyle, Wash.

Pioneer’s Days Ends in the Pest House

WINNEMUCCA (Nev.), June 28 - L.D. VARY, aged 91 years, a pioneer of Nevada, having settled in the State over fifty years ago, is dead, having succumbed to an attack of smallpox. His last days were spent in the pest house, apart from his old friends to whom he was deeply attached.  Mr. VARY is believed to have made one of the first mining locations ever recorded in Nevada. In the early ?50s he took up a group near Humboldt which he operated for many years. The town of Varyville, in this county, where he once operated a large mine, was named in his honor.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com







© Copyright 2003-Present by Nancy Pratt Melton


Sacramento County