

Other California Counties


Nevada News Clippings




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County's News 1906
County's News 1906a
County's News 1906b
County's News 1906c

County's News 1906d
County's News 1906e
County's News 1906f
County's News 1906g

County's News 1906h
County's News 1906i
County's News 1906j
County's News 1906k




The Saturday Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

September 1, 1906

Page 6


Four Licenses To Wed Granted In Yuba County During past Week - Marysville Woman Seeks Divorce MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), September 1 - There was a decided improvement in the marriage license business in Yuba County this week over that of the previous weeks of the month of August.

Four couples were made happy through the signature of Cupid EASTMAN and the intervention of the clergyman, as follows: John T. RONAN and Vera L.

PETTINGELL, both of Sacramento; Henry KLENSENDORF and Sarah M. McMENAMIN of

Dobbins; Claude E. GRAHAM of Marysville, and Hester L. MOORE, of Colusa;

John M. SPENCE and Miss Viola L. HARDING, both of Lincoln.  Cora Dowell SULENGER, a former resident of Marysville, now of San Francisco, has commenced divorce proceedings at the metropolis against her husband, Asa SULENGER, on the ground of failure to provide.


REDDING (Shasta Co.), September 1 - The only marriage license issued this week went to Ira BARNES, aged 38, of Fall River Mills, and Frances Irene CROWLEY, aged 22, of Tulare.

Martha WISEMAN began a suit for divorce from Thomas WISEMAN.

D.R. BIGGER received an interlocutory decree of divorce from Edith BIGGER.


WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), September 1 - The following marriage license was issued the past week: G.W. PERRY, of Sacramento, and Ora HAYES, of Dunnigan.


OROVILLE (Butte Co.), September 1 - The following marriage licenses were issued by the County Clerk during the past week: Walter Lee LAWSON, aged 21, and Grace LETTERMAN, aged 16, both of Chico; A.B. GEE, aged 40, of Humbug Valley and Dorothea Caroline SABLEY, aged 32, of Howland Flat; Daniel NERONE, aged 30, and Guiseppiana SANSONE, aged 30, both of Oroville; Wm.  Allen LUCY, aged 21, and Mabel Leonora MERY, aged 18, both of Chico; F.A.

FISHER, aged 25, of Redding, and Cecil PHILIPS, aged 24, of the same place.  Helen Mary MUNJAR has brought suit for divorce from Hiram MUNJAR, alleging habitual intemperance. Both parties reside in Chico. Ralph FRINK has brought suit for divorce from his wife, Pearl FRINK, charging her with desertion.  The couple resides in Chico.


AUBURN (Placer CO.), September 1 - This has been a banner week for marriages. County Clerk LANDIS issued certificates to the following: William KEEHNER, aged 25, and Leila E. _____, both of Roseville; Charles ____ of Gold Run, _4, and Ro____ COOK, of Oakland, 54; Miles V. ____, 70, and Mary J. WAER, 60, both of Whittier; Frederick J. BLAINEY, of Sacramento, 30, and Mabel A. TAFFT, of Lincoln, 20; William A. GUIDICI, 29, and Marie M. BRAZIL, 21, both of Georgetown; W.L. INGALIS, 29, and Josephine St. John DOWNEY, 24, both of San Francisco; Peter ANNILLY, 26, and Louisa RYAN, 20, both of Newcastle; Carl W. NELSON, of Sacramento, 25, and Elsie Irene GODDARD, of Loomis, 21.

(Transcribers note: there was a piece of this article missing, as if a piece of the original paper had been torn off - hence the blanks.)


CHICO (Butte Co.), September 1 - A pretty home wedding occurred here yesterday morning when Miss Mabel MERY, until lately a member of the Grammar School faculty, and W.A. LUEY, City Engineer of Chico, were united in marriage at the home of the parents on the corner of Ninth and Broadway by Dr. GRAHAM, formerly pastor of the local Presbyterian Church.  The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.L. MERY, and was born and reared in this city, receiving her early education in the local schools and finishing at the State University. She taught in the local Grammar School until the end of the last term when she presented her resignation to the Board of Education.

The groom holds the position of City Engineer and came here from Massachusetts where his father is engaged in the banking business, about one year ago.  He is a University graduate of the Civil Engineering Department and is considered an able engineer.

The newly-married couple will enjoy a honeymoon of a month’s duration and will then return to Chico where they will make their future home.

Quarry Insolvent

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), September 1 - BYRNE Bros., of Lincoln, through the surviving member of the firm, Michael J. BYRNE, have filed with Referee BELCHER, of the Bankruptcy Court here, a petition of insolvency. The report gives their liabilities at $6379 with assets only $2720. A portion of the latter is exempt from execution. BYRNE Bros., conducted a (not legible).


Alleges That His Wife Allowed Another Man To Hug Her and Denies Her Allegations of Cruelty OROVILLE (Butte Co.), September 1 - Some time ago a suit for divorce was filed against Victal C. AZEVEDO, also known as Victal E. Azevedo BETTENCOURT, a resident of Chico, his wife asking for an absolute decree and alimony.

AZEVEDO has now filed a sensational answer to the suit, in which he alleges indiscreet conduct on the part of his wife. He denies all her allegations of cruelty and declares he has always been a good and forgiving husband.

One of the chief charges against his wife is her conduct with an Ed.  ALVES, the answer alleging that his wife was always allowing ALVES to hug her, and when he chided her and told her it was wrong for a man other than her husband to have his arm around her waist, she restorted, “I can play with anyone I like.”

AZEVEDO admits he lost his head when she answered him in that manner and that he slapped her. She afterward admitted he was justified in slapping her and that “She deserved more than she got.”

Many other allegations are made against the woman in regard to her actions.

Made His Escape From Chaingang

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), September 1 - From strike leader to chaingang escape in the short space of five days is the record of William WATT, the house painter mentioned in The Bee last Monday as instigator of the disturbance in the Painters’ Union in this city.

After inducing his fellow workers to go on strike WATT got drunk and was arrested. On conviction of being disorderly, he was given ten days on the chaingang. Last evening while at work in the suburbs he made a break for liberty and the chaingang boss did not make much of an effort to stop him, believing it a case of good riddance to bad rubbish.

Labor Association Elects Officers

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), September 1 - The Marysville Labor Association last night elected officers as follows: President, Floyd SEAWALL; Vice-President, T.J. O’BRIEN; Treasurer, R.E. BEVAN; Secretary, Harry COLLINS;

Sergeant-At-Arms, Harvey WISEMAN; Collector, Harold BROOKS. A number of boom meetings will be held during the Winter months.

Sent to Asylum

PLACERVILLE (El Dorado Co.), September 1 - David CLINE, an old settler of El Dorado County, was taken to the Stockton Asylum to-day. He has been in the County Hospital for about ten days, and since then has left it three times and wandered away. On Thursday night he wandered off, and was found up White Rock Canyon, and brought back to this city. Drs. WRENN and KELLOGG examined his for insanity and they say that his derangement is caused from old age, insufficient food and the warm weather. They believe that he will not be long in recovering his sanity.


Martin Kelly Who Mined In California In Early Days And Afterwards Framed In Minnesota, Passes Away MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), September 1 - The death of Martin KELLY, who crowded the contrasting vocations of California miner and Minnesota farmer into his lifetime, is announced from Celestial Valley in this county.  KELLY came to California in the 50s and made a strike in the mines. With his earnings he eventually returned to the East and purchased a farm. Until four years ago, when his health began to fail as the result of recurring attacks of rheumatism, he tilled the soil. Four months ago he sought out California again in hopes of parting with the rheumatism. The change did not have the effect he expected and in the belief that he would never see the East again he made his will in this city on August 7th last. By its terms his brothers, Patrick H. KELLY, of Boston, and Catherine REAGAN, of Melrose, Mass., inherit his estate, share and share alike, consisting of $2600 in notes given him by his nephew M.P. REAGAN, in payment of the farm of deceased, near Austin, Minnesota. The notes are secured by a mortgage on the land.

Shortly after making his will KELLY went to Camptonville, near which place he mined in early days. At the home of Peter BUTS, several miles from Camptonville, he died two weeks ago. By the merest chance the person who was named as executor of his will learned of his death to-day and has taken steps to carry the will through the Probate Court here.


Believed To Be That Of Cora Bailey, A Little Girl Who Fell From Yreka Creek Bridge Six Years Ago LITTLE SHASTA (Siskiyou Co.), September 1 - A little human skull was found a few days ago near the mouth of Little Shasta River by Ed HALL, who resides in Fool’s Paradise Mining District. The skull was partly imbedded in a sandbar, and was also protruding a little above the water.  It is supposed to be a portion of the skeleton of Cora BAILEY, a little girl who fell from the Yreka Creek Bridge in Yreka over six years ago and was drowned. Search was then made for the body, but it could not be found.  Neither was it found a few weeks later when a great flood swept down Yreka Creek. It was then concluded that the body was buried from sight in the sand and tailings and would never be recovered.

The only reason for believing that the skull found by HALL is that of Cora BAILEY is because of the size. No other bodies were found near by.


A Tehama County Pioneer Passes Away In His Eightieth Year - Came To California In The Rush For Gold in 1849.

RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), September 1 - In the death of Sidney A. GRIGGS, this county loses a pioneer citizen who has been active in many walks of life.  Coming to California in 1849 he followed the crowd to the mines in the period when the gold fever raged. After several years of prospecting with varying luck, he finally went into the cattle business on a large scale and acquired a competency from enterprises of this kind.  He farmed for a while in Colusa County and in 1867 came to Tehama County, where he secured a ranch of 12,000 acres which he managed with great success. He was associated for some years with H.C. WILSON and R.H. BLOSSOM.  He was nearly 80 years of age and death came from old age. He was born in New Hampshire and his ancestry was from Revolutionary stock, his paternal grandfather having borne a creditable part in the patriots’ struggle for independence. 

The funeral was held this afternoon and was largely attended. Rev. J.H.  SHARPE, of the Presbyterian Church, officiated and interment was in the family plot in Oak Hill Cemetery.

Criminal Record

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), September 1 - According to the biennial report which District Attorney BRITTAN will file with the Attorney-General in a few days, forty-six persons were charged with committing felonies in Yuba County during the two years ending June 30th last. Of this number twenty-four pleaded guilty and saved the county the expense of a trial.  Eight stood trial. Five were convicted and three were acquitted. The remaining fourteen succeeded in having their charged reduced to lesser offenses.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Tuesday, September 4, 1906

Page 1


Woman Files Startling Affidavit in Behalf of Young Weber, Doomed to Death Two more affidavits were filed to-day with Governor PARDEE in behalf of Adolph WEBER, awaiting execution upon conviction of having murdered his mother at Auburn, November 10, 1904. One of the affidavits, that of Mrs.  Isabel POTTER, is deemed to be of great importance to the condemned man in the final efforts being made to secure a commutation of the death sentence to one of imprisonment for life.

Mrs. POTTER now resides at Fernley, Nevada County, but formerly lived at Auburn with her husband and children.

Saw Woman at Window

In her affidavit, which was filed by WEBER’s counsel, she deposes that on the night of the WEBER murder she heard an alarm of fire and ran to her front gate, which faced the house of Julius WEBER, about 350 yards away.  While at the gate she heard a scream, and saw a woman’s face appear at a window in the WEBER home and later learned that this window was in the bedroom of Mary WEBER, Adolph’s mother.

Mrs. POTTER further deposes that the woman at the window cried out so that she could hear: “Save me! Save me! For God’s sake, save me!”

Opposed to Prosecution’s Theory

The important part of the affidavit follows in the statement that when these words were uttered it was not more than one minute after the first alarm was sounded, and that the first story of the WEBER home was in flames, and that the upper story was lighted by them, which enabled the affiant to see the woman at the window of Mrs. WEBER’s bedroom. The bedroom was in the second story, and the contention of the prosecution was that young WEBER had first killed the members of his family upstairs, carried their bodies downstairs and then set fire to the house.

The sworn statement of Mrs. POTTER, that the house was afire and that a woman was seen at Mrs. WEBER’s bedroom window upstairs, and was heard appealing for help, is in direct conflict with the principal evidence of the prosecution.

The State’s Contention

It was contended on behalf of the State, and evidence was introduced in support of the contention, that when the first alarm of fire was sounded only a slight blaze in the WEBER home could be seen, and this fire came from the clothing of the murdered people, which had been set afire in the hope of destroying evidence of the murder.

The affiant avers she does not know who the woman at the window was, but is positive it was not more than a minute after the first alarm sounded before she appeared at the window and cried for aid.  Mrs. POTTER makes the further declaration that she was interviewed by Sheriff KEENA and Coroner SHEPARD, to both of whom she related the circumstances set forth in the affidavit, but she was not called as a witness for the prosecution, neither was she summoned by the defense.

Failed to Find Pistol

The other affidavit is that of Frank ARMES, who avers that he, in company with Frederick RACHENMACHER and Thomas CHAVES, visited the WEBER barn on November 19, 1904, and that all three made a thorough search of the lower portion for the pistol afterwards found by Clarence GEAR. ARMES makes the sworn statement that he saw RACHENMACHER pass his hand over the spot where it is claimed the pistol was later found, but at that time no pistol was there.

This is in line with the affidavits filed several days ago by RACHENMACHER and CHAVES.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Saturday Bee Sacramento, Cal.

September 8, 1906

page 6


Young Woman Formerly Of Marysville Married In San Francisco – Several Engagements Announced

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), September 8 - An Oroville couple saved the day for Yuba County, else there would be no report on marriage licenses to chronicle this week. The happy pair were Charles C. HART and Myrtle G. STORTS.  A former Marysville young woman, Miss Annie E. SULLIVAN, was married in San Francisco this week to Raymond J. HEAD, of San Jose, formerly of Rowling Green, Ky. The marriage ceremony was performed in St. Agnes Church. Anthony MULLER served as best man, and Miss Katherine SULLIVAN, a sister of the bride, was bridesmaid.

Miss May V. HAVEY, of this city, was married at Reno last Monday to William W. SWEET, of Oakland.

The engagement is announced of William BLUE and Miss Cora MILLS, both of this city.

Stanley V. WALTON, formerly of this city, and Miss Laura BONESTILL, of San Francisco, will wed at the Unitarian Church in Oakland on September 26th.  Miss Lynette MORGAN, a graduate of the Marysville High School, class of ?05, will be married at the home of her mother in San Francisco on September 22d to Charles GRIMES, of Tonopah.

In the divorce suit entitled Alex DOWELL vs. Viola DOWELL, the final decree of divorce has been granted.

A daughter of the above couple, Mrs. Cora SULENGER, of San Francisco, is seeking a divorce from her husband, Asa SULENGER.


YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), September 8 - The following marriage licenses were

issued during the week: Chas. F. COOK, age 21, and Olga Andrea OLSEN, aged

23, both of Dunsmuir; Oscar R. WILEY, aged 29, of Chicago, and Abigail

EDWARDS, age 21, of Edgewood; John Boone WILSON, aged 32, and Mary HAWKINS,

both of Little Shasta, Martin C. MESSNER, age 25, and Frances Priley HARRIS, age 23, both of Etna.


YUBA CITY (Sutter Co.), September 8 - In the matrimonial market this week

the three following Sutter County young women have been joined in the holy bonds of wedlock.

Miss Jennie BROCK, daughter of Mrs. I.N. BROCK, near Nicolaus, was married Tuesday in Santa Cruz at the Calvary Church to William P. RICH. They will reside in Wheatland.

Miss Mae Louise LUYSTER was married Wednesday afternoon by Rev. NEEDHAM to

George B. BAKER at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.N.  LUYSTER, on Second Street, Yuba City. The young couple will reside in Marysville.

Miss Pearl STOKER and Fred O. SIMMONS, both of Yuba City, were joined in marriage Wednesday evening by Rev. WOODWARD at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. STOKER, in the presence of invited guests. Mr.  and Mrs. SIMMONS left for San Jose to spend their honeymoon.


REDDING (Shasta Co.), September 8 - There is nothing much doing in Shasta

County in the way of matrimony and divorces. Not a single divorce was granted this week and only one marriage license was issued, which went to a Tehama County couple: G. Ruther RAGLAN, aged 22, and Venus C. RAY, 18, both of Corning.


WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), September 8 - The following marriage licenses were

issued the past week: Asa Morris SHOWALTER, of Sacramento, and Eva St. Clair

GRACE, of Santa Rosa; John LEWIS and Ada ARMSTRONG, both of Esparto; Charles

R. HOPPIN, of Yolo, and Bessie PRICE, of Woodland.


AUBURN (Placer Co.), September 8 - Marriage certificates were issued this

weed as follows: George W. NEELEY, 24m, and Maud A. PROSSER, 19, both of Rocklin; Louie SOW, 32, of Sacramento, and Ting SUEY, 22, of Dutch Flat;

Patrick A. MONAGHAN, 44, and Grace M. HALLIKER, 22, both of Auburn.


Workman Tries To Mend Leaky Pipe With Redhot Iron Band, and Has A Narrow Escape From Injury

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), September 8 - By an explosion of gas at the local plant of the Woodland Gas & Electric Company yesterday afternoon, D.A. FAULKNER and three others had a narrow escape.

FAULKNER had been called in to repair a leak in a large transmission pipe which carried the gas from the water tank through which the gas passes to a receiving tank. Believing the gas had been all taken out of the tank, FAULKNER heated an iron band redhot and placed it around the pipe to stop the leak.

An explosion was the result. The force of the explosion blew a couple of plates off the water tank and a lot of water and soot was forced out and over the workmen.

On examination it was found that the receiving tank was nearly full of gas and had it exploded it would have resulted seriously for the workmen and the plant.


Accepts Bogus $20 Bill In Payment For Room And Gives Smooth Swindler $18.50 in Change

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), September 8 - One of the smoothest swindlers in a long time struck this city yesterday afternoon, when a stranger with a smile and a slick line of talk separated Mrs. Harriet HOSKING, proprietor of a lodging house from $18.50 on a bad bank note.

The stranger applied at the Golden Gate lodging house for a room. The landlady, Mrs. HOSKING, showed him an apartment, which he said suited him, except that it contained only a single bed. He claimed to have a companion, though the latter was not in evidence. The landlady offered to put in a cot for the other man, to which the stranger acquiesced. He said he would return at 9 in the evening with his friend, and asked that the room be in readiness. He offered a $20 bank note, which Mrs. HOSKING thought looked rather queer. The fellow, who had offered to pay for three days in advance, assured her that it was all right. He claimed to be newly out from the East, and laughingly remarked that Californians seemed to regard notes with suspicion. The paper in question purported to be issued by the Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank of Alabama, in 1856, though it seemed to be suspiciously new and clean to have been printed so long ago.

Mrs. HOSKING finally gave him the change on the alleged $20 bill and the stranger left hurriedly. It was not until some time later that the landlady concluded she had been “done,” and hunted up an officer. City Marshal DEEBLE sent word to the officers at Colfax, as it was believed that the fellow had gone out on the 2:30 train. This, however, proved to be without foundation.  No trace of him could be found last night, though a diligent search was made. Local bank officials announce that no such institution as the Merchants’ and Planters’ of Alabama exists, though they will not state that the note is a counterfeit, as it seems to have been printed on perfectly legitimate paper.

There is only the most meager description of the stranger. Mrs. HOSKING describes him as being young, somewhat stout, smooth shaven, very pleasant and dressed in a dark suit. The case has decidedly puzzled the officers, as nobody of this description is known to have arrived in town. A warrant was issued last night for the arrest of the stranger, through the District Attorney’s office, the charge being passing a bill with no value attached thereto.


At First Says He Was Held Up and Robber, But Later Confesses That He Tried

To End His Life

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), September 8 - Joseph RUSSELL, a newcomer to Oroville, was found on the streets early yesterday morning with blood flowing from two wounds in his throat. RUSSELL told a weird story of a hold-up and stabbing affray and claimed he had been accosted by two men who ordered him to throw up his hands and when he resisted one of the men stabbed him. A search was made in the neighborhood but no traces of the alleged struggle could be found. In order to hold RUSSELL, a charge of vagrancy was placed against him. Later in the day he confessed that his story was a fabrication and that he had attempted to kill himself. He alleged despondency as the cause of the act. The deed was committed in a house of ill-fame known as the Fields.


Constable Reilly Says Members of Grand Jury Were Prejudiced and Biased

Against Him

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), September 8 - The case of Constable REILLY, indicted by the Grand Jury on a charge of protecting gambling games and also on a charge of extortion, was called in the Superior Court yesterday morning as were also the cases of City Marshal WILSON and former police officers BURTON and RIPPEY. All the cases were postponed until September 16.  It is evident that a determined effort is to be made to free the accused parties by attacking the Grand Jury on the ground of bias and prejudice against the defendants. By setting up the plea that the jurors were prejudiced and biased and that this prejudice and bias antedated the examination of witnesses, the attorneys for the accused men hope to have the indictments set aside.

When REILLY’s case was called, Attorney CARLIN moved that the indictment be set aside on the ground that each member of the Jury, before hearing any of the evidence, was in that state of mind which would prevent him acting impartially in the case and was therefore disqualified to act as a Grand Jury.

He therefore challenged the Grand Jury as a whole and individually, this will necessitate an examination of every member oft eh Grand Jury, and subpoenas have been issued or them to appear in Court Tuesday, September 13.

Given Judgment For Value of His Dog

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), September 7 - Under a decision rendered by Justice of

the Peace MORRISSEY in the case of J.S. HATTON vs. the City of Marysville, which was up on demurrer and submitted on the pleadings, plaintiff is given judgement for $150. This is the alleged value of a dog which Poundmaster FAULKNER captured and imprisoned because of the absence of a tag from his collar. Plaintiff contended that the poundmaster killed the dog before the time fixed in the ordinance for dispatching detained animals, which is three days. The testimony of the poundmaster was not taken on this point.



The Saturday Bee

Sacramento, Cal.,

September 8, 1906

Page 7


Norman Mitchell, A Farm Hand, Killed By Oregon Express About Midway Between Redding and Anderson

REDDING (Shasta Co.), September 8 - Norman MITCHELL, a farm hand aged 28 years, was killed this morning by the south-bound Oregon express about midway between Redding and Anderson.

MITCHELL was asleep on the track. The engineer whistled a warning blast as he neared MITCHELL and applied the brakes. The young man was awakened by the danger signal, and was in the act of getting up from his perilous position when the locomotive struck him. He was killed instantly. The Coroner has taken charge of the remains.  The north-bound Oregon express ran over a tramp this morning at Biggs and cut off his foot.

Two Pioneers Are Called by Death

NAPA (Napa Co.), September 8 - Two more of Napa County’s pioneers have gone to their reward.

George W. GILDERSLEEVE, for thirty-five years a resident of the Napa Redwoods ten miles above this city, passed away Thursday morning a few miles from Santa Rosa. The news of his death was brought to this city last evening, and came as a shock to his numerous friends. GILDERSLEEVE came to this State in 1850 and settled in Stockton, where he remained until coming here to live. Besides a widow, four daughters and a son survive him and they are all except one residents of this city. They are C.H., F.W., E.S., Susie M. GILDERSLEEVE and G.W. GILDERSLEEVE of Sacramento.  Joel A. PEDLER, another pioneer, has also been called by death. He was a resident of Trubody, a small town a few miles north of here, where he lived on the Davis ranch for the past ten years. Up tp that time he had been living in this city and he was known to all the old residents. He leaves a widow and eight children and they are all residents of Trubody.

Robbed of Purse While Asleep in Car

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), September 8 - Frank KENT was relieved of a

pocketbook containing $35 some time Thursday night while on his way from Stockton to this city. There is not the slightest clue to the clever pickpocket.

KENT, who is a teacher in Stockton, started for this city with his wife to spend their vacation. Both fell asleep in the chair car, and it was then that the thief got in his work. Not until Colfax was reached yesterday morning did KENT discover his loss. He immediately notified the officers, but there is little chance that the thief will ever be captured. KENT was born and reared in this city, but has been in Stockton for several years, having previously been connected with the Oakland Polytechnic School.

Solano Marriages

FAIRFIELD (Solano Co.), September 8 - Eva G. SILVESTEAN has been awarded a

final decree of divorce from Leon SILVESTEAN.

A final decree of divorce has been awarded Mary DOUGLASS from William T.


Katherine WINTON has begun a suit for divorce from Elmer WINTON on the grounds of cruelty and intemperance.

During the week County Clerk HALLIDAY has issued marriage licenses as follows:

James Howard ROGERS, 22, and Laura A. COLDWELL, 22, both of Vacaville; August DELIAMADALENA, 29, and Josephine SALIGO, 20, both of Napa; William COLLINS, 37, and Annie MALINOFF, 20, both of Vallejo; Robert SALMAS, 56, of Salinas, and May M.  MATTAR, 60, of Emeryville; James A. GILDNER, 23, and Grace JOSEPH, 18, both of Vallejo; William J. CORBETT, 26, and Mary M.  McKEAGUE, 19, both of Vallejo.

Foot Crushed

BIGGS (Butte Co.), September 8 - John McCORMICK, a boy 13 years of age,

whose parents reside in Tacoma, was thrown from the brakebeam of a passenger car on the northbound Oregon express this morning and his right foot was run over. Dr. HAWKINS dressed the wound and wanted the young man to go to the County Hospital at Oroville, but he refused to do so, and was taken to Marysville by a man who was beating his way with him. The foot will have to be amputated.

Was Sheridan’s Bugler

JACKSON (Amador Co.), September 8 - W.R. KAY, who died yesterday at Jackson, aged 30, was the bugler who sounded the charge during SHERIDAN’s ride to Winchester. He was the leader of the band at Appomottox Courthouse at the time of Lee’s surrender.


Native Sons’ Gathering - The assemblage of Native Sons at Santa Cruz on

Monday next, Admission Day, is expected to be large. About 5000 will go from San Francisco.

Bent on Suicide - Anton BROCCO, now an inmate of the Alameda County Infirmary, is evidently determined to die by suicide, having made two attempts to end his life within the past ten days.

A Thrifty Bridegroom - John ENOS of West Oakland is the thriftiest man who ever applied for a marriage license at the County Clerk’s office in Oakland.  He tried to get married on another man’s license to save the $2 fee.

A Puritan Family - Miss Hilma CARLSON, a domestic employed in the DOLBEER family, gave testimony in Judge COFFEY’s Court yesterday that it was the strictest of Puritan families.

Confesses to Theft - Martha SOUCH, the young and beautiful wife of a man who is expected soon to become a member of the faculty of the University of California, has confessed that she stole $3000 worth of gems from Mrs. H.A.  PERCH, of Berkeley. She is said to be a kleptomaniac.

A Valuable Gift - A gift of botanical collections numbering 100,000 specimens, and botanical library of 2000 volumes, recently made to the University of California by T.S. BRANDAGES, of San Diego, was announced yesterday. With the addition to its botanical library, and herbarium the University of California now has the finest collection west of Cambridge, Mass., or New York City.

The Steinman Case - The prosecution and defense have rested in the STEINMAN case. The argument of opposing counsel will be made on Tuesday, and then it will be left for the jury to decide whether Sergeant Jacob H. STEINMAN, of the National Guard, shall be punished for shooting Joseph MYERS on the night of April 19th in Columbia Square.

A Unique Distinction - George W. REED, an attorney of Oakland, enjoys the unique distinction of having been nominated and chosen as a Vice-Chairman of the Republican State Convention at Santa Cruz when he was not a delegate.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Evening Bee Sacramento, Cal.

Monday, September 10, 1906

Page 6

Fathers’ Club Asks Teacher to Resign

SONOMA (Sonoma Co.), September 10 - People of this city are considerably agitated over the retention of Principal Walter C. NOLAN at the head of the grammar schools. NOLAN was recently accused of immorality, and after an exhaustive trial before the Sonoma County Board of Education, was given a Scotch verdict. A short time prior to holding of the investigation the Board of School trustees of this city re-elected NOLAN. It was confidently believed that when the case against him was closed NOLAN would resign.  A “Fathers’ Club” was organized recently, and they presented a petition to the Board of Trustees recently, containing 116 signatures, asking that NOLAN be relieved of his duties. The petition was presented by a Committee consisting of Thomas BROWN, William TRUDGEON, T.J. McQUIDDY and H.H.  GRANICE. The matter was taken under advisement by the Trustees.  NOLAN was recently arrested, and charged with a felonious assault on Newton Dal POGGETTO, a school boy, whom he had occasion to chastise. The warrant was sworn to by the boy’s father. This charge was subsequently reduced to battery, and on the first ballot at the trial the jury unanimously reached a verdict of not guilty.

Jump From Car and Are Injured

YUBA CITY (Sutter Co.), September 10 - Mr. and Mrs. Martin ROSE, an aged

couple who reside in the western part of Yuba City, jumped off the street car on Bridge Street while it was crossing the railroad track yesterday morning, and were severely shaken up and injured. Mr. ROSE was hurt about the head and hip, and Mrs. ROSE sustained bruises on the legs. The switch engine in the yards was backing up towards the street car as it was crossing the track, and Mr. and Mrs. ROSE, thinking there as going to be a collision, jumped off the car. Had they kept their seats they would have escaped unhurt.

Charge Glenn Man With Beating Wife

CHICO (Butte Co.), September 10 - Henry KOHL, an alleged wife beater of St.

John, Glenn County, was arrested here Saturday by Officers WHITE and McELDOWNEY, on a warrant held by the Constable of that place charging KOHL with threats against the life of his wife.  It appears that while at Germantown KOHL severely beat and choked his wife. Mrs. KOHL swore to a complaint and in company with the officers returned to the home at St. John to find that KOHL had fled to Chico. He was sent back to St. John.

Face Ugly Charge by Girl’s Friends

RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), September 10 - Abe and Jeff BABCOCK have been arrested because of their alleged improper relations with Carrie SWEENEY, a 15-year-old orphan girl, who resides at the BABCOCK home, several miles west of town. The District Attorney has been in consultation with the young girl, and has closely questioned the two young men in an effort to get at the truth of the allegations which have been made against them. Neighbors of the BABCOCKS, who have thought it their duty to intercede in the girl’s behalf, took the matter in hand a few days ago, with the result of the arrests being made. Superior Judge ELLISON has appointed Mrs. Annie STEINMAN a temporary guardian of the girl, and on the 17th of this month the women’s application to be appointed permanent guardian of the little orphan will be heard in the Superior Court.

Quarrel Leads to a Stabbing Affray

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), September 10 - Two young men became involved in a

cutting scrape early last evening, and as a result one of them was quite badly cut. Both of them occupy cells in the County Jail. William ATKINS, employed as a driver at the ATKINS stable, and H.M. SEALEY, a teamster in the employ of the Western Pacific, were out on a drinking bout, and wandered into Chinatown, where they became involved in a quarrel in front of a house of ill fame, known as the “Arlington.” SEALEY drew a knife and stabbed ATKINS twice on the right arm and twice on the forehead. Both ATKINS and SEALEY were arrested and lodged in jail. As yet no complaint has been made against SEALEY, and it is probably that the matter will be dropped.

Trinity County Man Dies at Red Bluff

WEAVERVILLE (Trinity Co.), September 10 - D.P. DAVIS, for twenty years a

blacksmith living at this place, died yesterday afternoon in Red Bluff, whither he had gone a few weeks ago to receive medical treatment. Mr. DAVIS was born in Geuverneun, N.Y., in May, 1860, and came to Trinity County in 1884. He is survived by Mrs. DAVIS, two children and a brother, G.T. DAVIS.  D.P. DAVIS was a highly respected citizen and a man of considerable wealth. He was Supervisor for four years, his term expiring in January, 1905. He was an Odd Fellow and a Workman. The body will arrive here this evening from Redding. The funeral, under the direction of North Star Lodge of Odd Fellows, will be held to-morrow.

Pioneer Woman of Siskiyou Is Dead

YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), September 10 - Mrs. Maria Theresa HIRST, one of the very first white women to come to Siskiyou County, died here yesterday at the home of the late Dr. D. REAM. Mrs. REAM is her daughter. Mrs. HIRST was aged 73 years 3 months and 7 days. She was born in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, and came to Siskiyou County when she was a young woman. She was the mother of Mrs. D. REAM and Mrs. RANKIN, wife of County Clerk RANKIN. A son, Lieutenant HIRST, is stationed in the Philippines. The funeral will be held at 3:30 this afternoon, under the direction of Stella Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, interment being made in the Masonic Cemetery.

Cut Trousers to Rob Sleeping Man

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), September 10 - Two men attempted to rob August HOLLER as he was sitting in a chair asleep in front of the Sieber Hotel in this city about midnight Saturday night. They slashed HOLLER’s trousers pockets in which he had about $15, but he awakened and frightened them before they secured the money. Officer TOBIAS arrested two men later, and one of them was identified by HOLLER as one of the two who attempted to rob him. They were both locked up.

Miner’s Long Fall

WEAVERVILLE (Trinity Co.), September 10 - Bud SMITH, a miner employed in the Bullychoop, fell twenty-five feet down a manway in the mine on e day last week, alighting on two pieces of lagging that lay across a shaft 100 feet deep. Had the lagging broken, he would have fallen to his doom. As it was, the twenty-five-foot fall caused him to break a leg and dislocate an ankle.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Tuesday, September 11, 1906

Page 6


Engineer Mallory, Who Disappeared While On Business Trip, Now Accused By His Partner OROVILLE (Butte Co.), September 11 - The mysterious disappearance of James S. MALLORY, a mining engineer, an account of which was published in The Bee a few weeks ago, has at last been cleared up by the alleged discovery that he is an embezzler in the sum of about $1000.

At the time of his disappearance, John SCHREINER, of this city, had sent him to Portland to purchase machinery for a mine in Yuba County, in which they were mutually interested. SCHREINER received a telegram from him stating that he had purchased the machinery and was on his way home, but would stop off at Keswick to inspect some mining property for San Francisco parties.

This was the last heard from him. SCHREINER became so worried he went to Keswick in search of him. No trace of him could be found, and he continued on to Portland, where the mystery was explained.

SCHREINER had been sent the address of a Mr. GARDNER as the man from whom MALLORY purchased the machinery. On arriving in Portland he found that GARDNER was a mythical personage, that MALLORY had not visited Portland, and had purchased no machinery.

SCHREINER had been induced to send MALLORY to Portland through letters which MALLORY had evidently mailed to himself in that city. They purported to come from a Mr. GARDNER, and described in detail machinery and prices.  As soon as the plot was disclosed SCHREINER placed himself in communication with the Federal authorities, who are hot on MALLORY’s trail with a warrant for his arrest on a charge of using the United States mail for fraudulent purposes.

MALLORY comes from San Francisco, where he has a wife and child, but they have not seen him for the past ten months.

Is Onion Cooking in Public a Nuisance?

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), September 11 - At a brief meeting of the Board of Trustees last evening, City Clerk MITCHELL submitted the following totals of the assessment roll:

In city of Oroville - Real estate, $366,260; improvements, $565,750; personal property, $350,585; total, $1,266,813; mortgages in city, $117,786.  Outside of city assessed for school purposes - Real estate, $391,170; improvements, $20.240; personal property, $440,765; total, $852,175; mortgages in school district, $2250. Total for city and school district, $2,088.988.

E.J. MITCHELL called the attention of the Board to the fact that a new lunch wagon was cooking onions on the street to the annoyance and the detriment of his customers and business, and the question arose as to whether cooking onions constituted a nuisance.

The owners of the wagon will be requested by the Board to desist from cooking onions during the early hours of the evening.

Takes Stolen Watch to the Wrong Place

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), September 11 - A man giving the name of Thomas F.  SITH, a stranger here, after robbing a farm hand named P. MAGNER of his watch, took the timepiece to ENGEL’s jewelry store, where it had been recently purchased by MAGNER, to inquire its value. When SMITH showed the watch at ENGEL’s, the clerk, having been previously apprised of the theft and recognizing the watch as the one sold to MAGNER, stepped to the rear of the store to notify the police officers by phone, whereupon, SMITH, becoming suspicious, hastily left the store, leaving the watch behind him. He was later arrested by Marshal MABEN and charged with robbery.


Ingot Boarding House and Contents Go Up In Smoke and Railroad Trestle Is Badly Damaged REDDING (Shasta Co.), September 11 - Fire at Ingot at 1 o’clock Sunday morning destroyed the two-story boarding house of W.G. KUNEY, in which it originated, badly damaged a railroad trestle near by, and seriously injured five men before it was subdued. The property damage is $5000, partly covered by insurance.

When the fire was discovered the two-story frame boarding house was a mass of flames. L. TILLOTSON, roused from his bed in the upper story, found escape by the stairs impossible and he had to jump from the porch to the ground, a distance of 15 feet. He struck upon his face and was badly injured, though not seriously. Nothing at all was saved from the boarding house. Mrs. KUNEY was rescued at considerable peril.  The flames spread from the boarding house to the high trestle of the railroad connecting the Afterthought Mine and the smelter. General Managed BRETHERTON led a crew of men from the smelter to try to save the trestle.  They saved the structure, but in doing so General Manager BRETHERTON and three of his men were badly burned about the hands. A cabin occupied by John BOWDEN, an old-timer, was also destroyed, together with all his worldly effects, including $20 in gold.

The fire is supposed to have originated from a miner’s candlestick stuck into the wall when its owner returned from work on the 11 o’clock shift.

Love’s Work in Yuba as Expert

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), September 11 - An item in last night’s Bee telling of the death of H.H. LOVE incorrectly stated that “he worked as a book expert and gained some notoriety by exposing the office of the District Attorney of Marysville some six years ago.” The incorrect statement is contained in that portion of the item referring to the District Attorney’s office, then occupied by E.P. McDANIEL, who is the incumbent of the office of Superior Judge.

The facts are that Mr. LOVE’s report in no wise reflected upon the District Attorney’s office. It did criticise some other county officers, especially the members of the Board of Supervisors.

LOVE’s notoriety in connection with the matter arose from the fact that he himself was criticised for filing an alleged false claim against the County of Yuba for services rendered in preparing his report. He testified under oath before the Supervisors when his claim was being considered by them that it was for work done and preformed by him at the Court House and the Hall of Records and nowhere else. Upon his trial he testified that some of the work was performed by him at Sacramento and at his home in Palermo, and he was acquitted of the charge of filing a false report.

Wedding Follows School Romance

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), September 11 - G. Elmer REYNOLDS and Miss Dora B. ROSSI, a prominent young couple of this city, were married yesterday at the parochial residence of St. Mary’s Church, by the Rev. Father CONCANNON.  Miss Stella REYNOLDS, sister of the bridegroom, was the bridesmaid, and Louis J. ROSSI, brother of the bride, was the best man.  The wedding was the culmination of a courtship commenced in the Stockton High School, of which both parties are graduates, Mr. REYNOLDS graduating in ?02 and his bride in ?03. The bridegroom is a newspaper writer, having worked four years on the Stockton Record. He and his bride are well known among the young social set of this city and have many friends who wish them happiness. Mr. REYNOLDS is a Native Son and an active member of the Stockton Anteros Club. They are spending their honeymoon at Santa Cruz and coast points.


Trinity Coroner Travels 210 Miles, Through Four Counties, By Train, Stage and Pack Train WEAVERVILLE (Trinity Co.), September 11 - Coroner D.E. RYAN traveled 210 miles from the county seat in order to reach a human skeleton found last July in the Yola Bola Mountains and hold an inquest thereon.  The mountains are inaccessible from the Trinity County side because there are neither roads nor trails. He had to go to Redding by stage, to Corning by train, to Paskenta by stage and thence sixty-five miles by pack train to the skeleton, which was hanging by a canvas string to the forks of a tree that stood in Trinity County, half a mile from the Tehama County line and a mile from the Mendocino County boundary. He traveled through Shasta and Tehama Counties, and even cut across a corner of Mendocino County in order to reach his subject. Coroner RYAN returned to Weaverville last evening, having been gone nine days. He wasted no time and traveled 420 miles, he estimates, and felt like he had traveled a thousand.

The skeleton was found sixty-five miles from the nearest habitation, at Paskenta, Tehama County. Coroner RYAN impaneled a jury of six, composed of men he picked up at Paskenta and sheep men gathered up on the way.  The inquest determined little of much value. It was established that the skeleton was that of an unknown foreigner who was seen traveling on the trail early last November, the identification being made by the clothes found under the tree. His name was unknown. He committed suicide early in November. His clothes were found in June on top of the unmelted snow. His roll of blankets was beneath the snow. The find of the skeleton was not made known to Coroner RYAN until late in July, owing to the fact that it took a month to determine which county it belonged to.

Hear of Son’s Death at Father’s Funeral

DUNSMUIR (Siskiyou Co.). September 11 - A singular coincidence develops in the case of the death of W. Gus FINKEY, boilermaker employed in the Southern Pacific roundhouse at this place. He was crushed to death last Friday. He was in the cab of a locomotive standing at the entrance of a stall. The space was very narrow, only eight inches being allowed for the passage of a locomotive into the next stall. FINKEY was sitting with his legs dangling from the cab, when an engineer started to move the locomotive in the adjoining stall. He called to FINKEY to look out, but he did not hear or did not pay heed, and was crushed to death.

A telegram was sent to his father in Little Rock, Arkansas. The answer came that the father had died two days before and the funeral was in progress when the telegram was received from this place.  FINKEY was aged 26 and had worked in the shops here for six weeks. A brother is employed in the shops at Rocklin.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Wednesday, September 12, 1906

Page 7

Dr. C.A. Ruggles Called by Death

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), September 12 - Dr. C.A. RUGGLES, one of the best known medical experts of the State and a resident of Stockton for thirty-seven years, died yesterday afternoon from heart trouble. He was a member of the State Board of Health for fifteen years and was a recognized authority on disease that called for official study, such as leprosy, consumption and smallpox. He served for four consecutive years as President of the State Board of Health, and while Vice-President of the National Conference of State Boards was selected to make a special report on leprosy, to do which he visited Molokai in the Hawaiian Islands, and he represented the National body in the Pan-American Conference held in the City of Mexico.  He was 77 years of age and had been a Mason fifty years. He leaves three sons - C.L. RUGGLES, one of the proprietors of the Stockton Independent, J.E. RUGGLES of Biggs and W.R. RUGGLES of Stockton.

Crushed Beneath Big Load of Hay

NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), September 12 - Pinned beneath a load of baled hay, crushed and battered, Lon PAINE was finally rescued from certain death. He may recover, but fears are felt that he will not.

PAINE, an experienced teamster, left this city yesterday with a load of hay for Washington. As he drove across the bridge at White Cloud Hill the entire outfit went over into the ravine. The driver was caught beneath his load and horribly crushed. The accident happened at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Another teamster named LEWIS, who was coming along behind, found the wreck and immediately went to work to release PAINE from his position.  With infinite labor he managed to free him from the mass, after which he summoned help from the Central House, two miles distant, and had the unconscious man removed to that place.

An examination disclosed the fact that PAYNE had suffered terrible injuries. One leg was broken in two places, besides an arm and his nose, while his head was badly crushed.

Took Strychnine

NAPA (Napa Co.), September 12 - Henry DORFLER, a peddler who has been living a few miles from Oat Hill for the past three years, ended his life either Saturday night or Sunday morning by taking strychnine. He was last seen by F.N. OBERSDORF, a resident of Oat Hill, Saturday evening, and at that time was in a very troubled frame of mind, but gave no reasons for his worry.  OBERSDORF called at the residence of DORFLER about 8 o’clock Sunday morning and found the dead body, fully dressed. OBERSDORF notified Coroner KYSER, who went up there in the afternoon and held an inquest, and Monday the remains were taken to Calistoga and buried. He was 48 years of age and a native of Germany.

Took Grips by Mistake

NAPA (Napa Co.), September 12 - T. SULLIVAN, the catcher of the Gantner & Mattern baseball team, which played on the East Napa grounds last Sunday afternoon, was arrested that evening in Vallejo on a warrant from this city charging him with the theft of two valises belonging to a guest of the Palace Hotel. SULLIVAN was brought back to Napa, but was later released as he showed conclusively that he had picked up the grips by mistake. A warrant has also been issued for Joseph SOLARI, the managed of the same team, for defrauding Mr. ZELLER, out of the price of seventeen meals, which he agreed to pay for. SOLARI has not been apprehended as yet.

Tannery Fire

BENICIA (Solano Co.), September 12 - Fire was discovered in McKAY’s tannery this morning at about 4 o’clock, and in a few minutes the shed where the tanning liquor is stored was a seething furnace.

The Fire Department responded promptly to the call and had hard work to confine the fire, but succeeded in doing so. The curing shop was in the adjoining building, and had the flames reached it the entire plant would have been consumed, as the latter building is saturated with grease. A telephone message was sent to the Benicia Arsenal and the fire engine from there was sent. It rendered valuable assistance. The loss is estimated at $10,000.

Cut to Pieces by Knives of Machine

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), September 12 - Peter ROSCALLI, an employe of the Stockton Woolen Mills, met a terrible death yesterday afternoon, by falling into the wool cleaner, which killed him instantly. He was a skilled workman and when something went wrong with a pipe over the machine he went overhead without stopping the cutter and missed his footing. Falling, he misplaced the covering of the machine and went into the fast-revolving knives, which are several inches long, and one side of his body was cut into pieces. His body was too large to go through the machine and lodged in the cutters. He was about 26 years of age and a single man. This is the first fatal accident that has occurred in the Stockton Woolen Mills.

Russell Left Money For the University

RENO (Nev.), September 12 - David RUSSELL, the pioneer ranchman of Sierra Valley, Cal., who was killed last Saturday by being thrown from a load of hay near his home, left a large share of his estate to the Nevada State University. After his debts are paid and several bequests to relatives are distributed, the remainder of his property, amounting to about $15,000 or $20,000, will be placed in the hands of a trustee for investment. Each year $100 of the interest is to be paid to St. Mary’s Catholic School in Reno and the remainder is to be paid into the treasury of the Nevada State University. The gift of the University will amount to about $800 a year.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Thursday, September 13, 1906

Page 7


Shocking Discovery Made In Outhouse At South Vallejo, Where Stranger Ended Life By Strangulation VALLEJO (Solano Co.) September 13 - Early this morning John MORTON, while patrolling the beach south of the Starr Mills, in South Vallejo, discovered in an outhouse the body of a young man who had hanged himself.  The body was very well dressed and was that of a man about 35 years old with a sandy mustache and hair; five feet seven inches high. In the pockets were a purse with $12 in coin, a gold watch and several letters, two being addressed to A. KELLING, Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, and one with the name T. BARD.

The man had tied a cloth around his neck, fastened it to a beam five feet high, knelt down and strangled to death.

The suicide has been identified as Frank A. BURT by a bank book of the First National Bank, showing a credit of $285, which was found on his remains. His address was given as “Care Lighthouse Engineer Department, 1392 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco.”

Wine Grapes Sold

LODI (San Joaquin Co.), September 13 - J.E. CURRY yesterday sold to West & Son the crops of wine grapes from a three-year-old 80-acre vineyard and a five-year-old 25-acre vineyard for $2500. The yield Mr. CURRY estimated at 175 tons, which gives an average $20 per ton. The price is considered good for a yield on vines of that age.

Edward HUTCHINS and John H. WOODS also disposed of their crops under lump sale conditions, that will bring them, they think, an average of $20 per ton.

All these lump sales, the outside buyers say, are made under cover by West & Son.

One of the outside buyers yesterday paid $22.50 a ton for fifteen tons of Petit Boncha.

Freeman Sells

ROSEVILLE (Placer Co.), September 13 - Y.G. FREEMAN, who established the Roseville Register last March, and who disposed of a one-half interest to C.W. ANDERSON on July 1st, has sold the remaining one-half interest to A.J.  WILSON, of Oakland, the new management taking charge immediately. The Register was the pioneer enterprise for Roseville under the new conditions caused by the Southern Pacific’s extensive improvements of this place. Mr.  WILSON, while not having practical experience in newspaper work, has the reputation of being a thorough young business man, and he, with his partner, Mr. ANDERSON, are meeting with popular favor. Mr. FREEMAN has opened up a real estate and insurance business and will continue to reside in Roseville.

Western Nevada State News

Tell Deserted Wife They’ll Not Return

RENO (Nev.), September 13 - Being infatuated with Miss Sadie BRANTON, the attractive young daughter of Deputy Sheriff BRANTON, Edward CHRISTIE, a tailor of this city, last Monday night deserted his beautiful young wife and went to Hazen, where he was joined by the girl he loves, Miss BRANTON.  CHRISTIE and Miss BRANTON are in Hazen at the present time and have telephoned to the wife that they intend to remain there, despite her objections. The wife if without money and without a husband, and has an aged mother to support, but she declares that she will not give her husband a divorce and has appealed to Deputy Sheriff BRANTON for justice.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Saturday Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

September 15, 1906

Page 6


Record of Marriages Shown By Clerk’s Records, and Court Divorce Decrees Tell the Other Side REDDING (Shasta Co.), September 15 - The only marriage license issued this week went to Fred N. D. COWAN, aged 30, of Redding, and Bertha C. MURPHY, aged 28, of Everett, Wash.

Three divorce suits were begun, the plaintiffs in each case being the wife. Mathilde LE FEBORE wants a separation from D. LE FEBORE, Mary E.  BENJAMIN from Mortimer J. BENJAMIN, and Elizabeth GARRISON from Simon T. GARRISON.

The engagement of Byron G. EATON and Miss Alice AWBREY is announced. They will be married in this city on Sunday, September 30th. Mr. EATON is a son of Mr. and Mrs. K.P. EATON, of Redding. Miss AWBREY is a daughter of W.S.  AWBREY, of Anderson. Both young people are socially prominent.



SUSANVILLE, September 15 - The following marriage licenses were issued this week: Hans LORENSON, age 38, and Lizzie HENRIX, age 36, both of Standish, Cal.; John Francis RAMSEY, age 20, and Grace Lola DE FOREST, age 18, both of Susanville; Harry Battelle PEARCE, age 17, and Kate O’DITTO, age 17, both of Susanville; Charles Marton ROBERTS, age 28, of Milford, and Alta Catharine KELLER, age 18, of Janesville, Cal.


JANESVILLE (Lassen Co.), September 15 - Miss Alta C. KELLER, of this place, was married to Charles M. ROBERTS, of Milford, at Susanville, Wednesday, September 12th, by Rev. E.J. BRADNER. They will make their home on a ranch near Milford.


YREKA, September 15 - Marriage licenses were issued during the week as follows: James A. KING, age 30, of McCloud, to Lelah BOSSELT, age 27, of McCloud; Asa E. BOTTOMS, age 44, of Quartz Valley, and Alma L. SMITH, age 25, of Quartz Valley.


MARYSVILLE, September 15 - Two marriage licenses issued and two weddings mark the record here this week, as follows: William BLUE and Miss Laura V.  MILLS, both of this city; Lavu Peter BREEDAN, of Chico, and Miss Irene SMITH, of this city.


WOODLAND, September 15 - The following marriage license was issued the past week: George A. PARKER and Lucy M. HERRING, both of Sacramento.


OROVILLE, September 15 -The following marriage licenses were issued during the past week by the County Clerk: Joseph B. TYLER, aged 24, Chico, and Miss Lulu A BURDICK, aged 20, of Durham; Robert Wellington DURHAM, aged 31, of Durham, and Edna Tilotson REYNOLDS, aged 18, of Chico; Henry M. PATTON, aged 21, of Reno, and Dora A. TYLER, aged 19, of San Francisco; Wm. E. GORDON, aged 30, of Colorado, and Eleanor B. MILLER, aged 24, of Orange County; John HARVEY, aged 24, of Oroville, and Dolly Foster SKIDMORE, aged 18, of Bangor.  The marriage of Miss Tina EISNER, of this city, is announced for the 18th of this month, to Paul DeBLOUM, of San Francisco.  Mrs. Susie FOGG, of this city, has brought suit to secure a divorce from Thos. FOGG, on the ground of desertion. The two were married here December 30, 1903, and a month after the wedding FOGG deserted his bride.


AUBURN, September 15 - Marriage certificates issued this week were: Thomas F. MURRAY, 33, San Francisco and Dora TOLAND, 35, Sacramento; Francis S.  ALVIARNOS, 26, and Anna A. SILVERIA, both of Newcastle.


PLACERVILLE, September 15 - Mrs. Edna PERRY, of this city, and Richard BUMGARDNER, of El Dorado, were married in Diamond Springs on Thursday evening. Mr. BUMGARDNER is fireman on the Caldor lumber train and the bride until just recently worked as waitress at the Cary Hotel.

Two Vallejo Young Women Will Marry

VALLEJO (Solano Co.), September 15 - Two weddings of interest to the people of this section are soon to be celebrated. Next Monday, Miss Mabel HOLZHAUER, a popular young woman of this city, will become the bride of I.A.  POWELL, a prominent citizen of Antioch and one of the head employes of the Antioch Brick Company. The wedding will be solemnized in the Contra Costa town next Monday and will be followed by a tour of Southern California. The young people will make their future home in Antioch.  Mr. and Mrs. Philip STEFFAN have just announced the engagement of their daughter, Lily, to Lowell ANNETTE, one of the leading employes of the Dixon Milling Company at Dixon. The wedding will take place about the middle of next month. The bride’s family is one of the wealthiest and most prominent in this city. She is noted as a musician and a charitable worker and has many friends. The groom was raised in Lake County, coming of a well-known family, but has resided in this city for several years, being formerly connected with the McNear mills.

Shooting of Koff Justified by Jury

SUSANVILLE (Lassen Co.), September 15 - Details of the fatal shooting scrape which occurred at Hayden Hill last Sunday, when Constable Walter HYGETT shot and instantly killed Herman KOFF, have been received. It seems that KOFF came to Hayden Hill about a month or six weeks ago, and was given a job in the cook-house. He was of an ugly disposition especially when drunk, and at such times was apt to cause trouble.

Sunday he visited the saloon, filled up on liquor, and during the day met Will SNYDER. Drawing a revolver he flourished the weapon and commanded SNYDER to dance. He discharged the pistol and shot SNYDER in the foot, causing a flesh wound. About 4 o’clock Constable Walter HYGETT was sent for.  Upon his arrival he told KOFF he was under arrest. The latter, who was hiding behind an obstruction, arose armed, and the officer fired twice, piercing KOFF’s heart. The latter died instantly.

Coroner PERRY and Sheriff WILSON, of this place, were notified and left at once for the scene of the tragedy. The inquest was held and the Constable was exonerated. It is the opinion that KOFF was a dangerous man and probably would have done more and worse damage if he had not been killed.


Presumption Is That Man Fell Or Was Thrown From Train Striking Against Barbed Wire Fence DUNSMUIR (Siskiyou Co.), September 15 - The badly decomposed body of a gray headed man aged about 60 was found yesterday afternoon by Constable BROWN alongside the railroad half a mile north of Castle Crag and over the line in Shasta County. The body was ten feet from the track, lying face downward and against the barbed wire fence that skirts the right of way close to the railroad.

The man had been dead for six of seven days, Constable BROWN thinks, judging by the advanced state of decomposition. He can not understand why the body was not discovered sooner by some one of the many who daily pass up and down the railroad afoot.

The officer thinks the unknown came to his death either by being struck by a locomotive or by being thrown from a train, for the cuts and bruises about the head indicate that he had been hurled against the barbed wire fence with great force. Furthermore, the position in which the body lay showed that he had not died a natural death.

Nothing on the person was found that would lead to an identification of the remains.  The man was dressed in the garb of a laborer. He was stout of build, heavy set, gray headed and bald.

Constable BROWN placed a section man on guard over the body and wired Coroner BASSETT at Redding to come and hold an inquest.  Coroner BASSETT answered that he would come up on this morning’s Shasta Express and make a thorough investigation.


The Saturday Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

September 15, 1906

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State’s Attorney Files Many Affidavits and Argues Strenuously Against Show of Clemency As told in The Bee last night, the prosecution in the case of Adolph WEBER, the Auburn murderer, has the affidavit of F. Fred BAHN, an electrician, made in February, 1905, in which he deposes that he accompanied WEBER to the pawnshop of Henry CARR in San Francisco, and saw him purchase a pistol and brass knuckles. The pistol was afterward identified by CARR as the one sold at that time, and is the one with which WEBER killed the members of his family.

This affidavit was filed with Governor PARDEE late yesterday afternoon, and is one of the sensational features connected with the opposition to the efforts the defense is making to have WEBER’s sentence commuted to life imprisonment.

Several other affidavits were filed with the Governor yesterday to offset those recently filed by the defense. These were by District Attorney K.P.  ROBINSON, Detective Charles H. REIMER and R.G. EVENDEN, Deputy Surveyor of Placer County, and related principally to a refutation of the statement contained in the affidavit of Mrs. M.M. MURPHY, an aged resident of Auburn.  Mrs. MURPHY deposed that on the night of the WEBER murders she heard screams in the WEBER home. She was then on her back porch, and went into the house and called to her husband, who was winding a clock. The clock showed it was 7:10 p.m., but the next morning, when the school bell rang, it was shown that the clock was twenty minutes fast. This would make the time at which Mrs. MURPHY claimed to have heard the screams 6:50 p.m., and it was proved at the trial that WEBER was in the downtown district of Auburn at this time. The chances for an alibi were thus presented.  In her affidavit, Mrs. MURPHY made much of the fact that she had communicated her statements to District Attorney ROBINSON and others for the prosecution, but they did not call her as a witness. She deposed that she was not called for the defense.

In the affidavits filed with the Governor yesterday it is set forth that Mrs. MURPHY is very old, and that she was very indefinite in her statements, and that her testimony could not be used. It is also declared in the affidavits that Mrs. MURPHY conferred with F.P. TUTTLE, WEBER’s counsel, to whom she told everything she had told the prosecution.  In one of REIMER’s affidavit he denies emphatically that he sought to have Mrs. MURPHY fix an earlier hour as the time she heard the screams emanating from the WEBER home.

Attorney-General WEBB and District Attorney ROBINSON completed their arguments before Governor PARDEE and rested their opposition to showing clemency.

The reprieve granted WEBER will expire September 27th. Governor PARDEE has given no intimation of his course, and will not in advance of official action.

Social News of Local Interest

Mrs. G.M. DIXON, who has been spending the Summer at Burke, has been the guest of Mrs. William M. SIDDONS since Friday.

Mrs. A. POSNER and family and Miss Emma KUENY have returned from an outing at Lake Tahoe.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. BREUNER have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas GREAVES in Mill Valley.

Mrs. Phillip HERZOG has concluded her visit with friends in the city and returned to her home in San Francisco.

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. DAVIES, of Florin, announce the engagement of their daughter, Annie May, to Frank R. McKENZIE, of Sacramento. Both of these young people are well known and have a wide circle of friends. Miss DAVIES, in addition to being a very attractive young lady, is likewise an accomplished musician. The groom to be is a successful young business man and a prominent member of Sacramento Lodge of Elks. The wedding will take place some time in November.

A very quiet wedding took place in this city on Tuesday last, at noon, when Adolph A. KLOSS and Ora C. BECKLEY, both of Franklin, were married at the German Lutheran parsonage. Rev. C.F. OEHLER performed the ceremony, which was witnessed by the attendants of the bridal couple only, Gustave KLOSS and Emma KLOSS, the brother and sister of the groom. The newly married couple are at present visiting in Oakland and other cities along the coast.

Mr. and Mrs. C.H. CAMBRIDGE and sons, Alton and Victor, formerly of Sonora, Tuolumne County, have moved to Sacramento and re residing at 3030 J Street.

Miss Etta ELLIOTT has gone on a visit to Southern California. She is to make a considerable stay at Los Angeles.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




© Copyright 2003-Present by Nancy Pratt Melton


Sacramento County