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County's News 1906
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County's News 1906i
County's News 1906j
County's News 1906k





The Evening Bee Sacramento, Cal.

Friday, November 2, 1906

Page 6


J. Laity and Family Sent Into Creek, Wife Being Killed, Husband Injured and

Children Swept Away

LOYALTON (Sierra Co.), November 2 - Mrs. J. LAITY, formerly of Sacramento, was drowned last night, her husband injured and children swept down a creek and bruised before rescued from the water, as a result of the breaking of a bridge they were crossing in a vehicle.

Full details of the fatal accident have not yet reached here. It occurred near the Lewis Mills early last night. As the heavily loaded rig passed on to a bridge  the structure gave way, precipitating the LAITY family into the cold water.

Mrs. LAITY was drowned. Her husband?s leg was broken in the fall, thus preventing him from going to the rescue of his children, who were swept on down the stream by the swift flowing current. Fortunately they were rescued, and it is thought no serious result will follow as far as they are concerned.

LAITY was formerly a Southern Pacific engineer, and is well known in Sacramento and along the road.


Became Widely Known As The Guardian Of Adolph Weber Before the Prisoner

Attained His Majority.

AUBURN (Placer Co.), November 2 - City Trustee John ADAMS died in this city yesterday at noon, after an illness of several months.  The deceased was prominent in the political affairs of the county for many years past, having served as County Recorder and Auditor and also as Assessor. He was a Trustee of this city for several terms and was also a deputy in the County Treasurer?s office as the time of his death.  Mr. ADAMS was the guardian and agent of Adolph WEBER during that noted criminal?s imprisonment and trial here and conducted the financial affairs fot eh WEBER estate during the progress of their settlement in the Probate Court.

His health was in poor condition during the latter part of his administration of the WEBER affairs and steadily failed to the end.  He was a veteran of the Civil War. His early years in this county were spent in fruit raising, and he died owning an orchard between this place and Newcastle.

The funeral will be held from his home here to-morrow. His wife and several grandchildren survive him.

Boy Says Playmate Shot Him Purposely

SUISUN (Solano Co.), November 2 - Mose BROOKS, a boy who lives with his

parents near Rockville, was shot and seriously wounded Tuesday evening by a

boy named FROST. Just how the shooting occurred has not been learned, other

than that the BROOKS boy says young FROST aimed to shoot him, and FROST says

it was an accident.

The shooting  was done with a 22 rifle. The bullet entered the right shoulder near the shoulder blade, passed through just below the bones in the shoulder and lodged in the muscles in front. Dr. S.G. BRANSFORD cut the missile out and dressed the wound. If blood poisoning does not set in the lad will  quickly recover.

Two Jail Breakers Still at Liberty

SUISUN (Solano Co.), November 2 - Only two of the five prisoners who broke

jail at Fairfield  two weeks ago are now at liberty. They are Arthur WISE and George W. HULL. They were the ringleaders.  As told in The Bee, William SCHULTZ gave himself up at Denverton, and following that George H. DAVIS and H.T. DUNN were captured in the valley.

Major Peters Out

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), November 2 - Major J.D. PETERS was downtown

Wednesday afternoon for the first time in three months, or since his fall from the buggy, in which accident his hip was badly injured. The Major looked wonderfully spry after such an (not legible) ordeal. It will be only a few days until the veteran grain merchant is well and hearty as ever.

Wed at the Bay

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), November 2 - Miss Mary BULLOCK, a former Woodland girl,

and J.W. DeMERRITT were married yesterday in Trinity Church, San Francisco.

The bride is a sister of Mrs. C.F. THOMAS, of this city.


Passenger Crushed To Death In Accident Near Kenny, And Driver Is Said To

Have Been Intoxicated

EUREKA (Humboldt Co.), November 2 - The overland stage, running from Moody to Westport, went over the grade early Sunday evening, with the result that Harry HOLLENBER, one of the passengers, sustained injuries from which he died two hours later. News of the fatal accident has just reached here.  According to the account sent, the stage left Kenny Sunday afternoon at 3 o?clock, and was due at John Ninas?, about a mile this side of Ural, at 6 o?clock. Not arriving at the scheduled hour, NINAS telephoned to Kenny and found that the stage had left there on time. He immediately suspected that something had gone amiss and started up the road, finding the overturned vehicle about a mile distant from his place.

HOLLENBER had been crushed beneath the stage when it went over the embankment and seeing that he was in a critical condition, he was moved to NINAS? place, where he succumbed to his injuries. The deceased was a resident of Westport, where he had lived about thirty years, and was returning home when the accident happened. He was about 60 years of age.  The driver of the stage, Henry HARPER, it is claimed, was intoxicated. He was injured, but not seriously and the horses and stage escaped with but little damage.

Explodes in Water

NORTH BLOOMFIELD (Nevada Co.), November 2 - H. WATSON, of this place, who is

working in the Gold Bank tunnel near Graniteville, had a narrow escape from

being blown to atoms by dynamite at the tunnel Wednesday. WATSON was engaged

in thawing out twenty sticks of the explosive, and had placed part of it in a coal oil can partly full of hot water. After placing the powder in the can he went to the water jug about twenty-five feet away to get a drink. Just as he stooped to pick up the jug the explosion occurred, hurling him to the ground, and caving the tunnel in. Mr. WATSON says he has used powder for a long time, but never has seen it act that way before.

William Rowe Dead

GASTON (Nevada Co.), November 2 - At 5 o?clock Wednesday morning at the

Gaston Mine occurred the death of William ROWE. The deceased for a few weeks had a bad cold, which turned into pneumonia a few days ago. He was a native of Grass Valley, and was aged about 45 years. To mourn his loss he leaves several relatives in Grass Valley.


Boy Has Narrow Escape From Being Crushed To Death On Humboldt Road But Quick

Action Saves Him

CHICO (Butte Co.), November 2 - The 13-year-old son of D.M. GILBERT, a resident on the Humboldt road, twenty miles from Chico, had a miraculous escape from instant death beneath the wheels of a heavily laden freight wagon. He still lives to tell the story.

GILBERT and his son were loitering along the mountain road when the lad jumped onto the ?back-action,? of rear wagon of two, loaded with shakes. In some manner he fell beneath the front wheel of the wagon, which passed over his head, terribly cutting and lacerating it. Before the second wheel could pass over him he rolled out of the way.

His father ran to the scene on hearing the screams of the lad, expecting to find him either dead or badly mangled. On reaching him he found the boy?s head bleeding profusely, but otherwise he was uninjured. He was quickly brought to this city and given medical attendance.  This is the second accident of this nature that has occurred in Chico and vicinity during the last several weeks. A short time ago William GRANT was run over in the streets of Chico by a wagon heavily laden with prunes and is now rapidly recovering. Both escapes are considered miraculous.

Went Gunning For a Restaurant Man

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 2 - John A. FOLEY, a stranger here,

enlivened matters last night when he went gunning for a cook in a Greek restaurant, with whom he previously had had trouble, and was bested.  FOLEY ordered a sandwich, and when he had eaten it, produced a nickel as pay. This enraged the Greek, who came from behind the counter and kicked FOLEY into unconsciousness.

The Greek was arrested, but when FOLEY refused to swear to a complaint against him he was released.

Later, however, when FOLEY pondered over the affair, he sought his gun, and was making a descent on the restaurant man when Officer BURROUGHS intercepted him and placed him in jail.

An amusing part of the affair was that FOLEY wandered into the wrong saloon, while making the search for the Greek, and struck terror to the hearts of the owner and patrons with the flourish of his revolver.

Mrs. Peter Dillon Called by Death

CHICO (Butte Co.), November 2 - Mrs. Margaret DILLON, for thirty-four years

an old and respected resident of this city, died yesterday at her home at the corner of Fifth and Flume Streets at the age of 79 years, from the infirmities of old age. Deceased had been ill only three or four days.  Margaret DILLON was born in Limerick, Ireland, in 1827, and came to the United States while still a young woman. She settled in New York City. From New York she came to San Francisco, in 1870, by  way of Panama. In that city she was married to Peter DILLON, who survives her. In 1872 she came to Chico and had resided here continuously since. When she arrived in this city the present City Hall was in the course of instruction and later she aided in the building of the present Catholic Church, of which she was a lifelong and devout member. She was childless.

The funeral will be held from the Catholic Church to-morrow morning at 10 o?clock, Father GAULCO officiating.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Saturday Bee - Sacramento

November 3, 1906 


Forty Dropped Out Because Applicants Ahead of Them Secured Acreage They Wanted to File On.

REDDING (Shasta Co.), November 3

Two hundred and seventeen names of entrymen were on the Land Office list after the rush was over Thursday evening. Two hundred and fifty-seven land-seekers were given places in the line. The difference between the two numbers indicates that forty dropped out when they found that the land of their choice had been taken by some one nearer the head of the column. More than 217 filings were made, for some entrymen filed on a timber claim and homestead.

Thirty-nine entries of scrip were made before the close, the scrip being found to be in proper form The scripped land lies mostly in Siskiyou and Tehama counties, very little Shasta County land being taken in that manner.

More timber entries than homesteads were entered, there being forty-four of the latter and 182 of the former. In the case of the timber claimants subdivisions as small as forty acres were taken.

There is not much timber left in this part of the State outside of the Reserves. Many of the claims taken are not valuable for their commercial timber, farmers and stockmen taking up the timber areas to protect their ranges and to furnish firewood for domestic use. 


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 2 -

The erstwhile happy family circle at the home of John H. BOOTH, consisting of the youthful parents and two sets of twins, has a vacancy, death having claimed one of the youngest pair, which arrived five months ago. The mate to the one called, also a girl, is in feeble health. The mother of the little ones is also on the sick list.  


Day Catch Not Very Satisfactory, But Night Operations Give Much Better Results.

BAIRD (Shasta Co.), November 3 -

The crew of the United States Fishery at this place made the first seining of salmon yesterday afternoon; the first attempt to gather eggs from the Winter run. The fish are appearing in great numbers. It was expected that the heavy rain would rile the water and drive the trout farther upstream above the racks to the seining grounds.

The first catch yesterday was not very satisfactory as to numbers, but better returns were obtained last night. Two arc lights on the river bank illuminate the fishing ground so that the seining crew can see to work. Salmon are not so shrewd by electric light as they are by daylight. In the daytime many of them swim around the ends of the sein and avoid capture. Within a week, at the farthest, the season will be in full swing.

Thirty-two million eggs were taken here last season. Better returns are expected this season, for last Summer’s run was almost a failure because the high water of May and June took out the racks and permitted thousands of fish to escape downstream before spawning was over. 


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 3

Through a letter from Germany the Hebrew Benevolent Association of this city has been apprised (SIC) of the death of Isaac GLAZIER, an old member, who at one time was the leading cigar dealer of Marysville. In his will GLAZIER bequeathed to the relief society the sum of $500. GLAZIER was in business at the corner of Second and D streets for many years and was succeeded by M.A. MARCUSE, who still has the stand. 


NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), November 3 -

The first snow of the season is reported above this city. Yesterday morning a heavy fall was noted at Gaston and last night the “beautiful” was falling softly as far down as Blue Tent. A message was received from the Herkimer Mine in Sierra County that five inches fell there during the day. At Graniteville six inches were recorded.

In this section rain fell during the day and for and for a greater portion of the night. The air was very cold. Indications are good for a continuance of the storm.

That it will work good is attested by statements of Chicago Park Fruit growers, who are clearing land for trees and vines. They hope for a heavy rain, in which event the soil will loosen sufficiently to enable the manzanita and other brush to be pulled out by the roots by a pair of horses. This is the usual method employed in clearing land of this nature in the Park section. Later, when a dry spell sets in, the brush is burned. 


GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), November 3 -

A dispatch was received here yesterday afternoon from Goldfield, Nevada, stating that James McLACHLAN of this city is dying of pneumonia. His wife left Berkeley last evening, but it is feared she will arrive too late.

McLACHLAN recently staked out half a dozen claims at the new camp of Golden Arrow, where a rich strike was made a short time ago. Then he returned here and after transacting some business left again for the desert to take steps to work his property. On arriving at Goldfield he was stricken with pneumonia. He has resided here for years and is well known as a miner. 


TRUCKEE (Nevada Co.), November 3 -

The first snowstorm of the season took place yesterday afternoon, and all the mountain tops that can be seen from this place are white with snow. Samuel CUPPLES, Roadmaster for the Southern Pacific Company, reported that there was four inches of snow lying on the ground at the summit. The storm continued until midnight. Last year the first storm of the Fall season was on November 18th. It continued for three days, snowing and raining, the ground being covered with about a foot of snow. 


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 3 -

News has been received of the death of Mrs. Winifred CASEY, an old-time resident of this county and relict of the late Peter CASEY. The couple formerly resided in Rose Bar Township. Mrs. CASEY was a native of Ireland, aged 70 years. Two daughters, Mrs. Nels HOLT, of Chico, and Mrs. James McWILLIAMS, of this city - and four sons - John J. and P.H. CASEY, of Browns Valley; Wm. CASEY of Idaho, and F.H. CASEY, of Erie, this county - are the surviving relatives. 


LODI (San Joaquin Co.), November 3 -

A.A. RICE passed away yesterday shortly after 1 o’clock at his late residence on Pine Street. Mr. RICE, with his family, has resided here only a year, having been old residents of Cottonwood, Shasta County. He has been an invalid for the past ten years, a sufferer from heart trouble and other complications. He leaves a wife and son and daughter to mourn his loss. He was aged 74 years, 10 months and 27 days. The funeral was held this afternoon. 


BERKELEY, November 3 -

Professor E.J. WICKSON, Dean of the Agricultural College, announced to-day that the success of the joint meetings held in Berkeley last January by the California Teachers’ Association and the Farmers’ Institute department of the University is apparently to be duplicated when the same combination is made at Chico on November 14, 15 and 16 and in Fresno in December.

The California Teachers’ Association will hold its next convention at Fresno during Christmas week, and President VAN LIEW has arranged with Professor WICKSON for joint meetings of farmers and teachers in connection with that convention and programs will be announced in due time. The first assemblies of that kind will, however, be held in co-operation with the Northern California teachers’ Association, which will hold its convention at Chico on November 14, 15 and 16 under the leadership of President A.B. ANDERSON. The Farmers’ Institute will be held in co-operation with the section of nature studies and elementary agriculture. 


NANA (Napa Co.), November 3 -

A.B. CARSE presented a check for $15 to Constable George SECORD yesterday and asked him to cash it. In being refused, CARSE went around town for several hours and made frequent endeavors to pass the check on various merchants and saloon-keepers, all of whom had refused him. The check was drawn on the Bank of Calistoga, and SECORD being confident that a fictitious name was signed to it, telephoned to the bank of Calistoga and received a reply yesterday afternoon to the effect that there was no account in the bank to the name written on the check. CARSE was arrested. 


LODI (San Joaquin Co.), November 3 -

J.S. BURDGE, a carpenter in the employ of Contractor F.J. BEATY, was severely injured yesterday by falling from a building on which he was at work. It was while he was descending a ladder leading from the roof of the building that he became dizzy and fell, breaking his collar bone and injuring himself otherwise. Mr. BURDGE is a man of about 63 years, and his age will go somewhat against his recovering soon. 


MANTON (Tehama Co.), November 3 -

Roy DAVIS, who was hauling lumber along the road below here yesterday, was thrown to the ground by the breaking of an axle and suffered a number of severe injuries. He was unable to help himself and lay in the road five hours, until the stage came along. He was then picked up and brought here. He will recover. 


CHICO (Butte Co.), November 3 -

Benjamin FLETCHER, a logger employed by the Diamond Match Company near Stirling City, died here yesterday morning from Bright’s disease after an extended illness. He has no living relatives and little is known of his antecedents. 


COTTONWOOD (Shasta Co.), November 3 -

Orrin TIPTON, who lives about fourteen miles from here, was thrown from a horse yesterday afternoon. His skull was fractured, and he lay unconscious until 11 o’clock last night, when searchers found him. He was taken to Redding this morning and the doctors say he will recover. 


VALLEJO (Solano Co.), November 3 -

Rear Admiral LYON, Commandant of the Mare Island Navy Yard, denies the report that has obtained circulation that he is to be ordered East and will leave here in January. He expects to remain as Commandant.



Is Wanted At Santa Rosa to Answer Ugly Charge, and was a Fugitive From Justice When Caught.

SUISUN (Sonoma Co.), November 3 - The man captured here Thursday under the name of Edward GETTS, as told in The Bee, turns out to be Charles HARRINGTON, and in taking him in Constable DOWNING made no mistake. He is the man Sonoma officers wanted on a charge of rape.

HARRINGTON, it appears, gave Constable BOSWELL of Santa Rosa, the slip. When that officer placed him under arrest Wednesday night he asked permission to step into an adjoining room and change his coat. It was granted, and he never came back. He was searched for that night, but not found. The next morning it was learned he had boarded a train at Melitta, and then word was sent out to various towns, including Suisun. 

For some time past the man had been suspected of the crime, and was being watched, but no evidence could be obtained against him. His victim is said to be one of the little girls who attempted to run away to Caldwell, Idaho, on Tuesday, and who were brought back to Santa Rosa Wednesday evening. In the “sweating” process by Assistant District Attorney Rolfe L. THOMPSON, Chief of Police RUSHMORE and Officer I.N. LINDLEY, the girl is alleged to have admitted what the officers suspected. Harrington is a man of past thirty years of age, and his alleged victim is only 12 years of age.

For some time past the man has been taking both the little girls out riding and being familiar with them, according to their statements, and he even took them to adjacent cities late at night. The warrant for his arrest was sworn to before Justice A.J. ATCHINSON. 


SUSANVILLE (Lassen Co.), November 3 - In spite of the fact that seven out of the twenty-one precincts in Lassen County show a decrease in registration, the printed index in the Great Register for 1906 shows a gain of eighty-four over that of 1904. Susanville shows ten less than two years ago. The total for this year is 1190, and it is claimed by those who seem to know that many voters in Lassen County did not take the trouble to register this Fall, or this number would be materially increased. There are sixty-two new voters registered this year.  


STANDISH (Lassen Co.), November 3 - W.H.H. FULLER, of this place, died here Wednesday night of pneumonia and was taken to Susanville for burial Friday.

Nothing is known of his early life, except that he was a native of New York and served as a Union Soldier in the Civil War. He had lived in Honey Lake Valley the past fourteen years, and was a prominent member of the G.A.R., under whose auspices he was buried. 


Modoc and Lassen Feel That Their Big Neighbor Does Not Allow Them Fair Representation

SUSANVILLE (Lassen Co.), November 3 - N.A. CORNISH, of Alturas, candidate for Assemblyman of the Republican ticket, is about the only candidate in these parts who has other than a personal issue in the campaign. He has made a thorough canvas on the following issue:

This Assembly District is composed of Lassen, Modoc and Shasta Counties, and Shasta having more votes than the combined votes of Lassen and Modoc, has for years succeeded in controlling the situation. The Shastaites nominate alternately from either party and then vote without regard to party lines and elect their man. This year, Cornish points out, Shasta has nominated a Democrat and the people there, irrespective of party, are doing all they can to defeat Cornish in that county. It they succeed, Modoc and Lassen will be again deprived of representation in the Assembly.

Lassen and Modoc have practically identical interests but differ greatly from Shasta in those interests. Forbearance now ceases to be a virtue, and the time has come to call a halt, says CORNISH.

The plan is to pursue one of two courses to break Shasta’s monopoly on the office and secure a fair degree of representation for Modoc and Lassen. The first is to place Lassen and Modoc in a district by themselves, giving them an Assemblyman jointly, and making Shasta County an Assembly District by itself. This would prove the more satisfactory way, but may not be possible as it would increase the number of Assemblymen.

The second method is to have a law passed which would provide for a rotation of Assemblymen: that is, requiring an Assemblyman to be elected alternately from each county. The first say, from Lassen; two years later from Modoc, and two years later from Shasta County. The law would make only residents of Lassen eligible to office of Assemblyman the first election. Modoc County residents the second election, and Shasta County residents the third election. The office would continue to rotate in this order in the future. No legal barriers arise, and the plan would give equal representation to all three counties.

Mr. CORNISH promises if elected to do his utmost to put through a measure like one of these if possible and calls upon the Republicans and Democrats alike to help elect him. Probably, when the Shasta voters hear of his plan, it will not, to say the least, help CORNISH in that part of the district, but he hopes to unite the Republicans and Democrats in Lassen and Modoc Counties and succeed in being elected. The population is increasing so rapidly in Shasta that should the plan fail this Fall in all probability things will continue as they are for many years to come. 


CHICO (Butte Co.), November 3 - The engagement of Miss Isador KNIGHT to Burtis HAGEMAN, both of Stirling City has been announced. Both parties are well and favorably known. The bride-to-be is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene KNIGHT of Stirling City, and is a graduate of the Chico Normal School. She has successfully taught in the Stirling City Schools and is an accomplished young woman. Mr. HAGEMAN came to Stirling City about one year ago from New York and has charge of the drug department of the Stirling City Mercantile Company’s store at that place. 


ALTURAS (Modoc Co.), November 3 – Large quantifies of vegetables are being brought into Alturas this week by the Goose Lake farmers. Owing to the cold Winters in this section it is necessary for everyone to stock his Winter vegetables in underground cellars. For this reason after the cold weather sets in it is almost impossible to obtain these articles on the market, as it is dangerous to open up the cellars. Large numbers of apples are also appearing, although the predictions last Spring were that this fruit would be very scarce. 


REDDING (Shasta Co.), November 3 - Three marriage licenses were issued this week, the couples receiving them being: Clarence C. HARDWICK, 27, and Irene M. KRAMER, 17, both of Redding; Walter __AFFORD, 21, Whitmore, and Oreill MARCH, 18, Millville; O.R. VINCENT, 24, and Essie E. SMITH, 16, both of Coram.

Florendine L. GALLE has begun a suit to obtain divorce from Romanus GALLE.


OROVILLE, November 3 - Rather more than the usual number of marriage licenses were issued form the County Clerk’s office this week. They were as follows: Fred VEST aged 24, and Isabel BROWN, aged 22, both of Chico; William Chas. WOLFF, aged 22, and Minnie A. WICKMANN, aged 20, both of Gridley; Albert H. MILLER, aged 25, and May Alice MITCHELL, aged 20, both of Chico; George H. STREIPE, aged 25, and Katherine QUIGLEY, aged 23; D.G. GILLESPIE, aged 24, and Mamie A. ROSS, aged 20, both of Oroville; Howard R. BOYLE, aged 22, of Magalia, and Agnes GROVES, aged 20, of Pentz; Harry Scott LITTLE, aged 24, of Sheridan, and Mamie SANBORN, aged 22, of Oroville

An interlocutory decree of divorce was granted Eva M. GULICK from John GULICK and a suit for divorce was brought by Mrs. Lottie PERRY of Magalia, against A.A. PERRY.


WOODLAND, November 3 - The following marriage license was issued yesterday: William Webb McGOWAN, age 31, of Oakland, and Tillie A. ROGERS, age 22, of Davis.


MARYSVILLE, November 3 - Only one marriage license was issued in Yuba County this week, a Gridley couple saving a whitewash. The names of the happy couple are Joseph B. JOHNSON and Matilda M. MILLER.

Lester G. MOON and Miss Luella J. ADDINGTON have procured a license in Sutter County.

Frank WATERBURY and Mrs. Clara MEYERS, both of this city, were married in Napa at noon, to-day.


COLUSA, November 3 - The following marriage licenses have been issued for the week ending November 2d: Jas. H. BELL, native of California, aged 22, to Pearl SITES, native of California, aged 19, both residents of Sites; C.M. HARLAN, aged 23, native of California, to Lena J. MILLSAPS, native of California, aged 20, residents of Stonyford; Henry KRAFT, native of California, aged 34, to Mary E. SIMPSON, native of California, aged 30, both residents near Maxwell.

These are the first licenses to be issued in this county for sixty days.


GRASS VALLEY, November 3 - Only two marriages were ______ in this part of the county for the week just ending. Daniel BALDWIN gave his friends a surprise by quietly slipping away to Sacramento, where he met his affianced, Miss Louisa CLEA, who came from Omaha, Nebraska. They were married immediately. Mr. and Mrs. BALDWIN have returned to make this city their home. At Nevada City Mrs. Rebecca McLAUGHLIN became the bride of George ALPERS. The event was solemnized by Father CLYNE of St. Canice’s Catholic Church, They will reside at Willow Valley. 


MILFORD (Lassen Co.), November 3 - Tuesday night Roy HARWOOD and Howard DOYLE, boys about 15 or 14 years of age, believing Hallowe’en had arrived, visited the place owned by Charles BROCKMAN and while engaged in removing some wagons and buggies owned by him were fired upon by the owner of the property.

Both were injured, young HARWOOD, it was at first thought, critically, by the shot from the gun.

Mr. BROCKMAN fired to frighten the boys but miscalculated with the above result. 


Dry Pasturage in About Gone and Before Green Grass Appears Cattle and Sheep Will Suffer

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), November 3 - The scarcity of feed is causing the cattlemen of this county grave concern. The dry pasturage will last but a shot time, and the claim is made that before sufficient green grass appears havoc will have been played with the herds.  

Frank R. WILLIAMS, a prominent cattleman, yesterday stated that before next Spring many head of cattle would perish. Some of the big owners are now pasturing their stock in Sutter county, but will be driven out as soon as the Winter floods sweep over the tule lands.

All attempts to rent feeding grounds in the valley for Winter have proved futile, as every acre has already been taken. Last Winter the raisers of cattle met with heavy loss owing to the long-continued dry spell.

Hay is steadily climbing in price, and as the farmers cut but a small crop last Spring, they will be compelled to ship in the baled product to tide them through the Winter. It is said hay will soon sell here for $30 per ton. 


CHICO (Butte Co.), November 3 - Hugh McERNEY, for three years a real estate agent in this city, died here yesterday after several months’ illness from tuberculosis. He was born near Detroit, Michigan, and was 45 years of age at the time of his death. From Detroit he moved to California, locating at San Francisco at the age of 21. He remained in that city for about ten years and then located in Los Angeles, engaging in the real estate business. Three years ago he came to this city and handled real estate in connection with his managership of the Bidwell free reading-room, an institution supported by Mrs. A.E.K. BIDWELL of this city. He leaves a wife. The funeral will be held from the house Sunday afternoon, Rev. W.G .WHITE of the Presbyterian Church, officiating. 


TRUCKEE (Nevada Co.), November 3 - The Loyalton dispatch in last night’s Bee telling of the accident near the Lewis mill, in which Mrs. J. T. LAITY lost her life and her husband suffered a broken leg and other injuries... (rest of article cut off) 


COLUSA (Colusa Co.), November 3 - The engagement of Charles de St. MAURICE to Miss Hattie Belle GOAD has been announced. Miss GOAD is the only daughter of Attorney J.W. GOAD. Charles de St. MAURICE holds the office of County Surveyor. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


The Evening Bee Sacramento, Cal.

Tuesday, November 6, 1906

Page 6


Man and Woman Thrown From Buggy Down Bank But Horses Dash on to Meet Death

on Railroad Track

KESWICK (Shasta Co.), November 6 - Two horses were killed on the railroad last evening by being struck by a northbound freight at a point 300 yards down the track from the wagon road crossing.

The team was being drawn to a buggy  by Charles ODEILL. The horses, becoming frightened and uncontrollable, made a sharp turn at the forks of the road, upset the buggy, and Mr. and Mrs. ODEILL were sent rolling down a 40-boot bank to a sandbar in Spring Creek.

The frightened animals, freed from the vehicle, ran down the road towards the Sacramento River bridge. Coming to the east approach of the bridge, they strangely took down the railroad instead of keeping on their way across the river.

They ran at least 200 years down the track when both were struck by the locomotive and killed. They belonged to A. MERRILL, of Redding. Neither Mr.  nor Mrs. ODEILL was injured particularly.


Claims Substitute Judge Is Sufficient Cause In Damage Suit Against Gas And

Electric Company

SAN FRANCISCO, November 6 - The Supreme Court heard arguments yesterday which involve the fight of a substitute Judge to take part in the reconsideration of any case with which he has not bee n connected.  At the time the case of REEVE against the Colusa Gas and Electric Company was decided, Justice McFARLAND, of the Supreme Court, was sick, and Justice HARRISON, of the District Court of Appeal, was appointed to take his place.  Later, when Justice McFARLAND had returned to his duties, the Supreme Court granted a rehearing of the case on the petition of the defendants, who had lost the original suit.

The plaintiffs contend that this action was not legal on the ground that Justice McFARLAND was not familiar with the reasons upon which was based the original decision.

Similar cases have been known in various States, but the decisions are so varied that it is deemed difficult to accept them as guides. John GARBER made an eloquent plea yesterday for the plaintiff, while G.W. MeENERNEY and W.B. TREADWELL argued in behalf of the defendants.  The rehearing of the case cannot proceed until after the question concerning the right of Justice McFARLAND is settled. The decision in the latter case will probably he settled by the Supreme Court in a few days.


Teachers Select Officers And Instructors, And Name Committees For The Coming


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 6 - The following instructors have been chosen as officers of the Yuba County Teachers? Institute to be held in this city on the 12th, 13th and 14th, insts.:

Vice-Presidents - A.B. MARTIN, W.P.RICH and E.P. GLEASON.

Committee on Resolutions - George A. JOHNSON, Minna CREGS, Mrs. N.H.


On Music and Decorations - A.B. MARTIN, Ethel SWAIN, Dora MARTIN, Hannah



Miss Lulu MURPHY.

On Introduction - Robert HILL, M. POWERS, Jennie MALALEY, Beatrice OAKLEY,




Instructors - Professor F.B. DRESSLER, University of California; Professor E.B. CUBBERLY, Stanford University; Superintendent  Edward HYATT and Mrs.  HYATT, of Riverside.

The subject chosen by Professor CUBBERLY is ?Switzerland, the People and Its Schools.?

The new City Library will be the meeting place.

Husband Alive and Well at Salt Lake

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), November 6 - Herman Otto SALMON isn?t dead a

little bit. He is very much alive at Salt Lake and his girl-wife in this city is just as happy now as she was unhappy last Saturday and Sunday.  Yesterday she received a short letter from her husband stating that he had reached Salt Lake in safety, and had not stopped off at Reno, as he first intended. As soon as he obtains employment he will send for his wife and babe.

Chico Colored Man Attacks His Wife

VALLEJO (Solano Co.), November 6 - Charles MORRIS, a bad colored man who

came here from Chico, was sentenced to five months in the County Jail by Judge BROWN yesterday for beating his bride of five months. The girl was married to MORRIS against the wishes of her parents in San Francisco. After repeated ill-treatment she left him. Saturday night MORRIS appeared at her home in this city, in the absence of her father, and after knocking out several of the girl?s teeth, attempted to stab her with a scissors. Mrs.  MORRIS is a graduate of the Vallejo High School, and an accomplished musician. Her family is one of the most respected in this city.

Accident May End Aged Woman?s Life

ALTURAS (Modoc Co.), November 6 - Mrs. Adin McDOWELL, mother of L.G.

McDOWELL, of this place, met with a very serious and painful accident a little time ago. While attempting to leave the house yard of her son?s home, the gate dividing the yard from the adjoining field fell upon her with crushing force. She was thrown to the ground and her hip broken.  She was picked up as soon as possible, and taken to the house after which medical assistance was summoned. Being 85 years of age the chances are against the break healing property. Mrs. McDOWELL is one of the oldest pioneers of Modoc. She crossed the plains in early days. The town of Adin, this county, bears  the first name of Mrs. McDOWELL?s late husband.


Boy?s Thumb And Hand May Follow, While Arm Is Swollen And Body Badly Burned

Where Current Touched

REDDING (Shasta Co.), November 6 - Raymond SCHUCHERT, the boy who came to

nearly being electrocuted Sunday evening, as told in The Bee of Monday, has been operated upon by the surgeons who were called in attendance. They found it necessary to amputate three fingers of the left hand at the base joints.  It is feared that the thumb will have to come off later and a portion of the palm also, for the electric current that caused the burns killed the nerves and deadened the circulation, to a certain extent. Electrical burns are the worst of all, the physicians say.

Several burns or blisters were found on other parts of the body. A bad wound is on the leg, where the tin bucket the boy carried in his hands probably came in contact with the body at the moment of the shock. The left arm is swollen double its normal size. The right hand is in bad shape and the lad will be fortunate if he does not lose a portion of that member in the process of healing.

Young SCHUCHERT was in no way to blame for the accident. He was walking

along the sidewalk when the wire dropped upon him. Singularly, too, the lineman had repaired a break at the identical spot earlier in the day.

Smith -Robinson

WILLOWS (Glenn Co.), November 6 - Chancellor SMITH and Miss Vita ROBINSON,

two popular young people of Willows, slipped away from relatives and friends on Saturday night to the home of Rev. C.R. ALDRIDGE, and were married in the presence of only the necessary witnesses. They had arranged with the County Clerk?s to get the license after office hours and when they secured the precious document they went immediately to the pastor?s house. The secret was so carefully guarded that many did not know of the wedding until yesterday when the contented smile of the groom caused his friends to ask questions.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Evening Bee, Sacramento

Friday November 9, 1906 



Efforts of Enemies to Make Office Elective Fails When Brought Before the City Board of Trustees.

VALLEJO (Solano Co.), November 9 - The efforts of the enemies of Chief of Police STANFORD to secure his scalp by having an amendment submitted at the coming Charter election to make this office an elective one has been defeated by the Board of City Trustees, who are violently opposed to such innovation.

The petition was illegally drawn, and it is now too late to get up another one.

Stanford has been at the head of the local Police Department for eight years, and has made a reputation for himself as a thief-catcher far beyond the borders of Solano County. He is scrupulously honest, plays no favorites, and has made many enemies. His friends, on the other hand, are of the kind who would go the limit for him, and are rejoicing that he will not be put to the trouble of making a campaign at a municipal election. 


GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), November 9 - The first arrest in years for attempting to carry away specimen ore from a mine in this district occurred here yesterday afternoon when H.L. DEEBLE, a young man employed at the Empire Mine, was taken into custody, the complaint being sworn to by George W. STARR, Superintendent of the mine.

DEEBLE, it is alleged, was apprehended by a shift boss as he was passing through one of the drifts with a piece of rock under his arm. The matter was reported immediately to Mr .STARR, who took prompt action. The value of the rock is given at about $20.

The miner was taken before Judge FRANK and pleaded not guilty to a charge of petit larceny. No date has been set for his trial. The piece of ore is held as evidence. In mining circles, it has been the customary habit to simply release an employe caught carrying away ore.  

To the credit of the miners here, it must be said that very few instances of this nature have occurred. The employe accused has always borne an excellent reputation and his arrest comes as a great surprise. He is out on a bail bond of $250. 


WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), November 9 - Mrs. George HODGE died at her home in this city last night. She was a native of California, 48 years of age. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and of the Eastern Star. Her husband, two sons and two daughters survive her. 


GREENVILLE (Plumas Co,), November 9 - The first quarterly conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church will be held here on Saturday and Sunday, November 10th and 11th, the business meeting taking place, on Saturday afternoon.

Rev. George C. KING, of Reno, Nev., assisted by Rev. J.R .GREGORY, pastor in charge of the local church, will officiate. The two clergymen will conduct services on Sunday at, respectively, Taylorville, Crescent Mills and Greenville.

A goodly attendance is expected at the conference meetings in Greeneville, as the weather, which has been very stormy for nearly two weeks, has suddenly cleared up, and travel and traffic has been resumed. 


WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), November 9 - As a result of the celebration of the Emperor’s birthday last Sunday, a Japanese by the name of M. INONGE is in the County Jail charged with assault with a deadly weapon. DOLZAKI, the Jap assaulted, is at the Sanitarium with an ugly cut across his back near the shoulder, about three inches long. The fight occurred near Nelson’s bridge, on Cache Creek. Constable PARKER made the arrest yesterday. 


GREENVILLE (Plumas Co.), November 9 - The egg famine is a stern reality in the intermountain country. Ranchmen of Indian Valley have been selling off their poultry to the construction camps of the Western Pacific and what few here are left have pretty much gone on a strike. Eggs are not to be had in Greenville for love or money. It is now feared that unless poultry is brought in from the outside that there will be no turkey or rooster for Thanksgiving. 


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 9 - The only question now in the contest for Railroad Commissioner from this District is the size of A.C. IRWIN’s vote over that given C.E. PETERS. IRWIN is one of the best-known residents of this city. His opponent resides in Placerville.

Up to last night Irwin’s plurality as far as them known was as follows: Butte (estimated), 600; Lassen, 12 precincts, 73; Napa (estimated), 700; Nevada, 60; Placer, 29 precincts, 240; Sacramento, 398; Siskiyou, 36 precincts, 100; Solano (estimated), 300; Sonoma (estimated), 700; Sutter, 201; Tehama, 20 precincts, 127; Yuba, 375.

Peter’s pluralities; Colusa, 473; El Dorado , 113: Glenn, 194: Yolo, 3 precincts to hear from, 9.

There are twenty-eight counties in the district. Of those not given above eight four years ago gave Irwin a plurality over HASSETT, then his opponent, of 3059, and four gave Hassett a plurality of 309.

Irwin’s vote will be very large. 


LAMOINE (Shasta Co.), November 9 - A stranger named GRIFFIN was found sitting upright and dead yesterday morning in front of A.H. ROOT’s place of business north of the depot. Griffin, whose first name is not known, came here last Friday from Sims, where he had been employed in the sawmill. He had been drinking very heavily ever since he came to Lamoine and alcoholism was the cause of his passing away. He was aged about 40 years. Coroner BASSETT was notified early in the day, but he was unable to come from Redding until the evening train. All day long the body of the dead was left in the position in which it was found at daylight. 


YUBA CITY (Sutter Co.), November 9 - Dr. E.V. JACOBS, of Meridian, has again failed to secure a franchise for a telephone system in this county. Previously he was outbid by agents of the Sunset Company, but yesterday there was no bidding.

It was provided that all bids must be filed with the County Clerk on or before 10 o’clock yesterday morning, but no bids were so filed. Singularly enough the Supervisors were on hand promptly at the hour for the transaction of such business as came before them, and there was also present an agent of the Sunset people, Jack STAFFORD, of Sacramento.

It was moved without loss of time that as there were no bids before the Board the matter should be declared off. This was done.

Five minutes after Attorney HEWITT, representing JACOBS, came in with his bid. He was told the matter was off, and though he protested, reconsideration was denied. The Sunset won again. 


DIXON (Solano Co.), November 9 - B.F. NEWBY will assume charge of the Post Office here next Monday. He received his commission some days ago, but concluded to wait until after the election before taking charge of the office. His predecessor, E.J.McBRIDE, will remove to San Francisco, where he will engage in business. His family has been in the city for a year. 


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 9 -Mrs. Johanna SKEHAN, who for many years was a resident of French Corral, in Nevada County, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank POOLS, in this city at 5 o’clock last evening, aged 63 years.

The surviving relatives are a son, Thomas Ryan, of Marysville, and five daughters, Mrs. J.E. WALSH, of Auburn; Mrs. Frank POOLS, of Marysville, and Misses Kathryn, Tessie an Celia SKEHAN, also of this city. The burial will take place in Grass Valley. Deceased was well known throughout Yuba and Nevada counties. 


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 9 - Pat CASEY is booked at the police station on a charge of burglary. He was found by the officers last evening on C Street offering for sale a lot of wearing apparel, and was taken in on suspicion. An hour later two lodgers from the Palm House reported that their rooms had been burglarized. Investigation proved that it was their clothing that Casey was offering for sale. Officers BURROUGHS and McCOY are now trying to locate a camera that Casey disposed of before he was arrested. He had dealings with a secondhand store before he was apprehended. 


SUSANVILLE (Lassen Co.), November 9 - George LONG has placed a 40-horsepower steam auto-car on the stage line owned by him between here and Doyle to connect with the N.C. & O railway. About four hours of cold ride by night on coming in and as many in the morning on going out is saved by this new departure. The car carries five passengers, bur no heavy baggage. 


CHICO (Butte Co.), November 9 - Two Chico parties have surprised their friends by leaving Chico and returning benedicts. Frederick A. BENNETT, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.A. BENNETT, of this city, was married to Miss Alice Cornelia BURNHAM at the home of the bride’s mother in San Francisco on Wednesday. The groom is a well-known young man of Chico, where he has spent the greater part of his life and received his education. He is at present in charge of the Hamilton Land Company’s office at Hamilton City. The bride is a niece of Mr. BURNHAM, of the Pacific Sugar Construction Company, and a sister of Mrs. E.E. PARKER. The newly married couple will make their future home at Hamilton City.

The other party is George SWEENEY, employed by the Baker-William Company of this city. He returns from Yreka, where he was married to Miss Essie MORGAN by Father O’MARA. They will reside in Chico for the future. 


GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), November 9 - Uncertainty regarding the Coroner’s office still prevails. Only an official count can determine whether GILL of HOCKING has won out. The report that a mistake of ten had been made at Gaston in adding up the returns proves to be without foundation, but errors have been discovered in other precincts which only serve to add to the complexity of the situation. Both candidates have figured out that they are elected by a few votes, but until the Supervisors meet and canvass the returns nothing definite will be known. Last night indications seemed to favor Gill by one vote. Hocking had also figured out that the returns gave him two or three to the good. 


GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), November 9 - This afternoon the body of the late James McLACHLAN was consigned to the grave, the Knights of Pythias and the American Order of Foresters having charge of the services. The body arrived yesterday from Goldfield, where death occurred from an attack of pneumonia. It was accompanied by the widow, who reached Goldfield before the end came. McLACHLAN was a mining man, and for over twenty years had resided here. He was on his way to Golden Arrow, where he had a number of claims staked out, when he was stricken. He was a native of Lanarkshire, Scotland ,aged 62 years. 


BENICIA (Solano Co.), November 9 - Joseph RYERSON, the son of a Benicia pioneer, committed suicide in San Francisco yesterday by shooting himself through the head with a revolver. He was committed to an insane asylum some years ago and since his discharge as cured has repeatedly threatened the life of his brother, whom he fancied had wronged him in the distribution of the estate. 


LODI (San Joaquin Co.), November 9 - Miss Grace CALDWELL, of this place, was married yesterday to Arthur W. STONE of Stockton. Not long ago, Miss Caldwell’s older sister married an older brother of Stone’s who is a wealthy farmer in the northern part of the State. The wedding was a quiet affair, the couple immediately departing for their honeymoon. 


REDDING (Shasta Co.), November 9 - Mrs. Kate BRINCAID, Democrat and incumbent of County Superintendent’s office, concedes that Miss Lulu WHITE of Redding has defeated her for re-election. The exact majority for Miss WHITE is not known, but the majority is a safe one. 



Former Marysville (Cal.) Man and Visalia Girl Interrupt Court Proceedings to Head Off Pursuit

RENO (Nev.), November 9 - Rushing into the Court of Judge BELL while he was examining a man charged with attempted murder, Herbert M. ALDERMAN and Miss Pearl GOOCH, young people of Visalia, Cal., requested that he marry them.

The Court advised them to sit down and not further interrupt the proceedings, but when the bride, a decidedly pretty young woman, implored him to lose no time, he adjourned Court until the ceremony could be performed. District Attorney MORAN and State Senator BOYD, who was defending the case, acted as witnesses.

The young people ran away from Visalia ten days ago, and have been busy eluding the bride’s parents ever since. (Rest of article cut off)


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


The Evening Bee (Sacramento)

Thursday, November 8, 1906 


In Fit of Anger, Robert Benson turns gun on Louis and John Raggio, Fatally Wounding Both.

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), November 8 -

In a heat of anger over taunt as to his marksmanship, Robert BENSON, a 15-year-old Homestead youth, Tuesday evening fatally shot John and Louis RAGGIO, two brothers aged 12 and 14 years, with a single-barrel shotgun.

Louis Raggio, the older of the two boys, passed away as a result of the injuries at 2 o’clock yesterday morning at the St. Joseph’s Home. His brother cannot live.

The Benson boy went shooting Tuesday and upon returning in the afternoon, he came upon the two Raggio boys, who were sitting on a fence near the road. According to the stories told the officers, the Benson and Raggio boys had always been friends, but the Raggio boys began to josh young Benson as to his marksmanship. It is said that the two brothers began to taunt Benson about a dog which he had shot at and missed. They continued to jest about the affair and Benson became greatly angered.

Reaching for a cartridge and loading his gun the Benson boy exclaimed “I’ll show you whether I can shoot or not.” With that he leveled his gun straight at the faces of the two boys and pulled the trigger. With cries of pain the Raggio boys fell from the fence, and young Benson, seeing what he had done, dropped his gun and ran home.

The force of the shot struck both boys full in the foreheads tearing great gaping holes. A man in a field witnessed the shooting and ran to the scene. Dr. S.N. GROSS was summoned and he at once pronounced the wounds fatal. The boys were removed to St. Joseph’s Home for treatment.

Deputy Sheriff BLACK and Chief BAKER investigated the shooting. Benson was found at the home of his parents crying in a frightened manner. 



GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), November 8 -

Word was received here yesterday of the death of George JOHNSTON in San Francisco. The funeral takes place to-day. Deceased was a native of Belfast, Ireland. He came to Nevada County in the early fifties and engaged in mercantile pursuits for a time. Then he spent several terms as Deputy Sheriff of Placer County, with headquarters at Auburn.

Utterly fearless, cool and calculating, his name became a terror to the highwaymen and other criminals who infested the mountains at the time. He was engaged in many exciting and bloody man hunts, in one of which he had a finger shot off, but pluckily kept in the battle until the highwaymen were routed. His most noted battle was with “Rattlesnake Dick” and his gang, in which several were killed or wounded on both sides. Leaving the mining country, Johnston engaged in the hardware business at Pomona for a time. Later he turned his attention to inventions, bringing out the famous FRUE and JOHNSTON concentrators, used wherever gold mining is carried on. He also invented other valuable mining appliances and made quite a fortune out of them. Of late years he had resided in San Francisco. His brother, Peter, of this city, himself a pioneer, was at his bedside when the end came. 



GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), November 8 -

Captain Harry THOMAS, a pioneer of this city, died at his home on Bank Street last night at 8:30 o’clock. Death was due to an attack of pneumonia. Deceased was a native of Camborne, Cornwell, England, aged 87 years. He located here in the days of placer mining and by his industry managed to accumulate a neat fortune. He built one of the handsomest brick blocks in the city at the corner of Mill and Bank Streets, after his old wooden buildings were destroyed by fire. One daughter, Mamie, is left. Funeral arrangements will be made to-day. 



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 8 -

A case where a whole family is threatened with extermination through the effects of typhoid fever germs is reported from Sutter County.

Fred FARRINGON, of Sutter City, and his wife have the disease in its worst stages, and the doctors have small hopes of his recovery. The children were stricken this week, and it is feared the complaint will develop in their cases as seriously as in the parents. An examination of the drinking water has been ordered. 



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 8 - The home of Mrs. H.T .COLLINS, on D Street, in this city, was the scene of a happy event last night at 9 o’clock, at which hour her pretty and accomplished daughter, Miss Annie E COLLINS, became the bride of William M. MEEK, son of County Surveyor J.R. MEEK. The marriage ceremony of the Episcopal Church was conducted by the Rev. A.L. MITCHELL, pastor of St. John’s of Marysville, in the presence of the relatives of the young couple and a large number of invited guests. Miss Florence COLLINS, a sister, served in the capacity of bridesmaid. The honeymoon will be spent in the vicinity of Portland, Oregon.           



Accused By a Federal Grand Jury With Doing Business Under Another Name and Swindling.

STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), November 8 -

William P. COLT, a well-knows resident of this city, who was indicted by the United States Grand Jury on a charge of using the Federal mails for fraudulent purposes, denies that he is guilty and says the whole thing has arisen from the efforts of Attorney LEVINSKY to force him to pay a bill of $550 that he does not owe.

He denies that he ever received the goods for which the bill in question was rendered, and says LEVINSKY is trying ro use the Federal Grand Jury to force him to pay a bill he does not owe.

It is charged that COLT did business with a number of San Francisco merchants under the name of Peter CALE and that after he succeeded in getting a bill of goods he would send them letters to the effect that CALE had died and that his estate was in probate.

COLT was taken before United States Marshall ELLIOTT and released on $2000 bail. He expressed great surprise when the arrest was made. His case will come up before Judge DE HAVEN at 10 o’clock Saturday morning. 


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 8 -

At a dinner given at the home of Mrs. A.H .BOULTON yesterday the engagement was announced of Miss Eva RUSSELL of this city and Clifford GRIFFIN of San Francisco .The wedding is to take place early in the new year. The bride-elect is a popular member of the alumnae of the Marysville High School and a prominent member of the Christian Church. She is a daughter of Robert RUSSELL, a well-known contractor of this city.

The groom-to-be is the manager of an electrical company at the Bay. 



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 8 -

Unless a certain deed that is forthcoming from N.D. RIDEOUT to the city of Marysville is executed this week the work which the Northern Electric Company is pushing between Yuba City and Marysville will come to an abrupt ending.

This is the ultimatum of the Levee Commissioners, who declare that the levee at the intersection of Fifth and K Streets will not be cut to permit of the building of the east end of the Fifth Street subway until such time as the deed refereed to is in the possession of the city authorities.

It appears that Rideout agreed last Summer that the city would have certain lots needed for the north wall of the subway at a nominal sum, and has ever since been promising to execute the deeds to this land and to lots adjoining from which the earth for the embankment was taken, but as yet has not signed the instruments. The Levee Commissioners are firm in the stand they have taken, with the result that the Northern Electric people are becoming worried lest there be a delay in the work they are so anxious to rush to a finish before the Winter storms set in. 


CHICO (Butte Co.), November 8 -

O.G. COX, a fireman employed on a Northern Electric work train, and a resident of this city, was painfully injured by being run into by a flat car near the Oroville-Marysville Junction, five miles this side of Oroville, last evening about dusk.

Cox, it appears, was walking down the track and did not observe the approach of a flat car of a work train. The front end of the flat car hit him on the side and the force of the blow threw him headlong to the ground. His head hit on some hard object and a deep gash was cut across his forehead. He was hurriedly brought to this city for treatment. Luckily, the car was moving slowly at the time, and he was not fatally injured. 



FORT BIDWELL (Modoc Co.), November 8 -

While trying to open a bottle of orange cider at the Republican meeting last Saturday night, Fred WALLACE ran a corkscrew into one of his fingers. The wound did not bother him at the time, but on Sunday morning his finger was considerably swollen. Monday morning it became so bad that Dr. HILDERBRAND was called. It was found that blood poison had set in. Wallace’s condition is serious. 



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 8 -

The members of the City Council have gone to work in earnest to give to the municipality that which she has long been sadly in need of - a fireproof vault for the protection of valuable papers, records, etc. The vault will be built close to the offices of the City Marshall and City Clerk and Assessor and will be built of reinforced concrete if the plans under consideration are adopted. 



WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), November 8 -

Mrs. Mary FENTON died at her home near Yolo last night. Deceased was a native of Ireland, 79 years old. The funeral will be held Saturday morning from the Catholic Church in this city. 



Dispute Between Santa Rosa Railway and Employees Settled, Each Side Yielding a Little.

SANTA ROSA (Sonoma Co.), November 8 -

The Arbitration Commission of the differences between the Petaluma and Santa Rosa Railway and its employees has made its report, giving the men a slight increase in wages, and fixing the remuneration for overtime at time and a quarter, making this an increase of 25 per cent.

The commission fixes the wages of the conductors and motormen at 27 ½ cents per hour, which is an increase of 2 ½ cents per hour. The brakemen of the road will also receive an increase of 2 ½ cents per hour, making their wages 22 ½ cents per hour.

The employees of the electric railroad asked that they be given thirty cents an hour, and the company is understood to have been willing to compromise the matter and grant them 27 ½ cents without having to submit the matter to arbitration .The employees will stand by the award of the Commission, having agreed to submit the matters in controversy, but feel that their demand on the company was not excessive, owing to the hours and character of the work they are called on to perform. 



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 8 -

Remembering the newspaper criticism that fell to the lot of the teachers in the Marysville schools a year ago on account of their failure to attend the session of the Northern California Teachers’ Association in Chico and secure for Marysville the 1906 session, there is a curiosity on the part of many as to how many of the tutors will go to Chico this year for this purpose.

This is the second year for Chico to enjoy this honor, and now there is a growing sentiment in favor of inviting the teachers of the Association to Marysville for the 1907 meeting. Sutter County will send a delegation to Chico and there is no reason why these teachers should not help Marysville to get the 1907 meeting. 


MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), November 8 -

Thomas RIDDLE, a well-known farmer of the Honcut district, formerly of Sutter County, has asked the police to locate a Spaniard whom he accuses of robbing him of two shining $20 pieces while he was asleep in a room in the Dawson House in this city.

Riddle ways the Spaniard at one time cooked for him on the ranch. He met him in Marysville, and shared his bed with him, because he was in financial straits. 



SUISUN (Solano Co.), November 8 -

Charles Harrington, the man arrested here last week under the name of GETZ, on telegraphic orders from the officers at Santa Rosa, where he was wanted on a charge of rape, has been held for trial.

Harrington, it will be recalled, outwitted the Sonoma officer who placed him under arrest at Santa Rosa. He asked permission to go into an adjoining room to change his clothes, but failed to return. He was traced to where he boarded a train, and his capture here resulted.

The case against him is an ugly one, two little girls being concerned in the charges made. 



SANTA ROSA (Sonoma Co.), November 8 -

John Quinlan disappeared from his home in Petaluma more than fourteen years ago, and since which time he has not been heard from. In Judge Emmet SEAWELL’s Court Monday he was decreed to be legally dead ,and his property, a homestead, was declared vested in his widow.

The law provides for a man being declared legally dead after an absence of seven years, but in Quinlan’s case the time was given double the legal requirement. Should Mr. Quinlan finally return and make himself known to his friends or the Court he will have to be judicially resurrected. 



BENICIA (Solano Co.), November 8 -

At the works of the Mountain Copper Company at Bullshead Point, an accident occurred Monday which resulted in the death of Earl JAUNO, the son-in-law of John KING. While remodeling the front of furnace No. 2 it fell in, and young Jauno was crushed beneath it. He was taken to the Breneman Hospital, and died three hours later at 7 o’clock in the evening. 



FORT BIDWELL (Modoc Co.), November 8 -

Miss Florence BATY and Ralph WATSON were married at Alturas last Thursday. Miss BATY is one of Bidwell’s most prominent young women. She was born and reared here. Mr. WATSON is a well-known young man, and respected by all who know him. 



Donlonaga Mine Scene of the Conflagration, Which Puts Stop to Operations and Throws Men Out Of Work.

EMIGRANT GAP (Placer CO.), November 8 -

The ten-stamp mill at the Donlonaga Mine was destroyed by fire Tuesday night. The origin of the fire is unknown. About twenty-five men are thrown out of employment.

The mill was erected about one year ago, and the mine was opening up in good shape, with fine prospects. It is not known at this time what the company will do, but as the property is a valuable one, it is assumed little time will be lost in rebuilding the mill. 



REDDING (Shasta Co.), November 8 -

Timothy Harrington and Miss Abbie Merrill were married in this city last evening at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr .and Mrs. A. Merrill.

Mr. Harrington, who was reared in Marysville, is a prosperous grocer, being a member of the well-established firm of Harrington Brothers. The bride is well known in Willows, where the family resided for a number of years before moving to Redding. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com







© Copyright 2003-Present by Nancy Pratt Melton


Sacramento County