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Sacramento Daily Record-Union

Tuesday April 7, 1896 


The dispatches say that King Menelek is an admirer of newspapers and friendly to correspondents. Wait until the King has a taste of the San Francisco variety of newspapers, and he may change his mind.

The New York papers print portraits of handsome Dell DeForest, whose brain went wrong and landed her in an insane asylum because of the use of “hair bleach.” That is strange, very strange. The idea had obtained pretty generally that those using hair bleach are perfectly secure against brain disorders - for an obvious reason. 

Gilbert and Sullivan’s odd conceit worked out in “Pinafore” has just been realized in a strange case at Shamokin, Pa., where babies have been so mixed up that no one can tell which is which, and the local Buttercup is unable to straighten out the tangle. It appears that at the same hour, in the same house, two babies were born, one to Mrs. Jane NORTON and one to Mrs. Hannah FOSTER. Mrs Foster is the daughter of Mrs. Norton, and was visiting with her at the time. The attending physician stupidly placed the two new arrivals in life in a common berth, not particularly noticing any bodily peculiarities and without tagging them, to indicate to whom they respectfully belonged. He is now unable to right the mix-up, and the two women are in trouble plenty. Mrs. Foster is unable to say whether she is bringing up her son or her brother, and Mrs. Norton does not know whether she is attending with maternal solicitude upon her child or her grandchild. So it is that sometimes the rawest fiction finds its parallel in fact. 


They Will at Once Raise Money for the Bicycle Paths

At last night’s meeting of the Capital City Wheelmen the assurance was given on behalf of certain merchants that they would contribute $300 toward building the proposed bicycle paths to Folsom and Galt, provided the club would raise a like sum.

The proposition was received with enthusiasm, and a committee of twelve was selected to district the city and solicit funds. The committee consists of C.M. GOETHE, M. LAVENSON, W.W. WRIGHT, C.J. ATWATER, L.T. ANDREWS, F.M. JONES, L.S. UPSON, S. HOPKINS, L.C. BILLUPS, George C. ALLEN, James BANTA and J.L. GILLIS.

This committee is empowered to receive subscriptions from wheelmen and others who may feel an interest in the proposed improvement. Nothing will be done in the matter until enough money shall be raised to build both the Folsom and Stockton paths.

The Executive Committee and Messrs. Frank MILLER, H. BENNETT, W.E. HALE and H. WEINSTOCK are to have full power to manage the building of these proposed bicycle roads. A circular letter will be addressed to all wheelmen on the subject.

Work on the experimental path, two miles eastward from Thirty-first and J streets - referred to yesterday in the “Record-Union” - will be commenced to-day. This is independent of the paths in regard to which the club took action last night, the expense having been guaranteed by a few club members. 


James O’BRIEN, recently arrested for beating and kicking a waiter in a downtown restaurant, was yesterday sentenced by Justice DAVIS to serve thirty days in the County Jail. 

Piano-tuning - Paul SCHOEN of Oakland is in the city, at either Hammer’s or Pommer’s

Dr. C.H. STEPHENSON has removed his office from Seventh and J streets to 806 ½ K street, having associated with him his son, Dr. H.H. STEPHENSON. Will be pleased to meet all his old patients and friends. 


The funeral of John M. MORELLI took place yesterday from the undertaking parlors of W.J. KAVANAUGH under the auspices of the Sacramento Musicians’ Protective Union, of which deceased was a member.

The procession, headed by a brass band of forty pieces, J.J. BAUER leader, proceeded to the Cathedral, where services were held, Rev. Father WALSH officiating, assisted by the Cathedral choir. The interment took place in the Catholic Cemetery.

The pall-bearers were George FRANZ, Ray HOPKINS, J.S. BAKER, Fred WELL, Charles F. LEWIS, and C.A. NEALE, members of the Clunie Opera-house Orchestra, of which deceased was a member.

The floral pieces were many and beautiful. One was a representation of a lyre, four feet in hight, and was presented by the union. H.W. HAND, President of the union, acted as Marshal. 

The funeral of Charles MILLER, the Mexican veteran who died on Saturday ,will take place this forenoon from his late home at 3008 F street. The body will be taken to the Cathedral, where requiem services will be held at 10 o’clock.

Mr. Miller was a member of Bragg’s famous artillery during the Mexican War and was wounded at Cherabusco. He leaves a wife and child.  


Paul SCHOEN of Oakland came to the city last night.

Miss Esther BENNETT of San Francisco is visiting her sister Mrs. Hubert BUCK.

Rev. E. GRAHAM, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Chico, is paying a visit to Sacramento.

Miss Lida McMULLEN left last Saturday for a two-months’ visit at San Francisco and Santa Rosa.



Constable Frank L. WARREN of Brighton Township yesterday brought to the County Jail an elderly Spanish or Mexican woman who was thought to be insane. She was found poorly clad and wandering about the farms, unable to give any account of herself.

It was subsequently learned that the woman’s name is SOTO, and that she is the mother of Joe SOTO, a desperate character of some years ago. She seems to be simple-minded only - the result of extreme old age. 


With this remedy persons can cure themselves without the least exposure, change of diet or change in application of business. The medicine contains nothing that is of the least injury to the constitution. Ask you druggist for it. Price, $1 a bottle. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





The Sacramento Evening Bee

Thursday, January 5, 1897



The second entertainment of the Capitol Concert Series will be given at the Congregational Church this evening, under the management of R.T. COHN and H.A. KIDDER. They say that in addition to the season tickets already out they will have two hundred single admission tickets on sale at the door. The program is an extended one, and one which will no doubt afford a rare entertainment. Mendelssohn’s “Ride of the Elves” will be given by the Treble Clef Quartet of San Francisco. It will also sing the “Slumber Song” and the “Lost Chord”. Among the others to appear are Homer HENLEY of San Francisco, baritone; Bernard MOLLENHAUER, violinist; Mrs. FINE, soprano; Frank COFFIN, tenor, and Mr. KING will give a grand organ solo.

Those who intend to go to the entertainment are requested by the management to be seated at 8 o’clock.


Eddie SMITH, the new comedian engaged by Manager TODD, made his first appearance with the stock company at the Clunie Opera House last night and made a very favorable impression.

A lively comedy, called “Breach of Promise,” was presented. At the conclusion of the comedy a troupe of Japanese acrobats and jugglers appeared in a series of wonderful acts. The same bill will be given to-night.


The Jennie CALEF Dramatic Company stranded in Reading, Pennsylvania, December 12th, and a benefit was given to relieve the members of the company. San Francisco Music and Drama remarks that Andy WALDRON’s luck still sticks to him.


Gilman-Bee Case.

In the Superior Court to-day the case of C.H. GILMAN vs. The Bee was set for February 8th, and both sides agreed upon Judge HUNT, of San Francisco, to preside in the matter.



Endorsement of S.K. Thornton for Appraiser at San Francisco’s Port.

S.K. THORNTON, of San Francisco, one of the best known Republicans in California, is in the city looking upon the process of law making at the Capitol. Mr. THORNTON has also been interviewing the statesmen of his political faith in order to get their endorsement to his petition to President McKINLEY to be appointed Appraiser of the Port of San Francisco. Owing to the popularity of Mr. Thornton, and to the fact that he has been a hard worker in the party, all of the Republican members of both Houses of the Legislature have signed his petition.

Cutting Down Help

Yesterday afternoon, about 3 o’clock, the Republicans of the Assembly met in caucus and adopted the report made by the Committee on attaches appointed by the last Legislature. This report cuts down the number of employees in the lower house fully one-third, at a saving of $197 a day. The committee which formulated the report consisted of NORTH, of Alameda, CUTTER, of Yuba, and VALENTINE.



Warren DOAN and E.F. DUDEN Officially Installed.

The Judges of the Superior Court yesterday afternoon appointed a committee, consisting of C.H. OATMAN, W.A. GETT, Jr., and Albert M. JOHNSON, to examine Warren E. DOAN and E.F. DUDEN, as to their qualifications to act as official shorthand reporters. The committee having examined them and made a favorable report, the Judges sitting in the bank this morning made an order appointing these two the official reporters of the Superior Court of Sacramento County.

Warren E. DOAN in the examination wrote at the rate of 225 words per minute and was still keeping it up when the time was called.

Mr. DUDEN wrote at the rate of 190 words per minute, which is a very good test, considering the fact that he has been in very poor health for several weeks. There is no doubt but that he could have written very much faster had it not been for his physical condition.

Doan is one of the best stenographers in the State of California. His work is always quick, clear and neat, and the transcripts that he turns over for Courts and lawyers have been the subject of great praise.

Duden is also a very painstaking stenographer, and he will undoubtedly make a most creditable record for himself.



Dr. M. GARDNER, of San Francisco, was in the city to-day.

The friends of Mr. and Mrs. James GOVAN yesterday celebrated the golden wedding, the fiftieth anniversary, of the aged couple, the celebration being in the nature of a surprise. Mr. and Mrs. GOVAN were induced to go out in the morning to visit their daughter, Mrs. T.B. HALL, and while absent, friends came in and decorated the rooms with golden streamers, rosettes, and flowers. Fully 300 friends visited the old couple during the day, and the occasion was one of great pleasure to all. Mr. and Mrs. GOVAN were assisted at the reception by Mesdames W.H. GOVAN, E.B. WILLIS, J.E. TERRY, J.C. CHIPMAN, J.A. MOYNIHAN, Frank TRAINOR, George STEINMILLER and T.B. HALL, and the Misses M.J. OBARR, Bertha EBERT, Kittie and Nellie TURTON, Clara MILLER, Mabel BASSETT, Mollie JOHNSON and Jeannie and Miriam GOVAN. The old couple were married in Philadelphia January 4, 1947 and are 79 and 71 years of age. They are the parents of State Janitor William H. GOVAN; Robert GOVAN, a well-known civil engineer; Elias GOVAN, Chief Deputy City Tax Collector; Mrs. T.B. HALL and Misses Jeannie and Miriam GOVAN.



J.W. WILSON, of the police force has been granted a ten days’ leave of absence on account of illness.

A Chinaman named Quong Yee was to-day fined, $2.50 in the Police Court for throwing rubbish into China Slough.

A “gold and silver” party will be given at Turner Hall on the evening of February 18th, by the Young Ladies’ Institute, No. 17.

A joint Installation of Fair Oaks Post and Corps, G.A.R., will be held to-night at Foresters? Hall, I Street, Seventh and Eighth.

William MANNING was this morning found guilty in the Police Court of disturbing the peace at Eight and K Streets. Sentence will be imposed tomorrow.

Grant PITTMAN and Charles REITZKE who were in the Police Court this morning for drunkenness, were allowed to go.

The case of Mrs. E.B. PURNELL, charged with maintaining a cesspool which is considered a nuisance was continued in the Police Court to-day until the 19th. Inst.

John P. BRISSEL, by his attorney, J.H. LIGGETT, has filed a petition in insolvency in the Superior Court. The debts amount to $502.50, and there are no assets.



Sacramento Branch Held an Interesting Meeting.

The Sacramento branch of the Council of Jewish Women last night held its second public meeting, which was pronounced by the large attendance to have been most successful experiment. The following program was artistically delivered: Violin solo, S. HEILBRON; reading, “Hebrew Music,” Mrs. Joseph THIEBEN; piano solo, “Hebrew Rhapsody,” Mrs. Albert ELKUS; address, “The Jewish Woman,” by J. WEINSTOCK; vocal solo, Miss Sophia PRICE; Scriptural reading, Rabbi SIMON.

The address of Mr. WEINSTOCK was unusually well written and eloquently delivered. It struck a sympathetic chord of the hears of all present, particularly of the women, who went home feeling sure that the world needed them.



Charles A. Shaw Met With a Very Severe Accident

Charles A. SHAW, an employee of the Sacramento Gas and Electric Light Company, about 10 o’clock this morning fell from a pole on Twenty-first and P Streets to the sidewalk.

He was taken to the Sisters’ Hospital for treatment. He escaped very luckily, sustaining no more serious injury than a fractured rib. He was badly bruised, however, and for a time was stunned.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Sacramento Evening Bee

Friday, January 8, 1897



Harry G. SOULE, of this city, has been appointed a Notary Public

Lyman B. HALL, of this city, has been admitted to practice law by the Supreme Court.

A complaint was filed in the County Clerk’s office yesterday by Mary PULLAR, who sues E.W. FERGUSON and others for $385 due on two promissory notes.

The Thomas Houston Electric Company has filed a notice of appeal of the judgment against it in its suit against the Central Electric Railway Company.

Charles HEIN, arrested on a charge of malicious mischief, for breaking windows in a saloon at Second and I Streets, will be tried in the Police Court to-morrow.

C. JONES, arrested for violating ordinance 288 - the burning of brush in the street in the afternoon - was to-day charged in the Police Court.

Kate FAY and William THOMPSON, who were in the Police Court to-day for drunkenness, were discharged.



J. Otis FELLOWS, of Hornellsville, New York, is in the city. He will pass judgment on the dogs on exhibition in this city.

T.H. WARD, Clerk of the Supreme Court and Grand Commander of the California Commandery, Knights Templar, is in the city to visit the commanderies here.

The marriage of Dr. C.W. REID and Miss Evayin STORROR took place at noon Wednesday, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. STORROR, 1224 E. Street. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. C.L. MIEL, rector of St. Paul’s Church. Miss Laura STORROR attended the bride, and the groom was attended by F.W. STORROR, brother of the bride. The bride looked charming in blue silk, chiffon and lace, and carried white carnations. The bridesmaid wore white and carried pink roses. The groom is an eminent physician of Madera. The home was prettily decorated with palms, smilax and violets. After the congratulations were received, the party adjourned to the dining room, where a delightful wedding breakfast was enjoyed by the relatives and a few intimate friends. The happy couple left on the afternoon train, amid showers of rice and slippers, for an extended southern trip. Dr. and Mrs. REID will be at home to their friends at Madera early in February.


Final Account Allowed

This afternoon in Judge Hart’s Court the final account of Thomas COULTER, an insolvent debtor, was settled, the attorney being allowed $50 for attorney’s fees. Sam GINSBERG’s preferred claim for $20.50 was allowed.



A petition was received from residents of Oak Park asking for the appointment of C.W. TODD as Poundmaster of Sutter Township, in which Sacramento’s thriving suburb is located. The petition was granted, Supervisor MORRISON alone voting no, not from any personal reasons, as he remarked, but because he is unalterably opposed to pound masters in any form, either dead or alive, and if he had any preference for them it was in the former condition.


The work done on the trestle bridge on the Lower Stockton Road, by RHODES Brothers, was accepted, and Supervisor MORRISON and CURTIS, who viewed the work, reported it to be one of the best built bridges in the country.



A Young Man Who Wanted Chief Drew’s Revolver

Wednesday afternoon while Chief of Police DREW was sitting in his office writing, a young man came in and greeted him pleasantly, and, after taking a seat, asked the Chief to loan him his revolver. He informed the Chief that he wanted to make some experiments with the weapon. The Chief did not give up any pistol, and, after engaging the young man in conversation for awhile determined that he was insane and locked him up in the cell usually reserved for women.

The young man was well dressed and talked like a person of good education. He gave his name as Frank NEWMAN and said that he was a druggist by profession. He said that he came from San Francisco. He is crazy upon the subject of electricity, and during the night he spent in the City Prison he remained awake pouring water upon the steam pipes, remarking that he was making electricity.

Chief DREW has sent the young man to the County Hail, to be examined as to his sanity.



They Were Stolen From Mrs. Bullard’s Residence in Davisville

Last evening’s Bee contains an item to the effect that Constable RUSSELL of Washington, Yolo County, had found in a barn near that town a gunnysack which contained three sealskin capes. He turned them over to Chief of Police Drew of Sacramento. This morning the capes were identified as being the property of Mrs. BULLARD of Davisville, and they were turned over to her sister. The capes were stolen from Mrs. Bullard’s residence over a week ago.


Killed in an Accident

E.S. HADLEY, bookkeeper at the State Printing Office, has received from Los Angeles a telegram announcing the death of his uncle, J.C. WALLACE, which occurred in a railroad accident near Springfield, Ohio. Mr. WALLACE was about seventy years of age. No particulars of the affair have been received by Mr. Hadley.


Sixty Days in Jail

Ah Sing, a Chinaman who was caught in the act of stealing wood from John T. SKELTON’s wood yard last night, was to-day convicted in the Police Court of the crime of petty larceny and sent for jail for sixty days. Sing is an old offender in the petty larceny.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





The Sacramento Evening Bee

Monday, January 11, 1897



Judge HART has reduced to $500 the bond of T.P. ANDREWS, charged with embezzlement. Andrews has furnished the bail pending trial.

The Board of Supervisors Saturday paid an official visit to the County Hospital and found affairs in that institution in a condition reflecting great credit upon the Superintendent Dr. G.A. WHITE.

A decree of divorce has been granted in the case of Margaret STOCKER vs. Walter H. STOCKER, and the custody of the minor child Ida Grace STOCKER, was awarded to the defendant.

J.R. FOSTER, foreman of the Record-Union press room has been very ill in San Francisco, but his condition is reported to be improved.

Last night a team belonging to W.J. IRVINE became frightened at Second and I Streets and ran away, going down Second to O Street before being captured. A costly hack to which the team was attached was badly damaged by coming into collision with wagons and telegraph poles.

John HART, who had been arrested for drunkenness, to-day forfeited to the Police Court a deposit of $5. J.D. JONES did likewise. C.P. GEHRENS and John CARMEYER were discharged. Gladys BOARDMAN forfeited $5 for having made an indecent exhibition on lower L Street.


     Complaints Filed


There Is Also a Charge Against Him of Having Disturbed the Peace - The Cases Are Continued.

    This forenoon P.J. HUELSMAN appeared in the Police court, with his attorney, Frank S. SPRAGUE, to undergo examination for having made threats against life.

One day last week HUELSMAN met his sister, Mrs. W.T. KRIGBAUM, in the Post Office, and drew a revolver, threatening to kill her. Huelsman was disarmed by Hon. P. REDDY and other spectators.

It appears that Huelsman was incensed because his sister had married Krigbaum without taking the trouble to ask the consent of any member of her family.

There are two complaints on file now against Huelsman, both sworn to by his sister. One charges him with having threatened her life, the other with having disturbed the peace.

At the request of Ex-Senator SPRAGUE the two cases were continued until 1 o’clock Thursday afternoon.


     A Sunday Wedding

The wedding of Mary PACHECO and J.G. MENDIS took place yesterday at the Cathedral, only relatives and a few intimate friends being present. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride?s aunt, Mrs. C. NEVIS, 1214 Third Street. The house was very tastefully decorated with roses and potted plants. After the wedding supper, bride and groom departed.



What the Visit of the Humane Society Officer Revealed.

Dan HEALEY, the officer of the Humane Society, heard of a suffering family at Florin and went out to that village yesterday to investigate. In an old cabin some distance from the settlement he found a man by the name of DEAN and his two little children, a girl of 7 years, and a boy of 5. His wife died some months ago. The man seemed to be mentally unbalanced. The children were ragged and filthy, and were not supplied with proper food, and to all appearances the father was not able to do any better for them.

After some persuation DEAN consented to allow the humane officer to take the children and supply them with comfortable homes.

The little girl was turned over to Mrs. KENNEDY at Florin and the little boy brought to the Protestant Orphan Asylum in this city.


     Hotel Arrivals

The following are the arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel, January 11, 1897: Malcolm DOUGLAS, Palmer COX, Brownlies; J.E. REYNOLDS, Redding; General A.W. BARRETT, Los Angeles; Elwood COPPER, Ellwood; F.W. BILGER, Oakland; Stephen S. RAN, D. STERN, D. LINDNER, New York; O.A. HALE, San Jose; H. KOHLMOOS, W.G. LOVELAND, Mrs. J.F. SWIFT, Mrs. J.J. OWEN, George. C. LYON, E.S. DENNISON, Colonel J.P. JACKSON, B.E. MOTT, E.L. STERN, G.E. MORSE and wife, F.S. POTT, Fremont Older, Isaac TRUMBO, Molton J. GREEN, William B. HAMILTON, R.A. GREEN, A.G. GASSON, R.S. NASSON, J.W. McDONALD, H. MEYERSTEIN, San Francisco.


     Died From Hear Disease

A young man named William GILMORE died suddenly last night while sitting in a chair in John NORTON?s saloon on K Street between Second and Third. Deceased had for a time been news agent on trains running between this city and Oakland. Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause of death. An inquest will be held to-night by the Coroner. The body will be shipped to Oakland in the morning.



A Three-Year-Old Child Fell Into Boiling Water.

CHICO, Jan 11 - News has been received of the horrible death of the little 3-year-pld daughter of H.C. OVERTON of Rock Creek, this county. The child was playing in the kitchen and losing her balance fell into a boiler of scalding water. She was immediately rescued but the water was so hot as to completely cook the flesh on the limbs and body.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





The Sacramento Evening Bee

Wednesday, January 13, 1897


       For a Shot.


Took a Shot at a Man Who, He Alleged, Destroyed His Domestic Peace.

     This morning was the time set for the sentencing of George C. LEE, who had pleaded guilty to a charge of simple assault. LEE is the man who in December last, at the passenger depot, took a shot at one John MEHN, and when an attempt was made to restrain him broke away from his captors, ran over the bridge into Yolo County, but afterwards returned and gave himself up. The trouble between LEE and MEHN grew out of the alleged alienation of the affections of Lee’s wife by Mehn.

LEE, upon his first meeting with the destroyer of his domestic peace and happiness, promptly took a shot at him, but although his intentions were deadly, his execution was poor, and the bullet sped wide of its mark.

   Shortly after his arrest, LEE was arraigned in the Police Court on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon, with intent to commit murder, and bound over to the Superior Court. In view of the difficulty of obtaining a conviction by a jury in a case of this kind, the charge was allowed to be reduced to one of simple assault, to which Lee pleaded guilty.

When LEE appeared for sentence before Judge HART this morning, Major W.A. ANDERSON, the attorney for Lee, presented a letter signed by prominent citizens of Auburn, Placer County, among the names being those of the Sheriff and the Auditor and Recorder of that county, showing that Lee had borne a good reputation in that county for peace and quiet. Major ANDERSON made a strong plea in behalf of his client and asked for the imposition of but a nominal sentence, but Judge HART thought otherwise and sentenced him to serve three months in the County Jail. The maximum sentence that could have been imposed upon Lee would have been three months and $500 fine.



T.J. SHERWOOD, editor of the Marysville Democrat, is in the city.

Mrs. A.J. EVANS, of San Francisco, is the guest of Mrs. Charles JOY, of this city.

J.M. CRIMMIN, Postmaster at Marysville, is paying a visit to Sacramento.

Yesterday, at the residence of the bride’s parents, W.J. MORRISON and Miss Annie B. HODGKINSON were married, Rev. C.L. MIEL officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Adeline MORRISON and E.A. OCHSNER acted as groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. MORRISON departed on the afternoon train for San Francisco and the south on their wedding trip.



James M. SHORT, as the executor of the estate of Elizabeth YOUNG, deceased, has commenced suit against George W. and Elizabeth NOBLE, to quiet title to two tracts of land in Galt.

The State Board of Examiners has decided to purchase for the benefit of the State school fund $200,000 worth of San Francisco depot bonds, to run until 1912, and draw 4 per cent interest.

The Alkali Social and Athletic Club organized Tuesday evening and elected the following officers: President, E.CLARK; Vice-President, C. HAMER; Secretary, W. HILBERT; Treasurer, D. McGRATH. It has fitted up club rooms and is looking forward to a season of pleasant social and sporting events.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Sacramento Evening Bee

Thursday, January 14, 1897



Frank O’NEIL, who was in the Police Court this morning for drunkenness, was discharged.

Last night Officers TAYLOR and NAGHEL arrested two men at Second and I Streets on suspicion of having stolen some harness they had in their possession. They gave their names as W.H. SMITH and Charles MONTGOMERY. SMITH had a revolver and Montgomery carried a butcher’s knife.



Major W.A. GETT went to San Francisco this morning.


     Hotel Arrivals

The following are the arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel, January 14, 1897: Dan T. WEAVER, Spokane; C.R. PAUL, Chicago; Miss Edith LUCAS, Fresno; Miss RYAN, Los Angeles; Dr. BROWNING and wife, Repressa; John R. WALKER, Jack McAULIFFE, Miss Nellie MILLER, C. McCORMICK, J.M. SILVERTON, New York; J.C. HAYS, Oakland; John E. BUDD, Stockton; William T. JETER, Santa Cruz; D.H. JACKSON and daughter, Placerville; W.H. SEYMOUR, R.S. BUCK, R.S. BROWN, J. KASKEL, E.A. BRUNS, J. PHILLIPS and wife, B.E. MOTT, S.K. THORNTON, G.H. CONAUGHT, M.M. HEINEMAN, Charles SIMONS, E.W. HARNESS, John C. SPEIGHT, Charles ZEIMES, J.D. SMILEY, E.B. CASTIEN, San Francisco.


     A Dog’s Leg Broken


The Injured Canine Belongs to a Theatrical Company - Now Under a Surgeon’s Care - Talk of an Arrest

     Joseph GRISMER, the well-known actor, who is at the head of the ?Humanity? company, which is to appear at the Metropolitan Theater to-night, and John S. HALE, the business manager of the organization, are hot after the scalp of a Sacramento express man. They propose to prosecute him upon a charge of cruelty to animals.

When the train bearing the “Humanity” actors and five or six horses and a pack of eighteen English fox hounds arrived at the depot in this city this morning, there was a crush of curious people and a large collection of hacks and express wagons. Mr. GRISMER told a Bee reporter that an express man, who evidently imagined he owned the earth, drove deliberately into the pack of hounds, running over one of the animals and breaking one of its front legs. The suffering brute was taken to a livery stable, where the fracture was reduced by a surgeon. Mr. GRISMER said that a police officer witnessed the affair, but declined to make an arrest, saying that a warrant, properly sworn to, would have to be procured. GRISMER and HALE then consulted an officer of the Humane Society about the matter and were told that that organization would prefer not to act in this case, as it would not be a wise thing to get into conflict with the law officers.



This column is devoted to the interests of the people who have anything to say as matters of local or general import. Anonymous communication will not be noticed, but confidence of correspondents will be sacredly kept. The publication of articles in this department carries with it no guarantee of endorsement.

     Letter From Mrs. Minnie Pugh

To the Editor of The Bee - Sir: Please pardon the liberty I take in writing to you. I am a subscriber to your weekly paper. In the issue of January 6th is an account of the criminal conduct of Frank E. PUGH, Postmaster at Perkins. Among the statements made in the article published is that he is unmarried. Now, in justice to a cruelly wronged and forsaken wife, I will state that he was married in El Dorado (this county), to Minnie N. SAVAGE, of Shingle Springs, by Justice F.N. TRACY, and five years ago the 4th of November, 1896, he forsook his home and wife to go back to keep saloon.

To-day his wife is dependent upon the miserable sum of $6 per month, a helpless invalid from nervous prostration, unable to bear her weight upon her feet, or walk one step, only as she pushes a chair in front of her.

Oh, if you could come and see for yourself and know the cruelty, the privation and the suffering that she is now undergoing, it would melt your heart to the keenest pity.

It worries me in by feeble condition to know that if a false statement is telegraphed to the Associated Press it is so published in every newspaper in the whole world.

?Helpless and alone.? None know the full meaning of the words except those who experience it.

It is with the greatest exertion that I am enable to write, even with a lead pencil.

Trusting I have not wearied you by my writing, I remain the forsaken wife of Frank E. PUGH.

                                       MINNIE N. PUGH

                Latrobe, El Dorado County, January 10, 1897.


        Complaint From Washington.

To the Editor of The Bee - Sir: A great deal of complaint is made by parents and guardians of children attending the public school of Washington, Yolo County, of which Daniel Boone LACY is the Principal, over a rule made by him (which subordinate teachers must enforce), that the little scholars ranging all the way from 6 to 17 years of age are denied the use of the water closet during school hours, save and except upon the penalty that if they do make such use as nature requires, often time under an extreme emergency, they will be required to remain in the school room during the recess period.

Mr. LACY having been remonstrated with numerous times in regard to this rule by the parents of children attending his school as to the injury to the physical health of the scholars, have received from him nothing but supreme contempt and a statement from him to these who talked to him about the mater that he would make such rules as he saw fit and see that they are obeyed.

One little girl by the name of Lillie LOHRY has just returned from the hospital convalescing, after an operation performed at the Sisters’ Hospital in Sacramento, for appendicitis. The operation was performed by Dr. SUTLIFF, WIARD and O’CONNER, all of whom distinctly state that the cause of the afflictio0n was brought on by constipation.

Others who are now out of school are suffering from the rule as they believe, laid down by Daniel Boone LACY. It is a well known fact to parents that many of their children are of a sensitive nature, and through their want of knowledge of their physical conditions, will withhold and check the calls of nature, because they will have to pay the penalty of being detained in school during the hours when their little comrades are at play, thereby bringing about the results stated by physicians.


     Washington, Yolo County, Jan. 13th.



He Will Appear for Sentence Before Judge Hart on Saturday.

     C.H. WATSON, who, a short time ago, entered rooms in two hotels in this city and stole therefrom various articles of value, was upon his own request brought into Judge HART’s Court this morning. The prisoner was accompanied by his counsel, C.F. GARDNER. His case had been set for trial on Saturday next. District Attorney RYAN announced that WATSON desired to withdraw his plea of not guilty to the two charges of burglary filed against him, and would plead guilty to one of the informations. The District Attorney was willing to accept this proposition, as it would save the expense of a trial, and would not necessitate the calling together of the jury on next Saturday. The prisoner’s attorney assented to the statement of the prisoner’s desire to plead guilty to one of the informations against him, and Judge HART thereupon set Saturday next as the time for hearing testimony as to the degree of the offense, and for the passing of sentence.



Pacific Rolling Mills Employes Out on a Strike.

     SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 14 - Another strike of Pacific Rolling Mills employes took place to-day, the men were employed on work for the Claus Spreckels’ new building on Market Street, and struck for an advance from $2.50 to $2.75 per day. When the advance was refused the men quit work.

The strikers say the walkout was caused by a failure of the rolling mills to keep their promise of a raise in wages of 25 cents per day.


     Court Sacramento, No. 12, I.O.F.

Court Sacramento, No. 12, Foresters of America, has installed the following officers: Newton T. DENNIS, Chief Ranger; E. FRICHETTE, Sub. Chief Ranger; J. MORRIS, Past Chief Ranger; Curt C. HALL, Recording Secretary; Charles A. ROOT, Financial Secretary; A. BROUGHTON, Senior Woodard; C. DUCKEE, Junior Woodard; L. SMITH, Senior Beadle; G.SCULLY, Junior Beadle; Fred DAY, J.A. GREEEN and N. HARVIE, Trustees.


     Professor Gleason Coming

Professor O.R. GLEASON, a horse trainer of some renown, will open an engagement at the New Pavilion in this city, beginning Monday next. Professor GLEASON uses practical methods in dealing with vicious horses, and during his career as a horse-trainer he has not encountered one so unruly that he cannot subdue.

A band of music will be in attendance each night.



Made the Subject of a Suit Brought To-day.

Suit has been commenced by Ann M. and Vinnie M. NIXON against W.B. MILLER as administrator of the estate of Mary HADWICK, deceased. The complaint alleges that Mary HADWICK died intestate and that W.B. MILLER was duly appointed administrator of her estate; that on the 9th day of January, 1897, and ever since the 11th day of January 1896, plaintiffs were the owners in fee and entitled to possession of certain real property situated in the City of Sacramento and that the defendant, on January 9, 1897, did wrongfully and unlawfully enter into possession of the same and seize and eject the plaintiffs there from , and since that time has withheld the possession thereof from the plaintiffs and in collecting the rents accruing from the leasing or letting of said property. The petition of plaintiffs further states that Mary HADWICK at the time of her death left no estate whatever, and that said (rest of article not legible).


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Evening Bee

Tuesday September 21, 1897



B. WILSON, of this city, has returned from a business trip to New York and Eastern cities.

Miss May NICHOLS has returned to her home in Chico after a visit with friends in this city.

Miss Flora HEAD, of Napa City, has been visiting Mrs. William McLAUGHLIN for a couple of weeks.

Ernest GRAHAM and wife left yesterday for a two weeks' outing in the mountains of El Dorado County.

Major W.H. GETT Jr., returned from Suisun yesterday, having been there on legal business.

Edward BONNHEIM, formerly of this city, but now of New York, is spending a few days with friends in this city.

Joseph SHIPPEN, a well known attorney of Seattle, Washington, has been visiting his friend, Edward L. GALVIN, for a few days.

Miss Eleanor G. McEWEN, of San Francisco, has returned from a short visit to her cousin, Miss Belle MATHEWS, of this city.

Warden Charles AULL, and E.A. AULL, who have been taking a vacation at the seaside, arrived in Sacramento last night, on their way home to Folsom.

Samuel BLACK, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, has gone to the northern part of the State to attend County Institute meetings in Lassen, Modoc and other counties.

Dr. Clark BURNHAM and wife ,of San Francisco, have returned from a tour of several months to the mountains, and are now spending a few days with Dr. BURNHAM's relatives at Folsom. The doctor has recovered from his recent severe illness.



Hudo Eloesser Passed Away in San Francisco Last Night

The hop growers of this section of the State will learn with regret of the death of Hugo ELOESSER, head of the hop dealing firm of William UHLMAN & Co., which occurred in San Francisco at a late hour last night. The firm, with which Mr. ELOESSER was connected, is one of the largest of its kind in the country, and no man was better known than Mr. ELOESSER. He frequently made trips to the Sacramento hoplands.


Deceased was about 45 years of age. It is said that several well known hop-men of this section will go to the Bay to attend the funeral.



An Injured Mexican Refuses to Ride in the Patrol Wagon

This afternoon, as a Mexican, who refused to give his name, was walking on the car track, near Third and N Streets, he was struck by an electric car and hurled to the ground.

He sustained a serious scalp wound and the patrol wagon was sent to convey him to the Receiving Hospital.

When the ambulance arrived the man positively refused to enter it. He later appeared at the Receiving Hospital, where his injury was attended to by Assistant City Physician OGDEN.

Says He Was Robbed

This afternoon, a Chinaman named Ah FONG, reported at the Police Station that he had been held up last night in Chinatown, by two Chinese, who robbed him of $20.50.



Last night, about 11 o'clock, a gasoline stove exploded in the restaurant of Lester GARWOOD, at No. 216 K Street. The flames were extinguished before much damage was done.

Julia L. BOSWORTH has begun a suit for divorce from F.E. BOSWORTH.

The Supervisors and County Surveyor will leave for the Slough House, on the Cosumnes River, to-morrow morning, to examine the Live Oak Bridge.

J. MURPHY and Louis BRAGG, who had been arrested for drunkenness, were discharged this morning in the Police Court.

Last night a number of merchants endorsed the Clerks' Union by closing their places of business at 6 o'clock. 


Police Court Notes

The case of Wm. JONES and W.B. HATFIELD, charged with petit larceny, for stealing a box of crackers, have been continued in the Police Court until Thursday next.

M.E. GATES will be tried Saturday for using water for irrigating during a fire.

Patrick KELLY was to-day sentenced to ten days imprisonment for disturbing the peace in the depot.

Mrs. DEVINE will be tried on Thursday for distributing the peace at 802 Seventh Street.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Record-Union

Friday, March 25, 1898

Page 8


Rebel George is Booked for the State Prison

Railroad Officer Frank RIDER yesterday returned from Yreka, where he had been for the purpose of identifying George KNOWLTON, alias “Rebel George,” who had been at one of his old swindling tricks, and got caught.  Several months ago KNOWLTON left San Francisco on the same train with a citizen of German extraction, who was bound for the Klondike. KNOWLTON, who has for years been recognized as the smoothest operator on the coast, entered into conversation with his fellow-traveler, and represented that he himself was a Klondiker, and that he had brought out with him thirty pounds of gold dust.

KNOWLTON finally induced his victim to go into the smoking car, when near Sisson, and take a hand at a game of cards. When the German quit the game he was $250 out, and the arrest of KNOWLTON followed.  Word was received in this city yesterday that KNOWLTON had been convicted of swindling, but had not yet been sentenced. KNOWLTON, or “Rebel George,” is well known in Sacramento, having been in the employ of a wholesale liquor house here. He was also in jail here about two years ago, at which time he was floated out on a vagrancy charge.

Articles of Incorporation

Articles of incorporation were yesterday filed in the office of the Secretary of State as follows:

California Fruit Shipping Company of San Jose. Directors – Callie ANDERSON, John A. ANDERSON, George H. ANDERSON and Sallie E. ANDERSON, San Jose, and Lewis A. HILBORN, Suisun. Capital stock, $25,000, all subscribed.  Hardy Gold Mining and Milling Company. Principal place of business, San Francisco. Directors - Ernest LICHAN, M.D., I.I. BROWN and Alex T. VOGELSANG, San Francisco, and Woodson GARRARD and Willfred G. DROWN, Angels’ Camp. Capital stock, $1,500,000. Amount subscribed, $140,000. Midon Petroleum Improvement Company. Principal place of business, San Francisco. Directors - Frank MIDON, Alma and Charles GUILLET, Charles GALLIARD, August GREITH, Manuel MEYER, Justin LODGNOUS and Arthur FRELING, San Francisco. Capital stock, $50,000. Amount subscribed, $3,500.

Gautner & Guntz Undertaking Company. Principal place of business, San Francisco. Directors - H,W. GAUTNER and F.L. GUNTZ, M.A. GAUTNER, F.H. GUNTZ and H.J. MIBACH, all of San Francisco. Capital stock, $10,000, all subscribed.

Daulton Ranch Company. Formed to deal and manufacture wares and merchandise of all kinds. Principal place of business, Madera County.  Directors - Mary J. DAULTON, John F. DAULTON, Jonathan R. DAULTON and Ida SAXE, Madera County, and Seth MANN, Alameda County. Capital stock, $200,000.  Amount subscribed $500.


The Grocer Plays Detective and Captures a Low Bread Thief in the Act.  Will HANLON, the Twelfth and P street grocer, has suddenly sprung into prominence as a detective and thief catcher - too suddenly and quite too prominently for a modest and retiring young man who is averse to notoriety and doesn’t like to see his name in the papers. Yesterday Mr. HANLON hardly had time to go to his meals, so busily engaged was he in responding to the storm of telephone congratulations of his friends from all over the city.  It was all the result of a little prowess he displayed yesterday morning in catching a thief, convicting him on the spot and inflicting a deserved punishment before Justice DAVIS could get a whack at the fellow.  Frequently of late HANLON had been robbed of the daily bread supply from one of the bakeries. The delivery wagon reached the store just before daylight and left some fifteen loaves by the rear door. Every few days this supply would vanish before the store was opened, and about a week ago HANLON resolved to play detective for himself.

Secreting himself behind a bush in the adjoining yard, he passed many a long, shivering and fruitless vigil. It happened during the late severe frost wave, when the mercury went down to the freezing point every morning, but HANLON was game, and “staid with it.”

Yesterday morning his perseverance was rewarded. The baker called at the usual hour and left his bread supply, and shortly afterward HANLON saw a man sneak up to the rear of the store and taking a barley sack from under his arms proceed to stuff it with loaves of freshly-baked warm bread. HANLON limbered up his artillery for action in case it should be required, and then quietly slipped from his hiding place and pounced on the thief before the latter realized what had happened. Billy was mad clear through, and - “say, he didn’t do a thing to that bread stealer.” He held him by the collar with his left hand and sent swings and half-arm jolts with his right until he soon had his man on queer street.

It was bitter cold, and HANLON needed just such exercise to warm him up and get his blood into circulation. In the struggle his gun fell from his pocket, and but that made no difference, for he didn’t need it.  The thief begged like a child. He said he was hungry and had been forced to steal the bread to keep from starving, but HANLON would not let him go.  He had secured the assistance and companionship of Officer BAILEY, and when he had got through with his prisoner he turned him over to the officer, who took what was left of him to jail.

The prisoner proved to be Antone VALLES, a man not wholly unknown in local history, having once posed as a sort of private detective. During the day HANLON called on the woman with whom VALLES lives, and she declared that he had never brought a loaf of the bread to the house. It is presumed that he had one or more customers for it and sold it.

HANLON’s friends are urging him to sell out his business and try and secure employment as a police detective, or failing in that, to become a prizefighter.


The Stolen Articles Recovered by Officer Fisher

Some time on Wednesday night a room in the Muddox building, at Third and K streets, occupied by C. DANIELS, was burglarized and two pairs of trousers, a valuable overcoat, a dress coat, two vests and an alarm clock were stolen.  Officer FISHER recovered the stolen property early yesterday morning, from a second-hand store, where it had been sold, and succeeded in getting an excellent description of the burglars.


A Railroad Workman Injured Near Gold Run, Placer County.  Patrick CORCORAN, a railroad section hand, was badly injured on Wednesday near Blue Canyon. He had been taken ill while at work and was on his way to the camp, walking down the track when he was struck by a train.  CORCORAN was thrown to the side of the track, where he was picked up in an insensible condition. His head was severely cut and he was otherwise injured. He was taken to the Placer Hospital temporarily.

McQuillan Gets Two Months

Alex McQUILLAN was arraigned before Justice HENRY yesterday and pleaded guilty to failing to come back with change for a $20 piece with which he was intrusted by Louis CAFFARO’s bartender and wandering off with it to Penryn.  Judge HENRY sentenced him to improve his memory for five months in the County Jail.

Petty Offenders

George DAVIS and Harry BAXTER were convicted of vagrancy in the City Justice Court yesterday, and were sentenced to serve forty days each in the County Jail.

John RYAN, also charged with vagrancy, was discharged, the evidence showing that on Tuesday last he came up from Grand Island, where he had been employed on a farm.

Complementary to the Court

M.G. DANDRIED, who is charged with selling liquor without a license, doesn’t want to be tried by Justice DAVIS - he prefers a jury of his peers.  All of which may be regarded by Justice DAVIS as a compliment, even if not so intended. The case has been set for Tuesday next.

A Very Dear Free Ride

While beating his way eastward over the railroad on Wednesday night a youth named J.H. ROBERTS got one of his feet between the car bumpers at Colfax, with the usual result - a crushed foot.

He was taken back to the County Hospital at Auburn for treatment.

Slater Is Here Again

John SLATER, who has appeared in Sacramento a number of times, giving his wonderful exhibitions of mind-reading, will be at Pythian Castle three nights this week, beginning to-night. He promises the same interesting entertainments as before.

Robert Forbes’ Successor

The Southern Pacific Company has appointed J.F. DAUL, the long-time clerk at the Railroad Hospital in this city, as manager thereof, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Robert FORBES.

Charged With Battery

Officer WILSON yesterday arrested Jacob SMALL on a warrant sworn out by a man named ZIMMERMAN, charging him with battery. The matter will be aired in Justice DAVIS’ court this morning.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





The Sacramento Daily Record-Union

Sunday, March 27, 1898

Page 3


It Appears He Had Contemplated It for Some Time

Coroner CLARK has not yet held an inquest on the body of Daniel HOLLAND, who committed suicide a couple of days since. According to the Chico “Record,” HOLLAND did not commit the act under a sudden impulse, but it would seem that he had been preparing for some time to end his life. That paper says:

“HOLLAND’s last visit to Chico was about a week ago, and while here he made it a part of his business to have his insurance certificate with the Knights of Honor, for $2,000, changed so that it would be paid to his wife instead of his children, in event of his death. This action on the part of HOLLAND would indicate that he had considered the matter of suicide for some time previous.

“Deceased was a native of England, having been born in Liverpool in 1847.  During his boyhood he served several years as cabin boy on an English vessel. He came to Chico in 1873 and resided here until 1890.”


The Crowning on Friday Evening - An Enjoyable Affair

The entertainment given by the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church of Elk Grove on Friday evening was a complete success, not only from a social point of view, but also financially. The success of the entertainment was not due entirely to the members of the church, for the community at large gave their willing aid to assist the ladies of the church.

It would be impossible to name each one who took part in the programme, for all deserve great credit, and some who took the more prominent parts deserve special mention.

The shadow pantomime was very cleverly performed. The lovers, Albert LEAVITT and Miss Mary DUFFY, carried out their parts to perfection.  The crowning of the Floral Queen was the main feature of the programme, and it was indeed a beautiful one. Miss BADER, the Queen, who is a young lady of unusual attractiveness, was dressed in white silk, with long train.  She was attended by two maids of honor and two pages. Her throne was artistically decorated with bunting and flowers, and as she ascended it her pathway was strewn with flowers.

The poetess, Miss HAVERLY, presented the Queen with a lovely basket of flowers and crowned her.

After the programme the Queen held a reception and the guests were served with refreshments. The tables and hall were a mass of flowers every hue and color. The Florin Band added much to the entertainment.

Following is the programme in full:

Miss Nevada BADER, Queen of Flowers; first maid of honor, Miss Vivian SPRINGSTED; second maid of honor, Miss Blanche HENLEY; Callie COLTON, Orton COLTON, pages; Committee of Arrangements - Rev. Adolph EABERLY (Chairman), Mrs. L.H. CONKLIN, F.E. SCHIMER, Miss Nevada BADER, Mrs. Louisa HABERLY, Mrs. Carrie STICKNEY; invocation; music, Florin Band; bass solo, “Deep in the Mine,” F.E. SCHIRMER; recitation, “The Spinning Wheel,” Miss May OMEROD; music, Florin Band’ solo, “The Virginia Rosebud,” Mrs. Sam KENNEDY; piano duet (selected), Mrs. Henry WEIDEMAN and Miss HOLMAN; recitation, “The New Woman,” Miss Bessie JACKSON; solo, “The Holy City,” Mrs. W.L. MAGRAY; music, Florin Band; piano solo, “The Sparrows’ Gossip,” Miss May HICKMAN; duet, “O Sing Ye Merry Birds,” Miss Adeline LOLL and George BOLES (rest of article is cut off).

Katie Williams Taken Away

Officer Dan HEALY of the Children’s Society took Katie WILLIAMS, the runaway Reno girl, to the Magdalen Asylum in San Francisco.

Castle Crag Tavern

This famous family resort, situated in the picturesque Sacramento Canyon and within view of grand old Shasta, will be open for the reception of guests about the 15th of June. This is a delightful spot for a genuine rest.

Call and see how we are prepared to keep fresh fish during the warm months of summer. Will continue to receive bulk oysters until may 1st, 50¢ qt.  American Fish Co., 724 J Sunset, main, 454; Cap., 616.

5,000 Young Orange Trees from the celebrated Whitney Navel budding. Address E.C. COBURN, Club Nursery, Penryn, Cal.

McMORRY sells groceries. Agent for Coronado water and Stockton sarsaparilla and iron. 531 M street.

Removed - Charles A. PALM has removed his iron works to 1119 Sixth street.

One suite of rooms to let in Pommer building, corner Ninth and J streets, suitable for doctor.

HODSON’s 25¢ coupon gives you a doz. Cabinets for $1.55. See agents.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





The Sacramento Daily Record-Union

Wednesday, March 30, 1898

Page 4


But He Will be Re-Examined by a Justice of the Peace

Despite the strenuous objections of Hiram W. JOHNSON, counsel for Steffan BAUMANN, the wife-slayer, Judge HART yesterday refused to proceed with the trial of the defendant, under the existing commitment, the prisoner having been held to answer by the recently decapitated Police Court.

At the request of District Attorney RYAN - who did not wish to take any chances of BAUMANN escaping punishment - he was discharged but was at once re-arrested and taken before Justice HENRY, who set the case for re-examination to-day.


Articles of Incorporation

Articles of incorporation were yesterday filed in the Secretary of State’s office as follows:

Bown Mining Company. Principal place of business, San Francisco. Directors - William J. RULE, Philip ROWE, George ROWE, Tuttletown; John M.W. WRIGHT, San Francisco; and E.S. VANCE, Oakland. Capital stock, $1,000,000. Stock actually subscribed, $50.

Smyth Machine Company. Formed to operate and deal in all kinds of machinery. Principal place of business Pasadena. Directors - Joseph E.  SMYTH, Horace M. DOBBINS, David M. SMYTH, Pasadena; Mrs. Caroline W.  DOBBINS, South Pasadena, and Thaddeus LOWE, Los Angeles. Capital stock, $300,000. Amount subscribed, $500.

Claremont Congregational Church. Principal place of business, Claremont, Los Angeles County. Directors - Mrs. P.J. COLCORD, George C. HITCHCOCK, Dr.  Cyrus G. BALDWIN, Mrs. Catherine JENKS, E.C. NORTON and H.W. JONES, all of Claremont. No capital stock.

Weinstock, Lubin and Co. of San Francisco. Formed to buy and sell goods, wares and merchandise of every name, nature and description, etc. Directors - Eugene G. DAVIS and David LUBIN, San Francisco; A. BONNHEIM and H.  WEINSTOCK, Sacramento, and E. BONNHEIM, New York City. Capital stock, $500,000. Amount subscribed, $100,000.

Bonanza Gold Mining Company. Principal place of business, Stockton.


Stockton, and G. MILLER, San Francisco. Capital stock, $300,000. Amount subscribed, $200,000.

California Mining and Trading Company. Place of business, San Francisco.  Directors - J.R. KENDALL, john FANBUL and E.C. LOFTUS, San Francisco, and C.W. ORMSBY and F.H. BARNES, Oakland. Capital stock, $500,000. Amount subscribed, $310.

H. White & Co. To conduct a paperhanging business. Place of business, San Francisco. Directors - James LLOYD, J.B. SYKES, P.J. MURPHY, A.M. ARMSTRONG and J.N. ROSS, all of San Francisco. Capital stock, $2,500. Amount subscribed, $250.

Commercial Bank of North Ontario, California. Directors - J.L. PAUL and W.T. BART, San Antonio, and Charles RUEDY, C.E. HARWOOD, P.E. WALLIER, North Ontario. Capital stock, $25,000, all subscribed.

The Yolo Fighters

Melvin HATCH and C. BOEHM of this city who Monday last engaged in a knock-down-drag-out fight in Washington, across the river, were arrested yesterday morning and taken before Justice GILL of that place. They pleaded guilty to charges of disturbing the peace, and the Yolo Justice let them off light - $2.50 each. Both paid.

Will Return to Oregon

Governor BUDD yesterday issued a warrant on a requisition of the Governor of Oregon for the return to that State of C.J. MELVIN, who is wanted in Portland for uttering a forged contract. MELVIN is now in jail in San Francisco.


Judge Hughes Sends Andrews Sparks Back to Jail

Andrew SPARKS, a petty larcenist, is still in jail, notwithstanding the fact that the Supreme Court has declared that his commitment by the old Police Court was not legal.

Having been recommitted by a Justice of the Peace, he appeared before Judge HUGHES yesterday in a habeas corpus proceeding. His attorney, S.R.  HART, contended that SPARKS’ liberty had been already in jeopardy, and that therefore he was illegally held.

Judge HUGHES did not agree with this view of the matter, and remanded Mr. SPARKS to the custody of the Sheriff. The probability is that SPARKS will appeal.


The Executors Ask Permission to Sell the Property

Herman and Edith LEIMBACH executors of the estate of Catherine M. LEIMBACH, deceased, have, by their attorneys, HOLL & DUNN, petitioned the Superior Court for permission to sell the real estate, valued at about $16,000.  Personal property has already been sold to the amount of $1,858.06, and there has been expended in discharging debts of the estate $3,278.20, leaving $2,019.70 due the executors.

Deceased left no will, and the heirs-at-law are Herman LEIMBACH (husband), Albert, Hustus and J.H. LEIMBACH (sons), and Elizabeth MARSHALL, Amy TRYON, Maria SMITh and Edith and Mabel LEIMBACH (daughters).


Funeral of the Late Louis Callisch Yesterday

The members of the Society of Pioneers turned out in a body yesterday and received the remains of their late comrade, Louis CALLISCH, on the arrival of the body from San Jose, and escorted it to the City Cemetery.  The interment was in the Pioneers’ plat. The pall-bearers were C.K. DAUGHERTY, Dwight HOLLISTER, E. TWITCHELL and A.C. SWEETSER. Beside the Pioneers many of the old friends of the deceased followed his remains to the grave.


The Cases of Rive and Devine to be Heard To-Day

W.E. RICE and Ed DEVINE were before Justice DAVIS yesterday morning to answer to a charge of battery, but their cases were continued until this morning.

RICE and DEVINE were among the men who beat a man named BENNETT at Eighteenth and J streets on Sunday night, at which time a lady who interceded for their victim was knocked down. The police say a third man will be soon brought in.


On Tuesday evening, the 22d, Mr. and Mrs. STORCH entertained a few of their friends and neighbors. It was one of the most enjoyable parties given.  The house was beautifully decorated with potted plants. The predominating colors of the dining room were purple and yellow. Delightful music was rendered during the evening, and considerable merriment was caused by dressing “the new woman.” Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. STALKER, Mr.  and Mrs. J. SHEY, Mr. and Mrs. Fred DAY, Mr. and Mrs. W. GROPP, Mr. HORNLEIN, Sr., C. ROBERTSON, Miss F. ROBERTSON, Miss Belle ADAMS, Miss Lena GORE, Miss Minnie SHEY, Miss Lena GROPP, Mrs. F. BURNS, Mrs. ADAMS, Miss Myrtle BURNS.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Sacramento Daily Record-Union

Saturday, May 7, 1898

Page 3


The Funeral of J.W. Nixon Took Place Yesterday Afternoon

The funeral of J.W. NIXON was held from his late residence, 2114 Tenth street, at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon. There was a large attendance, both at the house and at the cemetery.

The services at the house were conducted by Rev. A. C. HERRICK, while those at the cemetery were read by Thomas CODY, President of Sacramento Parlor, No. 3, Native Sons of the Golden West, of which the deceased was a member. The singing was by Mesdames HOWARD and LESTER.  The mail-carriers attended in a body.

Funeral of George Hall

The funeral of the late George HALL was held from Calvary Baptist Church, on I street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. Frank M. MITCHELL. The pallbearers were: William ELLERY, G. SHOEMAKER, O. CROCKER, J. RUSSELL, Peter YAGER and Bert POLLARD.

Cut by a Bottle

A boy who gave his name as Tony MACHADO called at the Receiving Hospital last night to have a cut in his hand dressed that he had received from the bursting of a soda-water bottle. It was taken care of, and he went on his way rejoicing.

Bar Association Meeting

The Sacramento Bar Association held an executive meeting yesterday in relation to the application of Z.F. WHARTON to have his sentence of disbarment from practice rescinded and his license restored, but they decided not to make public the action taken, if any, at the meeting.

Stolen Robes Recovered

Officer Mike FISHER yesterday found in a second-hand store two valuable lap robes that had been reported stolen in Woodland. They are at the police station, where the owner can obtain them by proving property.

Powder Houses Are Guarded

Owing to the number of strangers and suspicious characters in the city, and the fact of our being at war with Spain, the Mayor and Chief of Police have determined to place guards at the powder-houses outside the city limits, and last night were placed on duty there, and will be kept there night and day, to prevent any treachery or foul play.

En Route to Folsom

Deputy Sheriffs Frank O. BURNS and J. KAVANAUGH of San Francisco last night brought up Frank ANDERSON, sentenced from that county to Folsom for five years for burglary, and William WALLACE, sentenced for four years for the same crime. They were lodged in the County Jail, and will be taken up to-day.

Wants Her Child

Minnie M. FLINT, through her attorneys MILLER & BROWN, has petitioned the Superior Court for a modification of the order giving the custody of the son of herself and Oscar M. FLINT to the latter, and asks that he be given into her custody, as she is abundantly able to care for him.

Appraisement Filed

J.H. KINGMAN, John MINFORD and F.M. TRACY have filed in the Superior Court their inventory and appraisement of the estate of Lizzie BARRETT, deceased, which consists of real estate valued at $5,000.

Inventory Filed

Margaret J. McCARTHY, executrix of the estate of Quinlan SULLIVAN, deceased, has filed in the Superior Court her inventory of the property, which consists of $1,350 in cash.

Short on Water

There was 12 feet 5 inches of water in the river yesterday, which is about eight feet less than in usual at this time of the year.

·         Advertisements -


SCHARDIN, architect, removed to Breuner building, K street

Removed - Charles A. PALM has removed his iron works to 1119 Sixth street.

McMORRY sells groceries. Agent for Coronado water and Stockton Sarsaparilla and iron. 531 M street.

John B. FREES has purchased the grocery business at Twelfth and D streets and invites his friends to call.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Record Union

Sunday May 15, 1898




The Gilsons and Donohues at War - A Pistol Shot


Family discord led to a miniature war in the vicinity of Ninth and T streets yesterday, when a man named Gilson fired a shot, supposed to have been intended for his brother-in-law, whose name is Donahue. Gilson, it is said, after shooting at Donahue, knocked down his own father, who had the temerity to interfere. Family trouble is said to be at the bottom of the affair.

Donohue, his wife and the elder Gilson visited the police station to lay a complaint against the man who did the shooting, and while there Gilson and his wife arrived to make complaint against Donohue.


Chief DWYER suspected that the men were armed and searched them. The younger Gilson panned out two revolvers and a long dagger, and one revolver was taken from Donohue. After disarming the belligerents, Chief DWYER turned them loose. Donohue said he would swear out a complaint for Gilson's arrest to-morrow.




The following real estate transactions have been recorded since our last report:


D.W. SUMY et ux. To Philip S. DRIVER - Lot 36 in lot 25, Louisiana tract; $300.


J.W. HINMAN to Alice H. HINMAN - Lot 14, Block N, Highland Park.


C.W. CLARKE and Frederick COX to Henry GRUNDMAN - Lot 2, block 10, Fair Oaks Addition No. 1


Alvin C. SEARLE Estate to Dora L. SEARLE and Louise SILVA - West half of east half of lot 2, L and M and Fourth and Fifth streets.


Dora L. SEARLE to Louisa SILVA - Undivided one-half interest in west half of east half of lot 2, L and M and Fourth and Fifth streets.


Elinor DAVIS to Sacramento Stamm, No 124, Improved Order of Red Men - Lot 6, N and O and Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets; also east 16 feet of lot 2 and west 16 feet of lot 3, M and N and Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets.


Mrs. R.D. WHARTON to J. WHARTON - Lot 5, H and I and Nineteenth and Twentieth streets.

B.F. WHITMORE and H..H. JOHNSON to Fannie MILLS (formerly Whitmore) - All interest in west half of lot 3, G and H and Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets.




M.N. WILLIAMSON & Co., on whose property near GUTHRIE's Station it was proposed some years ago to sink wells for supplying the city with pure water, are about to bring the water from their deep wells into town and supply those who may prefer it to the river water. It is their purpose to deliver it by wagons.




About two weeks ago the Boston Shoe Company arrived here and opened a sale of fine shoes and then stated that they would remain here only four weeks. While it is true that a great many people have taken advantage of this opportunity and bought boots and shoes for less than any retailer can buy them, and therefore must be more than satisfied with their saving of money, for a saving of 50 cents or a dollar on every pair of shoes must in these times be acceptable; yet we would like to know this: If it is true as we were informed before coming here, that in the city of Sacramento, without including the surrounding country, there is a population of 35,000, why many more or all do not come and get shoes while there is yet time. We will remain here only two weeks longer. Why delay? Why not come at once? We never carry shoes over if it can be helped. The prices are still lower than ever. Remember, only two weeks more to buy high-grade shoes for very little money. Boston Shoe Company, 605 J street.




Direct form New York Saturday, Misses' and children's Leghorns, 15¢, 25¢, up to $1.20 different styles in ladies', from 25¢ upward, at the Old Red House until July 4th; headquarters for all kinds of millinery....See show windows.


Coronado water, Stockton sarsaparilla and iron, champagne cider, ginger ale, orange cider. J. McMORRY, agent.


LOTHHAMMER removed to 716 J St.


Electrical lamps at Scott's, 303 J.




This Afternoon's Meeting - The Coming Conference.


L.T. HATFIELD will speak at the Young Men's Christian Association rooms this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. His subject will be "A Word to Those Who Have Not Thought Much About Religion." Mr. Hatfield is an interesting speaker, and young men are cordially invited to hear him.


Charles K. OBER of Chicago, Ill., one of the International Secretaries of the Young Men's Christian Association, will visit the Sacramento association Wednesday next, the 18th. John E. GUSTAFSON and Samuel DICKSON of Berkeley are in the city.


The third annual conference for Pacific Coast Association Workers will convene at Pacific Grove on the 20th, the conference lasting for ten days. The programme for this year is in charge of some of the best teachers and thinkers on the coast, besides several men of experience and ability from the East. The programme for each morning is filled with good things, while the afternoons are taken for athletics and recreative sports.




Arrival at the Golden Eagle Hotel yesterday: George L. McCANDLESS, Sacramento; A.V. LOVE, Portsmouth, Charles DODDS, Chicago; Tremont MORSE, United States Coast Survey; B. J. TRIEST, Rochester; L. MEYERS and wife, Angels; D.H. COLES, William H. CAREM, New York; H.C. KENNEDY, H. C. MORRILL, B.L. SCHEFF, W.R. HUTCHINSON, V.F. HOELSCHER, W.M. PHELPS, San Francisco.




A country paper had an editorial paragraph the other day about sending only "battle-scared" veterans to the front. This isn't quite as bad as calling them "bottle-scarred" veterans. The careless compositor will have much to answer for in the next world.




Ed Monroe, who on Friday evening created a disturbance at WITTE's restaurant on K street, near Front, entered a plea of guilty in the City Justice's court yesterday, and will serve twenty days in the County Jail.




Right Rev. Bishop Grace will preach at the Cathedral to-day at the 10:30 o'clock mass.

The children of the Cathedral Parish will receive their first communion next Sunday at the 8 o'clock mass.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Record-Union

Monday May 16, 1898




Alleged To Have Been Sent to Chiquita


It Didn't Reach the Little Woman and the Cuban Atom Still Lives.


Druggist Fred RAY was yesterday applied to by the manager of Chiquita, the little pocket edition of a Cuban woman, for an analysis of the contents of a so-called bottle of wine, alleged to have been sent to the little woman as a gift. According to the story of the bottle, it is said that it was feared it might contain poison; and that some Spanish sympathizer may have sent it for the purpose of killing the liliputian Cuban.


Mr. Ray made an analysis of the bottle's content, though its appearance was enough of itself to show that the stuff was not drinkable and that it was unlike any wine ever made. Chiquita or anybody else who could be deceived by such a compound is hardly entitled to live.


Mr. Ray's analysis showed that the bottle contained enough Paris green to kill twenty persons, if properly distributed, and so stated in his report to the manager of the diminutive lady.


But Mr. Ray did not add anything further. He did not say that the contents of the bottle was of the consistency and color of thin mud, though such was the case, nor that when shaken and poured into a glass it was as green as green grass, which was also true. Neither did his report say that the cork of the bottle was smeared with the poison until it was as green as jealousy, though such was also true, and he did not state that the attempt at the poisoning (if there was any attempt) was a very bunglesome affair, though he might have truthfully said as much.


It is said that a similar attempt was made to poison Chiquita at San Francisco, but the wonder of it is, who would go to any trouble to rid the world of so small an atom of humanity? Even a Spaniard would be in very small business to turn such a trick. Deputy Sheriff KATZENSTEIN has been "working on the case." The bottle of stuff is still in the possession of Druggist Ray, and it speaks for itself.


However, the incident may serve to cause the little woman to be talked about, and when a person in the show business is well discussed he or she is likely to profit by the celebrity thus gained. It would be unfair - possibly unjust - to insinuate that the episode was intended for advertising purposes, but there are some who persist in regarding it in that light.




A Citizen Who Protests Against Their Destruction


Chairman MANSON of the Bureau of Sate Highways, protests against the slaughter of barn swallows which nest under the eaves of the Capitol building.


For some weeks past Secretary of State BROWN has authorized the shooting of the birds because their nests disfigured the building, and at many times since then a visitor might readily believe that the Spanish had invaded the State and were trying to break even by battering down the big State building.


Mr. Manson says the mud nests put up by the industrious birds are scarcely perceptible from the ground, and that the birds themselves are most valuable farmers and horticulturists. They are insect destroyers, weavil and mosquitos being their principal food, and they never molest fruit or grain of any kind.


Mr. Manson says if the people around the Capitol building want good shooting they might keep in practice on the pestiferous English sparrows that infest the grounds. 




Old Glory Now Floats From an Oak Park Mast


There was a flag-raising event at Oak Park on Saturday. Some of the good people there decided the other day that the Stars and Stripes would look well floating in the Oak Park breezes, so M.D. Coon set out to raise the money necessary to purchase a flag. He collected enough to pay for a handsome 12x18 foot banner, and on Saturday it was raised aloft with appropriate ceremonies.


The exercises were as follows:


Selection by the Oak Park Band; opening addresses by the Chairman W.H. COLLINS; address by Rev. R.D. RUSSELL; song by the school; raising of the flag, Jessie SHAW; salute and oath of allegiance to the flag by the school; song, "Columbia the Gem of the Ocean," by the school; selection, Oak Park Band; closing remarks, Rev. A. C. HERRICK; selection, Oak Park Band; song, "America," by the audience; song, "Star Bangled Banner," Miss May WOODBRIDGE.




Officer Taylor Suspended - His Explanation


Policeman V.F. TAYLOR was suspended from duty by Chief of Police DWYER last night. It is alleged that Taylor was off his beat on Saturday night. A few weeks ago Taylor was suspended for leaving his beat while on duty. It is quite probable that Chief Dwyer will prefer charges against him.  


Officer Taylor was seen by a "Record-Union" reporter, and admitted having been down town as stated. He has supper, he said, about 5 o'clock each evening, and is unable to go until after 8 o'clock the next morning without eating. There are no hotels or restaurants on his beat which are open all night, and his only chance for getting a meal is to come down town for it.


Taylor states that he is afflicted with stomach trouble, and is unable in his weakened condition to go fifteen hours without food.




Funerals of J.B. Cave, Miss Edna G. Smith and John Freund.


The funeral of the late J.B. Cave took place from Masonic Hall at 2 o'clock p.m. yesterday, and was under the auspices of Washington Lodge, F and A.M. The services at the hall were conducted by Rev. W.S. HOSKINSN, pastor of the English Lutheran Church, and at the cemetery by Washington Lodge, the members of which attended in body.


Many of the floral pieces were remarkably beautiful and all were appropriate. The singing both at the hall and cemetery was by Mesdames BERGMANN, ROSS, HOWARD and MOYNIHAN. The pall-bearers were Lee STANLEY, George CLARK, Charles TRAVER and Mr. HENSDALE, representing the family, and G.B. SILVERBERG and Thomas ROSS, representing the Masonic order.


There was a large attendance yesterday at the funeral of the late Miss Edna Godley SMITH, which took place from the residence of O.P. DODGE on G street, near Seventeenth. Dr. Allen GRIFFITHS officiated, and there was singing by a number of friends who had volunteered their services. The casket was almost submerged in flowers, and many of the designs were very beautiful.


The pall-bearers were C.H. LUSK, Lester NICHOLS, S.E. POPE and George SHEPSTONE.

The funeral of the late John FREUND took place from the residence of H.W. Freund, 429 O street, at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. C.F. OEHLER, pastor of the German Lutheran Church.


A large number of beautiful and appropriate floral pieces were sent by friends of the deceased. The singing both at the house and cemetery was by a quartet composed of Mesdames COPPERSMITH, GENSHLEA, LONGBOTTOM, and SHEEHAN. The pall-bearers were H. FROMMELT, Frederick RINK, Carl MEYER, M.L. SMITH, Daniel LONG and H. NICHOLAS.




A Man Who Enlisted and Left His Family in Want.


The call for volnteers for the war has brought to light a peculiar case in San Francisco - that of a man who enlisted in the army, leaving a wife and two children without means of support. The popular idea has been that a man who leaves his family to battle for his country is entitled to great credit for the sacrifice he makes, and that the family will get along somehow.


But this theory is evidently the wrong one, as will be seen from the following statement of the case of John Green, as made by the "Call:"


"There is one of the volunteers whose experience in the army is not likely to be in the line of honor and promotion. He is John Green of 239 Shipley street. According to the complaint made recently to the Eureka Society for the Protection of Children he has a nice little wife and two small children. Without warning he left a job that paid $15 a week, and without providing for the care of his family, joined Battery B, heavy artillery.


The wife told Secretary WADHAM that she was destitute, and the little ones have nothing to eat. Wadham at once got out a warrant for the arrest of the young man and laid the case before the officers of the battery. The latter have taken a keen interest in the case and the result was that the Assistant Adjutant-General sent the following order to Major RICE, under whose command Green now is:


"'Please take such measures as will prevent Private John Green, Battery B, Heavy Artillery, from escaping until questions of his status can be submitted to Department Commanders on Monday.'

Secretary Wadham has been informed the Green will be drummed out of the ranks in disgrace and turned over to the civil courts as soon as the Commanders can pass upon his case."


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Record-Union, Sacramento

Wednesday, June 29, 1898



Shocking Accident To Jesse J. Anderson

The Collision Occurred at Ninth and G Streets - What Eye Witnesses Say One of the long expected accidents growing out of the inability of a street car and bicycle to safely occupy the same track, while going in opposite directions, occurred yesterday, and, naturally, it was the rider of the wheel who suffered.

The accident was a deplorable one, for the victim, Jesse J. ANDERSON, is terribly maimed and may possibly have suffered fatal injury.  Mr. ANDERSON, who is a salesman in the store of W.F. PURNELL, was returning from his noon lunch, coming down G street, and riding between the car tracks. At Ninth street he met a car going in the opposite direction, and there something happened that caused him to come in collision with the car, with the result that his right thigh was fractured several inches below the hip joint, a large piece of flesh gouged from his left shoulder, and his head frightfully cut and bruised. It was also thought he suffered internal injury, as he had several hemorrhages during the afternoon.  Various stories were afloat as to just how the accident occurred. One was that ANDERSON had passed the front end of the car, fell beneath it after the front wheels had passed him and was run over by the rear wheels.  Superintendent ROSS of the car line states, however, that a lady living close by witnessed the accident, and she states that ANDERSON went down in front of the car and was taken off the fender after the car was stopped.  This, he says, is verified by another lady and the motorman of the car.  Whether or not Mr. ANDERSON was trying to pass the car, or suddenly sought to cross in front of it, does not seem to be known, and his condition was such that his version of the occurrence could not be obtained.  Mr. ROSS states that if ANDERSON had, as some persons stated, fallen under the side of the car and been run over by the rear wheels his limbs would have been severed. His terrible cuts and bruises were caused, Mr. ROSS says, by the severe collision with the car and the manner in which he must have fallen in front of the platform. But for the fender he would doubtless have been killed or more frightfully mangled.

Mr. ANDERSON is a very popular young gentleman, and his many friends are greatly pained over his misfortune. It was not determined yesterday whether or not his skull was fractured, but the fact that he was not at once rendered unconscious gives a chance for hope that such was not the case.

Arrested in Montana

Beverly CRAMPTON, a colored man, who is under arrest in Montana for embezzlement committed in Alameda County, will be brought back for trial.  Deputy Sheriff WHITE of that county yesterday obtained the necessary requisition and departed last night for Montana.


They are to be Partaken of with Judgement and Discretion The bountiful earth brings fourth fruits in their seasons. They are wholesome but should be eaten with the sauce of discretion.  The apple is at the head of the list. It is more easily digested than any other fruit. But the skin should always be discarded, for it irritates the bowels.

Fresh figs are good, but dried ones should always be carefully cooked.  Grate the pineapple, or cut it into tiny bits, for its fiber is tough, and resists the juices of in the stomach.

The common banana is a deceptive thing, and children should never be allowed to eat it raw. Baked bananas are highly praised.  Never should the skin of any fruit be swallowed. The skin is an armor for the pulp. It is as unfit for food as a piece of chalk is.

Whenever you have eaten underripe or overripe fruit, and feel sharp, darting pains in the gastric region, you will find prompt relief in Duff’s Pure Malt Whisky, taken in a little warm water.

It is supremely important that the sickness caused by bad fruit should be treated at once. The value of a good whisky in bowel troubles is urged by the leaders in the medical profession.

Duffy’s Pure Malt is absolutely free from harmful matter, as chemical tests prove.

Evergreen Home Directors

Governor BUDD has appointed Sarah J. FARWELL of Oakland, H. Augusta TOZER of Sacramento, Lettie M. WINANS of Petaluma, Cora A. MERRITT of Oakland and Geraldine E. FRISBIE of Menlo Park as members of the Board of Directors of the Women’s relief Corps’ Home at Evergreen, Santa Clara County.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Record-Union, Sacramento

Wednesday, July 6, 1898

Page 4


One of the Bicycles That Were Stolen by Thief Davis

Under Sheriff REESE and Deputy SCHWILK have a “dandy” wheel recovered from the junk loft of DAVIS, the anvil thief. It was stolen form F.M. JONES’ cyclery many months ago, and looks as if it had hung in front of Morro Castle during one of Sampson’s bombardments.

DAVIS had tried to ride the wheel, and when it bucked him off he would beat the ground with it. When it collided with a fence he slammed it against the structure till he was weary. Then he took an iron bar and beat it, and ended the seance by jumping on it.

The wheel is a beauty, indeed, and would have outshone anything in the Horribles’ parade.

Party in the Country

On the 3d instant a birthday party was given by Miss Mona BAILEY at her home near Walsh’s station to a number of friends. A very pleasant time was had. It was also the birthday of her grandmother, Mrs. S.A. CHASE. Ice cream and cake were served in abundance. The birthday cakes were gayly decorated with American colors. The party departed with many good wishes for the future. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J.D. BAILEY, Mr. and Mrs. D.Y.  CHASE, Mr. and Mrs. A.G. McMANAS, Mr. and Mrs. Fred HAAS, Mr. and Mrs. William F. BAILEY, Mr. NEWINGHAM, Mrs. Mary LEA, Mrs. J. McMANAS, Miss Elva CHASE, Miss Elsia HAAS, Miss Mona BAILEY, Miss Arlie CHASE, Miss Greasa PICKET, Sam A. CHASE, Johnnie PLUMMER, Charlie PATTON and Mr. and Mrs. J.



Miss Laura COOPER has gone to San Francisco to spend several weeks with friends.

Mrs. W.B. MILLER and niece, Miss Blanche WOODWARD, are visiting relatives in San Francisco.

Mrs. E.H. RENFRO of Seattle, after an absence of seven years, is here on a visit to her sisters, Mrs. R.W. ASH and Mrs. A.V. STEWART.  Dr. U. SMITH has returned from a two months’ absence in Amador.  Mrs. E.L. SANFORD and children of Sacramento are the guests of Mrs. George WAPPLE in San Jose.

Mrs. M. LYNN and daughter Edith left for Santa Cruz yesterday, where they will remain for the summer.

Mrs. J.A. MOYNIHAN and son will spend a few months at Santa Cruz.  Lyman WELCH, a former resident of Sacramento and Nevada City, and nephew of Mrs. T.B. McFARLAND, was among the soldiers of General SHAFTER’s army in front of Santiago de Cuba who were sunstruck during the battle last week.  E.G. HORNLEIN of Santa Cruz is here on a visit to his son, Max HORNLEIN, of the Central House. Mr. HORNLEIN formerly resided here.  The family of Supervisor William CURTIS, accompanied by Miss Ida FLEMMING, Miss Lou MORRILL and Theodora WILLIS, leave this morning for Phillips’ Station, El Dorado County, to spend the summer. Mr. CURTIS will accompany them and remain a week.

Lawyer R.M. CLARKEN, who has been quite ill for a couple of weeks, was out yesterday but is still too weak to occupy his office. He is at the Sisters’ Hospital.


A Boy Painfully Injured by a Powder Explosion

Yesterday some boys at Twelfth and O streets were experimenting with powder, and they had as is usual in such cases, a practical demonstration of its powder and dangerous qualities.

They had got possession of a shotgun cartridge shell, filled it with powder, plugged it up and exploded it. The metallic base of the cartridge was blown off and struck a little son of H.W. RIVETT, who was looking on, cutting an ugly gash in one of his cheeks. Several stitches were required to close the wound.

Had it struck one of his eyes the optic would have been destroyed.


The Arcega Brothers Both Laid Up For Repairs

The Arcega family has encountered a string of hard luck. On Monday evening, Cal, the youngest of the brothers, had two fingers blown off by the explosion of a toy cannon, and last evening Joseph E., the eldest, met with a serious accident, the marks of which he will carry to his grave.

After the Fourth

In the City Justice’s court yesterday morning, A.P. SILVIA, charged with assaulting George SMITH, was discharged. The evidence showed that SMITH ordered a meal at SILVIA’s restaurant and refused to pay for it. SILVIA ejected him and he fought. SILVIA fought back and was arrested.  Ah Lung pleaded guilty to a charge of gaming, and was fined $100, which he paid.

Hotel Arrivals

Arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel yesterday: I. NAKAHARA, Takyo; J.D.

OAKES, R.A. CORNELIUS, W.H. SEAVER, Chicago; Louis J. GERSON, New York;

Edgar C. HUMPHREYS, T.E. MARTIN, Palo Alto; J.S. DILLER, Washington; William



A Former Sacramentan Wounded

Frank H. JEFFORD of Company E, Sixteenth Infantry, who was wounded in the head at the battle before El Caney in Cuba, is well known in this city. He was brakeman in the railroad yards here for five or six years, but enlisted in the regulars in Idaho and held the rank of Corporal.

The Shed Was Consumed

(Folsom Telegraph)

Monday night, at half-past 8 o’clock, the cry of fire startled our citizens. A reddened sky in the vicinity of the Catholic Church indicated the location of the fire, and upon arriving there a shed in the rear of Joe PERRY’s house was found to be ablaze, and was soon destroyed by the devouring elements.

To Join Merritt’s Command

John H. BYRNE, son of P.A. BYRNE of this city, a member of Captain Lucey’s Sacramento company, has been transferred to one of the brigades that is about to leave San Francisco for Manila, and will be assigned to the Signal Corps, in which branch of the service he has had experience here.

A Victim of Typhoid Fever

The death is announced of Louis SNOOK, aged 18 years, a nephew of H. G. SMITH. Typhoid fever was the cause. Deceased was a brother of Police Court Clerk Frank SNOOK, Peter SNOOK, Miss Jennie SNOOK and Mrs. Andrew WASSON. He was a promising young man, and had many friends here.

An Old Soldier’s Death

James J. FOY, brother of Mrs. W.J. HASSETT of this city and a veteran of the civil war, died in the Soldier’s Home at Santa Monica a few days ago. He was an inmate of Libby and Andersonville Prison in the South, where his health was shattered.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com






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