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The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Monday, February 19, 1900

Page 5


First the Wife, Now the Husband, Suspected of Insanity.  At the conclusion of the collection at early mass at the Cathedral yesterday a man left his seat, and, taking a small meal bag out of his pocket, emptied the contents of four of the boxes into it. Then he quietly returned the bag to his pocket and left the church. There were hundreds of parishioners in the Cathedral at the time but, although the act was performed before their very eyes, they did not think to interfere. Andrew McNAMARA, however, who used to be sexton at the church, knew that the proceeding was irregular, and he followed the man down K Street. At the Post Office he met Hugh CASEY and the two men decided to take the man to the Police Station. He was recognized as A.J. SILVA, a grocer of some means at Fourth and N Streets.

“They told me I could have a dollar for every dime I put in,” said SILVA to Sergeant PLUNKETT. “There is only $10.05 here, and as I put in a half, the church owes me $41.”

The Sergeant locked SILVA up, pending an investigation. This morning he was taken to the County Jail to be examined as to his sanity.  SILVA owns a ranch down the river, and is reported to be worth $30,000 or $40,000. The other day he sent for five sheep and met them on the road in charge of the herder. One of the sheep appeared to be very tired and SILVA told the herder to keep it there until he should send for it. He returned to town and dispatched a wagon for the mutton. Then he got a couple of veterinary surgeons, killed the sheep, and caused an examination to be held to determine what was the matter with it. They reported that the sheep had been afflicted with pneumonia.

SILVA decided to give the deceased sheep a first-class funeral. He ordered a hack and a span of white horses at KENT’s stables. When Driver NIXON appeared with them he said that two white horses would not be enough; he wanted seven of them. Dixon returned his rig to the stable without attempting to fill the strange order. After that SILVA telephoned for the seven horses but the stableman paid no attention to him.  A strange fate seems to have descended on the house of SILVA. But a few weeks ago Mrs. SILVA was arrested on complaint of her husband for plotting against his life. A man appeared at the preliminary examination and testified that he had been chosen as the instrument of murder. According to his story Mrs. SILVA had offered him $40 to knock her husband on the head and get him out of the way. Such was the character of the testimony brought out that Judge ANDERSON required Mrs. SILVA to give bonds to keep the peace.  Afterward she was released on a writ of habeas corpus.  SILVA then caused his wife’s arrest on the ground of insanity. She was examined by physicians of repute and declared sane. Mrs. SILVA took a hand at matters herself by instituting suit for divorce against SILVA. This was not opposed, and Mrs. SILVA was soon free, not only from any criminal charge, but from SILVA himself. It is said that in the property settlement she received $3000.

That SILVA is insane there seems little doubt. But the strange feature of the case is that the couple should have lived here so many years, reared a family here, and that never at any time up to within the past few months should there have been a suspicion as to their being otherwise than a perfectly sound mind.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Evening Bee Sacramento, Cal.

Friday, February 23, 1900

Page 5


First Victim of Expectoration Law Admits Guilt

Frank SMITH, the first man to be arrested in Sacramento for violating the ordinance prohibiting expectorating on the sidewalks, was arraigned in the City Justice’s Court this morning.

When the complaint was read to SMITH he said to Justice ANDERSON that he would enter a plea of guilty.

“I had been arrested by Officer Max FISHER,” said SMITH, and was being taken to prison on another charge. I did spit upon the sidewalk, but I did not know there was a law against doing so.”

“Well, you know it now,” said the Judge. “I believe that I will make it a rule to fine all such offenders $5 each. That will be your fine, and in default of payment you will have to serve two days in the City Prison.” “That is the limit of the law,” observed City Attorney DE LIGNE.  Chief of Police SULLIVAN said to a Bee reporter to-day that every effort would be made to take all offenders into custody. Particular attention would be paid to the Chinese, he said, as they are very offensive in the matter of violating the ordinance. The Chief believes that if two or three Chinamen are arrested the others will soon learn that it is wrong to expectorate upon the walks and they will quit it.

False Oath to Get License

A young man named Jeremiah J. COUGHLAN was in the City Justice’s Court this

morning on a charge of perjury. He had just been brought back from Nevada County, where he had been arrested, by County Detective GOLDEN. District Attorney BAKER advised the arrest of COUGHLIN.  According to the complaint COUGHLIN swore falsely to a license to wed Miss Gertrude DICKINSON, of this city. To the Deputy County Clerk, it is alleged he swore that he was 21 years of age. It has since been learned, it is claimed, that COUGHLIN is not more than 19 years of age.  The young man was without counsel and his case was continued until next Monday morning.


(From the Grass Valley Union, February 22d.)

F.E. WADSWORTH, of the Herald, was assaulted in the National Hotel, Nevada City, yesterday, by Charles McELVEY. The latter had a fancied grievance against the editor, who was taken unawares by McELVEY. A warrant was sworn out in Justice COUGHLAN’s Court for the arrest of McELVEY on a charge of assault and battery. He immediately pleaded guilty, but Justice COUGHLIN reserved sentence until to-morrow morning, in order to have time in which to investigate the case.

Hotel Arrivals

The following are the arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel, February 23,

1900: Jos. LUDES, Sidney W. SMITH, H.C. FINLAY, Chicago; G.M. PIPER, Port Washington; Dr. L.P. HALL and wife, Dixon; Chas. F. EARL, Boston; J.A. SPRAGUE, Denver; Mrs. O.E. WILLIAMS, Miss O.E. WILLIAMS, Oakland; Horace A. LAY, Westfield; C.A. THURSTON, Wm. BURD, Mrs. M.M. HATCH, E.H. CASTLEN, H.C. KENNEDY, John B. KELLY, H. KOHLER, David D. STEPHEN, J.J. MURPHY, Amos F. SEWELL, Roger B. FRIEND, E. McCRAITH, San Francisco.

Notes About the Courts

Judge HART to-day granted a divorce to Annie M. WHITEMORE from Fred WHITEMORE on the ground of cruelty.

The matter of the accounts of Receiver O’NEIL, connected with the Union Building and Loan Association came up to-day in Judge JOHNSON’s Department of the Superior Court and was continued.

Owing to the absence of Judge JOHNSON in San Francisco, Judge HUGHES sat in Department Two this morning. The trial calendar in that Department was continued one week.

Vagrants Sent to Jail

A young man named Charles WRINKLE, who puts in most of his time loafing in

and about notorious houses on lower L Street, to-day pleaded guilty in City Justice’s Court to a charge of vagrancy. He was sent to jail for sixty days.  Frank SMITH, a vagrant of the same (rest of article cut off).


Secured a Sum of Money by Bogus Letter of Credit

Joseph da Rosa, alias Joseph ROSE, a young man who had his preliminary examination in the City Justice’s Court a few days ago on a charge of having secured money from Alfred NUNES, a Sacramento saloonkeeper, by false pretenses, was in the Court again to-day to learn his fate.  DA ROSA, who represented himself to NUNES as the son of a rich man in Portugal, succeeded in getting the sum of $102.50 from NUNES. He showed to NUNES a letter of credit which he claimed had been written by his father.  The letter asked people to let his son have any sum of money he might need if he were in distress and he (the father) would promptly repay it. Young DA ROSA was a well-dressed, honest-appearing young man and, having a glib tongue, he readily induced NUNES to let him have money from time to time.  Justice ANDERSON, in giving his decision, said that intent to defraud had been clearly proved. It had been shown by the testimony of Father GLORIA that the defendant, when accused of having swindled NUNES out of his money, had sneeringly said:

“Well, the only way you can get money from the Portuguese is by stratagem or trick.”

Justice ANDERSON held DA ROSA to answer to the Superior Court, fixing his bail at $2000. The decision of the Court staggered DA ROSA.


Told the City Justice That Her Husband Ill-Treats Her

John FREEMAN, a laboring man, was in the City Justice’s Court to-day to answer to a charge of battery. He had been arrested at a late hour last night upon the complaint of his wife, who told Judge ANDERSON that he husband had struck her and had threatened to kill her.  When FREEMAN was arraigned he pleaded not guilty.  The wife took the stand and swore that while her husband had not struck her last night he had shoved her about the room. He was angry, she said, because supper was not ready and because he could not get any money from her. She became alarmed and left the house and caused his arrest. Mrs.  FREEMAN said that she has been married to FREEMAN fifteen years and they have seven children. She said that he frequently gets drunk and abuses her, although she could not tell of any time when he had actually struck her. The woman said that she has a very hard time getting along, as it is difficult, sometimes, to get enough food to feed all mouths. Whenever she can get anything to do she goes out to work and frequently takes in washing. She gets some help from her little son and daughter, who are compelled to go out to work.

Justice ANDERSON said that a case of battery had not been made out against FREEMAN and discharged him. He advised the woman to let the officers know if her husband abused her any more.

“I don’t care what you do with him.” said Mrs. FREEMAN, “I only want him to keep away from me. I will not live with a man who treats me in such a manner. I shall get a divorce from him.”

(Rest of article cut off).


Now Wanted at Redding for Another Crime.

Word comes from Redding of the disgraceful doings there of a man whose name is given as A.L. BASSETT, but whose description shows him to be none other than C.A. BASSETT, a cowardly ruffian who once made Sacramento his abode.

According to statements emanating from Redding, BASSETT, who was tried there last month for a murderous assault on Tim SHEA, is now wanted on another charge - one preferred by 17-year-old Dora STOLZ, of San Francisco.  A dispatch from Redding says:

“Though an ex-convict and possessed of only one arm, Bassett is a very suave individual. Upon being liberated from the County Jail he went to Keswick and arranged with the owner or the Blue Wing Saloon to secure a number of girls from San Francisco for a dance hall to be run in connection with the saloon. BASSETT in due time obtained a number of girls. To young Dora STOLZ and her mother he represented that he wanted the former to come and live with him and an imaginary wife, at Kewsick. When the trusting girl arrived in the smelter town Bassett tried to persuade her to become an inmate of the dance hall. She stubbornly refused whereupon BASSETT is said to have drugged her into unconsciousness. When the girl recovered and realized the truth she told her store to Justice D.A. THOMPSON, crying piteously. A warrant was issued for BASSETT, but he had been warned and made his escape. The girl has been sent back to her home in San Francisco.

BASSETT will be remembered in this city as a brutal assailant of women.

This paper had the valued privilege of exposing him in that role to the contempt of all decent men.

Judge BUCKLEY, at that time on the Police Bench, sentenced him to sixty days’ imprisonment in the County Jail for beating an unfortunate woman with whom he was then consorting, named Delia McRAE.  Afterwards BASSETT went to Placer County where he was convicted of the crime of robbery and sentenced to San Quentin Prison for a term of years. He also had a State notoriety as a “crooked” foot racer.

Was Totally Abandoned.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee Sacramento, Cal.

Wednesday, February 28, 1900

Page 5



Taken to Stockton Asylum To-day.

A.J. SILVA, who was declared insane a week ago by Judge JOHNSON, and whose wife was some time ago accused of hiring a man to kill him, but was released on habeas corpus proceedings, was to-day taken to the Stockton Asylum. SILVA has grown rapidly worse since he has been confined, and for the past few days it has been impossible to keep clothes on him. He came out of his cell this morning stark naked, and it required the services of several men to get him into presentable shape to send to Stockton.

In the petition of SILVA’s former wife (a divorce having been granted her) and of Frank J. SANTO to be appointed guardian of SILVA with the care of the estate, SANTO was to-day appointed by Judge HUGHES, and his bond set at $5000.


Wife Would Not Prosecute Husband on a Charge of Battery

Hugh MAULDIN appeared in the City Justice’s Court this morning to answer to the charge of battery which had been sworn to against him by his wife on Monday last. When the case was called W.W. RHOADS, attorney for Mrs.  MAULDIN, arose and asked that the charge be dismissed. He said that the trouble between Mr. and Mrs. MAULDIN had been amicably settled outside of the Court and the City Attorney had consented to a dismissal of the case. In answer to a question by the Court, Attorney RHOADS said that Mrs. MAULDIN had not suffered any personal injuries.

Judge ANDERSON dismissed the case. He said, however, in doing so, that when Mrs. MAULDIN asked for the warrant for the arrest of her husband that he expected she would appear, and ask to have him discharged.

Notes of the Courts

Claims amounting to $2770.54 against the estate of William CARRICK, allowed by Judge HUGHES, were filed to-day in the County Clerk’s office by C.W. CARRICK, administrator.


The Scottish Union and National Insurance Company has filed notice of dissatisfaction with the costs claimed by the plaintiff in the suit won against it by Frank RUHSTALLER, and has asked that the same be taxed by the Court.


W.R. STRONG, guardian of Alzina WILKINS, an incompetent, has filed a petition for appraisement of personal property belonging to the estate.

The RUHL-MUTT case is being heard to-day before Judge ALBURY, of Colusa,

in Judge JOHNSON’s department of the Superior Court. This morning Bernhard

RUHL was on the stand reciting again the story of his transactions with


An Old Claim for City Coal.

At an executive session of the Board of Trustees last night an old claim of the Ione Coal Company against the city, for the sum of $3000, was considered. Hiram W. JOHNSON the Corporation Counsel, suggested to some of the members that it might be better to effect a compromise than to have the matter drag along in the Courts indefinitely. It was decided to postpone further consideration of the matter until the Company’s representative could be present.

Guardianship Case Dismissed.

In the petition for the removal of Charles H. LA FRANCE as guardian of

William T. BIRD, a minor, on the ground that the present guardian is a gambler, and for the appointment of the petitioner, Mary A. BIRD, the petitioner, Judge HUGHES to-day entered a dismissal on the motion of counsel for the petitioner.

Klenk Estate in Court.

The Rachael KLENK estate, involving about $75,000, was before Judge HUGHES

this morning on a proposition to set aside certain property to Christian KLENK. Counsel for Philip COOK, the administrator, opposes on the ground that the proposition should have been made when the estate was probated. The petition was dismissed.

Lottie Silverlock Committed.

Lottie SILVERLOCK, minor, who has been kept at the County Hospital for the

past three years and whose case was referred by the Supervisors to District Attorney BAKER, was yesterday committed to the Home for the Feeble Minded at Eldridge.

Made a Citizen.

Naturalization papers were issued to-day in Judge HART’s department of the Superior Court, to George McKENZIE, the witnesses being Charles Hughes Martin and Thomas SCOTT.

W.H. PIERCE, a Sutter County rancher, died Tuesday evening at a hotel in Marysville from an overdose of laudanum, possible taken with suicidal intent.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Evening Bee

Sacramento, Tuesday March 6, 1900


               George Kelly’s Suicide

 Last night Coroner McMULLEN and a jury held an inquest over the remains of George P. Kelly, who committed suicide last Sunday evening at his home on Sixth street, by swallowing poison. A number of witnesses testified that Kelly had acted in a queer manner all day Sunday, talking almost constantly about a certain greyhound. The jury found that the deceased came to his death from carbolic acid poisoning, self-administered.


            Vice and Woe Caused by Side Entrances

 A meeting of the Sacramento Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was held last evening. Reports from officers showed that twenty cases had been treated from February 1st. The principal cases attracting the attention of the Society now are neglect, leading astray and intemperance.

  A Committee representing the Women’s Christian Temperance Union appeared and asked the Society to indorse their appeal to have the side entrances to saloons closed. The Society adopted the following preamble and resolution:

 “Whereas, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children has been appealed to express itself concerning the movement to prevent the keeping of saloons having side or private entrances, or alley means of ingress and egress, for customers:

 “Resolved, That this society, while confining itself wholly to the purposes of the organization, deplores the existence of private side and alley entrances to saloons, its statistics showing that more than three-fourths of the vice and woe with which the Society deals is due directly or indirectly to influences traceable to secretive, or partially secretive, liquor drinking by those who do not ordinarily visit saloons by public entrances.”


               School Boundaries Changed

 At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors yesterday afternoon, W.A. GETT, on behalf of a number of residents of Capital and Goldberg School Districts, presented a petition asking that the boundary lines of the districts be changed by taking certain territory from Capital District and annexing it to the Goldberg District. The petition was approved by the County Superintendent of Schools HOWARD.

  The prayer of the petitioners was granted.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Saturday Bee

June 29, 1901 


About 9:30 o’clock last night, Mrs. John J. Dwyer, of San Francisco, formerly of Sacramento, was drowned in the Sacramento River at a point alongside the grain corral near Grimes Landing, Colusa County.

Accompanied by her husband, John J. Dwyer, his brother, William Dwyer, and Miss Edna CARROLL, of Sacramento, Mrs. Dwyer took passage on one of the steamboats of the Sacramento Transportation Company in which the Dwyer estate is interested, for a brief outing up the stream.

The night was extremely warm, and the suggestion was made by one of the members of the pleasure party when the boat touched at Grimes Landing that they go in swimming off a sand bar a short distance from the landing. It was a moonlight night, and it was thought that the sport could be indulged in without danger.

The four young folks were bathing in the water when, suddenly, Mrs. Dwyer was caught in s whirlpool. Her danger was at once recognized by her husband and brother-in-law, and they strove desperately to rescue her, but without success. William Dwyer, in his endeavor to draw Mrs. Dwyer from the whirlpool, was himself almost drowned and he was brought to shore unconscious.

Dr. LUHMAN, of Colusa, was immediately sent for. Meanwhile, restoratives were applied, with such good effect that Mr. Dwyer’s life was saved, although he was still in a very weakened condition when Dr. Luhman prescribed for him.

A search was immediately made for the body of Mrs. Dwyer, and it was found an hour later near the point where it had gone down in the swirling water.

The place where the party went in bathing was a sand bar, and it was thought that the slope was gradual enough not to endanger the bathers. But it appears that beyond the bar the water is over twenty feet deep, and the river, as is characteristic of the stream elsewhere, is very treacherous.

The body of Mrs. Dwyer was taken to Colusa and brought to Sacramento to-day, accompanied by the surviving members of the party.

The first information of the sad accident was received in this city late last night at the place of business of John C. ING, President of the Board of Trustees, who is a brother of Mrs. Dwyer. After the session of the Trustees last night, Mr. Ing accompanied one of the members on a drive in an effort to get a breath of cool air, and it was not until his return at a late hour that the sad intelligence was made known to him of his sister’s tragic end.

The circumstances of the drowning, however, were not known to members of the family until communicated to them this morning by The Bee, which had sent to Grimes Landing for the information.

Mrs. Dwyer was a Sacramento girl, having been born and reared here, and having been graduated from the Sacramento High School. Her sister, Miss Martha Ing, died a few years ago, and a short time age her aged father passed away. She was held in high esteem by the young people of the city. The blow of her drowning is a terrible one to her aged mother and two brothers in this city, who have the sympathy of the entire community. 


(Department One, Hughes, Judge)

Friday, June 28th.

Estate of Moses SPRAGUE, deceased. Letters of testamentary to B.F. WALTON and F.D. SPRAGUE, without bonds.

Estate of Catherine OTTERBACH, deceased - Carroll HAYFORD appointed administrator; bond $6000; appraisers, S.B. SMITH, George O. Hayford and C.T. JONES, Jr.

Estate and guardianship of John NORDSTROM, incompetent - Order restoring him to capacity and discharging guardian; guardian’s account ordered settled.

Estate of Mathias SCHINK, deceased - Sale of bank stock allowed; order to erect monument not to exceed $65.

Estate of Thornton A. SNIDER, deceased - Sale of personal property confirmed.

M. CRONAN vs. George WISEMAN - Receiver directed to collect accounts within the next thirty days and then report to Court; demurrer to cross-complaint continued one week.

Mary D. ONYETT vs. Charles T. Onyett - Cause ordered transferred to Department Two.

Estate of John Henry OPFER, deceased - Petition of Mary Josephine METSON for probate of will dismissed, she having withdrawn it.

Estate of John Henry OPFER, deceased - Order dismissing petition of S.B. SMITH for probate of will, he having withdrawn it.

Ida F. COLLINS vs. George E. COLLINS - Decree directing defendant to pay $15 a month alimony modified by abrogating it. 


Announcement is made of the death of Mrs. A.L. BROWNLEE at her home near Napa Junction. Mrs. Brownlee was the mother of Mrs. H.I. Seymour of this city and was among the earliest settlers in Napa County, and had a wide circle of friends. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Record-Union Sacramento

September 21, 1901




J.H. GRAHAM of Vina is a guest at the Golden Eagle.


Dwight HOLLISTER of Courtland is registered at the Capital Hotel.


Miss Edna MENKEN has gone to Woodland to be absent two weeks.


Annie M. SCHNEIDER and son Alex leave to-day for San Francisco on a vacation.


T.E. WOOD, first assistant engineer at the City Water Works, is confined to his home with a slight attack of la grippe.


Assistant Superintendent T.R. JONES of the Sacramento Division left yesterday on a two days' tour of inspection of the railroad between this city and Wadsworth, Nev.


Robert SHARP of Los Angeles, Grand President of the Order of the Sons of St. George, passed through Sacramento yesterday en route ro Philadelphia, to attend the Supreme Lodge of the order. He will take a look at the Buffalo Exposition and after that will cross the ocean and pay a visit to his boyhood home in England that he has not seen for thirty-two years. Mr. Sharp was a resident of Sacramento in the 70's.




Arrivals at the Capital Hotel yesterday: P.M. ROONEY, Horstville; Ben J. SCHMIDT, San Francisco; Hilda CLOUGH, Jackson; G.M. LESER, Milwaukee, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. W.L. WELCKER and daughter, Knoxville, Tenn.; E.SEVERS, San Francisco; F.N. LEWIS, city; A.W. DRUMMOND, W.W. BROWN, John HAGEMAN, San Francisco; George J. LAMBLEY, New York; Jay H. MERRILL, Darby LAYDON, San Francisco; E.L. MAXWELL, Rockford, Ill.; Dwight HOL***ter, Courtland; Gus ELKUS, Daniel RUFF, G. BRADLEY, San Francisco.


Arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel yesterday: H.P. LOVICK, Pasadena; C.E. HADLEY, Chicago; John O. SIEMMONS and wide, New York; N.H. FROST, Grand Rapids; J. CONOPIUIS, Santa Rosa. 



George ISHAM, a bridge carpenter in the employ of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, fell form the bridge that spans the river at the tenth crossing of the Sacramento River near Gibson on the California and Oregon branch yesterday, and was seriously, if not fatally, injured. The dispatch that announces the accident states that it is a marvel that he was not instantly killed, but does not give the hight (sic) of the fall. Isham will be brought to Sacramento for treatment this morning.




Grand President D.J. O'LEARY of the Young Men's Institute has appointed the following District and Council Deputies to serve him in furthering the advancement of the order during his incumbency: District Deputy for the District of Sacramento and Stockton - T.J. O'BRIEN. Council Deputies - Council No 11, Sacramento, F.J. O'BRIEN; Council No. 27, Sacramento, Tom A. CODY.




An unknown Italian, who is unable to speak or understand English, made a disturbance in a saloon at the corner of Sixth and I streets last night, but before he had proceeded far was struck by a club in the hands of the barkeeper, and was taken to the Receiving Hospital for surgical treatment. He was locked up to sober off.




The petition of the county of Sonoma for a writ of mandate to compel Governor Henry T. GAGE and others, members of the State Board of Examiners, to approve two claims for support of orphans and half-orphans, in and for Sonoma County. One claim is for $25.77, the other for $8.50. The petition sets forth that the claims are legal, and that the letter of the law was followed in their allowance by the county.




At the guessing contest of the A.S. HOPKINS Company's exhibit at the State Fair the following came the nearest to correctly naming the number of pounds of paper in the pyramid: Flyra POWDERLY, 916 Fourteenth street, 6,367 pounds; Miss C. MURRAY, 825 P street, 6350 pounds; B.F. MULLER, 1205 Q street, 6397 ½ pounds. Number of pounds in the pyramid, 6,373 ½ pounds.




Caleb POWERS, who is serving a life sentence in the Kentucky State Prison, under conviction of murder of the late Governor GOEBEL, is looking for Frank ROGERS, alias POWERS, who was last heard of in Sacramento. It is supposed that the missing man has information that would clear Caleb POWERS from participation in the murder.




Devout and impressive memorial services were given by the colored citizens of Sacramento last Thursday in honor of the late President William McKINLEY. An eloquent sermon was delivered by the Rev. G.W. GRAY.



The case of Harry H. JOHNSON, charged with the murder of William M. BAKER, will be resumed in Judge HART's court this morning. Forty talesmen have been summoned to appear. Five jurors have been accepted ,and seven will be chosen from the new venire.




The charge of disturbing the peace preferred against J.B. FREEMAAN by his wife was dismissed. The prosecuting witness, who was in a forgiving mood, appeared and requested that the charge be dismissed.


NEW BAGGAGEMASTER.                                     


F.J. BIDWELL has been appointed Chief Baggage Master, to succeed the late Charles P. CORLISS.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Record-Union Sacramento

Tuesday September 24, 1901




The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Carroll Going to Southland.


Dr. and Mrs. CARROLL were given a very pleasant farewell reception in the assembly-rooms of the Sixth-street M.E. Church last evening. The apartments were decorated with artistically arranged masses of flowers, and there was a very large attendance. The program rendered was as follows:


Prayer by Mr. JACKA; singing by the congregation, "Blessed Be the Tie That Binds"; vocal duet, Miss SHEPSTONE and Miss NELSON; address on behalf of the official board, by E.M. LEITCH; vocal solo ,Walter LEITCH; address on behalf of the Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs. McMULLEN; vocal duet, Mr. and Mrs. HILL; address on behalf of the Epworth League, Mr. CRUMMEY; vocal solo, Miss OMEROD; address on behalf of the Sunday-school, Dr. SIMMS, and responses by Dr. and Mrs. CARROLL. After the program refreshments were served.




(Monday, September 23, 1901)

Hamilton & Dray, Trustees of Sacramento Bank, to Timothy D. SCRIVER - Reconveyance south quarter lot 4, I and J and Third and Fourth streets; west three-quarters of north quarter of south half lot 1, I and J and Fourth and Fifth streets.


Same to Carl J.E. WALLQUIST - East half lot 7, F and G and Ninth and Tenth streets.


Sacramento Bank to Samuel A. BRANSCOMB - North half Sec. 35, T. 8 N., R. 6 E.: $3,200.


Ada L. CORSON to John and May C. NEUBAUER - East 44 feet, lot 2 S and T and Second and Third streets; $950.




Judge Shields Decides That C. Klenk Did Not Hire Kate Meldrick.


The suit of Kate MELDRICK against Christian KLENK for $415 for services as housekeeper was yesterday commenced before Superior Judge Shields.


The suit was brought on an alleged agreement by which the plaintiff was hired by Klenk to act as housekeeper at the White House, on Third street, between K and L, for $30 a month. She claimed that she had performed her duties from April 10th, 1900, until June 4 ,1901, and that no part of her wages had ever been paid.


CLARKEN & MOYNIHAN and WEBB appeared as attorneys for the plaintiff, and HINKSON & ELLIOTT and DEVLIN & DEVLIN for the defendant.


The hearing of the case lasted all day, and was finally submitted without argument. Judge SHIELDS decided that there was no evidence that the plaintiff had been hired by the defendant.

The matter of the cross-complaint, alleging that Kate MELDRICK was indebted to KLENK for rent of the house, was taken under advisement by the Judge until this morning.




Arrivals at the Capital Hotel yesterday: W.F. MacGREGOR, Racine, Wis.; C.W. ASHEL and wife, San Francisco; Robert E. CRANSTON, Folsom; Graham POPE, Houghton, Mich.; John L. WHEELER, San Francisco; Mrs. E.O. SMITH, Clipper Gap; H.C. O'NEIL, Chas. FLEMING, San Francisco; A.J. REYNOLDS, Walnut Grove; John H. BREWSTER, ____; (sic) W.R. HUFF, A. ALBRECHT, John IRWIN, H. ROTHENBERG, P. EVERTS, San Francisco; A.A. ADAMS, New York.


Arrivals at the Golden Eagle Yesterday: C.E. METZGER, New York; Harry STENGE, San Francisco; R.K. THOMPSON, son and wife, Chicago; B. WELL and wife, Miss Bert WELL, Miss Mabel WELL, Modesto; A.W. LANE, W.F. FRANKLIN, Isaac MILLER, Mrs. Harry ADLER, E.C. DAVIS, B.G. MANTEL, San Francisco; G. LIPPMAN, Philadelphia; S. Arthur SPRING, Rochester; B. HIRSCHFIELD, New York; Geo. D. GRAHAM, C.M. SCHOOMAKER, San Francisco; R.H. STEVENS, Syracuse; C. DALY, Cincinnati; A.G. WAGNER, Stockton; J.K. ROBINSON, New York; W.A. WINSLOW, R.R. HILLMAN, Oakland; J.W. HAGEN, C.E. GOWDY, New York; C.H. JACOBS, Detroit, Geo. A. GREEN, Cincinnati; C.E. LOCKE, Massachusetts; Mrs .L.M. FOYE, Miss Florence FAY, Los Angeles; T.Luce, C.E. NORTON, R.B. DAGGETT, San Francisco.




Articles of incorporation have been filed in the County Clerk's office by the Consumers' Ice and Fuel Company with principal place of business in this city. The amount of capital stock is $125,000, with $25 subscribed, and John HAUB, David KAY, C.B. WILMARTH, W.J. MORGAN and W.A. GETT of Sacramento as Directors.




Grove's Tasteless Chili Tonic removes the cause.


1902 diaries, vest pocket size, 35 to 70 cents; pocket size, 35 to 70 cents; with flap and inside pocket, 25¢ to $1; daily journals, all sizes and styles, 70¢ and $2.10. D. JOHNSTON & Co., 516-518 J street.


A beautiful coin silver plated sugar shell spoon of late and pleasing design for thirty-five King of Soaps wrappers. Use King of Soaps and save the wrappers.


We are always ready with a new idea. Let us make you an up-to-date suit or overcoat. George BOCK, merchant tailor, 528 J street.


Transfer Co., 906 K. Either phone. Trunks 25¢, west of Fifteenth street. See Capital-Sac. Van and Storage Co.


BLAUTH, sole agent for WIELAND beer. Quarts $1.10, pints 65¢ a dozen delivered. Call 407 K or phone.


Try our 15-cent Java blend roast or ground coffee; worth double. The Pacific, J near Eighth.

Phone BRADSHAW, 1704 I st., for fine groceries and fresh vegetables daily.


Removed - Dr. T.J. COX to 706 K street, opposite the Postoffice.

Reading Matter, stationery, etc., at DOANE's, 202 K.


Removed, Dr. J.A. McKEE to 618 K.




Floral design and bouquets for funerals. Prices to suit all for first-class work.




Leading Florists and Seedsmen ,520 K. St.


Phones: Sunset north 581; Cap. 606.


B.F. STOLL, Dentist


9th and J sts.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Record-Union Sacramento

Thursday September 26 ,1901




(Wednesday, September 25th.)


Louis and Justine PAYEN to William D. McENERNEY - Northwest quarter of section 22, township 5 north, range 7 east.


Women's Christian Temperance Union to J.R. LAINE - South half of north half of lot 5, K and L, Second and Third streets; $1450.


Henry B. and Betsy RUDE to Samuel C. ROGERS - South half of north half of lot 5, N and O, Third and Fourth streets.


Otto and Lizzie C. BLUEHER to Charles and Annie B. BROWNING - North 53 1-3 feet of south 106 2-3 feet of lots 1 and 2, U and V, Twenty-second and Twenty-third streets.




Those who are having the best luck in taking striped bass in the Sacramento River claim that there are certain conditions to be observed in order to obtain success. In the first place, a sandy bottom is necessary, as the bass do not love the mud. A clear, still, warm day is also requisite, and shrimp for bait, although the bass will take clam bait.




The Endeavors of the Christian Church will give a "hard times social" to-morrow evening at the residence of Mrs. C.G. HOLCOMB, 1115 G street. The public is cordially invited.




M.D. DISBOROUGH and family have gone to Oak Park on Magnolia avenue to reside.

Secretary of State C.F. CURRY left for San Francisco yesterday and will be absent for two or three days.


Mr. and Mrs. Homer BUCKMAN left yesterday for a six weeks' trip to the East. Mr. Buckman, while East, will visit his boyhood home in Vermont.


Controller E.P. COLGAN returned yesterday froma trip to Fresno.


Miss Margarite EASTMAN, Deputy State Librarian, has returned from a three weeks' visit to Los Angeles and resumed her duties.


Captain John LUCEY, formerly of Sacramento, now located in Bakersfield, is in this city on business.


Mrs. D.E. MILLS of San Francisco is visiting her sister, Mrs. Otheman STEVENS, in this city.

J.E. CREW of Walnut Grove is a guest at the Capital Hotel.


John SPARKS and T.C. SPARKS of Reno, Nev., are guests at the Golden Eagle Hotel.

J.W. WILSON left for Europe two days ago. He will be absent for several months.




Hon. N. ELLERY, State Highway Commissioner, who has been engaged since August 17th in making a survey for the continuation of the Tioga wagon road over the Sierras into Mono County, will complete his labors and return to Sacramento about October 1st, and work on the construction of the road will begin next spring.




Judge HUGHES yesterday issued naturalization papers to two applicants.


The first was John SIMPSON PARK, a native of Scotland. He was admitted on the testimony of F.A. ZEIGLER and William B. HAMILTON.


Joseph N. BATES, a native of Canada, was admitted to citizenship on the testimony of M.A. BAXTER and C.J. HAMMES.




Perrin STANTON has commenced foreclosure proceedings against Charles J. HEYLER, Carrie H. HEYLER and Stanley J. WHITE, to satisfy a mortgage of $2,500 on the west half of lot 3, block O and P, Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, in this city.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Saturday Sacramento Bee

October 19, 1901



 This morning about 10:30 o’clock a 16-year-old boy, Beal ELLIOTT, was drowned near the old Paine break, on the Yolo side of the Sacramento River.

  In company with Allyn BURR, son of R.P. Burr, of this city, Elliott went fishing this morning.

  He fell into the water, and Burr made efforts to rescue him, but without success, his companion sinking for the last time. The body, up to this afternoon, had not been recovered.

  The unfortunate lad was a grandson of Mrs. Theodore DEMING, with whom he lived, at 2022 W Street.



Two Women Who Were Undaunted In Trying Moment

  Nellie SIEBERT and Ida COULFIELD, employed as chambermaids at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, showed themselves to be brave in spirit to-day. Whether they would hop upon chairs at sight of a mouse may be a question, but they certainly will not run from a burglar.

  Finding a thief in the room of a man named MORAN this morning, engaged during the occupant’s absence, in going through his clothes, they straight way captured him and held him by the throat until their cries for the police brought assistance.

  Officer KOENING arrived on the scene and took the thief in custody. He was recognized as Guff MEYER, who, the police say, is wanted for other room burglaries in town.



W.D. DENNET, of San Francisco, has been making Sacramento a visit of several days.

Harry McKIM, of Oakland, is visiting his mother, Mrs. H.K. McLENNAN, of this city.

F.S. McDONALD, some years ago Sacramento agent of the Union Pacific R.R. Company, and now in its general office at Omaha, passed through Sacramento to-day with his bride on a short trip.

Dr. F.W. HATCH, of the State Commission in Lunacy, returned from Oakland, where he was called as an expert to testify as to the sanity of Rev. ADAMS, who was on trial at that place for murder.

L. KELLER has returned from Nome, Alaska, to spend the Winter. He will return to Nome next Spring.

Assemblyman Joseph W. KELLEY, of Oakland, is in town to-day.

Ex-Congressman Marion BIGGS, of Gridley, Butte County, visited relatives in Sacramento yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. C.T. HARWOOD have returned from Chico, where the former attended the session of the High Court of the Independent Order of Foresters.

Edward E. BIGGS. cashier of the Rideout Bank at Gridley, Butte County, and who is well known in Sacramento, was married in San Francisco last Thursday to Miss Theresa STONE.

Mrs. B.C. BRIER is visiting friends in San Francisco.


               LOCAL BREVITIES

No grease spots on Whisky Hill water. Both phones 189.

City Clerk DESMOND announces that the total city registration is 8783.

Francis Murphy will deliver a temperance address to railroad shop employees on Monday or Tuesday next.

Curry CULBERTSON, charged with selling a growing crop that had been mortgaged, was arraigned this morning before Jay R. BROWN, pleaded not guilty and his examination was set for October 27th, at 3 o’clock.



Mrs. Bridget Trainor Fined For Throwing Mud.

  A Chinaman named Ah Sam was to-day fined $10 in the City Justice’s Court for violating ordinance 543, which prohibits the driving of uncovered swill carts through the streets of the city. Sam had been warned by Sanitary Inspector HERR to place a covering over his cart, but he paid no attention to the order.

  The case of Maynard CANNON, arrested for petty larceny, for the theft of some pistols from the depot office of the Wells-Fargo Company, was continued at the request of the prosecution until next Monday morning.

  Michael SULLIVAN, who had been arrested for vagrancy, was granted twenty minutes’ time in which to get out of the city.

  Mrs. Bridget TRAINOR was fined $25 with the alternative of going to jail for twelve and one-half days, for disturbing the peace of Mrs. C. CADY. Mrs. Trainor threw mud upon some linen which Mrs. Cady had just washed and placed upon a line to dry. Mrs. Trainor has been in the Court several times for similar acts. Justice ANDERSON expressed the opinion that she is not in her right mine and that the authorities at the Superior Court should investigate her case.



Albert GRUBBS, an old and well-known colored citizen of Sacramento, who resides on Fourth Street between N and O, had a close call at an early hour this morning from a frightful death.

  Mr. Grubbs has been confined to his bed for a long time by illness. This morning he either upset a lamp at the side of his bed or it exploded, throwing the burning oil over him.

  Grubbs was terribly burned. He screamed for his wife, who came to his rescue from an adjoining room.

  It is feared the burns which the old man received will prove fatal.



 A few days ago, during the absence of the family, the residence of A.W. LYLES, at 408 Fifteenth Street, was burglarized. The place was turned topsy-turvy. A couple of watches, some jewelry and some valuable papers, including a life insurance policy, were taken.

  Lyles reported the matter to the police. It was learned some time after the things were taken that a little girl named Lizzie BYRON, who lives with her parents at 1408 D Street, had shown some photographs which had been taken from the home of Lyles.

  A search warrant was sworn out and an investigation was made at the Byron home by the police detectives, who found the remains of the watches and the jewelry in a stove, burned to such a condition that they were of no value. The little girl admitted that she had taken the things, and that she had burned them along with the papers.

  To-day Lyles asked the City Attorney for a warrant for the arrest of the girl, but he declined to issue it, upon the ground that it would be useless to arrest one so young, as the girl is only 11 years of age. This afternoon Lyles went to the Court House to interview the District Attorney.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Evening Bee

Tuesday, November 12, 1901



(From the Woodland Democrat)

  Mrs. Will MORROW returned on Sunday evening from Denver, where her husband finished the season with the club of that city in the Western League.

  The many friends of Mr. Morrow will be pained to hear that his left arm is paralyzed. At present he is at Glenwood Spring, in Colorado, and if the condition of his arm improves as he expects he will probably return to Woodland about Christmas time. Mr. Morrow played in Salt Lake until about the last of August, when he went to Denver. In September his arm began to show the final symptoms of paralysis, though the physician said that doubtless it had been developing for a long time previous. For a time he lost complete control of it. Manager EVERETT kept him on the pay roll, however, and he managed to play a few more games, though he was compelled to keep his arm in a sling. The physician is confident that he will recover the use of the member and Mrs. 

(Rest of article cut off)



 L.N. KERCHEVAL, Deputy Fish and Game Commissioner, to-day brought down from Folsom G.J. FLECKENSTEIN and G.B. HOXEY, on charges of shipping quail to market. They pleaded guilty before Justice of the Peace BROWN and were fined $25 each.


               HOTEL ARRIVALS

 Following are the arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel, November 12, 1901: G.W. TODD, Chicago; T.F. FLAHERTY, New York; T.O. KYLE, Texas; E. STEADMAN, Biggs; W.E.T. DEAL, Virginia City; J.B. WEBSTER, Stockton; J.W. KNOX, Merced; P.C. MILLS, San Francisco; J.M. JONES, Colusa; J. MEYER, Louis P. BOARDMAN, San Francisco; B.S. TAYLOR, Yreka; J.B. COREY, Acampo; N.B. GILLS, Yreka; E.F. CROSSETT, Joseph FROHMAN, C.E. CUMBERSON, San Francisco; Fred PENZ and wife, Oakland; T.O. TOLAND, Ventura; W.A. CONNOLLY, San Francisco; J.B. WEBSTER, Stockton; A.H. MOORE, Indianapolis; C.W. CASTING, Washington.

  Following are the arrivals at the Capital Hotel, November 12, 1901: Ralph C. HARRISON, San Francisco; T.W. HENSHAW, Oakland; A.E. HARLEIN, A.W. JOHNSON, G.H. EBERHARD, H. PROSOLE, San Francisco; George A. SMITH, Courtland; F.P. OTIS, Sonora; O.R. SHERWOOD, San Francisco; M.G. GILL, Red Bluff; H. GOEFFERT, Modesto; P.H. COFFMAN, Red Bluff; Dwight HOLLISTER, Courtland; Joseph E. THARPER, Reno; M. ROONEY, Wheatland; Ed. McCRAITH, San Francisco; B. MAISE, Dawson; H.W. WATKINS, Sacramento; J.H. SIEGEL, New York; W.H. SEYMOUR, C.W. CROSS, San Francisco; D.H. CORIZ, Lautgrol, Maine; W.H. NICHOLS, Courtland; Jacob S. MEYER, Louis P. BOARDMAN, P.B .HAY, L.M. HANCOCK, San Francisco; B.L. GRAY, Chicago; Joseph S. SETINER, San Francisco.



 The death occurred this afternoon of George B. Dean, the contractor, at the age of 70 years. Mr. Dean suffered a stroke of paralysis a year ago. He had done much contracting work for the county in the way of building bridges, etc., and was widely known.

  Mr. Dean was a native of New York. He leaves a wife and two daughters, and a sister, a resident of San Francisco.



Showing Made In Court To-day That He Had Reformed

 Allen C. W. MONSCH, whose case had been before the Superior Court a number of times with regard to his ability to take care of his property, was this morning restored to capacity by Judge Peter J. SHIELDS. Monsch led a wild life after he came into property left him and began to spend money right and left. He got in with a tenderloin crowd in San Francisco and was a “good thing” for certain of the denizens of that quarter. The Courts interfered and he was placed under the guardianship of his mother, who died October 29th last.

  The only living relative of Monsch is a brother, Wallace T. Monsch, who testified this morning that his brother had broken off his profligate associations and that he regarded him as perfectly able to take care of his property. It was also stated that the mother intended before her death to petition for his restoration to capacity.



 The cases of T. KRUGER and Fergus FAY, arrested on charges of evading the payment of railroad taxes, were today continued in the City Justice’s Court until to-morrow.



 May Baker, an employe of GODARD’s dance hall, who was arrested at an early hour last Sunday morning on a charge of stealing $60 from Fred BLADEL, a countryman, was discharged to-day. The officers were unable ro find any proof of the woman’s guilt.



 FLORIN, November 12 - K. YAMANAKA, a leading strawberry grower of Florin, gave a farewell feast to about 100 of his countrymen yesterday afternoon.

  The “blowout” was held in W.H. WASON’s packing house. The spread was gorgeous and odoriferous.

  Cups and chop sticks were laid for 100 guests. And about that number were on hand.

  Yamanaka has spent eight years in the harmonious burg in cultivating the “water delusion,” strawberries, in which business he has accumulated about $10,000, and now, like a good citizen, he is going home to his loved nippon to spend the remainder of his days in luxurious case. He bids good-bye to Florin to-morrow.



Suicide Of Young Frank Stiegler Last Night

Was Humiliated Over Having Lost His Situation in Railroad Shop on Account of Indebtedness

  Last evening, about 6 o’clock, Frank Stiegler, a young man, who was employed for some time in the rolling mills at the railroad shops, killed himself by firing a bullet through his brain. Death was instantaneous. The tragedy occurred at the residence of his wife, near Eighth and G Streets. Stiegler went to the house last evening and told his wife, from whom he had been separated, he intended to end his life. He drew a revolver and she tried to take it from him, but he broke away from her, ran into the back yard, and soon afterwards the report of a pistol was heard.

  Stiegler had lost his situation in the shops because some creditor had made complaint that he had not paid a debt. The young man, it is claimed, had paid to a collector the amount claimed to be due, but the collector had failed to report upon the matter, and Stiegler lost his situation. He showed his receipts to his foreman, and the latter promised to straighten out matters, but the young man apparently felt humiliated and did not want to go back to the shops. He visited several of his friends yesterday had bade them goodby, saying to some he was going to kill himself, and telling others he was going to Los Angeles. He also told his father he intended to kill himself.

  Deceased was a native of Missouri, aged 26 years.



 Election expenses have been filed by George K. RIDER for $47 50, S.H. FARLEY for $48 50 and C.C. ROBERTSON for $222.



Citizens of Neighborhood Demand That Trustees Close It at Once

  One week ago an application was made to the Board of Trustees by A. GILLIS for a license to conduct a saloon at Eighteenth and I Streets - or, rather, a renewal of an existing license. The application was endorsed by the Chief of Police, and the matter was laid over until last night. Robert T. DEVLIN, attorney for the applicant, last night asked that the matter be laid over one week.

  There was a large delegation of citizens on hand, headed by Professor E.C. ATKINSON, to protest against the granting of the license. Professor Atkinson said they were not present to fight men, but to protect homes; they were present for the sake of decency. He had himself been compelled to play policeman, as the city does not give that neighborhood sufficient protection; if a policeman came up that way the children would ask: “What soldier is that?” He said the saloon at Eighteenth and I Streets is a vile place, and the wives and children of the citizens had to listen to the foulest language. There were nightly carousals in the place, he said. Toughs came there from downtown, because they wanted to carouse in a place where they knew the police would not molest them. Women had to call their children into the houses and shut the doors to keep them from hearing the foul language.

  Professor Atkinson said that in the last campaign there had been cries for a “clean town.” Now is the time to begin to make a clean town, he said. This remark was greeted with applause. The people wanted to see that dirty doggery closed. The speaker said that no man could go into that saloon and run a decent place and make a living.

               For the Saloon

 Captain Frank RUHSTALLER, who favored granting the license, urged that Gillis be given a license - that he be given a trial. He said if the saloon was not properly run, it could be closed. He wanted to know why complaint had not been made before.

   Professor Atkinson said a numerously signed protest had been sent in, but it had been ignored. One of the signers to the present protest, he said, had been pulled off, and was with the saloon element. He had some off the protest through threats of boycott of his business. No fight was being made against Gillis; the people did not want a saloon in that neighborhood.

               No Personal Charges

 Trustee PAINE said action should be taken at once, or the matter continued on week; there was no use “chewing the rag.” The application had been endorsed by the Chief of Police, and no personal charges had been made against Gillis.

  Upon motion of TEBBETS, seconded by Paine, the matter was laid over one week.

  George WAIT was granted permission to build a small cesspool in the alley, I and J, Fifth and Sixth Streets.

               Police Sub-Station

 The Board decided to adopt the recommendation of Chief of Police Sullivan to establish a police patrol system in the new engine house on Twenty-sixth Street. This, it is claimed, will afford better protection to residents of the eastern part of the city.

               Foul Gasses

 Trustee BEARD called attention to the foul gases coming from the Third Street sewer. Upon his motion, the Superintendent of Streets was ordered to abate the nuisance. Superintendent STEVENS said he was now at work trying to abate the nuisance. It evidently came from pintach gas which escaped from tanks in the railroad shops.

               Coal Contract Let

 The Sacramento Coal Company, the lowest bidder, was awarded the contract for furnishing 200 tons of coal at the sewer sump, at $7.50 per ton.

  Paine, of the Street Committee, was authorized to purchase a new flag for the Plaza.

               Another Saloon

  Charles TRASTER was granted a license to conduct a saloon at 1126 J Street.

  John HUGHES was granted an extension of thirty days’ time to complete the work of grading the Plaza, P and Q, Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth Streets.

               Chinese Exclusion

 A communication was received from the managers of the Chinese Exclusion Convention, to be held in San Francisco on the 21st instant, asking the Trustees to appoint five delegates to the Convention.

  TEBBETS said the Convention was an important one, and a delegation should be sent. It was decided to send a delegation of five, including the President of the Board. The delegation will be as follows: Tebbets, DEVINE, PAINE, DOLAN and ING.



D.J. SIMMONS to-day sold at auction the premises 1206 Second Street - being 20x80 and 5x160 feet - for $600.


$10 Perfect Filters for $5; gallon of water a minute filtered. Tom SCOTT, the Plumber, 203 J Street.


Floral designs made to order very artistically at prices to suit all for first-class work. Chas. C. Navlet & Bro., leading florists and seedsmen, 520 K street. Phones: Sunset main 36, Cap. 606


F. CADY, at Twentieth and R, has fuel of all kinds for sale. Both phones.


Chrysanthemums, all sizes, all prices, 35¢ per dozen up. Floral designs; first-class work at reasonable prices. Both phones, Bell Conservatory.


First-class delicatessen - Hogan & Co. Grocers, Fifth and O - Cheese; Swiss, Frankfort, German breakfast, Sap Sagp, Imp. Limburger. Roast meats. Homemade salads.


Hacks for weddings, parties, funerals. General livery outfits. Kent Bros. 1617 Third. Phones: Sun. south 511, Cap. 215.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Bee

Friday, November 15, 1901




 At an early hour this morning City Detective Max P. FISHER succeeded in gaining an entrance to a Chinese gambling game at 915 Third Street. The officer secured the gambling layout and $46 in coin. He also arrested Lew HIM, the game’s banker. The case of Lew Him was called in the City Justice’s Court this morning, but was continued until to-morrow morning.



Laydon’s Suit Against Touhey Still on Trial

 Yesterday afternoon, after The Bee’s report of the suit of Darby Laydon against James Touhey, an action to recover $1175.55 for work performed in closing the break in the levee near Freeport last Spring, had closed. George BAUMGARTEL testified to having kept time for Laydon’s men, many of whom worked overtime. He told of having furnished their meals, and said he knew when they were going to work overtime.

  E. MARTINEZ testified as to the number of days the men worked, the driving of piles, and the brush work done.

  The plaintiff rested shortly after the opening of Court this morning, and Samuel BEEDE was called for the defense. Beede testified that Reese, Laydon’s foreman, and three men working under him “went on strike one day to dodge the poll-tax collector, who was dodging around.”

  The dredger did not work, except scooping up sand, Beebe testified, and the piledriver did not work continuously until the break was closed..

  Charles REINEKE, who worked for Laydon, testified that he was present at the time of the closing of the break. Touhey was present, as was Laydon. Touhey superintended the work of putting the sacks of earth into the crevasse.


               SAYS HE HAD OVER 50 DUCKS

 Game Warden R. HELMS this morning swore to a complaint, in Justice ANDERSON’s Court, for the arrest of A. WALKE, a poultry and produce dealer, for violating the game laws, in having in his possession and for sale more than fifty wild ducks. This will be the first prosecution in this city of any such alleged violations of the provisions of the game law.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Bee

Saturday December 14, 1901




Mrs. Mary BOSTWICK was over from Elk Grove for a few days during the week.


Mrs. George SHERMAN returned the first of the week from San Francisco, after a week*s visit with her sister, Mrs. James C. LEOPOLD. Mrs. SHERMAN was a listener at several grand operas.


Mrs. Charles CULVER departed last Saturday for her home in Mount Vernon, New York.


Mr. and Mrs. Walter WITHERBEE have gone to Los Angeles and expect to return in two weeks.


Mrs. Helen DUNN returned Wednesday from a brief stay at San Jose.


Mrs. H.C. WOLF left Thursday for San Francisco, but returns to-morrow.


Mrs. E.R. HAMILTON was hostess of The Spoon Club Monday afternoon. On next Monday the meeting will take place at the residence of Mrs. Edward TWITCHELL.


Mrs. V.S. McCLATCHY returned last evening from a few days* visit in San Francisco.


Mrs. F.J. KIESEL arrived from Ogden Wednesday and is the guest of Mrs. Fred BIRDSALL.


The Picture Club will be entertained next Monday afternoon by Mrs. C. SCHMIDT.


The Billiard Club, organized this week at the house of Miss Ralph HALE, will be an innovation in society circles. The members of the Club are Misses Ralpha HALE, Rose and Edna SHEEHAN, Bertha and Hadie GRAU, Edith LYNN, Gertrude WISEMAN, Alice STEPHENSON, Nellie ALLEN and Maude MERKELEY. The meetings will be held every other Friday evening at the Hale residence, which is so well adapted for entertaining, the first to be next week. Each member has the privilege of inviting a young man.


Mrs. P. HERZOG entertained the G2 Club on Thursday evening. Mrs. I LUCE made the highest score, the hostess winning second.


Miss Florence WILLIAMS returned Sunday from a protracted visit in Reno.


The many friends of Mr. C.H. DUNN will be pleased to know that she is recovering from her severe illness.


Sunday afternoon at Madame Thea SANDERINI*s are becoming very popular. Pupils and guests who are so disposed sing or play and the time spent is pleasant and profitable to all. On last Sunday those who entertained were Miss Lottie SHEPSTONE, Miss Helen HOWE, Dr. Harry SMITH and Ed. H. BAIR in vocal solos; Dr. Harry SMITH, Dr. Jerome CARROLL, Will S. HOWE and Ed BAIR in quartet work; Mrs. Emil STEINMAN and Arnold HEYMAN gave instrumental solos, and M. ADLER rendered several selections on the violin. The accompanists were Mrs. Emil STEINMAN, Miss Lulu YOERK, Miss May CARROLL and Arnold HYMAN. Those present were the Misses Lillian STEINMAN, Lottie SHEPSTONE, Bertha TEICHERT, Lulu YORKE, Gertrude ARNOLD, Maude SCHAFER, Maye CARROLL, Louise DRESCHER, E. ANDERSON, Florence GRAU, Nomie HEINS, Alla CLIPPINGER, Kate BLEWENER, Helene BLEWENER, Helen HOWE, Miss HUDSON, Miss LOTHAMMER, Miss DUDLEY, Mrs. Emil STEINMAN, Mrs. Russell MILLS, Messrs. A. HEYMAN, M. ADLER, E.H. BAIR, Rudolph VAN NORDEN, A. TEICHERT, Jr., Dr. Jerome CARROLL, Dr. Harry SMITH, Dr.Charles PINKHAM, Will R. HOWE, Carl HEILBRON, Russell MILL and O. WOOD.


(Transcribers note: I believe that Lulu Yoerk and Lulu Yorke are one and the same; also Arnold Heyman and Arnold Hyman.)


The hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. George B. KATZENSTEIN was thrown open to the members of the L.M.N.O. Club on Monday evening. The parlors were prettily decorated with pink carnations and violets. Red camellias and holly berries were the chief decorations for the dining-room and reception hall. Miss Eudora GAROUTTE and Mr. KATZENSTEIN won first prizes. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. LINDNER drew consolation prizes. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the game. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.O. COLEMAN.


G.M. EATON, having spent a few days in San Jose and San Francisco, returned to his home in this city Wednesday evening.


Miss Ardelia MILLS returned to San Francisco Thursday morning.


Miss Helen HOWE will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh PRICE at Loomis for a few days next week. She will take part in a concert next Thursday evening, giving two vocal numbers.

Mrs. William WHEELER and children left yesterday for her parents* home in San Francisco, to spend the holidays.


Miss Ruth STEPHENSON entertained the Chafing Dish Club on Thursday afternoon. A game called "Telegraph" was played, Miss Bertha GRAU securing a price. (Sic) Miss May SEADLER will entertain at its next meeting.


Miss Jennie Woodland, of Arbuckle, Colusa County, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Edward TWITCHELL, returned home Sunday after a ten days* visit.


Wednesday evening at the home of General T.W. and Mrs. SHEEHAN was solemnized the marriage of their daughter, Alice, and Dr. T.J. COX. Bishop GRACE officiated, performing the ceremony in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends. The rooms had put on a holiday appearance, the Christmas berries being used in great profusion in graceful bunches and oddly shaped rustic baskets. In one corner of the reception room a very unique rustic fence was erected, from which strands of holy berries were caught extending to the windows and ending in long loops of red satin ribbon. Before this the young couple were married. The living room, library and reception hall were similar in decorations, holly berries predominating, while wild huckleberries, wild grasses and potted plants added much to the effect.


Miss Ardelia MILLS, of San Francisco, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. MILLS, as bridesmaid, was becomingly attired in pink mousseline de sole with a satin stripe over taffeta. Charles TRAINOR was best man. The bridal gown was an exquisite creation of crepe and mousseline de sole over an underskirt of taffeta. The waist of same was richly trimmed with valenciennes lace. The bride was given away by her father.


The dining-room was daintily decorated. The bride*s table was adorned with an odd basket filled with red carnations, and each small table with a small vase of carnations. Smilax was trellised overhead and Christmas berries and graceful grasses were in evidence.


During the evening an orchestra played.


The bride and groom were the recipients of a large number or very elegant and costly gifts.

The honeymoon is being spent in Southern California.


A birthday party was given Raymond ARNOLD at his home, 1906 * Second street, Thursday afternoon, from 2 to 4:30 o*clock and the little ones had a very pleasant time, playing games and partaking of good things offered to eat.


Miss Laura JENKINS, daughter of Supervisor JENKINS, returned home to-day from an extended visit to San Jose and San Francisco.


A very pleasant "consolation what" was played at the residence of H.E. DOLERMAN Monday evening by several couples composing a social club. The refreshments were excellent, and all had a good time. First prizes were won by Mrs. T.M. EBY and Fred G. RENNIE, while Mrs. G.A. KESTLER and T.M .EBY were consoled as "boobies." The club will meet at the residence of F.M. JONES on the 30th of this month.


The home of Mr. and Mrs. George I. MARVIN in Folsom was filled Monday night with guests as a testimonial of the high esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. C.J. RYAN are held by their many friends. The occasion was the reception tendered Mr. and Mrs. Ryan (nee MARVIN) upon their arrival home from their honeymoon. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion and a merry time was had by all present. The health and good fortune of the newly-wedded couple were drank by the guests. Afterwards all repaired to the banquet hall where the room was beautifully decorated, to partake of a sumptuous banquet which was enjoyed by all. Many beautiful presents were received by the pair. Mr. and Mrs. RYAN will make their home in Folsom, Mr. RYAN being connected with the Folsom Prison. Those present from Sacramento were Miss Mae and Nicolous COFFIELD, cousins of the bride, also Miss Ethel RUST and Miss Sophia RUSSLER. There were in all about 150 guests, and this is said to have been the largest reception ever given in Folsom.

Mr. and Mrs. A. ELLIOTT announce the engagement of their daughter, Rebecca, to August E. COOLOR.


Mr. and Mrs. A.E. GRIGSBY will be pleased to see their friends at 1315 Twenty-first street.

The Les Amis Club held a very pleasant meeting at the residence of Miss Mamie RIPPON this week. Light refreshments were served during the afternoon. The next regular meeting will be held the first Friday in January.


The Critic Club was entertained this week by Dr. and Mrs. William Ellery BRIGGS. A paper, entitled "Honesty and Candor" was read and discussed. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. WEINSTOCK, Judge and Mrs. Peter J. SHIELDS, Dr. and Mrs. F.B. SUTLIFF, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MILLER, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas LINDLEY, J.A. WOODSON, Dr. George PYBURN, Robert McKISSICK, Dr. W.A. BRIGGS, C.P. MASSEY, Miss Addie DUGGAN and Miss Fannie PYBURN, of San Francisco.


Mrs. Harry EARLE has gone to San Francisco on a visit.


Mrs. Mary L. INGHAM, of Santa Cruz, is the guest of Mrs. J.W. BROWN.


Miss Rebe NOURSE entertained her whist club on Thursday evening. The substitutes were Mr. and Mrs. H.T. TITCOMB, Mrs. A.B. HILL of Petaluma, Miss Laura COOPER, Miss Grace JONES, Mr. HENYON and S.E. POPE. The prizes were secured by Mr. and Mrs. H.T. TITCOMB, Mr. and Mrs. H.H. STEPHENSON, Miss Mary TAYLOR winning consolation prize.

Mrs. A.B. HILL, of Petaluma, will remain as the guest of Miss Rebe NOURSE until next Tuesday.


Mrs. J.W. BARRETT left yesterday for Stockton, to remain a few days.


Miss Edith SHORB left yesterday for San Francisco, to remain during the holidays.


Miss Margaret EASTMAN is spending the holidays with Mrs. Henry T. GAGE.


Miss Maye WOLF left yesterday for San Francisco to remain until to-morrow evening.


William ELLERY, Highway Commissioner, is visiting in Oakland.


Mr. and Mrs. T.J. KIRK left this week for St. Helena, to remain a few days.


Mr. and Mrs. W.K. COTHRIN and Mrs. E.A. CROUCH returned last evening from San Francisco, where they went to visit Mrs. A.L. FOYE, prior to her departure for China.

A dance was given at Turner Hall last evening by the Sophomore and it was largely attended. The hall looked very pretty, decorated with potted plants and smilax, while the chandeliers and pink paper in stripes at the windows. The music was inspiring and the young people had a jolly time.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Record-Union, Sacramento

Tuesday, March 18, 1902



Van Curtis Dodge Probably Fatally Hurt and Robert W. Woods Has Three Bullet Wounds

  In a shooting affray that occurred on the Yolo bridge a few minutes before 7 o’clock yesterday morning, Van Curtis DODGE, a woodworker of this city, was shot through the stomach and will probably die, and Robert W. WOODS, who lives in Washington and works in the railroad shop, was wounded in three places.

  One bullet entered the right side of Woods’ mouth, broke two teeth and came out in the middle of the cheek on the left side, another bullet passed through the calf of the right leg, and the other bullet entered the rear part of the left thigh, passed into the muscles and remained there, making a deep wound.

  The story of the shooting and the causes leading up to it are best told in the statement made by Dodge to the police authorities, in which he said: “I know that I have but a few hours to live and I willingly state what took place. Bob Woods has been going with my daughter for four years, and last year he took advantage of her and we a have a little boy up to the house.

  “He refused to marry my daughter after taking advantage of her, and I sent him several messages regarding his marrying the girl, but he would not, so I made up my mind to go over to his house and have a quiet talk with him. I expected that there would be trouble, so I put two pistols in my pockets before leaving the house.

  “When I got up on the bridge, I saw Bob coming over to work, and I stepped up to him and said: ‘Bob, I want to speak to you.’ As I said this he immediately began pulling his pistol out of his pocket and when I saw him do this I shot at him. His pistol seemed to stick in his pocket and I shot at him again.

  “He then got his pistol out of his pocket and fired five shots at me, and I think it was the third one that hit me in the right side and passed through my body. After he had fired his five shots he ran into the bridge-tender’s house, and I pulled out my other pistol and fired two shots at him and then followed him into the house and fired the other three shots at him in there. Yes, I know that I will go in a few hours. I was 52 years of age last July.”

  About an hour after the shooting Chief of Police SULLIVAN, City Attorney HOWE, Bing BRIER, the official court reporter, and a “Record-Union” reported visited Woods at the Railroad Hospital, and in answer to questions by Chief Sullivan, Woods said: “I was coming across the bridge this morning on my way to work in company with C.E. SCULLY and some other fellows, and just as we reached the other end of the drawbridge I saw Dodge.

  “When he saw me, he jumped from the footpath into the driveway where we were walking, and said, ‘Now you (using a vulgar term) I’ve got you. He had a pistol in his hand and began shooting at me. The first shot he fired struck me in the mouth. He fired at me twice before I got my gun out of my pocket. When I did get it out I fired all five shots at him, and then thinking that he might have another gun I ran into the bridge-tender’s house and lay down behind the machinery.

 “He came running in there and fired three shots at me there, and that’s all I know of the matter. I am sure that he fired two shots at me before I began shooting. That’s all that I have got to say about the matter.”

  There were several witnesses to the shooting and one of them had a very narrow escape from being shot in the same way that Dodge is wounded, as one of the bullets scored across his back, just breaking the skin in places. It is said that his name is Walter PALM.

  W.H. NEFF, the bridge-tender, was also in very close quarters for a while as when the shooting began he took refuge behind the machinery used in swinging the bridge. Shortly afterward Woods came running into the house and jumped behind the machinery directly on top of him, and was followed by Dodge, who fired three shots at Woods. Neff was not injured.

  After Dodge made his statement in the Receiving Hospital, where he was taken after the shooting, he was removed to the County Hospital, where Dr. WHITE operated on him. It was found that the bowels were perforated in four places. Dodge stood the operation in good shape, and was resting easily at a late hour last night, but the physician in charge gives very little hopes of his recovery.


               HIS HONOR OBJECTED

Justice Anderson Said He Disliked the “Handling” of the Emma Jones Case

  Emma JONES (colored) appeared in the City Justice’s Court yesterday charged with vagrancy. She pleaded guilty and was sentenced to the County Jail for six months, but the commitment was withheld for twenty-four hours, in order to allow her to leave the city.

  In commenting on the case, Judge ANDERSON gave the City Attorney a distinct warning that he would never allow a case to be “handled” in a like manner in his court at any future time.

  “Here is a woman who is suspected of either grand or petty larceny,” said Justice Anderson,” who has the charge changed to vagrancy, and the City Attorney asks me to allow her to leave the city. I am opposed to cases being handled in this manner, and I will not allow it in the future.”

  City Attorney HOWE - While I am morally certain that this JONES woman did rob a man, still I am unable to get enough evidence to convict, and as I did not think that she should be allowed to remain at large in the city, I did the best that I could, and placed a charge of vagrancy against her.

  Justice ANDERSON - You should have allowed her to serve her sentence out in the County Jail. However, I will let her go this time, but please handle your cases of this nature in a different manner in the future.


               TO BE LAID AT REST

Funeral of Thomas P. Sweeney Will Take Place To-Morrow Morning

 The funeral of Thomas P. SWEENEY, one of the oldest and most popular engineers in the employ of the Southern Pacific Company, who died at his residence, 1212 G street, on Sunday after a long illness, will take place to-morrow morning at 9:30 o’clock, from the residence and thence to the Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated. He was a native of Waterford, Ireland, and 65 years old. He leaves a widow and several children - Margaret H., Mary A., Thomas E., Daniel C. and Allen R. SWEENEY.



 In the suit of BAKER & HAMILTON against O.A. TURNER and others for $1,970.73 for machinery and merchandise furnished, Judge SHIELDS yesterday gave judgement in favor of the plaintiffs for the amount sued for and costs, after dismissing the action against all the defendants except O.A. Turner. The merchandise furnished was mining machinery.



 F. KOHLER, J.H. ARNOLD and L.B. MOHR, appraisers of the estate of Geo. SCHROTH, deceased, have returned their inventory, fixing the value of the property at $200,432.43.



Charles Fitzgerald Had Lucky Escape From a Slashing Knife Thrust, But He Lost His Money

  Charles FITZGERALD, who is employed by John MACKEY at the Rancho del Paso, was held up and robbed by two men on the long trestle across the American River bridge about 10 o’clock Sunday afternoon and considers that he was lucky to escape with his life.

  Fitzgerald was riding his bicycle, and was spinning over the trestle at a fast clip. When near the north end two men who were hiding in the shadow thrust some kind of an obstruction across the track, and Fitzgerald took a header.

  According to his story, he had scarcely landed before the taller of the two thugs seized him by the collar and yanked him to his feet.

  Fitzgerald did not like such treatment, and making a pivot swing caught the big fellow in the face, knocking him down.

  The smaller of the two men rushed at Fitzgerald and struck him on the left breast with a big knife. Fortunately, Fitzgerald had an envelope in which was a quantity of cards in his upper coat pocket. The knife struck the cards, passed through them and cut through the shirt before the force was spent. The thug, after making the thrust, drew his knife downward, evidently intending to make a thorough job of his night’s work, ripping Fitzgerald’s clothing nearly a foot.

  Fitzgerald , who was unarmed, and who at first though he had been badly wounded, submitted, and the tall robber having regained his feet, the thugs went through his pockets, taking between $24 and $25 in coin.

  The highwaymen started in the direction of Marysville, but the officials are inclined to believe that as soon as Fitzgerald was out of sight they doubled on their trail and came to this city. Fitzgerald furnished the Sheriff’s office with excellent descriptions of his assailants.


               WILL CLOSE SUNDAY

Proprietors of Barber Shops make This Agreement

 W.H. MAULDIN, President of the Journeymen Barbers’ Association, called at the “Record-Union” office last night and stated that nearly all the proprietors of barber shops had agreed to close on Sundays. He presented an agreement to that effect.

  The agreement reads: “We, the undersigned, proprietors of barber shops, do hereby agree to close our places of business on Sundays.”



               GOOD ROADS MEETING

Perkins Club Will Construct a Piece of Macadam Road

 At the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Perkins Good Roads Club yesterday morning J.M .HARLOW and J.B. ROONEY were added to the board.

  It was decided to construct a macadam road extending eastward from Thirty-first and M streets as far a practicable and twenty feet wide, and it is hoped that the aid and co-operation of the county with that of the property owners, merchants and the Chamber of Commerce will be secured. It was also decided to construct a bicycle path along the roadway.

  County Surveyor BOYD, who was present, made an instructive and interesting address on the objects of the club.


               DIVORCE FOR HUSBAND

 Superior Judge HUGHES yesterday granted Benjamin F. ROUSE a divorce from Margaret S. ROUSE on the ground of infidelity.



Heirs of Thomas Galligan Settle Their Dispute in Court

 The suit of A.J .GALLIGAN, administrator of the estate of Thomas GALLIGAN, deceased, against Mrs. Lizzie MURPHY and others, was commenced in Judge HUGHES court yesterday.

  Thomas Galligan, according to the complaint, a short time before his death, deeded to his daughter, Mrs. Murphy and her husband, a lot in this city valued at $600 or $700, and transferred to them $1,000 in bank and a quantity of household furniture, to the exclusion of his other children, A.J. Galligan and Mrs .Charles M. SMITH.

  The plaintiff claimed that Thomas Galligan, at the time of transferring his property, was mentally unsound and incapable of making proper disposition of his property, and they asked that the deed and transfer of other property be set aside and the estate be distributed equally among the heirs at law. Several witnesses called on behalf of the plaintiff testified that in their opinion Galligan was of unsound mind at the time the transfer was made.

  Late in the afternoon the case for the plaintiff was closed, and two or three witnesses were called for the defense. In their opinion the old man had perfect use of his mental faculties at the time the transfer was made.

  Grove L. JOHNSON is attorney for the plaintiff and Devlin & Devlin and H.C .ROSS for the defendants. The trial of the case will be resumed this morning.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Record-Union, Sacramento

Sunday, March 23, 1902



Graphic Description of the Battle on the Sacramento River Bridge Last Monday Morning.

  Coroner McMULLEN last evening conducted an inquiry into the cause of the death of Van Curtis DODGE, who died shortly after midnight yesterday morning as a result of a revolver shot wound received early last Monday morning on the Yolo bridge in an affray with Robert W. WOODS.

  The jury impaneled to hear the testimony were John N. FITZGERALD, M.A. HOWARD, Charles COOLEY, M.H. FETHERSON, C.R. McCAULEY, T.W REED, D.W. ROE, M.J. SCANLON, A.J. BLODGETT.

  District Attorney C.W. BAKER was present on behalf of the people, and H.W. JOHNSON looked after Woods’ interests.

  Charles E. SCULLY, aged about 20 years, was the first witness. He testified that he left Washington for this city with Woods and Frank TODHUNTER. “Woods,” he said, “was between me and Todhunter, I on his right. When we reached the west end of the draw Dodge (I didn’t know who he was then) stepped out through the little gate leading from the footway to the roadway, and with a pistol pointed at Woods, said ‘I’ve got you now, you — — .’ He immediately fired, and the ball struck Woods in the mouth. Woods grabbed me by the arm and said: ‘T., I’m shot!’ Dodge grabbed my other arm, and leaning over my shoulder fired again. I am not positive whether he fired two or three shots before Woods got out his gun and commenced shooting.

  “I started back toward Yolo, and Woods started back with his arm over his face, shooting at Dodge. Then they both stood up and snapped their guns at each other, and Dodge started to get another gun, and I yelled at Bob, ‘Run; it’s all up with you,’ and he and I ran for the bridge cabin on the middle of the draw. I got in first and shut the door, but just then Bob came up and said: ‘T., let me in.’ I opened the door, and then got down behind some machinery. Bob got behind the power wheel, and then Dodge came up and burst open the door, and fired three shots at Woods. He fired twice while we were running for the bridge cabin.

  “Then Dodge put his pistol in his pocket and walked out. I went to Bob and said: ‘Bob, you’re not dead yet, are you?’ He replied: ‘No, I’m not dead yet.’”

  Juror M.A. HOWARD questioned the witness about the position of the draw with relation to the middle of the stream.

  The witness replied that the draw was on the Sacramento side, and not over the middle of the river; that the channel hugs the Sacramento side of the stream, and that the draw is so placed that boats could move up and down the channel. He thought the west end of the draw, where the shooting began, was not far from the middle of the river. After the shooting began the men ran eastward, that is, toward the Sacramento end of the bridge.

  Frank TODHUNTER, the next witness, had not known Dodge. He was walking up the bridge with Woods and Scully, and when they reached the draw he saw a man rush out with a pistol pointed at Woods.

  “I dodged behind the man,” said the witness, “ and heard three or four shots, and when I turned around I saw ‘em squared off, pointing guns at each other.”

  Owing to partial deafness the witness heard nothing that might have been said. He ran to the incline at the Sacramento end of the bridge and stopped there. He saw Woods run into the bridge cabin. Dodge followed him and two or three shots were fired inside the place. Dodge came out and walked to the Sacramento side and got into a buggy.

  P.D. BARNS, night watchman at the ship yards on the Yolo side, was in his buggy, crossing the bridge from Washington. He drove alongside Scully, Woods and Todhunter for about a hundred feet; then his horse out-walked them, and he was about the center of the draw when he heard the shooting. When he looked back men were running in every way, and presently Woods started toward the Sacramento side with Dodge following, shooting at him. The witness corroborated the preceding witnesses with respect to the shooting in and about the power-house, or bridge cabin. The witness had driven over toward the Sacramento end of the bridge, when Dodge came out and walked down that way. When he came to the witness he said: “For God’s sake, take me to the Receiving Hospital; I’m shot” While on the way to the hospital Dodge told the witness he did the shooting. When the hospital was reached Dodge jumped out of the buggy and trotted inside.

  W.H. NEFF, the bridgetender, said he was in the power-house reading the “Record-Union,” when he heard some shots. He thought it was some of the boys shooting up the river, and did not look around until four or five shots had been fired.

  “I saw two men shooting at each other,” said the witness, “and I shut the door and got down on the floor behind some machinery, so as not to be struck by a spray bullet. I got up from there and got into a snug corner behind the big gear wheel. Just then somebody rushed in and jumped on top of me, and a moment later Dodge followed and commenced to shoot through the wheel. One shot struck an iron bar - it would have gone through my body otherwise; the other struck a spoke, which kept it from passing through my head.

  “Then Dodge came up and pointed his gun down, and I thought the ball would go through both of us, and I shut my eyes. He fired, and I was blood all over. I thought I had been shot, and rolled Woods off of me and got out on a run.

  Harley NOYES was next called. He was about ten feet ahead of Woods and his party. “I heard Dodge say, “you — — —,” and then he began shooting. I stood still. Dodge fired two shots before Woods got his gun out. Woods was moving towards the end of the bridge with one arm over his face, and shooting under that arm in Dodge’s direction.”

   The witness corroborated the other witnesses with respect to the shooting in the power-house, and when Dodge came out and got into a buggy the witness followed on a bicycle to see where he would go.

  Walter PALM said he was twenty or thirty feet ahead of Woods, when the shooting commenced. He did not know who shot first, but when he looked around the men were shooting at each other.

  “Woods finally started to run for the bridge cabin and Dodge followed. I started to run and Dodge fired two shots, the first of which hit me here on the hip.”

  George SCULLY said he was behind Woods and heard shooting, but the sun was in his eyes and he could not see distinctly at first. When he did see clearly both men were shooting. Woods lunged forward as if about to fall, but fired again and then ran toward the bridge cabin. After Dodge left the cabin the witness went in and asked Woods if he was hurt. He replied: “I’m shot all to pieces; he hit me a h–l of a crack in the mouth.” “Did you hit him?” inquired the witness. “No,” replied Woods, “I never touched him; he didn’t give me a chance. Is the old man gone?”

  J. HOLLMAN, driver of a butcher wagon, was about twenty feet from the men when the shooting commenced. His version of the affair corroborated the statements made by the other witnesses.

  City Physician NICHOLS who attended Dodge after the shooting, described the nature of the wounds.

  “Dodge,” said Dr. Nichols, “told me he shot first, but not until ‘Bob’ attempted to draw his pistol. He said he told Woods that he wanted to have a talk with him, but that Woods went for his pistol and then he fired.”

  Dr. J.L. WHITE, who held the autopsy on the deceased, testified respecting the nature of the wound.

  At this point Coroner McMULLEN produced the two short bulldog pistols used by Dodge, and Juror HOWARD examined them.

  “Where’s Woods’ gun?” inquired Mr. Howard.

  Coroner McMullen did not hear, and the juror repeated his question, whereupon the Coroner produced the weapon used by Woods, a blue-barreled imitation Smith & Wesson.

  Juror Howard reached over, took the weapon, and said:

 “It’s a good one. He ought to have had another one. He ought to  have had an electric gun, if there was to be any trouble,” and Mr. Howard laughed.

  Then District Attorney BAKER arose and said:

 “I don’t think Mr. Howard should argue this case before the jury. This inquest is not a matter for levity. I think his remarks are entirely uncalled for, and I desire to protest against any such conduct.”

  “That cuts no figure at all,” replied Juror Howard. “We have a right to express our opinion, and you have got nothing to say about it at all.”

  Coroner McMullen rapped on his table and asked Juror Howard to keep quiet, and the proceedings again dropped to the dead level of actualities.

  Walter Curtis Dodge, son of the deceased, testified concerning his father’s age and nativity, and the matter was given to the jury. That body, after deliberating a half-hour, brought in the following verdict:

 “We, the jury, find the deceased came to his death from a gunshot wound inflicted by Robert Woods.”

  In discussing the subject of the examination of Robert Woods yesterday morning, Justice ANDERSON said: “While there is no chance of any legal complications in the matter, as the examination can be legally held in either county I would prefer not to hear the matter at all, and will try to have the Yolo county authorities hold the examination, if any is held. I believe it is their duty to take the evidence in the case, as I am given to understand that most of the shooting was done on the Yolo side of the drawbridge.



               Daniel McCarthy Blows Out His Brains

No Known Cause for the Act - Deceased Was a Drummer for Adams, Booth & Co.

   Daniel McCARTHY, a traveling man in the employ of ADAMS, BOOTH & Co. for many years, and well known throughout the northern half of the State, committed suicide shortly before 3 o’clock this morning in the rear of the Commercial saloon, 722 K street, by shooting himself with a pistol.

  Messrs. GRANT & WARREN, proprietors of the place, state that McCarthy had been in the saloon several times during the night, and at the time he committed the act had been there about an hour. They had never seen him in better spirits, apparently, and there was nothing in his appearance or manner to indicate that he was not in a perfectly normal condition.

  Nobody saw him when he fired the fatal shot, and death was instantaneous.

  Coroner McMULLEN was notified at once and his deputies promptly took charge of the body.

  It was found that the deceased had shot himself in the head, the bullet passing completely through his brain.

  Mr. McCarthy was about 27 or 28 years of age, and, so far as could be ascertained, was a single man. A brother of his is a resident of Latrobe, El Dorado County.

  He also leaves a sister in this city, a Mrs. HANFORD, the widow of Engineer Hanford of the Placerville Railroad, who died a few years since.



 The Republicans of Folsom have chosen the following delegates to the convention of Republican Clubs, which meets at San Jose April 14th and 15th: R.J. MURPHY, delegate-at-large; C.W. KYLE, C.L. ECKLON, J.H. DONNELLY, A. DEELY, C.L. KNIGHT, E.A. BROWN; alternates - George BOLTON, O.C. SCOTT, W.A, HYMAN, George GERBER, H.W. HALL, H.M. SMITH, Frank MARVIN.


               HIS HONOR AND THE LADY

Justice Anderson Had a Mind to Send Mrs. Becker to Jail

  Mrs. Hattie BECKER was found guilty of disturbing the peace in the City Justice’s Court yesterday morning, and judgement was withheld until Monday morning. Judge Anderson said he knew her to be a hard-working woman, but who when drunk would “raise Cain,” but she had no excuse for fighting with an officer after being arrested, and he had a good mind to send her to the County Jail for three months without any chance of paying a fine.


               BRIEF ITEMS

Catherine HUELSMAN, by her attorneys Bruner & Bros., has brought suit against Peter J. HUELSMAN, Eda KRIGBAUM, John DOE and Richard ROE, to quiet title to a quarter section of land in township 9 north, range 7 east, in this county.

  Alexander HOLMES was yesterday admitted to citizenship by Judge SHIELDS on the testimony of Ed F. PHUND and J.N. NIELSON.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Record-Union, Sacramento

Tuesday, March 25, 1902



Fred Price, Captured by Detective Max Fisher, Proves to be a Deserter, Not a Burglar

   Detective FISHER returned from Redding yesterday with a prisoner named Fred PRICE, who he arrested in that place on suspicion of being one of the burglars who robbed the gun store of W.H. ECKHARDT, in this city, last week. The man proved to be the wrong party. However, he is a deserter from the United States army, having deserted from an army post located at Stevens, Or., on the 12th inst.

  Detective Fisher was very much incensed over the publicity which had been given to the fact that he had sacrificed his mustache and otherwise disguised himself, in order to effect the capture, claiming that this notoriety would enable the real criminal to escape.

  In relating the incidents leading up the arrest, he said: “On the morning that Eckhardt’s store was robbed a young man of this city saw two men walking along the street carrying a grip. He gave a description of these men to Patrolman MALEY, and we were all directed by Chief SULLIVAN to keep a lookout for them.

  “Last Friday one of these men, named James MOORE, was seen going toward the Yolo bridge in company with two hobos, and, accompanied by Detective FITZGERALD and Patrolman FOUSE, we overtook Moore and placed him under arrest. He proved to be one of the burglars, and will plead guilty. Then I went after the other man, followed him all over the country, and arrested Price, only to find that while he filled the description in every way, he was the wrong man.

  “As for this man being one of the men who committed the DUFFY murder, that is absurd, as he will in no way fit the description of either of the men who did that deed, and I had no thought of connecting him with the murder when I made the arrest.”

  Mr. Fisher will permit his mustache to renew its growth, so that the criminals who saw him in Redding will not be able to recognize him when they come to Sacramento.


               KANE ESTATE IN COURT

Nice Question of Community Property Rights Before Judge Hughes

  The suit of S.B. SMITH, as administrator of the estate of Thomas KANE, deceased, against John F. QUINN, administrator of the estate of Kate KANE, deceased, came on for hearing before Judge HUGHES yesterday.

  Thomas Kane and Kate Kane were husband and wife, and at the time of their marriage, it was claimed, she had a sum of money amounting to about $5,000. It was further claimed that until 1880 each of the parties kept a separate bank account, but in that year the money was drawn out, and that in 1890 two several deposits were made; one of $5,000 in their joint names and one of $5,000 in the name of Kate Kane. In 1890 $5,100 in the Sacramento Bank, owned jointly by the parties, was a few days prior to the death of Thomas Kane, drawn out and (rest of article cut off)



Roster of the Chamber of Commerce is Growing Steadily

  The campaign of the Chamber of Commerce to raise the membership to 1,000 is progressing with encouraging results. Chairman Herman C. FISHER’s committee, even before it has fairly organized for work, is able to report an increase of fifty-four members. Twenty-five of these were added the first day of the committee’s work, and the names were reported in the “Record-Union.” Since then twenty-nine names have been added.

  The committee has entered upon a campaign to convince every property owner, business man and professional man in the city and vicinity that he has a personal interest in the work of the Chamber of Commerce, and that it is entitled to his active support, at least to the extent of the membership dues of a dollar a month.

  The members added since the last report are: C.E. WRIGHT, C.E. ARNOLD, Walter WRIGHT, H.J. BLANCHARD (Elk Grove), Rev. H.C. SCHOEMAKER, Chas. N. THOMPSON, Charles B. WERNER, H.O. TROWBRIDGE, F. KOHLER, J.E. PIPHER, Henry ALTER, C.A. PHILLIPS, Dr. P.R. WATTS, F.V. FLINT, B.P. HOOVER (Elk Grove), Ellis KILGORE, George W. FICKS, Louis MONTGALLIARD, E.P. HOWE, Sr., C.A. ROOT, A.A. DE LIGNE, Isaac JOSEPH, W.E. DOANE, M.J. SULLIVAN, David REESE, A.J. MADSEN, B. LEONARD, S.R. HART, Alfred S. MOORE.


               SEND OUT THESE CARDS

Chamber of Commerce Furnished Them Without Cost

  The Chamber of Commerce has had printed many thousand beautiful postal cards, five by nine inches, descriptive of this section of the State, and citizens are requested to call and get as many as they desire and send to their friends in the East. The Chamber of Commerce rooms are at 214 J street.



 Constable ALTER returned from Santa Rosa yesterday with R.J. GILBRIDE, who is charged with defrauding an innkeeper. It is stated by the police that Gilbride ran a bill with Peter FLAHERTY of the Windsor Hotel, and left the city to evade payment of the account.


               PASSING OF A PIONEER

Captain W.A. Hancock, Formerly of Sacramento, Dies in Arizona

  Captain W.A. HANCOCK, a pioneer and one of the best known men in Arizona, died suddenly in Phoenix, Ariz., yesterday. He was 71 years old, and a native of Massachusetts. He settled in Sacramento in the 50's. He went to Arizona with the Tenth Regiment of California Volunteers in 1865. Later he was made Captain of a company of Pima Indian soldiers in their war against the Apaches.

  Captain Hancock was an attorney and civil engineer by profession. He laid out the townsite and built the first house in Phoenix, and also acted as the first Postmaster, and later as the first Sheriff of Maricopa County. He was always prominent in local politics and all enterprises looking to the development of the town’s natural resources.

  Hancock surveyed the first irrigation canal in Arizona, and was foremost in irrigation enterprises. He leaves a sister, Miss Carrie Hancock of Sacramento, and a widow and two children in Phoenix.



Alex Becker Accused of Following His Divorced Wife

 Alex BECKER, the ex-husband of Hattie Becker, went to the Brown House, at Fourth and K streets, Sunday night, and it is thought he was looking for the woman’s apartments. He was prowling around the hallway of the house with his hand in his hip pocket, when Joseph BOSTRICK, now known as Mrs. BECKER’s companion, went into the hall and saw Becker. Bostrick thought that Becker had a pistol, so Bostrick drew his own revolver, threatened to shoot Becker if he attempted to draw his gun, and ordered him from the house. Although Becker has been divorced from his wife, the police say he is still infatuated with her.



 Frankie FLANIGAN, a 4-year-old boy, whose parents reside at 2307 I street, strayed form his home yesterday, and the police were searching for him during the evening. At a late hour last night a telephone message to the Police Station announced that the truant had been found and restored to his parents.


               SALINAS MAY VOTE NOW

 Victor SALINAS, a native of Peru, was yesterday admitted to citizenship by Judge HART on the testimony of B. FARAUT and H.A. LEVIS.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Record-Union, Sacramento

Friday, May 16, 1902



Officers Elected by That Body and by the Rebekahs

SAN FRANCISCO, May 15 - The Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F., elected officers to-day as follows:

 M.G. GILL of Red Bluff, Grand Master; C.W. BAKER of Sacramento, Deputy Grand Master; J.W. LINSCOTT of Santa Cruz, Grand Warden; George T. SHAW, Grand Secretary (re-elected); J.W. HARRIS, Grand Treasurer (re-elected); John GLASSON, C.O. BURTON and J.F. NICHOLS, Grand Trustees (re-elected); John THOMPSON, Trustee for the home, and Grand Master NICHOLLS, Representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge.

  The consideration of the Odd Fellows’ Home at San Jose was taken up, and the matter had not been disposed of when the Grand Lodge adjourned for the day. It will be settled to-morrow possibly by referring the matter to the individual lodges.

  The Rebekahs elected the following officers:

 Mrs. Ada MADISON of San Diego, President; Mrs. Alma Isabel JENSEN of San Francisco, Vice President; Mrs. Dora L. GARNER of Napa, Warden; Mrs. Mary E. DONOHO of San Francisco, Secretary (re-elected); Mrs. Anna M. LEISE of Oakland, Treasurer (re-elected); Miss Fannie BENJAMIN of Los Angeles and Mrs. Sarah A. WOLF of Sacramento, Trustees (re-elected).



SALINAS, May 15 - Antonio BORONDA, a rancher at Castroville, was shot through the stomach this morning by Harry MARTINEZ. Boronda is thought to be fatally wounded. The cause of the shooting is believed to have been due to a quarrel over family matters. Boronda is 60 years old, and Martinez is 45.



J. PIERSON of Cosumnes is in the city.

J.W. RUTLAND and James B. RUTLAND are stopping at the State House Hotel.

Captain C.A. SWISLER and wife and Miss Sybil SWISLER of Placerville are guests at the Capital Hotel.

J.R. GARRETT and wife of Willows are in the city.

Mrs. HASKELL of Courtland is registered at the Capital Hotel.

L. POWELL of Nevada City is a guest at the Golden Eagle Hotel.

Miss BRYANT and Miss THORNTON of Galt are in Sacramento.

C.F. LUCAS of Marysville is registered at the Golden Eagle Hotel.

Dr. G.B.N. CLOW of San Francisco is in Sacramento attending the Street Fair and shaking hands with his old friends.


               TOOK THE PRETTY BABY

J.P. Hutchinson pleads guilty, and Will be Sentenced To-Day

   J.P. HUTCHINSON, alias J. PITTINGER, was convicted in the Police Court yesterday of violation of the law which provides punishment for cruelty to children. Hutchinson’s offense was unique. As related in the “Record-Union,” Mrs. KIEFER visited the Midway at the Street Fair Wednesday, taking her pretty fifteen-months-old infant in a baby carriage. She decided to have a ride on a merry-go-razzle-dazzle concern on the edge of the Midway, and left her little one asleep in its carriage at the rostrum of the spieler.

  The spieler was so busy telling about the joys of riding on his merry-go-razzle-dazzle that he did not notice when Hutchinson took possession of the carriage and began to push his way through the crowd. When Mrs. Kiefer learned that somebody had taken her baby she was frantic, but was helpless, as there were 12,000 people in the Midway, and nobody knew where the man had gone. Hutchinson wheeled the baby to the publication office of the “Record-Union,” and placing the carriage containing the sleeping child near the counter, engaged a bystander in a political discussion, which ended in Hutchinson’s sudden departure, leaving the baby with no one to care for it.



 District Attorney C.W. BAKER of Sacramento has been elected Deputy Grand Master by the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows now in session in San Francisco. The Grand Lodge of Rebekahs re-elected Mrs. Sarah A. WOLF of this city a member of the Trustees of that body.

  Mrs. S.B. WOOD of San Francisco left for home Thursday, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Henry STAM. Mrs. Wood has been visiting her parents the past eighteen days.



 At Laurel, Neb., May 15th, John JACOBSON, his wife and infant child, were smothered to death by smoke, and William SNYDER, a clerk, and another of the JACOBSON children, aged 6, were seriously burned in a fire in the living rooms over Jacobson’s implement store.

  Ex-Assemblyman S.N. McLAGHLIN of Monterey has received a telegram that his son Lester is reported missing at Lamy, N.M. Young McLaughlin was injured in an accident about two weeks ago and it is thought that he wandered away while suffering from the effects of the injuries to his head.

  At Denver, May 15th,  Earl LEVY, who is charged with grand larceny and embezzlement in San Francisco, was arrested. Among his effects was found a suit of lady’s underwear which was covered with blood. EAVY declined to explain how this happened to be in his possession.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Record-Union, Sacramento

Wednesday, May 21, 1902



Railroad Company Requested by Chamber of Commerce to Make This Concession

 The Chamber of Commerce Directors yesterday afternoon appointed President L.F. BREUNER, General Manager H.A. FRENCH and R..D. STEPHENS a committee to wait upon the Southern Pacific officials and endeavor to secure a one-way rate for the round trip to the Republican and Democratic State Conventions.


               BRIEF ITEMS

 Percy E. TOWNE has been appointed a Notary Public to reside in San Francisco. Mr. Towne has been named in place of Charles MUSANS, resigned.

  Governor GAGE has appointed Vanderlynn STOW a member of the Board of Trustees of the State Normal School at San Francisco in the place of W.G. JOBSON, term expired.

  Judge HART yesterday continued the case of R.H. CLEGG for assault to murder until next Monday. Clegg is the man who shot and almost fatally wounded Thomas BURRELL.

  Norman McLEANS, a member of the State Board of Accountancy, has tendered his resignation as a member of the board. Mr. McLAREN intends making a trip to Europe, and will by absent from the State for several months.

  A contract has been let to C.W. DALLEY by the Consumers’ Mutual Ice and Fuel Company for the erection of a building to cost $15,000. The building is to be put up on lots 7 and 8, C and D, Eighth and Ninth streets.

  Judge HUGHES yesterday granted citizenship to Gidahino MUSACCHEA, a native of Italy, on the testimony of William McNAIR and Manuel WILLIAMS; also to Joseph CHIARITO, a native of Italy, on the testimony of C.H. MARTIN and A.G .HERVAGAULT.

  F. PAGNELLO, an employe of a local firm, who has wandered from the straight and narrow path and formed evil associations, was discharged from custody in the City Justice’s Court yesterday on his promise that he would return to the path of rectitude.

  Frank W. GALE of the Christian Science Publication Committee writes to correct an impression lately given out that Miss Esther DOWLE, who died in Chicago as the result of burns, was attended by Christian Scientists. He says she was attended by her father, J. Alexander DOWLE, the “divine healer,” whose teaching and practice are entirely different from Christian Science.


               PERSONAL MENTION

  R.M. ANDERSON of Fresno is in the city.

  George H. WILCOXSON of Williams is in the city.

  R.E. HOLT of Stockton is visiting Sacramento.

  C.E. SWEZY of Marysville is visiting Sacramento.

  C.B. BINNINGER and wife of Ophir are in the city.

  P.E. HOLT of Stockton is stopping at the Capital Hotel.

  E.S. HUNT and William THOMAS of Florin were in the city yesterday.

  W.J. DAVIS of Auburn is registered at the Western Hotel.

  A.G. WALKER of Palo Alto is a guest at the Golden Eagle Hotel.

  Detective Walter H. AUBLE of Los Angeles was in Sacramento yesterday.

  L.H. GUNTHER and family of Williams are guests at the Western Hotel.

  Denis DONOHOE, Jr., a prominent attorney of San Francisco, was in the city yesterday.

  Governor ODELL of New York and party will arrive in Sacramento nest week, and will pass an afternoon and evening in the Capital City.

  C.M. ECKLON of San Francisco came up last night on his way to Folsom to pay a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.L. ECKLON of that town.

  Bartley CAVANAUGH, Sr., who has been so ill that his life was despaired of, is recovering rapidly, and is able to be outdoors again.

  Yesterday’s Reno “Gazette” contains the following: “State Controller of California E.P. COLGAN and Member of the State Board of Equalization BEAMER will arrive to-night from Sacramento. They will equalize interstate railroad assessments.

  The following Californians are registered at Washington, D.C., hotels; At the Ebbitt - F. VAN VLECK of San Francisco. At the Raleigh - S.S. BARD, J.S. CHAPMAN and F.S. CHAPMAN of Los Angeles; Mrs. Selden L. WRIGHT and H.M. LIGHTENSTEIN and wife of San Francisco. At the Willard - Robert ROBERTSON of Santa Cruz and Mrs. H.H. SINCLAIR.

  The following Californians are at New York hotels: From San Francisco - S. KAHN and wife and A.R. JACOBS, at the Imperial; Dr. E. RIXFORD and wife and C.F. HUN and wife at the Manhattan; J. BLOOMINGDALE, at the Victoria; D. DUFFY and wife, at the Rossmore; J.B. LEVISON, Mrs. F. MOFFATT and C.B. WINGATE and wife, at the Holland; L. McCREVY, at the Albemarle; B.T. McLEAN, at the Astor; Mrs. ANDREWS and E. RAY and wife, at the Ashland. From Los Angeles - M. SMITH and wife, at the Imperial; W.A. SMITH, at the Albert; J. COOPER and B. SCOTT, at the Grand Union; I. DAEFF, at the Marlborough, and A.M. HERDENBERGH, at the Cadillac. From San Jose - P. MASSON, at the Hoffman. From Santa Cruz - H. ROBERTSON, at the Marlborough.


               AMATEUR BASEBALL

 The Rough and Ready baseball team have organized for the season and are ready to hear from any team under 14 years of age. Address all challenges to E. STUBBE, 1016 Twenty-third street. Sunset telephone blue 384. The lineup: REICHART, catcher; STUBBE, pitcher; HART, first base; POORMAN, second base; SCOTT, third base; ELDRED, shortstop; CROWELL, left field; MALONEY, center field; PARKER, right field.


               HOTEL ARRIVALS

 Arrivals at the golden Eagle Hotel yesterday (J.W. WILSON, proprietor): D. McCAY, Sacramento; R.R. ROPER, Denis DONOHOE, W.A.C. SMITH, _ STEINHART, Bertrand ELLIOTT, George H. LITTLE, C.A. LEGOIRE, J.T. RANSDALL, M.G. HOFFMAN, H. LEADER, A.T. HUDSON, J.S. HOWELL, C.H. STEGMAN, C.C. THAYER, W.D. WRIGHT, A.T. HOCKWALD, San Francisco; E.E. COOPER, Palo Alto; John FINNELL, Tehama; W.H. MADISON, Portland, Or.; A. BEMIS and wife, J.M. KAUFMAN, V.M. VUTANG, New York; A.G. WALKER, Palo Alto; J.A. SPRAGUE, Adolph NELSON and wife, E.S. QUIGLEY and niece, Denver; Robert WUEST, Cincinnati, O.; M. ROSENBLUM, Chicago; J.A. HICKS, Denver.


               SOCIAL EVENTS

 Isaac McGUFFIN and Miss Almira EICHER were married last Sunday afternoon at Oroville, the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. EICHER, in the presence of their immediate relatives. The parlor, where the ceremony took place, was beautifully decorated, pink and green, crepe and natural flowers being used. The bridal party stood under a bower of vines and flowers, roses, lilies and orange blossoms being used most effectively. The couple were attended by Valda EICHER and Miss Willetta SWEENEY. The bride wore a beautiful dress of white organdie over white silk. Rev. E.W. JOHNSON pronounced the words that made them man and wife, and the wedding march was played by Mrs. E.W. JOHNSON. Mr. McGUFFIN is a brother of James A. McGUFFIN of Sacramento, and is well known in this city, where for the past four years he has been connected with the United States Internal Revenue Office. The bride is an estimable young lady whose kindly traits have endeared her to a large circle of friends. At 2:30 o’clock the happy pair departed for Biggs, where they took the Portland express for the north. After a month’s stay they will take up their residence in their new home in Oroville.


  W.G. WHITE and wife of Chico are at the Capital Hotel.


  Miss Etta RUSH has gone to Nevada City to visit relatives.


  Mrs. Nora JACKSON and Miss Fay JACKSON are visiting in San Francisco.



               Dr. Sanford’s Liver Invigorator

 The best liver medicine. A vegetable cure for liver ills, biliousness, indigestion, constipation, malaria.


               Drs. Reuner & Goulet System

 Office southeast corner Seventh and I streets, diagonally opposite the Court house. Treatment at $5.00 per month includes all medicines for the cure of catarrh, hay fever, bronchitis, asthma, affections of the nose, throat and lungs, stomach, liver, bowel, kidneys and bladder troubles. Hours 9 to 1, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m.


Frozen strawberries 10 cents a plate. Sorenson, the Mixologist, 819 K.


Just out, “Olivia,” a warm love story, 25¢, at Doane’s 202 K.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Evening Bee

Thursday, June 12, 1902



 Felix Tracy passed away at his home in this city to-day after a period of failing health of many months duration. Mr. Tracy was one of Sacramento’s most highly respected citizens.

  Deceased was one of the oldest express agents in California, his service dating back to the 50s, when he was Wells, Fargo & Co.’s representative in Shasta. He was placed in several important positions by Wells, Fargo & Co, and finally sent to Sacramento, when this was the most important office in the State, it being the distributing point for all the best mining counties.

  In those days, Wells, Fargo & Co. carried all the gold dust from the mines and returned the gold coin from the Mint to the miner. In this way they caught a percentage going and coming, and the Company grew to be a wealthy corporation. It always, however, took good care of its faithful servants. Several years ago, Felix Tracy was tendered retirement on a handsome pension, and could have done so had he listened to the importunities of his employers. However he had quite a snug fortune of his own, and he remained “in the harness” until his physical condition compelled his retirement.

  He was strictly temperate in his habits, and an active advocate of temperance in others. More than one young man was reclaimed through his influence. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a faithful attendant to its services. He was born in New York State seventy-three years ago. The funeral will take place from the Fourteenth-Street Presbyterian Church Saturday next at 10 a.m.



  Sergeant M.E. DOLAN, of the Police Department is spending a vacation at Truckee and vicinity.

  Miss Florence GARRETT, of Alameda, is visiting the family of T.J. KIRK, Superintendent of Public Instruction, in this city.

  Mr. and Mrs. Harry BISHOP, of Bakersfield, and O.J. SPENCER, of Iowa Hill, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wells DRURY.

  George W. JACKSON, Secretary of the State Agricultural Society, and Frank LYMAN have returned from a visit to San Francisco.

  Mrs. I.J. SIMMONS is visiting San Francisco.

  Mr. and Mrs. George W. REED, of Bradford, Ill., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D.R. HUNT, at 1208 P Street. Mr. Reed is an uncle of W.W. COONS, of this city.

  George A. ANDERSON, son of L.P. Anderson, who for the last three years has been studying in the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, Massachusetts, has returned home for his vacation. He will return about the last of August for another year’s study, which will complete his conservatory course.

  Louis F. BREUNER, President of the Sacramento Chamber of Commerce, has gone East, to remain a month.

  H.K. JOHNSON and family are spending their vacation at Bartlett Springs.


               LOCAL BREVITIES

 Frank J. O’BRIEN, a deputy in the law department of the State Library, passed an examination before the Supreme Court last Monday and was admitted to practice.



Says He Did Not Strike A Boy

Justice Anderson Says He Did Not Refuse to Give a Warrant of Arrest

 An item published in The Bee of last evening saying two boys had called at the Police Station to secure a warrant for the arrest of L.G. SILLER for battery. They claimed that because of the fact that Siller had several pieces of lumber projecting from the end of his wagon they collided with each other while they were on their bicycles, the wheels being broken. It was claimed by the boys that one of them took Siller’s horse by the bridle to hold it while he was being asked it he would not pay for the damages done. It was alleged that Siller jumped from his wagon and kicked one of the boys.

  Mr. Siller called at The Bee office to-day and denied he struck the boy. He says he simply pushed one of the boys aside and caused him to loose his hold upon the bridle. Siller said he had no lumber protruding from his wagon; all he had in his wagon was a “straight-edge.”



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Evening Bee

Thursday January 8, 1903




The remains of George G .COLLINS have been cremated in San Francisco. Mr. Collins was a native of Terra Haute, Indiana, and a brother of Lewis D. COLLINS of Sacramento. He was several years ago an employe of the State Printing Office.




Rev. Father Dermody, assistant rector of St. Joseph's Church, at Marysville, has been transferred by Bishop GRACE to Eureka, Humboldt County.




Suit for divorce was instituted to-day by Maggie E. SMITH against Ralph Smith on the ground of desertion.


A meeting was held last night of the Executive and Sub-Committees of the Inaugural Ball, and the reports received all went to assure the success of the big special event at the Capital next Monday night.


The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children will meet this evening at the office of Superintendent Erelwine.


Woodley B. SMITH, G.H. UMBSEN and John A. WERTON, appraisers of the estate of the late Lewis GERSTLE, filed their report yesterday in San Francisco with the Probate Court. The total value of the estate is stated as $1, 343,648.50. 




In Yerba Santa Tooth Paste - no coloring matter is used. The paste comes in the natural green tint impaired to it by the use of Yerba Santa. It contains no substance that can injure the teeth or gums. The paste is marketed in large collapsible tubes, making its use very economical. Price, 25 cents per tube at druggists. Root & Weldon, dentists, 902 J Street. Office hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.




Late yesterday afternoon, after most of the employes had left the upper floors of The Bee office, a woman carrying under her arms a number of papers hastily ascended the stairs and walked into the room occupied as the telephone exchange. She sat down without an invitation and proceeded to become real sociable. She had worked on the Record-Union and wanted to get employment on The Bee, but was afraid she couldn't get the job. She rattled on in this fashion, at a lively rate, and it seemed to be the least of her troubles that the hour was growing late and that the necessity would soon arrive for her to move on.


Presently a call came in over the telephone, and the operator picked up the trumpet.


"Has a crazy woman visited The Bee office this afternoon?" came the hurried inquiry, and the person making it said he was the officer in charge at the Police Station.


Before the operator could reply, the strange woman seized the ear trumpet and receiver and said, with considerable impatience:


"I guess I will answer that phone," and she suited the action to the word.

"Yes," she said, in the most angelic voice possible, "I am here, at The Bee office. You can come here and get me when you want. I will wait for you."

She then put up the phone, and without apologizing for her action, continued with her rattle of conversation. The officers came for her. And as they took her away her screams resounded through the building. The unfortunate woman was placed in the custody of the Sheriff pending an examination as to her sanity.




Former Governor GAGE has departed for his home, Los Angeles, where he will resume the practice of the law.


Mrs. Milo HOPKINS, of Santa Cruz, has returned home, after a visit in this city, as the guest of Mrs. Carl LEONARD.


Postmaster George RADCLIFF, of Watsonville, former Assemblyman, is in town.


Register F.W. JOHNSON, of the Marysville Land Office, is a visitor in the city.


George H. HIRSCHVOGEL, of Portland, Oregon, and Miss Cordelia B. CREIGHTON, of Los Angeles, were married yesterday by Rev. W.K. BEANS, of Sacramento. They will make their home in Los Angeles.


W.H. MEACHAM, founder of the Galt Gazette and at present of the San Mateo Times, is again a resident of this county after an absence of twelve years, occupying a position in a State department.


J. REYNOLDS, a former Sacramentan, but now of Portland, is visiting friends in this city.


Miss Mary KILLILEA, of San Francisco, is visiting friends in this city.


J.G. MANSFIELD, city editor of the San Francisco Call, visited Sacramento to-day.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Evening Bee, Sacramento

Friday January 23, 1903




Jumped From the Railroad Bridge Last Night


No Clue to His identity Has Been Found - Deceased Was About 40 Years Old

Last evening about 6:30 o'clock, an unknown man, about six feet tall, heavy set, and apparently between 40 and 50 years of age, sprang from the top of the Yolo bridge, and was drowned.


John LYNCH, who lives in Washington-across-the-river, is the only man who saw the act. Mr. Lynch says that he was coming over to Sacramento, and was walking in the wagonway. When about twenty feet from the west end of the draw he saw a man standing in the footpath on the north side of the bridge. He climbed up on the railing, looked down at the rushing waters beneath, crouched still lower, and jumped. There was a splash, but no other sound as he did not utter a cry.


Mr. Lynch then hurried to the Yolo side of the river for assistance, running fifty yards up stream. He and a man named John BAILEY then got into a boat and then up the stream., but they could find no trace of the man who had leaped from the bridge.


The body has not yet been found.




Reception Given In Honor Of Dey Cary Smith


Last night Sacramento Aerie No. 9, Fraternal Order of Eagles, gave a reception in Grangers' Hall in honor of Del Gary Smith, of Spokane, Washington, the Grand Worthy President of the Order in the United States. There was a very large attendance of Eagles and invited guests at the reception and banquet which followed the formal Lodge proceedings. The evening's program was as follows: Song, Harry Meal, song and dance, Brother LAVNESON; song, Fred CLARKE; song, Walter LEITCH; refreshments; song, John DONOVAN; remarks by President Del Cary Smith and Charles F. CURRY. Fred HARRIS, acted as Chairman. At the conclusion of the address of President Smith he was presented with a handsome boquet by Fred Harris, on behalf of the local Aerie.




J.J. McDONALD, the Boca "Ice King," is paying Sacramento a visit. Mr. McDonald says the output of ice has been enormous - greater, in fact, than it has been in years.


Charles GRAHAM, of San Francisco, is paying Sacramento a visit.




Miss Carrie DENTON this morning swore to a complaint charging James VAUGHN with disturbing the peace.


According to the complainant who is a sister-in-law of Vaughn, the trouble started yesterday over money matters.


Vaughn has a habit of sleeping with his money under his pillow. Yesterday when he arose he forgot it. He came home for it, and claimed $1.70 was missing, and according to the complaint he charged his wife and Miss Denton with having stolen it.


They denied it, and becoming enraged it is claimed that he drove them from the house with a butcher knife.


The two women slept at the City Prison last night, being afraid to go home.




Pickets Are Patrolling the Western Hotel and Declaring It "Unfair House."

A few weeks ago there were indications of a strike on the part of the cooks and waiters of the city employed in the hotels and restaurants. After several conferences between the parties, however, it was announced that all troubles had been adjudicated and that there would not be any strike.

But it seems there was only a momentary lull. Matters were to-day brought to an issue and the indications are that there will be a bitter battle between the hotel and restaurant men and their employes.


Pickets are to-day patrolling K Street in front of the Western Hotel, declaring that place to be "an unfair house." There are four men in the party of pickets and each one carries a large framed card of the Cooks and Waiters Union. As the men walk back and forth in front of the hotel they keep up a constant cry to the pedestrians asking them not to patronize a house that is "unfair, and one which employs Chinese cooks to the exclusion of white cooks." Every man who approaches the hotel office is shouted at and asked not to go into the place. The pickets walk in the gutter, just at the edge of the sidewalk.


Conrad ZEISS, the business agent of the Cooks' and Waiters' Union, this morning called upon William LAND, proprietor of the Western Hotel, and asked him to discharge his Chinese cooks and take in their place men who would be supplied by the Union. Land refused to accede to the demand, and then Zeiss put the pickets to work. And so the war was commenced.


The Cooks' and Waiters' Union has an agreement which asks all hotel and restaurant proprietors to sign. (Next line not legible) the following:


"It is agreed that no Japanese or Chinese will be employed in Union houses, provided the Union can guarantee competent and reliable white help."


William Land, of the Western Hotel, said to a Bee reporter this afternoon that it was because he had refused to sign that agreement that a boycott had been placed against his hotel.


"I do not propose to be coerced in this manner," said Mr. Land. "Those men can keep walking up and down in front of the hotel as long as they want to. As a matter of fact, I think they are bringing trade to the house. They are just about the same as having a lot of drummers at the depot.


"All of the waiters in my employ are, to the best of my knowledge, members of the Union, and we encourage them to join. I pay all of the men wages higher than those demanded by the Union schedule. It is true that there are Chinese cooks in the kitchen, and I intend to keep them there, for the reason that I cannot depend upon white cooks. They get drunk and fail to show up, and then what am I to do to feed my boarders?"


"There have been times when I have been compelled to send my steward and some of my waiters into the kitchen to do the cooking when white cooks who had been employed failed to put in appearance upon the score that they were sick. When a Chinese cook gets sick he always supplies me with a man to take his place. The Union offers to keep me supplied with substitutes, but I must wait until a Committee can investigate and in the meantime my guests are starving to death.

"The hotel and restaurant men of the city, with the exception of a few small restaurants, have agreed to stand together and fight the matter to the end. We have concluded that we might as well close up business if we cannot run our hotels in a manner which suits us. If I cannot run my business as I think best to my own interests I might as well close up and keep what money I possess. It makes no difference whether those men are walking in from of my hotel or any other hotel or restaurant - we are all together in this matter and intend to stick together."


Conrad ZEISS, business agent of the Cooks' and Waiters' Union, said to-day that the pickets were placed in front of the Western Hotel because it is the biggest employer of Chinese cooks in the city. There was a report that the pickets had been placed in front of other hotels, but that was not true.


Harry C. BELL, President of the Cook's and Waiters' Union, when seen this afternoon by a Bee reporter, said the trouble between the Union and the hotel and restaurant men had been renewed because the latter has declined to sign the agreement - a modified agreement, he said - which had been presented to them on the matter of supplying help.


"The matter has now come to an issue," said Bell. "For a time it was up to them to act. They did not act right and now it is up to us and we have acted. That is all there is to the matter. We tried to settle this trouble amicably by arbitration."


Monday January 26, 1903



Following are the deeds filed since our last report:

A.J. and M.E.(wife) WOOLL to J.S. ELLIS (Deed, January 12, 1903) - N ½ of ½-acre tract 37, subdivision B, Oak Park.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Record-Union

Wednesday January 28, 1903




(Tuesday, January 26, 1903)

Charles B. DAVIS to Benjamin F. STRAIGHT - North 20 acres of that portion of the southwest quarter of section 26, township 8 north, range 5 east, west of railroad; deed.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Evening Bee

Monday, November 2, 1903


               PERSONAL NOTES

 W.A. HOLT has returned after a ten days’ trip to San Jose.

  Mr. and Mrs. Thomas FOX gave a dinner at their home, corner Tenth and O Streets, yesterday, in honor of the ninth anniversary of the wedding of Hugo HORLEIN and wife. Among those present were Major William McLAUGHLIN and wife.

  M.N. KIMBALL has returned from Nome. He has spent several Summers and a few Winters in Alaska. He has valuable mining interests in that country, and will return then Spring opens again.



 The case of Winnie BLOHM, charged with murder, was called this morning in Judge HART’s Department of the Superior Court, but owing to the illness of E.S. WACHHORST, attorney for the defendant, the matter was continued until next Monday.

  Winnie Blohm was arrested several months ago at her home near Galt on a charge of having strangled her newborn child to death. The woman is at liberty on bail.



 Mary L. HUNT, through her attorney, J. Frank BROWN, has commenced a second action in the Superior Court for the purpose of petitioning the property at the southeast corner of Seventh and J Streets.

  Douglas A. LINDLEY, Wallace A. BRIGGS, and John REITH, Jr., as Trustees for the use and benefit of Lindley Morton Reith, Flora Reith, John Reith and Alice Reith, minors; John Reith, Jr., as administrator with will annexed of the estate of Alice Lindley Reith, deceased; John Reith, Jr., as the guardian of the persons and estate of Lindley Morton Reith, Flora Reith, John Reith and Alice Reith, minors; Lindley Morton Reith; Flora Reith; John Reith; and Alice Raith; John Reith, Jr., W.W. BASSETT and J.F. BROWN, are made defendants.

  D.A. Lindley and Leila J. WITHERBEE recently sold their interest in the property to W.W. BASSETT. The object of the suit is to divide the property among the owners or if it cannot be divided without injury to the owners, to compel the sale of the property to the highest bidder. J.F. Brown holds a mortgage on a one-third interest in the property.


               DEATH OF A GOOD WOMAN

 Mary Ann GORMLEY, mother of Coroner W.F. Gormley, died at her home, 1625 Sixteenth Street, at an early hour this morning. Mrs. Gormley was a woman of a retiring disposition, and devoted to her home and family. She had a very large circle of friends in this community, where she has lived for the past few years. She was about 60 years of age.

  The funeral will take place on Wednesday morning, and requiem high mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral for the repose of her soul.



 The Fourth Ward Improvement Club held a meeting at Foresters’ Hall last Saturday evening, and a short business session was held at which the routine work of the club was disposed of and then an open meeting was announced. The hall was filled.

  President F.A. McManus stated briefly the good work accomplished by the Club in the interest of the Ward. He then introduced Wm. BURNS as Chairman of the meeting. Mr. Burns eulogized the good work performed by the Club.

  Mr. HEINTZ spoke at length in regard to the condition of affairs existing at the present time, and said that with unity of action needed improvements would be secured.                              

  Thomas ACOCK asked the unanimous endorsement of the Club, regardless of all party affiliations, for F.A. McManus for Trustee in the Fourth Ward.

  It was carried unanimously by the Club, and three cheers given for his success.

  Mr. BAILEY then rendered a pleasing musical selection, followed by Mr. BURNS with a son, which was greatly appreciated. During the evening refreshments were served.



 Several evenings ago Thomas WOOD, Assistant Engineer at the Water Works, was surprised at his home by a large number of Odd Fellows, who had come to congratulate him on his golden anniversary as a member of that Order. Mr. Wood became a member of Franklin Lodge No. 5, of Philadelphia, fifty years ago. The evening was pleasantly spent in speech making, story telling and playing whist.

  Mr. Wood received a telegram from the Secretary of Franklin Lodge at Philadelphia, congratulating him upon having reached “the golden milestone of service in a worthy cause.”



 The following real estate agents have announced that they will close their respective places of business tomorrow, election day.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Bee Monday Evening March 7, 1904



A pleasant surprise was given Chas. BARNES on Tuesday evening last by the members

of Sacramento Rebekah Lodge, No. 222, I.O.O. F., at his residence, 1717 O Street. Mr.

Barnes is one of the oldest Odd Fellows in the city, and has long taken an active interest

 in the Rebekah Lodges of the Order.


He has reached his eighty-second year, and that birthday was the occasion of the surprise

party. The members of the Lodge presented to him a handsome gold-headed cane as a token

of their love and esteem.


The following members were present: Mrs. A.G. GARDNER, Miss Anna NEWBERG, Miss

Lotta NEWBERG, Mrs. Hettie TURNER, Miss Emma KUNZ, Mrs. Minnie YUHRE, Mrs.


METHVEN, Miss G. METHVEN, Mrs. George CROCKER, Mr. and Mrs. BENTON,

Mrs. NATIE, Miss Rose FUTTERER, Miss Millie BRUNING, Miss Lizzie LENNOX, Miss


Al BROUGHTON, Mrs.  NEIHARDT, Mrs. A. WEISS, Dr. and Mrs. J.A. McKEE, Mr.

and Mrs. D. BARNES, Miss Edna BARNES, David BARNES, Mrs. Mollie BARNES,





Last Saturday evening the Robert Emmet Club of this city celebrated the anniversary of the

birth of Robert Emmet, the Irish patriot.


The following program was rendered: Introductory remarks J.P. DALTON; songs and

Piano solos, Misses CULLINAN; recitation, "Erins Flag," Miss Leslie CONTNER; reading

of Emmet's speech in the dock, J.D. MOYNAHAN; cornet solo, select Irish airs, Mr.

RYAN, accompanied by Mr. FREY; recitation Brian Boru's address at the battle of

Clontarf, B. BRADY; piano solo, Miss K. CULLINAN; recitation "Shaun's Head" J.H.

DEVINE; double hornpipe, Miss L. CONTNER and Miss K. CULLINAN; double reel

and jig, Mrs. HEALY and J.P. MORIARITY.


Refreshments were served, and when the program was completed the floor was cleared

for dancing which continued until a late hour.




Henry HEYMAN, the well-known violinist, is hovering between life and death at his

residence, 622 Eddy Street, San Francisco, from blood poisoning in an aggravated form,

and though at present in a convalescent state, his condition is causing great alarm to his

host of friends.


On Monday last he pared a corn on one of his toes, and the same evening took ill. The

foot became inflamed and swollen to an abnormal size.


Heyman is a former resident of Sacramento, his father having in the early days kept a

hardware store here.




An enjoyable entertainment and dance was held in Serra Hall last Saturday evening

by the Brotherhood of Leather Workers. Dancing was enjoyed until the hour of midnight,

and then a banquet was served, followed by vocal selections and speeches by the members.




The following are the arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel to-day (J.W. WILSON, Prop.)


J.K. O'BRIEN, Marysville; E.J. CONGER, Milpitas, J.T. HALL, New York, J.B. LAUCK,

San Francisco, A. STEIGLITZ, C.P. PAULIN, New York, S. Mosley WOODS, San

Francisco; E.H. BELL, Portland; C.W. RUSSELL, Forest Home; E.L. GIBBENS,


San Francisco; W.W. JONES, A.T. LEON, New York; G.F. KUHNS, San Francisco, T.H.

GOVE, New York; J.G. HARRIS, J.C. JOHNSON, E.L. KRIPP and wife, San Francisco;

Case Edwards, New York.




Surveyor-general Victor H. WOODS has appointed his father, James E. WOODS, to be

assistant Surveyor-General and Register of the State Land Office, to succeed the late



The elder Woods is a civil engineer, and was for several years connected with the United

States land Office.




A man named Rudolph Miller was arrested by Sergeant ASH at the corner of Second and

I Streets last Saturday night, for indecent conduct. He pleaded not guilty to the charge in the

City Justice's Court this morning and was fined $5. Miller said he was under the influence

of liquor at the time, and did not realize what he was doing.




W.S. LEAKE passed through Sacramento yesterday en route from New York to San


B. WILSON has returned from a visit to New York.

J. Albert GREEN and family and S. Maud GREEN have taken up their home at 1512

Seventh Street, between O and P Streets.

State Senator, Frank LEAVITT, of Oakland, is in the city.

L.C. Cummings, of Oakland, was in Sacramento yesterday.

Julius STEINHART, of Santa Clara, is in the city.

William CALDER, of Orangevale, was a visitor to Sacramento to-day.




Michael SARSFIELD, of 216 Orchard Street, Elmira, N.Y., has written to The Bee asking

for information regarding his two sisters, Margaret and Marcella SARSFIELD, who left

Jamaica Plains, Mass., about 1862 for Sacramento.


They started a millinery or art store in the city.


The Superior Court has been petitioned by John L. PATTERSON for letters of 

administration of the estate of Addie S. PATTERSON, deceased, which consists of

land in Orangevale Colony and a life insurance policy for $2000.


Thomas J. BOHAN, a well-known politician, has been given a position in the

commissary department of the County Hospital.


May 7th is the date fixed for the annual picnic of the grangers at Elk



M. BUTLER, a mail carrier, was bitten last Saturday by a St. Bernard dog, owned by J.H.

KING, 903 L Street. Butler received a painful wound. King has promised to take care of the



Irene FREELAND to-day brought suit for divorce from Benjamin Freeland.


Sheriff REESE has returned from Holbrook, Ariz., with A.D. PERKINS, wanted here for





The suit of C.L. KAYMIRE against E.F. STONE, on appeal from the justice's Court, was

on hearing before Superior Judge SHIELDS to-day.


Kaymire sued Stone for the recovery of a horse, and secured judgement in the Justice's

Court. Stone then appealed to the Superior Court.



Three Young Men Jeapardise People's Lives.


Tore Down Electric Wires In Rear of the Novelty Grand Theater to

Darken Place of Exit - Amused themselves by Throwing Bullets Through Lamp



Three young men of the Smart Aleck type jeopardized the lives of hundreds of people last

night, "just for fun," and they should be punished. The incident makes a brilliant opportunity

for the fool-killer. The young men are employed as drummers by a local wholesale house.


They went upon the rear porch of the Del Paso Saloon on K Street, Sixth and Seventh,

and amused themselves by breaking a number of electric light globes, throwing small

pistol cartridges through them. This sort of sport did not seem thrilling enough for them,

and they proceeded to pull down the electric wires fastened to the outer wall of the Novelty

Grand Theater, which adjoins the saloon.


At the place where this outage was committed are two large rear exits from the theater,

opening upon the ground. When the open air is reached, a broad stairway must be climbed

to reach a platform leading to the alley. In order to insure safety the managers of the theater

have put up a large number of electric lamps, so there would be plenty of light in the event

that people should be compelled to make a hasty exit form the theater.


The idiots who pulled down the wires doubtless thought that by doing so they would darken

the theater, and thus have more fun, but fortunately those particular wires had nothin to do

with the lighting of the house. The theater was crowded with people and to have plunged the

place in darkness would undoubtedly have caused a panic, and there might have been

many people injured, or killed, in the rush to get outside.




Closed Because They Could Not Profitably Be Run.


The fact that the club rooms at 806 1/2 K Street, upstairs, had been closed and the

owners discontinued the business, has led to the publication of the story that the police

were somehow responsible therefore. As a matter of fact, however, the police have nothing

to do with the abandonment of the club rooms.


In an interview in the morning paper Chief COFFEY is credited with the statement that

he detailed two of his officers to watch the premises referred to, and to arrest the parties

whenever they could get evidence which would secure a conviction in Court. One of the

officers found a fare lay-out in the apartments, but it apperas that it was not in use. Chief Coffey in the same interview said the parties who had opened the club rooms had closed them before

the officers could procure evidence.


The place referred to has gained considerable publicity since O.A. LOVDAL lost $5000 in

a poker game therein, and various unpleasant stories have been bruited about town in

connection with that game. If the parties closed up it was not out of fear of the police -

the way nearly all forms of gambling are permitted by the same police to run in this city

ought to prove this - but because the parties did not find it profitable to continue the



However that may be the fact is that gambling is running all over town in Sacramento

to-day without awakening the slightest show of interest in the Police Department. The fact

is, also, that the most shameless violation of the anit-poolroom ordinance signed by

Mayor HASSETT January 18th is carried on every day at the cigar store managed by

Joe BLOOMBERG on Second Street, between J and K, at which store Chief Coffey

himself is a constant frequenter.




Work Will Be Prosecuted Day and Night


The contract for closing the Edwards break was signed shortly before noon to-day, and if

the provisions of the contract are complied with the work will be completed on or before

noon two weeks from to-morrow.


Anticipating that they would secure the contract, CLARK & HANRY purchased a large

number of piles in San Francisco, and making them into a raft started them for the break

in tow of a steamer. Two pile drivers are to be used, working each end of the break.




Masons and Odd Fellows Will Raise Ground


A joint meeting was held yesterday at the Masonic temple of the Trustees of the Odd Fellows

and Masonic Cemeteries, at which it was determined to raise the grade of both cemeteries to

a sufficient height to preclude the possibility of any further flooding of the land owned by

these Associations in case of breaks in the river levees.


These cemeteries lie immediately south of and adoining the City Cemetery, and a large part

of each consists of naturally high ground, above the reach of flood waters.


A portion, however, lying next the Riverside road, is somewhat low, and was covered by the

back water from the Edwards break. Steps will  be taken at once by both Associations to

remedy this fault and to protect the cemeteries and lot owners from any further danger from

this source.


At the same time, an effort will be made to induce the City Trustees to fill in sufficiently on

the east side of the City Cemetery, a strip running along Riverside road to protect the lower

parts of that cemetery from further danger.



George W. PELTIER has called a meeting for next Thursday night in the rooms f the Chamber

of Commerce. All property owners south of this city as far down he river as Sutterville, and

east to the highlands, the City Trustees, Supervisors and interested citizens have been invited

to attend.


The object of the meeting is to consider the permanent reclamation of all land between this

city and Sutterville from the river to the highlands.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Union

Tuesday October 11, 1904




Miss Claire LAVENSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus LAVENSON, was thrown from her horse at Tenth and N streets, owing to the animal falling and slipping to his knees. Miss Lavenson was pitched over the horse's head and a bone in her ankle was broken. She received a severe cut on her forehead. She also suffered some painful, but not serious bruises. Miss Lavenson will be confined to the house by her injuries for some time.




The Portuguese beneficial society, known as Gloria e Victoria No. 12, S.P. R. S. I., will give a grand ball at Grangers' Hall on the evening of the 22d inst. The society gave a party of this kind last summer shortly before the convention of the organization assembled in San Jose, and it was a pronounced success, warranting the belief that this second function will also be a specially enjoyable one.




Photographer J.E.D. BALDWIN states that the safe in his gallery on K street was robbed last Thursday evening of a pocketbook containing $47.75, the funds belonging to the Order of Sons of St. George, of which order Mr. Baldwin is treasurer. The safe had been opened by aid of the combination, as no marks were found on it.




Frank McSHANE, who claims that he is a prizefighter and is adverse to hard work, appeared in the City Justice's Court yesterday uncharged, and on his promise to leave Sacramento was discharged. The police intended to charge him with vagrancy, but will refrain if he keeps away from this city.




Mrs. Katherine L. DOUGLAS fell and broke the small bone of her wrist at the last meeting of the Tuesday club. She was standing on the platform about the hall and not noticing that she was near the edge, stepped to the floor and fell. She is doing well and will soon recover.




P. PARODI, who is charged with grand larceny on suspicion of having robbed the till of the Star Grocery store at Seventh and N streets of the sum of $140, was examined in the City Justice's Court yesterday.




Articles of incorporation of the Sacramento Collecting Company were yesterday filed with the County Clerk. The object is to do a general collecting business, etc. The place of business is in the city and the directors are A.J. MADSEN, L.I. MADSEN, R. HOFMAN, H.H. JOHNSON, E.B. HARLAN, all of his city. The capital stock is fixed at $10,000.




Governor PARDEE stated yesterday that he expected to appoint Clyde L. SEAVEY to the position of Secretary of the State Board of Examiners, made vacant by the death of Walter S. MELICK, as he was thoroughly conversant with Mr. MELICK's ideas. Mr. SEAVEY was Assistant Secretary under Mr. MELICK.




James ARCHER, who was arrested on suspicion, and whom the police claim belongs to the class that lives on the earnings of unfortunate women, appeared in the City Justice's Court yesterday, charged with vagrancy and had his case continued until this morning.




Fred REUSCH has brought suit against Emma BAZIEN, as administrator of the estate of the late John BAZIEN, to foreclose a mortgage on lot 11 of the Fairview tract, given to secure a promissory note for $800, $400 of which has been paid. B.F. DRIVER is attorney for the plaintiff.




Rice HAYS, the horse-breaker, yesterday reported to the Humane Society that a horse was tied to a fence on W street between Eighth and Ninth, had been there three days without food or water and had dug a hole half as large as himself in his efforts to get free.  




B. KREUZBERGER has brought suit in the Superior Court against T.J. PENNISH to recover $533.82, alleged to be due for goods and merchandise purchased and unpaid for. J. W.S. BUTLER is attorney for the plaintiff.




The relatives and friends of Colonel E.H. HAMILTON are much concerned over his serious illness, superinduced by a rheumatic illness, his condition being regarded as less favorable than during the bright weather.




George SMECKERT, who was arrested on suspicion of having stolen a newspaper form the doorstep of a private residence, was discharged from custody in the City Justice's Court yesterday on the promise to leave the city.




The receipts of the Secretary of State's office for the month of September amounted to $10,569.69, and has been paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the State University fund. 




Janitor LYNCH, of the State Capitol building, has a force of men engaged in repairing the ceiling of the apartment used by the State Board of Examiners, a portion of the plaster having fallen down.




The Folsom Development Company, a corporation, has brought suit against S.B. SMITH, as administrator of the estate of Leverett BRADLEY, deceased, to quiet title to certain town lots in Folsom.




August J. POMMER has petitioned the Superior Court for the probate of the will of the late Mary H. POMMER. The estate is of the probable value of $1775. Petitioner is named as executor of the will.




Public Administrator SMITH has applied for letters of administration on the estate of Herman FREDERICK, deceased.




Major William McLAUGHLIN, the Supervisor from the Second District, is admitted to have on hand the hardest fight of his long political career. It is in his behalf that the Democracy is putting forth its mightiest efforts, though the nominees for State Senator, Congressman and Assemblyman are vitally interested, since the defeat of the doughty Major means an unqualified Republican victory in this, his particular stronghold.




The ****ues of the two concentration camps, heretofore opposed to matters political, are working hand in hand for BELL, COHN, HARRIS and McLAUGHLIN, but especially for McLAUGHLIN. George GREEN, who is connected with one of the camps, and who was last week indicted by the Grand Jury for assault to murder, is devoting the greater part of his time and attention to the success of Major McLAUGHLIN's campaign, and has made himself so obnoxious to the decent element among Republican workers that an effort is on foot to close both camps, and thus rid the city of Green and his following. 




Half a dozen lodging-houses in the lower end of the city are under suspicion, and boasts have been made that there would be five votes cast for every room in each of these houses. Since the refusal of the Chief of Police to investigate the register, the statements have been made more and more boldly until they have finally reached the members of the Law and Order League.

When asked if the league had been considering the advisability of looking into the matter Chauncey H .DUNN, its President, said:


"It is true that we have received reports indicating that there is on foot an effort to violate the election laws, but we have had as yet no proof of such violation. The matter has been given attention, however, and an investigation is now in progress. The league does not intend to make this a political matter, nor are its efforts directed against any particular neighborhood. We propose, if possible, to enforce the laws governing elections."



The Republican organization, as developed yesterday, will have no opportunity to take early action, as access to the new affidavits of registration cannot be had for some time. Chairman THORPE, on behalf of the committee, commissioned EA. BROWN to secure some information, but Mr. BROWN was informed by County Clerk W.B. HAMILTON that he would not be permitted to interfere with the work of the office at this time. To a Union reporter, who visited the office on a similar errand, County Clerk Hamilton said:



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Sacramento Union

Wednesday October 12, 1904


  Landlord and Tenant - Charles PRINCE, a colored man who is employed as a janitor in the State Capitol building, appeared in the City Justice’s Court yesterday charged with disturbing the peace on the complaint of a Mrs. Estelle CARTER. The evidence in the case showed that Mrs. Carter had been tenant of Prince’s house and was so undesirable that he attempted to evict her, with the result that she fell over a rocking chair. After hearing the evidence in the case on both sides, which was very contradictory in its nature, Judge MARCH discharged the defendant.


  Too Free of Speech - Thomas SMITH, a deckhand on the steamer Fruto, appeared in the city Justice’s Court yesterday charged with disturbing the peace for calling the mate of the vessel vile names. After being convicted and sentenced to serve ten days in the County Jail, addressing Judge March, he said: “Ill get even with you for this, you ----- -----, and on the other fellow also.” This insult to the Court was too gross to be endured and Judge March promptly increased his sentence to six months in the county’s bastile.


  A Mysterious Explosion - Last Sunday the neighborhood in the vicinity of Fifteenth and J streets was startled by a terrific explosion that shook dwellings for a distance of several blocks, and although every effort was made to ascertain the cause, it seems to be shrouded in mystery. Some of the more suspicious residents of that locality are inclined to believe that some member of the Mafia or possibly an anarchist was testing a new kind of bomb and that it exploded accidentally.


  Not a Friend in Need - Frank COMER appeared in the City Justice’s Court yesterday charged with embezzlement, was convicted and sent to the County Jail for six months. The evidence in the case showed that a boy named John GULICK left Chico with $30.50 in his possession and at Wheatland met with Comer, who related a hard-luck story that touched the young boy’s heart. Gulick took his newly made friend into a hotel, paid for his meal and then for his fare to this city. After their arrival here, Comer persuaded his young companion to give him his money to keep for him. He then left him and spent all of the money with the exception of 30 cents.


  A Carpenter’s Fall - John DIERRSEN, a carpenter who is employed on a new building in couse (sic) of construction at the corner of Fifth and N streets, yesterday afternoon slipped and fell from the roof of the building upon another house a distance of some fifteen feet and was badly bruised, although it is thought that no bones were broken. The patrol wagon was sent for but the injured man had been removed to his home at 408 N street before its arrival.


  Death of Dr. Shields - Dr. F.M. SHIELDS, dentist, died at his residence in this city yesterday at the age of 79. He came to California in the 50's and to Sacramento in the early 60's and resided here ever since. He retired from practice several years ago. He leaves a wife, and a son by a former marriage. He was at one time active in public affairs. He was esteemed a law-abiding and good citizen.


  Political High Jinks - The Roosevelt Colored Republican Club will have a high jinks at Pioneer Hall to-morrow evening, when Judge E.D. HART will deliver an address. The club invites the general public, candidates and all others to attend. William M. TIPTON will preside and refreshments will be served.


  The Bicycle Theft - Henry LAULER, who stole Mr. BLAKE’s bicycle from in front of the rooms of the Y.M.C.A., and sold it for the sum of $3, had his preliminary examination in the City Justice’s Court yesterday, and after hearing the evidence in the case, Judge MARCH took the matter under advisement.


  Charged With Vagrancy - Frank BROWN, Frank RICHARDS, William LEDGER, John WILSON and Ed WILSON, who belong to the ranks of the unemployed, and who have failed to leave the city, were arrested last evening by Patrolman RYAN and charged with vagrancy.


  He May Leave - James ARCHER, who was arrested on a charge of vagrancy and who the police claim is of the undesirable class which lives from the earnings of women of the half-world, appeared in the City Justice’s Court yesterday and was given a chance to leave the city.


  Violated Garbage Ordinance - Sam FRANKS was arrested yesterday by Sanitary Inspector HERR and charged with violating the provisions of City Ordinance No. 543, which regulates the hauling of garbage on the streets in the city.


  Annie E. Smith’s Estate - Public Administrator SMITH has petitioned for letters of administration on the estate of the late Annie E. SMITH . The estate consists of the east sixty feet of lot 6, G and H, Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, in this city, and is valued at $3000.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Union

Thursday October 13, 1904 

Alleged Theft of Razors - William BANNING, who is charged with petty larceny and accused of taking some razors from a barber named Frank FIELDS, was accorded a hearing in the City Justice’s Court and the matter was taken under advisement. Fields testified that he left Banning in charge of his shop and when he returned found that Banning and four razors were missing. Banning claimed that he had not been in the shop at the time alleged and had no reason to steal any razors. 

To The Juvenile Court - Manuel SILVA and Fred SMITH, the two young boys who have repeatedly been in trouble through their alleged propensity for appropriating horses, appeared in the City Justice’s Court yesterday and were given over to the probation officer in order that they might be taken before the Juvenile Court and sent to some reform institution. Frank NOLEN, the boy who was in their company, was discharged from custody. 

Got the Wrong Man - When the case of Samuel FRANKS, charged with carrying garbage through the streets in violation of the city ordinance was called in the City Justice’s Court yesterday the defendant was discharged, as Dr. FAY appeared in his behalf and stated that Franks had been arrested through mistake and another and unknown man was the party who had violated the ordinance. 

Short Horse; Soon Curried - J.A. WILSON, who was arrested with some old currycombs in his possession on suspicion that he had stolen them, appeared in the City Justice’s Court and was ordered to leave the city. No charge was placed against the man, as the officers, have been unable to ascertain who owns the property. 

To Quiet Title - W.H. RODMAN yesterday brought an action against W.E. LARKIN as guardian of the person and estate of Myrtle MATZ, a minor, sometimes known as Myrtle MARTZ, et al. The purpose of the suit is to quiet the title to lot 54 of the Oak Grove tract. 

Guardianship Asked - In the estate and guardianship of Maggie LANE, an incompetent person, Mary M. SULLIVAN has filed her petition for letters of guardianship. The incompetent is insane and has an estate in property not yet discovered. 

Petition for Letters - In the estate of Annie E. SMITH, deceased, S.B. Smith, as Public Administrator, has filed his petition for letters of administration. The estate consists of the east 60 feet of lot 6, G and H, Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets. 

Idle Men - Frank BROWN, Frank RICHARDS, William LEDGES, John WILSON and Ed WILSEN appeared in the City Justice’s Court yesterday charged with vagrancy and on their promise to leave the city were discharged from custody. 

Murry’s Case Set - The case of Charles MURRY, charged with escaping from State prison, was yesterday fixed for trial by Judge HART for October 21st. 

Two Unfortunates - Robert TAYLOR and William KRAULGANG, charged with vagrancy, were in the dock in the City Justice’s Court yesterday and were allowed to leave the city. 

Marriage License - A marriage license was issue yesterday to Edwin H. MOZART and Laura K. ISAACS, both of this city. 

Lost His Wheel - M. LATTA, who resided at 405 J street, reports that his bicycle is missing. 


Justice March Lectures and Fines J.H. Newell

The hearing of the case of J.H. Newell and M. Levey was held in the City Justice’s Court yesterday and resulted in the discharge of Levey and the conviction of Newell, who was fined $50. These are the two men who created a disturbance on a railroad train during which a pistol was discharged. Levey swore that he did not hear any pistol discharged, did not own the weapon found on the floor of the car and had not fired the shot. In sentencing Newell, Judge March gave him an artistic “roast,” stating that Newell evidently thought he was bigger than the railroad company or the law, and was attempting to run matters according to his own sweet will. 


Documents Filed With the Recorder of This County.

(Wednesday, October 12th, 1904)

J.F. and Clara Gann to G.A. Smith - Two lots in Galt.

F.E. Wright to C.W. Paine - Undivided half lots 5, 6, 7, 8, V and W, Fifth and Sixth streets.

H.A. and J. McClelland, A. and H. Filmer to J.H. Ramsey - Same lot.

J.B. and C.B. RAMSAY to S.G. Adams and Adam Damm - Lot above.

A. Menke to A.A. Merkeley and Ezra Casselman - Fifty square rods in section 12, township 8 north, range 5 east.

H.J. Goethe Co. to J.A. Keefe - North half east half lot 4, O and P, Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets.

G.M. Temple Estate to Confirmation Sale to W.L. Ford, $420-23 acres in section 19, township 8 north, range 6 east.

Ida L., wife of H.C. Fisher to Homestead - North 80 feet of west half of lot 1, H and G, and Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets.

Julie Bohl to Mary McDonald - Quit claim north 27 feet of south half lot 4, M and N, and Fifth and Sixth streets.

M. Diepenbrock to Pond and Pile - Building contract, two-story frame on east 30 feet, lot 3, J and K, Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, $3381.

Lizzie Pritchard to Nelson Boulware - Agreement to sell lots 17 and 18, block M, Oak Grove.

In the County Clerk’s office the following actions have been begun:

Folsom Development Co. vs. L. Bradley estate - Quiet title to lots 1 to 5, 12 to 16, block 71; blocks 6, 70 and 98, Folsom; W.F. George, attorney.

C.C.Brown estate vs. J.R. Brown - Estate accounting; White and Miler and W.F. George.

G. Mikami vs. Quong Ying Lee - Recover $572.37; Hinkson & Elliott.

Rancho Del Paso Land Co. vs. E.J. Duffy - Recover $400; Devlin & Devlin.

H.F. Kohler estate - Interest in Survey 790; J.J .Bauer, attorney.

Marie M. Morgan estate; W.A. Gett, attorney.

R.D. Brown vs. J.S. Brown et al.; W.F. Renfro, attorney.

W.H. Rodman vs. M. Matz, minor - Quiet title lot 54, Oak Grove.

Petition Home Banking Co. to change name to Wright & Kimbrough Bank.

Annie E. Smith estate - East 60 feet of lot 6, G and H, and Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets; C.O. Busick, attorney.

M.G. Hullet estate - West half lot 2, H and I, Twenty-eight and Twenty-ninth streets; Prewett & Henderson, attorneys. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Evening Bee

Monday, November 14, 1904


               AGED MAN ENDS LIFE

     No Cause Assigned For Lobbes’ Rash Act

Recent Arrival From Wisconsin In Absence of Friends With Whom He Had Made His Home, Commits Suicide By Hanging - Had Money and Considerable Property Interests

 Richard LOBBES, a native of Germany, aged 69 years, committed suicide some time last Saturday afternoon at the home of a family named SPEICH, with whom he resided at 1716 G Street.

  No cause has yet been assigned for the old man’s rash act, as he was in comfortable circumstances and in good health.

  Lobbes came from Racine, Wisconsin, with the Speich family last August, having made his home with them for more than thirty years.

  Soon after arriving here, Lobbes bought the property at 1716 G Street and deeded it to his friend Speich.

  Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Speich left the house shortly after the midday meal to visit a physician. They later visited their nephew, returning to the house about 5 o’clock. They had left Lobbes lying on a sofa, taking his usual nap, but when they returned he was gone. His coat was in the room, and they at once made a search for him.

  They were told by a neighbor that Lobbes had been seen going into the basement in his shirt sleeves, and Mr. and Mrs. Speich hurriedly went there. They found Lobbes hanging suspended from one of the braces to the floor above, and life was extinct. He had committed suicide by strangling himself with a heavy cord which he fastened to the floor brace and making a noose at the other end.

  Coroner GORMLEY was notified and took charge of the remains. Lobbes had $200 in cash on his person when found, and a pass book on a local bank showed he had $2900 on deposit there. In addition to this, Lobbes is known to have considerable property in Racine.

  In one of the pockets of the suicide’s clothing was found a letter from a sister in Germany, in which advice was given for the treatment of an injured leg from which he had once suffered, but which was said to have caused him no distress of late.

  The suicide’s relatives in Germany have been communicated with, but thus far they have not been heard from.



 The Loyal Temperance Legion gave an entertainment at Florin Church last evening before a large audience. Quite a liberal offering was given for the benefit of the work.

  The children received much praise for their interesting program. “We’ll Help the Cause Along” was sung by the choir. Mrs. DAVIS led in prayer. “Columbia’s Call” was an exercise by all the members of the L.T.L. Miss Nellie TOOTELL, in costume, and holding a large American flag, represented “Columbia.” Several messengers responded to her questions giving the state of affairs in the camp of King Alcohol.

  The Army call was sounded on the cornet by Miss Margie LAMBERT and the Legion, singing and bearing flags and banners, marched to the platform, where songs, recitations and concert responses were given.

  This was followed by a recitation by Miss Priscilla VANE. “Smiles,” recitation by Ruby FINCH; “Nellie’s Victory,” recitation by Julia TOLBERT; “God Is Love,” duet, Mrs. COX and daughter; “A Talk on L.T.L. Work,” Miss FINCH; remarks by Mr. FRENCH; a closing request, Rec. Edith FRENCH; Coronation, sung by audience.



 Orin CLOUGH, a young man of oak Park, has been locked in the county jail upon suspicion of knowing some of the facts connected with the robbery of the candy booth in the Park a couple of weeks ago. His mother declares young Clough was at home at the time the robbery is said to have been committed and was not concerned in it in any way.

  Robert BERRY and “Pal” DEFORE were also questioned about the robbery by District Attorney SEYMOUR and Constable J.G. SNOOK, but were released. A young man called “Slim” is said to know something about the affair, but he can not be found.

  Young Clough has not yet been charged, being held for further examination into the case.



               Only A Few Details Still Unsettled

Engineer States the Historic Old Eyesore Will Be Seen No More in Three Months After He Has Started the Work - Tella of His Plan

  Another Step has been taken in the project to fill China Slough. William MUIR, a well-known mining engineer and contractor, is here to-day with a letter from the Engineering Department of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, addressed to Superintendent T.R. JONES, in which it is stated that the contract has been given to him to fill the slough. At the request of the Chief Engineer some surveyors connected with the local railroad force were out to-day running levels for the benefit of Mr. Muir.

  “As you will see by the letter,” said Mr. Muir, “the contract has practically been given to me, but the papers have not been signed yet, for the reason that there are some little details which have not been completed.

  “The details I refer to are to the effect that before the contract is signed I want to make arrangements with three property owners and have it understood that when the work of filling the slough is going on I will not be held responsible for damages from sipage water which may flow into basements and drive out tenants. The property in question is owned by Louis CAFFERO, the GREGORY estate and the TATE estate. The managers of the two latter, especially of the Tate estate, say there sill be no trouble.”

  Louis Caffero said this afternoon that he was willing to stand a certain amount of damage, but it must not be too heavy.

  Under the Muir plans he would force mud and sand through the pipes from the Sacramento River into China Slough. The contract calls for about 600,000 cubic yards of earth, and would include the filling of the alfalfa field near the passenger depot as well as the slough. There would have to be a seven-foot fill in the field.

  “If it were not for the trouble about those three pieces of property,” said Mr. Muir, “I would begin work immediately. When that trouble is settled, if it can be in a satisfactory manner, I will give a bond of $25,000 and go to work at once, and the slough will be filled within three months after work is commenced. The material for filling the mud and same will be handled by two powerful pumps, one on the river bank and the other in the alfalfa field.”



Tiny Waif Of Humanity Left At 107 I Street

Was Abandoned Early This Morning - No Note Found Attached to Clothing as Is Usually the Case - Officers Hope to Solve Mystery

 A tiny waif of humanity was left on the doorstep of 707 I Street shortly after 1 o’clock this morning, and the little one is now being cared for by Mrs. Frederick KENNEDY, who in the few brief hours in which she has had charge of it has learned to love it so that in its misfortune she is anxious to adopt it and give it a mother’s care.

  The waif is a male child apparently about two weeks old.

  Officer Harry BUTLER of the police force and County Detective Philip O’NEIL are working on the case, and expect to establish something definite as to the little one’s parentage.

  Some of the lodgers in the house at 707 I Street claim to have heard stealthy footsteps on the steps and porch to the house at the hour named, and a few minutes later the lusty wail of an infant heard. Investigation made a few minutes after revealed a tiny baby boy packed in a wicker basket, on the porch. The unfortunate had been placed there evidently in the hope of attracting the attention of the inmates of the house, and the lusty lungs of the little fellow brought about the desired result.

  There was no note to, or request of, those who might find the little fellow to care for him, such as ordinarily accompany abandoned ones.

  The babe was dressed in very neat, but plain and cheap clothes, upon which there was nothing to serve as a possible mark of identification.

  When a Bee reporter called at 707 I Street to-day to make inquiry about the unfortunate, he was given no information beyond the fact that an abandoned child had been left there early this morning.

  The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was at once notified, and Special Officer Daniel HEALY joined with Butler and O’Neil in the investigation of the case.


               ART SCHEME A BUNCO GAME

Thus Declares His Honor, The City Judge

A Man Who Complained of Being Robbed, Being Too Drunk to Know What He Lost, Nothing the Loser Is - Minor Cases

 In summing up the testimony in the case of Frank LEONARD, who was tried this morning on a charge of attempting to commit grand larceny, Justice MARCH held that the testimony was too weak to warrant Leonard’s being held for trial. The testimony of the defense was that Leonard had merely attempted to awaken the man, WEYTHMAN, and in so doing the latter’s hand came out of his pocket and brought the money with it, the money falling on the floor.

  At the time Leonard went over to Weythman he made the remark that he would wake Weythman up and have a drink.

  Officers KOENING, SCANLON and DESMOND arrested Barney McCAFFREY, Pat ROONAN, Charles WILSON and Mike WALLS on suspicion of having robbed John LYNCH of about $29, but all were discharged as Lynch was too drunk at the time to know he was being robbed, and stated in Court that he was willing to give the men anything he had.

  Larry TEDDY, who pleased guilty to a charge of petty larceny for stealing some goods from a tailoring establishment where he was employed, was leniently dealt with, as it was his first offense. He was fined $30 with the alternative of spending thirty days in jail.

  The case of Joseph PAYNE, charged with insulting Officer SCANLON, was continued until Wednesday afternoon.

  Ah SAM was discharged from custody as no evidence to convict him on a charge of vagrancy was at hand.

  Mrs. F.E. SPURGEON swore to a complaint charging J.M. SPENCER with disturbing the peace. Spencer is an employe of an art Company and refused to giver her a frame for $1 which another member of the firm had said she could get a frame for.

  Spencer was ordered to turn the frame and picture over to Mrs. Spurgeon for $1, and was ordered to be discharged when he did so. Justice MARCH characterized the art scheme as a bunco game.



 Bedding in the home of L.W. PETERSON, at 1923 Eighteenth Street, in some mysterious manner caught on fire shortly after 11 o’clock this morning.

  The people were away from home at the time.

  Neighbors telephoned to Station No. 3, on Nineteenth Street. The fire company responded promptly, broke in a door and threw the burning bed into the street. The damage was about $50.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Evening Bee

Monday, November 28, 1904


Mr. and Mrs. Charles THOMPSON and Professor and Mrs. J.H. POND returned to Oakland yesterday after a few days’ visit here with Mrs. Virginia THOMPSON and Mrs. A. YULE.


Albert I. ELKUS was up from Berkeley to spend Thanksgiving with his parents.


On Tuesday afternoon last Mrs. William SKEELE gave a shower party in honor of Miss Jane SNOOK, each of the sixteen guests bringing some gift of her own work for the guest of honor.


Mr. and Mrs. O.W. LYNCH announce the engagement of their daughter, Josephine M., to Harry BURDON of Anacortes, Wash.


Mrs. T.J. KIRK entertained the Spoon Club last week. As substitutes she invited Mrs. Sparrow SMITH, Mrs. Victor WOODS, Mrs. A.B. NYE, Mrs. Joe WOOD, Mrs. E.P. COLGAN, Mrs. Fred WEIL and Mrs. N.H. FOSTER. Mrs. T.B. HALL will be the next hostess.


Last Wednesday noon Miss Dora SCHUBERT and Alvin D. LYNDE were married quietly at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. D. SCHUBERT. After December 1st they will be at home to their friends on Fridays at 406 Eleventh Street.



Local Merchant Destroyed Winning Lottery Ticket

 Morgan MORGAN, a well-known local merchant, took this afternoon’s local train for San Francisco to make a claim to the agency of a large lottery concern for the modest sum of $15,000, to which he believes he is justly entitled.

  There are certain circumstances, however, which may militate against the fruition of Mr. Morgan’s hopes.

  It appears that Mr. Morgan bought a ticket in this month’s drawing. He left the ticket at home and carried the number in his memorandum book. One evening at home he looked over what he supposed was the proper drawing, and finding that his ticket was not in the list threw it into the waste basket. It was burned next morning in the furnace. Down town a little later, Morgan found the correct drawing and discovered that his number as written in his memorandum book had won $15,000. He goes to San Francisco to convince the lottery people that he is entitled to payment on his destroyed ticket. Morgan will be supported in his contention by the party who sold him the ticket.


               LOCAL BREVITIES

 Henry GORDON, John COOK and Fred McCLURE have reported to the police that their fishing nets have been cut and slashed, damaging them greatly. The men suspect two boys, who reside in the vicinity of the Pioneer Mills, with having done the mischief.

  A Jap named N. NAKATA was taken from a train last evening and removed to the Receiving Hospital. He had just arrived from Selma and was utterly helpless. Dr. HANNA treated him.

 Mrs. Dora HUBERT recently entertained the members of the Golden State Social Club at her residence, 2615 K Street, at a 5 o’clock tea. The parlors were beautifully decorated for the occasion in pink and white ribbon and strands of smilax; the dining-room in the Club colors, of burnt orange and black.


               PERSONAL NOTES

 George W. ROSS and Miss Mattie L. BRIGGS, two young folks of this city, were married last Wednesday afternoon by Rev. W.A. ORR, of the South Methodist Church.

  Gus S. TURNER has returned from San Francisco, where he was a guest Friday at a luncheon given in honor of Assistant Secretary of the Navy DARLING.

  General Foreman William CUTHBERT, of the State Printing Office, has returned from a visit to San Francisco.

  Mrs. W.H. HANLON and son are visiting at Auburn.

  Reid F. MILLER, editor of the Red Bluff News, was a visitor to Sacramento yesterday.

  Matt WILLIAMS, one of the leading farmers of Florin, left Sacramento for the East. Mr. Williams will visit the Exposition, his sister in New York City, and then sail for England to visit his old home.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Evening Bee

Sacramento, Monday May 8, 1905



His Attorney Pleads To The Court for Leniency

Justice March Imposes a $10 Fine, but Warns Gibney This Case Is Not to Be Taken as a Criterion, and He Will Not Get Off Easily Again.

   Charles GIBNEY, one of the proprietors of the Art Dance Hall, who was convicted last Thursday of selling liquor without permission from the Board of Trustees, was fined $10 by City Justice John C. MARCH in the Justice’s Court this morning. Gibney was found guilty of the charge by a jury composed of twelve representative citizens.

  Charles T. JONES, the attorney for Gibney, asked for a new trial this morning, but the Court denied the motion. Jones asked that the fine imposed be made as light as possible. He said he had advised Gibney not to sell any more liquor until the matter was finally settled by a higher Court, and he felt sure the defendant would comply. The case he said would be carried directly to the Superior Court, and there is no inclination on the part of the defendant to violate the law. He said the case was merely to test the law, and the defendant was acting under the advice of his attorneys.

  City Attorney S. Luke HOWE did not ask that a heavy fine be imposed.

  When Justice March placed the fine at $10 he warned Gibney that this case was not to be taken as a criterion, and that if he sold liquor again, he would not get off so easily. He fixed Gibney’s bail at $10 cash or $50 bond.

  The case will be carried to the Superior Court immediately.



Impressive Services By The Native Daughters

 Yesterday afternoon impressive memorial services were held at Odd Fellows’ Hall by the Native Daughters of the Golden West, the exercises being participated in by members of Califia, La Bandera and Sutter Parlors.

  The services  were in honor of the memory of Mrs. Tina L. KANE, Mrs. Belle W. CONRAD and Mrs. Catherine MILLER. The following program was rendered: Song “Nearer, My God, to Thee,”; roll-call of absent sisters, Recording Secretary Mrs. A. MOOSE; President’s address, Miss S. RUSSLER; solo, Mrs. Frank JONES; Vice-President’s address, Miss M. WOODS; Marshal’s address, Miss L. ROEDER; solo, Miss V.D. LITTLEFIELD; Junior Past President’s address, Mrs. A. DAY; eulogy, Miss A. ALLEN; Past President’s address, Miss F. LARKIN; Poem, Miss E. BACKRATH; song, “America”, pianist, Miss M. MIER.



 Budd Marsh, who has been a prominent sporting man in Sacramento for many years, died at his residence in the city yesterday after a long illness. He was a victim of consumption. Deceased was a native of Missouri, aged 55 years. He leaves a wife. Marsh was the son of Mrs. E. Marsh, of Alturas, Modoc County, and a brother of J.W. Marsh, of this city, and Mrs. S.S. BAYLEY, of San Francisco.



Dr. M.S. JAFFE The Victim of an Assault

Would-be Robber Made an Attempt to Choke Him When a Light Was Struck - Former Employe Arrested on Suspicion

  A bold attempt was made to rob Dr. M.S. Jaffe at an early hour yesterday morning while he was asleep in his room in the Davis building, on K Street between Fourth and Fifth. A young man named Joseph LAWRENCE, who was formerly employed by Dr. Jaffe, has been arrested on suspicion of having committed the offense.

  Dr. Jaffe was awakened about 3 o’clock in the morning by a noise in his room. He struck a match, and as soon as he did so the intruder grabbed him by the throat and attempted to choke him. He called for help, and the burglar ran from the room. Night Clerk W.G. MITCHELL responded to Dr. Jaffe’s calls, and was told the fellow was in the bath-room. When Mitchell opened the door, the man ran out, and succeeded in making an escape.

  The man was in his coat sleeves and had a slouch hat on. He had rented a room in the Davis building a few hours prior to the attempted burglary. His coat was found in the room by James G. DAVIS, proprietor of the lodging house.

  Substitute Officer George RADONICH, who was detailed on the case, took the coast as a clue and shortly afterward arrested Lawrence, whom he found asleep at his home in the southern part of the city. Lawrence admitted that the coat belonged to him, but said he could prove it had been stolen from him. He claimed he want to bed at 10 o’clock that night. Those who saw the burglar have looked at Lawrence, and declare he “looks like” the man wanted, although he has not been identified. Lawrence has been released on bail.

  The would-be burglar gave the name of FOSTER when he rented the room at the Davis building. He did not succeed in securing anything of value. The door to Dr. Jaffe’s room had been left unlocked.

  About a year ago Dr. Jaffe was the victim of a bold assault. Two men entered his place to make a purchase. While he was waiting upon them, one of them struck him down with a cruel blow on the head with a slungshot. His cries frightened his assailants away before they succeeded in robbing him. He suffered several weeks from the injuries he received.



 Charles GIBSON, a native of the Sandwich Islands, who has been employed as gardener at the residence of Lew. A. NORTON, 1403 I Street, has been arrested by Officers KRIPP and RYAN, and a charge of burglary will be placed against him. While Norton and his family were absent from the house last Saturday, Gibson crawled in the back window. He was seen pulling down all the shades by neighbors, who notified the police. Officer Ryan entered the house, and found Gibson in the dining-room. The house had been completely ransacked, although the only thing missing was a small silver watch, afterward found in Gibson’s effects. It is evident that Gibson expected to find money, for a number of articles of value were not touched.



 In Superior Judge E.C. HART’s Court to-day, the cases of Francisco QUIJADA, Charles CARSON and J.W. FINLEY, the Folsom convicts charged with assault with deadly weapons, were continued until next Saturday.

  S. KOJIMA, a Japanese charged with assault calculated to do great bodily harm, made a motion, through counsel, to set aside the information against him. The motion was overruled, and the defendant then interposed a demurrer on the ground that the information did not clearly set for the nature of the offense.

  The demurrer was argued and taken under advisement.

  Isaac ANTONE, charged with burglary, with a prior conviction of petty larceny, entered a plea of not guilty, after a motion to set aside the information had been denied.

  The cases of Frank CLARK and Thomas KEARNEY, charged with burglary, were continued until to-morrow.



 Mrs. Sarah COOPER, who died in this city last Friday, was one of the oldest pioneer women in this city, having settled here in October, 1848.

  With her father and mother, she left Maryland in 1847. The family wintered in Missouri and reached here in 1848. The father purchased a farm from General Sutter at Twenty-ninth and B Streets. Upon this property some member of the family has resided continually ever since.

  Her husband, who has been dead for some twenty years, was also a pioneer, coming in 1849.

  She leaves a brother, Amos P. STEWART, of Truckee, and two sisters, Mrs. G.O. HIGGINS of Oregon and Mrs. L. CHURCHMAN of Fruitvale. She was 74 years of age.



 The police have recovered a dozen sets of harness, a saddle and bridle and a lawn mower, that were stolen by Charles CLARK and Frank DEL MAR, who were arrested Saturday afternoon by Officers PENNISH and RYAN, as told in The Bee. Both of these men are crooks, and the officers have enough evidence against them to send them to the penitentiary for long terms. They have confessed to the crimes, and have said they will plead guilty when the case comes up in the Superior Court.

  They have both served terms in the County Jail. Clark was released about a month ago, after serving eighteen months for obtaining money under false pretenses.



 John COOPER, the man who recently cut off the nose of his wife with a caseknife in a fit of drunken, jealous rage, in their rooms in the Mansion House, on Seventh Street, has made up his mind that it would be best for him to enter a plea of guilty. He has been fighting for delay in his case ever since he was arrested and had his preliminary examination. It is now understood that he will go into Court next Monday and enter a plea of guilty to a charge of mayhem.                     


               A SUICIDE IN OAKLAND

OAKLAND, May 8 - Former City Councilman B.C.. CUVEILIER, living in this city, and Vice-President of a San Francisco liquor house, committed suicide to-day by shooting himself through the mouth with a pistol, on top of the eleven-story Union Savings Bank building, the highest point in Oakland. Death was instantaneous. Illness is assigned as the cause.


               Murdered a Girl and Shot Himself

SAN JOSE, May 8 - As the result of a shooting tragedy enacted late Saturday night at the New Almaden mines, twelve miles form here, Minnie CHAVES, a young Mexican girl, is dead, and J. SENESCEROS , the young miner who murdered her, is in danger of dying from a self-inflicted wound. It is said that Senesceros, in a fit of jealousy shot the woman and then turned the revolver on himself. This is the theory which influenced the Coroner’s Jury in it’s verdict, which directly fastens the crime on him. Senesceros is in the County Jail and is not expected to live. Prompt action of deputies saved him from lynching.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Evening Bee, Sacramento

July 3, 1905 


Peter CHRISTIANSON, who is to add to the Fourth of July festivities by making a “slide for life” from the dome of the Capitol, in his patent life-saving fire clutch, has completed his preparations for his public demonstrations by stretching his wire cable from the dome to the ground. In order to show the absolute safety of his clutch, Christianson claims that he will ride a bicycle down the rope from the top of the dome to the ground. He also claims that he will make the descent by fastening his clamps on his feet and sliding down the rope, head down, while bound and blindfolded. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Monday, October 2, 1905

Page 5


               LOCAL BREVITIES


Row Over a Buggy - A warrant of arrest has been issued for a man named R. RIBEENSTEIN, who is accused of battery, by a man named James McGRAW. The latter claims that he kept a buggy out of a local stable longer than he had bargained for. He offered to pay for the overtime, and in the argument that ensued was attacked.


A Sad Death - Miss Georgiana Muriel KING, a young woman well known and highly esteemed in this city, passed away last Friday afternoon at her residence, 1406 Fourth Street. Deceased had a large circle of friends, who held her in high regard because of her kindly disposition. The funeral took place this afternoon from her late residence, 1406 Fourth Street.


Case of Glanders - County Veterinarian Dr. A.H. McCOLLUM and Humane Officer Frank WOODSON yesterday discovered a case of glanders at Twenty-fifth and W Streets. The diseased horse was dispatched, and the other animals in the same barn were placed under quarantine.


               PERSONAL NOTES

  Judge J.W. HUGHES, Sheriff David REESE, Assistant District Attorney J.R. HUGHES and J. Romeo HUGHES, of Missouri, have returned form a deer-hunting expedition to Mendocino and Humboldt Counties.

  Major W.A. GETT returned yesterday from Sonora, Tuolumne County, and left in the afternoon for San Francisco.

  August EBEL is home from a vacation at the seaside.

  H.A. FRENCH, of San Francisco, is visiting Sacramento.

  Elwood COOPER, State Horticultural Commissioner, is in the city.

  Dr. F.W. HATCH, Superintendent of State Hospitals, returned home to-day from a visit to the Stockton Institution.



Rev. C.F. Oehler Celebrates Fifteenth Anniversary

  Last evening Rev. C.F. OEHLER celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of his pastorate of the German Lutheran Church in this city. Rev. Oehler received the congratulations of his parishioners throughout the day, and at the conclusion of the anniversary services last night he extended the hand of benediction to every man, woman and child in the large congregation.

  “Fifteen Years of Grace” was the title of Rev. Oehler’s anniversary sermon last night, in the course of which he said he had performed 700 baptisms, had administered 318 confirmations, had performed 527 marriage ceremonies, and had officiated at 606 funerals. In concluding his sermon, Rev. Oehler said:

 “Whatever our sorrowings have been, or our joys, let us not stop in our Christian course. Onward, ever onward, be our battle cry. Onward, to greater things for Jesus; onward with greater strength and courage; onward to find victory in heaven!”



William B. PRICE, a pioneer colored citizen of Sacramento, who was widely known, died at his residence here last Saturday. For many years Price was employed as the janitor at Pioneer Hall. He conducted a bootblacking establishment for a number of years and made hundreds of friends. Deceased was a native of Kingston, Jamaica, and while the death notice says he was 70 years of age his most intimate friends declare he was nearer 100 years than 70. The funeral took place this afternoon, the remains being interred in Helvetia Cemetery.


               GONE TO HIS FINAL REST

 The funeral of the late Alfred G. McMANUS took place yesterday afternoon from his late residence near Walsh’s Station. The services were conducted by Rev. Dr. MONTGOMERY, who spoke feelingly of the life and character of the deceased, whom he had known for many years. The Enterprise Grange Sunday school Choir rendered sacred music at the home and at the grave. A large concourse of sorrowing friends followed the remains to the Bellview Cemetery, where the interment was made. The pallbearers were W.R. RUSSELL, D.W. PIERCE, G.A. SCHAMEL, William FANBAKER, Charles FRY and Stewart CHASE.



Says Wife Accidentally Discharged Pistol

 Charles F. RANKIN, an employe of the wrecking crew of the Southern Pacific Company, was shot through the neck about 8:30 o’clock last evening. He was taken to the Railroad Hospital for treatment for his injury, which is not considered serious, and afterward returned to his home.

  The shooting occurred at Rankin’s residence over SCHOENBERGER’s saloon, 700 E Street. The police were called and when they arrived they found Rankin with a bullet wound through his neck, and his wife weeping over him. The woman was under the influence of liquor, and Rankin had been drinking but was evidently sobered up by the shot. Rankin declared the shooting was accidental, and the weapon was discharged by his wife while she was fooling with it.

  It is said that both husband and wife indulged in too much liquor yesterday, and had been quarreling. The woman could not make a satisfactory explanation of the shooting, and was taken to jail by Officer PENNISH, who investigated the case. The weapon used could not be found by the arresting officer.



Close attention upon their duties seems to agree with the jurors in the Emmons case. At noon to-day the twelve men good and true were weighed, disclosing the fact that with one exception they have gained six to eight pounds in weight. The exception is Juror John KROMER, who early in the trial suffered an attack of stomach trouble. Kromer has lost a few pounds in weight since the trial began.



  The charge of petty larceny preferred against Lillie LAGREW by John GALLAGHER, was not sustained by the evidence presented in the City Justice’s Court this morning, and the defendant was discharged.

  Manuel SILVA and Cello BETTINO, two boys who were caught by Game Warden NEALE in the act of killing quail, were given a lecture and their liberty.

  Mary KING, charged with vagrancy, was “floated.”

  The charge of battery preferred against N. NAGAMO, a Japanese restaurant keeper, who assaulted one of his customers, a man named C. McALISTER, was continued for hearing until to-morrow.

  The case of May ROOT, charged with burglary, was continued until the 4th inst., and the case of J.S. ALBERZARIA, charged with violating the State dentistry law, was continued until the 10th inst.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Monday, October 9, 1905

Page 10



Will Revise Laws on Revenue and Taxation

 The State Tax Commission, consisting of Senators CURTIN and WARD, Assemblymen McCARTNEY and TREADWELL, with Governor PARDEE and Prof. Carl. C. PLEHN as ex-officio members, held a meeting in the Governor’s office this morning and discussed the best methods to be pursued in making a total revision of the revenue and tax laws of the State.

 It is the intention of the Commission to completely revise the present laws on these subjects, and to provide a new set of laws which it is hoped can be so drafted as not to conflict with the Constitution of the State. In case this is found to be an impossibility, it is the intention of the Commission to prepare a Constitutional Amendment that will include the proposed revision.



Dr. Nichols Not Alarmed At Presence of Diphtheria

 Although two deaths have occurred from diphtheria, which is now prevalent in the eastern part of the city, City Physician Dr. H.L. NICHOLS does not consider the situation as serious. There are thirteen cases now under quarantine, and of these several are nearly well. No new cases have been reported since Saturday.

  Dr. Nichols says due precaution is being taken to prevent the spread of the disease, and every case reported is put under strict quarantine and kept quarantined the required time. He attributes the prevalence of the disease to the climatic conditions, and thinks it will entirely disappear after the first hard rain. All of the cases now under quarantine, he says, are of a mild form.



Asks For Church Music With Heart In It

 In his annual address, the Right Rev. William Hall MORELAND, D.D., Episcopal Bishop of the Sacramento Diocese, delivers an admonition on the subject of “Church Music,” in which he says:

 “There are some things about the music of the Church I should like to see remembered. It is rendered for the glory and worship of God, not for the gratification of a congregation or the advertising of a solo performer. I have seen women enter the pulpit, lay their music sheets upon the open Bible, and, facing the congregation, sing with ecstatic self admiration a sentimental song of which the listeners could not understand one word. The Church’s law says, Hymns set forth and allowed by the authority of this Church and anthems in the words of Holy Scripture or of the Book of Common Prayer may be sung in this Church. This law is violated all over our district because the clergy fail to supervise beforehand the tunes and words as the Church requires of them.”


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Thursday, October 12, 1905

Page 5


               LOCAL BREVITIES

 Britt-Nelson Fight - The great pugilistic battle between Jimmy BRITT and Battling NELSON in San Francisco a few weeks ago is to be “pilled off” in Sacramento next Sunday afternoon and evening at the Clunie Theater by means of moving pictures. It is said the pictures taken at the ringside give a most realistic reproduction of the greatest boxing contest of modern times.


Divorce Granted - Lizzie A. WILLIAMS has been granted a divorce from Horace A. WILLIAMS by Judge SHIELDS. Desertion was the ground upon which the decree was granted.


Close to Registration - The County Clerk’s office will be open to-night for the accommodation of voters who may want to change their registration. This is the last day for making changes.


Restored to Competency - T.E. LYNCH, as guardian of Theresa M. LYNCH, an incompetent, has filed in the Superior Court his final report. The receipts were $1000 and the disbursements $1013.84. The incompetent has been restored to competency.


Falkenstein Estate - The final account in the estate of John A. FALKENSTEIN, deceased, has been filed by Katherina FALKENSTEIN, the executrix. She received $8831.43 of property and there were no expenditures. Final distribution is asked.


Cases Continued - To-day in the City Justice’s Court the cases of B.L. DEANE and T. NORMURA, charged with misdemeanor for practicing dentistry without a license, were continued until the 19th inst.


Church Anniversary - The second anniversary of the Trinity Episcopal Church was celebrated yesterday afternoon from 3 to 5 o’clock, at the rectory. Rev. George R. SWAN and wife and the teachers were present, besides the children of the Sunday-school. The time was passed with music and games and refreshments were served. The adults of the parish were entertained from 8 to 11 p.m.


Gold Medal for Lovdal - A telegram to W.E. LOVDAL, of this city, received last evening form Portland, Oregon, informs him that his exhibit of hops grown on his Yolo County ranch has been awarded the gold medal at the Lewis and Clarke Exposition.


Sixty Days in Jail - In the City Justice’s Court to-day William WILLIAMS was found guilty of indecent conduct and sent to the County Jail for sixty days.


Young Sacramentan’s Success - C. William ADAMS, formerly of Sacramento, and son of C.F. ADAMS, a well-known resident here, has been given a position with a large firm of piano makers of Boston, Mass. It is his duty to test the tone of the pianos as they come from the factory. Mr. Adams played the organ in several churches in the city, and recently has been organist at the St. James Church, Dorchester, Mass. He is only 21 years of age.


Lawing Over a Range - Justice CLARKEN was engaged in hearing the case of H. McNEAL vs. MILLER, CHALIN & ENWRIGHT this afternoon, a suit brought to compel the defendants to receive back a range that had been in use for several days after its purchase.      


Suit on a Pump - The case of Charles WILLIAMS vs. Charles F. SILVA was on hearing in Judge SHIELDS’ Court this afternoon, it having been appealed from the Justice’s Court. The suit is over the alleged sale of a pump.


 The Weather - The weather to-day: 5 a.m., 55 degrees; 9 a.m., 55 degrees; 12 noon, 71 degrees; 2 p.m., 79 degrees.

               PERSONAL NOTES

  Governor George C. PARDEE will leave in a few days for Southern California, accompanied by President B.I. WHEELER and Professor E.J. WICKSON, of the State University. They go to select a site for the new pathological laboratory provided for by the last Legislature.

  Mrs. M.E. GRIGGS and daughter, Viola, have gone to San Francisco for a ten days’ vacation.

  Mr. and Mrs. H.O. TUBBS left this morning for Los Angeles to attend the session of the Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. They will visit Santa Barbara, San Diego and other coast cities before returning.

  James H. LEGGETT, of Oroville, was a visitor to Sacramento to-day.

  Claus ANDERSON left for Nevada County to-day, to be absent for several days.


               READY TO DIE IN THE RIVER

A Despondent Sheepherder Prepared to Suicide

  Paul PETERSON had a touch of high life in Sacramento during the past forty-eight hours. Paul is a German, a sheepherder, and he drifted into the Capital City to have a “good time,” according to his way of getting pleasure, and he had it.

  Peterson had $175 of his earnings when he reached here. He also brought along two cows and a calf. He “blew in” the money in saloons, and when he found himself a financial wreck he sold his livestock for $20. After the double eagle was gone, Peterson was ruined indeed.

  This he realized and concluded life had no more charms for him. He tried to get poison to commit suicide, but the drug was refused him. Then he decided to plunge into the Sacramento River and confided his intentions to an acquaintance, who notified the police.

  Peterson left two notes, willing his small belongings to friends, a rifle to a Sacramento saloonman and property in Germany to a sister.

  But the police locked him up, and this afternoon his old employer took him back to the hills and the sheep.



  Judson C. BRUSIE, a former resident of Sacramento, who twice represented this county in the Assembly, has been meeting with rapid advancement since his removal to San Francisco. Besides holding the position of Secretary of the State Railroad Commission, Brusie has been connected with the management of surety companies on this Coast. The San Francisco Call of to-day announces that Brusie has been appointed as assistant to Manager Frank L. GILBERT, of the National Surety Company. The Call says: “While Mr. Brusie’s identification with surety companies has not extended over a great period, he is nevertheless well known by virtue of the wonderful success he has made in the management of a company whose business increased from nothing to nearly a hundred thousand dollars last year.”


               BORNE TO THE GRAVE

 Funeral of James Ryan - The funeral services over the remains of James RYAN, a pioneer resident of this city, were held at the Cathedral yesterday, where a requiem mass was celebrated for the repose of his soul by Rev. John F. QUINN, assisted by members of the Cathedral choir. Father Quinn in his eulogy referred to the earthly struggles of the hardy pioneers who braved the dangers of the new El Dorado, and the great difficulties they encountered in establishing Christianity and civilization in this western land, and spoke in glowing terms of the religious fervor and constancy in the life gone out. Friends sent many beautiful floral pieces to cover the casket and grave in the St. Joseph Cemetery, where interment was made. The pallbearers were Jas. H. DEVINE, W.J. HARME, P. FLAHERTY, M.F. KENT and Thos. GORMLEY.

  Funeral of John W. Buckley - The funeral of John W. BUCKLEY took place from the residence of his sister, Mrs. John FREESE, yesterday afternoon, and proceeded to the Cathedral, where funeral services were held by Father Ryan. A large number of friends joined in the cortege to St. Joseph Cemetery, where interment was made. Many beautiful floral pieces adorned the newly-made grave. The pall-bearers were Frank CROWLEY, Owen STACKHOUSE, Jas. McGRATH, Walter HILBERT, Fred FRISEKE and John DOHERTY.

  Funeral of Richard Bennett - The funeral of Richard BENNETT, who died last Monday, took place this morning from the undertaking establishment of Clark & Booth. The services were conducted by Rev. H.K. BOOTH, of the First Congregational Church, and were attended by a large gathering. The pallbearers were Justice E.H. HOPPE, William BUTLER, John McNAMARA and William JACQUES. The interment was made in the City Cemetery.



 The diphtheria situation does not seem to improve, according to members of the Board of Health, in spite of the precautionary measures taken by City Physician Dr. H.L. NICHOLS in placing under quarantine every house in which a case breaks out, and despite the latter official’s optimistic statements. Two new cases were reported to-day. The cases are located at 1921 M Street and 1521 M Street. Another death occurred yesterday making a total of three since the disease has been prevalent in the city.

  Most of the cases reported are in the eastern part of the city, although Tuesday a case was reported from 1614 Fourth Street.

  In speaking of the disease to a Bee reporter to-day, Dr. J.H PARKINSON of the Board of Health, said the situation is quite serious, and is a hard one to handle. He said the closing of the city schools might be an aid in stamping out the disease, as it would keep the children from commingling with each other, and thus spreading the disease. He added, however, that if the schools were closed parents would not keep their children in, and the youngsters would still play in the streets with the children in the neighborhood. In the latter case the danger of contracting the disease would be less than at school, where 300 or 400 children are thrown together.

  Dr. Nichols said to-day that there were not more than eight cases in existence in the city to-day, as the patients in many of the houses under quarantine have recovered.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Monday, October 16, 1905

Page 5


               LOCAL BREVITIES

Concert and Social - Next Thursday evening a concert and Social will be given at the German Lutheran Church, Twelfth and K Streets, for the benefit of the Church Fund. A program of vocal and instrumental numbers will be rendered and refreshments will be served.


Petition for Guardian - The Superior Court has been petitioned for the appointment of a guardian of the person and estate of Barbara HOOK, who by reason of her advanced years is unable to care for her property interests. The estate consists of cash and realty amounting to $10,000, and $4000 due from an estate in England.


Attending Sick Brother - Lewis NORTON, of Secretary of State C.F. CURRY’s clerical force, is at Healdsburg in attendance upon his brother, who is ill.


Child’s Arm Fractured - The three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. H.O. WILLIS, residing at Twenty-ninth and H Streets, suffered a fracture of the right forearm by falling from a chair.


Wheel Stolen - C.A. De LIGNE has reported to the police that his bicycle was stolen Saturday night from in front of the Y.M.C.A. Building.


Collided With Street Car - A bicyclist named John LANDIS collided with a street car yesterday, and narrowly escaped serious injury. The bicycle was badly damaged.


Plate Glass Window Broken - A gang of boys, evidently bent upon mischief, deliberately broke last Saturday night a plate glass window in front of Klune & Floberg’s jewelry store, 628 K Street. No goods were taken from the window. The police are endeavoring to locate the malicious youths responsible for the damage.


May Have Clue to Murderer - R.C. CALDWELL has inquired at the Sheriff’s office if any reward has been offered for the arrest of the murderers of D.J. CONLEY, who was killed under the bridge on September 28th. It is believed Caldwell has a clue to the murderers. No reward for their arrest has ever been offered.


Stole a Ride - W. PLENTER and Robert BRADLEY, arrested at Galt for stealing a brakebeam ride on a train, have been landed in the County Jail to serve five days each.


Suit to Quiet Title - Suit has been brought in the Superior Court by Ollie and Arthur T. HENDRICKS against J.M. HENDERSON, as administratrix of the estate of James E. SMITH, deceased, and A.H. McCURDY, as administrator of the estate of Samuel G. SMITH, deceased, to quiet the title to the east half of lot 2, J and K, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Streets.


Cases Continued - In the City Justice’s Court this morning the vagrancy cases of Clara BOGARD, Lizzie COX, Emma COX and Walter GRIMM, were continued until to-morrow. The case of T.R. WOOLLARD, charged with practicing dentistry without a license, was continued until to-morrow, and the case of Charles SOULE, who shot and wounded his wife in the Art Saloon about a month ago, was continued until next Monday.


Waved His Hat in the Air - A man named Thomas SAVALICH frightened the residents in the  vicinity of Fifth and M Streets this morning by his peculiar actions. He kept walking up and down in the middle of the street, and waving his hat violently in the air. The people in the vicinity feared that the man was demented and might do some harm, so they called up the patrol wagon and Officers McMANUS and CALLAHAN took the man to the city prison. He will be examined as to his sanity.


Building Permits - The building permits issued to-day were: To Barber & Folger, to erect a shop building drawn, had not yet sworn to a com-Streets; Henry WYNN is builder. To W.S. SHAW, to remodel a dwelling at 1912 H Street; the work is to cost $400. To M. CECHETTINI, to erect a $200 addition to a building at 1721 Second Street.


General Sheehan Better - General T.W. SHEEHAN, who has been quite seriously ill at his home for the past few days, is reported to be better to-day.


               PERSONAL NOTES

R.F. MILLER, publisher of the Red Bluff News, spent the day in Sacramento.

W.F. KNOX has returned from San Francisco.

Mr. and Mrs. T.J. KIRK are home from San Francisco.

Mrs. D.W. HOFFMAN, Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, has gone to Los Angeles to attend the session of the Grand Chapter of the Order, accompanied by her son and daughter.

Rev. J.A. SUTHERLAND, formerly of Oakland, has been called to the pastorate of the Emmanuel Baptist Church of Sacramento.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. TAYLOR, of Oak Park, have returned from an extended trip through Southern California and Mexico.



Accused Of Debauching Young Girls

Some of the Latter Sent to a Rescue Home by Officer of Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children - Daniel Healy to Suppress Orgies

 Daniel HEALY, Special Officer for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, makes the sensational assertion that the United States Marine Corps recruiting station on K Street, near Fifth, has been used as a place of assignation for young girls whose ages range from 13 to 15 years.

  According to a statement made by Healy to a Bee reporter to-day, the girls have been in the habit of going to the rooms of the recruiting station nearly every evening after the close of office hours, meeting some of the enlisted men and some citizens. He says the girls would be given liquor at the rooms and that the orgies would some times be carried on until a late hour.

  Healy said he had not made any arrests for the reason that such matters are very hard to prove in Court. He said, however, that he had sent some of the girls to the Beulah Rescue Home, which is under the direction of the Salvation Army. Healy said he did not want to tell the names of the girls, who belong to respectable families. The officer said he intended to have a talk with the Captain of the recruiting station and take the necessary steps to stop further orgies.



Will Make an Investigation Into the Charges

 Sergeant L.A. SAWYER, who is at present in charge of the local recruiting station of the United States marine Corps, said this afternoon that he knew nothing about the stories told by Officer HEALY, but would at once being an investigation.

  The Sergeant said he had only been here since the 14th inst., and that he left his office at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, not returning until the next morning.

  Officer Healy said the alleged misconduct occurred over two weeks ago, which is some days prior to the date Sergeant Sawyer took charge.



Cashes Bogus Check at Local Bank

Seventeen-Year-Old George Falltrick Makes Out Check for $30 on His Employer and Forges Endorsement - Placed Under Arrest But No Complaint Against Him

 George FALLTRICK, a 17-year-old boy, who has been employed as a helper for some months by C.B. CONN, a local plumber, has been arrested by City Detectives NAGHEL and DOUGLAS, and a charge of forgery may be placed against him. Falltrick admits his guilt, and now says he is sorry that he ever attempted such a thing.

  The youth forged a check upon his employer for $30, and cashed it at D.O. MILLS & Company’s Bank. The check was made payable to C.B. CONN, was endorsed on the back by a forged signature of C.B. Conn, and then endorsed again in favor of J.KING. Falltrick represented himself as King when he presented the check at the bank window for payment. The signature of Conn looked genuine, and the Cashier of the bank did not hesitate in advancing the money to the youth.

  When the forgery was discovered, it was reported to Detectives Naghel and Douglas and after a brief investigation of the case they placed Falltrick under arrest. The young man immediately broke down, and admitted that he had forged the signature.

  Up to a late hour this afternoon, C.B. Conn, upon whom the check was drawn, had not yet swore to a complaint against Falltrick.




 A young man named Frank DUGAN, who is employed as a carpenter’s helper on the Elks new building now in the course of construction, on J Street between Eighth and Ninth, fell from the second to the first floor of the building this morning, and was severely injured. Dugan was taken to the Receiving Hospital, where his injuries were dressed by City Physician NICHOLS. His left side from the shoulder down was badly bruised, but no bones were broken. It is not believed that Dugan was internally injured, as he was able to walk away from the Receiving Hospital after his injuries were dressed.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Tuesday, October 17, 1905

Page 5


               LOCAL BREVITIES

A New Citizen - Judge HUGHES of the Superior Court, to-day admitted Joaquin PIREIRA da SLIDA, native of the Cape Verde Islands, to citizenship.


Going to Chico - Joseph BURNS, who has been for a number of years employed by the Sacramento Electric, Gas and Railway Company in constructing and repairing street-cars, has taken a position with the Northern Electric Railway Company, at Chico - that of Superintendent.


Chimney Fire - A fire alarm was turned in shortly after 12 o’clock to-day from box 128, located at Twelfth and P Street. The fire was in the chimney of a dwelling at 1109 O Street and was extinguished by the Fire Department before any damage was done.


In the Lower Court - In the City Justice’s Court this morning the disturbing the peace case against Dr. Jas. M. BARRICKMAN was continued until to-morrow, and the defendant will be examined as to his sanity. The vagrancy case against Lizzie BOGARD was dismissed. The vagrancy cases against Lizzie and Emma COX were continued generally. The case of Dr. John S. ALBERGARIA, a dentist charged with practicing dentistry without permission from the State Board of Dental Examiners, was continued until October 26th, because of illness of the defendant.


Collar Bone Broken - Mrs. Bell WILKES, a colored woman, also known as Chick DORSEY, was severely injured by a fall this morning from a porch in the rear of a house on L Street, between Third and Fourth.  She was standing on the porch when it gave way, dropping her to the ground, six feet below. She is a heavy woman, and had her collar bone broken by the fall. She was taken to the Receiving Hospital, where her injury was dressed by City Physician Dr. H.L. NICHOLS.


Royal Neighbors Entertain - Capital Camp, No. 2328, Royal Neighbors of America, held an entertainment and dance in Grangers’ Hall last evening. The program included: Piano solo, Miss Dorothy APPLETON; recitation, Miss Valvalee BLUGHER; piano solo, Miss Lucille WRIGHT; recitation, Miss Ella CLARK; piano solo, Miss Stahl VANDERVILLE; turn, Miss Pearl BALDWIN; piano solo, Mr. BLAKE. Dancing kelp up until 12 o’clock.


An Ensign Tea - Mrs. M.F. JENKS held an “Ensign Tea” at her residence yesterday afternoon under the auspices of the Sacramento W.C.T.U. A large number were present. Light refreshments were served. A silver collection was taken, netting a near sum for the Ensign.


Deposits Valuables With Police - W.H. WHEELER, a mining man, arrived in this city late Sunday afternoon with about $7000 worth of securities in his possession and took the precaution of depositing them in the safe at the City Prison. Wheeler was a stranger here, and arrived after the local banks had closed, so chose the Police Station as the next safest place to deposit his valuables, which consisted of $5000 in mining stock, $1900 in checks and $100 in cash. Wheeler called at the station and got his valuables yesterday.


Building Permit - Mrs. Eva STACKHOUSE was granted a permit to-day to raise and remodel a dwelling at 1420 Twenty-eighth Street. The work is to cost $800 and T.H. DAVIS is the builder.


               PERSONAL NOTES

  County Clerk W.B. HAMILTON has returned from a vacation trip in the mountains along the McCloud River.

  Governor and Mrs. George C. PARDEE went to San Francisco to-day to attend the formal opening of the California Club, a women’s organization. Governor Pardee will deliver an address before the club to-night.



 The Trustees, pupils and parents of Brighton School District, located near Mayhew’s Station, are delighted over a present they received this week - a piano - presented to the school by A.B. HUMPHREY, the well-known fruit grower.

  The Trustees of the School District have long been ambitious to make it the banner district of the county, and by careful and conservative expenditure of the funds at their command have provided one of the best equipments possessed by any school in the county, including an excellent library.



 Jacob Bloomberg, a business man of this city, has sued his wife, Isabella Bloomberg, for divorce on the ground of cruelty. He alleges that his wife called him harsh names and assaulted him. Bloomberg secured an injunction to prevent his wife from disposing of real estate, which, it is alleged, is community property.

  Bloomberg and his wife have conducted second-hand clothing stores in this city for a number of years.



Grove L .Johnson Hints Of Sensational Motion

  Grove L. JOHNSON, leading counsel for the defense in the trial of former Senator E.J. EMMONS, recently convicted of bribery, said to-day he would move for a new trial on the separate and distinct ground that during the trial some of the jurors had indulged in alcoholic stimulants to the point of intoxication, even though they were in custody of a Deputy Sheriff at all times.

  It is said that since the discharge of the jury the cleaning up process about the rooms occupied, disclosed the presence of at least two dozen bottles labeled as the essence of corn and rye.

  “If I can get the evidence under oath or affidavit that has been offered me voluntarily,” said Mr. Johnson, “I shall make a motion for a new trial on this separate and distinct ground. I have been reliably informed that some of the jurors indulged to the point of excess while in the jury-room, and that when they were on several outings provided for them several of them became intoxicated.

  “You will understand that these statements are hard to prove, but if I can prove them by the people who have made these statements to me, it is apparent Senator Emmons, in common justice, must have a new trial. We all like fair play.”

  “I am not aware that any member of the jury drank intoxicants in the jury-room while the trial was in progress, save some who, it was represented, were accustomed to having a drink at certain periods of the day. In allowing these jurors to have their accustomed stimulant I was governed by and acted upon the certificates of the physicians of those jurors. During the trial I never heard of an incident which would suggest that the privilege granted was being abused.”



Her Husband Was Killed By A Train

  Mrs. Deliah WHITE has brought suit in the Superior Court against the Southern Pacific Railroad Company to recover damages in the sum of $10,000 for the death of her husband, D.C. WHITE.

  It is set forth in the complaint that White was run down by a train of cars of the Company on the morning of December 1, 1903, at Front and K Streets, and so badly injured that he died on the following day. Deceased was employed by the Company as a switchman. The complaint says the morning of the accident was damp and foggy; that no lights were displayed on the train; that no warning bell was sounded, and that no brakeman was present to prevent an accident such as befell White. It is alleged that White’s death was caused through the carelessness of the agents of the Railroad Company.

  At the time of the accident White was earning $60 a month, which, it is said, was used for the support of himself and his wife.



Young Girls Come From Respectable Families

  Daniel HEALY, Special Officer to the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, this morning took to the Beulah Rescue Home in Oakland the 15-year-old girl who admitted that she had been in the habit of going to the United States Marine recruiting station, located near Fifth and J Streets, and consorting with the men there.

  According to the statements of the girl to a Bee reporter, there were four girls in the crowd that visited the recruiting station. The girls first became acquainted with the Marines a few weeks ago. They walked by the office and the men stopped them and asked them to visit the quarters at night, offering them soda water. The girls did so, and, according to the statements of one of them, were debauched by the Marines. The orgies were kept up for several nights, and on some occasions beer was furnished to the girls.

  Two of the girls are under 16 years old, the age of consent as fixed by law. All of them come from respectable families that live in Oak Park. They were allowed a great deal of freedom by their parents, and when they visited the recruiting station they told their parents they were going down town to look for work. Officer Daniel Healy hopes to be able to save all the girls from wayward lives, and has already placed two of them in the Beulah Home.

  As Officer Healy was not in the city to-day, it is not known whether or not he intended to bring charges of criminal assault against the accused Marines.

  Sergeant L.A. SAWYER, who has charge of the recruiting station, has said he will conduct an investigation into the charges.


 Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Saturday Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

October 21, 1905

Page 4



The Winter’s pleasure is to be as much in the way of dancing as formerly. The first large affair comes off next week - Wednesday night - when La Salome Club gives its initial party. There is no form of social amusement that quite compares with the dance for congeniality and good fellowship. It is the oldest and has always been the most popular mode of enjoyment wherever a crowd, large or small, is congregated for pleasure. Many a small informal affair winds up with a dance whenever possible, and if a hostess provides a dance for her guests she may rest assured they have had a good time.

  Following closely upon La Salome Club’s first party comes the private dancing party given by five of our prominent young women, the opening dance of the L’Allegro Club on November 8th, and another club dance before the Tuesday Club House Association ball on November 24th. From then on until the holidays there are to be several dancing parties, so, fair maids, be busy about your evening gowns.


  The big annual ball of the Tuesday Club House Association is rapidly finding its accustomed amount of favor and patronage among our people. The date being set for earlier this year brings it before the public is quite danced out, and more enthusiasm than ever before will be shown in consequence. The following Committees have been appointed. On the Executive Committee are Mrs. A.M. SEYMOUR, Mrs. C.E.V. SAUNDERS, Mrs. F.B. Adams, Mrs. Gustav BAUMAN, Mrs. F.J. BIDWELL, Mrs. Mary J. BOSTWICK, Mrs. J. Frank BROWN, Mrs. J. Clarence CARLY, Mrs. G.B. CARR, Mrs. C.B. CONN, Mrs. W.A. CURTIS, Mrs. Robert T. DEVLIN, Mrs. W.E. DOAN, Mrs. Bruce L. DRAY, Mrs. Hetty DUNN, Mrs. E.E. EARLE, Mrs. Albert ELKUS, Mrs. Etta P. ELLIOTT, Mrs. S.H. FARLEY, Mrs. L.C. FARRAR, Mrs. A.G. FOLGER, Mrs. E.P FRAZER, Mrs. J.S. GATTMAN, Miss Annie M. GERBER, Mrs. W.H. GOVAN, Mrs. T.B. HALL, Mrs. Frank HICKMAN, Mrs. J.M. HENDERSON, Jr., Mrs. J. HIRSCH, Mrs. J.E. HUNTOON, Mrs. J.C. ING, Mrs. T.B. JACKSON, Mrs L.C. JORDAN, Mrs. Carl KAUFMAN, Mrs. Frank KIEFER, Mrs. H.J. KILGARIFF, Mrs. R.T. KINSMAN, Mrs. H.C. KIRK, Mrs. W.E. KLEINSORGE, Mrs. G.W. LANE, Mrs. C.J. Le NOIR, Mrs. George LITTLEFIELD, Mrs. J. Henry MILLER, Mrs. R.T. COHN, Mrs. V.S. McCLATCHY, Mrs. C.K. McCLATCHY, Mrs. H.G. McMASTERS, Mrs. L.W. NICKELL, Mrs. C.N. POST, Mrs. R.G. FOSTER, Mrs. C.F. PRENTISS, Mrs. C.C. ROBERTSON, Mrs. Emil STEINMAN, Mrs. S.B. SLIGHT, Mrs. G.H. STEWART, Mrs .J.G. STORCH, Mrs. Fred P. SMITH, Mrs. H.I. SEYMOUR, Mrs. Fred YOERK, Mrs. E.J. TAYLOR, Mrs. A. TEICHERT, Mrs. J.E. TERRY, Mrs. R.G. POTTER, Mrs. H.O. TUBBS, Mrs. James WAR (rest of article cut off).


F.J. WALL, a prominent fruit-grower and mining man from Placer County, with is wife and daughter are in town visiting their mother, Mrs. Mary WALL.


Miss Agnes WALL, of Los Gatos, is visiting relatives in this city.


Mrs. E.W. CLARK and Miss Lilliam CLARK, of San Luis Obispo, who have been visiting in Sacramento for several months have returned home.


A very pleasant surprise party was given to Miss Etna CLAYPOOL Wednesday evening in honor of her birthday. At a late hour, after the usual round of games, supper was served. Miss Claypool was the recipient of many beautiful gifts, among then a solid silver jewel case presented by the Knights and Ladies of Pleasure, of which club she is Secretary. In the early hours of the morning the guests departed for their homes, wishing Miss Etna many happy returns of the day. Among those present were Misses Ruby HENDERSON, Emma POOK, Edith GRUHLER, Mercedes McGINNIS, Hattie KAMENZIND, Cecil CROUCH, Ruby NONELLA, Georgia McALLISTER, Minnie FRIBURG, Ruth OPPENHEIM, and Messrs. Hiram LONG, Al MILLER, Ernest POOK, Charles GUTH, George SPRAGUE, Homer SCHILLING, John McGINNIS, Charles HALE, Ed OLMSTED, Robert HALE, George OLMSTED, John HUGHES, Charles WHITE, James HARRIS, Will ZIEGLER, Charles SPOONER, Ed MERRY, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. DAVIS, Mrs. J. McGINNIS, Mrs. N. SHINNERS and Mrs. P. SIEBENTHALER.

Mrs. J.C. CARLY left yesterday to visit, until Monday with relatives at Stockton. Her cousin, Miss Marie GLENN, of Stockton, who had been her guest since Tuesday last, is staying with Mrs. F.J. QUIRIN while Mrs. Carly is out of town.


  The Wednesday Bridge Club met this week at the home of Miss Minnie RICHARDSON. Mrs. N.P. CHIPMAN is now a member of this Club.


  The regular meeting of the Wednesday Club will be held next week at the home of Mrs. C.F. DILLMAN.


  The women of the Westminster Presbyterian Church held a tea on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. S.I. HOPKINS, 1800G Street.


  Mrs. George B. LORENZ is up from Bakersfield on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.F. WASHBURN.


  Invitations have been issued by Miss Ruby COOPER, Miss Zuelettia GEERY, Miss Laura COOPER, Miss Carolyn WHITE and Miss Winifred LEWIS, for a dancing party at Turner Hall on the evening of November 4th.


  Miss Meta BRECKENFELD entertained a few friends very informally Thursday afternoon at a thimble bee.


  Mrs. J.C. CARLY entertained informally a number of friends at a thimble bee on both Monday and Thursday afternoons of this week. Wednesday afternoon several of the girls were invited in to meet Miss Marie GLENN, Mrs. Carly’s cousin. After a few hours with their work, a delicious repast was served. The guests were Misses Marie GLENN, Edna BARMBY, Arlie WHITNEY, Ruth HOSKINSON, Flora MARTINE, Florence PARDEE, Mary LINDLEY, Helen PIERCE, Emma SCHMID, Verna McKIM, Miley POPE, Nell ALLEN and Emeline WISEMAN.


  Mrs. F.R. DRAY is visiting in San Francisco as the guest of Mrs. J.J. SPIEKER and also Mrs. M.E. ACKLEY.


  Miss Gladys HALE returned last night after a month’s visit with Miss Barbara SMALL, in San Francisco.


  Miss Mame SMALL passed through Sacramento last night on her way to the East.


  Miss Hazel VAN VOORHIES will leave to-morrow for a month’s visit with the Misses AGLER in San Francisco.


  Miss Frankie ARNOLD is up from Oakland for a few days.


  Mr. and Mrs. Robert BARMBY and Miss Edna BARMBY, of Oak Park, left Thursday for Los Angeles to remain six months.


  Mrs. C.C. PERKINS and Mrs. William MURCELL left Wednesday for a short visit in Oakland.


  When last heard from, in a letter which arrived early this week, Mr. and Mrs. Charles MIER and Dr. and Mrs. E.C. DUEL were in France. They report a delightful trip across and are enjoying the sights of the foreign countries.


  Mrs. L. BRUNDAGE, of Santa Clara, is visiting her niece, Mrs. F.J. QUIRIN.


  Miss Esther JONES, of Eureka, is spending the Winter with Mrs. J.M. HENDERSON, Sr.


  Miss Nell ALLEN left to-day for San Francisco and will be gone two weeks. Both she and Miss Hazel VAN VOORHIES will attend the wedding of Miss Helen BRUNE and Dr. Fillmore WHITE on October 22d in that city.


  Mr. and Mrs. R. STITELER, of Houston, Texas, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T.B. JACKSON and Mrs. and Mrs. G.C. CONOVER. Mrs. Stiteler was formerly Miss Sadie GRIFFIN and in her school days lived in Sacramento. She was married on October 4th, and the young couple are now on their wedding trip. They arrived in Sacramento last Wednesday and will leave the fore part of next week.


Monday afternoon last Mrs. Bruce L. DRAY was the hostess of a “500" party at her cozy home on Fifteenth Street, which was prettily decorated by bunches of La France roses and cosmos. Besides playing cards, there was a guessing game which had been arranged, and the first prize went to Mrs. H. WEINSTOCK for the most number of correct answers, while Mrs. Ludwig MEBIUS received the consolation prize. The first prize for “500" was won by Mrs. J.E. TERRY, the second by Miss Minnie SCHAW and the consolation by Mrs. E.P. COLGAN. Mrs. Dray was assisted by Miss Miley POPE and Miss Florence PARDEE in dispensing an elaborate menu.

  The guests were Mrs. Henry A. HEILBRON, Mrs. H.I SEYMOUR, Mrs. Ludwig MEBIUS, Mrs. William SIDDONS, Mrs. H.H. YARD, Mrs. Robert H. HAWLEY, Mrs. S. POPE, Mrs. Alden ANDERSON, Mrs. A.B. NYE, Mrs. Guy WATERBURY, Mrs. E.W. HALE, Mrs. H. WEINSTOCK, Mrs. E.P. COLGAN, Miss CROUCH, Miss Mary CROUCH, Mrs. George PHINNEY, Miss SCHAW, Miss Minnie SCHAW, Miss PENNIMAN, Mrs. E.B. OSLER, Miss RUSSEL, Mrs. J.E. TERRY and Mrs. D.A. BENDER, of San Francisco.


Mrs. J.H. HEITMAN left Thursday for San Francisco on a visit. She will be away about a month.


L’Allegro Club announces four parties for the season, the dates of which are November 8th, December 5th, January 10, and February 7th.


  The Friday Afternoon Sewing Club met yesterday afternoon with Miss Ethel REID.


  Wednesday evening, October 18th, at 8:30 o’clock, Miss Georgie BROWN of Davisville, and Edward J. ELLSWORTH, of this city, were married at the home of Mrs. Anna ELLSWORTH, the groom’s mother, 1106 I Street. Miss Anna WATKINS was the bridesmaid and T.F. HORNUNG, of San Francisco, the best man. Rev. Henry K. BOOTH, of the Congregational Church, performed the ceremony. Mrs. Percy PRATT and Miss Verna McKIM rendered the wedding march from “Lohengrin.” An arch of white wound with smilax had been arranged across the bow window in the front parlor, and underneath a lover’s knot of pink roses and white chrysanthemums suspended in the center, stood the bridal party. The decorations in the two parlors and hallway were principally of greens. Large bunches of huckleberry, branches of olives and of pepper, trailing smilax and French grasses in baskets were all disposed of most artistically about the walls, over the doorways, and in hanging baskets. The mantel in the front parlor was a solid mass of huckleberry with bunches of red carnations in cut glass vases on the shelf. The chandeliers in both rooms were covered in huckleberry and French grasses, with large chrysanthemum shades of yellow over the lights. At the wedding supper the table decorations were of pink and white carnations.

   The bride wore a gown of white Irish linen, over white taffeta. The yoke was of Spanish drawnwork and transparent. The trimmings were of lace. She carried a large bunch of long-stemmed chrysanthemums in a pale yellow shade, tied with a white chiffon bow. The bridesmaid wore a cream-colored etamine with a lace yoke and lace trimmings and carried the same kind of flowers as the bride. The groom’s mother appeared in black silk and his sister, Miss Ruby ELLSWORTH, was frocked in white organdie trimmed with lace. The groom and best man wore full dress. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth took the Oregon train Wednesday night and are spending their honeymoon in the northern part of the State. They will reside at Davisville, the groom’s mother and sister removing there also to live with them. The bride is the daughter of E.W. BROWN, a prominent resident of Davisville.

  The invited guests, most of whom were present were: Mrs. F. ECKHARDT, Charles J. ECKHARDT, T.F. HORNUNG, Carl JOHNSON, Mrs. Kate MACHAMER, S.O. HALL, Mr. an Mrs. W.J. MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. Gus JOHNSON, Mr. and Mrs. Tim SULLIVAN, from San Francisco; James MACHAMER, Oroville; Mr. and Mrs. Dick SCHULER, North Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas STURM, Marysville, Mo.; Mrs. Jake SCHRODER, Chillicothe, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. J.C. LEOPOLD, Reno; Mr. and Mrs. W.G. ELGIN, Mr. and Mrs. H.P. ELLSWORTH, Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. A. MARTIN, Dr. GALLION, Davisville, Mr. and Mrs. J.P. MONTGOMERY, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. HIGGINS, Mrs. Mary G. DUNN, Mr. and Mrs. S.W. KcKIM, Miss Verna McKIM, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. CHAPMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Percy D. PRATT, Miss Alma ECKHARDT, W.M. ELLSWORTH, of Sacramento.


Sunset Parlor of the Native Sons has organized a dancing club for the coming season and the affairs promise to be very successful. The dance will be held at Foresters’ Hall, and will be informal. This is the first dancing series the Native Sons have had for several years, and from the enthusiasm shown by the members in the organization of the club they will excel any ever held before. The membership is restricted to Native Sons.

  The following Committee from Sunset Parlor, No. 26, will have charge of the affair: Edward H. COX, Jr., Victor KOHLER, J.W. GORMAN, Edward MORRIS, F. FITZGERALD. The dances will be held as follows: November 16th, January 25th, December 28th and February 21st.


  Mrs. Kamp G. COOPER has announced in Denver the marriage of her daughter, Clara Louise, to Edwin Stiltz RUST, of Berkeley. The wedding took place in Berkeley on September 27th. The bride was formerly a resident of Denver. Mr. Rust is well known here among the younger social set.


  The Tuesday Club members enjoyed to the utmost the talk on “Laces” this week and the magnificent display brought by John WELL to illustrate his lecture. The Club’s guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Cleon TYNAN, Salinas; Miss HUGHES, Missouri; Mrs. MARSTON, Brockton, Mass; Mrs. G.G. HAWKINS, St. Paul; Miss Esther JONES, Eureka; Miss KUMIL; Mrs. George B. LORENS, Bakersfield; Mrs. Alice VALENSIN, Mrs. Pio VALENSIN, Arno; Mrs. J.A.M. MARTIN, Courtland; Mrs. C.E. GRASST, Oakland; Mrs. J.E. TADE, Oakland; Miss Nina FITZ, Woodland.


Miss Florence MORTON, of Oak Park, Chicago, is visiting her uncle, E.G. MORTON, and her cousins, the Misses Morton and Mrs. B.F. HOWARD.


  J. Romeo HUGHES and his daughter, Miss Gussie HUGHES, of Fayette, Missouri, who have been visiting Superior Judge J.W. HUGHES and family for the past six weeks, departed for their home yesterday.


  Mrs. Louis TAUSSIG, mother of Mrs. Henry MITAU, who has been traveling in Europe for the last three years, accompanied by Dr. Edwardo TAUSSIG, of Rome, Italy, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry MITAU.


Mr. and Mrs. William STRANAHAN, of Washington, D.C., arrived in Sacramento last Saturday and will remain for the Winter. Mr. Stranahan holds an important position with the United States Geographical Survey.


  “Class A” will furnish the program for the Saturday Club recital on the afternoon of Saturday, October 28th.  The members of this class are: Miss Henrietta ANDRIOT, Mrs. Leo STEPPAN, Mrs. Egbert BROWN, Mrs. R.H. HAWLEY, Mrs. J.H. COPPERSMITH, Mrs. Frances MOELLER, Mrs. J.A. MOYNIHAN, Mrs. William SKEELS, Miss Maye CARROLL, Miss Gertrude GERRISH, Mrs. William MURCELL, Miss Rosina ROSIN, Mrs. P.J. SHIELDS, Miss Meta BRECKENFELD.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Evening Bee

Monday November 27, 1905




Edward D. HIGGINS, the well-known and popular Southern Pacific conductor, is reported dying at his home, 630 N Street. He is suffering from brain fever, and he has been unconscious since Friday.




Grove L. Johnson, the well-known attorney who has been ill, is steadily recovering, and his condition to-day showed marked improvement.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Union

July 9, 1905




Notice is hereby given that the firm of Bradsahw & Soule has been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued under the firm name of Bradshaw Bros. All accounts are assumed by the new firm.




James Wallace Hanford Gives a Pleasant Evening.


On the evening of July 3d James Wallace HANFORD entertained his masculine friends at his residence, Eighteenth and O streets. As the night was warm the guests betook themselves to the lawn and partook of the good cheer provided, for which James as host is famous. The features of the evening were a paper on the "Russo-Japanese War," read by David Webster MILNE, and an able review of the same by J.J. HUTCHINSON. Musical numbers were contributed by the Apollo Quarter, consisting of J.W. HANFORD, D.W. MILNE, Stuart AMBROSE and J.J. HUTCHINSON. D.D. SULLIVAN of the State Printing Office acted as toastmaster in an admirable manner. Those present were J.J. HUTCHINSON of Manila; Stuart AMBROSE, Nova Scotia; D. W. MILNE, F.J. REAMS, John GAGEBY ,R.C. HANFORD, J.W. HANFORD, E.F. ASHWORTH and D.D. SULLIVAN.




Mrs. Al Cohn, a winner in Union Contest, Starts North With Her Husband.

At 10:55 o'clock this morning Mr. and Mrs. A.S. COHN start for a visit to the Portland Exposition. Mrs. Cohn was one of the successful candidates in the Union's Portland Fair contest, and will be the ward of The Union during the trip.


In the Union's contest a matron was chosen to act as chaperon to the young ladies, but Mrs. Cohn is herself a matron, and with the assistance and protection of her husband will get along very nicely without the shielding arm of the official chaperon.


Mr. and Mrs. Cohn propose to see all of the fair before they return, and they will also make the trip up the Columbia River to the falls and also to Astoria.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com








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