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Daily Bee, Sacramento

Saturday Evening, January 23, 1869


POLICE COURT, TO-DAY - D. COHEN, disturbing the peace; fined $1. S. LORYES, same offense; fined $10. For being a vagrant, James GRIFFIN was sent to the county jail for ninety days. Thomas BROWN, petit larceny; tried and acquitted. J.C. COLEMAN, assault and battery; trial postponed till next Monday. D. SCANNELL, grand larceny of a box of boots valued at $60, the property of Jacob RUEFF; evidence heard and defendant held to answer. Fred. GRANDJEAN, disturbing the peace, and malicious mischief; on the first charge found guilty - on the second ,acquitted. Waiving time, Fred. was sentenced to pay a fine of $20.


Rev. O.C. WHEELER - A correspondent sends the following to the Bee: "Rev. O.C. WHEELER, an old time pastor and favorite in Sacramento, has been in the city for some time past. Allow me to express a hint to the proper authority that many of his friends would like to hear his voice from the pulpit."


STREET AND SEWER - At 10 o'clock A.M., on Monday next, will expire the time set by the Board of Trustees for receiving proposals for grading L street from Fourteenth to Sixteenth - and for building a redwood sewer on the alley in the block bounded by I, J, Sixth and Seventh streets.


SUPREME COURT - SMITH vs. LAWRENCE; on motion and filing stipulation, ordered that respondent have twenty days further time to file brief. HIDDEN vs. JORDAN; on motion and filing stipulation, ordered that appellant have twenty days further time to file brief.


FUNERAL DISCOURSE - Miss Eliza HOWE-FULLER will deliver the funeral discourse at Turn Verein Hall to-morrow at 10 o'clock on the occasion of the death of Levi CASTLE. The morning lecture will be dispensed with . Lecture in the evening at 7 o'clock. The public are invited to attend.


RAILROADING - Under the new arrangement, the first afternoon passenger train of the California Pacific Railroad left Washington, yesterday, at 3 o'clock. The morning train leaves at fifteen minutes past 6 o'clock. The through trip to San Francisco is made in from four and a half to five hours.


TO THE CITY - Amounts as follow were paid into the city treasury to-day as the collections of last week: Police Judge, $45, Clerk of Water Works, $805.75, Harbor Master, $131.20, Collector - licenses, $104.48, street assessments, $395.08.


SILOAM - There will be preacheing in the Siloam Baptist Church to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, by Rev. William Z. DEAN. Sabbath School at half-past 12.


RAIN - Are not the farmers joyful, and have they not good reason for being so. From after ten o'clock last night the blessed and delicious rain began to fall, and still continues to nourish and revivify the Earth. Its arrival is most opportune and gives great assurance of abundant crops in California, in the year 1869.


PRESBYTERIAN - Rev. James S. McDONALD will preach at 10 3/4 A.M. A temperance meeting will be held at 7 P.M., to which all are invited. An address will be delivered by Dr. HASWELL, and one by the pastor on "The Rechabites."


UNITARIAN - Rev. H.W. BROWN, of the Unitarian Church, will preach in the Senate Chamber, at Seventh and I streets ,at 10 3/4 o'clock A.M. All are cordially invited. Sunday School at the close of the morning service.


CONGREGATIONAL - The Rev. Mr. REASONER will preach in the Congregational Church at 10 3/4 o'clock to-morrow morning, and at 7 o'clock in the evening Rev. I.E. DWINELL will repeat his sermon on the Self-expulsive Tendency of Social Evil.


GRAVE CHURCH - Rev. W.H. HILL will officiate and preach in Grace Church on Eighth street, to-morrow, at 10 3/4 o'clock A.M. and 7 P.M. Sunday School and Bible Class at noon. Seats free, and all are cordially invited to attend.


PROBATE BUSINESS - Estate of C.G. HIDDEN, insane; final account of guardian settled. Estate of Samuel McCONNELL, deceased; consent of heirs having been filed, decree of final settlement and of distribution entered.


TEMPERANCE - There will be a temperance meeting in the Presbyterian Church to-morrow evening, commencing at seven o'clock. Addresses by Dr. C.S. HASWELL and others. All are invited to attend.


J. COBURN - The sparring exhibition given at the Academy of Music, last evening, was very well attended, and gave great satisfaction to those admirers of the manly art who were present.

BANK - There has been lost in this city a Savings Bank account book. The finder will confer a favor by leaving the article at the State Library where a reward awaits him.


METHODIST - J.W. ROSS will preach to-morrow morning and evening in the Sixth Street M.E. Church. Sunday School at close of morning service. Chinese Sunday School at 5 ½ o'clock P.M.

LEVEES - A regular weekly meeting of the Board of Levee Commissioners will probably be held this evening at the usual hour and place.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Bee, Sacramento

Monday Evening, January 25, 1869


POLICE COURT, TO-DAY - Sang WO, keeping hogs within the city limits; sentence postponed til to-morrow. J.C. COLEMAN, assault and battery; plea of guilty entered and defendant fined $10 dollars. A.M. JOHNSON, disturbing the peace; tried by the Court, found guilty, and fined $10. G. GREENWOOD, disturbing the peace; plea of guilty entered. Wm. CRUMP, disturbing the peace; defendant failing to appear for trial, deposit of $20 declared forfeited. Jas. SHANESSY, indecent exposure of person; plea of guilty to the charge of violating the provisions of a city ordinance. F.M. CLARK and L.W. CLARK were fined $20 each for disturbing the peace. J.A. JANVER, disturbing the peace; fined $10.


PROBATE COURT, TO-DAY - Estate of Henry N. DYER, deceased; letters granted to Public Administrator. Estate of Ellen O'CONNOR, deceased; same order. Estate of D.F. CALL, deceased; order for sale of personal property, entered. Estate of John GRAHAM, deceased; order confirming sale of real estate, entered. Estate of James BATY, deceased; decree entered confirming annual account of administrator - H.C. McCREARY allowed a fee of twenty dollars for his services herein. Estate of Thomas BENNETT, deceased; ordered that final account of administratrix be approved and confirmed. Estate of Silas WHITCOMB, deceased; decree of homestead entered.


ORPHAN ASYLUM - We were shown to-day the plans and elevations of the Good Templars Orphan Asylum house building to be erected at Vallejo during the coming Spring and Summer. The total frontage of the building is to be 110 feet; total depth 71 feet; height to the floor of observatory 82 feet. The style of architecture is Italian, and when complete it will be an imposing structure. About $20,000 has already been secured to devote to its erection, and the contract is to be let on the 27th day of February.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Sacramento Bee

Monday Evening, February 15, 1869


CHINESE AFFRAY - A difficulty occurred at the Chinese Theater about half-past eight Saturday evening, in which two Chinamen assaulted another of their countrymen. Just before midnight the assaulted party, who in the meantime had procured a pistol, fired a shot at each of the Chinamen committing the assault; in front of the theater, and then fled. He was pursued by an officer, but succeeded in getting away. Cow SHEE, of the assaulting party, informed the officer that Ah SUNG had done the shooting. While the officer was searching him for weapons, another Chinaman stabbed Ah SUNG in the back, at the same time cutting one of the officer's fingers. The party stabbed was assisted to the station-house and Dr. SIMMONS summoned to attend him. The wound was probed and found to have penetrated the kidneys. Ah WOON was arrested as having done the cutting, and afterwards six others were locked up, charged with being accessories. Cow SHEE was wounded in the left breast with a knife, and shot in the right leg - neither wound very serious. Ah SUNG's wound bled profusely, and his recovery is considered doubtful.



A TRIP TO COSUMNES - A party numbering about sixty persons, made up of railroad officials and invited guests, left the Sacramento Valley Railroad depot about 9 o'clock yesterday morning for the "end of the track" (near the Cosumnes river) of the Western Railroad, arriving about 10 3/4 o'clock. The distance is about twenty miles. Several stoppages were made to allow of paying off the men engaged in track laying, etc. Some twenty men are engaged in driving piles and framing the timber for the bridge across the Cosumnes. This work has been considerably delayed by the recent heavy rise of the river, but will soon be pushed forward with renewed vigor. A side track is being layed a short distance this side of Thomas McCONNELL's house, and a depot is soon to be built at that point. We are informed that the station will be named "Cosumnes." The road seems well and substantially built, and the recent heavy rains have injured it very little. The country on the line of the road is looking finely, and considerable plowing has been done since the storms last week. The train left Cosumnes at 12 3/4 P.M. arriving here a little before 2 o'clock.

POLICE COURT, TO-DAY - In the Police Court, this morning, the case of H.A. SMITH, charged with grand larceny, was continued until the 20th inst.; also, the case of Charles SMITH, arrested for burglary, until to-morrow. The cases of Ah WOON, Ah LUM, Ah CHEE, Ah SUNG, Sung QUONG, Ah MUNG, Ah LUNG, and Ah SOW, arrested for assault to murder, were continued until the 19th. C.P. O'NIEL was found guilty of assault and battery and sentenced to pay a fine of $20.


PEREMPTORY SALE - There will be sold at public auction, at the sales-rooms of J.C. GARLAND, corner of J and Fourth Streets, at 10 A.M. Wednesday, the 17th inst., the brick residence on Second Street, between Q and R, owned and occupied by George H. MIXER. The lot if forty-two and a half feet front on Second Street, and one hundred and fifty feet deep. Also, a lot of the same size adjoining, with a stable and wood-sheds in the rear, and three lots adjoining the same, twenty-eight and one third feet front by seventy-five deep. For terms etc., see advertisement.


ANOTHER SYSTEM - "The Sacramento French and International Mutual Life Association," founded by F. CHEVALIER, is the name of a new institution here. The members shall not exceed 4,000, and shall not be under 16 nor over 65 years of age. Women can be members as well as men. Those from 16 to 55 shall pay $20 initiation fee, and those above that age $30. When a member dies every surviving member shall pay one dollar, which sum shall be given to the heirs of the deceased, provided it do not amount to over $2,000. The balance over $2,000 will be paid into the treasury.   


CHARGED WITH GRAND LARCENY - Officers CHAMBERLAIN and DOLE on Saturday arrested H.A. SMITH, for the grand larceny, as bailee, of $70, on a warrant sworn out by C. WEIL. C.A. PARKER, of Hicksville, paid SMITH the above named amount, some four weeks since, to be delivered to Mr. WEIL, which the latter states he has not received. It is alleged by SMITH that he paid the money to one of WEIL's clerks. The examination of the case was continued in the police Court to-day until the 20th inst.


SOLD TO-DAY - The 100 or 103 acres of land known as part of the HARTLEY estate, lying between R and Y, and immediately east of Thirty-first street, was disposed of to-day to Geo. W. MOWE, for $15,000. GARLAND bid to within $50 of that amount, and BARRETT, LANSING and others came close upon the figure. That is about $150 per acre, and is called a good sale.

SENTENCED - Frederick MILLER, indicted by the Grand Jury for assault to murder, who was allowed to plead guilty of assault and battery, was sentenced in the County Court this morning to pay a fine of $30.


REFERRED - The divorce case of HAMILTON vs. HAMILTON was to-day, in the Sixth District Court, referred to the Court Commissioner to take testimony.


MURDER TRIAL CONTINUED - The trial of A.B. COURTRIGHT for the murder of William SHOEMAKER was to-day continued until the April term of the Sixth District Court.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Bee

Tuesday Evening, February 16, 1869


HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUE A contemporary speaks of a velocipede in use on Saturday the 13th instant, as the first Sacramento made vehicle in this city. We beg to correct the statement by saying that W. M. LEE and O.H. JACKSON made, and put in successful operation a velocipede on Thursday, the 14th instant. Not only did several gentlemen essay the animal with satisfaction, but some ladies also, succeeded in controlling the "fiery untamed" iron steed, before the appearance of the lately reported article.


PARDONED - There issued to-day the office of the Secretary of State, the pardon of Isaac PANKSLEY, convicted at the June Term, 1865, of Placer County, of robbery, and sentenced to confinement in the State Prison for the term of fourteen years. The County Judge and District Attorney who tried the case represented to the Executive that the sentence was disproportionate to the offense, and the physician at the State Prison had certified that PANKSLEY is suffering from tuberculous disease and cannot survive much longer.


MURDER TRIAL - The trial of Peter QUIGLEY, indicted for the murder of Martin SEXTON, committed in this city on the 5th day of December last, commenced in the Sixth District Court this morning. These jurors were impaneled to try the cause: S.J. JACKSON, Jesse HIRONYMOUS, Sanford DICKEY, F.S. LARDNER, John CROFTON, Edward KLEBITZ, Albert LESTER, B.F. JOHNSON, C. WINDMILLER, Edward F. AIKEN, Joseph GUTH and C.A. YOERK. Court took a recess till this afternoon.


COUNTY COURT - Yesterday , in the County Court, the following business was transacted, in addition to that given in the Bee: J.S. BROWN vs. S. TRYON; motion of plaintiff and respondent to dismiss the appeal taken under advisement. L.B. CHURCHILL vs. His Creditors; Sheriff appointed assignee. R. BANNER vs. His Creditors; a decree of final discharge was entered.


HOW THEY STAND - BUTLER, CUMMINGS, GREEN, GIBBS AND DREMAN of the City Committee are for the convention system; and SCHMEISER, HUNTOON, McCLEEREY and DAVIS are for the Crawford plan; but Dreman and Gibbs say that they will vote for the Crawford plan if satisfied that the Union people of Sacramento want it.


THROWN OUT - A few minutes past two this afternoon, a team driven by Paul MORRILL, Jr., collided with another at the intersection of Third and K streets. Mr. MORRILL was thrown our and severely injured, and was taken into the City Hotel bath-house in an insensible condition. We were unable to learn the extent of his injuries before going to press.


NEW CITIZENS - The Sixth District Court admitted to citizenship, to-day, Claus STELGES, a native of Hanover, on the testimony of Rudolph MYER and Henry TREICHLER; Bernard WESSEL, a native of Germany, on the evidence of H. TREICHLER and Jerry SULLIVAN; Dennis COFFEE, a native of Ireland, on the testimony of W.B. HAMILTON and P. FITZGERALD.


SCHOOL MONEY - County Treasurer SPINKS received to-day from State Superintendent of Public Instruction FITZGERALD, an order for $12,298.33, Sacramento county's portion of the State School Fund


FAT CATTLE - A. HEILBRON & Bro. received to-day from Red Bluff one hundred head of stall-fed beef cattle, which they advertise to slaughter and sell at wholesale and retail.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Bee, Sacramento

Friday Evening, March 26, 1869


GRAND JURORS - We append the names of those persons drawn, to-day, to serve as Grand Jurors, and who are expected to be in attendance on the County Court at 10 o'clock A.M. on Monday, the 12th of next month: Robert C. MONTGOMERY, A. HAMBURGER, S.M. HOOVER, Solomon ZEKIND, W.R. WATERS, Leopold ZOLLER, B. DENNERY, Charles H. SHEAR, S.J. GRIFFITH, John HALIPINE, James HOLLAND, W.H. HOBBY, John W. HUNT and Newton BOOTH, of the city; Joseph W. HOUSTON and W. TRENGROOVE, of Natoma; A.T. NORDAYKE and John B. TAYLOR, Brighton; Pleasant CREW, of Georgiana; H. TRYON, L.A. WILLARD and Amos ADAMS, of Franklin; W.H. KNOX, W.C. CROSSETTE and John C. MARTIN, of Granite; W.H. HAYNIE and Caleb GOSLING, of Sutter; Reuben CAIN, of San Joaquin.


SUPERVISORS, YESTERDAY - A meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held yesterday afternoon, there being present MEREDITH, DOMINGOS and ROSS. Reading of the minutes was dispensed with. It was ordered that certain taxes of the year 1859 on the Hospital block, bounded by Thirteenth, Fourteenth, P and Q streets, recently sold by order of the Board, canceled. Deeds to parties purchasing in said block was executed by the Board. Adjourned to meet at the call of the President.


PROBATE - Estate of Thomas BENNETT deceased; the heirs of said estate having filed their consent and request thereto, administrator de bonis no filed his resignation, which was accepted, and the order was make that he be discharged, with his sureties, from all responsibility in the matter of said estate.


EXAMINATION - A meeting of the City Board for the examination of teachers will be held at 9 o'clock, to-morrow morning, in the Superintendent's office, corner of J and Seventh Streets. The Board is composed of the County and City Superintendents and Teachers TEMPLETON, HOWE and LYON.


LECTURE - Rev. Mr. BROWN, of the Unitarian Church, will lecture before the Good Templars to-morrow evening, in Lincoln Hall, K street between Fifth and Sixth. The speaker is a gentleman of great culture and travel, and will doubtless make the occasion one of interest.


SUPREME COURT - MANN vs. McATEE; on motion and filing petition for rehearing, ordered a stay of proceedings until the same is determined. SATTERLEE vs. BLISS; ordered that appellant have two days further time from date to file petition for rehearing.


COURT ORDER - It was ordered by the Sixth District Court to-day that a venire issue for fifty jurors, the same being made returnable at 10 ½ o'clock A.M. on Monday 5th of April next.


THE DAY - As this is Good Friday, the anniversary of the Crucifixion, there were religious services in Grave and St. Rose's Churches. There was a full attendance at each of the places of worship.


INSANE - Officer SANBORNE of Placer county, arrived here yesterday afternoon with an insane man named Jacob DUCHLES. This morning they took the stage for Stockton.


BACKED OUT - President Johnson did not die, or if he did has come to life again out of pure stubbornness. He never would of late do anything to gratify the people.


HALF MAST - The flag on the State House is at half mast to-day because of the death of ex-President JOHNSON. Nothing in it; the ex-P. Still lives.


AFTERNOON - At the Metropolitan Theater, to-morrow, an afternoon performance will be given for the accommodation of those not able to attend in the evening.


NO MAILS - No overland mail has arrived at the Sacramento Post Office to-day. Can't say why, not known at present.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Bee, Sacramento

Monday Evening, March 29, 1869


REAL ESTATE SALE - At 10 ½ o'clock A.M., to-morrow, at their salesrooms, No. 50 Fourth street, J DAVIS & Co., will have an auction sale of valuable and desirable real estate. The property to be sold is - Commencing corner of Fourth and I streets, and extending 100 feet on I street, and having a depth of 80 feet, subdivided into four lots of 25x80 feet. Lot No. 1, 80x160 feet, in block bounded by O and P, Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, containing a two-story frame dwelling house hard finished, fruit trees, shrubbery, etc. Lot No. 2, in block bounded by O and P, Sixteenth and Seventeenth - subdivided into two lots - 40 x160 feet each. Lots Nos. 5, 7 and 8, in block bounded by O and P, Nineteenth and twentieth streets, subdivided into small lots, as per catalogue, on day of sale.


EMMET - At a meeting of the Emmet Guard held last Saturday evening, there were elected: T.W. SHEEHAN, Captain (re-elected); F.F. BUCKLEY, First Lieutenant; Thos ARMSTRONG, Second Lieutenant; P. J. COFFEE, First Sergeant; T. McMAHON, Second Lieutenant; P. NASH, Third Sergeant; James CARROLL, Fourth Sergeant; John MAHONY, Fifth Sergeant; P. MITCHELL, First Corporal; James LYNCH, Second Corporal; P.H. KELLY, Third Corporal; P.F. KELLEY, Fourth Corporal; Treasurer, Patrick CLARK; Clerk, John MAHONEY.


POLICE COURT, TO-DAY - W.J. PRADER, misdemeanor in obstructing sidewalk; trial continued till to-morrow. For petit larceny of solder, the property of Harry LUFT, Ah TAU was sent to the county jail for ninety days. J. McCABE and James GALLAGHER, disturbing the peace in the night time; stipulation on satisfaction filed and charge dismissed on payment of costs. Charles YAVA and R.H. NAVOE were convicted of disturbing the peace, and fined ten dollars, or five days each.


ANNIVERSARY - Members of Sacramento Engine Company No. 3, and invited guests, celebrated the eighteenth anniversary of the organization of the Company, in fine style, last Saturday evening. A fine collation, prepared by W.F. SWIMLEY, of the Cincinnati Restaurant, was spread in the upper hall, and to the banquet, edibles and diluents, full justice was done. All who participated pronounce it a most successful celebration. We regret to say it was impossible for us to be of the party.


COLLISION - A rumor reached the city to-day that on yesterday two freights trains at the farthest end of the line of the Central Pacific Railroad collided, six men being killed or injured. One of the engines, the Industry, had but just left the repairing shop.


EXAMINATIONS - These of the public schools will be examined to-morrow: Primary No. 3, I between Fourth and Fifth. Examiners - Messrs. GIBBS, McCREARY, and ROSS. Primary No. 4, P and Tenth streets. Examiners - Messrs HILL, CAMPBELL and AVERY.


LOCOMOTIVES - Two new locomotives, the Fleetfoot and the Black Deer, belonging to the Central Pacific Railroad Company, made trial trips yesterday. The Lightfoot is No. 129 on the list. Besides these there are eleven new locomotives on the ways in the "round house."


PARTY - A social party, under the management of the Emmet Guard, will be given at Turn Verein Hall, next Thursday evening, for the benefit of the members of the Capital Cornet Band injured by the late explosion on board the Chrysopolis.


ON THEIR WAY - Sheriff MILLER of Butte county arrived here to-day with three Chinese prisoners, Ah GEE, Ah FOOK and Ah LOOK, convicted of burglary and sentenced each to five years confinement in the Penitentiary.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Thursday, May 13, 1869


ARRIVED - The special train from Promontory Point, bringing ex-Governor Stanford and others who had been assisting in laying the last rail, and also a goodly number of passengers from the East, through by railroad, reached the city about six o'clock yesterday morning. In the train were the two new passenger coaches of which we made mention yesterday. They are by far the handsomest yet in use in the State, both as regards exterior and interior. The Wason Manufacturing Company, of Springfield (Mass.), are the makers. They are the first cars to make the through trip, and for that reason, combined with their fine appearance, they attracted a great deal of attention yesterday.


POLICE COURT - In the Police Court, yesterday, the case of Daniel MORAN, charged with disturbing the peace, was continued until this morning. "Garibaldi," arrested on a similar charge, was discharged. James FLOYD, also charged with disturbing the peace, forfeited his deposit of $20. William NOLAN was found guilty of committing a nuisance. John FITTS pleaded guilty on a charge of drunkenness. Bernard BRADY, similarly charged, forfeited his deposit of $10. The cases of Frank KOWN, charged with obtaining money under false pretenses; E. SOULE, alias NORTH, alias STERLING, attempt to commit petit larceny, and Thomas WHITE, burglary, were continued until to-day.


DISTRICT COURT - The following business was transacted in the District Court yesterday:


WILCOXSON vs. FARRIS - On Motion of COFFROTH & SPAULDING, H.C. KIRK, administrator, substituted as defendant for A. C. HINKSON, deceased. CHEVALIER vs. LITTLE - Dismissed at cost of defendant. SCHELDT vs. LAWSON & EDDY - Continued for the term. JONES vs. ANDREWS - Continued. POOLE vs. FRIEND & TERRY - Continued for the term at cost of defendants. SANCHEZ vs. NEARY - Defendant's motion for a nonsuit granted; stay of proceedings as per stipulation. Court adjourned until 10 ½ A.M. to-day.


STATE SCHOOL LAND LOCATIONS - One hundred and thirty-two payments were made into the County Treasury yesterday upon that number of new State school land locations within the Sixteenth and Thirty-sixth sections. These locations cover two thousand and four hundred acres. Upon these, twenty per cent of the principal was paid yesterday, amounting to $13,340.74


ARRESTS - The following arrests were made yesterday: Thomas WHITE, by officer HARVEY, for burglary; Augustus WYMAN, by officer RIDER, for the petit larceny of $2, the property of Chas. A. LOUD; James JONES, by officers CHAMBERLIN an BIDERMAN, for being drunk; John DOE, by special officer BABBITT, for assault and battery; John CLARK, by special officer BRISTOL, for being drunk.


CALENDAR - The following cases are on the calendar of the Sixth District Court for trial to-day: TALBERT and RAYLE vs. CAULFIELD et al.; TALBERT vs. COWNIE et al., C.P. EMERY vs. Lorinda WASHBURN; J.L. CHAMBLIN vs. H.W. ODELL; HODGEN vs. SMITH; BULLARD vs. MELLEN; W. DRIESBACH vs. Henry MESS; Henry MESS vs. W. DRIESBACH.


RELEASED - We understand that George MARTIN, arrested in Folsom recently, and ----- JACOBS, arrested in this city, both charged with robbing Chinamen in El Dorado county lately, were tried at Placerville yesterday, and discharged for lack of sufficient testimony.


EN ROUTE - Sheriff SPEAR of Yuba county passed through the city yesterday with two prisoners, named Moses J. MELLON and Isaac HAWKINS, en route to San Quentin from that county. They are sentenced to six years each for grand larceny.


PROBATE COURT - In Probate Court yesterday, in the matter of the estate of John ARNOLD, deceased, the return and report of sales of real estate were filed and set for hearing May 24th.


RED MEN - Cosumnes Tribe of Red Men and their friends, to the number of about two hundred, indulged in a picnic excursion to Folsom yesterday. The affair passed off agreeably.


NEW CITIZEN - In the Sixth District Court yesterday Joseph GRAY, a native of England, was admitted to citizenship on the testimony of Daniel BROWN and William REYNOLDS.


FALSE ALARM - There was an alarm of fire about eleven o'clock last evening, but the fire boys failed to find any of the devastating element to quench.


INSANE - An insane man named Nelson PICKET was brought to the city yesterday by Deputy Sheriff CARTHECHE of El Dorado county, en route for Stockton.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Bee - Sacramento

Tuesday Evening August 17, 1869




Struggles For Life -

Miss Anna DICKINSON delivered a lecture on this subject at the Metropolitan theater last evening. A fair and fashionable audience was in attendance, and the remarks made by the lady were listened to with deep attention. Miss DICKINSON is an avowed advocate of woman's rights. She is in favor of girls and young women having equal shares with boys and young men in education, in trades and in the arts, so that females may be prepared to earn their own living and not be so dependant on their male relatives for what may often be considered the necessaries of life. The lecture in point of composition and delivery was a fine production, evidently well digested and prepared. Miss DICKINSON rivetted (sic) the attention of her hearers for an hour and a half, lacking a few minutes. Of course she made a very favorable impression, and we expect that, this evening, the Metropolitan will be crowded to listen to her discourse on the, to Sacramentans, new theme, "Nothing Unreasonable."


Police Court To-Day -

Samuel HYER, disturbing the peace in the night time; fined twenty dollars. James MAHAN, petit larceny; tried by the Court and found guilty. Robert CLOHARTY ,assault to do great bodily injury; set for to-morrow. John KENNEY, assault and battery; found guilty. John SULLIVAN, disturbing the peace in the night time; acquitted. G.R. SMITH, disturbing the peace; trial set for the 31st instant. Catherine HELT, disturbing the peace; stipulation of satisfaction filed and charge dismissed on payment of costs. William BIRD, assault and battery; found guilty and fined twenty-five dollars .John MACK, petit larceny of a pistol, and John H. COFFEY, disturbing the peace; cases set for to-morrow. J. ROWEN, disturbing the peace; pronounced guilty. Michael WHELAN; obtaining money under false pretenses; stipulation of satisfaction filed and charge dismissed on payment of costs.


Filed -

There was filed in the office of the Secretary of State to-day the certificate of incorporation of the Sierra Iron Company, formed for the purpose of acquiring the title to certain lands, water power, timber, and iron mines, sandstone and limestone quarries, shale-beds or coal mines in the counties of Sierra and Plumas, in the vicinity of Gold and Mohawk Valleys, and to use the same for mining, quarrying, smelting and manufacturing pig-iron, bar-iron, railroad shoes, car wheels, etc., **** of acquiring the right to construct and maintain railroads and other means of communication - capital stock, $1,200,000 in shares of $100 each - term of Existence, fifty years - principal place of business, San Francisco - Trustees, Nicholas LUNNING, James McDONALD, L.E. PRATT, W.S. DAY and Caleb T. FAY.



PHENOMENON - The alarm of fire at four o'clock this morning was occasioned by the sudden appearance of a glare of light which illuminated the eastern heavens and extended from the horizon to the zenith. The firemen got out of their apparatus and traveled eastward. Farmers, ranchman and others coming to the city, reported no fire, so the firemen returned to their houses. The general light died nearly out and then suddenly reappeared, this time in streaks somewat (sic) resembling the aurora boroalis (sic). These gradually faded away and darkness came on. The sun in due time made his appearance from behind a very black cloud, and presented a deep red color. In time that color wore off, and to-day we are having sunshine the clearest and brightest since the afternoon of the solar eclipse. What does it all mean? Can the savans tell us?


EMMA FORRESTELL - Emma Forrestell, the celebrated contortionist, gave her first entertainment in Sacramento last evening. The Academy of Music contained a very large audience, and all agree that her feats of contortion, etc., were wonderful. Her assistants - Tommy McLAUGHLIN and Billy WILKINSON, are excellent in their respective lines, and both excel as jig dancers. Miss FORRESTELL will give another exhibition of her powers at the Academy of Music this evening, and she deserves another crowded house.



PROBATE - Estate of Patrick MONDAY, deceased: petition of E. CHRISTY and Frank McNAMEE for admission of will to probate and for letters testamentary filed and set for hearing on the 30th instant. Estate of George W. RANDALL, deceased; petition of Robert B. ARMSTRONG for admission of will to probate filed and set for hearing on the 30th instant.


SUPREME COURT - People vs. MURPHY; on motion and filing stipulation, ordered that appellant have thirty days from date to file brief. CHAMON vs City and County of San Francisco; judgement affirmed. BERNAL vs. BERNAL; on motion and filing stipulation, ordered that respondent have ten days further to file brief.


SALES AT AUCTION - G.W. BADGER will hold his closing sale of gold and silver watches, jewelry, etc., this evening at 7 ½ o'clock at No. 82 K street, Academy of Music building.


The Alta says:


On Sunday afternoon a fire was discovered in the wheat field of Mr. Thomas SCOTT of Alameda, located about midway between Vallejo Mills and the Mission. The entire crop of Mr. SCOTT was destroyed, and it was only by the greatest exertions on the part of the neighbors that the flames were prevented from spreading to the adjoining fields.


The friends of C.K. GARRISON gave him a supper last night, previous to his departure overland for New York.



Improved French Ranges, all sizes from 3 to 30 feet long, set to order and warranted, by R.C. TERRY & Co., corner of J and Fifth streets, Sacramento.


Go to the Academy of Music Saloon for a nice, cool drink, or a fine Havana cigar. Arthur CROSLER having taken the above named saloon, has stocked it with the pure quill, in the shape of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Call and sample them.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com






Sacramento Union

Monday, November 15, 1869



A Graceless Youth - A sensation was created at the Central Pacific passenger depot yesterday afternoon by the efforts of a matron of this city to induce her son, who was on the train bound for San Francisco in company with a woman of the lowest description, to abandon such company. She had heard from a friend that he proposed making the trip, and going to the depot found him ensconced in a car by the side of the frail damsel. At first she entreated mildly, but as he refused to pay any attention to her, she gradually grew more and more excited, and getting down on her knees appealed frantically to Heaven to exert a power over the youth for good that he could not resist, and did not stipulate that he should be handled carefully during the process either. He still remained stubborn, and gracelessly intimated his intention to stick to the woman by whose side he sat and scorn his mother’s advice. Some remark he made caused the matron to inquire of the crowd if there was a policeman present, as if there was she wanted him to take from her son a pistol which he had, and with which he had threatened her. The youth denied having a pistol, and getting up took off his coat to show that he spoke the truth, taking occasion as he did so to slyly drop a small bowie-knife upon the seat, in such manner that his companion got hold of it and hit it beneath her shawl. About this time conductor McGOWAN appeared on the scene and quieted the difficulty by compelling the son to go into another car; whereupon his mother got off the train. The knife was taken from the girl and subsequently returned to the youth that owned it. There were several men present who intimated, after they heard of his openly disgraceful treatment of his mother, a desire to “punch his head,” and it doubtless would have been somewhat bruised if the train had not started on its way before the matter was understood.


   PETITION FOR MANDAMUS - Before Judge CLARK, in chambers, on Saturday, the petition of George GUILIAN was read and filed, praying that a writ of mandamus issue to the Board of Supervisors of Sacramento county, commanding them to apply to the District Court to appoint three Commissioners to appraise certain lands belonging to the petitioner, and to fix the amount of damages occasioned by the digging of the Sacramento Drainage Canal through said lands; and that if said Board does not apply as aforesaid, within ten days from the service of said writ, that it be ordered to show cause in the County Court, on the 29th instant, at ten o’clock A.M. The writ was ordered to issue as prayed for.


  THE RED BLUFF - The steamer Chin-du-Wan, Captain CUNNIGHAM, arrived from the wreck of the steamer Red Bluff, near Colusa, last evening, bringing the barge belonging to that boat. She reports that the Banner Succeeded in getting the Red Bluff off the snag Friday morning and in running her ashore, near by where she now lies. The snagging and the subsequent rising of the river injured the unfortunate steamer very much, straining her in every part. At present the indications are that she will be raised to-day or to-morrow, with the assistance of the Banner, and will probably be able to come to the city on Wednesday.


  NARROW ESCAPE - A little boy four or five years old, while playing on Fourth street in front of Odd Fellows block, about five o’clock last evening, was nearly run over by a horse, which was traveling at a rapid rate. The little fellow jumped aside in time to avoid this danger and got into a worse one - colliding with the wheel of a buggy which was passing and being knocked down, but not hurt. There were several citizens in the immediate vicinity who saw the boy’s peril, but could not do anything to help him. They considered his escape from serious injury little short of a miracle.


  PAID TO THE CITY - The following sums were paid into the city treasury for the week ending November 13th: By Israel LUCE, cemetery dues, $36; George I. LYTLE, water rents, $1,054.30; William YOUNG, harbor dues, $99.60; John McCLINTOCK, sale of coal, $193.10; L.H. FOOTE, Court fines, $57.50; A. LEONARD, licenses, 129.60; Ninth, J to K street assessment, $1,816.40; James C. GOODS, taxes of 1869, $99.25; delinquent street assessments, $411.83; ten per cent of fees, $5.42. Total, $3,894.


  HURT ON THE RAILROAD - Yesterday morning a Chinaman who had been injured in the left leg, which appeared to be broken, was brought to the city from Yolo county on a primitive conveyance - the back of a fellow country-man. The one that did the packing stated that his companion had his leg run over by a car near Knight’s Landing a few days since. He was taken to a house on I street.

  WELL TO BE ON THE SAFE SIDE - JOHNSTON, the man that killed his child Friday evening and subsequently attempted suicide, was on Saturday removed from the County Hospital to the station-house, where he can be well looked after and will not have a chance to escape. His wounds do not appear to have a mortal tendency. He complains but little, and has nothing to say relative to the murder.


  STRUCK BY A BASE BALL BAT - A young man named COMTE, who was standing in the field at Agricultural Park yesterday afternoon, watching a game of base ball which was being played, was struck on the head and knocked senseless to the earth by the bat, which slipped from the hands of one of the players as he was about to strike the ball. Comte remained insensible for about a minute.


  LEFT FOR THE SCENE OF THE ACCIDENT - General Superintendent TOWNE, Superintendent JOHNSON and other officers of the Central and Western Pacific Railroads left to the scene of the railroad accident by the noon train yesterday. They will probably remain until after the Coroner’s inquest, which will undoubtedly be held.


  ARRESTED FOR SHOOTING A DOG - A few days since a child of G.V. HALL was bitten severely by a dog owned by Annie WARREN, and is still, we understand, suffering from the injury sustained. Hall killed the dog, and was on Saturday arrested on a warrant for doing so.


  SUNDAY TRAIN FOR MARYSVILLE - The Central Pacific Railroad Company have commenced running a Sunday train to and from Marysville. The initial trip was made yesterday.


  FOR STOCKTON - Sheriff NEFF of Placer county passed through the city yesterday en route for Stockton, with an insane man named James GOLDTHWAITE.



 Coroner Counts held an inquest Saturday evening upon the body of Nellie M. Johnston, the infant that was murdered by its father on the preceding evening. The following evidence was taken:

            Dr. BLACKWOOD sworn - I was called by FOOTE to see a child, said to have been cut by its father with a knife; I reached the house, on L street, between Twentieth and Twenty first streets, about half-past seven o’clock in the evening, November 12th, and was informed by those who stood about the door that the child was dead; I saw it; apparently under a year old; the bowels protruded from a wound in the lower part of the abdomen, and were cut in several places; there had been great hemorrhage; the face was pale and the lips blanched, and the cloths upon the wound saturated with blood; from the situation of the external wound the epigastric and probably the mesenteric arteries were severed; death occurred from hemorrhage and the shock to the nervous system, had the child survived these there must have ensued an inflammation of the peritoneum that would have proved fatal in a few days.

            Sarah MITCHELL sworn - Says the name of the child is Nellie May JOHNSTON, if it takes its father’s name; it was six months of age, the 29th day of last month; Johnston came to my house about six o’clock last night; he said he had come to see his child for the last time; that he was going to Scotland; my husband then told him the child was sleeping and that he could go to the bed and kiss it good-by; my husband then took the candle and led the way to the bedside and he kissed the baby and it awoke immediately after; they went into the kitchen together; by that time I had returned from my neighbor’s house, where I had been to ask her to send for a Constable; I went and took my baby up and walked into the kitchen with it and put it to my bosom; it then wanted to play, and Johnston said: “Well, let me kiss my baby good-by and I’ll go;” I then gave the baby into his arms, saying that I couldn’t refuse a last request; I then turned around to the table, with my back to him; it could not have been for more than two seconds when I again turned to my child and saw him pull a dagger out, but I cannot swear it was one; I then took my child and ran and screamed for help; my next door neighbor being on the spot, I gave it to her and rushed into the house to save my other two children; I caught them both in my arms and ran through the gate into the street; I then lost all consciousness and remembered no more for a short time; Johnston followed me and the children into Mrs. DAVIS’ house; that is all I know; the child died about twenty minutes after it was wounded; when I passed my child into Mrs. Davis’ arms, I said “My child is killed;” Mrs. Davis was the first to see the wound; when I took the child from Johnston he said “There, take her, she’s dead;” I again took my baby as soon as I arrived at Mrs. Davis’ house; in giving the baby to me she said “O God, Mrs. Mitchell, your baby is dying, its bowels are cut out.”

            B.W. MARIS sworn - I am chief of Police; about seven o’clock last night I was informed that a murder was committed on Twenty first and L streets; I sent officers to the scene of the homicide to investigate the matter; the officers returned and informed me that the child was dead, and Johnston had left and was coming down through some of the streets of the city; I went up to J street in company with Deputy Constable FAYLOR, and met Johnston between Fourth and Fifth, on J street; we arrested him and took this knife [knife shown] from him a small bowie-knife; he said he had stabbed himself after he had committed the cutting on his child, and also said he had taken poison; we took him to Dr. SIMMONS’ office and had his wounds dressed; on the way to the Doctor’s office he gave me a note, saying: “That will explain.” This is the note [note shown; it has already been published]; I then sent him to the Hospital in charge of an officer; he is in the Hospital at this time, stabbed in two places, which he said he did with the knife he cut the child with; he said he wanted to die.

            Joseph MITCHELL sworn - I reside on the corner of Twenty-first and L streets in this city. I was at home when Johnston came there last night; he came in very friendly and said: “Mr. Mitchell, I don’t want any words, but I’ve come to bid you good-by.” He said he had sold his property in Nevada for $5,000, and he was going to his native country, Scotland; he just wanted to kiss the child good-by. [My wife knew a warrant was out for his arrest and that is why she went to the neighbor’s house to send for an officer.] I told him that I was glad he was going to Scotland. I took the light off the table and led the way to the bedside and told him not to awaken the child as it had only just gone to sleep. In kissing the child he awakened it. By this time my wife had just returned from the neighbor’s. I told her he had awakened the child and she had better take it up, which she did and came and sat opposite me. The child heard my voice and turned around and smiled; with that he asked to be allowed to kiss the child before parting, as he intended going to Rocklin that night, and in an instant after he got hold of the child he drew something from behind him and struck it; I do not know what it was, but could see it shine; the child was in his left arm, and he struck it with his right; my wife sung out that he had struck the child, but I thought he only meant to frighten her; my wife caught the child from his arm and handed it over to Mrs. Davis; I stood between Johnston and the door; he drew the dagger back at me; I struck his arm to one side and got into the kitchen to get something to strike him with; by this time he got past and followed my wife, the children and Mrs. Davis to Mrs. Davis’ house, where he was when I arrived; I asked Mrs. Davis where her ax was, when Johnston passed out at the back door; I followed him out and soon lost sight of him in the darkness.

            Mrs Maria DAVIS sworn - Reside in this city, near Mitchell’s house; Mrs. Mitchell came to my house last evening about six o’clock and called me; said “Johnston is at my house, drunk; he may go away peacefully, but if you hear any noise I want you to send immediately and get an officer;” I was not satisfied then, but followed her over in her own yard, thinking I could not hear from my place; I staid outside of the house about two minutes, and I heard the awfulest noise; it was from a man; it was not a natural voice, but a kind of screech, and in an instant I heard Mrs .Mitchell scream “Murder;” I ran immediately to the door and met Mrs. Mitchell with the child in her arms; she said, “Take it, Mrs. Davis, it is killed; he has murdered my child;” by this time Mitchell was outside the door saying, “Sarah, I don’t think he has hurt the child; he only made believe he had, to frighten you;” I took the child to my house, but before doing so I examined the child and found its bowels cut out; it died in about twenty minutes afterward in its mother’s arms; the child present is that of Mrs. Mitchell, which was killed in this city last evening.               

            The jury returned the following verdict:

 We, the jurors, summoned by the Coroner to inquire into the cause of the death of the deceased, do find that the deceased now before the jury was killed in the city of Sacramento on the evening of the 12th of November, 1869, by a knife wound inflicted by the hand of B.G. JOHNSTON.



  Horrors have followed one another in rapid succession in this vicinity lately, commencing with the child-murder Friday evening, followed by the calamity on the Western Pacific Railroad yesterday morning, which, though occurring about 100 miles away, appears to Sacramentans in the light of a local event, and reinforced by a drunken row last evening, which finally terminated in a probable murder.

  About seven o’clock last evening a man named Peter McCANN entered the Chief of Police’s office and excitedly informed officer DUNLEVY, who was in charge, that several men - one RYAN, among others, living in a house on Jibboom street, adjoining that in which he resided, had set upon and insisted on fighting him. While McCann was detailing the manner in which he was abused a woman ran into the office and told officer Dunlevy, pointing to McCann, “That man stabbed my husband!” Feeling sure, after a few questions, that the case was an important one, the officer left McCann at the office, where he was looked after by special officer MOORE, and accompanied Mrs. Ryan to the spot where the difficulty had occurred, and there a sight met his eyes such as they had rarely witnessed. The locality was at the extreme end of Jibboom street, on the southern bank of the American, near where a number of laborers, who are employed in removing earth from the old bed of the river, have camped. Many of these men were gathered, together with other residents of the neighborhood, in two or three little houses, where a perfect saturnalia prevailed - men, women and children, all drunk, and indulging in language vulgar and profane to excess.

  In reply to his questions the officer received gruff and unsatisfactory answers, but after a while he succeeded in finding a few witnesses of the affray who were not drunk, and from them learned details. It seems that the parties divided into factions over a fight which two children had been engaged in, and each of these factions rendezvoused in a different house. Early in the evening one party sent word to the other, by a woman, that, “take it man for man, they could whip” them. Though a fight did not ensue immediately, it was not long delayed, and during the time it prevailed, as near as Dunlevy could learn, McCann and Ryan were arrayed against each other. McCann knocked his antagonist down with a billet of wood, and directly afterward it was ascertained that Ryan had been stabbed. One witness testified that she saw McCann have a knife in his hand, or rather saw him drop it.

   The officer had meanwhile sought for Ryan, and was told that he had gone to the bushes; but, happening to see a man in a room in one of the buildings acting strangely, Donlevy went to him and found it to be Ryan, a large, powerful man, who, although he had received a terrible cut extending almost entirely across the left side below the ribs, which gaped frightfully as he raised his arms up and down, and also two other wounds, was so inebriated that he paid no attention to his injuries but talked of whipping his enemies one and all, in a moment or two, however, he grew so weak from loss of blood that he could not stand and was laid on a bed in the house, where a surgeon, who arrived soon after, sewed up the cuts he had received.

  Returning to the station-house the officer locked McCann up to await the result of Ryan’s injuries. The prisoner admits having struck the injured man with a club, but denies the stabbing.



            Sad Loss of Life

 It is our sad duty to record one of the most lamentable accidents that have ever occurred on the Pacific Coast. We have not received as yet such full particulars as might be desired, but compile from various reports received by telegraph and from other sources as correct an account as can be procured this morning. The accident referred to took place between the hours of eight and nine o’clock yesterday morning on the Western Pacific Railroad, about one mile east of Simpson’s, the new station at which the Alameda branch meets the Western.

  The regular through express train from San Francisco left at the usual hour, eight A.M. We are informed that STEPHENS, master of transportation on the Western, specially cautioned the engineer of the train to look out for the Sunday Alameda train from Haywood’s, which generally comes through heavily laden with passengers. The train progressed on its way until it reached Simpson’s - the junction - where it should have been held until the down train to Alameda had passed. This train, number sixteen on the time card, left Haywood’s at the usual hour, but got behind, and at the place of the accident was about ten minutes behind. The accident, as one account has it, was owing to the recklessness of the switch tender at High street station, otherwise known as Simpson’s.

  The Alameda train being behind time, the switchman, after waiting five minutes, declared that he would wait no longer; he was going to have his breakfast. He then went into the house and sat down to eat. While eating, a gravel train went down the road. He heard it, but did not look out to see what train it was. When the regular passenger train arrived, it came to a dead halt. The switchman came out and told the conductor to go ahead, that the Alameda train had gone down. The train started on and had just gained its momentum, and had run about one mile and a half - the fog being dense, so dense that one could not see the length of the train, when the Alameda engineer discovered the Western Pacific train and blew his whistle, “down brakes,” but it was too late. Instantly the trains collided , being within fifty feet of each other when the whistle was blown.

  From the appearance of the wreck it was evident that the two trains were at full speed. They came together with a fearful crash, entirely demolishing both engines and making a sad ruin of four passenger cars - two on each train. The two passenger cars of the respective trains were “telescoped,” one entirely within the other, making a fearful wreck. The scene of the accident was entirely covered with splinters and pieces of iron, large and small, several dead bodies and many wounded, while here and there from the different cars flew the minor articles of wearing apparel and other things.

  As soon as possible an extra engine was sent from San Leandro, with three or four physicians and suitable remedies. Workmen were also sent to remove the remains of the trains, and the dead bodies were taken to Oakland, while the wounded were taken chiefly to Dr. TRENOR’s hospital, in Alameda. The engineer and fireman of the through express were both killed. Their engine was the Sonoma; the engineer, Edward ANDERSON. The engine of the Alameda train was named Atherton, but the engineer’s name we did not learn. GILMORE, the conductor of the express, escaped unhurt.

  There were five cars on the regular express and six on the Alameda train. The Passengers not injured or only slightly injured were immediately removed.

  C. McNULTY, of San Francisco, formerly of the Army of the Potomac, and Dr. Henry GIBBONS, of San Francisco, immediately hastened to Alameda and were in attendance upon the wounded.

            LIST OF KILLED

 The following is a list of the killed, as far as their names could be ascertained:

Judge A.W. BALDWIN, of the State of Nevada.

Max. E. HERMAN, of Mission San Jose

Edward ANDERSON, engineer of the Sonoma

Charles MARTIN, fireman of same

J.D. McDONALD, of California Pacific Railroad

Henry PETERSON, of Moore’s Landing

_____ MILLIKAN, a fireman

M. BOULETTE, Principal of the French Female College of Oakland

David WAND, brother of Senator Wand

B.F. FOX, supposed to be of Banta’s station, San Joaquin county

James CONELLY, of Corral Station

H. PETERSON, of Corral Hollow

A dead body from Mission San Jose, name unknown

------ MARCHMAN, of San Jose

Robert OWEN, conductor of the Alameda train

            LIST OF WOUNDED

 The following are the wounded so far as their names could be collected:

W.B. CAMPBELL, Virginia City; leg broken and otherwise injured

Seth BROMLEY, pilot of Stockton boat; leg broken below the knee. His foot was amputated.

J.F. KAPP, of Pleasonton, Alameda county; right leg smashed, and otherwise injured.

Simpson MELOCHE; hip dislocated and elbow fractured.

Thomas McNELLY; knee-pan fractured and otherwise injured.

M.L. TAYLOR of DeKalb, Illinois; injured so that he will die.

G. LAYTON, of Rocklin, Placer county; leg broken.

Philip REILLY, Stockton; shoulder broken.

Noel LANGTON, of Empson Roads; both legs broken.

Patrick MAHON, of San Francisco; supposed fatally wounded.

E.F. FITCH, of Cosumnes, school teacher; leg broken.

Joseph L. PERKINS; ankle crushed and otherwise injured.

C.E. MEDHAM; leg broken.

S.M.B. HALLEY, of San Francisco; hip dislocated and otherwise injured.

J.P. LOWELL, of Sacramento; both legs badly jammed.

J.L. BEARD, of Mission San Jose; contusion of ankle.

George CADWALADER, of Sacramento; slightly wounded.

W.H. MILLS, master mechanic; slightly wounded.

ADAMS, Wells, Fargo & Co’s messenger, slightly wounded.

G.R. HELM; wounded, not seriously.

Two Chinamen; badly injured.

As nearly as could be ascertained yesterday on the spot, sixteen were killed and twenty wounded.


 A Committee of Odd Fellows from San Francisco went up to the scene as soon as intelligence arrived in that city, but they did not discover any one belonging to the Order. One man with a Masonic pin was noticed, but his name could not be learned.

  Mrs. HUFF and sister were seated beside a passenger who was killed and they escaped uninjured.

  When KAPP, of Pleasonton, Alameda county was found he was wedged in the car. He told them to aid the others before him, and coolly gave orders how to remove and what to do with the wounded.

  ANDERSON, of the Half-way house, was standing in his door, about one-quarter of a mile from where the collision took place, and said that the whole earth trembled as if there were an earthquake, with a great hissing sound. He and his hostler ran down and attempted to get a man out who was wedged in so that his leg could not be removed. The man asked to have them cut his leg off, and the hostler took an ax and did so.

  WAND, when found, asked a man to shoot him, but he died in three minutes.

  There was the dead body of a person from Mission San Jose, which was not recognized at last accounts.

  Charles MARTIN, the fireman, was told by the engineer to jump off and refused to do so, and consequently lost his life.

  Fully 10,000 persons, including many women, visited the scene of action yesterday. Every vehicle was used that could be found, and of every description. Many went up from San Francisco.

  The switchman has not been seen since the accident. He is supposed by some to have run away.


   ONE OF THE VICTIMS OF THE RAILROAD ACCIDENT - Edward ANDERSON, the engineer of the Western Pacific train who was killed yesterday, was well and favorably known in this city, he having been in the employ of the railroad company for many years. All of his fellow employes, as well as other acquaintances, liked him, and always spoke of him as an excellent mechanic, and one whose heart was as true as the steel he worked with.


  ARRESTS - The following arrests were made yesterday: Georgie and Jane KANE, by officers RIDER and HARVEY, for disturbing the peace; J.V. HALL by officer Rider, for unlawfully killing a dog, the property of C.J. WARREN; Pat. McCARTY, by officer WINGATE, for being drunk; William WHITE, by officers KARCHER and Wingate, for assault and battery.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, November 16, 1869


  ATTEMPTED ROBBERY - About eight o’clock night before last, as W.W.. CROUSE, of Sutterville, was coming to the city, a man armed with a shotgun, emerged from the bushes by the wayside and ordered him to stop. This Crouse was unwilling to do, and wouldn’t do, but on the contrary, took to his heels and left that section of the country with all speed, finally bringing up at ------- Frame’s ranch, where he procured assistance and returned to form the acquaintance of the supposeD road agent. The latter, however, had made himself scarce, and a search of the bushes failed to lead to his discovery.


  ARRESTS - The following arrests were made yesterday: William THOMPSON, by officers KARCHER and VAN HORN, for robbery; Ah T–BY, citizen Jack JOHNSON, for the petit larceny of clothing; Peter RICE, by Chief MARIZ, for assault to commit murder; T. MARASHA, by officers Van Horn and Karcher, for the petit larceny of a cane, worth $2.50; Jack FERING, by Constable SHELLERS, for assault and battery; J. McLAUGHLIN, by officer Van Horn, for assault and battery; P.B. DAVIS, by the same officer, for disturbing the peace; Kate FAGAN, by officer Karcher, for being drunk.


   ARRESTED ON A DISPATCH - A dispatch was received in the city about a month since, from Marysville, asking the police to keep a lookout for and arrest a man named William P. THOMPSON, who was alleged to have robbed a woman at that place of a sum of money. The officers watched for him, but he avoided the city for some time. Officers Karcher and Van Horn arrested him before he had been in town twenty-four hours, and he is now at the station-house, awaiting the arrival of Marshal NIGHTINGALE to take him to Marysville.


  ARRESTED FOR COMPLICITY - A man named Peter RICE, learning that the police were looking for him on suspicion that he had been connected with the fight on Jibboom street Sunday evening, during which ------ RYAN was cut, called at the house of Chief Martz about seven o’clock yesterday morning and surrendered himself. He claims that the only part he took in the matter was that of a peacemaker. He was allowed to go at liberty on giving bond in the sum of $1,000 for his appearance in Court next Monday.


  WAIVED AN EXAMINATION - B.G. JOHNSTON, who murdered his infant daughter Friday evening and then stabbed himself and took poison with the intent to end his own existence, was thought yesterday to be getting worse. Acting upon the advice of an attorney, he during the day formally waived an examination on the charge of murder, and was transferred from the city prison to the County Jail, where he was furnished more comfortable quarters than could be provided in the first mentioned place of confinement.


  DRAPED IN MOURNING - The locomotive Flash, ______ BOOTH engineer, which brought in the express train from Oakland yesterday afternoon, was draped in mourning out of respect for the memory of Ed. ANDERSON and his fireman, who were killed by the accident at Simpson’s station Sunday morning. Harry STEPHENSON’s engine, the Excelsior, which took out the Central Pacific passenger train, also was in mourning.


   AT HALF-MAST - The flag on Eureka Engine Company No. 4's house was at half-mast yesterday, and their bell was tolled out of respect to the memory of Judge A. W. BALDWIN, who was a member of Washoe Engine Company No. 4, of Virginia City, with which company the Eurekas have fraternal relations.


  HIS CONDITION  - The man RYAN, who was stabbed and cut Sunday evening in a drunken row on Jibboom street, was yesterday but little improved in condition. The physician who has his case in charge is unable as yet to form an opinion as to the ultimate result of his injuries.


  EN ROUTE FOR STOCKTON - Marshal NIGHTINGALE, of Marysville, passed through the city yesterday en route for Stockton, having in charge an insane woman named Mary McCARTY.


            POLICE COURT - Judge HAINES presiding

                        Monday, November 15th.


C.B. JONES, vagrancy - Continued indefinitely.

William SHOTWELL, felony - Continued till to-morrow.

            NEW CASES

Georgie KANE, two charges of disturbing the peace - Found guilty on one and discharged on the other.

J.V. HALL, misdemeanor - Continued until to-morrow.

Pat McCARTHY, drunkenness - Plea of guilty entered and fine of $10 imposed.

William WHITE, assault and battery - Compromised.

Pedro ARAYO, Mrs. ARAYO, Joseph ORAE, Mrs. ORAE and Alexander HOLQUION, disturbing the peace - Continued until to-morrow.



In a recent Congregationalist, Dr. TARBOR, who was once pastor of the Congregational Church in Farmingham, tells briefly the story of a singular life among his former parishioners. In the Summer of 1850 an infant about a month old was left at the door of a farm-house in Farmingham, carefully and even richly clothed, but without name or clue to its parentage. The worthy couple concluded to adopt the little girl and bring it up among their own children, as a child of their own. Last year, there came to the young woman a valuable gold watch, and a brief note, dated June 15, 1868; and in December of the same year a costly set of furs and some rich velvet garments, but nothing to indicate the source from which they came. In the Spring of 1880 the mysterious child, then grown up into an attractive young woman, sickened, and in August died of consumption, in the family of her foster parents. In her last hours she spoke freely of the mystery of her life, and said she had never received from any quarter even a hint of her parentage. She died supported by the hopes and consolation of the Christian faith. Her funeral was attended by a large concourse of the people of the town, who manifested a deep sympathy with one who through life never knew a single relative.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





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