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Sacramento Bee

Monday January 6, 1862



PROBATE COURT, TO-DAY - Estate of Jas. BOCLAIR, deceased; ordered that letters issue to Public Administrator, and notice be given to creditors by publication in the Daily Bee for four weeks. Estate of Jacob BROMLEY, deceased; continued till Monday 13th inst. Estate of R.A. PARDESSUS, deceased; P. Pardessus appointed Administrator upon his filing a bond in the sum of $6,000 - John CLARKEN, J. SPRUANCE and G.W. COLE appointed appraisers -  and notice to be given creditors by publication in Daily Bee for four weeks. Estate of S.B. LEMON, deceased; bond filed, and letters ordered to issue as per order of Court made on the 30th of December, 1861. Estate of Auguste STUEMER, deceased; bond filed and letters of Administration ordered to issue as per order heretofore made.


GONE TO SECESSIA - It is rumored about town that James C. GOODS, a well known criminal lawyer, and late Union Democratic candidate for the Legislature, has started for the Confederate States. Upon inquiry we find certainly that he has left the city, and probably for the purpose of Joining a company who proposes going from San Francisco to Mazatlan and thence across Mexico to Southern States. But those most intimate with Mr. Goods allege that if he has gone, he has no intention of joining the rebels - that recent deaths have occurred in his family in Virginia which leave an only sister there without protection, and him the heir and devisee of considerable property which will be confiscated under the rebel laws, wnless he immediately returns to the State.


RELIGIOUS MEETINGS - The present is the “week of prayer” recommended by the Evangelical Alliance and by various ecclesiastical bodies of the Christian world. The pastors of this city have agreed to observe the same as well as they can, and they have arranged union prayer meetings for the evenings as follows:

Monday, 6th, at the Baptist Church, Fourth street;

Tuesday, M.E. Church, H street;

Wednesday, Presbyterian Church, Sixth street between J and K;

Thursday, Congregational Church, Sixth street,

Friday, M.E. Church, Sixth street.

The meetings will commence at 7 o’clock, and the public are invited to attend.



COUNTY COURT TO-DAY - ROBINSON Judge. A. SEIBERTS vs. GARDNER & NETHERCOTT; motion for judgment on pleading granted - judgment for amount of note And interest ordered to be entered of record, and stay of proceedings granted till the 20th instant. GOSSNER vs. GRAFF; judgment of Court below reversed, and the case is set for trial on the 14th of February. J.A. SMITH vs. J. ADAMSON; set for trial on the 14th of February. Adjourned till 10 o’clock, A.M., on Monday, 20th, instant.


COURT OF SESSIONS - This Court met this morning-ROBINSON, Judge; CONE and ROBINSON, Associates. Ordered, that venire issue for thirty trial jurors, the same returnable on Monday, January 20, at 10 o’clock, A.M. Ordered, that Sheriff summon Grand Jury to be in attendance at 10 o’clock, A.M. on Monday, 10th day of February next. Adjourned till 10 o’clock, A.M. on Monday, 20th instant.


MORTALITY - According to the Report of the Superintendent of the City Cemetery, nine deaths occurred in this city during the week ending 4th instant. Of the deceased, seven were males and two females. The diseases were small pox 2, consumption 2, ulceration of the bowels, 1, congestion of the brain 1, erysipelas 1, croup 1, scarlet fever 1.


EDUCATIONAL - This evening at 7 o’clock, a meeting will be held, at the office of the Secretary of the Board of Education. The old Board will do what it has to do and retire, and the new Board will take possession of the seats just left vacant.


LIBRARY - A regular quarterly meeting of the Sacramento Library Association will be held this evening at half-past seven o’clock, at the rooms in TUKEY’s building, corner of J and Fifth streets.


TRIAL - The new engine recently received from Baltimore for Engine Company No. 6, of this city, has been tried as to its capability, and the result was highly satisfactory to the Young Americas.


INSOLVENT - On Saturday last, Cyrus B. LINTON filed in the Clerk’s office of the Sixth District Court his petition in insolvency, asking to be discharged from his debts and liabilities. Losses in business, bad debts, high rates of interest, and heavy expenses, are set down as the causes of this case of financial embarrassment. Liabilities are stated as amounting to $3,944.14; assets, fifty hives of bees, valued at $300, and twelve hundred pounds of honey worth about $150; but the property has been levied on by BECK & ACKLEY. The District Judge has given notice for creditors of said insolvent to appear before him in open Court on the 30th day of February, 1862, to show cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the said petitioner, Linton, should not be granted.


BROKE DOWN - On the passage up from San Francisco, last Saturday night, the steamer Sacramento, when about twelve miles below the city, met with an accident which obliged her to make the rest of the trip by the propelling power of one wheel, and return to San Francisco yesterday for repairs.

The accident consisted in the blowing out of the head of one of the cylinders, and the noise at the time created some excitement among the passengers.

It is thought that the repairs will be made in time for the Sacramento to resume her place on the river to-morrow afternoon.



Thirteenth Session

SENATE - The Senate was called to order by P. De la GUERRA, Lieutenant Governor, at 12 M. Judge NORTON, Supreme Court Justice elect, administered the oath of office to the Senators present.

Messrs. HOLDEN, THOMAS and WATT were absent.

Mr. DeLONG offered a resolution to go into election for officers. Laid on table.

Charles A. UHRIG, of San Francisco, was appointed Acting Sergeant-At-Arms.

Mr. WARMCASTLE moved to adjourn until 11 A.M. to-morrow. Carried

ASSEMBLY - The House was called to order at 12 M. by Major ANDERSON, the chief Clerk of last session. The first order being the qualification of members, the roll was called by counties in alphabetical order, and the Representatives took the oath of office administered by Supreme Judge COPS.

Sixty-eight members were qualified.

Mr. TILTON, of San Francisco, moved, in order to afford the absentees time to arrive and assist in the organization, that the House now adjourn until to-morrow at 11 A.M.  Carried.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Bee

Tuesday January 7, 1862



Any one not posted in California politics, who mixed last evening with the crowd at the St. George, must have been convinced that the Republican Party, the Union Democratic party, the Constitution of the State, and of the United States, and the Union itself were completely knocked into flinders, and could never be reorganized or restored again. Thomas Buttonholem had been defeated for door-keeper in the house of the Great Moguls. Jimmy Borem was curtailed in his aspiration to be copyist. Jack Flyaway's friend had been treated with indignity, by being refused his demands. Billy Graball had been ruled from the roast, Jeremy Hangeron had been left to shift for himself.


Big Self important could not have his case considered to suit him.


Samuel Lazybones was left on his haunches, and Mr. Luncheater would have to return to his ancient usa** wherefore the parties were split into mince meat, and the Constitution was terribly sundered. One man said he had given all his time and all his wonderful talents, even at the expense of veracity, to the building up of this party - he was the high cocalorum of the Hi Yies in the district of Humbugdom, and he came here all the way from the enlightened region to seek "winter quarters," but could not find them, therefore the party was "gone in," "cleaned out," "annihilated." Another had built up the party in the State and nation, stood the brunt of battle everywhere, had sought office had been denied it, and now the ingrates might "hoe their own row," for from this time henceforth and forever he washed his hands of all such unclean things, and would go in for "God and Liberty." And so on to the end of the chapter. But after all most people turned a deaf ear to their complaints, and moved away saying "you have been served right."


MILITARY MOVEMENTS - Orders were received this morning for Company B, Capt. SMITH (Marysville Rifles) of the Fifth Regiment at Camp Union, to remove to San Pedro. The company will take passage to-morrow afternoon for San Francisco. Two companies of the Fourth Regiment will arrive at Camp Union this evening, and the remainder of Col. FORMAN's Regiment will be here  by Friday next.


AN IMPORTANT BILL - GURLEY's bill, the provisions of which we publish to-day, is now before Congress, and commanding the attention of that body.


Sections 1,8,9,10,11 and 13 are the leading ones. The proposition is to liberate the slaves of rebels, colonize them in Florida, and apprentice them there for a term of years, ultimately giving them freedom, and allowing them to hold property, in Florida only.


CAPT. ROBERT'S COMPANY - The Los Angeles papers say that one of Capt. T. L. ROBERT's men, at New San Diego, while drilling Shanghai fashion the other day, dislocated his knee. The laxation was promptly reduced by the special post surgeon. Another man belonging to the same company is supposed to have committed suicide, by jumping off the wharf into the Bay, as he has been missing for several days.


THE HANSBROW PUMP - The specimens of this Sacramento invention and manufacture intended to be forwarded to the World's Fair, are on exhibition in San Francisco, where they elicit the commendation of the people and press. The Call terms it "an honor to California," and advises its readers to inspect it. It will be on exhibition until the 18th instant, when it will be shipped to London.


THE NATIONAL DEBT - The Secretary of the Treasury, in his late report, gives the following bird's-eye view of the national debt:

On July 1, 1860, the public debt was...$64,769,703.08

On July 1, 1861, the public debt was...$90,867,828.68

On July 1, 1862, the public debt will be.$517,372,802.93

On July 1, 1863, the public debt will be.$897,372,802.93

- provided the war shall last until that time and be carried on with the vigor the Secretary contemplates.


JUST OPENED - E.L. RIPLEY & CO. have just opened a new Music Store, in the new building on J street, opposite the St. George Hotel. This store is one of the neatest in the city, and their goods are new. Please look at their advertisement in another column.




Sacramento Bee

Tuesday Evening

January 14, 1862




FROM THE INTERIOR - Mr. VOGAN, one of the proprietors of the line of stages between this city and Mokelumne Hill, arrived here last evening, and from him we learn that the destruction of property by the late flood, in the counties of Amador and Calaveras, has been terrible. At the Town of Jackson, the Young America Saloon, the American hotel, MASTERSON’s stables, and INGALL’s residence and garden, have been swept away.  The streets of Jackson are blocked up with houses, and general destruction prevails. On the Mokelumne river, the Big Bar bridge and the Middle Bar bridge have disappeared, and Dr. SOHER’s road, leading from Butte City to Big Bar bridge, and which was built at an immense cost, is perfectly ruined.

The quartz mill and house of the brothers WILEY, just beyond Butte City, were carried away by the torrent. At Ione City, WILLIAM’S brick stable had fallen, and several other houses had met with a like fate. On Sutter creek, the loss and damage had been terrific - bridges and houses being carried off like chaff. Mr. HAYWOOD, proprietor of a quartz mill on Sutter creek, had been a loser to the amount of at least $75,000. We have it from good authority that in the counties of Calaveras and Amador not a bridge is left standing. Below Ione City, it is thought that there has been loss of life.

Last Saturday night, the reports of minute guns were heard, as if signals of distress, coming from the direction of a house where lived Mr. MARTIN and his family. The whole of Ione Valley was many feet under water. No boats were to be had, so that assistance might be rendered those in danger and distress. In a short time a heavy crash was heard, the signals of distress ceased, and our informant tells us that when he left the general impression was that Martin and his family had lost their lives. The wire suspension bridge over the Cosumnes river had disappeared - the house known as WILSON’s Exchange has also been washed away, and DAYLOR’s adobe house is flat with the ground. These facts go to show that throughout the mountain districts, as well as in the valleys, the destruction of property and loss of human life exceed the worst that was anticipated, and we shall hear repetitions of such tales of distress as the avenues for communication are gradually opened to us.


AT THE HALL - By the steamer Antelope, which arrived last night, eighteen or twenty cases of provisions were received, and are now being conveyed to Agricultural Hall for distribution among the destitute who are congregated there. A cursory examination of the commissariat of the Howard Society showed us that there is an ample supply of cooked provisions on hand.

The food is made of excellent material and is well cooked. Yesterday, the number of persons at the Hall was reduced to 425, but since, the arrivals have brought it up to about the old standard of 500. As the water is falling, the managers have reason to believe that this number will henceforth gradually decrease, unless another flood should interfere and make flight to Agricultural Hall again a matter of necessity.


HOSPITABLE. - An Austrian, named Martin RANCICH, an old resident of this city, and a manufacturer of soda water, whose establishment is on Fifth street, between I and J, distinguished himself during the late flood by his acts of kindness and generosity. Being driven from the lower part of the house, he established cooking arrangements on the roof, and there he dispensed creature comforts to all who applied. Quite a number of his acquaintances from the country called on him, and none went away unsatisfied.

Some eighteen or twenty were provided with lodgings; and the host deserves honorable mention for his generous hospitality, and the kind feeling he exhibited for the distress and misfortunes of others.


PLEASE RETURN THEM - Persons who have picked up or know where may be Found partition walls or doors belonging to the stalls of the Cattle Grounds of the State Agricultural Society, are requested to leave the same with A.K. GRIM, or leave word at his office where they may be found. Of course all Sacramentans will take this hint and act accordingly.


CATTLE IN DANGER - Large boats, or rather launches, are being fitted out in this city to-day for the work of going down the river and rescuing from starvation and drowning hundreds of horses and cattle. It is said that at the Monte*nma Hills, and thereabouts, two thousand cattle are in danger of perishing.


OFFICIAL BUSINESS - Coroner REEVES left this morning on the steamer for Patterson’s, for the purpose of holding inquests on the remains of several persons who had been drowned, and whose bodies had been found in that neighborhood. His official business will probably detain him there for the greater part of the day.


DROWNED - A person named DONNELLY, when on his way home, day before yesterday, was drowned - his boat swamping while not further than ten yards from a house. He had been to the city for provisions. He lived on one of the roads leading to Stockton, a few miles south of this city.


RELIEF - The Howard Society are sending boats well supplied with provisions down the river, for the purpose of succoring ranchmen and their families who are surrounded with water, thus cut off from obtaining the necessaries of life.


VERDICT. - In the case of the colored man, KELLY, the Coroner’s jury yesterday returned a verdict finding that the deceased, who was between forty and forty-five years of age, and a native of Kentucky, came to this death on Saturday night last, by drowning.


PUT OFF - The trial of HOOKER, who is charged with cutting away the levee at RABEL’s tannery, and which was set for yesterday, was to-day  postponed till to-morrow, on account of the absence of the prosecuting witness.


CITIZEN’S MEETING - A meeting of citizens is called for to-morrow. An advertisement in another column gives the time and place of meeting and the business which will come up for consideration.


UP THE RIVER - The steamer Defiance is now making regular daily trips from this city up the American river to Patterson’s, which is a few miles beyond the ancient settlement of Hoboken.


WEATHER - This morning, the wind is from the northwest, the sun shines brightly, and the air is clear and cool.

AT IT AGAIN - We observe, this morning, that already has commenced the work of laying down new sidewalks and street crossings.


SHERIFF’S SALE - The sale of VERTIMER’s stock will be resumed to-morrow morning at eleven o’clock.


RECEDING - Last night, in this city, the water fell six inches, and J and K streets now appear 
to be very dry thoroughfares.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Bee

Wednesday Evening

January 15, 1862



“VINDEX,” in this morning’s Union, is entirely mistaken in the supposition that “Citizen” wrote the BEE’s criticism on Governor DOWNEY’s message.


The BEE’s article was written the evening before it was published, previous to the appearance of “Citizen” in the Union, and not a word of it was erased or altered in consequence of the published opinions of “Citizen.” The similarity in sentiment of the two, if such there were, only proves that the writers, though different persons, looked at the message in about the same light.


DROWNED - The San Francisco Herald of yesterday has the following: “A man named WELTY arrived here last night on the Sacramento boat with the body of his brother N.  W. WELTY, who was drowned on Saturday last about five miles from Sacramento, while assisting in building a raft. The deceased leaves a wife and three children in Illinois. The brother was in a skiff with the dead body for forty-eight hours. He was unable to find boards to construct a coffin or a place to bury deceased. He was taken on board the steamer Coenelia at Rio Vista.”


UP THE RIVER ALSO - Steamboats and flat boats are being employed under the auspices of the Howard Society to bring from ranches down the river stock that would otherwise perish.  That is well, for every head saved is so much gained to the whole country. When they have a chance to do so a steamer should be sent up the river for a like purpose.


SEVERLY WET - On Saturday, Dr. TILDEN, Resident Physician of the State Insane Asylum; “Hakatone,” or Dr. ANDERSON; Messrs. NICHOLS, HAVENS and SNYDER, were passing in a boat from Stockton to the Asylum. the boat was upset in a current, and the whole party were soused into five feet of water.

The Schooner SELMA had arrived at San Francisco with a number of families rescued from the banks of Steamboat Slough. She reports that a number of small houses had been washed away at Rio Vista.

The different Fire Insurance Companies of San Francisco have notified the San Francisco Committee that they will contribute $1,000 to the relief of the Sacramento sufferers.


PACHECO - A schooner arrived at San Francisco yesterday, which reported Pacheco, Contra Costa county, under water. The warehouse at that place was flooded to the depth of six feet.




At a meeting  of the guests of the Golden Eagle Hotel, held in the parlors of the house, Hon. T.

B. SHANNON was elected Chairman and S.B. BELL Secretary.

The Hon. T.M. AMES moved the appointment of a Committee to give expression, in writing, of the sense of the meeting.

Whereupon the Chair named the Hon. T.M. AMES, the Hon. R.D. FERGUSON and S.B.

BELL such committee.

The Committee reported the following, which were unanimously and enthusiastically adopted:

Resolved, That we hereby most cordially and gratefully return our sincere thanks to Messrs. TUBBS & PATTEN, the proprietors of the Golden Eagle Hotel, whose guests we are, for their successful exertions in rendering our stay in their house so agreeable during the present unprecedented flood, as to make us forget that we were dwelling in the midst of a great calamity.

Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the Chairman and Secretary and published in the Sacramento Union and BEE.

T.B. SHANNON, Chairman

S.B. BELL, Secretary

Dated January 13, 1862

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Bee

Thursday Evening

January 16, 1862



MORE RAIN - Last evening it commenced raining again, thought the wind did blow from the northwest corner of the heavens, and the moon filled at 6 o’clock,  P.M.  The moon must not be called fickle after this-for in spite of changes and quarterings during the past six weeks, she has kept a wet upper lip, and she did not “dry up” once. She started in evidently bent on having a wet spell, and the prospects are that she will see her object attained. It rained steadily all last night and during the forenoon of to-day. The air is very cold, and as the American has as yet shown but little inclination to rise, there must have been a heavy fall of snow in the mountains, thus supplying the material for another flood should we suddenly have a season of warm weather. At noon to-day, the gauge at the city front showed that the Sacramento stood at the height of twenty-two feet above low water mark.


BURNT DOWN - Between 7 and 8 o’clock, last evening, the fire bells sounded the alarm, and it was soon seen that a large fire had broken out in the northeastern portion of the city. It proved to be the large stable at the southwest corner of E and Eleventh streets, which recently belonged to C.I. HUTCHINSON. Its contents, consisting of about 200 tons of hay, belonging to MALONE and others, together with the building, was entirely consumed.

It was with the greatest difficulty that the firemen reached the spot, and then their services were of but little avail. We believe there was no insurance on the property destroyed.


RETURNED - The steamer Chrysopolis, on her upward trip last night, when about twenty-five miles below the city, came across a boat which had been dispatched from this city on Monday last to render aid and assistance to distressed people. The boat’s crew were taken on board, and the boat was made fast to the steamer and towed up to this city. Those who went in the boat had distributed all the provisions which they took with them.


MEAN WORK - Last Sunday night, two tubs, filled with wet clothes, were stolen from the front of the residence of M.K. MURPHY, on the south side of M street, between Fourth and Fifth. It is lucky for the fellow that he was not caught in the act.


NARROW ESCAPE - Yesterday afternoon a man was seen floating down the Sacramento, opposite the city front, on a log, and through the exertions of two boatmen he was rescued from the perilous situation.


INQUEST - Justice CROUSE, of Sutterville, held the inquest on the body of the drowned Chinaman which was found at that place day before yesterday.


POSTPONED - the Sheriff’s sale of VERTIMER’s stock of goods has been again postponed till eleven o’clock next Saturday morning.


THIS AFTERNOON - At two o’clock this afternoon, the trial of SOULES for the larceny of milk cans will come off at justive COGGINS’ Court room.


JUDICIAL - At 10 ½ o’clock to-morrow morning the District Court will meet for the transaction of business of “law day.”


NO BUSINESS - Business is at a stand-still everywhere. The means of intercommunication are all broken up - goods cannot be transported mountainward, save in such small quantities as are absolutely necessary.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Bee

Saturday Evening

January 18, 1862



The Howard Benevolent Society undertook, a few days since, to send steamers down the river to rescue stock from the ranches, and many were in this manner saved, but the flood keeps up so long, and is so likely to continue, and men, women and children come to them in such numbers for assistance, that they find it impossible to continue their exertions in saving stock without using the means which are absolutely needed to meet the wants of humanity. Besides, they find that is costs as much, and in many cases more, to send steamers after stock, take them on board and convey them to dry land, than they are worth - in addition to which one-half, if not more, of those thus rescued are so far gone that they will die, whatever may be done with them. It would be cheaper, they say, to pay to owners of stock for their loss than to send boats and men after them - and we are half inclined to that opinion. They will therefore devote their means and energies to saving human life and providing human beings with food and shelter, and must let the stock take care of itself.  They cannot do all they desire, and are determined to husband their means, which are being sorely pressed for the benefit of women, children and men. They must let the stock perish because it costs too much to save them.

WEATHER BOUND - Yesterday’s Herald says there is quite a fleet of vessels outside the heads waiting for a slant of wind to enable them to come in. The following had been telegraphed up to sundown yesterday: Ship Gladiator, 162 days from New York; British brig Jeffrard, from  London; ship Huntsville and bark Gold Hunter, from Nanaimo; schooner Blanca, from Humboldt; and a bark from Puget Sound. the Gladiator hove in sight last Saturday.


LOSS OF LIFE - Thus far the toll of life by flood in this State is known to be sixty-two. Time, it is feared, will swell the number many times, although the true figure will never be known, save to Him who holds the water in the hollow of His hand.


SAN JOSE VALLEY INUNDATED - A dispatch from San Jose to the Bulletin says the stages which left yesterday morning were compelled to return - the town is surrounded by water.

THE OVERLAND MAIL - No eastern mail has reached this city since-well, since the flood began, or about that time. The plains must be “ a hard road to travel”, just now, and there may be difficulty in making the connection about the Rocky Mountain.


THE HESPERIAN for January has a good likeness of the late Col. BAKER, the usual ladies’ dress plates, and a full sized paper pattern, together with the usual amount of interesting reading matter.

The bulletin says that Commodore H. H. BELL will soon arrive to relieve Commodore MONTGOMERY, the present flag officer of the Pacific squadran.


SNOW-Quite a quantity of snow fell at Marysville night before last, as we learn from the Express, and the people there diverted themselves by snowballing.

DUTCH FLAT, Placer county, sends $840 to the Howard Society, and a premenent Committee of Collection has been raised there.

R.H. THOMAS, of Tehama county, has lost some 2,000 head of cattle by the flood.



The December flood was severe in Northern California and Oregon. Then there was much loss of life on the Trinity and Klamath rivers, and if the present deluge extends to that region we may expect to hear of still greater loss of life. From the latest copies at hand of the Humboldt Times we learn that H.C. SHAFER, the expressman, was drowned.

“James V. DOUGHERTY, Samuel BOGEN, John HOWE, Henry McLEASH and Ned FORD were in the store of Crow & Co., Lewiston Bar, Saturday night. At daylight the next morning the house was entirely surrounded by the angry waters; Dougherty started to swim ashore but was drowned. Three hours later the house broke up and was carried down stream in fragments, with the men on one of the largest pieces. McLeash it is supposed was benumbed with cold.

He was knocked off jy a jar, and beckoning a good bye to his companions was swept away, the survivors were rescued.”

“A man named FINN and Mr. HUOT, wife and child, occupied the old MOONEY’s Ferry house, six miles above Lewiston. Not thinking on Saturday night that the water could possibly disturb the house, they remained in it. Before being aware of any danger they were surrounded by water. Finn leaped in and swam ashore, but Huot would not abandon his wife and child. They could not escape and retreated to the second story. In a short time the house went to pieces, sweeping off in the resistless current, man, wife and child, and a faithful dog. In the total darkness they clung to the wreck for over a mile, when it struck a snag, and the wife and child were drowned. Mr. Huot reached shore - does not know how. He had hold of his dog, and probably the faithful servant saved his life.”

Antonio ENGANER was drowned, and some thirty Chinamen. The Trinity Journal says the flood was the greatest ever known by the Indians for half a century.

“The river, in places where it was confined, raised seventy feet above low water mark; in other places where it was wide the banks caved and carried away well cultivated ranches.  It became an ocean, spreading from mountain to mountain, sweeping in its furious and resistless current farm houses, miners’ cabins, mills, men, women and children; in very truth all that was animate and inanimate. Every single mining improvement on the river for one hundred miles has been destroyed, and more than one-half the bar and river miners are utterly ruined. Not a single ranch on the river bank has escaped damage, and many have been entirely swept away, or ruined by the deposit of sand and tailings.”



Jackson is the county seat of Amador county. We received to-day the Amador Ledger of Saturday last. It has just been a week on the way, but is contains news, from which we learn the following facts. For the four days previous the storm had raged with unabated fury.  The loss in Jackson is severe.

The Broadway-street bridge was carried away on Thursday. On Friday, Young America Saloon, the building next to in on the north, the old American Hotel, the bath house on Vogan street, Sloan’s gas works, MASTERSON’s livery stable, MARTEL’s stable, INGALL’s house, BROWN’s house, and some other buildings, were carried down stream.  R.M. BRIGG’s garden is totally destroyed, and the bed of the creek runs right through it; while the channel of the Middle Fork is where Masterson’s livery stable was, and the waters of this Fork flowed through Mainstreet for two days. Flour had advanced from six to ten dollars per hundred there, and continued to rise at the rate of two dollars per day  per hundred pounds; while butchers were unable to reach town with their meat, for want of bridges.

IONE VALLEY- We learn from the Amador Ledger that this whole valley was a lake, and that the flood had done great damage there. At Ione City the water was more that two feet deep. The dwelling of Mr. FARNSWORTH was swept off on Friday night, the 10th inst., as also several small buildings owned by HALL & HARRON. The new brick stable of Mr. WILLIAMS fell down and is a total wreck.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Bee

Thursday Evening January 23, 1862



SUPERVISORS, YESTERDAY - The Board met at 2 o’clock, yesterday afternoon -the President in the chair, and all the members present. Messrs.

RUSSELL, HITE, DICKERSON and HALL. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. On motion of Supervisor WATERMAN, the Board reconsidered the vone by which, on the day before, the proposition of B.F. LEET to construct a bridge across the K street slough was referred to a special committee, with power to act. On motion of Supervisor GRANGER, the matter was referred to the same committee, and they were instructed to report. Adjourned till 2 o’clock this afternoon.


ENJOYMENT - Just at the present time the streets are alive with boats, and in many of them may be seen bevies of ladies who have been tempted out by the novelty of a fine day and the inviting appearance of the water. As a matter of course, collisions are prevalent and marine dilemmas of Frequent occurrence, but these are looked upon as “Seasonable jokes,” and only occasion peals of laughter, and the timely warning, “feather your oar.”


RETURNED - After making a relief trip down the river as far as Rio Vista, the revenue cutter Shubrick returned to this city yesterday afternoon and announced her reappearance among us by discharge of a gun. During this last trip the Shubrick took on board about forty persons and rendered aid and assistance to many more. The persons taken from the banks of the river were transferred to the steamers bound to san Francisco.


ARSON CASES - By the Court of Sessions it was this morning ordered that E.F. MAYNARD and Benjamin BLAKE, witnesses in the cases of W.C. BISHOP, charged with attempts to commit arson, be allowed the sum of twenty-five dollars each, payable out of the county treasury.

Bishop’s trials have been postponed for the term.


ITS HEIGHT - At an early hour this morning, the Sacramento had risen to within a few inches of its late highest grade. A small stream at one time, ran from the Sacramento into the city at the old gully in the ferry landing opposite the foot of I street. Soon after, the river began to fall and has now receded at least two inches.


RISE AND FALL - Within the city the water continued to rise, last night, till three o’clock A.M. to-day, when it reached a height of one foot less that that of the recent highest flood.  For several hours it preserved this level and then began to fall, having up to the present time receded about five inches worth.”

CURRENTS - Owing to the breaks in the north levee, a very rapid current is passing through the upper part of the city. When it reaches the Capitol grounds, the current takes a quick turn, and makes swift headway, in a westerly direction, down M, N, and O streets.


PASSENGERS-The cabin passengers who sailed on the Steamer St. Louis from San Francisco, on the 21st, for  Panama, are named: J.A. PECK, wife, child and servant; Captain J. LORD, Mrs. John A MUNROE and child, R. ROSS, K.C. ELDRIDGE, W. GREENWOOD and wife, H.G. WOLFE, Mrs. EMILY NORTON and child, Captain T.W. WILLIAMS and family, T.  E. RAND, W.P. TAYLOR, Mrs. C. SCHMERTZ, W. SHERMAN, M.D., U.S.N.;

Martinetti Tourpe,” J.A. RICHARDS, P.H. NIND, H. BANNERMAN.


ELECTION - The Mercantile Library Association of San Francisco held its election for officers on Tuesday last. The regular opposition ticket was successful. The chosen are:

President, Jacob UNDERHILL; Vice President, Wm. NORRIS; Treasurer, Camille MARTIN; Recording Secretary, William M NOYES; Corresponding Secretary, Sidney V.  Smith; directors, Major Leonard, J.B. NEWTON, P.L. WEAVER, John C. MERRILL, C.  W. HATHAWAY, William ALVORD, John WIGHTMAN, Charles D. HAVEN, Thomas BENNETT.

The receipts of clothing, provisions and money at Musical Hall, San Francisco, on Tuesday, amounted to $3,000. Among the contributions of that day are $100 by the officers and crew of the sloop-of-war St. Mary’s; $20 from Excelsior Division Sons of Temperance;

$20 from Gen Wright; $20.75 collected by E. GILLETT; $20 California Brewery; $20 W.H.  and H.T.; and $797.75 being the net proceeds of the recent benefit at the Metropolitan Theatre.


COLLECTIONS - The contributions in money on Monday to the San Francisco Relief Society aggregated to $869. The most noticeable of which, says the bulletin, are from the San Francisco Pilots, $200; Calvary Church, $151.75; Pennsylvania Engine Company No 12, $120; Broadway Synagogue (Dr. COHEN’s) Sabbath School, $80.60; French Benevolent Society (second donation), $20.75.


The flood did much damage in the vicinity of Lexington, Santa Clara county.

HOWE’s mill was carried away; McMURTY and McMILLAN lost their mill dam and flume; BARSTOW’s mill lost its water wheel, MOODY’s steam mill is full of sand and rubbish to the top of the saws; the old FORBES mill lost its dam, and other property has been damaged.


NOT DROWNED - The Solano Herald of Saturday states that a rumor prevailed there, as it went to press, that Jerome C. DAVIS of Yolo had been drowned the day previous while crossing from his ranch to this city. The rumor, we are glad to be able to say, was not correct, for Mr. Davis is in this city to-day, alive and well.


WHAT WATER! - From November 1, 1861, to January 16, 1862, 67,610 inches of rain fell in Downieville. Over five and a half feet of water in some ten weeks, and the many feet of snow that fell not taken into account. Of course the country must be flooded.


The CORDAGE Company, of San Francisco, filed articles of incorporation on Tuesday.  Capitol, $100,000. trustees - James C. FLINT, Alfred L. TUBBS, Edward P. FLINT, Hiram TUBBS and George H. KELLOGG.


OVERBOARD -  It is very probable that the proposition to appoint a State Historian at $6,000 per annum, will not prevail at the present session because the funds are at a low ebb.


Many people in Stockton have concluded to raise their houses above high water mark, so soon as the weather and other circumstances will permit.


The Territorial Enterprise concludes that Nevada Territory had been set back fully three months by recent storms. If it be set back only that far, it has no cause to complain.


RAILROAD BONDS - Solano county, last week, redeemed $7,500 of her bonds, issued for the San Francisco and Marysville Railroad, at 84 ½ cents.


A Heavy shock of an earthquake was felt at Honolulu, December 19.


REMOVED - Messrs. HATCH and PARKER, Opticians, Watchmakers and Jewelers, have removed from their old store to the South-east corner of K and Second streets, over the Drug store, where they will remain for a short time only.

Mr. Charles STEWART can there be found ready to give his attention to repairing Watches, Clocks, etc.


AT THE HALL - At the present time, about three hundred persons are inmates of Agricultural Hall, and at meal times that number is increased by from one hundred to one hundred and fifty more. Boats are continually leaving the Hall with stores and provisions for persons and families in the suburbs.


NOTHING DONE - The Police Court opened at the usual hour this morning, but as few witnesses were in attendance, on account of the difficulty experienced in getting about the city, all the cases on the calendar were continued till next Monday morning, to which time the Court then adjourned.


SAILED - The Shubrick, at an early hour this morning, started on another relief trip down the river. Edgar MILLS, as representative of the Howard Benevolent Society, has taken passage on her.


The German Benevolent Society of San Francisco have chosen the following officers for

the ensuing year: President, C.F. MEBIUS; Vice President, G. GUNDLACH; 2d Vice

President C.H. VOIGHT; Recording Secretary, M. BERNHEIM; Financial Secretary,




A FRENCHMAN named JORDEN was drowned near the Enriquita mines, Santa Clara county, last week.


WHOLESALE HOUSE - The old established and most successful house of SMEATH & ARNOLD, who have places of business in San Francisco, Sacramento and Red Bluff, have just established a Branch House in the railroad depot at Folsom, which will be found a great convenience to their friends and customers in the interior. There they intend keeping a large stock of Staple Goods of all kinds until business in this city resumes its old channels. Smeath & Arnold have had twelve years business experience in California, and their facilities are such that traders will find it advantageous and profitable to call on them.



The undersigned would inform his firends and the public generally that having been flooded out of his old wood yard, he has now established himself on the corner of Second and N streets, where he intends to keep the best quality of FOUR FOOT WOOD and STOVE WOOD, of all sizes, at the lowest market prices.




Dealer in family groceries, provisions, wines, liquors, etc., Southwest cor. L and 2d streets.  The attention of pruchases and consumers of Groceries, Provisions, Wines, etc., is respectfully called to the superior stock now on hand. I am constantly receiving choice ranch and Eastern Butter, California Lard, Hams, bacon, together with all articles in this line of business.



Have removed to No. 49 Front street, between J and K. Their stock of Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, etc. Very extensive and carefully selected-is well worthy the attention of purchasers. We will be happy to see the old patrons of the house, as well as our former customers. We will give such inducements as will make it the interest of all to call and see us.



The Coffin Warehouse has been removed from Fourth street to No. 102 K street, between

Fourth and Fifth, where those requiring anything in that line can save money by



General Undertaker.

All orders left at his place, at any hour of the day or night, will be attended to with promptness and dispatch. Interments made in all the Cemeteries.



Camphene, Patent Medicines, Oils, Paints, Brushes, and Toilet Goods,


The largest stock, at lowest prices

C. MORRILL, Druggist

K street, corner Third and San Francisco




Just received, a large invoice of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Furs, which owing to the flood, we are compelled to sell at half price! Also, just received one hundred pieces carpets, all new styles, for sale cheap.

C. CROCKER, 246 J street between Eighth and Ninth



Importers and dealers in Iron, Steel, Cumberland Coal, New Yourk Horse Nails, and Blacksmiths tools. Sole proprietors of Salmon & Bliss’ Tire upsetting machine.

22, 24, and 26 Fourth street, second door north of J.



Four foot wood, stove wood, hard and soft coal and charcoal, all dry and in fine order, are offered for sale at the Wood Yard on Third street, between K and L. The above will be sold at the most reasonable rates, and delivered free of charge in all parts of the city.




The Japanese Salve is the best preparation that has ever been discovered for the cure of Poison from poison oak, cuts, sprains, burns, piles, boils, bruises, corns, gunshot wounds, chillblains, sore nipples, nursing sore breasts, and in fact, all kind os sores. For sale by REDINGTON & CO., Agents, San Francisco, all Druggists, and by JUSTIN GATES, Sacramento.





M street, 2d house from the Capitol, between tenth and Eleventh. Tuning and repairing pianos. Fine furniture repaired.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Bee

Wednesday Evening

April 2, 1862


BODY FOUND - Yesterday, word was left at the Coroner’s office that the body of a dead man had been found ** *** Dry Creek House, on the opposite side of the American river.  The remains were discovered by a person named William DEADMAN, at 3 o’clock on the afternoon of Monday last. Owing to the violence of the wind, which ** ** quite a sea on “tule lake”, Coroner REEVES did  not deem it safe to visit the ranch, yesterday, for the purpose of holding an inquest. He left the city this morning for the purpose of performing that duty. As this body was found near where LADBROOK’s remains were discovered, it is reasonable to suppose that the former one was of the same boat’s crew.

FIRE DEPARTMENT - At a regular monthly meeting of the Board of Delegates of the Fire Department, held last evening, there were present President KELLOGG, and Delegates McMANNUS, GRAVES, SMITH, ROBBINS, FELCH, MOSS, BIDWELL and FLOOD. Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved.

Committee on proposed amendments to the Citizens Charter reported progress, and were granted further time. D.C. HOWE, as delegate from Neptune Hose Co., presented his credentials, was sworn in and took hos seat. Application of L H*EBLIN, of Engine Company, No. 4, and of C.D. HOSACK, of Engine Company No. 6, for exempt certificates, were referred to Certificate Committee -Adjourned.

POLICE COURT, To-day - Ah SING, alias BRADY, petit larceny of a coat, valued at $20, the property of G.C. ALLEN; defendant was tried and convicted, and ordered to appear for sentence to-morrow morning., G.W. HAYNE, disturbing the peace in the day time; defendant pleaded guilty, and waiving time was fined $10. W. HICKEY, petit larceny of the bits worth of pie; prosecuting attorney enters nolle pros., and Mr. Hickey was allowed to go.

FURNITURE - The new hotel at San Francisco called the Russ House, about being opened by Messrs. HARDENBERGH and DYER, old residents of this city, will be splendidly furnished and decorated throughout. Messrs. GRIMES & FELTON of this city have contracted to supply the Russ House with its furniture, and that at a cost of fifty or sixty thousand dollars.

ARM BROKEN - A.J. NICHOLS, at one time a resident of this city, but now Secretary of the Stockton Lunatic Asylum, had his arm broken last Saturday afternoon by a pistol in the hand of one Wash. HAVENS. The cause of the difficulty does not appear.

PRESENTED - There were received this morning, at the Office of the Secretary of the State Agricultural Society, from Capt. E.A. SHERMAN, one pair of horns of the Rocky Mountain sheep.  These horns weigh fourteen pounds, and are said to be the largest ever secured by white man.

GONE BELOW - Yesterday afternoon, Deputy Sheriff LANSING left for San Francisco, on his way to San Quentin, with J. Reynolds, convicted of arson, and sentenced to confinement in the State Prison for the term of five years.

WHERE THEY ARE - Persons who have lost track of their cows, etc., and have reason to believe that the Poundmaster had taken charge of them, may find their animals at te new Pound, corner of D. and Eleventh streets.

MONTHLY MEETING - The Sacramento Turn-Verein will hold a regular monthly meeting, at 8 o’clock this evening, at their Hall on K street, between Ninth and tenth.

The Sierra County News is the name of a new paper published at Downieville, on the material of the late “Citizen.” It is to be a Union journal.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Bee

Thursday Evening

April 3, 1862



WEBSTER’S, APRIL 3d - It has been snowing at this point since the 27th ult., and no indication of clearing off. To-day the American river is rising, though very slowly, perhaps one or two inches a day. All work on the roads is necessarily suspended on account on the late storm. Mr. GASS, superintendent of repairs on county road, is of opinion that it can be opened for teams with fifteen days, providing the weather be favorable.

PLACERVILLE, April 3 - It rained hard here all night; all the streams running quite fill this morning - indications of more rain.

COLOMA, April 3 - The river has raised one foot since 9 P.M. yesterday; on a stand now.

MARYSVILLE, April 3 - Weather clear, cool, but pleasant - river rising very slowly.

OROVILLE, April 3 - Weather clear and pleasant; river about the same for several days - not rising now.


LUCKY MAN - Gen SHIELDS is a lucky man. He was made a Brigadier without personal solicitation; had a special messenger sent after him to Mexico to tell him of his good luck; he went to Washington, got a command almost at once, and the first we hear of him he is in a fight, and conqueror!

EVERY DAY - HOUCK, at Congress Hall, J Street, between Fourth and Fifth, serves up an excellent Lunch daily. Call any time between the hours of ten and one o’clock and you will find it hot.


CALIFORNIA CENTRAL RAILROAD - Mr. Samuel HYATT has this day been appointed Agent at Sacramento for the C.C.R.R., and is authorized to transact all business connected with said road. The be found at the office of D.W. EARL, 101 and 103 Front street.



N.B. - the agent for the Herald and Mirror in Sacramento, is Mr. W.B.RICE, who may be found on Fourth street, between J and K, at the Cigar Stand, next to the Post Office.



B. KOZMINSKY & Co., successors to G.K. Van HEUSEN No. 204 J Street, bet. 7th and 8th  Are now prepared, and will sell their extensive stock of Goods, consisting of Crockery, glassware, Gancy Goods, Furniture and bedding.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

July 3, 1862

pg. 3







BOARD of EDUCATION. - A regular meeting of the Board of Education was held last evening; all members present except Bidwell, Milliken and Mouser. The minutes of three previous meetings were read and approved. The Finance Committee reported a number of bills for the month of June, which were ordered paid, amounting in the aggregate to $2,031.78. The Committee of Repairs reported that a little jobbing has been done at each of the school houses, but nothing of consequence. A communication was received from Mary A. Stincen of Grammar School No. 2, suggesting an altercation of the district lines so as to increase the number of pupils in her school, the present number being only thirty-seven. The subject was talked over and referred to the Superintendent with discretionary power. Several nominations of assistant teachers were received and laid over until the applicants shall present the requisite certificates. The resignation of Miss E. McMillan, as assistant teacher of the High School, was read. The President made a statement of the circumstances of the resignation. Miss McMillan had informed him that the treatment of the Principal, Anderson, was such as to wound her feelings so deeply that she could not under any consideration consent to remain. There was no particular act to complain of, but the whole tenor of his conduct was not that of a gentleman towards a lady. He told her he had done all he could to defeat her but she was too strong, and then he intended to do his duty, and if they could not get along together one of them would have to resign. In introducing her to the pupils, he said that was the teacher that “the Board” had selected for them. There was complaint also about classes, and she was satisfied that the intention was to make her situation as unpleasant as possible. An explanatory letter was read from Anderson, in which he said he considered Miss McMillan as a perfect lady: insisted that he had treated her in a gentlemanly manner; said he mentioned his opposition to her appointment, supposing that she knew it before and designing to assure her that it was then all ended; stated that his remarks in introducing her were intended to secure for her respect and attention, and set forth that she had generally misunderstood him and misconstrued his motives. The resignation was accepted. The President said the application of Miss Gates was still pending, and he was informed that she would accept the position if tendered. A general discussion followed, in which the conduct of Anderson was reviewed very freely. After which, the whole subject was laid over til the next regular meeting. A motion that all the assistant teachers now receiving $20 per month be allowed $30 from and after July 1st, was carried - ayes 4, noes 2. The subject of opening the primary schools at eight o'clock during the hot weather was discussed and left discretionary with the Superintendent. Leave of absence of three days next week was granted to Miss Kerchival, on condition that she procure some one to take her place. Adjourned.


POLICE COURT. In the Police Court yesterday, S. S. Ingham, Deputy Sheriff, was pronounced guilty of assault and battery on a Chinaman in the Sheriff's office, and fined $40, which amount he paid. J. Rockway, tried by the Court for disturbing the peace at night, was found guilty of that offense and also of telling a policeman that he would do as he - pleased, and was fined $12.50 - the quarter eagle to pay for the arrest. Rockway was allowed to pledge a gold chain until he could go to Sutterville, where he works in a brewery, and get the money to pay his fine. John Lott, Teutonic, was convicted of assaulting a countryman because said countryman denied collecting rent six months in advance. The evidence was that Lott "commenced to hit him, and hit him awful," whereupon the Court decided that Lott was guilty, and will allot his punishment this morning. J. Connell wanted a jury of his peers to decide the question of his guilt or innocence of the charge of assault and battery, and such jury will assemble this morning. John Doyle and Patrick Kelley have been some time laboring under a charge of kicking up a mutual row. To-day the case was again called, and Doyle not appearing his bail was forfeited , while Kelley, who was present, was discharged for want of evidence.


UNSUCCESSFUL. The attempt of the contractors to shut off the water at Burn's slough yesterday morning proved unsuccessful. A line of piles had been driven across the channel and capped. To the capping a series of "aprons" or wooden doors were attached and so arranged as to drop simultaneously by cutting the lines by which they were supported. When everything was prepared, the lines were cut and doors were dropped. The water below was at once lowered some three or four feet. In a few minutes it became evident that the water was washing out the quicksand below them and rushing through with great force. In fifteen minutes from the time the gates were dropped, the entire structure was washed away. Some of the piles were broken off, and others were drawn up without breaking. One of the contractors came to the city to consult with the Committee, and they granted one week further time in which to complete the work. They design to complete, at another point, a levee by means of sand bags, earth, etc., and think they will be able to finish the job before leaving it, although they will of course lose by the undertaking.


FOURTH OF JULY COMMITTEE. A meeting of the Committee to make arrangements for the celebration of the Fourth of July was held at the County Court room last evening. On motion of P. J. Devine, in the absence of the Chairman and Secretary, John Bigler was chosen as Chairman, and G. I. N. Monell as Secretary. P. J. Devine took his seat in the Committee as the representative of the Sacramento Mutual Benevolent Society. John Bigler, from the Committee to procure a hall, reported progress. The Committee on Invitations reported progress, having partially fulfilled their duty. On motion of T.W. Gilmer, John Bigler was selected as the presiding officer for the approaching celebration, and John Arnold was chosen as Chief Marshal. J. Klopenstine, from the Committee on Finance, reported that $260 had been collected in a few hours during the afternoon in the Third Ward, and the Committee asked further time, which was granted. The Committee then adjourned to meet at the County Court room at eight o'clock this evening.


MULE STEALING. On Friday evening last two mules were stolen from a stable in the eastern part of the city, having been brought to the city across the Plains by Sidney Tanner and A. B. Tanner. Yesterday morning the mules were recovered. A man named C. W. Harlow was arrested near Hull's ranch, Brighton township, on a charge of having stolen them. They were turned into a pasture field in that vicinity a day or two ago, and Harlow is said to be the person who placed them there and to have remained in the neighborhood to watch them. When he was arrested he was walking along the railroad. His own statement is that he knew nothing about them, and that he was on his way from this city to Folsom, when he was arrested. On the same night that the mules of the Tanners were stolen, the premises of John Denn, near Rabel's tannery, were visited, and one mule was found to be missing in the morning.


PROBATE. In the matter of the estate of Christopher Euhrig, deceased, it was yesterday, on motion of J. W. Winans, ordered that a commission issue to A. Clapp to take the deposition of subscribing witness to the will, and that the will be withdrawn for said purpose and a copy thereof be left with the Clerk. Estate of H. Quigley, deceased. - Motion for sale of personal property granted, the same to be sold at public or private sale. Estate of Peter Conelly, deceased - Motion for sale of personal property granted, the same to be sold at public or private auction.


GOVERNMENT STORES. - Fifty-five tons of Government stores were discharged yesterday from the schooner Long Island, near the foot of L Street. They were placed on the cars for Folsom, and are to be forwarded to Ruby Valley, for the use of the Third Regiment California Volunteers, Colonel Connor, who are about to cross the Sierras to guard the Overland Mail route. The schooner Commodore is now on the way from San Francisco with 200 tons more for the same destination. W. L. Perkins & Co., are the forwarding merchants.


DISTRICT COURT. The District Court met yesterday, pursuant to adjournment, Judge McKune presiding. In the case of W. A. McWilliams vs B. N. Bugbey a jury was impanneled, cause tried, and verdict rendered for defendant; judgment reserved. The case of J. J. Dennis vs. M. M. Reed was referred to H. H. Hartley to take testimony and report judgment. In the case of Catharine T. Mahone vs. J. R. T. Mahone a jury was implanneled, testimony taken, and cause continued for further hearing until nine o'clock this morning.


A COURSE OF LECTURES. Arrangements have been made to secure a course of lectures from distinguished men in behalf of the Sixth street Methodist Episcopal Church. The public will have an idea of the treat provided for them from information that the opening lecture will be delivered by the Rev. Bishop Simpson, just arrived from the East. Notice of the time will soon be given.


ST. GEORGE HOTEL PURCHASED. The purchase of the St. George Hotel by the Trustees of the Odd Fellows' Association was consumated yesterday, and the first payment of $2,000 was made by the purchasers. The building is to be delivered into the possession of the purchasers between the 15th and 25th of July - $10,000 more of the purchase money to be paid on possession being given. The new proprietors are permitted by the terms of the sale to rent out the upper rooms for lodging purposes, by the month, but for no shorter period.


COUNTY COURT. The County Court met yesterday pursuant to adjournment. Sanders vs. Gillis - On motion of defendent herein to retax cost bill, it was ordered by the Court that the sum of $13 15 be stricken therefrom, and that the bill so amended shall be the correct amount of costs in said cause. Clude vs. Strachan - The motion of respondents herein to dismiss said cause for want of prosecution, was overruled by the Court at cost of respondent.


GREAT NUISANCE. During the past two weeks various parties have from time to time deposited the carcasses of numerous dead dogs in a well near the corner of Ninth and M Streets. The stench from the receptacle has rendered the place an insufferable nuisance. Parties who continue to offend in this manner should be made to answer in the Police Court as the law and Judge Gilmer provide.


NEW GANGWAY. Carpenters in the employ of the California Steam Navigation Company have been engaged for several days at the foot of K street in preparing the timbers for a new gangway to lead to the hulk of the San Francisco steamers. It will be ninety-six feet in length, and is designed to meet the emergency arising from the increased elevation of the new levee when the same is completed.


WANTED A WARRANT. A man who evidently under the influence of liquor made his appearance of Fourth street last evening, with a very bloody and badly bruised face, to obtain a warrant from Judge Gilmer for the arrest of the parties who had abused him. He represented that he had been beaten at one of the livery stables near Fourth and I streets.


SERIOUS COMPLAINT. There is constant and serious complaint made by draymen and teamsters at the condition of Front street, south of L. The railroad track renders it quite difficult in many places to corss with a loaded dray. A few car loads of gravel deposited by the Company would constitute an excellent remedy.


SHOULD ATTEND IN FULL. There ought to be a full attendence this evening at the County Court room, of the members of the Committee of Arrangements for the approaching celebration of the Fourth of July. Citizens generally, who have business with the Committee, are expected to be present.


ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The following officers have been elected in Sacramento Lodge No. 2, I.O.O.F., for the ensuing term: A. A. Stickney, N.G.; H. S. Crocker, V.G.; J. T. Clark, R.S.; D. Kendall, P.S.; George Nelson, T.; J. W. Reeves, N. Booth, and E. Kimball, Trustees.


SUPREME COURT. The following order was made in the Supreme Court yesterday: People vs. Boggs. On motion of counsel and stipulation filed, ordered that appellant have leave to withdraw transcript for examination.


SENT TO FOLSOM. The small relief engine belonging to Confidence Engine Company of this city was taken to Folsom yesterday. It was loaned to the Fire Company of Folsom for use on the Fourth of July.


THE RIVER. The Sacramento river stood yesterday at fifteen feet six inches above low water mark.



Sacramento Daily Union

July 3, 1862

Page 4


STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CITY AND COUNTY of SACRAMENTO, SS. - In the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District of Said State.

The People of the State of California to William Tanner, Greeting: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Sylvester Tryon, in said Court filed against you, within ten days from the service of this writ, exclusive of the day of service, if served on you in this county; if served out of this city and county but within this Judicial District, then in twenty days; but if served on you without said district then in forty days from such service, exclusive of the day of service, in an action commenced on the 17th day of February, 1862, in said Court. Said action is brought to recover judgment for the sums of money expressed in the following described notes, to wit: One dated April 21, 1860, for $150, with interest thereon at the rate of two per cent per month until paid, signed W. Tanner; one dated December 13, 1860, for $454.86, with interest thereon at the rate of two per cent per month until paid, signed W. Tanner; one dated December 13, 1860, for $125, with interest thereon at the rate of 2 per cent per month until paid, signed T. Tanner; and also for the further sum of $161.79, being a balance due on an accont for hay, barley and horse feed, sold and delivered to the defendant at his request, and for stabling and keeping a six-mule team for defendant. All of which is fully set forth in the complaint, a copy of which accompanies this Summons. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to answer the complaint as directed, plaintiff will take judgment against you for the several sums above named, with interest and costs of suit, etc.


In Testimony whereof I, Jared Irwin, Clerk of the Sixth Judicial District Court aforesaid, do hereunto set my hand and affix the Seal of said Court, at office in Sacramento City, this 9th day of June, A.D. 1862.



By JOHN E. DIXON, Deputy Clerk.


IT IS ORDERED by the Judge of the District Court that service of said Summons be made on said defendant by publication of the Summons weekly for six successive weeks, in the SACRAMENTO DAILY UNION, a newspaper published in the said county of Sacramento.


By JOHN F. DIXON, Dep. C'lk.

John H. Gass, Att'y for Plaintiff.


SUMMONS. - STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Sutter, Nicolaus Township, SS.

In Justice's Court, before Thos. C. Hammond, Justice of the Peace. - The People of the State of California to James S. Crane, greeting: You are hereby summoned to appear before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace in and for the Township of Nicolaus, County of Sutter, at this office in said Township, on Friday, the 25th day of July, 1862, at 12 o'clock M., to answer unto the complaint of Harris & Grandstaff, who sue to recover the sum of $48.83, upon an account for blacksmith work done for you by plaintiffs, and for a balance due said plaintiffs upon a certain promissory note drawn by you in said plantiff's favor. And if you fail to appear and answer, the plaintiff then and there will take judgment against you for the aforesaid amount, together with costs and damages.

Given under my hand this 24th day of April, 1862.


Justice of the Peace.

To the Sheriff or any Constable of said County: You are hereby commanded to make due service and return of the above Summons.


Justice of the Peace.


It is hereby ordered that the above Summons be published in the SACRAMENTO DAILY UNION once a week for a period of three months from the date thereof.


Justice of the Peace.

Nicolaus Township, Sutter County.



In the matter of the Estate of CHRISTOPHER EUHRIG, deceased. - In the Probate Court of the city and county of Sacramento. The People of the State of California send Greeting:

In pursuance of an order of the Honorable Robert C. Clark, Probate Judge of the city and county aforesaid, duly made and entered on the 28th day of June, 1862, notice is hereby given that THURSDAY, the TENTH DAY OF JULY, 1862, at 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, at the County Court room, at the Court House in the city and county of Sacramento, has been appointed as the time and place of hearing the application of Wm. Reynolds, praying that a document now on file in this Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of Christopher Euhrig, deceased, be admitted to probate, and that letters testamentary be issued thereon to William Reynolds, who is named therein as Executor, at which time and place all persons interested may appear and contest the same. It is further ordered by the Court that notice hereof be made by publication for ten successive days, in the DAILY UNION, a newspaper printed and published in said city and county.


Witness my hand and the Seal of said Probate Court hereto affixed, this 28th day of June, A.D. 1862.


By JOHN S. BARRETT, Deputy Clerk.

Winans & Hyer, Attorneys for Petitioner.


Donated by sfgenealogy.com

Submitted by Jeanne Taylor





July 4, 1862

page 4



(Damaged Page – a few women’s names readable.)


Geety, Marta

Herndon, Sally

Sullivan, Ellen

Tyacke, Sally

Taylor, Jane B.

Woods, Rosa





(damaged – unreadable)

____ams, Otis

____endorf, F.

Andrews, Wm. E. B.

Askin, Thos. J.

Aylela, P. Jose




Bates, Lewis

Benois, Chas.

Benhayon, F.

Benz, Gottlieb

Berry, A. S.

Black, Saml. M.

Blackburn, L.R.

Bowinger, M.

Bois, S.

Brady, Hugh

Branner, Joseph

Brown, Rufus R.

Burroughs, C.B.

Bush, M.H. 2




Calvyn, Jas. M.

Chamberlin, H. M.

Chamberlin, A.M.

Chase, K. J.

Clark, Simon P.

Clorn, Michael

Cook, Thos H.

Conlish, Peter

Condlen, Michael

Cowley, Robert

Cox, Ed J.

Crafts, Saml H.

Crane, W. A.

Cunningham, Alf

Cutler, Nathl T.

Cranby, Wm.




Dhue, John

Danforth, David

Davidson, John

Day, T.B.

Dehue, Jno

Deisenroth, Leopd

Derrig, Michael 2

Derrmer, Abram

De Witt, John

Dillon, Wm.

Dinant, H. B. 2

Dobbs, Ambrose

Dumphy, Erastus

Dunavant, Russell

Duncan, Wm.

Dulin, P.B.




Eazal, Conrad

Elder, A.J.

Emply, Wm J.

Evers, Augustus




Farlon, Robt

Farran, John

Finegan, John

Floyd, John S.

Foster, E. A.

France, Henry

Freeman, John E. 2




Galt, Wm.

Gallagher, Wm B. 2

Geisendorfer, Geo

Giddings, E.

Glappyr, E.

Golberg, A. & Co.

Graiggs, Albert

Granger, Elmer

Grant, Isaac N.

Graham, A


Green, F. C.

Griswold, Wm. C.

Grow, A. C.

Grover, Henry E.




Hale, Nat

Harley, G

Harwood, Charles

Harriman, M. W.

Hazettan, A. C.

Hawley, O. F.

Haines, John W.

Hegg, David

Hensley, S. J.

Higgins, Thomas J.

Hill, Wm.

Hoag, Hiram G.

Holling, Charles H.

Herbert, M.J.

Hughes, James

Hunt, John B.

Hunter, Wm. G




Jacobs, Elijah

Johnson, Robert

Jones, Wm. Carey




Kandle, Frank

Keefe, Frederick

Kelley, Ira C.

Kerns, T.W.

Kimball, Chas H.

Koop, August

Kneal, Geo. F.



Lacey, David A.

Lamb, Owen

Landers, Joshua H.

Lanhasten, N.

Lee, L. M.

Lewis, Wm

Lewis, Charles W.

Lester, Albert J.

Lewis, Daniel A.

Lippencott, E.

Litten, B.F.

Liness, John

Loheide, Louis H

Lovett, Wm. E.


Low, Thomas R.

Lowe, Joseph S.

Lowe, John

Lowe, James H.



McCormick, Wm or James

McNelly, Francis

McPherson, J. U. 2



Machin, T. N.

Merrey, Harder

Merchant, J. B.


Mills, Wm. G.

Miner, James

Minturn, John K.

Mitchell, James

Mowres, John

Mix, Mortimer

Morse, James J.

Mozzes, Bahnert

Meyer, John F.

Murphy, Charles



Newell, Joseph J.


Neikirk, Wm H.

Noonen & Co.

Noling, Pearson

Nordyke, M. S.



O'Keefe, Nano

O'Rear, Isaac

Orien, James S.

O'Brien, James E.

O'Harra, Anthony




Parks, Anson

Pleasant, John

Price, Captain

Pitt, Thomas

Poente, Frank

Prescott, James G.



Ray, H.W.

Ramsey, J. M.

Read, Milton D.

Rhodes, Isaac

Riley, P.L.

Robinson, Jacob

Rogers, Erastus

Ross, Andreas

Ross, A.

Rowell, James

Royce, Simson M.

Rouse, Horace

Rowe, James E.



Saunders, W A

Sawyer, F R

Schuler, Jacob

Schwarz, W

Searcy, Geo. W

Sehram, James

Sherwood, A E

Sheffield, T.R.

Shelden, James G.

Shepherd, John C

Shepherd, H L

Silva, Francis C.

Skinner, Samuel B.

Sour, J.

Staley, Wm

Stephens, S. L.

Stephens, Thos. C.

Stevens, Rufus


Summers, Henry C.



Talbot, John

Terrill, R H.

Thaitt, J.

Thront, Lewis E.

Tilgman, T

Tomson, Geo.

Tuck, J

Tulley, Lawrenec 2

Tucker, J. H.



United States Hotel

Van Agge, James

Van Winkle, W H

Veigger, Peter

Vartimer, P



Wagner, Michael

Waddle, Jesse

Wales, Hugh

Waldeen, August

Washburn, Geo

Waters, W

Webster, Hazard

Weaver, John E.

Wells, Cyrus

Whitmore, Isaac

Whitesides, Alex or Wm.

Whitney, James A.

White, Thomas W.

White, Emmons

Wiezel, John

Wilcox, Geo

Williams, J. S.

Wilson, Geo

Wilson, G.A.

Winterburn, G.H.

Woodruff, Cyrus

Woodward, Robert








July 4, 1862

page 4



In the matter of the Estate of CHRISTOPHER EUHRIG, deceased. - In the Probate Court of the city and county of Sacramento. - The People of the State of California send Greeting:

In Pursurance of an order of the Honorable Robert C. CLARK, Probate Judge of the city and county aforesaid, duly made and entered on the 28th day of June, 1862, notice is hereby given that THURSDAY, the TENTH DAY OF JULY, 1862, at 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, at the County Court room, at the Court House in the city and county of Sacramento, has been appointed as the time and place of hearing the application of Wm. REYNOLDS, praying that a document now on file in the Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of Christopher EUHRIG, deceased, be admitted to probate, and that letters testamentary be issued thereon to William REYNOLDS, who is named therein as Executor, at which time and place all persons interested may appear and contest the same. It is further ordered by the Court that notice hereof be made by publication for ten successive days, in the DAILY UNION, a newspaper printed and published in said city and county.


Witness my hand and the Seal of said Probate Court hereto affixed, this 28th day of June, A.D. 1862.



By JOHN S. BARRETT, Deputy Clerk.

Winans & Hyer, Attorneys for Petitioner.



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Submitted by Jeanne Taylor





July 5, 1862

page 2




Wednesday, July 2, 1862.


J. H. SCOTT vs Hiram HARBOR - cause dismissed at cost of plaintiff.

D. WOODS vs. B. N. BUGBEY - Continued by consent until Tuesday.

W. S. MESICK vs. D. B. MILNE et al - Decree ordered entered for plaintiff.

MILLIKEN Brothers vs. S. TRYON - Continued till tomorrow.

C. F. MAHONE vs. J. R. T. MAHONE - Verdict for defendant; judgment reversed.

Adjourned until to-morrow at half-past ten o'clock.




July 5, 1862

Page 3


CITY INTELLIGENCE. - Committee On The Glorious Fourth. - The Citizen's Committee on the Celebration of the Fourth of July reassembled last evening. A communication was received from Captain McALLISTER, commanding Benicia Arsenal, dated July 1st, stating that a cannon would be sent as soon as the Committee sent a responsible person to take charge of it. Received and placed on file. The Committee on Firing Salutes made a report of their arrangements, which was accepted. The Committee on Hall reported that the Pavilion would be fitted up for the oration and other proceedings, in a comfortable and convenient manner. The Committee on Music reported that a band of sixteen pieces had been engaged for $400. The Committee on Invitations reported that the whole number invited was forty-seven. The Committee on Carriages reported that they had engaged only six carriages yet, at $10 apiece, and they were allowed further time. The Finance Committee for the Fourth Ward reported $61 collected. The whole amount raised, up to this time, amounting to nearly $1,000, was ordered to be paid over to the Treasurer. KLOPENSTINE and FRINK were appointed a Committee to take charge of the distribution of powder for the salutes. The subject of making a feature of the young native Californians was discussed, and it was stated that that portion of our rising generation would make a fine display. It was finally agreed that the young natives and their parents be invited to meet the President at four o'clock this afternoon, at the County Court room, for the purposes of making arrangements for a grand turnout, and that the children should each wear upon the left breast a red-white-and blue rosette, and carry the flag of our Union in the right hand. A notice of the meeting in the afternoon was ordered to be published in the Union and Bee of to-day, and the Secretary was instructed to notify the Marshal, so that he can provide a good place for the young Californians in the procession. Adjourned till this evening.


POLICE COURT. - In the Police Court, yesterday, J. CONNELL, was fined $40, for assault and battery on A. QUINN, of which offense he was convicted on Tuesday. In the case of A. POLAND, charged with assault and battery on E. DAVIS, the defendant pleaded guilty. The case of G. W. HARLOW, charged with grand larceny in stealing two mules, the property of S. and A. B. TANNER, was partially examined, and continued for further testimony until to-day. The same defendant was tried by a jury on a charge of petty larceny in stealing a rope belonging to P. BURNS, near whose ranch the mules were secreted. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty, but the Court ordered the verdict to be set aside, on the ground that it was contrary to the evidence. In the case of W. WOODBRIDGE, charged with petty larceny in stealing a coat, the testimony was heard and case taken under advisement. The case of J. J. BAYER, charged with assault and battery on V. O. PEASE, was continued until to-day. The case of W. MOORHEAD, charged with assault and battery on Patrick QUINN, was postponed until to-day. Mrs. CASTELLI, charged with disturbing the peace, was discharged on the statement of the prosecuting witness.


INDEPENDENCE BALL. - The grand ball in commemoration of the eighty-sixth anniversary of American independence will take place tomorrow evening at the Assembly Chamber. A large number of invitations have been sent out, and every preparation has been made which the occasion demands. The following named citizens constitute the Committees: On invitations, Leland STANFORD, G. R. WARREN, D.R. ASHLEY, J.F. HOUGHTON, F.F. FARGO, C.J. LEONARD, T.L. KIMBALL, C. CROCKER, J.W WINANS, Edgar MILLS, John HARROLD, Drury MALONE, J. B. HARMON, J. H. GASS, E.B. RYAN, George ROWLAND and M. M. ESTEE; Reception Committee, G. W. CHESLEY, Drury MALONE, A.A. H. TUTTLE, C. J. TORBERT, W.P. COLEMAN, and W. J. PIXLEY.


BOARD OF APPRAISERS. - The Board of Appraisers met yesterday, pursuant to adjournment; present a full Board. The following named witnesses were examined as to the value of condemned property on the line of the levees: W. H. BARTON, Samuel CROSS, C.A. BERGER, A.C. SWEETSER, August MOELLER, W. G. ENGLISH, J. H. GASS and J. H. COFFEE. This testimony concluded the investigation of the Board, as to value, etc. The Secretary was then instructed to obtain abstracts of title to the various lots under examination, and the Board adjourned until Monday next at two o'clock P.M., at which time they will announce the result of their investigations.


AGRICULTURAL PARK. - Agricultural Park has been so far repaired as to be nearly ready for use for the next Fair. The walls having been rebuilt, and the repairs to the central stand completed, workmen are engaged in cleaning out, fitting up, and repapering and painting the lower rooms of the main building. HUBBARD & HYATT, the new lessees have already opened the saloon, and during every afternoon, for four or five days past, the race track, has been crowded with the fast teams of the city, which are driven out for exercise and display.


THE CHAIN GANG. - One detachment of the chain gang, under the control of Overseer LONG, and another under Overseer CHILDS, were engaged yesterday in lowering and adjusting the street crossings at various points where such alterations had become necessary. The crossings at Fifth and J, Fourth and K, and on Fourth opposite the St. George Hotel, have been attended to. An excellent bridge has also been constructed by the chain gang within the past few days on L Street, near Fourth.


NOT QUITE SO MUCH. - The amount for which suit was brought in Justice ROBINSON'S Court, on Tuesday; by GODCHAUX & Co., against G. W. COWLES, was $51.07, and not $5,107, as reported yesterday. The loss of this firm in the above transaction is very essentially lessened by a very slight change of punctuation.


PAID IN. - Sheriff BUGBEY, through Under Sheriff HOAG, paid over to the County Treasurer yesterday $4,002, the collections from the Chinese for the month of June. Of this sum $2,514 were collected as Police Tax, and $1,488 as Foreign Miners' License.


BOILER FOR WASHOE. - A large fine boiler, five feet in diameter and fifteen feet in length, from the establishment of COFFEY & RISDON, San Francisco, was last evening loaded on to a wagon at the levee. It is designed for the Empire Mills, Nevada Territory.


WOUNDED. - Police officer TAYLOR of this city received information a few days since that his son Samuel was severely wounded in the thigh at the battle of Pittsburg Landing. He was a private in Third Iowa Regiment.



July 5, 1862

page 3


LECTURE BY DR. LOGAN. - Dr. T. M. LOGAN will deliver a lecture this evening in the High School room, corner of L and Sixth streets. The subject for this evening will be, "A description of the atmosphere, including its extent, its weight, its condition at different hights (sic) - in respect to density and temperature, and the elements that compose it." A course of lectures has been arranged for the benefit of the pupils of the High School and the friends of education, and as there is no expense connected therewith, the public are invited to attend. Dr. LOGAN will accompany the delivery of his lecture with the exhibition of transparencies, and the whole cannot fail to be interesting. The lecture commences at eight o'clock.


THE MAHONE DIVORCE CASE. - The argument in this case, which has engaged the attention of the District Court for three or four days, was not concluded on Tuesday evening, but was resumed yesterday morning. When concluded, the cause was submitted to the jury with instructions to find a special verdict. After being out two or three hours, a verdict was returned for the defendant, the jury finding that he had not treated plaintiff with cruelty; that he was not addicted to intemperance, and that they had lived together as man and wife since the commencement of the suit. It is probable that the case will be taken to the Supreme Court for the purpose of obtaining a new trial.


SUPREME COURT. - The following order was made in the Supreme Court yesterday: WHEELOCK vs. WARSHAUER- on motion of counsel and stipulation filed, leave to respondent to file briefs in ten days; leave to appellant to reply in ten days thereafter.


BE PROMPT. - It is the desire of Chief Marshal ARNOLD that all societies and associations be ready to move promptly at half-past nine o'clock to-morrow morning.


ARRESTED. - Patrick QUINN was arrested yesterday by officer BURKE on complaint of Wm. MOORHEAD, on a charge of disturbing the peace.



July Term.


Motions and the examinations of applicants for admission as attorneys and counselors.



3485 - People ex rel. WETMORE vs. WITTINMYER.

3514 - People vs. HERNANDEZ/

3579 - People vs. MOORE et als.

3580 - People vs. ORD.



3587 - People vs. TODD.

3601 - People vs. GREER.

3604 - People vs. ZAESCK.

3605 - People vs. WALLACE.

3608 - People ex rel. WETHERBEE vs. CAZNEAU.



3612 - People vs. NEWBERY.

3613 - People vs. BOSCOVITCH.

3614 - People vs. BRANIGAN.

3617 - People vs. O'CONNELL.

3618 - People vs. CABANNES et als.



3609 - VILLAVACENCIO et al. vs. FALQUE.

2762 - ELDRIDGE et al. vs. WRIGHT et al.

3487 - RODRIGUEZ Executors vs COMSTOCK et als.

3551 - In re Estate of HIDDEN.

3561 - HUFFMAN vs. San Joaquin County.

3616 - SARGENT vs. STURN.

3621 - HUSSEY vs. McDERMOTT.

3625 - HESTRES, Administrator, vs. BRANNAN.

3603 - BROWN vs. CRONISE.

3622 - TODD vs. TODD.

3421 - GORDON vs. CLARK.

3559 - TAYLOR vs. McKINNEY.

3602 - COOK vs. DAVIS, Administrator.

3166 - FALL et al. vs. Sutter County et als.

3611 - Bear River and Auburn W. and M. Co. vs. McDONALD et als.

3566 - SPENCE vs. HARVEY et al.



3615 - JOHNSON vs. McNAMARA.

2601 - DANA vs. McFARLAND.

3132 - NESBIT vs. LANGTON.

3403 - DOOLING vs. MOORE.

3568 - BALDWIN et al. vs. FERRE.


3569 - REDINGTON et al. vs. WALDEN et als.

3620 - HADLEY vs. JONES.


3422 - HIGH vs. SHOEMAKER et. als.

3134 - RICHARDSON vs. DONAHUE et. als.


3813 - City and County of San Francisco vs. PIXLEY et al.


3596 - MULLER vs. BOGGS et als.

3591 - ATWILL vs. BENSLEY et al.


3571 - SWAIN vs. NORTON.


3623 - IRWIN, Administrator, vs. BACKUS et al.


3627 - MILLS et al. vs. BARNEY et als.


Donated by sfgenealogy.com

Submitted by Jeanne Taylor





July 6, 1862

page 2



Fourth of July Committee Meeting. - The Citizen's Committee on the Celebration of the Fourth of July held its final meeting last evening. The Committee on Finance made their final report of the amount of money collected. The Committee on Hall reported that efforts were in progress to obtain a suitable large flag for the Pavilion, the old flag having been used up. Subsequently, the matter was arranged by raising $60 by subscription, to purchase a flag twenty by thirty feet. The Committee on Carriages reported that seven carriages and three omnibuses had been engaged at $100, and besides, two barouches could be had in the morning. The Committee on Salutes reported that the powder had been provided to Engine Companies Nos. 1 and 5, who would fire salutes of thirteen guns each at sunrise, and thirty-four guns at noon. The Treasurer was directed to pay over to the saluting squads of each company $20 for refreshments. The President reported that he met a goodly number of young native California boys and their parents in the afternoon, that a good deal of enthusiasm had been manifested, and that they would meet again at the County Court room at nine o'clock this morning, to receive their flags, the parents to provide the rosettes. He thought there would be one or two hundred of these boys turn out in the procession. Four of the parents had been appointed as a Committee to take charge of the boys while on the march. A Committee was appointed to make all the necessary arrangements for ringing the bells morning, noon and night, consisting of L. HAMILTON, President and McCLINTOCK. Judge GILMER reported in behalf of the Marshal, John ARNOLD, that all his arrangements were completed. The President was authorized to furnish little flags free to such of the young California boys as may not have the two bits on hand to buy for themselves. Adjourned till Saturday, when the Committee will meet to make a financial settlement.


POLICE COURT. - In the Police Court, yesterday, C. W. HARLOW was held to answer on two charges of grand larceny, for stealing one mule from A. B. TANNER and another from S. TANNER, and his bail was fixed at $3,000. In the case of J. J. BAUER, charged with assault and battery on D. PEASE, the prosecuting witness having run away, the defendant was discharged. W. MOORHEAD was tried by a jury of six "peers" for the assault and battery on Peter QUINN. Peter's face presented an exceedingly mottled appearance, and he testified distinctly to having received a beating at the hands of MOORHEAD, and the defense showed that he was drunk and used abusive language before MOORHEAD sailed in. The jury retired to deliberate, and soon sent back word that they could not agree; but, under a threat of being locked up till adjournment without any dinner, they brought in a verdict of "guilty, with a recommendation to the mercy of the Court." Sentence will be passed on Saturday. Pending the deliberation of the jury, Peter QUINN was tried by the Court for disturbing the peace on the occasion of his getting thrashed, was found guilty, and waiving time, was sentenced to pay $10 or be locked up five days. William WOODBRIDGE was found guilty of stealing a coat, and his sentence deferred until Saturday, with an intimation that if the coat should be found in the meantime it would be all the better for him. He said he was very sure he could not find the coat, but the Court expressed an equally positive adverse opinion.


NATIVE CALIFORNIA CHILDREN. - At the meeting of parents held at the County Court room at four o'clock yesterday afternoon, it was resolved that all the boys who are California born and old enough to carry the stars and stripes, either of full size or in miniature, are invited to join the procession. Parents are requested to furnish each one with a flag and a rosette of red, white and blue, the rosette to be worn on the left breast. Flags for those who are not otherwise supplied can be had at the County Court room during the morning, at two bits each. Capt. N. A. KIDDER and Thomas COOK were appointed a Committee, with power to select two assistants, to watch over the welfare of Young America on that occasion and to attend to them throughout the day. Parents may rely on the safety of their children in their hands, even though the children are very young for flag bearers. The meeting adjourned to meet to-morrow morning, at a quarter past nine, at the County Court room; and the children will form and join the procession on Fourth street, in front of the Court room. Let them all come; there will be banners for each boy to carry.


FLAG RIASING AT THE GOVERNOR'S. - During a day or two past, Governor STANFORD has had workmen employed at Eighth and N Streets, in preparing a fine flag staff to be erected in front of his residence. A Puget Sound, or Oregon tree, brought to the city by N. L. DREW, was selected for the purpose, and at five o'clock last evening the raising took place, under the supervision of W. F. KNOX. The pole, although but twelve inches in diameter at the base, is about a hundred and six feet in length. After the staff was raised, a long flag, eighteen by thirty feet was thrown to the breeze to attest the loyalty of California to the Union. Some twenty or thirty persons were present aiding in the work, who cheered the flag in good earnest as it was raised. The entire company was invited by the Governor to CODY'S saloon, where all "took the oath."


THE GRAPE CULTURE. - George HERL of Poverty Ridge has about four thousand grape vines planted in a space of about two and a half acres, of which about one-half are old enough to bear. From this number of vines he sold last year five tons of grapes, and made two hundred and twenty-five gallons of wine. He is a native of Bavaria, and has had good opportunities to inform himself on the subject, and believes that the wine of California can be produced equal to that of any other portion of the globe, and that the vine culture is even now the most profitable business in the State.


CELEBRATION AT LINCOLN. - We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to attend the celebration of our national anniversary at Lincoln to-day, which will embrace a dinner, given by C. L. WILSON, followed by appropriate exercises. Although we may not be present, we will remind those who are that the residents of Lincoln and Sacramento have especial cause to-day to rejoice - that the Pacific Railroad bill, which must essentially affect the interests of each, is passed and signed, as our Eastern dispatches set forth.


ALLEN'S HAY PRESS. - A specimen of ALLEN'S portable hay press was deposited on the levee at the foot of J street yesterday afternoon. It is designed for use on the ranch of B. F. WASHINTON, in Tehama county. It is worked by horse or ox power, is calculated for use in the field or at the stack, and discharges the bale with facility through a door in the bottom.


OFFICERS and GUESTS. - It is the desire of Chief Marshal ARNOLD that the Judges of the Supreme Court, Governor and suite, State and county and municipal officers and other invited guests, shall meet punctually at the State House at half-past nine o'clock, where they will be provided for.


DISTRICT COURT. - The case of MILLIKEN Brothers vs. Sylvester TRYON was tried yesterday in the District Court, involving the right and title to two mule teams, and resulted in a verdict for the defendant.


THE BRASS GUN. - E. M. SMITH, a member of the City Guard, left the city on Wednesday afternoon for Benicia, to bring up the brass fieldpiece, loaned to our citizens by General WRIGHT, for use to-day. He will doubtless arrive with it by this morning's boat.


SUPREME COURT. - The following order was made in the Supreme Court yesterday: LIN SING vs. WASHBURN - On motion of counsel and stipulation filed, leave was given to place cause on July calendar.


ADDRESS AT LA PORTE. - J. W. COFFROTH of this city will deliver an address to-day at La Porte, Sierra County.



District Court. - J. H. McKUNE, Judge.

Thursday, July 3, 1862.


HALLECK, PEACHY et al vs. George H. MIXER-continued for the term at cost of defendant.

HALLECK, PEACHY et al vs. T. H. COOK-Continued for the term at cost of defendant.

B. N. BUGBEY vs. CARTER et al.-Continued until Wednesday next at half-past ten o'clock.

A. J. KINSEY vs. L. B. BROOKS and Francis CLARK-Judgment ordered in accordance with stipulation on file.

MILLIKEN Brothers vs. S. TRYON-Cause tried and verdict returned in favor of defendant.

Peter MORRIS vs. W. A. LOWER-Injunction dissolved and cause dismissed for want of prosecution.

Lewis DEVLIN et al vs. Edward FRENCH et al.-Jury impanneled (sic) and testimony for plaintiff taken; defendants' motion for nonsuit granted, and judgment of nonsuit ordered entered.

Adjourned until Saturday at half-past ten o'clock A.M.



July 6, 1862

page 4


STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CITY and County of Sacramento, ss. - In the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District of said State.

The People of the State of California to A. MAYER, Greeting: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Arnold HEYMAN, in said Court filed against you, within ten days from the service of this writ, exclusive of the day of service, if served on you in this county; if served out of this city and county, but within this Judicial District, then in twenty days; but if served on you without said District, then in forty days from such service, exclusive of the day of service - in an action commenced on the 2d day of June, 1862, in said Court. Said action is brought to recover judgment for the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars, said sum being the amount due on a certain promissory note bearing date April 5, 1860; all of which is fully set forth in complaint, a copy of which accompanies this Summons; said note bears interest from the 5th of April, 1860, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to answer the complaint as directed, plaintiff will take judgment for the sum above specified and costs.


In testimony whereof I, Jared IRWIN, Clerk of the Sixth Judicial District Court aforesaid, do hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said Court, at office in Sacramento city, this 2d day of June, A.D. 1862.


By Dan. COFFEE, Deputy Clerk.

June 6th, 1862.

HARMON & HARTLEY, Pltff's Att'ys.




STATE OF CALIFORNIA, City and County of Sacramento - In the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District.

George HARDY vs. His Creditors - In pursuance of an order of the Hon. J. H. McKUNE, Judge of the District Court aforesaid, notice is hereby given to the creditors of George HARDY, an insolvent debtor, that they be and appear on Friday, the 11th day of July, A.D. 1862, before the Judge aforesaid, in open Court, then and there to show cause, if any they can, why distribution of the assets of said insolvent may not be made in conformity with the report and statement of the assignee herein on this file in my office.

Attest: JARED IRWIN, Clerk.

By JOHN E. DIXON, Deputy Clerk.


Donated by sfgenealogy.com

Submitted by Jeanne Taylor




July 7, 1862

page 4


THE FOURT AT DAYLOR'S RANCH. - Independence Day was duly celebrated at this locality. About sunset a man named Robert CROUSE had his left arm and hand badly shattered by the premature discharge of a cannon which he was engaged in firing. The sufferer having been made as comfortable as circumstances would admit and the sum of $100 subscribed for his benefit, the festivities were resumed and prolonged until an early hour the ensuing morning, ending with a torchlight procession, firing of cannon, etc. - the wine cup, of course, circulating freely. The next morning CROUSE'S arm was amputated by Drs. SIMMONS of Sacramento and GIBBS of DAYLOR'S Ranch, and the patient is now doing well.


A man named Charles NIENHART made a deadly assault with a hatchet on an unknown man last night, fracturing his skull. The wound is dangerous.


The Pioneers to-morrow will escort the Sacramento delegation and the Grand Lodge of Masons. The laying of the corner stone of the Pioneer Hall will be under the supervision of the Grand Lodge.


A man named MIDDLETON was run over by a fire engine yesterday morning, and severely injured.


William FARRELL has been arrested for gambling, and Charles LEANSTADT for insanity.


Arrived: Russian ship Kamschatka, with ice from Kodiac.



L. BOORD, on the 5th of July, having heard that a miner named JACKSON had slandered his wife, went with a double barreled shot gun to JACKSON'S cabin, and shot him through the heart. JACKSON was pierced by thirteen bullets and expired instantly. BOORD is now in the hands of the officers.



July 7, 1862

page 5



Serious Stabbing Affair. - Littleton WALDRON, brother-in-law of J. PEASELY, proprietor of the What Cheer House, and book keeper at that house, was dangerously stabbed at four o'clock yesterday afternoon by a man named Michael CARTY. CARTY had arrived in the forenoon from some place in the mountains, and put up at the What Cheer House, placing in WALDRON'S charge a box of peculiar plants, to which he seemed to attach great value, stating that he wanted to find a botanist to tell him what they were. He was observed to be rather quarrelsome, as if a little in liquor, some time before the stabbing. WALDRON found him asleep in the sitting room and waked him up, saying that that was not a proper place to sleep, and he had better walk around. CARTY got up and went out without making much of a reply, and in a few moments came in again and said to WALDRON, who was sitting on the edge of a table, that he would take the box. WALDRON rose and turned to get the box, when CARTY suddenly, with his left hand, grasped him by the head or right shoulder, and at the same time, with a pocket-knife in his right hand, struck WALDRON in the breast, drawing the knife upward, inflicting a terrible gash, six or eight inches long, extending from the lower edge of the breastbone upwards across the right breast and the nipple. There seems to have been no one else in the room at the moment, but the cry of WALDRON attracted attention from persons about the doors, who came to his relief. CARTY ran off and crossed Front street towards the river, still retaining the knife in his hand. Officer O'NEILL was in the neighborhood, and followed CARTY, who warned him to keep off, at the same time raising the knife. The officer presented a pistol, and ordered CARTY to drop the knife, which, after some hesitation, he did, and Patsey CALLAHAN picked it up. The officer then arrested CARTY and took him to the station house. CARTY refused to tell where he last came from, but says he has lived at Prairie City and was acquainted with Sheriff BUGBEY. He had called upon Dr. LOGAN in relation to his box of plants. Dr. MORSE was called to dress WALDRON'S wounds, and thinks the wound is a very dangerous one, the more especially as WALDRON is not in robust health.


ACCIDENT ON THE FOURTH. - The only accident of any consequence which occurred in the city on the Fourth of July resulted from the explosion of a canister of powder at Tenth and K streets. At about sundown arrangements were made for firing an anvil salute. On account of an erroneous arrangement of the anvil, one of the charges "blew out." W. HENDRIE recharged the anvil from a canister held in the left hand. From some cause - probably a spark remaining upon the anvil - the powder ignited, bursting the canister while still held in the hand. The entire surface of HENDRIE'S face was burnt, though, fortunately, not sufficiently deep to be considered dangerous. The left hand was also burnt, and also severely lacerated by the exploding material of the canister. The sleeve also caught fire and burnt nearly to the elbow, in extinguishing which his right hand was also burnt. Unfortunately, a child of H. C. PHELPS, a boy about nine years old, stood near the anvil at the time of the explosion, and has his face burned also, nearly as severely as that of HENDRIE. He was well enough to be on his feet yesterday, and appeared to suffer but little. HENDRIE is confined to his bed, but his physician, Dr. NIXON, thinks he will be able to leave it in a few days.


THE FOURTH AT FOLSOM. - The citizens of Folsom celebrated Independence Day with great ardor. They had a procession, of which Judge THOMPSON was Chief Marshal, with four Aids, and in which was a band of music, Young America Engine Company, a car of liberty, containing Miss Liberty and the thirty-four States, represented by so many maidens: a boy company, the Folsom Zouaves, guarding the car and the girls; the President, Judge COLE; Orator, Dr. POWELL, and Reader, Rev. Mr. HILAND: the citizens of Folsom generally, and the rest of mankind in particular. The procession marched to a grove, where the band played, a choir sung, the Reader read, and the Orator orated, after which came a dinner, for which the men were charged a dollar a piece, and the women and children were free. Then the procession marched home again. In the evening were fireworks and a ball.


COMMERCIAL. - Arrived yesterday: Schooner Sarah, Chatz, from Cache Creek, with 120 tons of barley to C. C. KNOX; schooner Louisa Harker, with merchandise, from San Francisco; schooner Mendocino, with merchandise, from San Francisco; schooner Cinderilla, Greenbeck, with merchandise, from San Francisco; schooner Maggie Robinson, from San Francisco, with 500 sacks of barley to C. C. KNOX; schooner Anna R. Forbes, with merchandise, from San Francisco; schooner William Mighells, with merchandise, from San Francisco; sloop Cynthia, with merchandise, from San Francisco; schooner J. E. Murdoch, from outside, with 75,000 feet lumber to B. GRAY; sloop Crawford, from San Francisco, with lumber to B. GRAY; schooner Emily, from Benicia, with cement.


A MAN BLOWN UP. - At Sutterville, on the evening of the 4th, James HASTINGS, nephew of L. W. HASTINGS of that place, was engaged with others in firing an anvil salute, and was holding under his left arm a twelve pound keg of powder from which the anvil was charged, when by some means the powder in the keg became ignited and blew up with a terrific explosion. When young HASTINGS was picked up it was found that all the clothing had been torn off the upper part of his body, and all the left side of his body, and his chest and face were dreadfully burned. It is hardly possible that he can recover.


SUPREME COURT. - The following orders and decisions were made and filed on Saturday in the Supreme Court: BABCOCK et al. vs. MIDDLETON et. al. On motion of counsel and stipulation filed, ordered upon July calendar. TOUCHARD, executor, vs. KEYES. On motion of counsel and stipulation filed, ordered upon calendar for July term and submitted on briefs in pursuance of stipulation. MASON vs. CRONISE. Judgment reversed and Court below directed to enter final judgment for the defendant upon the demurrer. POLHEMUS et al. vs. CARPENTER et al. Rehearing denied. CLARKE vs. TROVE. Rehearing denied. CLARKE vs. HUBER. Rehearing denied.


POLICE COURT. - There was very little business done in the Police Court on Saturday, and none which had any relation to the grand celebration of the Fourth on the day before. Wm. WOODBRIDGE, convicted of Floyding a coat, and persisting in his denial of all knowledge of the whereabouts of said garment, was sentenced to six months' imprisonment in jail. E. POLAND was fined $10 for assault and battery. C. BROCKWAY was tried for disturbing the peace in the day time, and the case was taken under advisement until Monday. The case of Patrick HOLLAND, charged with threatening to kill, was postponed till Monday.


ARRESTS. - The following arrests were made during Saturday and yesterday: W. DEELING for disturbing the peace, by officer BURKE; Mrs. DWYER for disturbing the peace, by officer BURKE; Mrs. DWYER for assault on Anne KELLY, by officer BURKE; William DWYER for assault and battery on OLIVER SMITH, by officer BURKE; Oliver SMITH for assault and battery on W. DWYER, by officer DAKE; Oliver SMITH for disturbing the peace, by officer DAKE; Martin CARTY for assault to kill - WALDEN, by officer O'NEIL; John MILLER for disturbing the peace, by officers HIGGINS and NORRIS.


DISTRICT COURT. - In the case of Myron SMITH vs. His Creditors, in the District Court, on Saturday, the Sheriff was appointed assignee. In the case of M. GOLDMAN vs. E. SMITH, the cause was tried by a jury and a verdict of $250 rendered for the plaintiff. Moses O'CONNOR vs. P. A. MURPHY and J. CADOGAN, judgment ordered entered in accordance with answer filed. G. W. REDMAN vs. J. A. SMYTH and P. J. TOLL, cause continued for term at cost of defendant, upon affidavit of SMYTH.


MORE OLD MAIL MATTER. - Additional delayed Overland Mail matter was received at the Sacramento Post Office on Saturday, and also yesterday. This makes the third arrival of this description of mail matter which has been received since Postmaster PARKER of San Francisco announced that it was all in. There is, we are informed, still more yet to be brought in.


VICE VERSA. - A fight occurred at Toll's Hotel on the Fourth of July between a Union man and a Secessionist, in which the Secessionist was whipped. On the other hand, a spree occurred a night or two before at BOICE'S Saloon, Eighth and J Streets, in which two Union men were cleaned out for persisting in drinking to "The Union and nothing but the Union."


COURT OF SESSIONS. - James LEIGHTON is to be tried in the Court of Sessions to-day on a charge of grand larceny.


SINGULAR ACCIDENT. - Robert BIGGS, a teamster, living on O street, was coming in with his team from Washoe, on the Fourth, and when near KEEFER'S, a few miles from the city, a cigar which he was smoking set fire to his shirt, dreadfully burning his breast and arms. He was brought home, and Dr. SIMMONS attended to his injuries.


EMIGRANT TRAIN. - WILSON'S Emigrant Train, consisting of twelve or fifteen men, five wagons and a hundred mules, arrived in the city yesterday. This is, we believe, the first arrival of the season. The party report that they left the Missouri river on the 6th of May. They have, therefore, made the trip in about two months.


GOOD TIME AGAIN. - We are informed by H. MONTFORT, stage agent, that the Overland stage arrived yesterday in eighteen days from Atchison, Missouri. This is almost equal to the best time of last season, and gives us reason to hope that the embarrassments of the Overland route are at an end, at least for the present.


FATAL ACCIDENT. - A man named ABRAM, while in a state of intoxication, was thrown from his horse, on the Fourth of July, between Folsom and the Lexington House. He was taken to the Lexington House, and died next day, and was buried yesterday.


DISTRICT COURT. - The following cases are set for trial in the District Court to-day: GEORGE & WINGELL vs. F. MALONE; James HARDENBERGH vs. C. T. BOTTS; Presley DUNLAP vs. JOHN CURRY; John TANSMAN vs. M. GREENEBAUM et. al.


BOND FILED. - S. D. SMITH, the contractor of Section No. 2 of the city levee, filed his bond, in the sum of $6,000, with the Commissioners on Saturday evening. His sureties were E. P. FIGG and John BIGLER.



We present the regular weekly report of Josiah HOWELL, Auditor, of the condition of the City and County Treasury.



By the bark Yankee, at San Francisco, we have papers from Honolulu to June 12th.


WRECKS AT TAHITI. - The Rev. Mr. HOWE writes from Tahiti, under the date of March 20th:

"The brig Railleur had not long been hence when she went on the reef, at Morea, and after several efforts to get her off, she went to pieces. The Indefatigable, a large Government vessel, was sent from Papeete to bring away what could be saved from the wreck, and on her return was becalmed near the entrance. The current took her on the reef about seven p.m. of the 4th of March, and before daylight next morning she became a total wreck."


RATTELSNAKE KILLED BY A HEN. - The Weaverville Journal is responsible for the following:

Dr. WARE tells us that a few days ago one of his men found a rattlesnake with both eyes picked out in the nest of a sitting hen. His snakeship had swallowed a chicken, it is supposed that while doing so the old hen assaulted and picked out his eyes.



July 7, 1862

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Can be had of the following Booksellers and Newsmen:

Alder Creek, H. R. SMITH

Alpha, Nevada Co., Phillips' Express

Angel's, Lion & Thayer

Arnold's Ranch, W. D. LONG

Auburn, A. N. GAMBLE

Auburn, H. HAZELL

Aurora, Mono Co., F. GARESCHE

Benicia, J. W. SANBORN

Big Oak Flat, A. DUPRAT

Bidwell's Bar, Whiting & Co.

Blue Tent, W. D. LONG

Carson City, N.T., John G. FOX

Campo Seco, N. T.  ROOT

Camptonville, Fuller & Farley

Chico, J. BEAN

Chile Gulch, Samuel HUGHES

Chinese, Miller & Co.

Clarksville, D. CUMMINS

Copperopolis, Sawyer & Co.

Coloma, Paul MITCHELL

Columbia, Turner, Hurd & Co.

Diamond Springs, W. N. MUFFLEY

Diamond Springs, C.P. CHAPMAN

Downieville, Donaldson & Coldren

Downieville, J. W. OREAR

Drytown, Samuel SCOTT

Drytown, B. F. RICHTMYER

Dutch Flat, Plummer & Boke

El Dorado, James McCORMICK

El Dorado, Charles P. JACKSON

Eureka City, H. S. BECK

Fiddletown, D. TOWNSEND

Folsom, A M. DENNEN

Forest City, George A. THEALL

French Corral, Derby & Bass

Forest Hill, Agent Wells, Fargo & Co.

Forest Hill, Samuel Young

Genoa, N.T., J. H. DAVIS

Georgetown, P. W. CUNNINGHAM

Gibsonville, Morly & Holland

Goodyear's Bar, John SHARP

Goodyear's Bar, O. F. ACKERLY

Gold Hill, N. T., E. R. BARNES

Gold Hill, Cal., J. A. HILL

Grass Valley, W. K. SPENCER

Greenwood, E. L. CRAWFORD

Green Springs, Thos. AYRES

Horsetown, Charles McDONALD

Hornitas, W. A. GRADE

Illinoistown, Well, Fargo & Co.

Ione Valley, J. HEACOCK

Iowa Hill, Wells, Fargo & Co.

Iowa Hill, A. H. HESKETT

Iowa Hill, E. M. TRASK

Jackson, C. H. INGALLS

Jenny Lind, J. G. POLLARD

Jamison City, Langton & Co.

Kelsey's, L. BORNEMAN

Lancha Plana, J. D. TILSON

La Porte, Everts, Wilson & Co.

La Porte, John FREEMAN

Little York, Nicholas BOKE

Marysville, Randal & Co.

Michigan Bar, Manly EAMES

Michigan Bluffs, E. TYLER

Michigan Bluffs, Wm. DAVIS

Mokelumne Hill, L. M. HELLMAN

Monte Christo, Langton & Co.

Moore's Flat, W. D. LONG

Mormon Island, E. WOOLSON

Murphy's, H. LANG

Napa, M. L. HAAS

Negro Hill, W. H. STONE

Nevada, Phillips & Long


Nevada, Louis BLENIS

Nevada, G. W. WELCH

Nevada, A. R. Church & Co.

Nicolaus, C. MUSSER

North Bloomfield, W.D. LONG

Omega, Phillips' Express

Orleans Flat, W.D. LONG

Oroville, A. G. SIMPSON

Petaluma, G. R. CODDING

Pine Grove, Everts, Wilson & Co.

Placerville, Hernandez & Anderson

Placerville, T. R. LAMB

Placerville, Wm. M. Bradshaw & Co.

Portland, Oregon, Charles BARRETT

Portland, Oregon, S. J. McCORMICK

Quincy, Whiting & Co.


Rattlesnake Bar, D. A. RICE

Red Buffs, L. A. KELLEY


Rough and Ready, A. S. SLACK

San Andreas, E. LOBENSTEIN

San Francisco, G. H. BULL

San Francisco, John MADISON

San Francisco, Bamber & Co.

San Francisco, Stratman & Co.

San Francisco, F. CLARKE

San Francisco, J. W. SULLIVAN

San Francisco, M. ULLMAN

San Jose, J. B. MANNY

San Juan North, E. T. JORDAN

Secret Ravine, John HENRY

Sebastopol, Francis & Co.


Shasta, W. KENYON

Shasta, G. K. GODFREY

Silver City, N.T., George DEAN

Smartsville, L. B. CLARKE

Smith's Ranch, D. STEVENSON

Sonora, J. K. HANSON

St. Louis, Everts, Wilson & Co.

Stockton, Kierski Brothers

Stockton, E. B. BOURS

Stockton, Sidney NEWEL

Suisun City, E. D. WHEELER

Sutter Creek, W.T. WILDMAN

Tehama, L.A. GYLE

Timbuctoo, Yuba Co., McAllis & Gordon

Timbuctoo, S. C. WESSELS

Trinity Centre, Fred Rellers' Express

Todd's Valley, Hall & Allen

Union, Luther JONES

Virginia, N.T., Baxter & Durant

Virginia, N.T., W. H. BURRALL

Viola, A. R. MESERVA

Victoria, V. I., Hibben & Carswell

Volcano, S. KOHLBERG

Washington, Phillips' Express

Weaverville, Greenhood & Newbauer

Weaverville, M. OBERDEENER

Woolsey's Flat, W. D. LONG

Yankee Jim's, R. O. CRAVENS

Yankee Jim's, S. M. JAMISON

Yreka, Wadsworth & Raynes

Yreka, F. ROMAN

Yreka, C. C. BEEKMAN

Yreka, Prindle's Express

Yreka, G. W. CHASE


Donated by sfgenealogy.com

Submitted by Jeanne Taylor




July 8, 1862

page 3



Murdered Body Found. - Justice ODELL of Walnut Grove precinct, Georgiana township, came to the city yesterday to place upon file in the Clerk's office the report of an inquest held by him, on the 26th of June, over the body of a man who had evidently been murdered. The body was found by Peter DOYLE, in the water among the tules, to which point it had evidently floated from the Sacramento river through a crevasse in the levee. The deceased had received a charge of gunshot in the head, which entered on the right side in and around the ear, and a portion of which had passed out from the left side of the head. The forehead had also been beaten violently by a club or some heavy instrument. The deceased was entirely unknown in the neighborhood, and it is presumed that he had been murdered at some point up the river and that the body had floated down to the point at which it was discovered, twenty-eight miles below Sacramento. As the shot were somewhat scattered over the side of the face, it is presumed that the murderer must have fired at a distance of several rods. The deceased was supposed to have been about thirty years of age, and to have measured five feet eleven inches, and have weighed one hundred and seventy-five or eighty pounds. He had sandy hair, no whiskers or beard on the face; had on a white knit undershirt, a blue or gray woolen overshirt, dark cassimer (sic) pants, knit drawers and a leather belt around the waist. There was no hat, vest, coat, boots or stockings upon the deceased, and no books, papers, knife, comb or any other article in the pocket by which he could be identified. A pair of light gold ear rings were found in his ears. They were round in form but not entirely plain, having some slight ornamental work upon them. George H. JENKINS, George H. SMITH, A. F. KERCHIVAL, Felix DOLAND, Henry SCHNEIDER, P. DOYLE, William BALLSON and Monroe WOODS were impanneled as jurors. The testimony given accorded with the statements above made. The jury found a verdict in accordance with the facts. The deceased had been dead about two weeks.


BOARD of APPRAISERS. - The Board of Appraisers met at two o'clock, P.M., yesterday, pursuant to adjournment, but, on account of the abstract of title to condemned property not being ready, adjourned until Monday next, at ten o'clock, A.M. At that time, all owners of such property who have claims for buildings or other improvements, aside from the land, are expected to be present. At the meeting yesterday a discovery was made of a singular mistake as to the ownership of certain property. John WILSON has possession of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the block between Fourth and Fifth and E. and F streets. He claimed to hold the first three lots by possession only, and the fourth by possession and Sutter title. When his deed was examined, it was found to convey title to lot 4, between Fourth and Fifth and E and F North, the location of which is three-quarters of a mile north of the lot in question. He made the purchase ten years ago, built a cabin on the wrong lot, and has quietly occupied the property ever since, under the impression that he owned it.


ANOTHER INQUEST. - In addition to the inquest held by Justice ODELL, in Georgiana township, over the body of an unknown man who had been shot in the head, another was held in the same vicinity by the same Justice on the 23d of June. In this case the body was found afloat near the bank of the river, three miles below Solomon RUNYON'S ranch. The deceased was about five feet, six inches in hight, of light complexion, brown hair, and had on dark pants, woolen shirt and coarse boots. There was nothing in the pockets except an empty buckskin purse. A cloth cap was found afloat near the body. There seemed to be no marks of violence upon the person. The body had probably been in the water six or seven weeks. There was nothing about the body by which it could be identified.


PROBATE. - In the matter of the estate of Thomas RICHARDSON, deceased, the will of deceased was yesterday proved by Edward STOCKTON, William TIMSON and S. SIMONDS. Proof of publication was also filed, and the will was admitted to probate. H. D. ROWLEY was appointed executor of said estate. E. STOCKTON, W. TIMSON and S. SIMONDS were appointed appraisers. Due notice to creditors ordered to be given. Estate of Martin EDGECOMB, deceased. Proof of publication for final distribution was filed, and on motion of WINANS a decree of final distribution was ordered to be entered and the property to be divided among the heirs.


COURSE of LECTURES. - Arrangements have been made for a course of lectures, to be delivered in the Sixth street Methodist Church, for the purpose of raising funds for the benefit of the church. The first will be delivered on the 18th of July, by the Rev. Bishop SIMPSON, who arrived from the East about a week ago. Among the lecturers who will follow are Rev. M. C. BRIGGS and Rev. J. T. PECK. The position of Bishop SIMPSON in the church will of course insure a large attendance.


COURT of SESSIONS. - The Court of Sessions met yesterday pursuant to adjournment, Judges CLARK, CONE and ROBINSON presiding. In the case of The People vs. James LEIGHTON, the defendant being called and not appearing, it is ordered that his default be entered and made final, and his bond declared forfeited; also that a bench warrant issue for his arrest. The Court then adjourned until ten o'clock this morning.


AT WORK. - Contractors TURTON and SMITH were each engaged at work yesterday on their respective sections of the city levee. TURTON had about thirty men and SMITH about twenty employed. They have commenced to make the embankment of the levee, so that our citizens will soon have an opportunity of observing and judging of its size, form, proportions, appearance, etc.


ARRESTS. - J. THOMPSON and James HARLEY were arrested yesterday by officers BURKE and DAKE, on a charge of petty larceny. The parties had possession of a number of soda bottles at their junk shop, which are alleged to be marked with the trade mark - blue paint on the bottom- of CASEY & KELLY, and also others with the mark of Phil. CADUC.


ELECTION of OFFICERS. - At a monthly meeting of Neptune Hose Company, held at their hall last evening, J. W. DREMAN and John TALBOT were unanimously elected to represent the company in the Board of Delegates for the ensuring year. John TALBOT was also unanimously nominated as a candidate for the office of Assistant Engineer of the Fire Department.


ELECTION of OFFICERS. - Young America Engine Company, No. 6, last evening elected as Foreman, S. TRYON; First Assistant, W. B. COOPER; Second Assistant, J. MARCOVICH; Recording Secretary, E. SOULE; Financial Secretary, C. KLEINSORGE; Treasurer, H. CRONKITE; Trustees, E. SOULE, J. A. GRIESEL, T. ROSS; Delegates, L. KELLOGG, J. D. FENNER.


POLICE COURT. - In the Police Court yesterday W. BROCKWAY was dismissed on the charge of disturbing the peace in the daytime, the evidence being that the difficulty occurred at night. P. HOLLAND, charged with threatening his wife's life, waived an examination, and was required to give $1,000 bonds to keep the peace. The case of H. HAGEL, charged with assault on J. SMITH, with intent to kill, was postponed till Monday next, as SMITH is not yet able to appear. W. DEELY, charged with disturbing the peace, was dismissed. "SCOTTY" was charged with stealing a pair of bracelets, and his trial was postponed till to-morrow.


COUNTY COURT. - The County Court met yesterday, pursuant to adjournment, Judge CLARK on the bench. In the case of Sylvester PEARL vs. His Creditors, proof of notice to creditors was filed, and, on motion of J. C. GOODS, the Sheriff was appointed assignee.


DISCHARGING. - The lumber was discharged yesterday from the sloop Crawford, at the foot of O street, for use on Jerome C. DAVIS' ranch, in the construction of a granary one hundred feet long and forty feet in width.



July 8, 1862

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Monday, July 7, 1862.

The Board of Supervisors met at half past two o'clock P.M., the President in the chair, and all the members present. The minutes of the last meeting in June were read and approved.


The report of the City and County Physician for the month of June was received and placed on file. Number of patients in the hospital June 1st, 40; admitted during the month, 29; discharged cured, 10; relieved, 1; left voluntarily, 2; died, 2; remaining July 1st, 54; Causes of death - Pneumonia, 1; concussion of brain by accidental fall on a steamer, 1; A number of out door patients have been prescribed for, including inmates of the city and county prison. The bill for groceries during the month was $181.84; bread, $148.08; meat, $84.63; milk, $63; wood, $58; vegetables, $70. Total expenses, including salaries of Physician and Nurses, medicines, etc., $960.10. There have been no applications for admission to the pest house, there is no existing epidemic, and the health of the city does not appear to have been affected by the late inundations.

The report of G. W. WHITNEY, Harbormaster, for the month of June was received and placed on file.

Arrivals during the month, ten steamers, eighty-five trips, tonnage 26,916; schooners fifty-five, tonnage 1,986 1/2; sloops twenty-one, tonnage 702; total tonnage 29,604 1/2; amount of cash received during the month, $1,773.52.

The report of Len. HARRIS, County Warden, for the month of June, was received and placed on file. He has had under his charge, during the month, seventy prisoners, of whom there charged with murder, fifteen; assault to murder, one; arson, two; perjury and robbery, one; burglary, four; grand larceny, four; petty larceny, twenty-four; receiving stolen goods, one; vagrancy, one; malicious mischief, one; assault, one; disturbance of the peace, eight; violation of ordinances, two; witnesses, three.

Charles WARDELL, Road Overseer of District No. 13, sent in his report for last month. During the month, $148 in work, mostly by Chinamen in payment of their road tax, have been expended on the roads in the district.

The Bonds of Thomas HIGGINS and George NOURSE, Policemen, $500 each; and J. L. CROUSE, Constable at Sutterville, $1,500, were filed and approved.


A petition was received from J. C. AUSTIN and five others for the laying out of a road from the Slough House, on the Sacramento and Jackson road, southerly to the Cosumnes river at Austin's Mill, accompanied by the requisite affidavit of notice. After some explanation, on motion of Supervisor WATERMAN, the prayer of the petition was granted, and - BUSH and B. H. HEREFORD were appointed Viewers. Subsequently a protest was received from John P. RHODES and Catharine T. MAHONE, against laying out said road; which was placed on file until the report of the Viewers shall be received.

Two petitions were received, asking for the laying out and opening of a road from Thirty-first street to Hull's ranch, on the Jackson and Drytown road (lately discontinued), the first signed by eighty-two, and the second by fifty-eight names. The first petition was accompanied by an affidavit of notice to property holders. On motion of Supervisor BIDWELL, the prayer of the petitioners was granted, and J. C. GUNTHER and Sylvester JOHNSON were appointed Viewers.

CHARGE AGAINST THE POUNDMASTER. - A communication was received from Levi HERMANCE, stating that a man had informed him that he paid Poundmaster MAYO $1 per month for herding a colt, and MAYO allowed the colt to run at large in the city with his own horses and colts; that said MAYO daily neglected his duty; that yesterday fourteen head of cattle were running at large on the block where the pound is situated, and to-day his own and other cattle were running at large in sight of the pound. After discussion, the subject was postponed till Wednesday, and the Clerk instructed to notify MAYO and certain witnesses named HERMANCE.


Philip SCHENK, petitioned for a renewal of his ferry license across the Sacramento river, and asked at the same time for a reduction of ferry license, stating that his disbursements on account of the ferry during the past year have amounted to $2,530, and his receipts to only $903.75; he also asks the privilege of changing the landings so as to avoid a newly formed bar. The prayer of the petitioner was granted, and the licensed fixed at $30.

Peter MCGREGOR petitioned for a renewal of his ferry license and a reduction of the amount of license, stating his disbursements the past year at $1,156, and his receipts at $750 to $800. The renewal of license granted, and the price fixed at $75.

Bonds of SCHENK and MCGREGOR, in $2,000 each, were filed and approved.

Supervisor DICKERSON offered the following preamble and resolution, which were adopted unanimously: WHEREAS, The Congress of the United States have passed and the President approved an Act authorizing and providing for the construction of that great work, the Pacific Railroad, of which Sacramento is to be the western terminus; and whereas measures should and doubtless will be immediately taken to secure an early commencement and speedy completion of said road; therebefore be it.

RESOLVED. That Hon. William SHATTUCK, Granger HITE, BIDWELL and BOICE be a Committee on the part of this Board, and D. O. MILLS of the First District, B. F. HASTINGS, Second District, Governor BIGLER, Third District, and John GILLIG, Fourth District, a Committee on behalf of the citizens, to confer with the Commissioners named in the Pacific Railroad Act, and also with the Directors of the California Pacific Railroad Company, as to the point of terminus within the city of Sacramento, and to give assurances of the anxious desires of the authorities and people of said city to concede every privilege necessary to the interests of the said road, the wants of commerce and the convenience of travel.



Jared IRWIN, County Clerk, sent in a communication received by him from A. M. WINN, President of the Swamp Land Commissioners, requesting him to deliver up a map of swamp lands, with tables, etc., filed in his office by J. J. CLEAL. IRWIN asks authorities to give up the map. The subject was laid over till to-morrow, on motion of Supervisor GRANGER.

The Auditor called attention to a report of Police Judge GILMER that Wm. MACKINTOSH had been fined $100 and had not paid the fine, and on motion of Supervisor BIDWELL the Auditor was directed to deduct the amount from MACKINTOSH'S salary of May last.

Certain bills of the Sheriff, for mileage, and of a deputy, for arresting a Chinaman at Folsom, were received and recommitted to the Finance Committee.

The case of STEWART, ex policeman, or Superintendent of the Chaingang (who had been dismissed by the Police Commissioners), postponed for a hearing till to-day, was taken up, but no charges had been brought against STEWART, and nobody seemed to know what could be done in the premises. Remarks were made by I. S. BROWN, counsel for STEWART; by J. P. COUNTS, who said he appeared in behalf of those who did not want STEWART reinstated; by the President, and by several members; after which the Board knew less what to do than before. Supervisor GRANGER moved that the Board declare the office vacant; but Supervisor WOODS said GRANGER did not want to do that, because he did not recognize the right of the Board to interfere. Whereupon GRANGER withdrew the motion. The discussion as to what the Board might, could, would, or should do grew more and more mixed, when Supervisor BIDWELL moved an adjournment till two P.M. to-morrow, which was carried at forty-five minutes past four o'clock.



July 8, 1862

page 7



In the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District of said State.

The People of the State of California to William TANNER, Greeting: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Sylvester TRYON, in said Court filed against you, within ten days from the service of this writ, exclusively of the day of service, if served on you in this county; if served out of this city and county but within this Judicial District, then in twenty days; but if served on you without said district, then in forty days from such service, exclusive of the day of service, in an action commenced on the 17th day of February, 1862, in said Court. Said action is brought to recover judgment for the sums of money expressed in the following described notes, to wit; One dated April 21, 1860, for $150, with interest thereon at the rate of two per cent per month until paid, signed W. TANNER; one dated December 13, 1860, for $454.86, with interest thereon at the rate of two per cent, per month until paid, signed W. TANNER; one dated December 13, 1860, for $125, with interest thereon at the rate of 2 per cent per month until paid, signed W. TANNER; and also for the further sum of $161.79, being a balance due on an account for hay, barley and horse feed, sold and delivered to the defendant at his request, and for stabling and keeping a six-mule team for defendant. All of which is duly set forth in a complaint, a copy of which accompanies this Summons. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to answer the complaint as directed, plaintiff will take judgment against you for the several sums above named, with interest and costs of suit, etc.

In Testimony whereof I, Jared IRWIN, Clerk of the Sixth Judicial District Court aforesaid, do hereunto set my hand and affix the Seal of said Court, at office in Sacramento City, this 9th day of June, A. D. 1862. JARED IRWIN, Clerk.

By John E. DIXON, Deputy Clerk.


It is Ordered by the Judge of the District Court that service of said Summons be made on said defendant by publication of the Summons weekly for six successive weeks, in the Sacramento Daily Union, a newspaper published in the said county of Sacramento.

Jared IRWIN, Clerk.

By John E. DIXON, Dep. Clerk.

John H. GASS, Att'y for Plaintiff.



July 8, 1862

page 7


FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD WILL be paid for such information furnished to E. B. CROCKER, Attorney-at-law, Sacramento City, as will convict any person of stealing wood or lumber on the north side of the American River from Lisle's Bridge to a point ten miles east of that bridge.



Donated by sfgenealogy.com

Submitted by Jeanne Taylor




July 9, 1862

page 2


SACRAMENTO INVENTION IN LONDON. - The London correspondent of the Chicago Journal says:

Thomas HANSBROW, Sacramento, California, exhibits at the World's Fair, a 'challenge' force pump, really the simplest, cheapest and most effective thing of the sort ever yet invented. His system is applicable to every emergency, and can be applied under any circumstances where water exists, from the common pump to the fire engine. It receives much attention, and is thoroughly deserving of it.


Donated by sfgenealogy.com

Submitted by Jeanne Taylor




July 9,1862

page 3



Suit for Damages. - G. W. COWLES and Susan M. COWLES, his wife, commenced suit yesterday in the District Court, against S. LIPMAN, George SMITH and G.W. SOULE, for ten thousand dollars damages. The complaint sets forth that on the 1st day July, 1862, the defendants forcibly and unlawfully assaulted and seized the plaintiff, Susan M. COWLES, and forced and compelled her to go from a certain dwelling house in the city of Sacramento, through a street of said city to Fifth and J streets, in the custody of the defendant SOULE. Plaintiffs further aver that said Susan M. COWLES was forcibly and unlawfully and against her protest, detained in custody and kept in restraint for a long time. Plaintiffs aver that defendant LIPMAN aided, advised and assisted in the said acts of the defendants SMITH and SOULE. Plaintiffs further aver that by reason of these acts they have been greatly exposed and injured in their credit and circumstances, and impeded in their business. Plaintiffs estimate the damage sustained from the above named acts at $10,000, for which amount they ask for the judgment of the Court. About a week ago, Mr. and Mrs. COWLES had made arrangements to leave the city for Washoe. Their goods, after being packed up, were attached on several small claims, under process from Justice ROBINSON'S Court. The plaintiffs in this suit were both arrested on the complaint of GODCHAUX & Co., with which firm LIPMAN is connected, on a charge of fraud, in obtaining from them the evening before, silk valued at $51.07. SMITH and SOULE are Constable and Deputy Constable in Justice ROBINSON'S Court. The goods of plaintiffs were sent forward to Folsom, where they were again attached. Out of these circumstances the above named suit originates.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS. - The Board of Delegates of the Fire Department met last evening in the County Court room. Present - President KELLOGG and Delegates DALY, McMANUS, GRAVES, ROBBINS, MOSS, FELCH, FLOOD, BIDWELL, ROSS and FOLEY. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Exempt Certificate Committee reported in favor of granting certificates to those whose applications were received at the last meeting. The names of several new applicants for certificates were received and referred to the Committee for consideration. A Committee of three was appointed to examine and report upon the eligibility of Delegate TALBOT, from Neptune Hose Company. The Board determined that the election for Chief Engineer and First and Second Assistant Engineers of the Fire Department, which takes place on the first Monday in August, should be held at the house of Eureka Fire Company No. 4 and M. McMANUS, of Company No. 2, was appointed Inspector, and George ROWLAND, of No. 4 and J. FLOOD, of No. 5, were appointed Judges of said election. The Board then adjourned until Tuesday evening next.


DISTRICT COURT. - The case of Presley DUNLAP vs. John CURRY, has occupied the attention of the District Court during the last two days. The plaintiff claim from defendant the sum of $1,200, for professional services rendered as attorney. James BITHELL, James SMITH, H. G. CRAIG, James HAWKS, U. H. BRADFIELD, M. T. CROWELL, M. LEVEY, W. W. MARVIN, James F. MADDEN, J. W. McCLURE, W. S. WHITE and L. ELKUS constitute the jury impanneled to try the case. Some seventeen or eighteen witnesses were examined. The case was yesterday afternoon argued by J. W. WINANS for the plaintiff and H. H. HARLTLEY for the defendant, and given to the jury, with leave to return a sealed verdict. In the case of David WOODS vs. B. N. BUGBEY, nine jurors were impanneled last evening, when the Court adjourned to meet at nine o'clock A.M. to-day.


THE CHINESE TAX CASE. - The Supreme Court yesterday was engaged in hearing the case of Lin SING against E. H. WASHBURNE. This is a suit involving the question of the constitutionality of the Act of the last Legislature, imposing a per capita tax of two and one half dollars per month on all Chinese and Mongolians over eighteen years of age, male or female, who have not taken out license to work in the mines. On the part of the Chinese and against the law, the case was argued by HEPBURN, of the firm of DWINELLE & HEPBURN, of San Francisco, where plaintiff and defendant reside. Attorney General PIXLEY appeared for the State. The Court gave the appellants five days to file briefs, with ten days for the Attorney General to reply. The case was earnestly contested by counsel on both sides.


POLICE COURT. - In the Police Court yesterday, Scotty, charged with stealing bracelets, demanded a jury trial and will get it to-day. Sin YON, an insane looking young Chinaman, was convicted of stealing potatoes at the corner of Seventh and J streets. Several cases in which Mrs. DWYER was interested, having had her bonnet jammed, were put over till Friday. She said she would leave her old bonnet in charge of the officers, "as it wasn't worth stealing." Olive SMITH was convicted of assault and battery on William DWYER, and William DWYER charged with assault and battery on SMITH were discharged, as the Court held there could not be two assaults in the same fight.


ODD FELLOWS' HALL ASSOCIATION. - The subscribers to the Odd Fellows Hall Association of Sacramento held a meeting last evening at the office of Dr. MORSE, to effect a preliminary organization. Ten per cent was paid in upon 1,139 shares, representing $28,475. The following named persons were elected Directors of the Association for the ensuring year: J. F. MORSE, D. KENDALL, J. W. REEVES, W. C. FELCH, M. GREENEBAUM, A. C. SWEETSER, Samuel CROSS, F. F. FARGO, G. W. COLBY, J. B. HARMON, E. D. WHEATLEY, L. KORN and C. C. HAYDEN. The Directors will meet this evening, at 7 o'clock, at the office of Dr. MORSE, to choose their officers.


BENEFIT TO-NIGHT. - A benefit to Neptune Hose Company will be given this evening at the Metropolitan Theater, on which occasion Mr. and Mrs. POPE will appear in the "Marble Heart" - the performance to conclude with the "Rough Diamond." The financial necessities of the company, for furnishing their room, and in taking care of one or two sick members, are such as to entitle them to a full house.


ELECTION of OFFICERS. - At a recent meeting of Eureka Engine Company No. 4, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Foreman, William F. McINTOSH; First Assistant, D. C. WILSON; Second Assistant, F. TUKEY, Jr.; Secretary, F. R. JONES; Treasurer, George ROWLAND; Delegates, Joseph MOSS and W. B. CARR; Trustees, W. SHEPHERD, W. RODGERS, and J. DAVIS.


THE PLAZA FENCE. - Overseers LONG and CHILDS, with some eight or ten members of the chain gang, were engaged yesterday in gathering up and rebuilding the plaza fence, which was nearly destroyed by last Winter's floods. A considerable portion of it has been so much injured that it will require renewal.


PROBATE. - In the matter of the estate of Thomas HARRINGTON, deceased, the will of the deceased was yesterday admitted to probate, being proved by W. G. ENGLISH and John R. WOMBLE. Margaret HARRIGAN was appointed executrix, on filing a bond in the sum of $2,000.


ADMITTED TO CITIZENSHIP. - James H. WILLIAMSON, a native of Scotland, was yesterday admitted to citizenship in the District Court, on the testimony of A. P. CATLIN and H. A. THOMPSON.


ARRESTS. - Francis ARETTA was arrested yesterday by officer O'NEILL, on a charge of petty larceny, in stealing a pistol.


APPOINTMENT. - J. B. SAUL was yesterday appointed Deputy Sheriff under Sheriff BUGBEY.



July 9,1862

page 3


BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. - Tuesday, July 8, 1862.

The Board of Supervisors met at half past two o'clock, the President in the chair, and all the members present except Supervisor WOODS. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved.

A communication was received from the Board of City Levee Commissioners, requesting the Board to cause B street, from Tenth to Twenty-third, to be forthwith opened to public travel.

Supervisor GRANGER moved that the street be opened as requested. Carried.

Calvin BATES, Road Overseer of Districts No. 23 and No. 24, sent in his report for the last quarter, which was received and placed on file.

R. P. JACOBS, Superintendent of the City Cemetery, sent in his report for June, which was received and placed on file. Whole number of interments, twenty-five; received for two lots sold, forty-four dollars; for permits, six dollars.

A notice was received from Eli MAYO, Poundmaster, stating that he required particular specifications of the charges preferred against him by HERMANCE, and the time allowed him to prepare his defenses.

MAYO addressed the Board on the subject, objecting to HERMANCE'S petition that he did not allege that he (MAYO) had done anything contrary to the Pound Ordinance; and intimating that HERMANCE was making use of the Board to avenge private griefs.

After some conversation between MAYO and Supervisor GRANGER, the communication was received and placed on file.


Supervisor WATERMAN offered the following:

Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors employ Frank HEREFORD to assist in the prosecution on behalf of the People against WILLIAMS, for the murder of BLANCHARD on the 6th day of August, 1860, said HERFORD to prosecute to final judgment for the sum of $200.

Supervisor WATERMAN said it was nearly two years ago that Wm. WILLIAMS was arrested for this murder. He was tried, convicted and sentenced, but the Supreme Court set the verdict aside, and a change of venue had been granted to Yolo county, where there had adjournments from time to time. The Yolo county seat had now been removed, and it would cost a great deal to get witnesses there. He was informed that the prosecuting attorney was only a country school master, and Frank HEREFORD, who had once prosecuted the case to conviction, was willing to go over and prosecute it again for the sum named. The resolution was adopted.

Supervisor HALL moved that the County Warden be allowed to buy one hundred feet of hose for the use of the county prison, at an expense of $60. Carried.

Supervisor HITE said he believed such an expenditure was not authorized by law. The Contingent Fund was a year behind, and they had no right to draw upon it.

Supervisor DICKERSON replied that the expenditure was absolutely necessary.

No further action was taken on the subject.


Supervisor DICKERSON reported back from the Special Committee the ordinance concerning dogs, with various amendments and modifications.

Supervisor HITE said he was in favor of giving the business of dog catching to the Poundmaster instead of the Chief of Police or policemen. If he was a policeman he would consider it an insult. He moved to amend the ordinance in that way. Poundmaster MAYO said he could have conveniences at twenty-fours notice to corral all the dogs in the city.

After a short discussion, the amendment was carried with only one (BIDWELL'S) negative vote.

The rules were suspended and the ordinance was finally passed by ayes 6, noes 2 - GRANGER and BIDWELL.


The report of Road Viewers on laying out a new road from Hick's Bridge to Pearls' sheep ranch was adopted, and on motion of Supervisor WATERMAN, the road was declared a public highway sixty feet wide.

Supervisor HALL moved that H. B. KING be added to the Road Viewers for the road from Thirty-first street to Hull's Ranch.

I. S. BROWN opposed the appointment because KING was deeply interested in a rival road.

Supervisor DICKERSON said JOHNSON was interested, also. He thought KING was a little interested, perhaps.

The Board refused to appoint KING - ayes 5, noes 8.

On Motion of Supervisor GRANGER, the Recorder was authorized to deliver up a map made by J. G. CLEAL, as requested.


Ex-policeman or Chain Gang Overseer STEWART said he would like to have the Board act upon his case before adjourning, so that he could know his fate one way or another. He had been cited before the Board for trial, but no charges had been preferred, and now it seemed the Board was not willing to try him. He had heard it said that he was to be turned off for being a Republican. If that was so, all he wanted was that the public should understand it. He went off the chain gang to sidewalk duty upon the invitation of the President, and he was now satisfied that that was only a trap. He was ready now to go on with his duty, and if the Board refused to act on his case he would hold them responsible for his pay hereafter.

The President said STEWART had reflected upon him, and that compelled him to state that he got STEWART to leave the chain-gang, upon complaint that he was totally incompetent for that duty. He would not have stated that at all if STEWART had not wormed it out of him. As to STEWART'S politics, he had not heard that matter questioned by any one but himself, and STEWART had always said he was a Democrat.

Supervisor GRANGER questioned STEWART about going out to the race on the day when the assault was committed by McINTOSH.

STEWART said he did take it upon himself to go to the race for an hour or two that day. As to the charge of incompetency six months ago alleged by the President, he should have been tried for it them, and not have it brought up again at this late day.

Supervisor HALL said he knew no more about this concern now than he did when it first commenced. He did not know the beginning of it, and he could not see any end of it. It was altogether an unsystematic wrangle. He hoped they would get rid of the matter in some way.

The President said he considered that STEWART had been tried an expelled.

Supervisor GRANGER denied, in a long speech, that there was any political persecution in this matter, and offered a long preamble and resolution reciting that STEWART had been elected by the Board as Overseer of the chain gang, had been suspended by the President, cited before the Supervisors and tried and expelled by the Police Commissioners; that the Supervisors are satisfied, from the evidence before the Police Commissioners, that STEWART is disqualified, and therefore the office held by STEWART is declared vacant from and after June 7th.

Supervisors DICKERSON, HITE and WATERMAN insisted that the charges must be made before the Supervisors and tried by them. Supervisors GRANGER and WOODS replied, the debate grew in length and warmth, until is was apparent that no two Supervisors agreed in opinion upon any view of the case. Then the vote was taken on GRANGER'S resolution, and it was adopted. Ayes-GRANGER, BIDWELL, BOICE, WOODS HALL-5. Noes - HITE, DICKERSON, WATERMAN- 3.

[STEWART considers nevertheless that he is still legally overseer of the chain gang.]

Adjourned till ten o'clock, A.M. on Wednesday.


POSTPONED. - The case of A. J. MILES, charged with assault to murder, was yesterday postponed in the Count of Sessions until ten o'clock this morning, to which hour the Court adjourned.


Donated by sfgenealogy.com

Submitted by Jeanne Taylor



Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, July 11, 1862


CONVICTED - In the Court of Sessions on Wednesday, William DAVIS was tried and convicted on a charge of robbery, the jury recommending him to the mercy of the Court. The robbery took place May 1, 1861, at Fifth and I streets, at which time and place George S. DAYTON, a fruit peddler, had about sixty dollars taken from his pockets. Sentence was deferred until Monday morning next.


WATER RAISED FRUIT - C.H. SWIFT took yesterday an apple larger than a hen's egg from a tree growing in his yard at Fifth and L streets, which has been surrounded by water from one to four feet deep during the entire season. The tree and the fruit appear to be in healthy condition. In many instances, however, apple trees which appear healthy while the water remains, die when it leaves them.


THE LAST PROPOSAL - The last proposition for getting rid of the water in the city is that an effort be made to get Picayune BUTLER to come to town and turn the channel of 'Burns' slough, provided he is successful in his effort at Vicksburg to turn the channel lf the Mississippi. If he will take the job on the condition of no pay until the work is done, let him have the contract.


POLICE COURT - In the Police Court yesterday John SMITH was arraigned for sleeping on the sidewalk, but promising not to get so tired again, was dismissed. The examination of R. DUKE, charged with forgery, was postponed until Monday. The trial of Frances ARETA, for stealing a pistol, was put over until the same day.


TRIAL OF THE POUNDMASTER - Poundmaster MAYO, after a prolonged trial before the Board of Supervisors for various offenses in connection with his office was yesterday "honorably discharged," with notice from several of the members that if he continues in the same course of action in the future, they will certainly vote for his expulsion.


FALSE ALARM - The bell of Engine Company No. 6 sounded an alarm of fire at about half-past two o'clock yesterday, but without foundation so far as we could ascertain. Several of the engines turned out promptly, but their services were not needed.


ARRESTS - The following arrests were made yesterday: Charles COLLINS, Andrew ANDERSON, Frederick YAGER and James GARNETT, by Officers NORRIS, DREMAN and RACE, for a violation of the ordinance concerning streets and alleys.


THE RIVER - The Sacramento river has fallen to 12 feet 6 inches above low water mark, and goes down at the rate of two or three inches every twenty-four hours.


OUT AGAIN - John SMITH, who was stabbed some two or three weeks ago by H. HAGEL, with a pair of shears, has so far recovered as to be on the street again yesterday.


CORRECT NAME - The name of one of the children drowned on Wednesday afternoon near Twelfth and K streets, was Cash M. CAVE, instead of "McCase." as was published yesterday.


SHORT TRIP - The schooner Union arrived at the levee yesterday in fifteen hours from San Francisco. This is very good time for a sailing vessel, although the trip has been made in about thirteen hours.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





July 14, 1862

page 3




IMPORTANT EJECTMENT SUIT.- An important ejectment suit was commenced in the District Court a few days since by the executors of the Folsom estate, against some seventy or eighty different defendants who now occupy the agricultural portion of the Leidesdorff grant. The complaint sets forth that the lands referred to were granted to LEIDESFORFF in 1844, purchased by FOLSOM in 1849 and 1852, and the grant subsequently confirmed by the United States Board of Land Commissioners. It is alleged that the defendants have taken illegal possession of the lands, and that they have heretofore and still continued to cut down and destroy trees growing thereon, and that they are irresponsible persons, and therefore unable to respond in damages for the wrongs and injuries committed. Judgment is therefore asked against defendants for possession of the land, and for costs of suit; and also, a restraining order prohibiting further injury to the property until said suit is determined. The suit is commenced by A. P. CATLIN, as attorney, and is styled as follows: Henry W. HALLECK, Archibald C. PEACHY and P. Warren VAN WINKLE, Executors of the last will and testament of Joseph L. FOLSOM, deceased, plaintiffs vs. Robert ALLEN, John W. BOOTH, Edmund BOW, William E. BRIAN, David BLEWBAGH, F. S. BELL, Thomas COX, William CRITES, Michael CARR, H. CUTLER, E. G. CARPENTER, William DETERDING, Samuel DOWDEN, John DEWITT, William H. DAVIS, John W. EVANS, James A. ELLIOTT, Lewis FOSTER, T. N. FASSETT, ---- FITZGERALD, Frederick FABER, George FLEIDNER, A. M. GREEN, N. V. HATCH, George HANLON, Charles HUMPHREYS, Alfred HILL, Newell KANE, David KILGORE, G. M. KILGORE, George KEETEH, J. H. LORD, ----- LOHER, John E. LENTZ, C. F. McCLINTOCK, E. G. MORTON, John D. MORRISON, Henry MILLER, John NYE, Ehrich OLSEN, Warren PINSON, Robert PATTERSON, N. PATTON, James M ROGERS, S. B. ROONEY, Nicholas RUGEN, David SIMMONS, John Q. SMITH, Nelson SHAVER, B. F. SLATER, John STUDERONS, John SHIELDS, T. G. SALSBURY, John B. TAYLOR, G. M. G. TITUS, James WIER, D. L. WILLIAMSON, C. WEBBER, B. C. WRIGHT, John DOE, Richard ROE, John DEN, Richard FEN, John STILES, James STILES, Richard STILES, James Doe, Robert DOE, Samuel DOE, Henry DOE, Jacob DOE, and Abe DOE, defendants. This portion of the grant embraces about 25,000 acres, and is described as follows: Beginning at an oak tree on the south bank of the American river, standing in the barnyard of A. D. PATTERSON, and known as the terminating point of the SUTTER grant, and running thence south, four hundred and twenty-one chains and thirty-six links; thence north forty-six degrees, east, four hundred and fifty-two chains eighty-seven links; thence east two hundred and fifty-two chains eight links; thence north, twenty-nine degrees fifteen minutes east, three hundred and thirty-seven chains fifty-eight links; thence west three hundred and thirty-seven chains eighty-seven links; thence north one hundred and five chains sixty-seven links to the said American river; thence down and along said river by the meanderings thereof to the place of beginning.


POLICE COURT. - In the Police Court, on Saturday, . HEIGEL, the barber, who is accused of stabbing J. SMITH in the back with a pair of scissors, at this shop under the St. George Hotel, applied by counsel for a continuance till the third Saturday in August, and the motion was granted. The injured man has entirely recovered. Richard CORNELL was convicted of assault and battery on William WALKER and fined $40, with the alternative of twenty days imprisonment. James GARNETT and Frederick YAGER were convicted of violating a city ordinance by digging up the street. GARNETT supposed that he had a right to do it, and his sentence was deferred. YAGER was sentenced to pay a fine of ten dollars. James HARLOY was tried by a jury of four, on a charge of misdemeanor (under the Trade Mark Law of 1861), for having in his possession soda bottles bearing the trade mark of CASEY & KELLEY. The evidence for prosecution was that HARLEY, in company with a man named THOMPSON, keeps a junk shop at the corner of K and Twelfth streets, that the police searched his premises, and found twenty-nine dozen soda bottles, among which were fourteen dozen of Casey & Kelley's, identified by their trade mark - blue paint on the bottom, and a blue painted stripe across the bottle. The prosecution also put in papers showing that the above trade mark had been duly filed, recorded and published. Defendant's counsel I. S. BROWN, objected to the papers, on the ground that they did not describe a legal trade mark, the law requiring that the trade mark shall be "stamped on or blown in the bottle." The objection was overruled, as was also a motion to dismiss, on the same ground. Defendant produced witnesses who had seen him refuse to buy from Chinese chiffoniers soda bottles bearing trade marks, and has also seen such bottles floating about the city during the flood and lying in the mud afterwards. The Court charged the jury that they were bound to take the Court's construction of the law; that Casey & Kelley's was a sufficient trade mark under the statute, and that the only question for the jury was whether defendant did have the bottles in his possession. Under these instructions they returned a verdict of guilty. Judgment was deferred till Monday. It is understood that an appeal will be taken.


FATAL ACCIDENT. - At about half-past three o'clock on Saturday afternoon, William H. LLOYD, a machinist, in the employ of Goss & Lambard, was fatally injured by being struck on the head by a piece of scantling, which fell from the top of the machine shop, a distance of about forty feet. Arrangements had been made for replacing the smoke stack which fell down at the time of the fire which occurred at the establishment on Friday morning. The stack was about thirty-five feet long, thirty inches in diameter and weighed a thousand or twelve hundred pounds. For the purpose of raising it a four by six inch joist had been made fast on the roof, projecting some ten or twelve feet from the wall. Some fifteen or twenty men were at work in the rear of the building, a portion of whom commenced to pull on the rope connected with the timber. One of the workmen expressed the opinion that the timber would break, but no change in the arrangement was made. When the weight of the stack was brought to bear fully on the timber the outer end, about eight feet in length split off, and in falling struck LLOYD, who at the time stood on the boiler, some seven or eight feet from the ground. He was taken up in a senseless condition, and removed to his room in Hiller & Andrews building at Third and J streets, where he died at about seven o'clock in the evening. The deceased was a native of Baltimore, aged twenty-eight years, and was a member of the Seventh Street Methodist Church. Some two years ago, LLOYD lost a finger, while at work in repairing one of our city fire engines. Subsequently, he had an arm broken at Benicia. He was unmarried, and had no relatives in this city. Arrangements have been made by an uncle living in San Francisco for the removal of his body to that city by to-days' boat, for interment. Coroner REEVES held an inquest over the body yesterday, a report of which will be found in another column.


ENGAGEMENT IN YOLO. - Yesterday afternoon, L. R. HOPKINS, an attorney who resides at Washington, obtained and read aloud, at one of the hotels at that place, the Eastern news contained in the Extra UNION. At the conclusion of the reading, a Secessionist, known by the name of KENTUCK, commenced to abuse him, telling him that he only pretended to be a Union man with the hope of getting an office. HOPKINS, who is of very peaceable disposition, bore these remarks with equanimity; but they were followed up on the part of KENTUCK by cheering for Jeff DAVIS. This was too much to be borne, and HOPKINS dashed at him with a hickory cane which he usually carries, dealing him two severe blows on the head. KENTUCK ran and HOPKINS followed, but as the gap between them widened rapidly, HOPKINS discharged one or two bricks at this adversary, but failed to strike him. In half an hour afterward KENTUCK returned to the hotel and inquired for HOPKINS. As he approached he made another rush upon him with his cane. "Hold," said KENTUCK, "I have come to apologize for the language I used towards you a half hour ago. I am sorry for it, and ask your pardon." "All right," said HOPKINS, and on that basis peace was again established.


ESCAPE FROM THE CHAIN GANG. - On Friday last, it became necessary to divide the chain gang for a short time, one portion being taken by Overseer LONG to the eastern portion of the city, while the other remained at the Plaza in charge of Overseer CHILDS. Two of the corps, taking advantage of the fact, managed to escape by asking and obtaining of CHILDS leave of absence for a few moments. As soon as their intentions were suspected search was made for them, but they could not be found. They passed into the alley west of G street, and it is presumed they left the city by crossing the American river. CHILDS followed to Lisle's bridge, but failed to overtake them. One of the escaped prisoners was known as Mountain JACK, and the other by the name of WELLS. Each had been sentenced to six months imprisonment for petty larceny, and each had served out about half of this time.


ANOTHER PLAN. - Yesterday morning some fifteen men, under charge of Reuben CLARK, commenced the work of shutting the water out of the city, by repairing the old levee on the east of the city, between Sutter's Fort and the Railroad. The water has been coming from Burns' slough through several openings within the space referred to, but it is believed that all these openings can be closed within two or three days. The effect of this movement, if successful, will be to turn the water through the railroad near Poverty Ridge, where a long bar of sand across Ferg's field will carry it so far below the city that it is believed that nearly all ground north of R Street can be successfully drained.


SERIOUS ACCIDENT. - At about six o'clock last evening Wm. B. WILSON, formerly stable keeper on K street, was thrown from his buggy at Sixth and K streets. When taken up it was ascertained that his left collar bone was broken and his head was injured by the concussion, although the skull did not appear to be fractured. He was taken to the Golden Eagle, where Dr. HARKNESS attended to his necessities. The horse became frightened on Sixth street, between L and K, and on turning up K the wheels struck the crossing, which is elevated several inches above the street. From this shock WILSON lost his balance, but did not strike the ground until the buggy crossed to the north side of the street, when he fell upon a box near the sidewalk.


RAILROAD EXTENSION. - J. P. ROBINSON, Superintendent, gives notice that on and after Wednesday, the 16th instant, the Sacramento, Placer and Nevada Railroad will be open to travel from Folsom to Wildwood station - a distance of seven miles from the first named point. The cars from Folsom will connect with the morning train from Sacramento, and returning, will leave Wildwood at eleven o'clock A.M. Freight will be carried over the road as soon as proper buildings are erected. This road, when completed, will run to Auburn.


THE COLLECTORSHIP. - Information was received of a few days since, by L. H. FOOTE, Collector of the port of Sacramento, from Ira P. RANKIN of San Francisco, that in accordance with the action of Congress the office had ceased on the 30th of June. In place of Collectors at this city, Stockton, Benicia, etc., at salaries of $3,000 per year, Collector RANKIN will appoint at each place an Inspector at $1000 per annum. We are informed that the ex-Collectors will be retained in the new positions.


THE DOG TAX. - It is presumed that the dog law and Poundmaster MAYO will go into practical effect to-day. Wherever he makes his appearance it will be well to slip a three dollar tag on the neck of your dog, or hold him in "actual possession" until MAYO leaves. Tags may be had of Treasurer BIRD, at Jordan's building, which are good for one year each.


SUICIDE. - A Chinese woman named Ong HON committed suicide, on Saturday, by taking opium, on I street, between Second and Third. A Chinese doctor was called to her relief, but not in time to save her life. Coroner REEVES held an inquest over the body, and a verdict of death by poison, self administered, was returned by the jury.


ROBBERY. - The discovery was made yesterday morning that the Sixth Street Methodist Church - Rev. Dr. PECK'S - had been robbed within the past three days of a large wine tank or silver pitcher, two silver goblets and two silver plates. The precise time and circumstances under which the robbery was committed are not known.


INSANE. - An insane man named Henry COLE was brought to this city yesterday, from Placer county, by Deputy Sheriff JOHNSON. They will proceed to Stockton to-day. COLE was sent to the Insane Asylum on a former occasion from this city.


SUPREME COURT. - In the Supreme Court yesterday, the case of COOK vs. DAVIS, Administrator, was, on motion and by stipulation, submitted on briefs, appellant to file brief in thirty days and respondent in thirty days thereafter.


RESIGNATION. - It is reported that J. W. ANDERSON, Principal of the High School, has tendered his resignation to the Board of Education, with the view of taking charge of the College at Wood, and Yolo county.


AT HALF MAST. - The flag of Eureka Engine Company No. 4, was raised a half mast yesterday, out of respect to the memory of W. H. LLOYD, a former member of the company, who was accidentally killed on Saturday.


ONER THE MOUNTAINS. - Rev. W. H. HILL of this city is at present absent on an excursion to Washoe, Esmeralda etc., for the benefit of his health.



LEVEE TAXES. - Sheriff BUGBEY paid into the City Treasury on Saturday, levee taxes collected during the week, amounting to $1,944.56. Total mount collected, $4,052.37.


FOR TRIAL. - The trial for W. H. LEIGHTON for horse stealing will take place in the Court of Sessions to-day.



July 14, 1862

page 3


TREASURE FOR THE EAST. - The following is the list of treasure shipped July 12th, by the Orizaba:

Don'hoe, Ral'n & Co., $403,000

Wells, Fargo & Co., $307,500

B. DAVIDSON & MAY, $112,000

Levi Strauss & Co., $95,300

Sather & Church, $91, 200

L. & M. Sachs, Co., $82,587

H. Cohn & Co., $52,000

J. Seligman & Co., $49,186

Jas. Patrick & Co., $48,500

Parrott & Co., $41,793

Alsop & Co., $40,175

Rosenbaum & Co., $40,100

W. T. Colem'n & Co., $38,500

Tallant & Wilde, $31,200

Reynolds, Reis & Co., $30,000

Adelsdorfer Bros., $18,000

S. H. Pritchard, $10,000

Dickson, De Wolf Co., $9,628

R. B. Swain & Co., $9,201

Macondray & Co., $8,660

J. B. Thomas, $8,000

other shippers, $84,859.

Total $1,541,390.


AN AFFRAY AT IOWA HILL. - A correspondent of the Union, writing from Iowa Hill, July 11th, says:

On Wednesday night last William TODD and Julius PINER, miners of this vicinity, got into a political dispute in Haney's Saloon. TODD drew his pistol; PINER then drew his and fired. TODD then fired at PINER, and by this time Martin TEGLER, town police, interfered and tried to settle the matter, but the third shot from one of the pistols struck him (TEGLER) in the leg above the knee, ranging upward, fracturing the bone for several inches, the ball lodging in the upper part of the thigh, which it is thought will cause death, unless amputated. TEGLER has a wife and several children.



An inquest was held yesterday forenoon, at the rooms of Coroner REEVES, over the body of William H. LLOYD, who was accidentally killed at Goss & Lambard's Iron Works on Saturday afternoon. The following is a report of the testimony and verdict of the jury:

H. F. WINGATE sworn, I reside in this city; am a machinist at the Sacramento Iron Works; know the deceased; his name is William H. LLOYD; he is a native of Baltimore, Maryland, aged about twenty-eight years; he is a single man; I was working in the iron works of Goss & Lambard about four o'clock P.M. yesterday, July 12th, in company with several others, in raising the smoke stack, and a stick of timber fell from the top of the building, about forty feet, and struck the deceased upon the head; deceased was standing upon the top of the boiler at the time; he fell to the floor when he was struck, and did not speak after receiving the blow; we removed him to the front of the building and immediately called Dr. SIMMONS, who came and prescribed for him; the smoke stack was made of sheet iron; the stick of timber that struck the deceased was placed on the top of the building for the purpose of raising the smoke stack; the timber broke in two, which caused it to fall; the timber was a new piece; I am confident it was too small to bear the weight of the smoke stack.

W. L. BURDICK sworn - I work at the Iron works of Goss & Lambard; I was present yesterday when the deceased got wounded; I have heard the evidence as given by the last witness, and corroborate the same; and I further add, the hight (sic) of the smoke-stack was from thirty-five to forty feet; the piece of timber used to raise the smoke-stack was about four by six inches, I think, but I am not certain as to that; should think the timber would have been strong enough to have borne the weight of the stack, if the stick had have been straight grained; I think the smoke-stack would weigh near a thousand pounds; I was present in the room, corner of Third and J streets, to which place the deceased had been removed; when LLOYD died it was about 7 o'clock p.m.; I was also present when the Coroner arrived, and assisted to examine the trunk and clothing of the deceased.; we found a purse in his trunk containing $4.39; we found no papers of value; the deceased has worked at the foundry about four years, though not all the time; he has stated to me that he had placed his money in a safe up town; he received four dollars per day at the foundry.; I do not know how much money he had; I do not know of any notes or parties owing him.

W. W. STOVALL - sworn. I know the deceased; I corroborate the evidence as given by the last two witnesses, so far as I know of the circumstances, not being present when he was wounded; the deceased has sent some of his money home to his parents; he had deposited money with me when I was in business; I think the last deposit was made last November; I think the most on deposit at one time was $108; I think this was last April, 1862; he drew this cash at different times in small amounts; I heard Mrs. LIVINGSTON state, a few days ago, that he had informed her that he had about $100 on hand; I think the money is deposited at P. H. RUSSELL'S.

P. H. RUSSELL - sworn, I knew the deceased; he has deposited cash with me in small amounts; I am not certain how much he has with me at this time, though I think the amount is from $40 to $60.

Dr. G. L. SIMMONS - sworn, Was called to see the deceased at the Sacramento Iron Works, about three o'clock Saturday afternoon; found him insensible, with all the symptoms of compression of the brain, and two severe wounds, one upon the front and right side of the head, and the other on the right side of his neck; failing to restore him to consciousness, I commenced the operation for trephining the skull, in company with Dr. J. M. FREY, at seven o'clock; after making the usual incisions and dissection, the skull was found so extensively fractured, with oozing of the brain substance, that it was deemed useless to proceed, and death took place soon afterwards.

SACRAMENTO July 13th, 1862.

We, the jury summoned to ascertain the cause of the death of the deceased now before us, do find that the name of the the deceased is William H. LLOYD, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, aged about twenty-eight years; and that he came to his death in this city about seven o'clock p.m. on the 13th day of July, 1862, from injuries received by a blow from the accidental breaking of a piece of timber which was located on the top of the building at the iron works of Goss & Lambard, about four o'clock p.m. of the day aforesaid.



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Submitted by Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Daily Union

Wednesday July 16 ,1862 

CONDITION OF NEFF - John Neff, who attempted to poison himself on Monday, has so far recovered from the effects of the strychnine taken by him that his life is considered out of danger. Dr. MONTGOMERY remained at the station house with him until after midnight, some three or four hours, not deeming it safe to leave him earlier. Neff is still confined in one of the cells at the station house, and appears to be at times insane. It is the opinion of those who have him in charge, that Judge HONG of Yolo, as he is a resident of that county, should order an examination as to his sanity, and if necessary have him removed to Stockton. He gives no reason for making the attempt to kill himself, but his friends say that he lost some eighty or ninety dollars at gambling a few days ago, which circumstances led to the act. We were informed at the station house on Monday evening by one of Neff’s friends (JONES) that he had learned on inquiry at Klink & Hatfield’s drug store, that they had sold strychnine to a man supposed to be Neff early in the evening. It turns out that Jones was misled in his conversation with them, and that the statement was incorrect. They described the man who had applied for strychnine, but were not sufficiently explicit in stating he did not get it. Neff himself stated that he obtained the poison form a drug store up town, paying seventy-five cents for it, but he could not designate the establishment. 

LEVEEING AND DRAINAGE - R. CLARK and John TANSMAN made an exploration yesterday in the vicinity of the City Cemetery, to ascertain the chances of prosecuting further the work of draining the city. They came to the conclusion that a new section of levee is necessary, running from the ground occupied by the brick kilns to the high land on which the cemetery is located. The effect of this levee will be to prevent the water from backing up to the extent it does at present. The work can be accomplished probably in a day, by fifteen or twenty men, who will need some two hundred sacks for portions of it. It will be commenced to-day. No determination was arrived at as to any plan of drainage. It is thought by some who have made an examination of the ground that there is not sufficient fall between here and the lake this side of Sutterville to lower the water in the city, and that the only plan which can be adopted will be to drain in the Sacramento river. Further examination will be made to-day with this object in view. 

PROBATE - In the matter of the estate of N.T. ABBEY, deceased, the petition of Thomas C. JONES for administration on said estate was yesterday filed, and also the consent of the widow of the deceased thereto. Ordered that the hearing of the same be set for July 30th, at ten o’clock A.M., and that due notice be given. The death of the said N.T. Abbey being proved to the satisfaction of the Court, by the affidavit of T.C. Jones, it was ordered that the said Jones be appointed administrator with full power to collect and sue for all debts due the estate, and to take into possession and safely keep all property belonging to the estate upon filing a bond in the sum of $1,000, conditioned according to law. Bond filed and letters of administration issued. 

COMMITTEE MEETING - The Committee of eleven appointed by H.O. BEATTY, President of the Union Administration County Convention, will meet this evening at his office, Read’s Block. The business of the Committee will be to determine what vacancies exist in said Convention, and take measures for filing the same. The Committee is composed as follows: J. McCLATCHY, F. TUKEY, F. JOHNSON, J.R. SELDEN, R.H. DALY, Justin GATES, Robert ROBINSON, I.B. MARSHALL, G.H. CUSHING, L.S. TAYLOR, and W. HENDRIC. 

NEEDS ATTENTION - Since the drainage of the water from the vicinity of Seventh and P streets, it is discovered that one of the water pipes in that neighborhood is leaking and wasting daily a large quantity of city water. We refer the subject to the City Tapper and the Poundmaster - the one to repair the pipe, and the other to keep the dogs from biting him while in the act. The water is discharged near the premises of S.W. BUTLER. 

THE MONEY PAID - The deed for the St. George Hotel was yesterday delivered over from Haggin & Tevis to the Trustees of the Odd Fellows’ Association, the entire amount of purchase money having been paid. A Committee of this association advertise that rooms in the building will be let in a few days. It is the expectation of the present landlord of the St. George to make the transit to the Orleans Hotel on Monday next. 

ELOPEMENT AND ASSAULT IN YOLO - The Knight’s Landing News of July 12th relates the following case of unfaithfulness in a wife:

David FLETCHER, who lives near the Willow slough, returned to his home on Monday evening about two o’clock, and concluding he would not disturb his wife, proceeded to get into his house through the window. Upon gaining entrance he was surprised to find his place occupied by another, who jumped on Fletcher and handled him rather roughly. On the following morning the occupant, Eli FROOME, assisted by Ben SCOTT and DOANE, went with a team to take off the erring wife of Fletcher. This he resisted stoutly, when the three (as he tells it) assailed him and held him until the wife was safely placed in the conveyance and gone. Fletcher went to Woodland and got out warrants for the arrest of the three men. Froome, however, with the woman, arrived here and took the steamer Defiance for Sacramento. The Sheriff arrived last night in pursuit. We understand one of the party, Doane, has been arrested. 

MURDER IN HUMBOLDT - Recently, a man by the name of DAY was murdered on New River, by another named DAVIS. Both were miners, and were alone at a cabin when the difficulty took place. Davis, after committing the murder, went up the creek and told of it, and when the miners repaired to the spot, the found Day horribly mutilated, with no less than eight stabs, either one of which would have proved fatal. Davis is now in jail in Weaver, awaiting his trial. He is represented as being a very bad man, and from all the information we can gather, the murder was cold blooded. Day was an old man, and well known in the vicinity of Bunker Hill, Klamath county

FROM AMADOR - A man named John Chorigan was arrested on Monday by officer GAY, on board the San Francisco boat, as she left the levee, on the strength of a telegraphic dispatch from Jackson, Amador county. As Chorigan was the last man in getting on the boat, the arrest was not made until it was too late to come ashore. Officer and prisoner were taken to Rio Vista and came up on the return boat. The nature of the charge against the prisoner is not known. An officer from Amador will come to-day to take him to that county. 

DOGS AND TAGS - About seventy-five dog tags in all have been sold by Treasurer BIRD. Poundmaster MAYO has deputized a regiment of boys to catch the untagged dogs and deliver them at the Pound, at the rate of $3 per dozen. This tariff of prices will afford the boys twenty-five cents each and a profit to the principal of the same amount for each animal. 

SUPREME COURT - In the Supreme Court, in the case of the People vs. BOGGS, thirty days additional time was yesterday given, on motion of counsel and by stipulation, to appellant, in which to file petition for rehearing. 

ARRESTS - John O’MEARA was yesterday arrested by James GILES for drunkenness and disturbance of the peace. Charles CHAMBERS was also arrested by officer BURKE for a violation of a city ordinance in obstructing Fourth street. 

COMMENCING PRACTICE - Ex-Governor BIGLER is about to commence the practice of law in this city, in connection with a law firm already established - that of Coffroth & Spaulding. 

STOLEN - George CALLAHAN had a valuable gold watch stolen from his pocket yesterday, at Hooker’s ranch, a short time before the picnic company left to return to the city. 

THE RIVER - The Sacramento river has fallen to a point but eleven feet above low water mark. 

ROBBERY - The house of one SLOAN, near Soquel, Santa Cruz, was broken into and robbed of money, silverware, clothing and other valuables while the inmates were absent celebrating the Fourth. 

HOMICIDE IN TRINITY - Alfred MARSH was killed at Brown’s Flat, in Trinity county, July 3d, in an affray with a man named Davis. The latter escaped.   

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Thursday August 7, 1862


(Note: this is a partial transcript of the loss of the steamer Golden Gate. There were articles spanning several days and pages; I choose this because of the passenger lists.)






Loss of the Golden Gate,

And Nearly Two Hundred of Her Passengers and Crew.

Nearly One and a Half Millions of Treasure Lost.




Passengers by the St. Louis.


San Francisco, August 6th


The Pacific Mail Steamship Company's steamer St. Louis, W.E. LAPIDGE, Commander, left San Francisco July 1st, 1862, at 10 A.M. with 145 passengers and $1,267,160.58 in specie, for Panama. July 5th, at 9:20 P.M., passed the Golden Gate, bound up. Arrived at Acapulco July 9th at 4:15 P.M.; received supplies and sailed at 8 P.M. The same day at 9:30 P.M. passed steamer Sonora, bound up. Arrived at Panama July 16th at 7 A.M. Returning, left Panama July 20th at midnight, with 405 tons of freight and 320 passengers from New York. July 11th by steamer Northern Light. Arrived at Acapulco July 27th at 8:45 A.M.; received coal and supplies, and sailed at 3 P.M. Arrived at Manzanillo July 29th at 5 A.M.


On arrival at Manzanillo the St. Louis received intelligence of the total loss of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company's steamer Golden Gate by fire, on the evening of July 27th, about fifteen miles northwest of Manzanillo harbor. The St. Louis immediately started for the scene of the wreck, fired signal guns, lowered boats and took off from the shore all the survivors of the wreck who could be found. Remained at Manzanillo till July 30th, leaving Captain HUDSON and his crew at that port to render any further assistance that might be necessary.


The St. Louis brings up seventy-eight of the Golden Gate's passengers, all that are known to be saved, and a portion of her crew. Arrived at San Francisco August 6th, at five P.M.


The St. Louis brings one hundred and twenty-six packages of mail from New York and $162,470 in specie from Manzanillo.


She left in port at Panama the United States steamer Saranac; at Acapulco, the coalship Juliette Trundy.


The following is her passenger list:


Horace WEBSTER and wife, J.H. CARROLL and wife, J.B. PURDY, F. SECCHI, P.J. KELLY, Sophie SHULTERS, Louise ROHLI, A.L. ROE, O. MILLER, William H.D. MORRILL, Thomas CRANE, Mrs. R. ECCLESTON and child, A. MOORE, Miss WESTLAKE, Q.L. ADAMS, Miss B. BLODGETT, L.W. GATES and child, Bertha KOHN and brother, Miss ALEXANDER, C.E. MOWRY, John STAGG, Mrs. N.H. FRANCIS, Mrs. KELLY, James W. CULLEN and wife, Charles R. CARROLL, Frederick REWER, wife and daughter, Sarah SPARHAWK, Mrs. C.W. CHANDLER and child, J.H. LEONARD, Miss E.M. FERNALD, Alexander WARFIELD, Mrs. L.L. BAKER, Miss H.A. GRANT, G.A. MENDON, Johnson KNIGHT, D.C. TRIPP, B.P. DORR, Mrs. Susan DOW and child, George H. HORN, William Whitfield, C. FRANK and wife, A. RYERS, J.L. TRUELL, Albert PRIEST, E.D. MORGAN, G.F. HUNTING, U.S.A., Mrs. E. LOVEJOY and child, E.S. KARNEY, E. CONNOR, wife and infant; Mrs. SHELL and infant, P.A. OWENS, G.W. DENT, Mrs. EDSON, dauther, friend and four children; Mr. EDSON, Josefa TORREA and two children, C. TORRES, A. TORRES, F. DeTROYAT, Mr. GREGNERE and wife, C.E. JOHNSON, Mr. NUGENT, wife and infant; E. BAMBRINO, brother and mother, Josefa CALPINA, T.KUHM and two children, P. KUHN, Miss WILHUSEN, W.H. KAY, W.B. LEDGE, J. H. BROWN, Delia ACHER, A.P. FULLER, J.E. ROSE, John BRADLEY, J. PEREZ, Emily LANDGRAFF, Hettie LUNDBERG and child, Mary DALY, Mrs. T.D. BOERUM, Mrs. B.C. BOERUM, T.V. SCUDDER, T. WALCH, Fanny HARRIS, Mrs. C. STRUTHA, Jane KENYON, Robert KENYON, Robert GOE and sister, A. MAYERS, Robert MAYERS, wife, daughter and three children; M.L. TAYLOR, W.N. CHAPMAN, Mrs. LESALLE, Mrs. M.A. DOUGLASS, Miss H.A. EAGLES, J.E. DARLING, Susan BRADY, J.ELLENBACK and boy, Jno. McINTEE, Augusta KITCHEN, Maria GIBBS, Hariett ADAMS, W. McCAUSEMAN, Wm. HOLDEN, J. WILKINSON and wife, Louisa SPENCER, George WATERMAN, and two hundred and twenty others.


Passengers of Golden Gate Saved


The following is the list of passengers and crew saved from the Golden Gate:


FIRST CABIN - Ben. HOLLADAY, J. WHITNEY, Jr., Capt. R.H. PEARSON, Abel GUY, A.J. NICHOLS, Mrs. W.T. GOUGH, J.C. JONGHAUS and wife, Mrs. A.E. WALLACE, A. CHAVANUE, C.F. FOX, S. MURPHY and wife, A.J. GUNNISON, Geo. O. McMULLEN, B.L. SCHMIDT, Mrs. D.A. NURSE, H. FURNHJELM, Miss A.A. MANCHESTER, 8 yrs, Miss C.E. MANCHESTER, 5 yrs, Frank MANCHESTER, 3 yrs, G. GIVEN, a boy 2 years old, ------ Given, babe, 8 weeks old.


SECOND CABIN - J.F. HAYWARD, R.H. DORSEY, O. BRADLEY, P.H. MORAN, G.F. BLERTHAUPT, Mrs. C.J. ROSS, George FULTON, 7 years old, S.C. TODD, John or Jonas, boy, 4 years old, Mrs. S. FRANCIS, Felix BESSOM, W.R. WILCOX, C.E. THOMAS, ----W. Walker, G. MOLINDE, John JENKINS, G.W. CHASE, E. SICKER, J.P. BELL, Jane C. FORSYTHE, servant to Mrs. GREEN, John H. BOOTH, 13 yrs old, William HAMILTON, B. HOLLIDAY's servant, Isaac W. GEAR.




OFFICERS AND CREW - W.H. HUDSON, Captain, Matthew NOLEN, First Mate, W. WADDELL, Chief Engin'r, J.K. WOOD, Purser, H. McKINNEY, Second Mate, Sam BERNARD, sailor, M. FAIRFIELD, sailor, F. WARNER, sailor, F. GORE, sailor, M. FREE, sailor, W. HOWD, sailor, T. FIELD, sailor, C. MILLER, sailor, J. WILSON, sailor, C.C. SULLIVAN, sailor, F.A. BRIERLY, First As't En., J.G. WHITING, Sec. As't En., T. McDOWELL, Water Tender, T. CONLEY, Water Tender, C. McNIEL, fireman, Wm. BRITT, fireman, Jas. ENNIS, fireman, P. DONNELLY, fireman, J. WILSON, fireman, Mike MURRY, fireman, Antonio PACHECO, fireman, C. NORRIS, coal passer, J. WATSON, coal passer, W. HARVEY, coal passer, W. KELLY, coal passer, John CORAN, coal passer, R. DAVY, coal passer, M.J. MATHERSON, steward, Margaret McINTIRE, colored stewardess, C. HAMILTON, steerage do, S. LEWIS, steerage steward, H. McLANE, baker, R. MARKEY, second baker, J.F. HARRIS, porter, F. DOUGLASS, butcher, G.H. FOOTE, cabin waiter, Tom. KELLY, cabin waiter, D. CORCORAN, cabin waiter, J. DONOHUE, cabin waiter, P. JEFFREYS, cabin waiter, R. BARTLOW, cabin waiter, G. CAPHUS, cabin waiter, W .JOSEPH, cabin waiter, E. DUCKETT, cabin waiter, J. PETERSON, cabin waiter, C. FRITZ, steerage waiter, D. CALLAGHAN, steerage waiter, C. GRAY, steerage waiter, J. McCLOY, second cook, M. McSHANE, third cook, P.A. RYAN, storekeeper, W.H. GIBSON, barber, J. McLAUGHLIN, mess boy, D. REED, working passage, R. RIDLEY, working passage, W. PRICE, working passage.


There were on board the Golden Gate 242 passengers, 96 crew - in all 338; known be saved, 140; lost and missing 198. One boat containing about twenty-two people had not been heard from at the time the St. Louis left Manzanillo. This boat was in charge of the Third Mate, and is supposed to have missed the harbor in the night and gone down the coast. These are not included in the list of saved.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, November 25, 1862


Delay of the Steamers - An unusual difficulty was experienced yesterday by the steamer Chrysopolis in her attempt to pass down the river front from her landing at N street to a point below R street at which she could turn. The schooners were mounted so close together that it was impossible for her to pass between them. It is said that the steamboat landing will necessarily have to be removed below R street, until the narrow channel can be kept open for the boats to depart. It is, of course, a source of great trouble to the captains of schooners, and difficult for the Harbormaster, to clear the passage every day, but there is much more trouble created, and considerable damage to property produced, by daily permitting vessels to be in the way until the steamer strikes them, as is frequently the case. It is important to the traveling public, and especially to the interest of the city at this time, that the steamboats be driven no further down than their present location, and that every facility be extended to them which the depth of the water will allow. Yesterday, after tearing away considerable lumber on one schooner, jamming the rigging of another, having a third towed out of the way by the Governor Dana, and spending an hour in moving five rods, the Chrysopolis got under way and started for San Francisco.

Probate - Estate of Peter KIEFFER, deceased - Application for confirmation of sale of real estate coming on to be heard the sale was yesterday confirmed. Estate of Seth BRIGGS, deceased - The widow of deceased having been cited to appear on this day to answer as to the property belonging to the estate of said deceased, the same is continued until December 8, 1862, at ten o’clock, A.M. Petition of the widow filed, praying for a revocation of the letters granted upon said estate to F. MACOMBER; also praying that she may be appointed Administratrix of said estate; set for hearing on December 8, 1862. Due notice ordered to be given. Estate of John HALEY, deceased - Application for sale of personal property, coming on to be heard, order for sale granted. Estate of Peter LUBEY, deceased - Same order. Estate of J. BRUMMER, deceased - Same order. Estate of M.D.S. HYDE, deceased.  Application for sale of real estate granted. Estate of James K. BROWN, deceased - Application for sale of real estate coming on to be heard, continued until December 22, 1862. Estate of N.T. ABBEY, deceased - Petition for sale of personal property coming on to be heard, order of sale granted.

Habeas Corpus - A.D. BIGELOW was taken before Judge McKUNE yesterday morning on a writ of habeas corpus. District Attorney UPTON appeared on behalf of the State and M.M. ESTEE for the prisoner. ESTEE claimed the discharge of the prisoner chiefly on the ground that the term of imprisonment to which he had been sentenced, viz; one year from September 3, 186_, had expired. He also contended that the commitment was defective. The case was taken under advisement by Judge McKUNE until this morning, with the understanding that the District Attorney would furnish such authorities during the day as he might have. Formerly our Judges generally pronounced sentence of imprisonment to commence at a certain date. More recently, on account of decisions of the Supreme Court, they generally make the term date from the delivery of the prisoner at the State Prison. Had the sentence of BIGELOW been so worded there could have been no question as to the necessity of his serving out the term as originally intended.

Charge of Grand Larceny - A boy named James MILLS, some eighteen years of age, was arrested yesterday on a charge of grand larceny, in stealing a mare worth $500, the property of Charles McKILLOP. The animal had been placed by the owner on an ranch in Yolo county, some twelve miles from the city.  Yesterday she was ridden by MILLS to a stable on K street, and the owner, on seeing her in a condition which indicated that she had been violently ridden, and as he considered abused, caused MILLS to be arrested. MILLS’ statement is that she escaped from the ranch on which she had been placed and came to that on which he lived, and that he rode her to town with the intention of taking her back again. As he made no attempt to sell her, and as his reputation for honesty seems to be good, his statement is probably the correct version of the affair, but he is nevertheless amenable to the law for the use and perhaps abuse of the property of another. The case will be investigated in the Police Court to-day.

Wants to Build - W. MELVILLE asks of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department the privilege of putting up a frame building at Fourth and I streets. The Board of Supervisors will decide the case.

Brought Up - F. KOSTA’s new schooner Sacramento, just launched, was yesterday towed up in the city and the across the river in the Washington shipyard to be caulked, painted and fitted out for service.

Doing Well - The little daughter of E. JACOBS, who was injured on Saturday evening at the Metropolitan Theater by the wadding of a gun, is doing well, and will soon recover from her injuries.

Continued - The case of Mark HOPKINS vs. john H. HOUSMAN, City Tax Collector, etc., which was set for trial yesterday in the District Court, was continued for the term by consent.

Degree of Rebekah - El Dorado Lodge No. 8, I.O.O.F. will this evening hold a meeting of the Degree of Rebekah, at the Hall corner of Third and K streets.


District Court - J.H. McKUNE, Judge

Monday, November 21, 1862

T.L. BUCKHOUT vs. S.P. SWIFT et al - On Motion of George CADWALADER, cause

set for trial on Wednesday, December 10, 1862.

Rufus WADE vs. D.H. HASKELL et al - On motion of WINANS & HYER, cause set for trial Wednesday, December 10, 1862.

Ferdinand WOODWARD vs. His Creditors - Sheriff appointed assignee.

  In re Sophia M. TILDEN to become sole trader - Hearing of application

continued until to-morrow at half past ten o’clock A.M.  W.H.H. DAVIS vs. Jasper DODSON - Decree of foreclosure ordered entered of record.

Mark HOPKINS vs. John H. HOUSMAN, City Tax Collector, etc. - Continued for the term by consent.

Adjourned until half past ten o’clock A.M. to-morrow.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





The Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, December 2, 1862



ANOTHER HOMICIDE - At about six o’clock last evening, a man named Harry PEIRCE was shot and killed, on L street, near Fourth, by James N. CARTTER, Constable of Justice HAINES’ Court. An inquest in the case was held during the evening by Coroner REEVES, a report of which will be found in another column. The parties had both been active during the afternoon at the First and Second Ward polls, but both worked for the same ticket and had no difficulty of a political nature. A few minutes before the shooting occurred, they met at the house of a Spanish woman named Mary SANCHEZ, concerning whom, it is said, they had some difficulty several months ago.  CARTTER’s statement of the affair is about as follows: Desiring to be on hand at a dance to come off in the night, and having drank considerably through the afternoon, he went to the house in question and laid down to take a nap. He was aroused up by the door of the room being burst open and saw PIERCE beside him with a knife drawn, threatening to kill him. They both got on to the sidewalk while still wrangling, without any blow being struck.  There PIERCE approached him with a drawn knife, when he fired. The testimony before the Coroner’s jury differs, it will be seen, in some respects from this statement. PIERCE was a native of Australia, thirty-five years old. A short time ago he was sentenced by Judge HOLT, for beating a soldier named MAINS with a slung shot, in front of the What Cheer House, to pay a fine of $200, or be imprisoned one hundred days. He was discharged from custody in a few days under a writ of habeas corpus, on account of irregularity in the commitment. He has been engaged a portion of his time while in the city as stevedore on the levee, unloading schooners, sloops, etc. CARTER, it will be remembered, shot and killed a member of Captain THAYER’s Grass Valley Company, belonging to the Fifth Regiment, then stationed at Camp Union, a little over a year ago. CARTTER and PIERCE were both members of Eureka Engine Company No.  4. Soon after the death occurred last evening, the several fire bells of the city were tolled on account of the event.

ARREST OF A MURDERER - At four o’clock yesterday afternoon, Under Sheriff HOAG arrested a man named James HAYES, charged with the murder of William MURRAY at Prairie City, in this county, nearly a year ago. On the night of the 28th of December, 1861, HAYES and MURRAY were engaged in playing cards at a saloon in Prairie City. A dispute arose, when HAYES drew a knife and stabbed MURRAY in the abdomen. The wounded man lived till the next afternoon, when he expired from the effects of the wound. In the meantime, HAYES was arrested, taken before Justice ANDERSON, and admitted to bail in the sum of $500. After the death of MURRAY he could not be found. On the 15th of February, 1862, he was indicted by the Grand Jury for the crime of murder. He is supposed to have spent the greater portion of the past year in the Salmon river region. Yesterday, Under Sheriff HOAG gained information which led to the belief that HAYES was in the city. He obtained a bench warrant, and reached the depot at Front and K streets as the afternoon train was about to start for Folsom. On making his business known, G.F. BROMLEY, conductor of the train, deferred starting a few moments to give the officer time to look for the prisoner among the passengers. The search proved to be successful, and HAYES was lodged in the County Jail. While at Prairie City, MURRAY followed mining and HAYES blacksmithing. HAYES has a wife now in this city.

PROBATE - In the matter of the estate of Geo. H. CARTTER, deceased, the will of deceased was yesterday admitted to probate, and letters of administration with will annexed, were granted to Rosetta CARTTER upon filing a bond in the sum of $5000. R.A. PEARIS, P.L. EDWARDS and H.H. HARTLEY were appointed appraisers. Due notice ordered to be given. Estate of Ella H. GALLUP, a miner heir - Petition of Julia A. GALLUP, guardian of said Ella, filed, praying for an order to sell certain real and personal property belonging to said estate. Ordered that the same be set for hearing on Monday, January, 5, 1863. Due notice ordered to be given.

INCENDIARISM - At about six o’clock last evening, some twenty tons of hay and straw, belonging to C.W. HOYT, were destroyed by fire, on his ranch, adjoining the City Cemetery. The fire was unquestionably the work of an incendiary, and was kindled from the side next to the cemetery, the prevailing wind making the work of destruction the more certain from that side.

ADMITTED TO CITIZENSHIP - G. BENZ, a native of Bavaria, was yesterday admitted citizenship in the District Court, on the testimony of S.J. NATHAN and Frank PAGE. Michael H. MEAGHER, a native of Ireland, was also admitted to citizenship on the testimony of Eli MAYO and D. KELLY.

CONTINUED FOR THE TERM - In the District Court yesterday, in the case of the People vs. E.F. HUNTER, for the murder of James McKENNA, the motion for a change of venue was withdrawn, and cause continued for the term by consent.

FOR SAN QUENTIN - A man named Daniel VICE was brought to the city yesterday by Deputy Sheriff CHAPMAN. VICE has been sentenced to one year’s imprisonment in the State Prison for robbery.

ARRESTS - The following arrests were made yesterday: Thomas JACKSON, by officer SHEEK, charge not specified; _______ McLAUGHLIN, by officer CODY, for assault and battery on Robert MORRIS.

INSANE - Julia CRONIN was taken to the station house yesterday, by Officer McGREW, on account of insanity. There are now five insane or partially insane persons confined in the station house.

ARSON TRIAL - The case of Edward RYAN, charged with arson, which was to have been tried in the District Court yesterday, was continued until to-day.


At eight o’clock last evening, Coroner REEVES held an inquest at his rooms, on Fourth street, over the body of Harry PIERCE, who was shot by James CARTTER at six o’clock in the evening, on L street, near Fourth. The testimony in the case and verdict of the jury are as follows:

John CLARK sworn - I reside in this city; have lived here about three weeks; I know the deceased now before the jury; his name is Harry PIERCE; I met deceased at the corner of Second and J streets about five o’clock this P.M.; he wanted me to take a walk with him; we went into a house on Second street, between K and L; we then went to Louis BRANT’s saloon, corner of Third and L streets, and took a drink; we then took a walk up L street, about half way up the block, and went into a house; Harry said it was kept by a Spanish woman; he said he wanted to see the woman; he walked in and I stood at the door; when he entered there was no light in the room; I walked in at his request; he said, dam your heart, CARTTER, is this where I find you; CARTTER said dam you what did you break that door in for; Harry said I did not break the door in; I then walked to the door, and CARTTER asked for his hat; he searched for his hat, but could not find it; he went to the back door and Harry went after him; Harry said to James CARTTER, “I do not want you to ridicule me about Mary” [the Spanish woman.] “If you do I will cut your damned throat;” when Harry went into the room he struck a light and saw CARTTER in bed; had his boots and hat off; after the conversation in regard to cutting CARTTER’s throat, Harry and I started to go to Frank RHODES’ saloon; we started up towards Fourth and L streets; at the time PIERCE and I left the house, CARTTER started towards Tony BRANT’s saloon, and when we got near the corner of Fourth and L streets PIERCE was before me, and I heard CARTTER say, “You son of a bóh, I’ll kill you now;” I looked back and saw CARTTER coming from towards BRANT’s saloon; I holloaed out, “Look out, Harry;” he (CARTER) was about fifteen feet from Harry at that time; CARTTER then fired a pistol at Harry; I could not say whether it was a five or six shooter; I saw the pistol in CARTTER’s right hand; I did not hear but one shot fired; Harry then turned round and ran toward CARTTER, and I think he got within about eight feet of CARTTER; he then threw something at CARTTER, which I took to be a knife; I had seen Harry have a knife during the day; he had it out several times while in the barrooms; after Harry threw his knife, he turned and ran about twenty feet, and then fell; CARTTER remained in the street until Harry fell; he then ran towards Third and L streets; Harry fell on his face; I then went to him, and turned him over; I spoke to him twice; said Harry, but he did not speak; I then called for help; some one went for the doctor, and in about ten minutes we carried him to BRANT’s saloon; I am not certain but I think he died while we were taking him to the saloon; I think it was about six six o’clock when Harry was shot; am not certain as to time; I am positive it was James CARTTER that fired the pistol.  E. HUGGER sworn - I reside in Yolo county; work for HENDRIX; I do no know the deceased; I was passing down L street this evening and saw two men standing in a door a few doors from the boarding house between Third and Fourth; one was a small and one was a tall man; the small man had a pistol in his hand, and from what I could understand he said, “Keep away from me,” he was addressing the large man; I would not know the small man only from his clothing; he had on a black coat and a low crowned black hat; the tall man inside of the house and two smaller men at the door sill; the small men started toward Fourth and L streets, and the tall man came out and started toward the saloon corner of Third and L streets, remarking, “I’ll make you ñ in a minute,” he came right back with a pistol in his hand and ran after the two men; he fired the pistol; I am not certain that it was the tall man that fired the pistol; I then started toward Fourth and L, after the pistol was fired, and met or saw the tall man have hold of a man by the coat collar with his right hand and had a pistol in his left; they were going toward Third and L streets.

James FLANNERY sworn - I reside in this city (M and Third); I know the deceased; his name is Henry PIERCE; he was born in Australia; has a wife at that place; his age is about thirty-five years; I do not know of any property that belonged to the deceased.

The following is the result of the post mortem examination:

On the evening of December 1, 1862, at the rooms of the Coroner, we held a post mortem examination on the body of Harry PIERCE. We found a pistol shot wound, entering the left side, breaking the sixth rib, passing through the lower portion of the heart and the upper portion of the liver, breaking the sixth rib on the right side, the ball lodging beneath the skin, from which place we removed it. The wound was sufficient to cause death.



The verdict of the jury was as follows:

The following named jurors, being duly sworn to hold an inquest on the body of a man found dead at the corner of Third and L streets, in this city, do find that the name of deceased is Harry PIERCE, a native of Australia, aged about thirty-five years, and that he came to his death at the place aforesaid, between six and seven o’clock P.M., this first day of December, A.D., 1862, from the effects of a pistol shot wound, fired by the hands of James CARTTER.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Saturday, December 6, 1862



REPORT OF THE LINT ASSOCIATION - We have been furnished by Mrs. MARSH, Secretary of the Ladies’ Lint Association, with the following report of its proceedings: “The labors of the Sacramento Lint Association have been brought to a close, and as a distinctly organized society it has ceased to exist. Its members separate with sincere regret, and will each and all cherish among their brightest memories the happy hours they have passed together busily toiling for the alleviation of their suffering countrymen who are freely shedding their blood in the sacred cause of the Union. The history of the association, though short, is not destitute of interest. It was formed as an auxiliary to the society of San Francisco, to aid in the work of preparing lint and bandages for the wounded soldiers of the Union armies. The first meeting was an informal one, held at the house of Mrs.  Governor STANFORD, on the invitation of that lady, on the afternoon of October 11, 1862. At that time an organization was effected by the election of the following named officers: President, Mrs. Leland STANFORD; Vice-President, Mrs. Henry MILLER; Secretary, Mrs. A.D. MARSH; Treasurer, Mrs. HOUGHTON. The Association spent no time in unnecessary discussion, but went immediately to work with energy and zeal. Donations of old linen were called for and received in abundance from members of the Association and others. One hundred and fifty boxes were procured for packing the lint, by Mrs. L. STANFORD, from San Francisco. W.H. WEEKS, Secretary of State, kindly tendered the use of the Senate Chamber, and it has been occupied by the Association since the first meeting. The Sacramento Gas Company generously supplied the gas for the evening meetings free of charge. A number of ladies residing at Mormon Island also aided in the work of the association, filling a considerable number of boxes forwarded to them for that purpose, with lint shredded and scraped. Important aid has also been received from El Dorado and other points in the country. The whole number of boxes prepared by the association is: Shredded lint, 60; carded lint, 45; bandages, 3,600 yards; clothing, 12 boxes. All of which will be forwarded to San Francisco as soon as possible. The following is a list of names of members of the Association:

Mrs. John ARNOLD, Mrs. Stephen AVERY, Mrs. H. ADAMS, Mrs. W. ACKLEY, Mary






Miss BEALS, Mrs. R.B. BELL, Mrs. E. BALDWIN, Mrs. J.C. BARR, Mrs. H.O.


Charles CROCKER, Mrs. E.B. CROCKER, Mrs. J.A. CROCKER, Mrs. Charles





G.W. COOMBS, Mrs. E.B. COOPER, Mrs. G.W. CHESLEY, Miss Julia COMPTE, Miss A.



DENNISON, Mary DENNIS, Mrs. F.R. DARY, Miss Mary E. McDOWELL, Miss H.


Mrs. M. FARMER, Mrs. R. FOLGER, Mrs. L. FRINK, Miss Julia FOSSETT ,Mrs. I.



Mary GRIFFITH, Mrs. John GILLIG, Mrs. J.H. GORDON, Mrs. GASS, Miss F.R.




HOOVER, Mrs. HERR, Mrs. G.C. HALL, Mrs. HEYMAN, Mrs. H. HAGON, Miss J.

HOLEMAN, Mrs. John HERRING, Mrs. Mark HOPKINS, Mrs. W.H. HILL, Miss Fanny

HOWE, Miss Mary HOWE, Miss Mary HARMON, Miss Sarah HOLMES, Miss Susan HURD,

Miss Jennie HILL, Miss A. HATCH, Mrs. W.W. HAYWARD, Mrs. N. HOLMES, Miss Ada





H.W. LARKIN, Mrs. Mary MITCHELL, Mrs. Dr. MORGAN, Mrs. McGINNIS, Mrs. B.


Henry MILLER, Mrs. A.H. MARSH, Mrs. G.R. MOWE, Mrs. R.H. McDONALD, Miss A.


Paul MORRILL, Mrs. Dr. NICHOLS, Mrs. Dr. NIXON, Mrs. E. NYE, Mrs. W.N.


Mrs. PERRIN, Miss E. PARKER, Mrs. Dr. PHELPS, Mrs. W. PETRIE, Mrs. Dr. PECK, Mrs. J.T. PIKE, Mrs. A.J.T. PHELAN, Mrs. F.A. PARK, Miss Jennie PIKE, Miss D. POST, Mrs. P.B. PRESTON, Mrs. J.R. QUINN, Mrs. F.W. REDDING, Mrs. A.A.



RUSSELL, Mrs. Mary F. STRATTON, Mrs. H. STARR, Mrs. M. STOSE, Miss E.R.


SWIFT, Miss Alice STINCEN, Mrs. Sarah SCUDDER, Mrs. Leland STANFORD, Mrs.


C.H. ROSS, Miss Emma STOSE, Mrs. A.S. SMITH, Mrs. SIDNEY, Mrs. Charles

TALBOT, Mrs. W.H. TOBEY, Mrs. T. TAYLOR, Mrs. F. TUKEY, Mrs. Mary A. TORREY,

Miss A. TOLL, Mrs. THOMPSON, Mrs. TERRY, Mrs. W.W. UPTON, Mrs. L. UPSON,

Mrs. J. VOGAN, Mrs. VAN EVERY, Mrs. J.H. WARWICK, Mrs. WOODS, Mrs. Julius


Mrs. WELTY, Mrs. F.A. WALLING, Mrs. S.A. WILLIAMS, Mrs. WINCHELL, Mrs.  WELLS, Miss Martha WARNER, Miss S.P. YOUNG, Mrs. YORK. The thanks of the Association are due to a large number of gentlemen for contributions in money and material, and to several for fruit and refreshments furnished during the meetings of the Association.

ARRESTED AT STOCKTON - We stated yesterday that a fine stallion had been stolen, with skeleton wagon, from Mrs. HARRIGAN’s Race Course. He was stolen by a negro who had been employed for some time at the race track. The man drove directly to Stockton, where he was well known, and was soon arrested.  The Republican says: “Yesterday a negro, well known in this city, who formerly worked for Culver, in the stable on Channel street, near the Stockton Bakery, was arrested, on a telegraphic dispatch, and placed in jail to await the arrival of parties from Sacramento. He is charged with stealing a horse and thorough-brace skeleton wagon, from Mrs. HARRIGAN, near Sacramento. The property was placed at J.C. GAGE’s stable on Main street, for safe keeping. The horse was taken on Wednesday last; he is a very fine animal - Patchen stock - some say an Ethan Allen colt. In this city the negro had the reputation of being crazy.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS - At a meeting of Washington Lodge No. 20, F. and A.M., held on Thursday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: Humphrey GRIFFITH, W.M.; Justin GATES, S.W.; Robert ROBINSON, J.W.; J.D. LORD, Treasurer; G.I.N. MONELL, Secretary; C.W. LIGHTNER, S.D.;

E.P. STARR, J.D.; W. DAVENPORT and S. DEAL, Stewards; Peter ZACHARIAS, Tyler. At a meeting of Sacramento Lodge No. 40, F. and A.M., held last evening the following officers were chosen: Thomas ROSS, W.M.; P.S. LAWSON, S.W.; Samuel KELLOGG, J.W.; Hiram COOKE, Treasurer, Prescott ROBINSON, Secretary; Rev. W.H. HILL, Chaplain; J.H. EDWARDS, S.D.; E. W. CARR, J.D.;

J.C. COLEMAN and Thomas FALLON, Stewards; Peter ZACHARIAS, Tyler.

POLICE COURT - J. WILSON, alias FAGAN, charged with exposure of person, was yesterday tried by the Court and found guilty. James NICHOLS (colored), charged with assault and battery on James WILLIAMS, was tried by the Court and acquitted. Jas. WILLIAMS (Colored), charged with assault and battery on James NICHOLS, entered a plea of guilty. C. SMITH, charged with disturbing the peace, was tried by the Court and found guilty. C. McCARTY, who previously pleaded guilty to the charge of disturbing the peace, was sentenced by Judge HOLL to pay a fine of $200, or to be imprisoned one hundred days. J. Mike KEARN, for malicious mischief in shooting through the window of Ebner’s Hotel, was sentenced to pay a fine of $40, or be imprisoned twenty days.

ARRESTS - The following arrests were made yesterday: Christopher RISPON, by officer REDDING, for assault and battery on Jane RISPON; James WELLS, by officers McGREW and BROWN, deserter from Benicia; J. BURKE, by special officer CHILDS, for petty larceny, in stealing a hat worth $2.75, the property of B. MORRIS.

SUPREME COURT - In the Supreme Court yesterday, in the case of the Sacramento, Placer and Nevada County Railroad vs. T.T. HAMLIN, it was, on motion of ANDERSON of counsel, ordered that writ of error be issued returnable, on the first Monday in January next, A.D. 1863.

ECLIPSE OF THE MOON - A total eclipse of the moon took place, last evening, commencing at 9:35. As due notice had not been served upon our citizens, they were generally taken by surprise by it.

FOR TRIAL TO-DAY - The trial of E. RYAN on a charge of arson, is set for to-day in the District Court.


District Court - J.H. McKUNE, Judge

Friday, December 5, 1862

C. ACKERMAN et al. vs. W.G. ENGLISH - To set aside judgement and default continued.

SULLIVAN & ROONEY vs. City Levee Committee - Continued; no appearance for plaintiff.

Mary A. STOW vs. J.R. HARDENBERGH et al - To set aside order of submission and allow defendants to amend answer continued.

H.D. ROWLEY, Executor, etc., vs. E.B. HOWARD et als. - Motion for new trial continued.

H.W. HALLECK et als. Vs. G.H. MIXER - Motion to settle statement continued.

Roland GELSTON vs. J.T. DAY et al. - Motion to strike out statement and notice on motion for new trial continued.

Jacob REMMEL vs. W. PIERCE et als. - Demurrer to complaint overruled.

B.B. STANSBURY vs. W.G. ENGLISH et al. - Taken under advisement.  James LICK vs. J. MADDEN et als. - Motion to perfect judgement or to order judgement on demurrer opened taken under advisement.  B.F. LEET vs. C.L. WILSON - Motion for new trial continued.  A.K. GRIM vs. G.W. COLBY et al. - Order to show cause why injunction should not be granted taken under advisement.

Thomas COURTNEY et al. vs. M. McKENNA et al. - Under advisement.

J.B. DENBY vs. Mary DENBY - Decree of divorce granted.

R. BECK et al. vs. G. WILCOX et al. - Motion for new trial continued.

S.S. CARLISLE vs. His Creditors - Referred to H.O. BEATTY by consent.

H.A. SHELLE vs. John CLARKIN et al. - Continued

Mrs. CLEAL, Administratrix, vs. ROGERS - Motion for writ of assistance continued.

ROGERS vs. City Levee Commissioners - Continued.  Mrs. CLEAL, Administratrix, vs. W.S. MESICK - Motion to have money awarded as damaged to MESICK paid over to plaintiff continued.  MOORE vs. HUTTON - Continued.

L. McCURTIS vs. J. TUCKER et al. - Demurrer to answer taken under advisement.

J.H. SCOTT vs. J. HARBON - Motion to relax cost bill granted, and leave to defendant to file new cost bill in ten days.

Adjourned till half-past ten o’clock to-morrow.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, December 15, 1862


POLICE COURT - The Police Court met on Saturday, at the usual place over the county jail, but on account of smoke from the stovepipe and uncomfortable condition of the room, Judge HOLL adjourned the Court to his office, in Klays’ building. Robert MILLER, who was convicted a few days since of malicious mischief in setting his dog on a cow owned by George WATKINS, and causing her death, was sentenced by Judge HOLL to pay a fine of $40 or to twenty days imprisonment. Previous to passing sentence the Court overruled a motion in arrest of judgement for a new trial. James BUTTERWORTH, previously convicted of exposure of person, was fined $20. James MONROE was tried by the Court on a charge of disturbing the peace, and was found guilty.

THE SANITARY FUND - The Sanitary Committee of this city forwarded on Saturday to Dr. BELLOWS, Chairman of the National Sanitary Commission, a draft for the sum of $1,510.75, making the total amount forwarded from Sacramento $21,510.75. We have received from the Secretary of the Committee the following list of contributions received in the city since the last publication: John DREMEN, collection at First Ward polls on election day, $3.76; KLEBITZ & GREEN, $5; John and Thomas HUTCHINGS, $25; Enos SARGEANT, $10; Rev. J.A. BENTON, $25; D.R. ASHLEY, $150; C.H. CUMMINGS, $20. Total, $258.76.METROPOLITAN THEATER - James MURRAY, the “character actor,” will have a benefit this evening, in which occasion he will appear as Bailie Nicol Jarvie, in the romantic drama of Rob Roy, and recite Burns’ immortal “Tam O’Shanter.” MURRAY has exhibited talent for the delineation of Scotch character, and his performance of Bailie Nicol Jarvie is singularly true to the original conception. His faults are those of a novice, not yet fully acquainted with the scope of his powers and the “business” to use a technical phrase, of the parts he essays.

BRODERICK MONUMENT  - Two blocks of granite, about twelve feet in length, and weighing about four and a half tons each, were brought to the city on Saturday, for the purpose of shipment to San Francisco, for use in the base of the Broderick Monument. The work on this monument is progressing at San Francisco under the supervision of P.J. DEVINE, of this city, who has been absent from Sacramento for the last two or three months for that purpose.

ARRESTS - The following arrests were made during Saturday and yesterday:

Jerry McMAHON and W. HICKEY by officer DAKE; John KING, by officer BURKE, for exposure of person; J. BEECROFT, by officers LOCKE and SHEEK, for drawing a deadly weapon in the shape of a large butcher knife; Indian Charley, by P. RICE, for safe keeping; H. LEWIS, by officer SHEEK, for a violation of the Sunday Law.

VIOLATION OF THE SUNDAY LAW  - A number of arrests will, we are informed, be made to-day by the city police, of clothing dealers, cigar dealers, etc., who have been in the habit of transacting their business as usual on Sundays. Late decisions in San Francisco on the Sunday question have induced our officers in this city to move in the same direction.

DECLINATION - At the close of service last evening at the Congregational church, the Rev. J.A. BENTON requested the members of the church to remain, and on their convening he tendered his resignation as their pastor. It has been rumored for a short time past that he has received a cell from San Francisco.

TAKEN TO SAN QUENTIN - Ramon ROMERO, who was sentenced on Friday by Judge McKUNE to twelve years imprisonment in the State prison for the murder of Luis GAMBOA, was taken to the institution on Saturday by Under Sheriff HOAG.

DISCHARGED FROM DEBT - In the District Court on Saturday Job BROOKFIELD, an applicant for the benefit of the insolvent Act, was by order of Judge McKUNE discharged from his debts and liabilities.

GAMBLING CASES - Several arrests have been made in the city within the past few days, on the charge of violation of the anti-gambling law. They will, unless postponed, be examined in the Police Court this morning.

PEANUTS IN CALIFORNIA - The Bulletin remarks:

Some 10,000 pounds of peanuts were raised in Yolo and Sacramento counties during the last year; 8,000 pounds of which were purchased by a firm in this city. Had it not been for the flood, there probably would have been over 20,000 pounds produced. The first lot of peanuts raised in this State came into market about three years ago. Their cultivation has been so successful that it is probable the importation of them will entirely cease within the next two years. Dealers purchase them of the producers at twenty cents per pound, and wholesale them at twenty-five cents.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, December 23, 1862



Suicide - A man named F. MUHLENFELS committed suicide last evening at Miller’s saloon, on Fifth street, at the corner of the alley between I and J streets, by shooting himself through the heart. This act was committed about six o’clock P.M. The deceased had informed some one about the house that he was going to lay down, and requested to be called when supper was ready. An hour or two afterwards some one went to his room and found him dead, with a bullet wound in the left breast and a pistol beside him. The report of the pistol does not appear to have been heard by any one about the house, although a shot was distinctly heard a little after six o’clock, on Fourth street, a block over,  which was doubtless the fatal shot. The window of his room, fronting to the west, was open. The building in which he killed himself is a substantial brick, and is plastered, of course, throughout.  The deceased had recently purchased the Central Saloon, on J street, between Fifth and Sixth streets, and had paid some six of seven hundred dollars for it. He had on his person, when found, about one hundred and sixty dollars.  He came to this country about ten years ago, and has been engaged the greater portion of the time in saloon keeping in this city. The deceased was a native of Prussia, was a Baron in that country, and was at one time a Lieutenant in the King’s Guard. Coroner REEVES held an inquest last evening over the body, a report of which will be found in another column.

PROBATE  - In the matter of the estate of M.D.S. HYDE, deceased, the petition of the executrix was yesterday filed, praying for an order to have a day appointed for the confirmation of sale of the real estate belonging to the estate of said deceased. Ordered that the same be set for hearing on January 5th, 1863, and that due notice be given. Estate of J.W. UNDERWOOD, Deceased - Petition for foreclosure of mechanic’s lien going on to be heard, ordered that the same be continued until January 5, 1863. Estate of Seth BRIGGS, deceased - On application of H.H. HARTLEY, time to file bond of administratrix extended to December 29, 1862. Estate of J.K. BROWN, deceased - Application for sale of real estate denied. Estate of J. PLATO, deceased - Application of Mary PLATO and George R. MOORE for the admission to probate of the last will and testament of deceased, and for the issuance of letters testamentary thereon to said petitioners coming on to be heard, and G.R.  MOORE having filed his renunciation of said trust, asking that Mary PLATO be appointed executrix. Ordered by the Court that letters testamentary issue to said Mary PLATO. Ordered further by the Court that Wells, Fargo & Co. of San Francisco deliver to said executrix all moneys on deposit with them in the name of the said J. PLATO. Estate of Alexander CROMBRIE, deceased - Petition of Public Administrator filed, praying for letters of administration upon said estate, set for hearing January 5, 1862. Due notice ordered to be given.

SUPREME COURT - The following decisions have been made and filed in the Supreme Court. BAUM vs. GRIGSBY - Judgement reversed, and the Court below directed to enter upon its findings a simple money judgement against the defendant for the amount due upon the note, and to deny the prayer for the sale of the premises. LEWIS vs. COVILLAUD et al. - Judgement reversed as to the lien, but in other respects affirmed. HATHAWAY et al. vs. SOTO et al - Judgement reversed and cause remanded for further proceedings. In the matter of the application of Carlos OLIVEREZ for writ of habeas corpus - The prisoner must be remanded. N.W. WELLS vs. John M. McPIKE and John JURDON, Judgement affirmed. J.H. HICKMAN vs Thomas ALPAUGH - Judgement reversed and cause remanded. WILLIAMS vs YOUNG - Judgement reversed and Court below directed to dismiss the action. MONTGOMERY vs. MIDDLEMISS - The order of the District Court refusing the writ must be reversed and that Court directed to issue the writ, pursuant to the petition of the plaintiff. DENNERY et al.  vs. COREY et al. - Judgement affirmed. MONTGOMERY vs. BYERS et al. - Order reversed upon the authority of MONTGOMERY vs. MIDDLEMISS, recently decided, and Court below directed to issue a writ of assistance, as prayed in the petition of the plaintiff. SPEYER vs. IHMELS & Co. - Judgement reversed and cause remanded for a new trial; the costs of this appeal to abide the event.

CHAIN GANG - The chain gang was engaged yesterday, under the supervision of overseers LONG and DREMAN, in taking up the iron supply pipe which was laid across the sand bar in front of the water works some three months ago. After a hard day’s work all the sections of the pipe were detached and removed to the bank of the river. The probability of an early rise in the river rendered this movement necessary.

RAIN - The weather has changed a half-dozen times within the past twenty-four hours. We have had light showers and heavy showers, sunlight and starlight, and last evening a slight fringe of moonlight. The aggregate rain at nine o’clock last evening, for the past twenty-four hours, amounted, as we learn from Dr. LOGAN, to 1,475 inches. Total for the season, 2,992 inches.

COMMERCIAL - Arrived yesterday: Schooner Alameda, from San Francisco, with redwood posts, shingles, etc.; schooner William, with lumber, from San Francisco; schooner Eden, with lumber, from San Francisco.

THE RIVER - In consequence of the rains which have prevailed during the past two or three days, the Sacramento river rose yesterday about six inches.

NATIONAL GUARD - A meeting of the National Guard, Captain BAKER, will be held this evening at the Pavilion, for the purpose of exercise in loading and firing.

CANDIDATE - James F. MADDEN, of this city, is a candidate for the position of Sergeant-at Arms of the Assembly.


Coroner REEVES held an inquest, last evening, over the body of F.  MUHLENFELS, who committed suicide at Miller’s saloon on Fifth street. The following is the report of the testimony in the case and the verdict of the jury:

A. HEILBRON sworn - I reside in this city; I know the deceased; his name is F. MUHLENFELS; he is a native of Prussia; I think he is a single man; his age is about forty-four years; he is proprietor of the Central Exchange Saloon, J street, between Fifth and Sixth; he rented the room from me; he commenced business at that place on Saturday, December 20, 1862; I do not know the cause of his death; there has been no quarreling or disturbance in the saloon since he opened it, to the best of my knowledge; he worked at the Belvidere Hotel, on J street, before he opened the saloon; I think he had been a partner in the hotel at one time.

C.H. WOLF sworn - I am barkeeper at Stanly’s saloon on Fifth, between J and K; I know the deceased; have known him since 1857; he came into our saloon about two o’clock this afternoon, sat down and called for a small glass of lager; sat and talked about three-quarters of an hour; he told me that he had taken a walk across the river; he then asked me if I would let him take a sleep in my room (which is in the third story of the building corner of the alley, Fifth, J and K); I went up and showed him my room; I then left him before he laid down; he did not appear to be intoxicated; he appeared to be in his right mind; when I next saw him it was about six o’clock; his barkeeper came and asked me to go and call MUHLENFELS; he wanted him to go to the saloon; I went up to the room and found him lying on his back on the bed with his dead turned back; I took hold of him and tried to wake him; I then found that he was dead; I then saw that he was shot in the left side, and I found a pistol lying on the left side on the bed; I then went and gave notice of his death; I did not examine to see if the deceased had any money or other valuables on or about his person; I do not know weather deceased had any relatives in this country or not.  William SCHOEN sworn - I knew the deceased; I was barkeeper for him; he opened the saloon on Saturday; I commenced work for him on the Monday prior; he went out this morning, about nine o’clock, to purchase two mattresses or beds for our room, and he did not return; I did not know him to have a pistol at any time; I do not know much about his property or effects; I think he had paid for the fixtures in the saloon; at nine o’clock this morning he bought a brush to clean off the billiard table; he then took a purse or sack which, I thought, contained about seventy dollars, in silver; the most of the cash taken in since opening the saloon was silver; there was seven or eight dollars in the saloon drawer this evening.  Dr. T. M. LOGAN sworn - I was called this evening, December 22, 1862, between the hours of six and seven o’clock to see MUHLENFELS at Miller’s Exchange, who I was informed had shot himself in the breast. On entering his room in the third story, in company with the landlord and another man, I found that the deceased had already expired. A revolver, one cap of which was exploded, lay on his left side. On opening his shirt, which was saturated with blood, an orifice was seen about an inch to the right of the left nipple, presenting the usual appearance of a gunshot wound. On turning over the body on the bed, which was soaked with blood, a leather purse was discovered immediately under it, and the contents, counted before numerous witnesses, amounting to one hundred and sixty-one dollars and ten cents, was delivered to one of the friends of the deceased then present. I made a post mortem examination some three hours after, and discovered that a bullet had passed obliquely through the thorax at the point already designated, fracturing the fourth rib near the sternum, and after lacerating the base of the heart traversed the right lung, lodging under the skin of the right side hear the seventh rib, which was here fractured. The cavity of the thorax was more or less filled with blood.


(rest of article cut off)


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, December 30, 1862


THE FATAL AFFRAY IN SONORA - The Stockton Independent has the following in reference to the late killing of KEIGER by McCARTHY, at Sonora, mentioned in the Union yesterday:

It has been reported here that the immediate cause of the quarrel between D.O. McCARTHY and John KEIGER was offensive and outrageous language used by KEIGER on the day the renconter took place, about McCARTHY and his family.  When the news of this scandalous language came to the ears of McCARTHY, he at once went to KEIGER and demanded an explanation. Report says that KEIGER, so far from giving a satisfactory explanation, made an attempt to draw a pistol, when a brief scuffle ensued, which terminated in McCARTHY’s shooting his adversary dead. All persons well acquainted with McCARTHY do him the honor to say that while he is as brave as a lion, he is the last man to seek a quarrel.


BLOODY DOINGS IN TULARE - The Visalia Delta of December 25th relates the following:

Two desperate and fatal affrays occurred at White river on Saturday last, in one of which Mr. WELLS shot Dan. POER in the stomach, from the effects of which he died in fifteen minutes. An old grudge existed between the parties.  The other fight, it seems, was desperate. MAYFIELD, one of the parties, is shot in the back, twice through the hand and once through the arm. The three latter wounds were received while grasping the muzzle of his opponent’s pistol. McFARLAND, the other combatant, is stabbed twice in the stomach and once through the arm, while his left hand was horribly gashed by attempting to seize the knife. The two men left the town together, and in an hour or two MAYFIELD returned, wounded as described, and directed the bystanders where to search for McFARLAND. Both men are probably fatally wounded.

WONDERFUL - Did any body ever hear before of a nation which, being at war, passed its time in discussing the rights of its foes.



Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, December 30, 1862



Dreadful Murder in Sutter Township - At an early hour yesterday morning, a profound sensation was produced in the city by the announcement that D.  CARKHUFF, Justice of the peace of Sutter Township, had been brutally murdered during the night at his residence, near the American river. The deceased had resided for several years on his ranch at the point named, having generally one or two hired men in his employ. During the past Summer, a nephew, Samuel CARKHUFF, has resided with him, the two having carried on some of their business operations in partnership. At noon on Sunday, S.  CARKHUFF left home, came to the city and remained over night On returning yesterday morning, between seven and eight o’clock, he found the deceased lying on the floor, dead. His head had received several blows, by which the skull was fractured, and his throat was cut half way through the neck. One of the blows on the head - made by a club, or possibly the back of an ax - took effect in the right temple, and others on the back part of the right side of the head. These blows had probably been inflicted while the deceased lay on his left side asleep. CARKHUFF had just completed a contract for clearing some seventy acres of land on the American river, under W. TURTON, at about $28 per acre. He and TURTON had had a settlement for this work, and on Wednesday CARKHUFF received about $1,000, the balance due on it. Some eight or nine hundred of this amount he is presumed to have had about his person when murdered. As it could not be found yesterday, it is supposed that the murderer obtained it. A man named S. TURLEY or TRULY is suspected of having committed the crime. He worked for CARKHOFF up to November 18th, at which time he was discharged. While about the premises, money was missing on two or three occasions, five dollars at one time and forty dollars at another. He was at the time suspected of stealing these sums, but was not at the time accused of the theft. On Christmas day he went to the house, and was accused of having stolen the missing money, and was ordered to leave the premises and never return. Since that day nothing seems to be known of his movements. He is represented to be about thirty-five years of age, but we have been unable to procure a description of his personal appearance. When the body was discovered, pools of blood stood upon the floor and under the house, having run through the cracks. No murderous instrument of any character could be found about the premises. Tracks were found near the house which led to the side of a slough, at which point the person who made then had stood and moved about for some time, and from which place he looked into the window of CARKHUFF’s house. The deceased had spent an hour or two on Sunday afternoon at Keefer’s, on J street, three-quarters of a mile distant, and went home before night. He was in the habit of sleeping in the house without fastening the doors. His residence is located about 300 feet north of the new levee and a half mile beyond Burns’ slough. The nearest residence to his was that of P. BURNS, about a quarter of a mile distant. A short time since, when both the CARKHUFFs were at home, they heard somebody around the place at night. They went out and searched the premises, but found nobody. After returning to the house, the noises were resumed. Samuel loaded his gun and went out to the barn and remained an hour but could find nobody. The deceased has been a resident of Sacramento county for ten or twelve years. In 1856 he was a member of the City Police Department. For several years past he has held the office of Justice of the Peace of Sutter township. He was well known in the county and highly respected. He was a native of Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, and was about forty years of age.  Coroner REEVES held an inquest over the body, a report of which will be found in another column. The members of the Police Department are astir, and it is hoped that the author of this fiendish crime will be promptly caught and speedily hung.


Police Court - The first case on trial in the Police Court yesterday was that of Ah Une, charged with assault and battery on Ah Chow. The prosecuting witness testified that on last Monday evening her door was broken open at Second and I streets by Ah Une, the defendant, with two other Chinamen and a white man, and that she was cut on the arm and foot with a hatchet, and had acid thrown on her head and arm by the aggressors. Her person gave ample evidence that the outrages described had been committed. She swore positively to the identity of Ah Une as one of the defendants. The defense introduced three or four Chinamen who swore positively that the defendant was at the time described at home at work. Two or three other Chinamen, who saw the offenders enter the premises of Ah Chow, testified positively that the defendant was not one of the party. The defense also introduced several citizens who testified to the good character of Ah Une. The jury, after hearing the evidence and argument in the case, rendered a verdict of not guilty. E. PATTON, charged with disturbing the peace, pleaded guilty, and waiving time, was fined $15. John DOE, charged with the same offense, also pleaded guilty; sentence deferred until to-day. The case of John HOPE and James LITTLETON, charged with disturbing the peace, was continued until to-day at three o’clock P.M. The case of Richard DELANY and Dublin Pete, charged with grand larceny, was continued until to-day.


Arrest - J. Mike KEARN was yesterday taken in charge by officer REDDING, on suspicion of insanity. A warrant was also served upon him by officer CODY, charging him with an attempt at arson, in trying to set fire in the Ebner House several weeks ago, at the time of his firing through the window.


Officers Elected - At a regular meeting of El Dorado Lodge No. 8, I.O.O.F., held last evening, the following officers were elected: A.G. DAVIS, N.G.; F.F. FARGO, V.G., J.W. SCHOONMAKER, R.S.; ____ JACOB, Treasurer.


Probate - In the matter of the estate of Seth BRIGGS, deceased, Anna M. BRIGGS having yesterday filed her bond as administratrix, letters of administration are issued accordingly. C.H. GRIMM, L. GOSS and Henry MILLER are appointed appraisers.


Funeral of D. Carkhuff - The funeral of D. CARKHUFF, who was murdered yesterday morning in Sutter township, will take place at eleven o’clock this forenoon, from the rooms of J.W. REEVES, on Fourth street, near K.


In Numbers - The rooms of Coroner REEVES were visited yesterday afternoon and last evening by large numbers of citizens for the purpose of seeing the body of D. CARKHUFF, who was murdered the night before in Sutter township.


Candidate - E.F. WHITE of San Francisco will be a candidate for the position of Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate.



Coroner REEVES held an inquest yesterday morning over the body of D. CARKHUFF, in Sutter township, at which the following testimony was elicited:

Samuel CARKHUFF sworn - I know the deceased now before the jury; he is my uncle; I have resided with him since August of this year; I left the house about noon yesterday to go to the city; my uncle remained at home; when I went to the city I visited the Park grounds and the Melodeon, and then went to a house on Second street, between K and L, and remained until five or six o’clock this morning; the house on the east side of Second, between K and L, is where I stopped; when I arrived here this morning, I found my uncle lying on the floor with his throat cut - the head cut one-half off; he was lying on the floor with his head toward the door; there was an incision on the outer corner of the right eye, where he had been struck with a heavy instrument of some kind; there was also several incisions on the right side of the head, and the skull badly fractured; when I entered the room and found the deceased I placed my hand on him and the body was cold; I then went and notified BURNS, and he and KING came in, and we found no weapon that we thought the deceased had been murdered with; he had drawn about eight or nine hundred dollars from TURTON on Wednesday; he had some money besides that; I think he had about nine hundred dollars in all; we did not find any money or papers of value on or about his person; I found sixty-seven dollars this morning in some crockery in the cupboard which he laid there on Saturday, stating to me at the time that we would keep that to buy groceries; the name of the deceased is Decatur CARKHUFF, a native of Luzerne county, Pennsylvania; is a single man, aged about forty years.  Peter BURNS sworn - I reside in this township; know the deceased; I do not know anything about the cause of death; I know of deceased having a difficulty with a man by the name of S. TURLEY, who had worked for him during October and up to the 18th of November; deceased dined with me on Christmas day, at which time he told me he had a few words with this man, TURLEY; he thought that TURLEY had stolen money from him; on the morning of Christmas he had the quarrel with TURLEY, and told him not to show himself here again, or he would have him arrested for larceny; deceased told me about getting his money from TURTON; he also has some property here, consisting of two wagons, two horses, one colt, chickens and turkeys, etc., also seven cords of wood; the last I saw of the deceased was about one o’clock P.M. yesterday; he came to my house, and took lunch with us; I did not see any light at the house of deceased last night; I heard no noise during the night; my house is about three hundred yards from this place of deceased.


H.P. KING sworn - I knew deceased; I came here with Mr. BURNS this morning between seven and eight o’clock; found the deceased as stated; we found tracks around the house which I followed to the edge of the slough below the house; we then traced it up the bottom and lost sight of it; I took the measure of the track; the shoe or boot had a steel tap on the heel, also the sole was filled with tacks or nails; Judge CARKHUFF, the deceased, told me about this man, S. TURLEY, stealing money from him, and of the words they had had about the money, and I am of the opinion, owing to circumstances and statements made, that the man, S. TURLEY, committed the murder, though I would not be positive; I do not know anything further about his property than has been stated by Mr. BURNS.


W.H. BUTTRICK sworn - Was not acquainted with the deceased; the man, S.  TURLEY, worked for me on the levee about two months ago, and I discharged him for intemperate habits; he was a very hard character; he was first brought on to the levee by Major BUCKNER.

The following is the verdict of the jury:

State of California, City and County of Sacramento - An inquest held before me, J.W. REEVES, Coroner of the city and county aforesaid, on the body of a man found dead at the house in Sutter township, near Burns’, do find that the name of the deceased is Decatur CARKHUFF, a native of Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, age about forty years, and that he came to his death at his residence, sometime during the morning of December 29, 1862, by having his head or skull broken in several places, and his head half severed from his body, by some person or persons to unknown.

Signed: Henry HOERLE, Edward A. MILES, Richard IRELAND, William J.




Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com






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