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Sacramento Daily Union

January 3, 1863




Funeral of Thomas Campbell - Thomas CAMPBELL, member of the Legislature elect from Calaveras county, died at the house of Mrs. O’BRIEN, in San Francisco, on the morning of the 30th of December, alt., of consumption, at the age of twenty-five years. He was a native of St. john, Newfoundland,

came to this State about seven years ago, and commenced business as a druggist at Georgetown, El Dorado county, where he removed to Calaveras county. He took a deep interest in the politics of the State, being a Democrat of the Broderick school, and an ardent friend and supporter of the Federal Union. He was a member of the Legislature of 1862, where he somewhat distinguished himself by joining heart and soul in the movement for the formation of the Union party and by taking the leading part in the impeachment and removal of Judge James H. HARDY. As a legislature he was able and zealous, and exerted great influence, in spite of his acute sufferings from the fell disease, which has terminated his life, and which had even then progressed so far that he was only able to speak in a hoarse

whisper. He was well educated, and universally beloved for his amiable and generous disposition, and his estimable social qualities. He had been prostrated for several weeks prior to his death, but only a few days previously had so far regained his strength as to walk out of doors. In accordance with his own desire, the remains of the deceased were brought to the city yesterday from San Francisco for interment in the Legislative plot at the City Cemetery. His remains will lay in state to-day at the Assembly Chamber, from 10 o’clock A.M. to 3 o’clock P.M., at which hour the funeral will take place. On Thursday, at 2 o’clock P.M., the remains of the deceased were taken to St. Mary’s Church at San Francisco, where the funeral rites were administered by Father KING. From the church they were conveyed to the Sacramento boat, accompanied by the following named pall bearers: Senators


RIDER, AMES, O’BRIEN and IRWIN. The body was accompanied to this city by T.B. SHANNON, H. FARLEY, M. KENNEY, Martin ROWAN, P.H. DALY and J.B.  McGOWAN.


FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - The following statistics of the First Presbyterian Church were sent to this office in season for our New Year’s paper, but by some unfortunate mishap failed to get into the hands of the printers: “First Presbyterian Church, Sixth street, between J and K; Rev. J. PHELPS, D.D., pastor. Present number of communicants, fifty-five. There have been two deaths during the year past, and three have removed from the place and been disposed to other churches. The number of admissions to the church during the eighteen months past has been twenty-three. The number of names

on the roll of the Sabbath school, which meets every Sabbath morning at quarter after nine o’clock, is over 130, but the average attendance during the year will not exceed ninety. The Elders of the Church are L.S. VAN WINKLE and G.I.N. MONELL. The Trustees are: L.S. VAN WINKLE, R.L. ROBERTSON, G.I.N. MONELL and R. STEWART. The Church is now in a more prosperous condition than it ever has been; and this is matter of sincere thankfulness, especially when the depression and suffering from the floods of the past year are taken into consideration.


SEALED PROPOSALS - A few days since, C. CROCKER & Co. advertised for sealed proposals for grading fifteen one-mile sections of the Pacific Railroad, lying between Norris’ Ferry and Grider’s, on the California Central Road. At twelve o’clock yesterday, the bids were opened, sixteen in number having

been received. The following is the list of bidders, some of them having put in several bids for different portions of the work: FITZPATRICK & HAMAN, Thomas H. HEANEY & Co., S.D. SMITH & Co., J.H. SULLIVAN, W. TURTON, Patrick BANNON, J.H. WHITE & Co., John COFFEE, John RYAN, A.L. GAY & Co., James S.  LAW, White, BUTRICK & Co., and W. FITZPATRICK & Co. As the terms of the bids are quite complicated, the awarding of the contract was deferred for a day or two to give time to figure upon them. C. CROCKER & Co. have taken the entire contract of grading the road from Front and K streets to Grider’s, eighteen miles in distance, building the bridge across the American river, and laying the iron, which is furnished by the Company for $400,000.


BELLE OF SACRAMENTO SOLD - We were yesterday shown a letter from G.W.  BIDWELL, of San Francisco, to the owner of “Belle of Sacramento,” who recently won the ten mile race at the Union Park Course, offering for that fine animal the handsome sum of $2,500. The offer, we are informed, has been accepted, and Bell will, in the course of a few weeks, leave a field in which she has never been beaten, for another, in which it is confidently believed she will win new laurels, and achieve a still higher reputation.


PROBATE - In the matter of the estate of S.D. CARKHUFF, deceased, the petition of the Public Administrator for letters of administration upon said estate was yesterday filed and set for hearing on Monday, January 19, 1863; due notice ordered to be given by publication. Estate of and guardianship of W.A. LOWE and Dora LOWE, minors; petition for sale of real estate filed and set for hearing on Monday, February 2, 1863; due notice is to be given.


POLICE COURT - Rodger GANONG, charged last week with disturbing the peace in the Police Court yesterday entered a plea of guilty, and was fined $10. The case of W. CARROLL, charged with assault and battery, was continued until Monday next. The case of STEUDEMAN, charged with a violation of the sidewalk ordinance, was continued until to-day. John DOE alias Charles COHN, charged with assault and battery, as continued until to-day.


ASSAULT TO MURDER - At about half-past two o’clock P.M. yesterday considerable excitement was created on I street, between Second and Third streets, by an assault with a knife made by Ah Chim upon Ma Now. A severe gash was inflicted over the right eye of the assailed by the assailant, who then ran down I street, followed by a crowd of Chinamen. When attempting to pass the station house, Ah Chim was arrested by Deputy Warden RICE.


NEW YEAR’S FIGHT - A fight occurred on New Year’s day at Tenth and J streets between a soldier and another who is supposed to be tinctured with Secab. It was stopped by bystanders before it had progressed far. A large crowd collected, and there were for a time some indications that several others would take a hand in the contest.


ARRESTS - A man named NORRIS was arrested yesterday by officer McGREW on a charge of violating a city ordinance. Ah Chin was arrested by P. RICE for an assault upon Ma Now with intent to murder; and John DOE, by officer CODY, for disturbing the peace.


ERRATA - By an inadvertence, one of our city Grammar schools was omitted form the list as given in our paper of the 1st.  We supply the omission:

Grammar School No. 2 - in the building corner G and Thirteenth streets - Miss M. A. STINEEN, Principal; Miss KEEGAN, Assistant.


BREAKING GROUND - The ceremony of breaking ground for the Central pacific Railroad will take place at Front and K streets, the western terminus of the road, Thursday, January 8th.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Sacramento Union

Monday, January 5, 1863


POLICE COURT - The case of J. NORRIS, charged with a violation of a city ordinance, was on Saturday, in the Police Court, continued until to-day. The case of Ou Chin, charged with assault to murder in cutting one of his countrymen over the right eye, was continued until to-morrow. John DOE pleaded guilty to a charge of disturbing the peace, and waving time, was fined $10. The case of STEADMAN, charged with a violation of the sidewalk ordinance, was continued until Thursday next, with the understanding that if the ordinance is complied with the prosecution will be withdrawn. Charles COHN was tried by a jury on a charge of assault and battery on Emanuel RATTER by pushing him off of the sidewalk into the mud. The defendant was found guilty.

FLUID EXPLOSION - On Saturday evening a fluid explosion took place of the residence of L. FRINK, M street, between Seventh and Eighth streets.  Catherine FRINK, aged twelve years, was engaged in filling a lamp, having a lighted candle a few inches off. The spout of the can was brought near the blaze of the light and the contents instantly exploded. The child escaped by being burnt but slightly on the right side of the face. There are genuine non-explosive fluids manufactured, and those of another character should be sold only for precisely what they are, that those who use them may be on their guard and understand precisely the risks they run in using them.

RESIGNATION AND ELECTION - On Saturday morning W.S. WHITE tendered his resignation as a member of the Police Department. At a meeting of the Board, held in the evening, the resignation was accepted, and J.W. LESTER was elected to fill the vacancy. An election was also held to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of D.C. GAY several weeks ago. D.C. GAY was re-elected.

FUNERAL OF T. CAMPBELL - The funeral of Thomas CAMPBELL, late member of the Assembly, took place on Saturday afternoon from the Assembly Chamber, and was largely attended. The funeral rites were administered by the Rev. Father GALLAGHER. The remains of the deceased were deposited in the Legislative plot at the City Cemetery.

DEATHS - There were, according to the mortality report for the past week, seven deaths in the city.

ARRESTS - A.A. WOODS, J. KENYON, D. HARDY and E. RUNYON were arrested on Saturday by officer McGREW for violating the sidewalk ordinance. E. SWIFT and J. WETZLAR were arrested by officer REDDING for the same offense. Also, E. HALL, by officer SHEEK, for shooting in the streets, and ____ KENLEY, by McGREW and SHEER, for safe keeping.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





The Sacramento Union

Thursday, January 9, 1863


CHANCE FOR CONTRACTORS - C. CROCKER & Co advertise for sealed proposals for building the bridge and trestle-work connecting with it, which is to span the American river near NORRIS’ Ferry, for the use of the Central Pacific Railroad. Bids will be received at the office of the Company, K street, until 12 o’clock M., on the 15th instant. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office. This bridge, when completed, will doubtless be the finest structure of its class in the State. The best of material will of course be used in its construction.

COUNTY COURT - The County Court met yesterday pursuant to adjournment, Judge CLARK on the bench. In the case of SANDERS vs. KENYON, a motion of COFFROTH to dismiss the cause was denied. In the case of LEWIS vs. McCARTY, the motion of GOODE to dismiss said cause was granted. WATKINS vs. MILLER - Motion of BROWN to dismiss cause denied upon condition that the appellant file a sufficient bond by the 12th of January, and that he also pay the costs. Motion of HERMANCE to amend the complaint to said cause granted upon paying costs. Adjourned until ten o’clock A.M. to-morrow.

NEEDS REPAIRING - A very dilapidated piece of sidewalk may be seen on the east side of Fourth street and north of J, which requires the attention of the sidewalk policemen. It frequently happens that the most wealthy and substantial owners of city property are the least inclined to repair their sidewalks, construct crosswalks, etc. The law should be enforced with that class at least as promptly as with those who are less able financially to defray such expense.

SUPREME COURT - The Supreme Court adjourned yesterday to the first Monday in March, at which time it will sit, and continue its sessions for three weeks for hearing arguments in civil cases. Transcript may be filed up to, and including the 25th of February, and motion to dismiss appeals, for failure to file transcript or to prosecute appeals, may be made during the first week of the session in March.

COMMERCIAL - The only arrival at the levee yesterday was that of the sloop Caroline from San Francisco, with 50,000 feet of lumber to Friend & Terry.  The schooner Clara is loading with wood at the foot of R street, and the Caroline Z, Anna Caroline and J.E. Haskins with cobbles and granite.

THE SYMONDS CASE - In the case of G.N. SYMONDS, under convictions for the murder of B. RUSSELL, the cause was yesterday submitted on briefs in the Supreme Court, with leave to appellant to file brief in ten days and to respondent to reply in ten days.

IN A SNARL - The members of the Board of Supervisors have gotten into an interesting snarl with each other. It is to be hoped that they will keep it up until they thoroughly overhaul the transactions of the Board and prove them to be whatever the truth may determine.

BIRTHDAY BALL - At a late meeting of Confidence Company, No. 3, the necessary Committee were appointed to make arrangements for the seventh annual ball of the Company, to be held at the Pavilion on the night of Washington’s birthday, the 23d of February.

THE COBBLED SLOPE - The river having risen about seven feet on account of the late rains, it reaches to the upper line of the cobbled belt of the levee slope at and near the foot of R street. So far the embankment appears to stand the test.


Supreme Court - Present: FIELD, C.J., NORTON, J.

Wednesday, January 7th

HUSSEY vs. McDERMOTT - On motion of TYLER, of counsel, ten days additional time granted appellant to reply to respondent’s brief.  WILCOXSON vs. BURTON et al. - On motion of counsel, stipulation filed and leave given respondent to withdraw transcript.

People vs. VICE - On motion of Attorney General, continued to March 4th.  People vs. WILLIAMS - Motion of MOORE, of counsel for appellant, for duplicate writs of certiorari, granted returnable first Monday in March.  People vs. HICKS - On motion of Attorney General, continued until March 4th.  People vs. BALERCIA - On motion of Attorney General, continued to 4th of March next.

People vs. SYMONDS - On motion of MOORE, of counsel, submitted on briefs.  Leave to appellant to file brief in ten days. Leave to respondent to reply in ten days. On further motion, and filing stipulation, leave given appellant to withdraw transcript, for examination.

People vs. SANCHEZ - Argued by SHIRM for appellant, and submitted. On motion of SHIRM, leave granted appellant to file brief in thirty days. On motion of PIXLEY, ten days granted respondent to file brief.

Application of H.J. TILDEN - On motion of L. QUINT, and after examination in open Court, admitted to practice in open Court.

Application of Henry C. STREET - On motion of T.H. WILLIAMS, and affidavit of admission in the State of New York, admitted to practice in this Court.  Adjourned until Monday, March 2d.

EMERALDS FROM CARIBOO - L. EDWARDS, late from Cariboo, exhibits in San Francisco, two large green stones, which, he says, have proved on test to be emeralds. One weighs four ounces, and the other five pennyweights.

Having purchased the well known DRUG HOUSE, corner of J and Sixth streets - late D.W. WHITMORE - formerly Bowman & Whitmore - we will continue the Drug business in all its branches. We shall keep the largest assortment of goods and sell at the lowest prices, and by prompt attention to business hope to secure the former patronage of the House, and that of the public generally.


Wholesale Druggists and Importers of Paints and Oils.

Sacramento, January 6, 1863.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, March 6, 1863


METROPOLITAN THEATER - A full audience, muleted at the rate of a dollar a head, witnessed the debut, last evening, of the “young and beautiful” Mrs.  W.D Fair in the character of Lady Teazle. Mrs. Fair is very tall, and somewhat attenuated. She is a blonde, with light auburn hair, and rather comely features. Her voice is unmusical, and her laugh - very frequent in the comedy - thin and forced. She had entire confidence in herself, read rather hurriedly, sometimes with mistaken emphasis, and acted occasionally - as in the famous quarrel scene - with determined spirit. That the debutante has some qualifications for the stage is undoubted, but they are not such as to encourage hopes of her becoming an acceptable leading actress. This evening is set apart for the benefit of Mrs. Elizabeth SAUNDERS. She presents an attractive bill, comprising Boncicault’s excellent drama entitled “The Willow Copse,” a farce, a song and a recitation. Mrs. Saunders will personate Meg in the drama. Charles POPE has the fine character of Luke Fielding, being, for this night only, the father of his own wife, who will appear as Rose Fielding.


THE COSUMNES MURDER - At dark last evening Constable SAUNDERS, of Lee township, arrived in the city with William PEARCE, who had been committed to answer to the charge of murder in killing J. Frank WHITE. The prisoner was lodged in the county jail. The main facts in connection with this homicide appear to be as follows: A party of six or eight persons had been engaged in playing cards at Tittle’s blacksmith shop, at Grimshaw’s ranch. A quarrel occurred among them, and the party was broken up. One of the company invited the others to drink, and all accepted the invitation except PEARCE. He soon started to go home, when a question arose concerning the return of a wagon seat belonging to one of the company, which a third party had previously placed on PEARCE’s wagon. PEARCE said he had nothing to do with taking the seat, and if they wanted it they might go his house and get it, as he should not give himself any trouble about it. Harsh words and a fight ensued. WHITE and PEARCE clinched, and some of the witnesses state that the former had hold of the latter by the hair with one hand and was striking him with the other, when PEARCE drew a pocket knife and stabbed his antagonist. Another version of the quarrel is that PEARCE was very abusive, and challenged WHITE to fight, and as soon as engaged, drew the knife and stabbed him. The blade entered between the seventh and eighth ribs, about four inches below the left nipple. After receiving the wound, WHITE said he was stabbed, called for water, and asked those present to send for a doctor. He died in about twenty minutes after receiving the wound. Constable SAUNDERS arrived in a short time, and arrested PEARCE. Justice GRIMSHAW held an inquest over the body, and a verdict was found in accordance with the facts. PEARCE was taken before Justice KELLY for examination. Justice GRIMSHAW, being a relative of PEARCE, declined to examine it, and appeared as counsel for the defense.  B.F. HEREFORD appeared as counsel for the State. The examination was commenced at about six o’clock, on Wednesday evening, and concluded at about two o’clock yesterday morning. The Justice held the defendant to answer to the charge of murder, but fixed his bail at $5000.

POLICE COURT - In the case of George TRACY, examined several days ago on a charge of grand larceny in stealing a horse belonging to Patrick BANNON - the case having been taken under advisement - Judge HOLL yesterday rendered a decision discharging the defendant. Mary McGIRTY and Lizzie O’NEIL, charged with a violation of the city ordinance concerning houses of ill repute, were tried by the Court. Mary was found guilty and Elizabeth was discharged. The charge against H.H. HARTLEY of violating the sidewalk ordinance was dismissed.

LOST CHILD - A lost child, a girl about four years old, found its way last evening to MIER’s store, at Sixth and I streets, where it was taken care of and information of the circumstances sent to the Station House.

SERIOUSLY ILL - W.H. WEEKS, Secretary of State, has been confined for several days in his rooms at the Union Hotel, and last evening was considered by his physician, Dr. MORSE, seriously ill.

ARRESTS - W. BAILEY was arrested yesterday by Deputy Sheriff LANSING, on a charge of an assault on T. CONGER. Joseph JOY was arrested by officer SHEEK on a charge of petty larceny.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, March 10, 1863




Defalcation of J.H. Gass - A decided sensation was created in the city yesterday by the circulation of a report that John H. GASS, an attorney of high standing, and an old resident of Sacramento, had left the city and the State, a defaulter to a considerable amount in his dealings with various parties with whom he had been connected in business. He had lived for several years at the corner of Tenth and G streets. During last week his furniture was sold at auction, and it was generally understood that he designed to remove to San Francisco. His sister, who had been keeping house for him, stated, however, to some of her neighbors, that they were going to remove to Washoe. A few days later, on Tuesday last, she went to San Francisco, and there told W.M. HARRON that they were going to sail for Australia, and requested him - he being an old sea captain - to examine the vessel, the Shawmut, and give his opinion as to her reliability, etc. He complied with the request, and reported favorably on the vessel. GASS left the city for San Francisco by Friday’s boat. On Saturday he wrote a note to H. HARRISON, of the firm of HARRISON & ESTEE, requesting him to take charge of his library, etc., until his return, without stating definitely when that would be. Yesterday morning A.J. SHOBE received a note from GASS, through Wells, Fargo & Co.’s Express, postmarked San Francisco, March 7th (Saturday). It reads as follows: “Sacramento, March 6, 1863. - Dear Sit: I was compelled to leave hurriedly for Sinaloa, Mexico, where I will be absent six weeks or two months, in relation to a mine matter, for certain parties.  Upon my return, I will transfer you the land, and also the interest in the El Dorado copper lead. I have directed my brother-in-law to indorse to you the Young Winemucca and Esmeralda stock.” The above facts, taken together, render it altogether uncertain as to what course the traveling party may have taken. The San Francisco dispatch to the Bee of yesterday contains the following paragraph: “Mr. Fred FRANKS and wife leave for Australia to-day and join Joe JEFFERSON and company.” Mrs. FRANKS is said to be a sister of Mr. GASS. The developments of yesterday show that GASS was heavily in debt.  Two suits commenced against him - one for $525, and the other for $345. He had had in his possession mining stocks belonging to A.J. SHOBE, to the amount of $2,000. SHOBE had purchased from him, but had not yet received the deed for, two hundred acres of land in Yolo county. The note above published promises to set the matter right in a few weeks. Sylvester TRYON purchased, on the 18th of February, from GASS, certain property at Eleventh and K streets, for which he paid $1,250. The deed purported to be signed by F.  FRANKS, in whose name the title to the property was vested. It was acknowledged before W.H. BEATTY, Notary Public. The deed was duly recorded, but it is now believed that the original name in the document was J.H. GASS, and that that name was erased after leaving BEATTY’s hands, and that of “F.  FRANKS” forged in place of the original. In another instance we were shown a certificate of mining stock, on the back of which the name of J.H. GASS had been substituted for the original name, which had been erased. The certificate, purporting to be worth $1,400, was then assigned to GASS as collateral security for borrowed money. It is reported that Dr. PEARIS is a sufferer to the amount of $1,000, and a Mrs. GREEN to the extent of five or six thousand dollars. There are many other reports afloat as to the financial operations and delinquencies of the defaulting party, which will doubtless assume a more definite shape in a day or two. GASS has been a resident of California since 1849 or 1850, and of Sacramento the most of that time. He has enjoyed the almost universal confidence of the community as a lawyer and a citizen.

BOARD OF EDUCATION - A special meeting of the Board of Education was held

last evening. Present - President and Bidleman, BIDWELL, HILL, MORRILL and

THOMAS. Absentees - COLLINS and HARTLEY. Petitions from Mrs. McDOWELL and John G. HYER, for the privilege of sending their respective children to schools not in their districts, were debated, and a good cause being shown in each case, the petitions were granted. (The rest of article is cut off).

UPSET - On Sunday evening at half-past seven o’clock, a small boat containing a party of Mexicans - four men, one woman and a child - were upset in the Sacramento river, near the foot of N street. The party had been out on a boat ride and were about to land when the accident happened. One of the men floated under the keel of the vessel and was nearly drowned. The others were rescued without suffering so severely. The child floated about a block down stream before being taken out. Louis, the man who was nearly drowned, was entirely unconscious when taken ashore, and was restored to consciousness only by the most vigorous exertions on the part of Dr. CLAPP and his friends, who spent a half hour or more at work upon him.

COUNTY COURT - The County Court met yesterday, pursuant to adjournment, Judge CLARK on the bench. The business transacted was as follows: Thomas FARRAR vs. A.W. BUTLER et al. - On motion of J.P. COUNTS, attorney for plaintiff, it was ordered that the appeal in said cause be dismissed for the reason that the appeal papers were not filed with the Clerk and the fees paid therefor within thirty days after filing the undertaking on appeal.  W.R. ROSE vs. Margaret HARRIGAN. - Motion to dismiss appeal herein denied, but the appellant is required to file a good and sufficient appeal bond within ten days, or the appeal to be dismissed.

PROBATE - Estate of Seth BRIGGS, deceased - The hearing of the application on citation heretofore issued, to show cause why the administratrix should not file her inventory and appraisement of said estate, coming on to be heard, ordered that the administratrix have until the 23d instant in which to file the same. Estate of Mary JOHNSON, deceased - Ordered that the letters heretofore granted to the Public Administrator be revoked, and that letters be issued to Archibald BROWN, upon his filing two bonds in the sum of $500 each - one as administrator and the other for rents and profits.

NOT OVERJOYED - The owner of Young Tecumseh, J. PEASLEY, informs us that we did him injustice in stating that he rolled over on the race track from excess of joy on the occasion of the late triumph of his horse in the contest with Lancet. The facts of the case, he informs us, are that a number of those who had bet and won money on his horse made such a congratulatory rush upon as to push him over and roll over on top of him.

POLICE COURT - There was but little business done in the Police Court yesterday. In the case of Hugh O’NEIL, charged with assault and battery on William BROWN, the defendant demanded a trial by jury, and the case was continued until to-day. In the case of M.T. CROWELL, charged with assault and battery on P.D. BURBANK, one witness examined and the case continued until Saturday next.

APPOINTMENTS - Gilbert T. WITHAM - not WILLIAMS, as was erroneously given yesterday - has been appointed by Governor STANFORD Captain of Company M of the First California Cavalry. R.C. VOSE has been appointed First Lieutenant of the same company. Both are residents of this city, and members of the City Guard.


LEG BROKEN - On Saturday evening last Joseph SWINDEMAN, who resides on the Georgiana road, six miles south of the city, had his right leg broken above the ankle, by jumping from his wagon while his horses were running away. Dr.  SIMMONS was sent for from the city, and set the broken limb.


GOING AGAIN - We understand that Young Tecumseh, PEASLEY’s horse, will trot in the course of a few weeks against Garibaldi, and also against Governor Downey. One of these matches will take place on the first of April.


FOR TRIAL TO-DAY - The following is the calendar of the District Court for to-day: B.B. FORDYCE vs. C.P. ELLIS et al.; W.G. ENGLISH vs. B.B. STANSBURY; Nellie E. CLARK vs. Edwin A. CLARK.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Bee

Monday Evening

March 16, 1863


SMASH UP - Last Evening, several persons in buggies were coming in from a hunting excursion in American township. When approaching the bridge the horses were started on the run, and the result was that one of the vehicles came in contact with a large log lying by the side of the road. The occupants of the carriage were thrown out, and the horse for some time was unable to recover his feet. One of the hunters lay a long time insensible, and it was thought he was seriously injured. It was finally ascertained that much damage was done the buggy. The other carriages took warning from the accident, and avoided the obstacle which had caused the catastrophe.


THE HORRORS - A young man, insane from the effect of liquor, was seen last evening standing at the corner of K and Second streets, and acting in a strange manner. His hands were grasping at the air, and his eyeballs appeared as if starting from their sockets. The Lieutenant of police took him to the station house, where he spent the night. This morning he had so far recovered that his money was returned to him, and he was allowed to go with the advice to drink no more. He promised that he would not touch it again.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, March 24, 1863



GRAND AND TRIAL JURORS - At eleven o’clock A.M. yesterday, the following lists of jurors were drawn by the Sheriff, in the County Court room, according to the provisions of the statute. Thirty names taken from the tax roll were placed in a hat and sixteen were drawn by lot as Grand Jurors of the Court os Sessions. Fifty names were then put in and thirty-six were drawn as Trial Jurors of the Court of Sessions. Fifty names were then put in and fifty were drawn as Trial Jurors for the District Court. The following are the names drawn: Grand Jurors - L.B. HARRIS, A.G. TRYON, John P. RHODES, I.S. VAN WINKLE, J.L. BULENS, J.R. WATSON, G.W. MOWE, M.H. TERRILL, T.L.  ACOCK, A.T. ARROWSMITH, Caleb GOSLING, A.P. SMITH, James WHITCOMB, W.H.

TAYLOR, James ANTHONY, Robert ALLEN. Trial Jurors of the Court of Sessions:



HICKLIN, D. HOLLISTER, Job MASON, R.L. WHITE, Abraham MUSIC, F.D. KEENEY, Ed. MASTERSON, Peter WILLIAMSON, Joseph WISE, Owen INGERSOL, C.P. HENSLEY, W.H. SMART, H. WHITTENBROOK, John WHITTICK, John HANCOCK. The Grand Jurors will meet on the 6th of April, and the trial jurors of each Court on the 13th of April.


SENTENCED - In the Court of Sessions, yesterday, Vincent TORTELL was arraigned for sentence for the crime of assault to do bodily injury by shooting at Sylvester PEARL, of which offense he was convicted last week. A motion of his counsel, MOORE and CURTIS, in arrest of judgement and for a new trial, was denied by the Court, and the defendant was ordered to pay a fine of $400. W.J. HOUSTON, previously convicted of assault to do bodily injury by shooting at Justice WING, of Folsom, was sentenced to pay a fine of $150. Michael KOERN, convicted of an attempt to commit arson by setting fire to the Ebner House, was asked by the Court what he had to say why sentence should not be pronounced against him. He responded in an incoherent manner, expressing his determination to have $100 for every pound of flesh lost by him, and the same amount of compensation for every wound received by him, while in service at Ebner’s Hotel. He was sentenced to five years imprisonment in the State Prison. In the case of J. POMME, convicted of burglary, J.W. COFFROTH made a motion in arrest of judgement and for a new trial. The motion was based on the following reasons: 1st. The jury received evidence out of Court other than that resulting from a view, as provided by law. 2d. Errors of law in the Court in refusing to allow witness DEAL to testify. The motion was sustained by three affidavits, sworn to by L.  HARRIS, A.D. RIGHTMIRE and G.V. DEAN, respectively alleging that E.P. FIGG had conversed with one of the jurors in relation to the keys introduced as testimony during the trial. District Attorney UPTON introduced a counter affidavit from FIGG, stating that he had no conversation with jurors, except in answer to questions asked by them. The motion for a new trial was sustained, and the defendant was remanded to the custody of the Sheriff.

MURDERED BODY FOUND - At about four o’clock yesterday afternoon a human body

was seen floating in the Sacramento river opposite the city. It was secured

by Wm. RAUGHT, who went out for it in a boat. It proved to be the body of a

Chinawoman, who had evidently been barbarously murdered. The body was

entirely nude, with the exception of a scarf around the neck. During the

evening, Coroner REEVES held an inquest over the body, A.A. FLINT, John

QUIN, A.W. JAMISON, J.F. SUYDAM, James B. DOHERTY and Henry HEORIE acting as

jurors. Two witnesses were examined as follows: “Wm. RAUGHT, being duly sworn, says: I reside in this city; about four o’clock P.M. this day I was on the levee between P and Q streets; I thought some one had fallen overboard from the wood barge; I procured a boat and went out into the river; I then saw the deceased, now before the jury, floating in the river; there was no clothing on the body, and no money or other valuables on or about the deceased; I procured a rope and took the body to shore and made it fast, and sent notice of the fact to the Coroner; there was a sash made of hair, which was around the waist; I found a gash on the back part of the head and a bullet hole about one and a half inches above the right eye; the body is that of a Chinawoman; should think she had been dead about three weeks.” Charles SUMMERS corroborated the testimony of the above witness. The jury returned a verdict to the effect that the body was that of a Chinese woman, name unknown, and had come to her death by being shot with a pistol or gun, and by receiving other violent wounds on the head and body, by the hand of parties unknown. The scarf found on the body can be seen at Coroner REEVES’ room, and may possible lead to the identification of the body.

DEATH OF HUMPHREY GRIFFITH - During yesterday forenoon, J.A. TUTT and N.  Greene CURTIS received telegraphic dispatch from J.G. HYER, at San Francisco, that Humphrey GRIFFITH was lying at the point of death and could not live many hours and requesting them to go down at once. In response to this dispatch a delegation of the Masonic order, composed of N. Greene CURTIS, J.A. TUTT, J.C. GOODS and T. LETSON, left the city for San Francisco by the two o’clock boat. A short time afterward information was received that GRIFFITH died at about half-past two o’clock. He was a member of Washington Lodge, No. 20, F. and A.M., to which Lodge he held the position of W.M. We understand that his remains will be brought to the city by to-day’s boat and will be taken to Masonic Hall, on J street, there to remain (rest of article cut off).

POLICE COURT - The following is the Police Court record of yesterday: The case of M. MURPHY, charged with assault and battery on G.H. MILLER, was compromised by the parties concerned, and the charge was dismissed. The case of Tod ROBINSON, charged with assault and battery on C.L. SCUDDER, was continued until to-morrow, on account of the absence of a witness for the defense. J.M. BOARDMAN entered a plea of guilty to a charge of disturbing the peace, and was fined ten dollars. The case of Edward KELLY and that of John MATTHEWS, charged with disturbance of the peace, were continued until to-morrow.

ARRESTS - The following arrests were made yesterday: John DOE, for safe keeping, by Constable RAMSEY; Louis BOLLET, by Chief CLARK, for exposure of person; Louis SELOFF, by officer CODY, for disturbing the peace; O.  DONNELLY, for assault and battery, by officer CODY; Michael NOLAN, by special officer DEAL, for safe keeping.

INSANE - A man named Thomas McGUIRE made his appearance at the station house last evening, and desired to be protected form a large number of persons who were, as he thought, trying to murder him. As he was evidently insane, he was placed in a cell and locked up. He states that he recently came from Mariposa county.

SUPREME COURT - The following decisions were yesterday rendered in the Supreme Court in Chambers: RHODES vs. CRAIG et al - Appeal dismissed.  HOFFMAN vs. San Joaquin county - Judgement affirmed.

ATTEMPTED ROBBERY - An unsuccessful attempt was made several nights ago to enter and rob the house of C. GRUHLER, on L street, near Seventh. The thieves did not succeed in effecting en entrance.

PAID IN GREENBACKS - Vincent TORTELL, who was yesterday morning sentenced in

the Court of Sessions to pay a fine of $400 for an assault to murder Sylvester PEARL, settled the account in the afternoon by paying in greenbacks.

REFUSED - In the case of The People vs. B.B. KERCHIVAL, on a charge of grand larceny, an application was made yesterday by counsel, for the admission of defendant to bail on his own recognizance, and refused by the Court.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Sacramento Daily Union

Saturday, April 4, 1863



Wholesale Exhumation - About three hundred Chinese coffins, or boxes, containing the exhumed remains of deceased Chinamen, were yesterday placed on board the schooner Kay Adams, for transportation to San Francisco, preparatory to shipment to China. The packages are made of pine lumber, and vary in length from three to seven feet. Some were made of planed lumber, and others of unplaned. Each package was marked with Chinese characters - probably the name, age, etc., of the deceased. A portion of this large shipment was brought to the city by the cars, and the balance were taken from a Chinese house on I street. The remains, it is said, were exhumed in various portions of the State, and have been accumulating for several years past. No shipment of any consequence as to numbers, of this character, has taken place from Sacramento during the past three years. The remains of men only are sent back to China, those of women being deemed unworthy of preservation.

Chinese Funeral - A Chinese funeral took place yesterday, the deceased being Ah CHEOW, the proprietor of a Chinese boarding house on I street. Before the funeral took place a first class Chinese lunch, designed only, however, for hungry spirits, was spread upon a table in front of the house. A roasted pig formed a prominent feature of the lay out, accompanied by roast chicken and accompaniments. The remains of the deceased were conveyed to the cemetery by a hearse, followed by a wagon containing the fare above described and several Chinese women, who, in the capacity of chief mourners, distributed along the streets through which they pushed slips of marked paper, the significance of which we are not enlightened upon.

New Suit - Thomas KIMBALL commenced suit yesterday in the District Court against William RAUGHT and Amos WILBUR, for the recovery of a cargo of cordwood. The complaint states that on the 1st of April, 1862, (probably 1863 is meant), the plaintiff was the legal owner and in possession of one hundred and five cords of oak wood, the same being the cargo of the barge Widow, and worth five dollars per cord. The wood was illegally and wrongfully taken by defendants, and on the 3d of April, 1863, the restoration of said wood was demanded by plaintiff and refused by defendants. Plaintiff therefore asks that defendants be ordered and adjudged to restore said wood to plaintiff or pay the value thereof, $525, with costs of suit, etc.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, April 6, 1863


Arrested on suspicion - A suspicious character named Jack HAMILTON was arrested a day or two ago by officer BURKE. He had sold to Dr. SHAUG, for $3, a case of surgical instruments, which are of much greater value. The case is made of black morocco, lined with dark velvet. The instruments, although considerable used, are of excellent quality. HAMILTON also had in his possession when arrested four door keys, a knife, a bottle of morphine and a copy in a well written hand of the song ?Dublin Bay.? HAMILTON was arrested several years ago by officer BURKE on a charge of robbing a man named SHELL, on Ninth street, between G and H. He was also suspected of stealing the sum of $300 from John HOUSMAN some time ago. He claims to have become possessed of the surgical instruments honestly at Alcatraz Island, where he says he was employed as a hospital steward.

ACCIDENT - On Saturday forenoon, D. Virgil GATES was singularly and severely injured on K street, between Second and Third streets. He was riding along the street on horseback, and encountered a team stretched across the street in front of HARRIS? liquor store. GATES being determined to exercise  his right to the right of way through the street, jumped his horse across the chains in front of the wheel horses.  The animal made a bold leap, but was so caught by one of the chains as to be thrown heavily, with his rider, to the ground. Both man and horse appeared at first to be killed, but both subsequently revived. GATES? nose was crushed, and his face was otherwise injured. He was removed to the store of his brother, in the next block, and cared for. He was represented last evening to be doing well.

THROWN OFF - A boy named William HAYES, about nine years old, whose avocation is that of driving a span of goats around town, was yesterday thrown from a horse on Seventh street, between J and K streets. The horse became frightened and ran some distance down Seventh street before the boy fell off. In falling he was kicked or struck in the right leg, but was not seriously injured. The horse was soon caught, and the boy, with the promise to ?jerk the bloody mouth off of him? if he didn’t behave better, remounted and rode off, taking a companion on board as a passenger.

FIRE - At about half-past five o’clock last evening, the residence of S. VAN PRAAG, on H street, between Sixth and Seventh, caught fire from the stove pipe. The ceiling of one of the rooms in the house was considerably burnt, but the flames were extinguished by means of a garden hose and water conveyed in buckets, before any serious damage was done or a general alarm given.

CANDIDATES - As the probabilities of the anticipated municipal election increase the names of the various candidates for office are talked of. For the position of President of the Board of Board of Trustees we hear suggested the names of William SHATTUCK, C.H. SWIFT, Robert BECK, H.O.  BEATTY, J.F. MORSE and B.B. REDDING; for Police Judge, S.S. HOLL, T.W. GILMER, I.S. BROWN and L.S. TAYLOR.

DUSTY - Yesterday afternoon was one of the most disagreeable on account of dust, which has been experienced in Sacramento for a long time. For several hours whirlpools of dust rendered it difficult for pedestrians to walk the streets. Many of our citizens were caught out of town in buggies and carriages, but they did not as a general thing enjoy their rides, for the cause above referred to.

CHANGE OF VENUE - In the divorce suit of Mary M. HOLLAND vs. Patrick HOLLAND, commenced in San Francisco, a motion for a change of venue to Sacramento county, made by defendant, was granted a few days ago in San Francisco.

DEATHS - There were eight deaths in the city during last week. Five of the deceased were adults and three minors. Three were natives of California, and one each of Ohio, Germany, Wales, Ireland and China.

ARRESTS - John DOE No. 1 was arrested on Saturday by officer BROWN for assault and battery on Jane HANLEY, and John DOE No. 2 by officer CODY on a charge of drawing a deadly weapon.

MURDER TRIAL - The second trial of Samuel CARKHUFF, for the murder of his uncle, S.D. CARKHUFF, is set for to-day in the District Court.

TAKEN TO STOCKTON - Julius FARMER and Manuel BERGAN, two insane men, were taken to Stockton, on Saturday, by Deputy  Sheriff GRIFFITH.

TO BE TRIED - JACKSON and CARR, two men charged with horse stealing, will be taken to Woodland, Yolo county, this morning for trial.


Casualty – Firemen’s Collation - Race - Incorporation - Divorce Case - Insanity


George LEWIS, a hostler, died this morning from the effects of a kick from a horse, received last Thursday. Deceased was a native of Ireland, aged thirty years.

Independent Hook and Ladder Company housed the truck, recently purchased in Marysville, at midnight. The firemen partook of a collation.  The race between California Damsel and Fillmore, yesterday, was won by Damsel, in three heats out of five. Time: 2:40 ? - 2:39 ? - 2?42 - 2:45.  Eight mining companies incorporated yesterday, with an aggregate capital stock of $2,120,000.

The divorce case of Mary M. against Patrick HOLLAND is transferred to Sacramento for trial.

Greenbacks were firm at 67 at the close last evening.

Catherine BRADY was taken into custody for insanity.  Arrive - Ship White Falcon, 37 days from San Juan de Sur - coal to Roberts.


SUICIDE - Dr. Stephen DE WOLF committed suicide at his residence in Yreka, lately, by shooting himself through the head with a pistol, the bullet entering the roof of his mouth. He had become paralyzed some time ago, which led to his determination to commit suicide.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Thursday, April 9, 1863

Capitol Lodge, I.O.O.F. - The following Past Grands have  been elected as

Representatives to the Grand Lodge from Capitol Lodge, No. 87, of this city,




FOR SAN QUENTIN - An Indian named Sam was brought to the city yesterday, by the Red Bluff boat, in charge of Deputy Sheriff KEEN, of Shasta. Sam had been convicted of murder in the second degree, in killing a Chinaman, and sentenced to ten years imprisonment in the State Prison. He was taken below on the San Francisco boat.

A DOG BITE - A suit for damages was set for trial yesterday in justice ROBINSON’s Court, in which the plaintiff claimed two hundred dollars on account of having been bitten by a dog on L street, near Seventh, owned by defendant. Before going to trial the case was compromised on payment of twenty dollars and costs.

THE GASS CASE - No decision was rendered yesterday by Judge HOLL in the Gass

English case, in which the defendant was tried on Tuesday for forgery and cause taken under advisement. A bond in the TRYON case was approved yesterday. In the State bond BURNETT case it is said the statue of limitation intervenes.

FROM THE EAST - George BUGBEY, brother to Sheriff BUGBEY, arrived in the city on Monday, from the East. He was connected with a Connecticut regiment, and was one of the first of the wounded volunteers of the war, having received a rifle ball in the left shoulder, in the Vienna affair. The shoulder was badly shattered, but the arm is still retained.

HEBREW PASSOVER - On the first two days of Passover, Saturday and Sunday, April 4th and 5th, and the last two days, Friday and Saturday, April 10th and 11th, there will be divine service at Graham’s Hall, on Sixth street, near J, by Rev. Dr. COHEN. Service to commence at 9 o?clock A.M. and 6 o?clock P.M. each day.

THEIR NAMES - The three prisoners who were taken through the city on Tuesday by Sheriff HUNTER of El Dorado county, were named Samuel WARCOX, alias Stuttering Bob, sentenced to three years imprisonment for robbery; Cosena JUNA, grand larceny - two years; and Upton T. GASSWAY, robber - two years.

CIVIL SUIT - Joseph BREEN commenced suit yesterday, in the District Court, against John H. GASS, for the sum of $800, money loaned, and for the foreclosure of a mortgage given on property in the city as security for the debt.

BAIL GIVEN - The bond of J.H. GASS in the sum of $2,000 in the TRYON case was yesterday approved by Judge HOLL. O.D. LAMBARD, George WARREN, C.  SHRADER and Thomas SHOWLER each go on the bond for the sum of $2,000.

IN TOWN - J. McLEAN, alias EMERSON, recently pardoned by Governor STANFORD,

on condition of his leaving the State, was in town yesterday. He designs to migrate to Nevada Territory.

ARRESTED - V.B. KEENEY was arrested yesterday by officer LESTER, on a charge

of furious riding.

FOR THE DISTRESSED - The citizens of Detroit have sent to New York two hundred and four barrels of flour, being the first installment of their contribution to the Lancashire relief fund.

THE PARROTT GUN MAN - Robert P. PARROTT, the manufacturer of the celebrated Parrott gun, has paid to the Government, under the Internal Revenue Law, since September 1, 1862, taxes to the amount of $17,243.

SALE OF MINING GROUND - Fifty feet of mining ground in the Overman claim, Gold Hill district, belonging to the estate of John S. ROBINSON, was sold lately at Virginia City at public auction. The ground averaged $38.50 per foot.

SAN FRANCISCO NEWS - A dispatch to the Bee yesterday says:

It is rumored that as soon as the boats now building at Hunter’s and Steamboat Points are finished, some other steamers which have heretofore figured in opposition lines are to be brought out, and a strong opposition run on the Sacramento river.

J. GOLDSMITH and H. GOLDSMITH, Sacramento street merchants, were arrested

last evening, on complaint of Fred. MEYERS, who charges them with defrauding him by false pretenses.


Sacramento Daily Union

Thursday, April 9, 1863


CHARGE OF ASSAULT AND BATTERY - A man named James O’NEIL entered a complaint yesterday morning, before Judge HOLL, and swore out warrants against Captain POOLE, _____ MORRISON, _____ QUINN and others, of the steamer Antelope, charging them with assault and battery. Several of the defendants were arrested and the hearing of the case was postponed until to-morrow in order to give defendants time to return from San Francisco. O’NEIL states, in connection with the affair, that he arrived in the State on the last steamer, and started from San Francisco with his wife and two children, with no other money than greenbacks. Of this currency he had about $700, locked up in his trunk and a $20 bill in his pocket. He alleges that when the fare was collected he tendered this note for the four passengers, and it was taken, but he was removed from his cabin, and beaten over the head, because he did not pay his fare in coin. Yesterday morning he sent the porter of the What Cheer House with his checks for his trunks. The checks were retained, but the delivery of the trunks was refused until the payment of his part of the difference between greenbacks and coin, due on his passage up the river.  The papers were yesterday being drawn for the commencement of a  replevin suit to recover the trunks. Such is O’NEIL’s statement. The other side will, of course, be developed in the Police Court when the case is examined.

BADLY BEATERN- At about midnight, on Tuesday night, Officer BROWN, while on K street, near Second, had his attention arrested by the cry of murder.  Proceeding down Second street towards L, he found a man lying on the sidewalk in from of McMAHON’s Hotel, in an unconscious condition and covered with blood. He proved to be a Volunteer from Camp Union, named DURKIN. He had evidently been brutally beaten on the head with a stone or club, or some iron instrument. His wounds had bled profusely on the sidewalk. Dr. CLAPP afterwards examined him, and pronounced his skull fractured. The only person present when BROWN arrived was some one connected with the hotel, who stood in the doorway. He stated that the person who had beaten DURKIN had run around the corner. BROWN afterward found a man upstairs in the hotel with blood on his shirt sleeves, but he denied having had anything to do with the affair. DURKIN was taken to the station house for safe keeping and yesterday morning returned to Camp. He was too much intoxicated at the time of the occurrence to be able to shed any light on the subject.

POLICE COURT - John O’MEARA was arraigned yesterday in the Police Court, on a charge of disturbing the peace, and entered a plea of guilty. Peter KINSLEY, alias Dublin Jack, was tried by the Court on a charge of disturbing the peace and found guilty. The case of Owen HANNAN, charged with refusing to assist an officer in the performance of his duty, was continued until to-day. John McNABB entered a plea of guilty to a charge of discharging firearms in the street, and, waiving time, was fined ten dollars. The case of Morris JACOBS and Louis JACOBS, charged with assault and battery on B.  ISAACSON, and that of ISAACSON, charge with assault and battery on Louis JACOBS, were continued until Friday next.

DEATH OF AN OLD SACRAMENTAN - Information was received in the city yesterday

of the death of David MADDUX, an old resident of Sacramento. The deceased was County Treasurer for a term of two years, commencing in 1855. He built, and for several years owned the building known was Odd Fellows’ Hall, at Third and K streets. He removed to San Francisco some six or eight months ago, and has resided there since that period. His remains will arrive in the city by this morning’s boat and will be buried in the City Cemetery. The members of Washington Lodge, F. and A.M., are notified to meet at half-past one o’clock P.M. to-day for the purpose of attending the funeral.

DISTRICT COURT - The case of Mike BRYTE et al vs. J.C. STILES,  occupied the attention of the District Court during the greater portion of yesterday. The question at issued in the case is the priority of possession of a quarter section of land in Yolo. HARTLEY appeared as counsel for plaintiff, and G.R.

MORRE and CROCKER & ROBINSON for defendants. Some thirteen witnesses is all were examined, and the case was continued for argument until May 1st. In the case of E.A. BURR vs. His Creditors, a motion for rule on Sheriff BUGBEY to pay over money was denied. The Court adjourned until 10 ½ A.M., to-day.

BOILER FOR ESMERALDA - FLOYD & MOORE of this city have recently completed a

large steam boiler for S.C. FOGUS, who is about to erect a quartz mill near Aurora, Esmeralda. It is twenty-three feet long, forty-eight inches in diameter, and has a fire surface of about five hundred feet. Its capacity is about 45-horse power. It is constructed with six flues - two of which are twelve inch, and four eight-inch in diameter. Attached to the main boiler is a steam drum five feet long and thirty feet in diameter. The entire apparatus will weigh about ten thousand pounds, and will cost about $1,200.

ON THE WAY - Jerome MADDEN, formerly County Recorder of this county, who left the State for the purpose of visiting Europe some sixteen months ago, sailed from New York on the steamer America, on the 14th of March. It is supposed that the passengers by that steamer would be detained at Nicaragua on account of difficulties with the Nicaraguan Government, and that they will be compelled to proceed to Aspinwall in order to reach California.

NEW SUIT - Joseph M. FREY commenced suit yesterday against Thomas S. FLAKE, in the District Court. The complaint alleges that on October 1, 1861, defendant, for a valuable consideration, gave plaintiff a note for $291.25, made payable in six months from date. Payment has been demanded and refused, and a judgement is asked for the principal and legal interest since April 1, 1862, the date at which the note became due.

HONEY LAKE - The Territorial Enterprise of April 3d has the following:

From J.C. JOHNSTON, the Honey Lake express man, we learn that the Union Ledge, discovered at Susanville, some time ago, is opening up in a very satisfactory manner. An assay made by THEAIL & Co., of a specimen from it gave $1,146.07 to the ton; $1,105 in gold and $41.00 in silver - which is about enough of the latter to save it. The ledge crops out for a distance of fifteen hundred feet; it is from six to ten inches wide on the top, and about two and a half feet wide at the depth of twenty-five feet below the surface, and is steadily increasing in thickness.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Thursday, April 16, 1863



The Hardware Case - The case of W. STODDARD vs. L.L. TREADWELL et al., having occupied the greater portion of three days, was concluded in the District Court yesterday. The trial was conducted by Crocker & Robinson, as counsel for plaintiff, and Harmon & Hartley for defendants. Between one and two years ago, STODDARD sold out his hardware establishment to TREADWELL & Co., of San Francisco, for a valuable consideration, accompanied by the condition that he was to be employed in the store on stipulated terms. For the term of three years, he was to receiver $250 per month. For two years thereafter, he was to receive $300 per month. A short time after the flood, the contracting parties disagreed and separated. One question at issue on the trial was, whether STODDARD broke his contract by leaving, or TREADWELL & Co. theirs by compelling him to leave. The suit was commenced for the wages of the month of October, 1862, after STODDARD had left the store, and certain other claims on account of the original purchase. Forty-five witnesses in all were examined on the trial. The defense aimed to prove that STODDARD had been negligent and inefficient in his attention to business, and was therefore not entitled to pay. The jury returned a verdict for STODDARD of $2,180. The verdict, it is said, carries with it the wages of STODDARD for the entire term. The aggregate pay for the first three years would amount to $9,000 and that of the next two years to $7,200, making a total of $16,200. The case will be carried to the Supreme Court.

SUPREME COURT - The following decisions and orders were made and filed in the Supreme Court yesterday: BERREYESA vs. SCHULTZ - On motion of J.B.  HAGGIN, counsel for appellant, time to file petition for rehearing extended to and including the 24th instant. BROOKS vs. ROSSE et al. - On motion of G.  Frank SMITH, of counsel for respondent, and stipulation of parties, ordered that appeal be dismissed. McCARTY vs. WHITE et als. - Judgment reversed, and cause remanded for a new trial. In the matter of the application of James W.  STEPHENSON to be admitted as an attorney and counselor - On this fifteenth day of April, A.D., one thousand eight hundred and sixty -three, appears John B. FELTON, and moves that James W. STEPHENSON, late of Cambridge, in the State of Massachusetts, now of the city of San Francisco, of this State, be admitted as an attorney and counselor at law in all of the Courts; and having produced a license from the Superior Court of the State of Massachusetts, showing that said STEPHENSON has been admitted as an attorney and counselor in the highest Courts of said State, it is by the Court ordered that said James W. STEPHENSON be and he is accordingly admitted as an attorney and counselor in all the Courts of this State. ROWLEY ex., etc.  vs. HOWARD et al. - On motion of CATLIN, of counsel, ten days additional time given to file brief. Heirs of NIETO cs. CARPENTER - Opinion filed.

DISTRICT COURT - The District Court met yesterday, pursuant to adjournment, Judge McKUNE presiding. The trial of the case of W. STODDARD vs. L.L.  TREADWELL et al. was resumed and concluded. After hearing the argument of counsel, the jury retired and returned with a verdict for plaintiff for $2,180. Judgment was ordered entered in accordance with the verdict and stay of execution granted for fifteen days. In the case of J. KLOPFENSTEIN & Brothers vs. J.M. RUSSELL and MOORE, a Jury was impaneled and the case tried. The original papers being lost or mislaid, copies of pleadings were substituted by consent, and filing of replication waived. Defendant was allowed to amend answer. Motion for nonsuit overruled. Evidence taken and jury retired with instructions to return a sealed verdict. In the case of E.A. BURR vs. his Creditors, on motion of counsel for petitioner, leave was granted to file answer to opposition. A jury was impaneled to try the cause, but before proceeding to take testimony the Court adjourned until nine o’clock this morning.

POLICE COURT - Lorenzo AUGUILLA, Antonio AUGUILLA, Maria KENNEDY and John CHINAMAN, alias Sam KENNEDY, were all tried yesterday by a jury of ten on a charge of disturbing the peace. The jury found the defendants all guilty as charged. The parties live on Fourth street between L and M, in adjoining houses, and had a general row among themselves. The case of James McCURREN, charged with disturbing the peace, and that of John O?MEARA, on the same charge, were continued until to-day. John O’MEARA is also accused of attempting to commit highway robbery, which charge will be investigated to-day. D. MAXWELL entered a plea of guilty to a charge of disturbing the peace.

COUNTY COURT - The County Court met yesterday, pursuant to adjournment, Judge CLARK on the bench. The trial of the case of TOWN vs. WILSON, commenced on Tuesday, was resumed and concluded, the jury finding a verdict for defendant. In the case of J. CLARKIN vs. A.B. LUTZ, G.R. MOORE appeared for plaintiff and CATLIN and FRENCH for defendant. A jury of six was impaneled to try the cause. A motion for nonsuit, made on the part of defendant was sustained by the Court, and the suit dismissed. The Court then adjourned until ten o’clock this morning.

STATE BONDS - But one bid was received on Tuesday by the State Treasurer for the surrender of State bonds under the Act of 1857. That was made by I.& S.  WORMSER, who offered to take the entire sum in the Redemption Fund ($109,344.06) at par. The bid was, of course, accepted, the money paid, and bonds to that amount surrendered.

INSANE - George H. DAKE, a private in Company B, Captain MOORE, of the third Regiment of Infantry, was yesterday taken to the station house on account of insanity, and will be taken to Stockton to-days by Deputy Sheriff LANSING.  He has been deranged several weeks.

FAST DAY - This, the 16th of April, is the day set apart by President Lincoln as a National fast day. So far as we are advised, no preparation has been made by any of our city churches for its especial observance.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, April 17, 1863


PASSENGERS FROM THE EAST - Our correspondent at New York sends us the following list of passengers, who started for California from New York in the Ocean Queen, March 1st. They will arrive at San Francisco in the Sonora, which is daily expected.


Beriah BROWN, and two ch




Susan W. BOYD and sister

Charles NEWMAN

Melina MARIS





Wm. C. GOLDBERG and 2 ch.

W. BUCOMMON, wf and ch

Archelaus HUNT and wife

F. SMITH, wife and child



Sarah McDERMOT and sister






Mary A. MAYO



Curtis BALES and wife


Isabel BALES




F.W. SIMONTON and two brothers

Mrs. S.A. PACKARD and 3 ch


G.            MONCHLAVELLO, wife and sister

F. KOKEAS and wife




Mrs. H.N. WILSON and 2 ch



Thomas MACKAY and wife








Maria WITHAM and child




Mrs. C.H. WILLIAMS and ch





Miss Carrie PRICE


Mrs. Moses QUIMBY

Mrs. SIMON and 5 children

Martha S. WARREN

Levi BROADSWOOD and wife


Mrs. M. KNOWLES and 4 ch



Madalina SPATZ



J.T. JONES and 3 children













P. BECKER and wife

P. WHITCOMB and wife


Sarah LEVY

E. WALLE, wf and 2 child?n

Harriet FROST

Margaret BAUER




E. SHEPARD and 2 children Mrs. W.B. CORLISS and daughter Sarah J. LEWIS Mrs. J.L. SHERMAN and ch.


Helen A. FLINT


William CHEW




H. WATERS and wife




William STROUT

Mrs. SMITH, daughter and five children


J. BUNORCOYE and wife

H.W. and W.C. CORBYN






D. THOUX and child

Amelia LAPOINT James SHEISS and wife F. SICKLE, wife and 5 ch.






F.J. SAYRE and wife








Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Thursday, April 23, 1863


POLICE COURT - J. HAMILTON, who had previously entered a plea of guilty to a charge of petit larceny in stealing furniture, was yesterday sentenced by Judge HOLL to six months in the chain gang. Nicholas FECK, examined on Tuesday on a charge of attempting to commit robbery, was discharged, two or three witnesses having been examined as to his good character. John COFFEE was tried by the Court on a charge of disturbing the peace, and found guilty. The case of Hong SING, charged with assault and battery, was continued until Saturday. Charles HOFFMAN, alias Dutch Charley, was tried by a jury of three on a charge of petit larceny, in connection with HAMILTON, in stealing furniture, and acquitted. The case of Thomas McGEE, charged with disturbing the peace,  was continued until to-day. Eli R. HUBBARD was tried by the Court on a charge of disturbing the peace and found guilty. The case of James CAMPBELL, charged with swindling Michael HAWES out of $40, was partially examined and continued until to-day. HAWES testified to the fact of his having advanced $40 to CAMPBELL on board the San Francisco steamer and received a galvanized watch as security, substantially as narrated in our columns yesterday.

SERIOUS STABBING AFFAIR - An affray took place at about four o’clock yesterday afternoon, between  a white man named William KELLY and a colored man named Joseph SHEAFF, in which KELLY was seriously and SHEAFF dangerously wounded. They live near each other on the alley between Fourth and Fifth and L and M streets. KELLY drove on to SHEAFF?s lot with a load of wood, in order to throw it into his own yard. SHEAFF objected, and ordered him to drive off again. KELLY refused and a fight ensued. KELLY struck SHEAFF in the mouth with his knife, cutting the root of the tongue  in such a manner as to cause excessive bleeding. KELLY received two or three gashes on the left shoulder. He was removed to his own house close at hand. SHEAFF started off and walked to Dr. SIMMONS’ office, where he received attention. It is supposed that SHEAFF cannot recover.

ORGANIZATION - The Committee on Police Affairs met at Newton Booth?s rooms

yesterday afternoon. Present - Newton BOOTH, G.R. MOORE, John ARNOLD, J.G.

PHELAN and F.W. HATCH. Ex-Governor BIGLER was added to the Committee as

President, Newton BOOTH chosen Treasurer, and F.W. HATCH Secretary. A Committee, consisting of BOOTH/MOORE and HATCH was appointed to draft resolutions and report at a meeting to be called by the President of the Committee.

PROBATE - In the matter of the estate of F. MUHLENFELS, deceased, a petition was yesterday filed praying for the sale of personal property; set for hearing May 4, 1863. Estate of N.I. UNDERWOOD, deceased - Petition of J.M.  MILIKEN filed, praying for letters of administration upon said estate; set for hearing May 4th. Estate of J.C. FAULDER, deceased - Petition for sale of personal property filed; set for hearing May 4th.

ARRESTS - John BROWN was arrested yesterday by Officer McGREW for assault and battery on John ALDRICH and John ALDRICH by the same officer for disturbing the peace. Charles SWARTZ was also arrested by Officer McGREW for assault and battery on John BROWN.

FUNERAL - The funeral of Lieutenant BOLLES, late of the United States Army, took place yesterday, and was largely attended by the soldiers of Camp Union.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, April 27, 1863


New Brooms Sweep Clean.

We have a new chief of Police, who is making himself particularly demonstrative, in the style affected by new officials. He has rescued the Sunday law from his depths of its obscurity, and proposes to inflict its penalties on all who are rash enough to transgress it. Last Sunday evening he pounced upon a score or so of offending victualers, who had violated the majesty of the law by opening their places at five o’clock Sunday Evening.  They were dragged before the Police Court on Monday and fined. This is a very small proceeding indeed - a large city with the customs of a small village being an anomaly not often witnesses in the nineteenth century.


PASSENGERS FROM THE EAST. - Our correspondent at New York has forwarded by

Overland Mail the following list of passengers, who left New York April 1st, in the North Star for Aspinwall. They will arrive in San Francisco on The Constitution, which is hourly expected:


J.N. PLUMB and wife




Orrin B. FOGLE


J.B. FRISBIE and mother

D. SAUNDERS, wife and son






A.A. SARGENT, w. and 3 ch


W.G. PEABODY, w and ch

C.H. SMITH and wife



Mrs. DESSMANY and 2 ch’n

T. ROBERTSON, wife and 2 ch


F.F. LOW, wife and child


Mrs. E.M. CHAPMAN & son


Lucy BALDWIN and sister








J. BELL and wife


Miss A.E. BALL


W.H. WALLACE and wife



Col. C. LEE


Mary  Ann SHIELDS and child


J. ROSENFELD and brother



Mrs. J. MAKENZIE and 3 ch

Mrs. H.R. CLARK and 8 ch


Mrs. Mills and 2 children

A. WRIGHT, wife and child


M.V. BAUK, wife and 2 ch

Hattie B. HALL

J. HAYES and wife






C.C.            REDINGTON







D. HICKMAN, sister and 3 ch




D. WARREN and wife




Madame HERO



C.J. CREASY, wife and ch

J. WENTEMUTE, wife and ch








Amanda ALBRO

F. FREEMAN and wife









Mrs. McKENZIE and 2 ch’n

John OWENS and wife


Maria McKAY and 2 d’ters


Mrs. H.C. CLAPP and child

Nathan CURRY


Mrs. COON and 3 children

Hattie B. HALL

C.W. PEGG, wife and child





W.H.L. BARNES, w and ch



J.Z. JOHNSON, wife and ch


Fanny McNIEL

Elizabeth DOTTEN

Nancy F. HART


















Hannah HOLLAND and child









Sarah A. MARSH




William McGEE, wife and ch




Catharine S. BROWN

Mrs. W. LOWE and child

Mrs. A.B. REED and child


H. PERRY and wife




J.H. WALLACE and wife

Amanda CRARY







Mary VON DOREN and 2 d’ters




S.B. SHORT, daughter and ch

H. MENDER, wife and 2 ch

Mary E. DANT




W.A. CAMPBELL, w and ch

J.S. EVANS, wife and 2 ch






Mrs. VINCENT and sister



Mrs. MONTAUGE and child

and about 500 in steerage.




THE PACIFIC RAILROAD - The grading of the track of the Pacific Railroad is now finished from the American river to and including Section 11, the culverts, bridges, etc., being complete. This gives a distance of seven miles which is now ready for the ties and rails. The eastern seven miles under contract are in  a state of forwardness, and will soon be finished.  All the brick used for culverts on the road, so far, have been hauled out from the city, some of them a distance of fifteen miles. Preparations were made for burning brick on the line of the road, but the rains have interfered with efforts made towards that object. It is still the design of the contractors to burn the brick to be used hereafter on the work. On Saturday, C. CADWALADER, engineer, was engaged in locating the line of the road north of the slough. It will leave Sixth street at the junction of that street with the alley between D and E, and, advancing towards the Sacramento river, will approach the Water Works building, with the necessary curve, passing on either the east or west side of that building, as policy may determine.

MEETING THE FOE - At five o’clock yesterday afternoon, a man named KEARNEY

drew together a large crowd, at the corner of Fourth and K streets, by his noisy and boisterous conduct. He was quite drunk and exceedingly brave. He wanted to pound any man in the crowd, and was not particular as to weight or size. He gathered up cobble stones on the street and threw them around promiscuously, injuring no one, however, thereby. He then laid down in the middle of the street, as though to rest himself after his severe exertions.  In this position he happened to spy officers BURKE and MARTZ bearing down under full sail, when his anxiety to encounter an enemy oozed out so suddenly that he jumped up and ran down K street at the top of his speed, drawing a hearty laugh from an appreciative crowd. He soon tripped and fell, and was quietly escorted to the station house.

POLICE COURT - In the Police Court on Saturday, the following business was disposed of: the case of Thomas FARRELL, who  had previously pleaded to a charge of disturbing the peace, Judge HOLL sentenced the defendant to pay a fine of $12.50. In the case of James NOLAN and Joseph ROSS, charged with grand larceny, NOLAN was discharged and the examination as to ROSS was continued until Monday, May 4th. In the case of William WILSON, charged with assault to murder, in shooting Edward DENUE, the examination was continued until May 5th. Han Sing was tried by the Court on a charge of assault and battery on M.T. HALE, and found guilty.

ARRESTS - The following arrests were made Saturday and yesterday: James

NOLAN, by officer BROWN, on a charge of receiving stolen goods. M.T. HALE,

by officer McGREW, for assault and battery on Han Sing. Han Sing, by officer

McGREW, for assault and battery on M.T. HALE. Charles MILLER and James

MALCOLM, by CLARK, BROWN and CODY, for the larceny of a meerschaum, the

property of W. DOOLEY. T. LAFONT, by J.W. TAYLOR, for disturbing the peace.

John McGRATH, by D. O’NEIL, for disturbing the perace. Bernard ROSAIN, by D.O’NEIL, for being drunk and sleeping on the sidewalk. Patrick KEARNEY, by BURKE and MARTZ, for disturbing the peace.

ATTEMPT TO KILL - On Friday afternoon, at about five o’clock, one of the brothers of W. KELLY, who recently died from a wound inflicted by Joseph SHEAFF, visited the hospital for the purpose of killing SHEAFF, who had been removed to that establishment for safe keeping and medical treatment. He was prevented from accomplishing his object by the wife of SHEAFF, who drew a pistol, and some of the patients at (rest of article cut off).

FOR TRIAL TO-DAY - The following is the list of cases set for trial in the District Court to-day: O.C. LEWIS vs. Wesley MYERS et al.; Mary J.A.

FLEMMING vs. James ROWAN; John W. SHARP vs. J.A. ANKENY et al.; Thomas ROSS


SINGULAR - On Saturday, morning at five o’clock a pistol was fired at the house of P. McMANUS on G street, between Tenth and Eleventh, the bullet passing through the weather-boarding and lodging on the floor. A somewhat similar occurrence took place at the same house three weeks ago - cause unknown.

NEW BUILDINGS - W.F. KNOX will to-day commence the work of putting up four brick dwelling houses for L. FARMER, on the north side of I street, between Tenth and Eleventh. They will be each twenty feet front, forty feet deep, and will be one story and a basement high.

FIRE ALARM - At ten o’clock yesterday forenoon an alarm of fire was caused by the roof of Steamboat Exchange, on K street, below Second, catching fire from an adjoining stove pipe. Water was obtained and applied before any injury of consequence was done.

INQUEST - The report of the inquest held by Justice KELLY over the body of Philip ROWE, who was drowned on the 19th instant near the Cosumnes, was brought to the city on Saturday, to be filed according to law.

ANOTHER BENEFIT - Mrs. W.D. FAIR, a recent accession to the stage, will have a benefit this evening at the Metropolitan Theater. She will appear as Pauline in Bulwer’s ‘Lady of Lyons.’

MORE COOPER - Shipments of copper ore from the Newton lode, Ione Valley, continue to arrive at the levee daily by railroad and to leave occasionally per schooner for San Francisco.

DEATHS - Six deaths occurred in the city during last week. Three of the deceased were adults and three minors. Three were born in California, one in Ohio, one in Ireland and one in China.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, May 1, 1863


PRIMARY ELECTION - The Union primary election for delegates to the City Convention took place yesterday afternoon, the polls opening at four o?clock P.M. and closing at six o’clock. The most, but not all, of the candidates placed in nomination on Thursday evening at Stanford Hall were elected. In the First Ward an opposition ticket was brought out, containing two of the original and three new names, and was elected. In the Second Ward, three different tickets were run, in the Third three, and in the Fourth but one.

With the exception of the Second Ward poll, good order prevailed; there one or two fights occurred. The delegates elected and the number of votes received by each are as follows: First Ward - A.J. RHOADES, 157; J.F. MORSE, 170; J.W. BIDERMAN, 162; James H. MOORE, 156; William SIDDONS, 155. Second Ward - B.B. REDDING, 122; Andrew BLACK, 129, Wyman McMITCHELL, 143; William

B. HUNT, 204; John G. HYER, 129; Third Ward - C. WEIL, 244; H. CRONKITE, 194; M. McMANUS, Sr., 194; W.C. HOPPING, 193; Sylvester TRYON, 193; E.R.  HAMILTON, 177; M. E. GELSTON, 193; J. McCLEARY, 210; Enoch JACOBS, 194.

Fourth Ward - H.T. HOLMES, 124; Philip SCHELL, 119; William TURTON, 123;

William HENDRIE, 119, Daniel HARDY, 119. In addition to the above named candidates, who were elected, the following named candidates received the number of votes opposite their names: First Ward - Henry TREICHLER, 11; G.W. CHESLEY, 16; D.W. EARL, 12; D. BUSH, 3; W.B. CARR, 1; A.J. SENATZ, 12; scattering, 5. Second Ward - Mark HOPKINS, 121; D. McLAUGHLIN, 96; H. KELLY, 95; A.C. BIDWELL, 94; Henry MILLER, 38; D.S. HAYDEN, 56; G.A. YOUNG, 40; John DOMINGOS, 32; C. EBNER, 20; H. SMITH, 21; S.E. HEDRICK, 4; SMITH, 2; SIDDONS, 1. Third Ward - M. McMANUS, 34; M. STANFELDT, 36; L. GEARGOL, 34; William DOYLE, 34; John BOCK, 38; M.P. SEAMAN,35; W.A. ACKLEY, 36; J.B. KOLES, 34; W.C. LYNDE, 18; J. KLOPENSTINE, 17; T.J. MILLIKEN, 17; T. WILKINSON, 16; E. KIMBLE, 9; F. SMITH, 1. In the Fourth Ward there were no scattering votes cast. The whole number of votes cast in the First Ward was 187; in the Second 269; in the Third, 247; in the Fourth, 124. Total vote of the city, 827.

PAINFUL ACCIDENT - At about half past nine o’clock yesterday morning, William HODGE attempted to drive the four horses which ran away on Tuesday last with Frederick COOK and W. GILPIN, killing the former, and met with a similar catastrophe, so far as the action of the horses was concerned.  Accompanied by a friend, HODGE left the Pacific Stables and started down Second street. The horses soon manifested a disposition to run, but the driver for a time kept control of them. Below N street their speed increased and the man who was with HODGE jumped out and lit upon the ground without injuring himself. Near O street HODGE was thrown out, and it is supposed that his left foot must have caught between the spokes of the wheel as he passed over the side of the wagon. This foot was almost broken off at the ankle. It was dislocated and turned up on the inside to a right angle with the leg. The main bone of the foot was so badly fractured that it had to be removed, coming out in three separate pieces. HODGE was taken to the Orleans Hotel, where Drs. SIMMONS, MONTGOMERY and CLAPP performed the operation above referred to. It is feared that the amputation of the entire foot may become necessary. HODGE was at Folsom when the former accident occurred. He is an experienced driver, and was awaiting the arrival of COOK and GILPIN, with the expectation of driving the team across the mountains. He came down and took charge of the horses with a view of taking them to Folsom and then to Salt Lake. The horses were subsequently stopped on Q street, having themselves sustained no injury.

A FEARFUL RIDE - At about five o’clock last evening two ladies, Miss BISHOP and Miss SHAW, ran a very narrow risk of losing their lives, by a fearful buggy ride. They had just taken their seats in the vehicle, near Eighth and I streets, when the horse started, leaving behind the gentleman who was going to drive and the lines dragging on the ground so that they had no means of checking his progress. He ran down Eighth to K, and down K to Paine?s stable, where he had been hired. The ladies kept their seats, but as they passed Eighth and J streets manifested by their exclamations their appreciation of their perilous position. As the horse passed SMITH?s stable on K street a man named HAMBURGH ran out and attempted to stop him; he failed in his object, and was knocked down and seriously injured in the left shoulder. On reaching Paine?s stable the horse wheeled on to the sidewalk and came to a halt, without any other injury than that of slight damage to one of the wheels of the buggy. The gentleman who had charge of the horse was in the act of getting into the buggy when the horse started. On drawing up the lines, one only took effect, and he drew the horse so far around as to cause danger of upsetting the buggy. In releasing his hold the horse got away from him.

PROBATE - In the matter of the estate of David E. WADE, deceased, the petition of James BANDY was yesterday filed, praying for letters of administration upon the estate. Set for hearing on May 11th. Due notice ordered to be given. Estate of C.S. HOWELL, deceased. Petition for distribution filed and set for hearing on the 1st day of June. Due notice ordered to be given.

NOT FOUND - The saddle and bridle belonging at Paine’s stable, and taken away by Wm. QUIN, who hired a horse to ride to the country on Monday, were not found with the horse, nor have they since been heard from by the owners.  The horse, when found, was running loose near Poverty Ridge. The saddle, bridle and rider are still missing.

ARRESTS - Caroline WRIGHT was arrested yesterday by Lieutenant CHAMBERLAIN for contempt of Court. D. McLAUGHLIN was also arrested by Lieutenant CHAMBERLAIN on a charge of assault to murder Andrew BLACK. Also, Owen KERNON, by Officer SHEEK, for petty larceny of two cushions, the property of E. GRANGER.

DISTRICT COURT - The District Court met yesterday pursuant to adjournment, Judge McKUNE on the bench. The case of J.A. WILLIAMS, guardian, etc., vs.  Park JOHNSON et al., was tried, argued and taken under advisement. The Court will meet again at 10 ½ o’clock this morning.

TAKEN TO SAN FRANCISCO - The remains of Frederick COOK, who died on Wednesday from injuries received in being thrown out of a wagon, were sent to San Francisco by yesterday?s boat, preparatory to transmission to the East.

SUCCESSFUL - The efforts of A.R. JACKSON, SCOTT, SHUNK and other ranchmen, to stop the water from running from the Sacramento river into the Gosling slough, proved successful. The spot is now considered safe unless the river rises several feet above the present mark.

Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, May 1, 1863


BOARD OF EDUCATION - An adjourned meeting of the Board of Education was held last evening, at the office of the Secretary. Present - A full bench.  Teachers were elected for the various schools of the city for the ensuing term as follows: High School - R.K. MARRINER, Principal; Miss E.R.  SPAULDING, Assistant.  Grammar School No. 1 - M.L. TEMPLETON, Principal; Miss E. MACMILLAN, First Assistant; Miss MICHENER, Second Assistant.  Intermediate No. 1 - Miss Jennie KERCHIVAL. Intermediate No. 2 - Miss Mary STINCEN. Primary No. 1 - Miss Kate COLLINS. Primary No. 2 - Miss ORR.  Primary No. 3 - Mrs. WOLF. Primary No. 4 - Miss HOWE. Primary No. 5 - Miss OSBORN. Primary No. 6 - Miss Florence CHAMBERLAIN. Colored school - Mrs.  FOLGER. The selection of assistant teachers is deferred to the Principals, the Board reserving the right to confirm or reject, as may be deemed advisable. On motion of Supervisor BIDWELL, Miss Ella BURKE was granted a diploma of the High School.

FIGHT - A collision took place yesterday afternoon at the Second Ward poll on Fourth street, between Andrew BLACK and D. McLAUGHLIN. BLACK had been named on the ticket prepared on Wednesday evening as a candidate for the position of delegate from the Second Ward. Another ticket was brought out with BLACK’s name omitted and McLAUGHLIN’s substituted. This circumstance led to an altercation in which McLAUGHLIN knocked BLACK down and obtained his pistol from him, with which he struck him over the head. The pistol blow inflicted a severe gash on the forehead, which afterward received the attention of Doctors SIMMONS and FREY. McLAUGHLIN was afterward arrested, and the case will probably be investigated in  the Police Court. Another disturbance took place a short time previous to the one narrated, in which Dublin Tricks (alias) was beaten considerably about the face.

COUNTY COURT - The County Court met yesterday, pursuant to adjournment, Judge CLARK on the bench. In the case of Thomas MOOR vs. His Creditors, a decree of discharge was ordered entered, and certain property set apart as being exempt from execution. BRAGG vs. ELLIOTT - Motion for striking out answer and for judgment continued. A.P. SMITH vs. His Creditors - Ordered that the trial of this cause be continued until May 14th, and that the insolvent herin do appear before John S. BARRETT, a referee, to answer all questions which may be propounded to him touching his affairs, on receiving three days prior notice of the aforesaid examination. In the last named case, John RUSSEL and W.W. LIGHT, creditors, appear in opposition to the application of the petitioner.

POLICE COURT - Frank ASHENAUR was tried yesterday by the Court on a charge of assault and battery on August MONTANE, and found guilty. P. CALLAGHAN was tried on a charge of disturbing the peace and found guilty.  Mary McCARTHY was tried and acquitted on a charge of petty larceny, in defrauding Alex.  BOUCHER of $19.50 - refusing to give him that amount of change; BOUCHER was intoxicated at the time the swindle was alleged to have taken place, and his statements were somewhat inconsistent. Caroline WRIGHT - a witness on Wednesday in the case of MILLER and MALCOLM, charged with petty larceny - was yesterday sentenced to twenty-four hours imprisonment for contempt of Court; the contempt consisted of tearing up and destroying a subpena which had been issued by the Court.

INSANITY - Philip WEBBER was taken to the station house yesterday by officer CHILDS on account of insanity. He was discovered on I street, between Second and Third streets. From papers found in his possession, it appears that he had served as a soldier seven years in Germany and two years in Company E, Captain THAYER, Fifth Regiment, California Volunteers. He was recently discharged from this company at Camp Drum for physical disability. Officer GAY last evening arrested Julius FARMER at the Metropolitan, for safe keeping, his gestures and actions clearly indicating insanity. FARMER was sent to Stockton some two months ago, and was recently released, apparently cured.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Saturday, May 2, 1863



INCORPORATED - The certificates of incorporation of the Occidental Gold and Silver Mining Company was filed yesterday in the Clerk’s office. The object of the Company is to work their claim in the Occidental Lodge, at Rhodes Diggings, in Sacramento county. The capital stock of the Company is $300,000, in 3,000 shares of $100 each. The business office of the Company will be located at Folsom. W.W. DRESSER, Bernard MITCHELL and Thomas HIGGINS

will serve as Trustees during the next three months. The certificate of incorporation of the El Dorado Excelsior Gold, Siler and Copper Mining Company was also filed. The lode of the Company is located in Centerville district, El Dorado county. The capital stock of the Company is $625,000, in 6,250 shares of $100 each. The business office of the Company will be located in Folsom. The Trustees of the Company for the first three months are W.O. ST. JOHN, D.H. HOGINS, and L. STEIN.


THE PACIFIC RAILROAD - C. CADWALADER, engineer, has been engaged during the past two days in measuring and examining the graded portion of the Central Pacific Railroad, north of the American river. Some eight miles of the road, running from the river, are now complete, with the exception of the construction of two or three culverts. The track is fourteen feet wide on top, and is a well finished piece of work. The embankment in a few places, within the limit named, is about eight feet high, and some of the cuts are five or six feet deep. J. COFFEE, sub-contractor, is at work with a gang of hands at a cut rather deeper than any yet finished, about twelve miles from Front street. In five or six weeks the entire section between the American river and the Central Railroad, fourteen miles in length, will be finished and ready for the ties and rails.


CITY CENTRAL COMMITTEE - A City Central Union Committee was appointed by the Convention yesterday afternoon, composed of the following named members:



The Committee met after the adjournment of the Convention, and organized by the selection of W.B. HUNT as Chairman and M.E. GELSTON as Secretary. A committee on Finance was appointed, composed of MORSE, HYER, GELSTON, HARDY and HUNT. The Committee then adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman.


CITY TICKET - The Union City Convention met yesterday at the Sacramento Theater and nominated the following candidates for the various municipal offices to be filled at the election on Tuesday next: President of the Board of Trustees - C.H. SWIFT. Second Trustee - H.T. HOLMES. Third Trustee - Josiah JOHNSON. Auditor - B. PEARL. Assessor - J.E. SMITH. Collector - Samuel SMITH. Police Judge - S.S. HOLL. Supervisor of the First District - A.C. BIDWELL. Supervisor of the Second District - Thomas ROSS. A full report of the proceedings of the Convention will be found in another column.


POLICE COURT - Owen ROMAN was yesterday tried by the Court on a charge of petit larceny in stealing two cushions, and found guilty. In the case of Frank ASHENAUR, who was convicted on Thursday on a charge of assault and battery on A. MONTANE, a motion for a new trial was overruled, and the defendant was sentenced to pay a fine of $25 or be imprisoned 12 ½ days.  The case of D. McLAUGHLIN, charged with an assault to murder Andrew BLACK, was continued for examination until Monday next, on account of the inability of the prosecuting witness to be present.


INSANE - A man named Connor CHISHOLM was taken in custody yesterday by special officer DAKE, and confined in the station house on account of insanity. The officer found him near Eleventh and J streets, talking and acting in an insane manner. The two insane men - Julius FARMER and Philip WEBBER - who was arrested on Thursday, are still at the station house. They have been visited by the examining physicians, and will doubtless be sent back to Stockton.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Wednesday, May 6, 1863


SAN FRANCISCO - A dispatch to the Bee yesterday has the following:

In the Twelfth District Court, Susan B. BEAN was divorced from John J. BEAN, and Sarah W. BONNEY from Alpha BONNEY.  A clipper ship was reported ashore last evening at eight o’clock, near Point Bonita. No further particulars had reached us up to a late hour.  In the United States District Court, yesterday, Judge HOFFMAN rendered an opinion, instructing the Surveyor General in regard to the survey of the Sutter ranch [referred to in the Union]. It has been found that under the former instruction the rancho would contain far more than the limited amount of eleven leagues. Judge HOFFMAN orders, therefore, that the tracts known as Nos. 7 and 13, containing 1,392 and 1,767 acres respectively, shall be excluded from the survey, and all the tule land from tracts Nos. 6 and 9, and about 3,500 acres, are to be left in the Hock Farm tract. So that this will leave some persons who bought from Sutter out in the cold. The Hock Farm is of older date than the purchasers excluded, and the purchasers bought on speculation, supposing that Sutter was entitled to twenty leagues.  Greenbacks, 65@67.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Thursday, May 7, 1863



POLICE COURT - The trial of John HOOD on a charge of disturbing the peace, commenced on Monday, was resumed and concluded yesterday. The defendant was found guilty. In the case of Thomas O’MEARA, charged with assault and battery on Job COURT, partially tried on Monday, the defendant was found guilty. The case of D. McLAUGHLIN, charged with assault to murder committed upon Andrew BLACK, was dismissed on the suggestion of the Prosecuting Attorney. The prosecuting witness was not present. The case was dismissed with his consent, with a view to taking it before the Grand Jury. The charge in the case of W. WILSON, who shot Edward DENUE in a saloon on Second street, was reduced from that of assault to murder to assault  and battery, and the defendant entered a plea of guilty. The case of G. JOSUE, charged with drawing a deadly weapon, and that of J. SWEENY and W. DWYER, charged with assault and battery, were dismissed. The case of Joseph SHEAFF, charged with murder of William  KELLY, and that of Timothy KELLY, charged with an assault to murder Joseph SHEAFF, were to have taken place to-day, but were postponed on account of the non-appearance of SHEAFF. He had so far recovered on Sunday night as to leave the building to which he was taken from the Hospital. It is probable that he will appear for examination in a few days.


MISSING MAN FOUND - We mentioned several weeks ago that a man named George W. HOPKINS had mysteriously disappeared in the night from a cabin on the line of the Freeport Railroad, in Brighton township. He had been employed in superintending a portion of the work on the road. He retired to bed in usual health, and in the morning was gone, leaving his blankets, money, etc., behind. Four or five weeks had elapsed since that event and nothing had been heard of him. Yesterday Chief CLARK was informed that there was a crazy man at a public house on I street, near Second. He removed the man to the station house for safe keeping, and he proved to be the person who had disappeared from Brighton. He came to the house on I street several days ago, and gave his name as HOPKINS. He talks but little, and cannot tell where he has been during the past five or six weeks.


CHANGE OF RESIDENCE - The Rev. Dr. COHEN, who has for the last two years officiated as the minister of the Hebrew congregation, the Benai Israel, of Sacramento, has resigned his position, and designs to cast his lot with his brethren in Nevada Territory.


Sacramento Daily Union

Thursday, May 7, 1863


I.O. of G.T. - At a regular meeting of Capitol Lodge, No. 51, I.O.G.T., held on Tuesday evening, at Graham’s Hall, D.L. TOWNSEND, D.G.W.C.T., installed the following officers for the ensuing term: Theodore REICHERT, W.C.T.; Miss Frank M. STEVENS, W.V.T.;  Samuel SIMES, W.S.; Miss MITCHEL, W.T.; Albert GALLETIN, W.F.S.; D.L. TOWNSEND, W.M.; Miss Emma FISKE, W.D.M.; Miss HOSS, W.I.G.; J. THOMPSON, W.O.G.; Mrs. D.B. STEWART, W.R.H.S.; Miss Mary FISKE, W.L.H.S.; William C. BARRETT, W, Chaplain; F.E. MITCHELL, P.W.C.T.

SOCIABILITY - Yesterday forenoon a fellow, who was partially drunk, on J street, attempted to kiss a lady who was walking on the sidewalk. She did not concur, but informed N. Greene CURTIS of the fact, giving a description of the offender. On this description, officer SHEEK arrested a man named CORRINGTON. The prisoner was taken from the station house early last evening by the officer for the purpose of being identified, but as he was not brought back again it is presumed that he was not the right man and was discharged.

GRAND LARCENY - Yesterday morning J.H. WARWICK missed his gold watch at his residence, on Third street. Having cause to suspect a Chinaman who was employed in the house, he arrested him and took him to the station house.  John denied all knowledge on the subject, and, of course, refused to give any information. On returning home and instituting a thorough search, WARWICK found the watch wrapped up and secreted under an iron pot in the kitchen. The Chinaman will be examined to-day.

ARRESTS - John DOE was arrested yesterday by special officer DAKE, for assault and battery; Jim Chinaman, by J.H. WARWICK, on a charge of grand larceny in stealing a gold watch; Joseph CARRINGTON, by officer SHEEK, for misdemeanor; and Julia DAVIS, by officer LESTER, for assault and battery on Catherine CRONEN.

A COUNTER CARD - W. MANTES publishes another card in connection with the BURKE and HOLL imbroglio, stating that he authorized the BURKE statement of the affair.

BAILED OUT - William PIERCE, who has been confined in the county jail several months for killing Frank WHITE at Daylor?s ranch, gave bail yesterday in the sum of $3,000, and was released from custody.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Bee - Sacramento

Monday Evening May 11, 1863


SCHOOL TEACHER'S OATH - Justice COGGINS, accompanied by Director THOMAS, visited most of the schools this morning and administered the new oath, which is as follows (we copy that of Mr. MARINER, the head of the High School, the others being the same except change of name):


"State of California, City and County of Sacramento, as - R.K. MARINER being duly sworn, on oath says: I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign; that I will bear true faith, allegiance and loyalty to the said Constitution and Government, and that I will to the extent of my ability teach those under my charge to love, reverence and uphold the same, any law or ordinance of any State Convention or Legislature, or any rule or obligation of any society or association, or any decree or order from any source whatsoever, to the contrary notwithstanding; and further, that I will do this with a full determination, pledge and purpose, without any mental reservation or evasion whatsoever; and I do further swear that I will support the Constitution of the State of California. R.K. MARINER.


Sworn and subscribed before me, this 11th day of May, 1863. Jas. COGGINS.


We met the gentlemen on the way to the up-town schools, the following teachers having already subscribed the affidavit, vix: M.L. TEMPLETON, Mrs. Julia ORR, Mrs. Julia FOLGER, Mrs. Margaret E. WOLF, and Misses Mary HOWE, Mary A. STINEEN, Alice M. STINEEN, Fannie W. REED, Mary E. MICHENER, Elizabeth MacMILLEN, Jennie G. KERCHIVAL and Kate COLLINS.


An incident - On Saturday night, when the cannons were thundering, the bells sending forth their joyous peals, and the city was beginning to be aglow with bonfires, one, turning into O street anywhere between Seventh and Tenth, might have seen some dozen women in their night-dresses, with wrapper or shawl around them, and divided into threes and fours, cooking up little fires on that street. Thus arrayed, they gathered chips from the yards and sidewalks, and then made a raid on the wood piles, collecting light wood to make a blaze, and in a few minutes the street was brilliant. Little girls came out of their beds, with the national flag in hand, collected around the blaze, waving their banners aloft, in the full joyousness of their young hearts, while the boys made search for more fuel to pile on the fires. At one place on that street, where the women of the adjoining dwellings had exhausted their store of light wood, one of them conceived the happy idea of hewing down and casting into the fire a row of locust trees that had been killed by last years flood, and were dry as a tinder box. One woman went after her buck-saw, another for an ax, and the cutting began - the others pulling and pushing to bring the trees to the ground. All the trees were thus cut down, and when the morning came only their ashes remained. At another place on that street a woman, who had been unsuccessful in her hunt for light wood, dashed into her kitchen, grasped the basket containing the morning kindlings, and threw all into the flames. And so we hear this enthusiasm among the women prevailed in other portions of the city.


FOLSOM GAS COMPANY - The certificate of incorporation of the Folsom Gas Company was filed in the Clerk's office on Saturday last. Forty thousand dollars is the capital stock, divided into four hundred shares. J.P. ROBINSON of Sacramento, J. Mora MOSS and W.W. BEGGS of San Francisco, are elected the first trustees.


SLIGHT ACCIDENT - James H. SPORE, while working on a mowing machine on Saturday, at the ranch of WAITE and CHILDS, on the lower Stockton road, had two fingers on the left hand badly lacerated. Dr. MONTGOMERY dressed the wound.


THE FIRST - Henry STARR, on Saturday, filed in the clerk's office, his oath of allegiance, in accordance with the late Act of the Legislature, making such a procedure necessary with all attorneys who practice at the bar in this State.


RACING STOCK - On Friday Col. GIFT's celebrated mare, Ruby, dropped a filly foal by Ashland. As this is supposed to combine the best blood in the State, the Colonel will probably have a fast mare when the filly grows up.


Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, May 11, 1863


A DANGEROUS LEAP - When the Extra Union, with the news of the capture of Richmond, was issued, on Saturday night, the papers were given away at the Union office to all who applied, but many of the newsboys drove a thriving trade in selling them about the streets. Upon arrival of the San Francisco boat a rush of newsboys took place for the upper deck, and one eager lad undertook to jump on board before the boat reached the landing. The distance was greater, however, than he had calculated, and he was barely able, by dropping his papers and grasping the railing with both hands, to save himself from a watery grave. Of course the Extras fell into the water, and can only serve to enlighten water sprites as to the recent rebel disaster.

ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING - On Saturday night, during the excitement which ensued on the announcement that Richmond had been taken, James L. CLARK, aged ten years, son of Chief of Police CLARK, was accidentally shot by a boy named Bradley HOYT. HOYT had a pistol for patriotic purposes, which he had unnecessarily loaded with shot. On firing it off at Seventh and G streets a portion of the charge lodged in the back of the head of the boy CLARK. A catastrophe quite similar in character is said to have happened to very many of our citizens during the night, with the difference, however, that while young CLARK was shot in the head, they were only “shot in the neck.”

COURT OF SESSIONS - In the Court of Sessions, on Saturday, the following business was disposed of: The People vs. John H. GASS - On motion of N.  Greene CURTIS, time was granted defendant until the 18th instant to plead to the various indictments against him. The People vs. H.P. SMITH, for grand larceny, in horse stealing; the defendant having appeared for sentence, asked leave to withdraw his plea of guilty and enter a plea of not guilty; leave granted, and Frank McCONNELL appointed counsel for defendant; case set for trial on the 22d instant, at ten o’clock A.M., to which day and hour the Court adjourned.

FOR CHINA - The engine and boilers of the steamer Enterprise, now moored on the Yolo side of the river, are to be taken out and shipped to China for use on a new steamer to be shipped out from San Francisco. Captain TRUEWORTHY, who sent out the steamer Anna to China, is the agent in the present movement. The Enterprise was built in 1854, by J.A. CROCKER, for the Citizens’ Steam Navigation Company, and ran on the Marysville route some eight months. W. BOWKER will superintend the work of transferring the machinery.

DISAPPOINTED - A large procession was spontaneously formed on Saturday night, which paraded the various streets of the city, expressing everywhere their Union sentiments and their joy at the news that Richmond had been captured by KEYES and STONEMAN. On visiting the residence of Gov. STANFORD, loud calls were made for the Governor, and a general demand was also made that the flag should be raised. Their disappointment in meeting with no response was of course mollified by the reception of the information that the Governor and his family were absent at San Francisco.

SUPREME COURT - The following decisions were made and filed in the Supreme Court Saturday: People ex rel. BURR vs. Dana et al. Judgment reversed and cause remanded, with instructions to the Court below to dismiss the action.  BLANE vs. BOWMAN et al. - Judgment affirmed. WHITNEY et al. vs. CHASE et al.

·         On motion of R.P. CLEMENT, of counsel for respondents, and filing stipulation of appellant, ordered that the appeal be dismissed.


POLICE COURT - In the case of M.V. HINKSON, charged with grand larceny in stealing $115, the property of John DENN, an examination took place in the Police Court on Saturday, and the defendant was discharged. The only witness against the defendant was Jacob OULSON, who had been employed by DENN during the past year. On Friday, the day on which the money was taken, he had seen defendant near DENN’s house before nine o’clock in the morning, but did not see him go into it. Several witnesses were in Court prepared to prove an alibi, one only of whom was called to the stand. He testified to the fact that the defendant had arrived in the city on Friday evening with his team, and that he and others were with him in the city at the hour at which OULSON had sworn that he was out at DENN’s ranch. The defendant was discharged and OULSON was subsequently arrested on suspicion of having committed the larceny.

PUBLIC SCHOOLS - The public schools of the city will reopen to-day, at the usual hour. The teachers will be visited during the day by a Justice of the Peace, accompanied by the President of the board of Education, and sworn in according to the requirements of law. Male and female teachers alike are required to take the oath.

ACCIDENT - On Saturday morning a man named James H. SPORE, who was employed on the ranch of WAITE and CHILDS, on the lower Stockton road, had two fingers of his left hand badly lacerated by a mowing machine. He was brought to the city and received surgical aid from Dr. MONTGOMERY.

THE OATH - On Saturday morning last Henry STARR filed in the office of the County Clerk his oath of loyalty, as required by the late enactment of the Legislature. This is the first instrument of this character filed. Other attorneys will, of course, follow suit.

COUNTY COURT - The only business transacted in the County Court on Saturday was the following: McCOMBER vs. STEVENS - Motion to retax cost bill granted, by striking out $6.40 and costs of this motion.

DEATHS - There were eight deaths in the city during the last week. Four of the deceased were adults and four were minors.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Bee, Sacramento

Tuesday Evening, May 12, 1863


SQUALIDNESS - Towards the close of last week the Chief of Police and officer Cody visited the premises of Joseph BROWN, on I street, between Eleventh and Twelfth. Their attention had been called to the fact that at the place above mentioned, a man either sick or crazy, or both, was lying in a hogshead and appeared to be suffering terribly. The officers went there and found BROWN coiled up in a hogshead, and exhibiting every appearance of being in great suffering. It seemed to them that he was in the last stages of consumption. It is described to us that everything in and around the premises was filthy in the extreme. Foul odors filled the air and dirt was to be seen and felt in all directions. Chief CLARK says that he would not have believed that so disgusting a place existed in the city. BROWN seemed to have a great objection to going into the house where his family was. So far as attractiveness and cleanliness were concerned, the house and the hogshead were about "six and half a dozen." The officers viewed the premises and the accommodations, and as BROWN appeared to be quiet and tractable, they did not think it necessary to remove him, but left him in a fix a good deal like that Diogones was proud of. Since then, the Board of Physicians have, we understand, examined BROWN, and found him a fit subject for the lunatic asylum. We have not visited Brown's place, but from all we can learn, it is a splendid ground for the exhibition of philanthropy, and the sowing of good seed in general.


A RIFLE - This forenoon, a man quite young in years, went to the store of J. DAVIS, on Fourth street between J and K ,and offered to leave on deposit a valuable rifle, if he could by such operation raise the sum of twenty-five dollars. Mr. DAVIS told him that he could not, on the article, advance that sum of money. He then asked how much could be advanced. He received no encouragement. Just at this time, N. LAWSON, who was passing, was shown the rifle, and he at once said that the weapon was property of Mr. ---- SAUNDERS, who lives in the country, somewhere near the city. The young man was put under arrest, and on being searched there were found on him a pistol and a gold watch. Other circumstances attending the arrest go to show that the person who offered to sell the rifle has been guilty of either a grand or petit larceny.


INSANITY - An insane man named James CAPE arrived here yesterday from Tehama, and at two o'clock took passage for Benicia, there to be transferred to the Stockton beat for conveyance to the Lunatic Asylum. Joseph BROWN, on I street, between Eleventh and Twelfth, is as crazy as ever, and will probably be removed to Stockton to-morrow, or else taken to the station house. G.C. HOPKINS, the insane man who was taken to the city jail last week, became so debilitated by his disease and confinement, that although an order had been issued for his removal to the Asylum, it was thought that he could not stand the journey; so this morning he was sent to the City and County Hospital. C.A. SWIFT, at one time teacher of the Sacramento High School, is still at the station house, he having been arrested as insane. Dr. SIMMONS made a pro...ional examination of him this morning, but we have not heard his opinion of the case.


THE SUTTER GRANT - We find the following in the Union's San Francisco dispatch:


"The survey of the Sutter grant, embracing the city of Sacramento and surrounding lands, and also a strip of land containing about 6,000 acres, lying between the mouth of the American and Feather rivers, was finally confirmed by the District Court of the United States this morning. A motion made in the same cause by CADWALADER, in behalf of claimants, to reopen and prove the validity of the Sobrante grant or twenty-two league was denied."

THE FIRST LAND - Professor AGASSIS, in his scientific articles in the Atlantic Monthly, under the title, "America the Old World," maintains that the American continent has been falsely denominated the New World. "Here was the first dry land lifted out of the waters, here was the first shore that was washed by the ocean that enveloped all the world besides, and while Europe was represented only by islands rising here and there above the sea, America already stretched an unbroken line of land from Nova Scotia to the Far West."


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Bee - Sacramento

Thursday Evening May 14, 1863




TRUSTEES - The Board of City Trustees met this morning at ten o'clock. Minutes of yesterday's meeting read and approved. Bond of S.S. HOLL as Police Judge, given in the sum of $5,000 was submitted, read and approved - the sureties on the same being E. MAYO, J. ROWAN, Jas. LANSING, Thos. HAMILL, P. FRANKLIN, W.C. FELCH, J.A. DUFFY and Jas. COGGINS.


Bond of E. H. HEACOCK as City Attorney given in the sum of $10,000 with N.G. CURTIS and L.H. FOOTE as sureties was approved. Communication as follows was received by the Board: "Sacramento, May 14th, 1863, To the Hon. Board of Trustees - Gentlemen: As I see by the Union newspaper that you are about to elect policemen, I think it my duty as a citizen and tax payer to lay before you a complaint against one of the present police force. At the late primary election, held at the Union House, Fourth Street, I was attacked and badly beaten by one Tip McLAUGHLIN. F. CHAMBERLAIN, one of the policemen, was a looker on during the whole affair, and made no arrest. He was afraid to make the arrest or he was partial to McLAUGHLIN and his crowd of rowdies. Such a policeman, in my opinion, is more of an injury to the citizens of Sacramento than a benefit. I will also state that there is a man in the County Hospital since that day, who had his limbs so badly injured and bruised at said place of election, and by the same parties who attacked me - and that said CHAMBERLAIN was an eye witness and made no arrest. I will take no further action with said CHAMBERLAIN until the Grand Jury meets. I can make affidavit to the above facts. I also saw officer BURKE take sides with parties in a row, had encouraged parties to commit assault with intent to kill. Said Officer BURKE, in my opinion, is not a fit and proper to occupy the position of policeman in this city. Great blame was very justly attached to some of our former policemen, but the present force, or at least some of them, are no better; for in many instances they wink at crime. Place said CHAMBERLAIN and BURKE on the police, and let them be detailed for duty at the police on the day of the election, and a certain crowd of rowdies can control the ballot box. Hoping you may give this communication a hearing. I remain, most respectfully yours, Andrew BLACK." This document was ordered on file. Jesse MORRILL had permission to address the Board. He stated that on the day of the election he saw the difficulty between BLACK and McLAUGHLIN. He saw Officer CHAMBERLAIN jump in between and try to separate them. He was tossed aside, and incapable of doing anything till aided by other officers. J. MORRILL would, if necessary, make oath to this statement. Counter affidavits relating to charges against Policeman SHEEN were read and laid aside, as the Board had no official knowledge that any such charge or charges had been made against such officer. The attention of the Board was called to the flooded condition of a portion of the lower part of the city. Towards correcting the evil no action was taken. The Board took a recess till 3 o'clock.


ATTEMPTED SUICIDE - This morning, about half past five o'clock, persons engaged in the kitchen of the Cincinnati Restaurant heard calls for help proceeding from an upper and back window in the Union Hotel. They informed the clerk of the hotel, and he, on going into the court yard, saw a stream of blood running down the side of the house, and the head of a man projecting out of the window. On going up stairs to the room it was ascertained that William S. WHITE, who had for several days been quite unwell, and was much depressed in spirits, had made an attempt to take his own life. The weapon used was the small blade of a pocket-knife, about an inch in length, which he had pushed into the right side of his neck, making a small wound, which bled quite freely. When the clerk got into the room WHITE had left the window and was lying on the bed. Dr. CLAPP came to attend to the wants of the wounded man, and he found it necessary to use but plaster in stopping the bleeding. The knife blade, in penetrating the neck, passed close by one of the large blood vessels, which if penetrated would have probably caused WHITE's death in a few moments. Those persons who were with WHITE yesterday say that he was under the influence of morphine or chloroform, or both, and the effect of the drug was to produce temporary insanity.


TURNER FESTIVAL - The Committee of fifteen, whose duty it is to make arrangements for the grand Turner festival, to come off in this city next month, met last evening and agreed upon the programme and order of exercises. On Saturday, June 13th, the visiting Turners and Singers will be received. On Sunday the exercises of the festival will really commence, with a picnic, to be enjoyed at some spot not yet decided upon. The day following there will be the grand procession, with the three military companies - Sacramento Hussars, City Guard and National Guard - doing duty as escort. After marching through the principal streets of the city, the precession will move to the picnic, where an excellent collation will be discussed by the Turners, the military and visiting societies. On Tuesday, the last day of the festival, the Turners and their guests will seek pleasure as fancy may dictate.


THE RIFLE CASE - J. THORNTON, arrested for trying to dispose of a rifle belonging to O. SAUNDERS, and who was charged with grand larceny on that account, appeared before the Police Court this forenoon for examination. The prosecution reduced the charge from grand to petit larceny, and the matter received further modification. SAUNDERS said that he had given the defendant permission to take the rifle when he wished, and under the representations made by SAUNDERS, the prosecuting attorney entered a nolle prosequi, and the defendant was discharged.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Bee - Sacramento

Monday Evening May 18, 1863




SERENADE - It is surmised that a number of citizens of Sacramento have determined to compliment Judge S.J. FIELD with a serenade previous to his departure from this city, where he has so long resided. It is known by all that the Judge has been called by the President and Senate of the United States to a higher sphere - to the Supreme bench of the United States in fact - and as such Judge, to preside over the United States Circuit Court. He has vacated his seat upon the Supreme bench of the State and will soon leave for San Francisco; wherefore, those who esteem him as a man and honor him as a patriot, for his outspoken and unflinching loyalty, have thought meet to offer him musical adieu. It is said that it will take place about ten o'clock to-morrow night, in the vicinity of the Vernon House, where the Judge's family at present reside.


COURT OF SESSIONS, TO-DAY - J.H. GASS, forgery and grand larceny; demurrer to indictments filed, and motion for change of venue set for hearing on Saturday next. Thos. JACKSON, grand larceny; trial continued till 23d instant, and witnesses put under the rule to appear at that time. Thos. H. ARMIGER, assault to murder; continued for the term, and defendant remanded into custody until a new bond in the sum of $1,500 be given. Adjourned till 10 o'clock, A.M., to-morrow.


LATE RAIN - At eight o'clock, this morning, the sky suddenly became cloudy and the rain began to fall in heavy showers, transforming dust into mud and doing away with all need of those institutions known as "sprinklers." After a heavy rain of an hour or two, we had a temporary season of sunshine. The clouds are again in the sky and the prospect is "more rain." Rain, just now, is calculated to do more harm than good to the farmer.


CASH - Amounts as follows were paid over on Saturday last: District Attorney, taxes of '61, $278.87; taxes of '62, $612.12. County Clerk, fees in general office and District Court, $81.10; fees for recording, etc., $71; fees in Probate and County Courts, $94.65; to Probate Judge's fund, $11. Sheriff, State licenses, $342.50; County license, $4,358.75; fees and commissions; $193.91. Assessor, Sate poll tax, $227.10. Clerk of the Water Works, $445.


POUNDMASTER - Nearly all the members of the Board of Supervisors have signed a document recommending the City Trustees to reelect Eli MAYO to the position of Poundmaster. We believe that there is but one other applicant for the position, and he is objected to by some who think him too old for the active service required of a Poundmaster who thoroughly attends his duty.


PROBATE COURT, TO-DAY - Estate of J.W. MARTIS, deceased; final account referred to John S. BARRETT, to report thereon on the 25th instant. Estate of Seth BRIGGS, deceased; the hearing of the citation issued against the administratrix of this estate to show cause why she should not amend the inventory, coming on to be heard, the case is continued indefinitely.


COUNTING THE VOTE -The Board of Supervisors, met this morning at half-past ten o'clock ,all the members being present, except Mr. HALL. On motion it was determined to suspend the usual order of business and count the vote for supervisors. That work is now progressing and will probably occupy several hours.


CITY TRUSTEES - At the adjourned meeting of the Board of City Trustees, held last Saturday afternoon; the bond of H. MILLER as City Treasurer, given in the sum of $150,000, with D.O. MILLS and A. HEYWOOD as sureties was approved. Adjourned till two o'clock this afternoon.

RACE - At the Union Park Course the Spring races closed on Saturday last with the contest between "Miami," Beauregard" and "Woodford" - mile heats, best three in five for a purse of $300. "Miami" won the three first heats in 1:50 - 1:50 - 1:53.


POLICE COURT TO-DAY - E.S. HINDMAN, grand larceny; examination postponed till to-morrow. James NOLAN, receiving stolen goods; attachments ordered to issue for defrauding witnesses, and trial put off till to-morrow.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Union

Sacramento, May 23, 1863


BLACK SPANISH - During the progress of the trial of J. CARR in the Court of Sessions yesterday forenoon, on a charge of horse stealing, a fight occurred in the entry - the door being open - between A.A. BENNETT and Levi CASTLE. The occurrence taking place in full view of the Court, Judge CLARK ordered the arrest of the offenders and fined them $25 each for contempt of Court. BENNETT and CASTLE both own Black Spanish and other fancy poultry, and both sell eggs for hatching, realizing, it is presumed, lucrative prices for them. In the quarrel of yesterday Bennett accused Castle of having said that Bennett boiled his eggs before selling them, or pricked them, etc. etc., to prevent their hatching, ir order, of course, to prevent the breed from becoming too numerous. Castle accused Bennett of having said that his (Castle's) Black Spanish rooster was not of a pure breed. The suggestion as to boiled eggs brought Bennett's blood to boiling heat, and the imputation upon Castle's rooster brought the owner at once to the fighting point. Castle called Bennett a liar and Bennett struck him in the face. Castle proposed to go into the street and settle the case, but the officers of the law interfered and the conflict was suppressed.


COUNTY OFFICERS - The Union County Convention will meet in this city on the 3d of June. One of the purposes of the Convention is the nomination of a county ticket to be supported at the next general election, although it is possible that this branch of duty will - after the selection of delegates to the State convention - be deferred four or five weeks by an adjournment of the Convention. Whenever the nominations are made the following names, among others, will be likely to be submitted for the consideration of members in framing the ticket: For Sheriff - B.N. BUGBEY, James McCLATCHY, L. HARRIS, John ROONEY and James WHITCOMB; For County Clerk - James F. MADDEN, Amos ADAMS and W. TIMSON; For Treasurer - F.S. LARDNER, George L. LYTLE and W.E. CHAMBERLAIN; For District Attorney - Henry STARR, M.M. ESTEE, D.W. WELTY and L.B. MARSHALL; For District Judge, J.H. McKUNE; For County Judge, R.C. CLARK; For State Senator - J.H. WARWICK; For Assemblymen - W.B. HUNT, L.S. TAYLOR, Dr. DUNCOMBE and Larkin LAMB. There will of course be a large number of additional candidates brought before the nominations are made.


BOARD OF TRUSTEES - An adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees was held last evening at Jordan's building. Present, SWIFT and JOHNSON. Johnson offered Ordinances No. 3, amendatory to Ordinance No. 87, relative to the city pound - was submitted, read and laid over under the rule. The bond of C.G. CALDWELL, policeman, in the sum of $500, with A.B. NIXON and Joseph HALL as sureties, was submitted and approved. The bond of S. SMITH, City Collector, in the sum of $60,000, with thirty-five different citizens as sureties, was submitted and laid over for consideration until the next meeting.


TARANTULAS - An Italian who has had the misfortune to lose both hands and both eyes by some accident, accompanied by a small girl, did a heavy trade yesterday afternoon, at Fourth and J streets, in the sale of ingeniously manufactured artificial spiders. These articles are made in imitation of the tarantula, of large size, and are fitted out with the legs of wire, the vibration of which, when suspended, give them the appearance of life and animation. They were commended to purchasers for the double purpose of pleasing children and frightening flies.


DESTITUTION - A man named W.K. SHERIDAN, whose left arm is paralyzed and who is otherwise physically disabled, has spent the most of his time during the past two weeks among the bales of hay which are piled on the levee, near the foot of N street. He says he has applied for admission to the Hospital, but was refused for the want of a proper certificate. He was formerly a member of Captain JOHNS' company of Volunteers, but was dismissed on account of ill health. He desires to go to Marysville where he says he has friends.


POLICE COURT - In the Police Court yesterday, Phillip GOMEZ was tried and convicted of disturbing the peace; L. LINDSAY was tried and convicted of being drunk and lying on the sidewalk. In the case of WILLIAMS and BOOTH (colored), charged with the larceny of furniture, and partially examined on Thursday, the charge of larceny was subsequently dismissed, and the defendant Williams entered a plea of guilty to a charge of disturbance of the peace. Waiving time, he was fined $10.


RECOVERED - Some four weeks ago a horse belonging to D.J. THOMAS was stolen from Sargent's ranch, on the upper Stockton road. On Thursday last information was received to the effect that the horse was at Carpenter's ranch, four miles beyond Folsom. Yesterday E.T. COLE succeeded in finding and bringing him to the city. It is presumed that the thief had ridden the horse on the road to Washoe as far as convenient and then turned him loose.


RAILROAD INJUNCTION SUIT - The application of J.P. ROBINSON for an injunction to prohibit the issuing of county bonds for the benefit of the Pacific Railroad Company, was to have been argued in the District Court yesterday. J.G. HYER appeared as counsel for the petitioner, and George R. MOORE for the Pacific Railroad Company. The case was, by consent, continued until Monday next.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Daily Union

Monday May 25, 1863 

COURT OF SESSIONS - The Court of Sessions met on Saturday, pursuant to adjournment. Present: Judges CLARK, CONE and CROUSE. The case of Thomas JACKSON, charged with grand larceny, was continued, on motion of the District Attorney, until the 13th of July, on account of the absence of witnesses. Thomas CLARK, Basil PERKINS, W.O. DUDDON and A. GREGGS were placed under rule to appear as witnesses on that day, without further notice. In the case of the People vs. J.H. GASS, a motion for a change of venue was argued by counsel and taken under advisement by the Court. The Court then adjourned until Thursday, the 28th instant, at which time convicted parties are to appear for sentence. 

POUND ORDINANCE - An amended Pound Ordinance was adopted by the Board of Trustees, on Saturday evening. It provides that a Pound master shall be elected for one year on the first Monday in June, and that his official bond shall be in the penal sum of $1,000. It provides further, that cattle, horses, etc., shall not be allowed to run at large within the city limits, excepting two cows to each family, and they may run east of Fourteenth street and south of the north levee or C street, between eight o’clock A.M. and sunset. 

TO APPEAR FOR SENTENCE - It was ordered in the Court of Sessions on Saturday that the prisoners who have just been convicted in that Court appear for sentence on Thursday next, at ten o’clock A.M. The following is the list: George DAVIS, grand larceny, in stealing a violin; James MURRAY, petty larceny, in aiding DAVIS in stealing the violin; H.P. SMITH, grand larceny, in stealing a horse from Miller’s livery stable; John POMME, burglary, in entering Figg’s store, etc. 

ARRESTS - The following arrests were made during Saturday and yesterday by the city police: John DOE, by officer CODY, for exposure of person, John E. BAKER, by MARTZ and CODY, for petit larceny in stealing a pair of pants belonging to E. PERRY. Jessie TAYLOR, by officer AMES, for assault and battery on Margaret GALLAGHER. Daniel HARE, by special officer LOCKE, for sleeping on the sidewalk. David D. VALENTINE, by officer BROWN, for sleeping on the sidewalk. 

POLICE COURT - In the Police Court, on Saturday, F. GOMEZ, who had previously been convicted of disturbing the peace, was fined $10 by Judge HOLL. L. LINDSEY, previously convicted of sleeping on the sidewalk, was also fined a like amount. Elizabeth BRANNIGAN, charged with assault and battery on Jessie TAYLOR, entered a plea of guilty. John DOE, charged with vagrancy, was tried and found guilty. 

DISTRICT COURT - The following cases are set for hearing in the District Court to-day: Anna M. OLDS vs. M.L. OLDS; D.D. PHILLIPS vs. A. RICH et al.; J.P. ROBINSON vs. A.C. BIDWELL et al. The last named case is the Pacific Railroad injunction suit. J.G. ILYER and Tod ROBINSON are counsel for plaintiff, and George R. MOORE for defendants. 

DISCHARGED FROM DEBT – In the case of Thos. RICHARDSON vs. His Creditors, a decree was on Saturday ordered entered in the County Court, discharging plaintiff from his debts and liabilities, and setting aside certain property as exempt from execution. 

BOARD OF EDUCATION - A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education will be held this evening at the offices of the Secretary, No. 117 J street. The Principals of the several schools must send in the nomination of their assistants, to the Board this evening.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, June 1, 1863



County School Examination - In compliance with the provisions of the School Law, Dr. F.W. HATCH, County Superintendent, through the past week (being accompanied the first day or two by J.B. HARMON, and afterwards by D. J.  THOMAS), has been holding the annual examinations of the county common schools and delivering the yearly addresses or lectures to the trustees, teachers, parents, guardians, etc. We learn that there are forty-six duly, organized public schools in this county, and that they contain over fourteen hundred pupils. The result of the examination completed is said to have been very satisfactory, so far as teachers and scholars were concerned, but that the general style and condition of the school-houses and of - or, rather, want of - school furniture and the modern appliances for imparting instruction (alphabet and spelling and reading charts, maps, globes, blackboards, convenient desks, comfortable seats, etc.) are such as not to create any very extravagant feeling of local pride on the subject; but still it is stated that great improvement in these matters has been made during the year. Thus far but one teacher, in either the city or county, has declined or objected to taking the requisite oath of allegiance. He obtained his warrant up to the day the new law went into effect and resigned his school and quit the profession. Dr. HATCH, either accompanied by one of the above named gentlemen or Judge HARTLEY, will probably proceed with is labors to-morrow.

CERTIFICATE FILED - The certificate of incorporation of the Capital Prospecting and Mining Company was filed in the County Clerk’s office on Saturday. The object of the company is set forth as follows: “The prospecting of grounds and claims, both under the location of claims and

ground by ourselves and under contract and agreement with persons who have taken up and located and own claims supposed to contain gold, silver, copper, or other precious or valuable minerals or valuable matter or substance, and in so doing to acquire an interest in or ownership of the grounds and claims so owned, whenever such prospecting shall discover valuable ores, minerals, etc.” The capital stock of the company is $20,000, in ten shares of $2,000 each. The business office of the company will be located in Sacramento. The company is composed of the following named members: Edgar MILLS, A.K.P. HARMON, James BAILEY, George D. ALDRICH, D.W. WELTY, W.S. MESICK, L.H. FOOTE, C.C. JENKS, C.W. REED and James BOWSTEAD.The first nine named on the list are constituted trustees for the first three months.


PIONEER MEETING - A regular monthly meeting of the Sacramento Pioneer Association was held at the usual place on Saturday evening. N.L. FREW made a motion that the Society celebrate the anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill, on the 17th of June. W. GWYN, proprietor of Alabaster Cave, in El Dorado county, invited the Society to make an excersion to the cave on that day.  Other propositions were made, as steamboat excersions, etc. A committee was appointed, composed of N.L. DREW, James LANSING, J. McGUIRE, W. GWYN and S.B. ROBBINS, with instructions to confer with steamboat and railroad agents with regard to an excursion on the day named and report to the next meeting of the Society. The Secretary reported the reception of agricultural reports from Senator LATHAM, and BURNETT’s work on the American Government, from the author. The meeting then adjourned until Monday evening, the 8th of June.

COURT OF SESSIONS - The Court of Sessions met on Saturday, pursuant to adjournment. Present - Judges CLARK, CONE and CROUSE. In the case of The People vs. J.H. GASS, the counsel for defendant made a motion to set aside the indictments (eleven in number), on the ground that the Court was not legally constituted  - one of the Associates, W.W. CROUSE, not being an American citizen. The motion for a change of venue previously made was granted, and the case was sent to Placer county. An order was made directing the Sheriff to send the defendant to that county. Counsel for the defense asked for a suspension of the order for the removal of the prisoner for the present, but the Court adhered to the order. The Court, after sentencing John POMME to three years imprisonment, for burglary, adjourned sine die.

ARRESTS - Following arrests were made during Saturday and yesterday: R.  FOX, by officer LOCKE, for assault and battery on John LINESS; Indian Joe, by officer CODY, for disturbance of the peace; T. FALLON, by special officer LESTER, for grand larceny. In the last named case the defendant was arrested on a warrant issued by Judge HOLL, on the affidavit of AE. DALE, charging him with the larceny of a yoke of cattle. FALLON’s statement is that DALE rented a ranch in Yolo county for two years, and recently sub-let it to FALLON. In doing so he told him to break in and use certain cattle which belonged to the owner of the ranch. Accordingly he left the ranch - his family remaining on it - and came with a team to the city to load for Washoe, and was arrested as above stated.

INJUNCTION SUIT - W. WALDRON commenced suit in the District Court on Saturday, against the Placerville and Sacramento Valley Railroad Company, asking for an injunction to prevent defendants from constructing their road through plaintiff’s farm and vineyard, near Folsom. The Company was directed by Judge McKUNE to appear and show cause why said injunction should not be granted.

CITIZENSHIP - In the Court of Sessions on Saturday, in the case of the People vs. J.H. GASS, the question was raised by counsel of the right of Associate Justice CROUSE to occupy that position. It was stated that Justice CROUSE was born in Canada, of parents who had removed from Connecticut, and therefore that he is not a citizen of the United States, under the law of Congress touching the question.

NEW SUIT - J. ROTH commenced suit on Saturday, in the District Court, against P.L. DUSTON, for the sum of $2,771.67, the indebtedness having accrued for saddlery, harness, etc., sold and delivered to defendant.

PROBATE - In the matter of the estate of David E. WADE, deceased, the petition of James BANDY, administrator, praying for an order to sell personal property, was filed on Saturday, and set for hearing June 15th.

COMPROMISED - The case of the People vs. HIDDEN, in which the defendant was originally fined $50 for the larceny of a squash, has been compromised in the Police Court on the payment of half that sum.

OUT AGAIN - Jared IRWIN, County Clerk, who has been seriously ill for seven weeks, has so far recovered as to be able yesterday to ride eight or nine miles into the country.

STILL IN THE FIELD - W. McMITCHELL denies the report that he has withdrawn from the canvass for the office of Sheriff, and says he will be a candidate until the selection is made.

EXAMINATION - The examination of Captain EMERSON, on several charges of swindling, etc., will take place to-day before Judge HOLL in the Police Court.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday June 2, 1863 

FATAL AFFRAY - An altercation took place at Eagle Creek, in Shasta county, May 24th, in which Peter LOPEZ shot and fatally wounded Matthew POINTON. The shot took effect in the abdomen and passed through the bladder, producing death on the following day. Lopez was arrested and had an examination before Justice HART, at Horsetown, on the 25th, when he was committed to the county jail, to await the action of the next Grand Jury. 

COPPER IN SHASTA - Lately one M.A. CHARSON discovered a rich copper claim on the east fork of Clear creek, about eighteen miles from Shasta. An assay was made which showed the rock to be rich. 

LEG AMPUTATED - A young man named Lorenzo ACKLEY, at Lowery’s ranch, on Butte creek, near Chico, had his leg so badly injured by the accidental discharge of a shotgun last week as to render amputation necessary. 

BOUND EAST - Dr. W.P. TILDEN, Resident Physician of the State Insane Asylum, has taken his departure for the Atlantic States by the Overland route. He will visit many of the Eastern Asylums for the insane.  

UNION MEETING IN SAN JOAQUIN - On Saturday evening, May 30th, there was an enthusiastic meeting at Woodbridge, on the Mokelumne. It was addressed by G.W. TYLER and H.B. UNDERHILL. 

FINE CHERRIES - We acknowledge the receipt of some excellent cherries of large size and the Ox Heart variety, from the garden of Mrs. E.L. NICHOLS, Horseshoe Bar, Placer county

COMMUTED - Governor STANFORD has commuted the sentence of Jacob GREER, in Butte county, from the death penalty to imprisonment in the State Prison for Life.   

INDIAN DEPREDATIONS IN TRINITY - John McCAMMON, residing on Trinity river, gives, under date of May 26th, to the Trinity Journal, the following account of Indian depredations by which he suffered:

On Thursday evening, May 14th, between seven and eight o’clock, I was attacked by some forty Indians. I was standing on the front “stoop”, when two rifle balls passed close to my head. Immediately after came a shower of balls, completely riddling the side of the house. I got my arms as soon as possible, gave my shot gun to John MYERS, who was in company with me, and consulted with him about holding the house until dark, which we concluded to do, but we soon changed our minds, as the Indians were advancing. I saw at once that we must run, which we did. We started down the river to give the alarm. I took an old Indian trail and got lost, and could not return until day-break. I then returned and found my house burned to the ground. During the night I kept close to the river, endeavoring to get to my ferry boat to cross and give the alarm. I came up to Big Flat the following day, where I got twelve men, and three from North Fork. We returned the next day to my place and found everything burned, outhouses and all. My impression is that no flour or rice was burned. Everything was packed off. I am quite certain they have a pack train. After spending an hour on Cedar Flat we went on to BRAINARD’s and found his house burned. From thence we went to WINSLETT’s and found his place burned. We then concluded to go on some three miles further, to TINSLEY’s, but we had not gone far before we fell in with his pack train. His house was safe, but the family, in company with Winslett and others, had gone to New River, and from thence to Big Flat. We accompanied Tinsley’s train to Manzanita Flat. Lower Trinity is now deserted entirely. Had we a few more men and arms, I have no doubt we could have got back a good portion of the goods and a number of redskins in the bargain. 

APPOINTMENT - Governor Stanford has appointed Miles N. MITCHELL, Commissioner of Deeds for Virginia City, Nevada Territory. 

A MURDEROUS ASSAULT - The Stockton Independent of June 1st has the following:

At about half-past nine o’clock on Friday evening last, two men, one of whom was masked, knocked at the door of the store of Dr. LOCKE at Lockeford, on the Mokelumne, and demanded admission, as they stated, for the purpose of purchasing a pair of boots. The father of Dr. Locke, who is accustomed to sleep in the store, answered the call, and as he opened the door he was struck upon the head with a pistol which knocked him senseless. He recovered, however, almost instantly, and upon gaining his footing the companion of the assassin who had struck him the blow with the pistol, as if determined to finish the work of death in which the other had failed, drew a knife and stabbed Locke three time, once in the breast and twice in the back, also cutting his hand severely in the struggle which ensued for the possession of the weapon. Locke is a man well advanced in years, and at the time of the assault upon him was alone in the store. The robbers suspecting they were in danger of arousing the neighbors, fled before their contemplated work of murder and robbery had been consummated, one of them leaving his hat behind. Who they were, there is no means of knowing. Locke is in a critical condition, and being aged and somewhat infirm his wounds have an effect upon him which it is feared may prove fatal.  

SEVERELY INJURED - William BORROUGHS, of Deadwood, Siskiyou county, met with a very severe, and perhaps fatal accident, lately, by being thrown our of a carriage.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, June 15, 1863


POLICE COURT - SATURDAY - LEVY, of the firm of Cohn & Levy, paid his fine of $10, for obstructing the sidewalk, in violation of the ordinance, the Court being satisfied that no preliminary notice was required. R. WALSH, for disturbing the peace at his place, corner of Third and L streets, was fined $40, with the alternative of twenty days imprisonment. Thomas O’CONNOR and Patrick CARRICK were tried by the Court for stealing six dollars from an Indian girl called Lizzie, who occupies a small room on Second street, and passes for Spanish. Each defendant was sworn, and denied ever having seen the girl before, and her testimony not being admissible they were discharged. After the case had been decided a man present said he saw them run out of Lizzie’s room at the time of the alleged larceny, and one of them dropped a half dollar. The Court said it was too late for him to testify, but it was apparent that perjury had been committed. The money supposed to have been stolen was returned to O’CONNOR.

CHARGES OF RAPE - Special officer LESTER was arrested yesterday by officer MARTZ on a charge of assault to commit rape, a warrant having been issued by Judge HOLL on an affidavit sworn to by officer CHAMBERLAIN. He was also arrested subsequently by officer AMES on a charge of rape. These offenses are alleged to have been committed several months ago on girls between twelve and thirteen years of age. Judge HOLL fixed the bail of the defendant on the first charge at $1,000, and during the afternoon the bond was made out and signed for the necessary amount, but one of the sureties concluded to withdraw his name, and the example was followed by the others. LESTER, when in charge of MARTZ, made threats against the life of CHAMBERLAIN for the part he had taken against him. He was therefore directed, when in Judge HOLL’s office, to give up his pistol, but refused to do so, and it was taken from him by officers MARTZ and CODY and Judge HOLL.

OFFICERS APPOINTED - The following named non-commissioned officers have been appointed by the newly elected Captain of the Sacramento Hussars: Orderly Sergeant, G.B. SCHWARTZ; First Sergeant, John BUTCHER, Second Sergeant, A.  NEUBAUER; Third Sergeant, Charles SELLENGER; Fourth Sergeant, A. ROSS, First Corporal, J. RETZ; Second Corporal, A.D. LABASSE; Third Corporal, J.  MEISTER; Fourth Corporal, George UHL; Treasurer, F. WAGONBLAST; Standard Bearer, H. MYERS.

CHARGE OF GRAND LARCENY - A man named Charles JONES was arrested by officer NORRIS on Saturday evening at the Melodeon, on a charge of grand larceny, committed in Solano county. He had been intrusted by his employer, J.H.  BAILEY, with $180 for the purpose of paying to a third party, but mounted a horse and came to this city. When arrested he had in his possession a purse marked “J.H. BAILEY,” containing $127.10.

SUPREME COURT - In the Supreme Court on Saturday the following order was made in chambers: McLARREN vs. HUTCHINSON - Motion of George ROWE, of counsel for appellant, for writ of certiorari, granted.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, June 16, 1863


MEETING LAST NIGHT - An adjourned meeting was held last evening at the County Court room of the various delegations appointed to make arrangements for the celebrations of the approaching National anniversary. N.L. DREW, President of the former meeting, occupied the chair, and A.R. JACKSON acted as Secretary. The Committee appointed on Saturday to select the General Committee to make arrangements for the celebration made the following report: "Your Committee, to whom was referred the nomination of fifteen from the citizens at large, to act as a Committee of General Arrangements, with additional members, that may be sent as delegates from all the Associations, military and civic, in our city and vicinity, to act with said Committee to consummating arrangements to properly celebrate our eighty-seventh anniversary of National Independence, respectfully submit the following names: J.H. CARROLL, Maj. HOWELL, R.J. GRAHAM, John ARNOLD, N.L. DREW, W. McMITCHELL, James McCLATCHY, C. WEIL, George ROWLAND, C.T. WHEELER, D.W. WELTY, J. FRIEND, James LANSING, C.H. MARVIN, J. HOVEY." The above report was accepted, and the meeting adjourned sine die.


DIVORCE SUIT - Parmelia TAYLOR commenced suit yesterday against her husband, Edward B. TAYLOR, from whom she asks for a divorce. The complaint states that the parties were married on the 3d of July, 1845, at Springfort, Jackson county, Michigan. After residing there two years they removed, and resided for different periods in several other States. They came to California in 1857, and have lived in Sacramento county over one year. They have six children - John, Henry, Charles, William, George and  Franklin - aged, respectively, seventeen, fifteen, thirteen, eleven, eight and five years. Plaintiff avers that she has ever been a true and faithful wife, and that she has always performed her duty to her husband and family. It is also averred that defendant has been intemperate, shiftless and lazy; that he has not provided for his family, or endeavored to do so; that he was expelled from the Odd Fellows Association and the organization of Good Templars, and has since been drunken in habit and violent in disposition; he is accused, among other charges, of brutal treatment toward his wife by beating, ordering her out of the house, etc.


PROBATE - In the matter of the estate of J.L. LOCKETT, deceased - Letters of administration ordered to issue to R.S. LOCKETT upon the filing bonds in the sum of $1,000. Estate of A.C. DAVIS, deceased - Application for letters of administration granted to Public Administrator. Estate of D.E. WADE, deceased - Application of administrator for sale of personal property granted. Estate of Seth BRIGGS, deceased - hearing on citation continued until the 30th instant, at 10 o?clock A.M. Estate of Bernard COLEMAN,

deceased - Petition of Public Administrator for letters filed and set for hearing on the 29th instant. Estate of John BRADY, deceased - After hearing the testimony of C. CLARENBACH, W.H. MILLER and HANNAN concerning the application for citation against Peter MILLER to show cause why he should not answer questions touching the property of the deceased, said application was taken under advisement until June 22d.


COUNTY COURT - The County Court met yesterday, pursuant to adjournment, Judge CLARK on the bench. The case of J.Q. SMITH vs. James WEAR was continued until July 6th. Laura A. FAIR vs. Her Creditors - On motion of H.H. HARTLEY it is ordered that J.J. ENGLISH be and he is hereby authorized and permitted to proceed under the execution issued in this case in the Court of G. HAINES, Justice of the Peace, in the case of ENGLISH vs. FAIR,  against all property levied on under said execution, prior to the date of filing plaintiff?s schedule, and may also proceed against the garnishes already served in this case prior to said time.


SERIOUS ACCIDENT - At three or four o'clock yesterday afternoon, a boy about twelve years old, a son of HAMMOND, hardware dealer on K street, in gymnastic exercises at the Half-Way House, dislocated his left wrist, and broke the main bone in the arm near the wrist. He bore the disaster with great fortitude, remarking, when told that his arm was broken, and as he looked at the hand hanging out of its natural position, "I am sorry." He was brought to the city, and received prompt medical attention.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, June 19, 1863


DREADFUL MURDER - At about nine o'clock last evening Charles YATES, proprietor of the oyster saloon corner of Second and K streets, was stabbed and killed at the corner of Fifth and L streets, by Alonzo DAKE. YATES was walking on the sidewalk with his wife, when DAKE met them and called him a little to one side.  After a word or two DAKE struck YATES a heavy blow with

a knife in the upper portion of the left breast and ran off. YATES and his wife ran to the door of the house of C.H. SWIFT, pushed open the door and

ran into the entry. YATES said: ?I am killed!? and fell upon the floor and instantly died. The locality was so dark that Mrs. YATES could not see

distinctly who the assailant was. DAKE went at once to the Station House, and, meeting Chief CLARK, asked him to lock him up. When CLARK asked what for, DAKE said he had killed Charley YATES, and stated that YATES had called his (Dake's) wife a prostitute, or used some other insulting epithet, and also said something of YATES having accused him of stealing. DAKE told CLARK to go up to the corner of Fifth and L streets and he would find YATES. The deceased was a member of Knickerbocker Engine Company, and as that company has no bell the bell of Engine Company No. 3 was tolled on account of his death. DAKE and YATES were formerly both on the regular police. They married Spanish women, who lived with Mrs. HERMOSILLA, on Sixth street, near L. Both the married couples had lived in the same house, for a time, on Sixth street, but recently in the southern portion of the city. On account of domestic difficulties, DAKE and his wife moved from YATES' house lately. The body was removed by Coroner REEVES, soon after the occurrence, from the house of Judge SWIFT to his rooms on Fourth street. An inquest will of course be held to-day, and the circumstances of the affair be more fully developed. In a conversation at the station house DAKE stated to some of the policemen that he had thrown the knife into the slough. He also said that when YATES and he met, YATES caught him by the throat and threatened to kill him. He then drew the knife and stabbed him. C.H. SWIFT, prior to the entry of YATES and his wife into his house, heard the cry of murder, apparently by the voice of the woman. During the past year and a half YATES has had charge of the oyster saloon connected with the Bank Exchange, at Second and K streets, and DAKE has been employed as private watchman on J street, west of Sixth. The wife of DAKE was an adopted sister of HERMOSILLA, who was killed

some two years ago by G.W. JOURNEY on the north levee.


ATTEMPTED SUICIDE - At about three o'clock yesterday afternoon a man named EMERICH, who is said to carry on business near Tenth and J streets, attempted to commit suicide by drowning at the slough, north of the levee, near Sixth and E streets. He took off his hat and coat and "waded in," but the water was so shallow and the mud so deep that the attempt fortunately proved a failure. After struggling about in the mud for some time he

returned to shore, and like a sensible man washed off the mud and returned home. He complained of ill health, and said he had been deceived by some one telling  him a lie, and he could not bear to be deceived. He should remember that if everybody would commit suicide to whom lies are told, there would be nobody left to bury the dead. Some very obliging boys gathered around EMERICH when he came ashore and courteously volunteered to show him where he could find deep water. He respectfully declined their proffered kindness.


TEHAMA - At the late Union Convention in this county, the following nominations were made:

  For Sheriff, Joseph SMITH; Clerk, Thomas J. BUTLER; Tax Collector, W.B. PARKER; Treasurer, Barget NEEL; Assessor , Samuel ENGLISH; District Attorney, L.W. ELLIOTT; Surveyor, John CHARLTON; Public Administrator and Coroner Dr. C. SEBRING; Superintendent of Public Instruction, W.H. DABNEY; County Judge, Warner EARLL.




Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Saturday, June 20, 1863


ANOTHER STABBING AFFAIR - At about six o’clock last evening a colored man, whose name we have not learned, went into the slough near Seventh street, north of the north levee, to bathe. While in the water he was assailed by a number of boys, who threatened to whip him when he should come out. About the time he had dressed himself they attacked him, several of them having pickets in their hands. He got the advantage of one of them in defending himself, and got him down, but released with without doing any serious injury. The boys then renewed the attack, and the party assailed retreated as far east as Tenth street, closely pressed by his adversaries.  On Tenth street he ran into the yard of Captain LITTLETON, and was still pursued by two or three of the larger boys. His foot was caught by a hose on the ground and he fell, and was stabbed in the back by a boy named Alexander WAMBLE, a boy about eighteen years of age. He afterward procured an ax and stood on the  defensive; but further trouble was avoided by Mrs. LITTLETON, who directed the man to go into the house and induced the boys to leave. The wound was probably inflicted by a pocket knife, and was not of a dangerous character. The man subsequently stated his case at the police office, but as yet no arrests have been made. He was not acquainted at Captain LITTLETON’s, and is said to be a cook at one of our city hotels.

Police court - The following is the record of yesterday’s proceedings in the Police Court: G. COOPER was tried by the Court on a charge of disturbing the peace and found guilty. Mrs. GIBSON was tried on a similar charge and found guilty. The case of MENAIN and MILLER, charged with assault and battery, was at first continued until this morning, but was afterwards compromised and dismissed. The examination of DAKE on a charge of murder, in killing YATES, was continued until to-day. The case of Frank EMERSON, charged with petty larceny, in stealing the watch of Mrs. HOWARD, was continued until Monday.  The case of Mrs. PALM, charged with assault and battery on Poundmaster HARDING, was continued until Wednesday next. In the case of T.G. LESTER, previously tried on a charge of assault to commit rape, Judge HOLL postponed rendering a decision until to-day.


Coroner REEVES held an inquest yesterday at his rooms on Fourth street over the body of Charles YATES, who was killed by DAKE on Thursday evening.

The following is a report of the testimony:

Mary YATES - I know the deceased; he is my husband; his name is Charles YATES, a native of New York; aged thirty-five years in May last; about half-past nine o’clock last night (June 18th) me and my husband, on our way home, were met by officer A.C. DAKE, near the corner of Fifth and L streets; my husband told DAKE he did not want to see him; they came together; DAKE put his hand to his side and drew a knife and stabbed my husband; my husband then haloed, “I am killed! I am killed!” he then ran across  the street, toward the boarding house (SWIFT’s); DAKE and his wife had been boarding with us about four and one-half months; my husband and DAKE had had some words about the board bill, DAKE not having paid his board; on last Tuesday (June 15th) DAKE and his wife moved away from our house and we have not seen them (the Dakes) until last night, when DAKE met my husband on the street, as stated before; DAKE was coming from M street when he met us.  Charles H. SWIFT sworn - I reside at Fifth and L streets; at about a quarter past nine o’clock last night I was sitting in the back room of my residence; I heard loud screamings; thought it to be on Fifth; I ran out; saw a man running up Fifth toward K street; I then ran around to the front door; I went in, and found the deceased (who is said to be Charles Yates) lying on the floor at the foot of the stairs; a woman was with him; he was bleeding profusely from a large wound above the left clavicle; I sent for a physician; the man died in about five minutes; he (the man) stated that he had been stabbed and would die; I was present when the Coroner arrived and examined the body; there was found on his person one hundred and thirty-nine dollars and ten cents in gold and silver, and one five dollar greenback or treasury note; Allison took from the person a small gold watch, which was also handed to the Coroner; a small penknife, a key and some letters, was all the property or effects that was found on the deceased.  R.M. ALLISON sworn - Reside on L street, between Fifth and Sixth; about quarter past nine o’clock last night I was on L street, between Fifth and Sixth, and I heard the cry of murder; heard a woman screaming; the sound was close to the grocery store, corner Fifth and L; ran to the place and saw deceased running across toward Judge SWIFT?s house with a woman after him;

It was his wife; they ran into SWIFT’s house, and he fell on the floor at the foot of the stairs; there was no one in at the time but the deceased, his wife and me; she said DAKE had killed her husband; LAMBERT cut the guard and took the watch off, and I gave it to Mrs. SWIFT; the deceased died in about five or seven minutes after he came in the house.  J.T. CLARK sworn - Am Chief of Police of this city; about half-past nine last night special officer DAKE came to the Police Office and requested me to lock him up, saying he had killed a man; said it was Charles YATES that he had killed; told me to go Fifth and L, and there I would find the deceased; he said that YATES had abused him, and that he (Yates) had called his wife a d---d w---; he said YATES had accused him or his wife, I am not certain which, of stealing a cross; I then left for the place of the murder; he did not give me any weapons when he gave himself up; I examined him and could find none; he gave no cause for committing the murder but what I have stated, only that YATES had threatened his life, and that he would break that damned crooked neck, etc.; I asked him what he did with the knife that he committed the murder with; he told me that I could not find it.  G.J. PHELAN sworn - On the 19th of June, 1863, I made a post-mortem examination of the body of Charles YATES, assisted by Doctors SIMMONS and TAYLOR; I found a wound below the left clavicle, which entered the chest and cut the subclavian artery; this wound was sufficient to cause death; I found a second wound which passed through the right arm near the shoulder, wounding the brachial vein; these wounds were made by a sharp cutting instrument.

The Jury returned the following verdict:

We, the jury summoned to inquire as to the death of the deceased now before us, do find that the name of the deceased is Charles YATES, native of New York, aged thirty-five years, and that he came to his death about half-past nine o’clock P.M., June 18, 1863, from the affects of two wounds inflicted - one on the right arm and one on the clavicle and left arm - by a knife or some sharp instrument, inflicted by the hands of Alonzo DAKE.

Signed: L. EPPINGER, George W. HILDRETH, Charles E. BISHOP, James CARILLO,



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, June 22, 1863




CITIZEN?S MEETING - Pursuant to a published call, a meeting was held at Concert Hall on Saturday evening, composed of ?Union citizens of Sacramento county, who are dissatisfied with a portion of the nomination made by the recent Union County Convention.? C.H. SWIFT was called to the chair, and Dr. SPENCER was chosen Secretary. The Committee of Seven, appointed at a previous meeting to report the names of a Nominating Committee of Twenty-one, presented the following list of names as such Committee: City:

First Ward - D.W. EARL, Justus HOVEY. Second Ward - L.F. REED, W.E. TERRY. Third Ward - Joseph KLOPENSTINE, Sylvester TRYON, J.L. HUNTOON. Conrad WEIL.

Fourth Ward - Henry MARWIN, J.T.PIKE, L.H. FOOTE. Sutterville - J.S. HARBISON. Sacramento River - C.E. WHITE. Mormon Island - Ezra WOOLSON. Folsom - J.W. SPRUANCE, Jesse DRESSER. Michigan Bar - J.S. SHEPHERD. Live Oak - J.H. URICK. Brighton - S.N. BAKER. Lake House - Samuel Rich. Korn’s Store - A. WOODWARD.


The report was accepted, and the names as reported were, on motion, one by one approved by the meeting. The Committee was, on motion, enlarged by the addition of thirteen additional names, viz: Thomas ROSS, I.S. VAN WINKLE, B.R. CROCKER, W.W. DRESSER, D. BUSH, J.H. CARROLL, Joseph GLOVER, Amos ADAMS, N.L. DREW, E.R. PERRIN, W. WALDRON, ____ WHITE (of Twelve Mile House, Auburn road), and George ROWLAND. J.G. HYER moved that the Committee be requested to nominate a full county ticket, taking from other tickets such names as may be deemed advisable. The motion was, after discussion, adopted. The Committee was, on motion, requested to meet

at Concert Hall on Wednesday, the 23d instant. On motion of E.H. MILLER, the form of a circular was adopted, and a Committee of eight was appointed to circulate it and procure the signatures of citizens to it. The circular is addressed to the members of the Nominating Committee, and states, in substance, that serious objections are entertained by our citizens to the ticket already nominated, and that the Committee has been selected to remedy the evil by making new nominations. The undersigned, therefore, approving

such selection, request the members of the Committee to meet and fulfill the duty assigned them, etc. The Committee appointed to procure signatures to the circular is W.M. SIDDONS and L.L. Baker, of the First Ward; J.W. AVERY and D.S. HAYDEN, of the Second; J.C. SPENCER and John McNEIL, of the Third; and W. MORROW and F.R. DRAY, of the Fourth.


FUNERAL OF CHARLES YATES - The funeral of Charles YATES, who was killed on Thursday evening by Alonzo H. DAKE, took place at two o’clock yesterday afternoon, from the house of Knickerbocker Engine Company, No. 5, on Fourth street, near K. As is usually the case, where deaths occur by violence, the attendance was large. The funeral train moved from the Engine House up Fourth to J, and up J to Sixth street, and to the Presbyterian Church on Sixth street. The remains of the deceased were there transferred from the hearse to the church, where Rev. Dr. PHELPS administered the funeral rites of the church in the presence of a closely crowded audience. At the conclusion of the service the coffin was again placed in the hearse, and the cortege proceeded to the City Cemetery, where the remains of the deceased were deposited in the Firemen?s plot. The following is the order in which the procession moved: Sacramento Brass Bank, Knickerbocker Engine Company No,. 5 (about 70 members), hearse and pall bearers, carriages with mourners, members of the Police Department, delegates from Neptune Hose Company No. 1, Young America Engine Company No. 6, Eureka Engine Company No. 4, Sacramento Engine Company No. 3, Protection Engine Company No. 2, Confidence Engine Company No. 1, and some twenty buggies and carriages containing private

citizens. The pall bearers were: G.W. WHITLOCK from Engine Company No. 1, M. McMANUS of Engine Company No. 2, Joseph BATCHLE of Engine Company No. 3,

Joseph MOSS of Engine Company No. 4, J.W. COFFROTH of Engine Company No. 5, C.H. MARVIN of Engine Company No. 6, J. CAMERON of Hook and Ladder Company

No. 2, and B.W. MARTZ, of the City Police.


NOT ON THE POLICE - Neither T.G. LESTER nor A.H. DAKE, who now occupy a prominent position on the criminal record of the city, has been in any way connected with the police department since the present Board of Trustees came into power. Both had previously served as regular policemen, and both were applicants before the Board, but neither was chosen. LESTER then applied to Chief CLARK for an appointment as special policeman, but the Board passed an ordinance requiring all applications to be made to that body. LESTER had, however, been acting as night watchman for several weeks, but had no authority from any source other than that which any citizen possesses.


RETURNING - J.J. WATSON, who brought from Virginia City a prisoner named LEVY, charged with grand larceny, returned from San Francisco on Saturday’s boat, and will leave for Washoe this morning. His prisoner has been detained at the station house, and will be taken to Maryville to-day by Captain COOKE.


TWO CHANCES - John DOMINGOS, whose name was on one of the unsuccessful tickets at the Union primary election held several weeks ago, was on Saturday elected a delegate to the Democratic County Convention. His name may have been used in one case or the other without his consent.


MURDER TRIAL - The District Court will meet at 10 1/2 o'clock this morning for the trial of Geo. REDDING for the murder of Tadeo VALDEZ.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, June 22, 1863


POLICE COURT SATURDAY - Mary SHAW, convicted of disturbing the peace, was fined $20. George COOPER, for the same offence, was fined $25. The examination of A.H. DAKE for the murder of Charles YATES was fixed for Wednesday next, at the request of his counsel and with consent of the prosecuting attorney. The larceny cases of L.H. and M.A. TAYLOR were dismissed on payment of costs, the difficulty being a family affair and satisfaction having been formally acknowledged. H. CONNER was tried by the

Court and convicted of assault and battery on Napoleon EDWARDS, a boy employed at the Golden Eagle. The provocation alleged was that the lad had insulted CONNER's wife while passing in the street.


INSANE - At about ten o'clock yesterday morning a man named J.E. NEWLAND visited the station house and asked leave to sit down. Permission was granted, and it was ascertained that his clothes were dripping with water.  He said he had jumped into the slough, but could give no satisfactory reason for so doing. It being evident that the man was slightly deranged, he was locked up or safe keeping. The examining physicians believe the malady to be but temporary, and that he will be able to be out again in a few days.


ARRESTS - The city police made the following arrests during Saturday and  yesterday: Peter MILLER, by officer CHAMBERLAIN, for sleeping on the sidewalk; J.R. MILLER, by Cody and O'BRIEN, for obtaining goods under false pretenses; H. COURTAINE, by officer CODY, for safe keeping; Alexander WAMBLE, by BROWN and AMES, for assault and battery; Antone ALVARO, by officer NORRIS, for assault and battery.


FRUITS OF CALIFORNIA - The Bulletin says: We were shown specimens of Chinese lemons, grown on the farm of B.D. WILSON at the Mission of San Gabriel, Los

Angeles county. The lemons, two in number, are on the same stem, and are of mammoth size, weighing two pounds nine ounces. Their appearance at this season of the year is proof that almost every variety of semi-tropical fruit can be grown within the boundaries of this State.


NEGRO SHOT - A negro named WILLIAMS was shot lately at Kentucky Hill, in Sierra county, by a German named WEISS. WILLIAMS was working in the latter’s

mining claim and was told to leave. He would not and replied insolently, when he was shot.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, June 23, 1863



PROBATE - In the matter of the estate of Amos H. WHITCOMB, deceased – Will  filed, and also the petition of the widow of the deceased, praying that said

will be admitted to probate, and that letters of testamentary issue to her upon said estate, set for hearing July 6th; due notice ordered to be given by posting. Estate of Bernard COLEMAN, deceased - Application for letters testamentary continued until the 29th instant. Estate of John G. CLEAL, deceased - Petition of widow filed, praying that homestead be set apart for he use of the family, and prayer of the petitioner granted. Estate of William KELLY, deceased - Order for sale of personal property granted.


Estate of N.I. UNDERWOOD, deceased - Application for sale of personal property coming on to be heard, ordered that the administrator sell at private sale one hundred shares of stock, subject to the confirmation of this Court. Estate of W. KELLY, deceased - Honora KELLY appearing in obedience to a citation heretofore issued, requiring her to answer questions touching the property of the deceased, and after being examined in relation thereto, was discharged.


Estate of Maurice NOLAN, deceased - Petition to revoke letters of administration heretofore issued to F. NOLAN upon said estate, filed; ordered that said letters be revoked, and that letters upon said estate issue to D.W. WELTY, upon his filing a bond in the sum of $500.


Estate of John COMMONFORD, deceased - Final account of administrator filed, and set for hearing July 6th, 1863.


POLICE COURT, YESTERDAY - Frank EMERSON said he did not steal Mrs. HOWARD's watch; and as the people of the State of California say he did, the question of veracity between them will be settled  by a trial to-day. The examination of J.R. MILLER, for obtaining goods under false pretenses, was postponed till today, there being a flattering prospect that the debt will be paid in the meantime, satisfaction acknowledged, and ten dollars costs paid to the

Court without any further trouble. Peter MILLER paid ten dollars into Court, that being the price of his lodging - on the sidewalk. Antonio ALVARADO

pleaded guilty of assault and battery on one GARCIA. One GARCIA was the dirtiest, bloodiest and worst battered man ever seen in Court during the

present generation. He looked as if a dozen men had pounded him, in turn.  ALVARADO only stated as his excuse that GARCIA had insulted him. Sentence

deferred. Aleck WAMBLE, aged about fifteen, was charged with assault and battery (with the blade of a jackknife) on C.E. REYNOLDS, a young gentleman

of the African persuasion. Witnesses being absent the case was postponed one day. Aleck considered it a great outrage that the African should have caused

his arrest, and to "get even," made oath that the African had assaulted and battered him, thus procuring his arrest.  The difficulty arose in regard to bathing in the limpid waters of Sutter lake, somewhere about Eighth or Ninth street.


BOARD OF TRUSTEES - The Board of Trustees met yesterday, pursuant to adjournment. A number of accounts were allowed. The bond of Israel LUCE,

Superintendent of the City Cemetery, in the sum of $3,000, with M. GREENBAUM, Jerome MADDEN and C. CROCKER as sureties, was submitted and

approved. The Board then took a recess. On re-assembling, a number of additional accounts were allowed on the Floating Debt Redemption Fund. The

following is the entire list: T.A. TALBERT, $25, D.C. GAY, $1,530, J.L. GRAVES, $154.25, J.L. GRAVES $67, Stephen HITE $443, A.C. BIDWELL $133, W. YULE $621.71, KLOPFENSTEIN & Co. $200, W.H. HEVENER $333.28, W. HADWICK $416.66, JENKS & FOOTE $935.26, R.T. BROWN $100, E. GRANGER $63, Samuel DEAL $419.35, F.T. BURKE $1,622.68, Samuel DRURY $1,933.80, J.D. PARKER $2,564, W. SHATTUCK $1,536.29, J.D. PARKER $300, J.D. PARKER $1,165.40, James M. McDonough $421.78, C.C. JENKS $170, Jerry GUAGE $25, Patrick O'MALLEY $25, J. FERGUSON $25. The claim of Samuel COHN for $16 was rejected. The bond of M. McMANUS, Assistant Clerk of the Water Works, in the sum of $2,000, with the name of Patrick CONLAN and W.F. FRASER as sureties, was submitted and returned on account of informality. The Board then adjourned until ten o’clock A.M. to-morrow.


DISTRICT COURT - The District Court met yesterday for the trial of George REDDING on a charge of murder. The charge was dismissed on account of the

absence of witnesses. P. FRANKLIN, D. KOHN, W.H. HALSEY, S. SIMS, John BATCHER, F. LIVINGSTON, F.W. CLUTE, E.H. MILLER, Joseph SHAW, C.S. COFFIN, S. HITE, T.B. SHERIFF and E. DWYER were, for various reasons, excused from serving as jurors. A venire for thirteen additional jurors was ordered to issue, returnable to-day. The Court adjourned to meet at 10 1/2 o'clock this morning.


PIONEERS - At the Pioneer meeting last evening, further time was extended to the Committee of Arrangements for the Fourth of July. R.T. BROWN was

selected as Marshal for the Society, and as Aid to the Grand Marshal of the day. John H. CARROLL, John G. HYER, and Chas. H. SWIFT were appointed a

Committee to receive the banner to be presented by the ladies to the Association on the Fourth of July. Adjourned to the regular meeting, Saturday evening next.


CAVALRY HORSES - I.M. HUBBARD arrived in the city yesterday from the vicinity of Tehama with fifty head of horses designed  for the use of Captain WITHAM?s cavalry company. They are half breeds but are of large size and appear to be satisfactory, so far as appearance goes, to the men who are to ride them. They were taken to Camp Union, and will be passed upon within a day or two by the proper officers


THE EXPLANATION - We have received a note from John DOMINGOS, who acknowledged that his name was used as a candidate at both primary elections recently held. He says, however, that he does "not belong on the Republican ticket," but did consent to run on the Union Democratic ticket, and was

elected. He repudiates both extremes, the Black Republicans and the Fire Eaters.


MURDER TRIAL TO-DAY - The trial of Jesse McMAHON for the murder of Samuel CROUCH is set for to-day in the District Court. This murder took place on the Cosumnes in the Summer of 1860. McMAHON made his escape at the time, but was arrested last Summer in Arizona, and was brought back from that

Territory by Deputy Sheriff CHRISTY of this county.


PETTY LARCENY - A man named John GRAHAM was brought to the city yesterday by Constable RILEY of Folsom, and left at the county jail. He had been tried by Justice WING on a charge of petty larceny in stealing a bridle worth $6.  Being found guilty, he was sentenced to pay a fine of $50, or be imprisoned twenty-five days.


ARRESTS - Charles E. REYNOLDS (colored) was arrested yesterday by officer AMES, on a charge of assault and battery on Alexander WAMBLE. James REDDING, by officer BROWN, for safe keeping. John, officer BROWN, for assault and battery. J.S. LOMAX, by officer AMOS, for assault and battery.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Thursday, June 25, 1863



  A ROUGH CASE - Justice Robinson's Court was occupied a large portion of yesterday with the case of Alfred NETHERCOTT, who has fallen into great tribulation on account of a feud with his brother, George NETHERCOTT, and his (George's) wife. The charges, which were for malicious mischief and disturbance of the peace at night, were first brought before the Police Court, but as the parties live out of the city that Court had no jurisdiction and they were transferred to the Justice's Court. Mrs. NETHERCOTT, who is a small, fragile woman, appears to stand in mortal dread of her brother-in-law, and added to the charges a complaint of threats against her life. Alfred was in a state of considerable excitement, regarding himself as a persecuted man, and said he would be his own lawyer.  He is a man of powerful frame, and wore an ample red shirt. To the first charge of maliciously cutting some gutta percha hose belonging to his brother, he pleaded guilty, and added that he did cut the hose and he had a right to. To the second charge of disturbing the peace he pleaded not guilty, and elected to be tried by the Court. The evidence was that having been arrested for a difficulty which occurred during the day, he was released on bail, and about half past ten o’clock at night went to his brother’s residence in the neighborhood of the English Brewery, Thirty-first street, and demanded admittance, and that his revolver should be given up to him. Mrs. N. spoke to him, but he called her by certain opprobrious epithets, threatening to cut her heart out, and finally forced his way into the house. Defendant cross-examined the witness, and disputed with counsel fiercely, but in the end he was adjudged guilty and required to be present to-morrow for sentence on both charges.  He was next examined on the charge of threatening to take his sister-in-law's life, and she testified that she had once or twice fled from the house with her babe in her arms to escape from his violence. She was in constant terror lest he should put his threats into execution against herself or her husband. George testified that the defendant on one occasion snapped his revolver at him three rimes. He then succeeded in getting the revolver away from him, and had since kept it in his own possession. Several others testified to his having a knife or revolver drawn and making threats, and the defendant said his revolver was the largest sized dragoon revolver, carrying six good balls, as many an Indian had learned to his cost, between here and Fraser river. Let those men go on, swearing lies against him; he would meet them again this side of the grave, and would be a match for them. The Court decided that the defendant must give bonds in $3,000 to preserve the peace towards all the people of the State of California, and especially in regard to Mrs. George NETHERCOTT.


SUICIDE - We mentioned several days ago that a man named Emerick had attempted to commit suicide by drowning himself in the slough north of the

North Levee. The water proved to be too shallow, and he washed off the mud and returned home. The name given proves to be erroneous, but from evidence discovered yesterday there is no room to doubt that he has since that date consummated his design. Yesterday afternoon some boys discovered on the banks of the slough, opposite Tenth street, and north of the North Levee, the clothing of a man which they recognized as the clothing of the man who had made the former attempt at self-destruction. The clothing was taken to the Coroner’s office, and has since been recognized as that of F.C. HENNIG, a German tailor, who formerly kept a shop on K street, near Fourth, adjoining the International Hotel, but who has recently been located on K street, east of Seventh, opposite the Catholic Church. The coat found on the bank of the slough was made of Scotch plaid of peculiar stripe, and there can be no doubt as to its identity. HENNIG was not seen about his premises yesterday, nor was his shop opened by himself or any of his neighbors. He had been drinking excessively of late, and has suffered from delirium tremens. HENNIG was a native of Germany, probably fifty-five or sixty years of age. He came to this State from Missouri, where he leaves a wife, and, it is said, considerable property. At about half-past six o’clock on Tuesday evening officer CALDWELL saw a man who appeared to be insane, with no other clothing on but hat, pants and boots, running  in the vicinity of Fourteenth and H streets. He disappeared near the North Levee, but his description does not altogether agree with that of HENNIG.


ELECTION OF OFFICERS - At a regular meeting of Eureka Lodge, No. 4, I.O.O.F., held last evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: G.J. CROSS, N.G;. P. FRANKLIN, V.G.; J.T. MIER, Rec. S.; W.C. FELCH, P. Sec.; F. MIER, Treas.; W.C. FELCH, Asa P. ANDREWS and B.

KOZMINSKY, Trustees.


ADMITTED TO CITIZENSHIP - Peter E. PETERSON, a native of Denmark, was yesterday admitted to citizenship, in the District Court, on the testimony




Editors Union: As I have (without any desire on my part, however), been the subject of many items to you, will you not, as a recompense therefore, allow

me the use of your columns to say a few words upon the recent "attempt to break jail," with which I am charged. Could this, like many other charges

preferred against me, be made the subject of Judicial Investigation, I would leave it for time and such investigation to determine its truth or falsity - but as this cannot be, I wish, for the first time, to say a few words in my own defense. It is almost a pity, I know, to spoil such a nicely concocted item as appeared in this morning’s Union, but as the notoriety conferred thereby is anything but palatable, I would rather the facts should be told, although the interest and tragic effect may be spoiled.

  That the bolts of one of the iron doors were cut, is true, but that the facts authorize the inference that I cut them, I deny. It is also true that the various articles enumerated, with three material exceptions, were found in my possession; but I apprehend they will scarcely be considered injurious in their tendency, or very destructive, unless about a wineglass full of brandy should be so considered; but it is not true that any arsenic, muriatic or other acid, or mixture of wax and soap, was found in my possession. There was a small quantity of carbonic of soda, a vial of olive oil and bay rum, mixed, and a piece of Castile soap, and I have no doubt but the deadly and destructive articles said to have been found will turn out to be the harmless ones I have mentioned, if examined. Indeed, Mr. HARRIS informed me this morning that he and Dr. PHELAN tested the supposed acid, and found it to be a mixture of oil and rum. Another statement made, is, that the blacking found in my cell was the same as used upon the bolts. This is wholly untrue, as any one can satisfy himself by testing it. The blacking I had shone like varnish, and would only have drawn attention to, rather than have concealed, a cut in the rusty bolts.

  But more than all this, this JACKSON, one of the prisoners - and by the way, a person to whom I have never spoken - told HARRIS and others, last

evening, that he knew the bolts were cut before I entered the prison. The truth is, that certain of the prisoners have attempted to fasten this charge on me, instigated by revenge, because I interfered with a scheme of theirs to escape, five or six weeks ago. I discovered, one evening after the cells had been fastened for the night that one of the prisoners had secreted himself behind my door; I asked him what he was doing there, and he replied that he was going to attempt to escape during the night by the very door the bolts of which were cut. I told him that to do so would compromise me, and that I could not therefore permit it; he then begged me to allow him to remain in the passage all night, but I refused to do so, and immediately called HARRIS, who was on watch, and he locked him up. I subsequently learned that the plan was, that one of the party was to secrete himself in the evening, when, the doors were opened to allow them to get water, and that during the night he was to unbolt and unlock the doors (they being fastened on the outside), and they were then to escape by the iron door; if they failed in this they were to jump on and overpower MOORE, the Keeper, when he entered, the next morning early, to unlock the doors, and then make their escape. Since then, some of these parties have expressed great animosity against me, and a determination to be revenged. Both HARRIS, the Warden, and MOORE, lately one of the deputies, can vouch for the truth of what I say. Moreover, scarcely a day has passed since my imprisonment but what I have had ample opportunities to have escaped, had I so desired, without cutting bars or bolts, and did not avail myself of them; and for the truth of this I appeal to HARRIS, the Warden.

  A word or two in relation to my intention to commit suicide, and I will trespass no further. The collar I wore, being rather small, was tied with a piece of string. I asked RICE, Deputy Warden, to hand me a small knife, near his hand, to cut it with; he stepped up and cut it for me. The largest blade in the knife will not measure over one and a quarter inches. I have no love nor talent for the tragic, and have, therefore, less hesitancy in spelling the tragic affect of your item by a statement of the facts.

  I thank God I have plenty of hope left and courage to meet life, let it bring what it will, and the serious charges preferred against me at the same time. I am free to admit that Mr. Ex-Editor McCLATCHY stumbled on the truth when he said I lacked the courage to commit suicide. If restrained by no other or lighter motive, I should consider it a poor way to requite the ?unrelenting attention? and love of my mother and sisters, to add to their afflictions by the commission of so foolish and wicked an act.


SACRAMENTO, June 24th        J.H. GASS



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, June 26, 1863



  Body Found - Inquest - We mentioned yesterday that the clothing of F.C. HENNIG had been found on the bank of the slough near Tenth street, above the north levee, and that there was every reason to suppose HENNIG had committed suicide by drowning. Soon after eight o’clock yesterday morning the body was found in the water near the spot where the clothes had been discovered the day before. It was subsequently taken to charge by Coroner REEVES, who held an inquest over it at his rooms on Fourth street. A boy named Lot PHILLIPS testified in substance as follows, "At about half-past eight o'clock this morning I went over to the slough at the head of Tenth street to fire off my pistol; I there discovered the deceased, now before the jury; the body was afloat in the water, with the head up; I do not know the depth of the water at that point; the body was eight or nine feet from the shore; I did not know the deceased; I got a stick and hauled the body to the bank; I notified Mr. COATES, and brought a rope and secured the body. I then left word of the discovery at the Coroner’s office. There was no clothing on the body except a red cloth tied around the waist; there were no papers or other valuables about the body to the best of my knowledge.” William COATES testified: I reside between Tenth and Eleventh and B and C streets; at about half past eight o’clock this morning Lot PHILLIPS called at my house, and said he had discovered a man or boy drowned in the slough; I went with him, and saw the body of a man, about ten feet from the shore, leaning forward, the face downward, the back of the head about six inches below the surface of the water; we got a long pole and drew it to the shore, and tied it to the root of a tree; the body was naked, except a red piece of sloth around the waist." Jacob RUOFF testified as follows: "I have known the deceased fifteen or sixteen years; I knew him in this city since 1854; he was a tailor by trade, and carried on business on K street, opposite the Catholic Church; I think he had no property or means, or stock in his shop; his name is F.C. HENNIG; he is a native of Germany, and leaves a wife somewhere in Missouri; he was about fifty years of age, was a very good man when sober, but would get quite crazy when intoxicated." Henry SCHROER testified as follows: "I know the deceased;  he told me last Sunday that he would drown himself; he said he had been drinking and could not stop, and would drown himself; this was at five or six o'clock on Sunday morning, June 31st; he drank a good deal ever since I know him; I think he had no property; his age is fifty-five years." The jury , composed of B.F. CUMMINGS, J.H. LEWIS, M. McGAUGHRAN, B.B. BRIGSS and Richard STUART, returned a verdict to the effect that the body was that of F.C. HENNIG, a native of Germany, aged fifty-five years, and that he came to his death by drowning, on the 24th instant.


POLICE COURT YESTERDAY - The case of Frank Confidence EMERSON, for feloniously appropriating Mrs. HOWARD's watch, was again postponed till next Monday, the jury previously demanded not having been summoned. George PRICE was charged with knocking down and kicking Mary MILLS. He expressed, in German, his anxious desire to compromise, and entered into serious negotiation with Mary for that purpose. He was allowed another day to conclude his diplomatic effort. Frank WARDEN was acquitted on a charge of assault and battery on Lafayette ANDREWS, the evidence showing that ANDREWS was drunk and hurling "dornicks" promiscuously about J street, and that WARDEN "did not give him half enough."  John MAXWELL, colored waiter, the "oldest inhabitant" of the St. George, had been arrested for refusing to give his name to the Military Poll Tax Collector. Upon a statement of his excellent antecedents, and his payment of the tax, his case was dismissed without costs.  Charles SHAFER said he had an indistinct recollection of being a little drunk last night, but did not know whether he was guilty of making any noise and disturbance on J street or not. Judge HOLL said he knew, because he arrested the defendant; he therefore found a verdict of guilty. William VIDER, whose face exhibited all the colors of the rainbow, had not the slightest recollection of what was the matter last night, and especially didn’t remember being drunk on the sidewalk in J street. The Court informed him that that was "what's the matter," and, with his illustrious predecessor he will appear for sentence this morning. J. KISCHLER said he guessed he was tight last night, but for some reason he Didn’t remember clearly. Officer O'BRIEN informed him that at three o’clock in the morning he was "raising hob" on Second street, and would not let his friends take him home. Judge HOLL said about ten dollars, he thought, would cover the case, and defendant expressed a sanguine hope that Johnny BLACK, who employs him, would pay the money in the course of the day.


SENTENCED - Alfred NETHERCOTT was tried on Wednesday, before Justice ROBINSON, on a charge of malicious mischief, and also on a charge of disturbing the peace in the vicinity of Sutter’s Fort, and was found guilty on both charges.  Yesterday morning Justice ROBINSON passed sentence in each case, as follows: Malicious mischief, thirty dollars fine or fifteen days imprisonment. Disturbing the peace, twenty dollars fine or ten days

imprisonment. NETHERCOTT was committed to the County Jail, in default of a bond in the sum of $3,000 to keep the peace toward his sister-in-law.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, June 29, 1863




A General Engagement - Considerable excitement occurred on Fourth street, near K, at about eight o'clock yesterday morning, on account of a general engagement which came off between J.W. REEVES, Coroner, undertaker, etc., and E.A.L. LOCKHART, a young man employed in his establishment. Public attention was called to REEVES' office by the lively rattling of glass on the inside, which carried the conviction very forcibly to the mind that something  was being broken. In a moment more a large large pane of glass in the front door gave way, and two heads and accompanying shoulders came suddenly through toward the street. LOCKHART occupied the lower position, with his face turned upward and his back resting across the wood work of the door. REEVES was uppermost and had a decided advantage of position.  Hostilities raged in this uncomfortable predicament, until the two were separated by outsiders. Soon after being parted, and after both were on the street, LOCKHART drew a pistol, and another collision would have ensued, and perhaps serious results, had not the crowd interfered and finally restored order. The excitement was greatly increased by the fact that Mrs. LOCKHART was on the ground and greatly terrified. After doing what she could to allay the storm, obtaining her husband's pistol from him, etc., she fainted from the affects of the excitement. Several outsiders on the street, in taking sides for or against the principals, came near getting up a fight of their own, but no blows were struck by them. The circumstances attendant upon this affair and causes which led to it will probably be developed in the Police Court to-day, as both parties were subsequently arrested. LOCKHART and wife occupy the upper portion of REEVES' building, and use the furniture, etc., which was in the house before the death of Mrs. REEVES. The difficulty in the case seems to have arisen on account of the use of certain portions of this furniture, although the bitter feeling has been growing up since the adjournment of the Union County Convention, before which body both were candidates for the office of Coroner. On Saturday night, after a conversation between REEVES and Mrs. LOCKHART concerning the furniture, at which her husband took offense, LOCKHART made threats against REEVES and provided himself with a pistol. They did not meet, however, until yesterday morning, when they encountered each other in the front office and "waltzed in," breaking considerable glass in the show cases in the room and making their debut before the public as described.


POLICE COURT, SATURDAY - Dr. SAUNDERS, arrested on a charge of perjury in connection with the LESTER rape case, was in Court ready for examination. Counsel for the prosecution said the people were not ready, and wanted the case postponed till Wednesday, to allow time to get a material witness from San Francisco. SAUNDERS said he was entirely ready and did not want the case continued. He had been arrested on the outrageous charge by men who ought to have been arrested themselves. He could show by a multitude of witnesses that this Courtney girl was the girl who lived at his house. GOODS said the witness they wanted from the Bay was the uncle of the girl, who had her in his charge at the time SAUNDERS swore she was living with him. SAUNDERS went on excitedly, denouncing those who had caused his arrest as a gang of thieves and robbers, who wanted time to cook up testimony against him. He was stopped by the Court and the examination was postponed till Tuesday.  George PRICE was placed on trial for assault and battery on the gentle Mary MILLS. The effect of George?s recent diplomatic efforts became apparent the moment Mary began to testify. She was certain, to begin with, that George never kicked her; secondly, he never struck her; thirdly, she had thrown two or three bricks at his head, and he only gave her a little push, whereupon a brick she still held in her hand flew up in her face and blackened her eye and she fell down and "hurted" her head with her comb. It was true she told the officers that he struck her and kicked her, but at that particular period in her history she "was in such a violent passion that she told a lie."  She here confidentially informed the Court that she possessed a remarkably bad temper. The Court said it would reserve its decision, and Mary said "Thank you, Judge," dropped a graceful curtsey, beamed a broad smile, and retired from the Court room. The examination of DAKE, for the murder of YATES, was further postponed till Wednesday, counsel not having yet decided whether to waive an examination or not. The cross cut cases of Mrs. PALIO and Mr. and Mrs. HARDING, all growing out of the same general mess - pounding and impounding - were further put off till Monday, juries having been ordered all around.


NEW SUIT - L.H. BAYERQUE, President of the Freeport Railroad Company, commenced suit on Saturday on the District Court against S.P. PAGE, owner of certain lands on the upper Stockton road. The suit is brought to secure the right of way for Freeport Railroad through the lands of the defendant. It is alleged in the complaint that the land in question is Government land.  Plaintiff?s are willing to pay for the  land (a strip six rods wide and 1,480 feet long), and ask for the appointment of three Commissioners to appraise the land and access damages. They also ask for an order empowering them to take possession of the land in question, on conditions of their filing a sufficient bond to cover damages, costs, etc. The defendant in the case is directed by Judge McKUNE to show cause on the 7th of July why the prayer of the plaintiff?s petition shall not be granted.


ARRESTS - The following arrests were made during Saturday and yesterday:

George COOPER, by officer AMES, for assault and battery on D. MURPHY; D. DIKES, by officer LOCKE, for safe keeping; Thomas E. HEALEY, by special officer TAYLOR, for safe keeping; Thomas FARREL, by officer O'BRIEN, for being drunk and sleeping on the sidewalk; J.W. REEVES, by special officer DEAL, for assault and battery on E.A. LOCKHART; E.A. LOCKHART, by the same officer, for threats against the life of J.W. REEVES.


YOUNG EAGLE - A young eagle, some four weeks old, sent to the city from Jerome DAVIS? ranch, in Yolo county, has recently become one of "Swimley's Boarders." He was presented to the proprietors of MOORE's saloon, at Second and K streets, but they presented him to SWIMLEY on condition that he bring him up to the standard size and weight of the establishment within schedule time.


FOR TRIAL TO-DAY - The following cases are set for trial in the District Court to-day; James F. MONTGOMERY vs. A.B. BATES; C.P. JACKSON et al. vs. M.M. REED et al; David WOODS vs. B.N. BUGBEY. In the County Court the cases of ROSE vs. HARRIGAN; BRAGG vs. ELLIOTT; HYDE, executrix, et al., vs. HAINES, and MOORE vs. BUDD, are set for trial.


A SHOOTING MATCH - A shooting match with target rifles was arranged between John ANDREWS and Mark FOSTER, to have come off yesterday, but on account of difficulty in determining upon the ground on which to shoot, the match was postponed until Sunday next.


DEATHS - Four deaths only occurred in this city last week. Of this number two were males and two females - two minors and two adults.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, June 30, 1863


POLICE COURT YESTERDAY - George PRICE, the German diplomat, was found not guilty of assaulting and battering Mary PRICE, and departed a free man.  George COOPER, remarkably well known as a peaceable citizen, was charged with assault and battery on Daniel MURPHY. On account of the absence of MURPHY and other witnesses, the case was postponed till Wednesday. Thomas FARRELL said he guessed he was guilty of getting drunk yesterday and going to sleep on the sidewalk, and was requested to pay $10 into the city coffers. What gave his face a bunged up appearance did not transpire; probably it was sleeping in the sun. Lafayette ANDREWS, one of Judge HOLL's faithful customers, was tried and convicted of disturbing the peace last night, by using ungenteel language in Second Street. Captain Confidence EMERSON's case, for stealing Mrs. HOWARD's watch, was postponed indefinitely, Mrs. HOWARD being sick and the confidence gentleman having business in the Court of Sessions. Coroner J.W. REEVES and A.E. LOCKHART were tried on charges of disturbing the peace, by thrusting each other through a window into the presence of an intelligent and dignified public.  Each of the defendants was made a witness against the other, and LOCKHART had the first chance to tell his story. He had been out to get shaved, returned to the back shop, and hearing REEVES coming down, went into the front shop to meet him; told REEVES to get another man to help him, and that if he ever had anything hereafter to say to his (LOCKHART's) wife he must come and say it to him; might have told him that if he spoke to her again he would punch his jaw, but on that point his mind was a little unsettled; other words passed, and finally REEVES told him there was no use talking in that way -if he wanted satisfaction he could pull off his coat and they would go into a room and have it out; as soon as that was said he stripped off his coat, and half turned to throw it one side, when REEVES seized him around the arms, and they had a tussle [here witness used language which would shock the modesty of our compositors], and just as he (witness)  was getting the best of it people took him off; during the struggle they both pitched through a window, and witness' wife appeared on the scene in a state     of consternation. J.W. REEVES was the next witness, LOCKHART having assumed the defensive attitude. He had learned the night before the battle that LOCKHART had procured a pistol and threatened slaughter; and when he came down, just before hostilities commenced, the enemy advanced upon him from the street, not from the back room, and the fight set in about as LOCKHART had narrated. Witness here diverged to explain his talk with Mrs. LOCKHART, which had been the casus belli. The talk was about domestic matters, and he had not intended to say anything offensive to that lady. He did tell LOCKHART if he wanted satisfaction he could have it, but it was in his own office, and he had no disposition to be run over. When LOCKHART stripped off his coat he (witness) noticed that he had a pistol on him, whereupon he seized him, and thrust him first through a glass window in among a lot of coffins, and next out of doors, giving him no chance to use his pistol.  Having heard both sides, the Court found each of the defendants equally guilty ten dollars worth, which sums they paid in liquidation. REEVES made a complaint against LOCKHART for threats against his life, on which an examination is to be had next Wednesday.


AQUEOUS - The Police Court room, in the Water Works building, and the passage-way leading thereto, were pretty thoroughly deluged yesterday

morning with water which drizzled down from toward a dozen new leaks in the tank overhead. Officers, prisoners, witnesses and reporters entered the

temple of Justice under peril of a ducking. It is said that the tanks are to be cleaned out shortly, and thoroughly mended and remodeled.


INSANE - A man named Thomas THOMPSON was arrested yesterday morning by officer CHAMBERLAIN and taken to the station house on account of insanity.  He has been living along the levee for some time, and was formerly an inmate of the Stockton Asylum. An insane man named Archibald MANNING was removed last evening by officers DEAL and O'BRIEN from the Golden Eagle Hotel to the station house. He was brought in the city from Folsom and will be taken to Stockton.


EMIGRANT TRAINS - The train of PERRY & HARPER arrived in the city yesterday from Missouri, having left the Missouri river on the 5th of April. They brought through in fine condition one hundred and sixty mules, and started with twenty-six wagons freighted to Salt Lake City. At that point all the wagons except nine were left behind. RANDALL?s train also arrived yesterday, embracing some sixty large horses, which were taken through to the Bay.


THE FUNDS - R.K. MARINER, Principal of the High School, stated in a communication to the Board of Education last evening, that the sum of $240

had been realized by the pupils of the school by the late entertainment at the Metropolitan Theater, and that $100 of the amount would be appropriated

to the purchase of astronomical instruments, and the remainder to the purchase of a piano, or some other musical instrument, for the use of the school.


BRUISED FACE - A drunken man, whose name is given as John BROWN, was found at dusk last evening on the sidewalk between Fourth and Fifth streets, on J, with a face badly bruised and bloody. He stated that he had been beaten at Cunningham?s drug store, but was unable or unwilling to give the details of the case. He was removed by special officer DEAL to the station house for safe keeping.


SUPREME COURT - In the Supreme Court the following orders were made in chambers yesterday: PIOCHE vs. PAUL; order of stay of proceedings until decision is rendered on petition for rehearing. McLAUGHLIN et al vs. KELLY et al.; on motion of counsel, stay of proceedings ordered until decision is had on petition for rehearing.


HOUSE RAISING - The sloop Wasp arrived at the levee yesterday from San Francisco, having on board the hydraulic apparatus of Fell & Brother, with a large amount of blocking, etc., for the purpose of house raising. It is said that a number of property owners in the city are making arrangements for raising their brick buildings above high water mark.


ELECTION OF OFFICERS - The following named officers were elected last evening for the ensuing term at a meeting of El Dorado Lodge No. 8,

I.O.O.F.: F.F. FARGO, N.G.; J.W. SCHOONMAKER, V.G.; T.A. MORAN, Rec. Sec.; C.H. MARVIN, Per. Sec.? W.H. HOBBY, Treas.; S. CROSS, F.F. FARGO, A.G. DAVIS, Trustees.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, July 3, 1863


SUICIDE AND INQUIRY -  At about two o'clock P.M. yesterday the body of a woman was discovered by some one in a boat in Sutter Lake, near the Chinese Chapel on Sixth street. It proved to be that of Mrs. Ann HAYES, who, with two sons, ten and seven years old, resided on Sixth street in the immediate vicinity. The deceased had been addicted to drinking and for several days past had been under the influence of delirium tremens. She had stated at the station house on Wednesday that certain parties intended to burn her house, and asked for the protection of the police. Her two sons state that during a great portion of Wednesday night she walked the floor, crying and talking.  The burden upon her mind at that time was the feeling that somebody intended to drown her. At two o'clock yesterday morning she left the house. When the boys arose soon afterward, they could not find her or learn anything concerning her, until the body was discovered in the water. The body was removed to the Coroner's rooms, and an inquest was held last evening. T.C. BENTON, Joseph WALDRON, Alfred PRENTICE, L. BOOTH, John SCHAFFER and Martin WALBOCK acted as jurors. Mary LINDSEY, officer O?BRIEN and Chief CLARK were examined as witnesses. The main facts as above narrated were elicited. There was no evidence to show how or when she fell into or jumped into the slough.  The jury returned a verdict to the effect that the body was that of Ann HAYES, a widow woman, forty-five years of age, a native of Ireland, and that she came to her death by drowning herself while laboring under aberration of mind. The two boys above referred to are known by our citizens generally from the fact that during the past year they have driven one and sometimes two goats to a small wagon over town gathering up wood, waste barley from the levee, etc. The deceased has another son, about seventeen years old, who is employed in a ranch on Putah creek, Yolo county. The funeral will be delayed for a day or two until he reaches the city to attend it.


BODY FOUND - INQUEST - Coroner REEVES was notified at about noon yesterday that the body of an unknown man had been found afloat in the Sacramento river, some seven miles below the city. He visited the locality in the afternoon and held an inquest. A jury was impaneled, composed of the

following named persons: Philip SHANK, Thomas NORRIS, Manuel KING, Manuel SILVEY, John FRANCIS and Antone SILVEY. The only witness examined was Reinhart BROWN. The witness stated that his business was that of a fisherman, and his place of residence Ristine's ranch. At about ten o'clock yesterday forenoon he was informed by the Captain of the schooner Independence that there was a body afloat in the river. The Captain

requested him to secure the body until the Coroner could be informed of the fact. Witness secured the body by means of a rope. The name and cause of

death of deceased were unknown to witness. There were no marks of violence on the body. Deceased had probably been drowned, and had apparently been dead five or six days. Hight of deceased five feet ten inches, very heavy build, about forty years of age, auburn hair, sandy beard, a good set of

teeth, upper teeth large, lower teeth small. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the facts above stated. The person who first discovered the

body was Captain J. CHAMBERS, of the Independence, and the location opposite Pleasant ranch.


DIVORCE SUIT - Anna Maria WITENHAVER commenced a divorce suit yesterday in the District Court against her husband William. The complaint states that the parties were married in January, 1848, in Germany. After residing one year in that country they removed to the United States and resided successively in Wisconsin, New York and California. Defendant came to California first, and was followed eight months afterward by plaintiff.

Defendant soon afterward became addicted to drinking, and in 1859 he abandoned plaintiff, and she has since supported herself by her own labor.

She asks for a decree of divorce, and also for a decree of ownership of certain property earned by her labor and occupied as a homestead, in the

clock between N and O, Third and Fourth streets.


RIGHT OF PROPERTY - The matter of the ownership of property in the DINGLEY divorce case was yesterday tried by R.C. CLARK, referee appointed by the District Court. Some five or six witnesses were examined. The referee will of course report to the District Court.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Saturday, July 4, 1863




SINGULAR RAILROAD ACCIDENT - Between five and six o'clock yesterday morning a singular railroad accident occurred near Front and R. streets, on the Sacramento Valley railroad. A fireman named Charles DUGAN had started from the old depot to R street with the locomotive C.K. Garrison to come up to K street to be in readiness to start for Folsom with the usual morning train.  At about the same time, and without his knowledge, a special train had started from Front and K streets for Folsom. This train consisted of the locomotive George F. Bragg and one passenger car. The Bragg was run by Engineer WOODRUFF, and the car contained the Express party referred to

yesterday - FARGO, CHENERY, BARNEY and McLANE - who are visiting the various express offices of Wells, Fargo & Co. in the State. The Garrison was, of course, backing up the street, the tender being in advance. At the curve near R street both engines met. DUGAN first noticed the shadow of a locomotive before the engine itself made its appearance. He at once reversed steam, but a severe shock nevertheless ensued by which he was thrown from the engine and lodged between it and the tender. He was badly bruised but not dangerously injured. The Geo. F. Bragg and the Garrison and tender were considerably damaged by the shock. The collision had the effect to

disconnect the Garrison from her tender. Her steam being reversed she kept in motion, not in the original direction, of course, but the opposite.  Without waiting for engineer, fireman or passengers, she started for Folsom. On reaching Brighton, a distance of five miles, by force of habit, or to take in wood, or from exhaustion of steam, or scarcity of water, or some other potent reason, she came to a halt, and did not start again until overtaken my two men on a hand car, who had been dispatched after her from the city. She was, of course, brought back under the control of the engineer. None of the passengers in the car behind the Bragg were injured.  Engineer WOODRUFF was slightly injured, but was not thrown from the engine. On account of this accident the morning train was prevented from leaving the city until nine o'clock.


THE ALLEGED LARCENY OF GOVERNMENT MULES - J.D. HARPER and Elias H. PERRY, charged with grand larceny of Government mules, were examined before Judge HOLL yesterday afternoon. The prosecution had no testimony to produce except the fact that defendants had the mules in their possession, brand "U.S." J.R. MILLER testified in behalf of defendants that he was at Salt Lake in July, 1859, when about 3,000 Government mules were sold, not more than 100 or 200 of which were branded as condemned or "vented." He also testified that the Government agents were very careless  in that matter, frequently branding the mules so lightly that the brand would wear off in a short time.  The defendant PERRY was also sworn, and testified that he was present when these mules were purchased bona fide in Salt Lake. He said they had brought

the animals through four military posts on the way, at each of which they were examined and allowed to pass. The defendants were discharged, but General WRIGHT still holds the four mules, and will not let them go until he has become satisfied that Uncle Sam does not own them.


ADMITTED TO CITIZENSHIP - John LONG, a native of Ireland, was yesterday admitted to citizenship, in the District Court, on the testimony of Andrew RYAN and M.F. McLEARNEY.



District Court - J.H. McKUNE, Judge     

  Friday, July 3d.

  H. TREICHLER vs. C.F. REDDING - Demurrer to complaint taken under advisement.

  John LYONS vs. B.N. BUGBEY et al. - Motion for new trial continued.

  Henry MILLER vs. H.M. STOW et al. - Motion to strike out answer as sham, and for judgment.

 The Placerville and Sacramento Valley Railroad Company vs. WALDRON et als. - Motion for leave to amend petition granted.

  James DUMAS vs. Joseph MOORE - Demurrer to complaint. Continued.

  J.C. KINCAID vs. DRESSER - Motion for execution for costs continued.

  J. WILCOXSON vs. C.H. BURTON et al. - Motion to pay taxes of 1862 out of funds in Court continued.

  Thomas E. KIMBALL vs. T.H. ROBERTS et al. - Demurrer to complaint. Continued.

  LEINBOCH vs. G.G. WATERS - Demurrer to complaint. Continued.

  C.C. HAYDEN vs. C. MORRILL et al. Demurrer to complaint. Continued.

 Joseph BANQUIER vs. D. TAYLOR - Rule to show cause why injunction should not issue granted, and A. WOODWARD appointed receiver upon giving bond in the sum of $1,000.

  R. FOLEY vs. Empire Stove Company et al. - Demurrer to complaint overruled and ten days given to answer.

  O.D. HUNT vs. M.M. REED et al - motion to put cause on calendar denied.

  E.M. SKAGGS vs. E.R. PERRIN et al - Motion for judgment granted and judgment ordered entered in favor of defendants for $20 and costs taxed against plaintiff.

  D. STRONG vs. S.D. CLARK et al - Demurrer to complaint overruled and five days given to answer.

  C. STREMING et al. vs. John LITTLE et al - Decree ordered entered of record.

  John LITTLE vs. Eli MAYO - Decree ordered entered of record.

  RUSSELL vs. SMITH - Finding and decree filed and decree ordered entered of record. Stay of execution granted for the days.

  Adjourned until Monday, July 6th, 1863, at half-past ten o'clock.


THE WHOLESALE MURDER AT SAN FRANCISCO - A dispatch to the Bee has the following particulars in reference to the family murder mentioned in the Union yesterday:

  Last evening at eight o?clock, a discovery was made which thrilled with horror all who witnessed it. Dr. George W. BEERS, the well-known lecturer, his wife Julia, and his daughter Annie, were found dead. The scene of these unparalleled tragedies is in the lodging house of Mrs. BARNES, on the corner of Geary and Stockton streets. Neither of the parties had been seen during the day, and not a sound heard in their rooms by any member of the family or lodger in the house. A light was observed in an outhouse. Dr. BEERS has been in extremely reduced circumstances, having been unable to pay his board.  Latterly, he has been delivering lectures, and was to have appeared at Dashaway Hall in a series on Physical Life. The last lecture was so thinly attended that he became dispirited, and for a day or two has kept his room, where he was heard pacing about in a restless manner about 11 o’clock on Wednesday evening.

  Mrs. BARNES failing to receive any reply to her repeated knockings informed her husband, who burst open the door, revealing the horrible scene.  On the bed lay the dead bodies of Dr. BEERS and his wife, the head of the man hanging over one side of the bed and directly over a pad which had been carefully placed to receive the blood, while the wife lay with her head near the foot of the bed and suspended over in a similar manner to bleed into a vessel placed there for the purpose. The sheets and bed covering were

drenched with gore, and the bodies attenuated from loss of blood. In an adjoining room lay the dead body of their child, her mouth covered with froth and the face convulsed as with the effects of poison. Close by was found a vial which had contained strychnine, but its contents had been emptied into a tumbler. A small lancet with bloody blade, and a bar of iron weighing some eight pounds, was also found, spotted with blood and matted with hair. The following letters throw some light over this before mysterious affair. They were discovered on the bureau:

  Mr. and Mrs. BARNES, Please take charge of all our effects and sell them for your own benefit, except the portraits, which do not let out of your hands until you may have an opportunity to send them to Mrs. Julia P. DOUGLAS, Brooklyn, New York.    I  have nothing to state further than that I am feeling my wife is really

to pass away from me, and difficulties are accumulating around me that I cannot withstand.       GEORGE W. BEERS   P.S. - Also keep the writing desk, and burn the letters.  See that the letter under this reaches its destination. 

  This was a note directed to Frank TUTHILL, and reads thus:

  Doctor, will you please send the inclosed to its destination, as a last act of kindness to my dear wife's mother.    I take your daughter with me, rather than have her die by inches as her father died before my eyes.  Pardon the act, for we have suffered much for each other’s sake.      G.W. BEERS

  The murderer evidently had a preconcerted plan with his wife for taking their own lives and that of their child. The wife's appearance after the murder, as first seen, presented a ghastly spectacle. The forehead and face crimson with blood, and the back of her head apparently crushed. The indication about the mouth showed that the wife had  swallowed poison, and probably the husband, seeing her in agony, completed the deed by a blow on the head with the iron bar. The head of the man hung near the rim of the

pad. He had severed an artery in the palm of his right hand and bled to death. The most touching sight was that of the daughter. The face looked somewhat distorted, and from her mouth oozed a thick saliva. She had been poisoned, and a heavy blow was visible on the back of her head, which doubtless was inflicted by the same weapon used in dispatching the wife.    The Coroner on his arrival made a hasty examination, swore in a jury on the spot, and announced the inquest to be held at one o?clock this afternoon. The doctor and wife were about thirty-seven years of age and natives of Brooklyn, New York.


ATTEMPT AT RESCUE - During the exhibition of fireworks at the Park on Saturday evening, an attempt was made to rescue from confinement a prisoner named GARLAND, who has been confined at Camp Union for several weeks.  GARLAND is a deserter from the Oregon cavalry, and was arrested at Red Bluff and brought to this city. He was contained in a cell a short distance south of the main entrance. The cell is constructed against the outside wall, which is lined with a partition of thick plank. At the close of the

pyrotechnic exhibition, it was found that the brick composing the open work - constructed for the purpose of ventilation for stock during the Fair had been removed opposite the cell, and efforts had been made to force the plank in front from its position. This work was of necessity done by some party on the outside. On an examination of the cell it was found that GARLAND had by some process cut the chain on his legs, thus increasing his chances for locomotion. As a horse had been observed tied near the spot during the

evening, it is supposed that it was the design to have GARLAND mount him as soon as he escaped and ride off. The plan was a daring one, but did not succeed.


ARRESTS - The following arrests were made since last report: Yong HONG, by officer BROWN, for petty larceny; E.A. LOCKHART, by officer BROWN, for misdemeanor; George DAVIS and Silas S. RUSSELL, by CHAMBERLAIN and MARTZ, for being drunk and disturbing the peace; T. LANGTON, by CHAMBERLAIN and MARTZ, for sleeping on the sidewalk; John GLEN, by officer AMES, for safe keeping; C. TOBY, by officer CALDWELL, for safe keeping; S. TERRY, by TAYLOR and CHILDS, for assault and battery; R. WILSON, by officer O'BRIEN, for grand larceny; KEAN, by MARTZ & TAYLOR, for sleeping on the sidewalk; M. BLANCHARD, by MARTZ, AMES and TAYLOR, for furious riding; J.W. TREATTON by MARTZ and CHAMBERLAIN, for desertion; J.W. PENROSE, by officer NORTH, on three charges of petty larceny, in stealing property belonging to A. LeMOTT, Sacramento Valley Railroad Company and Dennery & Brother.



CHARGE OF GRAND LARCENY - A man named R. WILSON was arrested yesterday by officer O'BRIEN on a charge of grand larceny in stealing the sum of about

$50 from C.H. NEWTON. NEWTON came to town from Lone Valley with a load of copper ore. At the Five Mile House on the Jackson road, he took a drink or two; four or five men with whom he was not acquainted asked permission to ride with him. He became unconscious, either from the effects of the liquor he had taken or from drugs which may have been put into it. When he came to his senses he was lying in the wagon, which had arrived in the city. All of the men were gone except one WILSON, and all of his money also. WILSON was taken in charge by an officer.


POLICE COURT YESTERDAY - Owen HUGHES, for disturbing the peace, was sentenced to labor for ten days for the city unless he could pay $20 fine.

A.E. LOCKHART, charged with threatening the life of Coroner REEVES, was discharged, the evidence showing that the threat was limited as to the time, to the night on which it was made. He was subsequently arrested for carrying concealed weapons, contrary to the statute which recently went into effect, and gave bonds in $50 for his appearance next Monday. The case of Dr. SANDERS, charged with perjury, was at his request, postponed till Saturday to enable him to satisfy himself whether or not Kate ROONEY is a myth. The Court adjourned over till Monday.


DISSATISFIED - Henry RAMSEY expressed his dissatisfaction yesterday towards Henry STROBECK because he had not extended him an invitation to join in the procession to-day, and against the Grand Marshal because he had not appointed Henry A. CAULFIELD as Assistant Marshal over them. RAMSEY broke his leg on Tuesday last,  STROBECK his on Monday, and CAULFIELD his long enough ago to be now able to walk with the aid of a pair of crutches. RAMSEY entertains the idea that the three, if assigned a place to-day, would constitute a striking and interesting feature in the procession.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, July 10, 1863


PASSENGERS FOR CALIFORNIA - The following named passengers left New York June 13th in the America for California via Nicaragua:

  McNULLY and wife, Miss M. WHITNEY, Miss M. BROZZELL, Miss L. CHURCH, Mrs. J. GRISWOLD and two children, F. TURNER, S. HALE, Mrs. HALE, Mrs. L. DEAN and child; O. BARTON and wife, Mrs. G.B. CADY, J.S. COLBY, W.H.H. HALL, Mrs. and Miss McCONAHEE, Miss M. O'CONNER, G. FOSTER and two ladies, Mary BRINBAUM Mrs. E. CASSIDY, R. WILBUR and wife, E.G. BELL and wife, Mrs. WORSLEY and two children, Mrs. H. WOOD, G. DYER and wife, Miss J. LAYTON, J.A. CARTER; GOULD, wife and child;  L.A. TOWNE; Dr. TUSKER, wife and child; Bibras FITALINT, WATERS, RICHARD, LECLAIR, J.E.B. HAIGHT, W.G. EDGAR, Wm. GALLAGHER, W.H. WILCOX, Master LAKE, R.B. SPENCER, Sister Marie Patrick, Sister Marie Praxede, Sister Marie Catharine, Sister Marie Romuald, Sister Marie Delacroix, Sister Emerentienne, Sister Euphenie, Sister Isadore, Sister del Enfant Jesus, Sister Hyacinth, Sister Paul Miki, Sister Kate Kirrs, Sister Catharine, Sister  Lajoye, Sister Olivier, Sister de Arimathie, Sister Fredrich, Sister Terese de Jesus, Sister V. du Crucifix, Sister Marie Louis, Sister Marie de Assise, Sister Marie du Sacre Coeur, Sister Marie de Sept Douleurs, Sister Marie Heduldge, Sister Marie Helene, Sister Marie Justine, Sister Marie des Anges Gardieres, Sister Marie Virginie, Sister Enerancienne, D.E. AVERY, D.H. ROBINSON, James CAMPBELL, R.B. LOVE, W.H. JAMISON, John O'CONNOR, M. FRY, L.P. VERNON, J. GRAFF, G. WAHO, L. HOPKINS, P.B. JOHNSON, J. SHANKS, T.S. BENTLY, H.J. ROSS, W.S. COOK. William DOOLEN, C. KEPPLEN, J. McCLAIO, D.K. ALLEN, J. FLUDDER, G.D. LINNEO, Miss A. JUDD, Mrs. C.A. CHASE, Mrs. LAKE, Sylvia S. WILCOX, Mrs. BENNETT, Mrs. E. TRAUX and child, Mrs. E.M. CONLISH, infant and seven children; Mrs. McGRAW and three children, J.M. DUTCHE and wife, J.C. HOLLAND, wife and sister; Mrs. HENRY and infant, Mrs. W.G. EDGAR, infant and two children; William SHEPSON, mother and three children; Mrs. GLACEE, two sisters and two children; Miss A. McDOUGAL, Miss A. HARKNESS, Rev. Mr. HODGES, Rev. S.B.A. BROUILLET, Rev. Mr. HAIDE, A.S. DUBOIS, Dr. GOULD, wife and child; Miss B.C. NICHOLS, C.O. SLATER, wife and child; F.H. ROSS, wife

and child; Miss H. BENTLEY, W.A. BOYD, wife and sister; W. BRINSBAUM, J.L. COLES, D.H. COLES, J.H. PASSENGER, Orton HUBBELL, F.B. LAMB, J.D. McBANE, E.A. SLOAT, B.R. SLOAT, W.B. CHAMPLIN, J.E. LAWRENCE, G. SHADDECK and wife, P.J. O?GRADY, J.P. BUCKLEY, wife and child; S.G. McCULLOUGH, daughter and three children; Miss C. MURDOCH, Miss M. McCORMICK, Elizabeth JENKINS, Miss S. FOLSOM, Mrs. TRYON, infant and two children; Mrs. A.J. ANDERSON and two children, Mrs. M. GOLDEN and two children, Mrs. E.T. GORDON, daughter and four children; E.H. GUPTILL, wife and two children; Mary AVEREL, L. AVEREL, M. ALBERT and wife, Rev. F.H. BLANCHET, S. DAIGNEAU, and about 300 in the steerage.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, July 13, 1863




ARREST OF MURDERER - S.D. JOHNS, Sheriff of Tehama county, arrived in the city at five o'clock yesterday afternoon, from Suisun City, having in charge James LACY, alias Poker Jim, alias H. MADISON, the murderer of James A. SWAIN, at Red Bluff. On the night of the 1st of June last SWAIN was sitting in WATSON’s saloon at Red Bluff, reading a newspaper, with his back to the  door, when LACY, who had just returned to town from Copper City, appeared at the open door and shot him with a shotgun. LACY made his escape, and SWAIN died immediately. Until within the last few days nothing had been learned concerning the murderer. A few days ago the Sheriff became suspicious that LACY?s clothing was about to be sent to him by his friends. When the Red Bluff boat was about to start for this city a suspicious trunk was placed on board, with the following written on a card attached: "H.M. In care of the landlord of the What Cheer House, Sacramento. To be left until called for." The Sheriff being satisfied that the trunk was designed for LACY, took passage on the boat. On arriving in this city, on Friday morning, the day was spent in a fruitless search for the murderer in the city. The assistance

of special officers DEAL and TAYLOR and officer CHAMBERLAIN was called in, and a constant watch was kept on the trunk at the What Cheer House. JOHNS had received information which led him to believe LACY might be at Suisun City, and on Saturday, in company with H. HOLMES, of the Barton Stables, started in a buggy for that point, leaving directions behind that the trunk should be closely watched, and if removed, followed by one of the officers.  On arriving at Suisun, JOHNS disguised himself, and discovered LACY in a saloon playing poker. He followed him subsequently to his room, and at five o’clock the next morning, having procured assistance, broke open the door of the room and arrested him while in bed. When brought to the city the prisoner was of course taken to the stationhouse. LACY is said to be a desperate man. He was tried in 1859, in Siskiyou county, for the murder of his father-in-law, but was not convicted.  He formerly lived in this city, and in 1852 was proprietor of a saloon on Sixth street, between I and J, known as "Civil Usage," which was destroyed by the great fire of that year.  LACY committed the murder for which he is now arrested from jealousy. He

killed his father-in-law, on account of his objecting to the marriage with his daughter and difficulty about the property, by waylaying him on a trail in the mountains and shooting him. He also killed a Mexican at one time, but it is said that in that case he acted in self-defense.


POLICE COURT SATURDAY - William H. TOON was tried for carrying baggage without a license. He is a porter on the Marysville boat, and was arrested while distributing baggage to the cars, hotels, etc. The defense was, in the first place, that he had tried to get a license and could not succeed; and second, that, being a porter employed on the boat, he could not be compelled to take out a license. Judge HOLL took the matter under advisement, to consult the ordinance. Ah Chung, a ?moon eyed? gentleman, was charged with carrying concealed weapons. There had been a general muss between Ah Chung, On Gia and Gin Sting, during which a formidable butcher-knife was made manifest, but nobody could swear which of the belligerents had it concealed, as they all bore a striking family resemblance. Ah Chung was therefore permitted to "wheelah!" Long and learned arguments were made in the Lucius RICH perjury case, which was taken under advisement.


SUPREME COURT - The following orders were made in the Supreme Court in chambers on Saturday: HICKS vs. WHITESIDES - On motion of counsel, and by stipulation, submitted on briefs. MAULSON vs. VAUGHN - On motion of counsel, and by stipulation, submitted on briefs. VERZAN vs. McGregor - On motion of counsel, and by stipulation, submitted on briefs. FREEBORN vs. BAEDER On motion of counsel, and by stipulation, submitted on briefs. VERZAN vs. McGregor - On motion of LEWIS, and by stipulation, leave granted to withdraw transcript. GLUCKAUF vs. BLEVINS - Same order. THOMAS vs. His Creditors - Same order.


POLISH COMMITTEE - The Polish Committee of Sacramento met at the office of the Secretary at half past seven o'clock on Saturday evening, ex-Governor BIGLER, President, in the chair, and Dr. HATCH, Secretary. Captain Corwin PIOTROWSKI, General Agent for the Central Committee of California, being present, made some suggestions as to the importance of immediate action in promotion of the objects of the Committee; and, on motion, it was resolved to enlarge the Committee of Sacramento by adding the following members, viz:  C.H. HOLBROOK, L. UPSON, Edgar MILLS, J.H. CARROLL, H.H. HARTLEY, C.T. WHEELER, J.F. MORSE, C. WEIL, Mark HOPKINS, Captain WOLLEB, W.A. McWILLIAMS, and Jas. LANSING. On motion, the Committee adjourned, to meet at the call of the President.


ARRESTS - The arrests made during Saturday and yesterday by the city police are as follows: T.H. TROON, by officer CHILDS, for disturbing the peace;

James HALL, by the same officer, for fighting; John SMITH, by officer AMES, for sleeping on the sidewalk; P. COOK, by officer AMES, for assault and battery.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, July 14, 1863


GRAND AND TRIAL JURORS - In the Court of Sessions yesterday the Sheriff and County Clerk, in the presence of two witnesses, appointed by the Court - N. Green CURTIS and J.C. GOODS, drew, according to law, from the "jury-box" provided by the Board of Supervisors, thirty names to serve as Grand Jurors, and thirty-six names to serve as Trial Jurors, for the ensuing terms of the Court. From the two hundred and ten names placed in the box by the Board of Supervisors the following were drawn: Grand Jurors - J.P. ROBINSON, L. FRINK, A.T. ARROWSMITH, T. BURNETT, R.C. MONTGOMERY, John VOORHIES, C.T. WHEELER, R. DALE, W. SHARP, J. WATERS, B.F. SLATER, Wm. YULE, J. ZUMWALT, T. McCONNELL, John GOULD, F.W. CLUTE, G.W. PROCTOR, E.M. SMITH, L. HENBLEN, L.B. DREW, W.W. MARVIN, C.C. KNOX, W.B. BAILEY, M. GREENHOOD, M.K. MURPHY, C.W. WALLACE, D. KENDALL, H.C. ROSS, T. RILEY and Larkin LAMB. Trial jurors:


GETT, T.H. JACKSON, G.G. CUDDEBECK, John BRADLEY, S. RICH, Frank POWELL, F.S. LARDNER, C.E. CASTLE, T.W. STROBRIDGE, Joshua BAILEY, John McCLINTOCK, H. BAYER, A.J. FOSTER, T.A. GIBBS, W.R. STRONG, N.A. KIDDER, J.S. JULIEN, Geo. W. HOPKINS, Paul MORRILL, J.P. RHODES, J.W. VAN TREES, John RIPPON, Justin GATES, James ANDERSON, and H.H. WACHHORST. The Sheriff was directed to summon the above named jurors to be and appear at the Court of Sessions on Monday, the 20th instant, at ten o'clock A.M. At that time thirteen of the thirty Grand Jurors will be selected to serve during the present term of the Court. In order to find a true bill in any case twelve votes out of the thirteen will be required.


CHARGE OF MURDER - On Sunday evening a man named J.W. MARKLEY was brought to the county jail by the Sheriff of Yolo county and locked up on a charge of having murdered J.H. PALMER at Putah Creek. PALMER was found dead in GUILE's corral on Thursday last at about ten o?clock A.M., tied to a horse. One end of the rope was fastened around the neck of the horse and the other around PALMER?s neck. His head was also bruised in several places. PALMER had been employed by GUILE on his ranch. At the time the death took place there was nobody connected with the ranch at home except the deceased. At the Coroner?s inquest evidence was adduced to show that the deceased and MARKLEY had had a previous difficulty on account of a dispute about land, and that MARKLEY had threatened PALMER's life if he should ever come upon his place again. MARKLEY was subsequently arrested and examined before Justice PIERCE, who held him to answer to the charge of murder. MARKLEY has been engaged in

ranching in Yolo county and has a family in the East.


ARRIVED - William REYNOLDS, an old resident of Sacramento, who keeps a livery stable and sale stable on Seventh street, between K and L streets, arrived in the city on Sunday night from Missouri. He left St. Joseph on the 25th of April, bringing over his family and thirty head of fine horses.


ARRESTS - The arrests of yesterday are as follows: Daniel O. MOXLEY, by officer NORRIS, for safe keeping; John DOE, by officer CODY, for refusing to give his name to the Federal Tax Collector; George UHL, by officer MARTZ, for disturbing the peace.


Supreme court - In the Supreme Court yesterday the following order was made in chambers: Burpee vs. BUNN et al. - On motion of BEATTY, ten days additional time granted to file petition for rehearing.


FOR TRIAL TO-DAY - The trial of T.H. ARMINGER, on a charge of assault to murder in shooting at Henry GEISEL, is set for to-day in the Court of Sessions.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Wednesday, July 15, 1863



  Police Court Yesterday - The ruins of a stout Irishman named Daniel O. MURPHY were brought up for getting tight and disturbing the peace. They admitted that they were not exactly sober, having several glasses or two of what the bar-tenders called liquor in them; but, inasmuch as they had not made much noise and had come along quietly with the policeman who wanted them, the Court let them off with a few words of admonition respecting their future course of life. These were the remains of the individual who was

recently pounded into a jelly by one of our fellow citizens. J.H. ALLEN was charged with getting drunk and sleeping on the sidewalk. He made a confidential statement to the Court, in consideration of which he was dismissed - on payment of  a fine of $10. In the case of H. PHILLIPS, accused of stealing somebody’s blankets, defendant’s counsel demanded a jury trial, which necessarily postponed the case, and Thursday next was fixed for the trial. William H. TROON, (Caucasian) and J. HALL (African), were mutually tried for disturbing the peace by hammering each other publicly.  The defendants are rivals in the baggage business, the African having a license and the Caucasian having none. Policeman CHILDS testified that  he saw the Caucasian pursuing the African and seizing him by the neck, while the public on the levee were shouting "Give it to the black ____". TROON testified that "this yere darkey" challenged him to come ashore to fight, which challenge he accepted.  HALL testified that “this gentleman” was the aggressor every time, having damned him, insulted him in various ways, snubbed his nose, and struck him. The Court believed all the testimony, and charged each of the combatants $15 for the damage to the peace and dignity of the city. On Gin, the Celestial carrier of concealed deadly weapons, not having yet been unearthed, the witnesses were sent home till wanted. J. HAWKS was charged with obstructing the sidewalk on the corner of K and Fifth streets with a huge pile of hides. Testimony showed that for a day or so only nineteen inches of sidewalk was accorded to the public; also, that there was a clear space of four feet all the time, and that all the obstruction there was lasted only three hours,  defendant’s intentions being altogether public spirited. The verdict was guilty. In the other case of William H. TROON - one of the belligerents above mentioned - the accusation

of smashing baggage without a license from the city, counsel urged that the Trustees? ordinance was illegal because it provided for the punishment of a felony. The decision was reserved. John DOE, the incorrigible law-breaker, labored under two accusations of withholding his name from the Tax Collector, for each of which he was required to pay the tax; also costs.

John SMITH, who had been on a bender and taken free lodgings on the pavement said he didn’t feel “more than half middling” this morning. The Court said he was at a loss what to do with him, but decided to keep him on the first floor one day longer, that he might improve in condition. Two small, dirty, impish lads were accused of robbing a school house up town. They denied the charge with lachrymose lamentations, and the Court deferred their business for the purpose of further investigation, having the State Reform School all the time in his eye. The examination of Daniel DOUGHERTY on a charge of stealing and selling four oxen belonging to another man, was concluded ant

taken under advisement. This is one of the toughest cases on the records of the Court, in respect to identity, two respectable citizens - Jerome DAVIS and E.M. SKAGGS - swearing positively that he is the man; and a cloud of witnesses, some of whom appear to be veracious, swearing as positively that at the time of the sale he was in Clarksville, El Dorado county, engaged in sundry "musses." James GRAVES, a defaulting witness in this case, from El Dorado, was required to explain his non-attendance at the previous hearing, and explained that he had no means of locomotion unless he came on foot. He had walked six miles to collect money due him, so as to pay his railroad and stage fare, but when he got there his debtors had gone to celebrate Vicksburg and Gettysburg, and so his project was defeated. The Court held that the explanation was satisfactory.


DIVORCE SUIT - Mary CLINE commenced suit yesterday in the District Court against her husband, William CLINE, from whom she asks to be divorced. The parties to the suit were married in San Francisco in the month of May 1858.  Since that date plaintiff has resided in Sacramento. Six months after marriage defendant abandoned and deserted plaintiff, and has failed to provide for her the necessaries of life, although abundantly able to do so.  Plaintiff asks for a decree of divorce, and also for the custody of their child, a daughter, four years and three months old.


COURT OF SESSIONS - The Court of Sessions met yesterday pursuant to adjournment. Present - Judges CLARK, CONE and CROUSE. The case of the People vs. CHAMORRE was continued until Monday, July 20th. Isadora ALFARO, a witness in the case, was placed under rule to be present. The case of the People vs. ARMINGER was continued until August 12th. It was ordered by the Court that the service of summons upon grand or trial jurors one day before they are required to appear at this term of the Court shall be sufficient.  The Court then adjourned until Monday, July 20th.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, July 21, 1863



COURT OF SESSIONS - the Court of Sessions met yesterday pursuant to adjournment; present, Judge CLARK and Associates. The following named members of the Grand Jury were impaneled for the ensuing term: J.P. ROBINSON, R.C. MONTGOMERY, Richard DALE, John WATERS, B.F. SLATER, J. ZUMWALT, John GOULD, G.W. PROCTOR, L.B. DREW, W.W. MARVIN, C.C. KNOX, M. GREENHOOD and David KENDALL. All the other grand jurors on the venire were excused for the term. The following named prisoners being present, were informed of their right to challenge any or all of said grand jurors for cause shown. No challenge being made, John WATERS was appointed Foreman. The jury then, after being duly sworn in, retired for deliberation. in the case of the people vs. A. TROVERO, on motion of N. Greene CURTIS said defendant was discharged, he having been in custody during two terms of the Grand Jury and no bill having been found against him. In the case of the People vs. Thomas JACKSON, the defendant was arraigned for trial on a charge of grand larceny in horse stealing. U. BAYER, Levi BLUNT, A.J. FOSTER, J.S. JULIAN, R.K. BOLT, James ANDERSON, S.C. HALL, John McCLINTOCK and F.A. GIBBS were selected as jurors. The panel being exhausted, a special venire was ordered to issue, and the Court took a recess until 1 o?clock P.M. At that hour William YEAKLE, M. WILSON and W.F. WATERMAN were chosen to complete the jury. District Attorney UPTON appeared for the State, and J.C. GOODS for the defendant. COONSMAN and S. DEAL were examined for the State, and the defense introduced no witnesses. After the argument of counsel the case was given to the jury. The jury subsequently returned into Court with the following verdict: "We, the jury in the case of the People vs. Thomas JACKSON, find the defendant not guilty as charged in the indictment." It was thereupon ordered that the prisoner be discharged from custody as to this offense. In the case of the People vs. Francisco CHAMORRO, charged with grand larceny in stealing jewelry from the residence of S. ROSENFIELD, the defendant appeared in person, and withdrew the plea of not guilty and entered a plea of guilty to a charge of petit larceny in stealing the articles mentioned in the indictment, of the value of forty dollars. Defendant was ordered to appear

for sentence at 2 o'clock P.M. to-day. It was ordered by the Court that an attachment issue forthwith against John BRADLEY, F.S. LARDNER and T.W. STROBRIDGE, defaulting jurors, requiring them to be and appear in Court and show cause, if any they can, why they should not be punished for contempt. The Court then adjourned until 2 o'clock P.M. to-day.


POLICE COURT YESTERDAY - Charles HIRSCHFELDT was tried on the accusation of Maria ANTOINE, alias "California Mary," that he had stolen thirty or forty

dollars from her. The testimony was conflicting, and the Court, construing the doubt in favor of the defendant, acquitted him. Then "California Mary" was tried for assault and battery on Charles HIRSCHFELDT, pursuing him into the street, collaring him and compelling him to give her money, which she said belonged to her; found guilty and requested to contribute ten dollars to the funds of the city. The evidence in these cases was curiously mixed and conglomerated, setting all theories of fact at defiance. Ah Chung, from Chino, and quite recently from the mines, pleased guilty of carrying a concealed knife. He proved a good character, for a Chinaman, and was evidently wholly ignorant of the law, but the Court could do no less under the statute than fine him twenty dollars - which sum his friends paid for him. James JOHNSON was tried and convicted of assault and battery on an elderly Frenchman, at the County Hospital; but as the assault was not severe, and was committed under some provocation, the Court only imposed a fine of ten dollars. J.W. PENROSE was adjudged guilty of stealing Dennery & Bros.' crockery - the Court having examined the law on the subject to its own satisfaction. He was also sentenced to pay fifty dollars fine or serve twenty-five days in the chain gang for stealing a box belonging to A. LAMOTT. PENROSE took occasion again to remonstrate with the Court, protesting that there was no evidence to show that he was a thief. He thought it was too bad that an honest man like him should be locked up when he might be earning money in the mines, and when great rascals were allowed to run at large.


TAKEN THE OATH - As the Supreme Court had decided that test oath to be administered to attorneys to be constitutional, it is probable that the members of the profession generally, with a few exceptions, will take it.  Below is a list of those whose names are already filed in the District Court, given as nearly as practicable, in the order in which they were filed: Henry STARR, E.B. CROCKER, E.H. HEACOCK, F. McCONNELL, John G. HYER, William S. WOOD, D.W. WELTY, J.B. HARMON, C.G. W. FRENCH, Charles P. GOFF, Samuel CROSS, George R. MOORE, L.S. TAYLOR, M.M. ESTEE, W.W. UPTON, H.O. BEATTY, R.C. CLARK, Robert ROBINSON, I.B. MARSHALL, Presley DUNLAP, P.J. HOPPER, W.R. CANTWELL, G.W. SPAULDING, Daniel J. THOMAS. The first five names on the list were filed on the 9th of May. The last two were filed yesterday on the announcement of the decision of the question by the Supreme Court.


SINGULAR ESCAPE - Thomas JACKSON was tried yesterday in the Court of Sessions on a charge of grand larceny in stealing a horse. He had been arrested by officer DEAL at San Francisco on  several similar charges. The jury yesterday afternoon returned a verdict of not guilty. His counsel asked for his discharge. The Clerk of the Court was appealed to as to whether there were any other charges against the prisoner, and answered negatively so far as he was informed. The Sheriff’s office was appealed to with the

same result. JACKSON was then discharged. It was soon afterwards ascertained that he was still under indictment for horse stealing in Yolo county, and had been placed in the Sacramento county jail for safe keeping. He was once tried at Woodland on the charge but the jury failed to agree. All efforts to find and re-arrest him up to last night had failed.


EXCUSED - Under the new law jurors can be excused from service for such special reasons only as are designated in the law. In the Court of Sessions the following named jurors were yesterday excused  for legal cause: W.D. WILSON and W.A. THOMAS, Justices of the Peace; C.F. WAGONBLAST, military man; Lyman WILCOX, S. RICH and H. WACHHORST, ill health; W.A. GETT, sickness in family; John RIPPON and Justin GATES, exempt firemen; G.G. CUDDERBECK, absent from the State; Joshua BAILEY, sickness of self and family.


DISCHARGED - A. TROCERO, who was charged with assault to murder, was yesterday, on motion of his counsel, N. Greene CURTIS, discharged from custody by order of the Court of Sessions. TROCERO was sent to the city from Folsom, charged with shooting at some one in a fight. Two Grand Juries had met and adjourned since the confinement of the prisoner, without indicting him.


NEW VENIRE - It was yesterday ordered by the Court of Session that the Clerk and Sheriff proceed, at ten o?clock this morning, to draw, according to law, twenty-four trial jurors for the June term of this Court, to be and appear before said Court on the 10th day of August, at 10 o'clock A.M.


PROBATE - In the matter of the estate of J.L. LOCKETT, deceased, an application for sale of personal property was yesterday granted, at public or private sale. Estate of B. COLEMAN, deceased - Hearing of citation against L.M. MOORE coming on to be heard, further hearing was continued until this morning.


ARRESTED AT MARYSVILLE - J.H. MURPHY, who a few days ago violently assaulted his wife, on Eleventh street, between K and L, and then took his furniture and a child thirteen months old to the Marysville boat, has been arrested at Marysville and will probably be brought back to this city for trial.


PRESENT - The following named prisoners were present in the Court of Sessions yesterday, pending the enrollment of the Grand Jury: A.H. DAKE, T.J. LESTER, D.L. BROWN, F.E. EMERSON, H.F. SWEET, C. JONES, A. AUGUSTINE and John CARR.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Wednesday, July 22, 1863




  THE CUNNINGHAM RAPE CASE - The examination of Porter CUNNINGHAM, a grey-headed individual aged upward of fifty years, on a charge of committing rape on the person of a little girl seven years of age, took place yesterday in the Police Court, the general public being excluded from hearing the horrible details. Dr. HALL testified that four days ago he was called to attend the child, and found her suffering deplorably from an infamous disorder. Dr. J.F. MORSE testified that two or three days ago he examined defendant and found upon him traces of the same disorder. At the request of defendant?s counsel, Drs. MORSE and CRANE retired with defendant and made another examination, and on their return reported that all such traces had disappeared. The alleged victim, a beautiful child, rather small in stature for a seven year-old, was next placed upon the stand and allowed to tell her story, although not considered old enough to understand the nature of an oath. Her story was of a harrowing nature, well calculated to cause the blood of an honest man to boil. She related that some two or three weeks ago - she could not remember dates - she had been sent to the Ohio Brewery after

some yeast, and on her way home this wretched defendant came out of his den on I street, near Third, and coaxed her in with a promise of a pair of ear-rings, and then and there perpetrated the crime with which he is charged. The child gave the details of the outrage with so much particularity, and described CUNNINGHAM's rooms with so much minuteness, as to make it morally impossible that she could have been inventing the story.

CUNNINGHAM ripped her dress, spilled her yeast, and threatened that if she told what had happened she would lose the jewelry which he had promised her. She was considerably confused in some other statements regarding minor matters - as to when and how often she had seen defendant before, whether the door was open or shut, and whether or not Chinese prostitutes, who swarm about the locality, were present when the crime was committed - but as to the main fact of the crime committed against her, there was no variableness nor shadow of turning. F. CHAMBERLAIN, Lieutenant of Police, identified a well used syringe, and a dirty shirt, with suspicious spots upon it, as articles which he had taken from defendants den. The lady, whose adopted daughter the child is, gave her testimony in relation to discovering the diseased condition of the little girl, and repeated the story of her wrongs as she first heard it from the childs lips. It was between two and three weeks ago that the child was sent after yeast to the Ohio Brewery. She remained away a long time, and when she returned her dress was torn and soiled, and but very little yeast was in her can. CUNNINGHAM had been in the habit of visiting her house occasionally, and had pretended to great fondness for the child, giving her fruit and promising her earrings and other presents. When CUNNINGHAM was arrested and brought toward the house, the little girl pointed him out as "the bad man who did it," and appeared very much agitated. "That," said the witness, "was after Jack JOHNSON had loaded his revolver to go and blow his dead off, and nobody would let him do it." Jack JOHNSON testified relative to the discovery of the terrible condition of the child, and the subsequent measures taken to ascertain the perpetrator of the deed. The child, who was always in the habit of calling him "Papa," went with him and pointed out where CUNNINGHAM lived, and described him and his den with great exactness. She also described to him what CUNNINGHAM had done. Officer CODY testified that defendant acknowledged to him having been afflicted some months ago with a certain loathsome disease. Some other testimony mainly corroboratory in character, concluded the case for the prosecution. Counsel for defense called Joel SMITH, an old fellow who lets houses to Chinese females, to CUNNINGHAM, and the like, and this person was questioned as to the locality, and also as an expert, about the character of the suspicious spots on the dirty shirt. The Court ruled that as he was not a physician nor a chemist, he was not competent to give this sort of testimony. Witness said CUNNINGHAM had two paintings in his den, which were respectively five feet by six, and five feet by four. These he said were "not pictures, but reg’lar paintin's;" one represented "Tom Bell on his hoss," and the other "a man and a woman on hosses," and being rather conspicuous objects, witness evidently thought it remarkable that none of the witnesses for the prosecution had mentioned them. On cross examination witness said he was not standing at the door just now listening because he wanted to hear how the testimony was going, but because he wanted to know how soon they would get through, and he was hard of hearing. Several witnesses were called as to the character of the girl for truth and veracity, but she did not appear to have made a "general reputation" in that respect. One witness was also asked by  counsel for the defense as to the reputation of the child for chastity! The Court promptly decided that it was not necessary to investigate the chastity of a baby six or seven years old; whereupon that line of defense was abandoned, and the case was closed. The Court patiently listened to arguments of counsel, and then reserved the decision till to-day.


COURT OF SESSIONS - The Court of Sessions met yesterday pursuant to adjournment - present, Judge CLARK and Associates CONE and CROUSE. It was ordered by the Court that the time in which to pass sentence upon CHAMORRO be extended until Thursday, July 23d, at two o'clock P.M. It was ordered by the Court that F.S. LARDNER be excused from serving on the trial jury for the reason that he is a fireman. The Court then adjourned until July 23d, at two o'clock P.M.


LARCENY - The residence of Geo. E. COGGESHALL, at Twentieth street, above the north levee, was visited on Monday night by thieves. A pair of pants and a locket containing the miniatures of the father and mother of the proprietor were all the property found which was deemed worth carrying away.  While present, one of the thieves availed himself of the opportunity of combing his hair, an operation which was proven necessary by the fact that COGGESHALL?s comb was broken before it was completed.


NOT YET FOUND - Thomas JACKSON, the prisoner who escaped from the Court of Sessions on Monday, through the inadvertence of those who had charge of him, has not yet been found. It the case of the indictment pending against him in Yolo county for grand larceny, he had been once tried and convicted, but on motion of his counsel was granted a new trial, on the ground that the verdict was not in accordance with the evidence.


IMPROVEMENTS - E. KIMBALL, whose wheelwright shop, on K street, above tenth street, was destroyed by fire, some two or three weeks ago, is now erecting on the site of the old one a large and commodious building for the continuance of his business. Arrangements are also being made for the erections of a new building on the site of Brockway's Saloon, adjoining, which was destroyed by fire at the same time with the wheelwright shop.


RUNAWAY - Soon after six o'clock yesterday morning a horse attached to the meat wagon belonging to George SCHWARTZ became frightened on J street, near Fourth, and ran off. On running up J street he dashed into an ox team, to the material injury of one of the oxen. A little further along the wagon was upset, and becoming detached the horse kept on his course for some distance out J street.


PROBATE - In the matter of the estate of Bernard COLEMAN, deceased, the citation heretofore issued against L.M. MOORE (requiring him to appear before this Court to answer questions touching the property of said deceased), regularly coming on to be heard, the testimony of MOORE having been heard, said citation was, on motion of J.G. HYER, dismissed.


ARRESTS - The following arrests were made yesterday: Robert WATSON, by officer CODY, for assault and battery; AH Chung, by officer BROWN, for safe keeping; Mary KANE, by officer CHILD, for disturbing the peace; McCARTY, by S. DEAL and Constable SMITH, for disturbing the peace at Craig?s saloon, on Fourth street.


OUT AGAIN - W.W. GREEN, of Camp Union, whose arm was injured by the premature discharge of a cannon on the evening of the Fourth of July, has sufficiently recovered to visit the city. The arm will not be seriously impaired.


TO BE BROUGHT BACK - Deputy Sheriff CHRISTY was sent to Marysville yesterday for J.H. MURPHY, who was arrested in that city for an assault and battery committed on his wife in this city. The officer and prisoner will return to-day.


SCLAVONIC - Of the two Austrians whose remains were recently taken through the city from Nevada Territory to San Francisco, the name of Marco ZENOVICH should have been given instead of Marco MILLANOVICH, as a former resident of Sacramento and member of the Confidence Engine Company. On the arrival of the two bodies at the railroad depot, and until their transfer to the San Francisco steamer, they were taken in charge and carefully attended by members of the Sacramento branch lf the Sclavonic Society. A delegation of ten members of that Society accompanied the remains from Virginia City, and four more members were added to their number here - all constituting a

Committee to superintend the transfer to San Francisco., The central organization of the Sclavonic Society is located at San Francisco, with branches in all the principal cities of the Pacific coast.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Thursday, July 23, 1863



  POLICE COURT YESTERDAY - In the case of Porter CUNNINGHAM, examined yesterday for rape on a child, the Court decided to hold the defendant to answer. Aside from the statements of the child, there were facts which he thought pointed inevitably to the guilt of the defendant. He fixed the bail at $2,000. The Court said an individual who appeared on the record as "Bob Watson," had been to his office and pleaded guilty of assault and battery on James H. ROBERTS. A Policeman whispered to our reporter the real name of "Bob," which sounded somewhat like "Harry Barney," of "Hiram Barnyard," and added that the assault was made under peculiar provocation. R. McCARTHY was tried for disturbing the peace last night at Craig?s saloon, on Fourth street, between J and K. The evidence showed that McCARTHY was an ex-member of the celebrated New York Sixty-ninth; that he was engaged yesterday in celebrating the battle of Bull Run, at which that regiment covered itself with glory [great applause by the defendant]; that while so engaged he fell in with a Dane or Swiss at Craig's, who raised some objection to fighting "mit Sigel," and said some other things not musical to loyal ears; that high

words and squaring off ensued, but no blows were struck. CRAIG interposing between the belligerents; and that at this juncture Sam DEAL entered and arrested the ex-soldier, allowing the Dane to go Scot free. As CRAIG said his peace had not been disturbed, the Court decided that no damage had been done, and McCARTHY went his way in triumph. Daniel COSTELLO was tried for two assaults and batteries on his wife, but that lady having repented since making her affidavits, took them all back, said she only was to blame for allowing Mrs. WELSH to persuade her to get drunk, and swore positively that she did not know who struck her, and that she had not the slightest recollection of the assault, nor of having made any complaint against her husband. COSTELLO was consequently discharged, but his wife was, by order of the Court, arrested for perjury, and for want of bail in $2,500, locked up for examination. Mrs. Catharine WELSH testified, however, that on the occasion of his first assault on his wife, COSTELLO had also attacked her and struck and kicked her, and several credible witnesses corroborating material portions of her testimony. COSTELLO was found guilty on that charge. The fourth charge against him was for disturbing the peace on the same occasion, but inasmuch as the disturbance was a part of the same transaction, though the evidence was conclusive, the Court took the matter under advisement. Mrs. WELSH was next tried for disturbing COSTELLO?s peace, which gave him a "swear" at her. He improved the occasion with great vigor, charging her with calling him bad names and striking his beautiful nose, while he only told her she was his gossip, and gently pushed her away. The swearing in this whole grist of cases was steep enough to astonish the Chinese. Mary KINE was up again for disturbing the peace and made a great to-do in Court room. The testimony was not very conclusive, and Judge HOLL told her he should let her go with a warning that he should be very severe on her if she came there again. Said she: "How much will you give me, Judge, if I come again?" The Court - "As much as $50, and the chain gang, too, perhaps." Mary - "Well, I don't care for that." Mary went away complaining that down at the Bay she could take a glass of beer whenever she liked, while here they had her "tooked up" for everything.


ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL - The annual examination and distribution of prizes at St. Joseph's School, at Ninth and G streets, took pace yesterday, commencing at half-past nine o'clock A.M. A large number of spectators were present.  The exercises consisted of examinations in spelling, reading, grammar, geography, philosophy, history, etc., interspersed with recitations, songs, etc. The exercises were commenced by a grand march, the children uniting in singing, "I see him on his upward way," and concluded by their all singing "The Star Spangled Banner" and "Hail Columbia." The following named young ladies received "crowns" for general good conduct during the session:

Margaret DUGGAN, Margaret BANNON, Catharine BURNS, Sarah RIGHTMIRE, Susan DOUGHERTY, Alida BABCOCK, Elizabeth SPENCER, Mary KOHNER. Premiums were awarded for general good conduct to Margaret DUGGAN, Amanda HARRIS, Alida BABCOCK, Marie McCANN, Mary FROHNER, Kate PRIOR, Susan DOUGHERTY, Emily VENTREES, Sarah RIGHTMIRE, Mary FREDERICKS, Ella GREENWOOD, Kate BARNES, Ellen KAVANAGH, Margaret BANNON, Eliza SPENCER, Margaret PRIOR, Lizzy FREDERICKS, Margaret KILGARRIFF, Alice WATSON, Sarah CLARKE, Mary CRAWFORD, Mary ROCKFORD, Isabella RYAN, Sarah GILDAY, Adelaide ASH, Emily MIERS, Jennie BABCOCK, Annie RYAN, Ellen PLUNKETT, Margaret O?CONNOR, Mary TRIERNON, Anne McALLISTER, Mary McDONALD, Mary CONLIN, Fanny FROHNER, Sally MAYO, Foscaline WILLIAMSON. For needlework - to Josaline WILLIAMSON, Ellen KAVANAGH, Mary COSTELLO, Margaret ENNIS, Lucy NELLIS, Ellen TRIERNON, Josephine CLARKE, Henrietta FREDERICKS, Mary MANGAN, Kate WALSH, Kate CONLIN, Mary A. DRISCOLL, E. COFFEE, Matilda ARRAS, Mary BISCAY, Lizzy TRYAN, Caroline GISCHLER, Kate McCARTHY, Litzzy TOOLE, Emma KREZBERGER, Kate HURLEY, Mary Augusta BRUCE, Margaret DUGGAN, Alida BABCOCK, Margaret DINEGAN, Kate BURNES. For proficiency at Sunday School: Mary TROHNER, Isabella RYAN, J.A. MARKS, Annie FAREWELL, Mary CONLIN, Annie McLAUGHLIN, M. Ellen CASSIAN, Mary A. CASSIAN, Emma FRIESBERGER, Josephine CLARKE, Mary FAREWELL, J. Anne HOLFELDER, Sally MAYO, Lucy NELLIS, Mary A. McCAFFREY. The next term of the school will commence on the 1st of September next.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Saturday, July 25, 1863



BODY IDENTIFIED - The body which was found afloat about a week ago, eight miles below Washington, and which was buried by Justice HOAGLAND after holding an inquest, was disinterred on Thursday, by J.A. CONBOIE, and sent to Volcano, Amador county.  Two of the friends of James H. ALLEN, of that county, came to the city for the purpose of removing the remains of the deceased - the articles of clothing which were sent off having been identified by Mrs. ALLEN. Witnesses who saw the body and testified before the jury state, in connection, that there was a severe wound on the forehead, as though the deceased had been struck with a slungshot or some heavy instrument. This fact in connection with the circumstance that there was neither purse or note book  in his pockets, both of which he usually carried, justify the conclusion that the deceased was murdered. The fact that strangers in the city can, by means of liquor or perhaps drugs, be enticed to the levee, and there be knocked down, robbed and thrown overboard

with impunity, indicates a state of affairs which should call out the most vigorous efforts of our best detectives. It also requires a much more vigorous examination at the time of holding inquests than generally occurs. Marks on the surface of the head or body are often passed over on the presumption that they have been caused in the water after death. The business of murdering men for their money, in the city, should be rendered too perilous to pay.


DISTURBANCE ON FOURTH STREET- On Thursday evening, at about nine o'clock, a disturbance took place on Fourth street, below K, in front of a restaurant kept by a colored man named WILLIAMS, in which WILLIAMS and a white woman figured. A story gained credence yesterday that the negro had attempted to commit rape on the woman, had thrown her down on the sidewalk, etc. Considerable excitement was, of course, created by this report. William's statement of the affair is that the woman had been eating at his house, and had left a shawl and other articles with his wife as security for her meals; that on Thursday evening she was accompanied by a man, and both were under the influence of liquor. She asked for her shawl, etc, saying she wished to pay her bill. On the articles being given to her, she started off without paying, when a scuffle ensued, WILLIAMS finally pushing both out of the door. As the woman has not made any complaint against WILLIAMS or obtained a warrant, as nobody seems to have seen anything like an assault to commit rape, and as the hour was early, the evening moonlight, and the location central, where a call for help would at once have drawn a large crowd together, it seems probable that William's statement of the affair is somewhat near correct.


POLICE COURT YESTERDAY - The only business before the Court was the trial of Captain Confidence EMERSON, for the larceny of Mrs. HOWARD's watch. A jury of six taxpayers was impaneled, before whom Mrs. HOWARD  testified that EMERSON was in her room at the Casco House, when she took the  watch from her trunk, placed it on the top of the bureau, and turned around to look for the key; and when she turned back again the watch had disappeared, and EMERSON with it. The next she heard of the watch was, after Emerson's arrest for swindling, that he had pawned it. J. DAVIS, pawnbroker, testified that EMERSON pawned the watch at his counter for $10, and a day or two afterwards also pawned a chain for $5, giving his name at the time as "Mr. SMITH." He valued the watch at $25, and the chain at $10. EMERSON asked for more delay to get the landlady of the Casco House as a witness, which was denied him, and the jury, after a short absence, decided that he was guilty. The Court promised to pass sentence this morning.


NEW SUIT - Jane EYRES commenced suit yesterday, in the District Court, against John H. GASS, Henry THOMAN and A. MEYERS. The complaint states that on the 4th of May, 1861, the defendant, GASS, made and delivered to plaintiff his promissory note for the sum of $800, payable in six months, with interest at the rate of two per cent, per month until paid. For the security of the payment of said note said defendant gave a mortgage on lots numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9,. 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 Rutte’s Garden (near Smith’s Garden.)  GASS paid the interest on said note up to July 4, 1862, and $200 of the principal sum. The mortgage was duly recorded in the office of the County Recorder. Subsequent to the date of the mortgage GASS sold the property to defendants THOMAN and MEYERS. Judgment is therefore asked against defendant GASS, and for the sale of said property to pay the remaining indebtedness.


PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE - The Odd Fellows Hall Association has purchased of D. HARRIS and J.D. BITHELL the two lots and building fronting on J street adjoining the St. George building. The purchase of this property gives the Association the ownership of a full lot eighty feet front by one hundred and sixty feet deep. We understand that for HARRIS' property - twenty feet front, sixty feet deep and brick building two stories high - about $4,000 were paid, and that for Bithell's property - twenty feet front, eight feet deep and two storied high - about $7,600 were paid. BITHELL has a least on his store for the term of six months, and it is likely that HARRIS & ARONSON

will retain possession of their premises for the same period. It is contemplated, of course, by the purchasers to sooner or later improve the newly purchased property to make it accord with the main building.


SWAMP LAND COMMISSIONERS - A meeting of the new Board of Swamp Land Commissioners was held on Tuesday last at the office, No. 117 J street, for the purpose of organizing. There was a full attendance present. The new Board is composed of the following named members: J. HOAGLAND, of Yolo; M.M. RICHARDSON, of Solano; Philip E. DRESCHER, of Sutter; E.H. ALLEN, of San Joaquin, and B.B. REDDING, of Sacramento. J. HOAGLAND was elected permanent President of the Board, and B.B. REDDING, Secretary. But little other business was done except to fix upon the first Tuesday after the third Monday in each month as the day for holding the regular monthly meetings of the Board.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, July 27, 1863




FIRES - At about two o’clock on Saturday morning two dwelling houses on the north side of E street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, were destroyed by fire. The fire commenced in the frame kitchen attached to a two-story brick house owned by ____ FLANDERS, and occupied by a lawyer named WALLACE who came from the East last Fall, and who is at present in Nevada Territory. The family knew nothing of the origin of the fire as they were all asleep at the time. No fire had been used in the kitchen for several days. A portion of the furniture was saved. The house was partially insured.  The flames spread simultaneously to the brick front occupied by WALLACE and

to a one-story frame dwelling on the west, owned and occupied by William KIRK, a house carpenter now in the Humbolt mining district. Mrs. KIRK had scarcely time to save her five children and a portion of their clothing before the house was enveloped in flames.  After the engines arrived on the spot considerable difficulty was experienced in getting water. At about one o’clock yesterday morning a small frame dwelling house on the north side of I street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, was also burnt. It was owned by Joel JOHNSON and was unoccupied.  It was of course set on fire. The loss was not very great.


ARRESTS - The arrests of Saturday and Sunday are as follows: Ah Lann and Wap, on suspicion of larceny, by CHAMBERLAIN, HARRIS and RICE; Charles SMITH, by officer CALDWELL, for being drunk and sleeping on the sidewalk; B.A. SANDERS, by officer BROWN, for disturbing the peace; Joseph BAUQUIER, by officer AMES, for committing a nuisance; Charles McKILLUP, by officer AMES, for committing a nuisance by throwing manure in the street. John RYAN, by special officer DEAL, for an attempt to commit grand larceny; Honora FEENY, by AMES and BROWN, for disturbing the peace; Patrick MURPHY, by George REDDING, for disturbing the peace.


SUPREME COURT - The following orders were entered in the Supreme Court in chambers on Saturday: ARMSTRONG vs. GALLUP - On motion of counsel, ten day

additional time granted respondent to file brief. People vs. FREMONT et al. - On motion of SHAFTER, of counsel, ordered that remittitur be stayed until further order of this Court, and twenty days granted appellant to file petition for rehearing, and on further motion, leave given to withdraw transcript. People vs. PARK et al. - On motion of SHAFTER, of counsel, ordered that remittitur be stayed until further order of Court, and twenty days granted respondent to file petition for rehearing. Leave given to

withdraw transcript.


POLICE COURT, SATURDAY - Captain EMERSON, alias Smith, the confidential rascal who was convicted on Saturday, by an intelligent jury, of stealing a gold watch and chain, was sentenced to pay $200, with the alternative of one hundred days in the chain gang. The trial of James WELCH, for assault and battery on Dr. SANDERS, was postponed till Tuesday, because of the absence of one SCOTT, a witness who lives out of town. An attachment was issued for SCOTT, and subsequently WELSH, in the way of retaliation, had SANDERS arrested for disturbing the peace.


NEW SUIT - W.A. HAWKINS commenced suit in the District Court, on Saturday, against W. MOORHEAD, for the recovery of a certain sorrel mare and colt worth $700. The mare being with foal, was left with plaintiff about the first of the year, as security for the payment of a debt of one hundred dollars and interest. This money has since been tendered plaintiff, but he refuses to give up the animal.


ODD FELLOWS? FUNERAL - The funeral of R.D. DENTON will take place this afternoon at five o?clock, at Grace Church. Services by Rev. Mr. McALLISTER.


ENGINEER OF WATER WORKS     - John FERGUSON has been employed as Engineer of the water works, in place of W. ANDREWS.


HEAVY PAYMENT - S. SMITH, City Collector, paid into the city treasury on Saturday, $50,365.15, the result of last week’s collections.


ENTITLED TO VOTE - There are, according to the returns in the possession of the Secretary  of the Board of Delegates, 419 members of the Fire Department entitled to vote at the annual election on the 3d of August. The several companies stand as follows on the list: Confidence Engine Company, No. 1, 65 votes; Protection, No. 2, 43 votes; Sacramento, No. 3, 63 votes; Eureka, No. 4, 65 votes; Knickerbocker, No. 5, 64 votes; Young America, No. 6, 65 votes; Alert Hook and Ladder Company, 36 votes; Neptune Hose Company, 16 votes; Chief and Assistant Engineers, 2 votes.


CURIOSITY SHOP - Officer CHAMBERLAIN, Warden HARRIS and Deputy Warden RICE, while hunting on Saturday for a Chinaman who had escaped from the station

house, came across a curiosity shop on I street which contained a large quantity of property supposed to be stolen. Several hundred grain sacks, a variety of clorthing, a quantity of lead, etc., were found in the house.  Several Chinamen were arrested by them on suspicion of having stolen this property.


ATTEMPT AT HORSE STEALING - A man named John RYAN was arrested on Saturday, on a charge of attempting to commit larceny. He was found attempting to

catch a horse in an inclosure near the Pacific Pottery, belonging to N. CLARK. He appeared to be intoxicated at the time.


INDIAN DIFFICULTIES - Remarking upon the late Indian troubles in Butte, the Record of July 25th says:

  The Indians in the vicinity of Butte creek have again become restless, and commenced an indiscriminate slaughter of persons who may chance to fall within their power. Of the cause of the present outbreak and massacre of peaceful inhabitants - women and children - in that vicinity, we are unadvised, but fear that the hanging of the five Indians recently at Helltown, on suspicion of having committed depredations upon property, has incited them to retaliate by murdering those who may fall into their hands.

  Of the murders committed by the Indians the past week, we mention those of Richard MORRISON, Mrs. BLUM, and three children of the LEWIS family, residing near Pence’s ranch, some twelve miles from Oroville. There are reports of other murders, but not sufficiently authenticated, and it is to be hoped that they are reports only.

  Of course, the people of that vicinity are greatly alarmed, and have taken measures to protect themselves and little ones from butchery. A company of some forty or fifty men was organized, and are now engaged in hunting the Indians. A portion of the Oroville Guards have also volunteered to assist in punishing the Indians. A number of the Guards left on Wednesday, and some eight or ten more started on Thursday. 

  Some forty or fifty Indians came into Yankee Hill, disclaimed having any connection with the Indians committing the murders, surrendered their arms and claimed the protection of the residents. This was granted them. Among them, however, four Indians were found who did not belong with the tribe, and they were taken out to be disposed of when two of them succeeded in making their escape.


THE LATE STAGE ACCIDENT - Referring to the late stage accident on the Henness route, by which a life was lost, the Virginia Enterprise of July 24th says:

    Now, since these disasters are becoming a matter of every-day occurrence, it may be well enough to inform the public who are to blame and where the fault lies. We can give this information in very few words the cause lies in the overloading of the coaches, and the Stage Company, of course, are alone to blame. When the California coach which arrived here yesterday left Lincoln, there were twenty-three passengers packed in it, together with their trunks, valises and a lot of extra baggage. In thus placing so much human life under the special protection of Providence (for nothing else could save them) the Stage Company saved the expense of running an extra coach, and took the chances of losing their last dollar in a succession of lawsuits for the recovery of broken limbs. This style of doing business is a cursed outrage, and a law for its prevention ought to be

passed and stringently enforced. Every man who designs traveling between the Territory and California by stage should make his will before he starts, for he is taking his life in his own hands.


Teamsters' Association - At a Meeting of the TEAMSTERS' UNION AND PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, held Sunday afternoon, the following prices were adopted for hauling freight to the following places, to go into operation to-day, July 27th:

>From Sacramento to Carson City...3 1/2 cts. per pound

>From Sacramento to Dayton....4 cts. per pound

>From Sacramento to Silver City....4 cts. per pound

>From Sacramento to Gold Hill....4 cts. per pound

>From Sacramento to Virginia City....4 cts per pound

>From Sacramento to Washoe City....4 cts. Per pound

>From Sacramento to Markleyville....3 1/2 cents per pound

>From Sacramento to Aurora....6 cts. per pound
























Joseph COX












































List of Members Entitled to Vote at the Election, August 2, 1863

ROBERT J. GRAHAM ...Chief Engineer

EDWIN KIMBALL...First Assistant




65 Members



BIRD, Charles L.


CAROLAN, Charles A.






DEETH Dexter

DALY Richard H


FERN George



GOODS James C.


HUNT William B.

HARRIS Leonard

HOLMES William





KIRBY William A.








MOORE James H.



MASON Joseph A.


MERKER Frederick




O'NEIL Michael


O'MEARA Michael






RACE Jere. N


SWIMLEY William F.

SIDDONS William M.






TYRRELL Frederick D.


TRAINOR Charles H.






43 Members




BECK john

BALUE Chris.

BORDEN William




GROTH James H.



GRAPP Charles










LEE George



McMANUS Michael









REED Mat. M.












63 Members





AMES Seneca G.




BAILEY Joseph A.

BLOSS Daniel M,.




COHEN Philip


CRONIN Timothy




DUCK Lewis



DOOR Edward

DREHER William


EBNER Charles

FRIEND Joseph S.

FOX Charles






HOPPER William


HERNDON William L.

HOLT Chris W.




JULIAN Charles






LEE William H.H.










RICE Patrick


SMITH James J.





WALL Charles J.



EUREKA ENGINE CO., NO. 4 - 65 Members



BURKE Fred. T.


BADGER George W.



CARR William B.

COHN Jacob





DAVIS Joseph






FULCH Walton C.







HICKEY William










KORN Leopold


KREBS Julius




MOSS Joseph J.







RAUGHT William








TUKEY Frank, Jr.










64 Members

ADAMS Charles












CLOON Michael



COX John




DOYLE William






GASSON Charles












LAWSON Powell S.


LANE Samuel T.




MARTZ Charles


McMAHON Terrence


NOLAN Thomas







SMITH George



SOULE George W.





TOOLE William




65 Members


BARNES Charles



BROWN Daniel






COX George



DAKE Alonzo H.


DAVIS Richard







GILLAN William






HANNAH William






JONES Richard S.

JONES Thomas C.









MARVIN Charles H.







ROSS Thomas




















BLUM Julius








FOLGER Robert M.

FOLGER Charles M.



GATES James H.









McMANUS Michael






ROSS Charles H.






NEPTUNE HOSE CO., NO. 1 - 16 Members


BADLAM Alexander

BURNS Alexander

BROWN Benjamin B.



DREMAN Benjamin












Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Thursday, July 30, 1863


FUNERAL OF J. ADAM GRIESEL - The funeral  of  J. Adam GRIESEL, who died on Tuesday morning from injuries sustained by a fall on the railroad on Sunday evening, took place yesterday afternoon at three o’clock. At an early hour in the day the body of the deceased was removed from the office of J.W. REEVES, on Fourth street, to Turn Verein Hall, on K street. It there lay in state until the hour designated for the funeral. It was visited by a large number of the friends of the deceased of both sexes. Previous to the departure of the funeral procession an address was delivered in German to the assemblage by Fr. ___. A song was sung by the members of the Sing Verein, and the rites of the Episcopal Church were administered by Rev. Mr. McALLISTER. The procession was then formed, and moved up K to Tenth streets, up Tenth to J, down to Ninth - taking this route for the purpose of passing the business place of the deceased. The order of the procession was as follows:

Sacramento Brass Band, twelve pieces; escort of the City Guard,  twenty-two in number, under First Lieutenant FRIEND; hearse; carriages, with mourners; Turner Society, with draped banner, twenty-eight in number; Turner Rifles, twelve in number; second platoon of City Guard, Captain PEART, twenty-four in number; National Guard, Captain BAKER, twenty-six in number; delegations from each of the Fire Companies; Sacramento Hussars, First Lieutenant STEUDEMAN, twenty-four in number; and thirty-nine carriages and buggies. As the procession moved from the Hall the bells of the several engine houses were tolled out of respect to the memory of the deceased. On arriving at the place of interment, the City Cemetery, the usual rites were administered by the Rev. Mr. McALLISTER, and three volleys were fired near the grave by the *** of the City Guard. The deceased was engaged to be married to a young lady who resides at San Jose. She was informed on Monday, by telegraph, of the accident which occurred the evening before. Accompanied by her father, she came to the city, but did not know until her arrival yesterday morning of the fatal result.


THE SCHOOL CENSUS - The School Marshal of the city, T. HATCH, has completed the work of canvassing the city, with the following result: Number of boys between the ages of 4 and 18, 1,029; number of girls between the ages of 4 and 18, 1,059; total number, 2,088; colored children between 4 and 18, 30; children entitled to apportionment from the State and county, 2,088. Number of children under 4 years of age, 966; between 18 and 21 years of age, 77. Number of children of all ages born in California, 1,807. Number of children  between 4 and 6 yeas of age, 425; of whom 78 attend public schools. Total number of children reported as attending public schools, 853. Number of children between the ages of 6 and 18 not attending any school, 281. Indian children, 25. Chinese children, 27; negro children, 61; deaf and dumb, 1; blind, none. Total number of children in the city under 21 years of age, 3,244. The census of last year shows that there were in the city: Boys between the aged of 4 and 18, 1,036; girls between the ages of 4 and 18, 972; total 2,008. This shows an increase during the past year of children in the city between the ages named of 80. The actual increase, however, is 97, as the Tivoli school district, containing 17 children, was by law included with the city, and is now separated from it. It will be seen by an examination of the figures that there has been a decrease of seven in the number of boys during the year, and an increase of 87 in the number of girls. The returns of the county are not yet received, except from a few school districts.


POLICE COURT YESTERDAY - The order of the Court forfeiting the deposits of BAUQUIER and McKILLIP for non-appearance was reversed. These are the stable keepers on the alley between Sixth and Seventh, and K and L streets, who were tried for permitting a nuisance. Judge HOLL having personally inspected the odorous "res gestae," held that BAUQUIER was not guilty of the nuisance, but only of obstructing the alley, and that McKILLIP had contributed, along with several others, toward swelling the volume of the stagnant puddle. He therefore fined McKILLIP $10 to pay the costs of the prosecution, and ordered that all the stable men in that locality take concerted action, under the direction of the Chief of Police, to abate the nuisance. Henry SUTHERS and J. HARDY, the contrabands who mutually disturbed each other’s peace on Front street, were each fined $20, with the option of ten days at the water cure. John QUANCHI, who knocked down one of the aforesaid because he owed him four bits, was required to contribute $10 toward the support of the city government, with which request he complied, under vehement protestation. Jas. WELCH was fined $20 for hitting Dr. SANDERS a "kelp."

"General Ford" was not in attendance to testify in relation to his being assaulted and battered by one HICKEY, for which reason an attachment was sent after him, and one HICKEY was requested to call again this morning.


DROWNED - At about nine o’clock yesterday morning a man named Hugh McGARRY, a deck hand on the steamer Chrysopolis, was drowned, at the foot of K street. He was engaged at the time of the accident in adjusting a plank to connect the steamer with the barge American Eagle, which lay outside the steamer. He lost his foothold, and, falling between the two vessels, disappeared. A rope and plank were thrown for his relief, but as he did not come to the surface, he could not, of course, avail himself of them. He did

not appear to strike either vessel, nor was he injured in any manner before reaching the water. As he is believed to have been a good swimmer, it is singular that he sank so quickly. During the afternoon several men were employed with grappling irons in a fruitless effort to recover the body. A little less than a year ago McGARRY, while at work on the steamer then lying at the foot of N street, was crushed by a heavy iron casting, which he and others were engaged in removing to the levee. His life was at first despaired of, but he was removed to the hospital, and recovered. He subsequently visited New York, where, it is said, he has a wife living. The search for his body will be resumed to-day.


SINGULAR - The School Marshal, in his returns, reports that there is but one deaf and dumb person in the city, and not a single instance of blindness.  His inquiries on these points go not only to those  who are under twenty-one years of age but to persons of any age. The single instance referred to is that of a little girl some four or five years old. The showing is remarkable for a population so great as that of Sacramento.


BAILED OUT - B.A. SAUNDERS, who was indicted by the Grand Jury for perjury, was yesterday released on filing a bond for his future appearances in the sum of $5,000. Henry MILLER, N. DINGLEY, H. TREICHLER, G.W. YOUNG and H.S. NICHOLS became his sureties in the sum of $1,000 each.


POISONED - The large Newfoundland dog, Ben, owned by P. ROBINSON, Justice of the Peace, and also a smaller dog, owned by R.B. NORMAN, both of Odd Fellows' Block, were poisoned on Tuesday night. The author of the deed and the motives which prompted it are unknown.


ARRESTED - Johnny TOURS was yesterday arrested by Officer O’BRIEN on a charge of assault and battery on POLITZ.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, July 31, 1863




DEATH AND INQUEST - At about noon yesterday, Coroner REEVES was informed that H.C. HARVEY, formerly a member of the City Council from the Third Ward, had died suddenly at the Six Mile House on the Marysville road. This house was formerly kept by HARVEY, and is still owned by him, but is kept by another person. His sons live on an adjoining ranch. HARVEY has recently resided at Dutch Flat, from which place he arrived a few days ago.  The Coroner visited the Six Mile House. The body of the deceased was brought to the city by him in the afternoon, and W.E. BOUTICAN, W. CLARK, E.B. DAVIDSON, J.S. POND, N.B. HANER and C.P. RICHTER were impanneled as jurors.  Several witnesses were examined, from whose testimony it appears that the deceased had been in the city on Wednesday and had been drinking; that the had a slight difficulty with one of his sons about a span of horses; that he went to the Six Mile House and took supper at six o'clock in the evening, slept over night and took breakfast yesterday morning as usual. During the forenoon another man went up stairs to his room and found him dead. Dr. PHELAN testified before the jury as follows: "At the request of the Coroner I made a post mortem examination of H.C. HARVEY on the evening of July 30, 1863, assisted by Doctors SIMMONS and FREY. The organs of the body were in a normal condition, except the stomach and a portion of the small intestines, which were inflamed." The jury returned a verdict to the effect that the body was that of H.C. HARVEY, a native of Waldo county, Maine, aged sixty-five years, and that he came to his death on the 30th of August, 1863, from causes to the jury unknown.


POLICE COURT YESTERDAY - J. TOURS pleaded guilty of assaulting A. POLITZ, and stated in extenuation that POLITZ had been bothering him about some pigeons, and in his absence from home had insulted his (Tours') wife, for which offense the next time he came he (Tours) ran him off the premises. The Court levied the lowest legal assessment, which is ten dollars. "General Ford," from Africa, was still absent, notwithstanding the Court's attachment, wherefore one HICKEY, accused of making war upon the General, was allowed to go upon his own recognizance, and a second attachment was sent out after the General, as a reinforcement for the first. J. TROON, who has been a long time under consideration for carrying baggage without a license, was discharged. John WELCH, recently from Dutch Flat, acknowledged that he had carried concealed a dirk knife four inches long. The Court gave him till this morning to reflect upon the heinousness of his offense, and will then pronounce sentence.


SUPREME COURT - The following orders were made in chambers, in the Supreme Court, yesterday:

CHAPMAN vs. THORNBURGH - On motion of R.S. MESICK, of counsel, ten days additional time granted to file brief for respondent.

ABRAMS vs. HOWARD et al., administrator - On motion of counsel, and by stipulation filed, placed on term calendar, and on further motion submitted on brief, in pursuance of stipulation.

 LEET vs. WILSON - On motion of G. CADWALADER, and by stipulation filed, leave given to withdraw transcript fifteen days for examination.

KITTREDGE vs. STEVENS - On motion of SPENCER and REICHERT, of counsel, ten days additional time granted to file brief.

Contra Costa Railroad Company vs. PIOCHE et al. - On motion of counsel, ten days additional time granted to file brief by appellant.


 MINISTERIAL CHANGE - The Rev. J.A. GALLAGHER, Pastor of St. Mary's Church, Stockton, is about to be transferred to this city, where he will officiate at St. Rose Church. The Rev. N. GALLAGHER and the Rev. Mr. BRENNAN are now stationed in this city, one of whom will of course be transferred to some other point on the arrival of the new clergyman. There are three Catholic clergyman in the State named GALLAGHER, the two above named and Rev. H.P. GALLAGHER of San Francisco. H,P. and J.A. are brothers. N. GALLAGHER is not related in blood to the other two.


PERHAPS SO - Deputy Warden LEE, who was on guard at the county jail at the time of the escape of J.H. GASS, but was inadvertently asleep, received on the 19th instant from his brother, B. LEE, the following telegraphic dispatch:

 "Gold Hill, July 29th - 1:30 P.M. - Wm. LEE, Deputy Warden:

Between one and two o’clock this morning a man passed here that I knew in Sacramento by sight. He acted queer, stopped at the house where I was, called for a drink; did not get off; it may have been GASS."


COUNTY COURT - The County Court met yesterday, pursuant to adjournment, Judge CLARK on the bench.

In the case of William CURTIS vs. His Creditors, W.R. CENTWELL appeared as attorney for Edward J. WEST and P.C. ATKINSON and withdrew the opposition heretofore filed to the discharge of said petitioner. It was therefore ordered that said CURTIS be discharged from his debts, and that certain property, claimed as exempt from execution, be set aside for his benefit.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, August 3, 1863




RETURNED - J.W. COFFROTH arrived from Marysville by yesterday’s boat. He was quite seriously injured by the falling of the balcony in that city, and although able to walk from the boat to the carriage with the aid of a crutch, will be confined to his bed for several days. He was on the balcony when the accident occurred, and was precipitated to the ground with the mass of those who were similarly situated. His right foot caught in the iron railing, injuring it severely, lacerating the leg up to the knee. His left temple was also so much injured as to cause apprehension at first on the part of his friends, by whom he was carried from the ground. Some three or four persons have already died from injuries received on the occasion referred to.


NEW SUITS - On Saturday last F.S. MALONE commenced suit in the District Court against George K. COOK for $1,000 damage sustained by the loss of a horse. The  complaint states that plaintiff hired to defendant a stallion valued at the sum above named, with another horse, on the 10th of June last, for a short drive, and that plaintiff drove them eighteen miles in a reckless manner, and in consequence thereof the stallion died. MALONE also commenced suit against John CARROLL for the sum of $700, alleging that he hired to this defendant on the 3d of May last a span of horses, one of which was killed by hard driving. They were hired to go to Brighton, but were driven to Folsom and back on the same day. The horse referred to died on the 6th of May.


PATENT CIGAR LIGHTER - W.H. HOBLEY, who has a cigar stand at the Orleans Hotel, procured and placed in operations on Saturday last a patent cigar lighter of Eastern invention - three of which had been sent out to Sacramento to Clark & Co. as samples. A gutta percha tube connects with a gas pipe and hangs from the ceiling in such position as may be most convenient. Attached to the tube is a gas burner, which is regulated by a pendant glass weight. When undisturbed the flame is reduced, but not extinguished. As the weight is raised by the finger, the flame is enlarged and projects out several inches from the burner.


POLICE COURT - In the Police Court, on Saturday, in the case of Owen HUGHES, charged with vagrancy, Judge HOLL discharged the defendant with an admonition to not appear again on the same charge. George RIVAS, previously convicted of assault and battery on Ah Quin, and Ah Quin, convicted of assault and battery on George RIVAS, were each sentenced to pay a fine of $10 or be imprisoned five days. The case of J.W. REEVES, charged with a violation of a cemetery ordinance, was continued until  Wednesday, the 5th instant, on account of the absence of defendant?s counsel, J.W. COFFROTH.


SUPREME COURT - The following orders have been made in chambers in the Supreme Court:

HEYMAN vs. LOWELL - On motion of HARTLEY and by stipulation filed, leave granted to respondent to file brief in thirty days.

People vs. RAINS - On motion of appellant thirty days additional time from July 16th to file brief. People vs. RAINS et al. - Same order as last above.

ZEIGLER vs. Well, Fargo & Co. - On motion of counsel, twenty days further time granted appellant to file brief. JONES vs. Wells, Fargo & Co. - Same order as last above.


SUDDEN ILLNESS - Soon after the Rev. W.H. HILL had commenced his sermon yesterday morning at Grace Church, he suffered a sudden attack of vertigo, and fell heavily on the platform in the presence of his auditors. He was at once surrounded by his friends and carried into the ante room. After the lapse of a few minutes he recovered so far as to be able to return to the pulpit, and without finishing his sermon dismissed his audience, stating that his health had been poor for the past day or two.


ARRESTS - The arrests on Saturday and yesterday were as follows:

Spencer BURNS, by officer MARTZ, for refusing to give his name to the Tax Collector;

William JOHNSON, by officer CALDWELL, for disturbing the peace;

John WILLIAMS, by officer BURKE, for sleeping on the sidewalk;

Thomas DURKIN, by BURKE and AMES, for sleeping on the sidewalk.


DEATHS - There were six deaths in the city last week. All of the deceased were males, and all were adults. One was a native of Maine, one of England, two of Ireland and two of Germany.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, August 7, 1863



  BODY FOUND - Inquest - Coroner REEVES was notified yesterday that the body of an unknown man had been found afloat in the Sacramento river at Freeport.  He visited the locality and held an inquest over the body. Erskine GREER, L. GREET, T.B. JULIAN, F.L. GOOD, R.C. MONTGOMERY and John KADY were impaneled as a jury. The only witness examined was J.P. CLARKE, who testified as follows:

   "I reside in Franklin township, at the town of Freeport; about six o’clock A.M. this day (August 6th), I discovered the deceased now before the jury lying in the Sacramento river near Freeport; I procured a rope and made the body fast and sent notice to the Coroner; I do not know the deceased, his name, age or cause of death; the deceased had auburn hair, black beard, was about five feet ten inches in hight; should think he had been dead two or three months; the body was in a nude condition; there was no money or valuables found on or about the body, and no marks of violence on the deceased; deceased had a good set of upper teeth."  The jury returned a verdict to the effect that the name, age and cause of death of deceased were unknown. The remains of deceased were brought to the city and buried at New Helvetia Cemetery. It is supposed that the  body was that of a soldier from Camp Union who was drowned in the American river, near Twentieth street, some six or eight weeks ago.


FUNERAL - The funeral of G.W. BIDWELL, who committed suicide on Wednesday morning, took place yesterday afternoon from the rooms of J.W. REEVES, on Fourth street. The Rev. Dr. WILLEY, of Oakland College, officiated on the occasion. The funeral was largely attended, the train being composed of some forty vehicles. The interment took place at New Helvetia Cemetery. The hearse which conveyed the coffin to the cemetery was drawn by four black horses.


ELECTED - The following named officers have been elected by Knickerbocker Engine Company: John DONELLY, Foreman, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hugh KELLY, elected Chief Engineer of the Department; M. COFFEE, First Assistant, vice M. McDONOUGH, absent from the city; J.E. PARKER, vice C.C. HAYDEN, who is about to sail for the East.


ESCAPED OR STOLEN - A small sized black horse which was brought from San Francisco by the Wednesday evening boat was tied fast on the levee on the arrival of the boat, to await the coming of daylight. At about two o'clock in the morning (yesterday) he disappeared and has nit since been seen, having either broken loose or been stolen.


IMPROVEMENTS - W.L. BURDICK, the new engineer at the Water Works, has been engaged within the past few days in putting the engines and pumps under his control in complete order, both internally and externally, as is evidenced by the smooth and efficient manner which they work and by the new coat of paint with which they are decorated.


REMOVED - John WELCH, who has been confined at the station house several weeks, was taken to Stockton yesterday by special officer MURRAY. He was unwilling to go, fearing, apparently, that some great injury was to be done him, and had to be handcuffed before he could be taken.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, August 10, 1863




POLICE COURT SATURDAY - Ned DUFFY admitted the charge of having got drunk and disturbed the peace, and was fined $20, with ten days incarceration as the other horn of the dilemma. Belle STEWART was tried for disturbance of the peace and quiet of Sister’s addition. She had got into a row with a boy who set a dog on her goat, and addressed him and his respected parent in language not to be found in Webster’s Unabridged. The verdict was guilty and the sentence $20 or ten days. Eugene DUPATELLE, a little Frenchman, was tried for an assault and battery perpetrated on the venerable Dr. Joel SMITH, the landlord of a battalion of Chinese females on I street. It appeared that the Frenchman made a call on one of Uncle Joel’s tenants, and was robbed of $27. He made a fuss about the robbery, and the Celestial battalion being unable to expel him, called on Joel as a reinforcement. Joel made a gallant charge, but victory was about to perch on the French banner when a policeman came to the rescue. Eugene was fined $20 or ten days, and having lost his dollars he, from necessity, chose the days. L. FRIEDMAN, a boy with a scratched face, who had pleaded guilty of disturbing the peace, was fined $10. The case of J.W. REEVES, charged with violating the ordinance concerning the City Cemetery, was argued on strong and multifarious points of law, which almost convinced the Persecuting Attorney. The decision was reserved, although the Court admitted that his present impression was against the validity of the ordinance.


DROWNED - At about three o'clock yesterday afternoon a young man about eighteen years of age, whose name we have been unable to learn, was drowned on the north side of the slough, opposite Fourth street. He and several companions went into the slough to bathe, when the deceased was seized with cramp and sunk. His companions tried to reach him in time, but were unable.  They also used considerable effort to recover the body, but without success.  They then took his clothes to the Coroner's office and narrated the facts in the case; but the party in attendance omitted to take down the name of either the deceased or his companions. The deceased is said to have recently come to the city to reside and to have been employed in a workshop of some character somewhere in the city.


SUPREME COURT - The following decisions and orders were made in the Supreme Court on Saturday:

BROOKS vs. CROSBY et al. - Rehearing denied.

WOOD et al. vs. Truckee Turnpike Co. - Judgment affirmed.

KITTRIDGE vs. STEVENS On motion of appellant and by stipulation filed, five days additional time granted to file brief.

HIGH vs. SHUMAKER et al. - On motion on counsel, ten days additional time granted respondent to file petition for rehearing.


SERIOUS ACCIDENT - At half past eight o'clock on Saturday evening, a lady named Mrs. CARL, and her sister-in-law, who reside near the Louisiana Race Course, were upset from a buggy on First street, near the Sacramento and Yolo bridge. They were returning from Yolo county at the time the accident occurred. Mrs. CARL sustained an injury to the spine and concussion of the brain. She was attended by Dr. CLUNCES, who states that her condition last evening was improving.


SUDDEN DEATH - The body of John MALONE, brother of Drury MALONE, was brought to the Orleans Hotel last evening for interment. The deceased left the city two or three days ago, in poor health, for Washoe. Thirty miles from the city he was taken ill, and yesterday morning died of congestive chills. The deceased had recently arrived in the State, having come across the Plains.


ROBBERY - During church hours yesterday morning, and while the occupants were at church, the house of Seth GAINSLEY, in Washington, was entered and robbed of a fold watch and chain worth about $80.


FOR TRIAL TO-DAY - the Court of Sessions will meet at ten o'clock this morning for the trial of Porter CUNNINGHAM, on a charge of rape, and H.W. ODELL, on a charge of perjury.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Tuesday, August 11, 1863


POLICE COURT YESTERDAY - In the case of Abram MORRIS, the boy charged with assault and battery on L. FRIEDMAN, a jury trial was demanded and set for this morning. L. FRIEDMAN, the boy charged with assault and battery on A. MORRIS, consented to be tried by the Court. This was a quarrel between rival apple peddlers, as appears from the following testimony of MORRIS, when called as a witness for the prosecution:

 "I went around to the cars, me and POLITZ, the other apple peddler; I wasn't a sellin' apples, but I went to see if they was a sellin' anything; POLITZ had a plate of peaches, and FRIEDMAN says to Jim MILLER he'd bet him a quarter that he dasn't knock the plate of peaches into the middle of the street; they put the money up into my hands, and Jim at first kicked off one peach, but FRIEDMAN wasn't satisfied and then Jim MILLER he kicked the whole plate into the street and I guv Jim MILLER the money; then FRIEDMAN got mad and followed me round to father's store, a callin' on me sons of ____, and things, all the way from the cars, to the store. Then he undertook to upset the green boxes of shoes that  we have for a sign, and struck me and knocked my hat off and bit my finger." Two other witnesses testified similarly, and the defense failing to impeach the evidence, the Court decided that the FRIEDMAN boy was guilty. A youngster from the country, named STONE, was charged with furiously riding a horse in the streets. When called upon to plead, he said he didn’t know what the court would call it, but he supposed he was guilty. He was riding tolerably fast, but then he didn’t know the laws, and was trying to catch up with a friend who had gone out of town ahead. The arresting officer related that he pursued STONE and his furious charger up and down the streets for some time; which somewhat damaged the fugacious friend theory, and STONE was adjudged guilty and requested to pay $20 or got to jail for ten days. He afterward proposed that the Judge take his "hoss" for the amount, and let him go. It was the first hoss” he ever had, and pr'aps it would be the last, though he might work for another.  The saddle and bridle were not his, but the "hoss" was his individually and collectively. Judge HOLL declined the proposition, not being in that line of business.  M. CHRISTOPHER and D.E. CALLAHAN were tried for permitting a stagnant water nuisance, but some of the evidence going to show that a leaky water pipe was the offender, their cases were postponed till Wednesday. J. IRELAND and son were charged with disturbing the peace of Bell STEWART's goat, and their case was postponed until to-day. Edward McDONALD, of Calaveras county, was partly tried for carrying a concealed knife, and allowed till to-day to prove that he was a traveler on his way to San Francisco. He had frightened some Celestials with his weapon. R. WILLIAMS and J. NEWTON were found guilty of taking lodgings on the sidewalk. The Chinese vagrant, whose case was postponed till  to-day from humane motives, had taken leg bail, wherefore his case was not further inquired into, and the Court decided that the verdict of guilty of vagrancy first found against him should stand against him for future use - which saves the fees.


COURT OF SESSIONS - The Court of Sessions met yesterday, pursuant to adjournment. In the case of the People vs. H.W. ODELL, on a charge of perjury, the demurrer was overruled and trial set for ten o’clock A.M. to-day. In the case of the People vs. Porter CUNNINGHAM, on a charge of rape, District Attorney UPTON and J.W. COFFROTH appeared for the State, and Henry STARR for the defense. The following named jurors were impaneled to try the cause: David BARTON, T.W. STROBRIDGE, F.A. GIBBS, U. BAYER, W.W. LATHAM, T.H. JACKSON, S.C. HALL, G.I. LYTLE, W.R. STRONG, J.S. JULIEN, J. HAWKS, L. ELKUS. Drs. HALL, MORSE and CLUNESS and S.S. HOLL were examined as witnesses for the prosecution. The jury were then permitted to disperse under the rule of Court until one o'clock P.M. At that hour the Court resumed the hearing of the case. Emma NEWALL, Eliza T. FOSTER, Jack JOHNSON, _____ ST. CLAIR, Thomas CODY and F.D. CHAMBERLAIN were examined for the prosecution.  Dr. MORSE, Joel SMITH, Dr. CRANE, Jerry RACE and others were examined for the defense. The jury, after hearing the charge of the Court, retired and, after coming into Court for instructions, and an absence of about an hour, returned with a verdict of guilty. The Court then adjourned until ten o'clock this morning.


PROBATE - In the matter of the

Estate of N.I. UNDERWOOD, deceased The application of the widow for allowance coming on to be heard, it was ordered that the administrator pay to her the sum of $50 per month for twelve months from the time of the death of the deceased, and that the administrators pay $850 forthwith.

Estate of R.D. DENTON, deceased - T.J. MILLIKEN was appointed administrator upon his filing a bond in the sum of $2,000.

Estate of B.B. BROWN - Continued until to-day.

Estate of S.D. CARKHUFF, deceased - On application of the administrator, it was ordered that N.B. BUGBEY, Sheriff, be cited to appear on the 17th instant, to show cause why he should not deliver certain moneys in his hands to said administrator.

Estate of E.E. FISHER, deceased. - The final account coming on to be heard, it was referred to J.S. BARRETT.

Estate of Joseph SUTTON, deceased - On application of the administrator, ordered that a citation issued against Eliza SUTTON, widow of the deceased, requiring her to appear on Monday, August 17th, and show cause why she should not answer questions touching the property of said deceased.


TRIAL FOR PERJURY - The trial of H.W. ODELL, for perjury in connection with certain lead claims in the lower part of the county, will take place in the Court of Sessions at ten o’clock this morning.


CONVICTED OF RAPE - Porter CUNNINGHAM was tried yesterday in the Court of Sessions and found guilty on a charge of rape. The defendant is nearly sixty years of age, and is convicted of violating the person of an adopted daughter, seven years old, of Mrs. FOSTER, who keeps a saloon on Second street, near I. the testimony in the case was given, so far as fit for publication, at the time of the examination in the Police Court.


SUPREME COURT - Several orders were entered yesterday in chambers in the Supreme Court, as follows:

KILE et al. vs. TUBBS - On motion of counsel, ten days additional time granted appellant to file brief.

CREANOR vs. NELSON - On motion of counsel, ten days additional time granted appellant to file brief.

MOSS vs. SHEAR - On motion of counsel, ten days additional time granted appellant to file brief.


COUNTY COURT - The County Court met yesterday pursuant to adjournment.

In the case of A.F. LASKILL vs. J.W. CONNER et al.

On motion of P. DUNLAP the appeal in said cause was dismissed.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Wednesday, August 12, 1863




POLICE COURT  YESTERDAY - WILLIAMS and NEWTON, for sleeping on the sidewalk, were fined each ten dollars. In the case of E. McDONALD, arrested for carrying a concealed weapon, the testimony of the landlord of the St. Louis house convinced the Court that defendant is a traveler, and he was permitted to assume his journey without further detention. The trial of IRELAND and Son, for disturbing a goat on Jibboom street, was further postponed till Friday, out of courtesy to eminent counsel employed against the goat. A jury of three taxpayers was impaneled and proceeded to  try the boy MORRIS for assaulting and scratching the boy FRIEDMAN. The other version of the battle of the apple peddlers was related to this intelligent jury by young FRIEDMAN, in this wise: "We was down to the cars and sold a couple of bits worth, and this boy and Jim MILLER came and they were making a bet. I says, Jim, says I, you dasn't just knock that plate off. The boy I told that was bad friends to the other boy. I says, Jim, I bet you two bits you dasn't knock it off. I was in fun, and I winked to 'em. Says I, you know I never bet. Jim says, pr'aps you think I aint got two bits? He up with the money and kicked one off, and says I that aint fair; but they give him the money anyhow. He said he'd pay for the plate, but anybody would let you kick two bits worth of peaches if you pry for it, and I wasn’t satisfied. Then I went round to his father’s store, and says I, I'll make your father give me the two bits, and he begun to push me and called me sons of ___ and things, and whatever he called me I told him he was the same. I picked up a piece of a stick and throw at him but it happened to go into the store; then he struck me first, and I didn't hit him till he hit me, at all." Witness denied having attempted to cut up MORRIS (beginning with one finger), and insisted that MORRIS was the aggressor throughout. Other witnesses were called and the case was submitted to the jury with the remark from the prosecuting attorney that he thought defendant did perfectly right in defending his

Father’s store, in which remark counsel for defense concurred. The jury of taxpayers agreed to their verdict without retiring and announced it in these words: "We find that the defendant is right and that the plaintiff is guilty." Judge HOLL said that was scarcely a proper verdict; the question was whether the defendant was guilty or not guilty, and the  intelligent jury responded that he was guilty, whereupon the Court in great amazement discharged the jury. Counsel for defense moved to set aside the verdict, but at this juncture the jury came back and amended their verdict to  ?not guilty," the foreman adding that he knew he was right in the first place. Counsel for defense said then, if the Court pleased, he withdrew his motion.


PERJURY CASE - In the Court of Sessions, yesterday, H.W. ODELL, of Georgiana township, was placed on trial on an indictment charging him with perjury in making an affidavit that he knew of no legal or equitable claim upon certain land which he entered under the Swamp Land Act. District Attorney UPTON, in opening the case to the jury, said they would show by W.H.H. DAVIS, who owned a mortgage for $1,500 and interest on this land, and by other witnesses conversant with the facts, that at the time of making the affidavit defendant knew of this $1,500 mortgage; that the land had been several years occupied by one DODSON, who had a two-story brick house upon it and had lived in the house up to about that time; that DODSON had become involved, and for the purpose of cutting off the mortgage he and defendant had agreed that DODSON should go to the County Surveyor’s office and give up his claim, and that this defendant should be there at the same time and immediately file his application and take up the land in his own name. W.H.H. DAVIS testified that he had purchased the mortgage and had had conversations with the defendant about it previous to the filing of the affidavit by defendant. The mortgage was given by Jasper DODSON to another party, of whom he (witness) had bought it, in the hope of securing himself from loss on another transaction. G.W. COLBY testified that defendant made the affidavit before him as County Surveyor. The prosecution offered to introduce the mortgage as evidence, but defense objected on several grounds, and after very long arguments the Court ruled it out on the ground that it was misdescribed in the indictment, the indictment conveying the impression that it was drawn by DODSON directly in favor of DAVIS, instead of a third party. The prosecution declined to proceed further with the case under the circumstances, and by direction of the Court the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. The Court then, on motion of the prosecution, made an order holding defendant in $1,000 to answer to the next Grand Jury for the same offense.


BODY FOUND - INQUIR Y - At about half-past 11 o'clock A.M. yesterday the body of young  STRAHLE, who was drowned on Sunday in the slough, was recovered.  O'NEIL and JOHNSON had resumed firing cannon over the slough and their efforts resulted in bringing the body to the surface. An inquest was held over the body in the afternoon by Coroner REEVES. Walter P. EMERY, W.T. WATERMAN, Edgar CULVER, J.M. BOARDMAN, G.F. MESCERVY and Robert FORSYTHE were impaneled as jurors. The testimony adduced was in substance as follows:

"James P. GOODWIN, Jr., knew the deceased; his name was Justini STRAHLE, his age about 18 years; he was a single man, and commenced working for witness on the 6th instant;. G. LEOPOLD brought witness the clothing and purse of deceased; the purse contained $4.25 in coin; witness knew of no other property belonging to deceased except a gold chain, which had been returned to his brother. Guilke LEOPOLD - Knew deceased at San Francisco; about half-past three o'clock P.M. on Sunday, deceased and Paul POISDEVIN went to the lake to bathe; witness remained in the boat and the other two remained in the water; they jumped out of the boat about fifty yards from shore; witness had asked deceased if he could swim, and was answered in the affirmative; when they got into the water, deceased sank three times; POISDEVIN tried to assist him, and deceased caught hold of him and came near drowning him; witness took the clothes of the deceased to the Coroner's office; witness found in the pockets $4.25 in coin and a gold chain, which he gave to J. GOODWIN. Paul POISDEVIN testified that the testimony of Leopold was a correct statement of the case. D. O'NEIL testified to the circumstances of finding the body by the discharge of cannon." etc. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the facts as above stated.


COWHIDING AFFAIR - At about eleven o’clock A.M. yesterday a cowhiding affair took place on K street, near Front, which drew together a large crowd of spectators, who were of course interested in the performance. The victim of the affair was H. MORRIS, boot and shoe dealer, and the administratrix was Mrs. GROSS. The husband of Mrs. GROSS has been absent at Nevada Territory during the past three months. MORRIS had circulated certain definite reports concerning her conduct since her husband's absence, stating that he himself had witnessed the evidence of her guilt. She yesterday proceeded to his store on K street with a cowhide, with which she struck him five or six blows. He then admitted that he had not himself seen any improper action on the part of Mrs. GROSS, but stated that his information had been derived from other parties. The audience were divided on the subject of the cowhiding, some desiring it to progress and others wishing to prevent it.


CATTLE STEALING - Two boys, named Henry SCHRODER and Henry PEARSON, were brought to the county last evening by a Deputy Constable of Yolo county, and confined on a charge of cattle stealing. They brought eleven head of cattle to a corral near Washington and shut them up. J.C. DRUMMOND discovered among the number seven head which had been stolen from him. While he was about procuring a warrant, the boys drove a portion of the cattle out into the tules. Justice HOAGLAND issued a warrant for the arrest of the boys, charging them, however, with but petty larceny. One was arrested in the city, but the other escaped to the Yolo side, where he was arrested an hour or two afterwards. They have not yet had their preliminary examination.


RET URNED - A boy named KENNEDY, a fugitive from his home at San Francisco, who had been absent several weeks, was arrested by officer CODY, at about midnight on Monday night, and taken to the station house. He was yesterday placed in charge of the captain of the New World, and sent home in accordance with a telegraphic request from his mother.


SUPREME COURT - In the Supreme Court, the following orders were made in chambers yesterday:

GYLE vs. SHOEMAKER - On motion of WHITING, of counsel, and upon affidavit filed, ten days granted appellant to file brief.

MELCHER vs. KUBLAND - On motion of QUINT, of counsel, ten days additional time granted respondent to file brief.


ARRESTS - The arrests of yesterday are as follows: Isabella STUART, by officer CODY, for threats against the life of Sarah IRELAND; Signor SEBASTIAN, by officer CODY, for assault and battery on J.W. ADAMS, and also for drawing a deadly weapon upon J.W. ADAMS.


FOR STOCKTON - E.B. DAVIDSON, who was arrested on Monday evening on suspicion of insanity, was visited yesterday by Doctors SIMMONS and NIXON, who pronounce him insane. He will of course be removed to Stockton within a few days.


PROBATE - In the matter of the estate of J.A. GREISEL, deceased, the will of deceased was yesterday admitted to probate and letters of administration were granted to Charles EBNER, upon his filing a bond in the sum of $5,000.


FOR TRIAL TO-DAY - The case of T.H. ARMIGER, for assault to murder in shooting at Henry GEISEL, is set for trial to-day in the Court of Sessions.


FOR INTERMENT - The body of J. STRAHLE, who was drowned in the slough on Sunday, will be taken to San Francisco for interment.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Daily Union

Wednesday, September 7, 1864



MEMORANDA - We are indebted to Dr. McDONALD for the following memoranda concerning the Washoe sufferers who were removed yesterday morning from the steamer Antelope to the Vernon House. Although brief and unsatisfactory, we give them for the benefit of the relatives and friends of the parties referred to. Many of them, alas! are already dead, and but few can possibly leave the Vernon House alive: Edward BRICKETT, San Francisco; emigrated from Boston (Mass.), where he has a father, four sisters and a brother; his mother and best friend died about three months ago; write Sarah A. STANDIS, milliner, and Charles ROSS, keeper of the Railroad House, San Francisco.  Manuel M. BROOM, Drytown; quartz miner; is from the Western Islands; his partners are G.W. SEATON and Emanuel KING. Emanuel KING, Drytown. S.W.  GRUSH, Nevada, formerly Steward of the Washoe; known to Avery, Government Assessor, and others. Nicholas SOLOMON, sailor; from New York; native of Austria. James CLUNEY, Kings county, Ireland; has four sisters in Nevada; was deck hand on the Washoe; they owed him wages from July 15th to the present time. William DUGAN, San Francisco, 66 Tehama street; has a wife and child and mother in San Francisco; write to wife to come up; Irishman, from Philadelphia. Thos. ANDERSON, engineer on Washoe; from Missouri. Robert JOHNSON; hand on the Washoe; emigrated from Boston (Mass); write to Mrs.  ANTONY, of San Francisco. Hubert BURGESS, San Francisco. Peter FRITRICK, San Francisco; from Hapstein, Germany; has a mother there. L.B. BLAKE, San Francisco; bill poster and runner for Washoe; name in India ink upon his arm. Peter BROWN, San Francisco; work hand on Washoe; from Meister, Germany.

N.L. HAMILTON, San Francisco; from Lodi (Ohio); write George FOUCETT, San Francisco. John CLINTON, San Francisco; from Roxbury (Mass.); deck hand; wife and three children in San Francisco; came to California in ship New Jersey, in 1849. Bartholomew GILLESPIE, Rock Creek, near Auburn; write to William BASSETT, Auburn, to come and see him. William SIMPSON, 213 Stevenson street, San Francisco; wife and three children in San Francisco; will go and see them in a few days; does not want his wife to come up; formerly of New

York city. J.C. TURNER, sailor from New York; of Liverpool. Emanuel JACOBS, of Dutch Flat, formerly of Savoie (Norway). James O’HARA, an Irishman; lived at Folsom last Spring. Charles Fredric MAYER - Could learn nothing more than the name of this man, but we think the name correct. Samuel HARLAN, of Washoe City, formerly of Attica, Indiana; work hand on the Washoe; has two brothers and a sister; write to Nathan HUBART, Washoe City.


SACRAMENTANS - In the list of killed and wounded given elsewhere will be found the names of several Sacramentans. A.H. MAYERS, chief cook of the Washoe, leaves a wife and children in this city. D. GRAY, who died at the Vernon House, had been employed at Bannon’s Ranch, American township. H.F.A.  MYERS, another of the dead, is recorded as a resident of the city. W.N.  HASKILL, of Donner Lake, was recently a resident of the city. He was employed by Hubbard & Baker as foreman while building the Pacific Railroad bridge across the American river. Among them are J.G.  BAKER, of the firm of Hubbard & Baker. When taken form the boat strong hopes were entertained of his recovery, but his symptoms last evening were considered unfavorable by his physician, Dr. HARKNESS. Anna McGEE, who resides at Ninth and R street, had her right thigh broken and her face badly burnt. The limb was set yesterday afternoon by Dr. LOGAN. She bore her misfortune on the boat with considerable fortitude, and will doubtless recover. Thomas DOWNARD, Charles MYER and H. CONNELLY are recorded as residents of Sacramento. We are not informed as to the exact nature of their injuries, but they cannot be free from danger.

THE DEAD - Twenty-eight persons were yesterday carried from the steamer Antelope to the Vernon House, which had been transformed into a hospital to suit the emergency. They were kindly cared for during the day. All were dangerously injured, and at 10 o’clock last evening but eleven remained in the building. During the day seventeen had died and had been removed to the Coroner’s rooms on Fourth street. That officer held a number of inquests during the day, brief reports of which will be found in another column. The most of the bodies were identified and have been or will be taken in charge by their friends. Several, however, are as yet “unknown”. Three bodies were removed from the city. Those of Mrs. LECKEY and Mrs. GODIEU, of San Francisco, were taken by the husband of one of them to that city for interment. The body of J.H. CLARK was sent by railroad to Placer county for interment. The remains of many of the deceased will be buried to-day.


Explosion Of A Boiler Of The Steamer Washoe


Before sunrise yesterday morning the exciting intelligence was received in the city that a terrible boiler explosion had occurred the evening before, by which the steamer Washoe had been reduced to a wreck and a large number of her passengers had been killed, while many others were either dangerously or slightly wounded. The disaster occurred at half past 9 o’clock on Monday evening, at the mouth of the slough, about thirty-five miles below the city and ten miles above Rio Vista. Some two hours after its occurrence the steamer Antelope, Captain FOSTER, from San Francisco, reached the spot and took from the wreck and vicinity all the passengers who remained alive. Some seventy-five or eighty in all were taken in charge and brought to the city. Of this number more than one-half were badly injured, and perhaps one-fourth slightly injured. The Antelope arrived at the foot of R street about 5 o’clock in the morning, and running around, was unable for a time to reach her berth near the foot of K street. To convey to our citizens the intelligence of the mournful disaster, her bell was tolled. The fire bells of the city were at once rung in response, and in a short time the levee was thronged with an anxious crowd of men and women, many of whom feared that their relatives might have been on board the unfortunate steamer. The Antelope remained at that point some two or three hours before the efforts of the Steam Navigation Company’s boats to tow her off were successful. The scene on board was such as has rarely been witnessed on the Pacific coast. The floor of the cabin and a portion of the deck were covered with the dead and wounded. The mattresses and bedding of the boat had been brought into requisition, and some forty sufferers were stretched out - some of them enduring great agony and others too badly injured to be conscious of their condition. The most of the physicians of the city had been sent for, and promptly responded, rendering all the aid within their power. Among the seriously injured were three women. Two of them - sisters - died after being placed on board the Antelope; the other, Anna McGEE, had a thigh broken and was scalded in the face, hands and breast. The other sufferers were men who had, but a few hours before, been stricken down in the enjoyment of full and vigorous health. They were, almost without exception, badly scalded about the head, face and hands, and many of them over large portions of the breast and body. A large portion of them had also evidently inhaled steam, and were fatally injured thereby. At about half-past nine o’clock the Antelope was hauled off and towed up to her landing at the foot of K street. At that time at least a thousand persons had assembled on the levee. An impromptu Sanitary Committee was organized. The Vernon House, on J street, had been engaged by the Howard Benevolent Society and opened as an hospital.  Stretchers were hastily constructed and cots were forced into requisition, in which the victims of the disaster were removed to the Vernon House and a few to private residences by volunteer citizens, who manifested a laudable desire to do everything possible which humanity dictated. Several deaths occurred after the boat landed, and of the forty or more badly injured nearly all will probably die. It is impossible to tell, as we write, how many lives have been lost, but is seems probable that the killed and fatally injured will amount to more than a hundred. We learn from H.H. STEVENS, chief clerk, that there were 158 passengers on board the Washoe on leaving San Francisco, and several others came on board at Benicia and Rio Vista.  With the officers and crew, the total number could not have been less than 175 persons. The Antelope brought up, injured and uninjured, about eighty, leaving some five or six dead bodies at the locality of the wreck. The number blown overboard or killed and remaining in the lower cabin cannot, of course, be at present ascertained. The passenger list was lost, and therefore cannot be referred to. Passengers who escaped uninjured describe the scene, at the time of the catastrophe, as heartrending in the extreme.  The lights were of course extinguished by the shock. The report of the boiler was followed by the crashing of the fragments of the boat and the groans and cries of the wounded. Some called for help in one form and some in another; some asked for light, some for water, some desired to be thrown overboard, and others jumped overboard. Some who were enabled to gain the shore did so and ran into the bushes in vain in search of relief. Is it said that Captain KIDD and his uninjured officers were prompt in extending relief, but had of course but few facilities at hand. When the Antelope arrived, Captain FOSTER, Chief Clerk VAN PELT and all the officers and crew exerted all their power to relieve the suffering and insure them all the comfort possible on their way to the city. Below we give, so far as practicable up to the present time, a list of the dead and injured:


Father James CALLAN, native of Ireland (died on the Antelope)....San Leandro Mrs. L. LECHEY, native of Ireland (died on the Antelope).....San Francisco Mrs. Mary J. GODIEU, native of Ireland (died on the Antelope).....San Francisco Albert H. MYERS, native of Italy, chief cook of the Washoe (died on the Antelope).....Sacramento Dr. ROSS (instantly killed).....Greenwood, El Dorado James H. CLARK (instantly killed), stage proprietor, Auburn and Michigan Bluff G.C. VAN LANDINGHAM (died at the Vernon House), Salem, Oregon Mrs. VAN LANDINGHAM (instantly killed), Salem, Oregon D. GRAY (died at the Vernon House).....Sacramento W. SIMPSON (died at the Vernon House), fireman on the Washoe John C. TURNER (died at the Vernon House), London, Eng.  Thos. ANDERSON (died at the Vernon House), San Francisco.  Nicholas SALAMENCTI (died at the Vernon House), deck hand.....Austria Edward BRICKETT (died at the Vernon House), San Francisco.  W.N. HASKILL (died at the Vernon House)....Donner Lake W.F. WILLIAMS (died at the Vernon House).....Wales Henry F.A. MYERS, native of Germany (died at the Vernon House).....Sacramento David DAVIS (died at the Vernon House)

Manuel M. BROM (died at the Vernon House) - Drytown, Amador county Edwin JACOBS (died at the Vernon House)

E. FARRAN (killed).....San Jose

Marshal PORTER (died at Vernon House)

_ _  BENRITT (killed), Spring Garden, Placer county.

D.M. ANDERSON (second engineer Washoe).

Samuel W. GRUSH, steward Washoe (died at the Vernon House)....Nevada

Emanuel KING (died at the Vernon House)....Drytown




J.G. BAKER.....Sacramento

Anna McGEE (thigh broken).....Sacramento

Thomas DOWNARD.....Sacramento

Charles MYER.....Sacramento

H. CONNELLY.....Sacramento

J.T. MARSHALL.....San Francisco

G.W. POLLACK.....San Francisco

W.P. DUGAN.....San Francisco

L.B. BLAKE.....San Francisco

John SIMONS.....San Francisco

James CLOONEY.....Nevada

W.T. WILLIAMS.....Forest Hill

J.R. ROLLOCK.....Virginia City

Henry STEIN.....Boston

R.W. KLUDER......Madison county (Ill.)

H. BURGESS.....Boston

Peter BROWN.....New York

E. JACKSON.....Dutch Flat

N.L. HAMILTON.....Carson City

J. O’HARA.....Folsom

Chinaman (name unknown)

John DOY (fireman Washoe)

E.F. STEWART (barkeeper Washoe)

Bartholomew GILLESPIE.....Auburn

E. DODSON (colored boy - waiter on Washoe)

S.W. HARLON.....Washoe City

----- MARSHALL (porter of Washoe)

Conrad GRANTS.....Deadwood, Placer county

W.B. McKINLEY.....Solano county

Thomas FOX.....Napa

Patrick DALY


W. DURAND.....Placerville

James RANON.....Virginia City



H.H. STEVENS (clerk of the Washoe)

Michael DUNN (fireman on Washoe)

C. CROSSEN.....San Francisco

John CLINTON (deck hand).....San Francisco

C.W. SMITH.....San Francisco

W. BOWKER.....French Corral

Henry RAY.....French Corral

Leopold Kavalsha (cook on Washoe)

Miss Margaret Hattie CUMMINGS.....San Francisco

Benjamin COGAR.....Sacramento

Patrick DORAN.....Sacramento

W.A. PLUNKETT.....San Francisco

James FRASER.....Gold Hill

Daniel THOMAS.....Grimes’ Creek, Idaho

C. H. PRATT....Sutter county

I.J. HAGUEWOOD.....Lincoln

Emma (child three years old)

William BACHELLER.....Omega, Nevada

Charles COLLINS.....Virginia City

John McCUSH.....Napa

Joseph RUSSELL.....Sacramento

John VAN SAUN.....Sacramento

D.R. GREEN.....Colusa

R.G. BACHELDER.....Lowell (Mass)

M.G. MORGAN.....Springfield (Ill.)



Miss Jane BROWNING.....San Francisco

J.M. BARDWELL.....Michigan Bluffs

______ PRATT..... Nicholaus

Mrs. Leggett, boy and girl.....Petaluma

Mrs. LANE, boy and girl.....San Francisco

Thomas THOMPSON.....Grizzly Flat

J.M. BARDWELL.....Deadwood (Placer county)

______ ROSENHEIM.....San Francisco

G.W. KIDD (captain Washoe)

S.S. BALDWIN (pilot Washoe)

______ EASTON (pilot Washoe)

Robert MORRISON (mate Washoe)

______ PHILLIPS (chief Engineer Washoe)

G.D. KEENEY.....Virginia City

John HELMSLEY.....Monitor, Alpine county

Lady and sister, who live in Sierra county, names unknown. Their mother resides in Sacramento city.

Frank OSBORN (ten years old).....Sacramento

R.J. MILLER.....San Francisco

John PLUMMER.....Rough and Ready

Frank DUFF.....Rough and Ready

L. JARVIS.....Sacramento

M. ROSENBAUM.....San Francisco

S. HITCH.....San Francisco

F. STERRIA.....San Francisco

S.G. GRANGER, wife and sister-in-law.....Forest City



The above lists are of course incomplete. Several bodies remained last night at the Coroner’office which had not been identified. Some had died at the Vernon House and others had been brought up from the wreck by the steamer Visalia. Some of the slightly wounded, of course, were able to take care of themselves, and it was difficult to obtain their names. Many of those who were uninjured passed through the city by the morning trains. It is with extreme gratification that we record the fact that the officers and employes of the Steam Navigation Company, our resident physicians, the members of the Howard Benevolent Society, a large number of ladies and our citizens, generally, manifested a praiseworthy degree of emulation in doing all that could be done to alleviate the sufferings of the unfortunate victims of the terrible disaster. Of the physicians who were promptly on hand and worked earnestly, we noticed Drs. HARKNESS, CLUNESS, LOGAN, MONTGOMERY, SIMMONS, FREY, NICHOLS, OATMAN, HATCH, PIERSON, H.C. CLAPP, WOOD and MORGAN. Of the ladies in attendance at the Vernon House during the day, while the name of Mrs. Horace ADAMS “leads all the rest,” we noticed Mrs.  S.E. HARRITY, Miss Mary McCERN, Mrs. H.S. BEALE, Mrs. J. COGGINS, Mrs. M.C. FRAZIER, Miss J. WILKINSON, Miss D. BALDWIN, Mrs. GORDON, Mrs. TITCOMB, Mrs. CRONEY, Mrs. TURPIN, Margaret BERGEN, Miss BEALS, Miss McMILLAN, Mrs. NEWCOMB, Mrs. YOUNG and Mrs. BUDD. There were doubtless other ladies whose names should in justice be given, but which we have failed to obtain. While we refer with pleasure to the acts of generous and kin-hearted sympathy which characterized the day, we shall not fail to record one or two cases of an opposite character which were brought to our notice. An application was made at an early hour to KLINK & MARTFIELD, druggists, at Second and K streets, for lint to be used for the benefit of the sufferers on the Antelope. The lint was refused on the ground that the physician, Dr. LOGAN, did not usually send his prescriptions to that store. The messenger crossed the street to WAIL & CHILD’s, where the demand was promptly supplied and no questions asked. The wagon of SENATZ, of the City Hotel, being on the levee, several injured men asked the driver to take them to the Western Hotel, on K street, near Second. SENATZ at once complied. On reaching the Western, the proprietor, N.D. THAYER, refused to admit them to his house, premising, of course, that they had no money. SENATZ at once told the man that he had taken them to the Western at their own request, made because they had been in the habit of putting up at that house, but that his own establishment was open to them, money or no money. They were at once taken to the City Hotel.  If these allegations are true the facts are disgraceful. If they are not, then our authority - in which we place implicit reliance is greatly mistaken.


Sacramento Daily Union

Wednesday, September 7, 1864


Statements of Passengers

Miss CUMMINGS occupied stateroom No. 12; had been asleep and had just woke up; heard a crash, and the timbers commenced falling; the upper berth fell on me. I jumped up and looked out the window; saw nothing but steam; there was no steam in my room. A lady was standing on the guard, who told me to come out, as the boat was sinking. When I put my foot upon the stateroom floor it was wet; the room of my door was crushed in, and two men came through and jumped out the window. It was very dark then, as the lights were all out, but some of the passengers had matches and lit pieces of newspapers, which was all the light we had. A gentleman came to me and inquired if I was injured. I said no. He then said he would bring me a child, which was crying in the next birth. He did so. It was scalded, and I bathed it with cold water. Shortly after we went ashore. I did not see the babe again. All of the passengers who were uninjured were very kind to us; but two, whose names I do not know, were unremitting in their kindness to the wounded, bringing water and doing everything in their power to relieve their distresses. Captain KIDD was also very kind to us.


R.G. BACHELDER, of Lowell (Mass.), proprietor of PEARSON’s “Mirror of the War,” occupied stateroom No. 8, forward of the wheel house, in company with M.G. MORGAN, of Springfield (Ill.), a young man in his employ. He states that when the explosion occurred everything seemed to be thrown up and pieces flying in every direction. The top of his room settled down again, when he put his hand through the glass skylight and pulled his head and body through. Upon reaching the upper deck he found his head and hands were badly cut, but he was not otherwise injured. The texas of the boat was turned partially around, and the deck was a mass of ruins. His companion made his exit through the aperture made by him, and received no injury, except a slight bruise from a flying wash-bowl and slight cuts on his hands.  BACHELDER states that the explosion turned the boat toward the bank, where she grounded. The boat began to settle by the stern in about ten minutes. He says that the captain, mate and pilot acted with the utmost coolness, and did all they could to render aid to the injured. A man who was badly burned jumped ashore and began to sing; then he would call for water, frequently saying “Johnny, why didn’t you bring me some water” then he would screech with pain.


I had just laid down in berth about fifteen minutes of ten o’clock - in outside starboard forward stateroom. Boat was going rapidly. My first impression was a burst or whiz of steam, sounding like tearing something.  Immediately shut my mouth, and putting my hand over my nose rushed for the door, which was burst off the hinges. Went out to the starboard quarter of the boat.  Think it was one of the starboard boilers exploded. Think the aft head of the boiler went first and threw the fires forward, as the boat was on fire in three places forward immediately after the explosion. The explosion was up and aft. The steering gear was ruined, but she took a sheer, and having headway enough ran ashore; think the boat was about thirty yards from the shore when the boiler exploded. The Antelope arrived about two hours after the explosion. Had one hundred and fifty-three passengers on board when we left San Francisco. I was Clerk of the Washoe. Captain KIDD was in the pilot house, with BALDWIN and EASTON, pilots, and all escaped uninjured. Robert MORRISON, the mate, was asleep in the texas; was blown out and fell through the deck, but escaped without injury. We were about four miles beyond the Chrysopolis. The scene on shore was awful, the cries of the wounded for water being heartrending. A fisherman brought a sack of flour and a bottle of oil, and did everything he could to alleviate the sufferers.  [We are sorry we could not obtain his name - Rep.]


R.H. KINDER, of Madison county, Illinois, is very badly burnt about the head, legs and hands; is at the Golden Eagle Hotel. He states that he was on the upper deck before the explosion, and finding it too cold, went into the saloon, took a drink of water, and sat down with his back against the steam drum, and engaged in conversation with “a little man from Napa, who carried a cane.” They had been conversing but a few minutes about the farms in that county, when he felt as though he had been tossed up about two feet. He next found himself standing upright to the smoke stack and nearly suffocated with heat. Almost immediately the side of the pipe was crushed (probably from falling), when he crawled out. His chances for recovery are very slight.  KINDER but recently came across the plains, and has some stock in Carson valley. He had been to Petaluma to make arrangements for locating, and was on the way back to Carson to bring his property. KINDER thinks the Napa man was instantly killed.


One of the Washoe’s passengers states that just before the explosion he had been looking at the working of the engines, but remained not more than a minute or two when it occurred to him that he ought not to remain there. He then went and sat down in the after cabin, and had only seated himself when the crash came and the cabin was filled with steam. He instantly placed his hand to his mouth, to keep from inhaling the steam, and rushed for a window, which he succeeded in breaking open, and by some means got on the upper deck. From there he got down, and, by aid of a Portuguese, cut loose and launched a small boat, with which they picked up several persons in the water, among whom was one man badly scalded, who begged to be allowed to remain in the water, as he knew he had to die. They also took off a woman and child. Finally the boat got away from the wreck without him and he had to swim ashore.

S.G. GRANGER, wife and sister-in-law, of Forest City (uninjured), occupied the farthest stateroom aft, No. 15. The sister-in-law had just left the stateroom for the ladies’ cabin. Mr. GRANGER states that it was nearly an hour before candles could be procured, and the only means for obtaining light to search the ruins was by burning paper. Passengers state that Mrs.  GRANGER is entitled to great credit for her activity and energy in extricating the wounded and scalded from the ruins and for her attention to them afterward.

Frank OSBORN, a boy ten years old, a passenger on the Washoe, was, after the explosion, extricated from a perilous position by F.D. COLTON, of Petaluma, but escaped unhurt. In the early part of the evening young OSBORN had occupied a certain berth, but had been removed to another berth by some one connected with the boat. The berth vacated was blown to atoms, while the substitute was comparatively uninjured.

BUCHANAN, of San Francisco, slightly wounded in the head. A short time previous to the explosion, finding it too warm in his stateroom over the boiler, he left and went down to the bar, bought a cigar and sat down in a chair between the bar and the boilers. Thinking it too hot in that position he left, and while proceeding toward the bow of the boat was struck by a flying splinters.

John McCUSH, of Napa City, badly bruised about the head and spine. He states that he was lying on the floor of the saloon over the boiler, and was thrown forward some twenty feet. Three or four who were standing near him were scalded to death by the steam.

H. VAN SAUN, of Sacramento, was sitting between two ladies, engaged in conversation, and was but slightly scratched, while the ladies were both killed.

Mr. PRATT, of Nicolaus, was standing on the hurricane deck. He was hurled into the air a considerable distance, falling among the ruins of the boat but sustaining no injury.

A sweet little child, about three years old, was saved from the wreck by J.M. BARDWELL, of Michigan Bluff, who burst in the door of the state-room and carried it ashore. It had nothing on it by which it could be identified except a gold chain necklace to which was attached a gold ring with a blue enameled set. The child was slightly injured on the neck and face. When brought to the city it was taken to the Golden Eagle Hotel, where its wants were attended to by D.W. MADDEN, one of the Board of Supervisors of Placer county. When the Visalia arrived last evening the body of the lady brought up on her, which was taken from the wreck, was identified by Mrs. BARDWELL as the mother of the child. The father is thought to be in Marin county and has been telegraphed to, and to-day we will hear if the child has found a parent or not. It says its name is Emma UPTON.

Pearson’s Panoramic Mirror of the War, which was on the boat, was badly damaged.

VAN LANDINGHAM, who was badly injured and since died, when asked for his name gave it, but the physician misunderstood him and called it VALLANDIGHAM.

Coroner’s Inquest

William R. WILLIAMS sworn - I know the deceased; his name is David DAVIS, a native of Wales, aged about thirty-five years and single; died on the steamer Antelope some time during the forenoon of this day; am informed that deceased deposited with Captain KIDD $600 or $700; am satisfied that death was caused by injuries received by the explosion on the steamer Washoe on her upward trip last night.

Loreis SCHUETS sworn - I know deceased; his name is Henry Frederick A.  MEYER, a native of Altopa, Germany, aged twenty-seven years and three days, and a single man; he died at the Vernon House, in this city, about 11 o’clock A.M. this day, and death was caused from injuries at the explosion on board the steamer Washoe, on her upward trip to this city last night; deceased worked for E. SOULE, Tenth and J streets, in this city.  William R. WILLIAMS, sworn - I know the deceased; his name is William F.  WILLIAMS; he is a native of Wales; he is a single man, aged about thirty-five years; he is not related to me; he died at about 12 o’clock M this day, at the Vernon House, in this city; deceased told me this morning that he had $60 and some silver, which he had given to the captain of the steamer Washoe; he also had a claim in Sweetland, near North San Juan; do not know the value of it, though it cost him over $3,000; he has owned it about four years; at the time deceased gave Captain KIDD the $60 a man named David DAVIS gave Captain KIDD between $600 and $700.  Patrick BANNON sworn - Know the deceased; his name is David GRAY; think he is a native of Bangor, Maine; his age is about fifty-two years; he is a single man; he has worked for me for two or three years, portions of the time; do not know of his having any property or effects excepting eighty dollars, which I herewith hand over to the Coroner; the deceased died at the Vernon House in this city, between twelve and one o’clock P.M. this 6th day of September, 1864; I am satisfied that death was caused from injuries received by the explosion on board the steamer Washoe on her upward trip to this city last night.

John D. GODEUS sworn - Was a passenger on the steamer Washoe; now before the jury is my wife; her name is Mary Jane GODEUS; she is a native of Ireland; her age is nineteen years; she died about one o’clock A.M., this day, on board the steamer Antelope, on her way to this city; she was taken from the wreck of the steamer Washoe about twelve o’clock last night; she was severely scalded by the explosion. I was forward on the steamer Washoe; at the time of the explosion I was on the forward part of the boat, on the forward deck; our residence is in San Francisco; we were coming up on a pleasure trip.

William S. TOLBERT - Have been employed by the steamer Washoe and the California Stage Company; was on the steamer Washoe last night at the time of the explosion; it was about ten o’clock at the time the explosion took place; think it was the boiler that exploded; at the time of the explosion was sitting on the right hand side on the hurricane deck near the pilot-house; recognize the deceased now before the jury as being one of the persons that was taken from the wreck of the Washoe; am of the opinion that the injuries received by the explosion was the cause of her death; the steamer Chrysopolis passed us about fifteen minutes after we left San Francisco, and the Antelope had started out ahead of us, and we passed her about the time the Chrysopolis passed us; the Chrysopolis got to Benicia about twelve minutes ahead of us, and she had left and was about the Government works before we made the landing at Benicia.  William SABER, sworn - I know the deceased; his name is W.N. HASKELL; his age is about forty-three years; think he is a native of Maine; he is a widower; he died at the residence of Mrs. BAKER, on K street, between Fourth and Fifth, in this city, at a quarter to three o’clock, this afternoon; I came up with him from the steamer Antelope this morning; am satisfied that death was caused from the effects of injuries received by the explosion on the steamer Washoe on her upward trip to this city last night; he has left a watch and some money in the hands of George NELSON, of this city; he has been at work at Lake Tahoe for some months.

John G. GODEUS sworn - Know the deceased now before the jury; her name is Louisa LECKEY; she is a native of Ireland; her age is about twenty-three years; she died about six o’clock this morning (September 5th) on board the steamer Antelope; she was my wife’s sister; her death was caused by injuries received by the explosion on board the steamer Washoe; she occupied room No.  2 on the Washoe with my wife.

Mary A. MYERS sworn - Have resided at San Francisco for the past four months; know the deceased now before the jury; his name is Albert A. MYERS, is a native of Genoa (Italy), and his age if forty-nine years; we were on board the steamer Washoe on her upward trip last night; I was in the aft part of the boar near the foot of the stairs at the time of the explosion; my husband was head cook on the Washoe; at the time of the explosion he was sleeping in the galley or kitchen on a side table; it was about half or three-quarters of an hour after the explosion that I found him; he died on board the steamer Antelope between nine and ten this morning; am satisfied that death was caused from injuries received by the explosion on board the steamer Washoe on her upward trip to this city last night; Captain KIDD was down in the ladies’ cabin to see a lady and gentleman who occupied room B; they were from Virginia City; they told the captain that they had heard the runners say that there was danger of the boat being blown up; Captain KIDD remarked that he thought there was no danger, if he had thought so he would not be on the boat himself, and said that he also had something to live for;

I saw the captain after the explosion; he was doing all he could to relieve the sufferers.

A.B. SCOTT sworn - Reside at Forest Hill, Placer county; know the deceased now before the jury; his name is James H. CLARK; he is a native of Virginia, aged thirty-five or forty years; he is a married man; think his wife is at San Francisco on a visit; he died on board the steamer Antelope, in front of this city, about twelve o’clock M. this day; noticed the head was very much lacerated on the right side; am satisfied that death was caused from injuries received by the explosion on board the steamer Washoe last night on her up trip to this city; deceased was proprietor of the stage line running from Auburn to Michigan Bluff, Placer county; was present when the Coroner examined the body; there was a large, plain gold ring found on his finger; this was all the property found.

Frank D. STARRETT sworn - Know the deceased; his name is Samuel W. GRUSH; is a native of Massachusetts; is a single man, aged about 45 years; died at a quarter before seven; he was head steward on the steamer Washoe; know of no property excepting a gold watch; was second steward on the steamer Washoe; was on deck aft the wheelhouse at time of the explosion; have attended the deceased since the accident; am satisfied that death was caused by injuries received by the explosion on board the Washoe, which occurred about ten o’clock P.M. yesterday, September 5, 1864.  John M. AVERY sworn - I corroborate the above evidence as far as I know; examined his person and found $6.10 in coin, a gold Masonic pin and spectacles.

Thomas F. SUMMERS sworn - I reside in this city at present; know the deceased; his name is D.M. ANDERSON; he was either First or Second Engineer on the steamer Washoe; he died at the Vernon House, in this city, about eleven o’clock A.M. this day; his age is about thirty-six years; I am satisfied that death was caused from injuries received by the explosion on the steamer Washoe, on her upward trip to this city, last night.  R.H. McDONALD sworn - Think the deceased’s name is Emanuel M. BROOM, a native of ____; he told me he was a partner of KING & SEATON, at Drytown; should think he was thirty-five or forty years of age; said nothing about his effects; death was caused by general inflammation, caused by the explosion which took place on the steamer Washoe, last night, on her trip up to this city.

Dr. R.H. McDONALD sworn - Know the deceased now before the jury from information from himself before death; his name is Emanuel JACOBS; he is a native of Sorwie, Norway; his age is about twenty-eight or thirty years; he died at the Vernon House in this city, about one o’clock P.M. this day; I find that he is a Jew; death was caused by scalding steam or water, which I believe was caused by the explosion on the steamer Washoe last night.  Joseph A. GALLAGHER sworn - I know the deceased; his name is Rev. James CALLAN, a native of county Cavan, Ireland, aged about thirty-eight years; has been officiating at San Leandro, Alameda county (rest of article is cut off).


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Bee

Thursday Evening

December 29, 1864




BURGLARY - Patrick NOLAN and Thomas MALLEY were brought up this morning before the Police Court to be examined on the charge of burglary. Owen HANNAN testified that between twelve and one o'clock of the night of the 23rd his saloon in K street between Third and Fourth was broken into; defendant closed his saloon and went to bed; was awakened by hearing a noise on the sidewalk; got up and found that a portion of a pane of glass in one of the front doors had been removed; the glass was taken away close by the key of the door; found that the saloon had been opened; missed the contents of a box and some drawers and some bottles of wine; witness went to his house on Fourth street and there saw Nolan drinking wine which was of the same brand as that he had lost; was told that the box was found; asked Nolan where he got the wine; he said "Down town-at Coffee's." a pistol was among the articles; was told by a man whose name witness did not know, where the pistol was to be found; went to a shed near the railroad and got the pistol; do not know who owns the shed; witness found the pistol rolled up in a gunny sack. John KANE testified that he boards at Hannan's; at times kept bar for Hannan; at times had access to the drawers, but could not say he had ever seen any instruments in them; there was a dollar or two in coin in the drawer; witness could not say that he had ever seen the articles in Court. Policeman CHAMBERLIN testified that at an early hour last Friday morning went to Hannan's boarding house; found Nolan in bed there and asleep; searched his clothing; found on him a dollar and ten cents and some of the articles in Court; there was a part of a bottle of wine there which Nolan said he got at Coffee's; told Nolan that a revolver was missing; he said he had not had it, but, describing Malley, thought he (Malley) knew where it was; arrested Nolan and took him to the station house; when Nolan was confronted with Malley, Nolan said Malley was not the man whom he had seen with the pistol. M. FITZPATRICK testified that on Saturday morning he was told of the robbery; Nolan had worked for witness; witness could not say whether or no he had paid defendant any money on the day preceding the burglary. M. COFFEE testified that he resides at the corner of Q and Third streets; was awakened early Saturday morning by Hannan who told witness of the robbery; keeps a grocery; sold Nolan no wine or liquor that day; keep for sale no wine such as that in Court; no other Coffee keeps a grocery at the corner of Q and Third streets. Here the state rested. Malley was dismissed from the charge, and also that of being a vagrant. Nolan made a statement to the Court. His story was, that on Friday he drank a great deal, and in the evening got a bottle of wine from James COFFEE, corner of K and Fourth streets. He drank some of this wine and got very drunk; was awakened by the officer who arrested him, and was then much intoxicated. The officer, he said, told him to tell the truth about the robbery, or he would get twenty-five years in the State Prison. Told the officer that I could not say anything about breaking into the saloon, unless I told a lie. Nolan said he was a native of Ireland, twenty-two years of age, and that he had served in the Forty-Ninth Massachusetts regiment at New Orleans. Some half a dozen witnesses were introduced by the defense to testify to good character. J.W. COFFROTH, counsel for the defendant, asked for the discharge. This was opposed strenuously by the prosecuting attorney. Judge HOLL reviewed the evidence, and held the defendant to answer to the charge of burglary - fixing the amount of bail at $1000.


A FLYING CHINAMAN - For some time past, a system of stealing potatoes, etc., from the grocery store at the corner of K and Fifth streets, has been carried on. The stealing was performed to the extent of about six or eight dollars worth nightly. Last evening, officer CHAMBERLIN, who was on the lookout for the thief, saw a Chinaman approach the pile of potatoes and pull down a sack. This was soon after nine o'clock. The Celestial, almost as soon as he touched the plunder, saw the officer and ran off at a rapid rate up Fifth, towards I street. He had slippers on his feet, and a terrible noise he made, as terror lent fleetness to his motions. The officer could not gain on the scared Chinaman, so when near the corner of I street, he sent a few leaden pills after him - but without the desired effect. The echoes of the pistol explosions were lost in the darkness, and so was the Celestial, who suddenly turned form the walk into the mud, and sought and gained the desired security in some of the rookeries that line that portion of I street.


EDUCATIONAL - At the meeting of the Board of Education, last evening, the reports of committee and the Superintendent were received and ordered on file. Sundry bills were audited and directed to be paid. Action for the reappointment of Miss KELSEY to the position of Assistant in Primary School No. 1, was postponed. Amendments to rules governing the public schools were submitted and laid over. The Board adjourned sine die. 


PROBATE BUSINESS - Estate of Alexis REGAL, deceased; petition of Public Administrator for letters filed and set for hearing on the 9th of next month - notice to be given by posting. Estate of B.B. BROWN deceased; hearing of final account of administrator continued.


SAVANNAH SALUTE - This afternoon, a salute was fired, on the steamboat landing, by a detachment of the Sacramento Light Artillery, Lieutenant McMITCHELL in command, in honor of the latest heard from Union victories.


FUNERAL - Members of the Masonic fraternity are invited to attend the funeral of Captain John Gorham THAYER, from the residence of J.F. HOUGHTON, Ninth street, between G and H, at 11 o'clock A.M. to-morrow.


ON THE RIVER - It is stated in a Stockton paper that Captain SCHRACK had purchased the stern wheel steamer Visalia, which for a short time will take the place of the Arrow in running between that city and Sacramento.


EUREKA LODGE - At the meeting of Eureka Lodge No. 4, I.O.O.F, held last evening, these officers were elected: Joseph A. CONBOLE, N.G. ; T.J. JACKSON, V.G; George W. CARROLL, R.S; Michael MILLER, T. PONY LETTERS - Wells, Fargo & Co. advertise that their express for Virginia City and intermediate points will close at their office in this city, at 10 o'clock, P.M., daily.


SPORT - Lovers of sport will not forget the shooting for turkeys to come off at Richards' on the lower Stockton road, to-morrow. 


DISPLAY - Flags are flying in different parts of the city, to-day, in honor of the Union occupation of Savannah. DEPUTY - Notice is given by Poundmaster HARDING that he has selected James McLANE to act as his deputy.


SCHILLER - Schiller Lodge of the Order of Odd-Fellows will meet this evening to elect officers.


FRANZ MULLER, the English railway murderer, was executed in front of Newgate Jail on Monday, November 14th. When the convict had been placed upon the drop, and the rope adjusted round his neck, Dr. CAPPEL addressing him with great animation and solemnity , said: "In a few minutes, Muller, you will stand before God; I ask you again, for the last time, are you guilty or innocent?" He replied: "I am innocent." Dr. Cappel said: "You are innocent?" repeating his own words in the form of a question. Muller answered: "God Almighty knows what I have done."


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, December 30, 1864


Shoplifting - Yesterday officers BARRETT and CHAMBERLIN arrested a woman at her residence on B street, near Thirteenth, on a charge of stealing clothing from the store of Agate & Co., on J street, a few days since. On searching the premises, an immense amount of dry goods and clothing, consisting of shawls, dress patterns, etc., was found. The officers brought a quantity of the plunder to the station house, where it awaits recognition by the owners.  This woman, who answers to the name of Mary MORGAN, was arrested some weeks since and convicted on a charge of larceny, in stealing boys’ clothing from Jack NATHAN’s store, on J street, and from appearances she has been successfully engaged in shoplifting for some time past. She is an Irish woman, medium size, light complexion, dark eyes and rather spare features, has a cracked voice, sometimes speaking in a whisper and again squeaking it out, and generally carries a baby in her arms. The articles she stole from Agate’s store was found in the house by the officers.

Died In The East - James CAROLAN, of the firm of J. & P. CAROLAN, merchants of this city, received yesterday, by telegraph, information that his brother and partner, Peter CAROLAN, had died in New York city on Christmas day. The deceased came to California and settled in Sacramento in 1850. Since March 1, 1851, he has been connected in business with his brother, and, except when temporarily in the East, has resided in this city. On account of ill health and the requirements of business combined, he sailed for New York on the 3d of October, 1862. His lungs were at that time affected, but it was hoped that a change of climate would restore him to health. The immediate cause of death was an attack of hemorrhage of the lungs. It was the desire of the deceased that his remains might be brought to Sacramento for interment, and the dispatch received yesterday states that they would leave New York for the Pacific coast on the steamer of January 3d, accompanied by his widow and the business agent of the firm.

Accident At Freeport - An unfortunate accident occurred at four o’clock yesterday afternoon at Freeport. George BUCKNER, a conductor of one of the freight trains, as the engine was switching from one track to another, attempted to step on to the cow catcher and missed his foothold. Although the engine was moving slowly, the left foot was caught and one wheel ran over the leg between the knee and ankle. Both bones of the leg were of course badly crushed and the limb was otherwise mutilated. The injured man was brought to the city by a special train and taken to the What Cheer House. Dr. SIMMONS was called in, and Drs. FREY and PHELAN were called upon for consultation. It was found necessary to amputate the limb, and the operation was performed at a late hour last evening. BUCKNER has been for several years a resident of this city, and has until recently been employed by CARROLL & MOWE.

Leg Broken - At about noon yesterday a boy named JUDGE, about nine years old, residing with his father in American township, was thrown from a horse and had his left leg broken. He was riding on the plains in search of cattle, when his horse fell and rolled on the leg. The accident occurred too far from any house to be seen by any one, and the boy remained on the grounds in a helpless condition about an hour; he was then accidentally found by some of the neighbors who happened to be traveling in that direction. Dr. NIXON was sent for and visited the patient. He found both bones of the leg crushed between the knee and ankle, but believes amputation will not be necessary.

District Court - The District Court met yesterday, pursuant to adjournment, Judge McKUNE on the Bench. The following business was disposed of: GRANT vs.  the Telegraph Company - motion for judgement overruled. The People vs. POOL et al. - Ordered that GLASBY and WILSON, in the El Dorado jail, be brought into this Court as witnesses on the 16th of January, 1865. SMITH vs. CARROLL - Motion to set aside stay of proceedings overruled, and defendant given until to-night to file notice and bond. Order appointing A.J. MARSH reporter of this Court vacated, and Robert S. MOORE appointed reporter. J.C. DRUM vs.  J. CARROLL et al. - Judgement for plaintiff.

Election of Officers - At a meeting of Schil Lodge, No. 105, I.O.O.F., held last evening, the following named officers were elected for the ensuing term: John BELLMER, N.G.; Louis GREENBAUM, V.G.; J.W. LEEMAN, Secretary;

Frederick MECKFESSEL, Treasurer.

Arrests - Three arrests were made yesterday: Mary MORGAN, by officers CHAMBERLIN and BARRETT, for petit larceny; John DOE, by officer RICE, for being drunk and disorderly.

Probate - In the matter of the estate of Alive E. AYLETTE, deceased, the final account of C.T. BOTTS was yesterday affirmed, and an order made for the sale of real estate in San Francisco.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com









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