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Daily Bee, Sacramento

Monday Evening January 7, 1861


INQUESTS TO-DAY - The Coroner held two inquests to-day. One was on the body of a Belgian, named Auguste CHEVALLE, who was between forty and forty-five years of age, and has lived in this city during the past three years. Deceased was employed at the Sacramento Brewery, and had for some time been unwell. While sawing wood last Saturday, he suddenly fell backwards and expired. Dr. HATCH was of the impression that the man died of cardiac disease. After hearing the evidence the jury found by their verdict that deceased came to his death from a cause which they supposed to be "disease of the heart." The other inquest was on the body of Lawrence MATTHEWS, who was drowned in the upper slough last Saturday afternoon. Deceased was a native of Dublin, and about fifty-five years of age. Matthews, while driving a team, attempted to ford Willow slough, but was carried away by the current and drowned. The jury found a verdict of accidental drowning.


THE MURDERED WOMAN - Last Saturday afternoon, Coroner MURRAY held an inquest on the body of the murdered woman, Catherine GERKEN. At the inquest, the evidence of Chief WATSON, Charles WILSON and Theresa Julien VERRY, was taken, but no facts were elicited which have not already been made public. The jury, composed of E.L. BARBER, S.H. BROWN, W.S. COTHRIN, J.C. ROGERS, J.A. CROCKER, Frank SWIFT, Benjamin GRAY, W.H. HALSEY, J.T. CLARK and M. FITZGERALD, found by their verdict that the deceased came to her death by violence at the hands of the young man known as KAHL of HARMON, who is now in custody. Yesterday afternoon, the remains of the unfortunate woman were interred in the City Cemetery.


COUNTY COURT, TO-DAY - Judge ROBINSON presiding. M. SATTERIEE vs. C.L. HUTCHINSON; appeal dismissed with leave to set aside. J.J. UNDERHILL vs. James GAMBLE; on motion, appeal dismissed. MURRAY vs. COCHRAN; appeal dismissed on certificate of Justice. D.B. BROWN vs. C.C.P. SEVERANCE; leave granted to file amended answer, and to open deposition. T.S. WILKINSON vs. Samuel ROBINETT, ordered to be placed on calendar. People vs. BARENKAMP & Co.; People vs. BARENKANP; People vs. McGEE; judgements affirmed. PORTER vs. STOVALL; ordered to be placed on calendar. People vs. M. SHELDON; judgement rendered for balance and costs. J.D. LORD & Co. vs. The Schooner Sweezer; passed. Adjourned till ten o'clock to-morrow morning.


LEWIS KAHL - The Police Court room was crowded to suffocation this morning by people anxious to look upon the face of the man who, no doubt, murdered the woman Kate GERKEN. Kahl looked about him very unconcernedly, and stood the gaze of those hundreds of eyes without a change of _expression. On the contrary, he laughed and joked merrily with the officers, and seemed to be in a pleasant state of mind. He had no counsel, and told the judge in a clear and distinct tone, that he would waive an examination and let his case go before the Grand Jury.


DISTRICT COURT, TO-DAY - Hon. Judge McKUNE, presiding. SMITH vs. RICHMOND; motion for new trial overruled. STAHL vs. ROBINSON & WOLF; motion for new trial overruled and stay of proceedings granted for five days. BARRETT et al vs. GRAHAM et al; motion to set aside judgement granted and also stay of proceedings for five days. State Agricultural Society vs. A. HENLEY; plaintiff ordered to amend by making HASTINGS a party defendant. Hon. Judge SEXTON presiding. H.B. CRIET vs. E. BROWN et al.; motion to dismiss taken under advisement. Recess taken till two o'clock.


EXAMINATIONS - The Mexican, TRUJILLO, who stabbed the Austrian yesterday afternoon, appeared before the Police Court, and waiving an examination, his case was sent to the Grand Jury. It is said that the wounded man is better to-day. The murderer, Lewis KAHL, also waived an examination in the Police Court and his matter was sent to the Grand Jury.


SCHOOL TEACHERS - The Superintendent of the Common Schools of this city and county has given notice, that the Board of Examination will meet at the High School room, at ten o'clock, next Saturday morning, for the purpose of examining into the qualifications of those persons who wish to become teachers.


TILL TO-MORROW - Jas. SEARS, E.N. RYAN, and Daniel BROWN, were up before the Police Court, to-day, on a charge of assault and battery on J.S. POND. As defendants demanded trials, by jury, the cases were put off till to-morrow morning.


ROW BOAT CLUB - The Franklin Row Boat Club will hold their regular monthly meeting, this evening, at the usual time and place.


DISCHARGED - In the District Court to-day L. WINTERS was discharged from his debts and liabilities.


BASE BALL - At seven o'clock to-morrow evening, an adjourned meeting will be held of the Sacramento Base Ball Club.


MILITARY - There will be a meeting of the City Guard, at the Armory, this evening at half past seven o'clock.


RESOLUTIONS - At a meeting of the Sacramento Typographical Union, held last Saturday evening, resolutions were adopted expressive of regret at the sudden decease of Samuel T. NEWELL, late a member of the craft. The preamble and resolutions will be found in another column.


FORREST THEATER - You should go and witness the fine performance to be given this evening at Sam WELLS' Melodeon.


POLICE JUDGE - This morning Justice COGGINS commenced his work as Police Judge.

MONTHLY MEETINGS - This evening, regular monthly meetings will be held by Engine Companies 3 and 5.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Daily Bee, Sacramento

Monday Evening September 9, 1861


FIRE THIS MORNING - At twenty minute past two o'clock this morning, an incendiary set fire to the rear and upper part of the wooden building known as the Butchers' Headquarters, situated on the south side of T street, between Third and Fourth. This house was occupied by James McQUIRK and family, and it was with considerable difficulty that they escaped with their lives. The fire did not extend to the eastward more that to communicate to the roof of the city market where it was subdued before doing much injury. To the westward, the flames destroyed the wooden building occupied as a game and poultry market, by Eugene BLUM, and thence extended to the meat market of Schwartz and Bosler. In this direction the flames were arrested by the brick building, occupied by Justin GATES and Bros., druggists. The house occupied by McQUIRK belonged to the Madison estate, and the tenant was insured for one thousand dollars at the office of the Phoenix Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, W.G. ENGLISH agent in this city. BLUM, and the tailor who rented a small room from him, were not insured - the former's loss is eight hundred dollars and that of the latter about one hundred and fifty dollars. Schwartz and Bosler are losers to the amount of eleven or twelve hundred dollars, but they had their market insured for eighteen hundred dollars at the office of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, for which W.G. ENGLISH is agent in Sacramento. We understand that a short time ago an attempt was made to destroy the same buildings by throwing a ball of lighted cotton on the roof. Last night they succeeded.


GRAND JURY MATTERS - The venire for seventeen Grand Jurors was made returnable at ten o'clock this morning to the Court of Sessions, but at that hour there were but seven of them in attendance, and the Court took a recess till noon. At twelve o'clock the Court convened, with ROBINSON as Judge, and Justices BONE and COGGINS as Associates. The venire contained the following names: W.H. SPAULDING, I.A. BOOTH, J.D. PARKER, H.C. HARVEY, W.S. WHITE, W. CHESLEY, E.C. GILBERT, R.H. WOODWARD, P. CAROLAN, T.A. TALBERT, H. RAMSEY, P. BANNON, A.D. RIGHTMIRE, Alex M. HAYDEN, John SMITH, Frank TUKEY and S.M. ROYCE. Rightmire and Parker were absent, and Hayden and Ramsey were excused, whereupon a venire was ordered to issue for three more jurors. These six prisoners were present at the impaneling of the Grand Jury: William KELLER, arson; A.P. DAVIS, grand larceny; Francisco RAMIREZ, assault to do bodily harm; Joseph HUNT, burglary; Eugene DUPORTALL, assault to murder; Ah SING, grand larceny. Counsel for the prisoners closely examined the Grand Jurors as to their capacity to act on the cases which might come before them; but finally all preliminaries were arranged, and L.A. BOOTH being sworn in as foreman, the following Grand Jurors took the usual oath: W.H. SPAULDING, H.C. HARVEY, W. CHESLEY, R.H. WOODWARD, T.A. TALBERT, John SMITH, S.M. ROYCE, W.S. WHITE, E.O. GILBERT, Peter CAROLAN, Patrick BANNON, F. TUKEY, G.A. MILLER, Louis FLOSS and S.M. BAILEY.


PROBATE COURT TO-DAY - Estate of John PUGH, deceased; letters granted to Jared IRWIN as administrator, and J. ROBERTS and P.A. HULLIMAN appointed appraisers. Estate of John CAIN, deceased; the hearing on the petition of Edward PYNE and Patrick DOWNEY for letters, continued until Monday, September 23d, at 10 o'clock, A.M. Estate of J.M. AREGA, deceased; petition of Public Administrator withdrawn, and H.H. HARTLEY appointed administrator; letters to issue upon his filing bond as administrator in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, and an additional five hundred dollars for rent and protit, and A.A. BENNETT, B.F. MAULDEN and J.I. LE** appointed appraisers. Estate of Charles S. HOWELL, deceased; petition of B. BATES and that of John H. OPLER coming on regularly to be heard. BATES is appointed administrator, and letters to issue upon filing bond as administrator in the sum of three thousand dollars, and an additional bond of two thousand dollars for rents and protits. Estate of Anton KUNSTLE, deceased; admitted to probate, and Jared IRWIN appointed administrator with will annexed. Estate of H.B. HOWE, deceased; report of T.L. ROBERTS, auditor, confirmed, and petition for an order of distribution filed and set for hearing on Monday, October 7th, 1861, at 10 o'clock A.M., and notice of the same ordered in the Daily Bee.


RESOLUTIONS - We publish to-day a series of resolutions adopted by Capital Lodge, No 87, I.O.O.F., relative to the late Zebulon GARDNER, who was killed by the explosion on board the steamer "J.A. McClelland."


CARD OF THANKS - Gates & Bros, druggists, return thanks to those who aided in saving their store from destruction by fire this morning - and also a hint to the officious individual who walked off with a purse containing a little more that twelve dollars.


NEW SUIT - James GILLIS brought suit to-day in the District Court to recover from Broderick Engine Company No. 7, the sum of $300, due by that company to John CROWLEY.





Jas. PAGAN, Buffalo, N.Y., J. WISCOUST, Marysville, W.C. STAKES, do, Jules KREBS, do, G. HARANEY, do, M. WARNIC, do, D.M. JACKINS, Sacramento, W. DARROW, Sonora, Miss HORSLEY, do, W. McGEE, Placerville, John McGEE, do, Wm P. WHITNEY, Humboldt, Wm. H. PATTEN, San Fran., Harry EATON, do, Aug. M. HESLEP, do, John NELSON, Oak Grove, Jas. M. WILLIAMS, Pine Grove, Miss SENTRY, Carson, Mrs. MILLER a 2 ch, Nevada, H. HAYES, A. BROKAW, Auburn, W. WILROWE, do, John HANKS, Yreka.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Daily Bee, Sacramento

Monday Evening, October 21, 1861


DISTRICT COURT, TO-DAY - Judge McKUNE presiding. Dire ordered to issues for eight jurors, the same re**sable at half past 10 o'clock, to-morrow morning. *** ROSS vs. S. NORRIS, et al, continued by consent for the term. Wells, Fargo & Co. vs. J.S. Montague: Judgement ordered to be entered against C.H .REYNOLDS for costs. Natonia Water and Mining Company vs. McCoy Foley et al; on motion of counsel for plaintiffs, the named of McCOY, Miles FOLEY, John DOE and Richard ROE alias, defendants, are stricken from complaint, and the names of Wm. McCOY, Michael FOLEY, and John RYAN, of the firm style of McCOY & Co., substituted as defendants. The examination of witnesses it this case is now going on.


POLICE COURT, TO-DAY - Annie McDONALD, assault and battery on Manango POLACIO; tried by the Court and convicted and ordered to appear for sentence at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. John DALY, assault and battery on John BUNGER; trial put off till 28th inst. James ELLIOTT, assault and battery on P. LASKY; as compromised between the parties, the defendant is discharged and suit is directed to be instituted against the defaulting witness, LASKY, for the recovery of costs in the matter. John BRESLIN, disturbing the peace, charge dismissed on payment of costs.


PASSED THROUGH - Last Saturday night, a Deputy Sheriff of Butte county arrived in this city from San Francisco, with a prisoner named EASTMAN, who is charged with grand larceny in stealing horses, and has been taken back for trial. The officer and his prisoner left for Butte county yesterday afternoon. The Sheriff of the county of Siskiyou arrived in this city yesterday, on his way to San Quentin with a prisoner named William BOONE, who has been convicted of grand larceny and sentenced to imprisonment for the term of five years. At 2 o'clock, this afternoon, they took the steamer for San Francisco.


COURT OF SESSIONS, TO-DAY - Robinson, Judge: ROBINSON and CONE, Associates - T.J. CALLOWAY, assault to murder; upon affidavit of defendant, trial is continued for the term. Joseph HUNT, burglary; defendant appearing in person, and withdrawing the plea of not guilty, pleads guilty, and is ordered to appear for sentence next Friday morning. Adjourned till to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.


MORTALITY - It appears from the report of the Superintendent of the City Cemetery, that eight deaths occurred in this city during the week ending 19th inst. - four males and four females. The causes of death were congestive fever 1, typhoid fever 1, diphtheria 1, chronic bronchitis 1, wound of the bowels 1, old age 1, convulsions 1, stillborn 1.


FOR TO-MORROW - The following causes are set for trial, to-morrow, before the District Court: W. McDONALD vs. Peter DONNELLY; M.H. FOWLER vs. I.D. THOMPSON; W.S.M. ANDERSON vs. L. TRYON et al; G. W. WREY vs. G.F. PADDEFORD et al.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Bee, Sacramento

Friday Evening, November 15, 1861


POLICE COURT, TO-DAY - James WHITE, convicted yesterday of a most brutal assault on the person of John DOYLE, appeared for judgement, and was sentenced to pay a fine of five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned for the term of two hundred and fifty days. WHITE was committed to jail. A trio, composed of William KINCAID, James SMITH and John COMER; petit larceny of a sack of sweet potatoes belonging to Myers & Bauer, who kept a provision store on Front street, near the foot of I. Officer YATES found the sack in a shanty on Sycamore Avenue, in Slaters' Addition. Two of the defendants were in the house at the time - the other one lives there, but happened to be out at the time. The Court found the three defendants guilty. James KNAGGS, drawing and exhibiting a deadly weapon, not in necestary self-defense. Defense objected to the complaint, for the reason that the offense charged was not properly defined, but should he "improper and criminal use of a deadly weapon." etc. Objection overruled by the Court. Officer WARNOCK testified that about a week ago, while in front of the Cache Creek Saloon, on K street, between Sixth and Seventh, he heard a noise inside the saloon, and on entering saw KNAGGS with a pistol in his hand. Several other persons were present, and it looked as if a quarrel was impending. Did not hear Knaggs make any threats, but he told those present not to come near him. As this evidence was far from conclusive against the defendant, the Court ordered him to be discharged. The trio above mentioned, William KINCAID, James SMITH, and Joe CONNOR, petit larceny of a sack of salt from one of the Steam Navigation Company's boats, the same being a portion of freight destined tor Yreka. The salt was found in the same shanty where the sack of potatoes, and an attache of the steamer identified the article as part of the property taken from the boat. No witnesses were introduced for the defense, so the Court found the defendants guilty, and the three worthless were ordered to appear for sentence to-morrow morning.


REMINISCENCE - James SMITH, who was convicted before the Police Court this morning, of being a participator in the larceny of a sack of potatoes and a bag of salt, is one of the party who figured at a certain explosive picnic, which came off on the bank of the river some four or five REMINISCENCE - James SMITH, who was convicted before the Police Court this morning, of being a participator in the larceny of a sack of potatoes and a bag of salt, is one of the party who figured at a certain explosive picnic, which came off on the bank of the river some four or five years since. During a period of rainy weather, half a dozen levee rats had, by hook and crook, got together a large quantity of meat, potatoes, and onions, with which to form a stew. The fire was built on what seemed a large clod of hard black earth, which served to raise the coals above the mud. Everything progressed favorably, and the stew was reaching the culminating point. Snuffing the fragrant mixture, the hungry and impatient party hovered over the caldron like the witches im Macbeth, when suddenly a report was heard, and the bummers, stew, and pot, went flying in all directions. That junk of hard, black earth was damaged gunpowder recovered from the sunken hulk "Ninus," and had been thrown on the bank as useless. The incident to which we refer is probably fresh in the memories of most of our readers. At that time SMITH was seriously injured, and was for some weeks confined to the hospital. It seems that he is not yet tired of figuring before the public.


THE GALLANT MAJOR - The San Francisco Bulletin, of last evening, says Major P. Alton WHEELOCK, whilom of this city, is confined in the jail of that city, having been arrested on the charge of stealing a coat worth forty five dollars.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



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