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Sacramento Daily Bee

Monday Evening January 3, 1859


  ACCOMMODATION TO THE LEGISLATURE - Post Master HARDENBURGH has procured two mail boxes, marked Senate and Assembly, which will be placed in each chamber of the Legislature for the accommodation of the members. A messenger will be sent for them four times a day, and will as often take to the State House all mail matters received at the post office for the members. This will preclude all necessity for the Legislature doing its business outside of the mail, at an increased cost to the State. The Post Master has a large quantity of stamps on hand with which he will supply the State, if desired.


  THE KNICKERBOCKER BALL - The ball given on Friday evening by Knickerbocker Engine Co. No. 5, was a remarkably pleasant party, although it was not as largely attended as we expected it would be. The theatre was brilliantly illuminated and tastefully decorated, good music was furnished, and a splendid supper was spread in the St. George, by mine host “The General,” with which all were satisfied who partook.


   DEATH OF AN OLD CITIZEN - Bradley C. NEWCOMBE, late of Clark & Co.’s furniture establishment, died yesterday morning quite suddenly, although he has been in ill health for some months. Mr. Newcombe was an old resident of Sacramento, and for many years an able member of Hook & Ladder Co., No. 1, in its palmiest days. His death is sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends.


   ANOTHER CANDIDATE - Mr. J.T. JENNINGS, of Sacramento, is a candidate for Door Keeper of the Assembly. He is an old resident of this city - is a man of family - is a very estimable gentleman - is capable to fill the position - having for years acted as Sexton at Rev. Mr. BENTON’s and other churches, and if chosen by the Assembly, we are confident that the members never will regret the choice.


   A SLIGHT ROW - Dr .Johnson PRICE and Thomas HARRIGAN - familiarly known as “Buck” Harrigan - had a caning match about dark last evening in front of the Orleans, in consequence of Harrigan commenting, in public, upon the appearance of Dr. Price on the street with George Pen JOHNSTON - whom Buck denominated as the murderer of FERGUSON. Price broke his cane and received a slight cut on the head, while Harrigan was unhurt.


   NEW SALOON - Billy WALLACE, who lately had the Lafayette oyster saloon, has taken the “Forrest,” on K street, three doors west of Third, where he will be pleased to serve his friends with fresh oysters cooked in any style, at twenty-five cents; liquors, cigars, &c., at all hours of the day and night, as the house is always open.


   MAIL CLOSES - The mail for the Atlantic States will close at the post office in this city to-morrow, Tuesday noon, 12 o’clock. A special bag will be kept open till within a few minutes of 2 o’clock.


   DEPARTURE - Moses GREENBAUM, an old resident of this city, will leave on the steamer to-day for San Francisco, en route for the Atlantic States and Europe. He intends being absent about one year, and will, we trust, return with more than he takes away.


  The Schooner J.M. Ryerson was lost on the 19th Dec., on going over the bat at Humboldt Bay, but all hands were saved.


  On the Overland Mail coach, which left on Thursday last, H.A. HANSON, St. Louis; H.E. FOOT, St. Louis; Joseph WHITNEY, Fort Smith, were the passengers.


               LEGAL INTELLIGENCE - January 3d

          District Court - Hon. J.M. McKUNE, Judge

  J.R. BRADFORD vs. His Creditors - Sheriff appointed assignee.

  R. BUTTERFIELD vs. F.O. LIGHTFOOT - Order for summons in Daily Bee for three months.

  J.D. CARPENTER vs. E.J. Carpenter - Application for divorce submitted.

  Order for venire of thirty jurors returnable January 10th inst, at 10 ½ A.M.

  Adjourned till January 5th, at 10 ½ A.M.

   ARRESTS - The total number of arrests made by the police during December was 141.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Bee

Tuesday Evening January 4, 1859


  BOARD OF EDUCATION - At a meeting of the Board of Education, held yesterday, the following pupils were admitted into the High School the present term:

 M.E. AMSDEN, from Grammar School No. 1; J.W. BALDWIN, from San Francisco College; Orvilla BISHOP, from Grammar School No. 2; M.J. HASELY, from Grammar School No. 2; M.B. MACK, from same, and Miss N.E. NEWTON from the same; Miss Kate W. PETERS, from Grammar School No. 3; Miss M.A. KRAUTH, from same; W. CUMMING, from same; A.C. JENNINGS, from Macedon College, New York.

  Mr. C.A. HILL, who received four votes in the Board of Supervisors a few weeks since for School Director, was voted to have been duly elected, appeared, was qualified, and took his seat.


  ALLEGED CONSPIRACY TO MURDER - Phil SMITH has made arrangements to run an opposition line of coaches between this city, Jackson and some other place in the southern mines, but the enterprise met with objection from parties interested in the present line, and threats were made to kill Smith - so he alleges in a complaint sworn to yesterday afternoon. At his request Charles GREEN, James HUFF, James HERRICK, and a man nick-named “Handsome Charlie” were arrested yesterday upon a charge of conspiracy to murder, but gave bail. They will probably be examined to-day in the Police Court.


  FIREMEN’S ELECTION - At a meeting of Eureka No. 4, held last evening, the following officers were elected: Foreman, R. GRAHAM; First Assistant, M. KARCHER; Second Assistant, A. KONEMAN; Secretary ,E.F. MAYNARD; Treasurer, F.K. COOK. At a meeting of Knickerbocker Engine Co. No. 5, held last evening, the following officers were elected: Wm. M. HOAG, Foreman; Edward BOYLE, First Assistant; Wm. PENSION, Second Assistant; C.C. HAYDEN, Recording Secretary; W. BIDWELL, Treasurer; Thomas W. REESE, Financial Secretary.


  AN EXTRA DIRECTOR - Mr. C.A. HILL was yesterday admitted to a seat in the Board of School Directors, upon the strength of an opinion given my Mr. J.H .STEWART, acting District Attorney, who holds that it did not require a majority of the entire Board of Supervisors to elect a Director.  The Supervisors think differently, and yesterday elected Dr. HATCH to fill the position. Both gentlemen are eminently qualified for the position, and we heartily wish that each could be retained.


  COUNTY HOSPITAL - From the report of the County Physician, made to the Supervisors yesterday, it appears that there were 52 patients in the Hospital on January 1st; 97 had been treated during December; 53 dicharged (sic) cured; 5 relieved, and 7 died. The deaths were caused by consumption, 1; diseases of the kidneys, 1; typhoid fever, 1; intemperance, 1; paralysis, 1; abscess of the liver, 1; crushed by a falling bank, 1. Two of the fatal cases were moribund when admitted.

   The total expenses of the hospital for December were only $814.29.


   A NEW SCHOOL DIRECTOR - The Supervisors yesterday, by a legal majority - only one member voting no - elected Dr. F.W. HATCH, School Director, in place of Dr. SIMMONS, resigned. Dr. Hatch was formerly both City and County Superintendent of Sacramento, and devoted many months to the interests of our common schools. In selecting him, the Supervisors acted very wisely.


   ORPHAN ASYLUM - There will be a meeting of the ladies connected with the Protestant Orphan Asylum, at the residence of G.W. MOWE, corner of E and Tenth streets, to-morrow afternoon at 2 o’clock.


  MEETING OF THE BAR - A meeting of the members of the Sacramento Bar is called for this evening at M.S. LATHAM’‘s office, to transact certain business connected with the retirement of Hon. C.T. BOTTS form the Bench.


  MORE POLICEMEN - F.T. BURKE, Wm. WATERMAN and John F. DREMAN were yesterday elected overseers of the chain gang, under the ordinance. We believe that they are all competent and reliable men.


  REMOVAL - We are requested to state that the depot of the Howard Benevolent Society has been removed from the alley between J and K, Fifth and Sixth streets, to the residence of the Steward, Mr. WARNER, on I, between Eighth and Ninth streets.


  CHILD WANTED TO ADOPT - A clergyman is willing to adopt a little girl between the age of 2 and 10 years. His family consists of three persons, and a better opportunity for an orphan child never was offered. Particulars can be obtained at the Bee office.


  The case of Ramon BERMAN, a Mexican was arraigned before the Recorder of Marysville yesterday on a charge of attempt to commit a rape on a little girl named KLINK, aged about six years, and he was sent to the Court of Sessions for trial.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Bee                                              

Thursday Evening, January 6, 1859


   POLICE COURT - John DAILY was fined $20 and costs, for malicious mischief, committed at the Railroad Saloon kept by Jos HARRIS.

  P. DAILY, disturbance of the peace, was fined $1 and costs, which was paid, and defendant discharged.

  Z. QUINTARD, charged with the larceny of a Spanish bridle, was acquitted.

  John DAILY, disturbance of the peace, continued, to allow evidence for the defense to be introduced.

  Eugene O’NEIL, disturbance of the peace, continued.

  The case of Charles GREEN and others, charged with a conspiracy to murder Phil SMITH, was continued until to-morrow, to await the arrival of witnesses from Jackson, Amador county. Horace SMITH, G.L. WATERS and J. H. STEWART appeared for the prosecution, and Milton S. LATHAM for the defense.


   SACRAMENTO TURN VEREINS - At a semi-annual meeting of the Sacramento Turn Verein, held on Wednesday evening, the following persons were elected officers for the next six months: - President F. PUTZMAN; Vice President, J. RUEFF; Recording Secretary, W. LEHMAN; Corresponding Secretary, C. WOLLEB; Treasurer, W. ROCHERS; Assistant Treasurer, F. GAITHOLD; First Turnleader, L. LOTTHAMMER; Second Turnleader, W. STALLBERG; First Janitor, H. HEISH; Second Janitor, H. MIER; Trustees - C. WEIL, J. RUEFF, Fr. EBNER. The Trustees were elected for one year.


  CADETS - At a meeting of Sacramento Section, No. 15th, Cadets of Temperance, held last evening, the following named officers were installed: John YOST, W.A.; W. CROWELL, V.A.; George ABBEY, Secretary; L.H. WARNER, A.S.; Myron MAC, Treasurer; Charles ROBINSON, A.T.; E. ROBERTSON, G.; Wm. MAC, U.; E.J. ROBERTSON, W.; W.B. REDDING, A.W. The following were elected to serve for the ensuing year: N.G. MILLMAN, First Patron; Wm. M. THAW, Second Patron, and Horace B. WELCH, Third Patron.


  “KINDER HANKERS FOR IT.” - The Supervisors, yesterday, made an attempt to elect a member in place of W.K. LINDSEY, resigned, and brought forward Lindsay as a candidate. It will be remembered that he retired in disgust, soon after his election and this effort to get back looks as though the old gentleman has a “hankering” for official position. It is a pity that he resigned.


  INSTALLATION - The following newly elected officers of Pacific Encampment No. 2, I.O.O.F. were installed at the Lodge room, on Tuesday evening last, by D.D.G.P. Robert ROBINSON: Robert LYNCH, C.P.; Prescott ROBINSON, H.P.; S. CROSS, Scribe, and A.P. ANDREWS, Treasurer.


  THE OPERA - The Forrest Theater was filled last evening by a fashionable and refined audience, that listened with delight to the choice gems of music presented by the Bianchi troupe. Every piece was executed with great skill, and called forth the approbation of the listeners. Mr. WINTER presided at the piano forte, and fully deserved the applause bestowed upon his splendid playing.


   REDUCED AND ALLOWED - The Supervisors yesterday reduced the bills of the policemen and ex-city officers to $815, and then allowed them, notwithstanding the objection of the President.


  PARDONED - Manuel CRUEZ, convicted in San Francisco of petty larceny and sentenced to only two months imprisonment, has been pardoned by the Governor.


  S.W. BARCLAY, of San Francisco, left yesterday for Europe; with the intention of importing a quantity of the best blooded stock. He will bring them to California via the Plains next summer.


EJECTMENT SUIT - An ejectment suit was commenced to-day in the District Court, by David WOOD against R.H. McDONALD to obtain possession of a lot 160x160 feet on the corner of F and Seventh streets in this city.


  MASONIC - Santa Cruz Lodge No. 38, organized at Santa Cruz, has elected the following officers: F.E. BAILEY, W.M.; O.K. STAMPLEY, S.W.; R.K. VESTAL, J.W.; C. WINTERHALDER, Treasurer; J.N. BESSE, Secretary; John R. PATTERSON, S.D.; John T. FORTER, J.D.; S. DRENNEA and John FLECK, Stewards, and J.B .ARCAN, Tyler.

  At their installation, an elegant supper was spread in the Lodge room, which was partaken by the ladies, invited guests, and members of the Order.


  SENTENCE COMMUTED - John DOLAN, convicted in Butte county of murder, and sentenced to be hanged January 27th, has had his sentence commuted to confinement for life in the State Prison.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Union

Saturday January 29, 1859


               SALE OF MINERAL LANDS

  We admit an article to-day in favor of a sale of the mineral lands in the State, because we are in favor of free discussion on all subjects of a public interest. But we do not indorse the views of the writer. We do not think the condition of our mining population would be materially improved by the sale or donation of the mineral lands to parties in possession in small lots. The evils enumerated by the writer as existing in society in our mining districts are inherent to the occupation of gold mining. It is a pursuit which , to a very great extent, renders permanence in location next to impossible. It is only in a few cases, the exceptions to the general rule, where mining claims justify a man to settle down permanently with his family. In a large majority of cases it would be found impossible for miners to locate permanently, even if they could own the land in fee simple upon which they were living. Mining is a precarious pursuit, and history presents no instance in which gold mining secured a fixed population, except in localities where quartz mining was followed, and where the mines were owned by the crown, or by large capitalists.

   In this State a large class of men have visited the State to mine until they can secure a cash capital sufficient to buy a farm in some one of the new States, as a home for their wives and children. This class would not settle in the mines with their families if land were given to them. They do not intend to follow mining as a profession. Such, indeed, is the case with the majority of those who succeed. If they make a few thousands they leave mining, and engage in other pursuits, and no system of legislation can change this course of events.

  Under our present State laws the miner is secured in his rights of possession, under mining rules, as thoroughly as he could be under the uncertain legislation of Congress. If a settler elects to cultivate the land in preference to mining, he is protected against every trespasser, excepting only him who searches for the precious metal. And the Secretary of the Interior, in his recent report, urges upon Congress to insert a clause in the patents reserving all minerals to the United States, in order that they may be kept for American citizens to mine for, who may choose to undertake it. This would leave the owners of the land in the mines in the position they now occupy. The land would belong to him who had it in possession, but the minerals it contained would still remain the property of him who discovered and separated them from the earth or rock in which they were imbedded.

  Our correspondent has evidently traveled but little in the mining counties. Had he visited the oldest mountain counties recently, he would never have concluded that but little improvement had been made in roads. The improvements made in roads since 1851 are among the wonders of mountain achievements. We venture the assertion that no mountain country in the world possesses so many and so good roads as are found in the mining counties of California. We further declare it as our belief that history makes no mention of a mountain country in which such vast improvements have been made in the course of ten years in roads, bridges, canals, mills, dwelling houses, churches, school houses, etc., etc., as have actually been accomplished in California within the number of years under our present system. Why, then should we change it?




San Francisco News - Arrival - Later from Oregon - Dispute on the Capital Question - The Steamer Northerner Seized - The Revival.

               San Francisco, Jan 28th

  The city is quiet to-day, nothing of note occurring.

  Ship Morning Glory, from Cardiff, 120 days; coal to Forbes & Babcock, arrived to-day.

               Later from Oregon

  The Columbia arrived this afternoon from Portland, with dates to Jan. 22d.

  An angry dispute has arisen in the Oregon Legislature on the bill to remove the Capital to Portland. The Council had passed the bill, and the House refused to concur. A committee of Conference was appointed.

  The steamer Northerner was seized the United States Marshal on her recent trip to Olympia, at the suit of the owners of the Resolute, for a collision which occurred on the Sound. Amount of damages claimed, $50,000. The Northerner gave bonds in the sum of $100,000 for appearance at the March term of the District Court.

   Eighty converts have been added to the Methodist Church, in Portland, in the recent revival.


  WALKER’S RIVER - Late advices from this locality state that the snow is a foot deep and the ground frozen to the depth of two feet. A thaw and a resumption of mining operations are not looked for until May. In the meantime, emigration to that region for mining purposes would seem to be useless.


  FIRE AT MICHIGAN BLUFF - A fire, says the Placer Courier, occurred at Michigan Bluff, Jan. 25th, which destroyed a building adjoining Gates’ drug store. The value of the building lost is not reported.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Daily Bee

Tuesday Evening, February 15, 1859


               LOCAL NEWS

 ARREST OF THE MURDERER - Philip SMITH, the murderer of RICE, at Michigan Bar, arrived in town this morning on the cars in charge of Constable Joshua CROUCH and Justice MABBITT and put aboard the brig, having been committed to take his trial for murder. He was found about 3 o’clock, yesterday morning, by Constable Crouch and seven assistants in the cabin of a man named DONAHUE, near Palmer’s Bridge, a few miles from Michigan Bar. There was a strong desire at  the Bar to Lynch the prisoner, but wiser counsel prevailed and the law allowed to take is course. Smith has been living for some tine at Sebastopol, in this county, and at the time of the murder was at the Bar on a spree, which turned out to be an unfortunate one for him.


   APPLIES FOR A DIVORCE - In the District Court, yesterday afternoon, Emma M. SMILEY, filed an application for divorce from her husband, Jeremiah E. SMILEY. The parties were married in Rockland, State of Maine, some six years ago. Smiley came to California about four years since, and a year after was followed by his wife. They have lived at Beal’s Bar in El Dorado county most of the past two years, which place was considered their home. Since August last, Mrs. Smiley has lived in Sacramento county separate from her husband. As reasons for obtaining the divorce she alleges that her husband is intemperate, treats her with extreme cruelty, has inflicted upon her personal violence, never has provided her with a home, and refuses to support her. They have no children.


   A THIRD RICHMOND IN THE FIELD - The Republican County Central Committee of this county till meet as per call at the Golden Eagle Hotel this evening, to nominate a candidate for Assemblyman. Itf they put up a first rate man - and they have plenty of them - spend a little money to secure his election, he might give some of his opposition a hard push. Charles CROCKER, Dr. A.B. NIXON, C.P. HUNTINGTON, Leland STANFORD, and others, are mentioned in connection with the nomination.


   JUDICIAL APPOINTMENT - The Governor has appointed Peter VAN CLIEF District Judge, in the Seventeenth District, recently created by the Legislature. The office was probably made for his benefit, and it is no more than fair, that he should have it.


  FREED FROM DEBT - Wm. S. SNOOK, George A. SNOOK and Thomas DeBLOIS, applicants for the benefit of the Insolvent law, in the 12th District Court, were Saturday discharged from their debts and liabilities.


   Wm. HUNT, aged 48, an old resident of Downieville, was crushed to death by a rock, in a tunnel near that place, on Thursday last.


   GONE EAST - We perceive by the St. Louis News, that Col. J.R. VINEYARD, Indian Agent at Tejon, arrived at St. Louis, in the overland stage, on January 18th.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


The Daily Bee

Sacramento, Thursday Evening

March 3, 1859 

SUDDEN DEPARTURE - Phil B. SMITH, a well known stage man, in this city and San Francisco, “Stepped out” rather unexpectedly, last week, somewhat to the surprise of most of his friends, and disgust of his creditors, who are numerous. Quite a history might be written of the means he resorted to, to “raise the wind,” prior to leaving, and there seems to be but little doubt that he succeeded in obtaining quite a sum of money, sufficient to enable him to reach his destination, which is said to be the Colorado country. He had an interest in a number of coaches, wagons, horses, etc., but owed more than their value, and the property is under attachment. 

IMPORTATION OF HONEY BEES - Mr. C.B .LINTON, a former merchant of this city, arrived on the Sonora on Tuesday, and reached Sacramento this morning, having with him sixty-six hives of honey bees most of which he got through in good condition. Mr. L.V. HOAG of Washington, also, received this morning, in excellent condition, sixty five hives, brought on by Mr. LINTON. There is to be a large business done in bees in this vicinity, this season, and honey will doubtless be plenty. 

A GOOD CHANCE - The beautiful residence of Mr. STROBRIDGE, on the corner of H and Seventh streets, with the furniture, is offered for rent, at a fair price to a good tenant. The place is one of the finest in this city, having a large garden filled with bearing fruit trees. 

SUIT COMMENCED - Charles H. SWIFT commenced suit, yesterday, in the District Court, against Jonathan WILLIAMS, for $9,734.12, and attachments were levied on the two ferries owned by Mr. Williams - one on the American and the other on the Sacramento. 


Wm. H. TOWNE, Sacramento

George FISKE, do

L.A. BOOTH, do

R.H. BLACK, Placerville,


E. BIGGS, Folsom


V.M. HEWES, do

James MOORE, Ophir

Thos DAY, do


Thos STEWART, Ione City

F. GRAHAM, Georgetown

J.C. HAMPTON, Dotan’s Bar

W.H. ROBINSON, Sac county

G.C. WELCH, do

B.S. HUNT, Diamond Springs

Saml A. CHAPIN, San Fran

Jas. B. TOWNSEND, do

R.F. PARKS & lady, do

Mrs. Frank PIXLEY, do

John B. Harmon, do

S. Brannan, do

J.F. Swift, do





P. CHRYSTAL & lady, do

R.J. BARNEY, Marysville

J.C. MYERS, do

Geo. C. POWERS, Nevada

J.M. REYNOLDS & lady, Indiana

E.M. DARNEAL, Virginia  

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Bee

Wednesday Evening, June 29, 1859


  THE FOURTH CELEBRATION - N. George CURTIS has been selected as Chief Marshal of the procession on the Fourth, and he desires that all Associations intending to join in the parade, shall appoint one Marshal, who will report to him, soon as possible, at his office, in Heywood’s building. E.E. EYRE, one of the committee of arrangements, proceeded to the bay, to-day, to purchase fireworks. The military will turn out with full ranks, and will doubtless look fine.


   ANOTHER ATTEMPT - A quantity of pine lumber, old sheds, etc., lately moved from the lot corner of M and Sixth streets, to the corner of N and Fourth, was set fire to last evening, but extinguished without creating a general alarm, by the hose carriage department of No. 5.  Unless a very close watch is kept up there will be a serious fire in town soon.


   THE CORNER STONE - In addition to the item elsewhere, we are requested to state that the corner stone of the Agricultural Pavilion will be laid by Grand Master N. GREENE CURTIS, on Friday evening, at precisely  6 o’clock. The masons will meet at the lodge room at 5. It is said that the military will parade on the occasion, to add to the interest felt.


  SUIT FOR A MINING CLAIM - In the District Court to-day, suit was brought by PRUCELL, CUDDENBECK & JENKINS against Edward CHRISTY for possession of a mining claim in the town of Folsom. The plaintiffs allege that defendant took forcible possession of their claim some time ago, and has since taken therefrom $3,000 in gold dust, consequently they want damages to that amount, and the claim. P. J. HOPPER and LONG & HEREFORD are attorneys for the plaintiffs.


   CHANGE OF TIME - After the 1st day of July California Steam Navigation Company boats for Marysville, will leave this city at 6 o’clock in the morning, instead of 7, as at present.


   SACRAMENTO LIBRARY - A special meeting of the Sacramento Library Association will be held to-morrow, to which the stockholders and directors in particular, are invited and desired to attend, as business of great importance will be presented.


   A DRUNKEN man, named Thomas DUBLIN, went to the San Francisco station-house, on last Monday night, and gave himself up, stating that he had attempted to set fire to a building, but failed. The police went to the place indicated ,and ascertained that his story was true! He is supposed to be partially insane from the effects of liquor.



Rev. F.C. EWERKL, San. Fran



Dr. J. TURNER, Georgetown

DeLaMATER, Michigan Bar

G.M. COLE, Folsom



J.W. BALDWIN, Knights L’dg

P. RANDOLPH, Marysville

E. IRWIN, Downieville

C.J. LANSING, Grass Valley


P.H. McRAE, Butte co.

J Lytle CAMMINS, Yreka

C.C. JENKS, Sacramento



POLICE COURT - Justice FOOTE presiding -

John COLBY, for grand larceny in stealing a gold watch worth $100, the property of Adam SMITH, was held to answer and bail fixed at $1,500, in default of which he went to prison. He made a speech to the Court, acknowledged the theft, said that he stole the watch for the purpose of getting out of this all-fired town, and insisted on the Court sending him to State Prison then and there.

  Dan CORNER was found guilty upon two charges, one of assault and battery and one of making criminal use of a deadly weapon.

  Mrs. BECK, charged with disturbing the peace, was acquitted.

  FRANCISCO was fined $5 and costs for disturbing the peace, and was acquitted on a charge of an assault and battery upon an officer.

  Chas. McDOUGAL, for an assault and battery, was fined $5 and costs.

  ROBERSON, SULLIVAN and ENGLISH, accused of vagrancy, were fined each $40 and costs, and in default of payment, were sent for 30 days each to prison.


   THE DROWNED MAN - Circumstances go to show, that the man upon whose body the Coroner held an inquest on Saturday last, at Gregory’s Landing, some ten miles down the river, was Vincent SAGER, a German formerly of St. Louis, where the brothers of the deceased live in comfortable circumstances. The writer of this saw Sager, in company with Charles LEHMAN, of I and Front streets, a few weeks ago, when he was in a state of great despondency , on account of his broken arm. He said his arm had been broken before, and set, and that it had been re-broken at the elbow-joint so badly that the physician to whom he applied, said it must be amputated. Sooner than undergo this operation, and lose his arm, he said he would prefer to die. Lehman recommended him to go to San Francisco, and seek admittance to the hospital there; and it is probable he started on the boat with that view. The supposition is, however, that he must have taken hold of the idea of suicide by drowning, and jumped into the river soon after leaving the landing.


  NARROW ESCAPE - About one o’clock to-day a pile of waste straw, which had been thrown from a stable, near the corner of Seventh and M streets, was accidentally fired. Being near the edge of the wooden sidewalk, it spread very rapidly, and but for the timely application of a few buckets of water, it is probable that the row of wooden houses - belonging to Mr. JOHNSON - would have been set on fire. During these dry times, the Fire Wardens should attend to the piles of waste rubbish about the city, particularly when, as in the above case, they are in the neighborhood of a row of wood buildings.


   HUMBOLDT MONUMENT - The Emperor of the French proposes to erect at Versailles a monument to the memory of the late Baron Humboldt.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


The Daily Bee

Sacramento Monday Evening November 21, 1859 

ARREST - A man named MYERS was arrested this morning on a charge of being engaged in the business of selling stolen lead pipe. For some time past, farmers in American township have missed pipe laid down for conveying water from the American river to their ranches. Last Friday night, about fifty pounds of lead pipe was stolen from the yard of D.W. CLARK & Bro.,. plumbers, on K street, between Second and Third. Mr. Clark happening to mention his loss in the presence of George BOEHME, the latter remarked that he believed he had purchased the article from a person who was in the habit of selling him old lead, etc., and promised if he again visited his store, to detain him till he might be arrested. The pipe referred to has been recognized as the property of Clark & Bro., and this morning Myers offered for sale seventy or eighty pounds of lead pipe, which he carried in a bag. An officer was sent for, and he was arrested. His examination has been postponed until Friday morning next. 

DUMB ANIMALS - An ordinance just passed by the Supervisors of this city and county, imposes a fine of not less than ten nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars on any person who may wantonly, or maliciously, or cruelly, or inhumanly beat, wound, maim, abuse, punish or torture, or with any club, bludgeon, or unusual instrument or weapon, to hit or strike any horse, mare, gelding, colt, ox, bull, steer, cow, calf, sheep, hog, goat, dog, cat, or other dumb animal whatever, in or on any of the streets or alleys of the city, or within the sight or hearing of any person who may be on or in any of the streets or alleys, or on or in any house, store, or other building within the city.    

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Daily Bee

Wednesday Evening November 23, 1859 

MISDEMEANORS - The following minor offenses was disposed of this morning in the Police Court:

Henry SELLERS, disturbing the peace at the St. Charles Hotel, found guilty.

Augustine TORRILLA, larceny of crockery, sardines, candlesticks, lemon syrup, bitters, cigars, chocolate, olive oil and mustard, aggregate value six or seven dollars, guilty.

The examination of Mrs. ALSTON for disturbing the peace is progressing.  

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



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