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Daily Sacramento Bee

Tuesday August 5, 1890


               FIREWATER TO BLAME

The Double Crime of a Drunken Indian

A Redskin Clubs One Man to Death and Shoots Another

From the Independence (Inyo) Independent

  About sunrise last Sunday morning an Indian known as Jack GUNN shot and killed frank PADERES at Crystal Spring, about seven miles from Darwin. At an earlier hour the same Indian had killed another Indian not far from the same place. The first victim seemed to have been beaten to death. The murderer had been drinking whisky during the night. Shortly before killing Paderes he came to Crystal Spring, where there is a permanent camp of wood-choppers and Indians. He made an attack with a club upon another Indian and Paderes urged him to desist. He went to a hut, got a gun and went up on a hillside overlooking camp. Paderes was then sitting in from of his cabin and did not see the Indian. The latter took deliberate aim and shot the former through the body. Gunn them proceeded to load his weapon again, an old-fashioned rifle, and Francisco OLIVAS, who was within speaking distance but entirely unarmed, called to him asking him what he meant to do. The Indian replied that he was going to kill his questioner. Olivas dashed down the canyon in an instant and started for Darwin. He threw off his clothes as he went and when he got to the mouth of the canyon divested himself of every stitch of clothing and rushed into Darwin stark naked. When the alarm was given a messenger with a team was sent out to Keeler, twenty-four miles distant. From Keeler a telegram was sent to Dr. WOODIN at Independence. The doctor quickly started for Darwin, relays of horses being furnished at Lone Pine and Keeler, but before he reached Darwin, Paderes was dead. Olivas came on to Independence on Monday and on his testimony a complaint was preferred by District Attorney GILL and a warrant for the arrest of the murderer was issued by C. MULHOLLAND, Justice of the Peace. Under Sheriff (next line not legible) evening in pursuit of Gunn. The murderer had a long start, having left the scene of his crime Sunday morning, while the Sheriff had to ride over sixty miles to reach that place and started on Monday evening. Gunn knows every trail and spring in the wild mountain and desert country to which he fled. A party of young men from Lone Pine and several Indians volunteered to go with YANEY and assist him. The hunt will be kept up as long as horses can be made to move. Frank Paderes is described as having been a very quiet and industrious man and his murder causes much indignation about Darwin.


               TEACHERS ELECTED

No Changes Are Made, Except in the High School

 The City Board of Education held a meeting last evening for the purpose of electing teachers for the ensuing year. The whole matter had been decided in caucus, and there were no changes except in the High School, for which teachers were elected as follows: J.H. POND, Principal; Mrs. E.B. PURNELL, First Assistant; Miss Frederika de LAGUNA, Second Assistant; Miss Anna N.  TYNDALL, Third Assistant, and Miss Minnie BARKLEY, Fourth Assistant.

  Miss Sarah LAWSON applied for a position as substitute teacher.

  It is rumored that there was some very queer “backing and filling” in the caucus, held several days ago, and that after action had been taken, there were some peculiar “reconsiderations.”


               EVERY-DAY BIOGRAPHY

                               August 3

 James WYATT, an English architect of high reputation, born in Staffordshire, Eng., August 3, 1746. Died September 5, 1813. Among the many monuments to his skill is the famous Pantheon on Oxford street, London, and the House of Lords, which he designed in 1800.

  Sarah PLATT DOREMUS, an eminent American philanthropist, born in New York, August 3, 1802. Died February 5, 1877. In 1842, she, with Miss Catherine SEDWICK, established a home for women from prison, now called the “Isaac T. Hopper Home.” She was also one of the founders of the “House and School of Industry,” which is but a fraction of her beneficent labors. She was considered one of the most remarkable women of her time.

  Sir Joseph PAXTON, an English architect and landscape gardener, born in Bedfordshire, Eng., August 3, 1803. Died June 8, 1865. “The Crystal Palace,” built for the “World’s Fair” of 1851, was designed and superintended by Mr. Paxton, who was knighted for this service.

  Hamilton FISH, L.L.D., and American statesman, born in New York, August 3, 1808. He was appointed Secretary of State in Grant’s Cabinet, and suggested that “Joint High Commission” between the United States and Great Britain, to settle the various difficulties between the two nations including the famous “Alabama claim.”

  Christine NILSSON, Countess MARANZI, a celebrated singer, born in Smaland, Sweden, August 3, 1843. She made her debut in Paris, 1864, appeared in London 1867, and in 1870-71 visited the United States.


                               August 4

 Percy Bysshe SHELLEY, an eminent English poet, born near Horsham, Surrey, Eng., August 4, 1792. He left England in 1818, and took up his residence in Italy, and was intimate with Leigh Hunt, Byron and Keats. He was drowned off the coast of Italy, July 8, 1822, and was buried in the Protestant burying-ground at Rome, near the grave of his friend Keats, who had died of consumption the previous year. Standing by the grave of his friend one day, he remarked that “it was enough to make one in love with death, to lie in so beautiful spot,” little thinking the privilege would so soon be his. Shelley has been styled by some “the poets of poets” and is regarded by  (next line not legible) since Shakespeare.


                               August 5

 Thomas LYNCH, Jr., one of the signers of the “Declaration of Independence,” born in Prince George parish, S.C., August 5, 1749. In 1779 he sailed for the West Indies, on account of his health, but the ship was never again heard from.

  Com. Foxhall A. PARKER, an American naval commander and writer, born in New York, August 5, 1821. Died 1879. He was one of the founders of the United States Naval Institute at Annapolis, in 1873, and for many years contributed to the “Knickerbocker Magazine.”


               DESMOND LOST

San Francisco’s Ex-Sheriff Beaten In a Damage Suit

SAN FRANCISCO, August 5 - In the suit of James T. BOYD against Ex-Sheriff Thomas DESMOND, the jury awarded the plaintiff $3500 damages.

  The action was commenced against Desmond because his deputies neglected to make a return upon the decree of foreclosure of mortgage which had been obtained against the late Fred MacCRELLISH. As the Sheriff did not make the return, Boyd was not able to realize what he should form the estate of MacCrellish.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Sacramento Bee

Wednesday August 6, 1890



               PERSONAL NOTES

  Hon. John BOGGS, of Princeton, is in the city.

  United States District Attorney John T. CAREY is in the city.

  E.J. DEVLIN, of The Bee staff, has gone to Santa Cruz on a vacation.

  H.H. MILLER and family left for El Dorado county this afternoon.

  Wilbur F. GEORGE has gone to Bartlett Springs for two weeks.

  Mr. and Mrs. A. ANKELE and daughter have gone on a visit to Alameda.

  Major F.D. RYAN and family went to Camp Stanford yesterday.

  Miss Lizzie BARON has returned from a two weeks trip to San Francisco.

  Mrs. G.W. MORRILL and children went up to Truckee last night and will visit at the lakes during the next few weeks.

  Will S. GREEN, editor of the Colusa Sun, came up from San Francisco last evening and returned to Colusa this morning.

  Hon. Allan HENRY, of Chico, is in the city.

  J.J. CRAWFORD, of the River Commission, and the family are down from Placerville.

 Miss Julia M. GRANNISS, Miss Ruth CATLIN and Harry CATLIN have gone to Pacific Grove, Monterey county, to remain a month.

  Sheriff John M. BALL, of Butte county, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Miss Alice, arrived this morning on their way to the Bay.

  A.L. FROST and daughter, Josie, Mrs. W.Y. WILLIAMS and son, Artie, and Miss Hattie CHALMERS, of Stockton, will leave this evening for Rubicon Park, Lake Tahoe.               


               LOCAL BREVITIES

  About twenty Sacramento members of the Mystic Shrine have gone to San Francisco to participate in the reception to the Eastern visitors.

  P.E. PLATT has filed a petition in the Superior Court for the probate of the will of his father, the late John Platt, and for his appointment as executor of the estate, valued at $11,000.


               BEATEN BY A BURGLAR

The Evil Resulting from Having Too Much Pluck

SAN FRANCISCO, August 6 - Charles SOMMERS was attacked in his room early this morning by a burglar and received blows on the head from a slungshot which were of sufficient violence to lay bare his skull. Sommers yelled for the police and held the burglar until he fainted from loss of blood. He was very severely beaten. When the police arrived they found it necessary to remove him to the Receiving Hospital.


               A FAIR POSTPONED

The Grass Valley Institution Postponed Until September

GRASS VALLEY (Cal.), August 6 - The fair for the Seventeenth Agricultural District will to-night be postponed from the 19th of this month until September 23d.

  The postponement is because of the backwardness of fruit crops this year, which would prevent a proper display in August.

  Race entries will be held open until the 15th of September.


               A FEARFUL DEATH

 A Man’s Head Run Over By a Truck In Portland

 SALEM (Or.), August 6 - Charles SMITH, aged 40, fell from a truck-load of shingles this morning. His head was run over by truck, instantly killing him. Smith had been subject to epileptic fits for some time.


               Boys In Trouble


The Way of the Transgressor Is Hard, and the Boys Are In the Toils.

   Several days ago, Chief of Police DREW received a letter from the constable at Pacific Grove, Monterey county, invoking his aid to arrest two youths, named respectively Fred RAY and Melvin NORTON, the sons of merchants of that place.

  The constable gave a description of the boys and wrote that they had run away from home and that before leaving they had visited their father’s store and carried away a quantity of merchandise.

  Officer SIMMONS this morning arrested Ray, and this afternoon he brought in his partner, Norton.

  The boys each carried a gold watch and chain, and besides, had on their persons $107.50 in coin.

  Of this amount, $80 in gold was hid in Ray’s necktie. Before their arrest the boys disposed of some cutlery, watch chains and a couple boxes of cigars.

  This property is a portion of that the boys stole from their fathers’ stores.

  To Officer Simmons the youths denied that they lived at Pacific Grove, and claimed that they were from San Francisco.

  The stolen property they sold, they said they bought.

  To a Bee reporter, however, Norton acknowledged his guilt and said that nothing could be done to Ray, as he knew that he was going away and also knew that he had money.

  The Pacific Grove constable will arrive here to-morrow and return with the boys.


               A Colorado Feud


One of the Pleasures of Life in a Wild and Woolly Western Town

GLENWOOD SPRINGS (Col.), August 6 - A special to the Times says that Thos. WELCH and Alexander LAVELLE have for some time disputed over the ownership or certain lands in the northwestern part of Gunnison county on Muddy Creek.

  Yesterday Lavelle and five helpers went to cutting hay and, expecting trouble, they were all armed.

  Welch and his son, with three others, soon came up and opened fire, which was immediately returned, the parties exchanging about one hundred shots.

  Welsh’s son and Alex. Lavelle were killed outright.

  Chas. PURHAM was shot three times and will die.

  Pete SMALL received two bullets, but it is thought he will live.

  H.D. JONES, Charles MAHONE, E. HARVEST, Charles Purham and Pete Small constituted Lavelle’s party.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Daily Bee

Saturday September 27, 1890 


September 27

Jacques Benigne BOSSUET, a celebrated French divine, one of the great pulpit orators of France, born at Dijon, September 27, 1627. Died in Paris April 12, 1704. He has been styled by different commentators, a "Father of the Church," "The Corneille of the Pulpit" and "the Eagle of Meaux." Bossuet*s individual distinction is, that he was a great man, as well as a great orator. His funeral orations are generally esteemed the masterpieces of his eloquence. He had great occasions, and he was great to match them.

Samuel ADAMS, a celebrated American patriot and orator, born in Boston, September 27, 1722. Died in October, 1803. He was a member of the first Continental Congress, and a "signer" to the "Declaration of Independence." So ardent was his patriotism, that he was one of the leaders who were to be exempt from the pardon offered in 1775.

Joseph Green COGSWELL, L.L.D., an American scholar and author, born at Ipswich, Mass., September 27, 1786. Died November 26, 1871. He, with the historian Bancroft, founded the celebrated "Round Hill School" at Northampton, Mass.

Raphael SEMMES, an American naval officer and author, born in Charles county, Md., September 27, 1809. At the beginning of the civil war he entered the Confederate navy and obtained notoriety as the commander of the Alabama, which was so ruinous to the commerce of the Federal States. Sixty-five ships and $6,000,000 were destroyed by this one vessel, which was at last sunk in the battle with the Kearsarge off the coast of France.

Epes SARGENT, an American journalist and miscellaneous writer, born at Gloucester, Mass., September 27, 1812. Died December 30, 1880. He was an author of excellent educational works, and editor of the New York Mirror and the Boston Evening Transcript. Several of his poems have been set to music and are favorites.

Thomas NAST, an American caricaturist, born in Bavaria, September 27, 1840. When fifteen years old he began to furnish illustrations for the papers, and during the war began his long series of effective political caricatures in Harper*s Weekly. It is said the Thomas Nast did more by his caricatures to deprive Horace GREELEY of the Presidency than any other man or party. 



Two Men Severely Injured - Indignation in San Bernardino County

SAN BERNARDINO, September 27 - The suspension bridge with a three-hundred foot span has recently been completed over the Mojave river, near Victoria, fifty feet above the river.

Complaint was made that the bridge was unsafe and the county employed A.H. KOEBIG, civil engineer, to examine the bridge, and he pronounced it unsafe.

The California Southern railroad track ran alongside the river under the bridge, and Fred PERRIS, the railroad*s Chief Engineer, notified the Board of Supervisors that the county would be held responsible for any damage done by the bridge.

The Board declined to accept the bridge unless the contractors would put the bridge to a test and show it capable of supporting the weight called for in the contract.

This morning the test was made in the presence of the Board and many citizens.

An eight-mule team, hitched to two wagons, loaded with ore, was placed on the bridge. There were ten men on the bridge at the time, when the structure went down with a crash, severely injuring two men, named Austin ELLIS and Sam MARSH.

There is great indignation and excitement at Victoria. 


George L. GRIFFIN, of Richmond Hill, Long Island, N.Y., recommends Allcock*s Porous Plasters in the following frank language:

"We have been using Allcock*s Porous Plasters for many years and in fact they have become a household necessity in our family. In every case where they have been applied, they have proven themselves satisfactory and given immediate relief. We recommend them very highly, and trust our experience will be the means of inducing others to give them a trial."


WINCHENDOM, September 27 - Edward T. RYAN, aged 18, and G. BARNARD, aged 20, were instantly killed yesterday by electric wires coming in contact with an incandescent circuit on Pound street. Barnard*s hands were badly burned and it is supposed that Ryan attempted to assist him and himself fell a victim. 

Ayer*s Ague Cure stimulates the liver and neutralizes the malarial poison in the blood. Warranted to cure

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Daily Bee, Sacramento

Friday March 6, 1891




McAuley Almost Unjoints Bishop's Neck




A Very Sudden Termination of a Glove Contest


The glove contest at BROWNE's Comique last evening between Jack McAULEY, of San Francisco ,and Bishop of Sacramento, did not last as long as did the Turner-Hall fight of the night previous, but it was equally as exciting as long as it did last. Both men are pow-ful young fellows, but McAuley has had considerable experiences as a fighter, a fact which gave him great advantage over BISHOP, who has heretofore been satisfied with such set-tos as naturally come to a deck-hand on river steamer.



George SMITH was chosen referee and made his usual speech, varying it somewhat by announcing that "no fouls will go, short of "chawing off an ear or gouging out an eye."

In the first round, Bishop was very nervous and showed lack of confidence in himself. He made several weak and ineffectual lunges at McAuley, and was heavily thumped. It was so manifest that McCauley could win, that at the end of the round his friends urged him.



Too speedily, but prolong the contest awhile. Acting upon this advice, McAuley attempted no slogging in the second round, until Bishop clinched him and attempted, apparently, to wring his neck, when Jack pulled away and gave his adversary a smash in the nose that brought blood.

In the third and fourth rounds Bishop showed up strong, and he went as McAuley, who was not in first-class condition, most savagely, forcing him about the ring and landing many blows upon his face. He used both left and right, but with a half-arm movement that prevented the blows producing much effort.



However, and was advised to put his man out in the next round.


Bishop again forced the fighting in the fifth round, and banged McAuley at so lively a rate that the pugilist's friends began to get nervous. McAuley dropped his hands and "took his medicine," and Bishop's backers howled with delight. McAuley had not quit, however. He was simply waiting for an opportunity to get in "a LaBlancha swing" - which style of blow he is said to have originated, and in the delivery of which, at all events, he can give "The Marine" pointers.



The proper moment finally arrived, and quick as a flash, McAuley wheeled, threw the whole weight of his body with the force of the back-handed blow, and landed his right across Bishop's neck. Bishop fell as if shot, and had he been hit on the head with a baseball bat he could hardly have been knocked out more-completely. He was carried to his chair, where his seconds made an examination to ascertain if his neck had been broken. Fortunately, the terrific blow had not gone to that extent, and Bishop was carried to a dressing-room. He was very sick for a time, but, after several hours, was able to go out upon the streets.




A Laborer Hacks Himself With Knife and Razor


From the Marysville Democrat, March 5


About 12:30 this afternoon, T.J. KELLY found a dead man in the north portion of the stable on C street, with a horrible gash in his throat, and his clothing covered with blood. Coroner BEVAN was informed, and the body was removed to the undertaker's office.


From Mr. Kelly we learn that the man was a brickmason, and asked permission about a week ago to sleep in the barn until he could find employment, since which time he has been sleeping in the barn every night. He was seen sitting near the stable about 7:30 last evening, and as his body was quite stiff and cold, it is probable the deed was committed shortly thereafter. An examination revealed a sickening sight. The man had evidently gashed himself, and was quite successful as the several portions were lying near the body. The gash in the throat was a very deep one, and extended almost from ear to ear, the jugular vein and wind pipe being severed.


Lying close to the body was found a razor and a large pocket knife, both open and covered with blood.


The man was about 55 years of age, with dark, bushy hair and chin beard, was 5 feet 7 inches in hight, and wore a brown scapular about his neck, denoting that he was Roman Catholic.


George BROWN, a colored man, identified the remains as those of a man who helped lay the foundation of Joseph GIRDUER's house near Sutter City, about two years ago. He was known as "Stamping Jack."




For Services Rendered Under General Fremont


From the Napa Journal

Benoni M. HUDSPETH died of cholera in Sacramento in 1850. At the time of his death there was due him from the Government nearly $1200 for services rendered as a member of Fremont's famous exploring expedition, and steps are just now being taken by friends to have the claim allowed to the old pioneer's sister, Mrs. N.W. WOOD, who is at the present time a resident of Napa county. Among the documents that will be forwarded to Washington to establish the justness of the claim and the identity of the original claimant is a commission signed by Governor John C. FREMONT under the date of April 2, 1847, and by which Benoni M. HUDSPETH was appointed Captain in the California Battalion, of which the late Uncle Billy EIGINGTON, of this county, was a member.




Deeds and Other Documents Filed Yesterday


George D. and Sarah J. CONNER to Thomas NOVENDAH (Deed, February 24, 1891) - 3739.43 acres in the Hartnell grant; $10.


Sheriff to M. KENAN (Tax deed, March 3, 1891) - Lot 18, of Ingham tract, for taxes of 1890, $2.20.


S. PRENTISS SMITH to A.J.E. SPUNKS (Deed, March 44, 1891) - Lot 8 in block 40; of South Sacramento, $180.


Same to Peter ROSES (Deed, March 4, 1891) - Lot 7 and 8, block 30, of South Sacramento, $300.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




The Daily Bee

Sacramento, Thursday March 5, 1891




Conclusion of the Examination in the Police Court Yesterday Afternoon.


When The Bee's report of the examination of young Cyrus MYERS for the killing of eleven-year-old Guadalupe Sasama closed in the police Court yesterday afternoon, the defense began it's case by placing Patrick BURNS on the stand. He swore that he was walking along in the vicinity of Fourteenth and W streets when he heard the shots fired.


Louisa GUTTENBERGER, a young lady who lives in the neighborhood, testified that she saw young MYERS fire at mud hens in the pond. When she left SASAMA had approached and asked what Myers was doing. This testimony tended to corroborate the version of the affair given by Myers to Chief DREW, to the effect that Sasama was accidentally shot while taking the pistol from Myers to fire at the mud hens.


H.F. DILLMAN and Henry L. BUCKLEY swore that the reputation of the Spaniard Francisco REYES for honesty and veracity was exceedingly bad. Reyes is the party who claimed to have been an eye witness to the shooting.


Cyrus Myers, the defendant, was next called,and related a story similar in substance to that given to Chief Drew. The shooting was purely accidental. When witness was shooting at the mud hens Sasama asked to be permitted to take a shot, and was handed the pistol. Witness was stooping to pick up the empty cartridges when the pistol went off, and Sasama fell to the ground. Witness said the Sasama boy and himself had always been good friends.


The case was submitted without argument. After reviewing the testimony, Judge CRAVENS discharged Myers, holding that the affair, unfortunate though it was, was purely accidental. His Honor placed no reliance in the testimony of the Spaniard Reyes, who had contradicted himself in so many particulars.     



Brock DORAN, who used to figure conspicuously in the Police Court when Judge BUCKLEY held the scales, was booked at the station house this morning by officer WAGNER on a charge of being drunk.



Judge VAN FLEET's Court has been occupied to-day with the case of HERZOG vs. TALBERT et als., for the recovery of a certain portion of the "ranch" of the late Henry A. CAULFIELD, and to eject the parties at present residing thereon.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Bee

Thursday March 12, 1891



Some Suggestions Made by an Old Pioneer.

To the Editor of The Bee - Sir: Your valuable paper, which has ever been foremost in anything and everything that could in any way better your city, will, I am sure, be glad for a little advice from an outsider, especially when the subject is on of State interest, and that subject if Sutter's Fort. Now that the bill is passed and signed by our Chief Executive, and the fort is now the property of the State, the aim of every good citizen should be to see that the intentions of the main movers in the success of this matter are carried out.


In a conversation held with Co. C.F. CROCKER soon after his donation to the purchase fund of this property, he expressed a desire to see it restored to as near its original state as possible, and I agreed with him in this. But this idea , it seems, is not to be carried out, at least I should judge not from a conversation I overheard while visiting your city last week, and the substance of it was that the old property should be converted into a park, or flower garden, if you will. Now, in God's name, what attraction would this be to the tourist or sightseer? Why, every private residence in our whole State has a flower garden. There is nothing new about a thing of this kind. No, we want the old walls rebuilt, not so high as they were, but something after this, and we want the old building restored, or fastened in some way that time will not affect it, and then a building or structure built over it in the shape of a tower, or the like. After this, let a monument of General John A. SUTTER be erected there, and let every thing that is old or historical be deposited in this museum of antiquity.


I believe I have a right to make these suggestions, as I was the first man in this State who sent General J.G. MARTINE, of your city, $50. This was the cannon that fired the first shot, and I am proud of it and, Mr. Editor, if it is ever short of funds, I will help.



Election of Directors at the Art Gallery Last Evening

An adjourned meeting of the California Museum Association was held last night at the Crocker Art Gallery, for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors to serve for the ensuing year.

Several matters of a business nature were disposed of, after which the election of Directors was entered upon.


Drs. G.L. SIMMONS and W.A. BRIGGS were placed in nomination, but declined on the ground that their professional duties engaged their whole attention.


D.A. LINDLEY was also placed in nomination. He likewise declined, saying that he was already giving as much time to public affairs as he could afford.


There being no further nominations, the Committee holding the proxics instructed the Secretary to cast the vote of the Association for the following named persons, who were declared the Board of Directors for the term: Mrs. Margaret E. CROCKER, Judge W.C. VAN FLEET, J.E. MILLS, D. LUBIN, C.U. HARTWELL, Frank MILLER, F.Y. WILLIAMS, Dr. George PYBURN, Christopher GREEN and J.A. WOODSON.


After the election the Board met for the purpose of effecting organization. Officers were selected as follows: President, J.A .WOODSON; Vice-President, Dr. George PYBURN; Treasurer, the Bank of D.O. MILLS.



On Tuesday night last week, John MELLO, an old resident of Butte City, Amador county, drove over a grade near Morgan mine and was crushed to death under his wagon.




Mrs. J.J. BUCKLEY jumped into the slough back of the electric light works yesterday afternoon, but was rescued by Officer WILSON and Robert GOODS. Mrs. BUCKLEY has made more that one attempt to take her own life.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Bee - Sacramento

Monday Evening April 20, 1891



D.J. SIMMONS & Co. will sell on premises, 10:30 A.M., lot and

improvements, D.E. Fourteenth and Fifteenth at 10:45, house and lot 1529 G; 11,

lot cor. Fifteenth and F sts.


   Bell & Co., auctioneers will sell on the premises, to-morrow, at 10

A.M. business property, 417 J street.


   Went T. CROWELL & Co., auctioneers, will sell on the premises,

to-morrow, at 11 A.M., the residence and lot, G, L and M, fifth and sixth.



Another Complaint About a Railroad Switch.

A Big Coal Bill Paid.


   According to the report of Joseph JUDD, Chief Engineer, submitted to

the Board of Trustees this morning, 21,281,000 gallons of water were

pumped for the week ending April 19th. The Holly pump was run 93 ½ and

the Stevens pump 72 ½ hours.


   Trustee CONKLIN, who has been absent a couple of weeks, laid up with

la grippe, was at his desk this morning. He had a hard siege with the

sneeze-creating disease from Russia.


C.C. BROWN, Charles HEISEN and others petitioned the Trustees to have

the railroad track removed from the east to the west side of Sixth

street, from E to H. They want the track removed so that they can lay a

sidewalk. The matter was referred to the Street Commissioner.


Carry Got the Franchise

   The Board passed the ordinance granting R.S. CAREY the right to lay

a street railway track on Twenty-first street from O to Y, to be

commenced within six months and completed in one year. After the ordinance

was passed, Mr. CAREY arose and said he thanked the Board for giving him

what he had not asked for - giving him the right to put up poles for

electric wires.


   Fred COX and others sent in a petition for an electric light at

Twentieth and W streets. Referred to the Street Commissioner.

   On motion of Trustee CONKLIN, the time for opening bids for

furnishing coal was extended one week.


   Resolutions of respect to the memory of the late Governor WATERMAN

were read by mayor COMSTOCK, and unanimously adopted by the Trustees.


Police Court Clerk's Salary

Mayor COMSTOCK brought up the matter of the appointment of Alex. DUNN

as Clerk of the Police Court, and asked the Trustees if they were ready

to confirm it. As there was some dispute about whether they could be

compelled to pay him the salary of $150 per month, as provided by the

Legislature, the question was laid over for further investigation. It was

remarked that Dunn would have a hard time getting such a large salary,

since no provision had been made for it in the tax levy. City Attorney

HART had told the Mayor that as the law provided for it, the salary

would have to be paid. There is, therefore, a prospect of some more legal

sparring, as the case is similar to the recent controversy over the

appointment of extra policemen.


   Contractor PIERSON notified the Trustees that the repairs he had

been making upon the levee at the foot of V street were now ready for

inspection. The Board decided to go and see the work at 2 o'clock Thursday



Complaint Against the Poundmaster.

G.W. HARLOW complained that the Poundmaster had illegally taken a cow

belonging to him from Twenty-fifth and K streets. The Board promised to




He Peddled From a Sack and Not a Basket.


Judge CATLIN Again Reverses a Decision of the Police Court.


 In the Police Court, several weeks ago, Judge CRAVENS found a Chinaman

named Ah Jim guilty of peddling peanuts without a license, contrary to

an ordinance of the city.


    The Chinaman appealed to the Superior Court, and Judge CATLIN

rendered a decision this morning reversing the Police Court. The decision is

as follows:


The ordinance (Section 12, ordinance 17) requires a license to be taken

out for "peddling fruit, nuts and candies and edibles from a basket."


   The defendant did not peddle the nuts from a "hand basket," but from

a sack.


   At first view it may seem rather technical to make the distinction,

but penal statutes are to be strictly construed.


   The ordinance is not against peddling peanuts, but is against

peddling them in a hand basket. To ** readily understand that there might be

no objections to peddling peanuts, while the mode of peddling them

(rest of line not legible).


   The ordinance has specified the manner of pursuing the occupation,

rather than the occupation itself.


   As a matter of construction I am limited to the words used and

cannot speculate upon the intention of the authors of the ordinance.


   I can find no way of construing a "sack" to mean a "hand basket." If

the ordinance had been directed against peddling from a "sack" I would

find it difficult to construe the word "sack" to mean "hand basket."

   Judgement reversed and complaint dismissed.




A.H. CREW, a Chico banker, was a visitor to Sacramento on Sunday.


John BALL, one of Selma's leading citizens, was in the city yesterday, en route to Butte county.


Railroad Commissioner BECKMAN has returned from his ten days trip to the southern part of the State.


Charles P. HALL went to San Francisco Sunday to remain until after the Bernhardt engagement in that city.


Bishop DOYLE, of Australia, passed through the city last night en route to the East. He was accompanied as far as Sacramento by Rev. Father McSWEENEY, of Oakland.


W.H. DAVIS, one of the representatives of Sacramento Council No 1., Royal and Select Masters, left for San Francisco yesterday to attend the Grand Lodge meetings.


Last Saturday evening a surprise party was tendered Phil DOUGLAS by his many friends at his residence, 1103 D street. The evening was spent in merry making and dancing. Music was furnished by a special orchestra. At midnight a bountiful repast was served, and dancing was resumed until an early hour. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Phil DOUGLAS, Mr. and Mrs. A. DIXON, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. LENOIR, Mr. And Mrs. H.F. BURNS, Mr. and Mrs. H. STEELE, Mr. and Mrs. M.J. BURKE, Mr. and Mrs. O. BODEN, Mr. and Mrs. John CONSTABLE, Mr.and Mrs. S. JOHANSON, Mr. and Mrs. H. STUBBE, Mr. and Mrs. CHURCHILL, Mr. and Mrs. R. COOK, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. GOTTHOLD, Mrs. Wm. DRUMGOLD, Misses Nora DRUMGOLD, Maggie DRUMGOLD, Josie WEIGER, Teress CAMPBELL, Lizzie DRUMGOLD, Kitty SHERDON, Mary McGRATH, Winnie JUDGE, Hattie DOUGLAS, Etta BURKE, Dora BURNS, Lottie BURNS, Minnie HOWLAND, Irene BURNS, Mollie SPANGLER, Messrs. W.L. WORK, F. WARD __ HUTSON, L.L. CALLENDINE, Jas. GORMAN, Jr., J. RANSOM, M. McGRATH, D. CONNELLEY, John RILEY, Jas. DOUGLAS, J. DRUMGOLD, H.C. DLEM, V. TUETTSCHELL, J.W. HOY, J. SPANGLER, O. PENDERGAST, W. McENERNEY, J. HODGKINSON, Nat. CHRISTOPHER, A. ST. JOHN, E. WATERS, B. KELLY, C. F. ALLEN, A.J. BOYD, Isaac SANKS, Masters Harry DOUGLAS, Walter BURNS and Henry BURK.




George FERN was found guilty Saturday, in Justice Henry's Court, of petit larceny and sentenced to thirty days in the County Jail.


The Spoonbill club held its first shoot at blue-rocks yesterday at Gerber's ranch. Mr. FITZGERALD winning the silver medal and Mr. SIMONS the large honorary leather target.

On Saturday evening there was a glove contest at the Comique Theater between McAULEY of San Francisco and "Shorty" Kincaid, of Nevada, resulting in the latter's defeat. It was rather a lame affair.



The favorable impression produced on the first appearance of the agreeable **ould fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, a few years ago has been more than confirmed by the pleasant experience of all who have used it, and the success of the proprietors and manufactures, the Cal. Fig Syrup Company.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Record-Union

June 11, 1891 

New Incorporations

The following articles of incorporation were filed in the Secretary of State*s office yesterday:

Kern County Improvement Company of Bakersfield. Capital stock, $100,000; Directors - J.H. HUNT, J.B. HUNT, W.C. HUNT, R.W. HAWLEY and H.A. BLODGET.

Sonora Placer Mining and Development Company of San Francisco. Capital stock, $1,000,000. Directors - Samuel B. CONNER, Charles P. ELLS, C.F. GOMPERTZ, Frank B. OLIVER, Charles PAGE, Joseph MORRISON and Felix Chappellat.

Nipomo Nurseries of San Luis Obispo County. Capital stock, $30,000. Directors - L.C. RICE, L.L. HOLT, P. FRY, A. PETERSON, S.P. LINDLEY, H.C. FRY, S.A. DANA, E.C. DANA and Oregon Bell. 


Progress of Work on the State Series Geography.

It Will Be Embellished With Twenty-three Finely Executed and Instructive Engravings

C.H. HOLMES, engraver for the State School-book Series, and his assistant, W.E. SMITH, are busily engaged in preparing the engravings which are to appear in the new geography. The drawings from which the engravers are making the wood-cuts were designed by Charles DICKMAN of San Francisco and Mrs. Miriam WEEKES of Sonoma, with the aid of W.H.V. RAYMOND, chief editor of the State School-book Series.

Great care is being taken by Mr. Holmes and Mr. Smith in the work of reproducing these drawings, and the book when issued will, it is claimed, delight the teachers. Mr .Raymond is not yet prepared to say, however, when the geography will be ready for use, but it is safe to say that it will be quite a long time even before the State Printer commences work on it.

There will be in all thirty-three engravings in the book (not including maps) and they will differ greatly in design from those in other geographies. On one page there will be four designs showing the difference in the strength of the light furnished by a candle, a coal oil lamp, a gas-jet and an electric light. This will illustrate the progress of science and the growth of inventive genius in the world.

Accurate engravings of Sutter*s Fort and the old mill at Coloma, where gold was discovered, will adorn one of the pages of the book.

An entire page will be taken up in showing the wonderful progress in invention for cooking purposes. The first cut shows the old-fashioned style of cooking by suspending an iron kettle from the center of three upright sticks joined at the top; the second shows the brick oven and fireplace; the third is a cut of a stove, and the fourth an engraving of the modern range, with its appliances.

One unique design shows a blank space in the center of the page shaped like the map of North America, and surrounding this are engravings so placed as to show the natural products of the soil in the different sections of the continent, and the temperature of the regions.

The methods of transportation by land in modern and primitive times are shown in another place. The Arabs are seen on the desert with their camels loaded with freight; an American party crossing the plains by wagon-train is portrayed; then there are pack animals climbing the winding road up the mountain side; next, the stage coach, and finally the complete railroad train of the present day.

A Greek church at Sitka, and an Indian hut and a grave in the same region are shown in small cuts.

The California Big Trees are pictured and also the primitive and modern dwellings. The advancement in style is illustrated by a comparison of the olden American and African hut with the mansions of the present day.

The interior of a bank is shown, illustrating the methods of transacting commercial business.

There are also engravings of types of the different races; the date and fan palm trees; a milkmaid in Holland costume; the city of Rotterdam; the town of Hammerfest (the most northern town in Europe); Moscow in Russia; the most northern cape in Europe, and several other interesting geographical features.

Twenty-three of the engravings have been finished, but it will take almost six months of hard work to complete the remaining ten. 


Mamie Frates Appears Better - Julius Wohl is Dangerously Hurt

There seems to be some ground on which to build a hope that Mamie Frates, the victim of John Perry*s pistol, may recover. She was feeling quite bright yesterday, but the doctors do not know where lies the bullet that entered her skull, and therefore cannot tell how dangerously she is wounded.

Julius Wohl, the car-driver who was so brutally assaulted by E.F. BURKE on Sunday, was not able to leave his room yesterday to testify against his assailant. He complains of terrible pains in his head, and there is no telling but that his injury may yet take a fatal turn.

The condition of Robert ALLEN, who was hammered into insensibility some weeks ago by Jack HALEY, GORDON and other thugs, and then robbed, is not much changed. Physically he is gaining strength, but mentally his progress toward recovery is very slow. It takes very little to excite him, and he is frequently out of his mind. 

The "Horribles"

A meeting was held last evening, at the office of Dr. SHAW, for the purpose of arranging for a "Horrible" parade on the Fourth of July.

Dr. Shaw called the meeting to order, and briefly stated its object.

The following officers were elected: W.B. HAMILTON, President; J.E. MAYO, Vice-President; Jos HILL Secretary; Finance Committee, Peter MENKEN, J. SCROGGS, J.E. MAYO, K.E. ROBBINS, Frank WOODSON, T. DITTMAY, John MILLER and Joe KLEIN.

No programme was outlined, but those interested will hold another meeting in a few days to determine some line of action. 

Farrell McMorry*s Estate

The will of the late Farrell McMorry, formerly of this city, has been filed for probate in San Francisco. All the property is declared to be community estate, and is left to the widow, at her death to go the daughter and her children. There is, however, provision for the payment every month of $50 to William McMorry, brother of the testator, during his natural life. Testator also directs that his tomb shall cost $4,000. The value of the estate is not given, but it is said to be a large figure. 

Vance Back Again

D.M. Vance, who with lawyer Carpenter of Stockton was sentenced to 200 day*s imprisonment in the County Jail of this county some months ago by Judge Catlin, was taken into custody by Sheriff Stanley at Stockton yesterday and brought back to this city to serve out his unexpired term. Lawyer Carpenter tried to stop the Sheriff and his prisoner by means of habeas corpus, but the court dismissed the writ.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Daily Record-Union

Saturday June 13, 1891 


Sheriff CUNNINGHAM has in his office one of the most cheerful collections of law-breaking implements I ever saw. When I get particularly blue I go and stand in front of it with my hat off, and muse until I am thoroughly exhilarated. The cabinet in which these treasures of the Sheriff are stored is a large one, and it is full to overflowing with all sorts of knickknacks, bearing inscriptions which inform the spectator in a vivacious way that they have been used with effect. The piece of glass with which Fred GRAVES committed suicide, and which is covered with his gore, is a grave subject for contemplation. Then there is the knife with which WILSON cut KENNEDY; the knife that killed John GRIFFIN; the knife that killed a silversmith; the knuckles used by a San Francisco hoodlum; the knife used on HUGHES; the pistol with which O.G. LANGMAN was shot; the pistol with which Arthur McKOWAN killed himself; the coat of mail worn by George COX; knots from the ropes that hung FRENCH, MARTIN and others; a skull dug up in the street; shotguns used by stage robbers; burglar’s tools; counterfeiter’s outfits, and a hundred other little bits of rare, quaint and curious criminal vitru - enough to make the most somber old sinner in the land revert lovingly to the achievements of his youth. 


While rambling around over the city I ran across an old graveyard, a forsaken, apparently forgotten “silent city,” where the weeds have held undisputed sway for years, and desolation has a dead cinch on every grave.

In this old cemetery there is only one tombstone, standing in a corner. The rest have been knocked over and dragged away by the champion pitchers and catchers of the future, who were in need of a baseball ground near the center of the city. The diamond is laid out in the middle of the cemetery, and the small boy, who never fails to bring into harmonious contact all the materials at his disposal, has used a tombstone for the home plate. 

Church Entertainment

The Ladies’ Aid Society of the First Baptist Church gave a musicale and literary social last evening in their church. The opening piece was a piano solo by the Misses Mamie MALONE, Nellie HARRIS and Mabel LYONS. This was followed by a solo by Rev. STEVENSON, “The Hunter’s Glee”; a recitation, “Aunt Serena’s Trialations,” Miss May WOOD; saxophone solo, Frank KLEINSORGE; Scotch Song, Alex GIBSON; banjo solo, Edward GIBSON; piano solo, Ethel DeMATANVILLE; vocal solo, Mr. GREENLAW; vocal solo, Miss DAVIS.

After the entertainment the guests were served with ice cream and cake by the ladies. There was a large crowd present. 

Bell’s Saturday Sale

Bell & Co. will sell at auction to-day, at 10 A.M., at 519 J street, the furniture of two houses, removed to salesrooms for convenience of sale, consisting of parlor, dining-room, bedroom and kitchen furniture, and a large lot of spreads, comforters, linen sheets, etc.

At the commencement of the sale, by order of George W. BOOTH, guardian of the estate of John STEWART, there will be sold a diamond pin, gold watch, plated chain, gold-headed cane, etc. Also, horses, buggies, harness, etc. 

Back to Texas

Sheriff PHILLIPS, of Collins County, Texas, arrived last evening from San Francisco, where he has been sojourning for several days, and will to-day start back for Texas with HARDING and BATES, the negro incendiaries and highwaymen, who were captured here. 

Death of John Perry’s Victim

Mamie Frates FERNANDES, the poor girl who was shot the other day by John Enos PERRY, because she would not marry him, died last night at the home of her parents, 224 P street. Her funeral will take place to-morrow. 


 Department One - Catlin, Judge

Friday, June 12, 1891

G.W. HARLOW vs. Mary C. RHODE, in re BARRETT & BERKEY, insolvents; FOURNESS vs. FOURNESS - All continued one week.

E.A. BURR vs. W.D. COMSTOCK - Continued till Thursday, June 18th, at 10 o’clock.

In re. POMPINELL, an insolvent - S.B. SMITH elected assignee; bond $1,500.

Julia SLOAT vs. James SLOAT - Demurrer overruled; ten days to answer; notice waived.

BOYNE vs. RYAN - Argued, submitted and taken under advisement.

Annie KAISER vs. David KAISER - Divorce granted.

  Department Two - Catlin Presiding

Estate of Mary MYERS, deceased - Order confirming sale of block between Thirteenth and Fourteenth, W and X streets.

Estate of Mary NICHOLS, deceased - Order granting petit on to sell the estate.

Estate of Jacob HOEHN, deceased - Continued one week.

Estate of Roxanna REID, deceased - Continued July 10th.

Estate of John EITEL, deceased - Petition to set aside homestead granted.

Estate of Y.W. GUNN, deceased - Will admitted to probate. Letters to petitioner. Appraisers - G.R. HAMMONF and S.P. SMITH.

Estate of Annie MAY, deceased - Final account allowed. Petition for distribution granted.

Estate of Rebecca ASTILL, deceased - Decree of due notice to creditors.

Estate of John W. MILLIKEN, deceased - Decree of due notice to creditors.

Estate of Gustave WAHL, an incompetent - Order made to transfer stock in Columbus Brewing Company.

Estate of E.M. STEVENS, insolvent - Order made for examination of Felix COHN.

P.A. MILLER vs. Eli MAYO - Defendant’s cost bill for $50.75 allowed.

BOYNE vs. RYAN - Submitted on brief.

People vs. John HAGGERTY - Commission granted to take depositions of foreign witnesses, and defendant allowed until June 15th to file interrogatories.

BYRNES vs. QUALE - Plaintiff required to give security for costs.

COFFMAN vs. COFFMAN - Continued one week.

PRONTY vs. DEVLIN - Motion to strike out parts of answer granted. Defendant allowed five days to amend. 

State Land Patents

Yesterday patents were issued by the Governor to purchasers of State lands, as follows: W.H. EARLE, Kern County, 82.42 acres; H.B. NIXON, Mariposa, 160 acres; H.F. SHAPLE, Sonoma, 280 acres; Emilie D.F. HANLON, Sonoma, 160 acres; George McINTYRE ,Inyo, 480 acres; A.W. ROBINSON, Los Angeles, 480 acres, A.P. REDDING, Kern, 320 acres; F.V. O’GORMAN, Sonoma, 80 acres; John DUNN, Tuolumne, 200 acres; John DUNN, Stanislaus, 80 acres, Swamp and overflowed land - A.N. BUCHANAN, Modoc, 600 acres; J.H. TENNANT, Tulare, 640 acres; Martin PINNEY, San Bernardino, 480 acres. State tide land - W.B. NICHOLSON, Los Angeles, 156 acres. 

They Raised It

When the recent sale of the block of land bounded by Thirteenth and Fourteenth, W and X streets, for $2,250 came up for confirmation yesterday in the Superior Court, John BATCHER, Maurice HALEY and August SCHWEKENDICK began bidding again until the price reached $2,550. The property was sold to Schwekendiek for that price.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



The Saturday Bee

Sacramento, Cal., June 20, 1891 



The Rev. J.A. Bruner Had Been in the Pulpit for Half a Century.

A telegram was received this morning from San Leandro, announcing the death at that place of Rev. Joseph Asbury BRUNER, father of Hon. Elwood BRUNER and A.J. BRUNER, of this city. He passed away at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Charles WOODMAN.

The deceased was one of the oldest and best known ministers on the Pacific Coast, and his voice has been heard from nearly every Methodist pulpit in the state. He was a native of Virginia and had reached the ripe old age of three score and ten years. His parents removed to Ohio in the early days, and he was educated and became a minister of the gospel in that state. He was married in Chillecorbe, Ohio, and his wife only preceded him to the grave two years ago. Eight children were born to them: six sons and two daughters. Five of the sons and one of the daughters are still living. Rev. Mr. BRUNER and his family came to California in 18**, locating at Marysville where he preached for a number of years. In 1863 and 1864 he occupied a pulpit in Sacramento. He was a very talented man and one of the most eloquent and forcible pulpit orators on California. He was always of a genial nature, happiest when doing something to help others out of distress. He always took an active interest in educational matters and graduated four of his sons from the University of the Pacific.

At the last conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church the deceased preached his semi-centennial sermon, and then retired from active life. He was last located at West Berkeley. At the last session of the Legislature he was elected Chaplain of the Senate, but owing to ill-health he was only able to perform his duties for a short time. The cause of his death was dropsy of the heart.

The funeral will take place in Sacramento on next Tuesday. 


A Fine Programme Arranged for To-morrow Evening

C.A. NEALE, the accomplished leader of the First Artillery band, has arranged an exceptionally fine musical programme for the open-air concert to be given at the Plaza to-morrow evening. The seventh number will be an adaptation by Mr. NEALE of “The Lover’s Quarrel,” introduced here by Thatcher’s minstrels, and which “caught on immensely.” 


George BERNHARD, of the El Dorado Saloon, 826 J street, has received the privileges for the Turn Bezirk. In this the management was wise, for no one will better look to the interest of the Lociety than Mr. Bernhard. 


He Is Still in Jail and Had Been Drinking

Frank ALBRECHT, the demented merchant of Forest Hill, Placer county, of whose wanderings with his two little boys there was an account in last evening’s Bee, is still in the county jail. The two boys have been put in charge of a lady. The mother of Albrecht, accompanied by the Assessor of Placer, arrived here this morning. The young man will be kept in confinement until Monday, and if he is not all right by that time he will be examined by the Commissioners of Lunacy.

It appears that Albrecht has been drinking heavily of late. He married a woman who, it is said, is addicted to strong drink, and who rarely allows herself to become sober, and he doubtless determined to keep up with the pace set by his “better half.” A physician who has examined Albrecht, however, is doubtful whether he will regain his mental equilibrium by getting the whisky out of his system. 


A Fruitless Search of Highbinders In The Coolie Quarter.

Officer WILSON raided a notorious highbinders’ roost in Chinatown last night and searched a number of the Mongolian toughs for weapons. The hunt proved unavailing, however, for the highbinders propensities are careful not to carry weapons in these days unless when they have direct occasion to use them.

On Thursday night one of the gang met one of the fallen Chinese females, the chattel of some fat coolie, and began to abuse her as savagely as the Chinese vernacular would permit. When she retorted he drew a pistol and blazed away a couple of times in the air, apparently to terrify her, and then fled into one of the innumerable byways of that quarter. 


A Well Known Woman Passes Away Early This Morning

Mrs. Margaret HARRIGAN died at her residence in the rear of Pioneer Hall at 1:30 o’clock this morning. The deceased was the wife of Thomas Harrigan, one of the early comers to California and the owner at the time of his death, 1862, of what was then known as the Centerville race track, located a little south of the County Hospital. He left his property to his wife who was obliged to mortgage it. The mortgage was subsequently foreclosed. The loss of the land seemed to prey on the mind of Mrs. Harrigan and she always considered that she had been defrauded out of what was rightfully her property. For years she has haunted the law courts and the offices of the county officials and lawyers, and for a long time had standing advertisements in various papers of the State, offering large sums to an attorney who would restore the estate to her.

Mrs. Harrigan was a native of New York, aged 55 years, and leaves a son and a daughter. The former is located in Suisun, and Miss Harrigan occupies a position in the Postofficce in this city.

The funeral will take place from the Cathedral, to-morrow afternoon, 1t 3:30 o’clock. 


Arrivals at the Capital Hotel, June 20th; Mrs. THESBY, Henry HIBB, Walnut Grove; W.S. PLODIAN, San Francisco; J.H. MARTIN, Lu BLOOM, Miss Alice WILSON, Miss Ethel WILSON, Woodland; Mrs. Kate SHERMAN, Sacramento; W.C. WILSON, Woodland; J.E. CAMP, Brighton; B.F. HOLDEN, Napa; A.H. GRACEY, Chas. SOMBOG, C.E. WOODOW, A. MOCK, San Francisco; J. CONNELL, City; Geo. W. MITCHELL, New York; Wm. WAHL, Redwood City; J.H. DECZOR and wife, New York; A.C. DANIELS, Marysville; C.H. HOPKINS, San Francisco; J.N. RIE and wife, Dixon; S.M. WEAVER, wife and daughter, Woodland.

Arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel, June 20th: A.L. BROWN, Red Bluff; Frank KIMBALL, Chicago; F.P. TUTTLE, Auburn; C.S. PEARSON, San Francisco; W.H. DAVIS, Marysville; Miss MILLER, Chico; J.R. MURRAY, Greenville; H.S. HAISE, S.E. THORNTON, George R. SAVAGE, G. MORGONTHAU, Charles H. BROWN, A. MEERTIEF, Miss A. RUSSELL, Mrs. I.J. WOOLNER, Mrs. L. ROBERTS, Wm. HALE, J.E. YOUNG and wife, A. BUNSTER, San Francisco; J. SIMENTON, Chicago; W.S. ALEXANDER, New York; C.B. PARKER, Modoc county; E.N. PERKINS, Kenton, O.; Chas. W. BEDELL, Colusa; John H. HEGLER, San Francisco. 

The excursion train for Colusa on Sunday - to attend the dedication of the new convent school will leave at 6 A.M. and return about 5:30 P.M. The fare for the round trip in $2.50. 

Five Hundred Dollars Raised to Retain a Lawyer to Sue Out an Injunction Against the City.

The people below town along the line of the drainage canal evidently do not intend to tolerate the drainage canal any longer. They say that they see no prospect of getting the city of Sacramento to do anything in the direction of stopping the dumping of sewage into the canal, and they have therefore come to the conclusion to see what the law will do protect them against what they maintain is a grievous wrong.

A meeting was held recently by the owners of land affected by the canal to consider what steps should be taken to compel an abatement of the nuisance. It was finally concluded to take legal proceedings against the city. A subscription list was prepared and Carl MUNGER appointed to secure signatures. The meeting resolved to enter into an agreement with Judge J.W. ARMSTRONG to represent the injured people and an agreement with the attorney was prepared to begin proceedings at once.

MUNGER had no trouble in getting all the money needed and several subscriptions of $100 each were made.

The attorney agrees on his part to push the proceedings to a final conclusion, however far the city may see fit to control the matter.

It certainly looks now as if the issue were fairly joined, and if the city still refuses to care for the sewage without injury to people below the city, who have rights, it will find itself engaged in a costly series of litigation.

The people who propose to prosecute this suit evidently mean business and Sacramento might as well, apparently, make up its mind that the nuisance complained of must be abated or else that the lawyers will be fronted a fine opportunity to make a raid on the treasury. 


Some large and luscious cherries grown in the garden of E. ELLIS, at Ninth and Q streets, were sent to The Bee office, to-day. 


She Gets Away With a Large Sum of Money

NEW YORK, June 20 - Until last Monday Samuel BURBANK, one of the wealthiest merchants of Hempstead, L.I., had remained a bachelor. That day he married Lottie OXFORD, the eighteen-year-old daughter of Harry OXFORD, an insurance broker of Brooklyn.

Oxford had asked BURBANK for the loan of $5,000 to buy a house. Burbank declined, but said he would give him $10,000 if he made Lottie marry him. Oxford took time to think the staggering proposition over, and in a few days said that the girl would marry Burbank if the $10,000 was forthcoming.

Burbank then formally proposed to the girl, was accepted, and on Monday married. After the marriage Lottie refused point blank to go home with her husband, and he left without the wife or the $10,000.

Later he brought suit, charging Oxford and his daughter with conspiracy to rob him of $10,000, and now Oxford has brought suit against him for slander. 


A Burglar Confesses That He Committed a Murder

WICHITA (Kas.), June 20 - The mystery surrounding the murder of Christopher HELM, a wealthy cattleman whose body was found on the Cherokee strip, riddled with bullets, has been dispelled. A burglar who was fatally shot at Cherokee, Texas, confessed that he and a man named Ben SCOTT killed HELM and robbed his body of a large sum of money. It is said the authorities have Scott located.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Record-Union

Wednesday June 24, 1891



Degrees to be Conferred on Students at Berkeley To-day.

  At the State University to-day degrees will be conferred as follows: Bachelor of Arts - Charles H. BENTLEY, Oakland; Anson S. BLAKE, Berkeley; Edwin BUNNELL, Oakland; Albert H. ELLIOTT, San Francisco; Albert W. GUNNISON, San Francisco; James D. MEEKER, San Francisco, Warren OLNEY, Jr., Oakland; Addison E. SHAW, Lorin; James L. WHITBECK, Sacramento; Eugene J. ZEILE, San Francisco; Charles G. MICHENER, San Francisco.

  Bachelor of Science - Harry B. AINSWORTH, Oakland; John C. AINSWORTH, Oakland; Arthur F. ALLEN, Alameda; Harry C. BALDWIN, Oakland; William H. BROWN, Oakland; Thomas E. EICHBAUM, San Francisco; Edward P. HILBORN, Jr., Suisun; Joseph N. LE CONTE, Berkeley; Charles W. MERRILL, Alameda; William P. MILLER, Jr., Melrose; Charles PALACHE, Claremont; Thomas W. RANSOM, San Francisco; William A. WRIGHT, Berkeley; William C. ALLEN, San Francisco; Felix H. CARRSOW, San Francisco; Ross MORGAN, Oakland; George E. COLEMAN, Grass Valley.

  Bachelor of Philosophy - Derrel L. BEARD, Napa; John A. BROWER, Los Angeles; Albert L. EHRMAN, San Francisco; George H. FLETCHER, Grass Valley; Burton L. HALL, Los Angeles; Emily J. HAMILTON, Orange; Horace C. HEAD, Garden Grove; Mary Alice KING, Berkeley; William G. MORROW, San Francisco; Arthur M. SEYMOUR, Sacramento; Charles F. TAY, San Francisco; Lester H. JACOBS, San Francisco; David Guersney JONES, Berkeley; William H. WASTE, Los Angeles; Philip L. WEAVER, Jr., San Francisco; Cora L. WILLIAMS, Villa Park.

  Bachelor of Letters - Henry A. FISKE, Berkeley; Grace H. De FREMERY, Oakland; Fred A. JULLIARD, Santa Rosa; Herbert S. McFARLIN, Oakland; H.B. MONTAGUE, Oakland; John H. WHITE, Chico.

  Master of Arts - Emma WILLARD, Chicago.

  The usual Bachelor’s Decree was also ordered conferred upon the following graduates of the Hastings College of Law:

 Carl H. ABBOTT, Oakland; Joseph E. BARRY, Solomon BLOOM and Henry W. WARD, San Francisco; Cosmor B. CLARK, Berkeley; Edgar C. COOPER, Eureka; Jos. L. CRITTENDEN, George D. DUDLEY and Adrian C. ELLIS, Jr., San Francisco; Oliver ELLSWROTH, Niles; Henry H. HAIGHT, Oakland; Beverley L. HODGHEAD, Ukiah; Alexander L. O’GRADY, John N. POMEROY, Oscar E. ROULEAU, San Francisco; John W. SATTERWHITE, San Bernardino; Edwin D. SMITH, Santa Rosa; Garilard STONEY, Wallace L. THOMPSON, Henry A. TOBIN, Maurice S. WOODHAMS, San Francisco.



Mrs. Johnson Falls Sick, and Into the Hands of the Police

 A woman named Mrs. JENSEN occupies a cell at the Police Station, where she is detained on suspicion of being the person who was recently accused there of stealing some jewelry from the residence of a family in which she was employed.

  It appears that she was taken ill at a lodging-house and was removed to the Receiving Hospital for treatment. From a conversation with her there, and the fact that she answered the description of the woman who is wanted at Walnut Grove, and the further fact that she came from the place, the police assumed that she was the one wanted there.

  A telephone message to the Record-Union from Walnut Grove last night stated the Mrs. Jensen is the party who is accused of having stolen two rings from a family at New Hope, near there.

  A Constable left there last night to arrest and take her back.


               Death’s Latest Victim

 The death is announced of Louis C. TODHUNTER, son of W.B. Todhunter, the well-known cattleman of Yolo County. Deceased was born in Cincinnati on the 17th of December, 1847, and has resided here and in Yolo County since 1854. He leaves a wife and two children.

 The funeral will take place from the family residence, 827 Nineteenth street, at 2 p.m. to-morrow.


               Contempt of Court.

  Pat FAY, an intoxicated individual who occupied a seat in the lobby of the Police Court yesterday afternoon, attempted to interfere with witnesses in the case of HOLLIDAY, charged with illegal fishing, and Judge CRAVENS had him locked up for contempt of court.


               SOCIAL AND PERSONAL

  State Prison Director SONNTAG was in the city yesterday.

  Captain Fred HEILBRON is up from his new home in San Diego.

  Colonel J.W. GUTHRIE visited Nevada City to attend the Company C’s target shoot on Sunday.

  Attorney Thomas W. HUMPHREY has gone to Butte County to attend to some legal business.

  George M. MOTT was a visitor at Grass Valley on Sunday. Mr. MOTT has an orchard on the Banner Ridge.

  Mrs. D.B .MERRY, a sister of Mrs. A.S. BOSQUIT, has arrived at Placerville from East Las Vegas, N.M., on a visit to her sister and mother, Mrs. A.T. GREY.

  Misses Agnes, Rose and Blanche WHEELER, daughters of Judson Wheeler of San Francisco, are at the Freeman Hotel, Auburn, and will remain for some weeks.

  Mrs. J.W. EDWARDS, owner and former proprietor of the Putnam House at Auburn, has arrived from Brooklyn, N.Y. Mrs. Edwards expects to spend the summer in Auburn.

  R. WILSON, Miss HALE, Mrs. McLEAN and children, W.D. WILLIAMS, G.W. WALTS, G.M. POND, Mrs. and Miss. READY and Mrs. CANTLEY of San Francisco are at Freeman’s Hotel in Auburn.

  Charles P. HALL, manager of the Sacramento theaters, the Bush street Theater and the Grand Opera-house in San Francisco, is in town on a flying visit. He will return to San Francisco to-day.

  A pleasant party was tendered to Miss Georgie MASTERS, at the home of Mrs. MILLER on I street Monday evening, and was pleasantly passed with music, games and social converse. Refreshments were served. Those present were Misses Ella HUBBARD, Alice MILLER, Mollie and Kittie DAMERON , Abbie MILLER, Ollie and Georgie MASTERS, Mrs. McKAY and Mrs .Miller, Messrs WILLIE, LAINE, WALLACE, REEVES, JONES, ALLIE, LAWTON and McKAY.


               BRIEF NOTES

 In the suit of STEINHART vs. WAHL, yesterday, the motion for a new trial was overruled by Superior Judge CATLIN.

  The trial of Auguste FORGOUS, for the murder of his wife, was postponed by Superior Judge VAN FLEET yesterday until July 27th.


            SUPERIOR COURT                                                                                                

 Department One - Catlin, Judge

                               Tuesday, June 23d

 STEINHART vs. WAHL - Motion for new trial overruled.


Department  Two - Van FLEET, Judge

  People vs. Pedro LARA, Sentenced to five months’ imprisonment in the County Jail.

  People vs. FORGOUS, charged with murder - Continued until July 27th.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





Sacramento Daily Record-Union

Friday July 10, 1891


               FIGHTING OFF DEATH

Police Officer Arlington Still Lives But is Unconscious

Little Hope for His Recovery - Annie Manning’s Will - Result of the Autopsy

 The terrible tragedy in which Police Officer William ARLINGTON was shot by his mistress, Annie MANNING, who afterward shot herself ,was the talk of the city yesterday.

  Everybody knew the popular officer, and all liked him.

  Despite the fact that the doctors pronounced Arlington’s wounds fatal, he is still alive, and may live for several days yet. Some even believe that he may get well. City Physician NICHOLS said that while he considered that the wounded officer did not have

               ONE CHANCE IN A HUNDRED

To survive the effects of the deadly bullet, yet there had been cases in his practice in which persons had recovered from just such wounds. Of course, there is no hope of ever extracting the bullet, and if the officer recovers he will always carry the bullet in his brain.

  Hosts of the wounded officer’s friends called at the police station yesterday with the expectation of seeing him, but in each case they were denied admission into the hospital, the doctor having left strict orders in this regard. The sufferer has to be kept as quiet as possible, and there is noise enough about the place caused by passing trains, without that which would be added by visitors.

  A nurse is in constant attendance, and everything is being done to make the wounded man as comfortable as possible. He is still unconscious. At times he appears to rally and to recognize those about him but he cannot speak.

               ANNIE MANNING’S DEATH

 The remains of Annie Manning are still at the morgue. Yesterday afternoon Dr. G.A. WHITE, assisted by Drs. C.B. NICHOLS and G.C. SIMMONS, performed an autopsy on the body. Dr. White submitted the following report of the autopsy to Coroner George CLARK, and it will be produced at the inquest:

 “In the presence of Drs. G.C. Simmons and C.B .Nichols, I this day held an autopsical examination of the body of Annie Manning, deceased. There was found a gunshot wound upon the right temple and a slight wound upon the chin. The bullet which made the wound of entrance was felt beneath the scalp upon the opposite side of the head, and several fragments of bone, crushed out by the passing ball, were felt in the immediate neighborhood of the ball.


 “Upon raising the scalp the skull was found to be fractured irregularly in its entire circumference. The ball passed transversely through the two hemispheres of the brain, tearing away the upper part of the corpora striata. The wound of entrance was irregular in shape, one and one-half inches in length by measurement. No power-marks were observed n the skin, but powder discoloration was noticed in the temporal muscle beneath, indicating that the muzzle of the pistol was placed against the temple. The great size of this wound was caused by laceration from powder explosion.

  “The slight wound seen on the chin was probably caused by falling upon the corner of a piece of furniture or other hard object. No other wounds or abrasions were found upon the body. The wound was necessarily fatal and death must have been instantaneous.”

               THE WOMAN’S WILL

 The will of Annie Manning was filed in the County Clerk’s office yesterday for probate. It is a brief and simple document. In it the testator says: “I give and bequeath unto my mother, Mrs. William MEYERS, of 121 Lafayette street, Stockton, Cal., all the property, both real and personal, of every kind and nature which I own, or may have or own at the time of my death, absolutely and unconditionally to her.”

  The mother of the deceased is also named in the will as executrix of the estate without bonds. The will was drawn up just a year ago.

  Accompanying the will is Mrs. Meyer’s petition for letters of administration. She estimates the value of the estate at $5,000. It consists of household furniture, jewelry and money in bank.



The Police Will Henceforth be Provided With Their Portraits

  When a convict is discharged form the Folsom Prison hereafter his portrait and record will be in the possession of Chief of Police DREW, as Warden AULL has consented to furnish them. A better plan would be for the Warden to notify the police here when discharged convicts are put upon the cars, so that the officers may be able to identify the men. Unless the photographs are taken at the time the men are released, it will in many cases be difficult, if not impossible to identify the men, as prison life works great changes in them.

  There can be no doubt that most of the crimes committed here are the work of ex-convicts, and it certainly would be a great aid to the police to be able to identify each discharged prisoner that stops over here.


               THE WILY CHINEE

It Costs Ah Chung Fifty Dollars to Give Opium to a Prisoner.

  In the Police Court yesterday Ah CHUNG, a Chinaman who was caught in the act of giving a member of the chain-gang some opium, was ordered to pay a fine of $50, or in default to serve twenty-five days in jail.

  Joe WALCH was convicted of disturbing the peace of Charles YATES, and will be sentenced to-day. Yates, against whom a counter charge had been filed by Walch, was discharged.

  M.E. FAGG was fined $5 for disturbing the peace of W.F. KUHNIE.

  The cases of J. ROCKEY, charged with petit larceny, and Ling KEE, charged with embezzlement, were dismissed.

  Ed. Emerson was fined $30 for disturbing the peace on Fourth of July night, and Joe FARREN was taxed $5 fir a similar offense.


               Installation of Officers

 District Deputy Grand Councilor A. SCHOEMAKER installed the officers of Sacramento Council, No. 96, O.C.F., on Wednesday evening. The hall was well filled by members of the order and friends. An interesting programme, consisting of recitations and instrumental music was well rendered, after which those who desired remained to enjoy a dance.

  On Wednesday evening the Olive Branch Ladies’ Benevolent Society held an installation and entertainment at Pioneer Hall. The programme consisted of songs by Henry and Charles BALZ, Mrs. WICKWIER and Mrs. OCHNER, a piano solo by Miss Eva EVANS, and recitations, etc., by Dr. CURTIS, who also sang “Robinson Crusoe.”

  District Deputy Grand Master William KRAUSE, of District No. 42, installed the following officers of Schiller Lodge, No. 105, I.O.O.F., on Tuesday evening; G.KORTSTEIN, M.G.; Wm. DAVIS, V.G.; Benj. _______, R. Sec.; M. GRAF, Treasurer; P. NEUMANN, Warden; John LINDENMEYER, Con.; Jacob KEIPER, In. G.; B.H. CHAPPMANN, Out. G.; George NEUMANN, R.S.N.G.; John BOLZE, L.S.N.G.; F. STRAUB, R.S.V.G., S. WILD, L.S.V.G.; R. REUTER, R.S.S., T. JERGENS, L.S.S.


               In Court Again

  James RUTHERFORD filed papers in the County Clerk’s office yesterday in a suit for divorce from his wife, Louisa. He charges her with desertion. Recently the wife instituted suit for divorce from Rutherford on the ground of cruelty, but when the case came on for trial she could not produce the testimony necessary, and he was granted a non-suit.


               Fire on the Riverside Road

  While N. MENKE and a friend were driving on the Riverside road last evening they saw a fire in a house about a mile this side of Oak Hall. They hitched their horse and went to the place and assisted in extinguishing the flames before they gained much headway.

  The name of the family occupying the house could not be learned.


               SOCIAL AND PERSONAL

  A. BRANDT has gone to Bartlett Springs.

  J.M. STEPHENSON is over from Woodland.

  Philip OPPENHEIM is up from San Francisco.

  Hon G.G. BLANCHARD of Placerville is in the city.

  T.R. STEPHENS of Placerville is at the Capital Hotel.

  Mr. and Mrs. J.J. CRAWFORD of Placerville are at the Capital Hotel.

  Attorney General HART has returned from his trip to the mountains.

  Bartley CAVANAUGH, Sr., of the San Francisco Mint, is in the city on a visit to friends and relatives.

  Miss Lelia CARROLL and Miss Sadie HUIE have been visiting Mrs. J.L. THOMPSON and family of Santa Rosa.

  Mrs. A. AINSWORTH, Miss Mary AINSWORTH and Mrs. J. BACKRATH and children of this city are camping at the Summit.

  Mr. and Mrs. J.D. HATCH have sent out invitations to the wedding reception of their daughter, Grace E. Hatch, and Louis E.C. JORDAN, at their residence, 821 H street, from 10:30 to 3:30 o’clock, on Wednesday, the 15th inst.

  A pleasant lawn party was given to Dimpy BURKE, in honor of his seventh birthday anniversary on Wednesday, by a few of his little friends. Among those present were the Misses Ruby DREW, Pearl HOWARD, Hazel CARROLL, Ida SENF, Mattie LEONARD, Minnie VOGEL, Anna BIRKE, and Masters Freddie WULFF, Frank RYAN, Louie VOGEL, Loyal ISAAC, Eddie HOLBERG, Fred BURKE and George SENF.



               BRIEF NOTES

  This afternoon the Liquor Dealers’ Association will meet at Y.M.I. Hall for the election of officers.

  An unknown man was brutally beaten by three ruffians on K street, between Third and Fourth, about 7 o’clock yesterday morning.

  There is at the police station awaiting an owner a gold Brotherhood of Locomotive Fireman badge, which was picked up on the street recently.

  The citizens of Woodland have secured the land necessary for a race track and the County of Yolo will hold a grand fair this year, assisted by Yuba.

  A man who claimed to have left some clothing at Sam KEE’s laundry at Fifth and N streets, has caused the Chinaman’s arrest on a charge of having embezzled the same.

  A fire occurred in WALKER’s restaurant, 509 J street, at an early hour yesterday morning. The contents of the place were badly damaged, but the loss is covered by insurance.

 The Sutter Fort Trustees have asked Secretary of State WAITE to give them an office in the Capitol building in which to transact their business, and the request will probably be granted.

  The suit of D.W. CARMICHAEL vs. George R. MARTIN, to recover possession of a horse valued at $150, tried in Justice HENRY’s Court and decided in favor of defendant, has been appealed to the Superior Court.

  The two little waifs who escaped from the Protestant Asylum here recently, and who have been in charge of Sheriff WEAVER of Yolo, were returned to the asylum on Wednesday. The little fellows had a good time, and consider the matter quite a pleasant summer vacation.


               The Beauties of Shasta Scenery

 Those who have not yet enjoyed a trip by rail through the Sacramento River Canyon from Redding to Mount Shasta will have a fine opportunity to do so by joining the excursion party which leaves here on the night of the 17th, to spend two days in that region.              


               Nichols May Not Live

 The young man named NICHOLS, who was so badly injured a few days ago by his team running away and throwing him under his gravel wagon, is said to have suffered such sever injury to his spine that the lower half of his body has become paralyzed.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Daily Bee, Sacramento

Saturday October 3, 1891




His Rival In Love Fears Him No Longer


In the Police Court this morning Thomas McCormack was up to answer to a charge of threatening the life of T.I. BARTON. The amusing experiences of the defendant with a fair widow, and the part BARTON took therein, were detailed in last night's Bee.


BARTON was sworn, but said he wanted the case against McCORMACK dismissed, as he wasn't a bit afraid of him, now.


Judge CRAVENS consented to this arrangement, but admonished McCORMACK to be more careful henceforth.


Charles HENRY was given six months for vagrancy, but was allowed the privilege of leaving town.


The case of Tom REEDY, charged with the theft of a horse and cart, was continued to Monday.



The Barton-McCormack Feud Amicably Concluded.


The denouement of the rivalry between Tom McCORMACK and T.L. BARTON, workers in the freight sheds whose devotion to widow KERR led to Tom's arrest, occurred this afternoon. After the case against McCORMACK was dismissed in the Police Court, Barton repaired to the County Clerks's and procured a license to marry Mrs. Mary KERR, aged 40 and a native of Canada. BARTON gave his own age as 29 and England as his nativity. McCORMACK says he is glad to be rid of the woman, and as this disposition is agreeable to her new husband the feud between the men may be regarded as at an end.




A Daughter to the wife of the Ex-President.


NEW YORK, October 3 - A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cleveland this morning.

The mother and daughter are doing well. The child weighed eight pounds.




He Asks Ten Thousand Dollars in Damages From Dr. White.

Eric OHLIN, a German fresco painter by trade, has commenced suit in the Superior Court against Dr. G.A. WHITE, of the County Hospital, for $10,000 damages, claimed to be due by reason of failure of the doctor to properly care for him while an inmate of the hospital. OHLIN was working for a family near Florin, last Spring, when he fell and broke his leg. He was taken to the hospital where he remained for nine weeks under the care of Dr. WHITE, leaving the institution in July last. He alleges that his leg was not properly cared for, and is now very painful to him. The complaint states that he is obliged to use a cane, and will probably be a cripple for life.


Brusie & Layson are attorneys for the plaintiff.



In the divorce case of Isidor SCHAD vs. Henrietta SCHAD, the latter has been allowed $25 per month alimony, $50 for attorney's fees and $15 for expenses.



Acquitted of Beating and Robbing a Truckee Man

NEVADA CITY, October 3 - Matthew REED, of Iowa Hill, Placer county, tried on a charge of beating Charles GRONBERG at Truckee over the head with a coupling pin, and robbing him of a watch, was acquitted this morning.



Theodore DEMING is back from San Francisco.

R.J. MERKELEY has returned from a visit to San Francisco.

Officer Wm. LOWELL has returned from a vacation at the seaside.

Miss Mae TAYLOR is home from a visit of four weeks in San Francisco and Monterey.

E.D. HIGGINS, a well known conductor on the Sacramento Division, leaves for the East to-day on a visit to relatives.


Miss Anne McCARTHY, who has been visiting Mrs. Max HORNLEIN in this city, has returned to her home in San Francisco.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Daily Bee

Thursday, October 29, 1891




  The funeral of Mrs. Charles E. Kleinsorge, formerly Miss Lizzie HOEHN, took place yesterday afternoon from her mother’s residence on P Street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth. Services were held at the Cathedral, Rev. Father HAUPTS officiating, and the church choir rendered appropriate music. Many beautiful floral offerings were sent by sympathizing friends, and the pall bearers were as follows: F. YOERK, G. MEISTER, H. BROWN, A. GRIESEL, C. McCLEERY, W. EBNER, C. RELYEA and A.E. GRUHLER.


            BEE BUZZES

  A project is on foot to build a kite-shaped race track at Willows.

  The dwelling house of Mrs. I.V.H. SAFFORD, near Willows, was destroyed by fire Tuesday. Loss, $3000; insured.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





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