Golden Nugget Library's
San Joaquin County Genealogy Databases

Golden Nugget Library's San Joaquin County Biographies
Noted Californians 1929 Published by Noted Californians Co. (Pdf files)
Pen Portraits (Autobiographics of State Lawmakers & Professional Men - 1878)
California State Officials of 1911 (California Blue Book 1911 - Thanks Natalie Huntley!)
Senators & Assemblymen Bios of 1911 (CA Blue Book 1911 - Thanks N. Huntley!)
One Hundred Years At Silver Lake, Amador County 1848-1948 (Swenson Family & Vern Dander - Thanks!)
Births - Deaths
William Q. Cook/Lucinda Dee Mires Family Bible. (Donated by Alma Stone - Thanks!)
1856 Miner's & Business Men's Directory - Tuolumne, Calaveras & San Joaquin Counties (Text by Sue Woods & Betty Vickroy - Thanks!)
1878-9 San Joaquin County Business Directory (by Sally Kaleta & Proofed by Betty Vickroy - Thanks!)
1880-81 McKenney's Pacific Coast Directory - All California Counties (Business Directory - Images)
1891 Husted's Stockton City & San Joaquin County Directory (PDF Images)
1893 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Telephone Directory February (from
1898 (March) California Telephone Directory (Images... Stockton pgs 374-382; Lodi pgs 214-215)
1902-3 Husted's Stockton City & County Directory (Images)
1908-09 California's Attorneys & Banker's Directory (by Jeanne Taylor - Thanks!)
1909-1910 Polk's-Husted Stockton-Lodi City and San Joaquin Co. Directory (Donated by Eloy Lores - Thanks!)
1913 Polk's-Husted Stockton-Lodi City and San Joaquin Co. Directory (Donated by Eloy Lores - Thanks!)
1920 Polk-Husted's Stockton, Lodi & San Joaquin County Directory, California (Images)
1923 Polk-Husted Stockton City & San Joaquin County Directory (Pdf files)
1924 Polk-Husted Stockton City & San Joaquin County Directory (Pdf files)
1925 Polk's Stockton City & San Joaquin County Directory (Images)
1926 Polk's Stockton City Directory (Donated by Ron Chapman - Thanks!)
1928 Polk's Stockton City & San Joaquin County Directory (PDF Images)
1930 Polk's Stockton City & San Joaquin County Directory (Donated by Kevin Shawver - Thanks!)
1930 Stockton Telephone Directory - Including Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tuolumne Cos. (Pdf files)
1931 Polk's Stockton City & San Joaquin County Directory (PDF Images)
1931-1932 Matthews-Muldowney-Lucas Stockton City & San Joaquin County Directory (Donated by Ron Chapman - Thanks!)
1935 Polk's Stockton City & San Joaquin County Directory (PDF Images)
1937 Polk's Stockton City & San Joaquin County Directory (PDF Images)
1938 Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus & Tuolumne Counties Telephone Directory (Images)
1939 Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus & Tuolumne Counties Telephone Directory (Images)
1940 Polk's Stockton & Lodi City Directory (PDF Images)
1941 Polk's Stockton City Directory Including Lodi (Donated by Kevin Shawver - Thanks!)
1940-41 Emerson's Lodi City & Rural Directory (Images)
1942 Stockton Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus & Tuolumne Co's Telephone Directory. (Images)
1942-1943 Polk's Stockton City Directory Including Lodi (Donated by Kevin Shawver - Thanks!)
1943 Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus & Tuolumne Counties Telephone Directory (Pdf files)
1945 Stockton Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus & Tuolumne Co's Telephone Directory. (Images)
1947 Stockton, Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus & Tuolumne Counties Telephone Directory (Pdf files)
1948 Stockton, Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus & Tuolumne Counties Telephone Directory (Pdf files)
1949-1950 Polk's Stockton & Lodi City Directory (PDF Images)
1952 Lodi Telephone Directory - Including Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tuolumne Cos. (except Modesto, Stockton & Turlock)
1953-54 Polk's Stockton & Lodi City Directory (Pdf files)
1955 Lodi Telephone Directory - Including Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tuolumne Cos. (except Escalon & Stockton)
1955 Stockton Telephone Directory (Images)
1957 Polk's Stockton City Directory (Donated by Ron Chapman - Thanks!)
1958 Polk's Stockton City Directory (Donated by Kevin Shawver - Thanks!)
1959 Polk's Stockton City Directory (Donated by Ron Chapman - Thanks!)
1960 Polk's Stockton City Directory (Pdf Images)
1965 Linden, Clements & Farmington Telephone Directory (Images)
1966 Polk's Stockton City Directory (Donated by Kevin Shawver - Thanks!)
1967 Polk's Stockton City Directory (Donated by Kevin Shawver - Thanks!)
1968 Polk's Lodi City, San Joaquin Co. Directory - Including: Acampo, Galt, Lockeford, Victor & Woodbridge (Pdf Images)
1976 Polk's Stockton City Directory (Donated by Kevin Shawver - Thanks!)
Educational Institutions
Edison High School, Stockton, CA
1950 Edison High School, Stockton, CA Yearbook - Extracted Students Names & Updated Photos (Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1954 Edison High School Yearbook (Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1957 Edison High School, Stockton CA. Football Press Release (Scanned by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1958 Edison High School Yearbook (Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1959 Edison High School Yearbook (Pdf files)
Escalon High School, Escalon, CA
1924 Extracted Students Names from Escalon Union High School Yearbook (Vern Dander - Thanks!)
Lodi Union High School, Lodi,
1912 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
1914 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images (Randy Reece - Thanks!)
1917 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
1919 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
1920 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images (Includes Alumni List for Years 1898-1919)
1921 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
1925 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images (Includes Alumni Address List for Years 1920-1924)
1926 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
1927 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images (Includes Alumni Address List for Years 1923-1926)
1928 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
1929 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
1930 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
1931 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
1932 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
1935 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
1937 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
1938 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
1955 Lodi Union High School Yearbook - Images
Manteca Union High School, Manteca,
1928 Manteca Union High School Yearbook - Images (Donated by Suzanne Hoyt - Thanks!)
Stockton High School, Stockton, CA
1894 Stockton High School Graduation List from Graduation Program (Donated by Larry Valterza - Thanks!)
1898 Stockton High School Guard & Tackle Newspapers February March April (Donated by Larry Valterza - Thanks!)
1905 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images (Donated by Stewart Barber - Thanks!)
1910 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
Newspaper Graduate List - Transcription (Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1912 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1914 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1915 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1916 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1917 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1918 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1919 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1920 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1921 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1922 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1923 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1924 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1925 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1926 Stockton High School Semi-Annual Yearbook - Images Extracted Students Names (Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1926 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images Extracted Students Names (Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1927 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images (Donated by Amy Haugen - Thank You!)
1928 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images Extracted Students Names (Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1929 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images Extracted Students Names (Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1930 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images Extracted Students Names (Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1931 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images Extracted Students & Faculty Names (Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1932 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1933 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1934 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1935 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1936 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1937 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1938 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images (Donated by Stewart Barber - Thanks!)
1939 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images (Donated by Ron Chapman - Thanks!)
1940 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images (Donated by Ron Chapman - Thanks!)
1940 Stockton High School 40th Class Reunion, Stockton CA. (Donated by Stewart Barber - Thanks!)
1941 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1944 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1945 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1946 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1947 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images (Donated by Stewart Barber - Thanks!)
1948 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images
1949 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images Extracted Students & Faculty Names (Images & Text by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1950 Stockton High School Yearbook - Images (Missing Pages Updated - Howard Jackson & Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1952 Stockton Colts Track Team Educational System Change (Vern Dander - Thanks!)
Elementary Schools
1903 El Dorado Grammar School, 5th Grade Class Photo, Stockton CA. (Vine bet El Dorado & Center....Donated by Judson Rhoads - Thanks!)
El Dorado Grammar School, 5th Grade November 13, 1903. My aunt Ruby Lund is in the white blouse, dark hair, in the upper left-hand corner.
1907 Weber Primary School, 1st Grade B, Class Photo, Stockton CA. (Commerce cor. Flora....Donated by Judson Rhoads - Thanks!)
My grandmother, Grace Lund, is in the 4th row up from the bottom, far left side next to the railing. Grace Lund (m. Judson Rhoads), Stockton High School class of 1919.
1908 Weber Primary School, 1st and 2nd Grades, Class Photo, Stockton CA. (Commerce cor. Flora....Donated by Judson Rhoads - Thanks!)
My grandmother, Grace Lund is in the upper left hand corner with the big bow. Grace's parents were Andrew John Lund and Eva Nevada Pile, sisters Ruby (m. Edries Jones), Bernice (m. Ralph West Hickinbotham), and Doris (m. Clarence R. Gurnsey) . The family farm house stood at 1030 N. San Joaquin. Grace grew up to become a high school English teacher, first in Covelo, CA (where she met my grandfather, Judson Rhoads), and then she taught English and was the senior counselor at Manteca High School from 1941-1966. My father grew up in Manteca. My father worked on his PhD. at UOP (analytical chemistry).
1922 Stockton Middle School Class Photo
1927 McKinley Elementary School Class Photo, Stockton CA. (30 West 9th St., Stockton Unified....Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1932, 1933 & 1935 Weber School Class Photos, Stockton CA. (701 N Madison, Stockton Unified....Donated by Stewart Barber - Thanks!)
My father is in the upper left of the picture in the 1933 Weber School picture....Frank W. Barber III age 13. In the 1935 Weber School photo, my father, Frank W. Barber III, is in the second row, fourth person from left....Frank W. Barber III, age 15.
1939 Gold'n Blue West Park Grammar School Yearbook- Tracy, Cal. (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
1945 McKinley Elementary School 5th Grade Class Photo, Stockton CA. (30 West 9th St., Stockton Unified....Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1948 McKinley Elementary School 8th Grade Class Photo, Stockton CA. (30 West 9th St., Stockton Unified....Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1948 Victory Grammar School Graduates, Stockton CA. (Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1948 Snell's Bungalow Pre-School Class Photo (California Street, Stockton - Donated by Terence Gust - Thanks!)
1949 Woodrow Wilson School, Mrs. Sadie R. Grady's 1st Grade Class Photo (Stockton Unified School District, Superintendent, Andrew P. Hill and Principal, W. P. Hawkinson, 229 E. Mariposa Av. - Donated by Terence Gust - Thanks!)
1950 Madison School 2nd grade with M. Dutton (Stockton Unified School District , Mission Rd. at Michigan Av. - Donated by Terence Gust - Thanks!)
1951 St Agnes School - 3rd Grade thru 8th Grade--Each sister in photo by her class. (620 N. San Joaquin - Donated by Terence Gust - Thanks!)
1949 Snell's Bungalow Pre-School Class Photo (California St, Stockton, CA - Donated by Timothy Gust - Thanks!)
1950 Madison School 1st Grade Class Photo (Stockton Unif. School Dist., Mission Rd. at Michigan Av. - Donated by Timothy Gust - Thanks!)
1952 Madison School 3rd Grade Class Photo (Stockton Unif. School Dist. , Mission Rd. at Michigan Av. - Donated by Timothy Gust - Thanks!)
1953 Madison School 4th Grade Class Photo (Stockton Unif. School Dist., Mission Rd. at Michigan Av. - Donated by Timothy Gust - Thanks!)
1951 Lafayette School Class Photo, Stockton CA. (535 E Church, Stockton Unified....Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1957 Taft Elementary School Class Photo, Stockton CA. (419 Downing Ave., Stockton Unified....Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
George Washington School, Lodi -- Mr. Ralph M. Wetmore, Principal
1961/62 Mrs. Reimche 3rd Grade Class
1963/64 Mr. Kiesz 5th Grade Class
1964 Miss Stafford 6th Grade Class
1923-1924 St Agnes School College Class Photo (620 N. San Joaquin, Stockton - Donated by Patti Sunbury Sarkany - Thanks!)
1949 College of Pacific & Stockton College Yearbook, Stockton CA. (Donated by Ron Chapman - Thanks!)
Stockton College Class Photo 1949 (JPEG)
1951 Stockton College (and High School) El Recuerdo Yearbook (Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1952 Stockton College (and High School) El Recuerdo Yearbook (Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1952 Stockton College (and High School) 12th Grade Graduates List (Donated by Vern Dander & Transcribed by Susan Vomocil - Thanks!)
1953 Stockton College (and High School) El Recuerdo Yearbook (Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1954 Stockton College (and High School) El Recuerdo Yearbook (Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1955 Stockton College (and High School) El Recuerdo Yearbook (Pdf files)
1956 Stockton College (and High School) El Recuerdo Yearbook (Donated by Ron Chapman - Thanks!)
1957 Stockton College (and High School) El Recuerdo Yearbook (Pdf files)
University of California Directory of Graduates 1864 - 1905 (Published by UC Berkeley 1905)
San Jose State Teachers College Graduates 1862-1928 by Estelle Greathead (Transcribed by Jeanne Taylor - Thanks!)
1959 College of the Pacific - Pacific Review & Alumni Issue (Pdf files)
1971 San Joaquin Delta College Graduation Program (Pdf files)
Gold Rush!
Argonauts Of California - Pioneer Assns. & 1849 Passenger Lists (by C. W. Haskins 1890)
Poll List of 1852 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
Stockton & State Asylum 1859 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
History of the Stockton Fire Dept. 1850-1908 (by Sally Kaleta - Thanks!)
A Century of California Post Offices 1848-1954
A Century of California Post Offices 1848-1954 (All Counties) by Walter N. Frickstad (Transcribed by Jeanne Sturgis Taylor - Thanks!)
Central Pacific Railroad Accident Report for 1877
Central Pacific Railroad Accident Report for 1878
1896 San Joaquin County Great Register (Transcribed by Betty Vickroy & Nancy Pratt Melton)
Notaries Public (1886-1909 Elected Office--all counties)
California State Asylum, Stockton 1891 - Employes
California Blue Book - Asylums, 1893 - Employes. (Transcribed by Adrian Welling - Thanks!)
California Blue Book - Asylums, 1895 - Employes. (Transcribed by Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
California Blue Book - Asylums, 1899 - Employes. (Transcribed by Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
California Blue Book - Asylums, 1903 - Employes. (Transcribed by Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
California Blue Book - Asylums, 1907 - Employes. (Transcribed by Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
California Blue Book - Asylums, 1909 - Employes. (Transcribed by Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
1953 Southern Pacific Lines Official Seniority Roster (by Adrian Welling - Thanks!)
National Guard of California - 1871 (Donated by Betty Loose - Thanks!)
California National Guard Report 1891-92 (PDF file - Militia, Officers & Retirement lists)
California Military 1899 (Sally Kaleta - Thanks You!)
Those Who Served from 1919 Stockton High School Yearbook (Transcribed by Jeanne Sturgis Taylor - Thanks!)
Pardons & Commutations - 1871 (Donated by Betty Loose - Thanks!)
Marriage Records On The Pacific Coast-1872 (From Overland Monthly - Including States: NV., OR., MT. & WA.)
Death Records On The Pacific Coast-1872 (From the Overland Monthly - Including States: NV., OR., MT. & WA.)
Birth Notices (by Betty Loose-Thanks!)
Death Notices (by Betty Loose-Thanks!)
Marriages & Divorces (by Betty Loose-Thanks!)
Early California News Articles-Many Counties (by Betty Loose-Thanks!)
1893-94 Stockton Social Register (Transcribed by Susan Vomocil - Thanks!)
Stockton Social Register 1899 (by Sally Kaleta - Thanks!)
San Joaquin Lodge No. 19, Masonic Directory, Stockton, California - 1904
Morning Star Lodge No. 68, Masonic Directory, Stockton, California - 1904
Stockton Chapter No. 28, Masonic Directory, Stockton, California - 1904
Stockton Lodge of Perfection No. 12 & Mystic Shriners, Masonic Directories, Stockton, California - 1904
Stockton Commandery No. 8, Masonic Directory, Stockton, California - 1904
Stockton Council No. 10, Masonic Directory, Stockton, California - 1904
N.S.G.W. Program of Admission Day Celebration Sept. 1912 (by Betty Vickroy - Thanks!)
San Joaquin Lodge No. 19 F & AM, Masonic Directories, Stockton, CA - 1912 (Debbie Petrosky - Thanks!)
Morning Star Lodge No. 68, Masonic Directories, Stockton, CA - 1912 (Debbie Petrosky - Thanks!)
Stockton Council No. 10, Masonic Directories, Stockton, CA - 1912 (Adrian Welling - Thanks!)
Stockton Commandery Knights Templar No. 8, Masonic Directories, Stockton, CA - 1912 (Adrian Welling - Thanks!)
Stockton Chapter No. 28 Royal Arch Masons, Masonic Directories, Stockton, CA - 1912 (Debbie Petrosky - Thanks!)
Stockton Lodge of Perfection, No. 12, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Directories, Stockton, CA - 1912 (Adrian Welling - Thanks!)
Stockton Albert Pike Chapter, No. 9, Masonic Directory, Stockton, CA - 1912 (Adrian Welling - Thanks!)
Homo Chapter, No. 50, Order Eastern Star, Masonic Directory, Stockton, CA - 1912 (Adrian Welling - Thanks!)
W. Frank Piece Council, No. 9, Knights Kadosh, Masonic Directory, Stockton, CA - 1912 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
Mystic Shriners, Masonic Directory, Stockton, CA - 1912 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
San Joaquin Lodge, No. 19, Free and Accepted Masons Directory, Stockton, CA - 1914 (Adrian Welling - Thanks!)
Morning Star Lodge, No. 68, Masonic Directory, Stockton, CA - 1914 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
Stockton Chapter, No. 28, Royal Arch Masons Directory, Stockton, CA - 1914 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
Stockton Council, No. 10, Royal & Select Masters Directory, Stockton, CA - 1914 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
Stockton Commandery, No. 8, Knights Templar Masonic Directory, Stockton, CA - 1914 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
Stockton Lodge of Perfection, No. 12, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Directory, Stockton, CA - 1914 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
Albert Pike Chapter, No. 9, Knights Rose Croix Masonic Directory, Stockton, CA - 1914 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
W. Frank Pierce Council, No. 9, Masonic Directory, Stockton, CA - 1914 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
Homo Chapter,, No. 50 & 51, Masonic Directory, Stockton, CA - 1914 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
Mystic Shriners, Masonic Directory, Stockton, CA - 1914 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
1920 Stockton Masonic Lodges Roster (Transcribed by Sally Kaleta - Thank You!)
1923 Stockton Masonic Lodges Roster (Transcribed by Sally Kaleta - Thank You!)
Stockton Philomathean Club & Aldine Reading Club - 1916 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
San Francisco Blue Book, Lodi, Modesto & Newman Women's Clubs - 1916 (Sharon Robinson - Thanks!)
Yeoman Shield US Death Claims - 1919 (Transcribed by Jeanne Taylor - Thanks!)
Who's Who Among The Women of California - 1922 (Images - 60,000 names)
Who's Who Among The Women of California - 1922 (Text - 60,000 names)
Native Sons of the Golden West - Deaths (1885-1940 Some years missing.)
State Agricultural Society (Organizers of the State Fair)
1928 Directory of the California Medical Association (Transcribed by Jeanne Sturgis Taylor - Thanks!)
1939 Fiftieth Annual Session of the Grand Court of California Foresters of America
1940 Fifty-first Annual Session of the Grand Court of California Foresters of America
1945 Delta Lodge No. 471, F & A. M., Stockton Yearbook (Transcribed by Jeanne Sturgis Taylor - Thanks!)
American Association of University Women Yearbook 1957-1958 (Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1963 Jesters Club's 9th Annual Athlete Awards
Index (Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
1968-1969 MYF Roster - First Methodist Church, Lodi (Pdf files)
Photo Album & Maps
Stockton Street Map 1892 North Stockton Street Map 1892 South
Stockton Illustrated 1894 (Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
Stockton Flood - Image (Vern Dander - Thanks!)
Election Precincts Map of San Joaquin Co. 1896
San Joaquin County Map 1914
North 1 North 2 North 3
Center 1 Center 2
Center 3
South 1 South 2 South 3
San Joaquin County Map 1911 - PDF (from California Blue Book 1911)
Lodi Street Map 1925 (From the 1925 Stockton City Directory)
Holt Brother Band in San Francisco ca. 1915 (Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
Frank Barber, Jr. Photos, from Stockton CA. (Donated by Stewart Barber - Thanks!)
Photo #1: Frank Barber Jr Red Cross man at Coldburg shipyard March 1943, Stockton California
Photo #2: The reason this photo of an ambulance company in Hawaii during WWI is so important is, they were all from San Joaquin Valley and their names are on the back.
Photo #3. (Left to Right) Frank Canbell of Fresno, Lester Bates of Fresno, George Harrison of Hanford, Frank Ball of Hanford, Wm Leaseur of Lemoore, Lowell Verble of Fresno, Thomas Collins of Dinuba, David Horn of Grangeville, Eddie Forbes of Fresno, George Wear of Fresno...Bottom Row: Chester Fry of Taft, Norman Eichelberger of Stockton, Otto Gribi of Hanford, Albert McAllister of Tulare, Delbert E. Moore of Earlimart, Frank Barber of Stockton, Wylie Kilpatric of Modesto, Fred Hayes of Stockton, David Brown of Lodi....Not in picture: Lester Cotrell of Bellota and Fredie Gates of Linden.
Photo #4: Jack Dequesne, Frank Barber Jr, Bud Horn, John Newell, wagon 4 and 5 Stockton Fire Department.
Stockton Radio Station KJQ History - Photo 1 Photo 2 (Donated by Glen Pitts of - Thanks!)
Nearly a century ago, KJQ became America's 22nd radio station and was licensed to Stockton, California. On December 20, 1921, Clarence O. Gould was the license holder for the radio station and also operated "Gould, The Light Store", both occupying space at 615 East Main Street, telephone #383. Gould sold radio sets, appliances, electric fixtures and gas/gasoline lights. KJQ operated on an assigned frequency of 833KC with an output power of 100 watts and could be heard from a distance of 75-100 miles. During its final months of operation, the station was reassigned to a frequency of 1100KC. Station manager and on air personality, D. W. Horstmeyer, aired news and music each week day from 5:00-5:30 PM, music on Wednesday and Sunday from 10:00-11:00 AM and church services on Sunday. Popular music genres during this era were orchestral, dance orchestra, popular instrumental and jazz. In April of 1925, KJQ's license was deleted from the roster of radio stations, with its successor, KWG remaining on the air to this date.
Port of Stockton 1936
1948 Stockton Boy Scout Troop 4 based at McKinley Grammar School. (Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
Central California Traction Company (CCT). (The CA Traction RR photo is of cars 206 (left) and 207 (right) of the Central California Traction Company (CCT) as they cross the Mokelumne River. The cars are 1910 Holman 45 SD, RR Roof types. More info about the CCT can be found at various websites. Donated by Vern Dander - Thanks!)
© 2007-2023 Nancy Pratt Melton