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California County's News 1905a
California County's News 1905b
California County's News 1905c
California County's News 1905d
California County's News 1905e





The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Tuesday, October 10, 1905

Page 6



Ingenious Arrangement of Bandits to Note Approach of Stage

REDDING (Shasta Co.), October 10 - Nine shots in all were fired yesterday morning by the unmasked robber who now is thought to have had a confederate in hiding, who attempted to hold up the Redding and De La Mar stage a mile this side of Bear Valley Station, as told in The Bee of yesterday.

  They were all fired at Express Messenger Dan N. HASKELL. Two of the bullets hit him - one entering his abdomen and passing out at the groin, the other striking him in the left foot. Two pierced his clothing but inflicted no wound. Three bullets made holes in the mail sacks. One struck Haskell’s pistol, which hung over his left hip and swung from a holster attached to his belt. Strangest of all, this bullet shattered the chamber of the revolver and rendered it entirely useless. Express Messenger Haskell got in only one shot at the bandit and that was fired from his shotgun, which he carried on his lap.

  Haskell was the only passenger in the three-seated stage coach, Ed DURFOR occupying the driver’s seat alone.

  “Whoa!” was the only word of warning shouted by the lone highway man, who at a distance of more than eighty yards from the stage, peered out from behind a shield made of boards. Two shots in rapid succession from the bandit were fire at those in the stage. Express Messenger Haskell returned the fire. He shot but once, however, having been wounded in the abdomen by one of the first shots from the robber.

 One of the stage horses took fright at the first shot and started to run and Durfor sawed at the lines trying to control the team.

  “Let them run!” cried Haskell. “Let us get out of this.” Durfor plied the whip unmercifully. The load in the stage was light and the horses galloped up the hill. Seven shots were fired by the robber as the stage rolled away. Messenger Haskell, wounded, could not return the fire. One shot was all he pumped at the highwaymen.

  Arriving at Bear Valley Station, Haskell’s first and only thought was of the treasure he was guarding. He directed Durfor to employ two men from among the bystanders, provide them with arms and proceed to De La Mar with the express. This was done and Durfor arrived at his destination only twenty minutes late. Haskell was removed from the stage and placed on a cot in the station. A courier was sent to Pit River bridge, as told in yesterday’s Bee, to notify the Sheriff at Redding and call a doctor.

  Mrs. Haskell, accompanied by Dr. S. T. WHITE and G.R. DUNN, Wells-Fargo’s agent, arrived at Bear Valley ahead of the officers. On examination the wounds of the messenger were found not to be as serious as the first excited reports had indicated. The bullet that struck him in the abdomen had made a glancing stroke, cutting through the peritoneum but not severing the intestines. This wound is considered less serious than that in the left foot, the bones of which were shattered.

  The sufferer was deemed well enough to be taken to Redding in the surrey. He sat up all the way on the eighteen-mile drive over a rough road, bearing his pain with great fortitude. Arriving at home at 8 p.m., after four hours spent in travel, he went to bed and dropped off at once into a restful sleep. No serious consequences are anticipated, though his complete recovery will be tedious. This morning Haskell is not quite so well.  He had a chill last night and his stomach is bad, but the doctors are not alarmed.

  Daniel N. Haskell is a fearless man. He has been Wells-Fargo’s shotgun messenger for twenty years, and in all that time has never been in a single hold-up, although he has always expected to be caught sooner or later. Most of his runs have been made over the route to Weaverville, although he has been making the trip regularly once a month to De La Mar. He has frequently said that he felt a great relief when he came safely to the end of his run. For twenty years he has been watching and expecting just such an event as that of yesterday. The promptness with which he fired his first and only shot shows that he was prepared for the emergency. He would have fired more shots had it not been that his wounds disabled him and the running horse carried him out of range. Years ago Haskell was Chief of Police in San Jose and for years was an Under Sheriff in Santa Clara County.

  Ed Durfor, the driver, displayed courage of no mean order. His whipping up the horses under a hot fire showed that he was prepared for the emergency that he had never before been called upon to face in his twenty-five years of stage driving.

  Durfor is able to describe the highwayman, although the bandit stood fairly eighty yards from the roadside. He wore no mask. He was heavy set and of short stature. He had a moustache and was dressed in a brown suit. The hat was low-crowned, broad-brimmed and grey. He wore a shirt that was green, judging by the part visible in the vest opening.

  It is evident from the talks with the officers this morning that they entertain strong suspicions as to the identity of the robber, if not as to that of his confederate, but beyond hinting that local men attempted the hold-up they will not commit themselves.

  Investigation shows that the bandit who did the shooting stood in the center of a circular strip of road at a point which prevented him from seeing the stage until it was fairly close to him. But running across the circle was a strong piece of string, and the presumption is that at the far end of it stood a confederate who warned the bandit of the coach’s approach, and, also, doubtless was able by the use of prearranged signals to tell his companion as to the number of people in the vehicle and perhaps give other information.

  The distance at which the bandit who did the shooting stood from the stage is considered remarkable by the officers and convinces them that the hold-up had been well planned. In addition to being practically out of range, the highwayman was protected by a shield made of barrel staves. Evidently neither he nor his partner in crime were inclined to expose their bodies to harm.

  Captain John THACKER, of the Wells-Fargo service, arrived here this morning.



With Clothing Aflame, She Seeks to Escape From Burning House, But Falls Into a Well and Perishes

NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), October 10 - Old “Aunt Caroline” ALLEN, a colored woman who was a local character, and who declared that she was born on January 1, 1800, met with a shocking death about 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon.

  People living in the neighborhood saw smoke about 4 o’clock, but thought it was burning brush. W.H. DUNLON, one of the proprietors of the Lecompton Mine, who was returning from Willow Valley, was the first to see that the fire was in Mrs. Allen’s house. He turned in the alarm. As over 1000 feet of hose had to be used, it was sometime before the Department could get to work, but it prevented the spread of the flames to the surrounding property.

  It was believed for awhile that the blind centenarian had met death in the house, but a son of Superior Judge NILON found the body in a well at the end of the porch. The skin was burned to a crisp. It is believed the old woman’s dress caught from the fire and that, sightless and helpless, after trying to put it out, she jumped into the well.



Now Said Selby’s Detective Shot Animals

Glen Cove Farmers Charge Company Was Afraid to Permit Test to Run to a Finish

BENICIA (Solano Co.), October 10 - A rancher from the Glen Cove district stated yesterday that the third horse of the Selby Company did not die a natural death, as was supposed, but that the detective of the Company shot the animal Friday afternoon and then sent for the veterinarians, that the post mortem examination might be made. Upon their arrival the fourth horse was also killed and portions of the body taken for analysis. What the veterinary surgeons did not want was thrown into the bay presumably to keep the farmers from making any examinations.

  The charge that the Company did not permit the horses to die from the fumes but shot them to give the matter a different aspect is regarded here as a strong piece of proof, if true, that the heads of the concern realized that it was the fumes that killed the first two of the animals and they did not wish to have the others die from the same cause. The farmers were indignant when told that the animals had been shot and denounced the killing as a cowardly piece of work.

  The smelter people were afraid to give the test an outcome,” said Attorney BILLINGS, yesterday, “for they knew what proof it would be. They gained nothing, however, by their work Friday, as this will be considered, I think, a strong point in our favor. We have been duped all along in my opinion. They have not treated us fairly, and have not kept their promises. No Court in the State would uphold them, I believe, were the truth brought to light.”



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 10 - Referee BELCHER, of the Bankruptcy Court, has made orders in three new cases, as follows:

 In the matter of Geo. PHILLIPS, of Magalia, Butte County, a bankrupt, R.R. RAISH was appointed Trustee at the first meeting of the creditors. Phillips says his liabilities are $975 and his assets, which he claims are all exempt from execution, he values at $1955.

  In the case of S.R. HALL, of Quincy, Plumas County, whose liabilities are $4319.47 and assets $2067.50, Harold CORNFORTH, of this city, has been named by the Court to act as Trustee.

  J.M. MORRISSEY, of this city, has been appointed Trustee of the affairs of James H. MULLIN, of Montague, Siskiyou County. Mullin’s assets are placed at $878.50 and his liabilities at $1700.


            BIG BLAST SET OFF

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), October 10 - The largest blast of powder ever exploded in this section was set off in the Spring Valley Mine, at Cherokee, on Sunday afternoon, when 22,000 pounds of Judson powder were exploded in a bank 400 feet high. The blast cost $6000 and was a great excess in every way. There was no loud report, but several hundred thousand cubic yards of earth was loosened. People drove over to Cherokee from all the surrounding country to witness the unusual sight.



Lively Fight In Vallejo Late Last Night

Tough Character Who Followed Sailor Attacks His Protector and Resists Officers

VALLEJO (Solano Co.), October 10 - Edward PACKARD, a tough local character, and just out of jail, is again in custody this time on a very serious charge.

  Shortly after 10 o’clock last night a sailor complained to Herbert WARREN, a barkeeper, that Packard was following him about in a suspicious manner and that he feared he would be robbed of his money - having just been paid off - if he attempts to return to his ship alone.

  Warren promptly consented to accompany the sailor to the wharf, but the pair had not preceded far before they saw Packard hiding in a dark hallway. Warren went up to him and asked him what he meant by following the sailor, but no sooner had the question been put than Packard, it is alleged, drew a razor and made at Warren.

  The latter threw up his arm to ward off the blow and received an ugly cut across his fingers. He then closed with is assailant and a lively fight ensued, he finally knocking Packard down. About this time two officers appeared and they at once tackled Packard, but the fellow resisted and only was subdued after a fierce struggle. He was taken to jail and will have to stand trial on one or more serious charges.


            BUYS DEPOT SITE

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), October 10 - Major A.F. JONES, who has been negotiating for a site for a depot for the Northern Electric Railroad, has succeeded in purchasing the site desired. The building will be located about two blocks from the Southern Pacific depot, between Myers and Huntoon Streets, and less than a block from the Court House.


            DR. BEAMER WEDS

VACAVILLE (Solano Co.), October 10 - At San Francisco yesterday, in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Miss Frances GLASS, of that city, became the wife of Dr. R.F. Beamer, of this town. Dr. REILLY performed the ceremony, which was witnessed by relatives only. After a trip to Southern California, Dr. and Mrs. Beamer will take up their residence here.



WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), October 10 - Mrs. Ida GRIESBACH sprung a sensation in Court here yesterday when she took the stand and swore that one “John MILLER,” named as co-respondent in the divorce suit of Lillie V. FRIEL vs. Jerry W. FRIEL, was her husband and that his name was not “Miller,” but “Griesbach.”

  Mrs. Friel some time ago applied for a divorce on the ground of cruelty and Friel countered by asking for a divorce on the ground of adultery, alleging that his wife was unduly intimate with “Miller.” To the satisfaction of the Court at that time it was shown that “Miller” was a half-brother of Mrs. Friel, and she was granted a divorce.

  Since then Friel has sought to obtain the children, and it was during a hearing in this matter that Mrs. Greisbach yesterday gave her sensational testimony. Just what the outcome will be no one can predict. Judge GADDIS has taken the matter of the children’s custody under advisement.


            ELECT OFFICERS

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 10 - The Sunday-school Board of the local Methodist Church has elected officers as follows: Superintendent, Fred REIMER; Assistant Superintendent and Treasurer, Mrs. Margaret POWELL; Secretary, Henry BELDIN; Assistant Secretary Franes ENGEL; Librarian, Genevieve GARVEY; Assistant Librarian, Charles G. SHELDON; Pianist, Winnie LAUMEISTER; Assistant Pianist, Genevieve GARVEY.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Wednesday, October 11, 1905

Page 6


            WAS VERY NEAR 100 YEARS OLD

Strange Career of Aged Colored Woman Who Was burned To Death At Her Nevada City Home

NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), October 11 - The inquest of the death of “Aunt Caroline” ALLEN, the aged and blind colored woman who was burned to death on Monday afternoon, determined that the old woman must have set fire to her dress at the stove, that she then went out on the porch of the house and called for help and that she burned to a crisp there, the body falling into the well.

  She was the last of the forty-niners to live in Nevada City, having come here in 1849 with her husband, John ALLEN, who kept a restaurant. No one believes that she was 105 years of age, as she claimed, but a son, aged 78 years, survives her, living in Kansas, so she must have been nearly 100 years. She was regarded as an old woman when she first came to California. She was the nurse of the late George E. HADLEY in Missouri, and Hadley, who is now dead, came to this State in 1849 a grown man at that time.

  The funeral of the aged woman will be held to-morrow afternoon.

  William HORRELL, an old prospector, looked after the wants of “Aunt Caroline.” The shock of learning of her horrible death sent him out of his head for awhile, and he was sent to the County Hospital, but recovered sufficiently to testify at the inquest.



TRUCKEE (Nevada Co.), October 11 - Charles C. GARRISON, of this place, has received a patent for his new novel nut-lock, a device that will permit a nut to be screwed on a bolt but not unscrewed except by using the tool itself. His patent consists of a pawl, or dog, and a spring that protrudes through the hole in the nut which screws onto the bolt. This little catch is shaped to fit into a groove extended the entire length of the threaded portion, cut the same depth as the threads, on two sides of the bolt. The nut can be screwed on the same as an ordinary one, but to release it the spring must be pressed in. The improved nut is not weakened by the spring and dog which is imbedded in the nut, as it is made heavier. The pawl prevents the nut from working loose. Garrison’s invention, it is said, will work a revolution over the old-style nuts and bolts. It can be manufactured at a very little advance in cost over those now in use.


            NEW TEACHER

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), October 11 - At a meeting of the City Board of Education held last night, Mrs. Ida HOPKINS was elected as regular instructor in the kindergarten department, vice Miss Emma HART, who resigned.



Notwithstanding Denial of Criminal Elopement With Woman He Quits City Early This Morning

NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), October 11 - The Church people of this town and Grass Valley were considerably excited last night over the appearance in a San Francisco paper of yesterday morning of a story that Carl E. KIEFER, a music teacher, had eloped from Abilene, Kansas, with a Miss Charlotte BIRCH. The couple referred to are prominent in Church and musical circles in Grass Valley, spending much of their time here also. They came from Napa to Nevada City and Grass Valley and lived for a while in Sacramento and Santa Rosa before going to Napa. Kiefer organized a choral society in Sacramento.

  The story from Abilene was that Kiefer had deserted a wife and five children there.

  Kiefer took the San Francisco paper’s story quite cooly last light when it got here, and said that it was true he had lived in Abilene, but the rest of the account was not correct. He says he secured a divorce from his wife, and that she is wealthy, while he is not. He procured his divorce in Idaho and married Miss Birch there. He says that he has sent for some documents that will prove the truth of what he says.

  But despite Kiefer’s statement, last night he and the woman he claims as his wife left Grass Valley this morning at an early hour, telling conflicting stories as to the reason of their departure. About 4 o’clock he aroused his landlady to tell her that he and his wife were going to San Francisco on the morning train to consult a lawyer, but that they expected to be back Friday. Nevertheless they took with them all of their belongings, saying they would let the landlady know if they decided not to return. But to James TYRRELL, whom they met, they said they were going out of town for the day only and would be back this evening. Other circumstances give their departure the appearance of a flight, and it is not believed here that they will ever return.

  The couple have been quite popular since their arrival four weeks ago, and are engaged in drilling the Methodist choir of this city and the Episcopal Church choir of Grass Valley. They have also given a public concert that was well attended.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba CO.), October 11 - The vacancy which existed in the office of President of the Woman’s Civic Improvement Club of this city, on account of the decision of Mrs. M.T. BRITTAN not to serve another term, was filled last evening at a special meeting held at the residence of Mrs. J.R. GARRETT.

  The unanimous choice of the Club was Mrs. P.J. FLANNERY, who, as a member of several working Committees, has proven herself well adapted for the place. Mrs. Garrett was elected Vice-President, the office made vacant by the promotion of Mrs. Flannery to first place.

  Mrs. W.F. SPERRY and Mrs. W.T. ELLIS, Jr., were named as a Committee to confer with the Chamber of Commerce to secure photographs of Ellis Lake for use by a San Francisco woman who is preparing an article on the work of Improvement Clubs of California, and who is particularly interested in the outcome of the plans which the Marysville women have laid out for the beautifying of the lake in the center of this city.

 Mrs. G.H. BAIRD having resigned as a member of the Executive Committee, Mrs. BRITTAN, ex-President, was chosen in her stead.

  The members in charge of the sale of the club’s new cook book reported that the demand for the first edition is beyond their most sanguine expectations.

  Before adjourning the club decided to give a grand ball on New Year’s Eve in aid of their fund.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 11 - Through letters received form a Mrs. Sarah A. FIELDS, of Worthville, N.C., the authorities are convinced that V.L. LOWDEN, who secured a license in this city March 30th last to wed Miss Dora OLVEY, is guilty of bigamy. The couple were married by Justice of the peace MORRISSEY.

  After leaving here Fields gained an unsavory reputation by forging the name of George C. BURNIGHT, a carpenter, for whom he had worked while here, to two checks aggregating $60 at Woodland.

  The wife who was deserted in South Carolina writes that she had four children to support. She is anxious to know if Lowden will be punished for the forgery.



Wells-Fargo Messenger Who Risked Life to Save Treasure In His Keeping Dies When Hope Was High

REDDING (Shasta Co.), October 11 - Dan. N. HASKELL, the wounded express messenger, died last evening at 7:45 o’clock. The death was wholly unexpected by the family, the attending physicians and the community. Everybody understood that his wounds, though serious, were not likely to terminate fatally. His shattered foot caused him great pain through the day, but the wound in the abdomen, which really brought about his death, caused no great concern on the part of the physicians, who were really giving more attention to the foot and discussed the probabilities of amputation being ultimately necessary.

  Haskell himself was in cheerful spirits, and that was a good sign of itself. He chatted pleasantly with the friends who were permitted to call upon him and discussed the various phases of the attempted hold-up and the pursuit of the robbers.

  He had had vomiting spells during the day. They were thought to be due solely to the abdominal wound and the sickness following the administration of morphine to allay the pain in the foot. The wound itself was not deemed even serious.

  But at 7:45 the man was seized by a sinking spell and within less than a minute from the first noticed of the sinking spell, he had breathed his last. Not a word of complaint had escaped his lips. Not a thought had he that his life was in great danger.

  The news of his death caused a great shock to the community. Haskell was universally esteemed as a man. He had not a known enemy in Redding, where he had been in Wells-Fargo’s employ for a quarter of a century. It is well for the stage robber that he has not been captured. Were he now behind the bars in the County Jail there would be no protection for him from a mob that would storm the prison and hand him. Redding people did the like of that once before and under just such circumstances as these.

  Haskell was a native of Ohio and aged 59 years. He was a veteran of the Civil War and a member of the Workmen. He is survived by Mrs. Haskell. There are no children. Six years ago, an only son, William Haskell, a locomotive engineer, was killed in an accident on the Iron Mountain railroad at Keswick.

  The Coroner is conducting an inquest. The jury was summoned last night and the jurors examined the wounds. Arrangements for the burial and funeral have not been completed this morning.

  Sheriff RICHARDSON returned from the front last night, leaving a number of deputies and Detective THACKER, of the Wells-Fargo Company, at the front.

  This morning a number of officers left for Ingot, fourteen miles from the scene of the hold-up, to look for the man who shot Haskell, acting on a description given by the stage driver, who, as stated in yesterday’s Bee, thinks the bandit is a resident of Ingot and that he knows him. The suspected party’s name has not been divulged. If the driver’s theory is correct, it is not likely the officers will find the man at Ingot, since, knowing the suspicion against him, it is not likely he would remain at home to be caught.



Driver Whittier Arrives In Oroville With Burned And Blistered Hands and Face And Singed Hair

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), October 11 - Mel WHITTIER, the Mooretown stage driver, with two passengers aboard his stage, had the most thrilling ride of his life yesterday - one which he would not care to take again under any circumstances.

  The forest fires that have been sweeping over the Mooretown, Enterprise and Hurleton regions have devastated an area of forty miles square and are still burning fiercely. When he left Mooretown yesterday there was some doubt in his mind as to whether he could come through the burning district, but he finally decided to get the United States mail through, if possible. Two mining men and a Chinaman were his passengers. At Enterprise he was informed the worst part of his trip was to come and the Chinaman declared he would go no farther. The two mining men, however, decided to take the risk with him.

  After reaching the top of Stringtown Hill the flames were sweeping each side of the road, the dense undergrowth burning furiously. For several miles Whittier realized it would be a race for life, but if no trees had fallen across the road there was a chance, one in a hundred, of getting through unharmed. As it was, he could not turn back; he was surrounded by flames in every direction.

  Pluckily he lashed his horses and started on his perilous drive through the burning district. Several times his horses stumbled, nearly overcome by the intense heat and the flames were so close in places that the hair on the back of his head was singed close to the scalp. Whittier stuck to the reins, however, and guided his faithful animals along the flame-swept road without serious mishap.

  When he arrived in Oroville last evening, as evidence of the perilous drive, it was seen that his hands were badly burned and blistered and that the skin had peeled from his face and ears from the extreme heat. The blinds being down protected his two passengers to some extent, although they suffered greatly from the heat.



OROVILLE (Butte Co.), October 11 - The fire that has been raging in the mountains above here since Sunday is still sweeping over the country and an immense amount of damage has been inflicted upon settlers.

  Residences, barns and fences have been burned, and it is estimated that fully twenty head of horses have been destroyed. On the South Fork of the Feather River, below Enterprise, the residence of John HERRIN, with all its contents, was devoured by the flames while he was away assisting a neighbor to save his home.

  Thousands of dollars worth of damage has already been caused, through the loss of personal property, outside the immense amount of timber destroyed.



The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Wednesday, October 11, 1905

Page 12


            KILLED BY TRAIN

BIGGS (Butte Co.), October 11 - An unidentified tramp was run over and killed by a train here early this morning. The man was stealing a ride on the southbound Oregon and fell under the wheels of the car. The body was left at Biggs.



SAN FRANCISCO, October 11 - The Scott Valley Railway Company filed articles of incorporation in the County Clerk’s office yesterday. It is proposed to build the new road from Yreka, Siskiyou County, to a point on the Pacific Coast, either in Del Norte or Humboldt County.

  Another line will be run from Yreka to the Southern Pacific Railroad at Montague.

  The entire length of the trackage is to be 150 miles.

  The Directors are Charles E. LOSS, Henry F. WELL, and John A. MANLY, all of San Francisco, who have each subscribed $50,000 of the capital stock, fixed at $1,500,000.



REDDING (Shasta Co.), October 11 - What was supposed to be an important clew to the identity of the slayer of Express Messenger HASKELL was to-day shown to be without foundation. Driver DURFOR thought he recognized the robber as George CODY, a teamster, who left De La Mar on Sunday with a gun. Cody returned to De La Mar this morning and proved an alibi. He has been hunting up Squaw Creek in the opposite direction from the scene of the crime. Detective THACKER and Under Sheriff BEHRENS are now working on another clew.


            CHOKED TO DEATH

CAYTON (Shasta Co.), October 11 - Edward BOSWORTH, aged 80, died here Monday night of suffocation following erysipelas of the throat. Mrs. George STICKNEY, of Elk Grove, Sacramento County, is a daughter of the deceased.


            BRAKEMAN HURT

IGERNA (Siskiyou Co.), October 11 - J.S. MATHIS, a brakeman running between Dunsmuir and Weed, while making a coupling here this morning, slipped and fell partly under the car wheels. One foot was badly crushed and his back injured. He will be taken to the hospital at Sacramento.



YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), October 11 - The Scott Valley stage that runs between Etna Mills and Yreka upset yesterday and three San Francisco traveling men had narrow escapes from death. S.S. FELLOWS, representing a liquor house, had his shoulder dislocated; Gus MORSE, with the California Toy and Novelty Company, suffered some severe contusions, and M.E. FRANK, a boot and shoe man, was badly bruised.

  After the stage had started down Oregon Mountain and had passed the famous hold-up rock, the driver, F.H. YOUNG, turned out to let a twelve-mule team pass. When the road was clear Young started to pull his team into the road. Striking a rock the coach began to slide, and, reaching the edge of the grade, it turned completely over.

  As luck would have it, all the passengers were outside, the baggage being stored inside. This weighted the coach down so that it did not turn over a second time. If it had it would have crushed the three men, as they were thrown directly in front of the overturned wagon.



YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), October 11 - The Supreme Court has reversed the decision of the Superior Court of this county in the suit of J. CHURCHILL vs. J.F. RUSSELL and Meta A. RUSSELL, to restrain them from diverting the waters of Gutte Creek. The lower Court found for the defendants, but the higher finds that when Churchill purchased the Charles A. BOYES ranch, with the water rights appertaining, he acted in good faith, having no knowledge of the claim of the Russells, which was and is not of record, all legal title, therefore, resting in him. The judgement is reversed and the cause remanded for a new trial.



NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), October 11 - The Methodist Church of this place has adopted an unique rule which forbids appeals from the pulpit for money. An order has been issued to this effect, and copies of it have been distributed among the congregation.

  It is needless to say that the departure meets with great favor. Even men who have no intention of giving dislike to sit still before a church full of people when appeals for financial aid are made. It is hoped the attendance at Sunday meetings will largely increase from now on.



VALLEJO (Solano Co.), October 11 - Commander BARTLETT gave important testimony in the case of Commander YOUNG, of the Bennington, to-day, when he testified. His opinion was that the safety valve of boiler B of the Bennington was not defective, but that the defect lay in the pipes leading from the same. After his testimony the Board adjourned to the Bennington to hold court there, so that the witnesses could better explain their testimony.


            EASTON MUST HANG

SUISUN (Solano Co.), October 11 - The Supreme Court has decided that George EASTON, who killed Charles HORIGAN at Dixon about a year ago, must hang. At his trial Easton’s defense was that he was insane from the excessive use of cocaine when the crime was committed. He was sentenced to be hanged on March 23d at Folsom, but the execution was stayed by the appeal of the case to the Supreme Court. That tribunal has affirmed the proceedings of the lower Court, and Easton will soon be brought back for sentence again.


            PIONEER DEAD

SUISUN (Solano Co.), October 11 - Joel W. PRICE, a pioneer of this vicinity, and one of the oldest residents of the county, died here last night at the age of 87 years. The deceased had been failing rapidly in health for some time. He was an Odd Fellow, and became a member of the Order in Maryland, his native State, more than fifty years ago. He had no relatives in this State, but it is said a son survives him in the East.



GARDNERVILLE (Nev.), October 11 - Roy CHICHESTER, aged 15 years, was fatally shot at his home in Antelope Valley, sixty miles from this town, Tuesday morning. He was driven the entire distance to Gardnerville, and from here was taken by train to Reno for treatment. An operation was performed there last evening, but without beneficial results. The ball passed through the stomach of the lad, and the wound is fatal. With his brother Frank, Chichester was shooting at mud hens with a revolver. His brother handed the revolver to him, and as he took it his hand touched the trigger and it exploded. They are the sons of a prominent rancher.



RENO (Nev.), October 11 - Governor John SPARKS, Frank WILDES and John MULLEN have left for Honey Lake, California, where they will join in a large party of bear hunters, headed by E.C. BROWN, of Honey Lake, for a week’s sport in Grizzly Valley. Brown takes his pack of thirty-five dogs with him.


            NEW HEALTH BOARD

CARSON (Nev.), October 11 - Governor SPARKS has appointed the following physicians on the State Health Board for next year: S.L. LEE, Carson; S.C. GIBSON, Reno; and W.L. BERRY, Carson. Dr. Berry takes the place of Dr. SAMUELS of Winnemucca, who retires. The Board will meet at an early date and organize.


            ACCUSES FATHER

HAWTHORNE (Nev.), October 11 - Harry OSUNA, a young Mexican, is under arrest, charged with having criminally assaulted his step-daughter, Hilda AVERIOLI, aged 14 years, who says her unnatural parent committed the crime while her mother was visiting in San Francisco.



Grand Chapter Considers Important Matters

  At to-day’s session of the Grand Chapter Adoptive Rite, Order of Eastern Star (colored), the principal business was the discussion on the proposition of establishing a beneficiary department. The suggestion was favored by many, and was finally submitted to a Committee, which will prepare a report. The Committee is composed of the following members: Rev. J. Gordon McPHERSON, Chairman; Mrs. M.F. JOHNSTON, of Redding; Thomas SMITH, of Marysville, Mrs. J.E. HAWKINS, of Seattle; Mrs. W.A. YOUNG, of Oakland; Mrs. A.B. DAVIS, of Marysville, and Francis TYRRELL, of San Francisco.

  It is understood that the Committee will report favorably.

  Grand Royal Patron Dr. R.J. FLETCHER, of Sacramento, read an exhaustive report of the work of the Order, and recommended the establishment of the beneficial department.

  Interesting addresses were also read by Grand Royal Matron Mrs. M.F. JOHNSTON and Mrs. J.E. HAWKINS.

  The principal business at to-morrow’s session will be the selection of the Grand officers and the choosing of the place for next year’s meeting.



Reception To Be Given At The Art Gallery

 The High Court of the Independent Order of Foresters will assemble in this city next week and will hold sessions at the State Capitol.

  A reception will be given in honor of Dr. ORONHYATEKHA, Supreme Chief Ranger, at the Crocker Art Gallery, next Tuesday evening. An address of welcome will be delivered by mayor HASSETT and a fine musical and literary program has been prepared.

  There are three Courts of the Independent Foresters in Sacramento and they have appointed Committees for next Tuesday night’s reception, as follows:

  Court Sutter - J.H. HUGHES, E.L. DUNDAS, A. DUNBAR, D.J. DAVIS.


  Companion Court Sacramento - Mrs. E.L. DUNDAS, Mrs. A.B. HALEY, Mrs. J.H. HUGHES, Miss A.L. NEWTON.



  J.H. ATKINS, one of the best-known citizens of this county, died last Saturday night at his late residence in Sheldon, after an illness of several months’ duration.

  Mr. Atkins was born in Joliet, Ill, in 1836, and came to California in 1852. He leaves a wife and seven children - Louis ATKINS, of Oakland; William ATKINS, of Clarksburg; George ATKINS, of this city; Frank W. ATKINS, of Berkeley; Mrs. J.B. FOSTER, Mrs. Edwin KELLOGG and Julia A. ATKINS.

(Rest of article cut off)


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Thursday, October 12, 1905

Page 5




A Man Induced to Come All the Way From Australia by a Man and Woman, Who Tried to Kill Him for His Money

BERKELEY, October 12 - A daring plot to lure an Australian sporting man, William E. ELLIS, to a quiet house in Berkeley and there murder and rob him of $1000 in English currency which he had on his person, was partially carried out yesterday afternoon by a man and woman whom the police believe to be desperate crooks. They had persuaded Ellis to come with them to America and race horses here.

  Yesterday they brought Ellis from a hotel in Oakland to a cottage at 2214 Ellsworth Street, a stone’s throw from the University of California, bade him sit down to luncheon, then crushed his skull in with a hammer. The woman fired two shots at him as he lay prostrate. The crooks rifled his pockets of an amount equal nearly to $5000 in American money, then, leaving their victim for dead, hurriedly left the house and made their escape. Ellis regained consciousness and staggered to the California Stables, two blocks away on Allison Street, and from there was carried to Roosevelt Hospital, where the doctors found he had a fractured skull. He is in a precarious condition.

  Ellis’ home is at 225 Crown Street, Sydney Australia, where his wife and three children reside. He is a prominent horseman and met his assailants there during the last racing season. They represented themselves to be a Mr. and Mrs. W. CURTIS, but assumed the name of BRUSH in this country. Curtis claimed to be a wealthy racehorse man owning big stables here. He offered Ellis the position of manager of his stables and induced him to sail with them on the steamer Sierra, which arrived in San Francisco one week ago.

  Curtis and the woman came to Berkeley and rented a furnished cottage on Ellsworth Street, from a local agent. Ellis took apartments at a hotel in Oakland. The couple had evidently made all preparations to carry out a fiendish crime.

  A bowie knife, stiletto, pistol, butcher knife, bottle of poisonous acid and a pair of rubber gloves were found hidden under the bed covers adjoining the dining-room where the assault took place. The carpet nailed to the dining-room floor was ripped up and a large piece of thin oilcloth was put down instead, evidently for the purpose of avoiding blood stains on the carpet.

  Ellis’ skull was fractured by a blow from a hammer wielded by Curtis, who appeared from behind while the guest was seated at the lunch table. Ellis held up his hand to ward off a second blow and received the weapon on the wrist, which was badly bruised. The injured man says he saw the woman standing with a revolver, and that she fired two shots at him.

  Curtis tore the coat from Ellis and found a roll of notes to the amount of a thousand pounds in Ellis’ hip pocket. In their haste the robbers overlooked $513.35 in American money in other pockets.

  That Curtis and the woman made a hasty escape is shown by the fact that they left a complete wardrobe of the most costly clothing behind, including the contents of two large steamer trunks, two suit cases, hand satchel and two small trunks. In all this clothing and personal effects there was not a single photograph or mark that will lead to the real identification of the criminals.

  The police, however, have good descriptions of both parties. John EDWARD, a High School student playing tennis a hundred yards from the scene, says he heard the screams of a man in pain about 3 o’clock. Ten minutes later he saw a tall man in a light suit with a small woman in a brown dress running down Ellsworth Street to catch a car. The description of the parties tallies with that of the clerk of the hotel who met them when they visited Ellis’ apartments yesterday. The neighbors who saw them going in and out the past week say the woman was slender, a blonde and wore many diamonds and dressed elegantly.

  Ellis made the following statement: “My home is Sydney, Australia. I am a horseman by profession, and became acquainted with Curtis and the woman who passed as his wife during the racing season in Sydney. He said he owned a string of fine horses in America, and offered me a position as manager, and his tales of wealth to be had in this country induced me to accompany him here.

  “We took passage on the Sierra, and I learned on the boat that Curtis and the woman were traveling under the name of Brush.

  “They told me they were known by the name of Brush in the United States. I came over to Oakland on October 3d and engaged rooms at the Hotel Touraine, while Curtis rented a cottage in Berkeley. I visited them several times, and agreed to accompany them to New York. They were to have left on Wednesday’s Overland, but I had grown suspicious, and did not intend to take the train.

(Rest of article cut off)



SAN FRANCISCO, October 12 - Charles C. HATFIELD, who last evening surrendered himself to the police as the man wanted for robbing Louis COMPART in Golden Gate Park, remains in custody, pending an examination. He says that failing to make a living at his trade of wire worker, he took to “holding up’ people in order to support his wife, who was formerly Miss Claire STALEY, of Reno, Nevada. They were separated. She visited him in prison last night, but on leaving said that under existing circumstances reconciliation was impossible.



STOCKTON (San Joaquin Co.), October 12 - Three miners, George McHOSE, D. HARRISON and G. MATALE, were suffocated in the copper mine of the Penn Chemical Works at Campo Seco, in Calaveras County, last night. While running a drift on the 400-foot level the men broke through into an old shaft that was filled with poisonous gases, and were overcome. A fourth miner, who was near them, escaped. The bodies have been recovered.


Page 6


            LYNCH’S BODY FOUND

BENICIA (Solano Co.), October 12 - The body of John LYNCH, who is believed to have been murdered by tramps last week and thrown into the river, at the Nevada Docks, was found floating in the water near Oleum the first of the week. Coroner CURRY, of Martinez, took charge of the remains. The only marks that might suggest foul play were two dents in the man’s forehead. These, however, might have been caused by contact with the rocks. Lynch, it will be remembered, was missing from a barge at the Nevada Docks a week ago yesterday, and circumstances pointed toward murder.



CHICO (Butte Co.), October 12 - A man giving the name of E.J. GODEN, and claiming to belong to the Printers’ Union of Eugene, Oregon, arrived here yesterday afternoon from Tehama, showing a bruised face and closed right optic as proof of his story that he was held up, beaten and robbed at Tehama early yesterday morning. He says he came out of the depot there about 4 o’clock and was accosted by two men, who knocked him down and robbed him, leaving him unconscious on the ground, where he was found, he says, two hours later by the agent.



EL DORADO (El Dorado Co.), October 12 - The entire population of El Dorado turned out at the Town Hall Monday night to witness the trial of BRIGHT vs. BLAKE in a criminal case involving a former prominent real estate man of Sacramento, and the wife of Captain E. BRIGHT, of this county. The charge was one of assault with threats to commit murder, and the case attracted much attention, owing to the wide acquaintances of the defendant and the excellent reputation he has always borne.

  About two months ago Mr. Blake purchased of Captain Bright a one-half interest in the Little Valley Mine, located about seven miles north of Latrobe, and moved with his family to the Little Valley, where he and Mr. Bright have been erecting a mill preparatory to reopening this once-famous mine.

  It seems that there was trouble between them from the start, and it culminated last Friday when the Captain came home, partly intoxicated it is alleged, and accused Blake of assaulting his wife with murderous intent. The defendant conducted his own case, not deeming the charge, he said, as having sufficient foundation or seriousness to warrant him in employing counsel. The complaint was sworn to by Captain Bright on information given him by his wife, but others alleged that Mrs. Bright had declared to the Captain, in the presence of witnesses, just as he was going for the warrant, that Blake had not threatened her life, and that she entreated him not to swear to the warrant. However, on the witness stand, Mrs. Bright stated that Mr. Blake had come to her house, and, without provocation, had flourished a revolver and threatened her life. The charge, however, was not proved and Justice of the Peace ARRASMITH ordered the testimony cut short. District Attorney PETERZ offered no objection to closing the case at once, and after a ten-minute recess a verdict was rendered of not guilty, and Blake was discharged.


            STOW MAY SELL

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), October 12 - Harry P. STOW, owner of the famous Goldbank at Forbestown, and who for some time past has been Assistant Superintendent of the great Treadwell Mine in Alaska, has arrived here on a short visit. It is rumored that his visit has some connection with a reported sale of all of his Forbestown properties.


            YOLO PEOPLE WED

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), October 12 - Miss Harriet HOPPIN and August HERZEL were married at the residence of the bride’s mother near Yolo yesterday afternoon. Rev. D.E. HOLT, pastor of the Episcopal Church of this city, officiated.

  The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Emily Hoppin and is prominent in educational circles in this county, having been for many years a successful teacher. She is now a member of the County Board of Education. Mr. Herzel is the son of Mrs. Agnes Herzel, who also resides near Yolo. He is a successful rancher. They came to Woodland by automobile and left on the afternoon train for a trip to the southern part of the State before taking up their residence on Mr. Herzel’s ranch in this county.

            CLUE TO BANDIT

REDDING (Shasta Co.), October 12 - Detective THACKER is working upon what is believed is a straight clue leading to the arrest of the bandit who killed Messenger HASKELL. The discovery is said to have been made that the robber received barrel staves with which to shield himself, which were made at a house near Bear Valley. The occupant of the house is believed to know more about the matter than he is willing to admit. It is thought a woman is implicated. Thacker is guarding the house and developments are expected.



BENICIA (Solano Co.), October 12 -G. BELLICI, a Greek fisherman, was arrested Wednesday for having striped bass in his possession smaller than the law allows. Deputy Fish Commissioner J.M. WALKER brought the offender before Justice of the Peace C. H. HAYDEN, of Martinez, where he pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined $25, which he promptly paid.


            DIED AT NAPA

MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 12 - Allen and George S. COOLEY, prominent residents of this city, are in receipt of the sad news of the death of their sister, Ellen COOLEY, which occurred at Napa. The remains arrived here to-day for burial in the family plot. The obsequies were private.                              



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 12 - Mary ELMORE, who for many years was a prominent character in Yuba and Sutter Counties on account of the eccentric methods she was wont to employ to harass the executors of her brother’s estate, is dead, having passed away in San Francisco early this week.

  When her brother made his will years ago, he gave to Mary, who had shown a disposition for wild speculation, a monthly allowance sufficient to keep her comfortably during her lifetime, but with this she was not contented, and the result was she made life miserable for the Judge of the Probate Court, then Hon. Phil W. KEYSER, and the friends named by the brother as executors - J.C. GRAY and “Cap” WILBUR.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 12 - Because they picked a row with the driver of a street car which plies between Marysville and Yuba City and beat him badly because he insisted on collecting a fare of 5 cents from one of their number, Jesse COPE, Arthur HILL, George BREMER and Phil SHERIDAN of Yuba City, were arrested yesterday on complaint issued out of Justice MORRISSEY’s Court, charging them with disturbing the peace. Frank BUTT is the complaining witness.

  Bremer and Cope have pleaded guilty and paid a fine of $15 each. Hill and Sheridan have decided to stand trial. The first named has engaged an attorney.


            BARNES WOULD DIE

CHICO (Butte Co.), October 12 - James BARNES, the barber who gained much notoriety here during the residence in this city, and who is now in jail at Anaconda, Montana, awaiting trial for the unprovoked murder of a popular miner named Patrick HENLY, attempted to put an end to his own life a few days ago, according to word that reached here yesterday, by eating the sulphur ends of matches. The Bee told of his latest crime and also of the attempts made by two mobs to lynch him at the time.


            STABBED IN A FIGHT

VALLEJO (Solano Co.), October 12 - Bernard DUNPHY, a Vallejo man who has been working for a construction company putting up telephone poles, got into a fight Wednesday night with Superintendent of the Company J.W. SEWEARINGER and J. MANN, the foreman, over money matters.

  Dunphy struck Swearinger and during the struggle Swearinger claimed Dunphy drew a knife. Sevearinger and Mann’s fingers were cut and Dunphy himself received a bad cut on the right arm. Dunphy was arrested and at the jail it was discovered he had been stabbed in the left side. Now Dunphy is released and the police are trying to find Swearinger who is suspected of the stabbing.

(Transcriber’s note: name is spelled 3 ways)



NAPA (Napa Co.), October 12 - A serious conflagration occurred in Napa last evening at about 7:45 o’clock, resulting in the destruction of two residences in Juarez Street, between First and Third. One residence, a two-story house, was occupied by Frank CHERRY and his family, and owned by J.B. NEWMAN; the other was owned by Joseph MITCHELL and occupied by himself and family. Both houses were burned to the ground.

  The total loss amounts to about $5450, divided as follows: James B. NEWMAN (Cherry residence), house $2500, furniture of F. Cherry $500; Mitchell residence, $2250; furniture, $200. James Newman had $1000 insurance on the Cherry residence, and Joseph Mitchell had $1000 on his house and $500 on his furniture, or a total of $2500 insurance in all.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 12 - Word was received this morning from the gold dredgers on the north side of the river, a few miles above here, that a man maned MERCER was very badly shocked by electricity. A physician from Marysville was summoned to help the injured man. A Bee correspondent got into telephonic communication with the dredger where the accident is said to have occurred, but the man there would not give out any information about it.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Friday, October 13, 1905

Page 6



But Driver Denies Passenger’s Yarn and Officers Are Recalled

REDDING (Shasta Co.), October 13 - This town was thrown into a fever of excitement this morning by a story told with much detail, to the affect that the stage from Bieber had been held up about midnight last night and robbed of mail sacks by a lone and masked highwayman. W.F. MILES, the only passenger on the coach, is responsible for the yarn, if such it be, which was accepted as true and led to officers at once taking the road for the Oak Run country. Word has been sent to them to return, as Frederick DAY, the stage driver, denies the truth of Miles’ story from beginning to end.

  Day is a stranger here, coming into Redding this morning as a substitute for the regular driver. He arrived at 4 o’clock and at once retired to get much-needed rest, having driven over two divisions yesterday. For this reason he was not up and about when Miles sprung his story.

  Miles is a mail carrier himself and heretofore has borne a good reputation. For this reason his story was not doubted by the officers. He went into great detail, telling where the alleged hold-up took place, how the driver had saved the letter mail and thrown out to the bandit only the bags containing newspapers. He even repeated the conversation that took place and told how Day whipped up his horses when the highwayman ordered him to move on, escaping before the bandit could discover the character of the mail handed over to him.

  But the worst of it, considering the public excitement here and the temper of the people, is Miles’ description of the imaginary bandit, which was made to resemble that of the man who help up the De La Mat stage a few days ago and fatally wounded Wells-Fargo Messenger HASKELL. Such a description caught the officers and filled them with the hope that at last they had located the brave guard’s slayer. Miles’ conduct approaches the criminal, if it is not actually so, it is claimed, and the officers will no doubt take steps to make him suffer for his ill-timed joke, if such it is proved to be.

  But Miles still sticks to his story, despite Day’s strenuous denial. No one, however, believes him. His story is regarded as a straight-out lie. Captain THATCHER, of the Wells-Fargo service, places no reliance in it whatever. The only evidence confirming it is that no paper mail was brought into Redding by the stage from beyond Round Mountain, in which neighborhood the hold-up is said to have taken place. But no report was made to the Postmaster here of the robbery.



RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), October 13 - The last will and testament of the late John FINNELL was filed for probate in the Superior Court here yesterday by his son, Attorney Bush FINNELL, who appeared for the administrator, John FINNELL, Jr., who applied for letters testamentary on the estate which is said to consist of personal property worth less than $10,000. The small amount of the estate of the pioneer farmer and ranchman of Tehama and Napa Counties is no surprise to those who have been cognizant of the manner in which the deceased capitalist has been disposing of his vast wealth for a number of years.



Handcar and Locomotive Collide Near Blue Canyon, Section Foreman and Helper Being Cut To Pieces

BLUE CANYON (Placer Co.), October 13 - Two men were killed and two injured in a collision between a handcar and a locomotive near Blue Canyon last evening.

  The dead are section Foreman John HORAN, and section hand Jacob JACOBSON. The injured are section hands Robert McFARLAND and John SHAY.

  The section gang had been working all day on a section of track near Blue Canyon when the accident occurred. As the handcar was speeding along the rails, it ran into a locomotive coming in the opposite direction, which had not been observed. The handcar was smashed to kindling wood, and the section men who were riding on it were thrown in all directions.

  Horan and Jacobson were thrown in front of the engine, and their bodies were literally cut to pieces. The injuries to the other men were slight.



TOWLE (Placer Co.), October 13 - An Italian employed by the Read Lumber Company at Burnett mill was injured by the falling of a pile of lumber. Dr. MACKAY, the Company’s surgeon, was summoned, and found that the man’s right leg had been fractured near the ankle, both bones being broken. The peculiar nature of the injury made it necessary to take the man to Auburn for an X-ray examination.



MARKLEEVILLE (Alpint (sic) Co.), October 13 - A peculiar legal puzzle confronts the Court of this county, there being a murder case to try and an insufficient number of qualified men to form a special venire of jurors to try the case.

  Several months ago a Mexican was arrested for murder, and is now awaiting trial. The attorneys for the defense say they are willing to try the case in Alpine County, but the State is worried over the aspect of the case, as the population of the county is so small that there are not over fifty men who are qualified to act as jurors, and nearly all of them are familiar with the history of the alleged murder.

  If the venire that will be drawn is exhausted the Court will find that there are no more citizens in the county eligible for jury service.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 13 - N.V. NELSON, who recently disposed of his livery stable business in this city, has announced that he has purchased realty in the town of Berkeley, which he proposes to improve with new buildings that will insure him an income in his declining years. He will hereafter divide his time between Marysville and Berkeley.



RED BLUFF (Tehama Co.), October 13 - Two pastors will assume charge of two important Churches of this city within a month and will bring their brides with them. Rev. J.H. SHARP will take charge of the Presbyterian Church on October 22d and will bring his wife to the manse for the first time. They were married at Portland about two months ago and will be given a cordial welcome.

  Rev. Ernest C. MOBLEY, who recently accepted the pastorate of the Christian Church, will be married at his present home in Weatherford, Texas, and will come to his new charge about the middle of next month. Both are young couples and will be great acquisitions to the local society.

  Pastor SHARP has already filled the pulpit here for some months, during the absence of Rev. D.H. McCULLAGH, who will retire from the pastorate next Sunday, but Pastor-elect Mobley has never visited the Pacific Coast.



HONCUT (Butte Co.), October 13 - A man giving his name as O.J. HUGHES came into town yesterday evening and excitedly begged to be locked up in the jail that he might be protected from men who were chasing him to kill him.

  He said he had been working in Manson’s camp on the Yuba River and some one started a report that he had murdered a woman and child. On this report the men started after him to lynch him. He claimed they chased him clear to the outskirts of this town.

  Though it is likely a case of delirium tremens, the unfortunate man was sent to the County Jail for a day or two until investigation reveals whether it is a case of alcoholic, insanity or something else.



WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), October 13 - A woman by the name of CRANE was found by Officer TOBIAS and Constable PARKER last night about 10 o’clock near the Creamery wandering around in a pitiful condition.

  She had a deep gash across her forehead which it took several stitches to close. Her face was covered with blood and her clothing disheveled. She said that she received her injuries while raking hay, that the rake flew up and struck her. For several days she has shown signs of failing intellect and the officers think that while wandering around she fell and struck her head on some rocks. She was locked up in the insane ward in the Court House.



Agent Said to Represent The Oxnards Visit Chico and Interviews Land Owners In That Section

CHICO (Butte Co.), October 13 - The rumor which at least once a year is put into circulation in this locality to the effect that a beet sugar refinery is soon to be built here leaked out again yesterday. This time, however, there seems to be some foundation for the report. There are several things which lend color to the truth of the rumor.

  J. HAMILTON, supposed to be a representative of Henry OXNARD, the sugar magnate, has been in Chico for several days and has, according to good authority, approached several real estate men for the purpose of buying land. It is known that he has asked many of the large land owners in this vicinity to sell portions of their holdings. Among those approached are John CROUCH, the Bidwell estate, the PARROTT Grant, the WILSON tract, NORD and the PHELAN ranch.

  It is also said that Hamilton is endeavoring, in case all of the others fail him, to get an option on the CHAMBERS ranch near St. John, which at present is leased to the heirs of John FINNELL who died a few days ago.

  As it is understood here, the establishment of the sugar beet industry is to be approached in a different manner than heretofore, inasmuch as no one will be asked to co-operate in the raising of beets, as the amount of land, if bought, will be sufficient to support the refinery.



CHICO (Butte Co.), October 13 - The will of Mrs. C.F. SCHOONOVER, who died here a few days ago, was filed in Oroville Wednesday. It was learned yesterday that the document makes especial provision for a horse which has belonged to the family for a number of years. The name of the animal is “Raindrop” and the section of the will referring to the horse reads thus:

 “I earnestly impress upon my son, Dorrence SCHOONOVER, to be ever kindful in the behalf, welfare, comfort and happiness of his brother William, and to care and provide a place for his mare, Raindrop, and to provide for her necessities.”



GRIDLEY (Butte Co.), October 13 - Professor Scott THOMAS, of Berkeley, University Examiner, was in Gridley yesterday inspecting the work and course of study in the Gridley Union High School. The hopes of the patrons of the school that the institution may soon be accredited by the University are in a fair way to be realized, for the examiner approved the course and it is entirely probable that the next class of graduates will acquit themselves in a manner to secure for the school the coveted recognition.

  The school has grown in membership and gained in popularity during the past year or two, and the former lack of interest and sympathy among the people of the district is happily transformed into enthusiastic interest. This has been due largely to the efforts of the Trustees and to the work of the teachers.

  The considerable proportion of girls among the pupils has been a deterring influence in athletic matters, but a baseball team has been organized and the young woman students are considering the matter of getting up a basketball team.



OROVILLE (Butte Co.), October 13 - John PAUL, an infirm old miner, living in a lonely place in Sucker Run Canyon, near Mooretown, had a narrow escape from being cremated alive in his cabin on Tuesday last.

  Paul had been bed-ridden for several days and was not aware how near the forest fires in that neighborhood had encroached his domicile.

  On Tuesday a party of five fighters came into the section where he lived and found the flames within 100 yards of the old man’s cabin. By hard work in back-firing they managed to divert the path of the fire. Going to his cabin, a feeble reply answered their calls, and they found the old man in his bunk, unable to move.

  In twenty minutes more, but for their timely arrival, the cabin would have been destroyed by the flames and the old man would have been cremated alive.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


The Evening Bee

Sacramento, Cal.

Saturday, October 14, 1905

Page 6



Celebrated His Twenty-First Birthday To-Day

Has Been In Jail Eleven Months - Refuses to Make a Statement as to Plans - Is Now in Control of His Affairs

AUBURN (Placer Co.), October 14 - To-day is Adolph WEBER’s birthday, and he has now reached his majority of 21 years. But whether he feels any pride in his anniversary could not be learned from any expression of the prisoner, who has been sullen and surely ever since the bath tub episode with Under Sheriff MAY, which the officers believe was a preliminary to a break for liberty. Weber, when questioned by the officers yesterday about his plans, now that he has come into the control of his estate, refused to make any response to queries put to him.

  As a matter of fact Weber has been in control of his affairs at all times since his arrest, as much as it is possible for an imprisoned man to be, and his becoming of age will make but a slight difference in the conduct of his case.

  Weber will have been confined in jail her one year on November 12th, the killing of the Weber family occurring on November 10th. Many predicted that the prisoner’s health could not endure confinement, but he is as well now as he was then, and, if anything, better, though it is months since he has left his cell.



TRUCKEE (Nevada Co.), October 14 - Yesterday Deputy Coroner HILL was notified by a sheepherder, in the Washoe range of mountains, named SMITH, that the remains of an unknown man had been found. Hill accompanied by Constable William McDOUGALD left for the scene. They found the man had been dead at least a year, as all that was left was his bones. The only member of the frame missing was the left leg from the knee down. Other pieces of the skeleton were intact. Undertaker McDougald took with him a casket and a man to dig the grave. The body was found about seven miles from Boca, up Juniper Creek. Nothing could be found in the vicinity to reveal the identity.



REDDING (Shasta Co.), October 14 - Henry C. MILLER, a man about 40 years of age, was this morning sentenced to life imprisonment at Folsom. Miller was convicted upon a charge of criminal assault committed upon his little daughter. Miller cried like a baby when alone in his cell after the sentence had been passed upon him.



NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co.), October 14 - When Carnegie agreed to give Nevada City a library for $10,000, the Committee had a cunning notion that it would get $15,000 out of him at least and made its plans accordingly. Since then it has been moving every possible pull to get that extra $5000. So sure was it of getting the money that its plans call for an extensive building beyond the $10,000 limit. Last night a letter was received from Carnegie declining to give any more money. So the Trustees have telegraphed to the contractor to come to Nevada City to make certain changes in the plans.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 14 - At the KELLY Bros.’ livery stable on E Street numerous sacks of barley have been mysteriously disappearing from the grain room and to capture the thief a hostler was put on watch. He had not long to wait, for on the first morning he detected a colored man named HARRIS, a fellow employe, selling a sack of the barley to the Chinaman who daily hauls the manure from the place. The price paid Harris was 50 cents for the sack. The watchman drove the negro from the premises with a shower of stones and bricks when he learned the true state of affairs, and Harris has not returned for his wages, nor to enquire what disposition is to be made of him.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 14 - Harry A. LEONARD, through his attorney F.H. GREELY, has filed a petition in the Probate Court, asking for a partial distribution of the estate left by his father, the late Frank A. LEONARD. Judge McDANIEL has set Monday, the 30th inst, as the time for hearing the matter, which is virtually the beginning of a contest of the will by the children of Leonard by his first wife.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 14 - Mrs. Mary VAN ORNUM, who died in this city yesterday in her seventy-fourth year, has four sons and two daughters who reside in Chico, a daughter who lives in Grass Valley and another in Iowa. The remains were taken to Chico to-day for burial.



BENICIA (Solano Co.), October 14 - Captain GINTER, of the Russian cruiser Lena, now at Mare Island, has emphatically denied the story circulated about him to the effect that he was to hang two deserters from the yardarm of the ship as soon as the high seas were reached on the trip home to Russia. “The story is a fabrication,” said the Captain, “and was made up by some reporter eager to secure a sensation for his paper.”

  Investigation has proved that no one has been confined to the brig of the Lena, though this was a current report.  The ship’s doctor saw the unhealthful condition of it and told Captain Ginter that the men ought not to be imprisoned there. Orders were at once given to have the offenders liberated, and until an order was received from Washington giving permission to Captain Ginter to keep all prisoners in the Mare Island barracks, they were given the freedom of the decks.

  Out of 489 men on the cruiser when she was first interned, only twenty-three have deserted, though reports had the number as high as fifty.


            ONE ‘PHONE ENOUGH

GRASS VALLEY (Nevada Co.), October 14 - P. Kerr HIGGINS, representative of the Home Telephone Company of Los Angeles, will not get the franchise he asked for a competing telephone line in Grass Valley. The Board of Trustees turned him down last night at the regular meeting. The Committee appointed to report on his application said the business men of the town were against the idea of paying for two telephones.



MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), October 14 - A man named John HUGHES, who was in the employ of Contractor G.W. MUNSON, at the site of the north training wall on Yuba River, became suddenly insane yesterday and wandered off in the direction of the Honcut, displaying at each farm house his erratic symptoms. Sheriff VOSS was notified and was almost within reach of Hughes when he crossed over the line into Butte County, where Sheriff CHUBBUCK captured him. Hughes is laboring under the hallucination that he has murdered his daughter and that an infuriated mob is after him, vowed on vengeance.



COLUSA (Colusa Co.), October 14 - An important real estate transaction took place yesterday, when the H.P. EAKLE farm west of Williams, this county, was sold to J.W. FORGEUS and D.W. JOHNSTON, of Santa Cruz. The farm comprises 15,000 acres, including some rich agriculture land. The tract is to be subdivided into small farms. The purchase price is said to reach nearly a quarter of a million dollars. The deal was made by the Filmer-Brooke Company, of Sacramento, and is said to be the forerunner of a number of similar transactions.


            FIRE AT OROVILLE

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), October 14 - Late last evening the residence of Columbia WELSH, in this town, was nearly destroyed by fire. Mr. Welsh was in an adjoining house when he noticed the flames, and before an alarm could be given the house was nearly gutted of its contents. The fire is supposed to have originated form a defective stovepipe. The loss will not exceed $500.



Strange Disappearance Of A Man Near Oroville

No Trace of Him Has Been Seen Since Last Saturday - Sheriff Chubbuck Has Taken the Case in Hand and Is Investigating

OROVILLE (Butte Co.), October 14 - A man about 75 years of age, who has been camping on the river bar, a short distance above town, disappeared on Saturday last and since then no trace of him can be found and it is feared that he has been foully dealt with.

  Sheriff Chubbuck has taken charge of his effects and is making a search for the missing man. All his bedding, neatly rolled up, was left at his camp, some clothing, better than the ordinary laborer possesses, cooking utensils, etc.

  In a pocket in the clothing were found some papers indicating that the man’s name is J. EDWARDS and that he had worked around Sacramento at one time. Another party who had been camping near him was asked a few days after the old man’s disappearance what had become of him, but he disclaimed all knowledge of his whereabouts and packed up and left a few hours afterward.

  From his actions, it is thought that he may know more about it than he cares to tell and a search is now being made for him also.




Hands Down Important Ruling In Clark Will Case

Sustains Contention That Original Probate of Will Should Have Been in California Court - Estate Is Valued at $20,000

WOODLAND (Yolo CO.), October 14 - A.C. HUSTON, of this city, received word yesterday that the Supreme Court had affirmed the decision of Judge E.E. GADIS, of Yolo County, in denying the petition of C.P. DUBOIS for the probate of the will of Julius H. CLARK upon the exemplified copy of the Court proceedings in New Hampshire, the place of Clark’s death. Lorenzo J. Clark, through his attorney, A.C. HUSTON, objected to the petition on the ground that the will should have been filed in this State, as the deceased was a resident of this State at the time of his death. The objection was sustained by Judge Gaddis. An appeal was taken to the Supreme Court by Mr. DUBOIS through his attorney, with the above result.

  It is said that the decision in this case means that Ednah Wallace HOPPER will win her law suit over the millions of Alexander DUNSMUIR.

  Is also means that the proceedings in the Clark estate will have to be begun anew and that the executrix of the will will have to come to California to administer on the estate. The attorney for the Public Administrator claims that if she does not come he will be entitled to take charge of the estate, which is valued at about $20,000.


            DIED FAR FROM HOME

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), October 14 - Mrs. W.H. RYON, of Streator, Illinois, died at the home of her brother, C.M. HIDDLESON, of this city, last night from the effects of pneumonia. She and her husband had visited the Portland Exposition and came to Woodland to visit her brother two weeks ago.

  Deceased was a native of Kendall, Illinois, aged 67 years. She and her husband had lived in Streator, Ill, thirty-seven years. Mr. Ryon will leave Sacramento Sunday with the body and expects to reach Illinois Wednesday, where the funeral will be held.


            DEATH OF A VETERAN

WOODLAND (Yolo CO.), October 14 - James HORSFALL died at his residence in this city yesterday morning after an illness of several months with stomach trouble. Deceased was a native of England and 76 years old. He leaves a wife and seven children. He served in the Union Army and the funeral services were held to-day under the auspices of the local G.A.R. Post.


            FISHERMEN HELD

WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), October 14 - Joseph DEVINE and Walter PLAYER, two fishermen arrested by Game Warden Geo. NEALE, of Sacramento, upon a charge of fishing for salmon out of season, were given a preliminary examination yesterday before Justice SIMPSON in Washington, and were held to answer. They will be tried by Judge E.E. GADDIS, of this county.



REDDING (Shasta Co.), October 14 - The Shasta County Board of Trade completed its organization last evening by electing a full set of officers. Carroll C. BUSH, Jr., was elected President by acclamation. Other officers chosen were: A.C. HALTER, First Vice-President; McCoy FITZGERALD, Second Vice-President; W. COYNE, Secretary; Allan W. ETTER, Treasurer.

  Supervisor Houston named R.S. ROYCROFT, of Bella Vista, to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees, Supervisor SCHROTER conferred a like honor upon F.P. PRIMM, of Redding. Each Supervisor is entitled to name one Trustee.



ROUND MOUNTAIN (Shasta Co.), October 14 - Thomas MILNER, aged about 42 years, a recent arrival from McCloud, died here last night of chronic alcoholism. He spent about $380 in a few days in Redding on a spree, squandering his savings for the Summer. Nothing was known of him here. Even his name would not have been determined, but for the fact that he had an employment agency card in a pocket. He was a Scotchman.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





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