
Other California Deaths







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Sacramento Bee

Wednesday Evening February 2, 1870



  In San Francisco, Feb. 1, George E., only son of T.J. BASS, aged 4 years.

  In San Francisco, Feb. 1, Julius STEINHART, aged 9 years, 8 months and 18 days.

  In San Francisco, Feb. 1, Jose Ma OCEGUERA, aged 24 years.

  In San Francisco, Jan 31, Josephine S. WHITING, aged 24 years.

  In San Francisco, Joseph REMPARD, aged 34 years.

  In San Francisco, Jan 31, wife of John FRANKLIN.

  In San Francisco, Jan. 30, Lucie Agnes, daughter of Tereance FAGAN, aged 1 yr, 6 mos & 17 d.

  In San Francisco, Jan. 30, Balthasar MUNDWYLER, aged 47 years.

  In San Francisco, Jan. 30, Josephine, daughter of James SOUFFREIN, aged 2 yrs and 15 days.

  In San Francisco, Jan. 31, John AMBROSE, son of Daniel COSTELLO, aged 2 mos.

  In San Francisco, Jan. 31, Patrick Henry SULLIVAN, aged 1 year, 7 months and 20 days.

  In Alvarado, Jan. 31, Sophronia, wife of B.F. INGALLS, aged 57 years and 6 months.

  In Brooklyn, Alameda county, David BATEMAN, aged 44 years.

  In Melrose, Mass., Jan. 31, Eliza TEMPLE, daughter of John H. CROCKER, of San Francisco, aged 3 years, 10 months, 19 days.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com




Sacramento Reporter

April 16, 1870



In San Francisco, April 15, L. Steudeman, of Sacramento, aged 47 years. [St. Louis papers copy.] [Funeral at 2 ˝ o'clock tomorrow afternoon.]

In Vallejo, April 14, Agnes McLaughlin.

Near Susanville, April 11, Frank Adams, aged about 4 years.

In Eureka, April 4, Eliza Roden Duff, aged 72 years.

In Helena, Montana, April 3, Charles Wainright, aged 50 years.

In St. Helena, April 4, J.C. Penwell, aged 53 years.

In Napa City, April 5, Grace B. Clifford.

In Monterey, April 7, Dr. John O. Shaw.

Near Grass Valley, April 10, John Roys, aged 37 years.


Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor


Sacramento Reporter

April 18, 1870



In Sacramento, April 16, Alice, daughter of Chris. and Alice Green, a native of California, aged 1 year, 4 months and 4 days.

Funeral from residence of parents, M street, between Second and Third, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

In Oakland, April 19 (sic), Captain Hugh Morrison, aged 34 years.

In Eureka, March 26, Sammy Young, aged 4 months and 26 days.

In Virginia, Nev., April 9, Mrs. B. Bell, aged 52 years.

In Nevada City, April 12, Alice B. Harrington, aged 20 years.



The Dead of Last Week.

For the week ending April 16, 1870, made by R. K. Wick, Superintendent of City Cemetery. Office at Aitkon & Co.'s, 177 K street, where all the records may be examined:

April 11 – Archibald Mellon, aged 84 years, Ireland.

April 11 – Infant of Owen O'Lynn, California.

April 11 – Marie Louise Whitney, aged 29 years, Kentucky.

April 11 – Philip McCullin, aged 59 years, Ireland.

April 13 – Ah Chew, aged 35 years, China.

Besides the above there was brought to the city for interment:

April 15 – W. E. Thomann (from Sutter township), aged 3 years.

Causes of Death – Phthisis pulmonis, 1; paralysis, 1; inflammation of the brain, 1; stillborn, 2; convulsions, 1.


Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

April 19, 1870



In San Francisco, April 17, Margaret M. Woodworth, aged 52 years 2 months and 4 days.


Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

April 20, 1870



In Sacramento, April 18, Harriet Ann, daughter of Frank and Louise Hogeboom, aged 6 months and 18 days.

In San Francisco, April 17, Margaret M. Woodworth, aged 52 years 2 months and 4 days.

In San Francisco, April 18, John Wilson, aged 37 years.

In San Jose, April 17, John Smoot, aged 1 year and 1 month.

In San Jose, April 15, Mariana Juda, aged 22 years.

In Virginia, Nev., April 15, Amelia Piper, aged 2 months.

In Dayton, Nev., April 14, Mrs. Jane T. Jones, aged 63 years.

In Hamilton, Nev., April 16, Charles A. Gates, aged 2 years 7 months and 10 days.

In San Francisco, April 19, Susan Lowrie, aged 65 years.


Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

April 20, 1870



   In Sacramento, April 20, Nanette, daughter of Alphonse and Hannah Dennery, a native of California, aged 4 years 1 month and 17 days.

   Funeral from residence of parents, J street, between Seventh and Eighth, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends invited.

   In Sonora, April 14, Alexander Shannon, aged about 70 years.

   In San Francisco, April 20, Capt. B. L. Fairfield, aged 55 years.

   In San Francisco, April 17, William Borchard, aged 9 months.

   In San Simeon, April 6, James Mathers, aged 72 years.

   In Dayton, Nev., April 14, Mrs. Jane T. Jones, aged 63 years.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

April 22, 1870



In San Francisco, April 21, Henry White, aged 2 years and 5 months.

In San Francisco, April 21, Julia Mabel Jenkins, aged 8 months and 20 days.

In San Francisco, April 21, George G. Geddes, a native of Nova Scotia.

In San Francisco, April 19, Eliza J. McLain, aged 28 years 5 mos and 11 ds.

In San Francisco, April 19, Heinrich Ketolbolder, aged 54 years.

In Dayton, Nev., April 14, Mrs. Jane T. Jones, aged 63 years.

At Grass Valley, April 20, Kate O'Brien, aged 8 years and 6 months.

In Stockton, April 19, Charles Mager, aged 35 years and 6 months.

In Marysville, April 20, Sophie M. E. Barthe, aged 6 months and 4 days.

At Big Meadows, Plumas county, Mrs. --- Love-ess, wife of J. W. Loveless.




   In the Matter of the Estate of D. G. Whitney, deceased.

   In the Probate Court of the County of Sacramento, in the State of California.

   On the presentation of the petition of Robert Dawson, claiming to be entitled by virtue of certain contract in writing, made by said D. G. Whitney in his life time, to a conveyance of certain real estate, particularly described in said petition, setting forth the facts upon which said claim is predicated, and praying for a decree authorizing and directing the administrator of the estate of said D. G. Whitney, deceased, to execute a conveyance of said real estate.

   It is ordered by the Probate Court, that MONDAY, the 16th of May, A.D. 1870, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, being at a regular term, to wit: the April term, 1870, of the Probate Court of the county of Sacramento in the State of California, and the Court room of said Court, at the Court House in said county, be and the same are hereby appointed as a time and place for hearing said petition, when and where all persons interested in the estate of said deceased may appear and contest said petition by filing their objections in writing. And it is further ordered that notice of the pendency of said petition, and of the said time and place of hearing be published in the SACRAMENTO REPORTER, a newspaper published in said county.

ROBERT C. CLARK, Probate Judge.

W. B. C. BROWN, Clerk.

Attest: A true copy.

By Terence Masterson, D. C.




In the Matter of the Estate of James Beardslee, deceased.

In the Probate Court of the County of Sacramento, State of California.

On reading and filing the petition of William Headrick, administrator of the estate left unadministered of James Beardslee, deceased, setting forth that he has filed his final account of his administration upon said estate in this Court, and that the same has been duly audied, allowed and confirmed; that all the debts and expenses of administration have been fully paid; and that a portion of said estate remains to be divided among the heirs of said deceased, and praying among other things, for an order of distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled. It is ordered that all persons interested in the estate of said deceased, be and appear before the Probate Court of the County of Sacramento, on the 16th day of May, A.D. 1870, at 10 o'clock A.M., then and there to show cause why an order of distribution should not be made of the residue of said estate among the heirs of the said James Beardslee, deceased, according to law.

It is further ordered, that a copy of this order be published for four successive weeks, before said 16th day of May, A.D., 1870, in the “Daily Sacramento Reporter,” a newspaper printed in the city and county of Sacramento.

ROBERT C. CLARK, Probate Judge.

Attest: A true Copy.

W. B. C. BROWN, Clerk.

By Terence Masterson, Deputy Clerk.

Beatty & Denson, Attorneys for Administrator.




In the Matter of the Estate of Silas Whitcomb, deceased.

The people of the State of California send greetings: It appearing to the Court by the petition presented and filed by J. L. Huntoon, administrator of the estate of Silas Whitcomb, deceased, praying for an order to sell the real estate, that it is necessary to sell the whole of the real estate to pay the allowance to the family, the debts outstanding against the deceased, and the debts, expenses and charges of administration. It is therefore ordered by the Court that all persons interested in the said estate appear before the said Probate Court on Monday, the 16th day of May, A.D. 1870, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court-room of said Probate Court, in the city of Sacramento, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the said administrator to sell so much of the real estate of the deceased as shall be necessary; and that a copy of this order be published at least four successive weeks in the “DAILY SACRAMENTO REPORTER,” a newspaper printed and published in said city and county. ROBERT C. CLARK, County Judge, and ex-Officio Judge of the Probate Court.

Officer of the County Clerk of County of Sacramento.

I, W. B. C. Brown, County Clerk of the county of Sacramento, State of California, and ex-Officio Clerk of the Probate Court in and for said county, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of an order duly made and entered upon the minutes of said Probate Court.

Witness my hand and the seal of said Probate Court, this 14th day of April, A.D., 1870.

W. B. C. BROWN, Clerk.

By Terence Masterson, Deputy Clerk.

L. S. Taylor, Attorney for Administrator.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

April 23, 1870



Near Susanville, April 16, Charley Adams, aged 3 years.

At Dorchester, Mass., April 6, Charles H. Smith, a pioneer of 1849, and long resident of Sacramento and San Francisco, aged 40 years.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter 1870.

April 25, 1870



In San Francisco, April 22, Johannaetta Mayer, aged 80 years.

In San Francisco, April 22, George M. Eckert, aged 30 years.

In Woodland, April 31, Charlie Coil, aged 1 year 3 months and 20 days.

In San Francisco, April 20, Capt. Sumner P. Butler, aged 47 years.

In San Francisco, April 23, Mrs. Isabella Bale, aged 71 years.

In San Francisco, April 23, Henry Russ Johnson, aged 51 years.

In San Francisco, April 23, George C. Moon, aged 60 years.

In San Francisco, April 23, Pierre Puyoou, aged 37 years.

Near Oroville, April 19, Henry Ellery, aged 38 years.

Near Oroville, April 19, Ida Dora Gray, aged 6 years and 9 months.

At Folsom, April 17, Edward F. Riley, aged 87 years.

At Fiddletown, April 22, M. Goff, aged 54 years.

At Diamond Springs, April 18, Casper Ehat, Sr., aged 50 years and 2 months.

In Marysville, April 23, George Johnson, aged 1 year 10 months and 27 days.

In Antelope Valley, April 22, Ella Hickman, aged 12 years.



The Dead of Last Week.

For the week ending April 23, 1870, made by R. K. Wick, Superintendent of City Cemetery Office at Aitken & Co.’s, 177 K streets, where all the records may be examined:

April 16 – L. R. Wilson, aged 5 months, California.

April 17 – Alice Green, 1 year, 4 months and 4 days, California.

April 18 – Ralph Ryan, aged 4 years, California.

April 18 – Harriet A. Hogeboom, aged 6 months and 18 days, California.

April 18 – Infant of A. Hinkle.

April 21 – Aaron Turner, aged 28 years.

Besides the above there were brought to the city for interment the following:

April 17 – L. Steudeman (from San Francisco), aged 47 years.

April 20 – Richard J. Sharrett (near Colfax), aged 22 years.

April 21 – Charles M. Childs, aged 20 years, 10 months and 21 days.

Causes of death – Phthisis pulmonis, 1; cholera infantum, 1; croup, 1; convulsions, 1; stabbed, 1; premature birth, 1; drowned, 1; dropsy, 1.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor






Sacramento Bee

Tuesday Evening April 26, 1870 

Probate Court - Robt. C. CLARK, Judge

Monday, April 25.

Estate of Jacob HEPPE, deceased, Order entered confirming sale of personal property.

Estate of L. STEINMILLER, deceased - Decree entered showing that due and legal notice to creditors has been given. Order entered, confirming sale of personal property. Final account of Frank LAAUSER, executor, filed and set for hearing May 2d, at 10 A.M.

Estate of George MILLER, deceased - Veronica MILLER appointed administratrix on filing bond in the sum of $600.

Estate of Geo. CARMONY, deceased - Hearing of citation continued until next Monday.

Estate of L. STEUDMAN, deceased - Petition of Augusta STEUDEMAN for probate of will filed and set for hearing Monday, May 9th.

Estate of Fred MILLER, deceased - Order entered confirming sale of real estate.

Estate of Clarisa SATTERFIELD, deceased - Stay of proceedings ordered on application of John E. MILLER for letters of administration de bonis non, with the will annexed, set aside. Bond approved and letters issued.

Guardianship of the CURTIS minors - On application of counsel for settlement of account guardian, it appearing to the Court that a suit is now pending in the Sixth District Court, in which the said matter is in controversy, it is ordered that the said application is refused and denied until the same is adjudicated in said District Court. To which order counsel for said guardian excepts



In this city, April 26, Harry N.., youngest child of Henry and Jane H. MONTFORT, a native of California, aged 9 years and 1 month.

(Funeral at 1 o’clock to-morrow afternoon, from residence of parents, Seventh street, between O and P. Friends are invited to attend.)

In San Francisco, April 21, Patrick F. Loughran, aged *3 years. (Could be 13 or 43?)

In San Francisco, April 21, Alfred T., son of Edmund PUGH, aged 1 year and 4 mos.

In San Francisco, April 21, Sarah A., wife of A. ROBINSON, aged 43 years.

In San Francisco, April 21, George MONROE, aged 45 years.

In San Francisco, April 23, Mrs. Isabella BALE, aged 71 years.

In San Francisco, April 23, Henry Russ JOHNSON, aged 51 years.

In San Francisco, April 23, George C. MOON, aged 60 years.

In San Francisco, April 23, Pierre PUYOON, aged 37 years and 9 months.

In Stockton, April 21, Kingsbury Lee, son of Wm. J. LYONS, aged 4 months.

In Stockton, April 23, Anna M., daughter of F.M. WEST, aged 1 year, 9 months and 19 days.

In Stockton, April 21, Thomas K., son of William CONFER, aged 3 months and 21 days.

In Mariposa township, April 6, Henry E. LEIVER, aged 23 years.

In Fiddletown, April 23, David M. GOFF, aged 53 years.

At Jamaica Plains, Mass., April 13, Joseph M. SMITH, Jr., of San Francisco. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Reporter

April 26, 1870.



In San Francisco, April 24, Patrick F. Loughran, aged 43 years.

In San Francisco, April 24, Alfred T. Edmund, aged 1 year and 4 months.

In San Francisco, April 24, Sarah A. Robinson, aged 43 years.

In San Francisco, April 24, George Monroe, aged 45 years.

In San Francisco, April 23, Mrs. Isabella Bale, aged 71 years.

In San Francisco, April 23, Henry Russ Johnson, aged 51 years.

In San Francisco, April 23, George C. Moon, aged 60 years.

In San Francisco, April 23, Pierre Puyoou, aged 37 years and 9 months.

In Colfax, April 20, Annie T. Burns, aged 25 years.

In Ukiah, April 20, Sarah Jane Sanderson, aged 12 years and 20 days.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

April 27, 1870.



In Sacramento, April 26, I. G. Laftig, aged 1 month and 11 days.

In San Francisco, April 24, Wm. Henry Denison, aged 29 years.

In Petaluma, April 21, T. Lindsey, aged 2 years and 3 months.

In Salinas City, April 16, Freddie McCandless, aged 9 years.

In Hollister, April 10, Charles McKnight.

In Santa Barbara, April 21, Mrs. Harriet Cooley, aged 61 years.

In Stockton, April 24, Kingsbury Lee Lyons, aged 4 months.

In Sonora, April 20, Catherine Miller (colored), aged 60 years.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter, April 28, 1870



In Sacramento, April 27, Charles W., son of Thos. and Emeline Dallas, aged 1 year and 9 months.

[Friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, at 3 o'clock this afternoon, from the residence of the parents, Third street, between Q and R.]

In Stockton, April 26, Henry Pepper, aged 50 years.

In Santa Cruz, April 9, Emily O. Woodward, aged 15 years.

In Santa Barbara, April 21, Mrs. Cooley, aged 62 years.

In Petaluma, April 21, T. Lindsey Lamoreaux, aged 2 years, 2 months and 26 days.

At Spring Creek, April 19, Addie Griffin, aged 15 months.

In San Francisco, April 27, Henry Benrimo, aged 54 years.

In Portland, April 24, Dr. John A. Veatch, aged 62 years.

In San Francisco, April 27, Mrs. Mary Monahan, aged 53 years.

In San Jose, April 23, Nellie R. Jaynes, aged 3 months.

In Marysville, April 26, Col. Theodore A. Coult, aged 37 years.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter, April 30, 1870



In Sacramento, April 28, A. P. Soule, a native of Beverly, Washington county, Ohio, aged 37 years and 11 months.

In Marysville, April 27, Mrs. Emeline  Atchinson, aged 34 years, 8 months and 9 days.

In Los Angeles, April 21, Virginia Star, aged 10 months and 21 days.

At Eureka Mills, April 25, Edward P. Butts, aged 54 years.

In Brooklyn, April 26, F. A. Muller, aged 42 years.

In San Francisco, April 27, John J. Milleo, aged 28 years.

In Stockton, April 28, Francis J. Leech, aged 7 years and 11 months.

At Harris’ Ranch, Stanislaus county, H. Baley Payton.

In San Francisco, April 28, Mrs. Anne Cunningham, aged 70 years.

In San Francisco, April 27, John J. Miller, aged 28 years.

In St. Helena, April 29, Sarah A. Wright, aged 52 years.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor







Sacramento Bee

Monday Evening March 7, 1870 


Monday, March 7

Estate of Clarissa Satterfield, deceased - Administrator granted until March 12th, to file bond.

Estate of Jacob S. COHEN, deceased - Application for confirmation of sale of real estate granted.

Estate of J.J. SMITH, deceased - Application of John F. CRAWFORD for letters of administration continued till next Monday.

Estate of Jacob HEPPE, deceased - Bond of Wm. N. HEPPE, administrator, in the sum of $1,000 approved; J.BELLMER, John SUVERKRUP and Frank EBNER appointed appraisers.

Estate of William RAUCH, deceased - Final account of administrator allowed.

Estate of Michael NEED, deceased - Family allowed $75 per month for one year from date of letters of administration.

Estate of R.A. WOODWORTH, deceased - Letters to SHATTUCK revoked and letters ordered to issue to Chas. H. CUMMINGS upon filing bond.

Estate of Ephraim HOLMES, deceased - Final account of administrator referred to Terence MASTERSON to examine and report thereon. 


In this city, Mar. 6, Patrick DORAN, a native of county Carlow, Ireland, aged 54 yrs and 9 mos.

In this city, March 6, Richard MOYLAN, a native of Ireland, aged 80 years.

In this city, March 3, Martha M. GAYLOR, aged 7 months and 4 days.

In San Francisco, March 4, Mary A. McLEAN, aged 8 years and 6 months.

In San Francisco, March 4, George W. SWEET, a native of Bangor, Maine, aged 35 years.

In San Francisco, March 5, wife of Timothy McCARTHY, aged 50 years.

In San Francisco, March 5, Edward E., son of Everett KINGLSEY, aged 1 year and 4 days.

In San Francisco, March 4, Marvin Walt, son of Wm. DERBY, aged 4 months and 2 days.

In San Francisco, Feb. 28, Samuel BERRY, aged 45 years.

In San Francisco, March 1, John WOLFFEL, aged 29 years.

In San Francisco, March 4, John BERNARD, aged 10 months and 6 days.

In San Francisco, M. RINGGOLD.

In San Francisco, March 5, Nathaniel SOLOMON, aged 21 years.

In Marysville, March 2, K.L. JOHN, aged about 33 years.

On Pine creek, Butte county, Feb.25, Hill Carter DAUGHERTY, aged 63 years.

Near Knight’s Ferry, Feb. 24, Mrs. Lovena MORRISON, aged 33 years.

In Oroville, Mar. 3, John Bartholomew, infant son of Dr. T. JENKINS, aged 1 mo. and 27 days.

In Oroville, March 2, Mary MORRISON, aged 16 years and 6 months.

At Iowa Hill, March 1, W.D. LAWRENCE.

In Coloma, Feb. 26, Anton WINTERMANTEL, aged 43 years and 6 months.

In Santa Rosa, feb. 24, Junette ,daughter of George W. McCAIN, aged 8 months and 10 days.

In Redwood City, Feb. 21, Charles W. PETERSON, aged 33 years.

In Redwood City, Feb. 25, Edward B. ROLLINS, aged 37 years and 10 months.

At Woodside, Feb. 28, infant son of John WINKLER, aged 3 days.

In Reno, Nev., Mar. 5, Maggie, daughter of W.T.C. ELLIOTT, aged 3 yrs, 1 month and 19 days.

In Virginia, Nev., March 1, Edward, son of J.J. COOPER, aged 20 days.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Bee

Monday Evening May 2, 1870



 In this city, May 1, Louis, only son of the late Louis and Augusta STEUDEMAN, a native of California, aged 1 year and 24 days.

 [Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, corner of Sixth and J streets, this afternoon, at 4 o’clock.

  In this city, April 26, Catherine LYNCH, aged 21 years, a native of New York.

  In San Francisco, April 29, Philip GALLWAY, aged 44 years.

  In San Francisco, April 29, Chas. Henry, son of Cornelius KELLY, aged 4 years and 11 months.

  In San Francisco, April 29, wife of Martin OWENS, aged 53 years.

  In San Francisco, April 29, Michael FAGAN, aged 40 years.

  In San Francisco, April 29, Maria Frances, daughter of William MAHONY, aged 16 years.

  In San Rafael, April 30, Mrs. O.M. MUNSON.

  In Santa Cruz, April 25, Walter J. COOPER, aged 31 years.

  In Oakland, April 29, Miss Almira PARKER, aged 24 years.

  In Chico, April 25, Laura, daughter of J.M. HOYT, aged 7 years and 8 months.

  In Colfax, April 21, Mrs. Annie Maria BRYNES, aged 24 years, 3 months and 6 days.

  Near Antioch, April 21, P.C. CRAMER, aged 47 years.

  In Monterey, April 24, Mrs. Vincenta PEREZ, aged 77 years.

  In Monterey, April 26, Ygnacio RIOS, aged 21 years.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Reporter, May 2, 1870

Page 2



In Sacramento, May 1, Louis, only son of the late Louis and Augusta Steudeman, a native of California, aged 1 year and 24 days. [St. Louis papers please copy.]

[Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from the corner of Sixth and J streets.]

In Los Angeles, April 24, Eulalia Higby, aged 4 weeks.

In Los Angeles, April 24, Estella Cohn, aged 2 years and 3 months.

In Chico, April 25, Laura Hoyl, aged 7 years and 8 months.

In Yuba City, April 24, Harriet Emma Long, aged 8 years, 5 months and 8 days.

At Evergreen, Santa Clara county, April 26, Mrs. D. R. Jayne, aged about 26 years.

In San Jose, April 28, Charles Alexander, aged 1 year and 10 months.

In Knight's Valley, April 24, Jacob Habishaw, aged 21 years, 10 months and 18 days.

At McDonald's Hotel, Mendocino county, April 20, Louisa, wife of T. C. Bishop.

In Oakland, April 29, Elmira Parker, aged 24 years.

Near Salinas City, April 16, Freddie McCandless, aged 9 years.

In Hollister, April 10, Charles McKnight.

In Petaluma, April 10, T. Lindsay Lamoreux, aged 2 years, 2 months and 26 days.

In San Buenaventura, April 14, Mrs. Malinda Hays, aged 18 years.

In Ukiah, April 20, Sarah Jane Sanderson, aged 12 years and 20 days.

In Monterey, April 24, Mrs. Vicenta Perez, aged 77 years.

In Monterey, April 26, Ygnacio Rios, aged 21 years.

In Colfax, April 20, Mrs. Annie Burns, aged 25 years.

Near Santa Cruz, April 26, Mrs. Frances McKenzie, aged 29 years, 7 months and 25 days.

In Santa Cruz, April 23, Lizzie Roberta Lacy, aged 8 months and 7 days.

In Santa Cruz, April 28, Isabella McPherson, aged 8 years and 8 days.

In San Francisco, April 29, Philip Gallway, aged 44 years.

In San Francisco, April 30, Daniel Nichols, aged 30 years.



The Dead of Last Week.

For the week ending April 30, 1870, made by R. K. Wick, Superintendent of City Cemetery. Office at Aitken & Co's., 177 K Street, where all the records may be examined:

April 24 – Ah Song, aged 39 years, China.

April 25 – Abba Harned, aged 73 years, 5 months and 28 days, New Jersey.

April 25 – George Saftig, aged 1 month, California.

April 26 - Catherine Lynch, aged 21 years, New York.

April 27 – Harry N. Montfort, aged 9 years and 1 month, California.

April 29 – Almer P. Soule, aged 39 years and 11 months, Ohio.

April 29 – George H. Wilder, aged 9 years, 5 months and 23 days, California.

April 30 – Marcella A. Jackson, aged 22 years and 4 days, Prince Edward's Island.

Causes of Death – Consumption, 1; fracture of thigh, 1; fracture of skull, 1; gastritis, 1; valvular disease of the heart, 1; hydrocephalus, 1; endocarditis, 1.



STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Sacramento. In the Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of JOHN McNULTY, deceased.

On reading and filing the petition of Henry M. Bernard, administrator of the estate of John McNulty, deceased, praying for an order of distribution of the residue of said estate among the persons entitled. -

It is ordered that all persons interested in the estate of John McNulty, deceased, be and appear before the Probate Court of the county of Sacramento, at the Court room of said Court, on the Thirtieth Day of May, 1870, at 10 o'clock A.M. of the day, then and there to show cause why an order of distribution should not be made of the residue of said estate among the heirs of said John McNulty, deceased, according to law.

It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published once a week for four successive weeks, before the said 30th day of May, 1870, in the SACRAMENTO REPORTER, a newspaper published in the county of Sacramento.

Dated April 30, 1870.

ROBERT C. CLARK, Probate Judge.

Attest: A true copy.

W. B. C. BROWN, Clerk.



Page 4


STATE of CALIFORNIA, COUNTY of Sacramento – In the matter of the estate of Louis Steudeman, deceased.

   In the Probate Court of the County of Sacramento.

   The People of the State of California send greeting: In pursuance of an order of the Hon. Robert C. Clark, Probate Judge of the county aforesaid, duly made and entered on the 25th day of April, 1870, notice is hereby given that MONDAY, the 9th day of May, 1870, at 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, at the County Court-room, at the Court House, in the city and county of Sacramento, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing the application of Augusta Steudeman, praying that a document now on file in this Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of Louis Steudeman, deceased, be admitted to probate, and that letters testamentary be issued thereon to said Augusta Steudeman, who is named therein as executrix, at which time and place all persons interested may appear and contest the same.

It is further ordered by the Court, that notice hereof be made by publication for ten successive days in the SACRAMENTO REPORTER, a newspaper printed and published in said Sacramento county.


Witness my hand and the seal of said Probate Court, hereto affixed, this 25th day of April, 1870.


W. B. C. BROWN, Clerk.

By Terence Masterson, Deputy Clerk.

N. Greene Curtis, Attorney for petitioner.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

May 4, 1870

Page 2



In Sacramento, May 3, Olive, consort of William Shattuck, a native of Boston, Massachusetts, aged 54 years. [Funeral services will be held at the Seventh street Methodist Church at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Friends of the family are invited to attend.]

In Sacramento, May 3, Augustus T. Myers, aged 11 days.

In San Francisco, May 3, Joseph George Brackett, aged 1 year, 6 months and 17 days.

In San Francisco, May 1, Horace Lovely, aged 67 years and 10 months.

In San Francisco, May 2, Galitzen Belcher, aged 48 years.


Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

May 5, 1870

Page 2



In San Francisco, May 4, Eugene Paul Carvalho, aged 1 year, 3 months and 16 days.

In San Francisco, May 4, Mrs. Hannah Ball, aged 58 years and 4 months.

In San Francisco, May 3, Mrs. Wm. Branscheld, aged 47 years and 7 months.

In Visalia, April 26, Clara Grace Spier, aged 7 years.

In Marysville, William Riley Boyer, aged 1 year, 7 months and 18 days.



STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Sacramento. In the matter of the estate of Alexander B. Lutz, deceased.

   In the Probate Court of the County of Sacramento.

The People of the State of California send greeting:

   In pursuance of an order of the Hon. Robert C. Clark, Probate Judge of the county aforesaid, duly made and entered on the 3rd day of May, 1870, notice is hereby given that Monday, the 16th day of May, 1870, at 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, at the County Court room, at Court House, in the city and county of Sacramento, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing the application of Edward Christy and Warren Luskin, praying that a document now on file in this Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of Alexander B. Lutz, deceased, be admitted to probate, and that letters testamentary be issued thereon to Edward Christy and Warren Luskin, who are named therein as executors, at which time and place all persons interested may appear and contest the same.

   It is further ordered by the Court that notice hereof be made by publication for ten successive days in the “ Sacramento Reporter”, a newspaper printed and published in said Sacramento county.

   Witness my hand and the seal of said Probate Court hereto affixed, this 3rd day of May, 1870.

W. B. C. BROWN, Clerk.

By Terence Masterson, Deputy Clerk.

D. W. Welty, Attorney for Petitioners.


NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ESTATE of Ed. M. Howison, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, administrator of the above named estate, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit the same, with the necessary vouchers, within ten months from the first publication of this notice, to the undersigned, at the Controller's Office, State Capitol.

Sacramento City, May 3, 1870.

ROBERT WATT, Administrator of said estate.

Ben Bullard, Jr., Attorney.


Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor



Sacramento Reporter

May 6, 1870


Page 3



In San Francisco, May 5, Alice Josephine Clary, aged 2 months and 10 days.

In San Francisco, May 4, Isabel V. Hastings, aged 17 years.

In San Francisco, May 4, Basillia Cantera, aged 32 years.

In Stockton, May 4, Frances Elizabeth Bigger, aged 6 years and 3 months.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

May 7, 1870

Page  2




In Oakland, May 5, Louis Heyman, aged 4 years and 9 months.

At Little River, Mendocino county, April 28, Mrs. Maria L. Reeves, aged 70 years and 6 months.

In Paradise City, March 12, Joseph Kittrell, aged 65 years.

Near Susanville, May 1, Amy Painter, aged 3 years.

In San Francisco, May 5, Benjamin C. Howard, aged 39 years.

In San Francisco, May 5, Philip Henry Merry, aged 7 months.

In San Francisco, May 4, Clara M. Hansell, aged 14 years, 4 months and 10 days.

In San Francisco, May 5, Nettie D. Hansell, aged 2 years, 7 months and 17 days.

In San Francisco, May 4, Adam Shirer, aged 58 years and 11 months.

At Washington Corners, Alameda county, Mrs. Catherine Ginderson, aged 64 years.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor



Sacramento Reporter

May 9, 1870


Page  3




In Mokelumne Hill, May 3, Francis Gleason, aged 8 months.

In Vallejo, May 4, John S. Lee, aged 43 years.

In Petaluma, May 4, Thomas J. Johnson, aged 40 years.

In San Francisco, May 7, Wilhelm Mausshardt, aged 1 year, 2 months and 26 days.

In San Francisco, May 7, William Erzgraber, aged 5 years, 7 months and 9 days.

In San Francisco, May 6, Mrs. Alice Hanifin, aged 65 years and 6 days.

In San Francisco, May 7, Thomas Ewing, aged 37 years.

In San Francisco, May 6, Hugh Burns, aged 63 years.

Near Chico, April 29, Henry Chany, aged 62 years.

At Laguna Valley, April 28, Cuthbert Burrell, a native of England, aged 70 years.

At Evergreen, April 29, Mrs. D. R. Jane, aged about 26 years.

At San Jose, May 1, James Miles, aged 37 years.

At San Jose, May 4, Camille Villa, a native of France, aged about 45 years.



The Dead of Last Week.

For the week ending May 7, 1870, made by R. K. Wick, Superintendent of City Cemetery.

Office at Aitken & Co.'s, 177 K Street, where all the records may be examined:


May 1-Rufus D. Folsom, aged 31 years; Maine.

May 2-Augustus T. Myers, aged 11 days; California.

May 2-Louis Steudeman, aged 1 year and 24 days; California.

May 2-Augustus T. Myers, aged 11 days; California.

May 3-Olive Shattuck, aged 54 years; Massachusetts.

May 5-Harris Hyman, aged 6 years, 3 months and 9 days; California.

May 5-Sarah Dolerd, aged 5 years and 6 months; California.




Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor





Sacramento Reporter

May 11, 1870


Page  2




In Sacramento, May 9, Stella Ernestine, only daughter of O. M. and Libbie J. Holt, aged 2 years 2 months and 13 days. [Iowa papers please copy.]

In San Francisco, May 9, James D. McNulty, aged 28 years.

In Vallejo, May 9, Andrew Lee, aged 40 years, 1 month and 7 days.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

May 13, 1870


Page  3




In Sacramento, May 13, Edward, son of W. L. and Lizzie Needham, a native of California, aged 1 year and 8 months.

[Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from residence of parents, Fourth street, between N and O, this afternoon at 3 o'clock.]

In Sacramento, May 11, W. S. Smart, a native of Maine, aged 74 years.

In Vallejo, May 12, Lilian May Carlton, aged 9 months.

In San Francisco, May 12, James W. McNally, aged 10 years and 6 months.

In San Francisco, May 12, Laura May Preston, aged 11 months and 20 days.

In San Francisco, May 12, Maria Elise Mayrisch, aged 1 year and 8 months.

In San Francisco, May 12, William Owens, aged 49 years.

In San Francisco, May 12, Mary Graham, aged 33 years.

In San Francisco, May 12, Mrs. Fannie Pratt, aged 29 years, 5 months and 13 days.

In San Francisco, May 12, Carrie May Hansell, aged 8 years, 7 months and 27 days.

In San Francisco, May 11, Aloysius D. Carvalho, aged 3 years, 10 months and 20 days.

In Eureka, April 29, George Albert Hanson, aged 4 years, 3 months and 8 days.

In Lower Lake, May 5, Peter Noel, aged about 4 years.

In Millerton, May 5, Mrs. Mary M. Helm, aged 19 years and 5 months.




Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

May 14, 1870 [same entry as the 13th]


Page  3




In Sacramento, May 13, Edward, son of W. L. and Lizzie Needham, a native of California, aged 1 year and 8 months.

[Friends are respectively invited to attend the funeral from the residence of parents, Fourth street, between N and O, this afternoon at 3 o'clock.]

In Sacramento, May 11, W. S. Smart, a native of Maine, aged 74 years.

In Vallejo, May 12, Lilian May Carlton, aged 9 months.

In San Francisco, May 12, James W. McNally, aged 10 years and 6 months.

In San Francisco, May 12, Laura May Preston, aged 11 months and 20 days.

In San Francisco, May 12, Maria Elise Mayrisch, aged 1 year and 8 months.

In San Francisco, May 12, William Owens, aged 49 years.

In San Francisco, May 12, Mary Graham, aged 33 years.

In San Francisco, May 12, Mrs. Fannie Pratt, aged 29 years, 5 months and 13 days.

In San Francisco, May 12, Carrie May Hansell, aged 8 years, 7 months and 27 days.

In San Francisco, May 11, Aloysins D. Carvalho, aged 3 years, 10 months and 20 days.

In Eureka, April 29, George Albert Hanson, aged 4 years, 3 months and 8 days.

In Lower Lake, May 5, Peter Noel, aged about 4 years.

In Millerton, May 5, Mrs. Mary M. Helm, aged 19 years and 5 months.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor





Sacramento Reporter

May 16, 1870



In Sacramento, May 15, Mary, wife of Patrick Lynch, a native of Ireland, aged 28 years.

[Funeral from her late residence, alley between Fourth and Fifth and L and M streets, at 3 o'clock to-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon. Friends are invited to attend.]

In San Francisco, May 14, David Taggart, formerly of Sacramento, a native of Canada West, aged 40 years.

[Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from Reeves' rooms, this afternoon at 4 o'clock.]

At White's ranch, Sacramento county, May 10, Patrick White, aged 37 years.

At Cottonwood, Tehama county, May 9, Dr. J. A. Ruff, aged 56 years.

In San Francisco, May 12, James W. McNally, aged 10 years and 6 months.

In San Francisco, May 13, Mrs. Hester Bright, aged 75 years.

In San Francisco, May 14, Barstow Waller, aged 1 year, 9 months and 9 days.

In Yuba City, May 9, Daniel W. Pierson, aged 14 years, 2 months and 24 days.

In Janesville, May 3, Guy Epley, aged 3 years.

In San Bernardino, May 5, Andrew Danley, aged about 10 years.

At Lytle Creek, May 2, Mrs. Helen Graham, aged 65 years.

In Santa Cruz, May 15, Irvin H. Howe, aged 6 years, 4 months and 22 days.

Near Santa Cruz, May 9, Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, aged 36 years, 10 months and 5 days.

Near Oroville, May 7, James Harold Gray, aged 11 months.

On Deer Creek, Tehama county, May 4, Harmon A. Good, aged 35 years.



The Dead of Last Week.

For the week ending May 14, 1870, made by R. K. Wick, Superintendent of City Cemetery. Office at Aitken & Co,'s, 177 K street, where all records may be examined:

May 8-Joshua Baker, aged 39 years, Missouri.

May 8-Refina Dela Tuerrta, 24 years, Mexico.

May 9-Shim Chew, 3 months and 15 days, Cal.

May 9-Joe Kim Tock, 22 years, China.

May 9-Lou Ye Lie, 30 years, China.

May 10-Ah Ying, 28 years, China.

May 10-Sarah Anne Dougherty, 1 year, 1 month and 11 days, Cal.

May 10-W. S. Smart, 74 years, Maine.

May 10-Charles Kidder, 3 months, Cal.

May 12-Infant of A. M. and Katie Shutt, Cal.

May 13-Edward Meacham, 1 year and 8 months, Cal.


Causes of Death- Congestive chills, 1; bronchitis, 1; not known, 4; run over by cars, 2; consumption, 1; spasms, 1; tabes mesenterica, 1.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

May 17, 1870



In Sacramento, May 16, Gaston L., son of Anatole and Justin Lobe, a native of California, aged 7 months and 4 days.

[Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from residence of parents, 138 Third street, at 10 o'clock this morning.]

In San Francisco, May 16, Henrietta Lindsey, aged 5 months and 7 days.

In San Francisco, May 15, Mrs. George Britton, aged 71 years and 5 months.

In San Francisco, May 16, Mrs. Caroline T. Hall, aged 61 years.

In San Francisco, May 16, Henry L. Ford, aged 39 years.

In San Francisco, May 14, Mary Ann Marron, aged 3 years, 3 months and 3 days.

In San Francisco, May 14, John W. Marron, aged 1 year, 2 months and 15 days.

In San Francisco, May 15, Captain J. W. Harvey, aged 38 years.

In Sierraville, Sierra county, May 13, Daniel H. Brown, aged 33 years, 5 months and 14 days.

In Stockton, May 14, Mary A. Garner, aged 3 years, 8 months and 4 days.

In Petaluma, May 8, Alfred B. Haskell, aged 1 year and 11 months.

In San Rafael, May 6, Mary Arcadia Higuera.

In Plainsburg, May 6, Mrs. Mary Senter, aged 38 years.

In Paradise City, May 12, Joseph Kittrell, aged 65 years.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor



Sacramento Reporter

May 20, 1870


Page 3



In San Francisco, May 19, Charlotte Seymour, aged 60 years and 7 days.

In San Francisco, May 19, Gisina M. Schmidt, aged 7 years, 2 months and 24 days.

In San Francisco, May 17, Carrie D. Ladd, aged 35 years and 3 months.

In San Jose, May 18, Captain Warren Foye, aged 44 years.

In San Francisco, May 19, John Sweeney, aged 40 years.

In San Francisco, May 18, John Brown, aged 10 years.

In Stockton, May 18, Margaret Catts, aged 40 years.

In Oakland, May 18, Zenora Lamb, aged 11 years.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

May 23, 1870


Page 3



In San Francisco, May 21, Ann McGlinn, aged 1 year 4 months and 7 days.

In San Francisco, May 21, George B. Linsley, aged 2 years, 1 month and 10 days.

In San Francisco, May 21, Christopher Godfrey, aged about 47 years.



The Dead of Last Week.

   For the week ending May 21, 1870, made by R. K. Wick, Superintendent of City Cemetery Office at Aitken & Co.'s, 177 K street, where all the records may be examined:

May 14 – Sing Qui, aged 22 years, China.

May 15 - Mary Lynch, aged 28 years, Ireland.

May 16 – Gaston L. Lobe, 7 months and 4 days, Cal.

May 17 – Alma Arthur Klein, 5 months and 11 days, Nevada.

May 18 – Chong Hop, 42 years, China.

May 19 – Daniel Breu’er, 38 years, Germany.

May 20 – Mary J. K. West, 17 years, Vermont.


   Besides the above there were brought to the city for interment:

David Taggart, of San Francisco, 40 years.

Patrick Brady, of San Francisco, 35 years.

Cause of death: Chronic diarrhea, 2; spasms, 1; phthisis, 1; variola, 1; paralysis, 1; not known, 2; cirrhosis hepatitis, 1.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

May 24, 1870


Page 3



In San Francisco, May 22, Mary Ballard, aged 65 years.

In San Francisco, May 22, John Barrett, aged 8 months and 11 days.

At Martinez, May 22, Captain Seth M. Swain, aged 67 years.

In Healdsburg, May 12, William S. Davies, aged 11 years, 1 month and 12 days.

In Mark West, May 16, Guadalupe Basques de West, aged 58 years.

In Dutch Flat, May 8, Rebecca Holmes, aged 30 years, 7 months and 21 days.

In Cahto, May 14, Isaac P. Smith, aged 36 years and 6 months.

In Los Nietos, May 17, Rev. Silas M. Stout.

In ----, May 18, Geo. F. Von Hollen, aged 45 years.

In Two Rocks Valley, May 5, Louisa Keim, aged 27 years and 9 months.

In Colusa,  May 15, George Woodson, aged 1 year, 4 months and 11 days.

Near Colusa, May 10, George Read, aged about 21years.

In Monterey, May 15, Anna M. W. Canfield, aged 28 years and 5 months.

In Monterey, May 16, J. M. Barthelow, aged 35 years.

In San Maguel [sic] Mission, May 16, Alexander Murray, aged 35 years.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor




Sacramento Reporter

May 26, 1870


Page 3



In Sacramento, May 24, Violet, daughter of W. C. Farnsworth, aged 3 weeks.

In Sacramento, May 24, John Carvill, aged 1 year, 8 months and  24 days.

In San Francisco, May 25, David Jones, aged 41 years.

In San Francisco, May 24, Louisa E. Morgan, aged 1 year, 11 months and 11 days.

In San Francisco, May 24, Paul Dupuytren, aged 5 years, 2 months and 9 days.


Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor



Sacramento Reporter

May 27, 1870


Page 3



In Sacramento, May 26, Josie H. Van Tine, aged 1 year and 14 days.

[Funeral from residence of parents, to-morrow, at 4 o'clock P.M., corner of Thirteenth and E streets. Friends of the family are invited to attend.]

In San Francisco, May 25, Jose Jesus Bernal, aged 39 years, 6 months and 1 day.

At Twenty-one Mile House, Monterey road, John McAllister, aged 21 years.

In Stockton, May 25, Isabella G. Crawford, aged 5 months and 4 days.

Near Snelling, April 29, David Cochran, aged 45 years.

At Kerrick's Eight-mile House, Mariposa road, May 24, Russell Miller, aged 28 years.

At Moore's Landing, May 23, Minerva Needham, aged 68 years.

In Marysville, May 24, Margaret Fronk, aged 66 years, 11 months and 24 days.

At Denton's Ranch, Nevada county, May 10, Carrie S. Denton, aged 8 days.

In San Bernarndino, May 16, Alexander K. Wire, aged 16 days.

Near Saratoga Springs, Cal., May 23, Major S. C. Staples, of New York.

In Santa Clara, May 17, Edward M., infant son of Jacob and Josephine Meyer.

In Stockton, May 24, Walter M. Chase, aged 5 years.

In Stockton, May 23, John B. Compton, aged 1 year, 4 months and 26 days.

In Kernville, Kern county, May 11, Marietta Owen.


Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor



Sacramento Reporter

May 28, 1870


Page 3



In San Francisco, May 27, Mary Ann Murray, aged 25 years.

In San Francisco, May 26, Mrs. Sarah Benheim, aged 50 years.

In San Francisco, May 27, John T. Schrack, aged 39 years.

In Stockton, May 26, A. J. Coburn, aged 55 years and 1 month.

Near Lockeford, San Joaquin county, May 25, Phillip Loving, aged 42 years, 2 months and 8 days.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor



Sacramento Reporter

May 30, 1870


Page 3



In Sacramento, May 28, Thomas W. White, a native of Massachusetts, aged 44 years, 5 months and 3 days.

[Funeral services at the Congregational Church, at 3 o'clock this afternoon, after which the remains will be escorted to the grave by the Grand Army of the Republic.]

In Sacramento, May 28, Mrs. Mary F. McKeehan, a native of New York, aged 38 years, 3 months and 20 days.

[Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from late residence, N street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, at 11 o'clock A.M. to-day.]

In San Francisco, May 28, Harry O. Gough, aged 40 years.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Taylor





Sacramento Reporter

June 7, 1870


Page 3




In San Francisco, June 5, John Wheeler, aged 60 years and 9 months.

In San Francisco, June 6, Alexander Pape, aged 10 months and 7 days.

In San Francisco, June 4, Mrs. Susan Rokohl.

In San Francisco, June 4,  John Gross, aged 41 years.

In San Francisco, June 5, Louis Brown, aged 41 years, 9 months and 2 days.

In San Francisco, June 5, Patrick Kenney, aged 36 years.

In San Francisco, June 4, Gussie Haviland, aged 6 months and 15 days.

In Alameda, June 5, John Jacob Wolters, aged 42 years and 6 months.

In Colusa, May 31, Henry Randolph Morris, aged 18 years, 6 months and 9 days.

Near Oroville, May 21, Lloyd Rollins, aged 80 years.

In Yreka, June 1, Mrs. Nancy E. Conner, aged 36 years and 13 days.

In Downieville, May 27, Mrs. Ellen S. Gilbert, aged 42 years.

In Sierraville, Sierra county, May 13, Daniel H. Brown, aged 33 years, 6 months and 13 days.

In Newark, May 28, Mrs. Mary W. Pritchard, aged 23 years and 27 days.

In Nevada City, June 2, Sarah McCaughan, aged 22 years.

In Nevada City, June 4, Isaac Williamson, aged 52 years.

In Arcata, Humboldt county, Mrs. Emily Armstrong, aged 66 years.

On Deer Creek, June 2, George Charles McHugh, aged 6 months and 24 days.


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 8, 1870


Page 3




In San Francisco, June 5, Frederick Pout, a native of Canterbury, county of Kent, England, aged 69 years.

   [Friends are invited to attend his burial at the City Cemetery at 2 o’clock this afternoon.]

In Sacramento, May 29, James Stewart, a native of New York, aged 33 years.

In Sacramento, May 29, James McCoole, a native of Ireland, aged 32 years.

In Sacramento, June 2, John Garvey, a native of New Jersey, aged 32 years.

In Sacramento, June 2, Wm. Dowthet, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 45 years.

In Sacramento, June 4, John Dickens, aged 45 years.

In San Francisco, June 3, Carrie Augusta Newton, aged 1 month and 14 days.

In San Francisco, June 5, M. W. Hallstrom, aged 31 years, 9 months and 14 days.

In San Francisco, June 5, Catherine Isabella Kelly, aged 2 months and 11 days.


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 9, 1870


Page 3




In Sacramento, June 8, Walter Joseph, son of John and Nellie Galligan, aged 6 months and 21 days.

[Funeral from residence of Robert Miller, P street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth, at 4 o’clock this afternoon.  Friends are invited.]

In Sacramento, June 8, Mrs. Clara Watson, aged 35 years.

In Hicksville, Sacramento, county, June 7, James Mayberry, a native of Tennessee aged 37 years.

In Vallejo, June 4, Frank I. Rich, aged 5 months and 2 days.

In Nevada City, June 6, John Kelsey, aged 4 years, 4 months and 20 days.

In Nevada City, June 6, Hattie Joy, aged 5 years, 1 months and 21 days.

In Grass Valley, June 6, Richard Bray, aged 24 years.


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 10, 1870


Page 3




In Sacramento, June 4, wife of J. W. Wilson, of a daughter.

In San Francisco, June 8, wife of Morris Zacharias, of a son.

In Marysville, June 1, wife of Edward Harris, of a daughter.


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 10, 1870


Page 3




In Washington, Yolo county, June 8, Thomas Denny, aged 8 years and 2 months, and Margaret Denny, aged 3 years and 1 months, natives of New Brunswick.

[The funeral will take place from the residence of the parents this afternoon at 2 o’clock.  Friends are respectfully invited to attend.]

In San Francisco, June 6, John H. Fletcher, aged 32 years, 8 months.

In San Francisco, June 7, Frank H. Prescott, aged 26 years, 5 months and 20 days.

In San Francisco, June 9, Moses Coleman, aged 2 months and 17 days.

In San Francisco, June 8, John Gallagher, aged 34 years.

On the Almaden road, June 7, the infant child of John Cooney.

On Deer Creek, June 8, Wm. H. McHugh, aged 2 years, 3 months and 8 days.


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 11, 1870


Page 3




In Sacramento, June 10, Thomas Ferrell, a native of Philadelphia, aged 54 years.

[Funeral to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at 2 o’clock, from the Masonic Hall.]

In San Francisco, Albert Woodall, aged 2 years and 2 months.

In San Francisco, June 6, Wm. A. Thomason, aged 5 months and 23 days.

In San Francisco, June 9, Wheeler L. French, aged 4 years 11 months.

In San Francisco, June 9, John W. Sinclair, aged 54 years.

Near Tuolumne City, June 8, Daniel Luce.

In Tuolumne City, June 1, Thomas Stooms.

In Oakland, June 9, Charles P. Walker, aged 1 year and 2 days.

In Healdsburg, June 3, Benjamin F. McManus, aged 8 years and 11 months.


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 13, 1870


Page 3




San Francisco, June 11, James Longshore, aged 63 years.

San Francisco, June 11, Thomas W. Standwell, printer, formerly of Sacramento, aged 38 years.

San Francisco, June 11, Emma Grimes, aged 2 years 1 months and 2 days.

San Francisco, June 11, Frank R. Stuart, aged 37 years.

San Francisco, June 10, James R. Starkey, aged 48 years.

San Francisco, June 11, Capt. Valentine Coffin, aged 82 years and 28 days.

In Oroville, June 5, Mrs. Elizabeth Locher, aged 62 years, 9 months and 15 days.

In Oroville, June 4, Dierre Guicheneny.

In Oakland, June 10, John Connors, aged 43 years.

In Placerville, June 10, infant daughter of Anderson B. McCoy.

In Rio Vista, June 2, Anthony W. Dozier, aged 69 years.

Near Emigrant Gap, June 8, Solomon Cushman, aged about 55 years.

At Pleasant Hill, Contra Costa county, May 27 Wm. R. McClellan, aged 62 years.

In Petaluma, June 8, Wm. P. Ranard, aged 20 years.

In Santa Rosa, June 5, Caroline L. Fraser, aged 21 months and 13 days.

In Stockton, June 10, Mary Alice McCarty, aged 3 years, 6 months and 19 days.




For the week ending June 11, 1870, made by R. K. Wick, Superintendent of City Cemetery. Office at Aitken & Co.’s, 177 K street, where all the records may be examined:


June 4---Fannie Rogers, aged 16 years, California.

June 6---Infant of Chas. Watson, California.

June 7---Clara Watson, 35 years.

June 7---Infant of W. A. McKeehan.

June 8---Walter J. Gallighan, aged 6 months and 21 days, California.

June 9---Willie Neilson, aged 2 months and 22 days, California.

June 9--- Thomas Ferrell, aged 54 years, 8 months and 4 days, Pennsylvania.

June 10—Giovanni Raffets, aged 28 days, California.

   Besides the above, there were brought to the city for interment the following:

June 5---Frederick Pout, 69 years, England---died at San Francisco.

June 5---Unknown man, drowned in American river.

June 8---Thomas Denny, 8 years, New Brunswick---died in Yolo county.

June 8---Margaret Denny, 3 years and 1 month, New Brunswick---died in Yolo county.

   Cause of Death---Diarrhea, 1; pneumonia, 1; meningitis, 1; inflammation of bowels, 1; stillborn, 2; convulsions, 1; heart disease, 1.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 14, 1870


Page 3




In Oakland, June 11, Harvey J. Brusli, aged 13 months.

In San Francisco, June 12, James H. Cutter, aged 50 years, 5 months and 10 days.

In San Francisco, June 12, Mrs. Bridget Kenney, aged 61 years.

In San Francisco, June 12, Thomas Roberts, aged 40 years.

In San Francisco, June 12, Isador Koshland, aged 18 years, 10 months and 2 days.

In San Francisco, June 12, George Shaw, aged 4 years, 7 months and 10 days.

In San Francisco, June 11, Eida L. Jansen, aged 1 year and 1 month.

In San Francisco, June 12, Wm. J. Danham, aged 1 year and 5 months.

In San Francisco, June 12, Manuel Charles, aged 26 years.

In San Francisco, June 11, Emma Grimes, aged 2 years, 1 month and 2 days.

In San Francisco, June 12, infant son of Michael Lane.

In Vallejo, June 12, Walter Mitchell, aged 33 years.

Near Colusa, June 2, Mrs. Sarah Roderick, aged about 35 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 15, 1870


Page 3




In San Francisco, June 14, Hester E. Lower, aged 1 year, 2 months and 5 days.

In San Francisco, June 13,  Mrs. Fanny R. Kimball, aged 21 years.

In San Francisco, June 13, Thomas Bird, aged 27 years.

In San Francisco, June 13, Hezlep James, aged 57 years.

In San Francisco, June 12, George S. Shaw, aged 4 years, 7 months and 17 days.

In San Francisco, June 11, David R. Williams (printer), aged about 36 years.

In San Francisco, June 13, Mary Ann Kelly aged 22 years.

In Nevada City, June 12, Charles Gunther, aged 2 years and 5 days.

In Marysville, June 13, Mary L. Davis, aged 6 years and 8 months.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 16, 1870


Page 3




In Sacramento, June 15, John Conners, a native of Ireland, aged 45 years.

[The funeral will take place from Reeves’ rooms at 11 o’clock this morning.]


In Sacramento, June 15, Alexander W., son of Alexander and Anne Hill, a native of Canada, aged 1 year, 8 months and 8 days.

[Funeral at 2 ˝ o’clock this afternoon from residence of parents, G street, near Eleventh.  Friends are invited to attend.]


In Santa Barbara, June 2, Mrs. Aminda M. Bly, aged 31 years.

In San Francisco, June 13, Mrs. Fanny K. Kimball, aged 21 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 17, 1870


Page 3




In Washington, Yolo county, June 16, Mary Ann Denny, a native of New Brunswick, aged 10 months and 17 days.

[Funeral from residence of parents, Washington, this afternoon at 2 o’clock.  Friends are respectfully invited.]


In Alameda, June 15, Frederick Wm. Lohse, aged 6 years and 2 days.

In San Francisco, June 14, Mary B. Garratt, aged 2 years, 2 months and 28 days.

In San Francisco, June 14, William Banks, aged 20 years.

In San Francisco, June 16, James Gilroy, aged 36 years.

In San Francisco, June 14, James Smith, aged 63 years.

In San Francisco, June 14, Hans Hildebrandt, aged 65 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 18, 1870


Page 3




In San Francisco, June 16, John Conlon, aged 36 years.

In San Francisco, June 15, Mrs. Mary Ann McNulty, aged 34 years.

In San Francisco, June 16, A. M. Olsen, aged 35 years.

In Susanville, June 11, Solomon Knoch, aged 4 years and three months.

In Susanville, June 12, Jennie Knoch, aged 3 years.

Near Milford, June 10, Amanda Rice, aged 36 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Bee

Saturday Evening, June 18, 1870



  In this city, June 18, Jacob SCULLEY, a native of Dublin, Ireland, aged 65 years.

 [Funeral from Mr. CARROLL’s, corner of I and Fourth streets, at 2 ˝ o’clock to-morrow afternoon. Friends are invited to attend.]

  In San Francisco, June 16, John CONLON, aged 36 years.

  In San Francisco, June 15, Mary Ann, wife of J.C. McNULTY, aged 34 years.

  In San Francisco, June 16, A.M. OLSEN, aged 35 years.

  In Healdsburg, June 12, John, son of P.W. WILLIAMS, aged 8 years, 2 months and 20 days.

  In Bloomfield, May 28, Lizzie E., aged 8 years, 2 months and 11 days; May 30, Flora A., aged 5 years and 13 days; May 31, Oscar F., aged 1 year, 8 months and 11 days, daughters and sons of Daniel BRUNER.

  In Bloomfield, June 2, John BRUNER, aged 69 years, 2 months and 5 days.

  In Susanville, June 11, Solomon KNOCH, aged 4 years and 3 months.

  In Susanville, June 12, Jennie KNOCH, aged 3 years.

  Near Milford, Lassen county, June 10, Amanda, wife of David RICE, aged 36 years.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Reporter

June 20, 1870


Page 3




In Sacramento, June 19, Pauline, wife of Walter B. Ferral, a native of Germany, aged 19 years, 9 months and 14 days.

[Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from late residence, corner of Tenth and N streets, this afternoon at 4 o’clock.]


In Sacramento, June 18, John Sculley, a native of Ireland, aged 65 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton





Sacramento Reporter

June 21, 1870


Page 3




In Sacramento, June 20, James W. Nolan, a native of Ireland, aged 38 years.

[Funeral at 2 o’clock this afternoon, from his late residence, corner of Thirteenth and O streets.  Friends are invited to attend.]


In Sacramento, June 19, Charles A. Lundholm, aged about 29 years.

[Funeral at 3 o’clock this afternoon, from Lincoln Hall, K street, between Fifth and Sixth. Friends are invited to attend.]


In Sacramento, June 19, Helen E., daughter of John A. and Lydia Anthony, aged 7 months and 16 days.

[Funeral from residence of parents, on Second street, near P, this afternoon at 3 o’clock.  Friends are invited to attend.]


In Sacramento, June 19, Charles L. A., son of John W. and Philomena Hartman, aged 2 months and 12 days.

In San Francisco, June 19, Frank LeB. Jones, aged 6 months and 24 days.

In San Francisco, June 19, Alvin W. Whitney, aged 10 months and 22 days.

In San Francisco, June 19, Elizabeth H. Prevost, aged 5 months and 26 days.

In San Francisco, June18, Mrs. Frederika Steinhoff, aged 24 years, 2 months and 9 days.

In San Francisco, June 19, Victor Chaigneau, aged 52 years and 8 months.

In Oakland, June 18, Charles S. Potter, aged 6 years and 7 months.

In San Francisco, June 18, Vicente Bona, aged 25 years.

In San Francisco, June 18, Andrew Anderson, aged 30 years.

In Mokelumne Hill, June 10, Mrs. Frederika Wentzel, aged 56 years.




For the week ending June 18, 1870, made by R. K. Wick, Superintendent of City Cemetery.  Office at Aitken & Co.’s, 177 K street, where all the records may be examined:


June 14---John Conners, aged 40 years, New York.

June 15---Alex. W. Hill, 1 year, 8 months and 8 days, Canada.

June 17---Amelia F. Lewis, 44 years, Germany.

June 18---John Scully, 65 years, Ireland.


Besides the above, there were brought to the city for interment the following:

June 16---Mary Ann Denny, from Yolo county, aged 10 years and 17 days, New Brunswick.


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 23, 1870


Page 3




In Sacramento, June 22, Hiram H., son of Hiram and Nancy J. Garrett, aged 1 year, 11 months and 25 days.

[Funeral at 5 o’clock this afternoon from residence of parents, corner of Thirteenth and H streets.]


In Sacramento, June 20, Daniel, son of H. C. and Rosa Trainor, aged 10 years, 6 months and 18 days.

In San Francisco, June 20, Samuel Buckley, aged 69 years.

In San Francisco, June 19, Samuel J. Pierce, aged 1 year, 10 months and 15 days.

At Bannerville, June 20, Martin Weir Smith, aged 1 year, 3 months and 20 days.

In San Francisco, June 21, Eugene Peter Lombard, aged 40 years.

In San Francisco, June 21, Mrs. Angeline Harris, aged 53 years, 1 month and 14 days.

In San Francisco, June 21, Ralph Fairfowl, aged 4 months and 3 days.


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 24, 1870


Page 3




In San Francisco, June 22, Captain John Delavan, aged 58 years, 3 months and 10 days.

In San Francisco, June 23, Daniel O’Keefe, aged 58 years.

In San Francisco, June 22, Joana Jackson, aged 26 years and 23 days.

In San Francisco, June 22, Sarah Clark, aged 44 years and 4 months.


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 27, 1870


Page 3




In Sacramento, June 25, Edward A. Ham, printer, a native of Dartmouth, New Hampshire, aged 44 years.

[Funeral from his late residence, P street, between Seventh and Eighth, at 4 o’clock P.M., to-day.  Friends of the family are invited to attend.]


In Sacramento, June 26, Mrs. Bridget Read, a native of county Dublin, Ireland, aged 73 years.

[Funeral from her late residence, Fifth street, between K and L, to-morrow.]


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 28, 1870


Page 3




In San Francisco, June 27, Mrs. Margaret C. Parker, aged 3s [sic] years and 8 months. [Mortuary Records of San Francisco state age 23 – born est. 1847  Penn. Source: Familysearch.org]

In San Francisco, June 25, Mrs. Sarah C. Brandon, aged 35 years and 5 months.

In San Francisco, June 26, Thomas W. Herron, aged 41 years.

In San Francisco, June 26, Elizabeth Fredrika Lundblade.

In Alameda, June 20, Mabel C. Farris, aged 11 months and 2 days.

In Mayfield, June 26, Lizzie Ogden, aged 35 years.

Near Santa Cruz, June 21, George Majors, aged 16 years.

Near Collegeville, San Joaquin county, William H. Ward, aged 45 years.


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 29, 1870


Page 3




In Sacramento, June 28, Charles Joseph Ash, a native of Germany, aged 32 years and 9 months.

[Funeral from his late residence, corner of Seventeenth and N streets, at 2 o’clock this afternoon.  Friends are invited to attend.]


At North Butte, Sutter county, June 26, Susan F. Clyma, aged 7 years.

In San Francisco, June 28, Frederick W. Ruland, aged 1 year and 11 months.

In San Francisco, June ---, Lucius Hoyt, aged 41 years.

In San Francisco, June 27, Minnie M. Anderson, aged 14 months.

At New Almaden, June 27, John New, aged 39 years.


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

June 30, 1870


Page 3




In Sacramento, June 29, B. E. Hilsman, printer, a native of Georgia, aged 44 years.

In Sacramento, June 24, Charles H. Frischgasell, a native of Russia, aged 49 years. [Marysville papers please copy.]

In Sacramento, June 28, Gearge [sic] E. Coggeshall, a native of Massachusetts aged 45 years.

In Folsom, June 28, Mrs. Lyons.

In Stockton, June 28, Mrs. Rosella Fichner, aged 24 years, 10 months and 15 days.

In San Francisco, June 29, Albert H. W. Akmann, aged 2 years and 8 months.

In San Francisco, June 29, Eugene F. Staempil, aged 11 months and 11 days.

In Alameda, June 28, Frank A. Kimball, aged 15 days.

In San Francisco, June 28, David Welsh, aged 30 years.

In San Francisco, June 28, William Floren, aged 48 years.


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Bee

Wednesday Evening, November 2, 1870



  In this city, Nov. 1, infant of Capt. Joseph and Fannie DAVIS.

  In San Francisco, Oct. 23, Mary CUSHING, daughter of the late Rev. James ARBUCKLE.

  In San Francisco, Oct. 31, James BUDD, aged 41 years.

  In San Francisco, Oct. 30, John MORAN, aged 45 years.

  In San Francisco, Oct. 31, Mary J., wife of Frederick PARKER, aged 26 yrs, 2 mos and 12 days.

  In San Francisco, Oct. 30, Charles, infant son of Emil ROUSSEY, aged 3 months.

  In Stockton, Oct. 29, Helen, daughter of P.M. FISHER.

  In San Jose, Oct. 30, Freddy F. HOFFMAN, aged 3 months.

  In San Jose, Oct. 30, William STEADMAN, aged 47 years.

  In Marysville, Oct. 30, Oliver BONNER, aged 36 years.

  In Sierra Valley, Sept 30, Addie STRANG, aged 4 years.

  In Gibsonville, Oct. 14, Josephine DELSIER, aged 3 years, 10 months and 3 days.

  In Austin, Nevada, Oct. 21, Mrs. Mary SCHWIN, aged 20 years.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Evening Bee

Thursday Evening, November 3, 1870



  In this city, Nov. 2, Effie, daughter of John Q.A. and Anna M. BROWN, aged 6 years, 11 months and 2 days.

  [Funeral at 3 o’clock to-morrow (Friday) afternoon, from residence of parents, H street, between Seventh and Eighth. Friends are invited to attend.]

  In this city, Nov. 1, Charles FOSTER, a native of New York, aged 45 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 1, Mary, wife of Michael HYLAND, aged 34 years.

  In San Francisco, Richard WALSH, Jr., aged 2 years and 10 months.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 1., Capt. David C. MITCHELL, a native of Nantucket, mass., aged 53 years.

  In San Francisco, Oct. 29, Charles MELLINGTON, aged 40 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 1, William HODGKINS, aged 38 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 1, Mary McQUEN, aged 35 years.

  In Grass Valley, Oct. 30, Sister Feinta CARR, aged 38 years.

  Near Union Hill, Nevada county, Oct. 28, William O., son of W.F. MOORE, aged 9 years, 3 months and 8 days.

  In Stockton, Nov. 1, Annie Sherman, infant daughter of C.E. KILSWORTH.

  In San Jose, Oct. 31, infant son of A.W. WHITE, aged 10 months and 8 days.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Bee

Friday Evening, November 4, 1870



  In this city, Nov. 3, Joseph ANDERSON, a native of Antwerp, Belgium, aged about 44 years.

  In Colusa, Nov 1, Joseph W. HILSEE, aged 50 years.

  In Big Panoche Valley, Oct.24, Elvira Lovely BONNER, aged 7 months and 12 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 1, Robert, son of Donald McKUSIE, aged 2 years, 6 months and 6 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 2, Kate, wife of Patrick NOLAN, aged 38 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 2, M.E .BYRNES, aged 30 years.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Bee

Saturday Evening, November 5, 1870



  In this city, Nov. 3, Joseph ANDERSON, a native of Belgium, aged 45 years.

  [Funeral at 1 ˝ o’clock to-morrow afternoon. Friends are invited to attend.]

  In San Francisco, Nov. 3, Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Patrick McDONALD, aged 8 months and 24 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 3, Sophie, daughter of Christopher FAHRENKRUG, aged 7 weeks and 2 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 3, Hattie K., daughter of Captain Wm. GALLOWAY, aged 11 years, 9 months and 11 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 3, Mary Frances, wife of Henry W. SEVERANCE, a native of Belfast, Maine, aged 26 years, 3 months and 9 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 3, Stephen PUTNUM, a native of Danver, Mass., aged 53 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 3, Moses, son of J.S. BARMAN, aged 10 years, 4 months and 15 days.

  In Stockton, Nov. 2, Mrs. Elizabeth JOYNER, aged 86 years.

  At Klamath river, Oct. 26, Abner GROAT, aged 45 years.

  At Fort Jones, Oct. 30 B.H. WARD, aged 63 years, 7 months and 16 days.

  At Klamath Ferry, infant son of James BELL, aged 5 months and 18 days 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Bee

Monday Evening, November 7, 1870



  In this city, Nov. 1, Prospero RODREGULES, aged 70 years, a native of Chile.

  In this city, Nov. 4, John YUTLEMEIER, aged 50 years, a native of Prussia.

  In this city, Nov. 4, Erric LONG, aged 65 years, a native of Pennsylvania.

  In this city, Nov. 4, John POTTER, aged 36 years, a native of Scotland.

  In this city, Nov. 5, John A. TINDELL, aged 3 days.

  At Hanlon’s ranch, Sacramento county, Nov. 1, John HANLON, aged 27 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 5, Catherine E., wife of Henry T. HAVENS, aged 49 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 4, Amelie KOHN, aged 14 years, 3 months and 26 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 5, J. NASS.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 4, James BUTLER, aged 40 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 3, Sarah, daughter of Charles LABINSKY, aged 1 yr, 4 mos and 23 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov 4, John H. SNOW, a native of Bath, Maine, aged 28 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 4, Carl, son of Henry FAUSS, aged 1 year, 4 months and 14 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 5, Wm. Thomas HUGHES, aged 3 years, 1 month and 8 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 9, Frank BAGLEY, aged 4 months.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 4, Bridget, wife of Thomas ROURKE, aged 23 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 5, Cornelius SULLIVAN, aged 28 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 5, Alexander Parker CRITTENDEN, aged 54 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 5, James B. MINTURN, aged 36 years.

  At Chickory ranch, Yolo county, Nov. 6, Dortha HARMS, aged 48 years, 4 months and 29 days.

  In Woodland, Nov. 2, Minnie, daughter of Louis ZIRKER, aged 4 years, 1 month and 21 days.

  In Brooklyn, Nov. 2, infant daughter of NEDDERMANN.

  In Petaluma, Oct. 30, Carrie, daughter of Theodore J. SMITH, aged 4 months and 29 days.

  In Castroville, Nov. 2, Juan URQUIDIZ, aged 4 years.

  In Placerville, Oct. 31, Mrs. Thomas HARDIE, aged 43 years, 11 months and 8 days.

  At Insane Asylum, Stockton, Nov. 3, Samuel LEVY, aged 25 years.

  In Colusa, Nov. 1, Virginia O., daughter of J.A .POWELL, aged 8 years, 5 months and 27 days.

  In Colusa, Nov. 1, Mary Ellen, daughter of D. O’BRIEN, aged 5 months and 25 days.

  In Colusa, Nov. 4, Thomas MITCHELL, aged 16 years.

  In Colusa, Nov. 3, John O’NEIL, aged about 25 years.

  At Blue Canyon, Nov. 3, S.H. SPARKS, of Sacramento - killed by cars.

  In Virginia, Nev., Nov. 4, Mrs. Ann MORSE, aged 24 days, 11 months and 24 days.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Bee

Thursday Evening, November 10, 1870



  In this city, Nov. 9, Partick CARRAGHER, a native of Parish Clontibret, county Monaghan, Ireland, aged 41 years. [New York and Chicago papers please copy.]

 [Funeral to-morrow at 2 o’clock P.M., from his late residence on M street, between Fourth and Fifth. Friends of the family are invited to attend.]

 In this city, Nov. 9, Paul Herbert, son of P.H. and Harriet A. RUSSELL, aged 16 months and 2 days.

 [Friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from the residence, corner of H and Eleventh streets, to-morrow morning, at 10 o’clock.]

  In this city, Nov. 9, Joseph PALMER, a native of Italy, aged 50 years.

 [Funeral at 10 o’clock to-morrow morning, from rooms of J.A. CONBOIE, 108 J street. Friends are invited to attend.[

  In this city, Nov. 7, J., infant son of L. and Teresa COLEMAN, aged 3 days. [San Jose papers copy.]

  In Georgetown, Sacramento county, Nov. 8, Lydia SCHAFFER, a native of Tennessee, aged 53 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 9, Wm. P. RYAN, aged 29 years, 7 months and 22 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 9, P.G. KERRIGAN, aged 42 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 7, Mary, wife of Capt. Wm. A. THOMPSON, aged 86 years, 10 months and 14 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 8, Alfred Bancroft, son of Wm. Gardner PEABODY, aged 5 years 8 months and 11 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 8, Annie, infant daughter of Phillip BRADY, aged 10 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 8, Ellen J., daughter of Patrick CAHILL, aged 23 months and 8 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 7, Margaretha Catherina, daughter of H. BOYANN, aged 1 month and 1 day.

  In San Francisco, Nov.  8, Christian HERZBERG, aged 36 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 7, Frederick W., son of George STEWART, aged 1 year and 7 days.

  In Vallejo, Nov. 8, Mabel Alberta, daughter of O.C. CHAMBERLAIN, aged0 8 months.

  In Marysville, Nov. 7, Della K. HEMMENWAY, aged 27 years, 8 months and 9 days.

  In Oakland, Nov.  8, Mary, second daughter of Judge C.P. MARSH.

  In Austin, Nev., Nov. 5, James EAMES, aged 45 years.

  In Elko, Nev., Nov. 4, William SHAW, aged 30 years.

  In Salt Lake City, U.T., of consumption, Clarinda, wife of James M. CARTER, and eldest daughter of George and Mary FERN, a native of Massachusetts, aged 29 years and 10 months.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Bee

Monday Evening, November 14, 1870



  In this city, Nov. 14, Frederick KLOTZ, a native of Prussia, aged 50 years, 6 months and 20 days. [Baltimore and Philadelphia papers please copy.]

  [Funeral from Front street, between N and O, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend funeral services at the German Church, corner of Ninth and K streets. ]

  In this city, Nov. 8, William M. McKAIG, aged 66 years, a native of Ireland.

  In this city, Nov. 9, William W. DRESSER, aged 25 years, a native of California.

  In this city, Nov. 11, Carolina SOLARI, aged 34 years, a native of Italy.

  In this city, Nov. 12, James McDONALD, aged 48 years, a native of England.

  In Woodland, Yolo county, Nov. 12, William J., son of J.H. and L.J. MURPHY., aged 1 year, 6 months and 7 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 11, Louis TAGLIAFERO, aged 1 month and 20 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 12, James J. McGREGOR, aged 8 months and 4 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 10, Letitia, wife of John MORONEY, aged 25 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 11, Annie E. Egan ORHAVES, aged 9 years, 7 months and 3 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 12, Frank M. EVANS, aged 34 years, 5 months and 5 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 11, Mary Jane HENESEY, aged 5 months and 24 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. --, Martin DOYLE, aged 37 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 12, Mary FORD, aged 3 years, 10 months and 3 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 12, Benjamin A. RICE, aged 37 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 12, Thos. MOORE, aged 28 years and 11 months.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 10, Caroline PACKSCHEA, aged 5 years and 4 months.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 9, Frank Washington FOSHAY, aged 13 years, 3 months and 11 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 11, Henry SCOTT, aged 27 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 12, G. PALMER, aged 27 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 8, G.W. DINGLE, aged 48 years.

  In San a Cruz, Nov. 10, Rev. T.W. HINDS, aged 53 years.

  In Oakland, Nov. 9, Mrs. Mary BEATTY, aged 48 years.

  Near El Dorado, Oril, wife of Silas SIMONS, aged 68 years.

  In Mokelumne Hill, Nov. 6, Mary A. LOUTTIT, aged 20 years.

  In Ione City, Nov. 3, Flora, infant daughter of W. SUTHERLAND.

  In San Rafael, Nov. 7, Manuel E. MACKINTOSH, aged 86 years, 8 months and 2- days.

  In Brooklyn, Sarah B. PIKE, aged 74 years.

  In Austin, Nev., Nov. 8, Lucretia C. ALLEN, aged 25 years.

DEATH OF AN OLD SACRAMENTAN - Yesterday, in San Francisco, the death of Dr. F.A. PARK was chronicled. Deceased was a resident of this city for some years, where he practiced his profession as a dentist.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Daily Union

Monday Morning, July 31, 1871



 At Willow Glen, Yuba county, July 23d, Susie May, infant daughter of G.S.W. and Susie M. TWOGOOD, aged 2 months and 19 days. [Michigan, Boston, Mass., papers please copy]

  In Mokelumne Hill, July 21st, Wm. G. DEPEW, aged 9 months and 17 days.

  In San Francisco, July 28th, Mrs. Margaret KEYSER, aged 49 years.

  In San Francisco, July 28th, Eugene B. DORE, aged 4 months and 19 days.

  In San Francisco, July 28th, Mrs. Sarah MOONEY, aged 68 years.

  In Mariposa county, July 18th, Mrs. John RUSSELL.

  At Hooper’s ranch, Tulare county, July 25th, John M. HOOPER, aged 1 year, 7 mos and 9 days.

  At Hooper’s ranch, July 24th, May Belle HODGES, aged 1 year and 2 months.

  In Felton, July 24th, Elmer F. GOOGINS, aged 6 weeks.

  In Chico, July 19th, Jas. ACOCK.

  In Mooretown, St. John C. FREELAND, aged 67 years.

  In Carson, Nev., July 27th, Frankin W. CORBETT, aged 9 months and 9 days.

  In Weaverville, July 21st, Chas. GOERING, aged 3 years.

  At Piety Hill, Shasta county, July 22d, Mrs. Louisa J. APPERSON, aged 23 years.

  At Piety Hill, July 24th, Ida SHEPARD, aged about 2 months.

  In Shasta, July 25th, Jos. MEYERS, aged about 22 years.

  In Sutter Creek, July 26th, E.W. HATCH, aged 31 years.

  In Redwood City, July 25th, infant daughter of M. KRIESS, aged 7 months.

  In Sierraville, July 11th, Jos. E. PIERRA.

  At Snake Bar, July 23d, Sallie C. PARKS, aged 10 months and 7 days.

  In Downieville, July 21st, Emalia MORENO, aged 1 year, 4 months and 14 days.

  In Napa, July 28th, Mrs. Mollie M. McKEE, aged 26 years.

  In Mendocino township, July 21st, Thos. C. POTTER, aged 25 years and 8 months.

  In Sebastopol, July 17th, Mrs. Sophronia STROUT, aged 36 years.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com

Daily Bee

Sacramento, Monday Evening, October 9, 1871




In this city, Oct. 7, of consumption, Almatia CHASE, wife of George E. JONES, aged 23 years, 6 months and 2 days.

In this city, Oct. 3, Mary RODGERS, aged 50 years, a native of Ireland.

In San Francisco, Oct. 4, Henry S. BURR, aged 45 years.

In San Francisco, Oct. 7, Isabella, wife of John SMITH, aged 24 years, 6 months and 4 days.

In San Francisco, Oct. 6, Mrs. BRIDGET McCLENNE*, aged 66 years.

In San Francisco, Oct. 7, Joseph, son of James J. SULLIVAN, aged 8 months and 20 days.

In San Francisco, Oct. 7, Patrick HAGAN, aged 31 years and 6 months.

In Downieville, Oct. 1, H.P. THOMPSON, aged about 45 years.

In Mariposa, Sept. 28, Charles STAHL, aged 1 year and 11 months.

Near Modesto, Sept 27, Francis CREAMER, aged 63 years.

In Oroville, Oct. 2, Geo W. MAURER, aged 4 years and 17 days.

In Oroville, Oct. 6, Jas. TROUGHTON

In Weaverville, Oct. 5, Robert HALL, aged 20 months and 21 days.

In Godfrey, Madison county, Illinois, Sept. 11, Leander McLEAN, formerly of Placerville, aged 47 years.



Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Reporter

October 29, 1871


Page 2




Near Gilroy, Oct. 28th, Mrs. D. B. Lillard, aged 35 years, 7 months and 15 days.

At Lower Rich Gulch, Calaveras county, Oct 27th, John C. Lackey, a native of Steuben county, New York, aged about 60 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 1, 1871


Page 2




In Oakland, Oct. 30th, Maria, wife of Henry N. Alexander, aged 30 years.

In San Francisco, Oct. 24th, and 28th, twin daughters of Frederick F. and Amelia W. Coffin, aged 25 days.

In San Francisco, Oct. 31st, William W. Mason, aged 37 years.

In San Francisco, Oct. 31st, Louis Bergevin, aged 50 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 3, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 1st, Lizzle, daughter of Christopher and Mary Kelly, a native of Scotland, aged 15 years.

[Funeral from residence of parents, Eighth street, between D and E, at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon.  Friends are invited to attend.]


In San Francisco, Nov. 2d, John Olsten, a native of Norway, aged 41 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 2d, Henry Williams, a native of Virginia, aged 63 years.

In San Francisco, Oct. 31st, Louis Bergevin, aged 50 years.

In San Francisco, Oct. 31st, James Eddington, aged 33 years, 7 months and 3 days.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton





Daily Bee

Sacramento, Friday Evening, November 3, 1871





In this city, Nov. 1, Lizzie, dau of Christopher and Mary KELLY, native of Scotland, aged 15 yrs.

In San Francisco, Nov. 2, John OLSTEN, aged 21 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 2, Henry WILLIAMS, aged 66 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 1, William Francis, son of James CLARKE, aged 9 mos and 6 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 1, Ellen DOUGHTERY, aged 60 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 1, Peter O’BRIEN, aged 30 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 1, James ALLEN, aged 80 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 1, Marie BERGES, aged 32 years.

In Downieville, Oct., 31, R. McKENZIE, a native of Scotland, aged 56 years.

On Jersey Flat, Cal., Oct. 24, Estace Norman, only son of D.E. BROOKS, aged 2 mos and 2 ds.

At Dewey’s ranch, near Michigan Bar, Oct. 21, Moses H. COWLES, formerly of Williamsett, Mass., aged 40 years and 8 months.

Near Hopeton, Merced Co, Oct. 24, Ida, dau of James ELKINS, aged 2 yrs, 1 mo &16 ds.

In Stockton, Nov. 1, James REAMER, aged 24 years.

In Marysville, Nov. 1, John H. TENNENT, aged 58 years.

In Ukiah, Oct. 20, Lucretia, wife of Thos. CHARLETON, aged 20 years.

At Point Arena, Oct. 19, Richard, son of R.J. ABBOTT, aged 1 year and 9 months.

In Boston, Mass, Oct. 11, Mrs. Catharine BROOKS, formerly of California, aged 61 years.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Reporter

November 4, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 1st, Lizzie, daughter of Christopher and Mary Kelly, a native of Scotland, aged 15 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 3d, Daniel Briggs, a native of New York, aged 74 years and 8 months.

In San Francisco, Nov. 3d, Mrs. George Padee, of Watsonville, California, aged 35 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 3d, Sawyer Coleman, native of Kentucky, aged 39 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 3d, Morris Pitzgerald, a native of Ireland, aged 41 years.

In Stockton, Nov. 1st, James Reamer, aged 24 years.

In Marysville, Nov. 1st, J. H. Tennent, aged 58 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 5, 1871


Page 2





In Oakland, Nov. 3d, Roxy A., wife of Colonel Joseph Wood, a native of Massachusetts, aged 44 years.

In Brooklyn Alameda county, Nov. 4th, Arthur son of Edward and the late Mary A. Bangle, aged 11 months and 22 days.

In San Francisco, Oct. 20th, Mrs. Henrietta F. E. Prince, consort of the late Captain John Prince, of Boston.

In San Francisco, Nov. 4th, James Newman, a native of Ireland, aged 50 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 4th, William A. Hermick, a native of Vermont, aged 56 years.


Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Daily Bee

Sacramento, Monday Evening, November 6, 1871




In this city, Nov. –, Willis, son of Conrad and Julie BRUHARD, aged 27 years and 3 months.

[Funeral to-morrow at 10 o’clock A.M. from residence of parents, No. 229 E street. Friends are invited to attend.]

In this city, Nov. 6, Martha E., wife of M. HATCH, a native of Northamptonshire, England, aged 48 years, 4 months and 28 days.

[Funeral at 10 o’clock to-morrow forenoon, from residence, K street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth. Friends are invited to attend.]

In this city, Oct. 30, Mary DOHERTY, aged 16 days.

In San Francisco, Oct. 20, Mrs. Henrietta F.E. PRINCE, of Boston.

In San Francisco, Nov. 4, James NEWMAN, aged 50 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 4, William A. HERMICK, aged 56 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 2, Amelia FAUSE, aged 5 years and 9 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 3, James TIMENEY, aged 31 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 2, Henry JOHN, aged 47 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 4, Mary KERNEY, aged 7 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 4, Louis BELLEMERE, aged 70 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 4, Caleb W. RAWSON, aged 54 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 4, Henry SCHULTZ, aged 36 years.

In San Francisco, Oct. 29, William C. KYLE, (drowned), aged 16 years.

In Brooklyn ,Nov. 4, Arthur, son of Edward BANGLE, aged 11 months and 22 days.

In Oakland, Nov. 3, Roxy A., wife of Col. Joseph WOOD, aged 44 years.

In Marysville, Nov. 2, Laura M., wife of J. Fred. EASTMAN, aged 34 years.

In Loyalton, Sierra county, Oct. 31, Dr. Joseph WEBBER, Jr., aged 33 years.

At Rolling Hill ranch, Oct. 28, Margaret, wife of Wendel LEIK, aged 30 years.

Near Ashland, Oct. 30, Mary , wife of John McCUE.

In Watsonville, Nov. 1, Edmund B. SILMAN ,aged 16 months and 21 days.

In Napa, Nov. 1, Charles EVERBEEK.

Near Soda Springs, Napa Co, Nov. 3, Eva Isabella, daughter of Frank SELMINA, aged 8 mos.

In Sonora, Oct. 27, Alfred Bird REEVE, aged 38 years.

At French Lead, Nevada county, Nov. 4, James KITTO, aged 45 years.

In Austin, Nev., Oct. 29, John TARHOUSE, aged about 40 years.

In Gold Hill, Nev., Nov. 3, John BECKERLEY, aged 27 years.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Reporter

November 7, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 6th, Willie, son of Conrad and Julia Benhard, aged 2 years and 3 months.

[Funeral from residence of parents, on L street, between Eighth and Ninth, at ten o’clock A. M. this day. Friends are invited to attend.]

In Sacramento, Nov. 6th, Martha E., wife of M. Hatch, a native Northamptonshire, England, aged 48 years, 4 months and 28 days.

[Funeral at ten o’clock this morning, from residence, on K street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth.  Friends are invited to attend.]


In Sacramento, Oct. 30th, Mary Doherty, aged 16 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 5th, Frances Nellie A. T., wife of Brevet Major J. H. Lord, R. Q. M., Second Artillery, U. S. A.

In San Francisco, Nov. 4th, Peter Carr, a native of Germany, aged 35 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 5th, Antonio Franklin, a native of Italy, aged 25 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 8, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 6th, Mary, daughter of Joseph Manso, aged 3 months.

In San Francisco, Nov. 7th, Sophie Smith, a native of Switzerland, aged 42 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 9, 1871


Page 2




In San Francisco, Nov. 4th, Mrs. Elizabeth R. H. Cox.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 10, 1871


Page 2




In San Francisco, Nov. 8th, Susan, daughter of Richard and Margaret Jane Finley, aged 10 months and 18 days.

In San Jose, Nov. 6th, Jean Baptiste Bayle, aged 27 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 11, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 10th, G. Fisch, a native of Prussia, aged 61 years and 5 months.

[Funeral this afternoon at two o’clock, from residence, corner of Twelfth and G streets.  Friends are invited to attend.]


In San Francisco, Nov. 9th, William Henry Pieper, aged 21 years, 5 months and 23 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 10th, Isaac Hoy, aged 55 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 9th, William Henning, aged 36 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 12, 1871


Page 2




In San Francisco, Nov. 11th, Daniel George, youngest son of J. H. and Lydia H. McMenomy.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 14, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 11th, Little Clay Taylor, aged 3 months and 12 days.

In Sacramento, Nov. 3d, Matthew Thompson, a native of Ohio, aged 60 years.

In Sacramento, Nov. 7th, Wm. Westenhauer, a native of Germany, aged 51 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 11th, John Williams a native of Germany, aged 32 years and 7 months.

In San Francisco, Nov. 12th, Joseph Gatker, a native of France, aged 19 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 12th, Chas. Johnson, a native of Sweden, aged 26 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 15, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 14th, Maria Quinn, a native of Ireland, aged 26 years.

[Friends are invited to attend the funeral at 2:30 o’clock, Thursday afternoon, from residence of her brother-in-law, Patrick Flanagan, R street, between Eighth and Ninth.]


In Sacramento, Nov. 8th, Mary Ann, infant daughter of Matthew and Ann Callahan, aged 5 days.

In Sacramento, Nov. 12th, Clara Dynan, aged 5 months.

In San Francisco, Nov. 14th, Harriet W., wife of J. G. Kittredge.

In San Francisco, Nov. 13th, John J., only son of John and Bridget Murphy, aged 3 years, 8 months and 13 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 12th, Anne Hughes, aged 71 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 13th, Bridget Pierce, aged 60 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 13th, Samuel Boyle, aged 22 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 13th, John Williams, aged 32 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Daily Bee

Sacramento, Wednesday Evening, November 15, 1871



  In this city, Nov. 14, Thomas, son of Thomas and Ellen NEWCASTLE, aged 9 months and 10 days.

  [Funeral from residence of parents, Q street, between Eleventh and Twelfth, at 4 o’clock this afternoon.]

  In this city, Nov. 14, Maria QUINN, a native of Ireland, aged 26 years.

  [Funeral at 2 ˝ o’clock to-morrow afternoon, from residence of her brother-in-law, Patrick FLANAGAN, R street, between Eighth and Ninth. Friends are invited to attend.]

  In Georgetown, Nov. 11, Charles H. PRINDLE, aged 8 months and 6 days.

  Near Fiddletown, Nov. 9, John H. NICHOLSON, a native of Edinburg, Scotland, aged 62 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 13, John J., son of John MURPHY, aged 2 years, 8 months and 13 days.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 12, Mrs. Anne HUGHES, aged 71 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 13, Bridget PEIRCE, aged 60 years.

  In San Francisco, nov. 13, Samuel BOYLE, aged 22 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 13, Martha W., wife of Anthony Oliver, aged 45 years.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 14, Harriet W., wife of J.G. KITTREDGE, aged 71 years and 5 months.

  In San Francisco, Nov. 14, Margaret, wife of Edward EDWARDS.

  In Snelling, Nov. 3, infant daughter of Theodore F. TAUBERT, aged 19 days.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Reporter

November 16, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 14th, Thomas, son of Thomas and Ellen Newcastle, aged 9 months and 10 days.

In San Francisco, Nov.15th, A. Benard, aged 57 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 15th, Mary Alice, infant daughter of Charles and Maria Schroth, aged 6 months and 20 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 15th, Louis Hadeler, aged 19 years, 5 months and 20 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 15th, Edward Welsh, aged 38 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 17, 1871


Page 2




In San Francisco, Nov. 15th, L. Hadeler, aged 10 years, 5 months and 20 days.

In Virginia City (Nev.), Nov. 12th, C. Goodwin, son of G. C. Jones, aged 9 months and 20 days.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 18, 1871


Page 2




In San Francisco, Nov. 16th, Lily May, daughter H. F. W. and Mary L. Hoffman, aged 1 year and 5 months.

In San Francisco, Nov. 17th, John Boyle, aged 63 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 17th, Geo. Sampson, aged 61 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton





Sacramento Reporter

November 19, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento Nov. 17th, Miss F. A. Woodruff, of Rocklin, Placer county, a native of Vermont, aged 37 years and 9 months. [Rockford (Ill.) and Buffalo (N. Y.) papers please copy.]

[Funeral from late residence at Rocklin, this afternoon.]


In Sacramento Nov. 10th, G. Fisch, a native of Prussia, aged 61 years and 5 months.

In Nevada City, Nov. 9th, Matilda Monroe, aged 39 years.

In Virginia, Nevada, Nov. 7th, Joseph B. James, aged 28 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton





Sacramento Reporter

November 21, 1871


Page 2




In San Francisco, Nov. 18th, Wm. H. Lawton, aged 68 years.

In Brooklyn, Nov. 19th, Emily B., wife of A. F. Everett, aged 33 years.

In Watsonville, Nov. 15th, A. J. Cleveland, aged 17 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton





Sacramento Reporter

November 22, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 20th, Euphenia S., wife of Samuel Wild*, a native of Scotland, aged 44 years and 27 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 19th, W. H. Lawton, aged 58 years.

In Washington, Yolo county, Nov. 20th, Daniel Williams (colored), a native of the Southern States, aged 50 years.


*Hard to read.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton





Sacramento Reporter

November 23, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 22d, Albert Perruchi, a native of Stabi, Canton Tecino, Switzerland, aged 52 years.

[Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, which will take place from residence of deceased, on alley between Third and Fourth and L and M streets, on Friday, the 24th inst., at 1 o’clock P.M.]


At Pleasant Grove creek, Placer county, Nov. 22d, Harvey Smith, a native of New York, aged 78 years.

[Funeral will take place from the residence of M. Sprague, Georgiana road, at 2 o’clock this afternoon.]


In San Francisco, Nov. 22d, J. D. C. Beach, aged 45 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 21st, Ella, wife of Geo. T. Hawley, aged 30 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 21st, Nellie Coughlan, aged about 17 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 21st, Chas. Devlin, aged 35 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 21st, John Cotter, aged 38 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton





Sacramento Reporter

November 24, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 23d, Maggie L., daughter of Maria and J. J. Cadogan, aged 1 year and 3 months.

In Woodland, Yolo county, Nov. 21st, Helen, infant daughter of Emanuel and Elizabeth Berg, aged 7 months and 16 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 22d, Mrs. Ellen Gleson, aged 36 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 22d, Jos. D. C. Beach, aged 45 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 21st, Ella, wife of George T. Hawley, aged 30 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 21st, John Cotter, aged 40 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 20th, Melta Margaretta, daughter of John Bruk, aged 4 months and 25 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 20th, Mary, wife of Joseph O’Brien, aged 35 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 21st, Ellen E., daughter of Thomas Coughlan, aged 17 years, 7 months and 11 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 21st, Heinrich Bolte, aged 46 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 20th, Susie Irene Barstow, aged 9 months and 23 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 21st, Ernest Hoole Hutchinson, aged 13 years and 3 months.

In San Francisco, Nov. 21st, Charles Devlin, aged 35 years.

In Marysville, Nov. 21st, Sarah, wife of Hugh Lynch, Sr., 65 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 25, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 24th, E. Shepley Fogg, a native of Maine, aged 33 years.

[His remains will be taken to Oroville by 11:45 A.M. train to-day.  Funeral to take place on Sunday, the 26th, at that place.]


In Sacramento, Nov. 23d, John O., son of J. O. and Martha J. Garrett, aged 1 year and 5 months.

In Sacramento, Nov. 23d, Maggie L., daughter of J. J. and Maria Cadogan, aged 1 year and 3 months.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 26, 1871


Page 2




In San Francisco, Nov. 25th, John McHaffie, aged 48 years and 9 months.

In San Francisco, Nov. 21st, Ellen, wife of Robert A. Lindsay, aged 30 years and 8 months.

In San Francisco, Nov. 25th, Robert B. Fordham, infant son of Robert B. and Adaline Fordham, aged 2 months and 15 days.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 28, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 27th, Mrs. L. H. Wilson, a native of Ireland, aged 45 years.

[Funeral from first house north of the Gas Works at 2:30 P.M. this day. Friends are invited to attend.]


In Sacramento, Nov. 24th, John W., son of John and Nellie McDonald, aged 6 months.

[Funeral from southeast corner J and Fourth streets, at 10 o’clock this morning.  Friends are invited to attend.]


In Woodland, Yolo county, Nov. 27th, Minnie Bennett, a native of Prussia, aged 80 years.

[Funeral from Price’s warerooms, 108 J street, at 10 o’clock this morning.  Friends are invited to attend.]


In San Francisco, Nov. 25th, Otto Herman, aged 31 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 27th, J. Thompson, aged 32 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 29, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 27th, Mrs. D. B. Hartsough, a native of New York, aged 55 years.

At Knight’s Landing, Nov. 27th, Mary, wife of John O’Keefe, a native of county Cavan, Ireland, aged 40 years.

[Funeral from St. Rose’s Church, in this city, at 10 o’clock this morning. Friends are invited to attend.]


In San Francisco, Nov. 27th, Robert Lincoln, son of Robert G. and Sarah Ellen Byxbee, aged 3 years and 14 days.

In San Francisco, Nov. 27th, H. F. Deen, aged 54 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 26th, Georgeania O. Cofran.

In Vallejo, Nov. 25th, Alexander Cook, aged 6 months.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

November 30, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 29th, John Bigler, native of Pennsylvania, aged 65 years, 10 months and 9 days.

[Funeral from late residence, H street, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, on Friday, at 11 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.]


In San Leandro, Nov. 23d, Mrs. Pyrea P. Fleming.

Near Milton, Nov. 27th, J. M. Brown.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton




Sacramento Reporter

December 2, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Nov. 30th, Sarah, daughter of C. T. Taylor, aged 8 weeks.

In Sacramento, Nov. 30th, Robert L., son of Robert A. and Ruth H. Campbell, aged 1 year and 2 months.

In San Francisco, Nov. 28th, J. McInerney, aged 58 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 28th, David Lewis, aged 29 years.

In San Francisco, Nov. 26th, Emma Greer, aged 9 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton





Sacramento Reporter

December 3, 1871


Page 2




In San Francisco, Dec. 2d, Herbert Westly, son of J. Westly and Lizzie Mayberry, aged 8 months and 8 days.

In San Francisco, Dec. 2d, Henry Sharp, formerly of Long Island.

In San Francisco, Nov. 29th, Jane R. La Roche, aged 42 years.

In Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, Dec. 1st, Hattie A. Demming.

In San Francisco, Nov. 29th, Jane M. McKenzie, aged 20 months.

In San Francisco, Nov. 29th, F. Kreisel, aged 49 years.

In Stockton, Nov. 28th, John Jefferson, aged 7 months.

In Stockton, Nov. 28th, Louisa F. Raab, aged 3 years.

In Stockton, Nov. 28th, Charles Hensch, aged 54 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton





Sacramento Reporter

December 5, 1871


Page 2




In Sacramento, Dec. 4th, Catharine M., daughter of William and Susan Caswell, aged 4 months and 9 days.

[Funeral from the residence of parents, on Sixth street, between I and J, at 11 o’clock this morning.]


In Sacramento, Dec. 3d, David Schafer, a native of Germany, aged 39 years and 9 months.

[Funeral from I street, between Ninth and Tenth, at 2 o’clock this afternoon. Friends are invited to attend.]


In Sacramento, Nov. 30th, infant son of William and Mary Johnson.

In Sacramento, Nov. 25th, Daniel Francis, a native of Massachusetts, aged 64 years.

In San Francisco, Dec. 2d, Josephine Wiskotschill, aged 24 years.

In San Francisco, Dec. 3d, Mrs. E. H. Crooks, aged 31 years.



Transcribed by: Nancy Pratt Melton





Sacramento Daily Bee

Monday Evening, January 12, 1874



  In this city, Jan. 11, Margaretta, wife of Jas. PAPERT, a native of Germany, aged 29 years, 2 months and 6 days.

  [Funeral from the German Lutheran Church at 2 o’clock to-morrow afternoon. Friends are invited to attend.] 

  In San Francisco, Jan. 11, Thomas MILLGATE, a native of England aged 60 years and 5 months.

  [Funeral from Masonic Hall to-morrow morning at 10 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.]

  In San Francisco, Jan. 8, P.S. SANDERSON, aged 3 years.

  In San Francisco, Jan. 8, Dr. Tazewell TYLER, aged 43 years.

  In San Francisco, Jan. 9, C.J. BROWN, aged 24 years.

  In San Francisco, Jan. 9, Emily, wife of Wm. G. FLAGLOR.

  In Mayfield, Jan. 9, Howard, infant son of Peter and Jennie TOWNE.

  At French Camp, Jan. 8, Mrs. Lucretia C. ALLEN, aged 85 years.

  In Colusa, Jan. 5, Mary HARDY aged 84 years.

  In Marysville, Jan. 7, Leo HENLEY, aged 46 years.

  In Virginia, Nev., Jan 9, Mary Maud HOLMES, aged 72 years.

  In Eureka, Nev., Jan. 6, J. SHORT, aged 50 years.

  In Grass Valley, Nev., Jan. 10, J.E. McGINN, son of H. and E. SULLIVAN, aged 13 years.

  In Hollister, Jan. 9, Jose PARDEA.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Bee

Friday Evening, June 5, 1874



  In this city, June 3, John B. KOHL, a native of Prussia, aged 57 years and 5 days. [St. Louis (Mo.) and Lockport (N.Y.) Papers please copy.]

 [Friends are invited to meet at his late residence, on J street, between Tenth and Eleventh, at 2 1/2 o’clock on Sunday afternoon, and accompany the remains to St. Rose Church, where the funeral services will have held at 3 o’clock P.M.]

  In San Francisco, June 4, Cornelius DORE, aged 36 years.

  In San Francisco, June 3, S.A. LICHTENSTEIN, aged 50 years.

  In San Francisco, June 2, Patrick HARAHAR, aged 47 years.

  In San Francisco, June 3, Margaret T. OLWELL, aged 50 years.

  In San Francisco, June 3, Mrs. Julia MEIER, aged 33 years and six months.

  In San Francisco, June 3, Mrs. Mary BARNES, aged 59 years.

  In San Francisco, June 3, John C. WASHINGTON, aged 43 years.

  In Oakland, June 8, George, son of Gem. G.W. BOWIE, aged 8 years.

  In Gold Hill, Nev., June 2, Alex EAGELSON, aged 45 years.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


The Sacramento Bee

Tuesday Evening

September 22, 1874



  In San Francisco, September 21, Jasper, only child of Frank SWIFT, aged 3 years and 4 months.

  In San Francisco, September 20, Joseph R. GORHAM, aged 56 years.

  In San Francisco, September 19, Mary COCHRAN, aged 62 years.

  In San Francisco, September 19, E.G. BYRAM, aged 79 years.

  In San Francisco, September 20, Chas. WIEGAND, aged 22 years.

  In Genoa, Nev., Sept 17, Mrs. Robert FOULKES and her infant child.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, January 4, 1875



Walnut Grove, Sacramento county, Dec. 23 - John FRANKLIN, son of George W. and Susan HOLLAND, 7 weeks.

San Francisco, Dec. 31 - George SPANAGEL, 52 years.

San Francisco, Jan. 1 - George W. HINCKLEY, 34 years.

San Francisco, Jan. 1 - Kate C., wife of Captain Eugene M. CARY, 34 years.

San Francisco, Dec. 31 - Anna B., daughter of John and Lizzie B. SANBORN, 11 days.

San Francisco, Dec. 31 - Cornelius BRESNIHAN, 33 years.

San Francisco, Dec. 30 - Michael NETCZVETTOFF, 26 years.

San Francisco, Dec. 31 - Maria, wife of Mark HARRIS, 35 years.

San Francisco, Dec,. 31 - Hannah RYAN, 68 years.

San Francisco, Dec. 30 - Bartley McGOWAN, 44 years.

Yolo county hospital, Dec. 29 - Thomas MINAX.

San Bernardino, Dec. 28 - G.W. PERRIE, 50 years.

Colfax, Dec. 29 - Charles W. SPRAGUE, 20 years.

Virginia, Nev., Dec. 30 - Infant daughter of S.A. and Sarah MILLER, 10 months and 17 days.

Virginia, Nev., Dec. 30 - William CAMPBELL, 40 years.

Stockton, Dec. 31 - John R. SAYRE, 52 years.

Stockton, Dec. 31 - Jerome B. KENNEDY, 55 years.

Near Stockton, Dec. 30 - John HOLLENBECK, 39 years.

Near Modesto, Dec. 28 - Mrs. R.A. COFFEE, 20 years.

Redwood City, Dec. 26 - Annie KEWLEY, 32 years.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Daily Union

Monday, January 11, 1875



Sacramento, Jan. 9 - Mrs. Mary I. BOWMAN, a native of Pennsylvania, 52 years and 3 months.

Sacramento, Jan. 8 - Frances Maria, twin daughter of Belle and the late J.F. CROWLEY, 6 days.

Yolo, Jan. 8 - John WEAVER.

[Funeral from R.H. BYERS & Co.?s undertaking rooms at 3 o’clock P.M. to-day. Friends are invited to attend.]

San Francisco, Jan. 8 - Ann, wife of Captain Charles SUTTON, 63 years.

San Francisco, Jan. 8 - Mrs. Mary OGLIVIE, 81 years.

San Francisco, Jan. 7 - Margery, wife of Patrick McGETTIGAN, 41 years.

San Francisco, Jan. 7 - Richard OWENS, 38 years.

San Francisco, Jan. 7 - Frankie, son of Frank and Ellen CATOR, 9 years, 10 months and 17 days.

San Francisco, Jan. 8 - John WALSH, 29 years.

San Francisco, Jan. 8 - James H. ANDREWS, 30 years.

San Francisco, Jan. 8 - Mattheus WEIDNER, 37 years.


Mortality Report.

   For the week ending January 9th, 1875, made by J.F. CLARK,  Superintendent of the City Cemetery. Office, at Wick & Clark’s, No. 49 Fourth street, where all the records may be found:

Jan. 3 - Mary SAVOY, 70 years, England.

Jan. 4 - Minna ECKHARDT, 29 years, 6 mos, Germany.

Jan. 5 - James FUNSTON, 70 years, Ireland.

Jan. 5 - A. SKINNER, 32 years, New York city.

Jan. 7 - Hun ACK, 22 years, China.

Jan. 8 - ZILBERT, 50 years.

Jan. 8 - Frances M. CROWLEY, 6 days, Cal.

Jan. 9 - Joseph KERRISH, 1 month and 6 days, Cal.

Jan. 9 - Thomas HARDESTY, 4 years, Cal.

Jan. 9 - Mary J. BOWMAN, 52 years, 3 months, 6 days.

Jan. 9 - W.E. DAVIS, 21 days, Cal.

Jan. 9 - Simeon B. CONKLIN, 49 years, New York.

Jan. 9 - Job COURT, 54 years, England.

   One unknown burned.

Besides the above there was brought here for interment the following:

Jan. 5 - Aaron PAINTER, 75 years, Tenn.


Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


The Bee, Sacramento

Tuesday Evening February 2, 1875 


In San Francisco, January 31, Julius W. RISTINE, a native of Ohio, aged 35 years.

[Funeral from Grace Church at 11 A.M., to-morrow. Friends are invited to attend.]

In San Mateo, Florida, January 6, Myron STRONG, brother of W.R. Strong of this city, aged 75 years.

In San Francisco, January 31, Fred’k J. MANSON, aged 44 years.

In San Francisco, January 30, Chas. H. GETZLER.

In San Francisco, January 31, Mrs. Alice CONNOLLY, aged 40 years.

In San Francisco, January 31, Charles MARKS, aged 47 years.

In San Francisco, January 31, Edward HIGGINS, aged 50 years.

In San Francisco, January 29, Ed. FEHLMAN, aged 53 years.

In San Francisco, January 31, F.J. MORRISON, aged 44 years.

In San Francisco, January 31, Paola GHERARDIHL.

In Gold Hill, Nev., January 30, Wm. J. COUGHLIN.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Bee

Monday Evening March 29, 1875



  In this city, March 28, Andrew J. STARLING, a native of Ohio, aged 31 years, 3 months and 7 days.

  [Funeral to-morrow at 2 ˝ p.m. from the residence of his father-in-law, John F. DREMAN, I, J, 4th and 5th streets. Friends are invited to attend.]

  In this city, March 27, Jas. McKENZIE, a native of Nova Scotia, aged 36 years.

  In Santa Cruz, March 24, Nellie BUCKLA, aged 75 years.

  In San Francisco, March 25, Mrs. Elizabeth HOHENCHILD, aged 77 years.

  In Kelseyville, March 21, Nathan CHAPMAN, aged 44 years.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Daily Union

Friday, October 15, 1875



Near Hicksville, October - Ruth, wife of P.T .WILLIAMSON, 55 years, 8 months and 14 days.

[Funeral this morning, at 11 o’clock, from late residence. Friends are invited to attend.]

Brighton Township, October 14 - Mrs. Mary West TIBBITTS, 73 years, 8 months and 19 days.

[Funeral to-morrow afternoon, at 2 o’clock, from the residence of J.W. GREENLAW, one-half mile east of Upper     Stockton road, five miles from Sacramento. Friends are invited to attend.]

San Francisco, October 14 - Wallace A. BOWLE, 7 months and 24 days.

San Francisco, October 13 - William HIGGINGS, 4 years and 9 months.

San Francisco, October 13 - Mary Ann HEALEY, 20 years and 10 months.

San Francisco, October 13 - Harty, infant son of David W. and Alice WALKER.

San Francisco, October 13 - John P. CURLEY, 14 months and 9 days.

San Francisco, October 12 - Etta LANG, 10 months and 12 days.

San Francisco, October 13 - Sarah RAFFERTY, 29 years.

San Francisco, October 14 - Michael SHORTELL, 86 years.

Oakland, October 13 - John SEXTON, 4 months and 13 days.

Visalia, October 9 - John G. LOEHRIDGE, 62 years.

Truckee, October 7 - Peter PRINGLE, 49 years.

Grass Valley, October 13 - Charles DE-BLE ,5 years ,6 months and 10 days.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com



Sacramento Daily Record-Union

Thursday, December 21, 1876



Sacramento, December 18---Jacob Kramer, nephew of Gruhler Bros., 19 years and 3 months.

[Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, which will take place from the residence of Elias Gruhler, Sixteenth and L streets, this afternoon, at 2o'clock.]

Oakland, December 18---Aaron L. Jackson, a native of Virginia, 49 years.  [New York and Washington (D.C.) papers please copy.]

[Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, which will take place from the residence of Benjamin Cogar, No. 15 Fourth Street, between I and J, this morning, at 10 o'clock.]

Kanaka valley, El Dorado county, December 19---John Edward, son of Edward and Eliza McDonald, 6 years, 6 months and 8 days.

[Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, which will take place from the residence of John Kelly, E street, between Seventh and Eighth, this morning, at 10 o'clock.]

Los Angeles, December 17---John M. Kinney, 37 years.

Westminster, Los Angeles County, December 17---Mrs. Lydia Morgan, 68 years, 1 months and 1 day.

Oakland, December 18---Mrs. Ann Draper, 54 years.

Stockton, December 19---Cora Keeble, 13 months.

Meadow valley, Plumas county, December 10---Mrs. P. Atwood, 58 years.

Near Central House, Butte County, December 6---James H. Kirby, 46 years.

San Francisco, December 20---Martin Tietjen, 35 years.

San Francisco, December 20---Ida C. White, 11 years 9 months in 9 days.

San Francisco, November 6---Eugene S. White, 9 years, 3 months and 17 days.

San Francisco, December 19---Selma Engdahl, 2 years and 11 months.

San Francisco, December 19---Cornelius Croakly, 71 years and 2 months.

San Francisco, December 19---Albert E. Ridley, 1 year and 19 days.

San Francisco, December 18---Richard Elliott Nichols, 5 years, 5 months and 23 days.

San Francisco, December 18---Elizabeth D. McDonald, 16 years.

San Francisco, December 19---August Rohrbacher, 23 years and 10 months.

San Francisco, December 19---Mrs. Hannah Roughan, 52 years.

San Francisco, December 17---Bartholomew Lyden, 32 years.

San Francisco, December 19---Clara Skolfield, 4 years, 3 months and 13 days.

San Francisco, December 19--- Maggie Wortsmith, 8 years.

San Francisco, December 19---Isaac Bash, 14 years and 11 months.

Submitted by Nancy Pratt Melton.


Daily Bee, Sacramento

Saturday Evening, November 17, 1877



In this city, November 16, E.A. ROCKWELL, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 52 years.

[Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral which will take place from his late residence , L street, be-Fourth and Fifth, to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.

At the Riverside House, November 17, Edward W., son of J.P. and A. MELCHLOR, aged 2 years, 2 months and 15 days.

[Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, which will take place from the Riverside House, to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.]

In Eldorado county, November 12, J. PILKIN, a native of Prussia, aged 50 years.

In Vallejo, November 14, Sarah BRADFORD, aged 74 years.

In Modesto, November 13, infant daughter of A.H. STANFORD, aged 7 months.

In Bakersfield, November 12, J. WEARNER, aged 37 years.



Robert T. MILLS has filed with the County Recorder his bond as Justice of the Peace for Natoma Township, qualifying in the penal sum of $2,500, with Oswald BRODER and Ed. CHRISTY as sureties.

Officers WOODS and VALENTINE have returned from an unsuccessful search after the cattle thieves who were discovered on Thursday morning while trying to steal KERTH and STROBEL's cattle.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Sacramento Bee

Monday Evening June 24, 1878 



In this city, June 23, Virgil A. WING, aged 20 years, 6 months and 21 days.

In Franklin township, Lower Stockton road, June 22, Mrs. America GREER, aged 47 years, 9 months and 8 days.

[Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral which will take place from her late residence, lower Stockton road, to-morrow afternoon at 1 o’clock.]

In this city, June 23, John H. MAGENNIS, a native of Boston, Massachusetts, aged 37 years, 9 months and 9 days.

[Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, which will take place from late residence, Oak Avenue, J and K, Seventh and Eighth streets, to-morrow afternoon at 4 o’clock.]

At Oak Knoll, June 23, John C. CONNOR, aged 45 years, 7 months and 19 days.

In this city, June 22, Thomas SCOTT, a native of Scotland, aged 45 years. 

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com


Daily Bee - Sacramento

Monday Evening September 30, 1878 



In this city, September 28, Catherine, wife of Patrick DONAHUE and sister of the late Henry MONTFORD, a native of County Longford, Ireland.

In this city, Sept 29, Katie CAVANAUGH, a native of Canada, aged 23 yrs, 3 mos and 18 days.

At Allison Ranch, Nevada county, Sept 26, Daniel POWERS, aged 20 yrs, 5 mos and 22 days.

Submitted by Betty Loose betty@unisette.com





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