Pdf Version


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Published by the Cadets at Fort Worden R.O.T.C. Military Camp, 1932





Edward N. Bagley, Editor

Jack W. Buford, Associate Editor

Erving Lewis, Business Manager

Robert Inslee, Artist




L. Gray Beck

Willard L. Gorton

Boyd H. Pulley

Beverly Patten

Emmet G. Cameron

Lawrence O. Anderson

Clyde H. Jorgensen





Original Owner of Copy

Howard E. Hopson


Sponsored by the Provisional Company of Scabbard and Blade.


pg. 2



Maj. W. D. Frazer, Col. F. W. Phisterer, Capt. Verne C. Snell, Lieut. R. E. Starr.






At the time that this is written you have practically finished the training schedule for this camp season. I welcomed your arrival and I have carefully observed you during your training. Now, I desire to congratulate you on your conduct, your zeal in your work and the success you have shown in acquiring some of the practical side of the theoretical instruction you have received at your colleges to fit you to aid in the defense of your Country should that ever be necessary.


I have enjoyed your presence here and I hope you also have enjoyed both the instruction and training we have been able to give and the simple pleasures we could provide.


F. W. PHISTERER, Colonel, 14th C. A., Commanding.




The R.O.T.C. Camp at Fort Worden was planned to provide practical training for Advanced Course students of the Coast Artillery and Ordnance Units of the Ninth Corps Area.


The instruction schedule, in addition to leadership and administrative training, including firing problems and target practice with Field, Trench, Tractor-drawn, Seacoast and Anti-aircraft artillery and with rifle, pistol and machine guns.


The success of the camp was largely due to the splendid student spirit and whole-hearted co-operation. It is hoped that “The Roll Call” will be a pleasing reminder of a happy and beneficial summer.


W. D. FRAZER, Major. C. A. C., (DOL), Camp Executive.




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Sgt. Tucker

Capt. Campbell

Capt. Goodrich

Sgt. Hone

Pfc. Whitchurch


Sgt. DeBord

Maj. Crook

Capt. Luke

Lieut. McLeod

Pfc. Roberts







The success of the R.O.T.C. Training camp has been to a large extent the result of able instruction and co-operation on the part of our camp officers.


Captain Campbell, R.O.T.C. Instructor from the University of California, acted as Battery Commander for the Coast Artillery unit with Captain Goodrich from Utah as his assistant. Captain I. A. Luke of Stanford was in command of the Ordnance Company's activities. These men have had considerable experience in artillery and ordnance work, all three having served in the World War.


Since his graduation from West Point in 1917, Captain Campbell has had a variety of artillery experience, having commanded an artillery battery in France in 1918, assisted in the organization of the 62nd C. A. Anti-Aircraft at Fort Totten, New York, and commanded a mortar battery in Honollu. (sic)


Captain Goodrich entered the service in 1917, serving overseas with the 66th C. A., a regiment manning 8-inch howitzers. Since the war Captain Goodrich has served at Fort Lewis, the Philippine and Hawaiian Islands, and is at the present time on DOL at Utah State College at Logan.


Captain Luke entered the service in 1910 as a private and consistently advanced through the ranks of corporal, sergeant, 2nd lietenant (sic), 1st lieutenant and served as a captain in the 10th F. A. in France. Captain Luke was transferred to the Ordnance Department in 1925. Since that time he has had duty at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey, and in the ammunition division of the Ordnance Department, Office of Chief of Ordnance, Washington, and as R.O.T.C. instructor at Stanford University.


The C. A. C. officers have received able assistance from Reserve Officers Lieutenants Tozier and Tilton, and from Sergeant Tucker, D. E. M. L., California, Sergeant Hone, D.E.M.L., California, and Pfc. Whitchurch, D.E.M.L., Washington. Captain Luke in the Ordnance has received assistance from Reserve Officers Major Crook and Lieutenant McLeod and from Sergeant DeBord, D.E.M.L., California, and Pfc. Roberts, D.E.M. L., Washington.



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C.A.C GROUP. (listed under picture)

Ostliff, Dignan, Friborg, Gutke, Marliave, Sedgewick, Bowen, Downey, Schnetz, Verges, Bagley, Pulley.

Beville, Wanlass, Danemiller, V. Thatcher, Cameron, Hendricks, Benjamin, Robosson, Burnham, Waldron, Lattin.

Stultz, Turner, Cordero, Cropley, Gorton, Erwin, Patten, Ballachey, Anderson, Lewis, Kley, Schoenfeld.






Two days after the arrival of the Coast Artillery students at Fort Worden, equipment having been issued, work was begun emplacing the 155 millimeter guns, and a week of practice followed, under the leadership of A. B. McElhoe of Washington, ending in the service fire on Thursday, June 30.


On July 5th the three-inch Anti-aircraft guns were emplaced, and an interesting target practice under the direction of Ralph Wanlass of Utah took place.


Stuart Henderson directed the anti-aircraft machine gun work during the fourth week of camp, and Elmer Marliave, also of California, was Battery Commander for the twelve-inch mortar practice which followed. The latter proved to be the most interesting work of the six weeks period, and perhaps the most successful. Every man in the Coast Artillery unit except the charge of quarters and the company clerk was actively employed in this practice.


The remaining six days of camp were spent in practice with the thirty-calibre rifle and the automatic pistol.


The six weeks' program proved to be rather strenuous. However, it was not all work. Leisure time was advantageously employed playing football, tennis, volleyball, etc., and in writing letters, to say nothing of the long hours spent in figuring out how much time had been spent here or how many weeks and days it would be until everybody would be back home telling the folks about their accomplishments. Perhaps the most gratifying part of the stay here, however, was in the pleasant associations with the men from other schools.


Entertainment night, sponsored by the C. A. C. group, under


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C.A.C. GROUP.(listed under picture)

Clark, Kirkpatrick, Johnson, McKay, Vranes, L. Thatcher, Knox, Stock, Wetterstrom, McKinnon, McElhoe, Goodmiller, James.

Patrick, Varnes, Mackey, Fehring, Barthrop, McQuarrie, Henderson, Fletcher, Seigert, Starr, Lambert, Woodward, T. Thatcher.

Hopson, Jorgensen, Eberhard, Sant, Curry, Barkman, Mecham, Shirley, Townsley, Roemer, Raab, Franceschi, Buford.


the direction of Jack Benjamin, furnished a night of high class performances free of charge to all members of the Post, and excited favorable comment from all who attended. The Fort theatre, through the efforts of executive officers in charge, was available July 20 for the program. As a main feature of the night's entertainment, Jack Benjamin had a well trained cast present a one-act play, “The Brink of Silence.” The play as well as the other numbers of the performance were welcomed by the enthusiastic audience which filled the theatre. Other numbers consisted of a chalk talk, a trumpet solo by Sergeant Davis and several numbers by the quartet.


Jack Benjamin, with two assistants, gave a fine Indian demonstration. A reading, some lively numbers by Captain Luke, and a finale by a glee club of twenty R. O. T. C. men, brought a successful program to end.


After a never-to-be-forgotten trip to Victoria, B. C., the men spent the most exciting afternoon around the barracks since camp began.


At about 2:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon a small blaze was spotted by the kitchen force and the alarm was turned in while men from every direction turned out.


The cadets from both the Coast Artillery and Ordnance companies formed the majority of the fire fighters, who, under the direction of Post officers, soon had the blaze under control. The entire task of moving out the east squad room and moving the kitchen equipment to the Ordnance barracks was carried out cheerfully notwithstanding the fact that it was Sunday and the men had just returned from a strenuous week end in Victoria.




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ORDNANCE GROUP (under picture)

Meyers, Martin, Soderberg, Wight, Werner, Feichtmeir, Wilmot, Bennett, Beck, Clear, Braskat.

Graham, Bird, Feezell, Bunker, Snowden, Muller, Grote, Woolf, Holcombe, Inslee, Bryan, Michel, Liniger, Smith, Simon, Darrow, Reasoner, Mihaly, Pesce.






Some time before taps was sounded on June 21, 1932, the boys of the Ordnance Company managed to find their way to Barracks 9 at Fort Worden, Washington. Directly ahead of them was forty days of work and play, which included ten major ordnance problems, rifle and pistol fire, and various recreational features.


Soon after beds and equipment had been assigned, work was commenced on both the problems and the small arms fire. Each private – that is what they were then – made a choice of the particular problem that he wanted to investigate. The ten problems were: (1) Machine gun and automatic rifle; (2) Trench Mortar; (3) 37 mm.gun; (4) 3-inch seacoast gun; (5) 75 mm.gun; (6) 3-inch anti-aircraft gun; (7) 155 mm. howitzer; (8) 155 mm. gun; (9) 10-inch gun; (10) experimental velocimeter.


In general, these problems included observations of range, time of flight, velocity, penetration, dispersion, length of recoil, velocity of recoil, pressure in recoil cylinders, and chamber pressure. In most cases the range was determined with the aid of two end stations, equipped with azimuth instruments. Time of flight was obtained by a stopwatch, velocity by the Aberdeen chronograph, penetration by use of a steel plate, and dispersion by means of a target. A Seibert velocimeter and an experimental velocimeter, designed by Lieutenant McLeod, were employed to obtain the velocity of recoil. The pressure in the recoil cylinders, during recoil, was found by use of a Tabor indicator, and pressure in the chamber, during fire, was obtained by use of copper crusher cylinders.


Interspersed with this actual ordnance work were various




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ORDNANCE GROUP.(under picture)

Walls, Ellerby, McShea, Johnson, Erath, Gardner, Berry, Portman, Langen, Richardson, Woods, Doyle, Stille, Lewis, Hansen, Andruss, Werner, Mylroie, Sturgess, Murdock, Ellis, Roell, Nelson, Lowson, Fernald.


forms of recreation, which included football, volley ball, baseball, bowling, fishing, and hiking. With such a combination of work and activity, the summer camp was felt to be of great advantage, both from the standpoint of knowledge gained, from practical ordnance experience and from the numerous forms of recreation which were afforded.


It was agreed that the camp was run very efficiently; however, the ordnance students advocate the adoption of certain rules and improvements for the camp next year.


Therefore, be it recommended that:

1)      Travel orders be issued from the Mexican border.

2)      Individual motor transportation be furnished to all points in and around the fort.

3)      Free plane-service be provided to Seattle.

4)      The gold-brick standard be adopted.

5)      A training regulation be drawn up governing ordnance position.

6)      Rubber soles and heels be provided on all service shoes.

7)      The first night of camp all O. D.'s should be burned at a formal ceremony on the parade grounds.

8)      Denims should be the official uniform.

9)   If the two foregoing provisions are not adopted, valets should be provided to wrap all leggins.

10) Taps should be abolished.

11) Reveille should be sounded at 9:00 a.m.

12) Cigarettes and cigars be furnished free of charge.

13) Free shows be presented daily.

14) A dating bureau be established to import some beautiful women.

15) Dustless round corners be installed and electric fans placed under the radiators to blow out dust.





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Fehring, Kirkpatrick, Ostliff, Wetterstrom, McKay, McElhoe, Johnson, Danemiller, V. Thatcher.

Patrick, Varnes, Hendricks, Barthrop, Goodmiller, Fletcher, Barkman, Buford,

Gorton, Shirley, Lambert, Patten, Eberhard, Curry, Erwin, Lewis.




Clark, Gutke, Stock, McKinnon, L. Thatcher, Vranes, Bowen,

Bagley, Waldron, Cropley, Woodward, McQuarrie, Mecham, Wanlass,

Jorgensen, Pulley, Schoenfeld, Sant, T. Thatcher, Starr.




Downie, Schnetz, Friborg, Marliave, Knox, Sedgwick, Dignan, James, Beville,

Townsley, Clark, Lattin, Benjamin, Robosson, Henderson, Seigert, Burnham, Cordero, Mackey,

Raab, Ballachey, Anderson, Stultz, Turner, Vergez, Franceschi, Hopson, Kley, Roemer.





Pages 9-13 Photos in Pdf Version.




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Anderson, Lawrence O., Cal., 1000 Ohio St., Vallejo, Cal.


Bagley, Edward N., Utah, 56th So. Hyland Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Ballachey, Robert G., Cal., 84 Woodland Way, Piedmont, Cal.

Barkman, William E., Wash., 4718 Acacia Place, Seattle, Wash.

Barthrop, John A., Wash., 703 Pennsylvania Ave., Bremerton, Wash.

Benjamin, Jack P., Cal., 5332 Thomas St., Oakland, Cal.

Beville, Charles E., Cal., 2462 LeConte Ave., Berkeley, Cal.

Bowen, Ronald, Utah, 83 East 1st South, Logan, Utah.

Buford, Jack W., Wash., 5040 19th Ave., N. E. Seattle, Wash.

Burnham, Carl von H., Cal., 853 Arlington Ave., Berkeley, Cal.


Cameron, Emmet G., Cal., 1642 Fell St., San Francisco, Cal.

Clark, Clayton, Utah, 141 East 2nd South, Logan, Utah.

Cordero, Fernando P., Cal., 2735 Haste, Berkeley, Cal.

Cropley, Virgil, Utah, Tremonton, Utah.

Curry, George B., Wash., Bellevue, Wash.


Danemiller, Herbert A., Wash., 1405 9th St., Anacortes, Wash.

Dignan, James G., Cal., 1206 34th Ave., Oakland, Cal.

Downie, Robert U., Cal., 552 Santa Clara Ave., Alameda, Cal.


Eberhard, Oscar H., Wash., 3602 Norton, Everett, Wash.

Erwin, John F., Wash., 592 N. E. 34th St., Portland, Ore.


Fehring, Wendel B., Wash., Hyder, Alaska.

Fletcher, Aubrey J., Wash., 4302 12th N. E., Seattle.

Franceschi, Bruno P., Cal., 1966 Union St., San Francisco, Cal.

Friborg, John R., Cal., 1036 Bay View Ave., Oakland, Cal.

Funk, Ira C., Cal., 805 Dos Robles Place, Alhambra, Cal.


Goodmiller, Andrew B., Wash., 11050 Evanston Ave., Seattle.

Gorton, Willard L., Wash., 1409 No. 18th St., Boise, Idaho.

Gutke, Worth, Utah, Smithfield, Utah.


Henderson, William S., Cal., A.T.O. House, 2465 Le Conte, Berkeley, Cal.

Hendricks, Carl F., Wash., 2610 Glenwilde Place, Seattle, Wash.

Hopson, Howard E., Cal., 415 S. Buena Vista, Hemet, Cal.


James, Ralph A., Cal., 2559 Le Conte Ave., Berkeley, Cal.

Johnson, Reynold E., Wash., 1831 12th Ave. W., Seattle, Wash.

Jorgensen, Clyde H., Utah, 149 West 3rd North, Logan, Utah.


Kirkpatrick, George A., Wash., 1060 E. Stark, Portland, Ore.

Kley, Howard F., Cal., 5344 James St., Oakland, Cal.

Knox, Roger C., Cal., 2955 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.

Lambert, William H., Wash., Quilcene.

Lattin, Ralph W., Cal., 20 N. 4th St., Alhambra, Cal.

Lewis, Erving, Wash., 6739 17th Ave. N. W., Seattle, Wash.


Mackey, Rolland J., Cal., Baldwin Park, Cal.

McElhoe, Albert B., Wash., Snoqualmie Falls, Wash.

McKay, W. Kermit, Wash., 4732 21st Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash.

McKinnon, DeMar J., Utah, Evanston, Wyo.

McQuarrie, Harlow, Utah, 1634 S. 9th East, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Marliave, Elmer C., Cal., 420 Boynton Ave., Berkeley, Cal.

Mecham, James A., Utah, 80 West 3rd South, Logan, Utah.


Ostliff, Thomas J., Wash., Roslyn, Wash.


Patrick, James G., Wash., 8246 15th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash.

Patten, Beverly M., 603 33rd Ave., Seattle, Wash.

Pulley, Boyd H., Utah, 549 East 3rd No., Logan, Wash.


Raab, Harvey E., Cal., 2189 Rosedale Ave., Oakland, Cal.

Robosson, John M., Cal., 2301 12th Ave., Oakland, Cal.

Roemer, Herbert S., Cal., 930 Rose Ave., Piedmont, Cal.


Sant, Paul T., Utah, Clifton, Idaho

Schoenfeld, Walter, Utah, 91 South 6th East, Provo, Utah.

Schnetz, Carl E., Cal., 5968 Chabolyn Terrace, Oakland, Cal.

Sedgwick, Robert P., Cal., 2042 S. Oxford Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

Shirley, Alban W., Wash., 4724 7th Ave. N.E., Seattle, Wash.

Siegert, William E., Cal., 1706 Buena Ave., Berkeley, Cal.

Starr, Warren A., Utah, 314 S. 1st West, Springville, Utah.

Stock, Eldon M., Utah, Fish Haven, Idaho.

Stultz, Norman R., Cal., 258 Athol Ave., Oakland, Cal.


Thatcher, Lynn, Utah, River Heights, Logan, Utah.

Thatcher, Theodore O., Utah, River Heights, Logan, Utah.

Thatcher, Vernon B., Wash., 4507 West College St., Seattle, Wash.

Townsley, Hendrick A., Cal., 434 New St., Downey, Cal.

Turner, Thomas P., Cal., 1290 Potvero Ave., San Francisco, Cal.


Vranes, John, Utah, Bingham Canyon, Utah.

Varnes, Selwyn H., Wash., 400 W. 15th, Olympia, Wash.

Verges, George J., Cal., 951 Rose Ave., Oakland, Cal.


Waldron, David R., Utah, Tremonton, Utah

Wanlass, Ralph, Utah, Logan, Utah

Wetterstrom, Carl W., Wash., East Stanwood, Wash.

Woodward, Hyrum J., Utah, Wellsville, Utah.










Andruss, Thaxter H., Cal., 82 Jordan Ave., San Francisco, Cal.


Beck, L. Gray, Jr., Wash., Gen. Del., Everett, Wash.

Bennett, Jackson K., Cal., R.F.D. Box 152, Santa Clara, Cal.

Berry, Mitchell M., Wash., 2309 No. 28th St., Tacoma, Wash.

Bird, H. Gerald, Wash., Seattle, Wash.

Braskat, Norman B., Cal., 862 Sea View Drive, Berkeley, Cal.

Bryan, Cecil E., Jr., Stan., 2681 Boulder Road, Pasadena, Cal.

Bunker, M. O., Cal., 2169 50th Ave., Oakland, Cal.


Clear, C. Gerald, Cal., 1464 Willard St., San Francisco, Cal.


Darrow, Lawrence, M.P., Mich, 2451 Penn St., Dubuque, Iowa

Doyle, Walter J., Stan., 6518 Seville Ave., Huntington Park, Cal.


Ellerby, Joseph S., Wash., 3206 Fuhrman Ave., Seattle, Wash.

Ellis, William P., Stan., Stanford University, Cal.

Erath, Joseph A., Stan., 428 Hugo St., San Francisco, Cal.


Feezell, Sam G., Stan., Claremore, Okla.

Feichtmeir, A. C., Stan., 316 Roder St., Wausau, Wisc.

Fernald, Gordon H., Stan., 210 Temple St., San Bernardino, Cal.


Gardner, C. H., Stan., Los Banos, Cal.

Graham, Howard, Wash., 1050 N. 36th St., Seattle, Wash.

Grote, Robert W., Cal., 102 S. Ogden St., Denver, Colo.


Hansen, Elmer D., Wash., 2711 Madrona St., Bellingham, Wash.

Holcombe, Albert N., Cal., 449 Merritt Ave., Oakland, Cal.


Inslee, Robert R., Cal., 1708 Glenwood Rd., Glendale, Cal.


Johnson, C. W., Wash., 1119 E. 43rd St., Seattle, Wash.


Langen, William E., Mich., Hotel Normandie, Los Angeles, Cal.

Lewis Orel E., Cal., Fort Jones, Cal.

Liniger, Rudy, Wash., R.F.D. No. 1, Tieton, Wash.

Lowson, Jack M., Stan., Hilo, Hawaii

Martin, J. Shelden, Stan., 2555 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal.

McShea, Royal E., Stan., 653 Cole St., San Francisco, Cal.

Meyers, Lorel W., Cal., 3229 Trumbull, Pt. Loma, Cal.

Michel, Harry O., Cal., 5 Van Buren Court, Oakland, Cal.

Mihaly, Emmery, Cal., 2766 Folsom St., San Francisco, Cal.

Muller, Phillip, Cal., 3105 Filbert St., Oakland, Cal.

Murdock, Sterling, Cal., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 197, Orange, Cal.

Mylroie, John E., Wash., 1316 E. 62nd St., Seattle, Wash.


Nelson, Prentiss C., Cal., 121 Monticello Ave., Piedmont, Cal.



Pesce, M. Vincent, Wash., 1815 E. Jefferson St., Seattle, Wash.

Portman, John H., Cal., 1930 Walnut St., Berkeley, Cal.



Reasoner, Charles L., Cal., 2756 W. 9th St., Los Angeles, Cal.

Richardson, Daniel G., Stan., 568 Salvatierra, Stanford, Cal.

Roell, Paul, Wash., 2128 N. 89th St., Seattle, Wash.



Simon, Walter, Cal., 2608 Dana St., Berkeley, Cal.

Smith, Laurie, Cal., 3022 Harper St., Berkeley, Cal.

Snowden, Wayne H., Cal., 354 Euclid Ave., Oakland, Cal.

Soderberg, Kermit J., Stan., 925 Cloverdale, Los Angeles, Cal.

Stille, Robert B., Cal., 1610 Lincoln St., Berkeley, Cal.

Sturgess, Robert Kaye, Cal., 508 E. Cypress, Glendale, Cal.



Ulrich, John A., Stan., 636 Cougar Ave., Klamath Falls, Ore.



Walls, William Lester, Stan., 411 E. Tremont, Dayton, Wash.

Werner, George W., Cal., 1930 Walnut St., Berkeley, Cal.

Wight, Vernon J., Stan., Box 2532, Stanford University, Cal.

Wilmot, Dick, Wash., 1241 Hunteley Drive, Seattle, Wash.

Woods, W. Kelly, Stan., 27 E. 55 Terrace, Kansas City, Mo.

Woolf, Loren A., Stan., 410 Walnut St, Red Bluff, Cal.





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The cadets from both Coast Artillery and Ordnance who were members of Scabbard and Blade formed a provisional company of that organization during the second week of camp. An election of officers resulted in the following men being named: Captain, Jack Buford; First Lieutenant, Carl Burnham; Second Lieutenant, Boyd Pulley; First Sergeant, Willard Gorton.


The company sponsored “The Roll Call” and acting as a representative of the National Society of Scabbard and Blade, initiated the following three regular officers of the Post as honorary associate members: Major H. C. Davis, Captain Verne C. Snell and Lieutenant R. E. Starr. The initiation ceremony was followed by a banquet held at the officer's club.






In behalf of the R. O. T. C. camp at Fort Worden we wish to extend our sincere thanks to the entire post for the splendid hospitality that they have shown us during our stay here. Colonel Phisterer and his staff have gone to no end of trouble in placing all of the facilities of the Fort at our disposal, even to the extent of arranging for the R. O. T. C. entertainment to be given in the Post theatre.


We also wish to thank the regular garrison for their cooperation. We realize that our stay here has placed an extra burden upon the entire regular personel. Notwithstanding this fact, the regulars have treated us royally, offered us the use of their own pool rooms, bowling alleys, etc., and have tried to make our stay a pleasant one. Especially is this true of the mess force which has worked long shifts to prepare our food.


At this time we wish to especially thank Sergeant Smith and Sergeant Conrath and the entire master gunners force for their generosity in taking and developing the photographs for this publication.


We also wish to express our appreciation to Robert Inslee for his work in creating the cover design for our publication, and in tooling the cut from which it was printed.





Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Bagley, Edward N., “The Roll Call”.  Published by the Cadets at Fort Worden, WA.  R.O.T.C.  Military Camp. 1932.

© 2013  Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.


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