Compiled by

Mrs. Meinard A. Schur

State Registrar


Mrs. Earle P. McKellar

State President









This Lineage Book of the members of California State Society, Colonial Dames of the XVII Century, the first volume of it’s kind to be published in California, is lovingly dedicated to our Organizing President, Mrs. French Battelle Harrington, who gave unstintingly of her ability and time to organize this, our State Library.





"Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations, ask they father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee"




Pages 11-30 | | Pages 31-50 | | Pages 50-63 | | Pages 64-73 | | Index |











         The members shall consist of women of Colonial Descent not less than 16 Years of age and shall include the organizers and only such other women as shall be eligible as here in provided and duly admitted.

         Admission into the Society is by invitation and endorsement of two members, and approval of lineage papers by the Registrar General and the National Executive Board.

         The applicant must declare upon her honor that if admitted into membership, she will endeavor to carry out the purposes for which the Society was organized, and that she will observe and comply with its Constitution and By-laws.

         Eligibility consists in lineal descent from one or more ancestors who resided in an American Colony prior to 1701, and who, during his life time performed services to the country, either civil or military.

         This Historic Founders (1606-1616) First English Colony at Jamestown, Incorporators of the Royal Chapters for Virginia of April 10th 1606; May 23, 1609; March 1612; and April 1619.


         All Officials in Virginia prior to 1619.


         The recognized Historic Founders of any of the original New England Colonies.


         Colonial Officers; Colonial Governors; Lieutenant Governors; Members of the Council; Members of the House of Burgesses; Judges; Trustees of Colleges; Ministers of the Gospel; Land owners; Physicians; and Commissioned Officers,

         or ancestors who served in a Colonial War; provided all were residents of a colony prior to 1701.











President General, MRS. J. W. THORNTON, Box 468, Dunn, NC

First Vice-President General, MRS. RAYMOND D. McCART, Overbrook Drive, Stamford, Conn.

Second Vice-President General, MRS. KIRBY-SMITH ANDERSON, The Magnolias, Madison, GA.

Recording Secretary General, MRS. VICTOR McGUIRE, 75 St. Dunstan Circle, Ashville, NC.

Organizing Secretary General, MRS. EULA LEE CARSON, 5402 Woodrow, Austin, Texas.

Corresponding Secretary General, MRS. THOMAS STAMPS, 118 West Jones St., Raleigh, NC.

Treasurer General, MRS. A. J. RASMUSSEN, 81st and Woolworth Ave., Omaha, Nebraska.

Registrar General, MRS. FRENCH B. HARRINGTON, 2793 Francis Ave., Los Angeles 5, California

Assistant Registrar General, MRS. FRANCIS T. JOHNSTON, 7300 14th St. So., St. Petersburg, Florida

Chaplain General, MRS. C. H. MANNING, 3522 Gladstone Blvd., Kansas City, MO.

Historian General, MRS. PLUMMER EARL HILL, 79 Main Street, Shinnstown, W. VA.

Librarian General, MRS. FRANK M JEFFRIES, 2915 Clairmont Ave., Birmingham, Ala.

Curator General, MRS. ROY N. GILBERT, 524 7th Ave. So., Nampa, Idaho

Parliamentarian, MRS. FRANK MORRISON, 1216 Decatur Ave., NW, Washington DC

Poet Laureatte, MRS. JAMES ELLIS DEEMS, 2063 Franklin St., Liberty, MO

Chairman of Executive Board, MRS. A. H. RIDDLE, 6925 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn 9, NY

Flag Chairman, MRS. ROY P. ROSSER, Raleigh Road, Sanford, NC

Legal Advisor, HON. J. SHEPARD BRYAN, First-Citizens Bank Bldg, Dunn, NC







The California State Society, Colonial Dames of the XVII Century, presents this Lineage Book, Volume Number I to it’s members and friends.

The first meeting of the prospective society was called by Mrs. French B. Harrington, organizing President, on October 23, 1948 at the home of Mrs. Roscoe Cannon, 220 LaFayette Place,

Los Angeles, California.  The purpose of this meeting was to organize a California State Society of the Colonial Dames of the XVII Century.  There were thirty-one ladies present.

A second meeting was held July 29, 1949 at the home of Mrs. George A. Kingman, 900 North Bushnell Avenue, Alhambra, California.  The temporary charter was shown to the members at this meeting. 

Organization of a State Society was made and the following officers were elected for a term of two years.



President, Mrs. French B. Harrington

1st Vice President, Mrs. Earle P. McKellar

2nd Vice President, Mrs. Lucille Derr Fitts

Chaplain, Mrs. Grace S. MacDonald

Recording Secretary, Mrs. John J. Champieux

Organizing Secretary, Mrs. A. Watson Brown

Registrar, Mrs. Meinard A. Schur

Treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Snyder

Historian, Mrs. H. H. Howell

Librarian, Mrs. Roscoe Service

Curator, Mrs. H. W. Wassner













1st Vice President, MISS ADELINE NEWCOMB

2nd Vice President, MRS. JOHN J. CHAMPIEUX


Recording Secretary, MRS. T. M. ARROWSMITH

Organizing Secretary, MRS. LUCILE DERR FITTS

Corresponding Secretary, MRS. WILLIAM CARILLO




Parliamentarian, MRS. FRENCH B. HARRINGTON









Rehabilitation, MRS. ELMER S. BARKHURST









        At the California State Meeting, October 23, 1949, two organizing chapter presidents were appointed by the State President, MRS. FRENCH B. HARRINGTON. They were MRS. CHARLES H. BUSH of Alhambra, and MRS. EARLE PRESTON McKELLAR of La Mesa, California. A third, MRS. LUCILLE DERR FITTS was appointed later.


       December 4, 1950, MRS. McKELLAR invited prospective chapter members to meet at her home 8550 Tio Diego, for an organization meeting. There were nine ladies present, one more than needed to form a chapter.


       The name "San Diego" was chosen, national and state constitutions and by-laws were read and discussed and a committee appointed to draw up a constitution for the new chapter. Officers were chosen at this time and the meeting adjourned.


       The charter was granted by the National Society, May 30, 1951, and the newly elected officers were installed by the State President, MRS. FRENCH B. HARRINGTON at the House of Hospitality, Balboa Park, San Diego, California, June 23rd, 1951.



Charter Officers were -


Vice President, MRS. A. WATSON BROWN

Chaplain, MRS. FRED A. PAYNE




Parliamentarian, MRS. JOHN H. CRIPPEN

Historian, MRS. NANCY H. W. SPERRY

Auditor, MRS. H. H. HOWELL



Officers 1952-1953


Vice President, MRS. FRED A. PAYNE





Historian, MRS. NANCY H. W. SPERRY

Parliamentarian, MRS. BYRON BOYDEN






Plymouth Chapter was organized on May 21st, 1951, at the home of Mrs. George A. Kingman, 900 North Bushnell Avenue, Alhambra, California.  The Charter was granted May 30th , 1951.  Officers elected at this meeting were-



1st Vice President, MRS. JOHN J. CHAMPIEUX

2nd Vice President, MISS MABEL E. HOWARD



Recording Secretary, MRS. WILLIAM CORRILLO

Corresponding Secretary, MRS. ROY C. BLACK

Registrar, MRS. GAD B. ROOT

Historian, MRS. W. P. BRISCOE

Parliamentarian, MRS. GEORGE A. KINGMAN



The name "Plymouth" was chosen as it seemed a very appropriate name for a Colonial organization. The same officers were held over for the second year.









The Williamsburg Chapter was the 3rd to be formed from the California State Society of the Colonial Dames of the 17th Century, which had been organized by Mrs. FRENCH B. HARRINGTON. The other two were the Plymouth and the San Diego Chapters formed in the spring of 1950. Organized in September, 1950, in home of MRS. PAUL BLACKFORD, Williamsburg elected as temporary officers -



Recording Secretary, MRS. FRANCES Mac DONALD







On May 24, 1952, in the home of MRS. S. S. GOOD, permanent officers were elected. The temporary ones were confirmed and additional ones selected -


First Vice President, MRS. HOWARD HAHN

2nd Vice President, MRS. FRENCH B. HARRINGTON


Corresponding Secretary, MRS. LUCILE ARROWSMITH






The highlights of the chapter included being hostess chapter in 1952 for the State Society at the Clark Hotel in Los Angeles, and having our organizing State President and Chapter member elected Registrar General of the National Society. We are happy that others appreciate her fine qualities too.

Though our quarterly meeting stressed historic study of 17th century America, probably our best session was held in May, 1952, when we were honored by interesting talks given by the Registrar General, MRS. FRENCH B. HARRINGTON, and the California President, MRS. EARLE P. McKELLAR. Important work for the chapter has been done by the energetic committee chairman -




National Defense, MRS. LUCILE D. FITTS





Williamsburg has been honored and happy to contribute many fine officers and chairman to the State Society. These include -



1st Vice President, MRS. LUCILE D. FITTS


                              MISS ADELINE B. NEWCOMB


Recording Secretary, MRS. LUCILE ARROWSMITH


Organizing Secretary, MRS. LUCILE D. FITTS






Veteran Rehabilitation



Publicity Chairman, MRS. CLIFFORD D. TUCKER


National Defense












To each member of the California Society of Colonial Dames of the Seventeenth Century, I extend cordial and affectionate greeting:


The National Society is in the first year of a new administration with renewed enthusiasm and a great ambition to further the work of the society on an ever increasing scale.


The co-operation and loyalty of each State Society will be a big factor in promoting our outstanding accomplishments, and if every member of each State Society will catch the stalward spirit of our ancestors and share in the task, each feeling it her duty to do her bit, we shall build our beloved Society into greater influence for the betterment of mankind wherever our organization is found.


Let us make these three years banner years. Let us emphasize new members and new chapters, for in numbers there is strength and greater opportunity to achieve our goals.


My sincere wish is for the continued success of the California Society and its chapters.





     Julia Forbes Thornton,

     President General





It was a privilege to bring together fifty wonderful women and form the California State Society of the Colonial Dames of the Seventeenth Century. Being an historian by birth and training, (I seem to have been born with a love of history, the same as my love for music) early Colonial history was emphasized, during my three years as your State President.


We have traced our ancestry from history, which is the recording of names of persons and what they contribute to the age in which they live, we then term that we have pieced together, genealogy. To build and leave behind in files only complete and accurate records has been the consuming desire of your organizing State President, and now that I am your Registrar General, the need for such a file is more evident than ever. Only endless hours of research aided by such persons as our state registrar, Mrs. Meinard A. Schur will make this possible.




“To weave together the fading dates of an old manuscript - with traditions that have survived the sleeping generations, until the joy and the tears, the quaint speech, and the early piety stand out upon the tapestry in the semblance of a living man gives a pleasure which only one who has stood at the loom can feel and understand.”


RESEARCH, genealogy if you please, furnishes the charm and rich experience described by the person who penned the above paragraph. As we delve into the history of our country, we find untold stories of brave deeds and sacrifices, many tales rich in romance and pathos, many are fascinating and adsorbing. To search for records which when pieced together will allow someone to join this great organization is most interesting. The unfailing loyalty with which our men and women have served their country is most inspiring. One begins such a task as this with hesitancy but relinquishes it with sadness and reluctance.


I dedicate these lines to Virginia Baines Schur, whose efforts have made possible this fine lineage book, which we will all treasure.




Marye Shannon Harrington

Registrar General




To the members of the California State Society Colonial Dames of the XVII Century.




Congratulations to the California Society in the preparation of Lineage Book No 1. May this be the first book in the series of a continuously growing State Society.


We are all proud of the Colonial Ancestors whose services made our membership possible. Could they see their descendants as they work to make the land They founded, a better place in which to live, I know They would be proud of us.


It is a privilege to be allowed to become a member of the Colonial Dames of the XVII Century let us ever hold that membership in highest regard.





Mrs. Earle Preston Mc Kellar

President, California State Society

Colonial Dames of the XVII Century.





Page 1 



Mrs. Maxon Alger

(Albie C. Disney)         

4329 44th Street, San Diego, California


Edward Rawson of Massachusetts 



Daughter of                 (PARENTS)

Medora E. Cutting, born 10/11/1859

Scitreate, RI

Married 4/27/1884 in RI

Henry P. Disney

Born 9/6/1859

Died 1925



Daughter of              (GRANDPARENTS)

Abby F. Rawson, born 12/29/1835,

Killingly Conn,

Married 10 /22/1867 at Killingly, Conn

George E Cutting

Born 8/15/1829

Died 1/10/1920

She died 2/25/1922, Providence RI



Daughter of              (2ND GRANDPARENTS)

William Rhoades Rawson, born 1790,  Providence RI

Died July 1835, Providence, RI

Married 10/12/1823, Exeter, RI

Eliza C. C. Peckham who died 10/28/1868



Son of                      (3RD GRANDPARENTS)

Joseph Rawson, born 12/24/1760 Mendon, Mass.

Died 7/19/1836 Providence, RI

Married 1785 at Providence, RI

Elizabeth Rhoades

Born 1766 and died 5/9/1843



Son of                       (4TH GRANDPARENTS)

Grindal Rawson, born 7/13/1719 Mendon, Mass

Died December 1803 at Providence RI

Married 1752 at Providence RI

Elizabeth Boyd (second wife)

Died 5/31/1761



Son of                        (5TH GRANDPARENTS)

Wilson Rawson, born 6/23/1692 Mendon, Mass

Died 5/4/1752 at Mendon, Mass

Married 5/4/1712 Nantuckett, RI

Margaret Authur

Died 11/14/1757



                                  (6TH GRANDPARENTS)

Grindal Rawson who died 2/6/1715 at Mendon, Mass and who was born 1/2/1659 in Old England

Married about 1682 at Medfielf, Mass.

Susanna Wilson, born 1664 and died 7/8/1749



Son of                       (7TH GRANDPARENTS)

Edward Rawson, born England 4/16/1615 and died 8/27/1693 at Newbury, Mass

Married in England Rachael Perne









Mrs Charles Le Roy Anderson                                 

(Polly Eva Wallbridge)                                             

2211 33rd St, San Diego, 2 California


Henry Wallbridge

of Connecticut




Daughter of                (PARENTS)

Clarence Mitchell Walbridge, born 3/6/1860, West Union, Iowa,

Died 5/23/1933, Kansas City, Mo

Married 12/15/1882 at Atchison, Kansas

Louie Kimball Derr, born 9/30/1863 at West Liberty, Iowa

Died 10/7/1936



Son of                       (GRANDPARENTS)

Frederick Green Walbridge, born 9/1/1829, Lansingburg, New York

Died March 1912, Wamego, Kansas

Married Memphis, Tennessee, Amaryllis Mitchell

Born 5/4/1830, Chatauqua, NY

Died 11/8/1872


Page 2



Son of                       (2ND GRANDPARENTS)

Ebenezer William Walbridge, born 10/28/1779, Bennington, Vermont

Died 3/23/1856, Lansingburg, NY

Married 9/25/1825 Martha Russell Woodward

Born 8/13/1789, Stafford, Connecticut and died 8/13/1874



Son of                       (3RD GRANDPARENTS)

Brigadier General Ebenezer William Walbridge, born 12/20/1738, Norwich, Conn.

Died 10/3/1819, Bennington, Vermont

Married March 1760 Northfield, Mass.

Elizabeth Stebbins

Born 10/8/1737 and died 9/24/1822



Son of                      (4TH GRANDPARENTS)

Ebenezer Walbridge, born 5/15/1705 at Norwich, Conn.

Died there

Married there on 12/2/1730

Mary Durkee who died 5/19/1749



Son of                       (5TH GRANDPARENTS)

Henry Walbridge, born England, and died 1/25/1729 at Norwich, Conn.

Married 12/25/1688 at Preston, Conn.

Anne Amos born at Boston, Mass. 1/28/1666









Mrs. Thomas Merritt Arrowsmith (Lucile Davis)                

282 B St Joseph Avenue, Long Beach, California


Richard Wicker of VA



 Daughter of               (PARENTS)

William Jones Davis, born Feb 15, 1871 Southport, NC

Died 5/16/1946

Married Nov. 17, 1897, Fernandina, Florida

Lucy Starbuck

Born 10/18/1874 and died 10/26/1945



Son of                      (GRANDPARENTS)

George Washington Davis, Born 9/8/1830, Harkers Island, NC

Married 12/21/1866, Southport, NC

Caroline Smith, Born 9/8/1847 and Died 4/9/1929



Son of                      (2ND GRANDPARENTS)

John Stancil Davis Jr, Born 11/5/1800, Cartaret County, NC

Died 1/15/1865

Married 12/28/1824 at Cartaret County, NC

Rosamond Harker, Born 1803 and Died 1856



Son of                     (3RD GRANDPARENTS)

Archibald Davis, who died in 1837

Married 5/7/1794 in Cartaret County, NC

Kesiah Dixon


Son of                     (4TH GRANDPARENTS)

Benjamin Davis, Born 1750 at Cartaret County, NC and died there 1816

Married there between 1771 and 1775

Sabra Williston



Son of                     (5TH GRANDPARENTS)

William Davis, Born in Wales and died in NC 1756

Married there about 1726 Mary Wicker


Daughter of             (6TH GRANDPARENTS)

Joseph Wicker, Born in Coratuck, NC and died there 1742

Married there in 1706 Ruth Musson


Son of                    (7TH GRANDPARENTS)

Richard Wicker, born Bristol, England and died 1699, Coratuck County, NC, whose wife was Margaret.




Page 3



Mrs. Earl De Witt Ashdill 

(Mary Myrtle Baker)

PO BOX 303, Fontana, California


Thomas Greene of MD



Daughter of              (PARENTS)

Mary Elizabeth Feazel, Born 6/13/1847, Marion Co, Mo

Died 4/3/1924 Belpre, Kansas

Married 11/8/1866 Marion Co. Mo.

Oscar Baker, Born 5/4/1842 and Died 4/25/1892



Daughter of              (GRANDPARENTS)

Dr. William N. Feazel, Born 4/16/1823 and Died 9/20/1860

Married 2/19/1846 Palmyra, MO

Pricilla Ann Drane

Born 2/7/1825, Cumberland Co, Md

Died 1/24/1905 Belpre, Kansas



Daughter of              (2ND GRANDPARENTS)

Marion Drane, Born 2/1/1799 and Died 4/8/1883

Married 5/23/1824 at Sang Run, MD

Mary Ann Hoye, Born 10/13/1805 Sang Run, Md and Died 4/28/1848 at McHenry, MD



Daughter of              (3RD GRANDPARENTS)

William Walter Hoye, Born 8/10/1768 , Frederick County, MD

Married 5/20/1796 Allegheny Co, MD

Eleanor Slicer who died 1812



Son of                     (4TH GRANDPARENTS)

Lieutenant Paul Hoye, Born 3/26/1736, Prince George County, MD

Married 1762, Stafford Co, VA

Mariam Walker, Born 1734 and Died 11/18/1811



Son of                    (5TH GRANDPARENTS)

James Hoye who died September 1737

Married 1732 in Prince George County, MD

Tabitha Marbury, Born 1706, Prince George Co, MD and Died 11/15/1761, Prince George County, Maryland



Daughter of           (6TH GRANDPARENTS)

Francis Marbury, Born 1663 and died 1733,

Married 8/25/1703 in St Mary's Co, MD

Mary Greene, Born in St Mary's Co, MD and Died 9/11/1713 in Prince George County, MD



Daughter of             (7TH GRANDPARENTS)

Leonard Greene, born in England and Died in 1688 in St Mary's County, Maryland

Married there Anne _____.



Son of                     (8TH GRANDPARENTS)

Thomas Greene, born in England and died 1651 in St Mary's Co, MD

Married in St Mary's County, Maryland

Ann Cox, died in England 1637








Mrs. Elmer S. Barkhurst                      

(Lota Carr Booth)                             

4422 42 Street, San Diego 5, California


Governor Richard Bennett

Of Virginia



Daughter of                             (PARENTS)

Dyer Booth, Born 4/23/1849, Whiteside Co, Illinois

Died 4/6/1909, Ord , Nebraska

Married 2/20/1877 Fenton Twp, Illinois

Clara E Carr, Born 2/28/1856, Whiteside Co, Illinois


Page 4



Son of                                     (GRANDPARENTS)

James Harrison Booth, Born 6/27/1823, Harrison County, VA

Died 3/17/1884, Whiteside Co, Illinois

Married 7/7/1848 Whiteside County, Illinois

Susanna E. Rexroad, Born 12/21/1830 in VA

Died 5/12/1905, Iowa



Son of                                      (2ND GRANDPARENTS)

William Booth,   Born 5/4/1783 in VA           

Died 12/6/1854 in Illinois

Married 4/20/1802-3 in Beverly County, VA

Deborah Hart, Born 10/11/1786 in Randolph Co, VA

Died 11/6/1874, Whiteside Co, Illinois



Daughter of                                 (3RD GRANDPARENTS)

Edward Hart, Born 12/30/1755 in NJ

Died 1812 in Virginia

Married October 1777 Hunterdon, NJ

Nancy Ann Stout, Born 7/25/1756, Hopewell, NJ

Died 2/25/1844 and buried in Beverly, West Virginia



Daughter of                               (4TH GRANDPARENTS)

St Ledger Codd Stout, Born 2/1/1732, Hunterdon Co, NJ and Died 2/10/1767 in Hunterdon Co, NJ

Married 1754, Amwell, NJ

Susanna Simpson who died 2/8/1770 in Hunterdon County, New Jersey



Son of                                       (5TH GRANDPARENTS)

James Stout, born 1709 and died 1785

Married about 1730 in Maryland

Mary Ann Codd, Born 1710 in Cecil County, MD

Died 1755 in New Jersey


Daughter of                              (6TH GRANDPARENTS)

Captain St Ledger Codd, Born 12/16/1680, Northumberland Co, VA

Will probated 6/6/1732, Cecil Co, MD

Married 1709 Cecil Co, MD

Mary Hansen, Born 12/19/1680 -1732

Daughter of Colonel Hans Hansen


Son of                                      (7TH GRANDPARENTS)

Colonel St Ledger Codd, Born Virginia 1636

Died in MD, Will proved 2/9/1707

Married in Maryland 1671-1674

Anna Bennett, Born Nansemond Co, VA

Died 1687 in Maryland


Daughter of                            (8TH GRANDPARENTS)

Governor Richard Bennett of Virginia, Born about 1605 in England

Died 4/12/1675 Nansemond Co, VA

Married about 1630 York Co, VA

Mary Utie, Born 1610, daughter of Colonel John Utie of Virginia



Page 5






Mrs. Elmer Barkhurst

4222 42 Street, San Diego, California


Richard Stout of NJ



                                             (5TH GRANDPARENTS as above)

James Stout born, 1709, and died 1755, Hunterdon Co, NJ

Married 1730 in Cecil County, MD

Mary Ann Codd, who died before 1755, Hunterdon Co, NJ



Daughter of                           (6TH GRANDPARENTS)

Captain St Ledger Codd, born 12/16/1680 Northumberland Co, Virginia

Died Cecil Co, MD (Will proved 6/6/1732)

Married 1709 Cecil Co, MD

Mary Hansen, Born 12/19/1680, died before June 1732


Son of                                 (7TH GRANDPARENTS)

Colonel St Ledger Codd, born 1636 England or Virginia

Married 1671-1674, York County, VA

Anna Bennett Bland, who died Nov 1687 in VA

His Will dated 11/7/1706, probated 9/2/1707 in Maryland


Son of                                (8TH GRANDPARENTS)

Colonel William Codd of Pelecans, Kent, England

Married 1636 Lady Mary St Ledger, who was born 1612

He was the son of Sir Warham St Ledger of Ulcombe, County Kent, England





Page 6



Mrs. Roy Cornelius Black

(Olive M. Cleveland)

9626 5th Avenue  

Inglewood, California


Colonel Gerard Fowke of VA



Daughter of                               (PARENTS)

Hattie Cock Sweeny, Born 1/ 23 /1861, Fairfax Co, VA

Died 9/ 21 /1927, Washington D C

Married 1/ 2 /1882, Washington D C

Elijah Howard Cleveland, Born 3/ 4 /1859, Alexandria, VA

Died 3/ 6 /1945, Washington D C

Daughter of                             (GRANDPARENTS)

John Hooe Sweeny II, Born 5/ 19 /1836, Prince William Co, VA

Died 11/ 26 /1877, Washington D C

Married 2/ 1 /1860 Fairfax Co, VA

Ellen Auser Cock, Born 4/ 29 /1831, Sing Sing, NY

Died 1/25/1901


Son Of                                    (2ND GRANDPARENTS)

John Hooe Sweeny I, Born 1/ 9 /1799, Loudon Co, VA

Died 9/ 3 /1864, Fairfax Co, VA

Married 1/ 1 /1829 Fairfax County, VA

Jane Hooff Willcoxon, Born 11/ 30 /1806, Fairfax Co, VA

Died there 2/ 13/ 1890


Son of                                     (3RD GRANDPARENTS)

John Sweeny, Born 1/ 1 /1750, Loudon Co., VA

Died 9/ 4 /1818, Fredericksburg, VA

Married 3/ 26 /1781, King George Co, VA

Sarah Burdette Hooe, Born 3/ 6 /1758, King George Co, VA

Died 1/ 1 /1811, Fredericksburg, VA


Daughter of                              (4TH GRANDPARENTS)

John Hooe, Born 9/ 5 /1731, King George Co, VA

Died 4/ 12 /1766, Stafford Co, VA

Married 3/ 14/ 1755, Fredericksburg,VA

Ann Fowke, Born 9/ 4/ 1737, Westmoreland Co, VA

Died 9/ 5 /1818, Stafford Co, VA


Daughter of                              (5TH GRANDPARENTS)

Captain Chandler Fowke, Born 5/ 25 /1692, Westmoreland Co, VA

Died 2/ 10 /1745 Stafford Co, VA

Married 12/ 20 /1716, Port Tobacco, Maryland

Mary Tassaker, Born 7/ 2 /1693 and died 11/ 4/ 1779, Charles Co, MD


Son of                                      (6TH GRANDPARENTS)

Gerard Fowke, Born 7/ 15/ 1662, Westmoreland Co, VA

Died 1/ 20/ 1734, Charles Co MD

Married 8/ 29 1689, Charles Co MD

Sarah Burdette, Born 10/ 16/ 1673 Charles Co MD

Died 4/ 20 /1756, Westmoreland Co, VA


Son of                                        (7TH GRANDPARENTS)

Colonel Gerard Fowke, Born 7/ 19/ 1615, Staffordshire, England

Died 3/ 7 /1669, Charles Co, MD

Married December 1659, Princesses Anne Co, VA

Ann Thoroughgood, Born 9/ 20 /1628 London, England

Died 1/ 27 /1689, Princesses Anne Co, Virginia


Page 7



Mrs. Paul William Blackford

(Katherine Bowman)

1456 West 14th Street

Los Angeles 7, California


Captain John Sherman of Mass.





Daughter of                     (PARENTS)

Harry Elliott Gage Bowman, Born 6/ 20 /1879, Boston, Mass.

Married 8/ 31 /1909, Pittsfield, Mass.

Mary A Gloyd, Born 2/ 23/ 1894


Son of                            (GRANDPARENTS)

Erwin Colman Bowman, Born 9 /22 /1850, Littleton, NH

Died 3/ 20 /1932, San Diego, California

Married 2/  18/ 1877, Boston, Mass.

Elizabeth McVay who died in Boston, Mass. 1/ 23 /1885.


Son of                          (2ND GRANDPARENTS)

Isaac Wheeler Bowman, Born 11/ 26/ 1820, Littleton, NH

Died Henniker. NH

Married 5/ 4/ 1845, Littleton, NH

Elmira Colman, Born 9/ 24 /1826

Died in 1911 in Littleton, New Hampshire


Son of                          (3RD GRANDPARENTS)

John Bowman, Born 10/ 17 /1790, Henniker, NH

Died 6 /25/ 1861, Littleton, NH

Married 11/ 14/ 1816, Littleton, NH

Lovisa Gale, Born 12/ 9/ 1800, Littleton NH

Died 9/ 6 /1877


Son of                           (4TH GRANDPARENTS)

Jonathan Bowman, Born 11/ 23 /1764, Henniker, NH

Died 9/ 10 /1842 at Littleton, NH

Married 5 /13 /1788

Anna Connor, Born 7/ 9 /1775 and died 5/ 14/ 1836


Son of                           (5TH GRANDPARENTS)

Jonas Bowman, Born 7/ 19/ 1739, Lexington, Mass.

Died 3 /28/ 1807, Henniker, NH

Married 5 /18/ 1758

Susannah Gregory, Born 10/ 13/ 1736 and died 9/ 25/ 1800


Son of                           (6TH GRANDPARENTS)

Jonas Bowman Sr, Born 2/ 3/ 1717, Lexington, Mass.

Died 6/ 5 /1783, Bedford, Mass.

Married 3/ 19/ 1739

Abigail Russell, Born 7/ 1/ 1717


Son of                            (7TH GRANDPARENTS)

John Bowman, Born 7/ 14/ 1689, Lexington, Mass.

Died 4 /30 /1726 Lexington, Mass.

Married in 1712, Lexington, Mass.

Mary Stone, Born 9 /26/ 1692 and died 6/ 28/ 1757

They were first cousins.


Son of                           (8TH GRANDPARENTS)

Francis Bowman, Born 9/ 14/ 1662, Cambridge, Mass.

Died 12 /23/ 1744, at Lexington, Mass.

Married 6 /26 /1684, Cambridge, Mass.

Lydia Stone, Born 11/ 25 /1665 and died 12/ 10/ 1719


Son of                           (9TH GRANDPARENTS)

Francis Bowman, Born 1630, Cambridge, Mass.

Died 12 /16 /1687, Cambridge, Mass.

Married  9 /26 /1661

Martha Sherman, Born 2/ 21/ 1641 and died 2/ 25 /1728


Daughter of                   (10TH GRANDPARENTS)

Captain John Sherman, Born March 1612-14, Essex, England

Died 1/ 1 /1690, Watertown, Mass.

Married there 1637

Martha Palmer who died 2/ 7 /1700






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Mrs. Warren Blaine (Minnie Brooks)

125 N Bushnell Avenue

Alhambra, California


John Clay of VA


Daughter of                               (PARENTS)

Alice Bruce, Born July 13 1851, Carrs, Ky

 Died 8/ 14/ 1911, Parsons, Kansas

Married 7/ 9 /1870, Greenup, KY

John E. Brooks, Born 7/9/1843


Daughter of                               (GRANDPARENTS)

John Logan Bruce, Born Gerrard Co, KY

Died 1927, Parsons, Kansas

Married Gerrard County, Kentucky

Henrietta Abbot, Born in NJ


Son of                                      (2ND GRANDPARENTS)

Alexander Bruce, Born 9/5/1797, Gerard Co, KY

Married 2/18/1819, Louis County, Kentucky

Amanda Bragg


Son of                                     (3RD GRANDPARENTS

John Bruce, Born 4/ 30 /1748, Pittsylvania Co, VA

Died 4/ 3 /1827, Gerrard Co, KY

Married, 1770 Cumberland Co, VA

Elizabeth Clay, Born 1 /13/ 1755 in Virginia and died in Gerrard County, Kentucky


Daughter of                             (4TH GRANDPARENTS)

Henry Clay MD, Born 1736, Cumberland Co, VA

Died 1 /17 /1820, Bourbon County,KY

Married 1754, Cumberland County, VA

Rachel Povall, Born 1739 in Virginia and died 4 /27 /1820 in Bourbon County, Kentucky


Son of                                    (5TH GRANDPARENTS)

Henry Clay, Born Chesterfield, Virginia

Died Cumberland Co, VA

Will Probated 10 /22 /1764

Married 1735, Chesterfield Co, VA

Lucy Green, Born 1717 and was alive when husband's will proved in 1764


Son of                                      (6TH GRANDPARENTS)

Henry Clay, Born 1672, Cumberland Co, VA

Died 8/3/1760 Henrico Co, VA

Married 1708, Cumberland Co, VA

Mary Mitchell, Born January 1693, Chesterfield Co, VA and died there 8/ 7/ 1770


Son of                                     (7TH GRANDPARENTS)

Charles Clay, Born 1638, Charles City, VA

Died there 1686

Married in Henrico Co, VA

Hannah Wilson, who was alive in 1686


Son of                                    (8TH GRANDPARENTS)

John Clay, Born in England and came to Virginia in 1613

Married Ann, who came to America in 1623 on the ship 'Ann'.








Mrs. Fred W. Blue (Lillian Wood)

1124 Kansas Street

Cherokee, Oklahoma


Richard Prouty Of Mass.





Daughter of                           (PARENTS)

Clarence Wood, Born 3/ 18/ 1862, Whitehall NY

Died 4 /17/ 1938

Married 1/ 27/ 1887 at Santa Fe, Kansas

Mary Mullen, Born 5/ 27/ 1871, Leeds, Iowa

Died 1890 at Denver, Colorado


Son of                                  (GRANDPARENTS)

James Wood, Born 1842, Hampton, NY

Killed in Civil War

Married 1861 at Poultney, Vermont

Ann Prouty, Born 9/ 1/ 1844 and died 1/ 1/ 1926


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Daughter of                          (2ND GRANDPARENTS)

Levi Prouty, Born 9/ 18/ 1822, Granville, NY

Died there 10 /16 /1898?

Married there 2 /24 /1841

Sally Hotchkiss, who died Granville, NY, 1856


Son of                                  (3RD GRANDPARENTS)

Abijah Prouty, Born Spencer, Mass., 4 /17 /1775

Died 7/10/1853, Granville, NY

Married 1797

Anna Lewis who died at Granville, NY, 8/ 7 /1780


Son of                                 (4TH GRAANDPARENTS)

Jacob Prouty Jr, Born 4/ 11/ 1752, Spencer, Mass.

Died 2/ 28/ 1834 at Spencer, Mass.

Married 9/ 29/ 1774

Rachel Eddy who died in Granville, NY


Son of                                 (5TH GRANDPARENTS)

Jacob Prouty, Born 3/ 4 /1715 Scituate, Mass.

Died 11 /24/ 1789, Spencer, Mass.

Married 12/ 8/ 1741

Ann Caen who died Spencer, Mass.


Son of                                (6TH GRANDPARENTS)

Isaac Prouty, Born 11/18/1689, Scituate, Mass.

Died 1754, Spencer, Mass.

Married 1/11/1771, Scituate, Mass.

Elizabeth Merritt, Born February 1691 and died at Spencer, Mass.


Son of                               (7TH GRANDPARENTS)

Richard Prouty, Born 9/ 30 /1652, Gloucestershire, England and died 9/ 1/ 1708, Scituate, Mass.

Married Dec 1676

Demaris Torrey of Scituate








Mrs. Byron Boyden (Sarah Wallace)

1928 Howard Street

San Diego, California


Governor Thomas Dudley of Mass.



Daughter of                                  (PARENTS)

Emma R Gilson, Born 9/ 2 /1841, died 6/10/1911, Chicago, Illinois

Married 9/ 2 /1863 Kankakee, Ill.

M. R. M. Wallace, Born 9/ 29 /1829, Urbana, Ohio

Died 3/ 6 /1902 Chicago, Illinois


Son of                                        (GRANDPARENTS)

George W. Gilson, Born 5 /21 /1816, Stoddard, NH

Died 9/ 29 /1856, Chicago, Illinois

Married 12/ 16/ 1836

Catherine Greenfield, Born 6/ 21/ 1816 and died 6/ 23/ 1907


Son of                                      (2ND GRANDPARENTS)

Nathaniel Gilson, Born Stoddard, NH, 10 /6 /1787

Died  6 /14/ 1871, Pepperell, Mass.

Married Nov 30, 1810 in Mass.

Olive Lakin, Born 6/1/1789 and died 10/15/1869


Daughter of                              (3RD GRANDPARENTS)

Nathaniel Lakin, Born 12/13/1738 and died Nov. 1816

Married 1/20/1785 in Mass.

Mary Dodge, Born 4/16/1763 in Mass. and died 4/21/1838


Daughter of                             (4TH GRANDPARENTS)

Andrew Dodge, Born 2/14/1739 Ipswich, Mass.

Died 1808 Groton, Mass.

Married Jan. 21, 1762 in Mass.

Mary Rindge, Born 1742 in Massachusetts, died 1840 in Groton, Mass.


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Daughter of                           (5TH GRANDPARENTS)

Samuel Rindge, Born 8/24/1709 and died 2/25/1769

Married 11/23/1739 in Mass.

Mary Appleton, Born Mass. 1724 and died there 1746


Daughter of                           (6TH GRANDPARENTS)

John Appleton, Born Mass. and died 7/25/1750 in Mass.

Married 2/26/1716 in Mass.

Mary Allen, Born 4/10/1692 and died 10/26/1749


Son of                                  (7TH GRANDPARENTS)

Samuel Appleton, Born 1624 and died 8/16/1693

Married in Massachusetts

Mary Woodbridge, Born there 1662 and died there 6/9/1712


Daughter of                         (8TH GRANDPARENTS)

Rev. John Woodbridge, Born 1613 and died 1695, Newbury, Mass.

Married there 1639

Mercy Dudley, Born Mass. 9/27/1621 and died 7/1/1691 in Massachusetts


Daughter of                        (9TH GRANDPARENTS)

Thomas Dudley, Governor of Mass.

Born in England 1574 and died 7/31/1652 Roxbury, Mass.

Married 4/25/1603, Hardingstone Church, England

Dorothy York, Born England 1582 and died 12/27/1643 Roxbury, Mass.


Son of                               (10TH GRANDPARENTS)

Roger Dudley of England and his wife Susanna Thorne.








Mrs. Sanford A Brooks

(Naomi Cliffton)

421 Oak Street

El Monte, California


Richard Buford of VA



Daughter of                               (PARENTS)

Lottie Jane Buford, Born 12/31/1868 Pilot Rock, MO

Died 10/11/1950 El Monte, California

Married 2/14/1888 Belleview, MO

Henry Clay Cliffton Born 11/1/1861 and died 5/2/1903


Daughter of                              (GRANDPARENTS)

James Buford, Born 9/21/1834 Renolds Co, MO

Died 9/17/1918 at Texarcana, Ark.

Married  1/28/1867 Renolds Co, MO

Marie Louise Bacon, Born 10/15/1841 and died 12/24/1889


Son of                                     (2ND GRANDPARENTS)

Pate Buford, Born 1808 Iron Co, MO and died 8/14/1858 Iron Co., MO

Married Arlotte Carty


Son of                                    (3RD GRANDPARENTS)

William Buford, Born 1768 Bedford Co, VA

Died 1/17/1842

Married 10/20/1791

Anna Pate who died before 1842


Son of                                    (4TH GRANDPARENTS)

John Thomas Buford, Born 1736 in Culpepper CO, VA

His will probated there 11/28/1774

Married there 1756

Anna Watts who was living in 1774


Son of                                    (5TH GRANDPARENTS)

John Buford, Born 1707, Lancaster Co, VA

Will probated there 9/17/1787

Married there Judith Early who died before 1787


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Son of                                    (6TH GRANDPARENTS)

Thomas Buford, Born 1682, Lancaster Co, VA

Died there in 1751

Married there Elizabeth, who was living in 1761


Son of                                   (7TH GRANDPARENTS)

Thomas Buford Sr, who was born Lancaster Co, VA, 1663

Died there 12/9/1716

He married there Mary, who died there 11/29/1720


Son of                                  (8TH GRANDPARENTS)

John Buford  Born 1642, Middlesex Co, VA

Married there 4/11/1662 Elizabeth Parrott


Son of                                  (9TH GRANDPARENTS)

Richard Buford, Born England 1617 and married there the daughter of John Vause.









Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.

Source: Schur, Mrs. Meinard A., State Registrar, Lineage Book California State Society of the Colonial Dames of the XVII Century Vol. I, Pages 1-10.  San Diego 1953.

© 2013 Sally Kaleta.




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