Compiled by

Mrs. Meinard A. Schur

State Registrar


Mrs. Earle P. McKellar

State President
















Pages 64-73


JOHN ALDEN 1598-1687

Came in the 'Mayflower' to Plymouth in 1620 and has been hired at Southampton as a cooper. He married in 1623, Priscilla, daughter of William Mullins. He lived most of his years at Duxbury; was chosen as Assistant for the Colony, 1663, and served 42 years in this office. He was the last male survivor of the signers of the 'Mayflower Compact.' He died 12/22/1687.



Came on the ship 'Lion' in 1629 and settled at Salem, Mass. Later became one of the founders of Providence, R.I., with Roger Williams and signed the Compact of 1636. Was Deputy to the General Court 1652-1653. Also served as Constable and Juryman. Died 9/18/1695.



Came in the ship 'William and Francis' in 1632 and became the founder of Hampton, New Hampshire. He built the first house there and was the first minister. He served in King Phillip's War, enlisting from Hampton. He died in England, aged 100 years.



Came from England in 1626 and settled at Nansemond County, VA. Burgess 1629-31; member of the Council 1639-49. Removed to Maryland 1649, being appointed by Parliament as one of the three to reduce Virginia and Maryland, 1651. Served as Governor of Virginia and Maryland 1651. Served as Governor of Virginia 1652-55, and went to England 1655 as agent for the Virginia Colony. Major-General 1665. Died in VA 4/12/1675.



Came from England in 1648 and settled first at Ipswich, Mass. Later removed to Long Island where he served as a member of the Provincial Assembly of New York in 1665. High Sheriff of Yorkshire, Long Island, 1678-1681. Captain 1663. Died 1713.



He was born 11/5/1655 at Watertown, Mass. and was active in the early building of the town. He served in King Phillip's War from Watertown, and died there 2/1/1745.


THOMAS BROOKS  1600-1667

Came from England to Watertown, Mass., and later settling at Concord, Mass. He was active in the affairs of Concord, serving as a Deputy to the General Court from 1642-62. He was a Captain of the Militia, and died at Concord, Mass., 5/21/1667.



Came from England on the 'Elizabeth' which sailed from Gravesend August 1, 1635. He settled in Lancaster, Co., Virginia where he had received a large grant of land.


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WILLIAM CHASE  1595-1659

Came with his wife and son on the 'William and Mary' in the Winthrop Fleet in 1630.  Settled first at Roxbury and later at Yarmouth. Served there as Constable and Surveyor and in 1645 enlisted as a drummer in the expedition against the Narragansett Indians. He and his wife are buried at Yarmouth.



Came from England on the 'Treasurer' in 1613, settling in Charles City County, Virginia. He received a grant of 1200 acres there and 100 acres were given him by Governor Sir Thomas Dale. This was granted for services to the Colony.


ST LEDGER CODD 1636-1707

Came from Kent County, England in the early 1600's, settling in Northumberland Co., VA., and Cecil County, Maryland. He was one of the Commissioners to supervise building a Fort on the Potomac in 1671. Justice of Northumberland County, 1680. Member of the House of Burgesses 1680-1682. Removed to Maryland shortly after.


ROBERT COE 1596-1689

Came from Suffolk Co., England on the 'Francis' in 1634, first to Watertown, Mass., and then to Weathersfield, Conn., where he founded several churches and served as a Magistrate. Removed to Hempstead, Long Island. Held many prominent offices and was Deputy to New Amsterdam in 1653 and appointed Judge of Courts 1669. High Sheriff of Yorkshire County in 1669-71. Died there 1698.



Came from Essex County, England in the ship 'Lyon' in 1632. Settled first at Boston where he was a Deputy to the General Court and Selectman. Removed to Rhode Island where he signed the 'Portsmouth Compact' 1638. Held many prominent offices, serving as Assistant, President of the General Court of Elections, one of the petitioners to King Charles II for a Charter for Rhode Island. Elected as President of the Colony of Rhode Island 1647-48 under the Charter of 1643. He died 11/27/1648 and is buried in the old Coggeshall Cemetery at Newport, R.I.


REV. JOHN COTTON  1584-1652

Came from Derby, England to Boston in the ship 'Griffin' in 1633. He was a prominent spiritual leader and was the minister of the First Church of Boston. He died 12/23/1652.



Came from England to Virginia in 1636, settling first in Va., and in 1649 went to Maryland where he served as King's Justice of Anne Arundell County, 1659. Landed Prop., Commander of Trade, and Major of Horse. He died there in 1659.


LOUIS DU BOIS   1627-1696/7

From France to New Amsterdam in the ship 'Guilded Otter' in 1660. Settled in Ulster County, N.Y. Active in the founding of the French Reform Church in 1683 (Hugenot) and was a large land owner. He died in Ulster County, New York in 1696/7.


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Came from England on the 'Arabella', in the Winthrop Fleet, 1630. Served as Deputy Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony 13 years, Governor's Assistant 7 years, and as Governor from 1634 to 1650. Commissioner of United Colonies from 1643 to 1649. A founder of Harvard College. Died 7/31/1652 at Roxbury.



Came from Swightelaer, Holland and settled at Flatbush, Long Island before 1657. Assisted in the building of the Dutch Reform Church at Flatbush, L.I. Removed to Kingston where he was appointed by the English Governor a member of the Court. He was prominent in the activities of the Colony and died at his home in Hurley in his 95th year.



Settled early in Surrey County where he was active in Judicial Circles. He served as King's Justice of Surrey County, Virginia 1681 and King's Justice of Isle of Wight, Virginia 1693-1694.


ROBERT FEAKE ____-1660

Came from England in the Winthrop Fleet, 1630, settling at Watertown, Mass., freeman, 1631. Deputy to the General Court. One of the purchasers of Greenwich, Conn. while residing at Watertown. Signer of the Original Covenant of Dedham, Mass. Represented Watertown from the 1st through the 8th General Courts. Died 2/1/1660.


NATHAN FISKE 1615-1676

Came from Weybred, England to Watertown, Mass. in 1642. Admitted a freeman May 10,1643. Active in public affairs being a selectman in 1673. Died at Watertown 6/21/1676.


GERARD FOWKE  1615-1669

Came from Staffordshire, England in 1649 to Westmoreland Co., VA. Member of the House of Burgesses from that County in 1663. Also Colonel of Troops for that County in 1660. Removed to Charles County, Maryland in 1664 where he was a member of the House of Burgesses and a Justice for that County 1667 until his death there 3/7/1669.



Came from England before 1682 and settled in Baltimore County, Maryland, and became a large plantation owner. Member of the Grand Jury and was commissioned a Justice of that County in 1690. He died there 3/10/1690/1.



Came from Bowbridge Hall, Gillingham, England in the 'James' in 1635. Founder of Warwick and Providence Plantations. Member of First Town Council of Warwick, 1647; Commissioner 1648-1657. Magistrate at Warwick 1649. One of 12 who purchased Narragansett from Indians, 1643. Represented Rhode Island in grievances to England. One of the most prominent men in the Colony. He died at Warwick, 1658, and was buried beside his wife Joan Tattershall.


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THOMAS GREENE  ____-1651

Came in the 'Ark' with Governor Leonard Calvert in 1634. Settled in St. Mary's County, Maryland. Member of the General Assembly of the Province of Maryland 1637-1647 and Burgess for St. Mary's Hundred in 1642. Governor Calvert, on his deathbed appointed him his successor and he was acknowledged Governor. He died in 1651.



Came from England about 1650 and settled in Lancaster County, Virginia. He received a grant of 738 acres in 1666 and was a large planter there.


GEORGE HEALE  1632-1697

Came from England, probably with his father, Nicholas Heale, and settled in Lancaster County, Virginia. He was a prominent planter and served as a member of the House of Burgesses. Was a Justice from Lancaster County, from 1684-1697. His will was dated 12/30/1697 and proved 1/12/1698.



Came from England in 1658 and settled in Gloucester County, Virginia. Later in Matthew County, Virginia, then a part of Maryland. Early records show that he was a large land owner and planter.



Came from England with his parents and settled first at Scituate, Mass., removing four years later to Barnstable. Elected Deputy in 1645; a Representative in 1647 and an Assistant in 1658, holding the office for 21 years. Upon the death of Winslow in 1680, he became Governor. From 1673 to 1692 he was also a member of the central board of the two Colonies, and at the close of term of office, became counciller or the united Government. He died 4/25/1706 at Barnstable, Massachusetts.


JAMES HOSMER, JR. 1637-1676

His father came from Kent County, England in 1635 and James Jr. was born in 1637 in Massachusetts. On March 21, 1676 the Indians attacked the town of Sudbury, and appealed for help to the men of Concord. James Hosmer Jr., answered this call. He was killed during the battle and his name heads the list on the monument erected at Sudbury to honor these men.



Came from Manchester, England in 1685 and settled at Baltimore County, Maryland. He had served on King Jame's side in Monmouth's Rebellion and came to Maryland on his discharge. He was a large Planter and early Colonial settler.


JOHN HOWELL 1600-____

Came to Virginia in 1637 and received a large grant of land in Isle of Wight County in 1639. He was a landed proprietor and Juror. Removed to Edgecombe Co., N.C., where he and his son, John Jr., were prominent in the early activities of the Colony.


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Came from Alford, England with his wife, Anne Marbury Hutchinson and their children, on the ship 'Griffin' in 1634. Settled at Boston where he was made a Freeman in 1635 and was a representative to the General Court from 1635 to 1638. In 1638 he went with his wife and religious followers to Rhode Island where he furnished the money to purchase land from the Indians. He served as Governor of Rhode Island from 1638 to 1640. After his death in 1642 his wife returned to Westchester, N.Y., where she and her children that were with her at the time, were killed by the Indians. There is a statue of Anne Marbury Hutchinson in front of the new State House at Boston. Erected by the vote of the Massachusetts State Assembly, the only woman that the state of Massachusetts has so honored.



He was born in 1666 at Monmouth County, N.J., where he became prominent in civic affairs at an early age. Served as Town Clerk of Middleton, N.J., 1701-1702 and a Representative in the Assembly from Monmouth County, N.J. He died 2/14/1724.



Came from Cheshire, England and settled in New Kent County, Virginia in 1658, as on that date he had a large grant of land on Peanketank River. He was a Landed Proprietor and was active in the early affairs of the Colony of Virginia. He died in New Kent County, Virginia.



Came from Suffolk, England in the 'Arabella' with Winthrop in 1630 and settled at Norwalk, Connecticut. He was made a Freeman and appointed Sergeant at Fairfield, Conn., May 1657. A Sergeant in the Colonial Wars under Capt. Seeley. He died Fairfield, 1658.


JOHN MANGUM 1680-1737

He is said to have come from England with his parents and he settled in Surrey County, Virginia. The early tax rolls show that he was a large land owner and was active in the early affairs of that County. The Parish Church records show the births of all of the children of John Mangum and his wife, Frances Bennett of Virginia.


JOHN MOORE  ____-1677

Came from England in the 'Mary and John' in 1630, settling first at Dorchester, Mass., and later in Windsor, Conn. He was a Representative to the General Court from Windsor in 1643 and he served many times between that date and 1667. He died 9/18/1677 at Windsor, Connecticut.



Born 1648 at Braintree, Mass. and was active in the early affairs of the town. He served as Fence Viewer in  1693, Field Driver in 1694, Tythingman in 1710-1711. Highway Surveyor from 1698 to 1706. He died 5/20/1725 at Braintree, Mass.


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Came from Donegal County, Ireland and settled on the eastern shore of Maryland. In Somerset County, MD., he was granted many tracts of land between the years 1687 and 1702, having a total of 4152 acres granted by Lord Baltimore. He died there in 1703.


SAMUEL POND ____-1654

Came from England in the Winthrop Fleet in 1630, and settled at Windsor, Conn. He is listed in the old records as a planter and a land owner. His son Samuel Jr., was a signer of the "New Plantation and Church Covenant" of Branford, Conn., a Deputy to the General Court 1667-1687. Samuel Pond Sr. died at Windsor, Conn. 3/14/1654.



Came from Gloucestershire, England to Scituate, Mass. in 1666. He was a prominent man in the colonies and fought in King Phillip's War in 1676. He died 9/1/1708 at Scituate, Mass.



Came from Yorkshire, England and settled at Concord, Mass. in 1632, later going to Fairfield, Connecticut in 1635. He was a landowner and Proprietor and active in local affairs. He died in Fairfield, Conn., his will proven 10/14/1658.



From Sweden to Pennsylvania in 1638. He was born in Gothenburg, Sweden, and was a friend of William Penn. Member of the Governor's Council and a Proprietor of PA. under William Penn. Had a patent of 600 acres in which is now the heart of Philadelphia. A Warden of the 'Old Swedish Church'. One of the first Justices. He died in Pennsylvania in 1698.


LUKE RAVEN ____-1737

From England to Virginia and then to Baltimore Co., Maryland. Was a 'Ranger' under Captain John Oldton. He was a Justice of the County of Baltimore, member of the Church of England; Appointed  Overseer of Roads, August 1728. A large landowner. He died 1737 in Maryland.


EDWARD RAWSON  1615-1693

From England in 1636 and settled at Newbury, Mass. Bay Colony. Town Clerk 1638 to 1647.  Selectman, Commissioner, Deputy to the General Court, and Officer to enforce English Naval Laws. Attorney and very active in Civil Affairs. Died 1693 at Newbury.



From Newgate, England to Pennsylvania before 1682. A physician and member of the first Assembly in Pennsylvania. Landed Proprietor and had 500 acres at Aston. Juror 1682-1694. Foreman 1689-1695. Constable of Aston 1695-1707. Supervisor of Aston 1693. Died 1710 at Chichester, Chester Co., Pennsylvania.


JOHN ROBINSON  1616-1675

From Bedford Co., England to New Hampshire about 1650. Settled first at 'Parker River Settlement', near Newbury. Made settlement in Pentucket, now Haverhill, Mass., also. His son John was first recorded birth at Haverhill. Active in early development. He died 10/21/1675 at Exeter, New Hampshire.


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JOHN ROLFE  1585-1622

John Rolfe came from England in 1608 and settled at Jamestown. He was appointed member of the council in 1614, and served as Secretary of the County of Virginia from 1614 to 1619. Member of the first Virginia Legislature in 1619. He married the famous little Indian Princess Pocahontas at Jamestown in 1614. He died in VA. late in 1622. Pocahontas died after leaving England for Virginia and is buried in the Church at Gravesend, England.



Came from Holland in 1650 and settled in New Amsterdam where he was very prominent in Government affairs. He held many offices and in 1656 was appointed Commissarie under the Dutch Government. Delegate at the Indian Conference in 1655, and was Captain of Foot for Albany. He financially assisted in the building of the First Church of Albany and his Coat-of-Arms in glass is still seen in the large church window. His son Arent Schuyler was also prominent in government affairs and also Captain in the Indian Wars, and held many public offices. Philip died 5/9/1683, Albany.



Came from Essex, England to Watertown, Mass. in 1634. Freeman 1637, and was Selectman many times. Representative 1651-53-63 and Land Surveyor, Steward of Harvard College, and Ensign in 1654. He died 1/1/1690 at Watertown, Mass.



From Dedham, Essex County, England, settling first at Roxbury, Mass. in 1633 and became Freeman in 1634. Removed with the Hutchinson party to Rhode Island in 1637, and was one of the original settlers of Portsmouth, R.I. Had large holdings there and also in Dartsmouth, Mass. Signed the Compact of Civil Government in March of 1638. He was a man of unusual education and ability and served as Secretary of State for the Colony of Rhode Island from 1648 to 1656 and also as Representative. He died at Portsmouth, R.I. 3/-/1687.



From Westerly, Gloucester, England in 1635, settling first at Cambridge, Mass. Assisted John Winthrop in founding Saybrook, Conn. in 1636; in founding New London, Conn. in 1647 and he assisted in founding Huntingdon, Long Island, N.Y. in 1660. He was first attorney of Suffolk County, N.Y. and also served in King Philip's War. Died 1684.



Came from Nykerck, Holland to New Amsterdam, settling at Rennselaerwyck in 1648. He was the first Resident Director of the Colony of Rennselaerwyck and was a leading official of New Amsterdam. He was Commander of the Fort at Rennselaerwyck and held an appointment from the Holland Government to represent them in New Amsterdam. It was while he was on a trip to Holland that he died there in 1668.


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Came from Stettin, Pomerania on the ship 'Der Houttuyn' in 1642 and settled at Rensselaerwyck. He was active in public and military affairs and was a Commissioner of Wiltwyck. He also held the post as head of the Military Court there.



Came from Nottinghamshire, England in 1640, settling first at Gravesend, L.I., later going to Monmouth and Huntington Counties, New Jersey. Was one of twelve men named in the Monmouth Patent, and was appointed to assist in laying out lots. Overseer in 1669. Prominent in public affairs and was a member of first General Assembly at Portland Point, N.J., 1671. Indian Commissioner. He died in 1703 at Hunterdon County, New Jersey.



Came from Hamptonshire or Clifton, England and settled at Fairfield, Connecticut. He held various offices in the local Government, being Selectman in 1668 and 1669. His death date is not recorded.



Came from Holland in 1639 on the ship 'Den Harinck.' He was the son of Rev. Romanus Teller, noted religious author, and a refugee to Holland. He was an original Patentee and later was Captain of Fort Orange. He was appointed 'Wachmeister' for the Dutch India Company; was Tax Collector; Justice and Alderman. He was a very prominent man in the early Dutch Colony and died in Albany in 1701.



From Huinen, Holland in 1637 in the ship 'Calmar Slentel', settling first in New Amsterdam and later in New Jersey. He was a French Huguenot. In connection with Jacques Cartelyou, obtained  a patent for 5,000 acres on the Passiac River, in N.J. Active in the early affairs of New Jersey.



Came from Great Charlton, England in 1632, settling first at Boston and later at Ipswich, Mass. Original land owner and early settler. Children all born in America, but he and his wife later returned to England where he was buried at Westminster Abbey, 11/3/1668.



Came from Eddlesborough, Buckinghamshire, England to Massachusetts on the ship 'Truelove' in 1635, with his wife and children. His daughter Elizabeth married James Taylor of Concord, Mass. He later removed to Milford, Conn., where he was an early settler, being active in the affairs of Milford. He died at Bridgewater, Mass. in 1666.



Came from Hees, Holland with his family in 1660 and settled at Flatlands, Long Island, N.Y. He was one of the original patentees of Amesfoot, N.Y., on a patent given to him by Governor Nichol in 1667. He was very prominent in early civic affairs and held many public offices, being the Magistrate in 1664. He died 2/16/1684.


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Came with his father from Holland in the year 1660 and was also a patentee under the grant of Governor Nicolls, 1667. Deacon in the Dutch Church at Flatlands in 1677. Magistrate 1664-1673. Captain of Militia, 1689, being commissioned by Lt. Gov. Jacob Leisler. Member of the General Assembly and a Representative from Flatlands in the Provincial Assembly, 1664. Delegate to confer with Gov. Colve, 1674. A man of great prominence there.



Came from Utrecht, Holland to Manhattan in 1626. Member of an ancient Dutch family of Utrecht, where his family back to his second great-grandfather had been members of the Council there. He held the Chief Office at Fort Orange for many years, up to the time of his death and was very prominent in the early activities of Manhattan and New Amsterdam.



Probably came from Dorsetshire, England, and settled at Norwich, Connecticut where he was long active in the early affairs of the Colony. An early land owner and served as Juror and Trustee. He died 1/25/1729 at Norwich, Conn.


JOHN WEBSTER 1590-1661

Came from England and settled at Hartford, being one of the first settlers, and one of the founders of Connecticut. He was very active in the development of this Colony. Served as Representative in 1637, Judge from 1639 to 1655; Deputy Governor 1655; and Governor in 1656. He died 4/5/1661 at Hadley, Mass.


JONAS WEED 1605-1676

The history of Watertown and of Stamford list his many activities. Came from England and settled at Watertown in 1635. Later removing to Stamford, Connecticut in 1640 where he was one of the first proprietors and was active there in the early settlement of the Colony. He died there in 1676.



Came from Essex County, England in 1636 and settled at Hartford, Connecticut. Member of the Court of Magistrates 1636-47, and was a Magistrate the remainder of his life. Assisted in the Constitution of Connecticut in 1639. Treasurer of the Colony in 1639 and Secretary from 1640-1649. Deputy Governor 1654-1659 and made Governor in 1655. Very prominent until his death 1/14/1660.


JOHN WHEELER 1630-1694

Came from England prior to 1681 and settled in Charles County, Maryland. Served in many public offices, being Major of Militia prior to 1681, Commissioner of Charles County in 1685. Captain and Justice for Charles Co., Maryland. He died there 1/8/1694.


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Came from Bristol, England in 1666 and settled in Virginia, later removing to North Carolina. He came on the 'Brig Rainbow' and was active in the early Virginia settlement. He was also active with his son, Joseph, in the civic affairs of Coratuck, now Currituck, North Carolina. He died there in 1699. His son Joseph was Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas there for many years, and served as a member of the House of Burgesses and a Justice of the Peace for Cartaret Precinct.



Came from Bristol, England in 1630, settled first at Plymouth, Mass., removing to Salem, and then later to Providence, R.I. He was an ordained minister of the Church of England, and removed from Mass. to R.I. due to religious troubles. He was the founder of Providence, R.I., in 1644 and the Providence Plantations in 1636 and served as Governor of the Plantations from 1654 to 1656 and later as Governor's Assistant and Deputy. He was a man of great prominence and note and much has been written about him and his early activities. He died at Providence, Rhode Island in 1683.


DR. JOHN WOODSON  1586-1644

Came with his wife Sara from England to Virginia in 1616 as the personal physician to the Colonial Governor Yardley and was one of the early landowners and men of prominence. He came in the ship 'George' and was among the first settlers at 'Fleur de Hundred.' He was a graduate of St. John's College, Oxford in 1604. His services was in great demand by the early settlers and he was killed in an Indian uprising at his home on the James River in 1644.







Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.

Source: Schur, Mrs. Meinard A., State Registrar, Lineage Book California State Society of the Colonial Dames of the XVII Century Vol. I, Pages 64-73.  San Diego 1953.

© 2013 Sally Kaleta.




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