Yuba County









      Erling S. Norby, a member of the Yuba County Bar, who ranks as a learned and successful lawyer and a capable and trustworthy district attorney, was born at Ada, Norman County, Minnesota, on the 4th of December, 1890, and is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Norby.  The father, who died when his son was about twelve years of age, was born in Trondhjem, Norway, and the mother in Christiania (now Oslo), Norway, their marriage taking place in the Red River valley of Minnesota.  The father, a pioneer of Norman County, Minnesota, became a successful farmer, cultivating six hundred and forty acres of land.  He was also a lumberman, owned a flour mill at Ada and as publisher of the Norman County Herald exerted a marked influence on public affairs of this locality.  He served two terms as county clerk of Norman County and two terms as county auditor.  To him and his wife were born three sons:  Erling S.; Fritz, who is in the real estate business at Great Falls, Montana, and Joris, who is engaged in contracting and building at Corpus Christi, Texas.  After the death of her husband, the mother became the wife of Dr. W. B. Holmes, of Ada, Minnesota, and died in 1927, at the age of sixty-five years.

      Erling S. Norby obtained his early education in the public schools of Ada, Minnesota, after which he entered the law school of the University of Minnesota, and was graduated in 1915.  He worked his way through college, being employed in the law office of Frank & Louis Hubachek, corporation attorneys in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  In 1915 Mr. Norby was admitted to the bar and engaged in the practice of law at Great Falls, Montana, where he formed a partnership with Loy J. Molumby, under the firm name of Molumby & Norby.  They became well established and were building up a nice practice about the time the United States was drawn into the World War.  In December, 1917, Mr. Norby enlisted in the air service of the United States Army and on completing his training was assigned as flying instructor to Rockwell Field, San Diego, and to March Field, Riverside, California, where he remained until the termination of the war.  In June, 1918, he was commissioned a second lieutenant and after hostilities ceased he continued in the service as a first lieutenant, until December 20, 1922, when he resigned, though he is still a member of the Reserves, in which he holds a commission as captain.  On leaving the active service he had decided to locate in southern California, but was transferred to the Major Field at Sacramento, under Major Atkinson, who made Lieutenant Norby his adjutant and second in command at that place.  Mr. Norby then located in Marysville, California, in 1926.  He gained prompt recognition as a capable lawyer and in 1928 was elected district attorney, which position he is still filling in a very satisfactory manner.  He also served as United States Commissioner for northern California during 1925-6.

      On December 10, 1919, at Ada, Minnesota, Mr. Norby was united in marriage to Miss Florence Allen, making a special trip home from the army to claim his bride.  She is a daughter of C. C. Allen, who was a business associate of J. C. Norby at Ada.  The Allen family is descended from the old colonial family of which Ethan Allen was a member.  Mrs. Norby was born and reared in Minnesota, and takes an active interest in the club, social and civic affairs of Marysville.  Mr. and Mrs. Norby have three children, Charles Allen and Barbara, who are attending grammar school, and Marjorie, who is in kindergarten.

      Politically a Republican, Mr. Norby is a member of the state central committee.  He belongs to Corinth Lodge, No. 9, F. & A. M., at Marysville; Marysville Lodge, No. 783, B. P. O. E.; the Fraternal Order of Eagles, of which he is a past president; the Marysville Lions Club; Yuba-Sutter Post, 42, A. L., of which he is a past commander; and is an honorary member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.  He and his wife are earnest members of the Presbyterian Church in Marysville, in which Mrs. Norby is a very active member.  Mr. Norby is essentially a self-made man and has worked his way to the front through his ability, good judgment and persistent industry.  A man of sterling qualities, staunch integrity and high ideals, since coming to Marysville he has gained and retains the uniform respect and esteem of his fellowmen. 



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 165-167. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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