Yuba County







            One of the ablest and most successful mining engineers of the West is Charles Moore, whose operations have for many years centered in Utah, but who is an honored resident of Yuba City, where he has a beautiful and commodious residence and office.  Mr. Moore was born near Lebanon, Warren County, Ohio, August 12, 1871, and is a son of Joe and Mary (Fondren) Moore, both of whom are deceased.  When he was about twelve years of age, the family moved to the vicinity of Fort Worth, Texas, where the father engaged in farming and stockraising.  He was the owner of three thousand acres of land, six hundred and forty acres of which were under cultivation.  There Charles Moore was reared and his early education was received in the rural schools of that neighborhood.  At fifteen years of age he entered high school in Fort Worth, which he attended three years, after which he matriculated in the University of Texas, from which he was graduated with the degree of Civil Engineer in 1892.  He engaged in surveying in western Texas and in New Mexico, but, discovering that a technical knowledge of mining engineering also was essential in this western country if he were to succeed, he returned to the University of Texas, at Austin, and pursued the mining engineering course during 1901-2.  In 1903 he went to Colorado and completed his mining engineering studies in the Colorado School of Mines, at Golden.  He took a special course, in which he secured practical experience at actual work, handling pick and shovel in order to get practical knowledge of every phase of the business, including mining and milling.  His first practical efforts were at Leadville, Colorado, where he became financially interested in mines.  Subsequently he went to Utah, locating at Park City, where he built two mills of his own, and was operating his mines there when, in April, 1906, word was received of the San Francisco earthquake and fire.  In 1910 Moore’s mines and mills were merged with the Utah-California Exploration Company, Mr. Moore being still the principal owner and active manager.  It is worthy of note that this mining property has never missed a dividend since 1910. 

            Recently Mr. Moore became interested in two other mines at Park City and is now the principal owner of the Star of Utah Mining Company and the Mayflower Mining Company.  Owing to the long, hard winters in Utah, and being snowbound in Park City about seven months of the year, Mr. Moore decided to seek a more agreeable climate in which to establish his permanent home.  He at first considered San Diego, California, but was finally prevailed upon, in 1926, to locate in Marysville, California.  He now has one of the finest country residences in Sutter County, located at 560 Cooper Avenue, Yuba City.  The building is an imposing structure of red brick, and from his office here he conducts the operation of his Utah mines, for which work he employs three clerks and stenographers.  Mr. Moore is greatly impressed with the agricultural and horticultural possibilities of Sutter County, but he adheres to the old adage, “Shoemaker, stick to your lasts,” and confines his entire business activities to his mining interests in Utah, in which he has been distinctively successful.  However, he is the owner of a thousand acres of fine land in the Imperial Valley, which he rents out to good advantage.

            On March 21, 1907, in North Carolina, Mr. Moore was united in marriage to Miss Louise Harris, who was born in that state and is a daughter of the late J. H. Harris, a planter, who died in May, 1930, at the age of eighty years.  Mr. and Mrs. Moore are the parents of three daughters, Louise, Mary and Charlie.  Mrs. Moore is a member of one of America’s old families that came from England to this country in 1733 and settled in North Carolina.  They were related to the Holmes and Gray families.  The Moore family also is of English origin, having come over and settled in North Carolina in 1730, and during the subsequent two hundred years members of the family have been large landowners and planters.  Three Moore brothers fought in behalf of the colonies in the war of the Revolution. Mr. Moore’s mother, Mary (Fondren) Moore, was a granddaughter of Colonel Block, who fought under General Marion in the Revolutionary War.

            Mr. Moore takes an active interest in public affairs, though he maintains an independent attitude as far as political party lines are concerned.  For many years he was a member of the Park City commercial club of Park City, Utah, and was for nine years its president.  He was several times importuned to accept the office of mayor of Park City, but each time declined the honor.  He assisted in the organization of the State Bank of Park City and in various ways contributed to the welfare of that place.  He is identified with a number of Park City’s fraternal organizations, including the Free and Accepted Masons, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, and the Loyal Order of Moose, and for the past three years has been a member of the Kiwanis Club of Yuba City.  He is a man of action rather than words and has accomplished much through his persistent energy and industry, backed by sound, practical judgment.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 326-330. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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