Yuba County









      George W. Miller, sexton of the Yuba City cemetery, who performs his duties in a manner that is very satisfactory, was born in Modoc county, California, on the 27th of October, 1872, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Philip Miller, both of whom are deceased and are buried at Alturas, Modoc county.  The father was married twice, having three children by his first wife, and nine children, of whom George W. is one, by the second marriage.  John P. Miller crossed the plains with ox team and covered wagon in 1849 and at first gave his attention to gold mining.  Later he became an extensive farmer and stockman in the Stone Coal Valley of Modoc county.

      In that locality George W. Miller was reared and attended the public schools.  He began his independent business career by buying a farm in Hot Springs Valley, where he started ranching and stockraising thirty years ago.  He prospered to a satisfactory degree and remained there until 1922, when he left the farm and went to Auburn, and subsequently to Yuba City in order to obtain the services of a chiropractor, for he was in poor health at that time.  He was greatly benefited and soon afterward he secured a place as helper to the sexton of the Yuba City cemetery.  When the sexton went away Mr. Miller was made assistant sexton, and later sexton, in which capacity he is still serving.  This is one of the pioneer cemeteries of Yuba County, many of the first settlers being buried here.  Mr. Miller takes great pride in keeping the grounds in fine condition at all times.  Mr. Miller is also serving as caretaker of the mausoleum owned by the North American Mausoleum Association, located on land contiguous to the Yuba City cemetery.  The mausoleum, which stands on land owned by Miss Nettie Snook, of Healdsburg, is a beautiful, commodious and modern structure.

      In 1905 Mr. Miller was united in marriage to Miss Minnie Fellencer, who was born in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, whence she came to California in young womanhood.  To them have been born six children, namely: Bennita, Martha, Wilma, Genevieve, Orris and Virgil.  In his political views Mr. Miller is a Democrat and has always been interested in public affairs.  He capably served as a member of the school board while a resident of Modoc county.  He and his wife are members of the Christian Church and give their support to every cause which has for its object the betterment of the community.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 233-234. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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