Yuba County














FRANCIS L. LOCKE.  The head miller of the Buckeye Mills at Marysville is Francis L. Locke, a resident of California since 1872, and without doubt one of the best informed men in milling circles to be found in the state.  His first employment upon coming to the state was on a dairy farm near Santa Cruz, where as butter maker he remained until 1874, going then to San Francisco, and shortly afterward to Marin county, where he also engaged in butter-making for three months.  In the fall of 1874 he returned to San Francisco and for a time held a position with the Golden Gate Milling Company.  This insight into milling made him decide to follow it for a life calling, and in order to have a practical as well as a theoretical knowledge of the business, began at the bottom round of the ladder with Horace Davis at San Francisco.  His advance was rapid and before long he was promoted to second miller and finally to head miller, a promotion well merited, and which but proved his adaptation for his chosen calling.  In the meantime the firm had changed hands, becoming known by its present title, the Sperry Flour Company.  In August, 1894, the mills were closed down and Mr. Locke went to Stockton to look after the interests of the company’s mills there, under the name of the Union Mills carrying on a prosperous business there, the two mills having a combined capacity of twenty-five hundred barrels per day.  Mr. Locke remained in Stockton until April 1, 1900, when he was transferred to the plant at Marysville, having charge of the same until its destruction by fire in 1901.  Since then an entirely new mill has been erected, and the company now boasts the finest plant of the kind on the Pacific coast, and has a capacity for turning out six hundred barrels of flour per day.


The Locke family is of English descent.  The grandfather of Francis L. Locke, David Locke, was born in Massachusetts, and in later life settled in New Hampshire, where he became a farmer.  It was in Lyman, N.H., that his son, Simeon Loveren, was born.  He, too, followed farming and became a man of considerable influence in his community, becoming selectman of his home town and in many ways showing a public-spirited nature.  He died in 1887, at the age of fifty-seven years, firm in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he was a member.  His wife, formerly Miss Harriet Bailey, was also born in Lyman, N.H., and now resides there at the age of seventy-six years.  Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Locke became the parents of six children, of whom five are living, and of whom Francis L., is the oldest and the only one in California.


Francis L. Locke was born in Lyman, N.H., March 9, 1852, and upon his father’s farm became thoroughly acquainted with farming and dairy duties.  Until twenty years old he remained on the parental homestead, attending school and taking the part of the eldest son in the care and management of home affairs, but at that age, in 1872, came to California to seek a wider field for advancement in life than the east had to offer.  From his experiences as a buttermaker in Santa Cruz he later drifted into the milling business and with what success has already been cited.


The marriage of Mr. Locke, in Lyman, N.H., with Miss Phoebe Wetherbee, also a native of that state, has resulted in the birth of five children, named as follows:  Carrie, Sadie, Arthur, Frank and Roy.  Although Mr. Locke is engaged in business in Marysville the family reside in Oakland, where he has erected a fine residence, and besides this owns two residences in West Oakland.  Politically he is a Republican, casting his ballot for men and measure of this party.



[Inserted by D. Toole]



Francis L. Locke


1842 Feb 1, New Hampshire Gazette, P2, Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Rockingham County Convention

According to previous notice, the Democratic delegates, from the several towns in the County of Rockingham met at Rundlett’s Hotel in Epping, Jan. 11, 1842.  Col. J. Smith Pollard of Plaistow, was chosen Chairman, and Levi S. Bartlett of Kingston, Secretary.  <snipped>  Maj. Currier as chairman of the committee on credentials, reported the following gentlemen were entitled to seats in this convention, vix: - <snipped> New Market – Z. D. Creighton, Charles D. Willey, Simeon Locke, Winthrop S. Hilton.  <snipped>



Name:                          Francis H. Locke

Birth Date:     

Birthplace:                   Lyman, NH


Spouse's Name:           Phebe A. Wetherbee

Spouse's Birth Date:   1848

Spouse's Birthplace:    Lisbon, NH

Spouse's Age:              24

Event Date:                 17 Feb 1872

Event Place:                Bath

Father's Name:                        Simeon L. Locke

Mother's Name:          

Spouse's Father's Name:         Smith Wetherbee

Spouse's Mother's Name:       


Marital Status:

Previous Wife's Name:           

Spouse's Race:           

Spouse's Marital Status:         

Spouse's Previous Husband's Name: 

Indexing Project (Batch) Number:     M73151-1

System Origin:            New Hampshire-VR

GS Film number:         1001276

Reference ID: 2:39ZV43L

Citing this Record: "New Hampshire Marriages, 1720-1920," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FDL8-WXJ : 31 December 2014), Francis H. Locke and Phebe A. Wetherbee, 17 Feb 1872; citing reference 2:39ZV43L; FHL microfilm 1,001,276.


1879 Jan 28, Boston Journal, P2, Boston, Massachusetts

Joseph H. Locke, a prominent citizen of Terre Haute, Indiana, who died recently of apoplexy, was born in South Newmarket, N.H., and was a son of Simeon Locke.  For several years he was engaged in the shipping business in Boston, and after going West was successively located in Chicago, Cincinnati and Terre Haute.  He was a thorough business man and successful in mercantile affairs.  The deceased left a widow and children at Terre Haute and a brother and two sisters at South Newmarket.


1880 Jan 8, New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette, P2, Concord, New Hampshire


During last fall Simeon L. Locke put some cider that he had made into a cheese press that had been painted on the inside.  Mr. Locke and a brother, Elbridge G., from California, died recently, it is supposed from drinking the cider which the paint had poisoned.  Mr. Locke’s wife, another brother and two sons are now dangerously sick from the same cause.


1900 Apr 10, The San Francisco Call, P8, San Francisco, California

Real Estate Transactions <snipped>

Alameda County <snipped>

Francis L. Locke to Phoebe A. Locke, lot 8, Block B, map of Oakland Point Homestead Tract, Oakland, gift and $1.


1904 Mar 4, Oakland Tribune, P5, Oakland, California

Divorces Sought by Many <snipped>

A suit for divorce brought by Francis L. Locke against Phoebe A. Locke in Butte county was transferred to the courts of this county today on account of the fact of the defendant’s residence in this city for the time being.  The Lockes are well known Marysville people and have been married for several years, but their life recently has been full of unhappiness.  He says that she has made life miserable for him on account of her distrust and upbraidings.  They have a family of children. 


1904 Mar 5, The San Francisco Call, P6, San Francisco, California

Suit for divorce was begun to-day by Francis L. Locke against Phoebe A. Locke on the ground of cruelty.  The case was transferred from Butte County, where the pair are well known citizens of Marysville.  The defendant is at present residing in this city.


1904 Mar 31, Oakland Tribune, P8, Oakland, California

A dismissal of the divorce suit begun by Francis Locke against Phoebe A. Locke was filed with the County Clerk today.  As a cross complaint had been field by Mrs. Locke, the final dismissal of the action could not be ordered.  It is stated, however, that an understanding has been arrived at and a reconciliation affected.


1907 Nov 6, The San Francisco Call, P11, San Francisco, California

Marriage Licenses

Frank W. Locke, 24, Oakland, and Gertrude Ferrier, 22, Berkeley.


1931 Jul 3, Oakland Tribune, P23, Oakland, California

Locke – In Oakland, July 3, 1931, Phoebe A., wife of the late Francis L. Locke, beloved mother of Mrs. Carrie A. Bell, Mrs. Sadie H. Reed, Arthur L., Frank W and Roy B. Locke; a native of New Hampshire, aged 83 years.  Friends are invited to attend services Monday afternoon, July 6, at 2 o’clock at the chapel of Albert Brown Company, 3478 Piedmont avenue, Oakland.  Interment Mt. View cemetery.


1931 Dec 23, Oakland Tribune, P30, Oakland, California

Reed – In San Francisco, December 22, 1931, Lon James, beloved husband of Sadie H. Reed, loving father of Frank Warren Reed; a native of California, aged 59 years.  A member of Alcatraz Lodge No. 244, F. & A. M.; C. C. Thomas Nay Post No. 244 and Propellor[sic] Club of San Francisco.  Friends are invited to attend services Thursday afternoon, December 24, at 2 o’clock at the chapel of Albert Brown Co., 3476 Piedmont avenue, Oakland, under Masonic auspices.






Transcribed by Donna Toole.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 584-587. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2017  Donna Toole.





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