Yuba County












JOHN K. KELLY.  The present coroner of Yuba county and an undertaker of more than local reputation is J. K. Kelly, who was born in Smartville, Yuba county, the son of Peter and Maria (Gallagher) Kelly, and the date of his birth was December 5, 1873.  A native of County Cavan, Peter Kelly came to the United States in 1853, making his first settlement in New York state, but he finally came to California by the Panama route, being drawn to the state, no doubt, in the h9ope hat here he might find a wider scope for the development of his plans in the line of hydraulic mining.  That his choice of location was wisely selected is proven by the fact that he was eminently successful in his mining ventures, and all his life, in a greater or less degree, was engaged in mining pursuits, principally in Yuba county.  He also engaged in the livery business in Marysville, and there he died in 1898, when in his sixty-third year.  The wife and mother also died in Marysville in 1884.


Of the five children born to Mr. and Mrs. Kelly four are living, namely:  Harry; John K.; Peter F., and Mamie A.; the oldest son, Thomas J., died January 7, 1905.  John K. received his boyhood training in and around Marysville, and when sixteen years old he ventured in the world of business as a clerk in Hampton’s hardware store.  After a short experience there, however, he decided to learn the plumber’s trade, and forthwith began an apprenticeship which was completed in the prescribed time, and he followed the trade until becoming interested in the undertaking business.  With the same thoroughness and precision which had been the keynote of his success in learning the plumber’s trade he set his mind to master the details of his new undertaking, and in 1900 went to San Francisco, where for a time he was in the employ of Halstead & Co., and while in that city he also took a course in the California School of Embalming.  In 1901 he returned to Marysville and started in business on his own account at No. 408 Second street, as a funeral director.  His establishment is equipped with all the necessities for the proper conduct of his business, being up-to-date in every particular.


In 1902, on the Democratic ticket, Mr. Kelly was elected coroner of Yuba county, leading both party tickets.  He took the office in January, 1903, his term to run for four years, and it is safe to predict that his fellow-citizens will have no cause to regret their choice, as his private life has been above reproach and it is only fair to believe that his public life will be the same.  Mr. Kelly is considerably interested in fraternal matters, and is identified with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, Young Men’s Institute, of which he is ex-president, the Foresters of America, Eagles, Fraternal Brotherhood and the Knights of the Maccabees.  He is also identified with the Native Sons of the Golden West, his name being on the roll of Marysville Parlor No. 6.




[Inserted by D. Toole.]



John K. Kelly


1916 Aug 19, Oakland Tribune, P7, Oakland, California

Childhood Romance Ends in Wedding

San Francisco, Aug 19 – A romance which began twenty years ago, when both the principals were school children, blossomed into happy reality yesterday when John K. Kelly, coroner of Yuba county, and Miss Etta Wenzel, both of Marysville, were married by Rev. M. Coleman of Marysville at St. Mary’s Cathedral in this city.  It was twenty years ago that Kelly and Miss Wenzel vowed to wed some day in the distant future.  Kelly is now president of the Trolley League and formerly was a director of the Marysville baseball club.  Mrs. Kelly is the daughter of an old Yuba county family which has been prominent in civic activities for many years.  Kelly and his bride left San Francisco yesterday on a honeymoon trip the itinerary of which was kept secret.  The couple will make their home in Marysville.


1916 Aug 21, Oakland Tribune, P6, Oakland, California

Old-Time Sweetheart Weds Yuba Coroner

Marysville, Aug. 21 – A romance, which had its beginning nearly twenty years ago when the principals were school chums together, was happily made a reality in San Francisco when Miss Etta Wenzel, daughter of one of the pioneer families of this district, became the bride of John K. Kelly, coroner of Yuba county.  The announcement of the wedding occasioned considerable surprise in this city.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Coleman of Marysville in St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco.  Following the marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly left for San Diego, where the groom will attend the convention of California Funeral Directors, of which he is the vice president and of which he will become president.  He is also the president of the Trolley Baseball League.  Mr. and Mrs. Kelly will make their home in Marysville following the honeymoon.


1916 Aug 24, Santa Cruz Evening News, P1, Santa Cruz, California

They Counted Without Judge Who is an Elk

Marysville, Yuba County, Aug. 24 – When Ray S. Wickwire and Mary E. Johnson, a San Francisco couple, selected Marysville for their Gretna Green, and a quiet place where they might wed without ostentation, they had the misfortune of having forced upon them to tie the knot Police Judge W. E. Langdon of this city, who is also secretary of the Marysville Lodge of Elks.

Double Wedding Follows.

In the absence of all of Marysville’s clergymen, who just now are enjoying their vacations, Wickwire and his bride-to-be, kept an appointment with Judge Langdon in the Elks’ Home.  Here they found a coterie of Elks celebrating the wedding of John K. Kelly, a member of the lodge.  It is easy to guess the rest.  The rollicking Elks made it a double wedding against the protests of the couple.

Not “Quiet Affair.”

It was anything but a “quiet affair.”  The bride was embraced and kissed and the groom also came in for the spirit that was thrown into the occasion.  They will long remember the unexpected that was lent to their wedding.


1917 Jan 15, The Los Angeles Times, P3, Los Angeles, California

State Coroners Form Organization

(By A.P. Night Wire)

\San Francisco, Jan. 14 – The California State Coroners’ Association was formed here yesterday, eighteen county coroners from different parts of the State being present.  Dr. T. B. W. Leland of San Francisco was elected president, and Dr. Frank H. Philipps of Sonoma county, secretary.  The aim of the organization will be to secure the passage of more efficient laws, it was stated, and for the mutual benefit of the members.  The following coroners represented their respective counties:  John K. Kelly, Yuba; <snipped>


Findagrave Memorial:

Etta W. Kelly

Birth:   1879

Death:             1918

Burial:  Praise Chapel Mausoleum, Yuba City, Sutter County, California, USA

Created by: Tim Hammill

Record added: Dec 01, 2011

Find A Grave Memorial# 81353191


Findagrave Memorial:

Harry J. Kelly

Birth:   1870

Death:             1921

Burial: Praise Chapel Mausoleum, Yuba City, Sutter County, California, USA

Created by: Tim Hammill

Record added: Dec 01, 2011

Find A Grave Memorial# 81353214


1925 Nov 15, Oakland Tribune, P60, Oakland, California


Mrs. John K. Kelly, who recently returned from an eastern trip, was hostess to the Town and Country Club at her home in E street Thursday afternoon.


1927 Aug 27, Oakland Tribune, P9, Oakland, California

Bank President Dies

Marysville, Aug. 27 – (AP) John Kelly, 53, president of the Decker-Jewett bank, here, died at his home yesterday.  He was a native of Yuba county and was coroner here from 1902 to 1922.  He is survived by his widow and a brother.


Findagrave Memorial:

John Kieran Kelly

Birth:   1872

Death:             1927

Burial: Praise Chapel Mausoleum, Yuba City, Sutter County, California, USA

Created by: Tim Hammill

Record added: Dec 01, 2011

Find A Grave Memorial# 81353237


1927 Dec 5, Oakland Tribune, P2, Oakland, California

Marysville Banker Leaves $157,964

Marysville, Dec. 5 – The estate of the late John K. Kelly, local banker, is valued at $157,964.26, according to an appraisement completed by Peter J. Delay, G. Fred Parks and H. B. P. Carden.  The estate consists of cash, stocks, bonds, notes and real estate.  The personal property is given a value of $71,840.85.  Sixteen parcels of real estate are included in the appraisement.


Findagrave Memorial:

Peter Francis Kelly

Birth:   May 10, 1875

California, USA

Death:             Sep. 22, 1946

Sacramento County, California, USA

Burial:  Praise Chapel Mausoleum, Yuba City, Sutter County, California, USA

Created by: Tim Hammill

Record added: Dec 01, 2011

Find A Grave Memorial# 81353276



Transcribed by Donna Toole.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 446-449. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2017  Donna Toole.





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