Yolo County









      Among the many natives of Switzerland who have settled in the Sacramento valley and have here, through persistent industry, good judgment and honorable lives, attained material success and the respect of their fellowmen, is numbered Gottleib Zimmerli, whose well improved farm is located in the Willow Oak Park district of Yolo County.  Mr. Zimmerli was born at Alpnach, Switzerland, on the 20th of November, 1881, and was there reared and educated.  In young manhood he did much work with horses and received considerable practical experience in farm work.  In 1906, at the age of twenty-six years, he came alone to the United States, unable to speak a word of the English language.  Coming direct to California, he located in Monterey County, where many of his nationality were living and many of whom were pioneers of the Salinas valley.  There he was employed in a dairy for two years, and then went to Berkeley, Alameda county, where he secured a job as driver of a milk wagon on a regular route for the Heath dairy.  He was ambitious to get into business on his own account and to this end leased a ranch near Stege, Contra Costa county, where he engaged in raising hogs.  Sometime later he sold out to advantage and conducted a milk delivery route for a while.  In 1913 Mr. Zimmerli located in Woodland and leased forty acres in the Willow Oak Park district, which land he later bought.  Here he has a fine herd of Holstein dairy cattle, as well as cows and sheep, and has been very successful in the operation of this place.  He is careful, tireless and painstaking in everything he does, is a good manager, and is reaping the reward of his years of earnest labor.

      In 1911 Mr. Zimmerli was united in marriage to Miss Elisa Kiser, who was born in Sarnen, Switzerland, and became a resident of California in 1909.  They have three children, who are receiving good educations, namely:  John, who is a graduate of the Woodland high school; Elsie, a student at Holy Rosary Academy, and Gottlieb, Jr., who is attending the Gem school.  Mr. Zimmerli is a member of the William Tell Lodge of Oakland, a Swiss organization, and his religious connection is with the Roman Catholic Church, to which he is devoutly loyal.  He was made a citizen of the United States in Woodland in 1925, and has shown a commendable interest in public affairs of his section of the valley, though he is not in any sense an office seeker.  His intelligent and well directed efforts have earned for him a worthy place in public esteem and he is counted among the most desirable citizens of his community.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 68-69. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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