Yolo County









      Situated in the midst of a farming community, Woodland will probably never be a manufacturing center.  Its rise will in a great measure depend upon some unusual organization, such as the Woodland Clinic Hospital, which has been patterned after the famous Mayo Clinic and is making Woodland the Rochester of the Pacific coast.  The story of the development of the local institution is interesting.  It is the record of patient effort—of steadfastness of ideals, often in the face of honest criticism by those who do not understand.  The organization of the Woodland Sanitarium dates back to 1911.  The founders, Drs. C. H. and Fred R. Fairchild, Dr. H. D. Lawhead and W. J. Blevins, are still active in the group.  Dr. C. E. Beebe, later associate and enthusiastic supporter, is deceased.  Lawrence H. Stephens, for many years’ manager and secretary, is still in a business capacity, a valued advisor.

      The Woodland Clinic has been functioning as a group only since 1923.  Following the War the present buildings were constructed and the organization perfected.  The staff of physicians has increased from four to twelve, the new members being selected because of particular fitness in various specialties.  The offices of the physicians and surgeons are grouped in the Clinic building, unity being necessary to insure the highest degree of cooperation.

      The Woodland Clinic Hospital, formerly the Woodland Sanitarium, was completed in 1923.  It has a capacity of one hundred beds and at the time of its construction was considered adequate to care for the expansion due to the normal growth over a number of years.  Complete in every department, modern in every particular, it became evident in 1926 that by reason of its size it was inadequate and plans were immediately begun, looking to its replacement by a modern fireproof structure of several times its capacity.

      These plans were completed and the first unit of this modern hospital was ready for use July 26, 1927.  It is planned that, as the growth necessitates, other units will be added until on completion the Woodland Clinic Hospital will stand as a beautiful, modern, three-story structure with the administration building in the center, flanked by two wings on either side.  Complete in every department, with facilities for all modern scientific methods of investigation, and under the direction of specialists prompted by the ideal of service, the future of the Woodland Clinic is not in doubt, and its possible importance as an economic factor in the community can scarcely be over-estimated.

      The repeated Class A rating—the highest that can be given by the hospital committee of the American College of Surgeons—speaks as strongly for the moral and scientific stability of the institution as does the beautiful building for its material advancement.

      Financially, the Woodland Clinic has an important bearing on Woodland and Yolo County as a whole because of several important reasons.  The Woodland Clinic employs one hundred and twenty-five persons daily.  The monthly pay-roll is approximately eighteen thousand dollars or over two hundred thousand dollars yearly.  Expenditures of the Woodland Clinic for the year 1925 amounted to three hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars, ninety per cent of which passed through the hands of Woodland and Yolo County merchants.  With the completion of new additions, more help will be employed with a larger pay-roll resulting.  Expenditures for supplies will be much greater, and as the capacity of the institution will be more than doubled, yearly expenditures will run well over the million dollar mark within a few years.  With the success of the Woodland Clinic assured, Yolo business men may well look forward to increasing business during the coming years and this increase is only limited as the growth of the institution is limited.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 414-415. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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