Yolo County








            Early in life Charles D. Thomas manifested the energy, ambition and self-reliance so essential to advancement in all lines of endeavor and these qualities have brought him rapidly to the front in business circles of Woodland, which numbers him among its successful young realtors.  He was born in Canon City, Fremont County, Colorado May 28, 1893, and is indebted to the public school system of Boise, Idaho, and Spokane, Washington, for the educational advantages which he enjoyed.  His first money was earned selling newspapers on the streets of Boise when a lad of twelve years and later he was a clerk in the office of the Great Northern Railroad Company at Marcus, Washington.  In 1917 he enlisted in the United States Army, joining the field artillery force attached to the Forty-first Division, and later was transferred to the One Hundred and Forty-first Division, and later was transferred to the One Hundred and Forty-sixth Regiment of Artillery, equipped with millimeter guns.  He was sent overseas and while in France saw active service on the western front, participating in the combat in the Marne district and in the St. Mihiel and Chateau Thierry drives.  Although he faced death many times during the eighteen months he was on active duty on the western front, Mr. Thomas came out of the war without injury and after the signing of the Armistice he was with the Army of Occupation in Germany.  In 1919 he returned to the United States, arriving in San Francisco in July of that year, and resumed the life of a civilian.  He joined the clerical force of the Sutter Basin Company, an organization engaged in land development work and the promotion of irrigation projects, and in October, 1919, he was transferred to Knights Landing, in Yolo County.  For eight years he remained with the company, gaining valuable experience, which he decided to use for his own advantage when in 1927 he resigned to embark in the real estate business in Woodland.  Thoroughly acquainted with every phase of the trade, he prospered from the outset and in the intervening period of three years has negotiated a number of important transfers of property.  He also deals in insurance and derives a good income from this line of activity as well as from his realty transactions, for he devotes much thought to the business, which is carefully and capably managed.

            Mr. Thomas was married to Miss Lucille Adams, who was born in San Francisco, and both are prominent in the social life of Woodland.  From his school days Mr. Thomas has been a football and baseball enthusiast and greatly enjoys athletic sports.  He belongs to Yolo Post, No. 77, of the American Legion, to Woodland Lodge, No. 1299, of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and to the state and national real estate and insurance associations.  From boyhood he has been an earnest, conscientious worker, making his opportunities count for the utmost, and his success is well deserved.  His interests are closely allied with those of Woodland, which accounts him a valuable addition to its citizenship because of his progressive ideas, his public spirit and his business capacity and probity.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 291-292. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.








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