Yolo County









      From pioneer times to the present members of the Swingle family have been closely identified with California’s development and progress along agricultural lines, and the work instituted by his father is now being successfully carried forward by George Kirk Swingle, who is engaged in farming near Davis.  He is cultivating the home place, on which he was born July 9, 1873, a son of George H. and M. E. (Hall) Swingle, the latter a native of Elyria, Ohio.  The father was born in Frankfort, Kentucky, July 26, 1826, and in early life went to Missouri, locating near Independence.  In 1853 he started for California, making the long and hazardous journey in a covered wagon, drawn by oxen, and at length arriving safely in Sacramento.  From there he proceeded to Dutch Flat, where he made his home for about five years, devoting his attention to mercantile pursuits.  In 1858 he removed to Yolo County, purchasing a tract of land, which he improved and developed, and eventually he became one of the prosperous grain growers and stock raisers of this part of the state.  In public affairs he took an active and helpful part and in 1866 was elected a county supervisor on the Democratic ticket, serving for a term of four years, during which he was instrumental in securing the accomplishment of much constructive work.  His death occurred on the 1st of November, 1895, and his wife has also passed away.

      The early educational advantages enjoyed by George K. Swingle were provided by the grammar and high schools of Alameda and his advanced studies were pursued in the University of California.  After his graduation he returned to the homestead, taking over the management at the time of his father’s death, and has since devoted his efforts to the cultivation of the place, adding many modern improvements thereto.  The property is under irrigation.  There is a deep well on the property, which is provided with eight pumping plants, turbine pumps being used, and thus one-half of the ranch is irrigated.  In addition to truck gardening Mr. Swingle is extensively engaged in stock raising, specializing in registered Shropshire and Hampshire sheep.  He now has four hundred ewes and raises rams for breeding purposes.  All of his activities are based upon system and science, and gratifying results have followed his well directed labors.  He has ever been animated by the spirit of progress and there is no phase of general agricultural pursuits with which he is not thoroughly familiar through years of close study and practical experience.

      Mr. Swingle was united in marriage to Miss E. I. Hughson, who was born in Sacramento, and their attractive and hospitable home has long been a center of the social life of the district in which Mr. Swingle has always resided.  He is deeply attached to his state and his public spirit is expressed as a director of the Davis Chamber of Commerce.  He is a member of the Faculty Club of Davis, the Sutter Club of Sacramento and the Wool Growers Association of California, and he possesses those attributes which win for a man the respect and esteem of his fellows.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 13-14. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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