Yolo County










      John Schaupp, one of Yolo county’s successful ranchers, living at Woodland, is a fine example of what can be accomplished by earnest and persevering labor, backed by intelligent judgment and reasonable frugality, for he came to California a poor boy, without other resources than a stout hand and hart and unlimited ambition.  He is essentially a self-made man and he commands the highest respect on the part of his fellowmen.  Mr. Schaupp was born in Germany, on the 17th of August, 1864, and, with a brother and sister came to the United States in 1883, at the age of nineteen years.  Coming direct to California, he arrived here forty-five dollars in debt, having borrowed the money with which to pay his way here.  He secured work on the Mast ranch, in Hungry Hollow, Yolo County, and two days later started to plow with a six-mule team.  For the first three months his wages were fifteen dollars a month, and he did all kinds of ranch work, including wood chopping.  He was next employed on the Levy ranch, in Capay Valley, where he set out vineyards, worked on a threshing machine and did other like tasks.  In the meantime he had saved every possible cent of his wages and he started on an independent career by buying a quarter-section of land from Fred Schella on Cash creek, near Black’s, paying three thousand dollars for the tract.  Since that time he has made steady and substantial progress, having been successful in the operation of his land, and is now the owner of four hundred and eighty acres of the Cherry place, one hundred and sixty acres in Hungry Hollow, four hundred acres of the Holema place, four hundred acres of the Lewis place and ten acres on the Cemetery Road, Woodland. The ranches are run by his sons and all are well improved and highly productive.

      On October 11, 1891, in Hungry Hollow, Mr. Schaupp was united in marriage to Miss Freda Mechley, a native of Germany, who came to California in 1889, and to them have been born thirteen children, namely:  Samuel, Kate, John, Jr., Lena, Charles, Antone, Marie, Theresa, Freda, Annie, who died at the age of eighteen years, Fred, Joseph and Barbara.  There are also nine grandchildren.  Mr. Schaupp is a member of the Lutheran Church, the Sons of Hermann, and is generous to worthy benevolent causes.  He has shown a helpful interest in matters affecting the general welfare of his community and was actively identified with the establishment of the Esparto high school and the building of the new highway which runs near his ranch.  He is a man of strong character, great determination and high ideals and his record since coming to this state forty-eight years ago has reflected creditably on his industry, sagacity and courage, so that he is today regarded as one of the most substantial and influential citizens of his locality.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major,  History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2  Pages 303-304. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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