Yolo County









      Fidelity to trust has been an outstanding trait in the life of Harry R. Saunders, who makes his home in Woodland and is widely and favorably known through his long and capable service as county clerk of Yolo County.  He was born in Solano County, California, September 8, 1867, a son of I. J. and Mary (Baker) Saunders, the former a native of New York and the latter of Michigan.  The father made three trips to California, first crossing the plains with an ox team and wagon in 1848, when such a journey was fraught with hardship and danger.

      In the acquirement of an education Harry R. Saunders attended the public schools of Davis, California, and during his youth went to the east, spending four years at Jackson, Michigan.  At the age of fifteen he assumed the burden of self-support, working on ranches in his native state for some time, and then acquired a vineyard near Woodland, where he concentrated his attention upon the growing of raisin grapes.  Later he abandoned agricultural pursuits for mercantile affairs and for five years was engaged in the grocery business in Woodland, winning a liberal share of the local trade in his line.  In 1909 he entered the field of public service as deputy county clerk and in 1910 was elected county clerk, in which capacity he has acted continuously for twenty years.  He has to his credit an enviable record of long, conscientious and efficient service, possessing exceptional qualifications for the office.

      Mr. Saunders was married to Miss Grace M. Stone, a native of Kansas, and they have two daughters and a son, Mildred, the wife of F. L. Hollingsworth, of Richmond, California; H. B., a resident of Woodland; and Yolo, who is pursuing her studies in the local high school.  Mr. Saunders votes with the Republican Party, whose platform and principles appeal to him as the best form of government for the majority.  His fraternal affiliations are with the Masonic lodge, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and Woodland Lodge, No. 1299, B. P. O. E.  Genial, kindhearted and sincere, he has unusual capacity for winning and retaining friends and all who know Mr. Saunders testify to his strength of character and real worth.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 108-109. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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