Yolo County










      Among the former residents of the Sacramento Valley who stood as worthy types of the world’s workers, performing well the duties that fell to them and contributing to the development and the welfare of their respective communities, the late John H. Rice held a notable place in public confidence and esteem.  He was a man of sterling qualities and high business and civil ideals and was to a marked degree influential in the financial circles of this section of the state.  Mr. Rice was a native son of Yolo County, of which his parents were pioneers.  Left an orphan when a child, he was reared by an aunt in Dixon, Solano County, this state, and received his educational training in the public schools of that locality.  He then became identified with the banking business in Dixon, beginning at the very bottom, but by close and intelligent attention to his duties, was advanced step by step through the various positions until he became manager of the Bank of Dixon.  For thirty-six years he was actively engaged in banking, winning a wide reputation as a man of clearheaded and reliable judgment, and was known as one of Dixon’s most dependable citizens.  Some years prior to his death, he retired from active business because of ill health and spent his remaining days on the Scott Ranch, near Madison, Yolo County, the former home of his wife.

      Mr. Rice was united in marriage to Miss Elma S. Scott and they became the parents of four children, Scott McCune; Carroll M., of Chico, Butte County; Dr. Floyd B., of Watsonville, Santa Cruz County; and Mrs. Elma Schlote.  Mr. Rice was greatly interested in the welfare of his community, giving active and effective support to every movement for the betterment of the town and county in which he lived, and served for a number of years as a member of the board of high school trustees of Dixon.  He was a member of the Masonic order, in which he attained the rank of Knight Templar; and he belonged to Ben Ali Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Sacramento, and other organizations in his locality.  His death, which occurred December 18, 1923, was greatly regretted throughout the wide range of his acquaintance, for he was a man of character and stability, genuine and sincere in all of life’s relations and had developed many warm and lasting friendships among those who had come in contact with him in either a business or social way.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 366-367. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.






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