Yolo County






            In America, Henry J. Rehm has found the opportunities which he sought and through their utilization he has become one of the prosperous business men of Woodland, where he has long figured prominently in connection with the baking trade, to which he has devoted the greater part of his life.  A native of Russia, he was born May 31, 1878, and is a son of Jacob and Barbara (Fohrath) Rehm, who were also born in that country, but their parents were natives of Germany.

            Henry J. Rehm, the second child of the family, attended the national schools of Russia until he reached the age of fifteen, when he went to Orenburg, where he served his apprenticeship as a baker, and for a number of years worked at his trade in Russia and Germany.  While in his native land he joined the army as a member of the First Company, attached to the Fifty-sixth Calvary, and was made quartermaster sergeant.  During the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 he fought in the battle of Mukden and Leoyan and in the latter engagement was wounded in the right leg and his horse was shot under him.  In recognition of his gallantry and devotion to duty he was awarded a medal by the Russian government and was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant.  His military service covered four years.

            On the expiration of that period he sailed for America, accompanied by his wife and son, reaching New York and the 3rd of July, 1905.  On the following morning he was awakened by the sound of cannonading in celebration of Independence Day and thought that the United States had entered upon another war.  On the 5th of July he obtained work in a Brooklyn (N. Y.) bakery, where he remained until November 19, 1905, when he started for California, locating in Woodland.  He was employed for a time in the Vienna Bakery of Sacramento, where he later established a business of that character, and in 1908 opened the Home Bakery in the Native Sons Building at 422 Main Street, Woodland.  For six years he conducted the business, which he sold in 1914, afterward following his trade in Sacramento, San Francisco, and San Jose.  Returning to Woodland, for three years his attention was given to dairying and to the growing of alfalfa.  He then resumed his former occupation, becoming the proprietor of a bakery in the Burns Hotel, and is now engaged in business at his home place, 213 Elm Street.  The excellence of his products has secured for him a large share of the local patronage in his line and his enterprise, ability and experience constitute important factors in his growing success as a baker.  He knows every phase of the trade and carefully plans his work, which is performed with thoroughness and system.

            In Orenburg, Russia, Mr. Rehm was married to Miss Margareta Brehm and they have become the parents of a daughter and two sons:  Lydia, age twenty-two years, now the wife of H. Haller; William R., a young man of nineteen; and Emil, who is thirteen years of age and has membership in the Boy Scouts of America.

            Mr. Rehm has been very active in behalf of the Sons of Hermann, which he joined in 1908, and has advanced through the chairs in the local lodge.  In 1930 he was chosen first grand vice president of the Grand Lodge of California and in 1931 became its president.  In this state the organization has seven thousand, six hundred members, of whom eighty-six are drawn from Woodland, and there are five honorary members.  Evergreen Lodge, the ladies auxiliary, has forty-eight members and twenty-eight honorary members.  The Grand Lodge will meet in Woodland in 1932, owing to the efforts of Mr. Rehm, who has worked tirelessly and effectively to promote the interests of the order and is regarded as one of its foremost representatives in the west.  His standards of life are high and the prosperity which he now enjoys is the legitimate reward of intelligently direct industry, unfaltering purpose and honest dealing.


Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 379-380. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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