Yolo County











         Self made in the best sense implied by the term, John George Rath is named among the representative citizens of Yolo county, now being a resident of Woodland. He was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, near Oberdorf, November 30, 1856, a son of Andrew Rath, also a native of the same place, where he engaged as a farmer until his death, January 23, 1889, at the age of sixty-one years. His wife, formerly Margaret Harzer, a native of the same place, died in 1858. In religion they were both members of the Lutheran Church. They were the parents of two sons, Andrew, who is engaged as a farmer at Busweiler, Germany, and John George, of this review. By a second marriage Mr. Rath became the father of five children, two of whom are in California and three in Germany.

          Reared at Dornhan, John George Rath attended the common schools until the age of fourteen years, when he was confirmed. He remained in his native land two years longer, when, in October, 1872, he went to Bremen, Germany, and there took passage on an English vessel, the Genesee, for New York City. After a voyage of fourteen days he arrived safely in that city, with only money enough to pay his board for three days. Undaunted by the prospect he went to work and succeeded in making his living. Dissatisfied with the prospects as seen in the city he borrowed money to come to California and in March, 1873, made the trip by rail to the coast. He first found employment with an uncle in Hungry Hollow, Yolo county, and later worked for Charles Coil, Sr., near Woodland, with whom he remained three years. He continued to work for various farmers of this section until the fall of 1879, when he purchased his first land in California. This consisted of one hundred and sixty acres of grain land in Hungry Hollow, where he began farming and stock-raising independently, also improving the same for a comfortable home. Later he added another one hundred and sixty acres, owning then a half section in one body. In 1890 he rented that property and located on a farm a mile and a half west of Woodland, purchasing twenty-six acres, to which he later added until he owned eighty acres. For eight years he devoted it to raising alfalfa, dairying and stock-raising, when, in 1898, he removed to Woodland and purchased his present home at No. 1004 Court street. Since his removal to the city he has sold his farm of eighty acres, but still owns property in Bayview and the ranch in Hungry Hollow.

          In Hungry Hollow, Yolo county, Mr. Rath was united in marriage with Christine Sarah Mast, April 16, 1880. She was born in Anderson county, Minn., a daughter of Frederick Mast, who immigrated to that state from Germany, there experiencing the trials and dangers through which the settlers passed on account of the Indians. Later he located in California and made his home in Yolo county until his death. Mrs. Rath died near Woodland in October, 1897, at the age of thirty-four years. She was a woman of many excellent qualities, making a happy home for her husband and children and a place of hospitality for all who came within her gates. In religion she was a devoted member of the Lutheran Church. They became the parents of six children, of whom two, Frieda R. and Lillian E., the third and fifth in order of birth, died in childhood. The others are: Emma E., George F., Erna S., and Frances E., all of whom are still at home. Fraternally Mr. Rath is identified with the Independent Order of Foresters, and politically is a Democrat in national issues, locally reserving the right to cast his ballot for the man whom he considers best qualified for public office. While residing in the country he served for seven years as school trustee of the Cache Creek district. He belongs to the St. John’s Evangelical Church of Woodland, in the erection of which he served on the building committee, and since its organization has acted as a member of the board of trustees, now (1905) being its president. 




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: "History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, Cal.," J. M. Guinn, Pages 624-625.  The Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago, 1906.

© 2017  Cecelia M. Setty.








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