Yolo County







      Le R. Pierce, a loyal Californian and a public official of high standing, is well known as county recorder of Yolo county, in which capacity he has served for more than a decade. He was born in Cordelia, Solano county, California, a son of John S. and Winifred (Thompson) Pierce, the latter a native of Vermont, and both now deceased. The father was born in Vermont but spent much of his life in the Golden state and was long identified with educational work in the Sacramento valley. He taught school in Vacaville, Solano county, some eighty years ago and was noted for his attainments as a Latin scholar.

      In the canyon district schools of Solano county Le R. Pierce pursued his studies and afterward prepared for a commercial career by taking a course in the Pierce Business College of Woodland, graduating with the class of 1890. Here he entered the butchering business and was thus engaged for twelve years. In recognition of his ability and worth he was made city treasurer and tax collector of Woodland, proving so well qualified for these offices that he was continued therein for sixteen years. Afterward he spent eight years in San Francisco, giving his attention to clerical work, and at the end of that time returned to Woodland, where he has since resided continuously. He was again in the city treasurer’s office for four years, then resigned to become county recorder. In 1919 he was the popular choice for county recorder, serving for a term of four years, and in 1923 was again selected for that office, to which he was recalled in 1927. He was reelected in August, 1930, by the largest majority ever given in Yolo county–three thousand and thirty-three–or better than three to one against his opponent. During his tenure in office he has instituted improved methods that have greatly facilitated the work, which is performed with accuracy and dispatch and in a thorough, businesslike manner, productive of the best results.     

      Mr. Pierce was united in marriage to Miss Della Prior, who is a native of Woodland and a daughter of a pioneer business man who here conducted a saddlery and harness shop. Two sons were born to them: Roy E., who is now living in Sacramento and is with the Goodrich Tire & Rubber Company; and Paul M., of Woodland. In politics Mr. Pierce has long been a stanch democrat, unfaltering in his allegiance to the party. Fraternally he is identified with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and also with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, his membership in the latter organization being with the lodge, encampment and the Rebekahs, and is an active member of the Native Sons of California. He is loyal to the teachings of these orders and possesses those qualities which win for a man the confidence, esteem and friendship of his fellows.




Transcribed by Marie Hassard 14 May 2010.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 127-128. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010 Marie Hassard.



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