Yolo County







            One of Yolo county’s enterprising and successful ranchers is William O. Pearson, whose fine farm of one hundred and thirty-five acres is located near Yolo, where he has made his home for many years. He was born on a farm near Maxwell, Colusa county, California, October 26, 1876, and is a son of Oliver Pearson, who is now deceased. The father, who was a native of Sweden, came to California in young manhood, by way of the isthmus of Panama, and engaged in farming in Colusa county. Some sixty years ago a company prospected for oil on his place, and now, after all these years, the same land is again being tested for oil.

            William O. Pearson received his education in the public school at Maxwell and when a lad of eleven years started to work on his father’s ranch, driving an eight-mule team to the plow, a somewhat difficult job for a boy of his age. He remained on the ranch with his father until 1902, when he engaged in farming on his own account. He also began raising sheep for the P. R. Peterson Company, having become a member of that firm, and carrying on his operations at Williams, Colusa county. In 1914 Mr. Pearson came to Yolo county and bought one hundred and thirty-five acres of the old Hoppin place, near Yolo. In 1920 he erected a fine cement residence on this place, one of the few of its kind in the county. He has been very successful in his ranching operations and is regarded as an authority on sheep and hog raising, in both of which he has had many years of practical experience. He specializes in Hampshire pedigreed sheep and Duroc Jersey hogs, grazes many cattle in the mountain range, and also gives a good deal of attention to the cultivation of rice.

            Mr. Pearson was united in marriage to Miss Sadie L. Peterson, who was born in Colusa county, California, and is a daughter of Peter Peterson, an honored pioneer of that locality and a successful farmer and sheep raiser. To them have been born six children, namely: Bryant and Sadie, who are students in the junior college at Davis; William; Peggy and Betty, twins, who are pupils in the Woodland high school; and Peter. Mr. Pearson is a member of Yolo Lodge, No. 81, F. & A. M.; the Foresters of America; and has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows since 1898. He is a stanch advocate of improved methods in all lines of activitity (sic) and in farming has shown mature and reliable judgment, while in matters affecting the civic welfare of his locality he has manifested a deep and effective interest.



Transcribed by Marie Hassard 23 April 2010.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2, Pages 107-108. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010 Marie Hassard.





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