Yolo County








            Much has been said of the infidelity of public officials, but such men as Hon. M. A. Nurse restore public confidence and in the discharge of their official duties largely promote the welfare and advancement of the localities which they represent in office.  The long public service of Mr. Nurse is an unmistakable evidence of his fidelity.

            He was born in Scioto County, Ohio, June 9, 1846.  His father, Uriah Nurse, was a native of New York and a miller by occupation.  About 1825 he removed to Ohio and in 1863 crossed the plains to California, where he spent his remaining days, passing away in Colusa in 1876 at the age of seventy years.  His wife, who bore the maiden name of Narcissa Turner, was born in Virginia, and died at her home in Yolo County, California, at the age of eighty-six years.  She was the mother of eleven children, five of whom, two sons and three daughters, are yet living.

            Mr. Nurse, whose name introduces this review, pursued his education in the schools of Ohio and in 1865 became a resident of California, locating first in Yuba County.  Subsequently he removed to Amador County, where he was engaged in making a survey for a railroad.  After his marriage he resided in Yolo County, and his fellow citizens, recognizing his worth and ability, called him to public office in 1876 at which time he was elected county surveyor.  A year later he resigned.  He has for nine years been connected with the office of engineer of the public works.  He served as assistant chief engineer under Governor Markham, and under Governor Budd, and under Governor Gage has been the chief engineer to the commissioners of public works.  He is now holding that office and his course is worthy of high commendation.

            At the age of twenty-five Mr. Nurse was united in marriage to Miss Mary Wood, of Yolo County, and unto them have been born eight children.  One child died at the age of eight years.  One son is married, but the others are all with their parents.  Mrs. Nurse is a native of Esparto, Yolo County.  In his fraternal relations Mr. Nurse is connected with the Independent Order of Foresters.  For thirty-five years he has been a resident of California, interested in its growth and doing all in his power to promote its substantial upbuilding.  He is numbered among the valued citizens of Yolo County and well deserves mention in this volume. 



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 333-334. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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