Yolo County









      Throughout the period of his residence in Davis, A. J. Nickerson has manifested a spirit of helpfulness and devotion to the common good and is now capably filling the office of councilman.  A native of California, he was born in Altamont, Alameda County, May 16, 1892, and was accorded the advantages of a public education.  He worked on the home ranch until he reached the age of twenty and in 1912 entered business life as an employee in the signal department of the Southern Pacific Railroad.  Since 1916 he has made his home in Davis, taking an active part in commercial, civic and political affairs.  With W. L. Warner as a partner, he engaged in business under the style of the Sacramento Auto Truck Company until 1922, when he withdrew from the organization and entered the ice transfer and fuel business in Davis.  To the management of his interest he brought initiative, sound judgment and executive capacity, and prospered in both undertakings.  As a member of the city council he takes a leading part in its proceedings, being at the head of the board of street commissioners, and is doing much constructive work in this connection.

      Mr. Nickerson was united in marriage to Miss Alice Bowrich, who was born in Winters, Yolo County, California, and they now have two sons, Thomas Andrew and John Allen, aged respectively nine and seven years.  The Rotary Club of Davis numbers Mr. Nickerson among its charter members and he is also a director of the organization, whose motto of “Service before Self” is exemplified in his daily life.  He has labored untiringly and effectively on behalf of his community and has long been accounted a valuable addition to the citizenship of Davis.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 413-414. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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