Yolo County









      One of the outstanding cattle and dairy men of the Pacific coast is Frank L. Morris, whose fine farm of eight hundred and eighty acres lies near Woodland, Yolo County.  He is a national figure among breeders and raisers of Holstein-Friesian cattle and success is crowning his life work.  Mr. Morris was born on the Morris ranch, seven miles northwest of Woodland, Yolo County, on the 28th of June, 1880, and is a son of Asa W. and Mary E. (Call) Morris.  His father, who is deceased, was a well known breeder of pure bred registered Holstein-Friesian cattle.  He was born in Waynesburg, Greene County, Pennsylvania, May 8, 1857, and soon after his marriage, in 1879, came to California, settling in Yolo County, there engaging in farming.  For some time he operated rented land, but later bought three hundred and twenty acres, to which he added until he owned eight hundred and eighty acres in the home place.  He also later brought one thousand and twenty acres four miles northeast of Woodland, and on this land he had a herd of two hundred and fifty pure bred Holstein-Friesian cows.  He owned “Riverside Sadie De Kol Burke,” which held the world’s record from seven days to six months for amount of milk produced; “Aralia De Kol,” that held two world’s milk record for one year, one of which was that of twenty-eight thousand and sixty-five and nine-tenths pounds of milk in one year; and “Tilly Alcartra,” a world’s record long distance cow for milk and also butter fat.  This was regarded as one of the best herd of Holsteins in the United States.  Mr. Morris was a member of the Holstein-Friesian Association of America.

      In September, 1879, in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, Asa W. Morris was married to Miss Cary E. Call, and to them was born four sons, Frank L., Charles C., Harry V. and Asa J., and a daughter Zella.  Mrs. Morris died in 1905, and in March, 1911, in Washington, D. C., he married Mrs. Cassia Black, of Pennsylvania.  Asa W. Morris was a member of the Christian Church and lived a life that earned for him the sincere respect and confidence of all who were in any way associated with him.

      Frank L. Morris received his elementary education in the district schools and took a commercial course in the Stockton Business College.  For three years he was with the Wagner Leather Company, of Stockton, after which he returned to Yolo County, where he has since been engaged in the raising of pure bred Holstein-Friesian cattle.  In 1908 the A. W. Morris Corporation was organized, of which he has always been a member.  He started in the dairy business and he now has about two hundred cows, which are divided into two herds.  He also has one hundred other cattle, and his ranch is in every way adapted to the business to which it is devoted.

      Mr. Morris has long been active in cattle breeding organizations, and has served as a director of the National Holstein-Friesian Association.  He is one of the nine inspectors for the national association and in the performance of his duties makes many trips to the eastern states, where he judges for the classification of herds.  He has also judged herds at various state fairs and other stock exhibitions and is regarded as an expert in his line.  He is a director of the California Holstein-Friesian Association, a director of the California Breeders Association and stands in the front rank of the cattle breeders of this part of the country.  His own dairy business is run under the name of The Sanitary Dairy and for the past sixteen years he has maintained a modernly equipped retail store at 604 Main Street, Woodland.  The output of his dairy herd averages one hundred and seventy-five thousand gallons of milk annually.

      Mr. Morris was united in marriage to Miss Miriam Smith, who is a native of Yolo County and a member of one of its pioneer families.  They have three children, namely:  Madeline, the wife of S. A. Higgins; Erline, the wife of James R. Killkeny; and Frank L., Jr., who is a member of Woodland Lodge, No. 1299, B. P. O. E., and the Woodland Rotary Club.  Mr. Morris takes a keen interest in local civic and public affairs and is a trustee of the Woodland Library.  He and his family are members of the Christian Church and give their support to all causes aiming for the betterment of the community in which they live.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 337-339. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.








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