Yolo County








      During the eight years of his residence in Davis, John L. Lynde has been a forceful factor for progress, development and improvement and brings to his important duties in connection with the engineering department of the Davis Agricultural College broad experience as well as marked ability in the field of professional service.  He was born in Sioux City, Iowa, March 15, 1892, and after attending the grammar and high schools of Norfolk, Nebraska, took up the study of civil engineering in the University of Nebraska.  His first practical experience along that line was gained in the office of the county surveyor of Madison County, Nebraska, and this was followed by railroad surveying in New Mexico and Arizona.  From 1915 until 1918 he was connected with the county surveyor’s office of Greenlee County, Arizona, and he then enlisted for service in the World War, entering the Sanitary Corps of the United States Army.  He was identified with camp sanitation work at Fort Riley, Kansas, and at Newport News, Virginia, remaining on duty in this country until mustered out of the service, and then returned to Greenlee County, Arizona.

      The year 1921 witnessed his arrival in California and in 1922 he became identified with the engineering department of the Davis Agricultural College.  Since assuming his duties in this connection he has accomplished much important work, including the supervision of the installation of a central heating plant, the building of sidewalks, curbs and gutters, the perfecting of a sewer system and irrigation service, and the paving of streets.  When he came here he found dusty streets, and has wrought a marked change in the appearance of the place, which is now supplied with all modern improvements.  His technical knowledge and skill have been enhanced by practical experience and wide reading and study, so that he readily solves the difficult problems which are constantly arising in connection with his work.  In 1930 he was elected to the office of county surveyor, and is the present incumbent in that position.

      On the 1st of June, 1920, Mr. Lynde was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth McKeen, a native of Leadville, Colorado, and both are prominent in social circles of Davis.  Mr. Lynde belongs to the American Legion but has few interests outside of his profession and although young in years he has already established an enviable reputation as a civil engineer, while his well developed powers and energetic nature insure his continued progress in his chosen line of endeavor.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 420-421. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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