Yolo County









      Louis Luthringer, a pioneer nurseryman and florist of Woodland, has devoted much of his life to horticultural pursuits, gaining that success which results from unabating industry, singleness of purpose and capable management.  A native of Alsace-Lorraine, he was born in the City of Mulhausen, under the French flag, April 1, 1867, and there attended the grammar and high schools, also taking up the study of English while in that country.  He first crossed the Atlantic when a lad of eleven and was a pupil in the public schools of Lowell, New York, for a year, at the end of which time he returned to his native land.  As a youth of seventeen he again visited the United States, making the second voyage in company with his father and spending a year in Lowell, New York.  In 1888, when twenty-one years of he, once more sailed for America, making the third trip alone.

      Ambitious and energetic, Mr. Luthringer early became a wage earner, delivering milk from a wagon while in Mulhausen.  After locating in Waterville, New York, he secured a position as gardener on the estate of Charles Tower, at one time the United States Ambassador to Germany, and was employed in that capacity for twelve years, gaining a thorough knowledge of the business.  In 1900 he crossed the continent, coming to Woodland, where his uncle was then residing, and purchased a place on Walnut Street.  He obtained work in a restaurant on Main Street and later became the proprietor of the establishment, which he conducted successfully for seven years.  On the expiration of that period he decided to return to his former occupation and established a nursery business.  He purchased land adjoining his place, erected greenhouses, and from a small nucleus has developed an enterprise of extensive proportions.  He grows many rare varieties of flowers, plants and shrubs, and in the conduct of the business brings to bear scientific knowledge, broad experience and the requisite executive capacity.  As the years passed his patronage steadily increased and in order to meet the demands of the trade he opened a retail establishment in the Byrnes block, in January, 1930.  His youngest daughter, Mrs. Gordon Benedict, has charge of this store, which is centrally located on Main Street and is thoroughly modern in its appointments, having fine display rooms for his choice plants and flowers.

      In young manhood Mr. Luthringer was married to Miss Katherine Ringenbach, a former classmate, who was also born in Alsace-Lorraine and who came to the United States when their first child, a daughter, was six months old.  To Mr. and Mrs. Luthringer were born seven children and all are now married.  The daughters are Mrs. Josephine Germeshausen, Mrs. Elizabeth Holland, Mrs. Marie Anderson, Mrs. Carrie Dinsdale, Mrs. Bertha Shellhammer and Mrs. Beatrice Benedict.  Albert, the only son, and the second in order of birth, is engaged in the drug business.  The eldest daughter is a native of Alsace-Lorraine and the youngest was born in Woodland, while the other children are natives of the state of New York.  Mr. and Mrs. Luthringer now have eleven grandchildren and may well be proud of their fine family.  In 1928 they recrossed the Atlantic for the purpose of visiting their old home and greatly enjoyed the trip.  They are Catholics in religious faith and Mr. Luthringer has long figured prominently in the activities of the Sons of Hermann, having filled all of the chairs in Concordia Lodge, No. 20, of which he was secretary for fifteen years, while he has also been chosen as a delegate to the Grand Lodge.  His interests are closely allied with those of Woodland and his support can always be counted upon in the furtherance of measures for civic growth and betterment.  Through the medium of his own efforts he has risen to a place of prominence in his chosen field of endeavor and is esteemed for the sterling qualities to which he owes his success.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major,  History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2  Pages 302-303. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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