Yolo County







      Among the progressive educators of the state is numbered W. E. Lloyd, associate in poultry husbandry of the University of California, being connected with the College of Agriculture at Davis, a branch of that institution.  He has devoted many years to the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in relation to the poultry industry, which has become one of the chief sources of the wealth of the state.  A native of the south, he was born in New Cumberland, West Virginia, on Christmas day of 1881 and was reared and educated in that state, supplementing his public school training by attendance at the University of West Virginia, from which he was graduated in 1911.  Early in life he became interested in poultry raising and for two years conducted a poultry farm in Maryland.  The year 1913 witnessed his arrival in Davis, California, and he has since been an instructor in the poultry department of the College of Agriculture.  He is now associate professor of poultry husbandry at the experimental station of the University of California at Davis and is doing notable work in this connection.

      Eighteen acres of the university farm here are devoted to the poultry interests of the people of California.  Instruction is given throughout a major portion of the year through five non-degree courses during the regular college year, and a six weeks’ farmers’ course in the fall, in addition to a number of courses for the students taking degree work.  Extensive work in incubation, brooding, rearing young stock, feeding, housing, breeding and management is carried on in the eight hundred feet of laying houses, one hundred and sixty feet of brooder houses and twenty-five colony houses of this plant.  Studies of the many phases of the turkey industry are being made in order that assistance may be given given turkey growers, who are increasing in numbers very rapidly, not only in Yolo county, but in the entire Sacramento valley.  Particular attention is being given to the artificial hatching and rearing of the poults, together with the equipment necessary for this departure from the methods used heretofore, and under the expert guidance of Mr. Lloyd the work is being successfully carried forward.  With a highly specialized knowledge of poultry husbandry, he has become a widely recognized authority on matters pertaining thereto and is frequently called in consultation, while he has also delivered many interesting and instructive addresses upon the subject of poultry raising.  Fraternally he is identified with Modern Woodmen of America but has few interests outside the strict path of his profession, of which he is a distinguished representative.



Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W. Major History of the Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 399-400. Pioneer Historical Publ. Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Joyce Rugeroni.



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