Yolo County






            Robert G. Lawson, who for many years has been engaged in the real estate and insurance business, is one of Woodland’s most highly esteemed citizens and a representative of one of Yolo county’s old and respected pioneer families.  He was born in Yolo county, on the 13th of September, 1864, and is a son of John D. and Jane (Browning) Lawson, the former born in Tennessee and the latter in Kentucky.  The father crossed the plains in 1852 and first located in Hangtown (now Placerville), California, where he engaged in mining.  Subsequently he went to Sacramento and pitched his tent on K Street, on the present site of the Catholic Cathedral.  From there he rode horseback to Yolo county, and later was followed by the other members of the family.  They settled on one hundred and sixty acres of government land which Mr. Lawson had purchased, four miles southwest of Woodland, and for which he had paid one dollar and a quarter for an acre.  Later he moved to Woodland and bought twelve acres of land, which is now within the city limits.  In 1872 he was elected county recorder of Yolo county and afterward served for many years as deputy sheriff.  He had the first livery stable in Woodland, was the first city marshal and was the first chief of the volunteer fire department.  His death occurred in 1915.

            Robert G. Lawson attended public schools and the grammar school of Hesperian College.  Later he became identified with the grocery business and for one year was employed in the San Francisco mint.  Governor James Budd appointed him commissioner of public works, and in 1901 he engaged in the real estate and insurance business, which he has carried on to the present time.  For fourteen years he also served as public administrator, retiring from that position January 1, 1931, with a splendid record of able and honorable service.

            Mr. Lawson was united in marriage to Miss Fannie Abele, who was born and reared in Yolo county, and they have two sons, Dr. John D., who is manager of the Woodland Clinic Hospital; and Robert A., who is associated with his father in business.  Mr. Lawson is a member of Woodland Lodge, No. 1299, B. P. O. E., of which he was the first exalted ruler; the Native Sons of the Golden West, which he joined in 1884; the Woodland Lions Club, the Yolo Fliers Club and various civic organizations.  He is also greatly interested in the Boy Scouts.  He is a Democrat in his political views and has been a consistent supporter of those things which concern the progress and welfare of his community, being numbered among Woodland’s capable and dependable citizens.


Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 377-378. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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