Yolo County











            As manager of the Sierra Lumber Company at Woodland, which position he has held since October, 1889, Mr. Kauffman has been instrumental in increasing the importance of his company’s interests in Yolo county and has entire charge and management of the plant at this point, which is one of the largest and most reliable lumber firms in the state of California.  They manufacture all kinds of lumber, making a specialty, however, of the sugar pine lumber, and the products of their mill, sash, doors and blinds, are in demand all over the state.  The existence of the Sierra Lumber Company in Woodland dates from October 1, 1889, when it purchased the business already established here by R. H. Newton, who had recently died.  Until 1892 business was conducted at the old quarters on the north side of College street, but during this time the business had assumed such proportions that more room was a necessity and in the last-mentioned year the plant was moved to its present quarters on Main street, where it covers four acres of ground.  In order to keep the manufactured lumber in the best condition for building purposes it is stored in sheds, thus protecting it from the elements and rendering it available for immediate use.  Some idea of the magnitude of the business conducted under the name of the Sierra Lumber Company may be formed when it is stated that they have years at Red Bluff and Corning, Tehama county; Maxwell, Colusa county; Orland, Glenn county; Chico, Biggs and Gridley, Butte county; Yuba City, in Sutter county; and at San Francisco, the latter office being the corner of Fourth and Channel streets.

            Mr. Kauffman is a native of California, and was born in Tehama county, January 13, 1869, a son of August Kauffman, who is extensively engaged in the raising of stock in Tehama county.  Forrest A. Kauffman was not only given good educational advantages, but unlike many another youth, he made the most of them, and as a result his qualifications for business life were considerably broadened.  His first schooling was obtained in the public schools of Red Bluff, and he subsequently took a course in the business college at San Jose.  As a means of applying the instruction obtained in the latter institution he obtained a position with the Sierra Lumber Company at Maxwell, Cal., and with the exception of two months, when he was interested in the hardware business, he has remained with the company ever since entering business life.  As has been previously stated, his connection with the Woodland branch of the company’s interests dates from October, 1889.

            By the marriage of Forrest A. Kauffman and Miss Nettie Olendorf there were born three children, Carroll R., Earl and Helen L.  Mrs. Kauffman was born in Red Bluff, Tehama county, Cal., is a daughter of Dr. William D. Olendorf.  The cause of education finds a sincere friend in Mr. Kauffman, who served as president of the board of education for two years (1902-1904), and his wise counsels and earnest labors in the education of the young has rendered a service whose value is seen in the high character and efficiency of Woodland’s public schools.  Mr. Kauffman finds rest from business cares in the various fraternal organizations of which he is a member, his name being on the membership roll of the Masons, workmen, Independent Order of Foresters, Woodmen of the world and the Native Sons, in all of which organizations he takes a prominent part.




Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

­­­­Source: "History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, Cal.," J. M. Guinn, Page 626.  The Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago, 1906.

© 2017  Joyce Rugeroni.







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