Yolo County












FREDERICK KACHIES.  Although he came to the United States without means and with no knowledge of the English language, Mr. Kachies has improved his opportunities so carefully that now he ranks among the prosperous German-American farmers of Yolo county.  The property which he now owns and the nucleus of which he acquired by purchase in 1884 consists of three hundred and fifteen acres in one body, adjacent to the town of Dunnigan and well adapted for the raising of grain and hay, his specialties.  In many respects the ranch is among the best in the vicinity, and that this is true may be attributed wholly to the painstaking efforts of the present owner.


A native of Prussia, born April 10, 1852, Mr. Kachies is the eldest child and only son among the three children of John and Mary (Ehlert) Kachies, natives and lifelong resident of Prussia.  Like all German boys, he received fair educational advantages in the schools of his native land.  On starting out in the world for himself, in 1875 he came to America and proceeded directly to California, where he joined an uncle in the vicinity of Sacramento.  After having gained a knowledge of ranching in the west as his uncle’s assistant he rented a tract from S. W. Woodland and took up independent work, remaining on the place for three years.  With the savings of that period he invested in land, his first purchase consisting of one hundred and fifty-five acres, the title to which he acquired in September of 1884.  Since then he has bought adjoining land, so that he now owns three hundred and fifteen acres in the suburbs of the town.  The degree of success which he has attained speaks much for his persevering industry and good management.  Trained in childhood to habits of frugality and industry, he exercised these qualities in the attainment of his present prosperity, and deserves praiseworthy mention by reason of his exemplary attributes of character.


It was not until after he came to America that Mr. Kachies established a home of his own and his marriage, which occurred in Sacramento, united him with Miss Mary Henley, who was born in Nevada and died in Yolo county in 1898, leaving two children, Augusta R. and Fred Edward.  Reared in the Lutheran faith and confirmed as a member of that denomination while a boy in his native country, Mr. Kachies has remained faithful to the teachings of the church and supports its doctrines.  Thoroughly American in his sympathies, loyal to the land of his adoption though still cherishing his mother country in fond recollection, he has made a study of our form of government and the principles underlying our nation, and has given his allegiance to the Republican party.  In fraternal relations he holds membership with the Ancient Order of United Workmen at Woodland.



[Inserted by D. Toole.]


Frederick Kachies


1894 Feb 27, Woodland Daily Democrat, P3, Woodland, California

All Around the County


Fred Kachies, my good German friend, was in town yesterday.


1896 Apr 10, Woodland Daily Democrat, P3, Woodland, California

All Around the County


J. N. Decker and Fred Kachies went to Woodland yesterday.


1896 Apr 11, Woodland Daily Democrat, P3, Woodland, California

Republican Primaries

Dissatisfaction Because Chairman Gaddis Called no Caucus

The A.P.A. Element Will Capture the Convention ad Relegate the Old Leaders to a Backseat.

As predicted by the Democrat a few days ago, the A.P.A. has captured the Republican primary in this city.  The old-liners discovered Friday that they were done for and that all opposition would be fruitless.  <snipped>  It was expected that Yolo county delegates would favor A. Hochheimer as a delegate to the national convention, but the general opinion is that the Woodland delegation to the county convention will be opposed to him.  If there was any caucus held, it was a very quiet affair.  There was an understanding of some kind, however, as tickets were printed in the forenoon.  They are as follows, and there is no doubt but they will be elected:

<snipped> Dunnigan – Fred Kachies, George Henle, P. W. Clipp and Peter Peterson. <snipped>


1896 Apr 21, Woodland Daily Democrat, P3, Woodland, California

Dunnigan Dots

Mrs. Fred Kachies and Mrs. M. Nolan, who are on the sick list, are not getting along as well as expected.


1896 Apr 28, Woodland Daily Democrat, P3, Woodland, California

Drs. Kier and Provins came up from Woodland this morning to hold another consultation with Dr. Rathburn in the case of Mrs. Fred Kachies, who is dangerously ill.


1986 May 29, Woodland Daily Democrat, P3, Woodland, California

Mrs. George Henle arrived from Davisville on the noon train, to attend to her sister, Mrs. Fred Kachies, who is still very sick.


1896 Jun 11, Woodland Daily Democrat, P3, Woodland, California

Mrs. Fred Kachies does not show any signs of improvement.


1896 Jun 26, Woodland Daily Democrat, P3, Woodland, California

The condition of Mrs. Kachies has taken a sudden change for the worse.


1897 Sep 15, Woodland Daily Democrat, P4, Woodland, California

Mrs. Fred Kachies left for San Francisco this afternoon.


1903 Oct 6, Woodland Daily Democrat, P4, Woodland, California

The Supervisors

Claims for the Month Audited and Allowed


The board of supervisors met in regular session Monday afternoon.  All the members were present.  The following claims were audited and allowed:


Road District No. 3


Fred kachies, roadwork . . . $84.00



1904 Nov 16, Woodland Daily Democrat, P1, Woodland, California

Fred Kachies was down from Dunnigan Tuesday afternoon.


1908 Mar 18, Woodland Daily Democrat, P1, Woodland, California

Miss Alice Nason, Fred Kachies and William Bemmerly came down from Dunnigan this morning.


1908 Nov 10, Woodland Daily Democrat, P1, Woodland, California

Mrs. M. T. Emmart, George Cobb, Mrs. I. N. Decker and Fred Kachies returned to Dunnigan this morning.


1916 Jun 28, Woodland Daily Democrat, P6, Woodland, California

Days Gone By as Told by “Democrat” Fiels

Twenty Years Ago Today –

Died – At Dunnigan, Mrs. Fred Kachies.



1921 Jun 26, Woodland Daily Democrat, P6, Woodland, California

Happenings 25 Years Ago Today


Mrs. Fred Kachies of Dunnigan has passed away.  It is a sad death.


1923 Oct 11, Woodland Daily Democrat, P1, Woodland, California

Fred Kachies, Dunnigan pioneer, stopped over in Woodland Wednesday night, en route home after a few days spent in Sacramento.


1926 Apr 16, Woodland Daily Democrat, P4, Woodland, California

Fred Kachies, prominent Dunnigan farmer, is in this city today.


1929 Apr 29, Woodland Daily Democrat, P3, Woodland, California

Fred Kachies, who recently narrowly escaped injury when his car turned over on a curve just outside of town, has had the automobile returned looking “as good as new”, from the repair shop of the Buick agency in Woodland.


1929 May 13, Woodland Daily Democrat, P4, Woodland, California

Among the Woodland shoppers Saturday were Albertis Goodin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Welch, Walter Duncalf, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown, Doris Stetson, Mrs. Will Morris, Mrs. W. e. Hiatt, Mrs. Merciel Rholes, Miss Pauline Paul, John Justis, and Fred Kachies.


1929 Sep 7, The Petaluma Argus-Courier, P4, Petaluma, California

Woodland Man Auto Victim

Woodland, Sept. 7 (UP) Fred Kachies, Sr., 79, prominent land owner and rancher of this district, is dead today after being struck by an automobile as he was walking across the state highway last night.  The aged man received a fractured skull and died while en route to a hospital.  Matt M. Nardiselli was driving the machine which hit Kachies.  He was not held by authorities.


1929 Sep 12, Woodland Daily Democrat, P5, Woodland, California

Mr. Howard Bonebrake of Benicia, who came to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law, Fred Kachies, of Dunnigan, spent the day Wednesday with her niece, Mrs. O. E. Bruhn.


1929 Sep 12, Woodland Daily Democrat, P2, Woodland, California

Kachies Estate Worth $40,000

Fred Kachies, Sr., who died last Friday from injuries received in a highway automobile accident, left an estate valued at $40,000.  The will, which was executed January 27, 1928, was filed in superior court here Wednesday by Fred Kachies, Jr., Augusta R. Hill of Sacramento, a daughter, shares the estate with the petitioner.  The will of Kachies was filed with two others by Attorney C. C. McDonald. 


1929 Oct 1, Woodland Daily Democrat, P7, Woodland, California

Notice to Creditors

Notice is hereby given by the undersigned executor of the last Will and Testament of Fred Kachies, also called Frederick Kachies, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to file their claims with the necessary vouchers, within six months next after the first publication of this notice, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the County of Yolo, State of California, or to exhibit them within the same time with the necessary vouchers, to said executor at the law offices of Gaddis & McDonald, Rooms 301-304, Porter Building, Woodland, California, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate in the County of Yolo.  The first publication of this Notice was made on the 24th day of September, 1929.  Fred E. Kachies, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Fred Kachies, also called Frederick Kachies, Deceased.

Gaddis & McDonald, Attorneys for Executor.  Sep24-oct1-8-15-22.


1932 May 9, Riverside Daily Press, P1, Riverside, California

One Killed, Two Hurt in Woodland Accident

Woodland, May 9 (U) Ernest E. Gray, 58, of Clear Lake, was instantly killed and two other persons were injured when his automobile and a car driven by Fred A. Kachies, 43, Dunnigan rancher, collided late last night on the Sacramento-Woodland river high way near here.  Grey’s wife, Mrs. Julia Grey, 54, and Kachies were brought to a local hospital where physicians said their injuries were not critical.


1941 Aug 5, Sacramento Bee, P15, Sacramento, California

Elliott Will Hearing is Set for Tomorrow

Superior Judge Malcolm C. Glenn will continue a hearing at 10 a.m. tomorrow regarding the administration of the $180,000 estate of the late Emma E. Elliott.  Special letters of administration are sought by both Mrs. Catherine R. Saunders of Sacramento, a cousin of the late Miss Elliott, and by Clement Manners, Miss Elliott’s court appointed guardian.  Earl D. Desmond and Bryte M. Peterson, as council[sic] for Mrs. Saunders, contended in court late yesterday she should be the administrator because of being the nearest relative.  Sumner Mering, attorney for Manners, said his client is named in the will signed last December by Miss Elliott and should be given preference.  Mrs. Saunders also is contesting the document which names as heirs in addition to herself and her brother, John Dooley, two second cousins, Mrs. Augusta R. Hill and Fred Kachies.  In 1933 Clements was appointed guardian after the court had found Miss Elliott incompetent to handle her business affairs.  Miss Elliott and her spinster sister, the late Rose Elliott, were the daughters of Fred Elliott, early day Sacramento freighter and wagon maker.


1942 Jul 25, Sacramento Bee, P8, Sacramento, California

Hearing on Estate of Emma Elliott is Scheduled Monday

A petition for the final distribution of the $201,806 estate of Emma Elliott, who died in July, 194, will be heard in the superior court Monday afternoon before Judge Malcolm C. Glenn.  A report of Clement Manners, the executor, shows cash account receipts totaling $88,260 since last December and disbursements totaling $38,530.  Cash on hand totals $49,729.  The petitioner asks that the estate be distributed to the beneficiaries under an agreement signed last November.  The beneficiaries are Catherine Rose Saunders, John F. Dooley, Fred Kachies and Augusta Hill.  However, a sum of $8,000 is asked to be set aside to pay additional federal inheritance taxes and income taxes.  Miss Elliott was the daughter of Fred Elliott, a pioneer Sacramento wagon maker.  At one stage of the proceedings Mrs. Saunders, a cousin of the deceased, contested the estate but withdrew her objections after the agreement was executed in November.







Transcribed by Donna Toole.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 636-637. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2017  Donna Toole.








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