Yolo County








      Lawrence Immoos, who is numbed among Yolo county’s energetic, progressive and successful dairy farmers, was born on a farm in the central part of Switzerland on the 29th of August, 1891, and there attended the public schools.  When fourteen years of age he was hired to tend cows, at a wage of two dollars and a half a week, board and room.  When eighteen years old he emigrated to the United States, going to Fruitvale, Alameda County, California, where one of his uncles lived.  He went to work in a dairy and at the same time devoted himself strenuously to the task of learning the English language, of which he had no knowledge when he crossed the Atlantic.  Later he went to Sacramento, where he was employed in a dairy for a while, and then to Wheatland, where he ran a dairy of his own and made cheese for five years.  Selling out there, he located in Esparto, Yolo County, where he rented a seventy-five acre dairy farm, which he ran for twelve years.  Two years ago he bought his present ranch of forty acres, a well improved and productive farm, on which he raises fine crops of alfalfa, keeps twenty head of Holstein cattle and has a nice flock of turkeys.  He sells his milk to the Crystal Dairy.

      In Fruitvale, California, Mr. Immoos was united in marriage to Miss Rosa Schuler, who also is a native of Switzerland, and they are the parents of four children, namely:  Bertha, the wife of G. Keiser, of San Francisco; Elisa, aged sixteen years; Frank and Freda.  Mr. Immoos is a member of the Swim Club of Sacramento.  He has worked hard here during the past twenty years and his record has gained for him and admiration of those who know him and who appreciate his sterling qualities.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 84-85. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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